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Published by Niji varghese, 2021-03-11 04:34:11

Talespin 20-21 Grade III

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By Traaya Teeksha


One day when my friend Disha and I were playing ball, Disha threw the ball far. Therefore, I went
to look for the ball and when I found the baseball, I
saw a magical princess.

I called Disha to see the magical princess
she hurried and came. We took the princess and
left. We kept her where no one can see her and
thank god, she was small so it was easy to hide her.
The next day when we went to see the princess, she
started talking to us. We were shocked. We never
told this surprising news to anybody.

But our enemies Mahi and Nitika were
super excited. When we were playing they came
and asked where is the magical princess we told her it was in the park because it was our secret hideout,
they searched the whole park for hours and hours but could not find her. Finally Mahi found our secret
hideout and she took the princess and left.

Later when we went to see the magical princess in our secret hideout, she was missing! Mahi and
Nitika took the princess and tried to talk to her but the princess did not talk a single word for many many

One day they lost hope and kept the princess back in the secrete hideout. We saw them leaving
and we were relieved. We never told the secret of the magical princess to anybody.


By Vivaan Veera Raghavan


Once upon a time, there lived a person
called John. On a very sunny morning after breakfast,
John told his parents that he was setting out to train
his own dinosaur. John’s parents agreed to him going
and training a dinosaur. John set out to train his

After setting out, he had a few dinosaurs to
train in mind. He thought of training triceratops,
sinoceratops, t-rex or a random raptor. He thought
a lot and finally made up his mind. He wanted to train
a raptor but still hasn’t decided which raptor to train.
After more thinking, he made up his mind to train an
indoraptor. He was wondering if it was easy or hard
to train an indoraptor. He came across a few raptors
but they weren’t the kind he wanted. After a lot of
walking, he became thirsty. Then he went to a nearby
watering hole. He also thought that it would be a
good place to catch a few dinosaurs. After that, he
drank some water from the watering hole and
suddenly spotted an indoraptor. He chased it until it
got tired. Then he finally for a hold of the indoraptor
with his rope. He tried to make it listen to him and he succeeded. Then it became his friend and it started
obeying him. John gave it a name, Rocky. After all of the running they both became hungry.

They were searching for something to eat then found what they wanted to eat, sat down and ate
together. They had berries. After their heavy meal, they felt sleepy so they took a small nap together.
When they woke up, it was evening and he said to Rocky, “we will go home tomorrow”. Then they were
talking to each other. After sometime, they went searching for dinner. They had fruits for dinner and went
to sleep under a tree.

They woke up in the morning and were on their way home. Mid way through their journey, a
dinosaur came to attack them. John’s dinosaur protected him immediately. Then someone came and
introduced himself. He said “My name is Boss X. My fellow friend is Dino X. Our identities are unknown.
Let's have a casual one-on-one battle with our dinosaurs. The dinosaur who gets knocked down first,
loses. If you win, I will reveal mine and my dinosaur’s identity to you. Do you accept the challenge?” John
said “I accept”. Then let the battle commence said Boss X and his dinosaur.

First Dino X attacked Rocky with his jaws. Rocky dodged it very quickly. Then Rocky jumped and
then kicked Dino X. Dino X almost fell down and got a hold of himself. After that, Dino X hit Rocky with his
tail. Rocky got badly injured but with all the energy he had in him, at the last moment, he hit Dino X with
his tail and managed to put Dino X down. Therefore, John and Rocky won the battle and Boss X and Dino
X had to reveal their true identities to John and Rocky. Boss X and Dino X revealed their identities. John
saw their identities and set back home. They reached home and lived happily ever after.


By Yathaarth Tater

Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Raju with his family
and friends. One day he was playing cricket in the forest but then his
friend hit the ball so hard that it landed in the middle of the forest. So
few of the friends went inside the forest. They went deep inside the
forest and suddenly a math monster appeared in front of them. His
name was Baldi.

The math monster told them if you want to go ahead, you have
to solve few problems hence he gave them very hard math problems
but sadly, all of them were weak at math. Still they tried hard but all of
them were wrong. The math monster was very angry so he took them
as prisoners. Then he took them to his castle and kept them in a strictly
guarded room full of guards. They were scared inside the prison and
started praying.

One day they were surprised as gods came to save the. The gods who came were: Surya the sun
god and Gurudev the god of winged creatures also came to defeat the math monster. The math monster
and the god fought a very though war but sadly the gods had to retreat. After few weeks, they came back
with reinforcements and the reinforcements were Shiva and Ganesha. Again they fought a though war
but this time the luck went with the gods. Finally, the gods took the children and they returned home with
the ball.


By- Yatna Thotaka Visakhan


“Dad why did the community ban cats?” asked Maya, an
8-year-old girl walking through the lush green grass. “Because
they scratch paint of cars, soil the porch, steal milk from
packages, and carry diseases”, replied her father flipping today’s
copy of the newspaper. “Boy! Trump has been impeached
“But dad,” said Maya, impatiently tossing the newspaper aside.
“Can’t they train them?”

“No one wants to, or think about it,” said her father.
“You have a problem, you should try to solve them, not ban
them!” said Maya indignantly. “I’m sorry Maya, but you have to
convince the president of our community,” replied her father.
“Then I will!” said Maya, kicking her chair aside and left the
dining table. She started to write.

Dear president
I know cats have been a complete menace, but we need to understand it from their point of view.

Cats are WILD animals but due to our selfishness, forests have been destroyed and replaced with buildings
and houses. I don’t think ANYBODY would like it if their habitat has been taken away and their houses
destroyed or replaced.

I understand why we keep them out of our houses but we need to fix and make a separate space
fit for not only cats, but also fellow animals of the community. If anyone desires to help, donate, give
vaccines, or would like to adopt them, they should be welcome (Of course, only if you agree)
Please consider my request. (Actually, pretty please!)
Let me know how I can volunteer and help.

Maya folded the letter, put in an envelope and left it at the president’s door. She cycled back
home thinking what would happen next. The next day she received a letter from the president.
Dear Maya,

I am very sorry to tell you I cannot change anything. I understand your feelings but there is
absolutely nothing I can do about it because it has really become a nuisance now, it’s too late to start this
Warm regards

Maya folded the letter with trembling fingers. Her face was red with rage. A few weeks later Maya
was sitting with her best friend Adhya. “Adhya, we need to convince people to help these cats,” said Maya.
“Maya,” said Adhya slowly. “What if we made a poster like, “save a life adopt a cat?” and distribute it to
everyone here. “Great idea!” Said Maya happily. They printed copies that read, “Adopt a cat and save a
life!” Maya stuck the posters on all shop windows, signposts, on doors, and Adhya helped. Adhya told
Maya she could ask her mom (vet) to give the kittens vaccines for diseases and could ask Mrs. Reema who
owned 7 cats to help train the cats. The president was not thrilled to hear this. Just then, a phone rang.
Maya rushed to pick it up. It was the president. “Sir we just”…“Are you challenging my authority? I told
you specifically you shouldn’t pursue this, it’s too late and there is NOTHING we can do about it. Nothing!
So, drop it!”

He shut the phone with a BANG! But Maya didn’t go back. She looked at Adhya with a determined
look. “Let me guess” said Adhya. “Maya plan B on?”

Maya nodded, grinning. “We can print what I wrote to the president and convince lots of people
to help, and presidents have to do what the majority of the people says. So he will have no choice but to
accept it.” Adhya smiled jubilantly. “Great plan Maya, but first we need Mrs. Reema and my mom to help.
They first knocked on Mrs. Reema’s house. She came out.

She was a tall and brisk woman with spectacles clouding her eyes. Today she was wearing a tweed
green outfit with purple slippers. Maya and Adhya walked her through their plan. She agreed quickly and
called a meeting of all her lady friends. They decided to meet in the clubhouse, by the pool.

Adhyas mom was also there. She explained how the community was neutering cats and how that
was so harmful for them, she walked them through how they can adopt cats. If they don’t adopt them,
she also advised the residents to not feed cats that are not their own so they can break free from entering

They planned everything, within a few days the cats (and kittens) were all trained and had been
given vaccines. She left copies of the letter she had given the president on people's doorstep. Soon many
people were donating lots, cat toys, furniture and kennels. After the days work, Maya opened the door to
see her smiling parents. “What’s funny?” she asked them curiously. “Go to your room,” said her mom.
Maya opened the door to find a beautiful snowy white cat sitting on a stool. She had vibrant blue eyes
reflecting in the mirror. Soon Maya and Snowy (kittens name because she is the color of snow) became
the best of friends. But that’s another story.
Moral: Don’t just look through your glasses look at other peoples lenses too.
Meaning: Don’t just see it in your point of view look at others.


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