Total Hydrographic - How We
Conduct Bathymetric Surveys?
Total Hydrographic are your certified
Hydrographic Surveyors and Marine
Mapping/GIS professionals.
Bathymetry is the study and mapping of the sea floor.
Bathymetric surveys allow for us to measure the depth
of a body of water as well as map its underwater
features. Bathymetic data is used in a range of
applications, some include:
•Hazard Detection
•Safety of Navigation and Nautical Charting
•Determiniation of Maritime Boundaries
•Environmental Management, including developing
baseline data
•Research for Coastal and Marine Processes
•Installation of Maritime infrastructure
At Total Hydrographic we gather bathymetric data in a
variety of different methods and equipment.
Our Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) is a full
bathymetric seafloor coverage system. The MBES
system emits 512 beams in a fan shape beneath the
boat allowing the system to capture up to 200,000
soundings per second and ensure maximum coverage of
the seafloor.
Our Single Beam Echosounder (SBES) on the other
hand, captures data using a single beam directly below
where the system is mounted. Single Beam surveys are
at a pre-defined line spacing; for example 2m, 5m, 20m.
The size of these intervals determines the final
resolution of the survey.
Multibeam survey and Single Beam surveys are each
best suited to their own individual set of
circumstances, locations and client needs. Total
Hydrographic can help by recommending a particular
solution specific to your own requirements and
priorities as both MBES and SBES have their individual
strengths and capabilities.
Hazard Detection and Debris Clearance
Hazard Detection and Debris Clearance is a necessary
support service for any organisation that manages a
body of water. It is crucial to identify new or existing
obstructions from natural or anthropogenic events, and
to determine safe recreational use for the public.
Our hydrographic survey team can offer bathymetric
and side scan surveys that utilise in house R2Sonic
Multibeam Echo Sounders (MBES) and/ towed or hull
mounted Side Scan Sonars (SSS) to locate and identify
hazards & debris. We can operate these systems
concurrently or separately, to scan large swaths of river,
sea, lake or dam beds in an efficient manner and
provide detailed data on the hazards present in a format
that best suits you.
Total Hydrographic
Total Hydrographic maintains this equipment and
capability in house and as a result, mitigates the risk of
project delays. From the results of your survey, all
hazards and debris will be located and identified,
allowing you to be confident in what lies below the
Under Keel Clearance
Effective Under Keel Clearance management is a
system put in place by Port and Harbour Authorities
that mitigate the risk of a vessel’s hull running
aground on the ocean floor. Regular Bathymetric and
Hydrographic Surveys are undertaken to ensure that
vessel navigation in shipping channels, berths and
fairways are not put at risk. A keen understanding of
depths within Port and Harbour waters is a great tool
for making informed decisions on asset management,
resource allocation and dredging programs.
Contact Us
• Website:
• Phone - (03)93959897
• Email- [email protected]
• Address: 14/75 Endeavour Way, Sunshine West, VIC
3020, Australia
Opening Hours
• Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
• Sunday: Closed