Stewardship Sunday
Sunday, November 18th 2018
9th Sunday of Luke
Plato was from the town of Ancyra in Galatia. He was a Christian by birth and upbringing. While in
his youth, he showed great perfection in every virtue. Plato did not conceal his faith in Christ the Lord,
but preached it openly, denouncing idolaters because of their worshiping lifeless objects in place of the
Living Creator. For this, he was brought to trial before Governor Agrippinus, and was interrogated
and harshly tortured by him. When the governor counseled him to avoid death and save his life by wor-
shiping the idols, Plato said: “There are two deaths, the one temporal and the other eternal; so also are
there two lives, one of short duration and the other without end.” Then Agrippinus subjected him to
even harsher tortures. Among other tortures, red-hot cannon
balls were set on the saint’s naked body; then they cut strips
from his skin. “Torture me more harshly,” the martyr cried out to
the tortures, “so that your inhumanity and my endurance may be
seen more clearly.” When the torturer reminded the martyr that
his namesake, Plato the philosopher, was a pagan, the martyr
replied: “I am not like Plato, nor is Plato like me except in name. I
learn and teach the wisdom of Christ, but Plato was a teacher
of wisdom that is foolishness to God.” After that, Plato was
thrown into prison, where he remained for eighteen days with-
out food and water. When the guards were amazed that Plato
was able to live in hunger for so long, he told them: “You are
satisfied by meat, but I, by holy prayers. Wine gladdens you,
but Christ the True Vine gladdens me.” Plato was beheaded in
about the year 266 and received his wreath of eternal glory.
Rev. Fr. Spiro D. Bobotas
Telephone 305- 854-2922 * Fax: 305-858-1854
2401 S.W. 3rd Avenue, 33129
Mailing Address: 244 SW 24th Road Miami, Fl. 33129
Liturgical Guide
Resurrectional Apolytikion - Tone Pl. 4
Ἐξ ὕψους κατῆλθες ὁ εὔσπλαγχνος,
From on high didst Thou descend, O Compassionate One; to burial of three days hast Thou submitted
that Thou mightest free us from our passions. O our Life and Resurrection, Lord, glory be to Thee.
Apolytikion for Great Martyr Plato in the Fourth Mode
Οι Μάρτυρές σου, Κύριε, εν τή αθλήσει αυτών
Thy Martyrs, O Lord, in their courageous contest for Thee received as the prize the crowns of
incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. For since they possessed Thy strength,
they cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons' strengthless presumption. O
Christ God, by their prayers, save our souls, since Thou art merciful.
Apolytikion for St. Sophia Tone 3
Χαίρει ἔχουσα ἡ Ἐκκλησία,
Having you and your three daughters, as a sacred boast the Church rejoices, and with gladness
she praises you, You are to me my pride and joy, as are the most precious relics of your children;
Oh Glorious Martyrs: Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love, intercede to Christ our God to save
our souls.
Kontakion - Tone 4
Ο καθαρώτατος ναός τού Σωτήρος,
Today, the most pure temple of the Savior, the precious bridal chamber and Virgin, the sacred
treasure of God, enters the house of the Lord, bringing the grace of the Divine Spirit. The
Angels of God praise her. She is the heavenly tabernacle.
40 Days -Louis Alexiou
Remembered by his wife Nikki, friends and family
Epistle Reading
The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 4:1-7.
Brethren, I, a prisoner for the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you
have been called, with all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in
love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and
one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one
faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all.
But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.
Gospel Reading
The Reading is from Luke 12:16-21
The Lord said this parable: "The land of a rich man brought forth plentifully; and he
thought to himself, 'What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?' And he
said, 'I will do this: I will pull down my barns, and build larger ones; and there I will store
all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, 'Soul, you have ample goods laid
up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.' But God said to him, 'Fool!
This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will
they be?' So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." As
he said these things, he cried out: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
Christina & Andreas Dorizas present therir
daughter Cloem Marie for the Traditional
40 Day Blessing
Dr. Plato Alexander THANK YOU TO AL
Dr. & Mrs. George Alexandrakis
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Alexiou Ms. Lynn Christ
Mr. Tim Anagnost Ms. Catherine Christofis
Mrs. Mary Andersen Ms. Alice Christy
Marina Angleton Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cocotos
Jim Petkas Ms. Vasiliki Couyutas
Mr. Georgios Andreadis Mr. George Cozonis
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Andy Mr. & Mrs. Albert De Nicola
Ms. Argie Anthony Mrs. Virginia Demery
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Arjona Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Lallas
Mr. Panagiotis Arvanites Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Demos
Ms. Sarah Arvantis Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Dimitropoulos
Ms. Jane Baloras Mr. & Mrs. Constantin Dimitropoulos
Ms. Malamatia Belafesta Mr. & Mrs. Allen Donelan
Mrs. Mary Benitez Mr. & Mrs. Fokas Drakalovich
Father & Presvitera Spiro Bobotas Dr. Christopher Economides
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Bouchillon Mr. & Mrs. Gus Efthimiou
Ms. Sheila Callesis Mr. Nicholas Efthimiou
Mr. Nicholas Callesis Mr. Giorgios Farazoulis
Dr. Olimpia & Bogdan Carbunar Mr. & Mrs. David Gonzalez
Mr. Thomas Carlos Dr. Dame Evangeline Gouletas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cavalaris * Mr. & Mrs. Jose Godur
Mr. & Mrs. George Cavalaris Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Guillen
Ms. Mary Cavalaris Dr. & Mrs. John Hadjilogiou
Ms. Marilyn Charles Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hados
Mr. Nick Hados
Mr. & Mrs. Aleco Haralambides
Mrs. Adis Haralambides
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Hatzichristofis
Mr. & Mrs. George Heropoulos
Mr. Raciel Henry
LL OUR STEWARDS FOR 2018 Mrs. Stella Kounelis
Mr. Pierre Koussiafes
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hofmeister Mr. & Mrs. Christos Lagos
Ms. Katherine Iordanoglou Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Lailas
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Jenkins Mrs. Betty Lantz
Mr & Mrs. W. Steven Joachim Mr. & Mrs. Perry Lantz
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gonzalez Kakouris Mr. & Mrs. Mario Larice
Mr. & Mrs. Vasillaq Kalaveshi Ms. Irene Lirakis
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kallergis Ms. Virginia Lopez Rey
Ms. Katherine Kallergis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Loukas
Mr. Nicholas Kallergis Mr. Stephen Macricostas
Ms. Olga Kalogeropoulos Ms. Vange Makris
Mrs. Maria Kalogeropoulos Ms. Bia Marsellos
Mr. & Mrs. Kiriakos Kalogiannis Mrs. Dimitra Marsellos
Mr. John Kandara Mr. Evangelos Marsellos
Mrs. Lucille Kanelidis Mrs. Maroula Marsellos
Mr. & Mrs. George Kanistras Mr. & Mrs. Greg Martini
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Karakhanian Mr. & Mrs. Lazaros Mavrides
Ms. Esther Karamanlakis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mekras
Mr. & Mrs. James Karnegis Mrs. Satira Mekras
Mr. & Mrs. Stamatios Kasselakis Mr. & Mrs. John G Mekra
Mr. & Mrs. Charalambos Kasselakis Mr. & Mrs. Demosthenes Mekras
Mrs. Fani Katsoufi Mr. Christos Meletis
Mr. & Mrs. James Katsoulos Mr. & Mrs. Themis Michalakos
Mr.& Mrs. Theodore Kays Ms. Stavroula Mihalakea
Mr & Mrs. Anastasia Kekakos Mrs. Nicki Mitseas
Mr. John Kiskinis Mr. & Mrs. George Mitseas
Mr. Andreas Konnafis Ms. Eleni Monas
Dr. Eftichia Kontopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Moulinos
Dr. Ruben Quintero Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Nares
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kos
Mr. & Mrs. Andrey Kotov
Claudiu & Maria Nelersa Mr. & Mrs. James Sanders III
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nieves Dr & Mrs. Theodore Sarafoglu Margaret
Dr. Demetra Orphanos Mr. & Mrs. John Scurtis
Ms. Marianna Page Drs. George Sfakianakis
Mrs. Barbara Panagakos Mr. & Mrs. Aristides Simopoulos
Mr. Savvas Pantelides Ms. Thalia Sotus
Mr. Aris Papadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Pasquier Mr. & Mrs. Felix Stancu
Dr. Athena Pefkarou Mrs. Georgia Theiss
Mrs. Matilda Kalaveshi Pelettier Mrs. Olga Tsagaris
Mr. & Mrs. William Petros Mrs. Anastasia Tsiplis
Mr. Nicholas Pisaris Drs Andreas Tzakis
Mr. Michael Pitsoulakis Mrs. Daisy Vagias *
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Pitsoulakis Mr. & Mrs. Georgios Vougiatzis
Mr. & Mrs. George Potter Mrs. Mary Venable
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Poulos Ms. Elena Vertlib
Mrs. Anastasia Prevolis Mr. & Mrs. James Vosotos
Ms. Emmanuela Prevolis Mr. Stratos Vranas
Mr. & Mrs. John Priovolos Mr. & Mrs. Peyton Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rader Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wensley
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rahman Mr. & Mrs. Tian Ying
Ms. Cindy Redmond Mr. Lukas Zapsas
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Renta Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Zervas
Ms. Maria Ritsi
Mrs. Stella Rodolakis Moroudas WE THANK THE
Mr. Tony Rodolakis 170 FAMILIES WHO HAVE
Ms. Cynthia Rodriguez SHOWN THEIR SUPPORT TO
Dr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Roussakis
Mr. & Mrs. Farzad Safi SOPHIA BY BEING
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Sagebien STEWARDS FOR 2018
Sunday, November 18th, 9th Sunday of Luke Matins 9:00 AM
Stewardship Sunday Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Wednesday, November 21st. Miami Rescue Mission
Join us during this time of thanksgiving to help those less fortunate. We will meet this Wednes-
day in the church office at 2:30PM. Please call the office to R. S.V.P
Today immediately following the Divine Liturgy
we will be in the back yard toasting this year’s
Archangel Award Winners and celebrating our
Stewardship Kickoff. We congratulate Stella
Kounelis (above right) and Irene Lirakis for receiving
the Archangel Michael Award in Atlanta this past
Thursday, November 22nd we celebrate Thanksgiving. Let us give thanks and rejoice in all that
the Lord has given us and that we may share our blessings with those in need.
Our G.O.Y.A. is selling a classic style Christmas Wreath. It is handmade with the
freshest Minnesota Balsam Fir. This Christmas Wreath is also beautifully decorat-
ed with selected white-tipped & glittered pinecones, festively accented with jingle
bells and trimmed with a gold-backed, red velvet bow. Each tree is sprayed with an
“Everlast” to preserve this wreath throughout the Holidays. The wreath comes with
gift Bag and door hanger. Reserve yours today by visiting the GOYA table imme-
diately following the Divine Liturgy.
Our Annual Christmas Card
The deadline for this Year’s Christmas Card is November 30th. If
you enjoy sending Christmas cards as much as receiving them
please contact Marta or Denise in the office 305-854-2922