NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH Celebrating Summer 2021
65 Years (1956-2021)
ActOne Group
A Publication of North Carolina Wesleyan College
Honoring Our History.
Forming Our Future.
Summer 2021
Dear Wesleyan Community,
Dr. Evan D. Duff Most of us have heard the term, “There is light
Executive Editor at the end of the tunnel,” and there is probably
Crystal Hill not a time in our lives when we have wanted to
Assistant Editor see that light more than right now. For North
Stephen Mann Carolina Wesleyan College, this means a robust,
Contributors fall semester with events, social gatherings and
Troy Baranik the welcoming of spectators back to campus.
Jessica Brondyke
Michael Frye This fall, we are delighted to invite the
Dr. William Grattan community to return to campus for our annual
Dr. Jason Modlin kickoff event, Rock the Mount, on August 24.
Constance Sanderlin We welcome community vendors to campus to connect with our new incoming freshman and
Elliott Smith returning sophomores, juniors and seniors. This event is a joyous occasion for students to learn
Nadine Verner about all of the exceptional organizations in our community, including food providers, service
Donna Wheeler industries, places of worship, as well as banks and credit unions. We are also excited to enjoy
Photographers entertainment opportunities at The Dunn Center, athletic events and a special speaker series.
Michael Frye Mostly, we are particularly thrilled to be celebrating the College’s 65th Founding Anniversary
Dr. Carl Lewis ’00 this year. This is a very special and significant milestone for the College, that we look forward to
Stephen Mann sharing with the community on Monday, October 25.
OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT As always, we remain grateful to our generous donors and alumni who have continued to
Vice President of Advancement support Wesleyan over the years, especially over the last 15 months. The College has seen
Eddie Coats ’87 tremendous growth in giving, leading to new facilities, new scholarships and necessary
Director of External Affairs/Annual Giving renovations throughout campus. Your investment in North Carolina Wesleyan College supports
Mark Hinson our mission and vision.
Director of Alumni Relations
Charlie Long VISION
Project Manager & Special Assistant At North Carolina Wesleyan College, we provide students with opportunities to make
Donna Wheeler meaningful connections and learn through innovative teaching approaches. The distinctive
Coordinator of Donor Gifts & Information Wesleyan experience equips our graduates to make a positive impact on the world.
Amanda Cutchin
Executive Director, The Dunn Center Thank you to those who help us achieve that vision each and every day. We look forward
Sheila Martin to seeing you on campus very soon. In the meantime, stay up to date on the latest campus
Box Office Manager, The Dunn Center happenings at and follow us on our social media platforms to keep up with the latest
Ruby Keeter news on Wesleyan.
Box Office Assistant, The Dunn Center
Courtney Moss ’18 With gratitude,
Technical Engineer, The Dunn Center
Elic Gurganus
Art Curator, The Dunn Center
Greg Purcell
ON THE COVER Dr. Evan D. Duff
A tribute to the College’s upcoming
65th Founding Anniversary, to be
celebrated Monday, October 25, 2021.
Mission Statement
North Carolina Wesleyan College, a private
institution affiliated with the United Methodist
Church, prepares students for professional
advancement, lifelong learning and responsible
participation in their communities.
WesMagazine is published twice per year by the
Office of Marketing & Communication at North
Carolina Wesleyan College.
2 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
Career Development Expansion: ActOne Group 11 15
Spring ’21 Commencement
High School Drop-Out to Successful Graduate 17
NEW: Professional Development Certificates
Dr. Jay Quinan Retires After 35 Years
College Receives Silver Campus & COVID Conqueror Badge
RN to BSN Student Receives Daisy Award
Beyond the Wall
A Tribute to Tanisha Star Williams
MicroLab Projects Throughout Campus
Greek Life at Wesleyan
Chaplain Barry Drum Transitions From Staff to Faculty
YTI Connect - Pipeline to the Future
Campus Host Walk for Human Trafficking Awareness
A Inside Look: Indoor Sports & Education Facility
To Be Featured on National TV
A Space for the Community
NCAA Tennis Championships Held at ISEF
Student-Athletes Recognized
138 Honorees Named to USA South All-Academic Team
Spring Sports Wrap-ups
College Celebrates 65th Founding Anniversary
Ipocks Reflect on Then and Now
Dr. Samantha McAuliffe-Raynor ’05 - The Spirit of Wesleyan
DuWayne Gregory ’91 - Class Champion Spotlight
THE BISHOP FOOTPRINT • Brunswick • Manteo • Wilmington
• Durham • New Bern • Winston-Salem
With its main campus located in Rocky • Goldsboro • Raleigh
Mount, North Carolina Wesleyan College • Greenville • Washington
recently expanded its statewide footprint
to 10 satellite campuses for adult students. | 3
AcademicLife EXPANDED
Career Senior David Bolivar, a Business and Computer Information
Development Systems major, discusses career opportunities with Jessie
Langley, Associate Dean of Career Development & Leadership
offered to students
A ctOne Group is a global enterprise that provides “Service with impact is a blessing…to the giver as much as to the
employment, workforce management and procurement receiver. The executives of ActOne Group are honored to make an
solutions to a wide range of industries, Fortune 500 impact on the lives of NCWC students and the Nash/Edgecombe
organizations, local and mid-market companies, and government community. We are committed to developing talent at the student
agencies. Started in 1978 by Founder
and CEO, Janice Bryant Howroyd, level and preparing graduating seniors
ActOne operates in 19 countries for professional lives beyond learning
with over 17,000 clients and 2,600 institutions. We know that the work we
employees worldwide. It is the largest privately-held, woman and do across the globe is instrumental in
minority owned workforce management company in the U.S. helping people to reach their full potential and realize their dreams.
It is a privilege to be able to provide this valuable service to the
At no cost to the College, ActOne’s team of professionals will students of NCWC, especially under the leadership of President
work alongside NC Wesleyan’s Office of Career Development & Evan Duff and his team,” said
Leadership to enhance internships, career development and job Howroyd.
placement for Wesleyan students and graduates. The College will
allocate office space to the ActOne team so they can fully connect In addition, ActOne will also
with staff and provide students with hands-on career guidance
and advice. This partnership will provide students with access to a provide access to an online
fully-dedicated team of staffing professionals, career counselors,
talent advisors and trainers on campus. In addition, ActOne will library of training courses, skill
work with area organizations to meet their talent acquisition goals.
assessments and tutorials
Jessie Langley, Associate Dean of Career Development &
Leadership stated “I am excited to enhance our reach with that will benefit all students,
the business community, as well as students, thanks to this
new partnership. I look forward to working alongside ActOne regardless of their career
colleagues to empower students and recent graduates with
becoming fully engaged in their lifelong career planning and path. Students will work with
success. With Ms. Bryant Howroyd’s successful career and life
journey, I have no doubt that her organization’s team will continue the ActOne team of talent
her vision in a way that resonates well with our students and the
greater community.” advisors and counselors to
develop leadership skills and
gain insight into a variety of
professions. As an added Janice Bryant Howroyd
benefit to NCWC students, Founder and CEO, ActOne Group
ActOne will provide two to
four internships per year, allowing students to gain experience in
customer service, recruiting, front office systems and database
4 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
On Saturday, May 1, North Carolina Wesleyan The commencement address Brandon P. Fleming, Spring 2021 Commencement Speaker
College held Spring Commencement at the was given by Mr. Brandon P.
Rocky Mount Event Center celebrating 300 Fleming, Assistant Coach of Fleming’s message to the graduates centered
graduates. This commemorated the College’s Debate at Harvard University, around overcoming failure, stating: “Failure
81st graduation. as well as Founder/CEO of the is not only necessary and inevitable, but it
Harvard Diversity Project. At is also one of our greatest gifts…it’s the gift
Due to current state COVID regulations, the the age of 26, he was recruited with the most promise. No matter what field
event was open to graduates, faculty, the to join the Harvard Debate you go into…your responsibility is to be a
platform party and four ticketed guests Council faculty after coaching servant leader. Failure promises us a gift that
per graduate. The state’s mask mandate The Ron Clark Academy money can’t buy– that is the gift of empathy.
and social distancing safety precautions middle school debate team Empathy changes people more than
were observed. Of the 300 total graduates, in a high school tournament information ever will. God does not call those
there were 27 international graduates to an unprecedented, who are qualified, but he qualifies those
from 16 countries: Argentina, Columbia, undefeated record. As one whom he calls. When you fail, my earnest
Czech Republic, France, Israel, Italy, Mexico, of Ron Clark’s “Master Educators,” he also hope and my deepest desire is that you will
Morocco, Nepal, Portugal, Rwanda, Saint trained over 30,000 educators worldwide fail forward.”
Lucia, South Korea, Spain, United Kingdom on best practices in education. Fleming has
and Venezuela. received numerous awards for his work in
education and social entrepreneurship.
“While commencement is always a special Notably making history as an elected
time for graduates, this graduation shines a speaker for the inaugural International Day
little brighter because it is the first time since of Education at the United Nations General
2019 that we have been able to celebrate our Assembly. He was also named to the 2020
graduates with family and friends present. Forbes 30 Under 30 list and recognized by
The Rocky Mount Event Center provides The Root Magazine as one of the top 100
substantial space to allow up to four guests influential African-Americans in the United
per graduate, while following current state States.
guidelines, and we are extremely grateful for
that,” stated President Dr. Evan D. Duff.
NC Wesleyan graduates have shown the effects of determination, with Carolina Wesleyan College’s Adult & Professional Studies program—
failure not being an option. In particular, NCWC adult studies student New Bern campus.
and high school drop-out, Shataura Blount, has
made tremendous strides in recent years, earning Shataura had to face the struggles of working full-
three degrees and a professional certification that time, raising her kids and taking classes on top of
will allow her to pursue her goals. whatever else life wanted to throw at her. Shataura
remembered many days when she would sit in class
As a high school senior, pregnant with her first or in front of her computer screen with so much
child and with other things on her mind than doubt in her mind, telling herself she couldn’t do this.
education, Shataura dropped out of school in
2007. Two years later, she realized an education “I would have to say that even though the classes NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE
was necessary if she wanted to progress and were very challenging and fast paced, I liked the fact
succeed in life. So, she went back to school at that I could take an 8-week class and then move to
Lenoir Community College and obtained her the next,” Shataura said.
GED.“I wasn’t always sure what I wanted to do
with my life, but I knew I always wanted to help Shataura Blount ’21 Shataura plans to start her own business. Her goal
people,” Shataura stated. She also went on to is to own rental properties and become a landlord.
obtain an associate degree in medical office “I want to help provide services to people who may
administration at Craven Community College. be struggling, giving people of low income a chance
to stay in decent homes without the steep expense”
After working many jobs over the next several stated Shataura.
years, she realized she had to further her
education in order to secure the kind of job she Shataura and all of NC Wesleyan graduates
desired. So, once again she headed back to school, this time to obtain have triumphed through this challenging but rewarding time.
her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration through North Congratulations to all of our 2021 graduates! | 5
AcademicLife North Carolina Wesleyan College is now obtain a promotion. Some may also pursue specific credentials in executive leadership,
offering three new certificate programs the courses for personal growth, licensing healthcare or human resources. These
in Executive Leadership, Healthcare requirements or to modernize an older programs hone in on practical skills that
Administration and Human Resource degree with content directly relatable to the can yield expanded opportunities for those
Management. job market. The certificate courses are 100% looking to advance in their current industry
online with multiple start dates, students can or gain knowledge in a new industry. With
The purpose of these certificates is to assist finish in as little as four to six months and they responsive faculty, these programs are
business professionals, who may or may can count toward a degree. highly interactive and are suited for any type
not have a degree, develop specific skills of student,” stated Dr. Molly Wyatt, Interim
to improve their resume, increase their “We are excited to offer these certificate Provost.
income, transition to a new industry or programs to those seeking industry or skill-
Dr. Jay Quinan earned his B.A. from Siena leadership honor society, presence at conferences
College, a M.S. from Rensselaer Polytechnic in 2016. Dr. Quinan
Institute and his Ph.D. from the University of was recently granted and workshops. He has
Georgia. He joined North Carolina Wesleyan the status of Professor
College faculty in 1986. Dr. Quinan has enjoyed Emeritus of Psychology. taught generations of
teaching a variety of courses at Wesleyan
throughout his time at the College. His “I especially enjoyed the students, sat in hundreds
favorite courses are Drugs and Behavior, a opportunity to work with
course which he developed and added to the students individually or of hours of committee
curriculum, and Senior Seminar in Psychology. in small classes. I learned
about their interests and meetings, suggesting if
Dr. Quinan has received many awards during activities and enjoyed
his tenure, including the 1999-2000 Jefferson- helping them achieve nothing else an intestinal
Pilot Professorship, the College’s highest their academic and
honor for a faculty member. He received the professional goals,” stated fortitude beyond measure,
Exemplary Teacher of the Year Award in 1993 Dr. Quinan.
and 2018. He is a member of, and served all while still finding time
as Faculty Advisor for, the North Carolina Dr. Quinan’s colleague, Dr. Chad Ross,
Wesleyan College chapters of Psi Chi and Pi expressed that Dr. Quinan is “intellectually to participate in honors
Gamma Mu Honor Societies. He is also a driven by his research interests in cognitive
member of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. He development, drugs and behavior. He has societies for the students.
was inducted into North Carolina Wesleyan’s become an important member of his field,
circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the national with published contributions and an active Dr. Quinan is much more
than a familiar face around
Dr. Jay Quinan campus. It will be strange to
not see him here every day.
He is the soul of Wesleyan,
and an example of scholarship, service and
dedication to undergraduate education that
few can live up to. He will enter a well-earned
retirement and leave behind an institution
that owes him a great deal of thanks and
North Carolina Wesleyan College is one of adaptations to physical activity programming Conqueror’ badge for adapting our physical
only 153 colleges and universities around the during the COVID-19 pandemic. activity promotion and programming to
world to be honored by Exercise is Medicine® the unique environment of the COVID-19
for its efforts to create a culture of wellness on EIM-OC calls upon universities and colleges pandemic. This distinction illustrates the
campus. Programs and promotions such as to promote physical activity as a vital sign resolve of our students, faculty, staff and
the physically active, virtual scavenger hunt, of health and encourages faculty, staff administration to continue to prioritize a
the Exercise is Medicine® on Campus (EIM-OC) and students to work together to improve culture of physical activity and wellness
Mascot Challenge and other campus wellness the health and well-being of the campus on campus, even during the challenges of
initiatives helped NCWC earn Silver level community. the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Shannon
from the EIM-OC program for the second year Crowley, EIM-OC advisor.
in a row. NC Wesleyan also obtained EIM’s “We are excited to have received the EIM-
COVID Conqueror badge, a new honor given OC Silver distinction for the second year in
to campuses that demonstrated creative a row, and to be recognized with a ‘COVID
6 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
DAISY Beyond The Wall
PARTNERSHIP: Cody Fogleman ’21
Stephanie Promish, a student in the A spring 2021 graduate from Randleman, NC,Cody Fogleman
majored in Mathematics and minored in Computer Information
RN to BSN program at North Carolina Systems (CIS). During his fall semester, Cody found himself very
busy working as a campus peer tutor, athlete on the baseball team
Wesleyan College, was honored with and completing an engineering internship.
Cody started his internship in February 2021 at Butterfields
The DAISY Award® for Extraordinary Candy in Nashville, NC. He was a mechanical engineer intern that
focused on the operation and maintenance of a vertical packaging
Nursing Students (The DAISY Stephanie Promish ’22 machine, which packaged candy into weighted plastic bags, and a
Award). Ms. Promish, who works as a RN to BSN DAISY Award® Winner flow wrapper, that wrapped the candy individually.
Registered Nurse at Cherry Hospital Cody noted the “industry requires caution around cleanliness,
especially during the pandemic. Cleanliness was intensified due
in Goldsboro, received a surprise visit at the hospital from program to COVID-19. Washing your hands more was a main focus.” Cody
expressed that they actually
faculty on Monday, May 10. She is the first recipient at NC Wesleyan completed an order that was
related to COVID, where he
since the inception of the College’s new partnership with The DAISY and the team made candy
that was the same color, but
Foundation. different flavors.
Cody stated that he “enjoyed
This award is part of The DAISY the small business aspect
Foundation’s mission to express and getting to know the other
gratitude to nurses with programs employees. It was a great
that recognize them for the learning experience for an
extraordinary, compassionate and internship.” He is currently
skillful care they provide patients and families. The DAISY Foundation working near his hometown
expanded its flagship brand The DAISY Award for Extraordinary at Technimark. In the fall,
Nurses to Academic Institutions in order to recognize the faculty who Cody plans to enroll at North
inspire compassionate care in their students and the students who Carolina A&T in Greensboro,
demonstrate it during their education. to pursue his Master’s Degree
in Mechanical Engineering.
The award recognizes nursing students who exemplify: | 7
• Caring: Demonstrating extraordinary compassionate care of
patients and their families.
• Advocating: Going above and beyond and serving as a voice for
the patient’s needs or wants.
• Leading: Being an extraordinary team member, demonstrating
professionalism and outstanding clinical skills. Working with
peers to improve the nursing profession and patient care.
“On behalf of NC Wesleyan’s partnership with The DAISY Foundation, NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE
we are proud to honor Ms. Stephanie Promish with the distinguished
DAISY Award for an Extraordinary Nursing Student. Stephanie exudes
compassionate care in her nursing studies and advocates for those
whom she serves in her profession and community,” stated Dr.
Brittany Bass, Director of Wesleyan’s RN to BSN Program. “Stephanie
is the epitome of what a nurse leader stands for, demonstrating
professionalism and outstanding clinical skills. We look forward to the
impact she will make on the nursing profession and improving the
health outcomes of those she serves in her community.”
“The RN to BSN program at NC Wesleyan College has been rewarding,
both academically, as well as professionally. The faculty have been
so helpful and supportive throughout this whole experience. It’s
obvious they want nothing but success for the students in the RN to
BSN program,” stated Promish. “I’m humbled to receive an award
that is widely recognized and respected. I hope to continue making a
difference in the lives of others as I continue to grow and learn not only
as a nurse, but as an individual as well.”
StudentLife Mofoththeer
The story of
Tanisha Star Williams
On April 13, North Carolina Wesleyan College recognized over 30 at the Hartness Student Center. Tanisha Star Williams was a fall 2019
student leaders for their service to the College community through graduate from Goldsboro, NC. During her time at the Hartness Student
participation in various extra-curricular activities. Engagement in Center, she quickly became more than a student associate— she was
these activities is important to Wesleyan students’ overall growth someone who poured her heart and soul into the Hartness Center. Her
and success. Participation increases their sense of belonging and friends and co-workers referred to her as the “Mother of the Hartness
likelihood of academic success and persistence. Even during a Center” because of her passion for her work and the students it served.
pandemic, the College was able to offer many safe opportunities for It was evident that Tanisha cared not just about the Hartness Center, but
student engagement. At the Student Affairs Awards Ceremony, NCWC about the quality of life the Hartness Center brought to students at the
recognized student leaders who went above and beyond in their College. One of her co-workers said, “she was always in the Hartness—
service to the College in areas of Residence Life, Student Activities, she loved this place.” Elliott Smith, Director of Student Activities, said
International Student Services and Leadership Wesleyan. Students “when I arrived at the College and began supervising the Hartness
were acknowledged for their outstanding work as student associates Center, Tanisha was the one student I knew I could count on. She
in the Hartness Student Center and Taylor Recreation Center as well viewed her work not as a job, but as a service to the College. She was a
as for leadership in clubs, organizations, Student Government and great leader and mentor to many students.”
community service. This year saw several challenges due to COVID-19,
but student leaders rose to the occasion and provided quality, creative Upon graduation, Tanisha hoped to start a career and return to campus
leadership throughout the year. The College was thrilled to give them to serve in some capacity. On the evening of her commencement day,
proper recognition in-person at the awards ceremony. Tanisha was not feeling well and checked into a hospital. Following
tests, she learned that she had cancer. Tanisha battled hard and never
The College is blessed to have a vibrant work-study program which lost her faith. She said “God has a reason for this and doesn’t give you
allows students to serve the campus community in the Hartness something you can’t handle.” She battled with tenacity and grit, but
Student Center. Each year, the Student Activities department recognizes on January 7, 2021, Tanisha lost her fight with cancer. When the current
one of these students as the Hartness Associate of the Year. This year, Hartness Center staff with whom she had worked learned of her
the award was renamed to honor an alumnae who served four years passing, they wanted to do something to honor her memory. Former
8 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
co-worker Jaylen Browne ’21 shared “it’s important that her legacy
lives on because of how much she meant to us and this place.” Tanisha
was an outstanding student, person and leader on campus. NCWC is
honored to be able to continue her legacy of service. The Tanisha Star
Williams Award is now presented to the most outstanding Hartness
Center employee each year. This year, the award was given to the four
students who initiated this memorial recognition.
North Carolina Wesleyan College thanks the Williams family for First recipients of the Tanisha Star Williams award.
sharing Tanisha and allowing the College to honor her in this way. (L-R): Jaylen Browne ’21; Elena Duran ’22; Annick Umuzila ’21; Isaiah Johnson ’22
Tanisha’s legacy of service, mentorship and leadership will always be
remembered and will serve as a benchmark for future student leaders.
Funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and hall, the Hartness Student Center and the the spaces being utilized frequently,” stated
Economic Security (CARES) Act has allowed Hardee’s Student Union. These labs benefit Greg Boykin, Director of Information Systems.
NCWC to support its students and expenses students by providing them with an inviting NC Wesleyan’s Information Systems
as it relates to COVID-19. Most recently, CARES place to access study space, computers and department has made several upgrades to
Act funding has provided the College with the printing. Furniture has been installed, as well expand connectivity options as well. These
means necessary to upgrade IT infrastructure as new Dell Optiplex computer workstations. improvements allow the College to deliver
across campus, including residence halls. technology resources through multiple paths,
“These improvements even in the event of equipment failures,
In conjunction with Dr. are directly helping natural disasters and a global pandemic.
Jason Modlin (Dean students now, giving These initiatives include classroom-focused
of Students), Stephen them options outside upgrades using Apple Airplay and Miracast
Burrell (Director of of the library while technologies to allow wireless connectivity
Residence Life) and a COVID protocols are in from tablets and laptops, fiber optic designs
student committee, NC place, but will also help which create redundant pathways and
Wesleyan’s Information in the future. In talking improved connectivity, and the use of cloud
Systems staff solicited with students, we see platforms for several services, which provides
ideas and feedback this as a long-term primary and secondary resiliency.
about the way students benefit beyond COVID
work and their current computing needs. As a by allowing more convenient options to access The College continues to explore other options
result, The MicroLab Project was developed to these resources, both in residence halls and that allow students to pursue a seamless
provide small computer labs in each residence student centers. It’s encouraging to already see educational experience.
NCWC is home to three active Greek organizations: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and Delta Phi Epsilon
Sorority. These three form the Greek Council, the governing body for Greek Life on campus. The Council encourages cooperation
among Greek organizations, promotes academic achievement, identifies and encourages positive and constructive behavior, and
ensures the efficient operation of Greek organizations.
There are similarities between Greek and other student organizations, but two characteristics distinguish Greek organizations. First,
they are founded on a set of values. The values set by each organization provide a common experience for all members and help new
members have instant connections with current members. Second, membership in a Greek organization is a lifetime commitment.
Once initiated, members are expected to maintain involvement for the rest of their lives.
Greek members gain many life skills and experiences. Greek Life provides opportunities for students to be involved in campus leadership positions and learning
experiences beyond the classroom. Members engage in community service, planning social functions and scholarship opportunities. Greek Life also supports
students in their academic pursuits and sets accountability standards for achievement. Each organization has GPA requirements to join and retain membership.
Additionally, the Greek Council has a 2.5 GPA requirement for all active members to have voting rights and privileges within the Council.
NCWC’s Greek Life Coordinator is working to expand the program by reactivating and chartering new chapters on campus. With alumni, graduate members,
regional and corporate offices, the College looks forward to offering a wide array of organizations for students. Greek organizations contribute to the College
and local community in many ways through encouraging civic participation, educational programming and community service.
As the Greek Life program grows, new ways to connect the College and local community will continue to be explored. | 9
SSttuuddeennttLLiiffee ARETHA 3:16
Although non-canonical, this scripture (Aretha 3:16) has long been tremendous grief and shock, the College community came together to
influential in the work of the Rev. Dr. Barry Drum during his service at support one another. Students, administrators and Dr. Drum convened
North Carolina Wesleyan College as Chaplain. “As Aretha Franklin’s in the Blue and Gold dining hall immediately following the accident,
powerful voice rings through the decades, find out what R.E.S.P.E.C.T. staying up until 2 a.m. comforting one another, praying, singing and
means and live it out,” stated Drum. In the fall 2021 semester, Dr. Drum praising God. “It was the most unified I have ever seen our campus,”
will transition to full-time faculty, relinquishing the title of Chaplain, a shared Dr. Drum.
role he has filled in some capacity since 2003.
Students have always been at the heart of Dr. Drum’s service as
In reflecting on his time as Chaplain, Dr. Drum repeatedly noted the Chaplain. He could be seen frequently attending Bishop athletic
need to respect others and their viewpoints, even when they differed events, student activities, and other student hangouts. He has also
from his own strongly held beliefs. While serving
on a campus related by faith to the United served as team Chaplain to many of NCWC’s
Methodist Church, Dr. Drum counts among his athletic programs over the years. One of his
experiences the pleasure of serving students favorite memories is baptizing football players
of other faith backgrounds, including Muslim in the College fountain. He follows many alumni
and Hindu, and even students with no faith on social media and is excited when they are
backgrounds. “I’ve always felt the need to listen successful in their personal and career pursuits. In
to and respect you even if I don’t agree with you”, reflecting on alumni, he stated “there’s no limit to
stated Dr. Drum. what our graduates can accomplish.”
Dr. Drum began his service to the College in fall Rev. Dr. Barry Drum When asked what he will miss most about being
2000 as an adjunct professor. In spring 2003, he Chaplain, Dr. Drum noted: “feeling that I’ve had a
added part-time Chaplain to his responsibilities positive impact in the life of a student, especially in
and assumed the full-time Chaplaincy in spring a culture that can be hostile to the Christian faith.”
2005. As a servant on a college campus, Dr. Drum’s It is student success that drives him and, in his
greatest passion is teaching, whether in the words, is “what gets me out of bed in the morning.”
classroom, the Leon Russell Chapel or wherever He noted many rich experiences during his time as
he has an audience. Dr. Drum taught classes Chaplain, from sharing a commencement platform
in some capacity during his entire tenure as with Martin Luther King, III and U.S. Senators
Chaplain. He acknowledges that the most notable Richard Burr and Kay Hagan, to hosting ‘BBQ,
learning occurs when you “get out of your box communion and foot-washing’ with students. In
and are willing to listen” to other perspectives. A reflection, he said “I’ve been blessed to do
rewarding moment as Chaplain was having a Muslim alumnus return what I do.”
to speak to one of his religion classes. Experiencing the diversity of our
students has been an enriching experience for Dr. Drum. His time as Chaplain has been marked by a devotion to his God and
a dedication to respecting and listening to his students. With due
Being Chaplain has also had its challenges. Recalling the March 21, respect to Aretha, Jesus’ commands found in Mark 12:30-31 are an apt
2016 loss of four treasured students, Dr. Drum noted that “the College’s summation of Dr. Drum’s tenure as Chaplain – “love the Lord your God
most tragic hour became one of our finest hours.” In the midst of and love your neighbor as yourself.”
10 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
Do you recall how you selected your college or landed that first job? Effects, a nonprofit organization
NCWC students Eli Moore ’23 and Natalie Larson ’21 certainly do! Eli dedicated to providing support
attended Connect YTI (Youth Theology Institute) as a senior in high and guidance to residents of
school in 2018. While attending the summer program, he was amazed Nash and Edgecombe counties.
and overwhelmed by the loving community he found at NCWC, Natalie immediately embraced
noting that the experience at Connect YTI was different from any other the passionate energy and loving
camp he had attended. His greatest highlight was that he found an spirit of Pastor Spivey, and this
inclusive and diverse community centered on one common passion: connection opened the door
Jesus. During this time, Eli was also considering his options for higher for Natalie to land an internship
education. He had been uncertain as to where he should attend, but as a public affairs assistant at
after experiencing Connect YTI, Ripple Effects during the spring
he was certain that NCWC would 2021 semester. This internship, Natalie Larson ’21
in turn, led to a full-time position
be his college home. Eli began his
studies at NCWC in the fall of 2019. for Natalie as the Case Manager at
This summer, he will pay it forward Ripple Effects. In this role, she will continue to serve the Rocky Mount
as he serves with the Connect YTI community as a proud NCWC alumnae.
team as the photographer and Eli’s and Natalie’s experiences are not unique. Connect YTI is truly
a transformational experience for both the high school student
media coordinator. Eli recognizes participants and the college student mentors. Connect YTI is a
Christian program hosted on the campus of NCWC. Students study
that, for him, Connect YTI has been theological themes with college professors, learn about local leaders,
serve the community, and engage in spiritual practices to encourage
a “life-changing experience”, and personal growth and strengthen their faith. Connect is part of the
Youth Theology Network and, along with YTI programs across the
he is excited to give back to the USA, is funded by the Lily Endowment. High school students who
participate are able to experience what NCWC has to offer regarding
program by mentoring high school Eli Moore ’23 community and spiritual life while engaging with college faculty and
students. staff. While fostering personal spiritual exploration, Connect YTI can
also lead students to their future college, their future career, or both!
Natalie began working with Connect YTI during her sophomore year For more information about Connect YTI, contact Jessica Brondyke,
at NCWC. Hailing from Colorado, Natalie had previously served as a YTI Program Administrator, at [email protected].
mentor to high school students and realized that serving others was
a spiritually uplifting experience. Desiring to have that experience
again led her to join the Connect YTI team while a student at NCWC.
During the same year that Natalie served as a mentor, Pastor Keisha
Spivey of Rise Church served with the Connect YTI staff as the
Mentorship Director. During this time, Pastor Spivey began Ripple
North Carolina Wesleyan College partnered that 14,500-17,500 children, teens and women are trafficked into the NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE
with JOY International and their mission to United States each year.
rescue, restore and reintegrate children, teens
and women affected by human trafficking The NC Wesleyan Barefoot Mile was hosted by Refuge Campus
around the world. On Saturday, April 10, the Ministries, in partnership with JOY International, BraceChange and
College hosted its first NC Wesleyan Barefoot PATCH, Inc. Due to COVID-19 precautions, this year’s on-campus event
Mile fundraiser where faculty, staff and students was limited solely to NC Wesleyan students, faculty and staff; however,
walked to raise awareness of the effects of human trafficking. The event community members were invited to sign up to walk virtually.
was organized by then NC Wesleyan senior, Natalie Larson.
JOY International is a nonprofit organization based in Conifer, Colorado
that has helped over 2,000 children, teens and women. JOY works
closely with law enforcement to find, persecute and prevent sex
traffickers around the world. After a rescue, those affected are placed in
carefully selected and equipped homes to help promote healing and a
positive future.
Human trafficking is the fastest growing and second largest crime NCWC faculty, staff and students walk for human trafficking
internationally. Globally, two million children are targeted and exploited
each year in this $150 billion-dollar industry. While this is a worldwide
issue, it occurs locally as well. The U.S. Department of State estimates | 11
An Inside Look:
Indoor Sports &
Education Facility
The new Indoor Sports & Education Facility is a unique space
fostering community connection, academic enrichment and
enhanced athletic experiences. The College will soon begin
utilizing the facility, providing public tours and making this
space available to the community for reservation. The facility
is officially set to open this fall.
For more information or to schedule a tour, contact Albie
Brice, Head Tennis Coach of North Carolina Wesleyan College
at [email protected].
Indoor Squash Courts
Tennis Complex and Indoor Sports
& Education Facility (ISEF)
Exercise Science Lab
12 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
On the Horizon:
“World’s Greatest” TV Feature
This past June, North Carolina Wesleyan College’s Indoor Sports
& Education Facility was chosen by Broadwell Air Domes to
be featured with them in a national television show, “World’s
Greatest.” Broadwell Air Domes, the engineering and production
company of NCWC’s dome, was selected and able to pick a recent
project to be included in the episode.
On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, Cam Cameron (Chief Sales Officer/
CEO), alongside colleague and brother, Austin Cameron (Vice
President/Chief Global Strategy), flew to North Carolina for the
filming. The episode is set to air this coming fall.
A Space for the
A great space to learn! Peacemakers of Rocky
Mount, a non-profit Christian community
development organization, recently was able to
visit the space with their Freedom School scholars.
The group participated in an instructional session
and learned about tennis and non-traditional
sports such as squash and pickle ball.
NCWC Hosts “It is really special to see the community’s investment into NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE
the College and Coach Albie Brice’s efforts putting this facility
The 2021 NCAA Division III together over the last few years paying off in a big way just as
Tennis Championships the facility opens,” stated NC Wesleyan Athletic Director, Aaron
Denton. “Anonymous donors, along with contributions and
NC Wesleyan College hosted the first few rounds of the 2021 partnerships with Nash County Travel and Tourism, provided an
NCAA DIII men’s and women’s national tennis championships on opportunity for the College to build this facility that will impact
campus mid-May in the Slick Family Tennis Center at the Vernon many far beyond the serpentine walls of campus.”
T. Bradley, Jr. Tennis Complex and in the newly minted Indoor
Sports & Education Facility. The Bishop men and women both
captured the 2021 USA South Championships in the same venue,
with the men earning their 12th straight title and the women
earning their 3rd straight championship.
The NCAA tournament regionals came to NC Wesleyan for
the first time in the College’s history, due largely in part to the
addition of the ISEF. The new facility features four indoor tennis
courts, in addition to a bevy of features including squash courts,
sports performance facilities, exercise science classrooms
and space for expansion. The entire facility now features the
availability of 16 total courts, which was a key component of
landing the tournament. | 13
Brad Pennington, leader and captain of the baseball A li Cucinotta, women’s lacrosse captain, was
team, majored in Business Administration and named to the USA South All-Academic Team
maintained a 3.5 GPA. During his time, the program all four years. Majoring in Communications and
won the USA South East Division Championship Cinema Media Arts with a 3.86 GPA, she led her
and qualified for the NCAA Championship. The All- team in goals (44), assists (16), points (60), ground
Conference and All-South Region catcher was named balls (40), draw controls (55), caused turnovers (16)
to the USA South All-Academic Team four of his five and shots (94) in the 2021 season. She holds the
years and led the team in hits, average, fielding percentage, RBIs, home school career record in goals (195), assists (49), points (244), ground
runs, doubles and total bases. balls (206), draw controls (325), caused turnovers (98) and set the
A May 2020 graduate, he is currently enrolled in NCWC’s MBA program school’s single game goal record (11).
and set to graduate August 2021. A May 2021 graduate, she is currently in Costa Rica mentoring
high school women athletes at a leadership academy. She is also
FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR nominated for the NCAA Woman of the Year award.
Beth Braswell, team leader and dominant pitcher SABISTON COURAGE AWARD WINNER
on the softball team, was named to the USA South
All-Academic Team her junior and senior seasons. Callie Cline graduated in May 2021 with a Bachelor
Majoring in Accounting and Computer Systems of Arts degree in Computer Information Systems
and maintaining a 3.4 GPA, she leads in wins (18), and Visual Arts. She was named to the USA South
strikeouts (157), innings (151), appearances (26), All-Academic Team three of four years, on the
complete games (19), ERA (1.43), home runs (4), RBIs President’s Honor List multiple times and is a
(31), on-base percentage (.389) and walks (20). two-time winner of the USA South Sportsmanship
Braswell was named team MVP (2018-2021); First Team All-Conference Award. Cline led the Lady Bishops volleyball team
(2019 & 2021); All-Atlantic Region Team (2021) and Pitcher of the Week to five wins this year, totaling 1,300 career digs. She totaled 81 kills,
(2019 & 2021). She tied the school record for season wins (18) and 143 digs and 18 blocks this season.
finished one strikeout shy of the school record (158). She has been Cline will go on to work as an Athletic Grad Assistant at Division II
nominated for the NCAA Woman of the Year award. Valdosta State University in Georgia.
The USA South Athletic Conference has released its 2020-2021 Academic All-Conference Team. This past season produced a record 1,755 honorees,
including 138 from NC Wesleyan College. A student-athlete must have earned a 3.30 GPA in each of the two semesters of a given year to be eligible. Any
student-athlete participating at any Conference institution is eligible thus the participant does not have to compete in a Conference-sponsored sport.
*Additionally, NCWC had 36 student-athletes earn at least a 3.90 GPA in each semester to achieve the All-Academic honor “With Distinction.”
NC Wesleyan College’s Honorees
Jhonny Acosta Mary Butler Dominique Giovannini Nikolas Megrichian Summer Phillips* Juan Suarez Flores
Ana Aguilar* Keaton Merck Trey Posilero Emily Sullivan
Ignacio Alia Manuela Cano Van Deer Meer* Madeline Graham* Joaquin Micheloni Augusta Preston Sophia Sweeney*
Orangel Alviarez Aguilar Franco Milivinti Roberto Puig Keorra Taylor
Alessio Arturia* Pedro Caratini Tristan Griffin Kayla Molivas* Mary Raynor Alec Titmus
Alissa Avery Nichole Mooney Alexis Reinert* Abby Todd
Kamree Barker Robert Casey Blaire Harley Tshepo Mosarwa Max Robinson Matteo Torchio
Sydney Barnwell Jonathan Motato Francisco Rodriguez* Kneciya Tripp
Victor Barrera Delgado Katelyn Clark Connor Hayes* Jackson Murray Agustín Rodriguez Rende Aydriyan Upchurch
Patricio Basta Brianna Myers Talitha Rowan Rolando Valladarez Cuestas*
Agustin Belgiorno Thomas Clark Nathanael Hibbs* Isabel Neall Michelle Sackey-Ansah Angel Vazquez Rojas
Teanna Bellamy Allison Newman Francisco Schmitt Andrea Vendrame
Mariah Berkovich* Matthew Clemmons* Kelsey Hutchison Cydney Nichols Zachary Scott Juan Vilches Paez
Karlee Bjurstrom Rafael Niederleytner Ripoll Michaela Seawell* Tomas Vizcaino
Ever Bonilla Callie Cline Augustine Ibuaka* Kenneth Nowell Haley Sheehan Brenden Vogel
Meredith Booth Madison O’Neill Chris Sielkowski Desiree Walker
Tobias Borzel* Lorenzo Cocchia Nadeem Jaber* Chandler Padgett Nadia Simmons Allison Wichrowski*
Justice Boyette Drifton Padgett Juan Simoniello Brandon Wilkes
Ashlynn Braswell Alexandra Cucinotta* Alicia Jacobs Maria Padron Loaiza* Empris Smith* Stefanie Wilske
Gonzalo Brodsky Rian Pecci-Young* Michael Smith Lucas Wittstatt
Alyssa Brookhart* Aazah Daniel* Chandler Jordan Gonzalo Pedraza Rodrigo Soto Gongora Luca Zallo*
Naniiya Brown* Bradley Pennington Madison Stace Giulia Zanetti
Samantha Butensky Mary Davis* Makayla Jordan Ignacio Perco* Jonathan Stallings Luis Zurita Jalil
Lucas Diez Lugo* Alayna Kavanaugh
Brayden Dixon Emily Ketchum*
Jeffrey Duncan Ivo Krpina
Augusto Fajardo Roca Jacob Kuykendall
Matteo Falcinelli Kimberly Lamm*
Andrea Fanzaga Ignacio Lander Ramirez
Fabio Felli Caitlin Leggett
Cody Fogleman* Deante Lucenti
Jordan Fransee* Austin Manley
Andrea Fringuelli* Ethan Martin*
Enzo Genovese Victoria Mayer
14 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
Spring Sports Wrap-ups
Baseball Wins East Division Championship Softball Falls in USA South Conference Title Game
The baseball team went 33-10 and 17-1 in conference this season to The Lady Bishop softball team went 20-17 this season and finished 2nd
win the East Division Championship before falling to LaGrange 2-1 in in the conference, losing 8-6 in the title game. They also won the East
conference championship series. They were ranked #17 in the nation in Division semifinal series with Pfeiffer, had their fourth 20-win season in
final DIII poll to qualify as a #3 seed for the Marietta, OH NCAA Regional the last six years and best tournament result since 1999. Senior pitcher
where they went 1-2 to finish 4th in the 6-team regional. They had the Beth Braswell led the team with an all-conference first team selection and
most wins in a season since 2006, and made the first NCAA tournament All-South Region award. The team also had three other ladies named to
appearance since 2009. Head Coach Greg Clifton won Coach of the All-Division Teams (Logan Winstead, Nichole Mooney and Meredith Mize).
Year in Conference and South Region while three players, catcher
Brad Pennington, pitcher Derrick Carter, and 2B Davie Morgan were all
named to All-South Region Teams. Wesleyan also had five other players
named All-Conference or All-Tournament this season as well.
Women’s Tennis Wins 3rd Straight Conference Championship Men’s Tennis Wins 12th Straight Conference Championship
The women’s tennis team went 10-7 this season, finishing the year The men’s tennis team went 21-3 this season, winning their 12th
nationally ranked (#39) for the first-time in the program’s history. They straight conference championship and finishing the season ranked
won their third straight conference championship, hosted an NCAA 9th in the nation. This was their third consecutive year they reached
regional, put two players on all-conference first team and had the the Sweet Sixteen in the NCAA Tournament. They hosted an NCAA
conference tournament MVP, Stefanie Wilske, who is also ranked #41 in regional and had two players (Jhonny Acosta & Juan Vallejo) selected
the nation and was USA Rookie of the Year. as National Players of the Week during the season. Three players
(Roberto Puig, JP Vallejo and Jhonny Acosta) went to the individual
national tournament and four were named to the all-conference and
all-tournament teams.
Men’s Soccer Wins East Division Championship NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE
The men’s soccer team went 5-1-2 for the season, with their second
straight East Division Championship. They lost in the conference
tournament semifinals, but had six First Team All-East Division selections
(Dom Giovannini, Jack Holden, Matteo Torchio, Andrea Fringuelli and
Abubacarr Fofana).
Women’s Soccer Women’s Basketball Wins East Division and Tournament
The women’s soccer team had two athletes named as Academic All-South The women’s basketball team went 15-1 this season, undefeated in
Region Scholars: Alicia Jacobs and Emily Ketchum. Both are Exercise Division III play (14-0), and East Division regular season and tournament
Science and Pre-Med majors with GPAs at 3.8 and 3.9, respectively. champs, with four 2nd team All-East division player selections (Myrayna
Watkins, Kayla Johnson, Cydney Nichols and Kayrisma Harrison).
Men’s Basketball Wins East Division Title
The men’s basketball team received the East Division regular season
title (8-2), having 11 wins overall. They lost the conference tournament
semifinals. However, Damon McDowell was named third team
All-American by Basketball Times and first team All-East Division.
The team also had two other Second Team All-East Division Selections. | 15
AdvancementLife A Place Still
It all started with a group of approximately Your belief in democracy and tolerance
100 Rocky Mount citizens. Their foresight, extended to everyone has become a
determination and financial backing goal for us to uphold while we organize
convinced members of the North and function in our different capacities.
Carolina Annual Conference of The United The tradition of persevering in the face
Methodist Church to help Rocky Mount of seemingly unsurmountable obstacles
meet the area’s need for higher education. and always retaining faith in the future
On May 14, 1956 the North Carolina Annual and honest effort has been a
Conference of The United Methodist stimulus for the students and
Church met in Goldsboro and approved a faculty of our college to exert
petition from the people of Rocky Mount themselves to their fullest to
to locate a four-year, liberal arts college in fulfill your dream and vision.”
their community. The first trustees were
elected and one of the first actions of the Board was to name Almost sixty-five years later, those sentiments still hold
the institution North Carolina Wesleyan College, in the tradition true. North Carolina Wesleyan College will celebrate its
of Methodist higher education that honors the founders of 65th year with its annual Founders’ Day on October 25,
Methodism, John and Charles Wesley. The College was officially 2021. “Our yearly Founders’ Day celebration pays tribute
chartered by the State of North Carolina on October 25, 1956. to our rich Methodist heritage, our liberal arts foundation
and the community who dedicated immense time and
In 1960, 92 students enrolled in the first class at North Carolina resources to make North Carolina Wesleyan College the
Wesleyan College. The first yearbook, North Carolina Wesleyan, institution it is today. We also acknowledge those who
was published in 1962 with a very moving dedication to the city are currently selfless with their guidance and financial
of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. contributions, raising our beautiful College to the next level,”
stated Dr. Evan D. Duff, President.
“The students of North Carolina Wesleyan College dedicate
this, the first annual to you—the citizens of Rocky Mount. In The 65th Founding Anniversary Celebration is scheduled for
the words of Bishop Paul N. Garber, you have dreamed the 5:30 p.m., Monday, October 25, 2021 in Minges Auditorium
dreams and seen the visions. Now, we trust, you are beginning of The Dunn Center. Dr. A. Hope Williams, President of North
to see the material substance of those dreams. As our Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities will be the
campus develops into a living reality, we, the students, offer featured speaker. The public is invited to attend.
our gratitude for the confidence in us which you have shown.
16 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
AdvancementLife IT ALL STARTED AT talks about his gratitude for Rachel Dix, who technologies at North Carolina Wesleyan, was
WESLEYAN hired him to work in the campus bookstore, named “CIS Student of the Year,” and worked
for passing along her knowledge of business internships both on and off campus before
According to a 2019 UNIVERSITYFOX article dealings, the value of good customer service graduating with high honors in 2018. He was
by Isaac Tabar, it is not that uncommon to and her caring spirit. immediately employed in the IT department
meet the love of your life while attending the at a regional medical facility and is doing quite
same college. In fact, it states that there is a “A few decades had passed since graduation, well. The value of Wesleyan’s small college
28% chance of finding your soulmate in the our marriage in December of 1991, and we atmosphere proved to be a tremendous
corridors of college. Although it’s unknown had settled in Rocky Mount with our two boys advantage to Nick, just as it had been nearly 30
the exact percentages over the decades, and good jobs. One day we get a friendly call years earlier for his parents.
North Carolina Wesleyan College
has numerous alumni couples When asked what the Ipocks see
listed among its database. Cathy
(Brummitt) ’92 and Adam F. Ipock ’91 happening on campus that gets them
are a great example!
excited about their alma mater, they
Before finding each other, they
were both attracted to North had several answers. “Flexibility!”
Carolina Wesleyan College! As they
considered their next steps after Adam replied as Cathy nodded her
graduation, the desire to find a
college offering smaller class sizes head in agreement. “I have watched
allowing for more individualized
attention from professors as well as how the College handled the
the opportunity to not be treated
like a number in the classroom was pandemic, making adjustments that
a priority. Since both of them had
grown up in Methodist-affiliated churches, the seemed impossible, yet somehow
knowledge of Wesleyan was prevalent and
attractive. Cathy, a Henderson native, states: they made them work! They never
“It [Wesleyan] was the only place I applied.”
And both agree that North Carolina Wesleyan gave up on putting the students first
was a great choice.
and making the “new normal” their
That individualized attention proved to be vital
in their respective quests for knowledge. Cathy focus to give them their education. As
has fond memories of Dr. Mary Lou Steed in
the Sociology Department. “She had the nicest alumni, we were proud of that effort
personality and her teaching methods were Adam F. Ipock ’91 & Cathy Brummitt Ipock ’92 and wanted to support them however
geared towards making sure we not only heard
the material being taught, but fully understood we could.” The Ipocks added a few
it.” She remembers that: “when I had office
time with Dr. Steed, it was all about me! She regarding a project at the College. Our friend other things like the increase in community
would give me all the attention in the world…
and not just focusing on classwork, but on my tells us about the proposed plans to renovate involvement, some of the new and relevant
life outside the classroom too. She genuinely
cared about me and all the students and the campus bookstore from top to bottom. It program offerings, and elevating athletic
wanted them to succeed.”
was long overdue and badly needed, but when facilities to draw more crowds to campus as
That attention to student success and life
preparedness was widespread. “I recall Mel we found out that they intended to rename the important strides they enjoy seeing developed.
Oliver, my Economics professor, having a
positive influence on me. He was not only my bookstore after Rachel Dix, we were hooked.” “We would encourage all alumni to come
mentor in economics, but with life lessons in Adam continued saying: “That sweet lady was to campus and check out what is going on,”
general,” explained Adam. “Mel was always so good to me that there was no way we could stated Cathy. “Come see for yourself the
open to talk about anything and shared what say “no” to contributing to the project. She opportunities these young students have and
he knew to help me become a better person. gave so much to me, that Cathy and I decided what Wesleyan is offering to them. Give what
He was certainly one of the nicest professors I that it was time for us to give something back.” you can … whether it is your time or money or
had during my time at Wesleyan!” Adam also
Realizing that it is never too late to give back both … to help Wesleyan give the students the
to your alma mater, Cathy and Adam made education they deserve. We find it rewarding
a commitment to each other to re-engage to help in some small way!”
with the College. “The donation to help with Adam chimed in adding: “A very wise man
the Rachel Dix Bookstore project was just the once told me that if you are blessed with more,
beginning for us.” Since that time, the Ipocks then you should give more and do more to
have found a variety of ways to contribute to help others. Cathy and I find that to be a true
North Carolina Wesleyan that don’t involve statement. We have been blessed by NC
monetary resources. They both volunteer Wesleyan, so we find ways to give back out of
at events on campus, speak to students and gratitude.”
classes, are ambassadors on the College’s
Board of Visitors, and attend athletic and The Ipocks look back on their time at Wesleyan
performing arts events on campus often. And with lots of fond memories like Homecoming
they have put their financial resources behind Week activities, the friendships they made and
an Endowed Scholarship to help the next the people who influenced their lives during
generation of students to succeed. that time. They acknowledge their receipt of
Speaking of next generation students, their a great education, but note that finding each
son Nick is now a Bishop alumnus as well. Nick other along the way just made it even better
studied Computer Information Systems (CIS) and more special!
18 WESmagazine | Summer 2021
An English major, Samantha McAuliffe- College family since her days as a student, list of your courses and professors, I’ll take
care of everything. I’ll ask them to give you
Raynor graduated from NCWC in 2005 with Samantha’s service and leadership to her alma incompletes which will give you a few weeks
at the start of next semester to complete your
her Bachelor of Arts degree. As a student, mater and fellow alumni has embodied the assignments. This way you can be with your
family.” I was so grateful to her for that. This
Samantha participated in cheerleading, the “spirit” of Wesleyan. is one of many, many stories of the Wesleyan
Family pulling together to help me and other
dance team, Sisters of Distinction, Wesleyan Although stepping down from her role on the students attending NCWC. This is what I loved
Players, Wesleyan Singers and the Student Alumni Board, North Carolina Wesleyan College about being a Battling Bishop – the opportunity
Government Association. will always hold a special place in Samantha’s to truly get to know your faculty, the staff and
administrators, and other students.”
After graduation, Samantha served as the heart. “There’s a story that encompasses the
Dr. Raynor completed her doctoral work in
Executive Assistant to the President and “spirit” of Wesleyan to me. Over Thanksgiving Higher Education Administration at The George
Washington University. She currently serves
Secretary to the Board of Trustees of NC break my senior year, my stepfather had an as Assistant Vice Provost for Strategic Student
Success Initiatives at the University of North
Wesleyan for five years. accident and was paralyzed from Carolina at Greensboro. “Now as a university
administrator myself, I have the distinct honor
During that time, she the chest down. When I returned to of serving students from similar backgrounds
as mine—those who are first in their families to
continued her studies at school, he was in ICU and we weren’t attend college and who come from low-income
families. I started my career in higher ed at
East Carolina University sure whether he would survive. Wesleyan mostly by happenstance. But I found
my passion and hope that through my work I
earning her Masters in Struggling with the reality that my am able to give back and create environments
where completing a college degree is a reality
English Literature. dad would never walk again, that for students like me.”
Samantha began serving both my parents were unable to
on the NC Wesleyan work, and that I wasn’t around to
Alumni Board in 2007 and help, made it very difficult for me to
served on the board until focus and prepare for final exams.
May 31, 2021. A dedicated My faculty advisor, and professor
for one of my courses at that time,
board member, Samantha Dr. Samantha McAuliffe-Raynor ’05 Dr. Vivienne Anderson, noticed
served as secretary
something was wrong. I explained the
for two years and as
situation to her and she looked at me saying
Alumni Board President for the past five years. simply, “Do you want to go home?” Of course!
Under her leadership, the Alumni Association “Exams start in just a few days,” I responded.
implemented several successful initiatives.
“Not for you they don’t. Go pack, send me a
A vital part of the North Carolina Wesleyan
Class Champion Spotlight
Graduating with a degree in Justice and Public Policy in 1991, DuWayne Gregory sincerely enjoyed his time as a Battling
Bishop. “What I loved about my time at NC Wesleyan was that it had a community vibe. The classroom sizes were small
enough that you could know all of your professors and all of the students in your classes. There was always something
going on to engage the students with activities.”
After leaving NC Wesleyan, Gregory, wanting to serve his country, enlisted in the United States Army as a Legal Specialist. DuWayne Gregory ’91 NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE
He later applied and was accepted to Officer Candidate School where he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in
Field Artillery. After serving five years and achieving the rank of First Lieutenant, Gregory decided to return home. “This
is when I picked up my interest in politics and became heavily involved.” Gregory’s involvement sparked a desire to run
for public office and in 2008, Gregory was elected in a special election as a County Legislator. He served in this capacity
for 11 years. “During my tenure as a County Legislator, I was elected by my peers as the first person of color to be Majority
Leader and Presiding Officer for the Suffolk County Legislature. I was the third longest serving Presiding Officer for one of
the largest counties in the country with a budget of $3.2 billion.” In 2020, Gregory began serving as a Councilman in the
Town of Babylon, New York.
Currently employed by the Town of Babylon, Gregory’s work-related awards include City and State Magazine New York State Color of Power List and the Long
Island Press Power List. Gregory, who enjoys golf, fishing and reading, serves on the Board of Director for Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services.
Other community service involvement includes organizing college tours for high school students, providing food for the needy, sponsoring clean up drives in
the community, as well as organizing voter registration and voter engagement campaigns during the election season.
DuWayne began serving his alma mater as a Class Champion in November 2020. When asked why he found it important to give back to NC Wesleyan,
Gregory stated, “I would like others to have a chance at the great experience I had at Wesleyan. I am what I am today because of that experience!” | 19
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