Saint The Holy Fathers have appointed the commemoration of Ad-
am's exile from the Paradise of delight here, on the eve of the
Sophia holy Forty-day Fast, demonstrating to us not by simple words,
but by actual deeds, how beneficial fasting is for man, and how
Cathedral harmful and destructive are insatiety and the transgressing of
the divine commandments. For the first commandment that God
Miami, gave to man was that of fasting, which the first-fashioned re-
Florida ceived but did not keep; and not only did they not become
gods, as they had imagined, but they lost even that blessed life
Sunday, which they had, and they fell into corruption and death, and
March transmitted these and innumerable other evils to all of mankind.
10th 2019 The God-bearing Fathers set these things before us today,
that by bringing to mind what we have fallen from, and what we
Telephone have suffered because of the insatiety and disobedience of the
first-fashioned, we might be diligent to return again to that an-
305- 854-2922 cient bliss and glory by means of fasting and obedience to all
the divine commands.
* Fax: Taking occasion from
today's Gospel (Matt.
305-858-1854 6:14-21) to begin the
Fast unencumbered by
Website: enmity, we also ask for-
stsophiami- giveness this day, first
from God, then from one another and all
2401 S.W.
3rd Avenue
Mailing :
SW 24th
Miami, Fl.
Resurrectional Apolytikion—Pl .4th
Ἐξ ὕψους κατῆλθες ὁ εὔσπλαγχνος,
From on high didst Thou descend, O Compassionate One; to burial of three days
hast Thou submitted that Thou mightest free us from our passions. O our Life and
Resurrection, Lord, glory be to Thee
Apolytikion for St. Sophia Tone 3
Χαίρει ἔχουσα ἡ Ἐκκλησία
Having you and your three daughters, as a sacred boast the Church rejoices, and
with gladness she praises you, You are to me my pride and joy, as are the most pre-
cious relics of your children; Oh Glorious Martyrs: Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love,
intercede to Christ our God to save our souls.
Τῆς σοφίας ὁδηγέ, φρονήσεως χορηγέ
O Master, Prudence, Guide of Wisdom, Instruction to the foolish and Defender of
the poor, strengthen my heart and grant it discernment. Give me words, Word of the
Father, for behold, I shall not keep my lips from crying out to You, "O Merciful One,
have mercy on me who has fallen.
Your hard work and dedication to the
Cathedral of Saint Sophia is so
Greatly appreciated. Because of
your sacrifice of time and talent we
once again welcome thousands of visi-
tors to our community. Thank you to
all who volunteered for the Glory of
God and His Cathedral
Epistle Reading:
St. Paul's Letter to the Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4
Brethren, salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed; the night is far
gone, the day is at hand. Let us then cast off the works of darkness and put on the
armor of light; let us conduct ourselves becomingly as in the day, not in reveling and
drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy.
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify
its desires. As for the man who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not for disputes
over opinions. One believes he may eat anything, while the weak man eats only vege-
tables. Let not him who eats despise him who abstains, and let not him who abstains
pass judgment on him who eats; for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass
judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or
falls. And he will be upheld, for God is able to make him stand.
Gospel Reading:
Matthew 6:14-21
The Lord said, "If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will
forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses. "And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites,
for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to
you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash
your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in
secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. "Do not lay up for your-
selves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in
and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust
consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also."
Gathering as Orthodox Calling all teenagers!
Christians is not only Saturday March 16th
We will gather as Orthodox
for the youth. Teens and advisors for a Lenten
Join us on March 17th
in the Church of Saint Retreat
This year’s theme is:
Mary’s Antiochian “CHRIST IS IN OUR
Church as we join as
one to celebrate
Orthodoxy March 17th @ 5:00 PM
Saint Mary Antiochian
West Palm Beach
1317 Florida Mango Rd, West Palm Beach, FL
Special Guest Speaker
Bishop Anthony
Auxilary Bishop to the Metropolitan,
Diocese of Toledo
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Diocese
You are invited to participate in serving as a reader during the Great Lenten Season.
Salutations to the Virgin Mary,
Firday, March 15, March 22, March 29, April 5, and April 12, 2019You may wish to read in
English or Greek before the Icon of the Virgin Mary or
before the Icon of Jesus
Holy Week
the following days and times are available for you to participate.
Palm Sunday, Bridegroom Services—Sunday, 6:00 pm, April 21, 2019;
Holy Monday, April 22, 6pm; Holy Tuesday, April 23, 7 pm.
Holy Wednesday evening, April 24 4 PM Holy Unction —Bridegroom Service , at 7 pm.;
Holy Thursday morning, April 25, 9 am; and Thursday evening, April 25, 6:30 pm;
Good Friday Morning, April 26;
Holy Saturday Morning, April 27; and/or
Agape Service—11:30 am, April 28, 2019.
APRIL April 28, 2019.
The Holy Gospel, Verses—St. John 20:19-25—are read in as many languages that parish-
ioners can participate. Can you read in Latin, French, German, Spanish, Albanian, Italian,
Hebrew, Portughese, Romanian, Farsi, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, Turkish, Ara-
bic, or Serbian?
Please call the church office or Elaine Lailas to indicate your interest in this spiritual
Church Office—305-854-2922 or Elaine Lailas—305-858-3491,
or [email protected] or text at 305-281-5787.
We Welcome the Greek Consul
General :Dimitrios Sparos to our community
Greek Independence Day
We will recognize Greek Independence Day immediately following church service
on Sunday, March 24. If you would like your child to recite a poem please contact
Vicki Haralambides at [email protected]
Monday is Clean Monday
Clean Monday (Greek: Καθαρά
Δευτέρα), , is the first day of Great
Lent throughout Eastern Christianity
and is a moveable feast, falling on
the 7th Monday before Pascha.
We will hold a Forgiveness Service
on Monday Evening at 7 PM.
Please join us as we start Great Lent
with this moving Vesper Service
which is followed by
A light Lenten Dinner Hosted by
Our Philoptochos
Sunday, March 10th Cheesefare Sunday Matins 9:00 AM
Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Monday , March 11th Lent Begins Service of Forgiveness 7:00PM
Please join the Philoptochos for a Lenten Supper following the services on Monday
evening in the church hall.
Wednesday, March 13th Pre-sanctified Liturgy 9:00 AM
Friday, March 15th Salutations to the Virgin Mar 7:00 PM
Sunday, March 17th Sunday of Orthodoxy Matins 9:00 AM
Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM