Insect: Basic Spider Vehicle: Sports Car This robot has a round body, two sensor eyes, and eight legs. The eight legs offer superior balance and stability, even on the most rugged terrain. What would normally be the mouth and mandibles of a real spider can be mechanical mandibles for biting or grasping, or a pair of humanoid arms and hands, tentacles, or weapons. Size: Small, the size of a cat, two feet tall (0.6 m), 70 M.D.C., and about 40 pounds (18 kg). Basic Physical Attributes: P.S. 8, P.P. 12, P.B. 4, Spd. 22 (approx. 15 mph/24 km). Cost: 1.2 million credits. Medium, man size, 5 feet tall (1.5 m), 110 M.D.C., and about 200 pounds (90 kg). Basic Physical Attributes: P.S. 18, P.P. 14, P.B. 4, Spd. 58 (approx. 40 mph/64 km). Cost: 2.4 million credits. Large, horse size, seven feet long (2.1 m), 150 M.D.C., and about 700 pounds (315 kg). Basic Physical Attributes: P.S. 20, P.P. 18, P.B. 4, Spd. 88 (approx. 60 mph/96 km). Cost: 4.8 million credits. Frame Reinforcement: Add 100 pounds and 100 M.D.C. points to the main body for each reinforcement done to the frame. Only one reinforcement is possible on the small size, two on the medium size and three (3) reinforcements can be done on the large size, but each instills an accumulative skill penalty of - 10% to prowl. Cost: 500,000 per each reinforcement. Note: True Insect Frame: Six legs, same basic stats as the spider, but reduce speed of the medium size to spd 44 (30 mph/48 km) and large to spd 66 (45 mph/72 km). And 10% cheaper. Vehicular Robot Body Styles —————————————— Virtually any type of motor driven vehicle, be it conventional combustion engine, ground vehicle, hover vehicle, or aircraft, can be given an artificial intelligence with robot capabilities and special features. What this means is that the vehicle can think, speak, pilot itself, fire weapons, and so on, as if it were an independent, living (robot) being. The following are some basic body styles. A method(s) of propulsion will have to be selected. Vehicle: Motorcycle —————————— The frame of this bot resembles that of any number of ordinary motorcycles or hover cycles, only it possesses a robot intelligence and special capabilities. Speed: Depends on type of propulsion. Sleek, aerodynamic body provides a bonus of 10 mph (32 km) to the final propulsion speed. Light Frame: 300 pounds (135 kg) and 100 M.D.C. main body points. Cost: 600,000 credits for a bot up to six feet long (1.8m). Number of Seats: Two; driver and passenger. Frame Reinforcement: Add 200 pounds and 100 M.D.C. points to the main body for each reinforcement done to the frame. As many as three (3) reinforcements can be done, but each instills an accumulative skill penalty of —15% to prowl. Cost: 500,000 credits per each reinforcement. The frame of this bot resembles that of any number of ordinary sports cars, only it possesses a robot intelligence and special capabilities. Speed: Depends on type of propulsion. Sleek, aerodynamic body provides a bonus of 20 mph (32 km) to the final propulsion speed. Light Frame: 1200 pounds (540 kg) and 200 M.D.C. main body points. Cost: 1.2 million credits for a bot up to 12 feet long (3.6 m). You're paying for style and flash. Number of Seats: Two; driver and passenger. Frame Reinforcement: Add 200 pounds and 100 M.D.C. points to the main body for each reinforcement done to the frame. As many as four (4) reinforcements can be done, but each instills an accumulative skill penalty of —15% to prowl. Cost: 500,000 credits per each reinforcement. Vehicle: Mid-Size Sedan or A.T.V. The frame of this bot resembles that of any number of ordinary ground and hover cars, only it possesses a robot intelligence and special capabilities. Speed: Depends on type of propulsion. Light Frame: 2000 pounds (900 kg) and 200 M.D.C. main body points. Cost: 800,000 credits for a bot up to 16 feet long (3.6 m). Number of Seats: Sits three passengers, plus driver, comfortably, but another one or two passengers could squeeze in very cramped. Frame Reinforcement: Add 250 pounds and 100 M.D.C. points to the main body for each reinforcement done to the frame. As many as five (5) reinforcements can be done. Prowl is not possible. Cost: 500,000 credits per each reinforcement. Vehicle: Full-Size Van or small Truck The frame of this bot resembles that of any number of ordinary ground and hover vans or trucks, only it possesses a robot intelligence and special capabilities. Speed: Depends on type of propulsion. Light Frame: 3000 pounds (1350 kg) and 200 M.D.C. main body points. Cost: 1.3 million credits for a bot up to 20 feet long (6 m). Number of Seats: Sits seven passengers, plus driver, comfortably, but another one or two passengers could squeeze in, causing cramped quarters. Frame Reinforcement: Add 250 pounds and 100 M.D.C. points to the main body for each reinforcement done to the frame. As many as five (5) reinforcements can be done. Prowl is not possible. Cost: 500,000 credits per each reinforcement. Vehicle: Small Airplane This robot resembles any number of ordinary propeller, jet and hover aircraft, only it possesses a robot intelligence and special capabilities. Speed: Depends on type of propulsion. Light Frame: 3000 pounds (1350 kg) and 200 M.D.C. main 100
body points. Cost: 1.2 million credits for a bot up to 20 feet long (6 m). Number of Seats: Sits six passengers, plus pilot and copilot, comfortably, but another one or two passengers can squeeze in, causing cramped quarters. Frame Reinforcement: Add 250 pounds and 100 M.D.C. points to the main body for each reinforcement done to the frame. As many as four (4) reinforcements can be done. Prowl is not possible. Cost: 500,000 credits per each reinforcement. Step Six: Power Sources Nuclear Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in robots and high-tech machinery. The power system is surprisingly compact, clean, and has a long lifetime, even under constant use. One Year: One million credits. Two Year: Two million credits. Five Year: 4.5 million credits. Ten Year: 8 million credits. Twenty Year: 15 million credits. Techno-Wizard System This is an energy system that utilizes magic with technology. The initial creation and powering of the unit is often time consuming and often it is impossible to find a mage who has the expertise or sufficient P.P.E. to do the job. But these systems are equal to nuclear power. One Year: Two million credits. Two Year: Four million credits. Five Year: Six million credits. Ten Year: 12 million credits. Twenty Year: Not possible. Super-Solar Engine This system utilizes a power source that collects sunlight into a super high-efficiency conversion engine and generator. This is an excellent, clean, power source with an indefinite life span. Of course, it is limited in that it must rely on a source of solar energy. Requires some form of locomotion, preferably wheels or hover system. The system functions superbly while exposed to sunlight. A superior energy storage unit stores up to 8 hours' worth of power, during which time the robot operates at full capacity. After the eight hour reserve is used up, the robot must recharge via solar/ light energy or recharge, from another source of electrical energy. Without a recharge an emergency reserve will engage itself. The emergency energy reserve has a mere four hour capacity. While the emergency reserve is engaged all unnecessary functions will be shut down. Speed is reduced to 80%, attacks per melee are reduced by half and no energy weapons can fire. At the end of the emergency reserve (4 hours), the robot shuts down completely. Many of the bots that utilize a super-solar system often combine it with a one or two year nuclear system. The combination can extend the life of the nuclear battery to approximately five years, by switching back and forth from nuclear power to solar. The nuclear and solar combination means that the nuclear power serves as the reserve and enables the bot to operate at full capability and firepower at all times. Solar can be a good, reliable system if proper caution is used. The Basic System Cost: Two million credits, complete with a special generator and recharge unit. Step Seven: Legs and Locomotion Variations on the basic robot form are possible. For example, the humanoid torso might have insect legs, or horse legs and lower body like a centaur's. Furthermore, it is often possible to combine legs, wheels or treads, and flight capabilities in most robot types (a bit awkward hi animals). Note: The basic frame comes complete with the necessary limbs/legs that are standard. The frames for vehicles do not include legs, wheels, engine, propulsion, etc, and these must be purchased separately. Legs Human Legs: A pair of bipedal, humanoid size legs and feet. Basic System Cost for the leg units: 350,000 credits per pair. Animal Legs: Two front and two rear. Main style types are canine, feline, horse, and bird. Suitable for all robot frames. Basic System Cost for the leg units: Small: 150,000 credits, medium (human size): 250,000 credits, large (horse size) 350,000 credits. Insect Style Legs: Usually long, narrow, telescoping legs that resemble a tripod or insect. An excellent all-terrain method of movement. Suitable for any body frame. Basic System Cost: 4 legs: 500,000 credits, 6 legs: 750,000 credits, 8 legs: 1.2 million credits. Add 500,000 for retractable concealed leg units. Vehicular Walker Type Leg Units. A four- to six-legged all-terrain vehicle means of locomotion for any vehicle body frame. Basic (4-6 leg) System Cost: One million credits. Add 500,000 credits to make the legs retractable/folding and concealed. This can be done when there is another means of locomotion such as wheels, hover jets, etc. When needed, the robot transforms to reveal the legs and the new means of movement. Increasing the Basic Speed Attribute Each of the basic body frames that utilize legs are listed with a standard speed attribute. However, the speed attribute for leg units can be increased. The maximum for humanoid legs is Spd 220 (150 mph/241 km). The maximum for animal and insect legs is about a Spd of 423 (approx. 300 mph/480 km). Of course, vehicular propulsion and flight capabilities can be built into a humanoid or other robot form as an alternate, faster propulsion system. Additional Running Speed for legs system. Costs 10,000 credits per each speed point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase a speed of 22 to a speed of 32 costs 100,000 credits. Vehicular Locomotion These are engines and propulsion systems designed for ground, air, and vehicular robots. Generally, any of these systems can 101
be utilized in any of the robot types and power systems (fuel). These are the costs of the basic means of movement and still require a mode of propulsion. Wheels: Automobile size and type: 1000 credits per pair. Wheels: Oversized (truck or tractor size): 2000 credits per pair. Wheels: Micronized (roller skate size): 1200 credits per pair. Treads: Small (car size): 15,000 credits per pair. Treads: Large (tank size): 20,000 credits per pan-. Pontoons: Small (car size): 1000 credits per pair. Pontoons: Large (airplane size): 4000 credits per pair. Hover Jets: Small (human size): 20,000 per pair. Note: All wheels and treads are of superior strength and quality. Wheels: 20 M.D.C. each, Treads: 100 M.D.C. per each unit, Pontoons: 100 M.D.C., Hover Jets: 30 M.D.C. each. Engines and Propulsion Systems Fuel Injected Engine Liquid Fuel: Despite incredible technological advancements, liquid fuel engines are still likable, reliable and the most economical system available. The major disadvantages of this system are the use of a limited consumable fuel that must be continually replaced, the need of containers to hold the fuel (gas tanks), and the weight of the fuel itself. On the other hand, gasoline type fuels are fairly cheap and easily attainable, especially in populated regions. Liquid fuel requires an exhaust system that is not suitable for humanoid and animal type robots. Requires some form of locomotion, preferably wheels or hover system. Basic System Cost with Fuel Tank(s): 50,000 credits. The player determines the size of the gas tank or tanks. Weight and size may be a problem for small robots. One gallon weighs 7 Ibs (3.2 kg). A 70 gallon rectangular tank would measure approximately 48 x 20 x 18 inches and weighs 490 pounds (221 kg). Disposable auxiliary gas tanks is one possible solution; cost is about 200 credits per 20 gallon (75.7 liters) capacity. Estimated milage: 40 miles (64 km) to one gallon of fuel. Maximum Speed: 200 mph (320 km). Turbo Engine Requires liquid fuel; conventional leaded or unleaded gasoline is suitable; high octane preferable. A fuel tank(s) is required. Estimated milage: 40 miles (64 km) to one gallon of fuel. Basic System Cost: 75,000 credits for liquid fuel (175,000 credits connected to nuclear or solar powered system. Maximum Speed: 260mph (400kmph). Turbo-Jet Engine Requires high octane fuel or a special mixture, such as those used for jet aircraft. Or can be linked to nuclear power source. This engine can not be used for speeds under 100 mph (160 km), thus ground vehicles/robots will have to use a two engine system, with one for low speeds and the turbo-jet for high speeds and/or flight. The robot will obviously have some sort of visible hover propulsion system. Estimated Milage: 20 miles (32 km) to one gallon of fuel. Or can be linked to nuclear power source (costs an extra 100,000 credits). Basic System Cost: 150,000 credits for liquid fuel (250,000 credits connected to nuclear or solar). Maximum Speed: 400 mph (640 km). SENSORS LASEK. MAIN OPTICS Hover Jets Vehicle Type Robots A super-sophisticated twin engine system, with bottom and rear jet thrusters for V/STOL capabilities. This unique propulsion system offers ground and air capabilities. The V/STOL means the robot can hover stationary above the ground, make vertical take-offs and landings (fly straight up and down), as well as engage in low altitude flight. The robot will obviously have some sort of visible hover propulsion system. Estimated milage with a liquid fuel is 50 miles (80 km) per one gallon. The Base Cost: 500,000 credits; requires at least four jets. Or can be linked to nuclear power source (costs an extra 100,000 credits) Maximum Speed: 400 mph (640 kmph). Maximum Altitude: 1000 feet (305 m). Hover Jet Backpack for Humanoid Frames This can be a detachable backpack unit or one permanently built directly into a robot's back. Basic System Cost: 150,000 credits; can be linked to nuclear power source (costs an extra 100,000 credits); Maximum Speed: 400 mph (640 km). Maximum Altitude: 1000 feet (305 m). Concealed Micro Hover System A tiny and concealed hover jet system built into humanoid or animal robots. The hover jets are strategically located in the feet, rear, back, and chest. When not engaged, the jets are completely unnoticeable. Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits; can be linked to a nuclear power system for an additional 100,000 credits. Maximum Speed: 200 mph (320 km). Maximum Altitude: 500 feet (152 m). Step Eight: Sensors and Optics Audio Basic Listening System: Stereo hearing capacity equal to the best human capabilities, and a narrow-band radio receiver enables the robot to hear/receive commercial radio (AM & FM); Range: 5 miles (8 km). Cost:30,000 credits. Advanced Audio System: Amplified stereo hearing; hears in the full decibel range, much like the cybernetic amplified hearing. Ultra-ear enables the bot to hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like 3 dog whistle. Wide-band radio receiver (not transmitter) enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands and other 102
radio transmission frequencies (Range: 50 miles/80 km with a retractable antenna, half range without). And universal headjack. Bonuses: + 1 to parry, + 2 to dodge, + 3 on initiative. Total System Cost: 100,000 credits. Note: The abilities of the advanced audio system can be purchased individually and are identical to cybernetic systems, but cost 20% more. Bug Detector: A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 50 feet (15 m). Cost: 30,000 credits. Radar Signal Detector: A tiny radar receiver which will alert the character with a silent alarm or pinging when he is being scanned by radar; 80% accuracy. Cost: 10,000 credits. Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities. Range: 300 miles (482 km) with a retractable antenna (150 miles without the antenna). Cost: 50,000 credits. Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio system to send and receive coded messages. Cost: 10,000 credits. Audio Recorder: A audio disc recording system with external access. Contains 48 hours of recordable disc time. Of course, the one inch discs can be used repeatedly. Cost: 5,000. Loudspeaker: Amplifies the robot's voice up to 90 decibels. Cost: 2,000 credits. Single Voice Synthesizer: Provides the robot with a completely human sounding voice; very pleasant. Otherwise the voice is very mechanical sounding. Cost: 5,000 credits. Modulating Voice Synthesizer and Sound Analysis Computer: Enables the robot to change the tone, base, pitch and frequency of his voice. The sound analysis computer is designed exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 100,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gun shots by calibre, engines, and other sounds. It also has the capability to analyze, compare, match and remember 50,000 new sounds; 1 - 88% likelihood of identifying a person by voice pattern. Can imitate another person's voice with 80% accuracy. Cost: 500,000 credits; illegal in Coalition States. Inaudible Frequency Transmission: The robot can speak/transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, borgs with ultra-ear, and beings with superior hearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 150,000 credits. Optics Basic Robot Optic System: A color sight system with an analysis computer for 3-D images; 20/20 vision. Cost: 50,000 credits. Advanced Robot Optic System: Includes color vision, 3-D analysis, passive nightsight, infrared, and ultraviolet sight. Range: 2000 ft (610m). Cost: 150,000 credits. Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the human eye, but visible to another infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about a ten feet width (3 m). Night Sight is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own. Laser Targeting System: A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks an and registers the fire command. Bonus: + 1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range: 4000 feet (1200 m). Cost: 50,000. Targeting Sight and combat computer: A special system that superimposes cross hairs for more accurate targeting. The computer recognizes 30,000 enemy targets, including vehicles, robots, insignias, uniforms, and known monsters. An additional 2000 targets can be added to the memory. Bonus: +1 to strike. Range: equal to optic system; usually 2000 to 6000 feet. Cost: 500,000 credits. Telescopic Vision: Magnifies an image area like a gun's scope or binoculars. Automatic, self-focusing. Range: 6000 ft (1800 m), 20 feet (6 m) image area. Cost: 50,000 credits. Thermo-Imager: An optical heat sensor that converts the infrared radiation of warm objects into a visible image. This device allows the robot to see in the darkness, shadows, and through smoke. Range: 2000ft(610m). Cost: 80,000 credits. External Video and Audio Surveillance System:A high-resolution video camera, often built into the eyes, but can be a separate system, relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and these images can be recorded as a record of events. A video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing and/or recording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disc can be ejected at will. Range: 40 miles (64 km). Cost: 500,000 credits; outlawed by the Coalition. Searchlight: Built into the eyes, head, shoulder(s), or chest. A 90 degree arc up and down and 180 degree rotation is standard. High-powered light beam used to illuminate an area like a flashlight or used as a beacon. Range: 300 feet (91.5 m). Cost: 1000 credits. Sensors Bio-Scan Medical Survey Unit: A computer system designed to monitor the life signs of biological life forms. Sensors are built in the robot's hand or must be removed from a concealed compartment and attached. Monitors vital signs, such as respiration, blood pressure, brain waves, and body temperature. A computerized medical system tied into the Bio-Scan computer will indicate trauma to the brain and nervous system, blood loss, presence of drugs or other unnatural agent in the blood stream, and coma condition. Cost: 350,000 credits. Motion Detector and Warning System: Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement. A collision warning system will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/ impact. Range: 60 feet (18 m). Bonus: Adds +1 to initiative and -I-1 to parry and dodge. Cost: 75,000 credits. Sensory Antenna: Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensor. The antenna enables the bot to maneuver, even in total darkness, by feeling his way around. Range: Touch, usually six to twelve feet (1.8 to 3.6 m). Bonus: Blindness penalties are half and adds +1 dodge. 5 M.D.C. per antenna. Cost: 120,000 credits. Micro-Radar: A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal size robots. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 10. Rate of travel, direction, and location are indicated. Range: One mile (1.6 km). Cost: 200,000. 103
Maxi-Radar: A much larger and sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground and air surveillance. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 48. Range: 50 miles (80 km) and is able to detect a cruise missile-type target flying as low as 500 feet (153 m). Cost: 600,000. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types. Step Nine: Weapons Standard Damage for Robot Hand to Hand: The damage numbers that follow are standard for most robot systems and do not have to be purchased. Restrained Punch: 4D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus. Full Strength Punch: 1D6 M.D.C. Kick: 1D6 M.D.C. Leap Kick: 2D4 M.D.C. Stomp (giants only): 1D4 M.D.C. Body Block/Ram (at high speeds, 50 mph or more): 1D4 M.D.C. Note: Double M.D.C damage for giant robots, 20 feet or larger. Some of the weapon features add to the mega-damage. Power Punch: This is a special combat feature that increases the mega-damage of a punch, but counts as two attacks. Cost: Add 1D6 M.D.C. to full strength punch: 100,000 credits. Add 2D6 M.D.C. to full strength punch: 250,000 credits. Not applicable to kicks. M.D.C. Knuckle Spikes or Retractable finger blades: Four sharp spikes protrude from the knuckles. Adds 1D4 to the punch of human size bots or 1D6 M.D.C. to the punch of giants. Cost: 100,000 credits, add 20,000 for retractable spikes. M.D.C. Animal Features: Claws, fangs, tails, etc. are all features typical of robot bots, but they can be applied to humanoid robots as well. Small Claws: One M.D.; cost: 60,000 credits per pair. Medium Claws: 1D6 M.D.; cost: 100,000 per pair. Large Claws (tiger): 2D6 M.D.; cost: 150,000 per paw. Biting Jaws and Teeth: Small 1D6 M.D., Medium 2D4 M.D., Large 3D6 M.D. Note: Add 30,000 for Retractable Claws. A restrained claw strike inflicts 4D6 S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus. Prehensile Tail: Same as tentacle. Flame Thrower: A small unit with a retractable nozzle and hose, usually housed in the hip or back of humanoids (occasionally mouth or hand of giant bots), mouth of insect and animal frames, and the front or rear of vehicles. Range: 140 feet (42.6 m) Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. per blast, plus a 60% chance of setting combustibles on fire. Rate of Fire: Equal to hand to hand attacks per melee. Payload: 40 blasts per standard humanoid size container; recharging the concealed fuel tank takes two minutes. Double capacity for giant size and vehicles. Cost: 50,000 credits. Eye Laser: The eye can emit a laser beam activated at will. Range: 600 ft (182 m) Damage: 1D6 M.D.C. human or medium or large animal size, 2D6 M.D.C. giant size. Rate of Fire: Equal to the hand to hand attacks per melee. Bonus: + 1 to strike. Payload: Effectively unlimited. Cost: 400,000 credits for human size, 600,000 for giant. The following weapon systems are available and are identical to the bionic systems found in the Rifts RPG, pages 239-241. All energy weapons have an effectively unlimited payload. Robot prices are a bit higher. Laser Utility Finger: 6000 credits Laser Finger Blaster: 25,000 credits High Explosive Finger Joint: 1000 credits per joint. Retractable Finger Blades: 1500 credits. Retractable Knuckle Blades: 3000 credits. Knuckle Spikes (S.D.C.): 1000 credits Additional Hand & Arm: 300,000 credits for pair, 150,000 for one. Additional Non-Human Appendage (Tentacles): 250,000 for a pair or 125,000 for one. Up to four pair can be added to most human size or larger bots. Climb Cord: 2000 credits Garrote Wrist Wire: 400 credits Chemical Spray: 60,000 credits, double range. Concealed Leg Laser Rod: 75,000 credits. Concealed Leg Ion Rod: 50,000 credits. Concealed Arm Laser Rod: 50,000 credits, double range. Forearm Laser: 50,000 credits Forearm Ion: 40,000 credits Forearm Plasma: 60,000 credits Forearm Particle Beam: 100,000 credits. Forearm Machinegun: 30,000 credits Forearm Mini-Missiles: 60,000 credits Note: Forearm weapon range can be increased by 1000 feet at a cost of 100,000 credits. Retractable Vibro-Blades: 40,000 credits Wrist Needle & Drug Dispenser: 5000 credits Remember, humanoid bots can also use any of the conventional human weapons and rail guns. Weapons for Giant Robots: Giant robots and large vehicles, 16 feet (4.9 m) or larger, can support larger and more powerful weapons, which is reflected in the weapon's range. Consequently, use the same weapons as listed previously, but add 1000 feet (305 m) to the range. In the case of the machineguns and missiles, triple the payload. Missile Launcher Pods for Giants and Vehicles: Missile launcher pods must be mounted on the shoulders or back of giant robots or a housing on the top or side(s) of a vehicle's exterior. Missile Launcher Types: Mini-Missiles Cost: 200,000 credits per launcher, payload of 10 missiles. Short Range Missiles Cost: Small: 300,000 credits, payload three missiles. Medium: 500,000 credits, payload of six missiles. Large: 800,000 credits, payload of twelve missiles. Medium Range Missiles Cost: Small: One million credits, payload three missiles. Medium: 1.5 million credits, payload of six missiles. Large: 2.5 million credits, payload of twelve missiles. 104
Long Range Missiles Cost: Small: Five million credits, payload three missiles. Medium: 8 million credits, payload of six missiles. Large: 12 million credits, payload of eight missiles. Step Ten: Special Features Additional arms or tentacles: See weapons section: Additional Non-Human Appendages. Fingerjack: Same as bionic system. Cost: 2500 credits. Clock Calendar & Gyro-Compass: Same as cybernetic system. Cost: 1000 credits. Secret Compartments: Same as bionics, Rifts RPG, page 241. Giant and vehicular bots can have twice as many normal size compartments or the usual number but twice as large. Cost: 20% more than bionics. Cosmetic Enhancements: A variety of techniques and materials can be used to create an accurate simulation of a living creature. Often used for animal bots. All bonuses are accumulative. Realistic Skin Overlay: Looks and feels like the real thing. Complete with fake musculature. Fire resistant and tough, 5 M.D.C. main body. Increases P.B. +2. Cost: 75,000 for a six foot humanoid or animal. Add 5,000 credits for every additional foot (0.3 m). Human Hair Implants: Cost: 5,000 credits for head only, 20,000 full body; looks completely natural, +2 P.B. Fur: Cost: 50,000 credits on human or large size of the animal bots, 30,000 for small and medium, +4 P.B. Realistic Eyes: Conceal the artificial appearance of the robot eyes, +2 P.B. Cost: 10,000 credits. Sculpted Facial Features: A unique, individual face and teeth designed by skilled artists, complete with simulated muscle movement to complement full facial expressions, frowns, smiles, angry looks, etc., +3 P.B. Cost: 50,000 credits. Movie star face: Add 40,000 credits to the initial cost and another +3 P.B. Minor Body Characteristics: Nails, fangs, beard stubble, moles, pimples, scars, etc. Cost: Approximately 2000 credits each. Locking Joints: This means that the joints lock into place and can not be moved or bent until unlocked (equal to a P.S. 40). Cost: 10,000 credits each. 360 Degree Rotating Body Segment: Head, shoulders, hands at wrist, and upper torso at waist, can rotate in a 360 degree circle. Cost: 20,000 credits per small joint, 50,000 credits for waist rotation. Self-Destruct System: Robot explodes when an internal command is given. Safety features include a triple confirmation sequence followed by a one minute count down during which the command can be canceled. Inflicts !D6xlO damage to a 20 foot area (6 m). Cost: 80,000 credits. Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled, following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (600 ft/91 m range) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master bot. Range of transmissions and control is 2000 ft (487 m). M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12 inches). Cost: 50,000 credits. Expanded Memory: This increases the number of skill programs one can place into the bot. Artificial Intelligence: Add three (3) programs. Neural System:Add two (2) programs and two secondary skills at all appropriate levels. Transferred Intelligence: None. Has the normal I.Q. and skill capabilities of the being whose essence has been transferred (human, D-Bee, animal, dragon, etc.). Note: Skill programs can be the superior ones listed in this section (which means one must still conform to military or non-military) or the somewhat limited black market programs. Cost: One million credits. Increasing the Basic Speed Attribute:Costs 10,000 credits per each speed point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus to increase a speed of 22 to a speed of 32 costs 100,000 credits. The maximum for humanoid legs is Spd 220 (150 mph/241 km). The maximum for animal and insect legs is about a Spd of 423 (approx. 300 mph/480 km). Increasing the Basic P.S Attribute: Costs 10,000 credits per each P.S. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase a P.S. of 12 to a P.S. of 22 costs 100,000 credits. The maximum for small bots is P.S. 30, medium, large and humanoids, P.S. 40. Increasing the Basic P.P Attribute: Costs 10,000 credits per each P.P. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase a P.P. of 12 to a P.P. of 22 costs 100,000 credits. The maximum for small bots is P.P. 20, medium, large and humanoids, P.P. 26. Increasing the Basic I.Q. Attribute: Costs 50,000 credits per each I.Q. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase an I.Q. of 12 to a I.Q. of 22 costs 500,000 credits. The maximum for small bots is I.Q. 20, medium, large and humanoids, I.Q. 28. Enjoys the usual I.Q. bonus. 105
Monsters The Minion of Splugorth Most people think that the monstrous, multi-tentacled creatures seen commanding the Splugorth (pronounced Sploo-goreth) slave barges are, in fact, Splugorthians. They are not. If the slobbering mammoths have a true name of their own, it is not known to humans. Even the few who have visited the haunted spires of Atlantis know them only as "the Minion" or as "The Minion of Splugorth." This has lead to some rather unflattering and silly nicknames such as Sloogs, Sploogies, Minnies, Sploogie Minnies and Sploog Slaver. But since most think of the Minion as being the Splugorth, they are most commonly called by the misnomer, Splugorth or Splugorth Slaver. Many humanoids believe the Minion of Splugorth to be demons from the rifts or demonic slaves of the monstrous true Splugorth. Without doubt, the visage of the Minion is quite demonic. The creatures stand 10 to 12 feet (3 to 3.6 m) tall, possess a pair of large, powerful arms and eight tentacles (suggesting that they may be aquatic in origin). The large, elongated head shares nothing in common with humans. Its mouth is huge and filled with three to six inch canine teeth, the jaws are more powerful than a wolf's, the nose is large and flat, and the head is mounted on a thick, short neck. If the beast ever had eyes, they have been replaced by the artificial sensors that band the head. The normal body of the Minion is serpentine, like a thick snake or eel, adding an additional eight to twelve feet to its overall size/length. The additional length of body is not apparent on the slave barge Minion who are built into the barge itself (bionic like). The Splugorth and their minions are obviously creatures adapted to an environment of magic and have developed their own, alien form of techno-wizardry. A form of magic that is far more advanced than the human and D-Bee techno-wizards on rifts earth. Consequently, the Minion slavers forsake their natural body to physically become one with the techno-magic of the Splugorth slave barge. The barge offers the Minion sensory perception far beyond anything experienced by most humans. Perhaps the most significant enticement to allow oneself to become part of a mystic machine is that the Minion is given supernatural sight. The barge itself has five eyes plus an additional five floating eye-spheres, plus the eye-staff held by the Minion; all are directly linked to the blind behemoth. The eyespheres can be sent floating 1000 feet ahead like silent observation balls. The eyes see in a wider spectrum of visible light, thus seeing twice as many colors as humans, as well as seeing the ultraviolet spectrum (but not infrared), seeing magic energy (P.P.E.), the auras of living creatures, and the magically invisible. Somehow, the Minion can collate all the simultaneous data he is seeing with his eleven eyes and is able to respond to it all with lightning reflexes. This combination of acute sensory perception, magic, and its own physical prowess, makes the monster a devastating foe, and the answer as to why they serve as the minion of the Splugorth. The Minion is five times more alert and quick to action than the average human. The senses also keeps them so hyped, much like a Juicer, that they require little sleep and are always ready for action. This may also account for their apparent fearlessness and willingness to take life threatening risks. As if this were not enough, the Minion also possess limited magic powers and have the Atlantian technowizardry of the slave barge at their fingertips. Because the barge is powered by magic, it makes no engine noise (64% Prowl), seems to need no physical means of power (P.P.E.), hovers making it an all-terrain vehicle, and is a mystical mega-damage structure. Likewise, the Minion and his humanoid slavers are protected by a magic force field, giving them superior mobility. The Minion are natural predators which means they are instinctive hunters. This also means they have a craving for blood, preferably humanoid, although they occasionally feed on animals as well. Minion of Splugorth Slaver Alignment: Always miscreant or diabolic! Horror Factor: 16 Size: Usually stand about 10 or 12 feet tall (3 to 3.6 m) in the barge or from belly to head. Those who are not permanently bonded to a slave barge have a thick, snake-like lower body that measures about another 10 feet (3 m), for a total length of approximately 20 feet (6 m). Note: Only Minion Slavers venture beyond the continent of Atlantis to other lands. Tentacle's Reach: 16 feet (5 m) Typical Attributes: I.Q.: 10, M.E.: 25, M.A.: 6, P.S.: 28, P.P.: 19, P.E.: 23, P.B.: 4, Spd. 22 (not applicable to Minion Slavers) Hit Points: 2D6x 10 S.D.C.: Not applicable. P.P.E.: 4D6X 10 I.S.P.: lD6x 10 Combat: 10 attacks per melee! See number seven, hand to hand combat for complete stats. Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, hold breath for 6D6 minutes at a time, smell blood up to 4000 feet (1200 m), track by blood scent 66%, recognize the scent of human blood 66%, carnivorous (only eats meat, preferably human). Psionic Powers: Mind block and telepathy. Splugorth Minions not bonded to the mystic barge possess half as many attacks per melee (5), half the bonuses, and no magic powers. Magic Weapons & Abilities (barge-link) 1. Force field (Armor of Ithan): Engages instantly and automatically when attacked or threatened by any means, physical, energy, magic, psionic, etc. (no, there is no chance to blast before the force field is in place). Provides maximum protection and mobility; can fight using tentacles. M.D.C. by Location: Minion Tentacles (8) — 30 each Minion main body — 300 Slave Barge main body — 500 Barge Shields (4) — 100 each Barge eyes (5) — 50 each Floating eyes (5) — 50 each Eye-Staff (1) — 30 M.D.C. 2. Sensory Capabilities from the Eyes (11): All abilities are automatic and are used at will, without draining the Minion's 106
personal P.P.E. reserve. Magic abilities/Spells include see aura, see the invisible, eyes of the wolf, sense (and see) magic and P.P.E. energy, sense evil, detect concealment, and ley line transmission. Mechanical aspects include a wider range of color vision, including the ultra violet, passive nightvision of 600 feet (183 m), telescopic vision (6000 feet/1800 m), and magnification to the 300th power. 3. The Powers of the Eye-Staff: Like the other eyes, the staff enables the Minion to see as described in the previous sensory description. Note that if all eleven eyes are destroyed, the Minion is blind. But the staff also has other magic powers. Each of the following spells can be cast twice per 24 hour period: dispel magic barrier, negate magic, energy disruption, extinguish fire, repel animals, fear (HR 16), oracle, tongues, chameleon, befuddle, and call lightning. All are equal to 8th level spell strength. Also, the staff can not be discarded by its wielder. If stolen or lost, it will magically reappear within 24 hours, regardless of the number of miles between the two. The eye-staff can also heal itself, restoring one M.D.C. per 24 hours. The eye-staff is linked to its owner and can not be used by others until that owner is slain, and even then, with ill consequence. First, the staff is effectively a rune weapon (a la Palladium RPG), thus it has its own intelligence (roll 3D4 + 2), a mind of its own and a miscreant or diabolic alignment. It loathes humanoid life, and will not act to help or save humanoids unless commanded to do so by its master. It is always loyal to the Splugorth. Being evil, it enjoys tricking, misleading and tormenting humanoids, especially those of a good alignment. It can appreciate a fellow evil being. The link. A permanent psionic and physical link is created within 72 hours of its possession. To start the bonding, an individual must willingly use the staff and accept its power. Once the link is made it can not be broken unless that individual dies. Note that for every M.D.C. point of damage the staff suffers, its owner loses 10 hit points! Thus, destroying the staff could kill its owner as well (a method of insuring that its master takes good care of it). The eye-staff communicates telepathically only with its owner and offers advice, ideas, information, and warnings. However, if it does not like its master, such as from incompatible alignments/ethics, the damned thing may offer little or no help other than when commanded to cast a spell. Forearm Blaster (fire ball): The forearm blaster fires bolts of fiery plasma. Primary Purpose: Assault. Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. per blast. Range: 2000 feet (610 m) 107
Rate of Fire: Up to four blasts per melee. Payload: Effectively unlimited. 5. Head Laser (a combination of light spells and laser optics): The cylindrical rod on the right side of the head is a light laser. Primary Purpose: Defense. Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per blast. Range: 2000 feet (610 m) Rate of Fire: Up to four blasts per melee. Payload: Effectively unlimited. 6. Barge Blasters (2): Located in the lower front and rear of the barge is a gun that resembles a pistol on a mechanical arm. ThisisanS.D.C. energy blaster that fires energy bolts. Primary Purpose: Defense. S.D.C. Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. per blast (6D6 S.D.C. on a ley line). Range: 2000 feet (610 m) Rate of Fire: Up to four blasts per melee. Payload: Effectively unlimited. 7. Hand to Hand Combat: Attacks per Melee: Ten (10)! Can not be attacked by surprise. +4 to strike, +10 to parry, + 4 to dodge, +6 on initiative, + 13 to damage (S.D.C.), + 5 to save vs psionic attack, + 5 to save vs magic, + 16% save vs coma/death. Damage: Tentacle Strike: 6D6 S.D.C. + 13 (P.S. bonus). Tentacle Power Strike: 2D6 M.D., but counts as two attacks. Claws: 3D6 M.D. Bite: 2D6 M.D. 8. The Floating Eyes (5): Horror Factor 14. In addition to their sensory capabilities, as described in number two, the eyes can also cast the following minor spells twice per melee: blinding flash, globe of daylight, and chameleon (on self only). Maximum Speed: 35 mph/56 km (Spd 50); by flying or floating. Maximum height: 400 feet. And can function underwater as well. Other Abilities: Prowl 70%, track (humanoids) 70%. Mini-Blaster: Known as the jolt gun Primary Purpose: Herd captives. S.D.C. Damage: Three settings: 2D6 S.D.C. or4D6 S.D.C. or 1D4 M.D. per blast (double damage and range on a ley line). Range: 1000 feet (305 m) Rate of Fire: Up to four blasts per melee. Payload: Effectively unlimited. 9. Barge Stats: Main Body M.D.C. 500, moves so silently that it can prowl 64%. The decorative plate shields (100 M.D.C. Each) offer protective cover for the four blind warrior women. And even the Minion can submerge himself up to the chin in the slime filled containment unit he's connected to. The slime chamber is also a healing unit that restores 1D6 x 10 hit points for every 10 minutes of submersion; utilized by the Minion and the slave warriors. Maximum Speed: Slow hover capabilities, 53 mph/85 km (Spd 77). Maximum height: 500 feet (153 m). And can function perfectly underwater as well. Note: The barge, and its five eyes, dies if the Minion who pilots and is part of it dies (no chance of surviving a coma via slime submersion). The five floating eyes fly back to Atlantis and the eye-staff will die within 72 hours, unless it links to a new master. The Blind Warrior Slaves of Splugorth Four warrior slave women accompany every Splugorth slave barge. Each is an exceptional fighter, with heightened senses and martial arts skills. Some have speculated that they are juicers or crazies, but there is no evidence to support such conjecture. Others have speculated that they are psychics. Still others have suggested that the women are the ultimate examples of how humans can be trained, controlled and augmented for other, inhuman masters. Nobody knows. What is known is that they are apparently loyal slaves, perhaps raised as slaves for generations and taught the ways of combat since childhood. They are generally silent, although they can speak, talking only when absolutely necessary. They obey the orders of the Minion without question or hesitation (to hesitate means death). It is they who capture and herd the Splugorth's captive humanoid slaves. Much like the warrior women and the Minion themselves, nobody really knows what the Splugorth do with their human captives. But it is said that a captive of the Splugorth is never seen on this earth again. Splugorth Warrior Women Alignment: Anarchist or Evil. Horror Factor: 12. Not so much from their appearance, which is always very attractive, but from the recognition that they are Splugorth slave women and dangerous in the extreme. Size: Usually about 5.8 to 6.2 feet tall (1.7 to 1.9 m) Typical Attributes: I.Q.: 10, M.E.: 15, M.A.: 16, P.S.: 22, P.P.: 21, P.E.: 22, P.B.: 14, Spd. 22 Hit Points: 1D4X10 S.D.C.: 2D6x 10 M.D.C.: By Armor P.P.E.:2D6I.S.P.:3D6xlO Combat: Six (6) attacks per melee. 8th level Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (all other bonuses included): +6 to strike, +8 to parry and dodge, +4 on initiative, +4 to roll, +4 to pull punch, + 7 to damage (S.D.C.), +4 to save vs psionic attack, + 4 to save vs magic, +14% save vs coma/death, Karate kicklDSS.D.C., Karate leap kick 2D8 S. D. C., Karate punch 1D6 S.D.C., critical strike on natural 18, 19, and 20, paired weapons. No penalties for being blind or in total darkness, psionically and magically compensated. Skills of Note: Boxing, gymnastics, general athletics, running, climbing 80/70%, swim 98%, prowl 75%, land navigation 78%, wilderness survival 80%, identify plants 75%, demon and monster lore 65%, intelligence 64%, paramedic 90%, cook 85%, skin and prepare animal hides 80%, preserve food 75%, hunting, W.P. Archery, W.P. Blunt, W.P. knife, W.P. Sword, W.P. Energy Pistol, and W.P. Energy Rifle. Psionic Powers: Sixth sense, sense magic, presence sense, empathy, clairvoyance and mind block. 108
Special Super Powers: 1. Heightened sense of hearing, equal to cybernetic amplified hearing. 2. Heightened sense of smell: Recognize specific odors: 90%. Recognize a specific person or animal by scent alone: 70%. Recognize poisons and toxins: 80%. Track by scent: 80% (-20% in cities or burbs). 3. Heightened sense of touch: Can recognize items by feel, 67%. 4. Radar Sense: Enables her to know/sense the location of people, objects, movement and the general shape of the environment around her. Interpret shapes: 85%, estimating distances: 95%, estimating direction: 75%, estimating speed: 75%, estimating exact location: 75%. Bonuses already applied to combat stats. Radar Range: 1200 feet (366 m). Radar Penalties: Fouled by storms of all kind rain, snow, sand, dust, (smoke too); reduce estimating abilities, tracking by smell, and combat bonuses by half. 5. Extraordinary Physical Endurance: Unnatural physical endurance reflected in P.E. attribute and high S.D.C. Note: Based on powers found in Heroes Unlimited RPG, suggesting that these warriors are D-Bees or genetically altered/mutants. Magic & Weapons 1. Optional Net Gun: Just as the name suggests, this weapon of Splugorthian techno-wizardry launches a magic net to ensnare its opponent; same stats as the magic spell. The gun is the large, bulky weapon held in the hand of the warrior on the right side of the Rifts cover. Range: 180 feet (55 m) Rate of Fire: Two per melee. Payload: 20 nets. Duration: Up to 20 minutes. 2. Optional Laser Wrist Blasters: A pair of wrist bands that are mini-lasers, with a magic power pack worn on the back. Center figure depicted on the Rifts cover. Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per blast. Range: 1200 feet (366 m) Rate of Fire: Up to five blasts per melee. Payload: 60 blasts; backpack recharges completely in four hours. 3. Optional Mental Incapacitator: Fires a wisps of confusion, identical to the spell (Rifts, page 182). Affects 1D8 people in a close area. The weapon is the gun held by the warrior on the left side of the Rifts cover. Range: 180 feet (55 m) Rate of Fire: Two per melee. Payload: 10 blasts. Duration: 50 minutes; no effect if saving throw vs magic is successful. 4. Optional: Any Conventional Energy or Hand-Held Weapon. Are often armed with a sword, knife, or mace and/or energy weapon. 5. Magic Talisman: Each warrior wears a magic talisman (runic) that enables her to create an Armor of Ithan spell around herself three times a day. Her only other protection is the lightly padded M.D.C. armor and helmet she wears; 30 M.D.C. Duration: Ten minutes (40 melee rounds). M.D.C.: 100 Note: Unlike the usual Talisman of the Rifts world, this Splugorthian talisman recharges every 24 hours; three spells per day. Rhino-Buffalo The Rhino-Buffalo is a powerful and feared D-Bee monster that has adapted well to the Earth's altered environment. The beasts inhabit the plains, low mountains and light forests where other giant animals are found. The horrendous mammal preys on dinosaurs and other large mammals like buffalo, elephants and other D-Bee monsters. Occasionally, an old, sickorwounded rhino-buffalo will attack humanoid travelers and even attack urban communities, but such attacks are not common. However, they will attack adventurers travelling in giant robot vehicles! The beasts are not particularly intelligent and often mistake giant robots as potential dinner. Because the animals tend to become frenzied when locked in combat, they will frequently fight to the death (1-70%). Rhino-Buffalo Alignment: Animal predator, considered anarchist or miscreant. Horror Factor: 16 Size: 25 feet (7.6 m) tall and 40 feet (12 m) long. Weight: 5 tons Typical Attributes: I.Q.: 3, M.E.: 9, M.A.: 6, P.S.: 30, P.P.: 18, P.E.: 30, P.B.: 4, Spd. 132 Speed: Running: 90 mph (144 km) maximum. Leaping: The animals legs are strong and adapted for leaping on top of its prey. Leaps are approximately 30 feet (9 m) high and 60 feet (18m) lengthwise. A running leap at speeds in excess of 40 mph (64 km) will enable the monster to leap an additional 30 feet (9 m). 109
Hit Points: 4D6x 10 S.D.C.: Not applicable. M.D.C. by Location *Head — 50 Horn (1) —30 Front Legs (2) — 90 each Hind Legs (2) — 80 each Main Body — 150 *Destroying the head will kill the creature. P.P.E.: 1D4X 10 I.S.P.: None Combat Data: Four attacks per melee. +4 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +2 on initiative. Mega-Damage: Claws: 4D6 M.D. Bite: 2D6 M.D. Stomp: 1D6 M.D. Jab with horn: 2D6 M.D. Ram with hom: 1D6 X 10 M.D., but counts as two attacks; 88% likelihood that the victim is knocked down, or hurled 20 feet (6 m), and loses one melee attack. Ram with body: 1D4 x 10 M.D., but counts as two attacks; 88% likelihood that the victim is knocked down, or hurled 20 feet (6 m), and loses one melee attack. Leap attack with claws: 1D4 X 10 M.D., but counts as two attacks. Opponents who are 20 feet (6 m) or smaller are likely to be knocked down (80% chance), losing one melee attack and may be pinned and unable to move/attack/dodge (55% chance). The monster can bite or jab its pinned victim with its horn until it gets off, is forcibly removed, or attracted by a different target. Natural Abilities: Poor Swimmers 35%, excellent climbers 85%, track by blood scent 66%, recognize the scent of human blood 66%, carnivorous (only eats meat). Note: Likes mountains, hills and rocky terrain; light forests and open grasslands, but are also found in the hot arid steppes and savannas of New Mexico and Central America (but not as common as in the northern part of the country). The RhinoBuffalo is common along the Rocky Mountains and the old American States of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, the Dakotas and into Canadian Alberta and Saskatchewan (most believe the creature originated from the Calgary rift). However, the monsters have travelled as far east as Ontario and the old American States of Pennsylvania, Maryland, the Virginias, and even into the Carolinas, Georgia, and upper Florida, although their numbers are comparatively small in these areas. Although the name would suggest that the animals travel in large herds like buffalo, the rhino-buffalo is an aggressive and solitary hunter. One must remember that both the rhinoceros and the buffalo are grazing animals, while the rhino-buffalo is exclusively a meat eating predator and has nothing, other than vague features, in common with the two animals whose names it bears. The rhino-buffalo will always hunt alone unless it is mated (they mate for life), then the two will travel in pairs or small family group of four and sometimes hunt together. The monster can bear young once every two years and the young usually stay with the parents for the first three years, before moving off on their own. The Simvan Monster Riders Another alien menace from the Calgary rift is the Simvan Monster Riders. The Simvan are a race of intelligent humanoid cannibals. The people are nomads, travelling in tribes that number as few as 1D4 x 100 to 4D6 X 100 members. The culture is not unlike most nomadic societies, the men are the builders, hunters and protectors while the women are the homemakers, bearing and raising children, preparing food, making clothes, etc. The women are also the healers and possess natural psionic healing abilities. The tribe will settle in one area for weeks or months at a time. Sometimes they may inhabit the same area as long as a year, but will eventually move when the hunting grows poor (usually seasonal) or the environment becomes threatening (weather, monsters, the Coalition). Both the males and females are aggressive, quick-tempered and violent, although any acts of violence within the same tribe and between family members rarely draw blood. Among their own, the Simvan are amazingly gentle, patient, kind, considerate, cooperative and always cheerful and laughing. They are a strong community, loyal to each other and the tribe as a whole. However, they are aggressive, belligerent, demeaning, arrogant and deadly dangerous toward other humanoids. It must be understood that the Simvan see only themselves as true people, one with the land, all others are generally seen as fools or food. The Simvan are meat eaters with a definite preference for human and humanoid flesh. The men are capable and merciless hunters and warriors. Their skills as trackers and hunters outshine the wilderness scout, and as warriors are nearly equal to any headhunter. The men, like all Simvan, have a wild and devil-may-care attitude toward life, and love to take risks and accept challenges that will test their strength and skills. As cannibals, the ultimate triumph and honor is to vanquish and eat a valiant and worthy opponent. The warriors see combat as a means of proving their own courage, strength, skills, and making life exciting and worth living. Courage, combat skill, and honor to one's people are the most respected and valued attributes a person can possess. The Simvan are known as "Monster Riders" because they have an uncanny ability to tame monsters and use them as mounts and beasts of burden. The monsters selected are frequently creatures believed to be untamable, and almost always carnivorous. Their most famous and favorite mount is a dinosaur-like creature known as the ostrosaurus, but the Simvan have also used many other creatures, including the rhino-buffalo (except it eats too much) and other predatory animals and monsters. Tribe members will often have wolves, bears, and mountain lions as pets. Note: As always, the stats are set up so that players may play a Simvan as a player character if he or she would like. 110
Simvan Monster Riders Alignment: Aberrant evil, or any. As NPC villains likely to be anarchist, aberrant or other evil alignment. Horror Factor: 12 Size: 5 feet 7 inches (1.7 m) to six feet (1.8 m) tall. Weight: 150 to 200 pounds (67 to 90 kg) Attributes: The number of six-sided dice are indicated as follows. I.Q.: 3D6 M.E.: 4D6, M.A.: 2D6, P.S.: 4D6, P.P.: 4D6, P.E.: 5D6, P.B.: 2D6, Spd. 4D6. P.P.E.: 4D4 Hit Points: lD4x 10 S.D.C.: 2D6x 10 M.D.C.: By body armor. Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 120 feet (36.5 m), and psionics. Psionic Powers, Males: I.S.P.: 2D4x 10 + M.E. points. Empathy, telepathy, sixth sense, mind block, and mind bond (super), as well as a psychic affinity with animals similar to those of the psi-stalker (see Rifts, page 106, #8). Psionic Powers, Females: I.S.P.: 4D4x 10 + M.E. Detect psionics, deaden pain, exorcism, healing touch, increase healing, psychic diagnosis, psychic surgery. Combat: Two attacks per melee plus those of the hand to hand training. Most Males are 3rd to 9th level fighters (roll 2D4+ 1); assassin hand to hand. Skills of Males: All wilderness skills ( + 20% bonus on all), wilderness survivial ( + 30%), track (humanoids; +20%), horsemanship (and, in this case, monstermanship; +20%), dance and sing. Physical skills: Hand to hand: assassin, body building, general athletics, running, climbing, and select three others (boxing and acrobatics not available). Weapon Proficiencies: Archery and Targeting, Knife, Energy Rifle, and select four additional. Player characters (or more elaborate NPCs), male or female: Select a total of six skills from the following: radio: basic, escape artist, pick pockets, palming, concealment, pilot motorcycle, pilot automobile, pilot hover 111
craft, pilot sail or motorboat, monster lore, faerie lore, any languages and art. No bonuses applicable. Skills of Females: All domestic (+ 30% on all) and wilderness skills ( + 10%), wilderness survival (+ 15%), horsemanship (and, in this case, monstermanship), holistic medicine (+ 20%). Physical skills: Hand to hand: basic, running, climbing, and select two others. Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, knife, and select two others. Weapons: Knife and two energy weapons, and perhaps bow and arrows. Favorite weapons include the vibro-blades, megadamage arrows, and powerful energy weapons (tend toward short-range items for the joy of combat). Note: The Simvan are not stupid and will not attack enemies with vastly superior numbers or power unless defending the tribe or family. However, they do love to fight and encourage settling disputes or proving one's honor through combat with the opposing or accusing person or with a monster/animal. For example: a tribesman who has been disgraced in combat (cowardice or accused of treachery) must fight his accuser, often to the death. If many accuse him, the offender is banished from the tribe but can redeem himself by going into the wilderness with no armor and only ancient type weapons to fight and slay a terrible beast (bear, lion, monster,- etc.). If he returns with its head he is allowed back into the tribe. Likewise, outsiders who wish to speak to the shaman or tribe leader may be forced to prove themselves by hand to hand combat (not to the death). Although cannibals, the Simvan do not necessarily attack and eat anybody they happen upon. They frequently trade animal furs and scouting/hunting services with other humanoids for mega-damage weapons, E-clips, body armor and supplies. Likewise, they are often acquaintances (and even friends) with the mountain men and wilderness scouts in the area. The Simvan's favorite humanoid associates are psi-stalkers and intelligent mutant animals. The two races are often allowed official admittance into the tribe as long as they obey tribal law and customs. The Simvan's favorite humanoids to eat are humans and those most like humans. Ostrosaurus The ostrosaurus are just one of the many dinosaur-like creatures that roam the Rifts earth. They are found mostly in the west where they prey on the herds of buffalo, horses, deer and other dinosaurs. Despite the analogy to dinosaurs, the animal is not a lizard, but more like a featherless bird. The skin is megadamage tough and its bite and claws inflict mega-damage. The ostrosaurus is the favorite riding animal of the Simvan. Ostrosaurus Alignment: Animal predator, considered anarchist or miscreant. Horror Factor: 12 Size: Approximately 12 to 15 feet (3.6 to 4.6 m) long from buttocks to nose tip. The thick tail adds another six feet (1.8 m) to the overall length. Standing erect, the beast measures about 15 feet tall (4.6 m). Weight: 1600 Ibs (720 kg) average. Typical Attributes: High animal intelligence and instincts. Most attributes are not particularly applicable, other than those listed. P.S.: 28, P.P.: 18, P.E.: 24, P.B.: 4, Spd. 88 Speed: Running: 60 mph (96 km) maximum; runs loping on all fours. Leaping: The animal's legs are strong and capable of great leaps. Leaps are approximately 15 feet (4.6 m) high and 40 feet (12 m) lengthwise. A running leap at speeds in excess of 40 mph (64 km) will enable the monster to leap an additional 30 feet (9 m). Hit Points: 2D8 x 10 S.D.C.: Not applicable. P.P.E.: 3D6 I.S.P.: None M.D.C. by Location *Head — 40 Tail — 40 Front Legs (2) — 30 each Hind Legs (2) — 50 each Main Body — 90 *Destroying the head will kill the creature. P.P.E.: 3D6 I.S.P.: None Combat Data: Four attacks per melee. The creature's standard method of attack is by bite and powerful rear legs/claws. The front claws are used for dissecting its prey and cutting meat. + 4 to strike, +6 to parry, +8 to dodge, +3 on initiative. Damage: Front Claws: 1D6 M.D. Rear Claws: 3D6 M.D. Bite: 2D6 M.D. Slap with tail: 6D6 S.D.C.; 70% likelihood that the victim is knocked down, or hurled 12 feet (3.6 m), and loses one melee attack. Leap attack with claws: 4D6 M.D., but counts as two attacks. Opponents who are 10 feet (3 m) or smaller are likely to be knocked down (80% chance), losing one melee attack and may be pinned and unable to move/attack/dodge (40% chance). The monster can bite or slice its pinned victim with its teeth and claws until it is forcibly removed or attracted by a different target. Natural Abilities: Terrible swimmers 20%, excellent climbers 80%, track by scent 35%, recognize the scent of human blood 60%, superior vision: can see a rabbit a mile away. A carnivorous predator that preys on smaller, slower dinosaurs and animals, including humanoids. Note: Prefers light forests, hills and open grasslands, but are also found in the hot, arid steppes and savannahs of New Mexico and Central America (but not as common as in the northern part of the country). The ostrosaurus is common along the Rocky Mountains and the old American States of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, the Dakotas and into the southern parts of Canada's Alberta (most believe the creature originated from the Calgary rift). They are occasionally found as far southeast as Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. However, the domesticated creatures are found wherever their masters take them. Do not do well in winter climates. Generally, prefer temperatures between 50 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The animals tend to run in loose knit packs of three to twelve, but are as likely to be aggressive solitary hunters. The ostrosaurus' typically prey on herd animals so they tend 112
to be migratory, following the herds. This is especially true of ostrosaurus packs. The monsters bear young once every year. The female lays 1D4 eggs and nests with them until they hatch. The eggs hatch at the end of eight weeks. During this time, the male will stay near and bring food back to the female. Once the eggs hatch, the male leaves; ostrosaurus' do not mate for life. The mother stays with the young for 2D6 weeks, then runs off, leaving the young to fend for themselves. An ostrosaurus reaches full maturity within five months. The Black Faerie The black faerie is a horrible and maleficent supernatural creature. The thing is called a faerie because it speaks faerie and seems to be some sort of monster or mutant from the family of creatures that are known from mythology as faerie folk. It is hideous in both appearance and deed. The body is a huge, bloated, almost larva looking lump, the arms are long stumps without hands or fingers, the legs are identical to the arms, and the body ends with a long, spiny tail. The head is only an extension of the lump that composes the body, with two ugly maws and three tiny eyes that are impossible to discern from the circular blotches that dot the upper torso. The hideous monster feeds on faerie folk and other supernatural creatures. However, it loves to torture and kill, consequently, it will slay humanoids and other creatures for sheer pleasure. The black faeries also hate things of beauty and will destroy them whenever possible. The Black Faerie Alignment: Miscreant or Diabolic. Horror Factor: 16 Size: Approximately 5 feet (1.5 m). Weight: 300 Ibs (135 kg) Typical Attributes: I.Q.: 8, M.E.: 18, M.A.: 5, P.S.: 18, P.P.: 17, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 2, Spd. 8 crawling, 88 flying; 60 mph (96 km). Hit Points: See M.D.C. S.D.C.: Not applicable. P.P.E.: !D6xlO I.S.P.: None M.D.C.: Main Body: 120, Wings: 50 each Combat Data: Four physical attacks per melee or two magic. + 3 to strike, +3 to parry, +8 to dodge, +3 on initiative, + 6 to save versus magic and psionics. Damage: Bite: 1D6 M.D. Strike with tail: 1D6 M.D.; 60% likelihood that the victim is knocked off his feet and loses one melee attack. Natural Abilities: Flight, impervious to poison, impervious to normal fire and cold, fair climbers 60%, prowl 50%, track by scent 35%, recognize the scent of human blood 50%. A carnivorous predator that preys on faerie fold and supernatural creatures, but kills humanoids and others for pleasure. Magic Powers: Like all faerie folk, the black faerie can cast an unlimited number of spells a day, but a faerie can not cast the same spell on the same person more than once per 24 hours. Saving throw to save versus faerie magic is 14 or higher and are equal in power to a 10th level wizard. Spells: Chameleon, fuel flame, fire bolt (4D6 M.D.), blind, agony, and sleep. Note: Prefers forests and hills, but are found near ley lines and wherever faerie folk dwell. The black faerie tends to hunt alone or in pairs. Occasionally they live in small tribes of three to eight black faeries or sometime live or work with other evil creatures of magic like witchlings, pucks and dragons. The usual tactics to ward away faerie folk apply to the black faerie. 113
The Brodkil A Demon from the Rifts 114
The Brodkil A Demon from the Rifts The Brodkil are a race of superhuman giants who are natural M.D.C. creatures. They are apparently of supernatural origin, but do not possess significant powers other than superhuman strength, M.D.C. body, and the ability to turn invisible. The brodkil are incredibly aggressive and war-like; fortunately, they are nomad scavengers with no technology of their own nor organized society. The typical tribe will range from 20 to 100, while raiding bands can be as few as three. The average band of raiders will number from four to twenty-four and frequently include other members of other races. The nomadic warriors travel the wilderness attacking travelers, villages, and towns to plunder what they need. They are fair hunters but would rather steal livestock or waylay and eat some unsuspecting travelers than spend time stalking wild animals. The brodkil are meat eating predators who feast on the flesh of humanoids, as well as animals. The demonic D-Bees are lazy and hate to learn complicated skills or skills that do not directly impact on their lives as warriors and thieves. Consequently, most of their skills are combat oriented. Alignment: Selfish or Evil. Horror Factor: 10 Size: Approximately 9 feet (2.7 m). Weight: 350 Ibs (103 kg) Typical Attributes: I.Q.: 10, M.E.: 18, M.A.: 12, P.S.: 30, P.P.: 18, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 5, Spd. 22 Player Character Attributes: The number of dice to roll are as follows: I.Q.: 2D6 + 3, M.E.: 4D6, M.A.: 3D6+1,P.S.: 5D6 + 5, P.P.: 3D6 + 4, P.E. 4D6, P.B.: 2D6, Spd. 6D6 Hit Points: See M.D.C. S.D.C.: Not applicable. P.P.E.: 2D4x 10 I.S.P.: None M.D.C.: Main Body: 250 Combat Data: Five attacks per melee. +4 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +15 S.D.C. damage, +2 on initiative, + 2 to save vs psionics and +4 to save vs magic. Damage: Restrained Punch: 4D6+ 15 (P.S.) S.D.C. Full Strength Punch: 2D6 M.D. Bionic Arm Power Punch: 3D6 M.D. Tear: 2D6 M.D. Crush: 1D6 M.D. Bite: 1D4 M.D. Body Flip/Throw: 6D6+15 (P.S.) S.D.C. Natural Abilities: M.D.C. body, impervious to normal fire and cold, prowl 40%, turn invisible at will, bio-regenerate 2D6 M.D.C. per hour. Magic Powers: None. Psionics: None. Skills of Note: All are usually equal to about fourth level. Hand to hand: basic or expert, boxing, wrestling, climbing, tracking, intelligence, radio: basic, pilot hover craft, three languages, W.P. knife, sword, blunt, and energy rifle. Game Masters may add skills from the categories of weapon proficiencies, communications, technical, domestic, and wilderness (no bonuses). Bionics: Will always be partial reconstruction, never full conversion. The most common types of bionic features include one or two arms, occasionally an extra limb, forearm blasters, vibro-blades, and retractable claws/blades. Implants include the gyro-compass, and amplified hearing. Weapons: Favorite weapons include energy rifles, bionics, and magic weapons. Also use optical enhancements and the occassional hover vehicle. Note: Because the Brodkil have no supernatural, psionic, or magic powers, they can benefit from bionic weapons and implants without ill effect other than losing the ability to turn invisible. The Brodkil love bionics. A large number of brodkil are members of the Pecos Empire. They are a wild and barbaric lot, but are not careless in battle. They seldom fight to the death and can be incredible cowards against a superior enemy. Against weaker opponents they are bullies and arrogant, although they are not known for deliberate acts of depravity or needless torture. The Neuron Beast A Demon from the Rifts The neuron beast is a demonic creature that is known to emerge from the St. Louis Archway rift and possibly at other major ley line nexus points. It seems to be most commonly found in the southern American States and South America, but can be encountered anywhere in the world. The neuron beasts are enigmatic beings that seem to find the people and circumstances on the Rifts world fascinating. They are incredibly curious about all things and spend much of their time exploring and studying life forms and places. Despite their massive intelligence, or perhaps because of it, the neuron beasts are callous and careless in their studies of other life. They will capture and dissect a living creature, intelligent humanoid or animal, without a thought or care. Thus, they can be terribly cruel and manipulative. They are known to interfere in the affairs of men, usually for the worse, so that they may observe the conflict and drink the strong emotions. For you see, they feed on emotions. Wherever a Neuron Beast is encountered, one can assume that trouble cannot be far. The malicious creatures enjoy instigating conflict between others and may take a direct or discreet hand in creating disaster. When they take a direct hand, they will frequently play the role of demon or godling and can be maniacal leaders to others' doom. Others will make secret pacts with villains to encourage them in evil or depravity. Although not all neuron beasts are evil, none of them can help being fascinated by new things and tantalized by powerful emotions. Even the friendliest neuron beast will tend to be self-serving, manipulative and deceptive. Neuron Beast Alignment: Any selfish or evil. Horror Factor: 14 Size: Approximately twenty feet (6 m) tall. Weight: 1400 pounds (630 kg) Typical Attributes: I.Q. 30, M.E. 23, M.A. 22, P.S. 20, P.P. 16, P.E. 20, P.B. 4, Spd. 44 (30mph/48kmph maximum). P.P.E.: 4D6x 10 I.S.P.:2D6x 10 + 60 + M.E. Hit Points: See M.D.C. S.D.C.: Not applicable 115
M.D.C.: 2D4x 100 main body, 100 M.D.C. for each arm, 50 M.D.C. for each of the tentacles. Natural Abilities: Keen vision, floats and hovers in the air (spd 44), impervious to normal fire and heat (does not include energy weapons or magic), dislikes the cold, and regeneration at a rate of lD4x 10 M.D.C. per every hour but cannot regenerate a limb. Psionic Powers: I.S.P. varies (minimum 103), Three attacks per melee. Considered a master psionic. Sensitive Powers: Total recall, telepathy, empathy, object read, see aura, see the invisible, sense evil, and sense magic. Super Powers: Bio-manipulation, empathic transmission, group mind block, mind block auto-defense, mentally posses others, mind bolt, mind bond, P.P.E. shield, and psi-sword (note can create four, one for each hand). Magic Powers: P.P.E.: 4D6x 10. Level of experience: 1D4. Two spell attacks per melee or by hand to hand. Globe of daylight, fingers of wind, invisibility simple, levitate, charismatic aura, multiple image, shadow meld, stone to flesh, calling, Eyes of Thoth, tongues, magic pigeon, tune slip. Offensive Spells: Blinding flash, energy bolt, call lightning, domination, turn dead, exorcism, constrain being, and simple protection circle. Note: GMs can select a total of 2D4 additional spells from levels 1-6. The tentacles cause paralysis lesser (even in megadamage body armor); identical to the spell. Combat: Eight physical attacks per melee total, or two magic, or three psionic. +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +2 to dodge, +1 on initiative, +2 to roll, +2 to pull punch, +5 to damage (S.D.C.), +4 to save vs psionic attack (considered a master psionic so only needs a 6 or higher to save, including the bonus), + 3 to save vs magic, + 10% save vs coma/death. Damage: Restrained Tentacle Attack: 2D6+ 10 (P.S.) S.D.C. Restrained Punch: 4D6+ 10 (P.S.) S.D.C. Full Strength Tentacle Strike: 1D6 M.D. Full Strength Punch: 2D6 M.D. Crush: 1D6 M.D. Body Flip/Throw: 1D4 M.D. Impale on Body Spines (must pick victim up): 4D6 M.D. Entangle/hold: 84% chance of entangling and holding as many as four human size people with its tentacles. The entangled person can not engage in physical combat while entangled. L~bn<3,/ SIEMBltDA "JO Skills: The neuron beasts are usually very educated and will be fluent and literate in at least four different languages (98%) and likely to speak all others. GMs may select up to 24 skills, all + 16% (I.Q. bonus), from the following skill categories: Communications, Electrical, Mechanical, Medical, Science, Rogue, Technical, and Wilderness. Weapons: Rarely use any, relying on their own magic and psionic powers. jNote: The neuron beast is so named because the scientist who first discovered the creature thought it reminded him of a monstrous nerve ending rippling with intellect, psionic power and emotional energy. They usually work alone, but pairs and small groups of four to six have been reported from time to time. It is a group of neuron beasts, specifically one calling itself "Larr Ggo," credited for the foundation of the Federation of Magic and its subsequent attack on Chi-Town a few decades ago.
The Witchling Witchlings are malevolent monsters from the rifts. They are most common to the midwestern Americas and Ontario, Canada, but can be found anywhere. They are hate-filled fiends who crave power and love to inflict suffering on mortal creatures. They often force humanoids to worship them or seize wilderness towns as their own, serving as the ruler and protector. Unlike many monsters, the witchling likes to associate with other supernatural and evil beings, including humans. They appreciate deceit and treachery as an art form and find kindred spirits a pleasure to work and live with, as long as they do not betray her. Witchlings Alignment: Miscreant, Diabolic, or Aberrant. Horror Factor: 14 Size: Approximately 5 feet (1.5 m). Weight: 150 Ibs (135 kg) Typical Attributes: I.Q.: 14, M.E.: 20, M.A.: 17, P.S.: 10, P.P.:10,P.E.:10,P.B.:5,Spd.27flying(18.5mph/29.7km). Hit Points: See M.D.C. S.D.C.: Not applicable. P.P.E.:2D6xlOI.S.P.:None M.D.C.: Main Body: 200 Combat Data: Three physical attacks per melee or three magic. + 2 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +2 on initiative, +3 to save vs psionics and + 5 to save vs magic. Damage: Punch 1D6 M.D. Natural Abilities: Flight and hover, impervious to poison and drugs, impervious to normal fire and cold, prowl 70%, turn invisible at will, bio-regenerate 4D6 M.D.C. per hour. Magic Powers: P.P.E.: 2D6xlO. Level of experience: 1D4+ 1. Three spell attacks per melee. Death trance, sense magic, see aura, charismatic aura, concealment, detect concealment, mask of deceit, reduce self to six inches, mystic alarms, ley line transmission, and heal wounds. Offensive Spells: Cloud of smoke, befuddle, energy bolt (4D6 S. D. C.), fire bolt (4D6 M. D.), carpet of adhesion, wind rush, sleep, minor curse, sickness, and spoil. GM Note: An additional 3D4 spells can be selected from level 1-6. Note: Witchlings are notoriously treacherous and resourceful. They can also be quite depraved and cruel. However, they will seldom fight to the death, preferring to retreat and regroup or move on to greener pastures.
Thornhead A Demon from the Rifts Thornhead is a demonic predatory creature from the rifts at old Detroit. Consequently, the thornhead is most commonly found in the midwest and eastern parts of the old American and Canadian territories, usually near or at ley lines. The fearsome monster has a limited human intelligence and human-like emotions. Unfortunately, it is a creature of evil that loves to torture, maim, and kill other creatures. It is a territorial monster that often claims a particular area as its domain. The area will usually cover a lD4x 10 mile area, with some significant geographic feature as its lair and the center of its territory. The demons will often mark their territory by impaling humanoid corpses/skeletons onto trees. Those who dare to enter its domain may be attacked without warning or threatened and forced to pay some sort of tribute to pass unmolested. Humanoids that live in the area are frequently forced to worship the thornhead as a demonic deity or be destroyed. They may also be forced to pay homage to the fiend in the way of providing human sacrifice or other monthly or weekly payment. The thornhead hoard valuables. Not intangibles like credits, but objects such as precious metals, gems, jewelry, magic items, weapons and armor. This is, in part, an emotional need to hold power over lesser creatures. Humanoids value wealth and possessions, therefore, it will take these objects of desire and keep them for itself, regardless of whether the demon actually needs or wants them. They also collect the skulls of their most impressive victims. The thornhead demon feeds on both meat and P.P.E. energy. Fortunately, it needs to feed only once a week. Unfortunately, its prey of choice is humanoid or other intelligent creatures, although it may feed on any living animal. Thornhead Demons Alignment: Miscreant or Diabolic. Horror Factor: 14 Size: Approximately ten feet (3 m) tall. Weight: 500 pounds (225 kg) Typical Attributes: I.Q.: 8, M.E.: 10, M.A.: 9, P.S.: 25, P.P.: 17, P.E.: 24, P.B.: 3, Spd. 28 Note: Tentacles have independent awareness and can act independently to defend the body; I.Q. 6, P.P 20. The Thornhead is a supernatural being like the dragon. P.P.E.: 2D4X 10 I.S.P.: None Hit Points: See M.D.C. S.D.C.: Not applicable M.D.C.: 2D4x 100 main body, 50 M.D.C. for each of the tentacles. Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 120 feet (36.5 m), climb 80/70, see the invisible, impervious to normal fire and cold (does not include energy weapons or magic) and metamorphosis insect, and regeneration at a rate of 3D6 M.D.C. per every two minutes and can regenerate a fully functioning tentacle or horn in eight hours. The tentacle heads can also see the invisible, have nightvision, and heat optics (sees infrared light and heat emanations). Magic Powers: P.P.E.: 2D4X 10. Level of experience: 1D4 + 3. Three spell attacks per melee or by hand to hand. Chameleon, escape, float in air, levitate, breathe without air, concealment, fool's gold, and tongues. Offensive Spells: Fear, energy bolt, extinguish fires, ignite fires, fuel flame, circle of flame, fire bolt, fire ball, domination, spoil food, animate and control dead, turn dead, exorcism, and dispel magic barrier. The bite of the tentacles cause one of the following magical effects (identical to the spell of the same name). The tentacle or thornhead can select the type of magic to induce. Can inflict a spell with every bite or bite to inflict damage. ONE attack each per melee. Magic bites: Befuddle, blind, compulsion, paralysis: lesser (even in mega-damage body armor), sleep (even in body armor, but not power armor or robots), energy disruption, and words of truth. Plus each eye can try to cause petrification by stare once every eight hours (identical to the Basilisk; pg. 120 of the Rifts Conversion Book). 118
Combat: Six attacks per melee total. The main creature has four (4) and each tentacle has one (1). +4 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +2 on initiative, +4 to roll, +4 to pull punch, + 10 to damage (S.D.C.), +6 to save vs psionic attack, +5 to save vs magic, +20% save vs coma/death, critical strike on natural 18, 19, and 20. Damage: Restrained Punch: 4D6 S.D.C. + 10 P.S. Full strength Punch: 2D4 M.D. Claws Strike: 2D6 M.D. Bite: 2D4 M.D. Kick IDS M.D. Leap Kick: 2D6 M.D. Skills of Note: Both lores, land navigation, W.P. sword and blunt and three languages; illiterate. Weapons: Can use any weapon, but rarely uses energy weapons, preferring knives, swords, clubs or magic weaponry. Note: Thornhead demons tend to be temperamental, quick to anger, childish, greedy, cruel, vindictive, prone to throw temper tantrums and act out of anger. They hate other creatures of magic, especially dragons and other thornhead, whom they see as rivals to their power. However, they may associate with, or enlist the assistance (as servants) of, less powerful supernatural or monstrous beings. Lairs can be almost any kind of structure or locale, from a castle or tower to cave or a pile of boulders or trees that form a shelter. Any elaborate building is the work of his servants or slaves. RIF1 Geographic Environments White indicates glaciers. Temperatures range between 50 below during winter to 32 (freezing) degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. Rain/snowfall is about 50 to 250 mm. Black indicates tundra. Vegetation consists of lichen, mosses, algae, grass, and scrub (small shrubs and weeds). Temperatures range from about 20 below zero to around freezing in the winter to around 60 degree Fahrenheit in the summer. Rainfall is about 100 to 500 mm. Angled Lines indicate coniferous forests consisting of pine, spruce and fir trees, grass and scrub. Temperatures range from about 14 to freezing in the winter to 75 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. Average rainfall a year is about 200 to 800 mm. Dots indicate mixed forests of coniferous and deciduous trees, bushes, dog rose, flowers, and tall grass. Temperatures range from about 20 to 40 degrees in the winter to 75 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. Average rainfall a year is about 500 to 1200 mm. Dark grey areas are subtropical and tropical forests. Temperatures range from the 80's in the winter to the low hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit in the summer (average 98 to 120 degrees). Average rainfall a year is 1200 to 2000 mm. Horizontal broken lines indicate plains/grasslands or savannas. The American plains are tall grass, scrub and tiny patches of scattered trees. It receives about 200 to 400 mm of rain. The savanna and steppes of Mexico are also grasslands with few trees, but receive less rainfall, about 100 to 300 mm, and experience short periods of drought. Average temperatures range from about 50 to 75 degrees in the winter to 90 to 105 in the summer. Stippled dots are deserts consisting of wind-swept, dried earth or sand, stones and patches of cactus and scrub. Temperatures range from freezing (at night) to the hundreds during the day, throughout the year. Thatched areas in South America are steppes. Steppes are grasslands with few trees and minimal rainfall, about 100 to 200 mm, and experience long periods of drought. Average temperatures range from about 60 to 80 degrees in the winter to 90 to 105 in the summer. Copyright 1991 Kevin Siembieda 119
Name1 O.C.C./R.C.C. . AlignmentHit Points: Experience Lev I.Q.: M.E.: M.A.: P.S.: P.P.: P.E.: P.B.: Spd.: __ ••• S.D.C. M el: Exp. Aae: RRXWeightHeightLnd.Orgn: Birth Order: Disposition: . o.c.r.yp.c.n. iPowers/Abilities HTH combat HTHNo of Attkfi- .D.C. Damago- j. fitriko- + Chi: .,._ ... Parry j. DoHge-4. Rolh x lean' Knnrk DirtStunOrtiralDeath- •••••••••• Skills Cybernetics & Weapon Copyright 1991 Slr/Thr Rad/ Prry/ Aim/Bur Rate Rng / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Kevin Siembieda cip Damage Other Equipment: i^^^^^m Secondary Skills Spells Level One n R RfcXn,, Fbri, QR Cloud 61 Smoke Q R Deati Trance . ,...„, ,...,,, _„,„,„. _ u H (.jot,, „( uaydgh ————————————————— D R See tie hviabte OR Sense Evil ... n R fanno Magir a R Sense P.FE. . Q R Thunderclap . . Level Two UHBeludde Q R Chameleon . . . Q R Concealment . . Q R Detect Cone Q R Fear ........ Q R Heavy Breatiiig ' UHLevltalcn QRMysle Alarm .. ——————————————— Q R Turn Dead .... a R Armor of Ithan . Q R Energy Bolt ... QR Rogers of Wind """ UHHoatmAi.... DR Fuel Flame ... Q R knptr. lo Fire . . , , ——— . n R lm*« -StarV Q R Neg. PCJS./TOX. . Q R ParaJvsis:Les. . . UH newt we.... Q R Telekinesis .... Level Four OR Carpet of Adh. . QRBfcid Q R Char. Aura .... Q R Cure Mint Dis. UHtnergyheld .. QRFod'sGokJ ... ——————————————— D R Fire Bolt Q R MuSple Image . Q R Repel Anhials . 1 UHSeal ........ OR Shadow Meld.. ————————————————— QHSiMmasRsh.. Level Five QRCalinn ...... QRCitdeo(Ham». QR Domination ... PR Escape .. .. ————————————————— d R Eyesof Thoth . QRFfy ......... D R Heal Wounds . . Q R Horrific Hue.. .. OR Steep ....... Q R Superhuman Spd n n Iwm -w Ftah rsi loWAlftlv Q R Apparition ... Q R 63 U*Mng . Q R Cue loess . . Q R hip. lo Energy npu^n^vJ!' Q R Ma* of Deceit Q R Memory Bank . U H HeducaSelt . . Q R TeteportLesser —— ———— ————————————————— ————————————————— D R Time Slip .... Q R Tongues .... OR Words of Tut) • . 1 . 2 . 1 t 2 6 . 4 . 2 . 4 a . 4 3 . 6 3 . 6 . 6 5 . 3 5 . 5 . 6 10 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 . 6 . 6 10 10 . 6 10 10 10 10 7 30 7 7 . 7 7 10 6 10 e 10 10 12 8 8 15 10 10 10 10 10 12 20 15 20 15 10 20 20 15 12 20 15 20 12 15 Saving Throws Lethal Poison- (14) Non-lethal Poison: (16) —— Harmful Drugs- (1fi) Insanity (1?) PsinnireMagic Spell- (1?) Ritual- (IB) Level Seven QRAgony ....... 20 QRAn!m./ContDead20 Q R Constrain Being 20 0 R Ksp.Magic Bar. 20 d R Fly as the Eagle 25 QRGfcbe of Silence 20 Q R hvis.:Superlcr 20 D R hvuheraMity . 25 Q R Ub Drain ... 25 Q R Meta.Mmal . 25 Q R Purif. (F/W) .. 20 OR Wind Rush .. 20 Level Eight P R Comm. w/Spiris 25 D R Eyes of me Wolf 25 D R Exorcism ..... 30 Q R HattudnaHon . . 30 D R Locate ....... 30 Q R Luck Curse ... 40 Q R Meta.:Human . . 40 Q R Mnor Curse ... 35 Q R Negate Magic . . 30 OR Oracle 30 QRSJckness ..... 50 Q R Spoi (F/W) ... 30 Q R Sum 10 Flesh . 30 QRWispsofConf. . 40 Level Nine Q R Curse:Phobia . . 40 Q R Famiiar Link . . 55 Q R Mela.ilnsect ... 60 Q R Mute ........ 50 Q R Prot ClrcteSim 45 Q R Sum.&Conl Can. 50 Q R Spdof the Snail 50 Q R Transferal .... 50 QRWataBWine . 40 Level Ten Q R Banishment ... 65 Q R Cent/End. Em 80 O R MeB.iSup. ... 100 Q R Mysic Portal . . 60 QRSum.Shad.Beast140 Q R SumJContRod. 70 QRWards. ...... 90 Level Eleven Q R Antl-Maac Cld. 140 Q R Create Mummy 160 Q R CrB.Magic Sort. 100 Q R Remove Curse 140 QRSum.SContAnlm.125 OR Summon Fog . 140 Level Twelve D R Amulet ..... 290 OR Calm Storms . 200 Q R Create Zombie 250 Q R MeB.:Mist ... 250 Q R Summon Enlty 250 Q R Summon Rah 200 Q R Time Hole ... 210 Level Thirteen QRCrte.Glm 700/1,000 Q R ProtCitc.Sup. . 300 Q R Summon Storm 300 a R Sum.Les.Being 425 QRSanckim .... 390 QRTaisman .... 500 Level Fourteen OR Close Htt ... 800 QRkJ Barrier .... 600 Q R Imp.Wi. of Re. 600 D R Restoration .. 750 Level Fifteen 0 R Dim. Portal . 1,000 Q R TeteportSup. . 600 OR Transformation 2,000 Armor Type: unr,- Woighf Prowl Ponaky Spd. Penalty (if any) TW additions (if any): Psionics Healing Q Bio-Reg. (sell) .... 6 Q Deaden Pain ..... 4 Q Detect Psionics ... 6 Q Exorcism ....... 10 Q Healng Touch .... 6 Q Increased Healing 10 Q Induce Sleep ..... 4 Q Psychic Diagnosis . 4 Q Psychic PurHc.. ... 8 Q Psychic Surgery .. 14 Q Resist Fatigue .... 4 Sensitive Q Astral Projector ... 6 QCIalrvoyance ..... 4 D Empathy ........ 4 Q Mind Bock ...... 4 Q Object Read ..... 6 D Presence Sense . . 4. Q See Aura 6* Q See Iw Imisifcte .. 4 QSenseEvl ...... 2 O Sense Magic ..... 3 Q Six!) Sense ...... 2 Q Speed Rearing ... 2 Q Telepathy ....... 4 O Total Recal ...... 2 Physical QAIterAura ....... ? O Death Trance .... Q Impervious lo Cold . ? Q Impervious t> Fire . 4 Q Impervkxjs to Poison 4 D Levitated ....... V Q Mind Block ... . 4 LI Mghtvision ... . .: Q Resist Fatigue . . 4 QResislHunger . . 2 Q Resist Thirst . . . 6 Q Sun. Inner Strength 4 Q Telekinesis ...... V Super (Kind Metos only) Q Bio-Man^atkm . 10 Q Bio-Reg, (super) . 20 Q Electrokertsis .... V a Empathic Trans. ... 6 Q Group Mind Bk. . . 22 Q Hydrokinesls ..... V Q Hypnoic Sugg. ... 6 Q Mem Pos. Others 30 Q Mind Block A.D. . . . S Q Mind Boll ....... V D Mind Bond ..... 10 D Mind Wipe . . . . . S Q P.P.E. Shield . ..10 0 Psi-Shield ... . . 30 D Psi-Sword ... . . 30 a Pyrokinesis . . ... V Q Telekinesis (S) . 10+ Q Tdekine Sc F.Field 30 Q Telemechanics ... 10 PPF - Spell StrengthI.S.P.: ___