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Published by Savoy United Methodist Church, 2020-01-29 11:16:13

February 2020 Newsletter

February 2020

Savoy United Methodist Church Office Hours (217) 352-3993

3002 W. Old Church Rd. Monday-Friday 7:30am-noon [email protected]

Champaign, IL 61822

For the month of January I have been speaking about Isaiah’s encounter with God
and how it impacted his life. Isaiah’s encounter changed how he saw himself, how

he saw God and his purpose in life.

So I want to ask you some simple questions: How has God changed your
life? How do you see God? What is God leading you to? Or maybe the questions need to be asked differently,
“Why do you go to church?” Is it only about you or does it include others? What does the Bible say about your

Know that I am praying for you and me to move in a new way to respond to what God the Father and God the
Son and God the Holy Spirit have, are, and will do in and through us. May we see The Kingdom of God in a new
way this year!

February 1, 2020
Journey Men at 7:00am at the church.

February 5, 2020
Dine w/ a Doc from 11am-1pm at the church. RSVP ASAP at 217-303-8840.
Prayer Team Meeting at 5:00pm at the church.

February 9, 2020
Youth Group & Ministry to Parents from 5-7pm at the church.

February 10, 2020
Journey Men at 6:30pm at the church.

February 12, 2020
UMW at 9:00am at the church.

February 13, 2020
Stewardship & Finance Meeting at 6:00pm at the church.

February 15, 2020
Journey Men at 7:00am at the church.

February 19, 2020
Prayer Team Meeting at 5:00pm at the church.

February 20, 2020
Senior Saints outing at 11:00 AM.

February 24, 2020
Journey Men at 6:30pm at the church.

February 26, 2020
Ash Wednesday: Services at 12:15pm and 6:30pm.
Sack lunch provided for 12:15 service. Services will be 30 minutes.

February 28, 2020
Family Bingo Night from 6-8pm at the church.

Ash Wednesday Services

February 26, 2020

12:15 pm (Sack Lunch provided) & 6:30 pm

Services will last about 30 min.

Church Roll 2020

Church Council
Chair: Andrea Taylor
Briana McDade, Mark Akers, Bruce Branham, Sybil Phillips, Hannah Fridgen, Karen Wise

Staff Parish Relations Committee
Chair: Rose Redmon (2022)
Sybil Phillips (2020), James Maggio (2020), Phyllis Adelman (2020), Marilyn Hancock (2021), Terry Murphy (2022),
Pat Setzler (2022).

Chair: Pastor Marc Brown
Nancy Hoeft (2020), JoAnn Warnes (2022), Dick Gossett (2022), Amy Markstahler (2022), Don Maase (2022).

Finance Committee
Chairs: Karen Wise (2021) and Brian Markstahler (2021)
Kelly Schumacher (2020), Donna Grunder (2020), Mike Brownlee (2020), Heather Rials (2021), Lisa Mohr (2021),
Rick Kesler (2022).

Maintenance and Grounds Committee
Chairs: Mark Akers (2020) and James Maggio (2021)
Jeff Redmon (2020), Jason Haegele (2021), Jim Kelnhofer (2021), Steve Setzler (2022), Don Maase (2022).

Trustees Committee
Chair: Bruce Branham (2020)
Bob Hoeft (2020), Linda Frizzell (2021), Sue Maggio (2021), Doug Bauling (2021), Travis Heath (2022), Don Maxwell

Kitchen Committee
Chair: Michelle Horvat (2020)
Jon Fridgen (2020), Cindy Cook (2021), Kay McCoy (2022), Barb Davies (2022).

Missions Team
Chair: Laura Brown (2020)
Deb Foertsch (2020), Cindy Cook (2020), Esther Brown (2021), Nicole Haegele (2022), Kim Schultze (2022), Bill
Gilliland (2022).

Memorial Committee
Marilyn Mohr, Phil Mohr, Michelle Horvat, JoAnn Warnes, Elsie Bray, Peggy Johnston

Fellowship Team
Paula Goebel, Sandy Potzer, Rose Redmon, Cyndi Jensen

Annual Conference Rep: Jana Waite

General Conference 2020 and human sexuality

Nearly a year has passed since the United Methodist Church’s General
Conference 2019. At that time, delegates met in St. Louis to try to

decide how the United Methodist Church would move forward with
regard to the topic of human sexuality. What became even more clear
as the result of GC 2019 was that the UMC continues to be a church
struggling to find it’s way on this issue. Following a close vote, and the
passing of the Traditional Plan, there were many who were left hurt,

confused and concerned about the very real possibility that the UMC,
as we have known it since 1968, would become a church divided.

At General Conference 2020, being held in May in Minneapolis, this
issue will be visited once again by our delegates from around the
world. As we try to prepare for the future of the United Methodist
Church, we must discern where God is leading us as individuals, as a
congregation, as an Annual Conference and as an international

denomination. There are many proposals being offered, including the
much publicized Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation, which was announced in January by the
Council of Bishops. Many news agencies reported on this plan as though it was a done deal. It is not. It will be one of
many plans that may be voted on at GC 2020.

As a church body, Savoy UMC must prepare for challenging conversations and decisions in the next few years. In
order to be prepared, we must engage in meaningful dialogue with each other regarding our views on human
sexuality, same sex marriage and ordination of LGBTQ clergy. We invite you to participate in this dialogue on
Tuesday evenings throughout the month of February from 6:00-7:30 pm at the church. Our hope is that by providing

an opportunity to share and to learn in a loving way with members of our church family, we will be better equipped
for the future God has planned for the United Methodist Church. For more information, please contact Diane
Adams, Amy Markstahler or Pastor Marc.

Logan McKee (4) Dave Rear (18)

Mary Hackl (6) Michelle Horvat (19)

Morgan McKee (8) Alexis Mohr (21)

Nicole Haegele (8) Sue McGuire (22)

Michael Grindley (8) Bev Inman (24)

Joan Clark (16) Ron Lindsey (24)

Steve and Pat Setzler (1)

Linric & Samina Pague (7)

Joe & Kelly Schumacher (14)

Bob & Carol Apperson (25)

When I Need Help
in Tough Times


Lord I thank You that You have set me free from the

prison of my soul. You have brought me out of the
darkness into Your wonderful light. Thank You that

You comfort me by satisfying the hunger and thirst
of my soul in dry times. When the heat is on, You

protect me. And you not only mercifully lead me,
but You also take me to a place of refreshing. I need

to experience that place of refreshing today. I pray
that You would either take me out of the difficult
situations that I face or help me go through them to

great victory. Amen


They shall neither hunger nor thirst, neither heat
nor sun shall strike them; for he who has mercy

on them will lead them, even by the springs of
water He will guide them.

Isaiah 49:10

The Prayer Team of Savoy United Methodist Church invites you to join us

At the church in a time of guided prayer from 5:00 to 6:00pm on the first and

Wednesday of each month. Please contact Marilyn Hancock if you have
([email protected] or 217 369-4874)

The Missions Team

Much to look forward to with Missions at SUMC in 2020! Meanwhile, please see below the update from local
Missionary, Bill Erickson.

Dear Savoy UMC congregation,

Thank you for your support and involvement with International Friendships’ outreach to international students and
scholars attending the University of Illinois! Our local Christian community has an amazing opportunity to share the
hope of the gospel among over 13,000 internationals attending our campus each year. The U of I is now the number
one public university in the nation for international enrollment! Through our willingness to extend genuine friendship
to these international guests, we can share the love and truth of Christ and see its effect ripple back to their own
nations upon their return. Most of the ones coming here have little or no knowledge of God’s plan in Christ.

A priority of International Friendships is to connect a much greater number of these students and visiting scholars
with local believers and churches in the area surrounding the U of I. In mid-August, IFI’s volunteers greeted well over
1,000 new international students arriving here for the fall semester. We then held a large welcoming picnic at Hessel
Park a few days later and successfully connected with scores of internationals who have a desire to develop
friendships with local residents during their time here. Since then, IFI has maintained ongoing communications with
these interested ones and created opportunities for them to experience enjoyable activities and friendship. These
connections continue to grow in number, as new ones hear of IFI’s warm hospitality.

Our fall events included an afternoon at Curtis Orchard, a lunch in an Amish home with a tour of the Arthur area and
The Great Pumpkin Patch, and also a day of hiking at Turkey Run State Park. We are very encouraged with the
momentum generated by theses friendship building outings. We have launched an English conversation group,
matched students with local host families for monthly interaction, created opportunities for holiday meals with local
Christians, and are now forming Bible discovery groups. We are especially looking forward to increasing IFI's
volunteer participation through connecting students with local host families for a monthly meal or activity this

Thank you for partnering in this wonderful opportunity that God has given to our local community. Through the
unified efforts of many believers in our area, we can impact the world for Jesus Christ without ever leaving town!

Blessings as, together, we share the hope of Christ with the nations gathered here!

Bill Erickson
Community Director
International Friendships, Inc. UIUC
(217) 621-3846 [email protected]
National website:

Stewardship & Finance Committee: What’s in a budget anyway?

Hello from the Stewardship & Finance Committee, We hope that everyone at SUMC is experiencing the JOY of the
LORD in the New Year.
The S&F Committee has been diligently working, over the past year - plus, to create the necessary policies,
procedures and practices to get our accounting of how we gather and utilize the Lord’s resources to fulfill our
commission of advancing HIS KINGDOM on earth in order. Along with attempting to get all of the exciting accounting
and tracking processes into a standardized form so that we can be transparent in where monies come from and
where they are utilized for ministry, we also were working with the many ministry leaders at SUMC putting together
a Financial Budget for 2020. This was done with the required amount of number crunching, determination of need
and effectiveness and a large amount of prayer and consideration of what the LORD’s WILL for this would be. The
budget includes monies to fund the various ministry’s needs, salaries for the servants that make up the SUMC Paid
Staff, upkeep and repair of the physical assets of the Church both inside and out, utilities to keep the lights on and
the spaces more comfortable than the outdoors, etc., this process is both a practical analysis of financial need,
Historical Giving records and more than anything FAITH, that if we are following the LORD’s WILL for us as a Part of
the Body that HE will provide what is needed. It is our duty as followers of Christ to utilize what the LORD provides as
effectively and efficiently as we are capable – to be Good Stewards of what we are entrusted with.
The SUMC Financial Budget for 2020, if followed precisely, will require that we as a group of believers return
$458,267.88 of what the LORD has BLESSED us with financially, back to HIS Church at SUMC. I am confident that
through you, HIS willing Vessels, that HE will provide everything that is needed for HIS WILL to be done on earth as it
is in Heaven. What we would ask for you is that you be in Prayer, that you can Be Still and Listen – KNOW that HE IS
GOD and ask that HE would direct You in what HIS WILL is for You in 2020. When HE presents the answer, we pray
that you will draw upon HIS unending Strength and Love – to Step out in FAITH by Giving ALL that you are back to

Be Blessed and be a Blessing to others,
Brian Markstahler
Co-Chair SUMC S&F Committee

Fellowship Team

Greetings from Fellowship Team!

We would like to thank everyone for your service and goodies at fellowship time on
Sundays. We couldn't do it without you!

Here is the schedule for February 2020. We always need volunteers each month. The signup sheet is on the
clipboard, which will be on the table on Sundays, and also during the week it is in the kitchen on the counter.
Individuals, families, and groups are welcome and encouraged to help out. If you have any questions, please ask one
of us (Paula Goebel [email protected], Rose Redmon [email protected], Cyndi
Jensen [email protected]) Also, we would welcome another team member if you are interested!

February 2020 Fellowship Schedule

2/2/2020 Andrea Taylor, Laura Brown, Marilyn Hancock
2/9/2020 SNL Small Group-Contact Amy Markstahler
2/16/2020 Kay McCoy and Michelle Horvat
2/23/2020 Sue Maggio

Look ahead on the clipboard March, April, etc. We have several open slots for volunteers. Thank you all!

Paula, Rose, and Cyndi

Transforming REAL kids into REAL

followers of Jesus.

It’s hard to believe we are talking about February already. Wow, spring is just around the corner. I

feel like I am back in the fall. It can’t possibly be spring! I wonder how many “moments” of time we
spend reflecting on the past or looking ahead to the future and we miss what is happening right

now! Let me say this out loud - we are in the right place at the right time! God is working in our
lives to produce a plentiful harvest in our hearts and in the hearts of our children. Be joyful! Live in

the moment! Laugh with your spouse, dance in the kitchen with your dog, sing a song loudly and
off key when your children are fighting, pray on your way to work, smile at the store clerk, and

more! Life gets too serious and the burdens can be heavy. We were never meant to carry them and

so we think of the past when maybe things weren’t so difficult or we think to the future where we
think this issue will be behind us. How much precious time have we wasted? Work the joy into your

day and may God bless each of you!

Chili Cook Off and Fleece Blanket Night had to be canceled at the last minute due to a winter

storm with snow and ice. I thank you for ALL who were willing to participate and have fellowship
while making fleece blankets for the Canteen Run. You can still make your blanket at home and give

it to the Canteen Run.

BINGO night on Friday, February 28 from 6-8pm We will

be playing bingo using Bible bingo cards and regular bingo
cards. We will serve desserts, fruit and drinks. We are

collecting “white elephant” gifts as prizes so please donate
toys for the kids and things for men and women that you

have laying around but don’t use. This is for all ages – bring
friends, family, community, etc. Childcare will be provided

for those under 3 years – Register online for childcare at
nd by 2/22 or contact Gail. For more information contact Gail at [email protected].

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2020 has a different date and

layout. We are going to be doing “Rocky Railway” on June
15-17. Monday and Tuesday, June 15 and 16, will be here at

Savoy from 5:30-8:00pm with dinner at 5:30. On
Wednesday, the 17 , we will have a field trip during the day
to the train museum in Monticello. We will tour the
museum and have a train ride. We will have a packed lunch and then share the message of Christs’

death and resurrection. We will need all the volunteers as usual (crew leaders, snack, imagination

station/craft, KidVid , games, Bible story leaders, etc.) for June 15 and June 16. Please pray about
helping us have an amazing VBS. Pray for the children God will send, families He will minister to,
and if he is calling YOU to be a volunteer! We are already putting our plans into action. Please be a

part of this exciting adventure.

Acolyte information

While we will still train young children to be acolytes, we are

opening this privilege up to people of all ages. We need help with
the 9:00 am service especially.

Two acolytes go up to the altar with their lit candle lighter (used to
light and extinguish candles) and light the Christ candle and then the

two other candles. This is bringing the “light of Jesus into our church.” At the end of the service,
the two acolytes go up the aisle with unlit candle lighters and light their candle lighters from the

Christ candle and then extinguish all candles. As they proceed with their lit candle lighters, they are
bringing the “light of Jesus out into the world.”

Sunday school change with regard to ages – Preschool is for children ages

3&4. Crossroads is for children age 5 or Kindergarten through 2 grade.
Trailblazers is for children 3-6 grade.

By partnering with parents

we are helping youth FOCUS,

and fix their eyes on Jesus,

in order to know the Truth …


 2nd (Sun) - Regular Youth Group (5-7pm)

 6th (Thrs) - Winter Jam!! (4:30-midnight)

 9th (Sun) - Ministry to parents (Topic: Culture & Identity)

Youth will meet as parents gather (5-7pm)

 16th (Sun) - Regular Youth Group (5-7pm)

 23rd (Sun) - Regular Youth Group (5-7pm)


 1st (Sun) - Regular Youth Group (5-7pm)

 6th-8th — All Youth Retreat! (NO YOUTH on Sunday)

 15th (Sun) - Regular Youth Group (5-7pm)

 22nd (Sun) - Regular Youth Group (5-7pm)

 29th (Sun) - Breakfast Fundraiser (9am), Worship (10am)

* Regular Youth Group (5-7pm) *



March 6th-8th

@ Camp One Way

$60 per youth

Connect with Jesus and one another through

Sunday worship as well as meaningful

ministries throughout the week.

Fellowship Time—Sundays at 10:00 AM

A connection opportunity between Sunday worship services at 10:00 am to grab a cup of coffee, snack and to visit
with each other! Contact Paula Goebel ([email protected]), Cyndi Jensen ([email protected]),
or Rose Redmon ([email protected]) if you would like to sign up to help serve during fellowship.

Senior Saints—February 20th at 11:00 AM
Senior Saints meets monthly in various locations, usually on the third Thursday, beginning with a program or outing
mid-morning, followed by lunch at a local restaurant. Each month brings a different event, so you can participate
whenever you are able. Contact Gary & Audrey Ricketts at [email protected] or 217-367-2098.

This month we will be revisiting the William M. Staerkel Planetarium, at Parkland College, to view two new shows:
From Earth To The Universe, and Phantom of the Universe. Thursday, February 20, we will first meet for lunch at
O’Charlies Restaurant at 11:00 AM. Then we will travel to the Planetarium for the Shows beginning at 1:00 PM. The
cost for the two Shows will be $4.50 per person. For those that would like to car-pool; we will meet at the Church at
10:30. Please reserve your spot by contacting Don or Vera Maase, 352-7274, by February 18th.

United Methodist Women—February 12th at 9:00 AM
A multigenerational group of women who meet monthly in service and fellowship. See the “Serve” section of the
newsletter for upcoming meeting details and events.
Kay [email protected] or 217-351-9106

United Methodist Women will meet on Wednesday, February 12 at 9 am. Hostesses will be the officers. Please
bring your calendar as we will be passing sign-up sheets for hostesses, etc. If you have suggestions for a program or
special event, please share that with us. We’ll pray that February will be a month like January has been so we won’t
have problems with snow or ice.

Children’s Ministry—During 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Sunday worship services.
A great way to connect with other families at Savoy UMC! See the Children’s Ministry dates for additional fun, kid
friendly events! Contact Gail Taylor [email protected].

Middle/High School Youth Group—Sundays from 5-7pm (See the Youth Page for specific dates)

Contact Rebeccah Anderson [email protected].

The Quilters—Every other Saturday from 10:30am-1:30pm
Let's start making items for Cunningham Children's Home Festival of Quilts and our church bazaar! Would you like
to learn to quilt? Do you already know how to quilt? The quilters meet every-other Saturday in the southeast
classroom, 10:30am-1:00pm. Contact Cindy for more information [email protected]

Dine with a Doc—February 5th at 11:00 AM
The Dine with a Doc® program was designed to allow the seniors to get out of their homes, fellowship with their
peers, extend their available financial resources, promote enhanced living, and educate them (from a preventative
standpoint) with the goal of ensuring their quality of life and providing them with the resources and information to
make an informed choice about their healthcare. A different doctor will speak each month on a topic, a free lunch
will be provided, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions! RSVP is requested one week before! RSVP by
calling Carriage Crossing 217-303-8840.

Grow in relationship with others

and Jesus by joining a small

group or Bible study.

Finders/Seekers (Adult Sunday School)—Sundays at 10:30 AM in Southeast Classroom

Leader: Jana Waite, [email protected], 217-351-9386

Finders/Seekers is studying 1 and 2 Kings, books that cover about 4 centuries of turbulent history, starting at the
end of David’s reign and ending in exile. God’s people were called to worship God alone, but Kings tells the sad
story of idolatry among God’s people. God had previously told the people how to live—the word of God, written in
the first five books of the Bible—which the kings and people failed to do. God will raise up prophets, such as Elijah
and Elisha, to perform wonders and speak God’s word to the people. Finally, the story of Kings shows us that every
human leader has limitations and weaknesses.

Chapter/Verse Adult Bible Study—Sundays, 3:30-4:30 PM in Southeast Classroom

Leader: Jana Waite, [email protected], 217-351-9386
Chapter and Verse is studying the Gospel of Matthew. Gospel means "Good News" Matthew’s Gospel is about

identity, the Good News that we can discard our old, incomplete identities that enslave us and receive a radical new
identity in Jesus Christ. Matthew tells us the good news of who Jesus is.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study—Tuesdays at 9:30 AM at the church

On Tuesday mornings, we meet to study the Bible and apply the truth we encounter to our lives and the situations
we are facing. We are currently studying Genesis and would love for others to journey with us! Led by Marc Brown

[email protected]

Faith Journey Small Group—First Monday of each month
This group was formed during the Faith Journey 10 x 10 Program held in our church four years ago. It is a time for
"JOURNEY WITH JESUS TO BE LIKE JESUS"; searching scripture, sharing, prayers, fellowship and snacks. You can
contact: Gary & Audrey Ricketts @ 367-2098, Rose & Jeff Redmon@ 778-3211 or Jodi & James Maggio. Jodi (649-
9937) or James, (841-3238). We look forward to you joining us.

Chick Chat—Thursday mornings at 9:00 AM

How natural is generosity to who you are? What do you do
with what you have? Have you ever wondered what the Bible
says about hospitality, generosity, and stewardship? We have a
cloud of witnesses globally, nationally, and locally who provide
incredible testimonies of generosity. Tethered to biblical
accounts of giving, this series explores examples of offering
hospitality, time, money, spiritual gifts, and empathy to the glory of God. Everything we have is a gift. Will we hold
tightly to these gifts with a scarcity mentality or will be handle them with open hands?
This month Chick Chat Small Group will continue our video study, Every Good Gift, by Ann Voskamp.
Every Thursday we start out chatting at 9am in the church kitchen, then move to our study in the Crossroads Room.
Stop by to see if we can become your chicks! Contact Cindy for more information [email protected]

Journey Men—1st and 3rd Saturday at 7:00 AM AND 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:30pm at the church.

This men’s group meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at 7:00 am AND the 2nd and 4th Monday at
6:30pm at the church. The Journey through this world was not intended to be a SOLO mission, in order to be the
BODY of CHRIST we have need to spend time and learn to worship, live and work together, there are discussions
occurring that need your input. Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for men to grow and support each other
in the Journey with Jesus to become more like Jesus. Contact Brian Markstahler [email protected]

SNL—Contact Amy for dates and location

Our SNL small group meets 1-2 times each month on Sunday beginning at 6 pm with snack foods and fellowship,
followed by a Scripture-based study, and finishing with shared praises and prayer requests. Group members
volunteer to host in their home and/or lead the discussion. Contact Amy Markstahler at [email protected]
for more information.

Women’s Group—Every other Sunday from noon-1:30pm

Favoritism and Faith by Jada Edwards
RightNow Media video

We’re all inclined to show bias and display favoritism. But favoritism runs in direct opposition to our faith. We can’t
love and serve anyone that we believe we’re better than. Join us as we watch Jada Edwards teach on James 2. She
reminds us that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Glory—we are just the beneficiaries.
A short discussion will follow after we watch the video.

NOW is a perfect time to jump into a Bible study and we welcome new women of all ages to join us.
Questions, contact Ginger Mills at [email protected].

Serve through your time, talent,

treasure and witness to spread

the love of Jesus to others.

Welcome Team
From opening the front door on Sunday mornings, serving at the welcome kiosk, greeting and ushering, handing out
bulletins or simply being available to answer questions, there are many ways to serve on the Welcome Team!
Contact the church office at [email protected]!

Welcome Center
Our welcome desk is located in the foyer. This desk needs people to be present to direct, greet, and pass along
information and gifts to visitors. We are always seeking volunteers to help. The slots are from 8:45am-9:15am and
10:15am-10:45am on Sundays. There is a sign up sheet at the Welcome Center. Contact the church office with any
questions at [email protected] or (217) 352-3993. An information sheet is provided for volunteers and further
training can also be provided.

Media Booth - Sound, Lights, Powerpoint—Work in the media booth on Sunday mornings and for special
events. Contact Steve [email protected].

Fellowship Team—Be a part of the crew that provides and serves the coffee and snacks between worship services
on Sunday morning! Contact Rose Redmon at [email protected]

Children’s Ministry—We are looking for volunteers to help teach our children’s ministry classes during worship
services. If you would like to help, please contact Gail Taylor at [email protected].

Youth Ministry—If you feel God calling you to help serve the youth whether it be once a month or twice a year,
please contact Rebeccah at [email protected].

Choir—Anyone who loves to sing is more than welcome to join us at 7 pm on Wednesday nights. Our anthems are
easily and quickly learned and we enjoy a great fellowship and time together. Come join us! Kay McCoy at
[email protected]

Praise Band—Do you love to sing? Our praise band performs a variety of contemporary songs at 10:30 am worship
on Sunday mornings with rehearsals Wednesday evenings. If you are interested in joining this wonderful group of
people, contact Amy Markstahler at [email protected].

United Methodist Women —February 12 at 9:00 am

United Methodist Women will meet on Wednesday, February 12 at 9 am. Hostesses will be the officers. Please
bring your calendar as we will be passing sign-up sheets for hostesses, etc. If you have suggestions for a program or
special event, please share that with us. We’ll pray that February will be a month like January has been so we won’t
have problems with snow or ice.

Savoy UMC Food Pantry

Matthew 25:35-36
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.

Are you a person who could help with making food deliveries? Making a delivery once a month would be a help.
You need to be able to bag and carry groceries, have a bit of flexible time in your schedule for gathering and deliver-
ing the food, and be encouraging to those who are in especially challenging circumstances. Families are grateful and
often helpful, and your heart will be touched. You would not have to go-it-alone. Please contact Deb Foertsch
([email protected]) if you’d like to be part of our food team and give food delivery a try.

Shopping List for February

• Tuna fish or canned chicken
• Jelly

• Spaghettios or other “heat-and-eat” foods

• Pasta sauce
• Cooking oil

• Applesauce
• Instant potatoes

Food Pantry Totals for January

• Food deliveries—7 families (12 adults, 11 children), from January 8-23
• Next Shadowwood distribution—Feb. 4

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 7:30am-noon

Contact Us

Briana McDade, Office Administrator…………………………...………….……[email protected]

Marc Brown, Pastor..…………………………………………………………….……………[email protected]

Cecil Billingsley, Director of Operations…………………..…...…………….………[email protected]

Rebeccah Anderson, Director of Youth Ministry……………...…………[email protected]

Gail Taylor, Director of Children’s Ministry……………………….………….………[email protected]

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