The Decree
since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” October 16, 2019
N O R T H C A R O L I N A W E S L E YA N C O L L E G E , R O C K Y M O U N T, N O R T H C A R O L I N A 2 7 8 0 4
Evan Duff To Serve as Interim President for Two Years
Evan Duff, the college’s Provost, A. 1. Establish a she’s equipped to assist students with all their
was named Interim President over the Bachelor of Science career service and internship needs. Her new
summer following the resignation of in nursing program office will be known as the Office of Career
Dewey Clark, a Wesleyan alum who for licensed nurses Development and Business Innovation.
served as president during a five-year who have an associ-
period that saw a significant enrollment ate’s degree. With Q. Can you detail the way the college
increase in the traditional program. the success of our will select speakers for graduation and
exercise science pro- other major events?
Dr. Duff signed a two-year contract to gram and new health
serve as the interim successor to Clark, promotion program, A. Almost all college speakers will be filtered
who was one of 15 employees to leave this RN-to-BSN through the Executive Leadership Team and
the college in June. Among the others degree will enhance we’ll work on ways to include SGA in that deci-
were Edward Naylor, Dean of Students, our health science sion. The December commencement speaker,
and Judy Rollins, Vice President of programs. to be announced soon, was reviewed by the
Enrollment Management and Marketing. 2. Through research, Executive Leadership Team, which includes
surveys, and representatives from the faculty and staff.
Dr. Molly Wyatt, Associate Provost, feedback from all
was appointed to a dual role as Interim constituents, I hope Q. Some science majors worry that the
Vice President of Academic Affairs that within two years recent departure of two tenure-track biology
and Dean of Students. Michael Drew, we will have one professors, Drs. Erica Kosal and Dan Stovall,
a veteran administrator in the adult- Interim President Evan Duff talks at a recent Rotary Club meeting at Rocky Mount Mills. NCWC photo or two additional will impede their progress to graduation. Can
degree program, was named Dean of you put their minds at ease?
Admissions and Adult Studies. who attend Wesleyan. For almost nine years, the expectations that will be required of them graduate programs, giving us a total of
I’ve worked with my colleagues at different when they attain their first full-time position three or four. A. We’ll make sure the majors can access
The Decree interviewed President levels as Vice President ofAdult Studies, or (for adult-degree students) when they get 3. Build more indoor and outdoor space the classes they need to graduate on time,
Duff over email in mid-September. Provost and now Interim President. The only that next promotion or new position. We want to enhance the students' academic and based on our current rotation of courses. The
factors I considered were my passion for every student to have multiple experiences social experiences. School of Mathematics and Sciences is now
Q. In interviews some students wondered Wesleyan and my family. I knew I could help (job shadowing, unpaid internships, paid Q. You’re living in the president’s accepting resumes for a new biologist.
whether the college will share details on the make a difference in this role, but because of internships, service learning and active learn- house, part-time. Tell us what you see as
sudden departures of President Clark and how quickly events evolved this summer, I ing) to build their resume and equip them to the purpose of the president’s house. Q. President Clark brought more of a reli-
Dean Naylor, as well as other staff. Will the wasn’t ready to uproot my family. I have four be productive citizens. A. It will be used for myself and my gious emphasis to the college, whether it was
college ever provide explanations? kids who are active in their school and busy in the school’s messaging, ceremonies like
Q. What initiatives will occupy most family to host multiple events a year Founders Day and commencement, or the cre-
A. During the transition, I was as trans- for the students, faculty, staff, Board of ation of the youth ministry program. Describe
parent as I could be about what was hap- with activities local to Clayton. That was my of your time this fall? Trustees, and the community. the way the college will maintain its focus on
pening. Faculty, staff, students and alumni only real reservation. The Board of Trustees A. I have three right now: providing a Christian education. What changes
received specific details about the transition has been understanding with us becoming Q. Some interviewees have expressed con- might we see in your administration?
and how Wesleyan was moving forward. 1. Establishing relationships with individuals
I’m unable to share additional details. a "dual" community family. When we’re in and organizations that want to help Wesleyan cern about the college’s financial situation and Q. We’ll continue to offer programs and
Rocky Mount, we’ll live in the president's attain its mission and vision. long-term viability. It’s been reported that the activities to help students explore or enhance
Q. What’s the timetable for hiring a new house; we’ll also continue to live in Clayton. 2. Collaborating with faculty to revise, college ran a $2 million deficit last fiscal year. their faith development. Dr. Wyatt and I have
Dean of Students? Will the college seek replace- improve, and develop curriculum to be What’s the current state of the college’s finances? been working with Rev. (Barry) Drum and
ments for other positions that were vacated? Q. How was your summer?What was your innovative and dynamic to meet the needs Mikah Brondyke to enhance our programs
focus prior to the beginning of the fall semester? of organizations that hire our graduates. We A. This summer part of the transition involved and church relations. My goal is to make
A. For the next 12-24 months, the college developing realistic budgets based on economic sure that every student, regardless of their
will operate with the current organizational A. The summer reminded me of the background or belief system, feels welcomed
structure. I suspect we’ll hire individuals that title of the movie franchise “The Fast and the want students to be effective communica- conditionsandenrollmenttrends.We’reworking and accepted at our college. Because of our
have a direct impact on student support, but Furious.” The administration acted quickly to tors, to understand and solve complex prob- with a break-even budget, which is the typical dynamic and diversified student body, we
they won’t be upper administrative positions. If make sure all aspects of the college were settled lems, and to become a life-long learners. goal of a non-profit organization. But we’re also want to make sure students of other
we search for a new Dean of Students, I’ll make before the fall semester. We also worked hard 3. Working with all constituents to striving to create a surplus so we can reinvest that faiths (Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) are con-
sure the student body is involved in the process. to assure the community and our donors develop a vision statement and a set of money into the college to enhance infrastructure, nected with leaders of their religions to give
that Wesleyan, more than ever, is committed values for the college. programs, and the welfare of our hard-working them access to a local mentor.
Q. It’s our understanding that the college’s to providing an excellent education to our Q. Identify three objectives you hope faculty and staff. While we faced challenges in
trustees awarded you a two-year contract as students. Students will start to see many new to accomplish or, at least, initiate in your 2018-2019, we have a strong relationship with Q. One of President Clark’s major initia-
Interim President. Can you give more de- initiatives that will align their education to two years as Interim President. our bank, our accrediting agency maintains a tives was to grow enrollment by 100 students
tails—why was it a two-year contract? When JTohirneeFuNlle-wTimPreofFeascsuolrtsy high level of confidence inWesleyan, and we’re each year in the traditional program until the
will the college begin a search for a permanent Wesleyan’s newest faculty members— of Color Affinity Group and serving as the set to have a break-even budget for 2019-20. college reached a total of 2,000. Will you
successor?At this point, do you hope the col- Melanie Townsend, Macon Hammond Operations Chair for SPREE! (their annual continue to lead the college in that direction?
lege will consider you for the position? and Danielle Braxton— prorovided the weekend-long shopping event that hosts over Q. Besides personnel moves, what
following capsule biographies. 11,000 attendees at the Raleigh Convention specific changes has the college made to A. The Board of Trustees and the college
A. I’m honored and humbled the Board of Center). I also serve as the Chair for the Nash restore financial stability? administration are focused on growth based on the
Trustees appointed me to serve the college in Dr. MelanieTownsend Health Care Foundation’s Young Ambassador’s current conditions in higher education, research,
this capacity. The two-year contract was to give Council, and I’m a board member for S.A.F.E. A. 1. We’ve established a more realistic and best practices. This may mean 25 or 200 stu-
the new organizational structure a chance to JOB TITLE: Visiting Professor, Logistics Rocky Mount (a human trafficking prevention budget based on data analytics. dents a year, depending on such factors. We need
implement important changes that will benefit and Supply Chain Management. and service organization). 2. We’re assessing all financial initiatives to make sure our growth is measured and well
the students and the community. The adminis- HOMETOWN: Memphis. FAVORITETV SHOWS: “The Marvelous and renegotiating contracts with vendors. thought out. Without taking on additional debt,
tration hopes that faculty, staff, students and the DEGREES EARNED: B.S., Management 3. We have refinanced our debt with First we want to make sure that we can financially
community are already starting to see positive Carolina Bank. support the growth in terms of new academic
changes. The Board of Trustees will determine 4. We’re creating new relationships with buildings, residence halls, and other social spaces.
when a search will be conducted. donors and organizations that want to in-
vest in the mission and vision of Wesleyan. See DUFF pg 2
Q. On a more personal level, what attracted
you to the interim position? What factors did Q. In previous interviews, you indicated SElnigrohltlmDeenctliSneees
you weigh? What were your reservations? & Organizational Development, Bethel College; Mrs. Maisel,” “Stranger Things,” “Bachelor in that the ASPIRE program––now Adult and NC Wesleyan reported total enrollment
M.S., Operations Management with a certifica- Paradise,” “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” and Professional Studies––has seen a sharp de- of 1,107 in the traditional program as of
A.As the president (interim or not), I have tion in Business Management, University of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” cline in enrollment, part of a national trend mid-September, a decrease of eight stu-
the opportunity to work with our gifted faculty Arkansas; and Ph.D. in Human Services, MOVIES: Recent––“Crazy Rich Asians” in adult education. What can you say about dents compared to the same period in 2018.
and staff to make an impact on the students specialization in Nonprofit Management & and “Tag.” All-Time––“About Time” and the current state of APS, which is integral
Leadership, Capella University. “Shaun of the Dead.” to the college’s bottom line? Here’s a breakdown of the first-year
PREVIOUS JOB EXPERIENCE: I have FAVORITE MUSICAL ARTISTS: Be- students, based on data supplied by
more than eight years of experience in the logis- yoncè, Bruno Mars, Rihanna, Jill Scott, El A. We’re starting to see a plateau in this Dean of Admissions Michael Drew:
tics industry, working with FedEx Freight, DDN DeBarge, Britney Spears, and Lizzo. decline and there’s a lot of interest in our
Pharmaceutical Logistics, Duprè Logistics, and FAVORITE CUISINE: Italian. MBA program. To date, we have received The total freshmen were 264, com-
Kenco Memphis Logistics. FAVORITE SPORTSTEAM: I’m not into almost 100 applications for our first term. pared to 415 in 2018. The 264 figure
PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: sports, but I’ll root for the hometown basket- includes 141 males and 123 females, a
For five years I provided corporate training–– ball teams: the University of Memphis and the Q. Still on budgetary issues, can you 53 to 47 percent ratio. Last year the ratio
from frontline employees to managementstaff––at Memphis Grizzlies. update us on the following: was 60-40 and in 2017 it was 62-38.
DDN Pharmaceutical Logistics, Duprè Logis- SOMETHING INTERESTING/SURPRIS- • The Entrepreneurial Center/Business
tics, and Kenco Memphis Logistics. ING ABOUTYOU: I have a passion for classroom building: Wesleyan welcomed 65 transfer
AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: Business, evening gowns and keep a closet full of them students, an increase of 17 over 2018.
Logistics, and Operations Management. in nearly every size in my guest room. I loan A. We’re still several million dollars away
COURSESYOU EXPECTTOTEACHAT them like books for black-tie affairs. from our goal. Some money is tied up in a land There was a sharp decline in the num-
WESLEYAN: All management-related courses. trust and we need about $1.5 million more in ber of new internationals––from 62 last
WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO WES- See NEW PROFESSORS pg 4 donated funds. We’re working on this as well fall to 33 in 2019 (25 males, 8 females).
LEYAN: I enjoyed attending a small liberal arts as funding for other academic buildings.
college as an undergraduate, and I wanted to • The Wesleyan Bed and Breakfast: According to college data, the aver-
participate in creating the same kind of meaning- age SAT score dipped from 988 in 2018
ful experience for others. A. The Bellemonte House is no longer to 962 (it was 909 in 2017); the median
YOUR TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: a bed and breakfast, but the downstairs will SAT score was 980. Average ACT was
Robin Pietryk, Wesleyan’s Coordinator Research has shown that passive lectures provide remain space that can be rented by the com- 18, while the median was 17.
of Disability Services and an instructor the lowest knowledge retention rate. For this rea- munity for a number of events (meetings,
in the School of Business, is among the son, I favor active-learning strategies. My typical receptions, parties, etc.). The upstairs will When it comes to high school GPAs of
new inductees to the college’s Athletic class involves group discussion and activities that become the office space for our Advance- incoming freshmen, the average was 3.25
Hall of Fame. In a 15-year coaching construct knowledge and understanding. I also ment Office. The downstairs can also be re- (3.27 in 2018), while the median was 3.22.
career, Pietryk led the Bishops volleyball like to recreate authentic situations and assign served and used at no cost for meetings and
teamtoseven 20-win seasons and hands-on activities to further reinforce the lesson other events by students, faculty, and staff. The new students—freshmen and
247 total victories. In 2013, Pietryk, a and allow for individual discovery. • The Career Services and Internships transfers—include a total of 182 athletes
three-sport athlete in college, entered YOUR HOBBIES: I love to travel, cook, Department: (126 male, 56 female).
the HOF at her alma mater, Bethany and volunteer. I’m active with the Junior
College (W.Va.). For more sports League of Raleigh, founding their Women A. This is now led by Dr. Gena Messer- In Wesleyan’s adult-degree program,
coverage, turn to page 3. Professor Melanie Townsend Knode, who runs the Entrepreneurship and now known as APS, the fall census
SI Photo Business Center. She has excellent connec- indicated 733 students. Fourteen new
tions with small and large organizations and students have joined the program as
freshmen, while 96 enrolled as transfers.
2 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 October 16, 2019
Advice Given as Freshmen Begin College Experience
By Chasadie Searcy assignments down so you don’t while sophomore Brannon Price, like with the right group of peers.”
& Abigail Shah forget them,'' Black said. Robinson, urged new students to consider Jallow added that students should
Decree Staff Writers While most upperclass- joining a club. “Don’t be afraid of what
men encouraged freshmen to others will think.” Teague said he thinks it’s appreciate their college experience, as the
Fall classes have begun again, meaning focus on academics, others vital to make new friends early in one’s col- time goes fast. “Take it slow,” he said.
there is the usual flood of unprepared and highlighted college life beyond lege career. “That way you’ll have a group
anxious freshmen on Wesleyan’s campus. the classroom. Senior Jasmine throughout your college years,” he said. Dr. Young Kim, Assistant Professor
Having survived their first year of college, Bogle and junior Jadéjah Sophomore Cody Vazquez said friend- of Political Science, exhorted freshmen
upperclassmen and staff have shared Robinson told freshmen to ships formed in college can help students (and all students) to pay attention to world
advice on ways to help the newcomers suc- become active in campus to get through the challenging times and events. “The world is much bigger than
ceed--or, at least, feel less overwhelmed. organizations. “Get involved, lead to crucial professional connections what we see right around us,” he said.
join a club, and find an activity after graduation. It’s critical, he added, to
Chakyra Oliver, a junior, said she that you like to do in your be around friends who “really care for you Dr. Kim added that Wesleyan students
stopped participating on the college’s spare time,” Robinson said. and want to look after you.” should consider a study-abroad program.
dance team, due to the importance of Wesleyan welcomed 264 freshmen to campus this fall. Shown As examples, she mentioned Mamoudou Jallow, a senior and a
time management. She warned fresh- here, from left, Joojo Brush, Teanna Bellamy, De’Asia Clark, the Anime Club, The Gaming Junior Kate Avila, a member of the col-
men against overextending themselves. Dillon Jenkins, and Joshua Aubuchon. Club, the Black Student Asso- midfielder on the men’s soccer team, lege’s ROTC unit, tells freshmen to make
“Getting involved in school is important A. Stern photo believes freshmen should become active college a worthwhile endeavor and persist
but don’t forget to make time for your- through all the unexpected challenges thrown
self and your studies,” she said. your schoolwork,” he said. ciation as well as the various on campus, but advised them against their way. “Always wear a smile!” she said.
LikeMcGrane,juniorJenéBlack under- religious organizations on campus. getting involved with bad influences.
Junior Jeffery Black, a starting running “Don’t fall victim to peer pressure,” he It’s inevitable that freshmen will encoun-
back on the football team, gave advice similar scored the need to develop strong organiza- Junior Kevin Teague instructed freshmen said. “Make sure to surround yourself ter problems their first year. Upperclassmen
to Oliver’s. He said it’s all about time man- tional skills.“Getaplannerandwriteallofyour “to not be afraid to put yourself out there,” offered encouragement and a few tips.
agement. “The top priority should be staying
on top of your school work,” Black said. Students Express Concerns after Changes in Administration “College can be hard, things can be confus-
By Kaitlyn Petteway tion in September, and the lack of answers to Dewey and Naylor but since they’re ing but you should never shy away from asking
Senior Noah Myrie stressed time manage- Decree Staff Writer caused some to wonder about the stability of gone, I don’t really talk to anyone any- for help,” said Sandeepa Shahi. “There is staff
ment as well. He added that students must be the college. “I’m really worried there’s some- more,” said McIntosh. Larson lamented here to help you. Really. They’re here to help.”
proactive and use the resources available to Most students said they were caught thing serious going on that might damage the that Dean Naylor and Dr. Clark were part
them, pointing to the Student Success Center, off guard early last summer when they school,” said senior Jessica McIntosh. of the reason she came to Wesleyan. “And When feeling down, Gonzalez said,
the writing and math labs, as well as the tutors received an email that detailed a reorga- now they’re gone,” she said. students should “Trust God.” “Even
dedicated to various disciplines. “It’s impor- nization in the college’s administration. With some staff positions still left vacant, when you’re stressed, remember that
tant to use the resources because they can many questioned whether finances were to While some expressed deep concerns everything will be okay,” she said.
help you be more productive,” Myrie said. Dr. Dewey Clark had resigned from blame for the moves. “I’m concerned about about the personnel changes, other students
the presidency, and Dean Edward Naylor budget problems,” said Delmas. said that they have not noticed much differ- Grey Clark’s advice was compre-
Junior Bryona Knight, a first baseman and 13 other staff members left as a result ence on campus since returning in August. hensive, yet succinct: “Go to class,
on the softball team, boiled her advice of this reorganization. As the new school Larson believes that “finances made Sharp said there has “not been a huge change have fun, and don’t be stupid.”
down to two words. “DON’T PRO- year began, many students reflected on the it so that certain positions were com- on campus yet.” Others have been excited
CRASTINATE!” she said, explaining recent administration changes on campus. bined; they had to compromise.” about new initiatives. Harrell singled out a DUFF from pg 1
that balancing her studies, athletics and a recent ice cream social held at the president’s Q. It’s been noted that the average stu-
social life has taught her the importance of Junior Natalie Larson shared her initial For other students, their concern went house. “I thought that was cool,” he said. dent pays 33 percent of the full cost of a
keeping up with her responsibilities. reactions when she heard the news. “I was beyond finances. Some fear that the college Wesleyan education, due to scholarships
at my sister’s house,” she said, “…and I may lose the Bishop “family atmosphere” It’s too soon to expect big changes, but and other financial aid. Do you expect
Like Knight, junior La’Brescia Reynolds got an email from Dr. Clark. Then I got an that permeates campus. “I’m afraid that some students were ready with sugges- Wesleyan to offer less in the way of aid?
is a student-athlete who advises against pro- email from Dean Naylor. I was very upset the values could change,” said sophomore tions for President Duff and the admin-
crastination.Amember of the lacrosse team, about it. Mr. Kenny Dickerson messaged Bethany Dunham, arguing that the college istration. “I want a frickin stadium,” said A. Providing internal grants (i.e. Wesleyan
she echoed Knight when she said, “When me and let me know that he and Miss Celia must remain closely “connected with John Sharp. “We’d have more attendance and Grant) is a common practice among private,
it comes to school work, it’s important to be weren’t at the school anymore.” and Charles Wesley’s teaching.” it’d help multiple sports teams, legitimize higher education institutions. Because of
proactive. Don’t procrastinate. Make sure you the school, and aid with recruiting.” merit or need, students are provided with a
finish your homework as soon as you get it!” Senior Toby Sharp and junior Chloe Larson noted that she came to Wesleyan more effective financial aid package that basi-
Delmas heard the news from friends before for the overall feeling that she’s experi- Many students want the college to make cally discounts their tuition. We’re discussing
Procrastination was on the mind of seeing the school emails. “They were telling enced on campus. She hopes Wesleyan enhancements to the food services. “More financial aid with the Board of Trustees; we
sophomore Lizbeth Gonzalez as well. me that staff were fired,” said Delmas, who keeps its “personal atmosphere” with stu- vegetables!” cried Delmas. “It’s almost want to provide the best packages for our
“College work is nothing like high expressed particular concern for Kenny dents. “It’s important to me that we grow impossible to eat healthily on campus.” students to make college affordable while
school work,” she noted. and Celia Dickerson. “Firing a husband those relationships,” she said. “I came here establishing a sustainable model to offer the
and wife at the same time, that’s bad.” Still because I knew the school was spiritually Other recommendations were related best infrastructure and programs we can.
Added sophomore Makayla Proctor, others found out about the changes through led in the right direction. I know the mis- to residence hall improvements. Some
“Always plan ahead because you won’t Wesleyan staff. Grant Harrell, a sophomore, sion statement will stay the same, but will would like the college to offer more prep Q. Did the college offer fewer full
always know what’s coming next. If you explained that a member of Residence Life the goals of the school?” for students interested in graduate school. scholarships this year? If so, is that a
procrastinate, your work will build up.” let him know that employees had been trend that will continue in years to come?
dismissed. “I was just like ‘Why?’” Some students will miss the personal In general students want the school to
Janet Morrison, an assistant director of connection that they had developed with improve while it maintains the qualities A.Yes, the college provided fewer Heritage
Residence Life, was one of many respon- Many students were still asking that ques- the departed administrators. “I used to talk that brought them here in the first place. and Trustee Scholarships this year. Unless
dents who stressed the importance of setting they’re funded by a donor, fewer full scholar-
the right priorities. “Go to class! Go to class! Wesleyan Profile: Kimla Brandt––Staff Member, Alum ships will be offered.
Go to class!” she said. “Fun comes later. By Will Plyler ried and had five children. Her oldest is 35 for Brandt, as she still had to support her
You’re here to learn, so put your academics Decree Staff Writer years old, and her youngest is 26. Brandt family. In a typical day, she drove a school Q. The Taylor-Crocker Honors program
first and get on top of them while you can.” has experienced a decline in new members—
Braswell 145 is an office filled with life also has nine grandchildren, ages 15 to bus, taught specialized reading at Southern there are six in the current freshmen cohort. Is
Similar advice came from sophomore and color. Pictures of children with smiling 9 months, and she says they’re “awesome.” Nash High School, went to her Wesleyan this because fewer scholarships were granted?
Ja’lon Tyler, a member of the football faces line the walls of a room where it seems classes, drove the school bus again, and
team. “Stay focused because you’re every decoration is flower-shaped and Brandt started her married life as a stay- worked as a lighting master in the Dunn A. The total number is relatively the same
going to be experiencing a lot of new turquoise blue. The door is adorned with a at-home mom, but things took a dramatic Center. She had several night jobs as well. as last year. We did have fewer freshman appli-
things. It’ll be easy to get distracted,” he bright blue foam board, lined with crosses turn when her husband abandoned her and cants, which may be a result of fewer full-ride
said, cautioning “Don’t party.” and labeled in bold, bejeweled lettering, her young children 24 years ago. “For a Despite the challenges, Brandt was scholarships, but as a whole, I don’t think our
“Brandt.” This is the office of Kimla Brandt, single mother of five, an associate's degree in ever a student. “I love knowledge,” honors program has been negatively impacted.
It’s important to stay organized, NCWC’s Event/Activities Logistical Coordi- theology doesn’t really translate well to the Brandt said. “I was often teased for
upperclassmen said. Senior Timothy nator and Summer Camp Director. monetary world,” Brandt said, so she took walking around with my head in a Q. What fundraising initiatives do you plan
McGrane, one of Tyler’s teammates, work where she could find it: as a national book and never running into anything.” to undertake in the next two years? Have you
urged freshmen to pay close attention Brandt is one of the many friendly trainer for Spaghetti Warehouse in Dallas. set personal fundraising goals? Do you expect
to both the calendar and the schedules personalities that make Wesleyan such a Her studiousness and hard work paid off to solicit donations from new sources?
listed on each syllabus. “Especially if welcoming community. As I approach the In 1998, Brandt moved to Spring Hope when she graduated in the winter of 2007.
you’re an athlete, you need to stay on top of doorway of Brandt’s office for our interview, on the recommendation of a friend, who said A. My goal aligns with the goal established
a young woman rushes past me. Brandt that the Rocky Mount area was a nice place Eventually, Brandt worked her way up for theAdvancement Office. I want to help them
DeTchreee smiles, recognizing the student, and opens to live. She lived in Spring Hope until she the ladder in the Dunn Center, becom- attain or exceed their goal by establishing strong
her arms to her. The student smiles in return, moved to Rocky Mount 4 and a half years ing the technical manager in 2008. She relationships with existing and new donors. I’m
since 1960 and the two embrace before she turns and ago, in order to be closer to Wesleyan. held that position for 11 years, until being working with my extended family to create an
“of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” leaves, evidently heading to a class. named NCWC’s Event/Activities Logisti- endowed scholarship in memory of my late
Brandt worked as a food and beverage cal Coordinator and Summer Camp Direc- father and uncle. I’m also working with the
s ta f f Brandt sees me, smiles, and asks that director at Rocky Mount’s Holiday Inn tor on August 16. As such, Brandt manages Advancement Office to establish new sources of
I take a seat. I notice her giant blue exer- until after 9/11, when the hotel business scheduling for every campus event, from donations from major corporations and Fortune
Staff Writers cise ball chair in the corner, but I opt to found itself in major decline. In 2004, booking a room to setup and catering. In 500 CEOs connected to North Carolina.
sit on a wooden chair. Still, I smile at the Brandt decided to go back to school, and all, Brandt manages 23 different calendars
Zack Foster, uniqueness of Brandt’s furniture setup. she began studying at Wesleyan. for rooms and events across campus. Q. Turning to student life, will Wes-
Kaitlyn Petteway, leyan make changes to the visitation poli-
Brandt smiles at me, her long, blonde, Brandt chose to major in English because, It’s her love for the “blank page” cies in the residence halls? And do you
Will Plyler, curly hair bouncing around her shoulders. she said, “there is something so tantalizing that makes Brandt passionate about her foresee a time when students of legal age
Chasadie Searcy, “How can I help you?” she asks. I pull about the profound potential of a blank work. She said she feels as if her job is may consume alcohol in their rooms?
out my laptop, press record on my phone, page.” She also believes that it’s important “continually alive.” “I love the organiza-
Abigail Shah and with that, our interview begins. to study the ways the past have shaped the tional aspect,” she said, “I love taking (an A. I don’t foresee immediate changes
world we live in today. This interest led her event) from an idea to a performance and for either policy but, through SGA, students
Special Contributors Kimla Brandt was born in Midland, to add history as a second major. making it be wonderful.” should address their concerns with the Interim
Texas. She attended Midland/Robert E. Dean of Students, Dr. Molly Wyatt, as well as
Carl Lewis, Andrew Stern, Lee High School, which she said was made Brandt was 41 years old when her Brandt recalled a concert by Dove-award Associate Dean of Students Jessie Langley.
Grace Wallace famous by the show “Friday Night Lights.” Wesleyan journey began, and she said winning Christian artist David Crowder that
While she was in high school, Brandt’s par- that her experience as an adult student at took place several years ago, when she was Q. Will the college continue to enforce
Faculty Advisor ents separated. Her father still lives in Dallas, Wesleyan was wonderful. “The faculty the director of the Dunn Center. existing penalties for marijuana use and
but Brandt’s mother now lives in her North and staff made me feel as if time had been underage drinking on campus?
Dr. William Grattan Carolina home, under Brandt’s care. suspended,” she said. “I learned every day "It was just an idea,” she said, “to have
from the younger students, and I hope they a Christian artist perform on our campus.” A. Yes
179 Braswell • Phone: 985-5336 The middle of three children, Brandt were able to learn from the perspectives I Her eyes glowed as she continued re- Q. If I’m a student and I want to talk to you
Email: [email protected] has an older brother who still lives in brought as an older student.” During her membering, “(We) set the whole thing up, about a particular issue, what should I do?
Texas, and her younger brother grew time as a student, Brandt was a recipient lights and sound. We (had) a performance A. Set up a meeting with me through my
up and moved to Las Vegas. of the Algernon-Sydney Sullivan Award, that potentially changed people’s lives executive assistant, Cindy Edwards. Depend-
which recognizes students who demon- and honored God... and (when) you tear it ing on the concern, I may not be the first point
Brandt attended Cross the Nations Bible strate selflessness and humbly serve others. all down, you’re back to that blank stage of contact, but I’m open to talking with any
College in Dallas, earning an associate's again... (and we get to) do it all over again.” student about any issue.
degree in theology. After college, she mar- Getting an education was challenging Q. In the coming year, in what particular
See BRANDT pg 4 ways will students feel the budget-tightening?
A. I don’t think the students will notice a
difference. The budget changes were made
to benefit them.
October 16, 2019 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 3
Football Opens 2-0 in USA-South with Wins over LaGrange, GC
Bulletin: Hosting a game on the The Bishops moved ahead of the Pan- week, teams will build a file of what he drove from Wesleyan’s 25 to the 7. Then that followed a fumble recovery by John-
Wesleyan campus for the first time in thers, 21-6 early in the second quarter does well and scheme to take those things on a first-and-goal, Bishops linebacker son. But Stetson found its rhythm halfway
their 16-year existence, the Bishops foot- on Curley’s touchdown reception, but away. I trust Donielle will continue to Antonio Johnson stepped in front of through the period, scoring on a 13-yard
ball team administered a drubbing to LaGrange hung tough and by the fourth grow and his intelligence of the game will Ellis’ pass to snuff out the drive. run by quarterback Gavin DeFilippo, who
The Pride of Greensboro College, 44-7. quarter had closed within a touchdown, also expand, leaving him with additional passed and ran for five TDs on the day.
42-35. Wesleyan then sealed the win on a tools to attack defenses each week.” Besides the game-saving intercep- The score led to seven more scores, many
The team played almost error-free 23-yard field goal by Eddie Graham, and tion, Johnson, the 2018 USA-South after sustained drives, as the Hatters rolled
football, as it built a 37-7 half-time Curley scored an insurance touchdown. Against the Wasps, Totten threw Defensive Player of the Year, led the up 271 yards on the ground.
lead on what is normally its practice three interceptions and lost a fumble. Bishops with 13 tackles and a sack.
field. The Bishops didn't lose a fumble Here’s a run-down of the team’s Filkovski was pleased that his offense
or throw an interception and yielded earlier, non-conference matchups. After falling behind 17-6, the Bishops Shenandoah 35,Wesleyan 19 did not turn over the football or yield a sack.
only one quarterback sack, in improv- seized control of the game and scored three A week later, the Bishops mounted a “Those are two areas that we need to continue
ing their USA-South record to 2-0. Wesleyan 31, Emory & Henry 24 unanswered touchdowns to take a 24-17 second-half comeback but fell short, as to improve. We need to stay consistent,” he said.
Totten threw for 365 yards and four lead late in the game. But the Wasps fought Shenandoah scored two late touchdowns
Wesleyan’s football team opened the USA- touchdowns to lead the Bishops to a back to tie the score with 38 seconds to clinch victory in a game that saw the After the trip to Florida, the coach said he
South season October 5 with an offensive 31-24 overtime win in their opener at remaining when Colin Ellis connected on a visitors pick off five Totten passes. was excited about the upcoming conference
outburst, beating host LaGrange, 52-35. Emory & Henry on September 7. 12-yard pass with Derrick Yates. Wesleyan fell behind 21-0 as their schedule. “When we play our game, we’re
Jeff Filkovski, now in his seventh former USA-South rivals put together really good,” he said. “When we lose focus
“We pride ourselves on our power and season as head coach, was impressed by The Bishops got the ball first in OT, a 10-play, 94-yard scoring drive and or become distracted, we’ve shown that can
physicality,” said tight end Ben Dorfman. Totten, who was making his debut as the beginning at the Emory & Henry 25- then capitalized on two Totten inter- make it really easy for our opponents.”
“Back in training camp, our coaches chal- starter. Last year Totten saw considerable yard line. After an incomplete pass, Tot- ceptions to add two more touchdowns.
lenged us to be the ‘most physical team in the playing time as backup to Nate Gardner. ten hit Tyler Roberts for a touchdown. “Early on I put my team in a tough position Looking ahead to its homecoming
nation.’We saw a glimpse of that on Saturday.” “Donielle played really well, both with my mistakes,” Totten acknowledged, matchup with Greensboro and the rest
in handling what the defense gave him Dorfman lauded Totten for main- noting that he called on his “mental tough- of the conference schedule, Dorfman
After their second long bus ride in as and extending some plays with his taining his poise, noting that the quar- ness” in an effort to turn the game around. agreed the key is to minimize mistakes.
many weeks, the Bishops displayed a bal- athletic ability,” Filkovski said. “I’m terback had tossed three interceptions The Bishops began their comeback early
anced offense against the Panthers, as Darian excited about the direction he’ll take during regulation. “But he didn’t think in the third quarter, when Totten hit Roberts “I see a lot of similarities between
Curley rambled for 174 yards on 18 carries. this team if he continues to grow.” twice about throwing up a deep ball to on an 85-yard touchdown pass. They then this year’s team and last year’s,” he said.
He scored three touchdowns, two on 43-yard The coach noted that Totten faces new Roberts,” Dorfman said. “Donielle has battled back to get within two points. “We’ve been a very talented team, but
and 31-yard runs and the third on a 26-yard challenges as the starter. “Last year, Doni- incredible composure. He doesn’t let But the Hornets reeled off an eight- we shoot ourselves in the foot. Both last
pass from senior quarterback Donielle elle was the back-up and teams didn’t mistakes bother him, and he doesn’t let play, 83-yard touchdown drive early in year and this year I felt like we never
Totten, who finished 14 of 25 with three have to prepare for him or his tendencies,” accomplishments go to his head. He’s the fourth quarter to extend their lead were ‘beaten’ by our opponents, but rather
touchdowns and two interceptions. he said. “As he puts out more film each got the character of a leader; that’s the and added a clinching score following an we lost the games because of our own
reason he’s captain of our offense.” interception deep in Bishops territory. mistakes. Last year it seemed to be com-
Three Bishops––Tabronze Carr, RJ placency and lack of focus while this year
Smalls and Isaiah Williams––recorded On the next series, the home team Stetson 55,Wesleyan 21 it’s more physical mistakes like turnovers
sacks, while the NCWC offensive line Down 14-0, Division I Stetson took or blown assignments. But it’s all fixable.”
yielded none for the second game in a row. control halfway through the first quarter and
overwhelmed the Bishops with 524 yards Wesleyan Profile:
Dorfman praised his teammates on of offense and eight consecutive scores. First-Year Coach
offense, highlighting the communica- Played in Deland, Florida, the game Meir Lewin
tion between the linemen. He noted the was televised on ESPN. Meir Lewin was elevated to the
game plan included plays that required “What an opportunity for our guys head coaching job following the depar-
the Bishops to make “calls and checks” and our program: Played on ESPN and ture of long-time Bishops men’s soccer
at the line of scrimmage. “The O-line our guys got to compete with players coach Frankie Taal, who accepted a
did a great job of recognizing the de- that were DI,” Coach Filkovski said, position at Bethany College (W.Va.),
fense and communicating,” he said. adding that the exposure will help with his alma mater.
the team’s recruitment efforts. Lewin, a Rockville, Maryland
Dorfman singled out Wyatt French Wesleyan jumped to a 14-0 first-quarter native, served as Taal’s assistant in
for the leadership he’s displayed early Quarterback Donielle Totten has thrown for 14 touchdowns. SI photos lead on a 21-yard TD pass from Totten to 2018 after assistant coaching stints
in the season. “A lot of the calls/checks Roberts and a 45-yard dash by Jeff Black
start with him,” he said. “He really has
stepped up this year and become more
of a vocal leader.”
Bishops Sports Briefs: Men’s Soccer Beats Greensboro at Mary Washington University (Va.)
and Washington College (Md.). The
son of an Israeli mother and a South
The men’s soccer team tallied two “Since Coach Lewin was here last year scheduled tough non-conference oppo- Earlier in the season, at the Mon- African father, Lewin played profes-
goals in the final ten minutes and goal- under Frankie, it’s helped most of the nents early in the season to prepare the archs Classic, the women had edged sional soccer in Israel as, he said, a
keeper Tobias Borzel posted his fifth players understand his style,” Jallow said. Bishops for USA-South competition. the Avenging Angels to earn second “defensive
shutout of the season, as the Bishops “We knew what to expect and he’s defi- place behind host Methodist. midfielder.”
beat Greensboro College in a key USA- nitely a huge part of our success so far.” Offensive production has been a Lewin
focus in recent practices, Mackey said. GolfTeam Second at Scalf
South Conference match on October 5. He added that Coach Lewin has “We’ve been working to find better
Midfielder Mo Jallow said that early in stressed physical conditioning since the scoring opportunities,” she said. The Wesleyan golf team finished earned a BA
beginning of training camp. Interviewed second at the Don Scalf Invitational at Bel- in govern-
the game the Bishops failed to capitalize on early in the conference season, Jallow Against Averett, forward Sarah Cook mont Lakes Golf Club on September 22- ment from
their scoring chances, while acknowledg- boasted about the team’s fitness level. “This scored two goals, while the NCWC 23. The Bishops were two strokes behind the Inter-
ing that Greensboro played tough defense. is huge because Coach Lewin wants us defense limited the Cougars to three total USA-South Conference rival Averett in disciplinary
He lauded his teammates for maintain- to play with intensity,” he explained. “To shots and no shots on goal in a 5-0 victory. the two-day event, which drew 11 teams. Center in
ing their composure, despite not scoring maintain that intensity for the entire game, Herzliya,
through the first 80 minutes. “When we’re we need to be in really good shape.” A week later, Cook led the team with Sophomore Frankie Schmitt was Israel and a
in intense games and we’re not getting our two goals and added an assist on a score by low man for Wesleyan as he tied for masters in
goals, it’s sometimes tough for us to ad- While seeing improvement in the team’s Khristel Thompson, as the Bishops crushed second place with a two-day total of English from
just,” he said. “That often leads to a loss.” play so far, Jallow said the Bishops need Mary Baldwin, 6-2 in Staunton, Va. 3-under par (141). Washington Meir Lewin
to focus a little less on their individual play
The game was deadlocked until the and cohere as a single unit. “We need to Cook and Nichols share the team Two weeks later, the Bishops placed College.
82nd minute when midfielder Matteo become like a family,” he said. “We need lead with six goals apiece. “A huge second in the USA-South Preview He’s now pursuing a Ph.D. in kine-
Costa scored on an assist by forward to play for each other.” factor has been their speed and move- Tourney played at Benvenue Country siology and physical cultural studies
Baboucarr Njie. Moving down the left ment off the ball,” Mackey said. Club in Rocky Mount. from the University of Maryland,
side, Njie dribbled past the Pride defense That, he said, will help the Bishops in their where he’s been a graduate instruc-
at midfield and then spotted Costa as quest to qualify for the NCAAtournament. For the Bishops, the two conference Wesleyan was 23 strokes behind tor since 2014. Besides fulfilling his
he made a run on the right flank. Njie losses came at the hands of Methodist, perennial powerhouse Methodist and coaching duties at Wesleyan, Lewin
slipped the ball through the defense to his Notes: Through October 5, Njie was tied 2-0, at home on October 2; and Wil- 40 shots ahead of William Peace. is teaching composition as an adjunct
teammate. As the goalkeeper tried to cut for the conference lead in goals with 12. The liam Peace, 2-0, on the road October instructor in English.
down his shooting angle, Costa poked it junior ranked first in both shots with 57 and 9. In the Methodist match, Wesleyan With a two-day total of 149, five over He was interviewed by the Decree
past him into the corner of the goal. total points with 31 (12 goals + 7 assists). jumped to a 2-0 lead, but the Monarchs par, Schmitt finished second in the tourney, early in the season.
Women’s SoccerTurns up Offense whittled away at the deficit and scored one stroke behind Methodist’s Shane Zane Q. What do your players call you?
Njie added an insurance goal with a the game winner in the 85th minute Brownrigg. NCWC’s Luke Thornton was A. Some call me “Coach,” but some
minute left to play. Following a corner After a sluggish start, the women’s soccer when Haley Jones beat goalkeeper eighth, six strokes behind the leader. just go on first-name basis. I'm fine either
kick by the Bishops, Costa got loose in team exploded, scoring 11 goals in confer- Alicia Jacobs. Against WPU, the way. I know there are different philoso-
the box and The Pride fouled him. Then ence wins overAverett and Mary Baldwin. Bishops outshot the Pacers, 11-6, but Volleyball Upsets WPU phies and takes on that. I respect all of
Njie scored on the ensuing penalty kick surrendered two second-half goals. The volleyball team took the them as different understandings. It’s a
to seal the win. The Bishops lost five of their first six decisive fifth set, 15-10, to vanquish matter of what makes us most comfort-
matches, scoring a total of five goals, with XCTeams Finish 1st, 2nd William Peace and win its opening able as leaders of our teams. I'm not
The victory boosted NCWC’s record junior Cydney Nichols tallying three. in Invitational USA-Conference match, but then lost picky with that kind of thing, I guess.
to 7-1 in the USA-South, 9-2-1 overall. four of its next five contests. Q. You were Coach Taal’s assistant
It took time, but the team is coming Running in the Wesleyan Classic, the Facing the Bishops at the NCWC field for a year. What did you learn from him?
The team’s two losses came in its an- together, according to midfielder Megan men’s cross-country team finished first in house, WPU (10-2 record at the time) A. I’m not exaggerating when I say
nual non-conference match against Mary Mackey, who noted that the Bishops last an 8-team field, while the women came appeared to have gained the momentum. I've never met anyone who loves soccer or
Washington and then against conference year lost 12 seniors, while bringing in in second among 10 teams. After winning the fourth set, 25-15, the his players more than Frankie. He repeat-
rival Covenant, undefeated at the time. 11 freshmen to join nine sophomores. Pacers moved ahead 9-4 in the fifth set, edly showed me how much trust he gave
Playing on the road September 27, the “With that many new team members, Besting four other USA-South but Wesleyan went on an 11-1 run to end his players on the field, and how much he
Bishops fell to the Scots, 4-1, in a pre- it's difficult to get a good chemistry and men’s teams, the Bishops were paced the match. At the time, the win marked wanted them to enjoy playing the game.
view of a possible tournament matchup. strategy going right away,” she said, by junior Andrew Bowen, who placed the third in a row overall for the Bishops. Q. Describe your coaching philosophy.
adding that Coach Beverly Biancur third with a time of 28:16:6 over the Versus the Pacers, Sydney Barnwell A. My philosophy is to do what’s
Jallow said he was impressed with eight-kilometer course on Wesleyan’s led the Bishops with 14 kills, while going to be most effective with the play-
Covenant. “They were a TEAM,” he said With six goals, Sarah Cook is tied for campus. Four Bishop runners were Hannah Thrasher recorded four blocks, ers we have on the team. All around the
in an email. “It was clear that all the players the team lead with Cydney Nichols. bunched in 6th to 9th place: Philly and Callie Cline had 23 digs. world, good teams apply high pressure
bought into their style and stuck with it.” Barungi (28:28:3), Christian Tippette Since the September 24 victory, against the opponent and move the ball
(28:33:9), Enock Ruto (28:48:0), and the Bishops have lost on the road to quickly, either to retain possession or at-
He said the Bishops would like a Connor Hayes (28:56:2). Averett (2-3) and Methodist (1-3) and tack after causing a turnover. We’re still
rematch. “Covenant will be a tough team to at home to Meredith (0-3). On October working on these elements.
face in the playoffs,” he said. “But I feel like On the women’s side, the Bishops 5, the Bishops split two matches at
our team is in a good place right now.” (average time: 29:06) trailed Meredith home, losing to Salem, 1-3, and then
(28:19), while defeating five conference defeating Greensboro, 3-1.
Jallow said it’s been a smooth transi- rivals in a 6K race. Freshman Cedera
tion from long-time coach Frankie Taal Franklin placed 13th to lead Wesleyan See LEWIN pg 4
to Meir Lewin, his former assistant. with a time of 27:55:8.
4 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 October 16, 2019
Dr. Elias Answers Questions on Climate Change
As part of the 2020 presidential cam- all over the world. There’s less snow and characterize their generation’s level of
paign, CNN hosted a lengthy town-hall ice on mountains, and glaciers are retreating interest and concern?
program on climate change. Teenage into the ocean. Our ocean is becoming more A. When it comes to global climate change,
activist Greta Thunberg delivered a acidic, affecting marine life such as coral I would say they’re more interested than in
well-publicized UN speech, urging world reefs and shelled animals (snails, clams). the past, but there’s a “disconnect” sometimes.
leaders to leave a livable planet for future Q. Most Americans know that climate For example, students care for clean air, but will
generations. And a recent hurricane rav- change arises, at least in part, due to auto- drive their vehicle one block instead of walking.
aged the Bahamas, not to mention North mobile and airplane emissions as well as Q. What gives you hope that humans can
Carolina’s barrier islands. utilities and factories that burn fossil fuels. arrest the slide into what some scientists have
With climate change on the minds of We’re hearing more and more that agri- described as irreversible damage to the planet?
many, the Decree asked Dr. Daniel Elias, culture can contribute to climate change as A. I always tell my students that the future is
assistant professor of Environmental Sci- well. Can we really hurt the environment gloomy and that all the negative consequences
ence, to help explain the phenomena and by eating steak and hamburgers? of human activity will be very hard to overcome.
suggest action that members of the NCWC A. Definitely!Agriculture not only feeds hu- However, through education and involvement, For a class on global water issues, Wesleyan environmental science and
community can take in their daily lives. we can reduce the impact of the damage. biology students joined a contingent from the University of Mt. Olive on a
mans, but also our livestock.About 33 percent recent trip to Contentnea Creek in Wilson. The NCWC group was led by
Q. Should we use “climate change” or of all agricultural land is used to feed animals. Q. North Carolina and, in particular, the Ca- Professor Daniel Elias (back row, fourth from the left). Photo courtesy of D. Elias.
“global warming?” We need land, resources, and transportation ribbean just felt the effects of Hurricane Dorian.
(fossil fuels) for the grains we’re using to pro- To what extent can we attribute the number and Q. What can individual Americans do in
A. We can use both but not interchange- severity of recent storms to climate change? their daily lives to help fight climate change?
ably. Climate change refers to ANY change duce animal protein. If we adopt a more plant- A. This one is a complicated question.
in the Earth’s climate. Global warming is based diet, reducing our meat consumption, provided certain conditions that can A. • Eat less meat
the heating of Earth’s climate. we could decrease deforestation, combustion The ocean is warmer, so there’s a higher contribute to such events but it’s not a • Car pool, walk, ride your bike, use
of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions and chance for storms to develop. But there cause-and-effect relationship.
Q. In layman’s terms, explain what is our corresponding impact on climate change. are more factors that affect the develop-
occurring with climate change. But it’s not just agriculture. Consumer habits ment of extreme events (e.g. hurricanes). Q. TheAmazon rain forest has made it
A. Climate change is a natural process affect climate change as well. The more we buy Science is still working on that one. into recent headlines, due to widespread fires. public transportation, if possible
goods (shoes, TVs, phones, etc.), the more we Why is theAmazon forest relevant toAmeri- • Buy local. Support your farmers market
where the Earth’s climate has changed contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and, in Q. What about forest fires in places like cans, not to mention the rest of the world? • Buy appliances, cars, electronics that
throughout time. But human activity the end, climate change and global warming California, or the severe flooding that took are efficient in their use of energy
exacerbates the intensity and magnitude place in Houston (2017) and New Orleans A. Air pollution, loss of biodiversity, • Use LED lights
of climate change. To be specific, human Q. What do you hear from your students (2005)? Can we blame climate change? and carbon sequestration. More fires in • Turn part of your lawn into a vegetable garden
activity increases greenhouse gas emis- about climate change? How would you the Amazon equal less carbon retained in
sions. It’s warmer, with record temperatures A. Not entirely. Climate change has plants and more carbon available in the Q. What was your reaction when the
atmosphere. This leads to a hotter planet. American government withdrew from
Three New Professors Join Full-Time Faculty (continued) the Paris Climate Accord? If President
and Ph.D., Public Health Nutrition, Uni- Health Nutrition, Health Education/Pro- Trump is not reelected, do you think the
I also enjoy hunting and traveling in my versity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. motion, Research Methods. U.S. should rejoin the accord? Why?
time with my family and girlfriend. Project Manager, UNC Center for Health AT WESLEYAN: Principles of Epide- A. It takes a massive effort by many
FAVORITE TV SHOWS: “The 100,” Promotion and Disease Prevention; miology, Principles of Health Education/ countries to tackle, reduce, and mitigate the
“House of Cards,” “Designated Survi- Clinical Dietitian (part-time), Peak Health Promotion, Materials and Meth- consequences of climate change. We all have
vor,” “Yellowstone.” “The West Wing” is Nutrition and Weight Loss in Apex. ods in Community Health Education, to participate, and that includes the U.S. We
an all-time favorite. PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: Personal and Community Health. should rejoin and lead the international com-
FAVORITE MOVIES: “The Sandlot” I was an Assistant Professor of Public WHAT ATTRACTEDYOUTOWES- munity with strategies to reduce our impact
(all-time favorite), “Coach Carter,” “Fac- Health Studies at Elon University from LEYAN: I’ve known for a long time that I on greenhouse gas emissions, while devel-
ing the Giants.” January 2017 to August 2018. wanted to teach at a small liberal arts col- oping clean technologies, fuel efficiency
FAVORITE MUSIC: Real country AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: Public lege. I enjoy getting to know my students standards, and industrial agriculture.
music! None of this new “country pop.” and that’s challenging at a larger institution.
Professor Macon Hammond Favorite Artists: Alan Jackson, Daryle YOUR TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: It Q. What other action would you like
Singletary, Keith Whitley. can be described as “leadership-centered.” to see theAmerican government—all
Macon Hammond FAVORITE CUISINE: Mama’s cook- Students must gain a solid understand- international leaders for that matter—take in
JOB TITLE: Visiting Instructor of Biology. ing…and any type of Italian food! ing of the subject matter, but that’s not response to climate change?
HOMETOWN: Clarkton, North Carolina. FAVORITETEAMS: Because of my role sufficient for developing critical-thinking
DEGREES EARNED: B.S. Exercise with the NCAA, I must remain neutral with and problem-solving skills. Skills mastery A. • Strengthen our Clean Water and
Science, NC Wesleyan; M.S., Kinesiol- college sports, but I love Major League requires that students ask questions, Clear Air acts
ogy with Exercise Physiology concentra- Baseball; I’m a huge Chicago Cubs fan. gather and interpret relevant data, identify • Permit the Environmental Protection
tion, East Carolina University. and leverage their resources, and develop Agency to take a more proactive role in
PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: Dr. Danielle Braxton Professor Danielle Braxton solutions by using creative thinking. risk assessment
Following my NCWC graduation, I JOB TITLE: Assistant Professor of • Support educational programs on the con-
taught one year of Earth/Environmental Health Promotion. Confident leaders achieve their goals sequences of livestock management and
Science and Physical Science at East HOMETOWN: Greenville. through their ability to unite and em- provide viable and realistic alternatives
Bladen High School in Elizabethtown. DEGREES EARNED: B.S., Biological power others. It’s more than knowing • Base decision-making on facts. Science
During my graduate studies at ECU, I Sciences with Nutrition concentration, all the answers. Confidence comes from is neutral
taught two years of Exercise Evaluation North Carolina State University; M.P.H. recognizing your personal and profes-
and Prescription to seniors. sional limits and applying your knowl- Q. As a father of young children, how
AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: Car- LEWIN from pg. 3 me becoming a competitive player. But then edge and skills to solve different types concerned are you about the world we’re
diovascular physiology, cardiovascular Q. How many new players did NCWC again, they did put a ball in my crib. of problems. I hope to create confident leaving them?
disease risk factors, exercise prescrip- bring to campus this fall? What percentage students by providing them with a safe
tion, exercise evaluation. were internationals? Q. Talk about your pro career. space to practice their skills and take A. I am concerned, but I know we can
COURSESYOU EXPECTTOTEACH A. I played four years for a modest Israeli risks without the fear of failure. do better. We have the tools and technol-
AT WESLEYAN: Life Science (BIO A. We brought in 13 new players, about club. I had an incredible experience. I still go ogy to leave a sustainable future. Each of
101), Life Science Laboratory (BIO 102), one-third of them American, and two-thirds back to the same city and can get a few free In class, I rely on discussions about us has to do his or her part.
Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 231). international. coffees or ice creams in the cafes. Besides that, controversial topics as well as exam
WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO WES- it wasn't a very glamorous professional career. questions that require interpretation, BRANDT from pg 2
LEYAN: As a former student, I loved my Q. In recent years, Coach Taal attracted Q. How would describe your style of play? analysis and synthesis of multiple con- Now that she gets to do that for an
time at NCWC and the relationships I a number of athletes from Africa and Latin A. I was very aggressive with a lot of endur- cepts. I can’t overstate the importance entire campus, it’s hard to picture her
developed over my four years. With their America. Do you expect to recruit as many ance. I was not overly talented but had a very of effective oral and written communi- being any happier.
student-centered approach, Wesleyan’s players from the same places? What other new good tactical understanding of what the team cation. I strive to improve the student’s
first-class faculty and staff were always markets might you try to tap? needed and all the moving parts around me. general skills by assigning coursework In her free time, Brandt loves to make
willing to help to ensure my success. Q. What’s your single best memory that will require them to deliver pre- chili. “I love spicy food,” she said. “I guess
Now, as a faculty member, I approach A. I'm not overly concerned about coun- from your soccer career? sentations, write papers and respond to that’s the Texan in me.” She won the “Bean
my students in the same manner. It was try of origin, as long as the players are good A. I would say it was the derby game, my last short-answer exam questions and Brew Chili Cook Off” at the Rocky
impossible to turn down an offer, know- people who are committed to graduating and year as a pro.A"Derby" is when two teams from YOUR HOBBIES: Right now my Mount Mills in 2017, where she represents
ing that I would have the opportunity to becoming positive members of our program. the same city play each other. We hadn't had one “hobbies” are keeping up with my kiddos NCWC every year, and she won NCWC’s
impact students the way that so many in our city for decades because the teams were (ages 5 years and 19 months). When homecoming chili cookoff last year.
affected me during my time here. Q. Let’s turn to your background. You’re up and down in different leagues. The other team it’s possible, I want to join the Carolina
YOUR TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: pursuing a Ph.D. How do you balance was the bigger club, but we were better that year. Roller Derby and learn how to restore/ Brandt is a woman of deep faith, hav-
When designing my courses, I use a basic, coaching, teaching and your studies? We won towards the end of the season while we refinish old furniture. ing been involved at Church on the Rise
commonsense approach. Each course is were ascending and the other team was deterio- FAVORITETV SHOWS: I’m a huge over the years. She said that her moving to
rooted in accountability and responsibility A. Balance is really difficult. It’s a work-in- rating. It was really satisfying after a few years “Simpsons” fan! and I like “Breaking Bad,” Rocky Mount and joining Church on the
on the part of the student. I “preach” the progress for me. I would say it’s made easier of feeling like we were playing in their shadow. “Better Call Saul,” “American Horror Rise turned out to be a “God-Thing,” as it
importance of these qualities as they’re not because I’m engaged in my passions. I love From what I understand, this game has shifted Story,” and almost anything about true crime enabled her many opportunities to do mis-
only relevant to college careers, but the real soccer. I also love thinking about sport within the momentum of power within the city. FAVORITE MOVIES: “The Goonies,” sion work. Brandt fondly recalled several
world. As a former high school instructor, culture, and its broader significance (which Q. Which professional soccer teams and “Father of the Bride,” “Hocus Pocus,” all summer mission trips to Sri Lanka, where
I observed the pitfalls of public education, speaks to my research interests). At the same athletes do you follow and admire? of the Indiana Jones chronicles (except she taught Biblical counseling at a Bible
and the experience influenced my teaching time, being in the classroom feels quite natu- A. I watch any European league games the most recent one) and the “Back-to- institute run by one of her friends.
approach. If you ask my students, they ral, having done it for so many years at Mary- that I can. I don't really support a particular the-Future” trilogy.
would describe my courses—I hope––as land. It’s not quite like being on the field, but team, but keep track of coaches and their FAVORITE MUSICAL ARTISTS: Brandt says that her favorite sounds
excuse-free, energetic, engaging, and fun. it’s close. I'm really busy, but everything feels different philosophies and strategies. That's Too many and very eclectic! Elton John, are train whistles, wind rustling leaves,
After all, who says learning can’t be fun? bigger than me and really important. With that been a recent focus, trying to figure out Need to Breathe, Green Day, Billie Eilish, and the laughter of children. “They’re
YOUR HOBBIES: Sports! A former in mind, I feel lucky to be at a place where I what all the amazing coaches are doing. Shovels and Rope, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, like music to me,” she said.
NCWC student-athlete, I’m involved can be on the field and in the classroom. Q. What do you like to do outside of work? BANKS, KALEO, Lauren Hill, The Black
in NCAA baseball umpiring, and high A. I'm an avid runner. Keys, Sublime, Dave Matthews Band. And music is perhaps Brandt’s most
school basketball and football referee- Q. When did you become interested in soccer? Q. Let’s talk about some of your per- FAVORITE CUISINE: I’m always in the personal leisure-time activity. Though most
ing. If I’m not on campus, I’m on a field A. I've been playing for as long as I can sonal favorites: mood for Chinese food. would expect to find her behind a sound
or court somewhere on the East Coast! remember. My first word (in Hebrew) was • TV Show: “Succession.” FAVORITE SPORTS TEAMS: NCSU board rather than performing, Brandt was
"Ball.” I slept with a ball in my crib and bed (so • Movie: “The Big Lebowski.” (Go Wolfpack!). recently asked to join the Tar River Chorus.
I'm told). Around the world when kids are born, • Musical Artists: John Moreland, SOMETHING INTERESTING OR
one of the first things parents do is roll a ball out Sylvan Esso, and most things in between. SURPRISING ABOUT YOU: I’m a When asked about it, Brandt recalled
and teach the babies to play. My parents weren't • Social Media: I'm on Instagram private- first-generation college graduate and my the new experience with tears. She said that
very different, I suppose. I remember my dad ly, but nothing else. I deleted my Facebook. grandfather was in the Italian mafia. she had loved to sing as a child, but after
teaching me to dribble around sticks that he being abandoned by her husband to raise
had planted into the yard. My parents never her children alone, she never had time to
pushed me in any way or had any intention of do what she loved. Now her children are
grown, and the time she can afford to give
to praising the Lord with others in song has
“brought everything full circle.”
For a woman who has been through all
that Brandt has, it seems only fitting that
she be blessed so.