Maternity Effective Handover
Week Commencing 29th November 2021
Free Pensions webinar for midwives 50+
• There is a webinar specifically aimed at Midwives aged 50+.
Can you please disseminate to those who may find it
• This is not run by UHCW but NHS England in conjunction with
their pension partners, Isio (Pension management services |
• 15 December 2021 11am - 12:30pm
CNO Bulletin November 2021
• I am pleased to present November’s issue which, as always, is completely accessible to you
while you are either inside or outside the Trust so you can catch-up wherever you are.
• Please share this email onto all the Nursing and Midwifery staff across the Trust so they can
get the latest updates on key topics they may be interested in.
• Included this Month:
UHCW 2021 Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Summit
NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme
Strengthening Partnership Working Between Midwifery and 0-5 Public Health Nursing
Pathway to Excellence®: Excellence Indicators
Getting to Know Our Nursing Team: Alison Kavanagh
Spotlight: UHCW World Class Ward/Department Accreditation Framework Update
Research Highlight: Liz Lees-Deutsch and Jenny Gamble
Launch of New Personal Development Award 2022-2024
DAISY Awards
Community Volunteering Spotlight: Melanie Speed
A celebration from the Nursing Workforce Team
International Nurses Afternoon Tea Party
Share your stories
Tweets of the month
• Thank you, Tracey Brigstock, Chief Nursing Officer, UHCW
Christmas decoration advice for wards and departments
• With the festive season upon us, we wanted to share the best ways to keep your
Christmas decorations safe. The two documents below are full of useful
information, including:
• PAT testing - make sure any electrical decorations have a Portable Appliance Test
(PAT) carried out on them before being plugged-in or used in a ward or
• Christmas lights - old style Christmas tree (lights made to British Standard BS
4647: 1970) are no longer legal and mustn't be. Most newer sets of Christmas tree
lighting sets now have a transformer fitted to them, these are much safer.
• Candles & naked flames - candles or any other form of naked lights are not to be
used for Christmas displays in any UHCW premises
• http://trustnav/news/christmas-decoration-advice-for-wards-and-departments/
Disruption notice: A46 Binley Woods closure
• The A46 will need to be fully closed for two weekends between the Walsgrave and
Toll Bar junctions to safely install a series of steel beams.
• The closures will be taking place between 8pm Friday 3rd December to 6am
Monday 6th December and 8pm Friday 10th December to 6am Monday 13th
• This operation will also mean that there be no vehicular access between Coventry
and Binley Woods on the A428 during these closures, but pedestrian access will be
MANDATORY ‘Growth Assessment Protocol’ (GAP) training
• Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP) is now available to
complete via ESR.
• It is part of your mandatory training requirements and needs to
be completed yearly.
• Please complete this training as soon as possible.
• Compliance is now being reviewed as part of a Serious
Incident Group and HSIB action plan.
• Full instructions has been emailed to you all by Kirsten Smith.
Clinical Risk
Tissue Viability
• Tissue viability have asked if everyone can watch this video please:
• Tissue viability UHCW_presentation 01.mp4 - Google Drive
Clinical Risk
GBS Reminder
• GBS screening is to be offered as routine testing at 36 weeks
to all women who have had confirmed Group B Strep (GBS)
infection in previous pregnancies
• This is in line with local and national guidance (RCOG 2017).
Clinical Risk
CTG Fresh Eyes
• We are have been doing really well with completing fresh eyes on time for
several months. However the last couple of weeks of audit, has highlighted
we are still missing some or completing them at random times.
• I am sure this is due to the activity we have been experiencing of late.
• Therefore as a reminder please can you ensure you complete fresh eyes
on the HOUR and every HOUR.
• If you are not able to complete this on the hour due to the activity in your
room e.g. Epidural being sited, please complete it at the next available
opportunity. Then continue to carry out the next one on the hour even if
there is only a very short time between the last one and the one that is
due, failing to complete CTG fresh eyes this way will result in one of the
fresh eyes being missed out for that hour.
• Thank you
• Wendy Taylor
Clinical Risk
Antenatal Steroids
• Each month I also audit MgS04 and steroid administration however, the K2
wizard for this administration is not always being completing which makes
it difficult to audit these notes.
• Please can you remember to complete the wizard on K2 for MgS04 and
steroid administration.
• Thank you
• Wendy Taylor
Clinical Risk
• The main drive trust wide is FIT testing, as numbers of staff tested in hospital has slipped.
• Current trust data is: 5 ward outbreaks in hospital, up 3 from last week. 52 positive
cases in hospital of those 6 in GCC, 1 CTCC including pregnant patients .
• Covid Swabbing: reminder to all staff this is the current COP. We do actually conform well but
still need to be vigilant.
• Long term patients that have not had a swab in the previous 7 days should be swabbed.
• Inpatient swabbing remains at 3, 6, 9, 12 days.
• All patients in a bay where an AGP is carried out need to be swabbed every 3 days.
• All trained staff on Labour Ward that they must all be fit tested. Whilst rarely being involved
with AGP, they are caring for positive/suspected labouring women and covid has been proven
to be present in faeces. Also the outliers may need midwifery care and EMCERT team are
not always there when care may be indicated.
• If staff ask for testing I will be doing a drop in 24th November 08.30 till 10.00 on LW. I will be
double checking ESR records to see who is working on LW and not FIT tested and asking
them to do so. Will advertise on usual platforms.
IPC Mandatory Training
• IPC have circulated to all departments a register of compliance and we need to improve
• We will be making a drive on hand hygiene.
Elective CS’s
• Please remember to complete ‘No Labour’ in ‘Labour Diagnosis’ for all cases:
ONE Year Since K2 Go Live
• This week it's been ONE year since we went live with K2!
• We hope you all enjoyed the cakes, chocolates and refreshments.
• Thank you for all your support over the last 12 months.
• We are still on a Digital journey and look forward to improving our systems for
you and the population we serve in 2022.
New - IOL Booking, Ferinject & SROM Cases
• Have you accessed the new outlook shared calendar?
• As planned, from this week we are changing the way we request IOLs
and book Ferinject and SROM Cases.
• Further details can be found here:
Perineal Repair Workshop
• We have another Perineal Repair Workshop on Monday
17th January.
• Please let me know if you’d like to book in for a session.
• Thank you, Kirsten Smith (Practice Facilitator Midwife)
Maternity Annual Leave Booking 2022/23
• We are requesting for you ALL to now book you annual leave for 2022-2023.
• Please can you all complete the annual leave request form (emailed to you) and leave it in
the Annual leave box which is located at labour ward reception.
• You MUST also put your request on your roster or your requests will not be considered.
• Please can your requests be completed by the 18/12/21.
• You can calculate out your annual leave entitlement from the attachment and also though
the annual leave calculator found on the intranet.
• If you need any further assistance with this then please contact one of the managers.
• A few reminders:
Week requests should be from Sunday to Saturday in line with our rota.
It is NOT a first come first served system.
ALL entitled annual leave weeks must be requested.
You may request 2 annual leave weeks between July and September
You may request one half-term/Easter week
If you require more than 2 weeks off at a time you are requested to put a special request in writing to
your line manager.
You are entitled to 2 priority weeks.
Your requests are not guaranteed until all requests have been considered.
• If you have any outstanding annual leave for this year please book this with your line
manager ASAP.
We had our little man on the 11.11.21, he was born
on his due date and delivered by some amazing
midwives and comforted by some amazing doctors,
being induced was a hard process but being on the
labour ward was amazing, Thankyou so much for
delivering our miracle baby
02/10/21… so thankful to the wonderful staff and
midwives who made my first labour so positive and
stress free. I had the loveliest experience when having
my daughter. Plenty of time to bond together as a
family too. The team were absolutely wonderful
The 6th was when I had my caesarean on your busiest day last month, we were one
of 5 couples scheduled that day and I must say thank you so much to the obstetrics
theatre team at UHCW who safely delivered my baby. Every single midwife, Doctor
and anaesthetist that treated me were brilliant and the care I received in theatre
and on Ward 25 afterwards was fantastic. Thank you!
The 6th was when I had my caesarean on your busiest
day last month, we were one of 5 couples scheduled
that day and I must say thank you so much to the
obstetrics theatre team at UHCW who safely delivered
my baby. Every single midwife, Doctor and anaesthetist
that treated me were brilliant and the care I received
in theatre and on Ward 25 afterwards was fantastic.
Thank you!
I’ve been meaning for a long time to send this message! I gave birth to
my daughter on 25/09/21 my midwife was Shona Reid and I honestly
could not of wished for a better person to bring my baby into the world
she was amazing from start to finish! Me and my partner felt completely
at ease and nothing we wanted was to much for her! UHCW are very
lucky to have such an amazing person working for them!
The 13th October was when my Daughter was born
at UHCW 32+1 weeks gestation. She is absolutely
perfect. Thank you so much to all the Dr's and team
that helped bring our beautiful girl into the world
and for the neonatal nurses who looked after her
until she was transfered to Warwick hospital the
day after birth. Xx