3rd Sunday of Luke
Sunday, October 7th, 2018
These holy Martyrs were Romans of high rank in the service of the Emperor Maximian,
to whom it was reported that they did
not take part in the festivals of the
idols. When he called them into his
presence, they confessed their Faith
in the one God. He had them ar-
rayed in women's clothes and parad-
ed through the streets in mockery.
They were afterwards scourged,
from which Saint Bacchus died.
This was about the year 296. Saint
Sergius was then taken to Resapha
in Syria, where he was tortured and
beheaded. His tomb in Resapha be-
came a very famous shrine, to which
pilgrims came from as far away as
Western Europe; Resapha was later
renamed Sergiopolis in his honour.
Rev. Fr. Spiro D. Bobotas
Telephone 305- 854-2922 * Fax: 305-858-1854
2401 S.W. 3rd Avenue, 33129
Mailing Address: 244 SW 24th Road Miami, Fl. 33129
Liturgical Guide
Apolytikion for the Resurrection– Tone 2
Ὅτε κατῆλθες πρὸς τὸν θάνατον
When Thou didst descend unto death, O Life Immortal, then didst Thou slay Hades with
the lightning of Thy Divinity. And when Thou didst also raise the dead out of the nether-
most depths, all the powers in the Heavens cried out: O Life-giver, Christ our God, glory
be to Thee.
Apolytikion for Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus in the Fourth Mode
Οι Μάρτυρές σου, Κύριε,
Thy Martyrs, O Lord, in their courageous contest for Thee received as the prize the
crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. For since they possessed Thy
strength, they cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons' strengthless pre-
sumption. O Christ God, by their prayers, save our souls, since Thou art merciful.
Apolytikion for St. Sophia Tone 3
Χαίρει ἔχουσα ἡ Ἐκκλησία,
Having you and your three daughters, as a sacred boast the Church rejoices, and with glad-
ness she praises you, You are to me my pride and joy, as are the most precious relics of your
children; Oh Glorious Martyrs: Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love, intercede to Christ our
God to save our souls.
Kontakion in Tone 4
Προστασία τῶν Χριστιανῶν ἀκαταίσχυντε,
O Protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, mediation unto the creator most
constant: O despise not the voices of those who have sinned; but be quick, O good one, to
come unto our aid, who in faith cry unto thee: Hasten to int, them that honor thee.
1 Year-George Cholakis
Remembered by Family and Friends
1 Year-Katherine Theo
Remembered by daughters Kay, Alicia, Helene and their families
Epistle Reading:
The Reading is from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 11:31-33; 12:1-9.
Brethren, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed for ever, knows that I do
not lie. At Damascus, the governor under King Aretas guarded the city of Damascus in or-
der to seize me, but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall, and escaped his
hands. I must boast; there is nothing to be gained by it, but I will go on to visions and revela-
tions of the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third
heaven -- whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. And I know that
this man was caught up into Paradise --whether in the body or out of the body I do not know,
God knows -- and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter. On behalf of
this man I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses. Though if
I wish to boast, I shall not be a fool, for I shall be speaking the truth. But I refrain from it, so
that no one may think more of me than he sees in me or hears from me. And to keep me from
being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messen-
ger of Satan, to harass me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I besought the
Lord about this, that it should leave me; but he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for
my power is made perfect in weakness." I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the pow-
er of Christ may rest upon me.
Gospel Reading:
The Reading is from the Gospel According to Luke 7:11-16
At that time, Jesus went to a city called Nain, and his disciples and a great crowd went with
him. As he drew near to the gate of the city, behold, a man who had died was being carried
out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow; and a large crowd from the city was with
her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, "Do not weep."
And he came and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, "Young man, I
say to you, arise." And the dead man sat up, and began to speak. And he gave him to his
mother. Fear seized them all; and they glorified God, saying, "A great prophet has arisen
among us!" and "God has visited his people!"
Sunday School Announcements:
Christmas Pageant
Christmas is around the corner and our
students will begin rehearsals for our an-
nual pageant.
Sun. Oct. 7th- Begin singing Christmas
carols after class
Sun. Oct.14- Rehearsing Christmas
Please see Nancy Poulos if you have any questions.
Oratorical Festival
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Topics - We
will begin preparing on October 14
Introduced in 1983, the St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical Festival provides Greek Orthodox
teenagers the opportunity to write and talk
about their faith. The Oratorical Festival Pro-
gram begins at the parish level and is divided
into three divisions:
Elementary Division (local festival only) for students in grades 4–6- Junior Divi-
sion for students in grades 7–9, Senior Division for student in grades 10–12
The top speakers in the Junior and Senior Divisions advance to the district level.
Two finalists in each district division represent the district at the Metropolis Orator-
ical Festival. The top speaker in each metropolis division is then selected to par-
ticipate in the Archdiocese Finals, which is hosted by a different metropolis each
All eighteen finalists at the Archdiocese Finals participate in a weekend of activi-
ties, the highlight of which is the delivery of their speeches on Saturday morning.
The Oratorical Festival Scholarship Fund provides college scholarships to the top
speakers. Currently, the top three speakers of each division receive college schol-
arships of $2,000, $1,500 and $1,000. This year, each Honorable Mention speak-
er was awarded $500.
Junior Division (Grades 7–9)
1. Martyrs of the Church and some of the early monastics are both described as
“athletes.” What does it mean to be an athlete for Christ?
2. On January 30th, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Three Hierarchs: St.
Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, and St. John Chrysostom. Select
one of these Church Fathers and discuss his contribution to the Church.
3. Discuss the significance of water in the Church – Baptism, Theophany, holy
water, etc. – and what this suggests about our responsibility for the natural
4. Discus the new commandment of John 13:34: “Love one another, even as I
have loved you…” What does it mean to love one another as Christ loved us?
5. In 1 Timothy 6:10, St. Paul writes, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds
of evil.” How should Orthodox Christians relate to money and wealth?
Senior Division (Grades 10–12)
1. Many of the Church’s services employ objects from the natural world (such as
wheat, wine, oil, or water) in order to confer a blessing upon the faithful. Why
does the Church do this, and what does this suggest about our responsibility
for the natural world?
2. From ancient Greece to the present, politicians have aligned themselves with
religious concepts and constituencies. How is an Orthodox Christian to discern
whether today’s politicians do this out of genuine piety or in order to manipu-
late the electorate?
3. The hymns of the Church contain the whole of its theology. Pick one hymn
from the Lenten or Holy Week period and describe how it speaks to you per-
4. Describe how science and technology should always be at the service of hu-
manity and, ultimately, of God, in harmony with His purposes.
5. In view of St. Paul’s exhortation in Colossians 3:16, “Let the Word of Christ
dwell in you richly in all wisdom,” discuss the importance of being biblically lit-
erate today.
What is my student learning in Sunday School?
Preschool- We are working to identify symbols in the church such as the chalice,
censor, and icons.
Help reinforce this at home by engaging with them during the Liturgy with an "I
Spy" game to identify what they see in church.
K-2- We are learning about the Fruits of the Spirit and the
practical application of it in our lives.
Help reinforce this at home by reading 1 Corinthians 13:4
and talking about what Love looks like, especially between
3-5 We are learning about the importance of the Bible
in our faith. Students are familiarizing themselves with
the Old Testament and New Testament and how to
look up passages by chapter and verse.
Help reinforce this at home by reading your bible daily
with your kids at breakfast or bedtime.
6-12 We are discussing specific issues related to teens and learning about the an-
swers Orthodoxy offers us. A recent topic: Body Image, secular emphasis on outer
beauty v Christian emphasis on inner beau-
Help reinforce this at home by watching
“Be the Bee “
YouTube videos with your student and
discussing them afterwards.
Save the date December 1, 2018
On Behalf of the community of Saint Sophia I want to thank
the 161 families who have given to the Cathedral thus far.
Your gift to the Cathedral is greatly appreciated.
For those who have yet to give there is still time.
Our 2019 Campaign will begin in just under 2 months.
If you have not yet taken care of our 2018 stewardship
Please prayerfully and sacrificially consider doing so in the
near future.
October 7th, Sunday -3rd Sunday of Luke - Matins: 9:00 AM
- Liturgy: 10:00 AM
Our Christmas Pageant Rehearsal begin—if you are interested in having your young ones par-
ticipate in this year’s Christmas pageant please see Nancy Poulos and Tonya Jenkins after
October 8th, Monday, -Columbus Day. Office Closed.
National Church Music Sunday
Each year, on the first Sunday in October
(on or after the Feast of St. Romanos the
Melodist, the patron saint of church musi-
cians), parishes across the Archdiocese of
America celebrate NATIONAL CHURCH
MUSIC SUNDAY. This commemoration was
inaugurated by His Eminence, Archbishop
Iakovos of North and South America in
1982, and has been re-affirmed by His Emi-
nence, Archbishop Demetrios of America.
day we set aside particularly to honor the
contributions of local choir members, psal-
tai, and music educators who serve their
churches through the hymnology of our Or-
thodox Church. In addition, it is a day when
we recognize the work of the diocesan choir
federations as well as the National Forum of
Greek Orthodox Church Musicians, who
through their music ministry, strive to en-
hance the development of church choirs,
church musicians, and liturgical music at
diocesan and archdiocesan levels.