Version 3.6
Learners watched a 3 min video on an
NGO named AVIVA and their objectives
with respect to problems related to street
children. It showed the solutions they gave
for their problems in UK and Jakarta. Later
they reflected their observation on online
wall called padlet.com added pictures
listing the problems and solution given by
Aviva org
Learners were briefed about
organisational structure of a company or
office and watched a 2 min video on
various Organisation charts. Later they
chose a company or organisation of their
choice and made a chart structure of that
company in inspiration tool. They also
referred to various pictures of
organization chart in google images.in
the society.
Learners did online quiz on Roles and
responsibilities and citizenship. The
activities included MCQs,Word search,
Matching the word and definition.
Oakridgers discussed about different
organisation and how their vision, mission,
objective and future goals play very important
role in running of that organization. They
were introduced to online presentation tool
called emaze.com. They were briefed different
tools of Emaze software as to how a picture/
text/design can be added for a presentation.
Students chose organisation of their choice
and made a presentation using PowerPoint
tool / Emaze.com
Leaners presented their Powerpoint activity
about an organisation of their choice. They
explained why they chose that organisation,
mentioned about its vision mission and their
work in detail. They also added transition ,
animation effects , related images along with
snipped image of that organisation’s webiste in
the presentation.