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Quick Intro To The OTO
First off I just wanted to thank you for picking up a copy of this OTO. The
fact that you picked up a copy shows that you are serious about your
business and want to get the most out of it.
With that said, I know you are excited to see all these swipes I use to talk to
my clients so I won’t waste your time with another boring introduction. If
you want that go ahead and re-read the introduction in the main guide ;).
If you have read the main guide, you will know that MOST of the clients you
will be getting are from Craiglist, and I have noticed that 90% of the time
these clients want to deal with you via email instead of phone call or text
Because of that, the swipes I am giving you below are to be used for email
purposes. If you do come across the occasional client who would rather talk
on the phone…don’t freak out! You literally say the same exact things as you
would say through email, but you actually say them out loud.
Sure, you might want to change things around a bit to match how you
usually speak, but for the most part everything stays the same.
Alright, without wasting any more time let’s jump right in to what you should
tell them when you are trying to sell them on the website.
The Free Website Script
The cool thing about this system is the fact that you don’t really need to
“sell” them on the free website. If they are contacting you it’s because they
saw your ad on Craigslist or one of the members of your sales team told
directed them to you.
Because of this, you don’t really need to do any selling here. What you need
to do is explain to them the process, let them know you are building your
portfolio, and ask them if there are any important pages, pictures, or
information they would like on their site.
Below is the swipe:
“Hey (persons name),
Thanks for your interest in getting a website online and letting me do it for
you. I am really looking forward to it!
As you already know I will create this website for you at no charge at all
because I wanting to build a portfolio of all my work before I start charging
However, in order to make the site go live you WILL need to invest in
Hosting. I always recommend HostGator to my clients because they have
very fast servers so your customers won’t have to sit there and wait forever
for the site to load.
Hosting is something you need no matter who is creating your website, but
the good news is I use HostGator so much they allowed me to give all my
clients a discount so you are only paying about $8.00 per month.
If you are interested we can go ahead and get you set up with that special
(your name)”
At this point MOST of them will reply back asking you how to get signed up
so you can continue with the sign up process and getting their site online.
Once they reply saying something like that, you want to reply back with the
“Sound great (clients name)!
To get started go ahead and head over to this link (provide affiliate link
here). The first months total will come out to around $20.00, that’s just
because you need to register a domain name with your hosting. Every
month after that will only be around $8.00
On that page they will ask you if you want to sign up for some of their other
packages, go ahead and deselect everything. There is no need for those
services, that’s what you have me for :).
If you need any help at all signing up, just let me know and we can either
talk on the phone or Skype and I can walk you through the process.
Once you are all signed up, you will receive an email from HostGator which
contains information such as Nameservers and Cpanel details (stuff us nerdy
people deal with). If you can forward me that email that would be HUGE
help. Go ahead and forward it to this email address: (insert email address
(your name)”
Now at this point they will go ahead and get signed up. If they need help
signing up make sure you contact them right away to help them before they
change their minds about anything. Once they send you the email saying
they are signed up, you will want to send this email to them:
“Hey (clients name)
Really glad to see the sign up process went smoothly!
Before we precede there are a few things I need to ask you to ensure we put
together an awesome website for you that your customers are going to
absolutely love :).
If you can do me a favor and answer each of the questions below that would
be a HUGE help.
1) Can you describe your company to me in 200 words or less?
2) What is your companies address?
3) What phone number would you like potential clients to call?
4) What email address would you like potential clients to reach you at?
5) Is there any specific content or images you would like to see on your
Providing an answer to those questions will help us create a website both
you and your customers are happy with. Once you get back to me with
those answers I will be able to have your site up and running within 24
(Your Name)”
Now they will reply back with their answers to all those questions. You will
use this information to create their pages.
Once you create the website, you will send them an email that says this:
“Hey (clients name),
Just wanted to touch base with you and let you know we have just finished
creating your website. You can view it here: (leave their link).
We try to get it perfect on our very first try, but if there is anything you see
at all that you would like to be changed please let me know. Our goal is to
make you happy, so please don’t be afraid to ask for any changes.
If you are happy with it, I would appreciate it if you could let me know :)
(your name)”
If they reply back saying they would like some changes, go ahead and make
the changes. If they reply back saying it looks great how it is, then it’s time
to begin the upsell process…you start the upsell process with a transition
email which looks like this:
The Transition Email
“Hi (clients name),
I am really glad you liked the website. I know I sure had a lot of fun creating
I actually have other services that can really help your business make more
money through the internet, would you mind if I shared them with you?
(your name)”
Even if they aren’t interested, most will say yes just to be nice since you just
created a website for them at no charge.
Now if you are talking to them over the phone or in person, you want to
present each offer to them one at a time.
However, if you are talking to them via email, you want to show them every
single offer in one email.
I know that might sound strange, but the reason is if you keep sending them
email after email and each one is just another upsell, they are going to stop
You want to make sure they see all your offers, and the best way to do this
is to knock them out in one email.
The Upsell Email
I have split tested A LOT of different emails, and this one always works the
“Thanks (clients name),
Basically I have been helping companies get an “online presence” and
generate more business through the use of the internet for about 7 years
I have plenty of other services I offer that can help a business owner
increase their income dramatically within just a few short months, but there
are four that REALLY make a huge difference in the amount of customers a
local company gets (other than having a website, but you already have one
of those now!)
If you are interested in any of these services below, just let me know and I
can make sure we get you a BIG discount
So let’s start with the first one.
Website Updates
If you ever need any updates to your website, need content added, need
pictures added, or want to change anything around, we do have a website
updates package you can take advantage of.
Any time you need anything at all changed or added to your website, just let
us know and we will take care of it within 24 hours.
Mobile Website
Other than a normal website, a mobile website is our most popular service.
The reason for this is because more and more people are using their mobile
phones instead of the desktop when using the internet now, and when you
have a mobile website you expose yourself to A LOT more traffic.
The main benefits to a mobile website are:
1-Better Search Engine Rankings
Google is all about giving the user a better experience. If someone is
searching on their tablet or phone, Google will first show the sites that are
mobile responsive because those sites will give the searcher a better user
2- Click To Call Feature
With a mobile website, you can put a link on there that says “Click To Call”
and all the potential customer has to do is click that button and it will call
your company. This makes life a lot easier on the potential customer
because he/she doesn’t have to try to memorize your number or write it
down in order to contact your company
3- Increased Website Speed
When you have a mobile website, the site loads MUCH faster than a normal
website, and because of this the chances of the potential customer leaving
the site goes down a lot.
SMS Service
This is probably my favorite service to offer clients because I have seen it
make a HUGE impact on their business.
If you didn’t already know, SMS is text messaging. What we can do is place
a form on your website where people can subscribe for text message
Whenever business is slow or you just want a spike in sales, you can write
out a text message and have it automatically sent to everyone that has
subscribed to receive updated. I have seen this service alone save
Search Engine Optimization
This is another great service because it puts your website on the front page
of Google and exposes your company to a lot of potential clients.
There is a good chance your competition is stealing your business right now
because they are on the front page of Google and you are nowhere to be
If you are interested in this service, we will ensure that you rank on the first
page of Google and outrank all your competitors so they can no longer steal
your potential customers.
Like I said, we do offer more services but these four are the ones that
always have a biggest impact on our clients business.
If you are interested in any of them just let me know and we can discuss
further. If you are interested in all of them we will hook you up with an
even bigger discount…who doesn’t love discounts, right? :)
It truly has been a pleasure working with you (clients name). If there is
anything else I can do for you please don’t hesitate to let me know.
(your name).”
Well there you go! You have now put all the offers on the table for them and
there is a good chance they will take you up on at least one of the offers.
However, even if they don’t take you up on any of the offers, there is still
one more email you want to send them. This email can actually get YOU a
lot more business.
The Final Email-How To Make Sure Word
of Mouth Spreads
If there is one regret I have when it comes to my offline business, it’s the
fact that I didn’t think to send this final email until about a year ago. Had I
started sending this final email when I first got started I would have
generated A LOT more customers.
The goal of this email is to let your current client know that you do have a
referral program and that you will pay them $62.50 each time they refer
someone to you who lets you create a website for them
This works so well because these business owners tend to know A LOT of
other business owners. They are good at connecting and networking. So if
they know you will create a website for free for their buddies, they can
recommend you and still get paid for it. Trust me when I say word of mouth
is going to spread QUICKLY.
So here’s how you should word the final email:
“Hey (clients name)
Hope you have had a great day. I just wanted to send you a follow up email
and let you know it truly has been a pleasure working with you and getting
to know you. I can’t wait to hear about how your business improves with
your new website :).
I also wanted to take this time to let you know that we do have a referral
program. We will actually pay you $62.50 for everyone we create a website
for through your recommendation. So if you know of anyone who needs a
website, it would be great if you could give them our contact details, but be
sure to let them know to tell us that you sent them over so we can send you
$62.50 for each person :).
Again, it has been great to work with you and I hope you have a VERY
successful year!
(your name)
Regardless of whether or not they take you up on any of the offers, PLEASE
DO NOT forget to send that final email. Trust me, these people know a lot
other people who need a website and they will gladly refer anybody to you
since you are the person who will create the website for them for free!
Alright now get out and take action!!!