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Published by tania.haimon, 2015-11-18 04:11:47




New research is linking academic
success with the inclusion of social
and emotional learning in schools.


Social and Emotional learning
leads to student success

M ost educators BREIFLY
agree that The Collaborative
fostering student’s for Academic,
social-emotional develop- Social, and
ment is important, but the Emotional Learning
latest research is highlight- (CASEL), is a world
ing the critical role that leading organisation
social-emotional learning advancing research
plays in improving in social and
children’s academic emotional learning.
performance and lifelong

In an article published in There is a growing
the Journal of Educational awareness about the
and Psychological Consul- importance of social
tation (August, 2015), and emotional
development for
“ þresearchers argue that if successful student What is Social
performance in Emotional Learning? social awareness,
schools are only focussed schools and Social and emotional relationship skills and
on academic instruction classrooms. learning (SEL) is the responsible
and student performance, process through which decision-making.
they will fail in their efforts Research shows that children enhance their SEL can be
to ensure that children socal and emotional abilities to integrate implemented across
reach their full educational learning can lead to: thinking, feeling and all curriculum areas
potential. behaving to be and build student’s
Positive Social successful in learning skills to recognise and
The article concludes, Behaviour and important life tasks. manage their
that there is a strong Fewer Conduct emotions, appreciate
scientific case for schools Problems The Collaborative for the perspectives of
to integrate social- Less Emotional Academic, Social, and others, develop
emotional learning into all Distress Emotional Learning personal goals,
areas of the curriculum and Academic success (CASEL), is a world learn how to make
teach social and emotional leading organisation responsible decisions
based skills in the that has an evidence and handle
classroom. based approach to interpersonal
advancing relationships and
understanding, conflict.
One of the most The Australian curriculum, school Professor Mark
powerful and Curriculum includes Greenberg, from
social and emotional practice and policy CASEL explains that
cost-effective learning as a general in the area of SEL. when students
interventions is to capability and CASEL organises SEL develop their social
help children recommends its into a framework of and emotional
develop core inclusion accross five interrelated abilities they are
all areas of the more likely to “…settle
social and curriculum. competency areas: down and pay

emotional strengths”. self-awareness,
Professor Mark Greenberg



attention, keep out of the
principal’s office, and reap the
benefits of being in a classroom.
They become more bonded with
peers and healthy adults and they
become more bonded to school
as an institution, and all those skills
lead them, independent of their
I.Q., to be less at risk for problems.”

CASEL research shows that the
success of SEL schools depends
on the implementation of high
quality evidence based programs
that focus on a whole school
approach. Their research shows
that explicit skills instruction,
integration with academic
curriculum areas and teacher
instructional practices are most

In an analysis of 213 quality SEL Findings from the National survey “a school’s
programs, CASEL demonstrated of Mental Health and Wellbeing
outcomes of better academic indicate that as much as one in legacy to
performance, improved attitudes seven children of primary school young
and behaviours, fewer negative age have a mental health issue people
behaviours and reduced emotional such as anxiety, depression, should
distress in students. Several aggression and hyperactivity. include
longitudinal students have The Kids Matter primary school national
documented that SEL programs programs are based on the CASEL values of
implemented in the primary years model, are evidence based and democracy,
of schooling can have a long recognise the importance of equity and
lasting effect, promoting resilience explicitly teaching children justice, and
and school connectedness for specific strategies for recognising personal
students well into their high school and responding to emotions, values and
years. dealing with challenging situations attributes
SEL in Australia and communicating effectively. such as
As schools focus on 21st century SEL in the Australian Curriculum honesty,
learning, SEL may be the key to The Australian Curriculum includes resilience
promoting active, positive and the general capability of personal and respect
confident learners who are and social learning which is based for others”.
informed citizens. on the five organising elements
Kids Matter, an Australian mental set out by CASEL. MELBOURNE DECLARATION
health initiative promotes SEL as The framework is also linked to ON EDUCATIONAL
teaching children essential life skills the Melbourne Declaration on GOALS FOR YOUNG
that support their wellbeing, Goals for Young Australians which AUSTRALIANS
increase their ability to cope, states that ‘a school’s legacy to
prevent mental health problems young people should include
and help them to feel positive national values of democracy,
about themselves and the world equity and justice, and personal
around them. values and attributes such as
The Kids Matter programs were honesty, resilience and respect
developed in response to data for others’.
that suggests mental health
problems are common among
primary school children in Australia.




The Australian Curriculum endorses CASEL
that SEL skills are addressed in all
learning areas and at every stage
in a student’s schooling. Kids Matter
It also recommends that some SEL skills
are explicitly targeted in specifc areas Circle Solutions for schools and Communities
such as Health and Physical Education
and that they address the learning
needs specific to individual students. Evidence supported curriculum based
The Australian Curriculum recognises approaches to SEL:
that SEL supports students to become
“creative and confident individuals Ü Identify skill and teach with a rationale or learning
with a sense of self-worth, intention explaining its relevance in students’ lives.
self-awareness and personal identity
that enables them to manage their Ü Model, teach and explain the skill with clear and
emotional, mental, spiritual and explicit instructions.
physical wellbeing.
Ü Provide students with activities for practice and
Tania Haimon is a Primary Teacher opportunities for feedback.
graduating from RMIT University.
Ü Develop prompts and cues to assist students to use
the skills beyond the classroom.

Teacher toolbox

, For SEL learning use posters, cue cards, visual cues,
signals, role-play, journals, checklists and

Circle Time support Social and Emotional learning

Circle time is the most widely used practices in the promotion of social and emotional learning in schools.
In circle time, students are encouraged to develop their social and emotional learning in a safe and
caring environment through a child centred approach. In circle time students focus on practicing skills
such as listening, expressing themselves, respecting others and problem solving in an environment where
all participants are equal, inclusive and democratic.

Principles of circle time

T.eacher takes the role of facilitator
Students take an active role in their learning and are given
structured opportunities to collaborate and problem solve.
The focus is on positivity and finding strengths and solutions.
Laughter is encouraged.
There is an atmosphere of respect, everyone has a turn and is
encouraged (without pressure) to join in.
There are no put downs, no naming or shaming.
Everyone has an equal voice.
Everyone is important to the circle.


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