An initiative by the Border-Kei Chamber of Business
African Angels
Angels Orphanage Project
Berea Gardens Retirement Foundation
Carel Du Toit Centre
CATCH Projects
Child Welfare South Africa
Childline South Africa
Christian Social Services
The Daily Bread Missions Charitable Trust
Good Samaritan
Guardians of Hope
Gwebindlala HIV/AIDS Organisation
Helping Those In Need
Hope Schools
Ikamvelihle Rehabilitation Centre
Jack & Jill Educare Centre
Khulisani Day Care Centre
Land of The Living
Loaves and Fishes Network
Masithethe Counselling Services
The Restore Trust
SANCA Central Eastern Cape
Siyakhana Health Trust
Sophumelela Centre
St Bernard’s Hospice
Symphonia South Africa
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
A CSI Task Team, under the banner of the comes at a very opportune time when NGOs are
Border-Kei Chamber of Business, has been the facing huge funding cuts from the public sector,
central pillar of ensuring that the Eastern Cape many of whom are forced to either close down, or
becomes the funding destination for Corporate drastically reduce operations. The ultimate effect
Social Investment in South Africa. This passion is that many beneciaries will lose that much
was birthed out of the demographics of the needed social services to address issues faced by
Eastern Cape, of which out of a population of the most vulnerable in our province. The CSI Task
over 7 million people, there are over 2.7 million Team is proud to launch the 2020 edition at a time
children alone who depend on social grants. when business and the private sector are looking at
This means that close to 50 percent of our ways in which to increase their CSI funding to
population is welfare dependent in a province NGOs in the Eastern Cape, hence improving the
that is already experiencing poverty levels lives of the masses of our people.
which are below the bread line and remains The CSI Task Team is made up of mainly private
third highest in South Africa in terms of the sector partners who work in business, many of
human poverty index. Private sector and NGO whom run their own businesses, giving up much of
believe that social enterprising is a catalytic their time as part of the CSI contribution as well as
vehicle for socio economic transformation if we their technical expertise. The sterling efforts of the
are to change the landscape of our province for CSI Task Team supported by the BKCOB make this
generations to come. publication possible. Special mention must be
The CSI Task team, since 2014 has embarked made of the initiators of this project, Michelle
on an innovative model through the launch of Cloete, Gavin Ferreira, Michele Kay, Carey-Lyn
the CSI Guide, which serves as a bridge builder Kurten, and Rooks Moodley – who gave up their
between private sector and people (Non- valuable time to make this guide possible.
Governmental Organisations), hence forefront of the development agenda. 2020
promoting community philanthropy. During remains very signicant as both the private sector
this period, the CSI Task Team has embarked on and NGOs have been impacted by the Corona Virus
a number of activities to put CSI at the forefront Pandemic. However, we are of the view that our
of the development agenda. 2020 remains social conscious will organically lead the way to
very signicant as both the private sector and ensure that society must succeed so business can
NGOs have been impacted by the Corona Virus succeed too. The 2020 CSI Guide comes at a very
Pandemic. However, we are of the view that opportune time when NGOs are facing huge
our social conscious will organically lead the funding cuts from the public sector, many of whom
way to ensure that society must succeed so are forced to either close down, or drastically
business can succeed too. The 2020 CSI Guide reduce operations. The ultimate effect is that
many beneciaries will lose that much needed
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Will the fact that the Eastern Cape is the second Secondly, in our social environment we
poorest Province change in the next ve years. One urge business and citizen’s caution. Caution because
doubts this very much. It is however more accurate to there are so many fraudsters, and corruption is
say, the Eastern Cape has more people living below everywhere. We all know about the “car that has
the poverty line, than every Province, save one. It is broken down,” and the “baby that has no food.” We
also true that this need not be the case and making a advocate sensible and considered giving – and not
difference falls upon we who are above that line. In without conditions or caution. Our
this edition, for which the Chamber is very proud, we collaboration with the NGO Coalition is a
once again turn to rst and foremost the message strategic one, and we believe the same applies for
about Corporate Social Investment – or generally them too. Thirdly, give generously. There is no case
understood as CSI. Firstly it is possible to be where the care and support does not come back to
successful in giving to causes that touch your heart. reward you in bucket full’s. Remember, you, and who
In Chamber we believe that a collective and knows how many people will know that you made a
constructive approach to helping achieves much difference. You fed a hungry and undernourished
more than just taking R100 from Petty Cash and baby, or helped educate the / a disadvantaged and
donating it to the rst person that you feel compelled abandoned person. You will be blessed in return – but
to help. if you give wisely, even more so!
Secondly, in our social environment we
urge business and citizen’s caution. Caution
because there are so many fraudsters, and
corruption is everywhere. We all know about
the “car that has broken down,” and the “baby
Warm regards,
Executive Director | BKCOB
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Afesis-corplan is a progressive, non-governmental Afesis-corplan strives to encourage
organisation that has contributed to community-driven communities to become more self-reliant by:
development and good local governance Ÿ Raising awareness and building capacity in civil
in South Africa since 1992.
Afesis-corplan works with a broad range of society organisations to enable them to remain
stakeholders, including non-governmental effective and vigilant.
organisations (NGOs), community-based Ÿ Piloting and demonstrating alternative
organisations (CBOs), low-income communities, approaches of engaging with government and
municipal councillors and ofcials, Provincial and implementing community driven development.
National Governments, development practitioners, Ÿ Promoting participatory democracy and good
partner NGOs as well as regional and international governance practices and community-driven
NGO networks. development.
Afesis-corplan focuses on good governance,
sustainable settlement, development Afesis-corplan exists to advise, educate, inform and
facilitation and public awareness. uplift low-income communities and act as a catalyst
for sustainable development and democratic
CONTACT DETAILS: governance.
Nontando Ngamlana
043 743 3830 Afesis-corplan’s vision is of a self-reliant society in
[email protected] which people have equitable access to resources,
9 Wynne Street, Southernwood, and institutions are an expression of people’s needs
East London, 5201 and aspirations.
NPO NO. 022-708 Afesis-corplan’s mission is to achieve good local
governance and sustainable settlements through
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020 participatory methods that empower communities of
the Eastern Cape and beyond.
Afesis-corplan’s principles include:
• Environmental Sustainability
• Gender Equality
• HIV/Aids Eradication
• Poverty Reduction
Angels Orphanage
Angels Orphanage is an NGO based in Scenery Park,
East London. It was founded in 2005 by two ladies
who identied the need for such an organisation in the
caters for neglected, abused, orphaned and
vulnerable children. They also give referrals,
which link the children to healthcare.
Ÿ To assist and address the challenges of vulnerable,
homeless and orphaned children by providing
shelter, clothes and food.
Ÿ To give motherly care and support to
disadvantaged children.
Ÿ To provide a place where children will be loved
and cared for.
Ÿ To give children a good foundation
Ÿ To develop them holistically – physically,
intellectually and spiritually
The place is fenced for safety and security
reasons. We do have a garden in which we plant
vegetables so that they can eat a healthy meal.
We do not have enough space to play games or
enough rooms for our children.
Xolelwa Yvonne Kilani
073 823 6212
[email protected]
37181 Phase 1, Scenery Park,
East London, 5247
NPO NO. 054-676
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
African Angels
The African Angels Independent School in Chintsa East, SCHOOL HOSTEL - PROTECTING
Eastern Cape, has 142 learners enrolled, between
grades R-8. African Angels are relentless in their quest OUR GIRLS
to see each
child reach their full potential and grow into ne South “The best thing about living in the
African citizens, able to hope for a better future, hostel is I’m not at home when the
because of the education bad things happen.”
they have received at the school. A 12-year old girl who lives at the African Angels
The school has seen learners achieve high school Hostel. In 2020, 35 girls aged 10 - 14 years live in our
bursaries into quality high schools, homely school hostel,
such as the Oprah Winfrey Leadership from Monday to Friday during school terms.
Academy(Johannesburg), Selborne College (East In 2019 we surveyed our girls and found that 69% do
London), Diocesan School for Girls (Grahamstown) and not have running water inside their home, and 74%
Queens College (Queenstown). do not have a ushing toilet inside their house. This
All of the learners are from vulnerable backgrounds, means most of the girls must go to the bathroom
and many are orphans. School fees are minimal and outside their
over 50% of learners have their school fees sponsored houses in the bush as there are no pit toilets or public
by individuals. The school receives no Government latrines in Chintsa.
funding 46% of the girls see a drunk person
in their village every day;
23% of girls said they do not feel safe in their own
homes. Providing safe, clean homely
accommodation for our girls means they have a safe
place to learn, grow and study, so they can reach their
full potential and break the cycle of poverty they were
Lou Billet
+27(0) 76 555 4711
[email protected]
Schai Road, Chintsa East
East London, 5259
NPO 061-372.
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Berea Gardens The Foundation is self-funding aside from a
limited government subsidy to the Service
Retirement Foundation Centre. Many retirees are outliving their
retirement funds and the provision of more
Founded in 1974, Berea Gardens Retirement subsidised accommodation will become
Foundation has established itself as one of the premier imperative in the future. The reality is that it
providers of retirement accommodation and services in will not happen without signicant donor
South Africa. Situated in the heart of East London, funding. Two key special funds are operated
Berea Gardens is both a Non-prot Company and by the Foundation: The Needy Pensioners
Public Benet Organisation providing high quality Fund, which primarily subsidises frail care for
economic and sub-economic accommodation and social pensioners, and the Development Fund
services to its residents and members of its Service which earmarks money for expanding the
Centre. Foundation’s accommodation facilities.
Accommodation is offered both on a rental basis and
on a unique life-right endowment scheme. Sub-
economic accommodation, including that for
pensioners on a state pension, is available on a rental
basis only in the Berea Gardens Residence and is
heavily subsidised by the Foundation. Subsidised
accommodation is limited to residents of Buffalo City.
The Foundation has assisted-living and frail care
facilities at its Lily Kirchmann Complex in the heart of
the main campus in Berea.
Limited assisted-living facilities are also available at the
Stirling Lodge Complex. The Service Centre has been
called “the heart” of Berea Gardens and provides a
wide variety of services, hobbies, activities and
outreach opportunities to its members.
Mike Schulze
043 726 5319 / 072 214 7719
[email protected]
62 Jarvis Road,
Berea, East London
NPO NO. 011-242 NPO
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Carel du Toit Centre
The Carel du Toit Centre is a pre-primary school where Mr Blumberg's work was supported by Professor
deaf children from birth to school going age are taught Carel du Toit in Cape Town who was also pursuing
how to speak using the Auditory-Verbal method. the auditory-verbal method and the two became
Deaf children who learn to speak using the methods lifelong friends. In 1998, the Carel du Toit satellite for
implemented at the Centre, have a much higher chance the Eastern Cape was established in East London and
of being integrated into society as a whole and incorporated the Theodore Blumberg Clinic. Thus the
achieving their full potential as adults. work begun by these two great pioneers in the eld
In 1964 Mr Theodore Blumberg, whose daughter had of Deaf Education was continued.
been diagnosed with severe hearing loss, began a
small clinic in East London with the help of a therapist. The Carel du Toit Centre has become the only Centre
He was determined to pursue a new system of teaching available where children who are hearing impaired
deaf children to speak. This was called the Auditory- can receive the help they need. The main ethos of
Verbal Method and involved encouraging deaf children the Centre is focused on assisting hearing impaired
to learn to listen and then speak, through a and language delayed children to learn to speak so
combination of technology and intensive language that they can be integrated into mainstream
therapy. educational facilities. Children come from as far
away as Peddie, Fort Beaufort, Queenstown and
Comvaba. Our central locality means that
audiologists and speech therapists are easily
accessible should their advice and expertise be
Paula Kumm (Principal)
084 645 1829/043 742 1420
[email protected]
1 Cheltenham Road
Selborne, East London
149-159 NPO
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
CATCH Projects
CATCH was founded 15 years ago by the current
Director Sue Davies. In 2003 Mercedes Benz of SA
bought the big and beautiful site from which we work.
CATCH exists purely to care for the poor and vulnerable
children of Mzamomhle informal settlement. We work
on the principle of consistent and long term
involvement in the lives of the children in order to
increase physical, emotional and social resilience.
Activities take place daily at Catch, which are aimed at
diverting children away from destructive behaviours.
CATCH provides meals for the 500 children who visit
every week. A newly implemented CATCH intervention
is the Family Preservation Programme which seeks to
alleviate the distress of children in the poorest and
most vulnerable families. CATCH works with each
member in every family where there are challenges of
substance abuse, HIV, child neglect and gross poverty.
The aim is to work alongside families to promote self
sustainability. As long as families are willing to
participate and develop their innate strengths CATCH
has pledged to remain with them and the children until
the ultimate goal of self sustainability is reached. For
the future, we dream of having a multidisciplinary
healing centre, a good Early Childhood Development
Programme, and a Digital School.
Sue Davies
043 740 0625 / 073 021 4595
[email protected]
40 Gullsway, Gonubie,
East London 5257
NPO NO. 029956
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Child Welfare - E.L
Our dream is to have a child protection response in Vision
every community, starting with our member Enriched communities for the wellbeing of
organisations, then every ward of different local children
Child Welfare South Africa: East London (CWSA: EL) is a Engaging in social development to protect the
registered non-prot organisation which was started in best interest of children:
1916 by churches and women’s societies as a Women’s • Social mobilisation
and Girls Shelter. It has developed into a child • Community development
protection organisation. CWSA: EL strives to provide a • Advocacy
holistic and integrated service towards the • Prevention programmes
communities of • Capacity building
East London targeting children and families of
diverse cultures.
Soraya Leeuw
043 722 1258 / 081 482 6991
[email protected]
or [email protected]
50 Belgravia Crescent,
Southernwood, East London, 5213
NPO NO. 003-492
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Childline E.C - S.A
Childline Eastern Cape is a non-prot organization that
works collectively to protect children from all forms of
violence and to create a culture of children’s rights in
the Eastern Cape.
The purpose of Childline EC is to provide a prevention
and early intervention 24 hour toll-free counselling and
referral service in the Eastern Cape for children and
adults with concerns about children. Its mission is to
raise awareness and conduct educational programmes
for the prevention of violence and abuse against
children, while educating children about the
responsibilities that come with those rights.
The organisation also aims to build community
networks that will support vulnerable children and
orphans and enhance responses to referrals of these
children via the provision of inter-sector training on
working together within the applicable legislative and
policy frameworks.
Bongiwe Mbengashe
043 722 1382 / 084 382 1475
[email protected]
12 Cli ord Street, Quigney,
East London, 5219
NPO NO. 143-559
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Christian Social they can take their medication. This reduces
Services (CMR) the chance of su erers defaulting and enabling
them to live healthier, longer lives.
Christian Social Services (CMR) has been serving
hurt children and families in East London quietly, We are a registered NGO and NPO as well as
consistently and reliably since 1955. a Section 18(a) (PBO) company and a trusted
welfare organization in the city with an
In addition to child protection, preventative unblemished record of service.
services, and adoptions, we also run a safe
house for abused women and their children. How can you help?
Victory House serves communities across the There are many ways to get involved but it
race, religious and social spectrum and o ers depends on your area of interest. Give us a
intense therapeutic services to help women call, come and see what we do, and join our
get back on their feet, o ering hope and a way mailing list for regular updates.
out of abuse.
We want to grow our services and we can
Our food gardens and agri-hubs in the densely only do this in partnership with others who
populated semi-urban areas of Reeston, want to change our country for the better.
Mzamom’hle and Ducats, where many live in
extreme poverty, serve to o er tangible hope
and skills. The project ensures that people
living with TB and HIV have access food so that
Gaye Moonieya
043 722 6104 / 083 784 5356
[email protected]
or [email protected]
9 Gordon Road,
Southernwood, 5213
NPO NO. 003-638
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Patricia Gunn
Cotlands is a non-prot early childhood 043 722 0060
development organisation addressing the [email protected]
education and social crisis by establishing early Unit B13 B, BKB Building,
learning playgroups and toy libraries in poor Fitzpatrick Rd, East London
communities to serve vulnerable children aged NPO NO. 000 - 849
birth to six.
In East London our project reaches hundreds of
children, who access our four hour high impact
learning playgroups twice a week. The two- to
four-year-old playgroup gives children access
to early learning opportunities through play.
Our programmes are based on best practice
principles designed to ensure the holistic
development of the children we serve.
A nutritious breakfast and lunch is provided for
each child attending early learning playgroups.
In some instances Cotlands prepares the meal
but, wherever possible, we have partnered
with existing feeding schemes. The early
learning playgroups are presented by an early
learning facilitator (ELF). To ensure quality and
minimise risks, each ELF has an assistant – an
unemployed youth from the community who
has an interest in ECD. To provide an integrated
service to our children, a nurse and social
worker visit the early learning groups regularly.
We also run a toy library in East London.
Cotlands believes that if every child had access
to a toy library that provides high quality
early learning play opportunities, he or she
would have the required foundation to make
it through formal schooling, pass matric, gain
employment or continue their studies and
contribute to the economic development of
our country.
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
The Daily Bread Our mission is clear-cut, urgent and simple…
Missions Charitable Trust • Love them genuinely
• Nurture and nourish them
Daily Bread Child and Youth Care Centre • Empower them to deal with the pain of
was founded in 1987 with its focus is on
orphans and vulnerable children. The their past and to forgive
home is distinguished by its campus, large • Give them employable skills and good
grounds and open spaces providing a natural
environment for children to learn and grow. schooling
• Surround them with friends
Daily Bread: • Teach them about values, decisions and
• is a trust registered as aNon-Prot
Organisation • Return them to society with immeasurably
• has strong and sound nancial and
more than they had when they rst arrived
corporate governance
• is registered for Section 18(A) tax Daily Bread does not exist to be a children’s
home only, we live by “he who refreshes
deductions and exempt from income tax another will himself be refreshed”. We
therefore reach out to the local community
Daily Bread is home for 60 children who are through practical deeds of compassion,
placed there through an order of the court. specically to the local Fort Grey Primary
School and Needs Camp area.
Irma Joubert
043 736 4001 / 073 192 2047
[email protected]
Mount Coke Road, (R346),
East London District
NPO NO. 069-905
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
FAMSA Border
(East London)
FAMSA Border (East London) is a Non- Prot
Organisation (NPO) committed to building
sound relationships in families and in
communities. This is because disintegrating
families in crisis impact on the well-being and
productivity of society as a whole. FAMSA’s
mission therefore is to support individuals,
families, organisations, communities
and society to build, restore functional
FAMSA Services are based on holistic
approach and deals with issues on a
therapeutic, educative and preventative level
comprising of the following services: • Training: The training department has
continued to provide consistent and high
• Counselling Services to people and families
quality facilitation of programmes for both
at risk of disintegration. lay counsellors and professionals.
• Mediation: we o er Mediation Services • Community Services :The focus is on
educational shorter talks and specic
which includes the development of awareness campaigns addressing specic
social ills with which community is faced with.
parenting plan in accordance with the New
Child Care Act. Thozama Sishuba
043 743 8577/8277 / 083 556 6370
• Positive Parenting: Parents sharing the [email protected]
or [email protected]
task of raising and nurturing the children 263 Oxford Street, East London, 5201
NPO NO. 003-499
depositing values and life skills.
• Fatherhood: Ensuring the importance of a
father’s engagement with his child life.
• Abusive Relationships: Ensuring that
couples and families are in healthy
relationships and are aware of abusive
behaviours within a relationship.
• Prepare-Enrich: Helping Couples to
plan for marriage and deal with their
di erences.
• Trauma Debrieng: Helping people who
have gone through traumatic incidents.
• Education for Living (life skills): This
include self- awareness, family values, good
communication, assertiveness, managing
conict etc. empowering school children
on how to handle life generally.
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Good Samaritan These children are legally placed at the centre
in terms of the provision of the child care
The Good Samaritan Child and Youth Care act (Act No38 of 2005).They attend schools /
Centre provides residential intervention preschools in the surrounding communities
services to children that are in need of and are also involved in sporting activities. The
care. The centre is presently registered to di erent programmes and services that are
accommodate 50 children. The children get rendered at the centre are holistic in nature.
to live in a normal home environment; with
full involvement, and participation in age Since May 2009 our organisation engaged in
appropriate responsibilities. a Preventative Care programme .The project
Legally and ideally these children are meant emerged as a result of school visits done
to be in the centre for a period not exceeding by Child Care Workers from our centre and
two years. The Centre has been in existence home visits done by the Social Worker and
as a residential care facility since 1996. It was Programme Manager. Its aim is to empower
established when it became apparent that families to help themselves, and so lay
there were no facilities for orphaned children the foundations for a strong independent
in the area. community.
Good Samaritan uses a Model that ts the
needs of this community. Many children
are reunied with their families, Parents are
rehabilitated and empowered, spread of
diseases and re-infection is minimised.
Through interaction with families that are
characterised by di erent life challenges;
we target the key members in a family and
build or enhance their capacity by doing
various therapeutic Interventions, training and
capacity building. The major challenge of this
powerful programme, are funds to sustain it in
terms of Personnel and transport.
Ntombizodwa Mtwa-Mtyobo
043 761 2331/ 078 985 8123
[email protected]
or [email protected]
9674 NU 4, Mdantsane
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Organisation Portia Mngadi
043 762 5742 / 073 308 0122
GWEBINDLALA HIV/AIDS Organization was [email protected]
founded in August 2004 by two community or [email protected]
members who shared a concern about the D 255 N.U. 9, Mdantsane, 5219
large number of people who were dying from NPO NO. 046-835
HIV/AIDS and those who faced rejection from
their families and immediate communities.
They started by making a garden with 12 other
members so that the sick could be provided
with fresh produce.
Our Vision
To see our clients living longer lives by
providing them with proper education on
health issues and lifestyle.
Mission Statement
To provide training to families of PWAs and the
community at large, thereby giving hope for a
longer life to PWAs through home based care
and good nutrition.
We Provide
• Home based care
• Counselling services
• Awareness campaigns: TI, STI’s, HIV/AIDS
• cancer orphans and vulnerable children
• Cleaning client’s homes
• Education about the importance of exercise
• Gardening
• Beadwork
• Sewing
• Soup kitchen
• Physiotherapy
• Health promotion
Our Target Market
Our primary target markets are individual
households, PWAs, AIDS orphans, TB su ers
and TB orphans.
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Guardians of Hope
Place of Safety 202-855 NPO • 930061923 PBO
Our mission is to care for vulnerable babies and help
nd them loving family’s.
Guardians of Hope Place of Safety was established on
01 July 2017. The home can take care of 6 babies,
however with the inux of abandonment can at times
have up to 12 babies. We provide a home, love, and
care to abandoned, destitute and babies given up for
adoption. Where-ever possible we seek and support
family reunication. Where this is not possible, we
support permanent fostering and adoption.
The babies are between newborn and eighteen months
of age. The home is beautifully laid out to ensure that all
the baby needs spiritually, emotionally, physically and
mentally are catered for. The babies are placed in our
care through Christelike Maatskaplike Raad (CMR) and
Social Development.
“Alone we can do so little,
together we can do so much”
Helen Keller
Elaine Brenkman
082 487 4406 / 043 735 1303
[email protected]
2 Willasdale Drive Bonnie Doon
East London
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Helping Those In Need
Helping those in Need was founded on the verse….
Matthew 25:35-36
Our Mission Outline
1. Providing meals to families & individuals
(we provide to those who desperately want to make
a change in their lives & we walk with those families
and individuals until they have started walking
on their own feet again.
2. Supporting mothers & infants (discourage abandonment)
3. Helping in other community projects
-Feeding Projects
-Providing Clothing
-Soup kitchens
-Providing Gifts to Families & Children in need (Birthdays ,
Easter & Christmas)
4. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus with every home we try
to reha-bilitate trying to encourage the 10 commandments,
no theft, no murder, and no adultery, this is where society
fails us.
5. Monthly community outreach's, with the hope of
bringing other NPO's, NGO's or organizations together
to take part with helping those in need( ministering,
providing a meal, helping those in the community)
6. Having fun days with children in need (beach, zoo, aquarium)
7. Visiting schools & churches educating & creating
an awareness of what's happening in and around our city.
(Poverty, Joblessness, Drug addiction, Teen pregnancy, etc.).
8. We run a safe house for severely abused and raped children
Marion Peak
072 348 4528
[email protected]
6, Jarvis Road, East London, 5247
186-433 NPO
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Hope Schools The building project is an exciting part of our
development that is totally reliant on funding
Hope Schools is a registered NPO and caters from donors. We still need to build the
for children who are a ected by HIV from 4 intermediate phase block, (Grades 4—7), art
disadvantaged communities of East London room and music rooms.
(Amalinda Forest, Duncan Village, Reeston
and Scenery Park). Our two schools, Little We o er the opportunity for the public
Sparklers Educare and Hope Preparatory (businesses, individuals or groups) to sponsor
School make up Hope Schools. Together we a student and journey with them through his/
care for and educate over 230 learners from her schooling years. It costs R1360 per month
Grade 00 up to Grade 8. (R680 part-sponsor per month) per child. By
securing sponsorship for each of our learners,
Vision - Constrained by the love of Jesus we we are securing the running and sustainability
want to see the brightest possible future for of the school.
children who are a ected by HIV/AIDS.
Hope Schools relies on the generosity of
Mission - dedicated and compassionate others in order to exist and do an excellent
sta provide an excellent education and job with what has been provided. We have
holistic care for our children throughout their an amazing voluntary Board of Governors
schooling years. who oversee the school. If you would like
to get involved and help provide the gift of
Each school day our children receive a cooked education please contact us.
breakfast and cooked lunch as well as two
snacks. This ensures they receive the nutrition
they need in order to stay healthy. Our
children are fetched from and dropped o at
their homes daily by our four buses to ensure
our children get to and from school safely.
Michele Kay or Nigel Raw
043 745 0430 / 074 957 0214
[email protected]
or [email protected]
Voortrekker Road, West of
Johnson & Johnson, Dawn
NPO NO. 099-528
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Rehabilitation Centre
This project was initiated in February 2002 The high infection rate of HIV and AIDS
by the concerned community members and resulted to an increased number of orphans
HIV/AIDS infected and a ected groups. It and poverty in the community, which raised
was registered as an NPO in 2003, aimed at the need to establish home based care. The
promoting comprehensive care and support project started with only one Programme
services to people infected with HIV and Aids, carried through by ten members who were
TB patients, Orphans and Vulnerable Children, promoting friendly visits to those infected
Child Headed Households, and needy families. with HIV & AIDS through home visits. They also
identify and assess the needs of orphans and
CONTACT DETAILS: other vulnerable children.
Bulelwa Zilwana
043 762 2264 / 084 811 5441 Currently NPO has developed into ve
khanyanc@bu Programmes namely;
or [email protected] • Home based Care Programme,
2289 NU 7, Mdantsane , 5219 • Support Group Programme,
NPO NO. 027-415 • Soup Kitchen & Food parcels /
21 Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020 Nutrition Programme,
• Material Support / School Uniform
and Clothing Programme
• Educational Awareness Campaign
ITEC Mathematics and Science
• In the Intermediate Phase, we work with
What does ITEC do?
ITEC has been supporting education and teachers and children to develop a love of
development in the Eastern Cape for 30 years. maths and science
Our core focus is on children from birth to • At high school level, we provide SACE-
about 12 years. Our key programmes are: approved maths and science workshops
for teachers
Early childhood development • We o er an enrichment programme for
• We train practitioners to support the Grade 12 students from disadvantaged
development of the young children they
are responsible for ITEC’s accredited computer training courses
• We train home visitors to interact with contribute to the organisation’s sustainability.
parents and children
• We help practitioners promote emergent Why do we do what we do?
literacy, and develop and use exciting Book Research shows that paying attention to
Areas the youngest children returns huge rewards
to society. We believe that strengthening
Literacy and reading parents, practitioners and teachers is the most
• We help teachers and schools to grow their e ective way of changing the lives of children
for the better.
classroom libraries
• We provide block loans and theme packs What can you do?
Call us, or email to discuss how you could best
to primary school teachers expend your CSI funds. ITEC has Section 18A
• We promote a love of reading, the basis of status, so that donations are tax-deductible.
all subsequent learning, through training
and resource provision
Barbara Valentine
043 743833
[email protected]
8 Park Avenue, East London
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
iThemba Ranch
iThemba (meaning hope in Xhosa) Ranch The Children
is situated just outside of East London on The children we have worked with come from
the picturesque farm of Teddy farms. It is a a variety of backgrounds. The spectrum of
place where broken children and horses nd issues we deal with vary from parents that are
wholeness, belonging and trust. It is a place going through a divorce, to low self-esteem,
where both horse and child nd healing in the learning di culties, and anger issues due to
loving arms of a leader. And most importantly, abuse and abandonment. It is truly amazing
it is God who is the glue that holds everything to watch how, time after time, horses will pick
together. out a child in the crowd that has the same
background as them, and then to witness the
The Horses child and horse “hugging each other,” lost in a
The horses come to us from a range of world of their own.
di erent backgrounds from abuse and
neglect, as well as cases of abandonment, but Sessions
the cases we deal with the most are horses We run weekly sessions in which the child,
that are mistreated due to ignorance. When a horse and a leader, work together for an
a horse comes to us if often spends at least a hour and a half. Our leaders are volunteers
year in big natural camps, living out in a herd. and without them we would not be able to
It is amazing the therapy that this alone does function. They are not required to have any
for the horse. We rely on sponsorship from qualications other than that they walk closely
the public to cover the monthly cost of these with God, in order that they remain pliable in
horses. This is by far our biggest cost. His hands, as He directs them on how to help
the children. If God can use a donkey (horse)
J M T C K CL RM P P CQRM P C He can use us.
Vanessa or Jami
071 684 5435 /0781202884
[email protected]
or [email protected]
Teddy farms, Wilsonia,
East London
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Jack & Jill Educare
Jack & Jill Day Care Centre was founded in 2005
in Scenery Park, East London. It was established
after a lengthy and extensive consultation by
community members regarding the plight of
their children whilst some are at work or looking
for work. The main challenge was that in most
cases the children where looked after by their
grand parents who were unable to provide for
the holistic development of the child. It was
then that the facility was established so as to
address children’s development needs in a
focused and organised manner.
• Provide Early Childhood development
services to children in the area
• Provide a protective environment to children
who are always vulnerable to abuse
• To provide a child minding facility that has a
development content
Nokuzola Tobi
073 793 6898
[email protected]
40144 Phase 2, Scenery Park,
East London, 5247
NPO NO. 072-864
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Khulisani Day Care CONTACT DETAILS:
Ntombi Mgungqu
Khulisani Day Care was founded in 2009 073 814 4528
after a lengthy and extensive consultation by [email protected]
Community members regarding the plight 55409 Thembalethu
of their children whilst some are working and Reeston, East London, 5247
others are looking for job opportunities in East NPO NO. 079-123
London and Mdantsane.
It is a registered non-prot organisation with
the Social Welfare Department and with the
Bu alo City Health Department. It is run by the
principal (owner) and three volunteers and they
are accountable to the executive committee
which includes community members.
Our objectives:
• To provide holistic early childhood
development services to children in the area.
• To provide a protective environment to
children who are always vulnerable to abuse
and other form of human rights violations.
• To provide a child-minding facility that has
development content
• Providing education 5 days a week 7:30am
to 17hoo pm
• Progress report, Diploma certicate
• To provide safety and security for the
• To provide stimulation and education for
As the organisation has continued to grow, it
has been di cult to pay salaries and the use of
volunteers has become a viable option.
All donations welcome!
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Land of the Living
Partnering With Us
Land of the Living is a registered Non-prot Land of the Living aims to build an ultimately self-sustainable
organization (206-897 NPO) and Sec 18a Public model for fueling economic, environmental and social
Benet Organization operating in East London. transformation through partnerships between green enterprise
We are also a global afliate of One Collective, and local community-based SMME development.
a 501(c)(3) public charity in the USA. We
own & operate Unantoni Endlini (Pty) Ltd, The primary ways to join us and help support this effort include:
an independently registered green enterprise.
• Corporate & industrial:
- Regular sponsorship of environmental clean-up &
ongoing maintenance in key “adopted” areas of the city
Our vision is stimulation of long-term sustainable - Corporate/Industrial donation of bulk recyclable waste
transformation – economically, socially and material.
environmentally - by enabling local communities
to build upon what they already have. - Corporate utilization of our grass cutting & gardening/
refuse removal services.
Mission: Clean, green & Seen - We clean the
- Sponsorship of essential equipment needed for green
enterprise expansion.
environment, promote and practice green values, - Corporate subsidies for workplace readiness and
and provide opportunity for unemployed youth and entrepreneurial training & support with youth, toward
aspiring entrepreneurs to be seen, supported & enhanced employability & SMME development
- Innovative business partnerships to explore enhancing
Green Enterprise: Our registered enterprise serves collective impact in the area of green enterprise
to train, equip, and practically support unemployed development.
youth to generate a livelihood through environmental
conservation & recycling; to mobilize citywide • Residents & small businesses:
involvement in environmental cleanliness; and to - Signing up for our weekly on-premises recyclables
generate revenue to help sustain community collection service and encouraging others to also take
transformation projects including the part.
Entrepreneurial Training Centre.
- Utilization of our grass cutting & gardening/refuse
Entrepreneurial Training Centre (ETC): removal services.
We have established an ETC that provides needed
support to catalyse this process of SMME development
with unemployed youth to start up, and with those who
already run small or informal businesses to grow.
Integrated model: Through the above programs of CONTACT DETAILS:
youth development, environmental clean-up and Dr B Scott Worley
maintenance, recycling, and entrepreneurial training 073 223 8951
& SMME development, we are creating an innovative [email protected]
social enterprise which mobilizes multi-sectoral
stakeholders to sustainably drive community transformation
economically, socially and environmentally. 45InverleithTerrace,
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
NPO 206-897
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves & Fishes Network (LAFN) was
founded twelve years ago in response
to the identied early childcare needs
of disadvantaged communities. LAFN
provides comprehensive Early Childhood
Development training, enabling appropriate
facilities for children and mobilising parent
and community participation in the
education, nurturing and wellbeing of their
LAFN’s transformative Early Childhood
Development intervention has four tiers:
• ECD Training and Mentoring
• Food Security and Nutrition
• Community Engagement,
Advocacy and Mobilisation
• Infrastructural Development
Pateka Mtintsilana
043 722 0010
[email protected]
9A Dyer Street, Arcadia,
East London, 5201
NPO NO. 050-574
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Masithethe Counselling suicide, alcohol and drugs and self-care.
Services This course forms part of our lay –counsellor
trainingprogramme and is offered to anyone
Masithethe Counselling Services is a Non- over 21 years.
Prot and Public Benet Organisation,
established on 15 March 1985 as Lifeline East We also conduct a Teenage Personal
London. Our ultimate goal is to build resilience Development Course and a between
in individuals and our diverse communities holidays.
through the provision of psychosocial
support, training and community Our Awareness and Life Skills programmes in
engagement and awareness. schools focus on suicide prevention, trauma,
rape and violence prevention,
Our psychosocial support services include grief, stress, anger management and teen
face-to-face and telephone counselling, sexual health for boys and girls.
trauma debrieng and support. Our services
are o ered to children, teenagers and adults
and since opening our doors 32 years ago, we
have provided lay counselling to over 420 000
Bu alo City residents.
We have been o ering our Personal Growth
and Counselling Skills Course for over 32
years. The course focuses on communication
&listening skills, self-acceptance, values,
anger& stress management, counselling tools
e.g. genogram, grief cycle, parts model, HIV/
AIDS, gender abuse, child abuse, depression,
Jackie Orsmond
Tel: 043 7222 000 / 084 430 6643
Email: [email protected]
3 St James Road, Southernwood,
East London
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
National Institute for Crime Prevention and
Reintegration of Offenders (NICRO)
Established more than a century ago in 1910, Nicro is dedicated to ensuring the
NICRO is one of the largest, longest serving advancement of a country and communities
indigenous non-prot organizations in South in which all South Africans are secure and
Africa. Specialising in social crime prevention protected, able to access their rights and
and o ender reintegration, Nicro boasts a have opportunities to prosper and reach
rich and unparalleled history in human rights, their full potential.
juvenile justice and innovative criminal
justice reform. We have a wide variety of services at Nicro.
The organization works with individuals,
CONTACT DETAILS: families, communities and institutions to
Anthony Chakuwamba achieve its strategic -objectives of addressing
043 722 4123 the root causes of crime and creating
[email protected] conditions in which the opportunities
18 Muller Street, Southernwood, and motivation for committing crime
East London are signicantly reduced and ultimately
NPO NO. 003-147 eliminated.
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020 Together, we can build youth resilience
and provide capacity to break the cycle of
crime, school by school and community by
Be the key and it starts with you!
The Restore Trust CONTACT DETAILS:
Roger Curran
The Restore Trust was founded in 2009 as a 043 735 2340
vehicle for various initiatives with the aim of [email protected]
making a signicant impact on the status quo 30 Drake Road, Nahoon,
in East London. East London
NPO NO. 098-449
• Breath of Life – care of abandoned babies
and crisis pregnancy counseling
• Restore Homes – building of homes for the
disadvantaged by providing a framework
to combine government grants and private
support from local business and employers
• Restore Job Creation – creating jobs which
do not exist in East London
• Second Chance – o ering limited support
to families and individuals nding
themselves in di cult times
Breath of Life has provided counseling for
over 12 000 mothers dealing with crisis
pregnancy from counseling centers situated
in Southernwood, Frere Hospital and Cecilia
Makiwane Hospital. To date over 70 babies
have been cared for in the Place of Safety,
ultimately either repatriated with their family or
adopted by families in conjunction with Social
Welfare. Restore Homes has to date built 10
homes for beneciaries, providing a framework
for the individuals to combine savings with
contributions from their employers as well as
donations of labour and materials from local
contractors. The Restore Homes team have
developed an innovative house model to assist
beneciaries in repaying building loans. Each
house includes two rooms which initially only
have external entrances – allowing them to be
safely rented out to generate an income. The
Job Creation initiative has setup a woodwork
workshop, as well as a creative manufacturing
workshop which employs and trains people in
craft work and wooden construction.
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
SANCA Central “The growth of the South African economy is
Eastern Cape being hampered by rampant alcoholism and
growing substance addiction. However, by
CONTACT DETAILS: putting the health and wellbeing of employees
Roger Weimann rst, and by providing employees with the
043 722 1210 necessary support, companies can not only
[email protected] safeguard employees but can also preserve their
or [email protected] productivity” (Dr Jacqui Joubert).
22 St Marks Road,
Southernwood, Substance abuse attributable absenteeism is
East London, 5213 estimated to cost South Africa between R140.6
NPO NO. 003-527 million and R447.7 million each year. As much as 10% of the 2009 GDP, or R246 billion, represents
the cost of alcohol abuse to the South African
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020 economy, according to research published by the
South African Medical Journal (2015)
SANCA Central Eastern Cape is a registered
Non-Prot and Public Benets Organisation
specialising in the prevention, treatment
and aftercare of substance abuse. With 65
years’ experience in the eld, SANCA Central
Eastern Cape remains committed to providing
holistic and evidence based programmes to
communities, families and individuals that are
a ected by this problem.
SANCA’s call to action: we must stand together
as industry and community against the scourge
of drug and alcohol abuse within our province.
Contact SANCA to establish what action you can
take to minimise the e ects of substance abuse
within our community.
Siyakhana Health Trust CONTACT DETAILS:
Dr S Odugwu
The Siyakhana Health Trust was established 043 722 9620/ 082 857 6844
as a public-private-partnership (between [email protected]
Mercedes Benz South Africa, Border-Kei 21 St Georges Road,
Chamber of Business and the German DEG) in Southernwood,
2006 to assist small and medium enterprises East London, 5201
(SMEs) to respond to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. PBO NO. 930 024 576
Since then the Siyakhana SME Project has
evolved to provide comprehensive workplace-
based health prevention, care, treatment,
support, and impact mitigation to SMEs in
the Border-Kei region of the Amathole District
So far, Siyakhana has serviced over 65
companies in the Border-Kei region.
Siyakhana’s programme o ering has been
positively received by participating companies
and has recorded high uptake rates for
counselling and testing as well as a good
uptake of antiretroviral treatment which helps
to keep HIV positive employees strong and
economically active for longer thus providing
a win-win situation for employers and
In January 2013 Siyakhana’s mobile
occupational health clinic came into
operation. With this facility, Siyakhana is able
to provide a full range of occupational medical
surveillance services to your employees
on your premises. You do not need to
transport your employees o -site for medical
surveillance/ tness assessment as we come
to you. No workplace is too big, small or too
far away for the dedicated Siyakhana team.
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Sophumelela Centre Families supported received services which
included the following:
Sophumelela Centre, established in 2000, • Adherence support to ensure a ected
is a Christian organisation which supports
vulnerable children and their families who clients take medication including ARVs
are impacted adversely by HIV/AIDS and • Care of terminally ill patients within the
poverty within the community context
where they live. We focus mainly on home setting
providing home and community based care • Support to orphaned and vulnerable
to children and families within poor and
under-resourced communities in and around children within the home setting
East London. The community programme • Family counselling to strengthen the family
o ered by Sophumelela is integrated into
the educational support and schooling unit
programme o ered through Hope Schools. • Referrals to Social Development / Child
This has been a great way to provide a holistic
care and build circles of support around Welfare in the case of child neglect and
orphaned and vulnerable children. abuse
• Assistance in accessing documentation
The difference we make for those we serve (e.g. birth certicates, ID’s)
Sophumelela has reached more than 5200 • Assistance in accessing social grants
people since its establishment and has further • Distribution of food parcels and other relief
served 600 households through its home and • Assistance with school uniforms and
community based programmes within poor stationery for children
communities in and around East London in • Assistance in accessing / applications to
2016. Hope Schools and other local schools
• Educating children, teens and carers in HIV/
CONTACT DETAILS: AIDS awareness and behaviour change
Michele Kay
043 722 9283 The communities we serve
[email protected] We primarily work with indigent communities
6 Belgravia Crescent, within the Bu alo City Municipality in the East
Southernwood, London area such as Duncan Village, Reeston,
East London, 5201 Scenery Park, Amalinda Forest and Cambridge
NPO NO. 051-024 Township.
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
St Bernard’s Hospice or pediatric palliative care, or discriminated
against because of race, gender, age or their
St Bernard’s Hospice is a Non-Prot and Public ability to pay for basic health services.
Benet Organisation which was established
in April 1991 by Dr Betty Bennett is response In the 2016/2017 nancial year on average,
to the East London community emphasising the Home Care Professional Nurses and Social
the need for care and support for patients Worker traveled 5376 km per month visiting
diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. patients in their homes, which equated to 16
784 home visits, with 91 570 interventions.
Our primary focus is to improve the quality They also liaise with local clinics, hospitals and
of life of patients (adults and children) facing government departments.
problems associated with a life-threatening
or life-limiting illness such as Cancer, HIV/ We strive to ensure that no human being is
AIDS, Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, Susceptible deprived of quality home based palliative care
Tuberculosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Motor and support to ensure that the quality of life
Neuron Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and more. due to debilitating pain is alleviated as much
as possible.
We o er Home Based Palliative Care and
Support which includes primary health St Bernard’s Hospice Management and Sta
and palliative care for all our patients and strive to meet all goals set at the beginning of
paediatric palliative care for orphans and each nancial year and try to alleviate as much
vulnerable children (OVC’s), as well as training pain and su ering as humanely possible. We
and education (capacity building). This constantly strive to go the extra mile and this
ensures that no person in need of basic health is where funding or donations plays a vital role
care when diagnosed with a life-threatening in the successes we achieve.
or life-limiting illness, is left without an
opportunity to access primary, palliative and/
Melissa Knox 043 721 0051
[email protected]
or [email protected]
44 St Marks Road,
Southernwood, East London
NPO NO. 004-127
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Symphonia for South Africa
Partners for Possibility – pairing business Schools with well-functioning management
leaders and school principals to better see much improved results, greater
education community involvement and better futures
for their learners. On the other side, many
Symphonia for South Africa’ agship business leaders have a well-developed
programme, Partners for Possibility, is a social network of contacts and many hours of high-
enterprise that partners a business leader with level training for their task. These leaders often
a principal from an under-resourced school. want to make a change in society, but do not
know where to start.
The programme acknowledges that principals
are the leaders of very complex and di cult This realisation has led to the birth of the
businesses, often without any training and programme four years ago by Louise van
then required to manage the business and Rhyn, a returning expat who wanted to
human elements of their school which in turn make a di erence in her community. The
could lead to poor education outcomes. premise – abusiness leader and school
principal partner to improve the school
CONTACT DETAILS: and its education outcomes. To date there
Dorcas Dube arenearly 280participating schools with their
076 766 2326 own stories of hope and encouragement. The
[email protected] stories often originate from business leaders,
20 Magasyn Avenue, who found themselves learning more and
Kanonberg Lifestyle being moved by the courage and conviction
Estate, Bellville, 7530 of the school principal.
NPO NO. 072-323 To support the partnership, the principal and
leader receive world-class business training
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020 in short, dedicated courses accredited by the
University of the Western Cape, often in their
free time. Partners for Possibility is active in
Gauteng, the Western Cape, Limpopo and
KwaZulu-Natal and is growing rapidly.
The NGO’s included in this book have gone through a process of due diligence through the
review of organisational documents such as the Annual Report and latest Audited Financial
Statements to assess their current risk . We have also included other key aspects of signicant
disclosure in their application that could bring harm to the umbrella structures representing this
While we have made every e ort to ensure NGO’s meet compliance requirements we cannot
guarantee anything further than our due diligence process however we do have comfort that
our process was vigorous for these NGO’s to be included in this CSI Guide
The key outcome of this CSI guide is to connect NGO’s with business so that we achieve our
ultimate objective of not just being the CSI funding destination as the Eastern Cape but that we
NGO sustainability becomes the hallmark of our interventions
Margaret Mead “ never doubt that a small group of committed citizens
can change the world, in fact it is the only thing that ever has. “
Contact us to nd out more info on
how you / your company can get
involved with the next edition,
as a sponsor or to list an NGO.
Email: [email protected]
Corporate Social Investment Guide 2020
Constant Communications
C h am b er H o u se, Th e H u b, B o n za B ay R o ad,
B eaco n B ay, East Lo n d o n , 5241
Te l: 0 4 3 7 4 3 8 4 3 8
w w w .b k c o b .c o .z a