monthly Newsletter from
Issue 194 Indian Medical Association, Cochin Branch
October 2019
Message from the President
Dear doctors, n Improve camaraderie among doctors, bring in inter
national standards of patient care including preventive
I consider it a great privilege to be installed as health, emphasise the primary role of the general
president of IMA Cochin. I applaud the exemplary practitioner and streamline referral patterns that will best
efforts of Dr Junaid Rahman, Dr Haneesh and team. help patient care, but keeping local conditions in mind.
My vision is that if each one of us can contribute a As Jeff Bezos of Amazon said, all ideas need not work. But
little bit of our time towards the organisation, we can some ideas work and produce great results. It is hard to say
perform miracles. at the outset which ones will succeed, and which ones won’t.
In addition to innovation, two critical ingredients of success of
The theme of the year I have chosen is : such projects are member participation and enthusiasm.
“Breaking Down Walls”. This means: Some of these projects will take several months to materialise.
I welcome volunteers from doctors for each one of these
n to reduce the barrier between doctors, promote camaraderie projects.
and team spirit, and get academically enriched from each other’s Warm regards ,
clinical experience through the new JCP-IMA journal. Dr Rajeev Jayadevan
n reduce the widening gap between doctors and public by No Horn Days
continuing our innovative health education programmes and Heartbeats
improving doctors communication skills.
See back page for
n reduce the gap between doctors and media by providing accurate detailed report
scientific information that will help counter the rampant rise
of fake news, and work together with the media to deliver MONTHLY MEETING
preventive health messages to the community with an emphasis
on prevention of disease and the benefits of early detection. 30th Oct. 2019 | Wednesday
8.00 pm Meeting called to order
n Most of the themes this year will be based on the IMA Future 8.05 pm Scientific Session
Directions Survey that I did this year to find out the new
directions for IMA. Over 2000 suggestions were analysed. The TOPIC
summary has been sent to all docs and IMA office bearers. 1. Interpretation of DEXA scan -
In addition to continuing the existing programs, we will be launching for general practitioners
several innovations, including Doctor’s Welfare Wing dedicated to Dr Karthik Subramaniam MD, DM (Endo)
take care of the everyday problems that doctors encounter in practice. 2. Secondary Hypertension
Dr Tom Babu MD, DNB (Endo)
Some of the ideas I am bringing on are: 3. Pitfalls in interpreting common
laboratory values
n Launching The JCP-IMA, the Journal of clinical practice. This is Dr Sreevalsan MD (Biochemistry)
a new online medical journal which helps ultra-fast publishing
of case reports. The JCP-IMA allows doctors to share important Meeting supported by
clinical information that will benefit their practice and patient
care. The advantage is academic enrichment from local Silverline Hospital - A centre for
experience, instead of relying on observations from the west.
The details are added in this issue of megaphone. Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrinology
n Starting a Job Bank (India and abroad) to ensure continued CCS Meet for Oct & Nov 2019
employment of doctors and provide career guidance. Date : 24th Oct. | Thursday Venue : City Hospital
Dr. Sanam Basheer (98473 03965)
n Special training classes for doctors on new and relevant topics
Date : 14th November | Thursday Venue : AIMS Hospital
n Training of doctors and healthcare workers in communication Dr. Nisha (98959 72765), Dr. Praveen (94952 47676)
skills and other skills that will improve patient experience
Prof. Dr. Vasantha Nair (Convenor) Dr. Ramesh Shenoy (Co-ordinator)
n Adapt to new technology, newer methods of communication
n Prevention of attacks on doctors
n Strategies to reduce healthcare costs for patients
n Promotion of medical ethics, novel methods being planned
n Rational and economical prescribing, focus how to reduce
treatment costs for patients but while maintaining quality
n Promote doctors health, which has been suffering from neglect, as
doctors are known to take care of everyone else but themselves.
n Bring in new faces, new ideas, thus creating a unique blend
consisting of the energy of the youth, and the experience of seniors.
President Secretary Treasurer
Dr.Rajeev Jayadevan Dr.Salini Sudhindran Dr. Jobi Abraham
Consultant Gastroenterologist No. 8, Ten Huts Villa, Divine Park 4-F, Noel Touchstone Apts, Crash road
Aathira, Aiswarya Lane, Cochin-20 Kakkanad, Cochin 682 037 Vazhakkala, BMC P.O., Cochin-21
Mob: 98471 02221 | [email protected] Mob: 9895052828 | [email protected] Mob: 98462 28250 | [email protected]
Megaphone | October 2019 Scan to discover !
IMA Cochin / Lagoon
Secretary's Message
Mobile App
Dear friends, download link
At the outset I would like to express my deepest Congratulations !
gratitude to the IMA family for electing me as the
secretary along with Dr Rajeev Jayadevan as the Dr. Sheeja Sreenivas elected as chairperson and
president of this prestigious branch. I will definitely Dr. Avani Pillai as Secretary of IMA Cochin Women’s
strive hard to meet the expectations of each one of you Wing (WIMA) for the year 2019-20.
and also to work with integrity and conviction.
Dr Rajesh Kannan (AIMS, Kochi)
I would like to congratulate the outgoing President is elected as General Secretary
Dr Junaid Rahman, Secretary Dr Haneesh M.M. and the other office of Indian Association of Cardiac
bearers for giving us a wonderful IMA year 2018-19. Imaging at the annual meeting
held at Jaipur.
Thank you all for attending the valedictory function of IMA year 2018-19
and the inaugural function of 2019-20.
We solicit support and assisstance from you for executing all the IMA
Projects announced by our president Dr Rajeev Jayadevan especially the
‘IMA JCP’ (IMA Journal of Clinical Practice) which is this years flagship
I am also cordially inviting each and everyone for the monthly CME on
30th of October at 8 pm conducted by Silverline Hospital, Kadavanthara.
I request your support and blessings for the mammoth task ahead. I will
give it my best shot and with your cooperation certainly the future looks
Thanking you,
Dr Salini Sudhindran
Onam celebration by WIMA. Keynote address on ONAM was given by Srikumari Ramachandran, author and writer.
She inaugrated the function and shared the memories of earlier onams.
Dr. lisamma conducted awareness class Self Defence Class by Dr Rajeev Jayadevan Health awarness class to children on
and early cancer detection camp for WIMA members healthy eating by Dr Parvathy
Megaphone | October 2019
The JCP-IMA is ready!!
You may now publish your everyday clinical material THE JCP-IMA ICON ON MOBILE SCREEN
on this ‘new generation’ online journal launched by
IMA Cochin on 29 September 2019. Where can I find it?
What is the purpose of the journal? The website address is -
Dr Rajeev Jayadevan
To provide a common platform for doctors to publish
and share clinically useful information gathered President, IMA Cochin
from their everyday practice. This helps reduce the
knowledge gap between doctors. Terms and conditions
The menu also allows each doctor to access his or The journal is free and meant for use by practitioners
her own personal case collection. Thus, it serves as a of modern modern medicine registered with
personal case diary that can be helpful in seminars Medical Council of India. The author alone is
and presentations. responsible for the validity of the statements. Posts
about experimental or unauthorised treatments,
Who can publish? hypothetical unscientific or potentially misleading
statements and apparently promotional or
All doctors of modern medicine. Medical council defamatory material (although unintentional) will
number and email must be entered at registration. be deleted. The editorial panel reserves the right
to edit or delete any post without the author’s
What can be published? permission. Images and text must not contain any
patient identifying information and must be used
All doctors see cases of teaching value in everyday only with the consent of the patient, which is the
practice, but these cases are soon forgotten due to sole responsibility of the author.
a busy schedule. Any such clinical information that This journal is meant for sharing in good faith
will be helpful for other doctors and patients can be of non peer-reviewed information pertaining to
published here. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a regular medical practice, taking into confidence
dramatic or unusual case. the credibility of the author. It is not a substitute
for a medical textbook or treatment guideline. The
The motto here is SHARE * TEACH * LEARN journal shall not be responsible for the consequences
of future actions taken by any practitioners after
1. Case reports reading the posted content.
2. Adverse reactions
3. Treatment outcomes About us
4. Complications
5. How a diagnosis was made This is a free online medical journal meant for
6. Disease outbreaks doctors of modern modern medicine registered with
7. Clinical Images Medical Council of India. It is an initiative of IMA
8. Practice tips Cochin branch with an aim to improve the practice of
modern medicine by providing a common platform
9. Communication tips for all doctors to share their day-to-day clinical
experiences. A one-time registration is required
10. Ethics matters prior to publishing. The fast interface allows doctors
to instantly publish and share their work, without
What is the format? the long delays that are the norm for conventional
medical journals. It will help accumulate a wealth of
A 300 character limit is preferred as in Twitter; it useful clinical information generated by individual
will help doctors in their daily practice.
readers absorb the material at a glance. However, a
of 600 characters can be accommodated if required.
Longer reports may please be submitted to IMA’s
Medical Journal.
Can I modify my post later?
Yes. You can edit your case after logging in.
Is this an app?
No. The JCP-IMA is a website that doesn’t need an
app to be downloaded. However, using your browser
such as Safari or Chrome, you can download the JCP-
IMA icon on your phone screen for easy one touch
Megaphone | October 2019
Megaphone | September 2019
on Ceremony
Megaphone | October 2019
Breaking Down Walls
The theme for IMA Cochin this year.
Getting to know each other well is a good first step. Posting some pics from our executive committee meeting.
A unique social experiment was used,
where doctors were unexpectedly asked to
introduce the person sitting next to them in
the meeting.
This is a great tool for team building. It is
always more interesting and pleasant to
be introduced by someone else than to
introduce oneself. The pictures speak for
*Theme: to reduce the gap between doctors
and their colleagues to promote teamwork,
and to reduce the gap between doctors and
Dr Rajeev Jayadevan
Meeting with cm
Dr Rajeev Jayadevan was the third to ask a question. Mentioned about IMA’s numerous social projects as well as quality improvement programs
for doctors. Asked about the issue of hospital attacks, specifically focusing on preventing attacks by declaring hospitals as a special zone like the
airports. CM gave an itemised reply in the end. Doctors issue was given plenty of thought and time.
Doctors Health Section - Theme of the month
This the first poster of the IMA year highlighting DOCTORS HEALTH.
This is the most simple version possible of CPR and could save our lives someday.
The question we doctors should ask ourselves is: if any one of us unfortunately
suffered a collapse at our workplace or home, will those around us be able to
resuscitate us?
Unfortunately, most people who go to CPR classes forget the details soon
When the need arises, they frequently don’t know what to do.
This single sentence message is aimed to correct that deficiency.
We will be making several more simple but powerful innovative health tips for
doctors in the coming few months.
Dr Rajeev Jayadevan, President, IMA Cochin
Megaphone | October 2019
Sept. CME : Topic - Hypertension revisited - hypertension in elderly - Dr Geetha philips; Hypertension in pregnancy - Dr Asha Rajan;
Refractive hypertension/resistance - Dr Syamala Menon; Management of hypertension - Dr Jilse george
Dr Philip John on CNN News about ADHD Dr Akhil representing Cochin IMA at NIRVANA, anti Dr Rajeev Jayadevan on World Anaesthesia day
drug and alcohol program for youngsters celebration at IMA house, Kochi - 16.10.2019
Dr Satish Bhat, Dr Zia Mydin and Dr. Mohan George M. sing for the IMA Cultural wing programme Organ donation class for retired employees
at Cherai. Sri Sreekumaran thampi inaugurated. of Hindalco company by Dr. Abraham Varghese
The participants of essay competition on National Blood Donation day celebrated in Dr Letha, Pro Vice Chancellor, Jain University
Safe Blood Donation held in connection with association with Rotary Club of Cochin Milan inaugurating National Blood donation day
National Blood donation day with Blood Bank celebrations at IMA Blood bank , Cochin in
presence of IMA State President Dr M.E. Sugathan
Staff & guests at IMA Blood Bank Cochin.
Dr Sunny Orathel takes over as Chairman of Dr Junaid, Dr Najeeb and the HEARTBEATS Guardian Angels accreditation certificate
DWW: Doctors Welfare Wing of Cochin IMA team discussing the BLS mega project
World mental health day HMs and Principals of schools meeting for Heart Beats
by Ernakulam Psychiatric Society
Megaphone | October 2019
World Record Attempt
November 16 is the big day : HEART BEATS - We are training 35,000 school
students of Ernakulam District on Hands-Only-CPR in one day!
The revival status of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in India is unacceptably low. This
is primarily because over 85% of such events occur in locations outside of
hospitals, and the public is not aware of CPR. IMA Cochin along with District
Administration has joined hands with Angels international, NHM, District Legal
Service Authority, with the single aim of introducing CPR into the hearts of the
public. We want each citizen to become a capable life saver if and when the need
As 35,000 students are trained in a day, the event has become an official Guinness
World Record Attempt as well as Best of India record. The students trained during
the event are from 9th grade to 12th gtade. After the event, we expect each school to start a Heartbeats club, so
that the knowledge of hands-only-CPR becomes part of the curriculum.
Our hope is that the idea of such an event spreads
throughout our country, and the percentage of survival
would improve.
The event is scheduled to take place on November 16th
2019 from 8 am to 5 pm at CIAL Convention Centre,
This event is one of the major IMA projects launched by
Dr Junaid Rahman.
After two successful “No Horn campaigns” Silent Zones Day 2 | Nov. 2nd
in 2016 & 2017 this is the third time we along MG Road,
are observing the No Horn days. Our aim identified by IMA * A u d i o l o g y
this year is to enforce Silent Zone (No Horn screening and
Zone) in Cochin wherever they are allowed A w a r en e s s
lawfully. We want to push the concept of NO campaign among
HORN wherever possible. As per law, 100 bus drivers to be done by AOI Cochin.
metres from the perimeter of all Hospitals,
Edicational Institutions, Courts and Religious * Students from SCMS will campaign
places are Silent Zones where no horn is among drivers and public with placards
allowed. and pamphlets.
November 1,2,3 will be observed as No Horn Day 3 | November 3rd | 9 - 10 am
Days Kochi by IMA Cochin - NISS in association at Panampily Nagar
with AOI, SCMS and other educational
institutions, District Administration, Motor • A large housing colony - Panampily Nagar
Vehicle Departments, EDRAC, Radio and to be declared as “No Horn Zone” by the
other media. Panampily Nagar Welfare Association.
The proposed programme is as follows : • Manorama junction hoarding to be
unveiled declaring “No Horn Zone” with
Day 1 | November 1st | “Kerala Piravi day “ Mayor, MLA, GCDA chairman along with
association members.
• Public meeting at North end of M.G. road.
• Procession in main avenue and finally
• Students will be deployed along sixteen public meeting at Central park with public
points of the 4.4 kms of M.G. road participation, Schools, Residents etc.
where the ‘No Horn boards’ are to be
put up holding placards and distributing Dr V.D. Pradeepkumar Dr M. Narayanan
pamphlets and also in bus stands and
petrol pumps. Chairman, IMA-NISS Programme Co-ordinator
• Audiology screening for auto drivers Dr Geetha nair Dr Abraham K. Paul
parked in front of the respective hospitals.
Convenor, IMA-NISS
IMA House, J.N. International Stadium Road, Palarivattom P.O., Cochin 682 025 Ph : 9961648800, 92495 78466 Email : [email protected] Website :
Printed & published by IMA Cochin for circulation among IMA members only. designed & produced by pixel studio@98460 38143