Reporting Safeguarding Concerns and Allegations
Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility
If you see something – say something
If you suspect or witness abuse, or someone discloses information about a
safeguarding concern or allegation
If a child or adult is in immediate danger or requires medical attention call the
emergency service on 999. Then record or report all information to the Parish
Safeguarding Coordinator or the incumbent as soon as possible.
Within 24hours report to the Parish Safeguarding Coordinator or the
The Parish Safeguarding Coordinator or incumbent will discuss the concern or
allegation with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser who will provide advice and
guidance. This may include referring to social care or police.
If you have concerns regarding a church officer these must be raised. In this case the
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser can be contacted if it is not appropriate to speak to
anybody in the Parish.
Remember the safety and welfare of any child or adult takes precedence over all other
Contact Details
Parish Safeguarding Viv Dobson 07960 783636
Coordinator [email protected]
(Rector – vacancy) Revd Sue Chandler
For St Alphege - Associate 07970 791288
Priest Revd Sue Chandler 07970 791288
For St Helen Or Vicar for St Michael as
below 0121 704 4730
Vicar for St Michael Revd Simon Marshall 07342 993 844
Diocesan Safeguarding Steph Haynes
February 2022