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Published by BKCOB, 2017-08-23 06:23:58

BKCOB CSI Guide 2015


AAer 32 years in business, Red Alert has come to uphold two tested truths –
Excellence Counts, and People Maaer.

In In an age where excellence is something of a glib and elusive term oAen thrown
out to impress the person on the other side of the table, Red Alert has learnt
that to do what you do with passion, pride and an astute aaennon to detail is to
truly live up to the word excellence.

But let’s stop there for a minute. Imagine a world where excellence was
all-consuming. Where would people fit into the equanon? Quite simply, they
wouldn’t – mostly because people (yes, all of us) are a work in progress –
learning, growing, sharing best pracnce, and in the process becoming excellent.
In South Africa, the progress of some has been obstructed in some way making
excellence an impossible pursuit for them. To uphold excellence without
upholding people would make excellence a liability in South Africa – and the
marginalized people among us would pay the heaviest price. In fact, for
excellence to increase, it needs to be balanced by compassion and a willingness
to accelerate the progress of those who have been held back.

Red Alert wishes to express its grantude to the Border-Kei Chamber of Business
for publishing the CSI Handbook as a guide to businesses as they seek to invest
a pornon of their limited resources into the revitalizanon of our region’s
economy. Many will know that not every social investment made is a good one,
and many a good faith donanon has yielded no tangible impact. With the help of
the CSI Handbook and the forthcoming Database of Verified Non-Profit
Organisanons in the Border-Kei region, we are set to make some high-impact
social i
social investments that will snmulate socio-economic health in our area.


AAer 32 years in business, Red Alert has come to uphold two tested truths –
Excellence Counts, and People Maaer.

In In an age where excellence is something of a glib and elusive term oAen thrown
out to impress the person on the other side of the table, Red Alert has learnt
that to do what you do with passion, pride and an astute aaennon to detail is to
truly live up to the word excellence.

But let’s stop there for a minute. Imagine a world where excellence was
all-consuming. Where would people fit into the equanon? Quite simply, they
wouldn’t – mostly because people (yes, all of us) are a work in progress –
learning, growing, sharing best pracnce, and in the process becoming excellent.
In South Africa, the progress of some has been obstructed in some way making
excellence an impossible pursuit for them. To uphold excellence without
upholding people would make excellence a liability in South Africa – and the
marginalized people among us would pay the heaviest price. In fact, for
excellence to increase, it needs to be balanced by compassion and a willingness
to accelerate the progress of those who have been held back.

Red Alert wishes to express its grantude to the Border-Kei Chamber of Business
for publishing the CSI Handbook as a guide to businesses as they seek to invest
a pornon of their limited resources into the revitalizanon of our region’s
economy. Many will know that not every social investment made is a good one,
and many a good faith donanon has yielded no tangible impact. With the help of
the CSI Handbook and the forthcoming Database of Verified Non-Profit
Organisanons in the Border-Kei region, we are set to make some high-impact
social i
social investments that will snmulate socio-economic health in our area.

CSI as part of core business


What is CSI ? Corporate Social Investment • Predominantly or entirely focused
refers to a company’s contributions (cash on disadvantaged individuals and
and non-cash) to people, organisations communities.
or communities that are external to the • Excludes commercial sponsorship but
company and should transform to the may form a developmental arm of
following broad criteria: commercial sponsorship.
• Excludes contributions to employees • It is not marketing or public
but may include input or giving relations orientated but requires a
to families of employees or local communications element.
communities from which employees or • May be constituted as a Foundation
local communities are drawn or where or Trust or form a company line
they live. department.

FAMSA Border

MISSION: To support individuals, families,
organisations, communities and society to build,
restore and sustain functional relationships

effective Non-Profit Organisation which strives to
provide services to the previously marginalised
and disadvantaged urban-rural communities of
the impoverished Eastern Cape Province.

FAMSA’s outgoing vision is to actively participate
in the protection and preservation of family life.
The reason for this is that the family is the main
role player for the nurturing of healthy and sound
ethics, behaviors and social values. Families are
the main socialising agent for their members and
it is with the family that morals and values are

Our Primary focus is on

prevention, early intervention
and treatment, where at
least 80% of our services are
delivered on this level

CONTACT DETAILS: Our programmes include Parenting, Community
263 Oxford street Awareness, Abusive Relationships, Marriage and
East London
043 743 8277 Relationship Counselling, Divorce Mediation and
[email protected] Pre-pare & Enrich.

16 | Corporate Social Investment Handbook

Masithethe Counselling Services

Masithethe Counselling Services is a Non-
Profit and Public Benefit Organisation that
was established on the 15 March 1985 as
LifeLine East London. Our ultimate goal
is to build resilience in individuals and our
diverse communities through the provision of
psychosocial support, training and community

Our psychosocial support services include
generic lay counselling, trauma debriefing and
support, and HIV counselling and testing (HCT).
Our services target both children and adults
and since opening our doors 29 years ago we
have provided lay counselling to over 418 000
Buffalo City residents.
We have provided lay
counselling to over 418 000
Buffalo City residents

We offer personal skills development
in the form of Personal Growth and
Communication Skills Training to both teen
and adult community members and present
Education and Awareness sessions on a
diverse range of issues i.e. suicide, rape, all
forms of gender based violence, grief, stress, CONTACT DETAILS:
anger management, training of emerging 3 St James Road
organisations in governance and management Southernwood
East London
of NPOs etc. We co-ordinate the Thursdays 043 743 7266
In-Black-Campaign working towards a world [email protected]
without rape and violence.

Corporate Social Investment Handbook | 17

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