Lessons full of challenge,
inspiration and real life learning.
Ongar Primary School
is a wonderful place to be
Welcome to Ongar Primary School. Our values are
underpinned by the Three Rights: The Right to Safety,
The Right to Respect and the Right to Learn and the
children thrive under our care at our school. Pupils say
they are happy to come to our school and that they
feel listened to by all staff.
We have rapidly grown in size in the last few years,
yet we maintain each year group to a maximum of
twenty-five pupils in order that we have the best
resources to meet the individual needs of each
child. Our skilful teachers plan lessons that engage
and inspire which creates an infectious enthusiasm
throughout the school as pupils talk about their
learning and present their work with pride.
“Pupils are well cared for and safe. Staff
carefully assess what each pupil needs
and make sure the support they provide
makes a difference to pupils’ well-being,
and consequently their learning.”
Ofsted Report
“Teachers plan skilfully across a
range of subjects to motivate pupils.
Due to this, pupils are making
accelerated progress.”
Ofsted Report
Our curriculum is enriched with 04
opportunities for real life learning
Teachers adapt and plan the learning based on the National
Curriculum requirements, children’s interests and their
individual needs. Ofsted stated that, “The curriculum is strong.
It is planned to enable pupils to achieve success and deepen
their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.”
Our pupils develop enterprise skills from day one as they
organise and run the Christmas bazaar and school’s summer
fete. In addition to this, the pupil’s voice is heard through
our Head and Deputy Boy and Girl who work alongside the
schools’ Head Teacher contributing to the vision and values
of the school. Our Houses are led by pupils who have been
awarded their positions through a whole school democratic
process and these children lead House assemblies and plan
competitions throughout the year.
Catering for the individual
at Ongar Primary School
At Ongar Primary School, each year group has a capacity
of twenty-five pupils. This smaller class size, enables the
teacher to better understand and meet the needs of each
of their pupils. In addition to this, all teaching staff at our
school run additional booster groups in order to ensure
that children that may be struggling are supported and
those that are excelling in class are challenged.
Each lesson taught at our school is planned to a high
standard and aimed at the varying ability needs of the class.
Children are not ability grouped, instead at the beginning
of each lesson, their understanding is assessed through
skilled questioning and recap tasks and key teaching is
then delivered based on the outcome of this. Our approach
means that every child has an opportunity to shine in each
lesson and receive the correct intervention.
‘The curriculum is strong. It is planned
to enable pupils to achieve success and
deepen their spiritual, moral, social and
cultural development.’
Ofsted Report
‘The most-able pupils are now achieving
strongly. They are regularly provided
with additional challenges to apply
their learning to different contexts.’
Ofsted Report
Opportunities to shine 08
at Ongar Primary School
At our school, we provide a wide range of extra curricula clubs
and experiences for our pupils. Every year, using survey results
and House council meetings, we identify the most popular
clubs that our pupils want and then we set about organising
these. We have run: basketball, cross county, gymnastics,
cheerleading, football, cross stitch, slippers and stories club,
choir, piano, PS4 Fifa, netball and rugby.
Each of these is led by a professional and then opportunities
for the children to compete in inter-schools tournaments
are then arranged. The children also run their own clubs at
lunchtimes which include: art, drama and dance club. Our
school motto is ‘step out of your comfort zone, smiling’ and
these clubs are a platform for our pupils to fulfil this.
The Governors of
Ongar Primary School
The governing body of Ongar Primary School consists of
parents, staff and members of the local community who
volunteer to provide strategic leadership to our school.
They have three key responsibilities:
• To provide strategic direction, working with parents,
pupils and staff, to provide a vision, ethos and strategic
direction for our school.
• To hold the Head Teacher to account for the
performance of the school, its pupils and staff.
• To ensure the finances of the school are well managed.
The governors have high aspirations for our school and
are proud of the massive improvements that have been
made in the school over the last three years.
“Links between key stages, visits
to secondary schools, communication
with parents and helpful guidance
give pupils confidence and enthusiasm
for their next steps.”
Ofsted Report
Get In Touch
Ongar Primary School
Milton Crescent, Shelley, Ongar
Essex, CM5 0FF
Telephone: 01277 362 354
Fax: 01277 362 302
[email protected]
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