WELCOME PRAYER The Honorable Mr. Mohd Ibrahimbin Putra, Boardof Director of Cerdik Kasih LCBandar BaruPutraKindergarten The respected Miss Nurzuliyana Nasuha binti Zulkefli, Headmaster of Cerdik Kasih LCBandarBaru Putra Kindergarten Puan Ilyana Ahmad, as the Operator of CerdikKasihLC Bandar Baru Putra Kindergarten All kindergarten teachers, parents, guardianthat arepresent today and all the children of Cerdik Kasih LCBandarBaruPutra Kindergarten that are celebrated today, Assalamualaikum WBT and greetings. First of all, I would like to take this opportunitytothank Cerdik Kasih LC Bandar Baru PutraKindergarten for the invitation to inauguratetheGraduation Ceremony or known as GrandIhtifal Class of 2022.
I would also like to convey greetings fromtheheadof my unit, Mr. Kamaruddin bin Ghazali, ChiefAssistant Senior Director of Private EducationUnit,School Management Sector, Perak State EducationDepartment to all citizens of Cerdik KasihLCBandar Baru Putra Kindergarten. He also prayed that today's ceremony wouldgoonsmoothly. This morning I also convey greetingsfromTuan Haji Salim bin Abdul Rahman, our formerChief Assistant Director of Private EducationUnit,School Management Sector, Perak State EducationDepartment. For the information of the Chairmanand Headmaster, Tuan Haji Salimofficiallyretiredon January 2 nd this year. Dear ladies and gentlemen, The 6-year-old students of 2022/2023 arethecohortof 5-year-old students who started studyingpreschool education in March 2021. Ayear that isstill full of pandemic challenges, in whichpreschoolsand kindergartens are closed for a verylongperiod.These 6-year students in 2022 studied for ayearbythrough online class and a year by face-to-face.
During the online class period, teachers hadtofaceavery unusual and challenging teaching experience.The teachers in front of me are workinghardtofindideas so that teaching and learning throughout theonline period can be implemented so that thestudents do not fall behind during the pandemicperiod. In time, I am sure that the guardian parents infrontof me are also wringing their hands, shouting, toensure that the children, followthe onlineclassesmade by the teachers, do exercises that aresent bythe teacher either via whatsapp or telegramthat maybe sent directly to your home, Ladies and gentlemen. Lets us give applause for the success of teacherstogether with parents and guardian, workingtogetherin implementing PdPR or online class throughoutthepandemic period. Ladies and gentlemen, everyone. The ceremony this morning is also in appreciationtothe teachers, parents and guardian that together
nurture and educate these kindergartenchildreninpreparation for them to face the more challengingworld of schooling for this newyear. If beforewesaw that some of our children lacked self-confidence,were quiet, and were shy, nowthose traits aredecreasing and most of themmay turn intomoreconfident, creative and innovative. This is becauseinthe kindergarten there are various programs andactivities that are held such as sports, storytelling, painting, singing, Al-Quran recitation andsoonwhich have helped these children to be positiveinline with the goals of national preschool education,nurturing the potential of students in all aspectsdevelopment, mastering basic skills andfosteringapositive attitude before entering primaryschool. Dear ladies and gentlemen, We sometimes do not realize and take for grantedtheefforts shown by the teachers of CerdikKasihLCBandar Baru Putra Kindergarten. Without them, yourchildren may not be able to master the skillsofreading, counting, writing and reasoning. Nevertheless, every sacrifice they make, I amsurethey never complain let alone give up hope.
Thank you teacher, for your service andsacrificeineducating the children of Cerdik KasihLCBandarBaru Putra Kindergarten. For the students of Cerdik Kasih LCBandar BaruPutra Kindergarten, I congratulate you becauseyouhave successfully navigated the world of kindergarten schooling for 2 years. It is hopedthatallthe students, especially the 6-year-old, will beabletouse and practice every thing that has beenlearnedasa good foundation for standard one next year. Showhigh self-confidence when receiving the certificateon stage later. I'm sure all the parents andguardianpresent on this day are so proud of their children'sachievements. Finally, in the name of Allah, with Bismillahirahmanirrahim, I officiate the GrandIhtifalClass of 2022 Cerdik Kasih LCBandar BaruPutraKindergarten Graduation Ceremony. Thank you so much. Wabilahitaufik walhidayahwassalamuakaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh