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„The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool and you, My children, are the temple of the living God. The heart of My children is God’s heaven and their body is God’s earth, and the Lord is the King of the heaven and earth.”

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Published by billydean.en, 2023-04-18 09:45:28

The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified

„The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool and you, My children, are the temple of the living God. The heart of My children is God’s heaven and their body is God’s earth, and the Lord is the King of the heaven and earth.”

Keywords: The Word of God, New Jerusalem, Romania The New Jerusalem, rapture of the Church, Judgment, apocalyptic fire, Resurrection of the dead, advent, angel, announcement, bride, celebration, almsgiving, climb, clouds, days, drummed, Elijah, Enoch, fearsome, glory, God, Gospel, heaven, heavens, Jerusalem, judgment, kingdom, lightning, Lord, Man, mountain, mysterious, New, Noah, power, preaching, fals Prophet, prophets, Romania, Son, strike, sunrise, sunset, temple, throne, unfold, Word, The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast, beast, antichrist, the sign, Son of Man, apocalyptic beast, red beast, great tribulation, ecumenism

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 1 «Thus says the Lord, Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool: what kind of a house will you build Me? And of what kind is to be the place of My rest?» (Isaias: 66/1.) * «However, the Most High does not dwell in places made with hands, as the prophet says: ‘Heaven is My throne, and the earth is a footstool for My feet. What kind of house will you build for Me?’ says the Lord; ‘or what is the place of My rest?» (Acts: 7/48-49.) * «Do you not know that your bodies are a sanctuary of God, and that God’s Spirit lives in you?» (1 Cor: 3/16.) * «What agreement can there be between God’s sanctuary and idols? For you are a sanctuary of the living God.» The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified Text selection from the Word of God1 on this topic Peace to you, child loved by God! Peace from heaven and may the glory of your God work through you! Amen. Peace to you, peace from Us to you and from you to Us! Amen. Glory to those above and peace upon you, loved children by heaven! Peace to you, as in heaven so on earth! The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool and you, My children, are the temple of the living God. The heart of My children is God’s heaven and their body is God’s earth, and the Lord is the King of the heaven and earth. And behold, I speak to the loved one: Peace to you, child loved by heaven! I turn to you with My word and with My good strength, for I want to always have upon you the good strength and I want you to work in it always, for your work has to remain. But the thing that you have to work comes from heaven and the whole thing that you have to work comes accompanied by the good strength. Work it with those from above and let yourself be attended by those from above and this is what you have to say at the beginning and at the end of your work: “It is not I, but my Father is working”. Let this faith adopt you in all your things that you have to work, for by this faith nothing is to remain not worked out in the thing that you receive and know how to do it. Do not forget even for a moment that the ages were founded through the faith in My work, and those that are seen were done by those that are not seen. My tools of old were working those that were not yet seen, and all these died in the faith without living in the time of the promises, but only seeing it from far away; and the Lord is called their God. These remained an example to the descendants, but look, My child, that they did not receive the perfection, because it is written that for the little ones something better was promised. These have been waiting for you, little ones from this time, My child, and with you they will take the perfection that they worked for. Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen Irineu, from 16-01-1991. (On Calameo) *** 1 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, translated by I.A., redactor note.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 2 God does not have saints on earth anymore, My loved ones, for all are subjected to the sin, lust and belly and to the spirit of the world, and behold that this is written in the Scriptures as well, that fellowship with the world is separation from God, and it also writes that the Lord is a jealous God, Who wants us only for Himself. And behold, the world is dead, all dead, dead for lack of wisdom and for lack of God’s fear, for God is wisdom, and the beginning of the wisdom is fear of God and this is no longer found in the heart of Israel of today. Israel of today serves the law of belly, the law of sin, and God has no more saints on earth. The earth is full of idols, and the Lord has no more saints to worship him according to the truth. Well, My loved ones, God’s earth is the Christian, and God’s heaven is the heart of the Christian. Behold the house and behold the temple that My Christian has to build, so that I may dwell in this house and find faith, peace, life and love in it; love, but love of God. Behold the voice of God! Turn your faces to your parents and to the saints who have worked the commandments of holiness and of the eternal life. Flee from slavery, and who is a slave of the sin, let him stand up and do justice towards God. Remember how I was, My loved ones, for that is why I took up a body, so that I might strengthen your faith as you can be gods even in your bodies. The glory which is about to come and reveal even from now could reached to the human mind by now, but it is written about it in all Scripture. The people of the New Jerusalem will be a heavenly people, with heavenly bodies, and that is why it is written in the Scriptures that Israel has been sighing in his spirit to this day for the redemption of the body. Behold, the body and the heart of those from these days have to turn into a new heaven and new earth and living stones at the New Jerusalem foundation which the Lord will come soon with to the surface and which the far away peoples will flow to so that they may see the glory of the New Jerusalem. The time of the second appearance is coming; My time is coming, My loved ones, but no one understands and no one believes anymore. But they who pierced Me will believe because they will see it, My loved ones. Excerpt from the Word of God upon the apocalyptic trumpets: the priest Ioan and the nun Veronica from Vladimireşti, from 16-01-1991. (On Calameo) *** I want to come with the good time, I want to set the Eden on the Romanian land, and from it to extend My tent all over the earth after that, for the earth was created by God. I want, My child, to make a new earth and a new heaven, for the Christian is the earth of My footstool, and the heart of the Christian is the heaven of My throne, and I am the King of this kingdom. I want to make the beginning of new heaven and new earth from My children. I want to set the Eden from the beginning upon them, before the time when man fell in disobedience. I want to create an angelic state on the earth and behold, I am working and I am making new heavens and new earth. Amen. Soon, this mountain will be raised over the tops of the mountains and the saved nations will flow to it. Excerpt from the Word of God to the priest Ieronim (Hieronymus), from 21-01-1991. *** Behold, My loved ones, the time has come when those who sit at this table will take on the garment with which they can enter and sit at the table with God, for Jesus Christ is the door, and they will not be able to jump over into the glorified citadel of the heavenly table. God

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 3 wants to set again the Eden on the earth and behold, the Lord arises to make new heavens and new earth where righteousness, peace and heavenly love will dwell. The Lord wants to make the Christian into His Eden, as it was in the beginning of the ages, for the Christian is God’s earth and the Christian’s heart is God’s heaven. Behold, the time of the cleansing of God’s earth has come for the Lord may make it His footstool, and from the heaven of the heart of His children to make his throne of rest and reign, well children, for the Lord is the Master and the King of the heaven and the earth. Behold, the time comes for you to let yourselves be worked so that it may be fulfilled that Scriptures which says: «God’s kingdom is in your hearts». (Luke: 17/21) Amen. My beloved ones, I have come to you to tell you the life and the living with which you have to be found on duty during the days that come, for I want to set the Christian into the Eden from the beginning. I want the today’s Christian to be like those in the beginning, before they touched and tasted of the forbidden fruit tree, for I want to be again Eden and life without death, and I want to put the tree of life into the midst of it and to be a heavenly state and eternal joy. Excerpt from the Lord’s trumpet sounding and of the saint Virginia over the Christians in the town of Viişoara, from 24-01-1991. *** Peace and blessing and a spirit of joy with the heaven, for the heaven is a guest here. This is a day of testimony. Glory and joy in those above, and celebration of peace from God upon you, for you are witnesses on this day, in this blessed and clean place. There are angelic choruses here and they sing: «Glory to the Holy and to the One of a single being and life of the creating and inseparable Trinity from now on to eternity!». Amen. Blessed be the kingdom of the Most Holy Trinity, of My Father and of His Son and of the Holy Spirit, threefold working. Peace to you! I am here. I am the Word for the Word is God. I am the Alpha and the Omega; I am the beginning and the end. I am the new beginning of those that believe in Me, for I come with a visible glory upon Romania. It is written that I will come again, and here, I work by the word and I announce My kingdom. The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. The heart of My believers is My heaven and the clean and undefiled body is God’s bedding, and behold, I am worn by those that are Mine, and I am with the word through them, for this is God; He is through the prophets; He is through the bearers of God. My word works in this place and all are worked out by the word of God during these days, for there come the days of heavenly glory and the days that the prophets of all times wrote about. Romania is the country of the brightness which will appear from God upon the peoples, for this is its choice and it will wear a name of a New Jerusalem and of an Eden, blessed among the nations. I, the Lord, proclaimed this mystery by the prophets and I fulfill nothing without announcing it beforehand. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) Excerpt from the Word of God on the day of laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem. The Word of God to King Michael, from 22-07-1991. (On Calameo) *** Peace and New Jerusalem over My Zion, and over those who went into My name, peace!

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 4 Peace and good order, as in heaven so upon the faithful ones! Those who are faithful are God’s settlement. The heart of My believers is My heaven, and the clean and unspoiled body of these is God’s bed, for the Lord rests upon them. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God to the Bishop Basil of Târgovişte, from 04-12-1991. *** God answers at the voice of the heart. Peace to the heart whose voice cries and is heard in heaven! Peace to you, little heart! However, I have My dwelling in your little heart and I will make it big by My dwelling in it, and I am making it My throne, and from the tent of your heart I am making My footstool, for My name is your Creator. Amen. … I started to break at the root of My field and I got up to take care of My vineyard that was brought to the ground. I am sitting with you in counsel for a little while to tell Me that you are with Me and not without Me, and that I may also tell you that I am with you and not without you. However, I want to be with you, and you know how this work comes for Me to be with you. Take the fear out of you and do not seek to fall down from heaven, gentle child. Let the heaven keep you at its bosom, for there is no other haven besides Me, but be wise, for My heaven is in your heart, and My kingship is in it. Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen one, Irineu, from 17-01-1993. *** Peace from the heaven above over the heaven below, for the heaven is My throne, and My footstool is the heavenly earth, the spiritual one, the new one; it is the Christian who lives and sanctifies himself to be God’s house and tent, the One Who works within the Trinity over His creature. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Beheading of Saint John, the Baptist, from 11-09-1993. *** The blessing of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is pronounced. The new heaven, the new earth and the New Jerusalem, which were worked out and came down from God for carrying God’s throne and tabernacle into the midst of the people, are blessed by word pronouncing. Behold, I open My springs so that I may flow to you for you to drink, to drink from the river of life always and to eat from the tree of life, which is watered by the river of life and which grows and yields fruits in the midst of the heavenly Jerusalem. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) Peace to you from the Father! Peace to you, children of My Son in Whom I am well pleased! Peace to you from the Comforter, Whom I sent to the sons of My Son, after My Son accomplished His work upon you, dwelling in you by this Comforter, Which was given to Him by Me, so that He may come with Him to you to give Him to you and to be with you until the end of the ages. I give My peace to you; I let you My peace, sons! As the Son gives it to you, so the Father, so that you may have a conduct from the Holy Spirit in Us; in Me and in My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. If I am without beginning; if I am before all ages, the same is

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 5 My Son; the same is My Truth, Who is My Son and My Heir Who comes with Me into the inheritance. But the angels created for Our glory, for Our work, could not be but glory until God made the heaven and the earth, all the visible and invisible things, and the man that was taken out of the earth. And behold, the creature made by Us from the earth and to whom We breathed a spirit of life, that creature stirred up disorder into the world of the angels which were made by the word, as all were made by the word; all but the man. All the angelic hosts formed God’s glory obeying the work of the glory. But after We made the man, I said to the man to listen to the pronounced work, so that the word may be obeyed, to be fulfilled. But the word that was delivered upon the man was not fulfilled, Christian. Why Christian, was it not fulfilled? Why the word was violated and how could this happen? The man became conceited, sons. The angels were spirits, and the spirits do not do any work without the body, without having bodies as a dwelling. And if I made the man with a body and if I breathed a spirit of life upon him, and if I rested in him, I rested with all the heaven in him, into the earth that I worked, as after I worked and I finished him, I rested in him; I rested from My work; Mine and My Son’s in a godly Spirit. Be careful, children, take good heed, for today it is a celebration of angels, but I want you to understand well and carefully. Be careful with your spirit and inclined to the perceiving in God, as we have an angelic and heavenly counsel to understand the work of the angels. The chiefs of the hosts of the angels, Michael and Gabriel, bring a feast in the synod over the Jerusalem given to you from heaven that the angels may be working upon you on this day of celebration. Be careful with your spirit and lift it up to Me to understand the Lord’s counsel among you, as after I created the man, I rested in him. And how long had I rested? I was able to rest very little into the work of My hands, as in the time of My rest into the man, the man rejoiced over the entire glory of God, which was moving in Eden, which was hovering in Eden, carried by man, by the man’s body and by the movement of the man’s body that was wearing My glory in it. I made the man from the man so that he may not be alone, that My glory might be great in the work of the man. The angels were with Me and with My glory in the man, and the man was then the bearer of God, a dwelling of God’s glory. All the hosts of the angels and archangels found their rest into the man, as they were part of My glory, and the man was served by the angels like God. And I loved the man and I made him king in Eden, as I made for him a Garden of Eden over which the man was to be king. And if I made him king over Eden, he had a hidden thought, which was ministered by angels, and this hidden thought received the angels’ ministry through the chief of the angels. The man was made king and then he became conceited and said: «I will put my chair and I will set it above the clouds; I will put it above the Most High». And look, this hidden thought of the man, who was to receive the angels’ ministry, shook the Eden and the heaven above, as the man, made out of clay, longed to ascend above his creator. And as the first angel over the hosts of the angels started, when it started to think to serve the man’s hidden thought, it smashed against the mountain of haughtiness which grew into the man, and the Lord did no longer feel the rest into the man, and the angels started to fall down from God’s face, from the honor, which they were in. And while the angels were falling down, the Lord woke up Michael and cried out through him: «Let us stay well and take good heed in fear!» And when he said „in fear”, the falling of the angels stopped, because of the obeying word.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 6 Behold sons, what the man has done! He became an occasion and a dwelling of the angels’ falling down. As quick as the lightning was this falling of the man; as quick as the thought, as when the man though it, the angels fell down and became satans. And what does the word satan mean? Satan means the change of the good into the evil, and when the good turns into the evil, a fight of enmity against the good starts, and a power that is called evil is brought forth; the power of the evil against the power of the good, of God. And look, this is how satan was made then, giving birth to an inimical power, which goes to God and accuses the man before God. This power inimical to the good was brought forth like lightning and this wicked power is called satan, but it fell down from God’s face, as it is written: «I saw satan having fallen like lightning from heaven». And after this power fell down on the earth, which earth did it fall on? He fell in the man; he fell upon the man and upon the man’s wisdom, as satan took then a serpent’s image and this fallen angel worked; he worked through the serpent speaking a word of temptation enticing the man not to listen to God, so that the man may also fall, if he and his entire host fell down. Lucifer was the first angel over the angels and over the hosts of the angels and had the first host, close to the light and happiness of God; that is he was the first; he and his host near God’s throne, close to the light and happiness, children, and that is why he was called Lucifer, (Adonis, morning star, translator's note.) that is light, as he took his brightness from the light of the godly happiness. And Lucifer got angry with the man; he blamed the man for his fall. He was the angel of God’s wisdom, and when the Lord rested in the man, he and host also rested together with all heavenly hosts, and his fall happened into the man, as the spirits of the angels do their work through the bodies. And Lucifer struggled to make the man fall down from heaven, and entered into a serpent and enticed the man, and since then the work inimical to the good and to the man’s happiness in heaven was brought forth, and the man was expelled from heaven and was put into the Sheol. But I sent My Son to become flesh and to spoil the work of satan annihilating him from everywhere and to fulfill his defeat and destruction on his coming. Here is what it means the man to let himself be overcome by satan! And that is why I raised people from among people who banish satan. When the king Saul was tormented by satan’s spirit because of his self-aggrandizement sin, he was freed from satan by David’s song. But it is hard for God’s dwelling into the man where this angel dwells, as Saul was always seen by Lucifer in his work. Here the sin of Lucifer working in the man by self-aggrandizement, by self-opinion! That is why I sent My Son; I sent Him to spoil the satanic work and to show himself to the people to teach them to take God’s image and likeness again. And who lets himself be taught and helped by My Son, that one does what My Son did, and comes down to humility, so that Lucifer may not try his control in the man who receives My Son. − Oh, My Father, that is why I spoke to the people: «I am the way!». This is what I said when You sent Me to the people, and who believed in Me went on this way and saved himself from this enemy angel. Amen. Oh, My loved ones, My friends, My brothers in My Father! I said this: «I am the way!». And how comes, I? I was lowered up to you, so that I may take you afterwards with Me to My Father. Behold a descent and ascension. This is the way that I showed it to you. First, I came down and then I ascended. If I do not come down to you, how could you ascend to My Father?

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 7 The Father does not receive anyone without Me, as He sent Me to come down and to bring with Me those to which I came down, those in whom I come down. I am the Son of the Father, and I came down in you to teach you too to work and to destroy the satan’s work. When that sick man came to Me asking Me to heal his body of sickness and evil spirit, I healed him and said to him: «Go but from now on sin no more, so that it may not happen something worse to you». And you people, how did I say to you when you came to be with Me? For I receive and I healed you by the word from the reward of your sin that you did until then, that is, I forgave you and I received you and I said no: „Go and sin no more!” And I also told you: „Come, and do not go wrong; come and stay with Me so that it may not be bad to you”. Oh, children, behold, on this day of celebration I speak to the people of this work. I have spoken for so many years with the people of this work. I called out the godly trumpet, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) and I told him to gather together at the table of My word, and the people of this work came, but hearing he did not hear, and coming he did not come. He did not come, sons; he did not come because if he came, he was come and he remained. He was coming and turning back; he was coming and going, and he was not coming. He did not come if he was doing so. I was always gathering him to heal him always. Whenever he fell, I was getting him up forgiving him, because he was not getting up. I was getting him up because he was not getting up, for to get up it means to hate falling down and not to fall again. But I was getting him up and he was going away from Me and was falling again. He was falling because he was haughty, as it will never be heard that someone falls if he does not become conceited arising himself above God. If I was coming and telling him not to do this, he was always standing against, and this is called that he was falling again becoming conceited above God’s throne. Oh, I was hearing again and again, as I also hear now from this people that he says that „God is good and knows that satan is wrong and sees our struggle!” Oh, Christian, you will never see the one, who fights against satan, and not to overcame satan; never son. And you will see satan again and again in the way of the man overcoming the one who does not fight against satan. Only the one who does not fight is overcome; only that one. He who receives this angel becomes a satan, who fights against God, against God’s kingdom, and that one overthrows God’s throne, and God’s dwelling in him. That is why I came with this work, to set God’s throne back to its place; to set it and sit and to rule sitting. But from Lucifer’s falling down it has never been heard that the Lord dwells in the man that has this angel in him. Here, I speak with you about angels, so that you may know this wicked angel and not to give him kingdom, sons; you should not give it to him; do not give him any more. I came to overthrow the Lucifer’s throne, but if My people do not see this angel fallen from heaven, he will always let himself enticed by the serpent that bites after it entices, and then Lucifer, seeing, goes and accuses the man. That is why, Christian, I say to you: listen to God and to His word, for if the man from Eden had listened to the word spoken upon him, he would have never reached to see the fruit of this sin. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1993. (On Calameo) *** Israel, Israel stay under the learning of your Teacher, and mind that may not be in need of a borrowed learning, as the first man that I made did so; he borrowed the teaching from the evil spirit and thus, by so doing, he lost God’s teaching. I am your Teacher, and you should not

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 8 take from anyone but from Me. You should not take from you; you should not do like Adam, Israel, My Son. You should not take from you, but do what I did while I was working among the people. I took from the Father and I worked all that My Father told Me, and I did not work from Me. You should not take from you, as behold what it happened to this people, which proceeded from Me at the beginning, when I opened the heaven and I came down in a pillar of fire before it to speak from the burning bush as I spoke to Moses. Verginica (Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet - see the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) was the burning bush before My people of today, and I was speaking with the people of today from the burning bush and I was writing the law of the new man, the law of the heaven, as I wrote it in the time of Moses. The commandments given to Moses by Me are the law of the heaven, the law the man fell from. And now, do you see what I do, Israel? I come to you and I refresh the lesson of the heaven for you and I explain to you the meaning of God’s commandments, and if Virginia came to Me, she did not take the fire from the burning bush with her, but rather she let it before you, Romanian Israel. What was the fire of the burning bush? It was God’s word, which cleanses by burning. And behold, the fire from the burning bush does not go out forever, as I will never come to an end as well. That is why I tell you son, not to take from you and work upon you, but rather take from Me, as behold, the fire from the burning bush was born before you through Verginica, and that what is born of the heaven, that is what remains. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saints Kings Constantine and Hellene, from 03-06-1995. (On Calameo) *** My mother, the Virgin, saw My archangel that announced Me to her, and no one heard her boasting about gifts or that she demanded honor. She was a holy virgin in the night of the sins of the world, and out of the flesh of this virgin, the Son of Man, Who was the Son of God, was kneaded. She brought Me up and stayed under My shadow; and she stayed at My feet, to serve her God. This little child is a mystery. This mystery went with her entire body into the heavenly ones, into those that are not seen, as those that are from heaven are those that are not seen. The heaven begins from the earth upwards. The void in which the man is included, the nonentity that cannot be grasped by hand, that is, the being of the heaven, which surrounds the man. The man is embraced by heaven, but the man has not got this wisdom. Sons, sons, this is what I said: «The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool». The man is included in heaven, and the heaven is My throne. The man’s body has the form that I, the Lord, gave to Adam, the first man. And the man took his body, and the end of the body came also from Adam. The man receives his birth of above from Christ, a heavenly birth, and he also receives an immortal body from Christ, with which he will inherit forever. The mystery of a prophet is a great mystery, but what does the man know? The man believes that prophet means a way of gaining praise, of gaining wealth. The man believes what he believes, but he does not know what he has to believe and work. My mother Virgin did not pose as a prophet; she did not exalt herself to demand honor among the people. She was humble and clean in heart and deed, and her gift was the love of God. But the earth is full of people, who pose as people of heavenly gifts. People that serve idols pose as people with heavenly gifts, and people stay in a row to come in to them. Frivolous men and women come at the gate of My manger to show their gifts; people that do not look for teaching anywhere. They come here to teach those that are Mine also, but I am here with the spring of the gifts. Oh, sons, if I guide the man to the spring of the gifts, even if I guide him by a gift of a guide up here, from now on he should drink of the spring, as he does no longer need a guide if he found what he was looking for. And if he did not find, one like that does not know what he is looking for, if he does not

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 9 know how to find and value and how to humble himself before God, the Spring. My mother, the Virgin, was lying down at My feet and was praying to Me to do well to the poor and downcast, to those who walk through the darkness, and I was her gift. She, with her love, gives light to the darkness of the man’s life in the world, as the world does not have any path; the world has changing paths. My mother, the Virgin, called herself the Lord’s servant, and God called mistress, the one that named herself servant. Why is it said that she is the mistress of the heaven? Because she ruled the heaven and did not turn it into a body. She kept her body God’s heaven and throne, as the heaven is the Lord’s throne. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21- 09-1995. (On Calameo) *** The Word becomes word into Its book, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. The word is the peace from heaven and from earth, as the peace is from heaven. Pace to the path of My word from heaven to earth! Peace and faith to you, sons of My people, as My word is not to clarify the human wisdom, and rather it is for the testimony of the Spirit and of the power. Sons, sons, let your faith be in the power of God, not in the human wisdom. The wisdom is hidden in God; however, He ordained it before the ages to the glory of those that are perfected, and this age did not know it. That is why the Scriptures say about the things, which an eye did not see and did not enter into the heart of man, that God prepared to those who love Him. And I come and I reveal them to you by the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit searches out everything, even the depths of God, as it is written. I gave you from My Spirit, to understand those that I promise you. Sons, sons, be spiritual, as the natural man does not understand the things of the Spirit of God, as they are discerned spiritually. I gave you from My Spirit to understand My mind, and this way your faith may be in the power of God not in the wisdom of the people of this age. My people, this work of the word from heaven is My cross that I gave it to you to carry through the world, sons. It is the sign of the Son of Man, who was to appear before its visible coming. The cross is the life of Christ, carried by man; it is Christ’s face, taken out of the man, and this word and His face are My cross, carried by you. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.) That is why this new announcement, this carried cross, is a folly for those who stay in the spirit of carelessness of this age, but for you it is the power of God. Behold, My word proves the folly of the wisdom of this age, as because the wisdom of God did not make the man to know God by wisdom, that is why God wanted to save the one who believe through the proclaiming of the cross, as it is written: «The Jews ask for signs, Greeks seek after wisdom, but those that are faithful preach the Christ crucified, Who is a stumbling block for the Jews and foolishness for the Gentiles, but to those who are called from among them, is Christ, the power and wisdom of God». This is the hidden wisdom of God. He lifts up those that are low, those that are not, to destroy those that are, so that nobody may become haughty before God, and he who boasts, let him boast in the Lord. Amen. Peace to you, Israel! Peace on My path from heaven to you, son! I come with a spirit of heavenly celebration; I come to comfort you with a spirit of heavenly celebration; I come to you, My people, as I have nowhere to go; I have nowhere to travel to. There is only human

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 10 wisdom everywhere, and the preaching of the cross, of Christ’s life, is foolishness for those who love the destruction worked out by the deeds. I come to you, My people, and I want to find My pleasure in you, little son, as I carry with you My cross of today. I gave you My cross; I gave you My life for you to carry on, so that I may arrive with My cross to the last end and to rest in you, My people. My cross is My life, and that is why I told you: „I long for Me in you, son of My people”. The world take My word and it can hardly understand it, as the world is confused by the wisdom of this age. But you, son, you understand the depth of My word, as I gave you from My Spirit, to understand the depths of God, as the one who is in God has God’s wisdom, which has nothing to do with the wisdom of the rulers of this age. The heaven calls you blessed, My people, as blessed it is the one who has God’s wisdom, Which comes with His Spirit in those that believe in Him. You should not be weak into this blessedness. You should always keep in mind My word and stay in it, My people, as it keeps you in Me. It turns you into My holy body, which becomes word before you, into your faithful heart bowed down in Me, dear son. I have nothing dearer than you, My people, as you have been waiting for seven thousand years for Me to fulfill with you the last promises proclaimed to you; the new heaven, the new earth, and the new man after My image and after My likeness, so that God’s hidden and mysterious wisdom may appear, son; the one that I ordained before the ages to My glory and yours, faithful child from the end. I have always come to you, so that I may keep you in My arms, to comfort you, to strengthen your faith into My wisdom, as the fear of God places you into the mystery of the wisdom from heaven on earth. Oh, only big words I bring into being by My word, and the spiritual ones understand them, son. The natural man does not understand the things of the Spirit of God, but the spiritual one understands the mysterious wisdom of God. I come with a spirit of celebration and with mother Virgin, who gave you the Son of God. She is the ladder on which I came down from Father to you, to become the Son of Man, and that the man to know that I come from the Father, through the Holy Spirit and through the Virgin, as the heavenly man is virgin-like. The man has to remain from heaven, but he did not want to listen, and I came to bring him into obedience, so that I may take him back to those that I worked for the man. Oh, you man, who do not understand the wisdom of God and its treasure, I came with this work of word to bring into life My mysterious wisdom, as My wisdom is a loving spirit of people. I have come into your way to show you the cross, to show you the life, My life, man, My life in man. This is the wisdom that I came to establish upon the people. I am the Son of God’s wisdom, and I have come to become God in man, so that the man may have wisdom. I came to become flesh in the man by the word, so that I may create a new haven and a new earth in man, and a new man in man. I chose a people so that I may have ears to hear and that I may come into being by word, and to call out over the earth, so that the man may hear Me, and to turn him from the natural into the spiritual, in a mystery of a new age, and he, who has ears to hear, hears and comes to life. Amen. … My people, I always teach you; the sons of My garden also teach you; your centurions also teach you, and we always learn to be a new yeast on the table of this age without wisdom. My people Israel, I celebrate in you feast by feast, as the heavenly feasts celebrate in you, little and tiny son. It is sun in you, My people. I am your light; I am the day of the evening time. It is sun in you, My people. Let all the ghosts serve you; let everything help you on your way with Me, and you should help Me into My labor from heaven to earth. The Jews ask for signs, Greeks seek after wisdom, but you have Me and you should give Me to those that are thirsty after Me

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 11 and after My cross in them, after My life in them, by the crucifying of the natural man and by the resurrection of the spiritual man in man. I long after the spiritual man in you, son, My people, as the great day is coming when all will be clothed within incorruptibility. That is why I have been speaking for such a long time into your midst and I have always urged you into a spirit of repentance, as the one who has come to Me and started his way through repentance, that one is alive and spiritual with his heart and body. He, who confesses his sins as sins, takes them off and dresses spiritually within the love of Christ and into Christ’s love; that one makes peace between him and Christ, and by the Body and Blood of Christ, is being born of Christ to an everlasting spiritual life, as so it is: first it comes what is natural and then it comes what is spiritual. It is so because the man wanted it, not because God wanted it, and now I have to make a man out of man, to turn the natural man into a spiritual man, born of Me, of My Body and Blood. Do you see My people, what the work of repentance is? Do you see how it is and how it should be placed into the man? Let the earthly and natural man hear, let him hear, son, to get up for his becoming spiritual and let him draw on My right side and eat My word until My coming. I want you, My people, to know well what a natural man is, so that you may choose the spiritual one in you. The spiritual man cannot live without God in body and word, as I am the body and the word in the spiritual man. I want to make of you what I could not do through the man by now, as I did not make so much love as much as I have made it with you, My people. I have been struggling for forty years to bring you into a bride condition, My people, to dress you in My heavenly whiteness, in My heavenly body, to embody you into My holy body, you in Me and I in you, son, My people. I have never made so much love as I have done with you, and you still do not know what love is. You get confused into its word and you do not know it yet. I want son, to teach you always, and to always know, as you have to know it for every man from everlasting to everlasting. I want you to be one body with Me, bride and Bridegroom in a heavenly love, not natural, My people. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) The natural love becomes sin, but the heavenly love becomes a new heaven and a new earth in man. Did you see David, who fell into the traps of the flesh, as the flesh appeared in front of him by what has been weak from the beginning? If Bath-Sheba did not love herself before loving God; if she was not a godly nature in the flesh, she would not give herself over to self-love, to fleshly pleasure, and then David, the king, would have not seen the flesh standing in front of him. But David came to a spiritual crying, and I wiped off his wound made by the flesh, as sin made a wound into his heart, and David was My anointed, for he took care of Me in him. My people, this is what I told you: pass from the flesh into the spirit; turn from the natural into the spiritual, as I teach you the lesson of life, so that the earthly man may hear those about life without death. It is a great thing for the spiritual man to have a spiritual stature. This work seen in the man is a great work. There is no greater work with the man than this. The spiritual man sanctifies the man in front of him. I tell you, My loved people, to know the work that you have to do before Me, as you have to be the spiritual man before Me. I take care of you with the love of My word, with the power of My word. I warm you up into My love, so that you may know its spring, son. I always bring through it your changing into eternity, into childhood, in the spiritual, as I am the love, because the man coming down from heaven is without sin. The man born of Me has to become a sinless man before Me, the man of the heavenly love on the earth.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 12 My people, I place the sons of My garden into My name before you, so that they may teach you from Me what lightness is and what holiness is, as their word is not theirs, but it is My word. Learn My dear people; learn what wisdom is, as it is the fear of God, which goes on its road to the love of God, towards love dear son, people loved among the nations of the earth. It is a celebration in you, Israel of today. It is My mother Virgin that is celebrated in you by heaven and by you, My people. She loves you, son; she protects you; she helps you to be, My people. The Holy Spirit is above you and empowers you with spiritual power, son. Verginica is also at the feast and touches you and embraces you with her love and she comes closer to comfort your spirit, My people; and she gives you courage and heavenly power, My people. Verginica is with the sons of My garden. I embrace you with great love; I and all My saints. My love is with you and I comfort you and bless you, so that you may be My joy, My people. My peace is with you; strengthen yourself from the spirit of My peace. The word is the peace from heaven and from earth. My word is My glory into your midst, and I glorify Myself in it before you. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you, Israel. You should be faithful, son, as I work by your faith, and I glorify Myself before you by the word. The word is God. Peace to you, the Lord’s people, as God is One: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.) Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1996. (On Calameo) *** And you, Israel, you should for Me a new heaven and a new earth, and you should be My throne and My footstool, just as man was in the beginning, in the time of My rest in man. You should know, well Israel, that you are waited to be the new heaven and the new earth, an incorruptible man for the redemption of the bodies. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) You should also know that it is not a joke. You should know that you need to have wisdom, and you have to know what wisdom means. You should also know, dear son, that you have to think in the Lord and speak from the Lord. You should know, Israel, that My kingdom is in your sons. Where, sons, where have you ever heard such words of life from man? Do not take from man, do not take, do no longer take My people, for you are not the men’s people. You are God’s people, Israel. Man has no brains. You should know that he has no sense. Man has no God, son Israel. Even you can hardly have, even you can hardly have Me; you, with My power in you, you can have Me only if you let Me with it in you. Keep Me closely united with you, son Israel, for the proud man cannot get rid of pride until he believes by listening to the word of God that comes to you. Until now Gog and Magog have been striking the horse for the rider to fall down, but the time has come for the true believers who worship the Father in truth and in spirit, in Christ, the Word of God, Who comes on a white horse, and God and Magog do not know that the Spirit of God is the Word of God, Who took over the kingdom on the earth. The Lord is coming to shepherd the nations with an iron rod, and His name is the Word of God. The word of God comes on a white horse. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white horse”, r.n.) Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 01-12-1996. ***

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 13 Oh, I want to make Prince Charming and fairies of you and to show you to the people as a true story, and I to be in your power, love and not a fairy story, but to be real in you, for I am as you believe. I am with you from cradle to cradle and I write Myself with you from book to book, so that the times may look at these times, and the last times to look and see, and the prophets, who proclaimed this time of Mine with you, to rejoice with you, for you are My small bouquet of flowers, what the prophets proclaimed about, that you will be and spring forth. And we will be loved by the countless multitudes if we know to love one another, loving sons, loved sons. You should have the Scripture which says: «Love one another as I loved you». I say again and again: one another not one with another or each with others, but each other as I loved all of you, who were at that time and are now with Me, loving each other. Love one another as I loved you, and if you do not know how, ask My love, My love which loves you all, and it will answer you loving you with its answer, and you will be carried at its bosom as a mother caresses her babies comforting them. This way you will be comforted in Jerusalem, in Me your Jerusalem, your place of joy. You in Me and I in you, a New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem from above on earth, a holy citadel, and countless multitudes will understand what the Scriptures which says: «And I saw the holy citadel, New Jerusalem coming down out from heaven, from God», for I said so: «I will prepare a place for you, as where I am you may be there also». And I went so that I may come back again from the Father a dwelling for you and for those of that time that I was spoken these words upon; to come as a holy citadel, to come and be as a New Jerusalem, so that where I am you may also be. That is why I have always said that I come to embody you in My holy body, in the dwelling which came down from the Father, as I said: «I go to My Father to prepare a place for you and to come back as a place from the Father for you». I said that in My Father’s house are many places, but I prepared a place for you to be together with Me. What kind of places has My Father among the many which I spoke about? Oh, there are many places of My Father’s house, of God’s making, dear sons, who stay under My wisdom. There are dwellings for thrones, principalities, rulers, beginners, powers, dwellings of the archangels, of angels, of seraphim, of cherubim; dwelling of ghosts who serve the word of God: rain, wind, blizzard, hail, dew, ice, snow, clouds, haze, fog, heat; wrath with its instruments, lightning, fire, brimstone; the dwellings of blessing: sun, moon, and light; the places of My Father’s house, which are many and countless, for He said and they came into being; He commanded and they were built and are being built at His command, and He set and is setting the forever and ever, and He gave and is giving them a law and they will not overlook it, and they will praise Him on earth and heaven. Oh, there are many places of My Father’s house, but I came from My Father and went to Him, so that I may come again, to come as a place for you, who are given to Me by My Father to be for you a dwelling into My Father’s house; you in Me and I in you; I with My saints and you with joy, as it is written: «Rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!» for the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool, and this way the man was made. Amen. I prepared a place for you in Me, that where I am you shall also be, and everyone who is Mine to be with Me, and I with Mine, and all those of My Father’s places to serve God, to the word of God. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1996. (On Calameo) *** Voices of people are heard in heaven and they cry out: “Help me, Lord!” Oh, but My voice on earth is not heard when it asks for help. I cry within a sweet voice over the earth and I have been crying for a long time, and the people have not heard Me. I call out in tears, I call out asking, I call out loving and forgiving, and I call out enduring, but who is to hear Me? People

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 14 have kingdoms and they have high positions; people have glory, they have riches, they have gold, they have ranks, they have wisdom and human honor. However, people do not have time to listen to My voice, which asks them to help Me to come and to be the King of the creature and to reconcile the people to the Father and to give the man his lost happiness and his lost virginity. This is what I would give to the people, but they ask Me for something else. They ask from Me their things, not Mine. They ask Me for their glory, not for My glory in them and on the earth with them, and no one leaves his rank for Me; no one makes a rank in My name and to My glory with humility in man anymore. The saints cry when they see the emptiness of human glory on earth, as behold, the saints are coming with Me to you, My people, and once with Me they are looking over the glory of men on earth and they are crying, and the saints do no longer have feasts on the earth. People celebrate themselves on the days of the saints, and the saints of the heaven do no longer have any place on the earth; they do no longer have any place with their help, with their holiness in people, for the house of the heaven was supposed to be man, God’s throne and His footstool to His rest, as man was made by God. Israel, loved people, this is how man was made, son; he was made to be God’s throne and footstool, God’s temple; this is why man was made. Oh, and what kind of a temple is man today!? It is a seat of lawlessness and a den of jackals that are fed with flesh smaller than they are. (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.) Man is no longer My work, and I do no longer have any room anywhere. No one denies his rank; no one makes a rank into My name, and I am no longer food for man on earth. Man does no longer listen to Me. The saints cry for the longing after the man made by God, the man born from above, so that they may have eternal life. No one wants to be born from above with eternal life in him; no one gives up his sins, no one, sons, no one, and I do no longer have any house as I had in the saints. I do not hear any voice to call out to Me and to ask Me to helm him to be holy for Me and to be My house, the house of the rest for God, as My saints were. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the saint hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12- 1996 *** Israel, Israel, those that are not seen will soon come into view. My invisible glory is coming near, dear son. You are My glory on the earth, and I want everybody to know and the world to see that you are My glory, son, and let this visible news go to all the margins of the heavens, and let all the nations know that you are My son and that you are ready for celebration before My glory which is coming near over the earth. I come to clothe you with glory in My name, and you should learn well the humility of joy and the joy of humility, lest you forget because of your joy that you should do and be My will before Me. You should teach yourself, Israel, to have a humble thought, holy and well pleased to Me. You should teach yourself to think beautifully and to always have a house in your thought for Me, to be able to rest in you, son from Israel. You should be gentle in your heart, My people, for behold, I do not forget to urge you and to renew you again and again by My word, which gives birth to God in the man, so that the man may be from above, from heaven, and to be from God. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Annunciation, from 07-04-1997 ***

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 15 Behold, sons, My path, which was leading the man to Me, became a human path, so that the people might know the path to those, who took My vineyard and house and table and garment and My path to the people, and the people do no longer know the path to the kingdom of God. No one teaches the people the way to the kingdom of God anymore. There is not another way to be crossed by foot and by walking of the body, for the kingdom of God is in man, and the man looks for it outside of him, as this is how the antichrist, who fights to keep his sons in slavery, taught him, and he fights to take the sons of My kingdom into slavery, who do not know from Me the place of My kingdom in man. No one can find the way to the kingdom of heavens, as it cannot be found on the earth. It is written: «The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool», and this is the kingdom and My rest. And what did I make the heaven and the earth for? Oh, sons, I made them for the man, so that I may be the God of the man, and for him to be a dwelling of My kingdom, to be a throne and a footstool to Me. But the antichrist man teaches his sons otherwise; he does not teach them as I teach, since his sons look otherwise for the kingdom of God, which is given as a gift and not on money. But today, the churches are ruled by those who stand against Me through the people of the antichrist, and they reached to a means of dishonest gain for the man of the antichrist. Salvation is not bought. It is from God, Who gives Himself to the people to save them and to make them His sons, and the Lord is not a king, who takes tribute from His sons. The buildings of the churches, which do not have Me in them, reached to be a goods store where Chris and His forgiveness and the services dedicated to Christ are sold, and in the place called the Holy of Holies, there where My Body and My word should live, the money slip in, the measure of Caesar, sons. Behold what it is on the earth. Be full of the Holy Spirit, sons from Jerusalem, and shake from Him over the earth, so that the people may bring forth fruits of Holy Spirit and to come to life. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1997. (On Calameo) *** I proclaim the word from the middle of the Romanian people. The Lord, Jesus Christ, goes with a new word over all the nations over the earth. I, the Lord, the One born of the Father before the ages, and of the Virgin, two thousand years ago, and now out of Romania as word, in the end of the Scriptures for My coming, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, cry over the earth to all the margins: get up, you, nations of the earth from all the human kind and come to the river of life, which flows from heaven into the middle of the Romanian people! Come and receive life, the word of holy and everlasting life! I am the Word before the coming of My body on earth the second time with the people. Rise above your bodies and escape from the fire of the wrath, which comes from heaven over all the bodies, which do not have the heaven in them. The heaven means holiness and Paradise in the man’s house, in the man’s body. The Lord calls you to a sweet life, to milk and honey, to a new heaven and to a new earth over the earth. Come and receive the teaching, which gives you eternal life! Come, for the dead rise and will rise and the living will be changed into immortality! The voice of the seventh angel sounds to bring under My glory, those chosen by unbelief, by holiness and by choice food; food from heaven for a new heaven and a new earth over the earth. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at six years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1997. (On Calameo) ***

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 16 The spirit of God’s wisdom is coming on the earth to teach the people the truth of the words. I am the Lord, and I dwell in the heavens, and the heavens speak about God’s glory; they speak about God’s truth. What are the heavens? The heavens are the saints who lived and live worshipping God. Who are those that fast? They are those that dedicate their life to God, to the saints and to those like Him. They who dedicate their lives to God and to those that are pleased to God, are the people who fulfill God’s Scriptures and God’s wills, between the heaven and the earth, and they work the mystery of the work of the fasting. Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday of the Lent, of the Holy Cross. The feast of the forty holy martyrs from Sevasta (Sebaste), from 22-03-1998. (On Calameo) *** I carried the cross on My shoulders two thousand years ago, and I fell under it while I was carrying it. Did I really not have any power to carry it since I fell under it? Oh, it is not because of this that I fell under it. I fell because of My mourning, for My eye was traveling in time and I saw the man from that time and up to this day, and My heart was suffering from this affliction and while My heart was mourning for the pain from man, I fell under this pain. The man from that time and up to this day has been pressing on My cross, on his redemption. The man has fled from the gift of his eternal life. I came to pay before the Father for the gift of the man’s ascension into heaven, for the devil to see that I paid for him and that man is something I created, someone I worked by My hand out of dust, in order to make him the heaven and the throne for God, for man had been meant to be My throne. I am coming in through the gate of My word, the word two thousand years after My sacrifice for the man’s redemption, the gate of My word seven thousand years from the man’s creation. I am coming in through the gate of My word, which becomes My gate between heaven and earth. The word is My gate, and I am the Word Who comes in. I am the One Who comes in. Rejoice, angels! Rejoice archangels and heavenly armies! I go across the heavens and I come and let all know that I am the Judge for the injustice which man of yesterday and today did and does to Me, for he did not listen in the beginning, and he ate of the tree of death, as he does today. When I saw what man did, I took him and drove him out of the garden of life in Eden so that he might not touch the tree of life and live forever after he fell from eternity by his disobedience to his Creator. Even today man eats of the tree of death, of which I forbade him to eat and which I set it apart; I set it apart by My word. Behold, man has defiled My word. Sons, prepare the way of My word, prepare the peace of My word upon you, prepare in you a place for the Holy Spirit to be forever with you. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1998. *** I turn the heaven into a scroll, as I have prophesied. My book, which I give you to make it up upon you and over the earth, is called a scroll, the heaven made into a scroll, the word of the sky, which comes on earth and becomes scroll, the word of life, the holy word for a holy wisdom, the spirit of comfort for those who are comforted by Me, the spirit of joy for those who love My joy, the holy joy. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday of the Lent, of the Saint John Climacus, (or John of the Ladder), from 21-03-1999 ***

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 17 Oh, sons, it is the time for the judgment to start, and behold, it starts with My house, with those who sit into My name over the crowds, with those who do not listen to My Gospel of that time and to the one of today. It is written: «If they received My word, they will receive yours as well». But whoever does not receive My word of today, he did neither receive nor put on them the one that I spoke then. Oh, if the righteous one is hardly saved, what is going to be with the unrighteous and the sinful one? My Gospel is not worked out by those who hold it into their hands over the multitudes and the man does no longer know where God is. But I do not let Myself be denigrated and I speak the word from heaven over every man, and I want to save the man from deception, for the spirit of the world has become master over everything and it has become a thick crust on the man’s mind and sight, and the man does no longer want to become small, a child in his mind and in his heart, to be cleansed from vainglory and to come to life. The spirit of the world is enmity between Me and the man, and I come and knock at the man’s door to tell him about Me and then to tell him that I come again from the Father to judge the living and the dead and each one will carry his own burden. «The Lord is coming!» This is what the Scripture says: He is coming with the saints to judge the unfaithful ones, for the saints were those that were faithful and they have a reward from Me and seats of judgment near Me, to judge with them those that did not believe and do not believe. Those who believe are those who crucify themselves to the world, and the world is also crucified to them, but such miracles are no longer done by anyone, and behold, I am coming, and no one stands before Me, clean from the world and crucified to the world. I have spoken to you and I have said that the world is judged by My crucifixion on the cross. Every man who did not crucify himself for Me after I was on the cross for the man’s life, and every man who did not die and did not came to life through Me, was judged by My crucifixion on the cross two thousand years ago. He who hates his life, that one will gain it, for he, who loves it, does his will and he loses his life, for it is a great thing for the man to know the mystery of life, to look into it and not perish. However, I have drawn you near to Me to teach you from heaven into the mystery of life. Be, therefore, whole in your mind, sons, and «keep praying for the end of all things has come near», as the Scripture speaks. Remain in My love among you, and keep on praying, for it shows you before you the angels that you are to My liking. The people do not love My will and do not look too much at those who live according to My will, but the angels rejoice, sons, and they come together, working near those who keep on remaining in My love from among them, for this love is patient towards love and it gives itself as a sacrifice for the brothers. This is what I said through the Scriptures: «This is My commandment: that you love one another, even as I have loved you, for no one has greater love than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends». (John: 15/12, 13) However, the spirit of the world is enmity between man and God, and I knock at the man’s door and work out a living word over the man, and I work from the seat of My glory, for My seat is worked out of spirit and word, not of stone, not of wood, not of people and not of walls. That is why I said: Mine is the seat from this citadel and I sit on it and speak from heaven the word of eternal life. Amen. The eternal life is that the man to fulfill My commandments and to be holy, for My seat is the holy man, the man in whom I see Myself ruling over him, as I worked in My hierarch Spyridon, making a seat for Me of him and working from on it over many through signs and miracles, proved out in word and in work.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 18 … If I do not have any seat in the Christian, if I do not work from him upon man, that one is nothing else by Christian, for the spirit of the world is enmity between man and God, and I knock at the man’s door and I work from the throne of My glory, and My throne is worked by spirit and word. Those who sit on the seat of church over the crowds and do their will and not Mine before the people, those who seek their glory on a seat of church, they are not from Me and they are from men. The Holy Spirit does some other work, not the man’s work. He does not do the man’s will who does not deserve to stand near Me, and I said: Mine is the seat in this city, Târgovişte, and I sit on it and I speak knocking at the door of the man’s heart, to call him from death to life, for I am speaking again and say: the spirit of the world is enmity between Me and the man who loves this spirit. The apostle spoke over the church and said: «Let not many of you be teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive heavier judgment». (James: 3/1) But who is to hear this Scripture to be a holy teacher in his life and not to be condemned by the words of life themselves? I also spoke through the Scriptures and I said: «All things, therefore, whatever they tell you to observe, observe and do, but don’t do their works; for they say and don’t do». (Matt: 23/3) Excerpt from the Word of God at the celebration of St. Hierarch Spiridon, (Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, r.n.) from 25-12-1999. *** Sons of the manger, you are My throne and you are the horse on which I ride from one margin to another to make a new heaven and a new earth and to fulfill the Scripture of My coming and the renewal of the creation. My throne is the holy man. My temple is the holy man in whom I dwell with My Spirit, and on this day, My eye has been looking through your eyes at those who have come together to sit on My chair, at those who are haughty who call themselves shepherds of My flock, and I have been writing all these things into My book to be a testimony. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of all holy ancestors, from 26-12-1999. *** You, sons from the manger, take from the spirit of joy with which I have made a feast with you today, My feast of two thousand years ago when I was taken to the temple into My mother’s arms as a baby, in order to release the old Simeon from his waiting, who had been waiting for Me to come for such a long time. I have made you to be the cure for the pains of My coming. The word of My coming to you is a healing herb for those who take and put it on their wounds to My benefit, and anyone who will give you a glass of cold water because you are Christ’s, truly I say to you, that he will receive his reward. Amen. And I will fulfill through you the work of the heaven on earth and the life of new Jerusalem, a new earth and a new heaven to the joy of the saints who are waiting with sighing and longing for their eternal life on earth and for their coming with it, for the joy after they have been sighing waiting for the revelation of God’s sons2 , the last God’s sons, the sons of My coming, with whom I am doing the work of My coming with the saints on earth, My coming and the eternal life on earth with the people. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Meeting, from 15-02-2000. *** I have made you the way of My coming for I have found you written in the book of the heaven, in the book of the Lamb’s Life, and the Lamb’s life is in you. I am the little Lamb of 2 «As it is, the creation waits with eager expectation for the revelation of God’s children». (Romans: 8/19)

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 19 the Father, and you are My altar, the ark of My new covenant, the chalice in which I am being poured out every day for the life of the world, by the sacrificing of your life which you gave and give to Me. You are enveloped within the mystery of My coming. Soon, soon, I am going to remove the veil from you, and I will be seen visibly near you, as My word is in you. Now, we are going to rest because you have been working hard. Each day of the wedding needs preparation and sacrifice. I am comprising and embracing you within the spirit of My comfort and I am giving you to carry the cross of My coming much more, because I have no one to share it with. Soon, soon, the sun will shine seven times brighter, and the world will be renewed under the power of My word, which is making the world again. I am building the man again. Amen. And you are My building, and I have set you before the people as a new house, a new foundation, and I, the Lord, am building again on this new foundation the heaven and the earth, the new heaven, the new earth and the new man, (Apoc: 21/1, 2) 3 in My image and after My likeness, and after you, for you are My new building, and you are the fruit of My love from the end, My love from My coming. Oh, sons from My today’s manger, always comprise My coming and let yourselves be comprised by it, for you are My love from My coming, and you are the unfathomable mystery of My coming after two thousand years. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit. The Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the third day, from 18-06-2000. *** I am the image of God’s being, and this is the image that I want to set in you and to bring you before the human kind for My glory over the earth. The Father is giving you power, and from near you I am the image of My Father’s being, the mystery of God’s being. This is the mystery that is embracing you, and within it I am covering and revealing you for the work of the man’s creation, and then again, I am covering and uncovering you, for the Father is giving you power, because He glorifies Himself in the little ones with His glory and the glory of His Son. Amen. The mystery of the kingdom of heavens keeps you within it to show you from it at the right time, to the shame of the many from those who have wanted to love God by their own will and for their comfort. Oh, the glory of the heavenly things is another, and another is the glory of the earthly things. Soon, soon, I am going to bring into view, face to face, these two works, so that My work and the man’s work may be seen clearly. And I am with My glory in which I comprise and cover you, for My mystery with you is My comfort, and I will comfort many with it, and these will see then the mystery of God’s being, the Father’s mystery, which is in Me, and My mystery, that is in you, My mystery with you. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles, Peter and Paul, from 12- 07-2000. *** 3 «Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away, and the sea is no more. I saw the holy citadel, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband». (Apoc: 21/1, 2)

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 20 Oh, come man, and ascend to heaven and then come down into you, and watch over you. You have been doing what you like with you for a long time, you frivolous man, and your mission is other, and it is from heaven, and you do no longer know the voice of the heaven upon you. Behold My voice which speaks from Me upon you. This way I spoke with Adam as well, but he hid and forgot the mystery of the man’s heart, as you also forgot the mystery of your heart, you man that are separated from the mystery of the eternal life. I want you to stop and listen to My speech with you. The days of the eternity on the earth are coming and I come out into your way and keep you the way with the days of the eternity, so that you may see Me and confirm Me as your God, so that I may open your eyes afterwards, as I opened the eyes of My disciples, who saw My glory on the mountain, My heavenly face, the face of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit in the man. Come man, come to see My face! Come to Me to see! I bow down to you to heal your eyes and to see. I come down from heaven and keep your way, for I am the One Who is. This is what I told Moses on the mountain of My glory; I told him: «I am Who I am». This is what I also tell you, man, who come closer to the mountain of My glory, to the place where I, the Lord, speak with the man so that My speaking may be heard on the earth. Open the Scripture, man, so that you may hear My speaking from it; and open your ear, man, to hear My speaking over My garden full of the fragrances of My word, which comes to you to teach you the mystery of the heart. Your heart is My house; it is not yours. That I why I put it in you, man, but you do not know its mystery. That is why I call you to hear My speaking with you; I call you to teach you and to work according to God’s teaching, Who calls you into His kingdom. I call you to teach you that your heart is My house, God’s house in the man. Amen, amen, amen. Oh, little sons from the manger, I want to teach the man the mystery of the heart, the mystery of the heaven on earth, My dwelling with man. The man’s heart has to speak with Me, for My heart speaks with man too. However, man also has to speak with Me. Oh, man does no longer know his speaking with God, for he stays in his heart, and he stays without Me. The man’s heart is the dwelling of the heaven. This is how it was made then when I built the first man. My throne is man’s heart, but man does not hear this mystery, the mystery of the man’s heart. I want man to hear Me. I am passing as word through My garden and I am going to the people to hear Me, and I am bringing the people near, to hear Me and to be able to tell them about My coming. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08- 2000. *** The mystery of the heaven on earth is the holy man. Flee man, flee those that are not and come to Me to be, and come and open so that I may enter, and for you to enter as well, so that it may be a great spirit of celebration between Me and you, and to be your day of celebration and to remember you in it together with the saints and with the angels, both on earth and on heaven. Behold, the mystery of the heaven on the earth becomes a spring and flows to the four sides of the earth and calls all who want to be renewed into the kingdom of the heavens. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Romanian Christianity Celebration, the first day, on 26-08-2000. *** I do no longer have hope in anyone on earth, for the hell reigns everywhere with the man, and I have no place where to set the foot of My coming. I do not have any clean place to

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 21 let My body be carried on earth. I am coming visibly in My body, soon, soon, and I have to walk on clean earth, but the man does not clean the earth so that I may come. I said that the earth is My footstool, but the man does not want to hear what I said, and he keeps Me in the air with My body, he walks in the air with his creations and boasts against Me that he has got the heaven and the earth in his control. Oh, with whom shall I mourn over My pain? The man stands against the truth of My word and against its fulfillment. With whom shall I mourn over the pain that man inflicts on Me? How was the man able to learn to cause Me so much pain? How comes that he has not learned to let Me great over him and to stay little in My hand, under the work of My creation? Soon, soon, I am going to come in My body on earth. I am preparing My footstool and then I am coming. I am coming soon, soon. Amen. And you, children of My coming, stand nicely before Me, for I always speak over you the creation of the new heaven and the new earth, as it is written in the Scriptures about the renewal of the world. I have you as the dough of new age and I am making with you holy things from place to place on the land with you. I have put you as dough in three measures of wheat until all of it will rise and comprise everything from place to place. My mother Virgin is comforting My apostle and they are embracing each other for the feast of today. He is covering you with the spirit of the holy watch, for she is waiting for the sight of My glory with the saints to be revealed over the earth. She is exhorting you to have life and to have much of it, for it is great the mystery of life, which is poured out from Me over you for your eternity, children of My coming. My mother is getting sweet with you, for the longing of those in heaven is great. My mother is telling Me to bless the food for your being and I am coming back with you into the book so that she may give you warm and sweet teaching for great and holy watch, because she sees My coming to you, she sees My coming and is setting over the earth the cleanness so that I may walk with the foot of My coming. The man does not clean the earth for My coming. However, I am going to clean because the man does not do it. I do no longer have any hopes in anyone on earth, for the hell reigns everywhere, (Apoc. 12/12) 4 and I do not have any clean place to walk in My body on earth, but it is written: «Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire, and the earth will be My footstool», (See Apoc: 20/14; Isaiah: 66/1), as it is written. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21- 09-2000. *** Behold food for the soul, sons from the manger. I have always sought to give you food so that it may be known that you have food from heaven. I have always sought to give it a good taste so that you may eat it with pleasure, with longing, with benefit and satisfaction. I keep on seeking to have satisfaction for My hard work between heaven and earth. I have always come after you and for you, like the bird that gathers food for its chicks. I have always come, because I must not be without work. I keep on coming until My coming is over and then I do no longer come and I remain forever with those who are helping Me now in My coming. Amen. My coming becomes harder and harder, it is more and more painful for Me, more and more sorrowful, and more and more difficult for Me. You should be wise and understand what I want to say, for I am saying this with deep pain. 4 «Therefore, rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil has gone down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he only has a short time.” (Apoc. 12/12)

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 22 … Behold, I have been giving you food. Let no crumbs be wasted, but let it be fulfilled. Amen. Eat everything that I am bringing you, work everything that I am giving you, for only the good and whole thing has a reward. Be holy. Amen. The holiness in you is the Spirit of the Lord always, always in you, with you and among you, and let no other spirit be with you, as it is right with the saints, and give Me power to come and to bring you power, because there is no life without food. I will visibly serve you, soon, soon, and now I will serve you more and more in My work with you, for many things are to be done for My work with you, and no one knows to help you for My pleasure, because there is no longer any man with a humble spirit to love Me for Me and not for himself. With every passing day I will release more power to your help for Me with you, to have help at you for Me and that I may reach out My hand after the man who wants to be born of heaven and no longer to die after that. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, from 27-09- 2000. *** You, children sons, always bring your hearts before Me to have a dwelling place forever at and with you. The land beneath you is the new seed of the new earth. I hold it into My hand and make it grow, and as in a dream I will soon cover the whole earth with it, with the land on which I have set you. Oh, only if the man would cleanse himself for the new heaven and the new earth to have joy within My coming so that I may work with love and not with pain or wrath the new heaven and earth and the life of the age that is to be with them. Oh, sons, give to those who are coming to the manger the comfort of My birth in man. Give gifts to the Magi, sons. Give Christ as a gift to the carol singers, the One from the manger at you. Give the new heaven and the new earth as a gift, and give My holy Law on them, too. Peace to you and peace to those who are rejoicing with Me and you, for I am with you with the manger of My coming. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 07-01-2001. *** Oh, little children, weary and crushed under My worries, which I have given to you to bear! I am breathing now, and My breathing upon you gives you new graces, and it also gives you comfort, for no one can comfort you, and he who does not know to seek with Me, that one seeks with you, and you are very gentle, and your powers are squeezed out of you from everywhere. However, I am giving you new powers for I need you, children sons. Your little hands and hearts are the throne on which I am bringing to rest everything that I have to work on the earth now, once with My coming to you. Teach the people which is with you to stay clothed in a holy little shirt and teach it to love the love for Me. And if it wants, let it love you too, but not for you or for them, but only for Me. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic. The feast of the Saint martyr George, from 06-05-2001. *** Let the gates of My words open (Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n.) so that I may come with My word into your manger. Amen.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 23 Sons who receive My word when it comes, I am coming down into the manger as word to comfort the one who has been estranged for such a long time, the anointed one of Romania, Michael, the king of the Lord’s country, for Romania is My country, the country of My return after two thousand years ago from the Father, My wedding country, the kingdom of the heavens, which is likened to a king who makes a wedding to his son. Amen. Behold My word over the one anointed by My angel, over My anointed one. My comfort is coming closer to you by My word spoken from heaven, and I am comforting you, painful son. I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I am wiping out your little heart and removing the tears from it. I am wiping out your face from pains, and I am comforting your being for you have been enduring for a long time. My angel has been all the days with you, he has been covering you from any kind of death and he has been protecting you by this time so that you may be Mine now again over Romania with My blessing, which is put over your head for it. It is My country of wedding and I am having a wedding in it with My bride people, the people that I have raptured to My throne to stay at the mouth of My word and to put it into My today’s book, the book of My returning from the Father after two thousand years. I have a sweet people with nice and clean sons, whom I have drawn out from the world to stay in My will on earth and to hear the whisper of My return, the word by which I comfort those who wait for Me to come and to make a new heaven and a new earth, the New Jerusalem on earth, on the Romanian land, the first patch of land coming out from the waters at the creation of the world, the land from which I took the clay with My own hand and created the first man built. You, little doina singers, called at My wedding with My bride! If you love Me eternally, then always come to Me, for the love without end is coming to the One from Whom it proceeds over man. All My gardens in which I delight My bride are sweet gifts, which I want to give you from time to time so that you may feel My love in them between Me and My bride, and I also want to give the bridal garment, sweet gifts for man. Decorate My gardens with the sweet voice of the doinas and poems that are hidden in the soul of this nation, the Romanian people, the people chosen to be My house for My coming after two thousand years. Come into My gardens, come with holy love, come with holy propriety and with wedding clothes, for these gardens are made at My word and by the hard work of My bride, My bride people, the bride that sacrifices for her Bridegroom to give Him life out of her life as her Bridegroom has given her. Do not have compassion on the world and do not be ashamed of it. Have compassion on angels and not on man, and get dressed with the wedding clothes, you, sons and daughters of men, who want to come to life at My word that is calling out to the dead to come to life. Excerpt from the Word of God to the king Michael, from 28-05-2001. *** I come again to you in the way of the word, people of My coming. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit embrace your little and delicate body and give you powers and new wisdom as well, for this is how God is for those who become His people. I, the Lord, also do My work on you today, so that I may make you wise through it, and you should be a diligent student in order to grow in understanding and for the revealing of the wisdom of My mysteries on you, and you should be completely faithful in everything that comes out of My speaking mouth, so that I may fulfill afterwards; to fulfill through your faith and through your waiting, My people from the end of time. Amen.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 24 Seek to speak, My people, for here it is how much I speak to you. Seek to receive son, and to believe well. Seek to have a strong foundation into your heart for My work on you, for the Lord is speaking above you as in the first beginning with the man, My people, and much more than then, little child. In the beginning, the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the waters, and in the end, over you. In the beginning, I took the heaven and the earth out of waters, and in the end, out of My work into your midst, My people. When I made the heaven and the earth, I made them in the light and at the light, because at first, I made the light and I called it day, the first day. Then I spoke to the waters to be divided, waters from waters, and while they did so, the heaven was made. The heaven broke through the waters in their midst, up and down, and it kept them this way, and this power, this expanse was called heaven, the heaven from waters; the heaven that came out of waters, and then the earth, after the waters received word to come together to one place and the dry land to come out from them; the dry land, which God baptized calling it earth; and He called the waters Seas. The heaven and the earth, and after that, all creation on it, all the beauty, all the life, and they all came to life, and the life came out and spoke, when the man was placed on the earth after God had made him. Then the earth gave them all a body, and the heaven gave them all life and a purpose. The heaven and the earth, and for them, the man. Amen. The man, and for him the heaven and the earth. Amen, amen, amen. In the beginning, the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the surface of the waters, My people, and He was preparing His word for the creation of the heaven and the earth and for the creation of the whole beauty and the life on them, and that of the man, My people. And in the end, the Spirit of the Lord is hovering over you preparing His word for the creation of the new heaven and the new earth. In the beginning I took the heaven and the earth out of waters, and in the end out of you, people born of God and of His creating word. I separated waters from waters with you and I called you heaven, My people. You are the tool, with which I work out the new heaven and the new earth. My Spirit hovers over you and becomes word, the word of creation of the new heaven and new earth. My Spirit is hovering over you as He was hovering over the waters, when I made the heaven and the earth, My people. Then I and My Father were speaking, and the angels were Our witnesses. Now, I and My Father are speaking with you, and the saints, the angels and the people are Our witnesses, the heaven and the earth, which have been waiting for the new birth, the renewal, My people. The Spirit of the Lord is hovering over you and with you He is separating the waters from waters, the light from the darkness, the good ones from the evil ones, the truth from the falsehood, and He called this expanse new heaven. Amen, amen, amen. The new heaven and the new earth on the earth, this is the portion that I have given to you. I have given it to you, so that you may carry the mystery of My coming, as I also gave John the portion in order to carry the mystery of My baptism, before I was to appear to God perfectly, by overcoming the power of death, and giving back his life to the man in a perfect manner. Since then and until today, I have been waiting for the man with the faith by which he may able to perfectly perceive why I came as a Man on the earth two thousand years ago. I have been waiting for you to perfectly understand your mission and mystery that I have given to you to carry, My people from the end of the time; the mystery of My second coming from the Father on the earth, the mystery of the new heaven and the new earth, the mystery of the New Jerusalem, the creation from My coming. Amen. John came as a witness to testify about the light, so that everyone might believe through him, and he was saying: «He Who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me, and from His fullness we all received grace upon grace, for the law was given through

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 25 Moses, and grace and truth came through Jesus Christ». Amen. Oh, in what a heavenly manner John did answer at Jordan testifying about the Lamb of God saying: «I did not know Him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water: that He would be revealed to Israel. I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven, and He remained on Him. I did not recognize Him, but He Who sent me to baptize in water, He said to me: ‘On Whomever you will see the Spirit descending and remaining on Him, the same is He Who baptizes in the Holy Spirit”. I have seen and I have testified that this is the Son of God. Behold, the Lamb of God!» Amen, amen, amen. Oh, My people, behold how beautiful John knew to testify, to speak and to answer to those who were asking him, to those who were hearing, seeing and asking! When he was sent by Me to the Jordan to baptize the One Who baptizes with Holy Spirit, I told him that on Whomever he was seeing the Spirit descending and remaining on Him, it was that One. And John saw this, and so he confessed afterwards saying: «Behold, the Lamb of God!» Amen. The day of Epiphany was a day of creation. The Lord came out of the water and John knew Him and testified about Him. Behold, what a mystery in a day of Epiphany, My people, the mystery for which John came, the same as your mystery is the mystery for which you came, the mystery of My second coming on earth with the New Jerusalem from everlasting, so that I may entrust it to you for its work and for its complete fulfillment, for I love to come true through the weak ones with all the accomplishments, which still are, so that the man may no longer say that he created, that he knew, that he deserves and that he can. Let the man no longer say again that he can manage above God. And here is how I work. I make the weak ones into might, by which I divide the light from the darkness, the waters from waters, so that the new heaven, the new earth and the sea may come out of them, and I say again: the new heaven, the new earth and the sea, which is and which is not, for the world has and end over it, the reward of its transgressions, and its reward is lawlessness, for it is written: «He who acts unjustly, let him act unjustly still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him do righteousness still; he who is holy, let him be holy still, for I come soon, and My reward is with Me to give each one according to its deed». Amen. Oh, Jerusalem, you have the light as your portion, little son. The darkness is everywhere, deep darkness, and My Spirit is hovering over you, and I said that you are to be light, and this is what I said in the first day of creation: «Let there be light!», and it was so; it was and it appeared over the darkness, My people, and the day was called light, the first day. This is what I have also told you, and in the end I have told you; «Let you be light!» And as the light submitted and appeared, the same with you too; you should listen and separate yourselves from all the darkness, so that I may call you day to the full, the first day, My day, for I am the first Who is and the last One, and I am the beginning and the end, because I do not start anything without finishing the work that I started. In the first beginning I started with the light, and in the end of My work I also start with it, and I have made you the beginning of light, and I illuminate with you the heaven and the earth and I fill them with the Spirit, the Comforter, the One Who speaks hovering over you in the mystery of the new creation of everything that are, either because they are seen, or because those that are have not been seen. I want to teach you the whole of My mystery for the end of the time, in which I included you, but you should seek to be diligent for it and for its full wisdom, little and tiny people. Get up and be great for the wisdom of the mystery in which I clothed you and which I made it to come down on you even from eternity, New Jerusalem, because if you do not fully understand

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 26 My mystery that has been kept for the end of the time and for you, you will not be able to finish it fully, and you will not be able to carry its love fully, its love, which helps you to be able to carry it and work it, so that the day of My coming may be made out with the resurrection of the creature and with the life of the age, which is to be fully on earth. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.) Oh, My people Jerusalem, the new heaven and the new earth break up their crust and come out of your midst, and you should work them and keep them in order to have them forever, for the sea does no longer stand against you; it is no longer into your way, for I separated the light from the darkness and the waters from waters5 and I made the expanse and I call it new heaven, New Jerusalem on earth, and I called it the first, the first seed that is kept in eternity, so that it might not be crushed on the earth. And now, I have given it an image into the midst of the people, for at the appearance of this mysterious fruit, it is the end of the time, but it is as true as God is. Amen. Sing your song, if you have arisen on the earth, New Jerusalem, for your seed has been kept in eternity for the end of the time, and I say again: for the end of the time. Amen. You are the promise that I have made for all the saints and angels. All and everything have been waiting for your day and My day, in one another, and everything will be revealed in all the beauty from eternity, which is from the Father, and then everything will be submitted to the Father, for they have also submitted to the Son. Amen. Sins your song, My loved Jerusalem. Learn your song and its purpose and sing to the One Who gave you life on earth, and sing, and you will sing forever your song from everlastingness, the song of the bride. This is what I said: «When the branch of the fig tree becomes tender and puts forth its leave, know and rejoice that your salvation has come». Amen. Oh, tell Me, you Jerusalem, tell Me your mystery, the mystery for which you have come. Tell Me, My people; learn it well and tell Me to see your faith and stature and your working spirit and your walking on earth. Oh, My people, you should go on the earth more and more beautifully, more and more over it, so that we may meet in the time of your walking, to meet each other and embrace ourselves within glory, for it is written: «They will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so they will be with Him forever». Amen. In the beginning the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the waters, and in the end, He is hovering over you, speaking over you and testifying about you, My people. Tell Me, New Jerusalem, tell Me son, your mystery. I will hear you and I will take your word into everlastingness. Amen, amen, amen. The Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 20-01-2002. N.S. (07-01-2002 Old Style / after the Julian calendar6 ) (On Calameo) 5 «Then he said to me: “The waters that you saw, where the prostitutes sit, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages.”» (Apoc: 17/15, r.n.); 6 Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.) The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 27 *** The chief angels, Michael and Gabriel, are the glory of the angelic hosts, and the spirit of the feast of today comforts Me among the angels and among you, children of the New Jerusalem. I bless your food threefold and we stay near you with a table of feast and we comfort your joys and pains and we give you the Holy Spirit to be your filling, and you are to give glory to the heaven, which stays with you in many groups comforting your little hearts and bodies tired of all the worries of My celebration with you. I have been longing so much to come down with My word upon you, and My comfort was also great when I saw you filled with a spirit of prayer and of glorifying My name with the word of glory for the heaven. The earthly man cannot understand My love for My work with you, because the word between Me and you has been a great mystery, and then My calling after the man. On earth I have been hurt because of every man, for the emptiness of the man’s mind has put Me completely away from his thought that I will come and I will reward everyone according to his life and work. The man saw that the year of 2000 passed and I did not come, but I tell him that he does not know when he says so. Soon, soon, every man will receive, willing or not, this wisdom by which I stay into your midst as word, and he will understand that My coming is with you, and the heaven and the earth are seized by the mystery of My word upon you and all the saints and angels and all the heavenly powers are amazed because of this mystery and because of this earth chosen for My coming by the mystery of the creation of the world, kept within a mystery to glorify Myself upon you, those who are now My disciples, the same way as those of two thousand years ago were My disciples by their obedient and miracle working faith. Oh, if I did not conceal the work of the mysteries, which I put today into your midst by My word, I could not get in on the earth with you for the confession, which will speak and testify My way from heaven to earth in these days for the fulfillment of the Scriptures of My coming and its mysterious glory among you. However, I, as a great God that I am, keep you wrapped up within this mystery to be able to speak with the man, and for the man to be able to stand before you and to take Me as his word as much as I allow him to see My glory with you. Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saints archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2003. (On Calameo) *** My Spirit is the Holy Spirit Who is carried by the saints, and I dwell with Him in the saints, as I have done all the time, because the saints have the spirit of humility in them, and this spirit does not have his face in man anyhow, and where he has it, it is wonderful and he is like God. Amen, amen, amen. The Spirit of humility in man helps Me to dwell in man and to make a throne for Me in him and to reign from it in the midst of those who are humble, who have the wisdom from above and which is clean, peaceful, full of mercy and good works, honest and faithful, and which is obedient, My people. Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, ( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 28 Oh, I settle down as word upon you to teach you, Jerusalem, and then to see that you have received My teaching, for it is in this way and no otherwise that faith works. The Spirit by which I dwell into your midst has to give you abundant grace, for it is written in the Scriptures of the Holy Spirit that «God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble». (1 Pet: 5/5) Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 29-02-2004. (On Calameo) *** Oh, those who love Me with My love in them, they become heavens, and I dwell in them, and from them I glorify Myself over the earth, and I rely on them for the new creation of the world, for since I came on earth and became the Son of Man, I have been teaching man all the things I have passed through and worked, and I have been showing him how to become a son of God as I am, because I am obedient, I am humble and I love the Father Creator, and I do not do My will between the heaven and the earth, and I take after My Father in everything I do, for he who is from the Father, listens to Him. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism, (The Epiphany), from 19-01-2005. *** Oh, My people, the man does now know to believe that God’s Scriptures surely come true. As far as every man’s life concerns, the man has to build it in his body, in his own body, in which God is supposed to dwell and not him, but he acted the fool saying that he did not know this mystery; however, he does not play the fool when he receives medals and diplomas of a great and intelligent man. And the one, who has taken on a name and a rank of holy man to God, did not play to fool either, but I tell you that he will be called into account for what he has sown in his body; he plays the fool pretending that he has not known, that he has not believed, that he has not seen or heard. However, I am preached far and wide, from one margin of the heavens to the other, and the commandment spoken by Me over the man for his eternal life will require an answer of every man, for God is true in all His word. Amen. The heaven is My throne and your faith in the Scriptures of My coming is the footstool of My word on earth, people of the glory of My word! The man of lawlessness has settled all over the earth and he says that I do not come, that I do no longer come, for he does not know when I come, but I know that he has been calculating My coming very well, as the Magi of two thousand years ago found it and they found Me as well, and they saw an accomplished Scripture and proclaimed it, and it has remained a true accomplishment up to this day, and the man of lawlessness has been fighting against Me to win the heaven and the earth, and it is not sufficient only that for him, but he rather wants to set his sin as king over these things of Mine. And I write with power and anger the end of the man’s lawlessness and the beginning of the people of the saints, for he builds his own eternity in his body, either for God or for him. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-2005. (On Calameo) *** Now, I come into your midst again and I come into the gates, My people, and you should seek to have a firm faith for the miracle of My coming to you, because the world does not believe that I am still coming on earth at its due time. It always speaks about future times for

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 29 My coming, and it does this so that it may not receive Me, that it may not sanctify itself, that it may not leave off worldliness, that it may not love the fear of God, this great mystery, by which the man does not stay without God on the earth. I made the man on earth and the Father was near Me on earth, because the earth is the footstool of Our feet as it is the man’s, because the man stands with his feet on earth and with his body in heaven like God, but the man does not know what the heaven and the earth are, and he does not know what his body is either. The man’s body is a house, My people. Oh, son taught by God, do not forget that if I had not lived with My disciples two thousand years ago, and if My Spirit had not had them as His house, I would have not been able to reveal Myself to the people and the people would have not found anything about God, if I and the Father had not found any dwelling place and heaven in My disciples who were sanctifying the name of the Father and Mine; if they had not made My kingdom in them alive, because they gave away from themselves and left their body to Me as a dwelling place, and I put in them the Holy Spirit of the Father and Mine, and in this way I was on earth with the people, My people. … Oh, My people, always, always try and then to can always, always, to be able to be My confessor first from your inside, and then from outside of you between brother and brother, so that the Father may see you from heaven, to see from near you that you keep His name holy on earth as in heaven in your body and in your soul, My people, and that He may see His living kingdom into your midst and the council of His will in you. Be easy and moldable into My hand and then into My heart, to be able to understand than all the time the mystery of the Lord with you on earth, because I and the Father made the man on earth, on earth and in heaven, all these together; and do not forget that the fear of God is love and it keeps you within the Father, and also do not forget that the Lord sits in heavens and He sits in council in them and with them, and do not also forget that the Father and the Son and the heaven are near you and We hold your little hand so that the Lord may have within you the heaven on earth, My people. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, from 27-09- 2005. (On Calameo) *** — Oh, may it be blessed the power of the teaching of today upon you, My people! Do not postpone your judgment! Judge yourself and get up for the holy thing, for those who are humble work out salvation. Look at the prayers of the saints, see how much they humbled themselves by their prayers before Me, how much they were crying and how much and how clearly they saw their unworthiness! Be humble, My people! Be, clean in your heart, for the heart is My place in man, and I am God in man, when I can sit on My set of coming, into the man’s heart when I sit. Peace to you! I give you the blessing of a bishop! Oh, how are supposed to be those who are blessed? Peace to you, My people! I am the Great Bishop, the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the Lord your God, and I have spoken to you the word of life on a day of feast. Take it and put it on you! Put upon you what I have given to you, My people. Amen, amen, amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the circumcision of the Lord at the holy hierarch Basil the Great, from 14-01-2009. ***

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 30 The voice of the Lord is that which speaks and becomes a river of word over the earth. The river of life is called My word, which has been flowing from My mouth during these days, and he who drinks of if never thirsts after anything but only after God. Amen. I come down on earth with a feast of Epiphany. I come into the book as word, and through it I sit on the throne and reign, for the throne which I sit on as king with a kingdom that does not fall is the heart of the faithful man, who fulfills the commandment of God’s love. This is how I was King, and this is how I am King today, for My kingdom with man is not as on earth, and it is on earth as in heaven. Amen. Peace to you, those who set for Me the word spoken by My mouth! When My mouth speaks, your ears open and this is how I come into the book, and like a good Shepherd I pasture the nations with this rod, and I touch with it the waters in a day of Epiphany and I put in them the Holy Spirit to the cleansing of the faithful man, for My word is the shepherding iron, and I clean with it the man’s heart and I give Myself to him and sit on the throne and reign, and this is how I have a kingdom on earth, and I am the King of those who love Me and give themselves to Me as My kingdom, and I am the Shepherd King. Peace to you, children from the gates! Set Me into the book to shepherd those who come to the water of Epiphany, to shepherd those that do not come and those who will be hearing My word of Shepherd, through which I baptize the man’s heart with the baptism of the Holy Spirit to give birth to the man, for the man is born from below. And now, behold, I am shepherding. Amen. Oh, take heed, take heed, you those who understand through My gift upon man, and you, those who do not understand God’s dwelling with man, My kingdom with those who know God! Take heed and cry out to God to open up your ears and then your mind to understand God on earth as in heaven with His kingdom and then with His will, for two thousand years ago, I taught My disciples to ask from God that My kingdom and My will to be done on earth as in heaven. Take heed, you, those who are faithful, and you, those who are not faithful to My word of today! Those who take heed at of My word from the beginning, preached by the prophets, and that from two thousand years ago, that one is the who pays attention to My word of today, for he is only for the faithful ones, and let the unfaithful humble themselves and call Me to come towards them and to reveal Myself to them and they to ask Me to go to My Father to intercede for them to send them their salvation from faith, for this sin leads the man to the lack of watchfulness, and it leads him to the darkness. Oh, learn from Me, learn what the word ”church” means. If the teachers who stay upon you do not teach you this, then come near that I may teach you. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Teacher of men! Come and be My church, for man is a church either to God or to satan; he is either in the service of the Lord, or in the service of satan, and soon, soon, satan will no longer be and there will be great sufferance, torment and sigh in those who served him in them. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) It is written into the Scriptures that I will dwell with the people, and they will be My people and the Lord Himself will be with them and will wipe out their tear, and death will no longer be, neither pain, for the first things will pass away and I will sit on the throne and speak and say: «Behold, we make them all new!» Then I speak that they may be written, for My word is faithful and true, and then I fulfill, and after that I declare: «It is done!» and then I say again: «I will give to the one who is thirsty to drink freely from the spring of the water of

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 31 life, and he who overcomes will inherit this and I will be his God, and he will be My son». Amen. Oh, this is how My church on the earth is, and I sit on the throne and speak a word of making, for I make My kingdom of the faithful one, and My throne is his faithful heart, and I sit in it as on the throne, and the faithful one serves Me, and through those who are faithful to Me, I dwell among people and I make a people and a kingdom for Me, and I make it with man, for I work with him and say: «Behold, we make them all new!» as it is written, and I do not work alone, for it is written to work with man everything that are written in the Scriptures to be fulfilled, and this is how the man is My church on earth. Amen. … I embrace you within a spirit of Epiphany, My people. Sanctify yourself in My word and let My word be sanctified in you, son! Oh, let My name on earth be made holy as in heaven, for My throne of King is the heart of those in whom I dwell on earth with a kingdom that does not fall down! Those who are priests and kings in My name on earth among people and for people, they reign like Me either, and they reign in the heart of those who love them and they are kings through them and for them. Amen. My kingdom is not of this world. It has its realm and throne in those who are My church, My country on the earth, a country without borders, and which spreads from margins to margins by those who love Me, having Me in them as King, as it is written about God’s tabernacle with people, and the Lord will dwell with them and they will be His nations, and God Himself will be with them, their God, and the lot of those who are unfaithful are the lake that burns with fire and brimstone and which is the second death, as it is written. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism, from 19-01-2009. (On Calameo) *** Behold, you find here, at My spring between earth and heaven all the good things of life, for I love so much the man even to the point of becoming new word between earth and heaven, and I make My coming to him to prepare him fatherly and to make him used to becoming a baby for obedience and also to give him My kingdom, to build Myself in him and to make My heaven in Man, to make My throne in him, to be the king of man’s life by his living life, the life of My kingdom in him. Oh, take care so that I may be King in you, and you to be My kingdom, and do not forget that you cannot serve two masters and still have a clean heart. Oh, it is not possible that way. The taste of the body, the taste of the world whispers to you that it is possible like that too. Oh, no! What kind of the cleanness of the heart the one who serves two masters can prove anymore? (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) Oh, people gathered at My school of instruction, I am putting My word before you by which I said: «Blessed are those pure in heart, for they will see God», and now, after two thousand years, I am telling you that God is seen in those who are pure in heart, and they are those who are pure in heart. Amen. You will know them after their fruit, not after their words, and you will know their faith by their works, for the true faith and its work is its action, which makes it perfect in its sight. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2009. (On Calameo) *** I am coming down with the heaven on earth as word, and the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool, and this is how God’s house is, and man cannot build Me a house,

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 32 for I am He Who built and builds. I take the heaven of saints and I walk with them on the footstool of My feet, and those that are not seen cover Us from the man’s eyes, for man is far from heaven. I come with the heaven on earth, as man is far away from heaven, and My Spirit struggles to make the man divine and to bring him near so that he may see God, for God’s invisible things were made first and then were made those that are seen, and man was made after that. I Myself came down on earth two thousand years ago, after I had sent many messengers to the people by the spirit of prophecy, who were to preach God to them. I, Myself, am coming today, after many have confessed in My name so that the people may believe in Me and to be saved, and the world has not risen from the death that comes from sin. I Myself come, I Myself speak on earth and My gentle whisper draws to the Father those who long like Me and comfort My pain after man, for I lost the man after I had built him. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the Virgin, My mother, and how easy it is for Me to stay with the faithful ones, to come to them and to give them food of My mouth for their soul! I have announced at the gates the feast with which I come on this day, and behold, We are coming as word into the book, I and My mother the Virgin, I and her feast of two thousand years ago, when I descended after her to take her near Me. … I become a teacher with depth of teaching in the word so that the man, who lacks skill in his faith, may take lessons from Me, for where much wisdom has place in man, and he keeps on acquiring it, there much foolishness is also, that is, much pride, much food from the earth and from man, but there is no place for wisdom in man for God’s invisible things. Oh, My people, oh son, it is one thing for man to write on a piece of paper one, two, three, four, and to keep account of his laws and possessions, and there is another thing for him to know how to speak and to speak out words. The word is something else, not numbers. I speak like this for the man to understand what I want to say to him, for man counts his time, his money, his possessions and works, his friends or his enemies; he counts his sheep, goats, birds, clothes and he also counts all that he has got and what he is going to have, and he has learned only to count, poor of him, and there is no man that he might not be caught in this trap on earth; however, he forgets to count his days and keep a record of them, their income and shortages, and I do this for him on the day when he leaves his body and meets Me and when he gets terrified on that very moment when he realizes that he did not know that he also had to believe in Me, to have faith in God’s invisible things as well, and which have waited for him at the border. Oh, if I, the Lord, had to teach you an even greater craft, man who always run and do no longer have time to stay and see God behind all those that you see and always count, I, the Lord, would give you the gift of faith and I would teach you then for it, as you need for it much instruction for submission, for much humility, for self-denial and for many that you do not take into account and which gnaw your life inside, and you forget that you are not God and that you cannot be a God for you and that you are a mere man and that is all. If you were to be God, then you would be to come to instruction so that you may know how to be and how you can be God, for in all My work, I take only from the Father so that I may know and that I may do, and that is why I said that Father was in Me and I said this because I had obedience from Him as a gift, and I said that I did not speak anything from Myself and I spoke only those that I heard from the Father, but who was to understand My word to discern it and to work it as I did, as I had told the man that I was and that I worked? I have spoken everything to man, but has he got

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 33 any time to become God at My word and to hear from Me and work like that as I do between Me and the Father? Oh, man does not have time for Me and for My word fulfilled in him, and that is why he cannot be deified, to be full of My grace that makes the heavenly man on earth. People do not want to be anything else but people and that is all. The woman does not want to be nothing else but only a woman. However, I want to be like the Father, and I am, and I work accordingly, and behold, I make a people to the Father, which becomes godly by grace, as My work from Him is to make the man be deified and to make God’s sons among people, so that the Lord may have His sons on earth in such a way that God, the Creator, may have fruit, and so that the man may no longer spoil His heaven and earth, but rather God may renew them and to be a new heaven and earth after that, because man has become corrupt just as food goes bad and then it stinks and gets full of flies and worms and then it becomes dust, where its body came from. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-2010. (On Calameo) *** Oh, by great faith, My mother Virgin received Me in her virgin womb and then she delivered Me as a godly Baby to the Jewish people, the people that did not receive Me and which was afraid of My coming on earth, and it has kept its throne on earth up to this day, (With money, r.n.), and they left Me to the heaven, but behold, the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool and those who are not faithful do not know this truth, oh, they do not know what they do when they want to erase My trace on earth. Those who were killing the people faithful to Me, calling them sorcerers and deceivers because of the miracles and the signs they were doing by their faith in Me, have made use of their reign. They have used their throne, those who were My enemies from My birth from the mother Virgin and up to My resurrection from the dead, after they gave Me over to be crucified, and up to My last day, when we will sit on the throne of glory for those faithful and unfaithful, as I am sitting now and reigning and fulfilling in this way. Oh, I sit on the throne of word, and the word coming out of My mouth is an iron staff and I shepherd with it those who are faithful and I judge with it those who are not faithful and I fulfill as two thousand years ago the Scriptures of My coming from the Father to man, and My kingdom will have no end, and the kings of the earth have not received My kingdom and I do not have anything their kingdom as well. Oh, glory to My birth of your virgin body, My mother Virgin! What beautiful, oh, what beautiful was upon you the message of the angel, when through him, I asked you to be My chosen one, to be My path, mother! When the angel came to you, while you were in Joseph’s house, the son of David, he wished you joy and called you full of grace, full of Me, mother, and he told you: «The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. Don’t be afraid and do not be troubled by the word of my message. You will conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son and will call His name ‘Jesus’. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord will give Him the throne of His father, David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to His kingdom, for everything is possible with God». (See Luke: 1/28-33) And you answered the angel and said: «Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word». (Luke: 1/38) Then I, by your faith, was seeded into your bosom and I became flesh as a Child, and I was born on earth, and there came at the manger of My birth shepherds and Magi, and the angels coming from heaven sang all that night long on earth and announced Me as born. Then the shepherds related how they came there after the angels told them and saw Me, mother, sleeping in the manger near the cattle, as I wanted to be born on earth as the King of the creature, humble and foreign to all those that

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 34 belong to the people, but full of spirit and grace and of the word of the man’s making, for I grew and the Father glorified Me with My glory from Him, who is not like the glory that come from the people, but it is from the spirit of humility, mother, a spirit which will make any man to be born of God, as I was born of you, true God of true God, for you, mother who became heaven and earth for Me, a new heaven and a new earth made of man, as I want to work this Scripture, fulfilled with those who are faithful, as faithful as you were, and to be able to work now on earth the birth of My word through them, which is My iron rod by which I crush the enemies of My coming and build in their place a faithful people on My way of coming, for the word is My way, and I am its way, mother. And I have faithful sons, who keep Me at their bosom with faith and they are helping Me when I am coming as word on earth into My book of today among people, now, oh, My mother. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 25-12-2010 (Old style / after the Julian calendar) / 07-01-2011 (N.S.) (On Calameo) *** I want to teach the man how to make out of his body a heavenly palace for his soul, which is God’s palace on the earth, for the soul is from God in man. He who becomes a holy man in his body, that one redeems his soul and the body that has housed his soul for eternity. It is written into the Scriptures about the redemption of the bodies and this mystery is resurrection. I want man to kill the sin in him, for the soul I have given him stays as in a cage in his sinful body, and he who gains his soul from Me gives it over to be in the bondage of his body, that one loses his soul for he will no longer redeem his sinful body; however, he who loses his soul for Me, for My being in him on the earth, no longer serving to the body of his sin, that one earns his soul, and with it he redeems his body too, which he has made into a holy palace for his soul, God’s palace, for the soul in man comes from God. The mystery of the soul is great, and the body, which does not serve to his soul, is useless, for the body does not give life as the soul does, for God’s grace gives him to have, and man cannot have otherwise. I want to speak with your spirit, not with your body, man. When I speak with your body it hurts you, it hurts you very much, man. If only the ear of your body hears Me now, you will drive Me away without paying attention to My voice in you, but if you open the hearing of your spirit, the spirit is that which gives you life, and it will give you life from Me. Oh, your soul is the prisoner in your body. You are the dungeon of your soul from God. This is your body. I exhort you to become God’s house and to adorn it according to the law of the soul for the Master of your soul, for you are not the master but the warden instead. I come to speak to you because I am the Father of your soul and I suffer from the one that is Mine when he stays under burdens; it hurts Me as you are hurt from one of your sons when he falls into the slavery to a master that is cruel to him and you mourn over your enslaved son. Oh, make your body heaven for the soul, man, for the heaven is My throne and man is My footstool on earth. Prepare yourself to be My palace, as it is for this that I built the man and I have to remind you this. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah, the Tishbite, from 02-08-2011. *** The Lord comes on earth as word and He gives Himself to the people to their salvation, and woe to those who have saturated of this food that keeps alive the one who eats it, and who does not only eat bread, as man is used to be fed on earth!

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 35 The Lord is coming to you as word, oh, people grown with the food of My mouth on your table of word, for you eat of My mouth like a child, to whom his mother gives chewed food of her mouth and thus her son grows up. The devil, hostile to Me and to you, would like and seek that I may no longer come to you with so much word that has so much life in it, to catch you then uncovered and to weaken your watch, your power, then your hope and the work of your salvation; however, I do not let him come and I come to you with My warmth, with My hand above you, to hold your little hand, My people, as I would no longer have you if I did not come to you as word and comfort of word. The world would also like this, that is I may withdraw into heaven with My river of word, for the spirit of the world is jealous of you when he sees that you are Mine on earth. It cannot be counted how much your enemies looked and always go on looking to see that I leave you without My support, without Me, My people. Your enemies lie in ambush; those who are not faithful also stay and look to see what else I am going to put on your table, what else I am going to give you and what I am giving you on My table. They would like you to be like them; to eat what they eat and no longer to take your food of My mouth, but you are in My plan and I work according to it and not after man, for man does many of his works without God, and flesh and blood cannot reveal My coming as word and My calling. Oh, no, it is not flesh and blood that reveals to man those coming from God on earth, but My Father in heaven does this, for man turns from flesh into dust, as he was made flesh from dust and then God gave him breath of life, and flesh desires as much as blood is alive in it, and it cannot inherit the kingdom of the heavens but only when the body of the flesh becomes a temple for the Holy Spirit, a holy body by the holiness in it, a place dwelling for the Lord in it. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Saint hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12-2011 (12-12-2011 - Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo) *** On a day of Sunday, the second Sunday after My resurrection, which took place on the day of Sunday, I strengthen the name of the Day of the Lord and of His rest. I the Lord, Jesus Christ, the resurrected Lord, am strengthening by the word and I say this: the first day of creation is the greatest day, and the minds of the people on earth have not been in great hurry, those who do not keep the greatest of the days, they have not hurried to understand what a great day this day is and how much meaning it has between God and man, between man and God. I am speaking to them on this day of the confirmation of My resurrection before the disciple Thomas, when he looked at Me after I was resurrected, and he touched Me for the confirmation of the mystery of My resurrection, I am telling those who remain for the day of Saturday as a day for the Lord, and I am telling them that I did not rest on the day of Saturday, after they crucified Me, but that I worked in the dwelling of the dead for the light of the day of the Sunday, of the day of the light, for I, the Lord, entered the hell as a great light, and I draw out those who had been waiting for their salvation all the time during those five thousand years and a half after the days of creation, in which man was created as well. (About these see Gospel of Nicodemus: Part II. - The Descent of Christ into Hell, r.n.) Then I came to life with great glory and I remained forty days, going from place to place appearing alive and working great miracles, and then I went in the mountain with My faithful ones, that they could be witnesses of My resurrection and then witnesses of My ascension to the Father, as few as they were at that time from among all the people on earth, and I went up from among them and I ascended to the right side of the Father, in the place where the Father has Me settled from eternity; after that, I have sent the Holy Spirit over the disciples,

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 36 Who was promised to them and Who came after My ascension to the Father, and He remained with them and brought God to them, as I promised them that I would be with them to the end of the time. On a second day of Sunday after the Sunday of My resurrection and of those who were waiting in hell for their Savior promised to Adam, the first man created, I entered again into the midst of My disciples, while they were staying together closed because of the fear of those who were looking for them, and I said to them: «Peace to you!», as these hearts, crushed and full of tension, needed much peace. And on that day, I saw the disciple Thomas among them, who was not among them on the Sunday of the resurrection, when for the first time I appeared resurrected before them. As some people stuck to the earthly things, even after My resurrection, they still minded their things. However, I was walking after them and I appeared to them so that they might understand their election and to give other things or occupations on the earth away from them, as God hired them for Him, and they still worked otherwise. However, the Holy Spirit came and He gave Himself to them, and then they were able to work only for Me, only with My walking, and I had much work to be done through them and which was to be set on earth, so that I may have a house with the man on earth, to have the man as My church, to have a body made of faithful sons, and I to become one body with them by My body and blood united with them in their own body, so that we may all be one, and that they may be the sons of the Father as I am, and the Father’s love was so great that He called those who were faithful to Me God’s sons! The mind of those who remained with the old things was very weak and they did not understand from God the greatness of the day of Sunday, and which I, the Lord, sealed it as My rest after My great victory against the hell between the hour of My crucifixion and that of My resurrection on the first day of the week, on the Sunday in which I came to life victoriously, for I overcame the death and the hell and I let the people know about My day for the feast of rest, the day of My resurrection, another day of rest for the faithful ones. Only those who did not receive Christ, only those remained stubborn, for they could not change the day for the Lord, since they gave the Lord to death, not receiving Him, the One Whom the Father had sent to them. Oh, people of My word, I am coming into your midst, son, I am coming as word, as I was entering to My disciples two thousand years ago, and as I was speaking to them after My resurrection. I am speaking with you on the way, as I spoke with those who wanted Me on their way to Emmaus. I appear to you as a great and resurrected God, as I appeared to Thomas and as I made him sure that I was. Oh, blessed are all those who believed and believe My disciples’ testimony of that time for Me, the disciples who were chosen by the Father to be witnesses to My coming of that time and to proclaim it to the margins, together with the feast of My Resurrection on the first day of the week, the day of Sunday! Oh, this is how I have you too, as My witness now for My coming again on earth sent by the Father, and you confess yourself and share the word of My mouth, and blessed and chosen by the Father are those who believe God, Whom you share with them when He comes and proclaim Himself far and wide with His coming after seven thousand years from the creation of the world, and He is coming to make the world again; He is coming and He is working now the new birth of the world, and by His creation now, He is setting a new heaven and a new earth, working with the word of His mouth.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 37 Oh, peace to you, people confessing of My second coming from the Father as word on earth! By the word, the Lord made the heaven and the earth in the beginning and He is working again the mystery of the new heaven, the new earth and the New Jerusalem for this mystery. You should have great love, people loved by God, for the Lord has revealed to you His entire work for the new birth of the world, and you, who are born from above by this word of My mouth, help to My work the Father has given to Me and stay on My right side until we will overcome the last enemy, and then there will be the new heaven, the new earth and My confessing people, by whom I will share the great joy for all of the saints who will have waited for My complete victory. Amen. Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas, from 22-04-2012. (On Calameo) *** Oh, My people from the spring, I have put into the book the word for the love of God of those who come and take the Lord from you. I have showed that I have the son’s propriety before the Father both in prayer and conduct and in modest obedience to the Father. Even face to face with man, I showed My godly conduct, the humility of God’s Son. The humility among brothers teaches them the love of God, and when it is not among brothers, they do not learn what love is and what God is. The holy decency among brothers teaches the brothers to obey the other one, to be humble to one another by the spirit of the love of God, for love submits itself and does not bring into submission. Behold a great teaching: love does not bring into submission but it rather submits itself, and it cannot be otherwise. Those who do not show the work of their life in this way, they are not brothers among themselves in My name and no one can love God otherwise on earth and in heaven, and again, no one can say that he loves God if the holy propriety is not among brothers that teaches the brothers what obedience to each other is, but it rather submits itself, for it cannot be otherwise, and man cannot be otherwise in the image of God’s son and after His likeness, Who, in a holy propriety, submitted in heaven and on earth before God and before man, and by so doing, showing the work of the love of God, the work of God’s sons. Amen. Oh, sons, the holy propriety that submits itself teaches the brothers the highest conduct, the highest wisdom of those who are called brothers among themselves in Christ. They are no longer as on earth, but they rise high by their highest conduct between brother and brother, and the submission to one another proves that they are no longer from the earth and that they are the new earth for the new heaven, in which justice and peace dwell. Justice is the will of another and not yours. This is the face of justice, the spirit of brotherhood and the propriety above him, the spirit, which makes man god and God man, for I, the Lord, showed that I am God because I obeyed to become a man, for love submits itself sons, and love is God and it makes man god. He who loves mother and father, wife and children, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends and riches on earth, that one remains in his blood, for this is how he wants to serve before God, and he who submits to the love of God, that one becomes god by his submission and he makes God a man in his own being, becoming God’s house, God’s heaven on earth among people, by the spirit of the holy submission, the spirit of God’s sons. Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes, from 29-04-2012. (On Calameo) ***

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 38 Let Us teach those born on the way and let Us always teach them, and let Us call to obedience those who want to get used to the holy life, too, as man can get into heaven only with holiness in him and not with his knowledge, for he who displays his knowledge is not saved from the spirit of haughtiness when it does not have any sufferance in him for the love of God. Oh, I am not speaking alone now over those who hear Us speaking, and behold, We are speaking to them. Oh, sons, do not be Egyptians, for I, the Lord, use all your visible and invisible body members, all your senses, and you are not beautiful either in heaven or on earth; you are not beautiful if you do not to smell heavenly and pleasantly for those in heaven and for those on earth with you. Oh, take care of what you eat, well sons! Do not eat like the Egyptians whose body and spirit smells of onion and garlic, hot, sour and pepper, but rather take care of you to smell like the heavenly fragrances, where bodies have no power and neither have the bad smells, which make the bodies uglier and uglier and give them a very bad smelling, for I, the Lord, promised that I would seed a people for Me and I wrote that I would fill the earth with thousands and millions of lilies and roses, and not with onion or garlic, not with worldly tastes on My way with man. Oh, listen to the signs I slip in among you as I am able to bring them and fulfill My exhortation upon you in a heavenly way, for behold, the world puts smells over the smells of their bodies and it commits this sin, for the holy fragrances are from heaven and they come from within man when they are, and they do not come from those that belong to the hypocrite knowledge, no, sons, no. Oh, eat light dishes, well sons, for you are no longer from the world to look after all kinds of tastes and smells, but you are the sons of the heaven and you have to look like fragrances for angels and for saints. Oh, why was I bringing fragrances from heaven and why was I filling the house I was entering and sounding My trumpet? I was doing this to help the Christian to make a distinguishing and to understand My longing for him, for the heavenly fragrance was smelling into his nostrils, the fragrance within which I, the Lord, am all over between heaven and earth and this is how I travel, and this kind of places of rest I want to find with the sons on earth, as I especially like the place from Bethany where I was welcomed with fragrances for My entrance to them, for the people at that time was very much used to expensive perfumes for the Lord, and it had upon it the ritual of washing away everything that was not pleased to the Lord, and if that people had not loved itself so much, it would have had grace and it would have had the love for God on them, just as those from Bethany had, with whom I, the Lord, used to stay on My way to those who were oppressed by pains and trials, and then on My way to the Father after that. Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Virginia, God’s trumpet, from 14-12-2012. (On Calameo) *** I have chosen from among people those who were My disciples two thousand years ago. I needed support on earth when I came from the Father to fulfill My truth of true God of true God, coming among the people, for I had descended from My Father and I was born a Man of man on earth in order to be able to make the man divine, to have him as My brother and to have brothers from the Same Father, as I came to give to the man the birth from above, as I am from the Father and I have to do His work.

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 39 Oh, My people, My work with you is to come on earth and make man divine, to make him like Me before My Father, to give Myself to him, to be one with him as I am with the Father and to bring him to the Father as His son. Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 24-03-2013. *** I told you sons, even two thousand years ago, I spoke about the mystery between Me and the Father and I said: «I am in the Father, and the Father in Me», (John: 14/11), and I said that he who has seen Me has seen the Father. This is the mystery of the one who is in God and with God truly, in such a way that if one like this looks into the mirror he has to see the Lord and not himself; he should not see himself as man sees himself in the mirror, and only in this way man might come to know his divinity, because in order to make man divine, I have come on earth now with this work, and I do this more than I did by this time, that is to work divinity upon man, not man to work for his divinity. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) Oh, it is a great mystery; it is a great mystery that I, the Lord, I am one with man, and man is one with Me. This means that man has to give himself totally to Me in this special time, when I come again on earth as word to build man by the word, and he has to let himself be worked by God, and when he looks into the mirror to see the Lord; the man who loves God does not see himself. I have spoken with the sons of My today’s people: “Live the life of a monk, sons!” In this way man can be a son of this people worked by My word on earth now, in the end of the time, when I am coming and speaking over the earth, to make My way and its greatness, to prepare a place for Me, so that where I am Mine to be too, as it is written, and in the place that I have prepared, those who are Mine in heaven are as well, for in Me and with Me are and stay those who are Mine, allowing themselves to be made in My image and after My likeness, for I have power to make man divine. You, sons, take great care to do task of those who live a monachal life taking it from the world and bringing it to Me to make it divine, but especially seek to deny yourselves always, always, because you do not know when the Lord wants to make you His help in this time of new making, working among you or taking from the middle and sharing to the sides for the Lord to share with His making. Man is enslaved by sin even from the beginning, when he did no longer want to be with God, but he wanted to be with his own self, poor of him, and behold how dangerous is the lack of self-denial for those who come on the way with the Lord! Man looks at himself into the mirror and sees himself if he does not give himself over to the Lord completely; moreover, he even separates himself from the Lord when he looks and sees himself into the mirror. Behold, he struggles hard; man struggles and works hard to be big on earth among people and to do great things, as he thinks about them. Well, let man fight to become someone big and with his life divine so that when he looks into the mirror to see the Lord and no longer to see himself, and then man is made divine. Oh, do not lose heart, man! Do not say that this is not possible. It is possible that you do no longer look at yourself so much, and to look more at Me, at Your Lord, Who teaches you to

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 40 be eternal like Him. Man will say that he cannot see the Lord if he looks into the mirror. Oh, at least, do not seek to look at yourself anymore if you know that you are not going to listen to the Lord, if the Lord cannot do His work in you as in the vessels useful for Him. You go and buy a vessel to prepare in it what you need. Oh, in the same way I need a vessel to prepare in it those that man, who is hungry for life, needs. This is how I, the Lord, have had Virginia, (Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet - see selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) as My vessel on earth now, in the end of the time, and her work with Me is seen in the sons; it is seen as in a mirror. Man does not have to look into the mirror to see the Lord, but he has to see the Lord’s work in his work. Man has to be in My image and after My likeness before Me and before the people, and this means man’s self-denial, God in man doing His work. … Oh, do not forget then what you have prayed Me for, and do, sons, do what you said that you want to be with My help, so that I, the Lord, may also do what you have asked Me to do. May your love for Me be your wound; may it be with you always like a burning wound, well sons. Seek after anything that moves your soul to heavenly feelings with you, as this keeps Me with you. Do not take from anywhere but from Me, for I am the First in everything and in all things, and I am not anywhere more whole with My work, with My dwelling and with My speaking as here, with you. I give everywhere to the sides, as man can receive, but with you I come wholly, for I want to make Myself visible as soon as possible, so that people may look at you and see Me, not you, so that you may be I, sons, as here only I work, only I and not man, and that is why I can come as I am, because first I put the gift of faith in you, and then I have to do My work. Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Pentecost, of all the saints, the remembrance of the Sunday of the birth of the saint Virginia, and the feast of the great saint martyr new John from Suceava, from 15-06-2014. (On Calameo) *** … Oh, this woman is only love and longing among those in heaven, this woman who sanctified herself completely, after the heavenly Spirit had hallowed her heart and then her whole body up to her earthly end. This little heart of her spirit is only love and longing and it is lying down as word near Me into the today’s book of My word on earth. Oh, may My speaking and hers be blessed over My church of New Jerusalem on the hearth of the Romanian people on this day of love from which may take all those who are nourished on earth with My food here, My word, God’s word. Amen. — In the end, as in the beginning, Son Lord of the Father, You are the Word, God’s Word. In the time when I was sanctifying myself for You in the heart of the wilderness, Your love showed Me this great time of Yours and everything it was going to have significance over the earth, over the people and over everything Your coming in the word would bring forth, and my spirit was only longing for this time, and here we are with it and in it, and we, those in heaven, value it being chained in love and longing, in the flame of longing, Lord, for our view is heavenly and not fleshly, and Your today’s beauty cannot be comprised within words, but only by the view, Lord, only for those who see this beauty and Your today’s lands, in which You have set Your new country, which is so little for the mind and view of a man, but as large as You are with the heavenly armies together, as large as the heaven and the earth, this little Romania, all in its midst, for You have room here with the whole heavenly suite, with all of Your mystery, Lord, and You prepare here the happiness for those who are faithful, and for those who are to believe from now on in Your coming of today on earth, (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) and the faithful ones, for whom You

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 41 prepare such a heavenly delight on earth, oh, these need to have faith like Your saints, who by their faith have earned Your promises for the faithful and holy ones with their faith and its works, even if for a little while they were among the sinful on earth, just as I was, but with high ranks among those who live in sin and for sin, until You changed my way and drew me to the things in heaven with my heart and the things in it, which tormented me so much by that time. Oh, I took my sinful body and carried it to the wilderness, beyond the land of the people, and I made the wilderness into a church of the saints, and the saints and angels served with me when they saw the flame of my longing and my new love, in which You were burning fully, after I had left the world and loved only You, and with such great love I cried over those I had caught by my feeling full of sin against me and against them in my time on the men’s earth, and then the new earth became for me the wilderness where I went by my running from sin and from people to be able to put an end to my weakness for sin. A man who went wrong and was ignorant in his spirit, such a man, like those who worship today, such a man understands that only some places are holy and are for worship and he goes there and worships in them or before them, and other places are not like that for him. On the other hand, a man with a discerning spirit, seeing and perceiving, knows that and he has God and His angels always with him, and he has them in the spirit and truth, and this is how he worships. He has got always with him the holy things, which he works and he does not have to go after them in order to get them, for You Lord, two thousand years ago You said that the time would come when the people would no longer worship in Jerusalem or in the temple there or on some other known mountain, but they would worship in spirit and truth, that is always, always and all over, with their life dedicated to God, and they will worship nowhere without God, without Jerusalem, without temple, without angels, without a carried cross. Oh, this is how I made Jerusalem out of my place in the wilderness and I gathered near me saints and angels at service for You, Lord, and I loved You always burning in Your love and I had the heaven and the earth with me and I saw in heaven and on earth, I also saw before and back and I was learning everything that was set on earth from You to be known in heaven, and I knew the Scriptures, I knew the history of the saints and then I knew the course and the condition of the people and I was learning as in a school and saw everything one after the other, and I saw even my life with sin in it and despised it very much, after I had seen what I loved, what I saw my sin always biting my spirit and body little by little. I had remained without a garment after such a hard time in the wilderness, but I had no longer thought of me at all, not even a little bit, but only of You, Lord, and You were my garment and glory, and You were my spending with the church of angels and saints, and my place of complete self denial was my new heaven and earth, for I was suffering all the time when I was dressing up for fornication and for men. The woman who wants to look well, who rejoices to have new clothes and all kinds of things that draw to her all the looks around, that one does not have a clean heart for God, even if she may be a Christian in some achievements or some fleshly needs, for the heart is that where God has to dwell, and if the woman’s heart sets a man into it then there is no other place for God, but there is only anxiety and restlessness, after a woman gets inflamed in her heart for someone on earth, and this is a devilish feeling. Oh, You have showed, Lord, You have showed in the word during this time that the love between the woman’s body and the man’s body is debauchery, it is the uttermost dark death of the soul and the most severe wound for the soul, it is that which God cannot tolerate and for which He endures in pains, He is long enduring face to face with this cruel spectacle for His eyes of the fleshly pleasures, burning in people. And now I am strengthening from near You the whole exhortation to holiness for all those who choose You for them, those You choose for You,

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 42 and I am advising them not to make any temptation for their good conduct, but to stay away from any occasion which could make them week in their flesh, for the flesh is the most bitter enemy of the holy power in man, oh, Lord. … — Oh, may the word of your love, repentance and glory be blessed on this day, and I, the Lord, strengthen your exhortation to holiness for those who believe and fulfill in them My coming as word on earth and My kingdom in them and with them. I am everywhere, I am on the mountains, I am in the valleys, I am on the fields and on the banks of rivers, and I am all over with those who live a life with faith and holiness in them and around them. I make all over a church of ministering servants from heaven and on earth, for the true worshippers are those who worship God with their life, with their holy living before Me, and the churches and the places of worship known by the people of the world, those are for people, not for God, for My church is there where the saints on earth and from heaven are who serve the holiness with their life, as I promised two thousand years ago for the true worshippers. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the Saint devout Mary, the Egyptian, from 02-04-2017. (On Calameo) *** Oh, sons, man has got so many sins that have to be cleared from him, from his heart and mind, and he cannot get cleaned from them but only with My body and blood, this is what I said. Oh, only in this way can man ask no longer to sin after that, and if he does not ask for this, then he sins, he keeps on getting filthy and then he does not get rid of this bondage, of sin, sons. In Israel’s time, the sin offering was ordained, and the sinner used to bring a living being as sacrifice; an animal or a bird to be offered as a burnt offering for the forgiveness of his sins. However, when I was to give Myself as the sin offering for the man’s forgiveness, then those who heard to do this, shook and marveled, many other trembled at that time and many left then, forsaking Me. Oh, how easy it would have been for them to understand, especially after I, the Lord, really did so. I let My body and blood put on the cross as a sin offering and I told My disciples: «Do this in memory in Me, and as many times as you do this in memory of Me with you, I will give you life and food and I will be with you, I will be with you to the end of the time». (See also Luke: 22/20; Matt: 28/20) Oh, sons, oh, sons, take and learn! Get used with the Lord among you and in you, for I said: «The Father is in Me, and I in Him, and he who sees the Son sees the Father», (See John: 17/21) and I also said: «I in you and you in Me», and this is the mystery of the paradise, the mystery of My life in man, this, son, it is that what deifies the man, and he can no longer be a man and that is all, for a man passes from body into spirit and becomes god by grace and then he demands responsibility for this, for the lamb of meat, eaten by those at that time on a day of Passover, became the Lamb of bread and wine, and the heaven takes care of the man’s soul united with My soul, My blood united with his blood, God one with man, I in him and he in Me, as it is written. When blood does no longer have in it the soul of the one with a soul in him, then the heart does no longer work and man passes into nonentity and the same is with the animal too. Oh, God spoke to Moses and said that the people must not eat the animal with its blood in it,

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 43 for the life of the flesh is in the blood, (Lev: 17:117 ), and this is a great mystery, it is the place of the soul in man, and man cannot understand this mystery alone with his mind. The soul is given to him by God and it returns to God when it comes out from the flesh that has carried it, oh, and the mystery of the soul and its place in man have to be well explained and understood, sons. The male and female disciples of My resurrection are amazed, for I, the Lord, speak mysteries hard to perceived by the mind of the Christian man, and they are taking from the table of teaching and are amazed. Oh, beloved ones, in the same way I was speaking with you at that time, too, but that time was not the time now. And you oh, and you could hardly understood these great mysteries, of which I was speaking to you, for I was speaking: «I in you and you in Me, as Father is in Me and I in the Father», (John: 17/11), and this is how the heaven joins the earth and God unites with man. Oh, and so few on earth understood this mystery at that time, very few of them! I, the Lord, give you to speak near Me, on your day of feast. You are the witnesses of My resurrection. You remained with Me after all had deserted Me, not waiting to understand and not understanding. Oh, peace to you! Peace to you with those gathered at the table of Passover, at the supper of word here, in My gardens on the Romanian land, and with which I am well pleased now when I come! ⸻ Oh, little Lamb, Jesus, beloved and dear Teacher, Your great and fervent longing is being fulfilled now by the mystery of Your kingdom with the disciples from heaven and earth together at the table of the Last Supper, oh, little Lamb Lord. We too had prepared the Passover like any Jew in that year, for You had sent us to work before You, but before this happened with the lamb of Passover, You had broken the bread and said, giving Yourself to us in the image of the bread: «This is My body which is broken for you», (Matt: 26/26), and over the cup of wine You said: «This is My blood which is poured out for you». (See Matt: 26/28) Oh, how great God You are, Lord, the Creator of everything! You made man out of dust and breathed the spirit of life on him. And You made God out of bread of wine, and You put over all these word and spirit of life giving, and You Yourself, Lord, hid in this mystery, for You can do everything only by the word and by the work of Your hands, which gave us the bread and wine, the Last Supper, Your flesh and blood, and You remained with us. Oh, we did not understand at that time, we did not understand, but we believed in Your word and our faith helped us, and everything is possible with the one who has faith, as You said. 7 «For the life of flesh is its blood and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for its blood shall make atonement for the soul.» (Lev: 17:11)

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 44 Oh, man does not need so much food as much as he eats, because he needs God more; he needs God’s love in him, for man and his body are God’s dwelling place of rest, man is the Lord’s temple, oh, sons and beloved brothers, but behold what man and his body have come to be: food for the worms, invisible worms, but which grow more and more; little by little they grow more and more in the man’s body and man eats more and gets very sick in his restless body, for much food whips his body and makes it heavy, and in this way God has no more room in man. … Oh, for you, man, I shed My blood on the cross and I gave My soul once with it, for the soul is in blood and it sets the heart in motion and it beats, and by so doing it gets warmed up and then it warms the body as well, giving it life and movement of life. When My blood flew on the cross and then on earth, I remained on the cross in My body without its soul in it, but when I was resurrected the soul came back and entered Me. Oh, the soul came back into My body and raised it as then when the soul enters the one who is born and has already received breath of life, because I came out of the earth as from a womb, like Adam, who was made out of clay and received his soul out of My mouth when it breathed life upon him, and Adam received God in him. Oh, and My Father did with Me likewise; He breathed and I had My soul again, and the blood left got warmed and I rose again to life. Everything happened like that at that time in order to establish the Last Supper, oh, sons, to lay the foundation of My church, well sons, and I to be its foundation stone, as it is written, and faith and obedience are needed for the Lord to be on earth as He established His supper at that time, the Last Supper, oh, and in this way I have remained to the end of the time, as I promised My disciples. However, I do not have any of those who love Me, I do not have them at My supper; My supper has been robbed together with all its mystery, and the Lord is crying on the altar, and He is crying crushed and despised by all those who do not love God. Oh, I would have liked with love and longing to prepare the Christian and to remain prepared all the time the Christian who knew Me with My coming in this word. It would have been for him to have supper with Me, to be with Me, and I to be to the end with every son who has known Me by this word and with whom I have spoken by My today’s coming the mysteries from above of My kingdom with man. Being in the world, it would have been for the Christian no longer to be of the world, no longer to take from the world, no longer to borrow its customs. I have wanted the work of My word to be a nest for the growing of God’s sons for the Christians who have come to hear My word. I would have liked that My nest with chicks to be a warm nest for the new seed, to grow them as a mother, to feed them as the bird that brings in its peak the food for its chicks, this is what I have wanted to be the people of My word whom I have been feeding from heaven for such a long time. Oh, sons, I have given bread to man in order that he may no longer eat meat. I gave the man the word in paradise8 , what he was supposed to eat, oh, but what does he eat? Oh, and what do animals and birds eat because I have also given them food to eat? 8 «God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth, and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food. » (Gen. 1/29.)

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 45 Sons, sons, if there had not been any bloodshed at the beginning, death were no longer, no man or animal died. I wanted to make Cain repent. I exhorted him well to do good and not evil, this is what I told him when I saw that he had wanted to kill his brother, when I saw this in his mind and heart. Oh, but he did not receive My exhortation when I saw him downcast. Then he proceeded with the killing of his brother, and again I came into his way questioning him about his deed. However, he hid it in himself, and then I told him: «What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries to Me from the ground». (Gen: 4/10) Since then, sons, man has kept eating meat, and I do say carefully when I say, but I say with great pain either, that two thousand years ago, My body became bread and wine by My word and through My name and being put over the bread and wine, and the eating of the bodies bearing soul would have ended on earth, or at least in the Christian people, Christ’s people, that is the man united with My body and blood, who became bread and wine. (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.) While My apostles were catching and eating fish, I told them that they were not supposed to catch fish. I told Peter: «From now on you will be catching people alive». (Luke: 5/10) Peter used to eat fish and sold fish on money to others as though the fish made by God were his, and I taught them God’s mysteries and I also expected them to understand them. I gave meat to the people of Israel, because this is what they had asked for when they started to grumble9 and be discontent with the manna God had given them, but they received their reward for their lust, and all the man’s lusts will not be paid otherwise, and man will receive his reward for each good or evil he has done, and I have been suffering for seven thousand years because of his lack of wisdom. I have given My body and blood to man as food, and especially for the forgiveness of his sins, and I suffer when man seeks after bodies of meat and when he does not seek Me as his food; however, man needs faith to believe that I am the bread and wine, that My body and blood means these. Oh, sons, he who remains a Jew eats the flesh of a lamb, he eats meat, but he who wants to be Christ eats from his mother, from Christ; he eats My Last Supper and redeems his blood, his soul, sons. I made man out of dust and I could do this. I made out of God’s Son bread and wine, God’s flesh and blood as food, and I could do this, and I did this for man in order that man may never be separated from Me up to the end, and I to be together with him forever, and that 9 «The mixed multitude among them lusted exceedingly; and they and the children of Israel sat down and wept and said: Who shall give us flesh to eat?» (Num: 11/4) (Moses said to the Lord) «from where have I flesh to give to all this people? For they weep to me, saying: Give us flesh, that we may eat». (Num: 11/13) «… And to the people you shall say, purify yourselves for the morrow and you shall eat flesh; for you wept before the Lord, saying: Who shall give us flesh to eat? For it was well with us in Egypt: and the Lord shall allow you to eat flesh and you shall eat flesh. You shall not eat one day, nor two, nor five days, nor ten days, nor twenty days; you shall eat for a full month, until the flesh come out at your nostrils; and it shall be nausea to you, because you disobeyed the Lord, Who is among you and wept before Him, saying: What had we to do to come out of Egypt?» (Num: 11/18-20) «…The flesh was yet between their teeth, before it failed when the Lord was wroth with the people and the Lord stroke the people with a very great plague. The name of that place was called the Graves of Lust; for there they buried the people that lusted». (Num: 11/33,34)

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 46 animals and birds may no longer be slaughtered for human consumption, because man did evil when killed a man, the killing of his own brother, sons; nevertheless, people have been born of the one who killed, and since then a cry in a loud voice has been heard in heaven, the voice of those who have been killed for the Lord: «They cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, holy and true Master, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” » (See Apoc: 6/9-10) And they were told that «A long white robe was given to each of them. They were told to rest for a while longer, until their fellow-servants and brethren (who would also be killed as they were) should complete their number». (See Apoc: 6/11) Oh, sons, I would like very much to eat My Passover with man, as I have longed for it! I would like every man to receive the obedience from paradise, as the saints of the heaven have. Oh, what shall I do for the wisdom and this longing to come over man, sons? Man, poor of him, does not know how he is supposed to be, even if he hears and reads the word of My mouth, with which I am coming now and getting into his way to prepare him and to give him a little white robe of linen as I gave to My saints. Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the Prudes, from 12-05-2019. (On Calameo) *** In a day of the feast in heaven and on earth for My apostles and for their chiefs, I am embracing you within the spirit of consolation, you, those who have received My word and its course from margins to margins, sons who stand before Me and support My coming full of longing, to come and to make the new world, the new heaven and the new earth, after I had lost My consolation for which I was working and comforting Myself, and then I promised that I would work again, that I would do the new work of creation, and that it would be the comfort for those who had comforted Me between the beginning and the end, after I had no comfort at all, but only suffering, oh, because My Spirit has always cried; My Spirit cried and cries because of the lack of comfort and I have nothing to comfort Him with, and all things mourn and wait for My coming, to make the world again, a new one, to renew everything, to make a new heaven and a new earth, to I give them all to those who have comforted Me in My pains over time, and to whom I promised that I would bring them to the reward of the comfort. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Apostles, Peter and Paul, from 12-07-2020. *** Sons, sons, We are writing into My today’s book, the book that I am writing on earth during this time through you, who are receiving My coming and its word. We are marking this day as the memorial of the day when We laid the first stone in My today’s citadel, the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, following to build on it the little white stone, the ark, sons, the symbol of My heart, out of which My love flows over the earth as word and waters it with the voice of My love for man that I may come into his way, to speak to him and to invite him to hear Me, to receive Me, to believe Me, to know Me and then to follow Me, as I, the Lord, have given written teaching for man to love Me wholly and to fight for this against himself so that he may not fall from his love for Me into the love for himself and in this way to lose him and to keep losing him as I lost the one in the beginning, who lost his happiness in paradise in exchange for self-love; however, since then I have always worked to help man see how much he loses, how much he goes astray by disobeying the commandments of life, by disobeying the One Who loved him in the beginning with such a great love, even if he has departed from Me, from My love for him, oh, and since then I have been

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 47 waiting for him, I have been calling out to him, I have kept on working hard and all the time so that I may heal My wound, which the man has done to Me, so that I may regain My consolation, because I build man for My consolation, I built him to comfort Myself with him. Oh, sons, I started with you My work from the end of the time for the man’s new building. My work with you marvel and astonishes the heavenly powers, and shakes satan and all his angels, for I, the Lord, am working with you the renewal, the rebirth of the world, great fulfillments, worked within a great mystery, to reveal them afterwards and that My hard work to be seen, and to fulfill the Scriptures of My work from the end of the time, a new heaven and a new earth, for it is written for Me to do this work and to give it to those who have loved Me and followed Me on earth enduring endlessly, while all the other men were going to satan with their lives; still, there has been a remnant to be on My side, to carry on My will with man over time and to keep the man’s way towards God so that man may be judged according to his works, sons. Oh, how much refreshment My speaking with you is bringing to the burning of My Spirit, how much relief to My sighing as long as seven thousand years after man, dear sons! Together with you, I set in 1991 after Christ, the beginning of My coming out above with the mystery of My word that has been speaking in Romanian starting with 1955, and My word has become a book and I lifted it up with you and I have given it to be known sons. I bow with gratitude because you have supported Me, that you have come to meet Me, to share My word and to keep on writing it down into the book when it comes like a river on earth. Oh, sons, I have made you worthy to receive Me with My coming today, and from one to another, in all these years up to you, I have had something to take from the word coming out of My mouth into the midst of the people that has always been listening to Me while I have been speaking. However, you, the today’s people of My word, do not let anything fall to the ground of My river of word, for I have chosen you to be alert and active for the protection of this richness, which, behold, We are making it known to the world that it is, and I am doing My work, written in the Scriptures to fulfill it, to come as word on earth, to come with the saints, not alone, and to come under My new name: the Word of God, to come on earth as word, sons. Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2020. *** Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). The sequel of this document will soon be published, after the translation, r.n. You can also see the following thematic selections: Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan The apocalyptic trumpets The apocalyptic fire; What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?; Enoch and Elijah; Resurrection of the dead; The false prophet and the ecumenism;

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 48 The dead hear My voice; The rapture of the Church The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast About the kingdom of God The true church The great tribulation The mystery of the man and woman About fasting and almsgiving About the graven image and the sign of the cross The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility The coming in a visible way As in the days of Noah The Wedding of the Lamb The fearful judgment This word is the river of life He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God The glory of God The changing of the holidays – renunciation of faith The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord About baptism The apocalyptic white horse The kingdom of one thousand years The sign of the Son of Man The following thematic selections from God’s Word will be published immediately after translation: The End of the world and the Day of the Lord; On the same theme from other sources The meaning of the Mosaic history of creation. Mathael's supernatural experience. 1 Now Murel asks Mathael the same, and he says, "What Moses says about the creation has actually nothing to do with the creation of the world, but instead only with the formation of man from the cradle until his perfection; thus also the foundation of the church of God on Earth until these days is insinuated right on until the end of the world. 2 By „heaven and Earth” we are to understand the new Earthly human right from his birth onwards. The „heaven” describes his inner, hidden, spiritual capabilities, and the empty and void „Earth” describes the newly-created man, who is hardly aware of his own existence - the first stage of a human. 3 With time the child reaches self-awareness and begins to dream and to think. That is the „Let there be light” in the human, so that he knows that he exists - the second stage. 4 And so it goes through all the other days of creation until the rest of the completion of man! Tell me whether you are beginning to understand any of that!"

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 49 5 Murel says quite amazed about the biblical wisdom of Mathael, "No, high friend, this wisdom I would never have sought! Ah, in this way that I now recognize to be the only correct one, I would like to have the whole Scriptures explained to me! Yes, there is a lot there until the human soul has reached this depth of wisdom! But how did you get to it all?" 6 Mathael says, "My friend Murel, there is no question of that any longer in this spot where we are now! The Lord among us - here an angel from heaven who was sure witness of all material creation! I myself was already a scribe from my youth in the temple, from which reason I was sent as an apostle to the Samaritans; but before I could yet speak a word with the Samaritans, Jehovah thwarted my plans: I ended up among terrible bandits and had to become a terrible bandit myself in order to survive. 7 But since I saw myself as left alone so powerfully by God, without being able to find a reason for it myself, it annoyed me very much. I became an unbeliever in the beginning, all the Scriptures became for me the work of man; but I was soon taught otherwise through a strange occurrence. 8 A man full of bitter seriousness came to me one night as I kept watch alone before the horrid den of thieves. I instantly went through him with my sword. But he said: make no effort with your pitiful weapon; for no mortal's weapon ever kills an immortal spirit! I am the spirit of Abraham and I ask you why you want to leave God and persecute His name! 9 I, Mathael, said then, full of anger: Why did God persecute me first, since I was sent in His name to the Samaritans in order to win them all for the temple!? My intention was honest and fair before God and before all men, because it was honest and fair in my thoughts. God has since the beginning of my existence given me only my conscience as judge, and I lived justly before this inner strict judge. I myself did not send myself to the Samaritans, but instead the high priest as the representative of Aaron and Moses. 10 Was it unjust that I was sent to the Samaritans, then God's wisdom would not have needed to chastise me, but only he who sent me; but since they seized me, the innocent one, I am from this moment on an enemy of Jehovah, whose apostle you seem to be to me! 11 Then the spirit spoke, looking even bitterer: Do you know the power and anger of God? How will you, powerless worm of the dust, defy the all-powerful God?! Can His power then not seize you and destroy you in a pitiful way as if you had never been there?! 12 I said, "It can certainly do that; for I can only eternally curse such an existence as I now have! If I no longer exist then my just anger and fierceness against it has an eternal end! 13 The bitter, serious spirit said however: You cannot order God to destroy you! He can torture you, eternally, with the most terrible pain and anguish, and it would then be seen how long you would offer defiance to the all-mighty power of God! 14 Then I said full of glowing anger: God can do that if it gives Him a particular pleasure to torture a creature simply in order to show it His omnipotence! But I swear to you, you bitter serious spirit that God will eternally never bend my mind with all the tortures He can think up, even a thousand times more powerful than He is! 15 With goodness, tenderness and provable justice He can do everything with me, He can make me a lamb of lambs; but with His anger to a devil of devils! Until now the omnipotence of God has only given me a tormented life, for which I will never thank Him; perhaps it will occur to Him to be more merciful to me and to make good to me what He broke in me in a almighty caprice, and then I will also be thankful! But, as things now stand, I am Jehovah's most decided enemy! For in His name I moved from Jerusalem to Samaria very seriously in order to announce His honor and praise there; but for that He let me be seized and overwhelmed by devils! 16 It may well be that my sending there was not pleasant and pleasing to Him! But when He could show the false prophet Bileam through this donkey, why not me and my companions

The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified 50 through this donkey of ours, which carried us and all our baggage?! Why did He deliver us to the devils in their claws?! 17 Give me an answer, or out of my mouth a curse will hit you, the like of which has never been spoken over the face of this Earth! Then the spirit disappeared and I fell to the Earth unconscious!" Excerpt from „The Great Gospel of John” Vol. 3, Chapter 235.

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