December, 2022
Welcome to Hampstead Hill Academy!
A Note from Principal Hornbeck
As 2022 comes to a close, I’d like to express how grateful I am to work
with such a fine group of teachers and staff. Honestly, I’ve never worked
with a more talented and compassionate group of people. June 17, 2023
will mark 20 years as your principal at HHA. To every HHA family past,
present and future, it continues to be a pleasure and my life’s work to
serve and support the neighborhood and this wonderful community. I
have no plans to go anywhere else. Enjoy your winter break with family
and friends, be safe, and we will see you January 3, 2023!
Hampstead Hill Academy VISION STATEMENT
500 South Linwood Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Hampstead Hill seeks to be a safe, nurturing, diverse,
family-friendly neighborhood school with rigorous,
410.396.9146 tel. 410.396.3637 fax effective academic programs and exciting, engaging extracurricular activities. We believe all parents want
the same thing for their children: more and better
Matt Hornbeck, Principal opportunities for college and career. We believe in
[email protected] the importance of the arts, and we want our students
to be great communicators, listeners and writers. Our
Mike Lucas, Assistant Principal students will be forward thinkers, persistent,
[email protected] responsible, caring, dependable and healthy members
of the greater community.
Amata Anderson, Assistant Principal
[email protected] MISSION STATEMENT
Fanta Kamara, Assistant Principal Hampstead Hill Academy is a neighborhood public
[email protected] charter school that exists to educate children living in
both our attendance area and throughout Baltimore
Hampstead Hill Academy is operated by the Baltimore Curriculum City. Our talented staff uses research-based
Project, a local nonprofit organization celebrating more than a curriculum to develop and implement rigorous lesson
decade of service and student learning in Baltimore. plans that continuously raise the academic bar for our
students. Our whole school community is dedicated
Laura Doherty, President [email protected] to working together to challenge our students to
John McGill, Director of Academic Affairs [email protected] succeed in a fair, consistent, just and joyful learning environment.
HHA News from the Hill Magazine is published monthly for the
families and community of Hampstead Hill Academy
Editor Publisher
Geraldine Swann Matt Hornbeck
Director of Community Outreach Principal
Magazine contributors: HHA staff, Club coordinators and
Community Organizations
• 12/1, Girl Scout Cookie Sale After School Top News Stories page 3
• 12/1, Family Academic Night 4:30 – 6 pm
• 12/2, Purple Friday • Current HHA information along with
• 12/6, PTO Meeting 7 pm upcoming events
• 12/8, Community Arts Night 5:30 – 7 pm
• 12/12 - 16, Spirit Week News from the Teams page 6
• 12/13, Middle School Presentation for 5th Grade Parents 5 pm
• 12/14, Early Release Day 12:35 pm • What your child is doing in class along
• 12/15, International Breakfast 8:30 am with resource, enrichment and ESOL
• 12/15, Student Celebration Night 5:30 – 7:30 pm information
• 12/16, PTO Happy Hour 6 pm
• 12/22, Ugly Sweater Day Club/Activities News page 13
• 12/23 – 1/2, School Closed Winter Break
• 1/3, School Reopens • Updates and announcements for the many
• 1/3, PTO Meeting 7 pm clubs offered at HHA
Family Information page 15
• Issues important to our parents on a
variety of subjects
PTO News page 18
• News from the Parent/Teacher
Organization at HHA
It is important that you complete a student packet for each one of your children. Inside, the packet you will
find the following:
• Student Information Form – 2022 – 2023 School Year
• 2022 – 2023 School Year Parent/Guardian Consent
Form and COVID Awareness Agreement
• Federal Impact Aid Annual Parent - Student Survey
• Parent Contract Agreement Signature Form
• Student Contracts for the 2022 – 2023 School Year
Please review all of this information carefully. When you have completed all forms, please return to your
child’s homeroom teacher or the main office. Keep the student contracts at home for future reference.
Thank you if you have already completed the forms!
Since the summer of 2019, no school or school district in the state has received test data from
MSDE. The pandemic prevented testing in 2020 and 2021. The state test, now called MCAP, was
given to HHA students in June 2022. However, it was a new assessment, which required a one-
time 6-month long standards setting process. This is a long way of saying your child’s scores from
last June are still coming. Preliminary state-level data will be released this month and online
school and district level data released in January. Printed individual student reports will be sent
home in February. Moving forward, students will take the 2023 MCAP assessment this June and scores should be available much sooner. Please
remember that standardized test scores do not reveal the whole story about a school. Stay tuned!
Rising 6th grade students have a number of middle school choices. Students may decide to continue their studies at HHA, attend parochial or
independent schools, or citywide programs such as Ingenuity or Advanced Academic. The overwhelming majority of students attending HHA in
5th grade decide to return for 6th grade. In fact, in recent years, students have returned to HHA from Ingenuity and declined admission at private
schools. Reasons to stay at HHA include rigorous academic programming, including honors science and social studies classes for every student as
well as great teachers, admission to the very best high schools in the Baltimore area, the convenience of knowing HHA’s procedures, access to
HHA’s administrators, our friendly and comforting climate and culture, friends your child has known for years, and a middle school program that
prepares your child for high school. There is a special middle school information session for rising 6th grade students and their families on Tuesday,
December 13th at 5 pm on Zoom. Check the HHA Parent Calendar at for Zoom log in information.
Please note that Baltimore City Schools is hosting a School Choice Fair at the Baltimore Convention Center Saturday, December 3rd at 10 am where
students can learn about citywide school choice options. Please see HHA Guidance Counselor Marissa Lightkep for more information.
Students at HHA who achieve the highest levels of performance are recognized on the Principal’s List and Honor Roll. Students in the 1st grade must
achieve a grade of P with a 1 or 2 in all subjects to be recognized on the Principal’s List. In grades 2-5, the Principal’s List distinction recognizes
students with all E’s in Core subjects. In grades 2-5, Honor Roll students are noted for receiving all G’s and E’s in core subjects. If a student is
approaching grade level, the percentage they are earning at that level determines if they make the Principal's List or Honor Roll. For example, if a
student is approaching level, they have a modified grade of a 70%, 60% or 50%. However, in the comment it might show that they are achieving
90% at that level. This is used to determine if they made Principal's List or Honor Roll. You can find a list of our top performing students at the end
of the news magazine. Students in grades 6-8 are recognized for their
scholarship, leadership and citizenship through the Leaders Go Places
program. JOIN US FOR
2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR Holiday Cookies
Hot Chocolate
Spread the word to family and friends that information is now being accepted
for prospective students for the 2023-2024 school year. You can submit your Talking with Teachers
form for:
Visiting Staff
• PreKindergarten It’s time to celebrate
• The HHA Lottery your child’s learning at HHA!
• A child who is in-zone and plans to attend HHA for the 22-23 school
A conference sign up form will be sent
year out shortly!
Visit this link for detailed information. A public We hope to see you!
lottery will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 3 pm at Hampstead Hill
Academy. If bad weather occurs on the 23rd, the lottery will be held on
Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 3 pm. The form must be submitted by
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 3 pm to be eligible for the HHA lottery.
Smile Maryland dentist will be at HHA on January 9th and 10th. Forms have been sent home for parents to complete and return to school if you
want your child to be seen by the dentist. You also have the option to complete this form on line at Please sign up as
soon as possible.
Mr. Berry booms, “Leeetttt’s get ready to rummmmmmble!” and with that the 22nd Annual HHA Math Rumble was off and running. For those new
to our school, the Math Rumble is sort of like a spelling bee, but with math facts instead of words. Students in grades 1-4 compete through several
rounds of math problems, and there are winners based on the groups with the highest percent of students left standing. Students get practice in a
public speaking setting, and everyone receives a certificate of participation. The Math Rumble is an opportunity to practice getting comfortable
with public speaking and practice basic math facts; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These basic computation skills form the
foundation for the more complex math skills required by the Common Core Standards. Special thanks to Ms. Tyson, Ms. Johnson and Mr. Cobb for
their leadership and organization and to Ms. Swann and Mr. Berry for their coordination, enthusiasm and essential logistical support.
Congratulations to all of the Math Rumble Winners!
The HHA student uniform consists of a collared navy-blue shirt or the free HHA student school shirt with tan or khaki pants,
shorts or skirts. Shorts and skirts may not be shorter than fingertip length. Jeans are not permitted. If your child needs an
extra layer in the classroom, we suggest a navy blue or tan sweater or crew (not hooded) navy blue sweatshirt. Outdoor
jackets and hooded sweatshirts are not acceptable to be worn during the day in the classroom.
While HHA administration, staff, and safety-minded parents appreciate the recent attention of city traffic enforcement officers at drop off and pick
up, we do not coordinate with them and do not know when they will be present to direct traffic and write tickets to help keep our students safe.
Please be aware that double parking, which means stopping your car in the middle of the road (not at the curb, actually in the lane of traffic) will
result in a $252 ticket. We have noted this many times in past news magazines. There is no time that any family budget includes that kind of money
for a moving violation, especially during the holiday season. Be smart and be safe by pulling to the curb before letting your child exit the car. Better
yet, park a block or two away and walk to pick your child up. We thank you for your cooperation.
HHA uses the following ways to communicate with families:
• Post a monthly news magazine. This is a comprehensive document with information from Mr. Hornbeck, staff, club
coordinators, community partners, etc. The magazine is posted monthly at
• Send out parent emails – please sign up to receive emails at
• Post information on the HHA Facebook page at
• Check out the HHA website at
• Parent and Student Calendars at - You can set to view in week,
month or agenda.
• Class DoJo – for parent/teacher communication. Check with your child’s teacher for information on how to join.
• Staff emails – List of staff email addresses is located at
• Parentlink phone calls
• Not sure where to find what, email Ms. Swann at [email protected] or Ms. Mittenthal at [email protected]
Sign up to receive HHA emails at Look for the icon on the
front page of the website at the bottom.
Thursday, December 8th Community Arts Night 5:30 – 7 pm
Tuesday, December 13th Meeting for Parents of 5th Grade
Students 5 pm
Ms. Klenk and Ms. Kaminaris: This month students will learn about shapes. By
the end of the math unit, students will be able to identify, sort, compare,
describe, and create two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. Students
have finished the unit on numbers 1 - 5. If your child is unable to recognize
numbers 1 – 5 or count a set of up to 5 items, please work with your child at
home on these skills. Students will also continue in the language and reading
programs, and will learn about winter holidays and family. Thank you to all of
our families who worked with their child last month to complete their grateful
tree projects. It was really nice hearing the kids talk about their work and seeing
them present. As a reminder, students go outside for recess two times each day.
Please be sure to send your child dressed in a winter coat and hat that is labeled
with their first AND last name. Also work with your child on zipping their coats
independently. Please stay tuned for more information about coming to the
classroom to decorate a gingerbread house this month. Thank you for all your
support! Happy holidays!
Ms. Maciel, Ms. Wallis and Ms. Villa: Students has been really enjoying all the PreK students read the story “Fry Bread” and ate fried
holiday fun and are ready for more holiday learning. The holidays bring lots of bread to celebrate Native American Heritage month!
chances to share family traditions and culture. Kindergarten teachers would love
to hear how you celebrate the holidays. What are your family and cultural
traditions? In addition to learning about families and their cultures, students will
explore the five senses. They will learn about the parts of the eye, nose, ear,
tongue and skin. As a reminder, along with the holidays come colder weather.
Students have started wearing coats, hats, scarves and gloves. Be sure to write
names in all things sent to school. Also, practice zippering and buttoning coats.
Students are expected to put coats and winter accessories on independently.
Thank you for all of your support at home, and everyone is excited to what
December will bring!
Ms. Bierley, Ms. Clary and Ms. Munoz: The students recently participated in a project
where they disguised a turkey to save it from becoming Thanksgiving dinner. The
turkeys were very creative, and the writing that the children did to go along with the
project was terrific. Also, the students showcased their math skills at the Math Rumble.
All of the students did a great job! On Tuesday, December 13th, the students will take a
walking field trip to the Highlandtown Train Garden. Look for more information to be
sent home on Class DoJo. The cold weather has arrived. Please make sure that students
come dressed for the weather and that your child is able to tie and fasten their own
shoes and jackets. Have a safe and relaxing winter break! Come back ready to learn
more in the year 2023!
Ms. Bonner, Ms. Douglas and Ms. Zoll: Students had a BLAST at The National History
Museum in Washington, D.C. in November. Thank you to all the chaperones for
volunteering to help keep our students safe and happy. Students also did a great job
with their math facts and public speaking skills during the Math Rumble. Please keep
practicing math facts at home with your child. The days are getting colder. Make sure
your child is dressed for the weather. Continue checking your student's folder and Class
Dojo for the most current information. The 2nd Grade Team hopes you have a restful
and safe winter break! See you in the new year!
2nd grade students had a learning field trip at
The National History Museum in Washington D.C.
Reading – Ms. Knudsen: Students are working diligently on the following skills:
• Text Evidence: Students are using appropriate citation methods to justify their answers.
• Sequencing: Students are using their reading comprehension to accurately recall events from stories read in class.
• Vocabulary from context: Students use text support to figure out the meaning of new vocabulary words.
Students also continue to work in the SEL program "Second Step." Students learn how to make a practice plan to help develop and work on new
JUST IN! All students have an IXL skill plan in reading and math. Each skill plan is specifically catered to individual students based on their
NWEA/MAP score, happy practicing!
Language/Science/Social Studies - Ms. Satterlee: Students are becoming excellent writers! They have been working on varying sentence structure
in order to make their writing more interesting. In social studies, they are learning about introductory economics. They are learning how to weigh
the costs and benefits of buying certain items and have been completing fun activities that illustrate the concept of supply and demand.
Math - Mr. Bradbury: Students are storming ahead in Unit 4 focuses on multiplication and division. Students will work to memorize their times
tables, adding tables 6, 7, 8 and 9. A great deal of emphasis will be placed on strategies to solve multi-step word problems. Are you as smart as
your 3rd grade student? Try the problem below to find out.
A passenger train is 142 meters long. It has a total of 8 cars, each 16 meters long. What is the distance between each of the neighboring cars, if the
distance between cars is the same?
Reading – Ms. Protopapas/Ms. Conrad: Students completed the second unit test, and everyone was
successful in passing. They continue to make learning fun through reading. They tackle daily
vocabulary words, deductions and inferences. They also created a new book report project (pictured
to the right). Kids enjoyed the project and went beyond the required monthly reading expectations.
Language/Science - Ms. Richardson: Students have started to learn how to correctly identify error
corrections in sentences and parallel sentences using the word "No." In social studies, they have
finished Unit 1- Native Americans. Students will now move on to Unit 2 which consists of explorers and
settlements. Lastly, in November, students had the opportunity visit Fort McHenry and do an Audubon
lesson in Patterson Park. They also competed in the Math Rumble. Congratulations to the Blue team
for winning!
Math – Ms. Ruiz: Students have moved into Unit 3. They are working on adding and subtracting
fractions with like denominators. They are also working to convert between improper fractions and
mixed numbers. Using these skills, students completed the Pumpkin Pie Fractions project. In the
upcoming Unit 4, students will perform operations on fractions and be able to solve word problems
involving fractions. Students also had a great time at Audubon and the Fort McHenry field trip. Thank you to the parents/guardians that helped at
these outings.
4th grade students are enaged during instruction and learning on their field trips to Fort McHenry and their
Audubon field trip to Patterson Park
Reading – Ms. Pellegrini: Students continue to do amazing things in ELA! The Robins and Owls have wrapped up the first unit. They recently
completed their second portfolio project where they composed a creative short story. Please look over your child’s project with them and
commend them for their hard work! In December, these classes will work on the second unit, The Power to Change. In this unit, they will examine
changes in the world around us and work on writing in response to literature. They will also participate in a novel study of Walk Two Moons. The
Pandas are currently exploring the tale of Persephone. They will also study informational texts about The Maya and Mahatma Gandhi this month.
Later in the month, they will begin a novel study with the text Sara Crewe. Students in the Pandas’ class will study concepts such as main idea,
contradictions and point of view.
Science – Ms. Ruppenthal: Students have started Unit 2: The Earth and Sun and will learn about the movement of shadows as it relates to the time
of day, night/day, the brightness of the sun, the relative size of the Sun, and etc. The remainder of the unit includes the study of the Earth's
atmosphere, heat transfer and the water cycle.
Math – Ms. O’Connor: Students have started to learn long division. They began by estimating quotients through rounding and dividing by
multiples of 10. Using these skills, students have started to divide two and three digit whole number dividends. Next, they will work on dividing
decimal dividends and solving word problems using long division. These important skills will help students as they move into middle school next
year. Students can practice at home using to get even more practice with these topics.
Humanities – Mr. Farber: Students in the Blue Jays class have just begun
reading Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, and students in the Broncos and
Hawks classes have begun reading Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
Students in all classes will write literary analysis essays on these books in
February. Please ask your student to show you the short story they finished at
the beginning of November. Everyone worked hard and did a fantastic job on
their papers. Also, all students have begun to work on their public speaking
assignment for Quarter 2, which is called Our Deepest Fear. Please encourage
students to practice their speech at home.
Math – Ms. Bentil: Students will complete Unit 3 - Ratios and Proportional
Relationships. They will begin the month by completing a portfolio project on
collections of equivalent ratios. They will then associate ratios with rates and
develop the understanding that percentages are related to part-to-whole ratios
and rates. Students will also solve percent problems and build fluency with
converting between fractions, decimals and percents. 6th grade students manipulated light to operate a solar
Science – Ms. Poole: Students have successfully completed their first unit on powered dancing flower
physics, with a focus on light. Point to an object and ask your student how we
see the object. Students should be able to give detailed explanations on how light interacts with various objects and how light gives the world
color. They’ve also learned various “mind blowing” facts throughout the unit. Ask your student to share some of these with you. Who knows you
may learn a few things! The next unit is the life science unit. In this unit, students will explore the question: Where have all the creatures gone?
Language Arts – Ms. Locke-Jones: Students are in the middle of NHD season! They will build exhibits or a website to best represent how their topic
matches this year’s theme of Frontiers. Students are looking forward to begin their research and notecards.
Science – Mr. Lohrman: Students have just completed the first unit in the IQWST curriculum. They have completed the life science unit on different
parts of the body and wrote a CER (Claim Evidence Reasoning) essay answering the question, Am I a system? The next unit will be the chemistry
unit called How can I make new stuff from old stuff? In this unit, students will complete a variety of hands-on labs where they will see chemical
reactions, as well as identifying characteristic properties that identify substances, such as density, hardness, etc.
Math – Mr. White: Students will complete Unit 2A: Algebraic Expressions. The students will then move onto Unit 2B Equations and Inequalities.
Students will explore 1 and 2 step linear equations, and learn how to solve distributive property equations and combine like terms equations.
Language Arts – Ms. Kosmer: Students have chosen their NHD topics and have begun to research primary and secondary sources. They are using
the website to help create their annotated bibliography and notecards for their research. Your child will complete weekly Actively
Learn articles to help support their reading comprehension during the NHD work time. They will also work on grammar and mechanics through the
month of December. By the end of December, the students will have finished their research and will begin to write their unifying paragraph and
process paper. At the beginning of January, they will put all their research together into the exhibit board, documentary or website.
Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1 – Mr. Pratta: Students in Algebra I and Pre-Algebra will continue their study of linear equations, inequalities and systems of
equations. This month, students will investigate different ways to express the same relationship or constrain by analyzing and writing equivalent
equations. They will look at moves that can transform one equation into an equivalent equation, recognizing that these are the moves they make
to solve equations. The focus here is not only on identifying acceptable moves for solving, but also on explaining why these moves keep each
subsequent equation true and maintain the solutions of the original equation. In the last third of the unit, students rely on their understanding of
equations to explore inequalities in one and two variables. They see that inequalities are a handy way to express constraints that involve an upper
or lower limit, and can be satisfied by a range of values rather than a single value.
History – Mr. Ball: Students have been focused on the formation of the United States following the Revolutionary War. They analyzed the Articles
of Confederation and how the weaknesses of that government led the framers to initially call for reform and eventually throw those articles away
to write a new government. Students looked at the debates during the Constitutional Convention relating to how states are represented in the
legislatures, how to count the enslaved population and how to elect the chief executive. For the next couple of weeks, they will analyze the
Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the politics of the early Republic.
Leaders Go Places has just completed a great first quarter in middle school. Everyone is so proud of our hard-working students and staff. There are
some incredible numbers to share.
• 96% of our students have at least an 80% average on Class Dojo. Students are earning merits for demonstrating the five promises on a
daily basis in and out of the classroom.
• 87% of our students have a 3.0 GPA or higher. What an accomplishment! The vast majority of students are earning A’s and B’s in their
core content and enrichment classes.
• 89% of students completed at least two hours of community service. Students spent time preparing food for the homeless, packaging
diapers for families in need, clearing the park and making get-well cards for kids in the hospital. Together, students completed over 2,114
hours just this quarter. There’s no question that HHA students are contributing to the common good!
Take a look at our overall numbers:
Thursday, December 15th Student Celebration Night 5:30 –7:30 pm
Thursday, December 16th PTO Happy Hour 6 pm
In October, guidance lessons focused on National Bullying Prevention month. Students who received guidance lessons during their library
enrichment rotation learned about how to deal with bullying and the effects of bullying. Students also learned how to be an upstander. All middle
school students had the opportunity to earn two service-learning hours by planning and creating an anti-bullying poster in honor of National
Bullying Prevention Month. You can check out the posters in the first-floor hallways.
In November, guidance lessons focused on gratitude. Elementary students learned about what gratitude is and how to practice it. Middle school
students learned about the effects and science of gratitude. Students who received guidance lessons during November practiced gratitude by
writing a card to an HHA staff member. In these cards, students let staff members know why they appreciate them. Check out some of the
thoughtful cards our students made!
HHA students made
anti-bullying signs as
part of National
Bullying Prevention
month, and wrote thank
you notes to teachers to
show their gratitude
Ms. Butcher: Students have been very busy in the art room creating monochromatic winter landscape paintings and snowmen from multiple
perspectives. Join us December 8th for the Community Arts Night and see HHA students’ beautiful art work on display.
Ms. Pittman: All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players....-William Shakespeare
Students have been learning about various types of stages in theaters. They have been researching theater houses around the world and are able
to identify the various stage designs in theater houses.
Ms. Alexander: Ms. Alexander has had lots of fun working with HHA's student musicians during the month of November. Students have been
working on their concert pieces in preparation for the first performance of the school year. On Thursday, December 8th, please join us in supporting
HHA's talented students for the December Community Arts Night featuring performances by strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion students. In
addition, student artwork will be on display, and a dinner immediately following student performances. We hope to see you there!
The following students prepare for Community Arts Night: Maeve S., Joaquin M., Asia M., Julyabby C., Rex L., Yostin R.,
Kae'ci P., Desiree W., Kimberly O., Henry L. and Rey (Diana) L.
Ms. Kannam: New books are here! The HHA library is full of 100’s of beautiful, exciting
and diverse books for all grade levels to enjoy! Please remind your students to visit the
library daily and check books out.
books at
Mr. Edwards: PreK and kindergarten students will work on spatial awareness and the HHA
locomotor movements, and grade 1 – 4 students are performing conditioning workouts library!
and cooperative gameplay. Middle school athletes will perform HIIT training warm-ups
and refine offensive and defensive strategies playing basketball.
Ms. Sparwasser: PreK - 2nd grade students will use apps like Book Creator and Kodable to show off their
creative side. Grade 3 and 4 students will use Sprite Lab to code a variety of projects. Grade 5 – 8
students will develop proficiencies in Google Suite tools including Docs, Slides, Drawings and Sheets.
Students are so excited to celebrate the holiday season in music. They will continue to explore rhythmic
notations, dynamics and instrument families using boomwhackers, rhythmic eggs, musical props and their
NATURE EXPLORATION A middle school student tests
the buoyancy of her boat
Ms. Riorda: Middle school students are learning about the properties of water through various labs.
Students then built a boat from materials they collected in nature and test their vessel’s buoyancy at the
Patterson Park Pond. Upper elementary students are studying the plants that have grown from seeds
they planted. Please remember to dress appropriately for class as the weather gets colder and students
are still going outside for class.
After learning about the adaptations of owls, third grade students created edible owls in FFLature class
Figure 1
1st grade students learn about the adaptations of snowshoe hares and help them grow a white, winter coat in FFLature class
Ms. Shaffer: December 2nd is National Special Education Day! Special Education Day marks the anniversary of the nation’s first federal special
education law signed into law on December 2, 1975. This year marks the 42nd anniversary of IDEA- Individuals with Disability Education Act. Since
President Gerald Ford signed the ground-breaking legislation, all children now have access to education, including children with disabilities.
Ms. Hicks, Mr. LaBarr, Ms. Brezenoff, Ms. Ziemba and Ms. Hyatt: In PreK, students are learning all about family members. They are able to
identify the members of their family, and even created puppets of their family using popsicle sticks. Kindergarten students are practicing
prepositions by watching videos, singing songs and playing Simon Says.
Grade 1 students continue to learn about the seasons. Just as we grow and change, so do the seasons. Students will learn about the weather in
each season by reading a poem that rhymes about the seasons. They will share what activities a person can do in each season by
completing a graphic organizer for winter, spring, summer and fall. The students will share what season is their favorite! Grade 2 students
continue to learn about living in the city. Students will listen to the Aesop Fable, The City Mouse and the Country Mouse and compare city life vs.
country life. They will also read a cute story called Chicken in the City! to see why a chicken leaves his quiet country home to see what life is like in
the city.
Grade 3 and 4 students continue to work on their own background knowledge with context clues and various text features to understand a
humorous fictional story. They are looking forward to following up with a related non-fiction text about the author. Grade 5 and 6 students will
learn about Central Park in New York City through a photo-essay written by Ann Morris, with photographs by John Paul Endress.
Grade 8 students just finished a unit on temperature, weather and daily routines. Students used ordinal numbers to find and discuss weather and
temperature of specific days on the calendar, and to put daily routines in order on a schedule. Next, students will begin a unit on expressing needs
and wants and how to ask about and give information about ability using interrogative sentences.
Ms. Guitian: Individual Learning Plan (ILP) FAQs
Q: What is the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) for formally identified GAL students?
A: Each year a new document is created to describe appropriate program modifications and learning goals for the current school year. The goals
are aligned with the NAGC programming standards for gifted students and are written to be adaptable to a variety of learning environments.
Q: How is it individualized?
A: The recommended goals for the majority of GAL students cover two key areas: (1) an independent interest
based project and (2) access to gifted, advanced or Honors curriculum. A detailed explanation of a project or
curricular opportunity is not usually specified, since these unfold in real time depending on individual student
interests and academic readiness. In addition to the two main goals, the ILP will include recommendations
based on individual needs such as: Differentiated Classwork, GAL Pullout Groups, Supported Independent
Reading, APEX exploratory learning courses, Honors Courses and After School Tutoring.
Q: How do I access my GAL student’s ILP?
After logging into the parent portal, you will see a notification indicated by the bell icon in the upper right
corner. Click the bell icon and you will have access to the document to read and e-sign. If you have any
questions, please reach out to Laura Guitian [email protected].
As a reminder, students will not be permitted to join two clubs that meet on the same day.
Parents will be notified two ways regarding club openings. Some club coordinators will send an interest form home with the student to complete
and return to school. Other coordinators will send out an interest form via e-mail and posting on the HHA Facebook page. Parents signed up to
receive emails will receive these notifications. You can sign up to receive emails on the HHA website at
If more students sign up for a club than there are openings, a lottery will be held. Students selected will
receive a permission slip. If your child does not receive a permission slip,
your child was not selected in the lottery.
We are proud to announce that our Middle School Girls’ Soccer Team is the league
champions! The team won a closely contested championship match against Commodore
John Rodgers. The final score was 1-0 in a nailbiter. The lead was secured with a penalty kick
scored by Sofia Joslin and protected by stellar goalkeeper play by Hannah Milligan. The
entire team should be proud of their championship season and undefeated record.
Congratulations Girls!
To celebrate great soccer seasons for the girls’ and boys’ teams, students took on staff at Utz
Field in Patterson Park. The middle school was in attendance. It was a competitive game, but
a swarm of hornets in the final minutes overwhelmed the staff and the final score put the W
in the students’ favor with a score of 3-2! Special thanks to Coach Ball for organizing this fun
event and to Coach Pratta and Coach White for all of their leadership this season.
Pictured above,
scenes from the girls’
soccer championship
and to the left, the
staff and student
soccer team
On November 2nd, a team of 11 chess players from HHA Kings & Queens Chess
Club participated in the Citywide Novice Tournament. They competed with
students from other schools in Baltimore in the elementary and middle school
divisions. The HHA team had the most wins and took Championship trophies in
both divisions!
In addition to becoming Champions in both elementary and middle school
divisions by a good margin, the team players won several medals. In middle
school, Maria Fernandez took home the 4th place medal, and Parker Hines and
Charlotte Wilson won 6th and 7th place finishes.
In the Elementary division, Juan Jimenez Reyes won 2nd place and Valeri
Dryanovksi won 3rd place. Jackson Rothstein, Carlos Gonzalez-Garcia and Joseph
Bussey took 6th, 7th and 9th places in Baltimore City.
Congratulations to HHA for all their accomplishments at the Baltimore Kids Chess
League Novice tournament. Everyone looks forward to the continued future of
strong chess players at the HHA chess club and to their participation at the
upcoming National Grade Championships in National Harbor in December.
The Community Builders of HHA will be busy in December raising money for
SL24 and the Child Life Center at the University of Maryland Hospital. The
week of December 12 - 16 will be a spirit week to raise money for the Child
Life Center. All HHA students are invited and encouraged to participate in
the weeklong event. The club members will use all of the monies raised to
buy items from the wish list of the Child Life Center. These gifts will allow
families who have children in the hospital over the holidays to provide gifts
to lift their spirits. The second big event will be the Ugly Sweater Day on
Thursday, December 22nd. The money raised on this day will go directly to
SL24 and its efforts toward suicide prevention. We hope you participate in
some or all of these events and help raise money for some very worthwhile
causes. Please see the attached flyer with the details for each day. Feel free
to reach out to any of the homeroom teachers if you would like to sponsor
any students during Spirit Week.
MAGIC THE GATHERING The HHA Elementary Soccer Team (grades 4 and 5) finished
the season with a great win in penalty kicks over Patterson
Magic the Gathering, also known as MTG or just ‘Magic,’ is a strategy card
game that started in 1993 and continues today with millions of players Park Charter School. HHA showed great sportsmanship
world-wide. The game has several formats, but the most common format is
a head-to-head, two-player game, where a player must employ a throughout the close game. To celebrate the end of the
constrained strategy to achieve success. Think of a game of chess, but season, the team had a pizza party and team medal
instead of wooden figurines representing different abilities, Magic uses text ceremony.
and symbols on cards to represent different abilities. It is the text and
symbols that teaches students fairly robust mathematics, logic, and computer science principles.
● This program is for students in grades 6, 7 and 8
● The club will meet on Thursdays from 2:45 – 4 pm
● Session 2 Dates are January 19 to March 30
● Session 3 Dates are April 13 to June 8
● Program Coordinator is Mr. Micah Webster, HHA parent
● Micah and Zane Webster would like to thank the following for their donations
to support the club: Mr. Mike Porter, HHA parent; HHA PTO; Canton Games; MagiKids.
You can sign up for the club at these links English: Spanish:
In the final month of the Girls Who Code Fall 2022 Club, club members will create interactive environments using Scratch.
HHA ‘s Girl Scouts held a very successful cookie booth
on Election Day learning about the election process,
meeting local celebrities, and developing their business
skills! Look for them next at Family Academic Night
and at the Observatory Lighting on December 4th.
• 34% of the school year is completed
• 62 of our 180 student days are completed
• There are approximately 91 school days left until our
3-8 grade students take the MCAP Assessment in
reading and math beginning in May, 2023.
Spend some time learning about this state assessment for your child at the Maryland State Department of Education
• No gum at school. It is distracting and prevents students from reading aloud clearly.
• No smoking in or around school property. This is against the law on school property.
• No double parking or idling at drop-off and pickup. Double parking creates a dangerous situation, and you could get a $252
ticket for double parking.
• No crossing in the middle of the street. Cross your child at the corner. Do not encourage your child to get to school by
crossing in the middle of the street! This can be extremely dangerous for your child.
• Please remind your child, especially older children, that ball playing is not allowed in front of the school or on the greentop
during school arrival and dismissal times. Also, ask them to be mindful of smaller children to avoid accidentally bumping
into them.
Please mark your child’s name in all of their school items.
If an item is placed in Lost and Found and a name is not on the item
and is not claimed after one week, it will be donated to charity!
HHA is serious about attendance. Our talented staff cannot teach unless students attend school. There is a district-wide focus on student
attendance. Again this year, there will be mandatory hearings at school headquarters for the parents of students with poor attendance. Each
month, the newsletter will include this chart so students and parents can review attendance averages.
Congratulations to the 2nd Grade Team for having the highest attendance average for November.
This grade level will receive a PTO sponsored pizza party.
November Attendance% Year Attendance%
Grade 92.81% Grade 94.03%
HHA average 95.13% HHA average 94.94%
Grade 2 94.30% Grade 2 94.85%
Grade 1 94.13% Grade 3
Grade 8 93.78% 94.34%
Grade 3 93.09% Grade 6 94.33%
Kindergarten 92.32% Grade 7 94.25%
Grade 5 92.30% Grade 8 94.13%
Grade 7 Grade 5 93.80%
91.97% Grade 1 93.33%
PreK 91.15% Grade 4 93.10%
Grade 6 89.40% Kindergarten 92.44%
Grade 4 PreK
The Canton Community Association is pleased to join the Exchange Club of Highlandtown-Canton to partner for a Day of Giving in Canton. Stop by
O’Donnell Square Park on Saturday, December 10th from 10 am - 2 pm to donate new, unwrapped toys and nonperishable food items to help us
“Fill the Square”. Toys from the 15th Annual “Fill the Square Toy Drive” will be distributed by the Baltimore Police Department, Southeastern
District. Donated food items will be shared locally via Church on the Square.
Don’t miss the ORCHKids performance at 12:30 pm. Everyone who makes a donation will be eligible to win a Holiday Lights Prize Package from the
CCA and Canton Ace Hardware. Join the CCA on the spot and get an extra chance to win. For detailed information visit Facebook at this link: To learn more about The Exchange Club of Highlandtown-Canton,
Holidays can be lonely for our seniors, especially if they don’t have family nearby. Please consider Adopting an Elder(s) throughout the holiday
season. Please email the CCA at [email protected] for more details about this program. The program will continue in December with a
holiday party. To join the CCA, visit Thank you for making the holidays brighter for families in Southeast
Padres Unidos/Parent United
Want to meet new people? Want to practice your Spanish? Want to help make HHA a school where
parents feel welcome? Check the flyer at the end of the magazine for updated information!
More than a Buzzword: Mindfulness Matters at HHA
By Steve Plunk, Director of Restorative Practices
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness has become quite the buzzword over the past
several years. However, defining the term and what
constitutes mindful practices is not always so easy. In
simplest terms, mindfulness is paying attention with all five
senses – fully experiencing what one sees, hears, feels,
tastes and smells. But mindfulness also involves identifying
feelings and accepting those feelings without labeling them
as good or bad.
What are the Benefits?
When practiced consistently, mindfulness has been found to
decrease depression and anxiety; increase focus and
attention; help control negative emotions and increase
positive emotions; reduce behavior challenges; and it helps
develop compassion for self and others.
Researchers have been exploring the link between
mindfulness and academics over the past decade, and the
findings are compelling. In short, there seems to be a strong
correlation between teaching mindfulness and increased
GPA and PARCC scores. Mindfulness also appears to
contribute to lower rates of suspension and chronic
Morning Mindful Breathing at HHA
HHA incorporated mindful breathing into the daily Pictured Above: Students from Ms. Locke-Jones’s 7th grade homeroom
announcements several years before the pandemic, and (Antwan M. and Poppy L.), Ms. O’Connor’s 5th grade homeroom (The
that practice continues to this day. Using apps including Owls), Ms. Knudsen’s 3rd grade homeroom (Riyan S.), and Ms. Kaminaris’
Breathe2Relax, iBreathe, and Exhale, the school community
completes 4 rounds of breathing together featuring a PreK classroom, all breathe along with the guided breathing exercise
standard 2-count slow breath or the 4-count box or square during the morning announcements.
breathing technique. This guided breathing purposefully
comes last on the morning announcements to serve as a segue to instruction.
Mindfulness and Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom 7th grade students Justin C. and Josue R. use
The digital Second Step social and emotional learning curriculum used in homerooms focus and concentration skills during a friendly
throughout HHA includes a mindfulness component called Mind Yeti. Teachers have
access to dozens of mindful breathing, mindful movement and guided meditation game of Yeti in My Spaghetti.
video clips that can be used to supplement the Second Step lessons. Social and
emotional learning and mindfulness go hand-in-hand. Learning to control impulses and
regulate strong emotions are key skills taught in the Second Step lessons, and these are
also two of the benefits of a mindfulness practice. Many of the YouTube links at the
end of this article feature videos from Mind Yeti. There’s even a mindfulness game that
grew out of the popularity of the program. The Kerplunk-style Yeti in My Spaghetti is
quickly becoming a crowd favorite in 309 when students visit for lunch bunches or
Mindfulness during Classroom Brain Breaks
Teachers incorporate brain breaks throughout the day, and many of these feature mindful
movement exercises. Go Noodle contains dozens of videos incorporating breath and
movement/play. Many student favorites, including the Bear Breath, Whale Breath, Bunny Breath,
and Bee Breath can be found on YouTube. Besides breathing videos, there’s a plethora of
movement-based activities incorporating stretches and simple yoga poses. The Melting Exercise
is one such example.
Mindfulness for Staff and Student Leaders
Mindfulness isn’t just for kids in the classroom. HHA staff also learn and practice mindfulness
techniques during professional development sessions led by Maritza Dominguez-Alcoreza.
Maritza, formerly a site manager with the Patterson Park branch of Living Classrooms, started her
own bilingual mindfulness consulting firm called Mindful y Radiante. Maritza now works with
schools and organizations, including HHA, on mindfulness and social and emotional learning for
Members of the 5th and 6th grade
team work with Maritza Dominguez-
Alcoreza on social identity and
principles of nonviolent
communication during the
November 9th professional
development day in the school library.
Maritza Dominguez-Alcoreza and Restorative Practices Ambassadors Keily R., Genesis
G., Jason J., Parker H., Zane W., Catherine J., Quinn M., Sofia J., Danielle M., Heaven
H., Peyton R. and Shawn A.
Over the holiday break, the following video clips may be helpful tools to use at home to continue to teach and reinforce mindfulness practices with
your kids:
What is Mindfulness? (Mind Yeti) Body Scan
Slow Breathing (Mind Yeti) 5 Finger Breathing
Slow Breathing in Spanish (Min Yeti) You Are Not Your Thoughts
Gratitude (Mind Yeti) Square Breathing (also known as Box Breathing)
To learn more about mindfulness, visit As always, feel free to reach out with any questions,
suggestions or success stories from home.
We give you thanks for helping with our Beefit fundraiser/field day event and look forward to continuing an educational and successful school year!
With your participation in the PTO, we can accomplish more together! Volunteers always welcome for any or all school events.
Participants will no longer need to request translation at PTO meetings. Spanish language translation will be available at meetings regardless of
request. Please join us!
Attach your Harris Teeter VIC card to HHA via the store’s Together in Education Program. When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of
your purchase is donated to the school that your VIC card is linked to. There are no limits to how much a school can earn, and in past years HHA has
earned thousands to support school initiatives. However, families must register to earn funds. The school code to register at your Harris Teeter
customer service is (2488). You can sign up online at Questions? Email [email protected]
Revenue $14,511.52 Expenses $64.26
BeeFit PTO Storage $256.19
PTO Happy Hour
Total Revenue $14,511.52 BeeFit Fees $72.52
BeeFit Costs $482.73
Account Balance Chess Club $450.00
Pizza Party $240.00
Starting $63,969.68
Total Expenses $1,565.70
Ending $76,915.50
* Bee Fit Revenue does not include cash and checks still clearing deposit
had a great
time at
• Southeast Anchor Library - located at 3601 Eastern Avenue; 410-396-1580,
• Friends of Patterson Park – located at 27 S. Patterson Park Avenue; 410-276-3676,
• Creative Alliance at the Patterson – located at 3134 Eastern Avenue, 410-276-1651,
• Patterson Park Audubon Center – located at 2901 E. Baltimore Street, 410-558-2473,
• Please check the back of the news magazine for additional event information!
A Special Thank You to Our Volunteers…
Our PTO Officers: Vic Victoriano, Danielle Kelly, Jonathan Rothstein,
Lillian Prado, Ms. Douglas, Cait Drake, Jill Vasbinder Morrison, Kate Porter,
Katie Stewart, Yan Zhao-Hylkema
All of our parents who volunteered for field trips! Thank you also to:
BMORE LICKS Ms. Valorie Lightner
Ms. Anya Cappolla Mr. Braxton Andrews
Ms. Vennela Avula Ms. Laura Moussa
Mr. Micah Webster Mr. Joe DiSeta
Mr. Joe Manfre Ms. Alex Chambers
Ms. Samantha LaBelle Kahealarin Chai
Ms. Amanda Cavanaugh Mr. Aaron Kakazu
Ms. Jil Krause Kavya Velliangiri
Mr. Sean Behre
Please remember to sign in when you volunteer so we can acknowledge
you on this page.
A Special Thank You to…
The Franklin Middle School PTA and especially Crystal Mitchell, PTA President, for
coordinating a coat drive for Hampstead Hill Academy.
Ms. Mitchell’s husband personally delivered the coats to HHA. Coats are gently used,
and will be distributed before the winter break along with hats and gloves.
Principal’s List – November, 2022
Adams, Zariah Chandar, Leonidas Hylkema, Olivia
Adarkwah-Yiadom Jr., Stephen Connolly, Lola Jackson, Makhi
Aldinger, Oliver Couteau, Cecilia Jin, Jubilee
Algin, Lydia Crandalscott, Atlantis Joda, Hassan
Allen, Angel Cypress, Lakenya Johnson, Quinn
Almazo, Leonardo Dach, Cooper Jones, Bodhi
Alvarado-Hernandez, Valeria Dagistan, Jem Jones, Mark
Alvarez-Aguilar, Kyara Daimoucha, Sara Jordon, Damien
Anderson, Sasha Davila, Ariadna Judkins-Milles, Jayden
Andino Urbina, Bella Di Seta, Oscar Katzenstein, Michael
Baloh, Huxley Dobbins, Abigail Katzenstein, Abel
Balomas, Lena Donahue, Benjamin Kavanagh, Meryn
Beaudry, Adeline Drake, Jackson Kemp, Paloma
Bektas, Nursel Dryanovski, Valeri Kilareski, Riley
Beresford, Joshua Farber, Madelyn Knorovsky, Levi
Betts IV, Isaac Fawcett, Rhys Koscianski, Alexander
Blood, Benjamin Fawcett, Helena Krause, Michael
Blood, Henry Filippou, Sofia Krol Jr., John
Bober, Silvija Fuentes Garcia, Genesis Krueger, Davis
Bohlen, Nathan Fullmer, Ethan Krueger, Colt
Booth, Logan Galan, Noah Kwava Finell, Maya
Boyd, Penelope Glover Gomez, Sawyer Lam, Amity
Bravo Romero, Oliver Gluckler Jr., Aaron Lears, Eve
Bryant, Aiden Gonzalez-Hernandez, Leonardo Lee, Amara
Burger, Calvin Gorham, Grace Letsebe, Lesedi
Bussey, Paige Griffin, Ava Lieb, Hazel
Bussey, Joseph Griffin, Deloni Lieb, Hannah
Calhoun, Camdyn Guarnaccia, Renato Lovett, Maxwell
Campbell, Finley Guarnaccia, Ava Lovett, Moira
Campos, Luka Gursel, Ozan Lu, Amy
Cannizzaro, Treme' Guzman, Luca Macchia, Elizabeth
Cannon, Tori Hampton-Glunde, Marvin Maciel, Eloise
Cardillo, Gianella Hampton-Glunde, Julius Madella, Jacob
Carpenter, Naomi Hansel, Edward Madrigal Galindo, Carlos
Casimiro, Jacqueline Heaney, Caleb Mangano, Isabella
Castro, Tyler Hernandez, Michael Mata Orellana, Emanuel
Cawthon, Caden Hernandez Parrales, Alexa Mathena, Mariah
Cawthon, Kolby Ho, Grayson Mathioudakis, Leo
Chabot, Celeste Hoffman, Saylor Mathioudakis, Niko
Chabot, Liliane Horner, Karma Mattox, Jackson
McCartney, Claire Pomento, Annette Xolalpa-Miguel, Ariel
McCartney, John Porter, Emily Zelic, Sead
McCray, Anna Porter, Owen Zelic, Azran
McCray, Julia Puggi, Dominic
McDowell, Zander Pupek, Owen
McGowan, Shea Purnell, Blake
Megali, Katherine Quartana, Charlize
Mendez, Dominic Reddinger, Rye
Mendez-Pantoja, Brayan Robinson, Colin
Menke, Bradley Rodriguez Carter, Mya
Mentis-Berczynski, Milo Rosa, Cecilia
Merguerian, Theo Rosas Torres, Emily
Merrigan, Bedford Rothstein, Jocelyn
Miller, Dylan Rothstein, Jackson
Minihan, Terence Ruiz, Mya
Mittenthal, Ted Salmond-Wilkens, Zamari
Mittenthal, Mae Sawyer, Ethan
Morrison, Molli Sawyer, Logan
Moss, Louisa Schatz, Elliott
Moussa, Annika Schmaltz, Andrew
Moussa, Berend Schultz, Alejandro
Naasz, Quinn Serafi, Sophie
Naasz, Zoe Sheubrooks, Leonard
Navarro-Martinez, Elias De Jesus Shiraaf, Zafar
Nelson, Gerard Smith, Kali
Nelson, Nora Smith, Gerald
Nelson, Hilary Smith, Karter
Neponuceno Moran, Katia Snavely, Scott
Nicholson, Cameron Soto Hernandez, Jaime
Noyola De La Cruz, Ricardo Stephens, Samuel
Obeng, Isaiah Sullivan, Juliana
ONeil, Isla Sullivan, James
Orellana Gaspar, Raquel Tenezaca Quito, Eileen
Otis, Stella Tlatenco Moran, Kevin
Parr, Daxton Torres-Cuba, Keisha
Parris, Yoel Torres-Ramirez, Mia
Pearson, Eliana Urquhart, Penelope
Penaherreta Cappolla, Cameron Vaughan, Damico
Penaherreta Cappolla, Spencer Velasquez Maldonado, Jayden
Perez, Liam Velasquez-Castillo, Laurence
Perlman, Samantha Vigna, Owen
Petrovich, Elizabeth Vincent, Eli
Polo, Gabriela Williams, Mitchell
Polo, Luis Wilson, Selah
Honor Roll – November, 2022
Abukhdeir, Muhammad Fraser, Bentley Moore, Lailani
Adarkwah-Yiadom, Princess Frye, Emma Morris, Maya
Adarkwah-Yiadom, Jaden Furstenau, Chloe Munoz, Maximiliano
Aguilar-Garcia, Maritza Gahagan, Etta Nunez-Ramirez, Aylin
Aleman-Cruz, Ashley Galindo-Cruz, Abdiel Omweg Von Kelsch, Axel
Almazo, Erick Ghanbar, Ascia Orlaskey, Parker
Almazo, Felix Gomez, Gabriel Ortega, Dylan
Amador-Hernandez, Maia Gomez-Buezo, Douglas Pasko Jr., Christopher
Anderson, Camden Gonzalez-Avila, Mia Perez, Alia
Andino Urbina, Diego Gonzalez-Garcia, Carlos Popham, Ada
Arter, Layla Gonzalez-Serrano, Christopher Ramirez, Nevaeh
Bailey, Aziayia Gordon, Tori Ramirez Perez, Cindi
Baten- Rios, Liliana Gorham, Joshua Rios Galindo, Gael
Baten-Rios, Ashly Graham, Jackson Rivera-Barreto, Miriam
Batty, Nathaniel Guerra Lopez, Jesus Rivera-Orellana, Genesis
Bautista, Mariajose Guidry, Haden Robinson, Chase
Beaudry, Timothy Guzman, Isabella Rodriguez, Abigail
Bista, Kristina Hall, Regina Rosa, April
Bohlen, Seth Harrison III, Rodney Ross, Logan
Bradford, Karmen Heim Jr., Jamari Ruano-Pavia, Kolter
Braxton, Caleigh Hernandez Rosales, Baudi Rytina, Aiden
Cabeza, Evanna Hernandez-Gonzalez, Daniela Santos-Marin, Francisco
Canales-Sanchez, Dominic Huggins, Wesley Satchell, Zori
Candia- Garcia, Yuleysi Isaula-Aguilar, Alex Schiffer, Quinn
Candia-Garcia, Julian Jimenez Reyes, Juan Scilipote, Harlow
Cano-Candia, Lucino Johnson, Brayden Selassie, Isaiah
Cano-Leon, Danny Juanez Montoya, Josue Selassie, Ilanah
Cardillo, Leoni Juvencio-Gaspar, Karen Selassie, Elijah
Castelan, Juliette Kavanagh, Evelyn Simms, Kamari
Castro Garcia, Dasha Keola-Lee, Naseem Simms, Nathaniel
Castro Iglesias, Mateo Keola-Lee, Delilah Slater, Jayce
Cerritos-Garcia, Axel Khammanixay, Alina Stewart, Olivia
Cerritos Perez, Allison Ariana King Jr, Shakim Teresi, John
Collins, Skylar Kistner, Dennis Tillman, Drew
Connolly, Brecken Lee, Skyy Wahl, Finnegan
Connolly, Camden Leverett, Davol Warren, Ariah
Connolly, Hudson Levy, Peyton Weathers, A'Nari
Coronel Zamora, Madison Liendo Fagundez, Miranda Wilkens, Jamari
Couteau, Louisa Likhitesh, Aanya Winder Jr., Michael
Daimoucha, Hafssa Liu, Ryan Wriston, Olive
Daniels, Archer Madrigal-Galindo, Bryan Wycall, William
Davila-Castaneda, Yamilet Martinez Castaneda, Luna Wycall, Andrew
Denham, Aaron Martinez-Flores, Cesar Zamora-Rojas, Edgar
Denning, Samuel Megali, Samuel Zheng, Andrea
Desmond, Emerson Meria-Parks, Gia Zivic, Kensington
Diggs, Ava Michie, Kynli Zuniga-Gallegos, Yaneli
Dowdy, Aubrey Misewich, Tyler Zuniga-Lopez, Sofia
Escalante-Sanchez, Gisselle Molina-Hernandez, Jose
for all parents
We are so unique and fortunate to have such a wonderfully diverse school. In this
parent group we focus on how to strengthen our community across linguistic and
cultural lines. We meet every month to practice our Spanish and/or English, get to know
each other better through different workshops in crafts, cooking and more.
Join us for our monthly meetings!
Jan 11th, Feb 8th, Mar 8th, April 12th, May 10th
for all parents
At November’s meeting, the parents shared how they celebrate
Thanksgiving. They also learned how to make a bracelet in
celebration of National American Indian Heritage Month.
HHA Spirit Week
December 12th– 16th
$ Messy Monday
Pay $1.00 each day to participate. Mon 12/12
Bring $5.00 on Monday for all 5 days, or Wear your most comfy clothes to school today.
bring your money individually each day . Today’s outfit can be sweats, workout wear or
If you are not participating, you must whatever you enjoy wearing while relaxing. Please
wear your school uniform. DO NOT wear pajamas or you will be asked to
change into a school uniform.
Show your school spirit while
supporting a great cause!! Team Tuesday
Tues 12/13
Support your favorite sports team OR dress up
ready to play your favorite sport!
Wacky Tacky Wednesday
Wed 12/14
Dress up in the silliest, wackiest, mismatched
outfit you have, sport your craziest hair style or
wear your silliest hat. Anything goes!
Twin Thursday
Thurs 12/15
Find a friend or teacher and dress like alike.
The money raised will be used to purchase Free Friday
Wish List items for the Child Life Center at the
Fri 12/16
University of Maryland Children’s Hospital.
Today is a no uniform day.!
2641 Hudson St, Silks
Baltimore, MD 21224
Appetizers Offered
Courtesy of the PTO
*Cash Bar*
Follow Us Want to Volunteer?
for Updates!
Email [email protected]
Join us at our next PTO Meeting!
*This is an Adults ONLY event
2641 Hudson St, Silks
Baltimore, MD 21224
Aperitivos Ofrecidos
Cortesía del PTO
*barra de efectivo*
Síganos Para ¿Quieres ser Voluntario?
Actualizaciones !
Correo electrónico [email protected] ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestra próxima
reunión de PTO!
*Este es un evento SOLO para adultos
Patterson Park
Audubon Center
Birding Events
BALTIMORE Druid Hill Park
Meet at 3001 East
Saturday, DEC 3
Join us in Druid Hill Park & Patterson Park
Audubon experts lead us in search of avian friends every month in ────
these two city parks. Experience Birding in Baltimore City! No
experience is necessary – perfect for beginners and experts alike. Patterson Park
Registration is required and Audubon’s COVID-19 rules must be Meet at the fountain
followed by all participants.
Saturday, DEC 10
8:00 – 9:30 AM
All ages & experience
levels welcome.
for info & to register.
December Programs
Tuesday Storytime All December
Tuesdays at 12:00 pm ● Take & Make: Art Explorers & Mosaic Art
An interactive storytime program with
music and movement. Winter Architecture: Gingerbread House & Ice Castles
Wednesday, December 7 & 28, 3:30pm
Friday Storytime Calling all cold weather architects! Join us to build your best
Fridays at 11:00 am gingerbread house on the 7th and ice castles on the 28th.
An interactive storytime program with
music and movement. Mathematical Art
Thursday, December 15, 3:30pm
We'll use wheels and rings to create intricately beautiful
geometric card designs.
Family Film Afternoon: Anastasia
Friday, December 16, 3:30pm
What better way to spend a wintry afternoon than to watch
Anastasia at the library! Rated G, 1 h 34 min
Celebrate Kwanzaa
Saturday, December 17, 2pm
Join us for an in-person presentation as Charles Dugger
presents the principles of Kwanzaa.
Here Comes the Suncatcher
Tuesday, December 20, 3:30pm
We’ll use colorful paper to make suncatchers to brighten the
season and bring back the sun.
Southeast Anchor Library
3601 Eastern Avenue
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 - 8:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00
Diciembre Programas
SEMANAL En Diciembre
● Llevar y Hacer: Exploradores del Arte y Arte de mosaico
Martes hora del Cuento Familiar
Martes at 12:00 pm Arquitectura de invierno: Casas de jengibre y castillos de
Un programa de narrativa interactiva con hielo
música y movimiento. Miércoles, 07 y 28 de diciembre, 3:30pm
¡Llamando a todos los arquitectos de invierno! Únanse a
Viernes hora del Cuento Familiar nosotros para construir la mejor casa de jengibre el 07 y
Viernes at 11:00 am castillos de hielo el 28.
Un programa de narrativa interactiva con
música y movimiento. Arte matemática
Jueves, 15 de diciembre, 3:30pm
Utilizaremos ruedas y anillos para crear diseños de tarjetas
geométricas muy hermosas.
Tarde de película en familia: Anastasia
Viernes, 16 de diciembre, 3:30pm
¡Qué mejor forma de pasar una tarde de invierno que viendo
Anastasia en la biblioteca! Calificación G, 1 h 34 min
Celebra Kwanzaa
Sábado, 17 de diciembre, 2pm
Únanse a nosotros para una presentación en persona mientras
Charles Dugger presenta los principios del Kwanza.
Aquí viene el atrapaluz
Martes, 20 de diciembre, 3:30pm
Utilizaremos papel hermoso con el que haremos atrapaluces
para iluminar la temporada y traer de vuelta al sol.
Southeast Anchor Library
3601 Eastern Avenue
Monday - Thursday: 10:00-8:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:00-5:00
Enoch Pratt Free Library
Canton Branch
1030 S. Ellwood Ave
December 2022 Children's Programs
Music & Movement Storytime: Tuesdays, 4 pm
Baby & Toddler Storytime: Fridays, 10:30 & 11:30 am, at Church on the Square
Note: No Storytimes on Dec. 27 and 30.
In-Person Programs
Book to Art Club: Snowballs
Thursday, December 1, 4:30 pm
All ages
We will read Snowballs by Lois Ehlert together, and then make our own collage
snowman inspired by the book.
Play & Learn Science: Ramp and Roll
Thursday, December 8, 4:30 pm
Ages 2+
Explore how objects move, roll, slide -- or stay put! -- as we read an interactive story
together, experiment with ramps, and play digital games all about ramps and
Drop-In Building Blocks
Thursday, December 22, 4:30 pm
All ages
Come and create using LEGO® bricks, blocks, and other fun stackables.
Fill SquareTHE
See the DONATE new, unwrapped TOYS and Donate to Win
nonperishable FOOD items to help us
ORCHKids Perform A Holiday Lights
“Fill the Square”
at 12:30 pm Prize Package by
Thank you for making the holidays brighter
for families in SE Baltimore! CCA & Canton
Exchange Club of Highlandtown-Canton Canton Community Association ADVANCE TOY DROP LOCATION
w w w. h i g h l a n d t o w n e x c h a n g e . c o m w w w. c a n t o n c o m m u n i t y. o r g
Toys & food will be distributed locally by the Southeastern
District of the Baltimore Police Department. Additional food
and clothing will be distributed by Church on the Square.
Early Childhood Education Programs
Tuition Free, high-quali care
Clean and safe environment with credentialed
teachers and in-person learning
Low student to instructor ratio
Breakfast, lunch and snacks daily
Samsung Galaxy Tablet (Lending Library)
Family job search assistance
Family tuition support for continued education
Early Head Start Head Start
NOW to register!
Programas educativos de temprana edad
Servicios de aprendizaje gratuito a niños con
atención de alta calidad
Entorno limpio y seguro con acreditadas profesores y
aprendizaje presencial
Pocos estudiantes por cada instructor
Desayuno, almuerzo y refacciones todos los días
Tableta Samsung Galaxy (Prestada por la Biblioteca)
Asistencia a la familia para la búsqueda de un empleo
Apoyo a la familia de la matrícula para la educación continua
Head Start
Early Head Start
AHORA para registrarse!
K-12 Breakfast M
December 202
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Students must select at least 3 food items.
One item must be a serving of fruit or vegetable.
5 Peach & Raspberry 6 Pancake 7 Plain Bagel
Yogurt Turkey Sausage Patty Plain Cream Cheese
Syrup Strawberry Cream
Crunchy Granola Assorted Cold Cereal Cheese
Clusters Graham Crackers Assorted Cold Cereal
Ginger Gold Apple Nutrigrain Bar
Graham Crackers Fresh Orange Fresh Orange
Peachy Applesauce Milk Banana
100% Fruit Juice
12 Peach & Raspberry 13 French Toast Sticks 14 Breakfast Pizza
Yogurt Syrup Assorted Cold Cereal
Graham Crackers Assorted Cold Cereal Nutrigrain Bar
Nutrigrain Bar Nutrigrain Bar Banana
Peachy Applesauce Ginger Gold Apple Black Plum
Cup Black Plum Milk
100% Fruit Juice Milk
19 Strawberry Banana 20 Pancake 21 Plain Bagel
Yogurt Turkey Sausage Patty Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
Syrup Plain Cream Cheese
Crunchy Granola Assorted Cold Cereal Assorted Cold Cereal
Clusters Graham Crackers Nutrigrain Bar
Ginger Gold Apple Banana
Graham Crackers Black Plum Fresh Peach
100% Fruit Juice Milk Milk
Peachy Applesauce
27 28
Cup Winter Break Winter Break
26 Schools Closed Schools Closed
Winter Break
Schools Closed
This institution is an equal opportunity p
Menu Friday
2 Cocoa Crustable
Thursday Sandwich
1 Turkey Sausage & Egg Assorted Cold Cereal
Breakfast Sandwich Nutrigrain Bar
Assorted Cold Cereal
Nutrigrain Bar Assorted Fresh Fruit
Banana Milk
Fresh Orange
8 Breakfast Pizza 9 Oatmeal Breakfast Bun Options Available Daily at
Assorted Cold Cereal Assorted Cold Cereal Breakfast:
Nutrigrain Bar Graham Crackers
Banana Assorted Fresh Fruit Cold Cereal Options-
Fresh Orange Milk Apple Cinnamon Cheerios,
Multi-Grain Cheerios,
15 Turkey Sausage & Egg 16 Cocoa Crustable Original Cheerios,
Breakfast Sandwich Sandwich
Cinnamon Toast Crunch,
Assorted Cold Cereal Assorted Cold Cereal Golden Grahams, Honey
Nutrigrain Bar Nutrigrain Bar
Banana Assorted Fresh Fruit Kix
Fresh Orange Milk
Milk Applesauce Cup
1% White Milk, Fat Free
22 Breakfast Pizza 23 White Milk
Assorted Cold Cereal Winter Break
Nutrigrain Bar (Click for Nutritional
Banana Information)
Fresh Orange Schools Closed
Menu subject to change
29 30
Winter Break Winter Break
Schools Closed Schools Closed
1% White Milk, Fat Free
White Milk and sometimes
Fat Free Chocolate or
Strawberry Milk