Sunday, November 4th 2018
General Assembly
5th Sunday of Luke
Saint Joannicius was born in
Bithynia about the year 740. His
father was named Myritrikes and
his mother Anastaso When he
had reached maturity, he excelled
in soldiery and was counted wor-
thy of royal honours for his
bravery. He had been brought up
an iconoclast, but while yet a
soldier, he was converted to
Orthodoxy by a certain holy elder.
He later forsook all things and
departed for Mount Olympus,
where he spent the remainder of
his life in asceticism. Becoming
great in virtue, he reposed in the
Lord in the year 834, having lived
some ninety-four years. To this
Saint is ascribed the brief prayer,
"My hope is the Father . . . ."
Rev. Fr. Spiro D. Bobotas
Telephone 305- 854-2922 * Fax: 305-858-1854
2401 S.W. 3rd Avenue, 33129
Mailing Address: 244 SW 24th Road Miami, Fl. 33129
Liturgical Guide
Resurrectional Apolytikion - Tone 2
Ὅτε κατῆλθες πρὸς τὸν θάνατον
Angelic powers were above Thy tomb, and they that guarded Thee became as dead.
And Mary stood by the grave seeking Thine immaculate Body. Thou hast despoiled
Hades and wast not tried thereby. Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst grant us life.
O Thou Who didst arise from the dead, Lord, glory be to Thee.
Apolytikion for Joannicius the Great in the Plagal Fourth Mode
Ταίς τών δακρύων σου ροαίς,
With the streams of thy tears, thou didst cultivate the barrenness of the desert; and by
thy sighings from the depths,thou didst bear fruit a hundredfold in labours; and thou be-
camest a luminary, shining with miracles upon the world, O Joannicius our righteous Fa-
ther. Intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved.
Apolytikion for St. Sophia Tone 3
Χαίρει ἔχουσα ἡ Ἐκκλησία,
Having you and your three daughters, as a sacred boast the Church rejoices, and with gladness
she praises you, You are to me my pride and joy, as are the most precious relics of your children;
Oh Glorious Martyrs: Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love, intercede to Christ our God to save
our souls.
Kontakion - Tone 2
O Protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, mediation unto the creator most con-
stant: O despise not the voices of those who have sinned; but be quick, O good one, to come
unto our aid, who in faith cry unto thee: Hasten to intercession and speed thou to make suppli-
cation, O thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honor thee.
Epistle Reading
The reading is from St. Paul's Lette r to the Ephesians 2:4-10
Brethren, God who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, even
when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by
grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the
heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the coming ages he might show the immeasur-
able riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have
been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God: not be-
cause of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk
in them.
Gospel Reading
Luke 16:19-31
The Lord said, "There was a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and
who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazaros,
full of sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table; moreover
the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels
to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried; and in Hades, being in
torment, he lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham far off and Lazaros in his bosom.
And he called out, 'Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Lazaros to dip
the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame.'
But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good
things, and Lazaros in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you
are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been
fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none
may cross from there to us.' And he said, 'Then I beg you, father, to send him to my
father's house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come
into this place of torment.' But Abraham said, 'They have Moses, and the prophets;
let them hear them.' And he said, 'No, father Abraham; but if some one goes to them
from the dead, they will repent.' He said to them, 'If they do not hear Moses and the
prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.'"
Today’s General Assembly
In accordance with Article 31 Section 6 of the Uniform Parish Regulations, and Article V of our
Parish Bylaws adopted November 15, 1998 by the Membership, the Assembly will adhere to the
following Agenda:
Registration of eligible parish members wishing to participate in the Assembly.
Opening prayer by Rev. Fr. Spiro D. Bobotas
Election of Assembly Chairman & Parliamentarian.
Approval of the spring general assembly minutes.
President’s remarks.
Financial report and update.
Grounds, Buildings and Maintenance
Ministry updates
Old Business
New Business
Nominations for Parish Council.
Closing prayer
A person must be a member “in good standing” in order to participate and vote at this meeting.*
(see below)
Please make it a point to attend this meeting. The presence, concern and active participation of all
the members determine the progress of our community.
Sincerely, John Kiskinis
Fr. Spiro John Kiskinis
Fr. Spiro D. Bobotas Parish Council President
Cathedral Dean
The stewardship guidelines for membership in good standing are as follows: a member must have paid a
prorated portion of their Fair Share pledge for this year (88%) and have a signed pledge card on file with
the church. New members may exercise their votes if they have been members in good standing for at least
3 months, which includes an initial Fair Share payment of at least $250 for an individual and $350 for a
married couple, made at the time of enrollment. A person whose name appears on the membership rolls but
is in arrears in the payment of their Fair Share pledge may take part by signing their pledge card and meet-
ing such obligations. These Fair Share obligations must be met by and up to the date of the Assembly.
(Article II, Section 2, Article III, Sections 1-2, Article V, Parish Bylaws, 11/15/98; also UPR Article V-VI.)
We finish this semesters
Theology Cheese and Chat
this Tuesday, November 6th.
We will begin again after the
holidays on January 15th, 22nd
& start.
If you are interested please join
us in the Fellowship house this
Tuesday at 7 PM. Even if it is
your first time this semester.
To date we have 168 Families that have given a Financial
pledge to the Cathedral of St. Sophia. If you have not yet sent
in your Stewardship for 2018 Please do so! Our Stewardship
Year is in its 3rd quarter and we will begin our 2019 Cam-
paign on November 18th . Please take care of your gift this
Your are the Voice of Christ in a
changing World
The base from which we serve as the Voice of Christ in a
Changing World is the parish. A strong parish provides op-
portunities for sharing the Good News of Christ, for wel-
coming those that are searching for a spiritual home, and a
base from which we are sent out into the world. The parish
also provides a place for worship, community and educa-
tion in the faith. To be stewards of the Gospel, we need to
be stewards of our parish. This requires the vision and in-
spiration to see the parish, not as it is, but as it could be.
We are called to offer ourselves and our treasure to make
our local church all that is can be.
Sunday November 4th 5thSunday of Luke Matins 9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Divine Liturgy
General Assembly
Tuesday, November 6th Theology, Cheese & Chat 7:00PM
Let’s support our Sister Parishes
Annunciation Church Saint Andrew’s
Greek Festival Greek Festival
November 2-4th Novembver 9-
Our Annual Christmas Card
will once again be going out this year. You will soon receive
the registration form in the mail. This year’s deadline will be
November 30th. If you enjoy receiving sending Christmas
cards as much as receiving them please contact Marta or
Denise in the office 305-854-2922