Sunday, February 4th, 2017
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Gospel Reading: The Reading is from Luke 18:10-14
The Lord said this parable: "There was a
man who had two sons; and the younger of
them said to his father, 'Father, give me the
share of the property that falls to me.' And
he divided his living between them. Not many
days later, the younger son gathered all he
had and took his journey into a far country,
and there he squandered his property in loose living. And when he had spent everything, a
great famine arose in that country, and he began to be in want. So he went and joined him-
self to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he
would gladly have fed on the pods that the swine ate; and no one gave him anything. But
when he came to himself he said, 'How many of my father's hired servants have bread
enough and to spare, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will
say to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to
be called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.' And he arose and came to his
father. But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran
Cont. Page 3
We welcome
Metropotitan Savas of Pittsburgh,
Metropoliatan Nicholas of Detroit
and the Members of
Leadership 100
Liturgical Guide
Resurrectional Apolytikion - Tone 2
Ὅτε κατῆλθες πρὸς τὸν θάνατον
When Thou didst descend unto death, O Life Immortal, then didst Thou slay
Hades with the lightning of Thy Divinity. And when Thou didst also raise the dead
out of the nethermost depths, all the powers in the Heavens cried out: O Life-giver,
Christ our God, glory be to Thee.
Apolytikion for St. Sophia Tone 3
Χαίρει ἔχουσα ἡ Ἐκκλησία,
Having you and your three daughters, as a sacred boast the Church rejoices, and
with gladness she praises you, You are to me my pride and joy, as are the most pre-
cious relics of your children; Oh Glorious Martyrs: Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love,
intercede to Christ our God to save our souls.
Kontakion Tone 4
Ὁ μήτραν παρθενικὴν ἁγιάσας τῶ τόκω σου, καὶ χείρας τοῦ Συμεὼν εὐλογήσας ὡς ἔπρεπε,
προφθάσας καὶ νὺν ἔσωσας ἡμᾶς Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός. Ἀλλ' εἰρήνευσον ἐν πολέμοις τὸ πολίτευμα, καὶ
κραταίωσον Βασιλεῖς οὓς ἠγάπησας, ὁ μόνος φιλάνθρωπος.
Your birth sanctified a Virgin's womb and properly blessed the hands of Symeon.
Having now come and saved us O Christ our God, give peace to Your common-
, wealth in troubled times and strengthen those in authority, whom You love, as only the
loving One.
Remembers those who have fallen asleep
Epistle Reading:
St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 6:12-20
Brethren, "all things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful
for me," but I will not be enslaved by anything. "Food is meant for the stomach and the stom-
ach for food" -- and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for
immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will
also raise us up by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?
Shall I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Nev-
er! Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her?
For, as it is written, "The two shall become one flesh." But he who is united to the Lord
becomes one spirit with him. Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man commits is out-
side the body; but the immoral man sins against his own body. Do you not know that your
body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your
own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body and in your spirit which
belong to God.
Bible Verse cont. From Page 1
and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against
heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' But the father said to
his servants, 'Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and
shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; for this
my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.' And they began to make mer-
ry. Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard
music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what this meant. And he
said to him, 'Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he
has received him safe and sound.' But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came
out and entreated him, but he answered his father, 'Lo, these many years I have served you,
and I never disobeyed your command; yet you never gave me a kid, that I might make merry
with my friends. But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your living with harlots,
you killed for him the fatted calf!' And he said to him, 'Son, you are always with me, and all
that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead,
and is alive; he was lost, and is found.'"
He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate on November 21,
1992, the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Theotokos,
and on January 8, 1995, to the Holy Priesthood, He was ele-
vated to the rank of Archimandrite on November 12, 1996, the
Feast of St. Gregory Palamas, by the then Bishop Maximos
of Pittsburgh, the locum tenens of the Detroit Diocese, at St.
Gregory Palamas Monastery in Hayesville, Ohio.
On December 11, 2001, he was elected an Auxiliary Bishop to
Archbishop Demetrios by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate, and given the title "Bishop of Troas." On Febru-
ary 2, 2002, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in
the Temple, he was consecrated to the Holy Episcopacy by
Archbishop Demetrios of America, Archbishop Iakovos of
North and South America, Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago,
Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia, and several hierarchs of the Holy Eparchial Synod at the
Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Manhattan.
Bishop Savas served as the Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
until 2009, when he was named Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Church, Society
and Culture. As an active presence on the Internet, he has been in the vanguard of engag-
ing issues of contemporary societal and cultural realities from an Orthodox Christian per-
spective. He has led numerous Young Adult Pilgrimages and accompanied many Ortho-
dox Christian Fellowship (OCF) "Real Break" teams to Constantinople and the Holy
Land. He is the hierarchical representative to the Orthodox Christian Mission Center
(OCMC) for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central Ameri-
ca, in which capacity he has accompanied mission teams to Turkana in Kenya and Tanza-
nia. He is also the Chairman of the Assembly's Committee for Church and Society. He
further serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of St. Vladimir's Theological Semi-
nary as well as being an Adjunct Professor of Dogmatic Theology, teaching courses on
topics such as "Looking for God in Popular Culture." He has been an instructor at the Ho-
ly Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Diaconate Program and served on the board
of Saint Basil Academy.
On November 3, 2011, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in
Constantinople elected him to succeed the retired Metropolitan Maximos as Metropolitan
of Pittsburgh. He was enthroned at Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Pittsburgh on December
8, 2011.
Metropolitan Nicholas was ordained as a Deacon on July 6th,
1991 by Bishop Maximos at the Annunciation Church in
McKeesport, Pennsylvania. He was ordained to the Priesthood by
Bishop Maximos on July 13th, 1991. He was elevated to the rank
of Archimandrite on the same day, based on his years of service
to the Church.
He served as Chancellor of the Diocese of Pittsburgh from 1991
to 1995 and was Chancellor of the Diocese of Detroit from 1996
to 1997. Metropolitan Nicholas was elected as the Bishop of the
Greek Orthodox Diocese of Detroit by the Holy and Sacred Syn-
od of Constantinople on Saturday, March 13, 1999 (view election
He was consecrated as Bishop on the Saturday of Lazarus, April
3, 1999, at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church in Brooklyn, New York by Archbishop
Spyridon, who was assisted by Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh and Bishop Dimitri of
the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese. His Enthronement took place on Sunday, April 18,
1999 at the Annunciation Cathedral in Detroit, MI.
Metropolitan Nicholas has also served the Greek Orthodox Church as a member of the Arch-
diocesan Council, member of the Stewardship Commission of the Archdiocese, board mem-
ber of the St. Michael's Home for the Aged, and as a member of the Archdiocesan District
Spiritual Court.
In 2002, His Eminence was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan by the Holy and Sacred
Synod of Constantinople. This appointment came after the Holy and Sacred Synod of Con-
stantinople elevated the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Detroit to the Greek Orthodox Metropo-
lis of Detroit. The Metropolis of Detroit has direct spiritual authority, supervision, and pasto-
ral care over its clergy and parishes in seven states, including all of Michigan, Kentucky, and
Arkansas, and parts of Indiana, upstate New York, Ohio, and Tennessee.
Through his years of service at all levels to the Greek Orthodox Church, his educational
background, and his deep and longstanding commitment to the Church, Metropolitan Nicho-
las has served, and continues to serve, a successful hierarchical ministry in the Metropolis of
We Welcome the Members and Guests of Leradership 100
In 1984, under the guidance of Archbishop Iakovos, The Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100
Fund was created as an endowment fund of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to provide an
opportunity for Greek Orthodox leaders to support the life-sustaining ministries of the
In 1998, The Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Fund Incorporated was formed as a 501(c)
(3) New York corporation that supports the National Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Arch-
diocese in advancement of Orthodoxy and Hellenism.
Leadership 100 members pledge $100,000, which is paid over a period of 10 years or less, ex-
cept for young professional and junior members who pay the pledge on a graduated scale.
Since its inception in 1984, Leadership 100 has distributed more than $48 million in grants
that have ranged from providing scholarship funds for individuals studying for the priesthood
at Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology to supporting a variety of National Minis-
tries. These have included Religious and Greek Education, Youth, Young Adult and Camping
Ministries, Family and Marriage Services, Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Rela-
tions, Internet Ministries and Home Mission. Leadership 100 has also provided humanitarian
assistance during national and international crises.
The Leadership 100 Executive Committee approves grants submitted by the Grant Committee
after consultation with the Archbishop. The principal of the Fund remains permanent-
ly restricted and inviolate.
Today, with more than 1,000 mem-
bers, Leadership 100 is a philanthrop-
ic driving force within the Church,
the Greek American Community,
and in the nation and the world that
transforms institutions and lives.
Festival Album
The submission deadline for our Festival Album is February 9th
Please get your ads, copy and photos in on or prior to that date. Please refer to
the forms in the Narthex for information on ad/submission and guidlines you
can submit your information to [email protected]
Time to make the
We need your help! Join us on Febru-
ary 3rd, 10th & 17th
as we prepare for our 40th annual
Greek Festival
Baking starts at 10AM
Please volunteer your time
to assist the Cathedral of St
Sophia with this year’s festi-
val. Whether you can do the
physical labor, man a booth,
sell ads for the festival al-
bum or help bake, your par-
ticipation is needed.
Please fill out a volunteer
form and speak to Lynn
Saturday, February 10th Saturday of the Souls Matins 8:00 AM
9:00 AM
Divine Liturgy
Sunday, February 11th Judgement Sunday Matins 9:00 AM
Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Saturday, February 17th Saturday of the Souls Matins 8:00 AM
9:00 AM
Divine Liturgy
Senior Power
The Seniors will be meeting this
Tuesday February 6th at Myknos
for their
bi-monthly Lunch date;.
If you are interested speak to
Vange Makris
Help Support our Sister
Parish of
Saint Demetrios in Fort
Lauderdale by attending
their Festival on February
Rev. Fr. Spiro D. Bobotas
Telephone 305- 854-2922 * Fax: 305-858-1854
2401 S.W. 3rd Avenue, 33129
Mailing Address: 244 SW 24th Road Miami, Fl. 33129