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Driver Education Training Manual Based on the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicle Driver Handbook

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Published by Melanie Jordan, 2020-04-02 17:24:59

Blue Ridge Driving School

Driver Education Training Manual Based on the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicle Driver Handbook

Lesson 4

Driving in Light
Traffic I

Residential Driving

Lesson 4

Driving in Light Traffic/Residential Driving


l. To analyze situations using the IPDE Process and the Smith System.

2. To develop an orderly visual search pattern.
3. To choose a safe speed.
4. To identi$ signs, signals, and pavement markings.
5. To interact with other drivers in a light driving environment.
6. To practice making proper right and left turns.
7. To learn the proper procedure at intersections.
8. To establish and maintain aproper following distance.
9. To leam the proper procedure for making a lane change.

Analyzing Situations

Use good seeing habits - continually identi$ to the fron! rear and sides.
Select what you need to see - other vehicles, pedestrians, animals, road signs, pavement

markings, traffic lights, etc.

Identiff early - give yourself time to anallze and adjust without sudden movements.

The Rules of tfie Smith System
1. Aim high

Keep your eyes moving.


3. Get the big picture.
Make sure others

4. can see you.
5- Leave yourse! an out.

Tip: The excuse most orten given where there has been a collision is, "I did not see ---. "



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Tlrc IPDE Proccss


}, Actions of other rondrvay u$crs



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}> comurunlcate

)' combincd actions

Tip: Developing Orderly Visual Seerch

l. Look ahead to yourtarget area


2. Evaluate your left-front front, and

right front zones in the 12-15
second range. Search driveways
and intersections for possible
changes in your line of sight and
path of travel

3. Glance in rearview mirror to check

your rear zones.

4. Evaluate your 4-6 second range

before entering that space.

5. Look atread againto evaluate

another 12-15 second range.

6. Check your 4-6 second range.
7. Glance in rearview mirror.
8. check speedometer and gauges.

Repeat this pattern or a similar Pattern $ you mwe forutard

Choosing a Safe Spced

Drive at a speed that is reasonable forthe conditions at the time and place you are driving.
Conditions to consider are roadway cherecteristics (hills, curves, width of lanes, surface,
etc.) and any weather that reduces traction, visibility, or both (rain, snow, ice, fog, etc.) and
yorl the driver (physical condition, experience, etc.). Remember that the speed limit posted

is the recornmended safe speed unde.r ideal driving conditions.

Tip: The posted speed limit mry not always be the safest speed!

trdentiffing Traflic Signs, signals, and Pavement Markings
Learn to identiff traffic signs by their shape and by the color.

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Tip: These are signs of life - OBEY THEM!


TrafEc Signels
Traffic lights, arro\ils, flashing signals, lane signals, and pedesfiian signals are used to help

traffic flow smoothly. All traffic signals have qpecific colors. Red means stop. Yellow
means caution: be ready to stop. Green means go: proceed if the way is clear and safe.

"-, TrafiEc Lights

Green Light Proceed only ifthe intersestion is clear. Approaching a green light, check

traffic to the teft, front, and right before entering the intersection. When approaching a light
that has been green for some time, be prepared for the light to turn yellow.

Yellow Lig[t Make every effort to stop safely for a yellow light. If you are too close to the

intersection to stop safely when a yellow lights appears proceed with caution.

Red Light You must come to afull stop at ared ligbt. Stop behind the stop line, crosswalk,

or before entering the intersection if no stop lines are used.
Flashing Signals A flastring signal alerts drivers to dangerous conditions or tells them to
stop. These signals are used at intersections and other dangerous locations. Make a full stop
when you come to a flashing red signal. A stop sign and stop line may be used with this
signal. After you stop, yield to traffic, and proceed only when the intersection is clear.
When you see a waming sign and a flashing yellow signal, slow down. Be prepared to stop
at the traffic light.

Arrows Traffic must flow in the direction that a green arrow is pointing. If you are driving

in a lane with a geen arrow pointing to the left or right" you must tum in that direction.
Remember first to yield to other traffic and pedestrians.
Lene Siguats There are times ufuen traffic in some lanes need to go in one direction for a
certain period of time and in the opposite direction at another period of time. The direction
of these lanes is reversed on some streets and expressways to control moming and evening
nrsh-hour traffic. In these situations, lights hangrng overhead show whether or not a lane can
be used at that time. Each light is a lane signal.
Pedestrian Signats A pedestrian signal is used at an intersection with heavy traffic. These
signals or slm.bols are mounted neartraffic ligbts. Pedestians should only cross at an
intersection when they face a walk signal or symbol.

Tip: You must obey signals given by a police oficer, even if the offcer's signols

contradict the trffic sigrul.



Roadway Markings

A roadway marking gives you a warning or direction. These markings are usually lines,
words, or arrows painted yellow or white on the roadway.

MarkingsYellow Line A broken yellow line separates two-way traffc. It also means

a driver may pass only when no taffic is coming from the opposite direction.

A solid yellow line on tle driver's side of the center line indicates ttrat passing is not allowed.

Turning left across a solid yellow line into a driveway or alley is allowed after yielding to

oncoming traffic.

Two solid yellow lines that divide traffic prohibit passing that involves crossing the solid


MarkingsWhite Line Broken white lines separate lanes oftraffrc that are moving in

the same direction. You may cross these broken white lines wtrile changing lanes.

Solid white lane lines keep drivers in their lanes and restict lane changing. Solid white lines

indicate that you should not cross them.

White arows are painted in lanes to tell you when and where to turn. If you are in a lane

with an arrow and the word, ONLY, you must continue in the direction of the arrow.

Solid white lines are used along the side of a roadway. These lines help you to see the edge

of the roadway at night or underpoor visibility driving conditions.

Solid white lines are also used to mark pedestrian crosswalks and stop lines.

Intersection Procedures

Where to Stop at a Stop Sign Uncontrolled Intensections

l. When there is only a stop sign, tr1. Identifr whether the intersection is

stop with front bumper even with t2. controlled or uncontrolled.
Predict what actions other drivers or
sip. tr3. pedestrians might take.

! 2. Always check rear when braking Glance left first, then right. Look for
movement from intersections and
for a stop.

D 3. If there is a crosswalk, ease up to

the crosswalk and stop just before driveways.

the crosswalk. D4. Slow down and coverthe brake as you
! 4. If there is a stop line, stop with the
approach an intersection, then accelerate

front bumper at the stop line. to go thro'rgh i1.

n 5. Ifyou cannot get a clear view of !5. Yield to oncoming traffic when you both

traffic on the through street from arrive at the same time, or to the vehicle

where you have stopped, carefully that has already entered the intersection.

move atread. Stop again where

you can see down the through

street. Avoid edgmg out so far

that the front of your vehicle is in

the way of traffrc.


Four-Way Stop School Zones and Crossings

E l. Driversmustmakeafullstop. tr l. Watchforthewandngsignsand
tr 2. When stopping behind another
vehicle, stop so you can still check your speedometer after passing

I Dsteer out ifthe vehicle ahead a school speed sign.

start trof you stalls and cannot 2. Look for school children.
3. If a crossing guard is there, follow
again. From a vehicle, seeing
directions he or she gives.
thereartiresofthatvehicle n 4. Moststatesrequiretraffic goingboth
flatahead is fine, but from a
nose van it is not enough. ways on two-way streets to stop ufren

E 3. The driver who stopped first a school bus with its red lights

should go first. flashing stops to load or rurload

tr 4. When vehicles at right angles pasisengers. In most states, ifthe

thestop at the same time, roadway is divided by a median stip,

thedriver on the right has the vehicles approaching the bus on

E right-of-way. the other side of the median need not


5. By releasing the brake pedal
and moving slowly forward Right Tum on Red

before proceeding through the
is tr l.intersection, a driver who
anmoving can communicate The vehicle must come to a firll stop

tr intent to go. atthe red light.
E 2. Yield to traffic and pedestrians.
to D6. A driver should continue 3. If clear from left" complete tum into
glance left and right while
right lane.

moving into ttre intersection.



Searching an Intersection

Ftura tr 1. Locate the intersection in order to
n 2. identiff a safe path of travel
H Determine if you have an open zone
3. for your intended path of havel into
rlJ'l and through the intersection. Search
tr4. the left-front, front, and right-front

n5. zones.

n6. Look for line-of-sight restrictions

D7. ifthat will prevent you from seeing

tr8. your intended path of tavel will be

safe. Search for changes in the


When you are within 4to 6 seconds
of the intersection, widen your
searching pattem to include more
information from the right and left
of your path of travel. If you front
zone is clear, keep moving. If not,
prepare to stop or change your path

of travel.

When you identiff a line-of-sight
res:triction, perform a search of that
area. Tum your head 45 degrees to
the right or left to see beyond the
line-of-sight restriction. Briefly

pause at each zone to detect objects

in that location.

Continue ahead if the traffic light is
green, or if the intersection has no
signals or signs, and the front, right-
front, and left-front zones are open.
If your path of travel is clear,
continue searching the left-front,
front, and right-front zones for a
path of tavel change or line-of-sight

Once you have passed the point-of-
no-return (the point beyond which
you can no longer stop safely
without entering the intersection),

continue through the intersection.


,_ Establishing a Safe X'ollowing Distance

'- You need to maintain a safe space cushion between your vehicle and possible hazards in all
, driving environments. Managng the qpace cushion, or distance, between your vehicle and the
_ vehicle ahead is the first step.
- An adequate following distance has these advantages:

,_ o You can see firrther ahead to get the "big picture."
o Others can see you better.
_ o You have more time to use the IPDE Process.
o You are in a better position to avoid the vehicle ahead if it stops suddenly.
How to CheckYour X'ollowing Distance

Keep at least a 2 second interval between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead.

To check this time interval, follow the steps below:

1. Pick a fixed object - in the example, the tee on the right.

2. As the vehicle ahead passes the object count "one thousand and one, one thousand

and two."

3. If it for the front of your vehicle to reach your object



Tip: More than a 2-second time interyal is needed in most complex trofrc situations. The
- 6oreater the speed, the greater the following distance needed.


Lene Change Procedures

HI Changing Lanes
Procedure for left lane change.
l.D Make sure intended path is clear.
tr 2. Check traffic in the front and left-
front zones. Check rear zones
through the reanriew mirrors.

3. Signal left and make a blind-spot

check over your left shoulder to see

if any vehicle is about to pass you.

This is a quick glance over shoulder.

4. lncrease your speed slighfly as you

steer smoothly into the next lane if it

is clear.

5. Cancel yoursignal and adjustyour


Procedure for right lane change

tr 1. Make sure intended path is clear.

! 2. Check traffrc in the front and right-

front zones. Check rear zones

through rear-view mirors.

3. Signal right and make a blind-spot

check over your right shoulder to see

if any vehicle is about to pass you.

This is a quick glance over shoulder.

4. Increase your speed slightly as you

steer smoothly into the next lane if it

is clear.

5. Cancel your signal and adjust your


ffi I



Tip: Don't slow as you malcc a lane change. Hold speed steady or accelerate slightly.


Notes and comments for Lesson 4


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