The Decree
since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.”
May 27, 2022
N O R T H C A R O L I N A W E S L E YA N C O L L E G E , R O C K Y M O U N T, N O R T H C A R O L I N A 2 7 8 0 4
Dr. Wyatt Completes Last Year as Provost, College Names Successor
Dr. Molly Wyatt has decided to his undergraduate degree from Miriah, 14. The family intends to live and accreditation. I opted to serve
step down from her current post as Hampton-Sydney College (Va.).and in northeast Raleigh, Dr. Lane said. Dr. Molly Wyatt Photo Tammy Harrell the institution in the last three years
interim provost and return to her his Ph.D. from Boston College. because I wanted to help provide
previous role in the administration. Dr. Wyatt, 45, arrived at Wesleyan (horses) and the U.S. Olympic Fencing continuity in academic affairs, as Dr.
“Wesleyan is an exciting in2006 as an assistant Team. I also had internships in radio Duff transitioned to the president’s role.
President Evan Duff praised institution on the rise,” Dr. Lane professor of sociology. In 2012, promotions and special events planning.
Dr. Wyatt’s efforts during the past said in an email. “It is uniquely she was named associate provost, I intended to get a job in my field Q. Describe a typical day for
three years. “She’s assumed many well-positioned to do very a post she held until 2019. somewhere in upstate New York. you as provost.
leadership roles when the university interesting work for students
needed her most,” he said. “And from a variety of backgrounds The Decree interviewed Dr. Wyatt Q. Then you worked in business A. There is no such thing as a typical
she’s done so without hesitation.” with many different reasons for in May for the following profile: for a year, at NEC and Barnes & day! Much of what I do is try to solve
entering higher education. I am Noble. What prompted you to apply problems—for faculty and students.
The president singled out her work thrilled to be in a position to advance Q. Describe the place where to graduate school in sociology?
during the 2019-2020 academic curricular innovation and community you were born and grew up? Q. Estimate the number of emails
year, when she served in two critical engagement for the university.” A. In March of 1999, my father you receive and send in a typical day.
roles, interim dean of students and A. I was born in Jamestown, died unexpectedly. At 22, I was
academic dean. “The trustees and I Dr. Lane noted that his parents New York, a small, rural town in reeling from his death and sought A. It depends on the time of
are grateful for her steady leadership and his brother and his family the southwestern corner of the state. to understand his life and how it year. Probably hundreds per week!
during this transitional time while live in Raleigh, while his in-laws When I was eight, we relocated to affected our family. He’d been a
overcoming the challenges of a reside in Wilson. “So, this move Albany, the state capital, after my recovering alcoholic for 18 years, Q. When a faculty member
global pandemic,” he said. brings us close to family,” he said. mom took a job with the state tax and his illness and recovery shaped moves from full-time teaching
and assessment office. quite a bit of our lives. Overcoming to administration, she invariably
Wesleyan has appointed Joseph The new provost is married to Dr. addiction is something that’s so must oversee and manage former
Lane as its new provost. He will take Julie Wilson, who served as professor Q. Tell us about your family. unfathomably difficult and so colleagues, some of whom are older,
office in June, and Dr. Wyatt will and chair of sociology at Emory A. I’m the youngest of my four profoundly impactful. It almost with longer tenures. How difficult
resume her post as associate provost. & Henry College, where both siblings. I have two older brothers and led me to go to graduate school in has it been for you to navigate this?
she and her husband once taught. an older sister. Both my parents came counseling for substance abuse. Have the power dynamics ever
Dr. Lane, 54, comes to Wesleyan More recently she was Bethany’s from working class backgrounds--my Instead, I chose a related field – become uncomfortable for you?
from Bethany College (W.Va.), Director of Corporate, Foundation mother’s heritage markedly British family studies/human development. I
where he served as provost and and Academic Grants. The couple and my father’s German and Swedish. went to the University of North Texas A. I see myself as a facilitator and
dean of the faculty. A political have two daughters--Grace, 16, and My parents met at Hobart and William to study that and also to be closer to not a manager. Faculty, as a corporate
scientist by training, he earned Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York. my oldest brother, who lived there body, should be self-governing and
My father was a political science major in Denton. While in my master’s there are many “management-like”
Wesleyan Profile: Graduating Senior who eventually went to law school program, I became interested in mechanisms in place. Very rarely
at Syracuse (around the same time demography and generational do issues escalate to me needing to
AJ Upchurch as Joe Biden did!), and my mother characteristics/influences. This led facilitate or interfere in faculty or
earned a degree in European history. me across town to Texas Woman’s student issues. I have relied heavily
By Caitlin Leggett In the 1980s, after my parents’ University where I applied to the on school chairs to work with faculty
Decree Staff Writer divorce, my mom went back to school Ph.D. program in sociology. and on student issues as a first line of
to get a computer science degree, response. They’ve all been fantastic at
With her psychedelic “You AJ Upchurch Photo courtesy C. Leggett which eventually qualified her for the Q. In grad school what was your this. I’ve seen us operating as a team.
Matter” hoodie pulled over her job in Albany. I’m the third female specialty area as far as research?
short haircut, AJ strolled into the much, so it was always about the in my family to earn a Ph.D. My Q. What’s the hardest type of
library with a guilty look on her quality time with us,” they said. aunt Judith Weise earned a Ph.D. in A. My Ph.D. program introduced decision you’ve needed to make
face. Knowing she was 11 minutes “We even had junk-food Fridays.” English from SUNY Binghamton and me to feminist literature and I actually in the past three years?
late, she admitted she had forgotten Growing up in a predominantly taught at Potsdam College for 30-plus spent the first couple years writing and
about our little interview session, Black and brown neighborhood, years. My sister, Beth Moeller, earned researching men and masculinity as a A. At times, students would
but her cheesy grin accentuating where AJ and their mom lacked a Ph.D. in rhetoric and technical sociology subfield. Post 9/11, and the come to me with impassioned
her shining septum nose piercing monetary wealth, they made up communication from Rensselaer Iraq War, I became very interested in appeals to overturn suspensions
was apology enough. Completing for it by being rich in love. For AJ Polytechnic Institute and has owned cultural characteristics of populations or personal conduct decisions.
the last year here at Wesleyan, I and their mom, this was a way to a web development business for and what caused conflict among them. It’s always hard to sit with an
know the struggle of “senioritis” bond and ensure they spent time 25 years. My brothers, both math For my dissertation, I focused on the emotional student while upholding
and that the motivation to do together eating chips, candy and majors at SUNY Potsdam, taught confluence of religiosity, biblical difficult, but important sanctions.
anything other than graduate all the things one shouldn’t have me everything I ever needed to know literalism, and political affiliation
is slim to none. At first glance, as a meal… for dinner. in high school to pass New York and how it impacted the re-elections Q. What have you learned about
one may mistake Aydriyan (AJ) state exams in math. They’re now a of Republican incumbent presidents yourself in the past three years?
Upchurch for a boy with her As AJ’s mom became more network engineer and a jazz guitarist. in 1984 and 2004.
androgynous style of dress and successful in her career as a Q. Describe a lasting memory A. Having peace is important.
faded haircut. Upon introductions, microbiologist working in labs to from childhood. Q. You joined the Wesleyan faculty Q. Why are you leaving
the mistake may be corrected by test medicine, plasma and more, A. My first concert was seeing in 2006 as an assistant professor of your post and returning to the
the sound of her voice but after a quality time became more and Melissa Manchester at the sociology. What attracted you to the associate provost position?
conversation or two, you may just more scarce. “By 11, my mom and Chautauqua Institution. college in the first place? A. The last three years have been
label her a question mark. The truth I stopped having Thanksgiving Q. What’s the most adversity more stressful than I think anyone
is, AJ is all these things. together because of her work…and you’ve faced in your life? A. I wanted to be at a teaching- could have predicted, not just for me,
Christmases were on and off,” they A. When I was 27, I was diagnosed focused institution in the Southeast. but for everyone. It’s most important
AJ’s pronouns are all of them. said. “I remember the first time with Lyme Disease. The disease and I applied for 46 positions the year I to me that I spend time doing what I
“I was 18 when I figured out that that, after a while, we did spend a its treatment caused some early-onset landed at NCWU. enjoy and contribute to the institution
I was nonbinary and pansexual,” holiday together. I cried because health challenges one might not in ways that will help. It was never
they said. “Nonbinary meaning I’m of how much I missed her.” Even expect in their 30s, such as chronic Q. What have you enjoyed most my goal to be the provost, but I
a human, not taking on any gender. with this, their mom remained a fatigue and autoimmune conditions. about teaching at Wesleyan? stepped into a leadership role during
Even the pronouns they and them pillar of importance in their life. Q. What kind of student were a transition time.
don't really resonate with me. I’m you in college, at Syracuse, and A. Building lasting Q. You husband, Ken, is a
just my name. As far as sexuality, Even still, they were not alone. what were your primary extra- relationships with students. professor at ECU. What’s the best
I’m pansexual which means I'm in AJs met their two half siblings from curricular activities/interests? part of having a spouse who works
love with a person’s soul. If y’all’s their dad at around the age of 10 so A. I was not the best student in Q. What prompted you to in academia? What’s the worst part?
souls resonate with the same energy strong bonds were formed there. college. I knew I was capable, but move into administration, first A. The best part is we can
then you're Gucci,” they said. They recalled aunts and uncles I struggled balancing the freedom as associate provost in 2012 and relate to each other’s industry—
whose policy was “Don’t ask, from being away from home with the then as interim vice president of academia is not a normal industry
AJ has known they were don’t tell,” but this didn’t stop AJ responsibilities and obligations of my academic affairs (2019-2020) and and it helps to have a spouse that
different for as long as they can and their mother from being their academic pursuits. I loved being at interim provost (2020-2022)? knows that. The worst part is
remember. Growing up in a single- most pure selves. “My mom was Syracuse, especially in the marching when I play devil’s advocate
parent household with a supportive always a live-laugh-love type of band where I played the baritone A. I felt like I could help the college
mom was helpful. However, person,” AJ said. “She wanted me horn for four years. I also joined the in broader ways. I never sought See WYATT pg 3
their dad wasn’t as present and to have fun and go for the things I sorority Tau Beta Sigma. I did do to be an executive-level officer of
easygoing as their mom. “He’s a well in my upper-level major classes the college, but I did want to lead Juan Vallejo and the men’s
gig-based musician,” they said. “He See UPCHURCH pg 2 and upon that success, I was eager to collaborative efforts to advance areas tennis team headed into the
was living his dream and truth, but continue toward graduate school. like advising, academic programs, NCAAs after winning their 13th
he wasn’t providing for his family. Q. As an undergrad, you majored consecutive conference title.
We had lots of fights and screaming in public relations. What were you See sports pages 4-6 SI photo
matches at the age of only 10.” planning to do with your degree as
AJ describes him as narcissistic in you prepared to graduate?
character which drove a wedge in A. I initially wanted to work in sports
their relationship at an early age. public relations. Between my junior
and senior year, I interned for Ed Lewi
With the strain of that Associates. This firm held accounts
relationship wearing on them, with the New York Racing Association
AJ was able to appreciate the
relationships they did have even
more. “My mom and I didn’t have
2 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 May 27, 2022
Greenville Student Overcomes Self-Doubts to Earn Degree
Alissa Cutler tried college right after important you’ll find me shopping to NC Wesleyan in the first place? administration for your major? Q. What was your favorite part
high school, but said it was not for her. at Target with my twin sister. Ha! A. It was the APS program that A. I majored in business for many of Wesleyan's APS program?
That was in 2005. Q. What was your motivation attracted me. The words "online reasons—for greater career path A. For sure it was the eight-week
“When I graduated high school for earning a bachelor's degree? classes" and "8-week courses" were opportunities; and I wanted to courses! I love, love, love them. I
I attempted college,” she recalled. like neon signs and I love a neon develop and refine my leadership, don’t have a lot of patience so I’m
“But I wasn’t ready. The timing A. If I wanted to advance at work moon. I liked the convenience and communication, and networking skills. grateful that I could speed right along.
wasn’t right for me, I wasn’t focused, and enjoy a certain lifestyle, I knew flexibility of the online classes.
and my priorities were not where I needed to earn my degree. When And I was able to graduate sooner Q. During the past two years, when Q. Who was your favorite
they needed to be. I was wasting I started back to school in 2018, since I could complete more and where did you do homework? teacher at NCWC?
time and my mama’s money (sorry, my intentions were to earn only credits each semester.
Mama!). So, I stopped attending my associate's degree. Then when I A. I typically did my homework A. It was Dr. Ammons. I’ve
and joined the workforce.” was about to finish at Edgecombe Q. Describe the transition from after work at my house or in my been in his classes a few times.
Thirteen years later, Cutler CC, I thought, "What's two the community college to Wesleyan. office on my lunch break. He pushed me out of my comfort
decided the time was right. The more years? Might as well keep zone and made me use my brain.
35-year-old Tarboro resident began going, right?” I then decided to A. I studied business Q. What was biggest obstacle My poor brain is still recovering.
to take classes at Edgecombe transfer to NC Wesleyan to earn administration at Edgecombe and you faced during your “educational
Community College and then in my bachelor's. It's safe to say history then transferred. It was a smooth journey” at Wesleyan? Q. How do you expect to use
fall 2020 continued her education repeats itself. This past January, I transition. When I think about my your degree?
by enrolling at the Greenville again thought, "What's one more transfer to Wesleyan, it was like I A. It was lucky in that my biggest
campus ofWesleyan’sAPS program. year?” So, I applied to grad school! I was swallowed up with a big bear hug obstacle was working full time A. I hope to advance at work.
Now she’s a college graduate with guess I’m a creature of habit. from a relative. That’s what comes to while taking classes as a full-time One day I want to become a
her sights set on enteringWesleyan’s mind. It was a warm welcome. student. I say this was an obstacle supervisor or a vice president.
MBAprogram next school year. Q. What in particular attracted you because there were times that I
The Decree interviewed Q. Why did you select business doubted myself. I feared I had bit Q. What was the most important
Cutler in April. off more than I could chew. When lesson you learned about yourself
Q. Tell us about your current job. RM Student Persists through Setbacks I first started at ECC, I remember in the past few years?
A. I’ve been employed at Rocky Mount native Alexander to do my work while staying at feeling overwhelmed as I thought
Edgecombe-Martin County EMC Ruffin hopes to graduate next fall a group home. It was not easy about how far I had to go. I started A. I’m not the same person I
(an electric company) in Tarboro with a degree in organizational doing the hard math homework focusing on my situation on day-to- was when I graduated from high
since December 2015. My job administration. It hasn’t always in a chaotic, noisy, dysfunctional day basis, then month to month, and school. I’ve learned that timing is
title is accounting specialist.I’m been easy. place. Plus, the group home had a eventually semester to semester. everything. Most important, I’ve
responsibleforreconcilingour bank terrible bed bugs problem. I ended learned not to compare my journey
statements, monitoring our cash Ruffin, 37, has shown persistence up leaving the group home due to UPCHURCH from pg 1 with anyone else’s.
account and loan accounts. I really like in overcoming several setbacks my mom wanting me to help her was this transitional stage when
to solve accounting mysteries that along the way to his degree. He take care of my stepdad, while care about most. Take life seriously you have to do it alone,” AJ said.
may occur such as a bank statement entered Wesleyan’s APS program he was sick. My stepdad passed but not so seriously to the point that “I didn't have a roommate and that
discrepancy. I’m the lead detective in May 2016 soon after he earned away in August 2021. you forget how to be a child.” moment hit me where I wasn’t able
in cracking the case, and I love it! an associate’s degree from to let my thoughts out to anyone else
Q. What do you like to do Edgecombe Community College. Another time I had to So, when AJ came out as and it was the hardest time for me. I
outside of work? take a break after I became bisexual at 10 years old, their had just had the best summer of my
A. I can often be found spending He was interviewed in April overwhelmed and for a while, I mom wrote it off as a phase but life as a high school senior and then
time with my family and spoiling and May. was sent to the mental hospital. did not have a problem with it. I came to college alone.” However,
my fur babies: Winston, a Mastiff/ I had to get my mom to talk to But when they came out again as this was not the case forever. “I
Labrador mix (a rescue dog), as well Q. Let’s begin with your hobbies, my advisor and drop my classes trans at 13 and nonbinary at 18, always made friends pretty quickly,”
as my three Dobermans, Franklin, other non-school interests. What do until I was able to come back their mom no longer cared, as long they said when recollecting their
Lucy and Governor. I also like to visit you like to do outside of work? to school. We didn’t want my as they kept their dreams high in younger years and that statement
antique stores, try out new restaurants, grade point average to drop. The life. Her accepting nature soon held true even for college.
and talk about haunted places (I’m A. For my hobbies, I like to time off didn’t affect my studies spread across their family as other
a nerd for a good ghost story). Most exercise, spend time with my too much. It just prolonged my members of the family came out as After experiencing different types
family, and play with my dog, education and extended the time queer as well. “My mom’s family of relationships, both friendly
New APS graduate Alissa Cutler Bruce (a German Shephard/Pit frame for getting my degree. has a lot of questions but as long as and romantic, they reminisce on
Bull mix). I love to go to church at I can stand my ground, it’s okay,” their time as an undergrad. With a
Photo courtesy of A. Cutler Redemptive Revelation Christian Q. What was your favorite part AJ said. “My dad’s family is very joking but exasperated look on their
Cathedral in Farmville, where of Wesleyan's APS program? Christian but as long as I give them face they said, “I wish I had my
DeTchreee the pastors are Bishop Rocknie grandbabies, they’re alright.” sophomore and junior year back,
Jenkins and Juttori Jenkins. A. I enjoyed coming to school more so because of my love life.”
since 1960 at night. I liked the campus and While AJ began their journey to As AJ looks back on the two-year
“of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” Q. Tell us some of your favorites— the fresh air. The Wesleyan staff, self-acceptance at an early age, it love interest, they were able to do
food, sports team, musical artist. teachers and students have all never quite ended. “Although I can so with self-reflection. “I held onto
s ta f f treated me well. spread myself thin among different my relationship for so long because
A. My favorite food is anything groups, I still am a Black, gay of the friends and time attached to
Staff Writers fried. My favorite basketball team Q. What was your favorite class woman to the world,” they said. it.” With that self-reflection came
is the Golden State Warriors. My at NCWC? “Therefore, I have to protect my growth, and AJ is grateful for the
Daniel Cooper favorite musician is Tupac Shakur. identity. I will always have a target relationship they have now because
Savannah Ekland A. It was one of my first. It was a on my back.” They talk about their of what they had been through.
Kayrisma Harrison Q. What was your motivation religion class, taught by Dr. Choi. first experience with discrimination
for earning a bachelor's degree? She was my favorite because she and microaggressions in high Now AJ thrives in the
Caitlin Leggett let me do my final project on my school. “I grew up in the hood realm of sports and the arts,
Amanda Lucci A. After I received my associate’s favorite musician, Tupac Shakur, but as my mom got better jobs, I specifically production, graphic
degree at Edgecombe, I did an and I made an A. She was also my started going to different schools design and comedy. As a co-
Staff Photographer online job search. I found that all favorite because I think I stood and having white friends.” captain on the lacrosse team,
the jobs required you to have a out to her; she once stopped me in AJ is among the leading scorers
Jaden Randolph-Schoneck bachelor’s degree or better. the hallway the next semester and They remembered it being a currently here at Wesleyan, with
spoke to me, while there were a lot different experience and having 13 goals on the season.
Faculty Advisor Q. What attracted you to NC of other students all around us. to change their personality to
Wesleyan? accommodate their new friends. Outside of sportsAJ, along with
Dr. William Grattan Q. What's one change you would “I started having to present myself their friends, hosts a podcast
A. I liked the small campus and make to improve theAPS experience? as funny and competent,” AJ said. entitled “The Undergrads” and
179 Braswell • Phone: 985-5336 that it was near my home. Growing up in Raleigh, before a comedy show entitled “Class
Email: [email protected] A. The APS program is perfect. high school, they kept a small Clowns” and they produce the BGA
Q. How was the transition from My only suggestion is that group of friends who were from news, here on campus. Remembering
Edgecombe CC to Wesleyan? What professors should not hold students their neighborhood and allowed the words of their mother who told
was easiest and what was most till 10 o’clock every night. each other to be themselves. them to “Stick with the arts” has
challenging? AJ speaks on being able to be allowed them to find community and
Q. How do you expect to use themselves around their Black and look toward a career in this field.
A. Overall I would say it was an your degree? brown friends but having to code
easy transition because I came here switch to accommodate their white As a senior graduating with
fresh from Edgecombe, ready and A. I plan to work with people counterparts.AJ adopted a witty a major in entertainment arts &
eager to work. I’d gotten used to who, like me, are mentally ill. and intellectual personality to put theater, AJ has begun looking
public speaking at Edgecombe, so Or I might try to get a job in data their new friends at ease. toward the future. With a love for
I knew that I could do it here at entry because I’m good at typing. the arts and anime, they will be
Wesleyan. The most challenging “I became the ‘I have a Black pursuing a master’s degree at Full
part was my math class, but Mrs. Q. What was the most important friend token.’” By this, AJ means Sail University, a performance arts
Martin worked with me pretty well lesson you learned about yourself that they made white people feel program in Florida, and taking
and I did my best. in the past few years? comfortable by toning down advantage of its game design
parts of their personality that may program. “After I get my master’s,
Q. Tell us about your major. A. I learned that I can do portray stereotypical traits. When I want to write for animation and
A. I had wanted to major in human anything through Christ, who they were on the lacrosse team at gaming and develop a game. There’s
services, but picked organizational strengthens me. I also learned not Millbrook High School in Raleigh, a Black-owned anime company
administration, which was the closest to give up and that I’m a fighter. the girls automatically assumed AJ in Japan so eventually I want to
program offered by Wesleyan. Many could braid just because they were immerse myself in the culture
classes dealt with leadership. Q. You’re scheduled to Black. Microaggressions like this and write a series of animation.”
Q. While working toward your graduate in the fall. Who began to appear throughout the
degrees, when and where did you will be there with you for the rest of their high school career. Their big goals remind them
do homework? commencement ceremony next of their mom’s words: “I don’t
A. I did it at school in the spring? How will you celebrate? College told a different story. “It care at this point as long as you
Wesleyan library and at home. reach for your dreams.”
Q. What was the biggest obstacle you A. At graduation, my next-door
faced during your educational journey? neighbors and my uncle and his
A. I’ve had a few. I’ve been wife will be there. Afterwards
diagnosed with a mental illness. I’ll probably go to a strip club in
Another obstacle was that I had Raleigh to celebrate.
May 27, 2022 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 3
Students Make New Memories at Second Chance Prom
Around 30 attended SAGA’s the club sponsored the event for A native of Franklinton, “I wanted to wear a suit, list and 5-10 regular attendees
Second Chance Prom in early the benefit of students who were Henderson recalled that she attend with my then-girlfriend at the group’s twice-a-month
April after a two-year hiatus unable to attend their high school attended her high school and enjoy the night on my own meetings, held on Wednesday
due to Covid. proms with their preferred date, prom in her sophomore and terms,” she explained. nights at 6.
or “as the person they truly are.” junior years at the invitation
The event was to have been of a teammate from the cheer She felt the April event “Allies and friends are more
outdoors on the Southern Bank SAGA President Ashley squad. But she wanted to skip was successful, providing her than welcome to join,” Henderson
Green but was moved to the Henderson was a prom organizer. the prom in her senior year with her only positive prom said. “Having this all-inclusive
Carlton Board Room in the Dunn As is true of the club itself, because, she said, her family experience. “I know I’ll hold event on campus brings so many
Center due to inclement weather. Henderson said the event was forced her to wear a dress, find memories from that night for different people together. With
open to all Wesleyan students a male escort and abide by a very long time,” she said. “I the variety of students here at
SAGA stands for Sexuality and staff, not just members of the other traditional rituals. hope SAGA did the same for Wesleyan, such events provide us
and Gender Acceptance. LGBT+ community. other attendees.” a mode of integrating outside of an
According to its advertising flyer, academic or sports-related setting.”
Henderson said she was
Survey Results: Students Continue satisfied with the turnout and Smith hopes the Second-
pleased to see friends taking Chance Prom will continue on
Texting-while-Driving at High Rate photosand“gatheringmemories.” the Wesleyan campus. He cited
The event was scheduled close to the experience of two students
final exams on purpose, she noted. who became a couple and came
A recent survey showed that drive; 23 do it on most trips; 47 driving at least on occasion. “We thought it would alleviate out to family and friends while
about two-thirds of Wesleyan do it in fewer than half of their • 48 percent use Facetime some stress that students and staff in college. “They were quite
students send text messages trips; and 41 never send a text (every trip: 6; most trips: 11; may have been feeling throughout excited,” Smtih remarked, “to
while driving, and a high while driving. fewer than half: 41; never: 62) the semester,” she said. go to prom together.”
percentage admitted to speeding • 33 percent use social media, at
on the highway or local roads. Among other findings: least on occasion. Twenty-one The prom was attended by WYATT from pg 1
• 76 percent read texts while students like to use Snapchat, SAGA members, their partners
The unscientific study, driving (every trip: 12; most while 19 favor Instagram. and supporters, according to with him as the “administrator’s
conducted just before Distracted trips: 32; fewer than half: 47; SAGA advisor Kyle Smith. perspective!” He not a fan of that.
Driving Awareness Month never: 29). When it comes to speeding It featured a student DJ
in April, asked 120 students • 74 percent use hand-held on the highway, 86 percent (Olukayode “Luk” Akinpelu), Q. Can Wesleyan students expect
in the day program a series phones to talk (every trip: 12: admitted to driving at least 10 dancing (the “Cupid Shuffle,” to see you back in the classroom?
of questions on their driving most trips: 25; fewer than half: mph over the limit (every trip: the “Cha-Cha Slide”), games
habits. Students were permitted 52; never: 31). 18; most trips: 41; fewer than (Musical Chairs) and light A. I hope so in the next couple of
to remain anonymous. • 23 percent wear earbuds or half: 44; never: 17). refreshments (sandwich years. I’d be interested in teaching
headphone to listen to music, quarters and cookies). Some a variety of courses, perhaps creating
The survey found that 66 podcasts, etc. (every trip: 6; Ninety-two percent report attendees favored traditional specialty interdisciplinary classes like
percent of students send texts most trips: 10; fewer than half; driving at least 5 mph over the prom outfits, while others “Lifespan Development” or on other
while driving. That broke down 11; never: 93). limit on local roads (every trip: dressed in less formal garb-- topics that could help out the sociology
as follows: 9 students said • 61 percent (71 of 120) eat while 24; most trips: 44; fewer than clothes their families forbid program in traditional or APS.
they send texts every time they half: 42; never: 10). them from wearing in high
school, Smith noted. Q. Let’s turn to life outside of work.
Global Pandemic Has Taken Toll Citing preliminary figures, We’ll begin with sports. You’ve been
On Mental Health of NCW Students the National Highway Traffic Fewer attended this year’s consistent in your support of the
By Amanda Lucci were worried about their own Safety Administration reported event than in 2018 and 2019, Syracuse Orangemen, but when it
Decree Staff Writer health and that of their loved that 42,915 people died on due, Smith speculated, to comes to pro sports, you strike many
ones; 89 percent had trouble America’s roads in 2021. The lingering fears about Covid. as a fair-weather fan. You were once
College students have always concentrating; 86 experienced highest number in 16 years, the an avid Cowboys supporter; now it’s
faced “stressors” in their daily sleep disturbances; 86 percent total represented a 10.5 percent Smtih said that a SAGA the Bills. What gives?
life—from challenging classes reported decreased social jump over 2020, making it the member suggested Wesleyan
and worries about their job interactions; and 82 percent largest percentage increase begin its own Second Chance A. This seems like a loaded
prospects, to financial concerns reported heightened concern since the federal agency began Prom after hearing about question! I followed the Cowboys
and separation from home and over performance in school. collecting fatality data in 1975. similar events at other schools. when I left Texas because I missed
family. Factor in a pandemic “The then-president loved it,” Texas. I’ve been a lifelong Bills
and that just raises the anxiety A recent Penn State study According to a recent he said. “So, students put it fan, even through all four Super
levels even more. showed that more than 60 Associated Press article in the together and pulled it off.” Bowl losses, which occurred every
percent of college students Raleigh News & Observer, winter I spent in high school. I’ve
“I feel like my anxiety has reported feelings of anxiety “NHTSA has blamed reckless SAGA has been on campus also always loved the New York
increased,” said one Wesleyan as a major health concern. driving behavior for increases since around 2009, according Yankees and am a recent fan of the
student, a sophomore. “Before the According to 2021 survey (in traffic deaths) during the to Smith, who noted that the Carolina Hurricanes hockey team.
pandemic, I was always anxious of college presidents by pandemic, citing behavioral club has gone by other names
to speak out and always afraid the American Council on research showing that speeding in the past—Spectrum, the Q. You’re an animal lover. Tell
to go out and be myself, and Education, 72 percent identified and traveling without a seatbelt Gay-Straight Alliance and us about your pets.
when the pandemic hit, it made it student mental health as a have been higher.” SAFE (Students Advocating for
worse. Since we were quarantined dominant issue. Equality). Although the name A. I have two dogs and two
at home for half a year, going The Wesleyan survey was SAGA is used at many colleges cats. Milo, 8, is a golden-colored
out always felt weird and always The pandemic has done during a two-week period around the country, Wesleyan’s Chow Chow mix. Cherry, 1, is a
brought my stress levels up.” exacerbated feelings of anxiety in March. It was distributed club is not connected to mini black Chow Chow mix. I
and depression for students who in general education courses a national organization. also have a 15-year-old black cat
Other Wesleyan students feel were already dealing with these taught by professors in the “Although that idea sounds and 12-year-old Siamese cat--both
the same way, having dealt in conditions. But others have been following departments: biology, really awesome,” Smith said. rescued locally as feral cats.
the past two years with online struggling with such issues for communication, English,
classes, social isolation, mask the first time. history, math, religious studies Membership has varied on Q. What sports/fitness activities
mandates and other campus and sociology. Wesleyan’s campus with 30 have you enjoyed over the years?
on the current SAGA mailing What’s your main activity/form of
exercise now?
restrictions, as well as fear of “In the beginning, I was
becoming sick. doing all right, but my mental A. I did some body-building in
One first-year student said state was at all-time low a few graduate school. However, now, I just
the pandemic was not a major months into the pandemic,” one try to get in my 10,000 steps each day.
obstacle as he finished up his Wesleyan student, a junior, said,
high school education. But the noting the anxiety of mingling Q. Identify your favorites from
situation changed once he began with others and the fear of the following list:
college classes. “When I started catching Covid. “It’s draining."
college, it was a bit stressful. Not all students have seen TV SHOWS: All-time favorites:
Every class I had was online, the pandemic in such a negative “Scandal,” “Breaking Bad.”
and I was not fond of online light. In fact, one student said Current: “Better Call Saul,”
classes,” he said. mask mandates were helpful in “Georgia & Ginny.”
Some students have reported dealing with others. "It felt like
unprecedented feelings of a shield that covered me from MOVIES: All-time favorites:
anxiety. “When it comes to my people,” the student said. “When “Apollo 13,” “Dangerous
mental health, the pandemic has talking to people, my anxiety Liaisons.” Current: “Marry Me”
really brought out the worst,” levels were slowly reduced and I (I love JLo and Maluma).
a junior said. “I’ve never in my could finally relax.”
life felt this level of anxiety.” At least one Wesleyan student BOOKS: “What’s the Matter
Texas A&M University has sensed less anxiety on with Kansas” by Thomas Frank;
conducted a survey of campus in recent months, as the and “Me Before You” by JoJo
college students and Covid pandemic has eased in Eastern Gabrielle Saal holds Tiffi, an 8-day-old goat. Ayra Sundbom, an Moyes.
last October. It found that 71 North Carolina. “I feel the best instructional technologist at the college, brought Tiffi and her twin sister,
percent experienced increased now that I have felt throughout CUISINE: Peruvian food.
stress and anxiety as a result the pandemic,” the sophomore Kimmie, to campus during finals week to help students (and President MUSIC: Favorite genres: Latin
of the pandemic. Among the said. “I would like to think the Duff and other Wesleyan staff) to de-stress. Sundbom and her family pop/reggaeton and country.
other findings: 91 percent worst is over.” raise goats and other animals at their nearby farm. Photo courtesy A. Sundbom Favorite artists: Maluma, Luis
Fonsi, Garth Brooks, Dan + Shay.
and New Mexico.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter and
Facebook. I don’t spend much
time on either, unless I’m
reposting dog or coffee memes.
4 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 May 27, 2022
Baseball Fails to Tame Panthers, Tennis Upsets Hopkins
The baseball team claimed the Stan Martherus, 6-0, 6-4, at the Bishops captured four Softball
East Division title, won its first #2 singles; and Luca Knese victories in singles, with wins
three playoff games, and then dominated Shori Nishizoe, by Elias Mariotti at #1; Isabella Emily Humphrey emerged as an
fell in two games to its nemesis 6-1, 6-1, at #5. Gastelumendi (#2), and Chandler anchor of the softball team’s young
in the conference championship. Having received an Brice (#3). Miquelina Paiva pitching staff. But she believes
opening-round bye, the won at #4 singles by forfeit. In there’s room for improvement.
The team finished the year Bishops saw their first doubles action, Mariotti and
with a 17-4 record in the USA action versus Johns Gastelumendi beat WP’s Hayley Having just completed her
South (28-17 overall). Hopkins on May 14 in McNair and Camryn Straughn, first season, the freshman led the
Annapolis, Maryland. At 8-3, while Brice and Paiva won by Bishop staff in appearances (23),
It clinched the division by Davie Morgan led Wesleyan’s potent the time Wesleyan was forfeit at #2 doubles. starts (18), wins (11), innings
trouncing rival Methodist (16-5) ranked 14th in the nation, pitched (110) and strikeouts (58).
by a score of 19-7, on the road in offense, hitting a team-best .406, with 8 while Hopkins was 12th. The Bishops closed out the Her 3.11 earned run average was
the regular-season finale. Against homers and 45 RBIs. season at home April 20 with second to Sofia Salcido’s 2.14.
the Monarchs, the Bishops were SI photos The Bishops took an a 6-0 win over Greensboro
led by leftfielder Zach Lyon (six College, which brought only After the season, Humphrey
for six at the plate) and shortstop slider. “He had the slider working early lead by winning two two athletes to the match. discussed the transition from
Tyson Bass (six RBIs), as seven early in the game,” said Wesleyan of three doubles matches, with the In doubles action, Brice and high school to collegiate softball.
Bishops had at least two hits. catcher Jean LaGreca. first and second duos prevailing. Mariotti triumphed, 8-0, over
Kilee Kemp and Jada Ore. “In high school, many teams
In the conference tournament’s LaGreca said that the Panther But the Bishops soon fell behind Only two singles matches were consisted of players who didn’t
first two rounds, Wesleyan ace had strong command of the their hosts, which won three of four played—Brice beat Ore, 7-5 play much softball, so I could strike
continued the offensive onslaught pitch the entire game, enabling him singles matches, including at #1 and #2. and 6-3, while Paiva dominated out many of the batters,” she said.
with wins over Piedmont, 8-4, and to snuff out potential Wesleyan Kemp, 6-1, 6-0. Kristal Dule and
Pfeiffer, 10-7. Playing in the final rallies. “He worked it side to side as With the Wesleyan team trailing Mariotta were awarded their At Wesleyan, she explained, she
matchup of its four-team bracket, well as up and down,” he said. “He 4-3, freshman Luca Knese evened matches by forfeit. relied on the guidance of Pitching
the Bishops beat Huntingdon threw it to get ahead in the count the score by making quick work of Coach Libby Fulford, a former
behind Kevin Williams’ four-hit and used it as a strikeout pitch. He Brian Wang at #6 singles, taking Track & Field Bishop standout, as she made
complete game. was able to get out of trouble every the match in straight sets, 6-2, 6-3. the adjustment. “In college ball,
time we were close to scoring.” His win evened the overall team Mariah Brooks set two our opponents were too good to
That win qualified Wesleyan for score at 4-4 and put the focus on conference records at the try to do that (strike them out),”
the three-game championship series LaGrange closer Jacob Brown the lone match to go three sets. USA South Track and Field Humphrey said. “I had to hit my
hosted by LaGrange (Georgia), the That was the competition at #4 Championships hosted by Berea spots and then trust my defense to
West Division winner (36-6). Win worked a perfect ninth, striking out singles, which pitted Wesleyan’s College in Kentucky April 20-21. make the plays behind me when
the title and the Bishops would the side to record the save. Wesleyan Puig against JHU’s Rohan Reddy. the other team hit my pitches.”
advance to the NCAAs for the ace Derrick Carter (8-3) took the After losing the first set, 6-2, the The freshman printer won the
second year in a row. loss, yielding four runs on nine hits Spaniard battled back to win the 100-meter dash with a time of This summer Humphrey will
and five walks. He threw a total of second, 7-5. The third set was 11.99 seconds, earning 10 team continue to work on her control,
The Bishops knew what to 145 pitches in eight innings of work. back-and-forth with Puig falling points for the Bishops, who with a focus on her changeup. “This
expect from the Panthers, who Faced with elimination on Saturday, behind 4-5. That meant Reddy placed 8th in the 13-team event. is so Coach Fulford and I will have
won two earlier matchups back in the Bishops revved up the offense, needed just one game to win the more trust in all my pitches when
March by scores of 12-9 and 2-1. striking for seven runs on 12 hits, with match and earn his team a berth Sprinter Mariah Brooks set two we return to school,” she said.
DH Travis Cross and Padget each in the NCAA “Sweet 16.” But conference records at a recent
“We know that LaGrange getting three hits and an RBI. Puig, a fifth-year senior, showed meet in Kentucky. The Winston-Salem native
was a quality baseball team his grit, reeling off the next three headed up an all-freshman pitching
that always comes to play,” But the Bishop defense was games and sending his jubilant "Focused and determined, Mariah staff. Optimistic about the next
centerfielder Drifton Padgett said shoddy as the team committed teammates onto the court. rumbled out of the starting blocks three seasons, she likes that she
prior to the championship series. six errors, leading to 10 unearned The following afternoon, facing like a sling shot,” Head Coach Bill and the four other pitchers—Laila
“You can never really take a runs in a 10-7 loss. And while 3rd-ranked Tufts University, Dunn said in describing the event. Holloway, Emily Osteguin, Avery
pitch off because they can put Wesleyan pitchers limited the Bishops jumped to a 2-1 “As she crossed the line, the crowd Jordan, and Salcido--will mature
ten runs on you in an inning.” LaGrange’s top four hitters to four lead following the all-important roared in disbelief of her time." together. “We’ll get to know what
singles and no RBIs, the bottom doubles matches. Puig and Max each person needs from each other
Padgett observed that the half of the lineup produced five Robinson won at #2, 8-7 (7-2) Brooks later set a second to do better,” she said.
Panthers rely heavily on the top of extra-base hits and seven RBIs. over the duo of Isaac Gorelik/Paris conference record in the 200-meter
their lineup to produce runs. “Our Pentousis, while Falke and Vallejo dash, clocking a time of 25.04 seconds Third baseman Molly
team can swing the bats against Last season, after losing to defeated Derin Acaroglu/Niko to give the Bishops 10 more points. Alejandrino was another first-year
any team, but we believe if we can LaGrange in the conference As a result of her feats, Brooks was player who made her mark. She
shut down the top of LaGrange’s championship, the Bishops earned Hereford at #3 by a score of 8-5. named to the all-conference first team. led the team in RBIS with 21. She
lineup, we can be successful.” an at-large bid to the NCAA But Wesleyan was unable to also hit four homers and batted .265
playoffs. The team is unlikely to Coach Dunn expressed on the season. Humphrey called
He said a second key will be for get such a bid in 2022, according to hold its early lead as play turned disappointment in his 4 x 100 Alejandrino’s hitting and her
the Bishops to force the Panthers to an athletic department spokesman. to singles. It lost three 3-set relay team’s seventh-place finish. reaction time at third “impressive,”
use multiple pitchers in the series. Men’s Tennis matches: Gorelik over Acosta (6-2, "We had a few hiccups to start the adding that Alejandrino established
While acknowledging the strength 6-7, 6-4) at #1; Vuk Vuksanovic meet,” he said. “We had a missed herself as an outstanding teammate.
of LaGrange’s starters, Padgett The men’s tennis team upset over Falke (6-1, 2-6, 7-6) at #3; opportunity to not only win the
called its relief corps vulnerable. higher-ranked Johns Hopkins and Pentuousis over Puig (7-5, 3-6, 4x100 meter relay but qualify for One year after advancing to the
“Their bullpen arms aren’t as good University in the NCAA 7-6) at #4. After losing the first set, nationals as well. It just boiled USA South finals, the NCWU
as their starters,” he said. tourney before falling in the Knese prevailed over Acaroglu down to our young athletes needing softball team finished the 2022
round of sixteen. at #5, 6-7, 6-1, 6-4. Vallejo was a little more experience.Afew season with a 9-9 conference
Padgett said the Bishops also must defeated at #2, 1-6, 0-6, for a final more races and they’ll have that.” mark (19-18 overall). It loses
keep a simple approach to the game. Wesleyan prepared for the NCAAs score of 5-3. several seniors, including starting
by rampaging through the USA Southern Virginia’s shortstop Meredith Mize, who,
“Our philosophy is ‘keep the South, winning all seven matches Notes: Acosta will represent women captured the overall Humphrey said, provided steady
routine plays routine,’” he said, against conference foes enroute Wesleyan in the national DIII championship in their first year as leadership on a young team. She
explaining that his team wants to its 13th consecutive title. It individual tournament later in the part of the conference. It finished recalled meeting her teammate
to play error-free baseball and compiled an overall regular season spring.Anative of Ita, Paraguay, the 17 points ahead of second-place on move-in day last fall.
prevent Panther baserunners record of 28-4. During the spring, the senior is ranked third in the country Piedmont College.
from “getting an extra 90 feet.” Bishops reeled off impressive wins and first in the region in singles play. “While me and my roommate
In baseball, he said, 90 feet against many ranked Division III On the men’s side, Wesleyan’s (Holloway) were moving into our
changes the entire situation--from opponents, defeating, among other Women’s Tennis top performer was sprinter dorm,” she said, “Meredith was
pitch selection to defensive shifts. non-conference schools, Belmont Keyonte Williams, who placed one of three girls that came up to
“Our coach likes to say, ‘They can’t Abbey (four times), Southwestern, One year after compiling a perfect fifth in the 400-meter hurdles with our room to introduce themselves
beat us, but we can lose.’” Washington & Lee, Haverford, St. 7-0 conference record, the women’s a time of 57.6 seconds. For his and ask if we or our parents had
Thomas, Christopher Newport, tennis team suffered through an effort he earned four team points any questions. She made us feel
The senior noted that the Bishops Kenyon, Mary Washington and Mt. injury-plagued season, winning two for the Bishops, who, came in like part of the Bishop family as
will try to look at LaGrange as Olive. The lone blemish was a 7-2 and losing seven in the USASouth. 10th in the 11-team competition. soon as we arrived.”
“another opponent.” Then again, loss to Case Western Reserve, then The team finished 2-12 overall.
he said, since LaGrange beat the ranked number one in the nation. Many conference losses (Track & Field article courtesy of Sports See pg 6 for more SPORTS BRIEFS
Bishops in last season’s USA The Bishops once again displayed were due to the team’s inability Information) In her first year Emily Humphrey
South championship, “it’ll be just their superiority during the USA to field the full complement established herself as an anchor
a little bit sweeter to take it from South tournament hosted by Berry of players, leading to forfeits of the pitching rotation.
them. We lost last year and had to College in Rome, Georgia April in individual matches. The
watch them dogpile on our field, 28-30. After shutting out cross-state Bishops began the spring
so our guys are ready for battle. rival Brevard, 9-0, the Bishops beat season with a six-member
We hope they’ll have to watch the Southern Virginia, 5-1, and then team, but injuries sidelined
Bishops dogpiling in Georgia.” vanquishedAverett, 5-0, in the finals. athletes during the heart of the
Against the Cougars, Wesleyan season, according to an athletics
Wesleyan lost the opening game took all three doubles matches by department spokesman.
of the series, 4-1, on May 13. The identical 8-2 scores, with wins by Wesleyan was not the only
team was unable to solve LaGrange Jhonny Acosta/Diego Segovia (at conference team that faced player
starting pitcher Baley Coleman (9- #1), Max Robinson/Roberto Puig shortages. In one of their two
1), who scattered seven hits in eight (#2), and John Falke/Juan Vallejo victories, Wesleyan defeated
innings and limited the Bishops to (#3). The Bishops clinched the William Peace, 6-0, on March
one run, an RBI single by Padgett. USASouth title when Falke beat 30. Playing with five athletes,
Coleman was effective at
mixing his pitches, combining a
90-mph fastball with a devastating
May 27, 2022 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 5
Bishop Profile: Two-Sport Athlete Emily Sullivan
It’s possible Emily Sullivan Coach Kohl (former assistant A. Being a team captain meant challenging.
ran more in the past year than coach Kohn Orner) sprinted pushing my team to be better when Lacrosse is more scripted than Emily Sullivan
most of us do in a decade…. or over to all of us; that was the I knew that they weren’t fulfilling number of classes we miss. And
a lifetime. fastest I've ever seen him run. It their potential; it also meant being soccer, but the defensive stance it would give us more time during
was such a great feeling in that every single player’s number-one and movement of the ball up field the day to do schoolwork.
A native of Stafford, Virginia, moment--hugging and crying and supporter. Freshman year we are similar (e.g., getting open for
Sullivan is a two-sport athlete celebrating with the team. all wrote down three long-term passes and fast breaks); other than Q. Talk about your plans for
at Wesleyan. Last fall she goals we wanted to achieve in our that, the sports are completely after graduation. What are you
capped her career as a defender Q. What’s another memory NCWC soccer career. At the top different. It was easy to get hoping to do with your exercise
on the soccer team, serving as from your time at Wesleyan that of my list, I put that I wanted to accustomed to the fitness aspect science degree?
a captain and starting all 16 will stay with you? become a captain by my senior because I ran a lot in soccer; so,
matches. This spring she saw year. I loved leading my team and I having to run full field in lacrosse A. I plan to study for a master’s
action on the lacrosse team’s A. I loved traveling on the bus appreciated that they all trusted and wasn't too different. For me in athletic training; I’ve been
back line, starting 15 games and with my teammates. We would respected me enough to lead them. what was most challenging was accepted at UNC-Wilmington.
scoring her first goal. blast “High School Musical” catching and passing. I learned to After I’m finished with grad
or other classics, and we’d all Q. What, if anything, will you cradle well enough to keep the ball school, I’ll most likely start
Sullivan, an exercise science yell and sing the songs. I'm sure be doing with the game of soccer while sprinting but passing and working at a high school. My
major, was interviewed in Coach Bev and the bus drivers in the future? catching on the run is still pretty dream job is to become an
fall and spring as part of The hated it, but we loved it. difficult. It also took me at least a athletic trainer for an NFL team.
Decree’s series of profiles on A. I’ll be traveling with the week or two to get used to running Washington is my top choice, but
student-athletes. Q. What did you learn about team in May to play in Scotland, with something in my hands. that’s just because I’m a fan.
yourself in the past four years? but other than that, I don’t believe
Q. What attracted you to my soccer career will be going Q. What did you like most
NCWC in the first place? A. I’ve learned to always expect any further. I intend to pursue a about Wesleyan’s exercise
the best out of myself. It may look master’s in athletic training, and science program?
A. I first heard about Wesleyan different day to day, but I try to there won’t be time to play on a
when coach Bev (Biancur) recruited expect the best that I can do. My team in grad school. But at some A. My favorite part was my
me. Then after researching the freshman year I had a great mentor, point, I’ll be playing in adult internship, as I worked with the
school and visiting campus, I fell Vicky Burkhart, who expected recreation leagues because I'm athletic training staff at NCWC. I
in love with the small community the best of me and always pushed way too competitive not to play. learned so much about the career
of NCWC. I never wanted to be in me. After she got hurt during my I want to pursue; the athletic
huge gen-ed classes, and I wanted sophomore season, it was my turn Q. You’re playing lacrosse this training staff here is amazing.
my teachers to know me as a person. to step up and expect the best out of spring. How’s it going? Is soccer
myself, because if I gave anything helping you in your role as a defender? Q. What’s one change you
Q. What’s your best memory less, I would let the team down. would make at Wesleyan that
about playing on the soccer team Throughout the stress, soreness, A. This is the first year I'm would improve life for student-
over the past four years? bruises, and whatever else, I always playing lacrosse and I’m enjoying athletes or students in general?
pushed myself to be the very best it. This past winter break was
A. My favorite soccer moment I could be that day, then worried pretty much the first time I picked A. I would add lights at Scalf
occurred in my sophomore about tomorrow when it came. up a lacrosse stick. I haven't had Field. This would only benefit
year during the conference to learn a new sport since middle men’s and women’s soccer and
quarterfinals against Meredith. Q. Talk about your experience school, so having to start from lacrosse. But it would allow
We went into double overtime, as a team captain. What did it scratch was nerve-wracking at games to be played later in the
then had to go into penalty mean to you? How did it help in first but also really exciting and day, which would help student-
kicks. We won by one because your personal development? athletes by cutting down on the
Alicia Jacobs blocked their PK.
Bishop Profile: Assistant Basketball Coach Nissa Chillers
Kayrisma Harrison from school, never telling them She believes Bridgeport Chillers choose to coach at
Decree Staff Writer Coach Chillers SI photos where they were headed. “I recognized their similar NCWC?
just remember going crazy at upbringings. “In a way it seemed
As she sat in her office, house with three bedrooms and the park, riding all the rides, as though he saw a bit of me in “I needed a job,” she said,
Assistant Basketball Coach two bathrooms. “But sometimes playing and eating all we him, as he didn’t have a lot of jokingly.
Charnissa Chillers was dressed there would be like 15 people wanted,” she said, excited. One mentors growing up either,” she
in all black with baby blue in there,” she mentioned, while particular highlight was getting said, underlining the lessons When she came to campus
Crocs on her feet. Her face laughing a little. a funnel cake with powdered Bridgeport taught her. “He for an interview, Chillers
lit with joy as she talked with sugar. “We would usually get taught me about the importance was impressed by the Bishop
Coaches Trader and Rouse. After making jokes about them at the end of the trip.” of a strong work ethic. ‘You community. She took a tour
“What’s up big dog,” she said to it, she explained that she lived can’t cheat the grind,’ he would and met “a lot of nice people.”
me, as I entered. “How you been with 10 siblings and cousins. Chillers now appreciates say.” Laziness was not tolerated She began to see the benefits
living out here in these streets?” Growing up poor didn't seem the patience her grandmother in their workout sessions. of coaching in a Division III
Then she turned and continued to bother her. “I wasn’t aware demonstrated on such outings. program. “I could work with
with her previous conversation: of the different social classes Sometimes, she said, it was clear Chillers credits Bridgeport athletes who are around the
“Oh that makes sense, Coach. until around the fourth grade,” that her grandmother didn't want with helping her to develop as an same age as me,” she said.
I’ll hop right on it,” she said. she said. “Then it made me a bit to stand in a long line. “She just athlete and a person. She said the
insecure. For a time, I lived in loved seeing her grandbabies workouts were rigorous, often Both on and off the court,
The office floor was covered a small trailer. Sometimes we having fun,” she said. done in conjunction with male Chillers said her passion is to
in a blue carpet that looked like didn’t have a car and had to get athletes he was training at the help people. “I love making
an art painting. Shoes were meals from the church while my It was in her youth that time. “That man used to cuss me people laugh, smile and feel like
neatly lined up beside the desk. friends lived in bigger homes.” Chillers developed her love out,” she said, laughing again. they always have someone they
One pair stood out more than for basketball. She started by can talk to,” she said.
the others; it was an all-golden When asked about her playing recreational basketball, Playing guard, Chillers
pair of Nikes with white trim. favorite childhood memory, or rec ball, when she was in the starred at Williamsburg The Kinston resident is a
Next to the shoes, there was a Chillers smiled as she spun fourth grade. She showed talent Christian Academy, earning Christian woman, who said
mirror leaning against an office in her chair and reminisced. but admitted she was a rough “High School Player of the helping people is her way of
filing cabinet, and there were “It would have to be going player. “I was mad aggressive,” Year” honors as a senior. being close with God and fulfilling
boxes labeled for each “Battle to Busch Gardens with my she recalled, laughing. her purpose. Her faith is what
of the Bishops” event (from her grandma,” she said. She then moved to Radford drives her to make students feel
other role as intramural director) Because she was such an University, where she majored in like more than just an athlete or
and ten stacked blue buckets. She related that her aggressive player, she gravitated strength and conditioning, made a student ID. “I keep my office
grandmother would always pick to the defensive side of the game. the dean’s list multiple times, and door open for all students,” she
The office walls were pale up Chillers and her siblings In her first contest she asked her played Division I basketball. A four- said, “whether they want to talk
white with old nails sticking coach if she could play D. “I year letter winner, she helped lead and catch up or just have some
out. In the top right corner of asked to play defense like I was her team to a Big South Conference place to be.” Sometimes, she added,
the room was a TV, along with on a football team,” she said. regular season championship and a her role is to comfort one of her
an empty bulletin board. On runner-up finish in the conference student-athletes who may be
one wall was a picture of former She later played AAU ball tournament. The 2020 graduate led dealing with personal problems.
NCWC Women’s basketball during a time when it was not her team in steals her senior season.
players in action. The picture as popular as it is today. She The future holds no limits for
belonged to a former Wesleyan remembered her first game. “I While at Radford, Chillers Coach Chillers. She’s identified a few
basketball coach, Desiree started and throughout the whole considered a career as a physician’s personal goals she wants to reach by
Driver. Noticing me looking game I only shot the ball twice,” assistant. But after college she took the time she’s 40. “I hope to have
around the office, Coach she said, trying not to laugh. a different road. She accepted a won a couple NCAA tournaments
Chillers said, “Yeah, I know this “SCOOP, SCOOP but I traveled job as a player development coach and not just from ‘Power 5’ schools
office is looking raggedy, lol.” both times, so they didn’t count.” at Dream Chasers Basketball but mid majors,” she said.
Academy, working there for a
Now 25, Chillers was born in Growing up without money total of three years. By 40, she would like to be
Williamsburg, an affluent area of had its challenges but there was married with two kids. “My husband
Virginia. “Although we lived in one person who made a lasting For a time, Chillers admitted, can follow me around the country
a wealthy area, unfortunately my impact on Chillers. Donovan she wasn’t “feeling basketball while I win championships,” she
family and I were not,” she said. Bridgeport was her personal anymore.” But she did enjoy said, laughing hysterically.
Her neighborhood was comprised trainer from the age 11 until 22. training young athletes. “God
of Blacks and Hispanics, with a “During that time, my family kept calling me back to it She also hopes to be
few white people. She lived in a was poor, but he decided to (basketball),” she said. financially stable with the
train me for free,” she said. ability to pay off her parents'
So why did Charnissa debt, while she continues to
spread the gospel.
6 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 May 27, 2022
SPORTS BRIEFS Dr. Shane Thompson Makes MLB Predictions
early-season performance seems
Golf Dr. Shane Thompson is can talk about below! sustainable and I wouldn’t be
wrapping up his “rookie year” Q. Baseball is surprised at all to see him in the
Freshman Matt Colten finished as a member of Wesleyan’s slipping on my list of All-Star game. I also wouldn’t
in a tie for 37th place in the USA religious studies faculty. favorite pro sports. One be surprised to see Albert Pujols
South Conference tournament reason is that I’m from go out with a bang in what I
April 18-20 at Carolina Country The South Carolina native, Pittsburgh, where low can only imagine will be his
in Spartanburg, South Carolina. a lifelong Braves fan, is a revenue means the team last year. Unfortunately, I think
student of the game and an is always surrendering most surprises will be for the
The Mount Olive native avid participant in his Fantasy star players (i.e., Gerrit bad, as players who have signed
shot rounds of 83-82-83 for a Baseball League. The Decree’s Cole, Josh Bell). I like gigantic contracts continue to
cumulative total of 248, or 32 Bill Grattan (a Pittsburgh the game of baseball underperform. The one that stands
over par on the par 72-course. Pirates fan) contacted Dr. more than football, out is Fernando Tatis Jr. who is
Thompson to get his predictions but the NFL, for all its Dr. Shane Thompson, MLB fanatic. He’s seen great when he can stay on the
Powerhouse Methodist on the 2022 season. problems, seems like a here at a recent Atlanta Braves game with his field. Yet he continues to get hurt
dominated the tourney by more equitable league. wife, Tasneem Dharamsi. Photo courtesy S. Thompson doing dumb things off the field.
claiming the first three individual Q: Hope your first year at
spots and four of the first six. The Wesleyan was a good one. Look at last season’s become a three-outcome sport Q. Who are your picks for
top three Monarchs—medalist playoff teams—Cincinnati, Rookie of the Year, Cy Young
Cameron Cappuzzo (-9), Cooper A. It was great! Wesleyan is the Green Bay, Kansas City, Buffalo, (i.e., homerun, strikeout, walk). recipient and MVP in each league?
Hrabak(-7) and Henry Angier type of institution where I always Pittsburgh. All are smaller market Homers equal higher scoring
(-6)—all shot sub-par totals. Day- saw myself ending up. It’s also nice teams. Year in and year out, games, which are longer. A. National League (The Senior
two leader Andre Chi finished to be back in an area that I consider baseball is dominated by the Strikeouts and walks lead to more Circuit)
at even par for sixth place after “home,” especially with it being on likes of New York, Los Angles, pitches, which also lengthen the
recording a 75 in the final round. the edge of Braves’ country! Houston, San Francisco and game. I’m not 100 percent sure • Rookie of the Year: Seiya
Chicago. Kansas City is the only how to fix this issue. Perhaps Suzuk (Cubs). There is no way
Wesleyan failed to qualify Q. I’m eager to hear your small-market team to win the move the wall back? MLB is to describe Suzuki’s Japanese
for the USA South team predictions for the 2022 MLB series in the last 30 years (The already discussing either moving career other than saying that
competition, which was won season. But I thought we’d begin Cardinals have won as well, but the mound back or lowering it he was an absolute beast. This
by Methodist with a cumulative by getting your take on some their market area stretches over again; this move would hopefully is already carrying over to the
score of 25 under par. (The current issues related to the game. many Midwest and Southern bring pitch velocities down and MLB where I expect to see him
Monarchs’ team later claimed As a loyal Braves fan, do think states, giving them a huge fan reduce the number of strikeouts. win the ROY fairly easily.
the NCAA DIII national title.) the franchise should follow the base and added revenue). Don’t Q. Do you think baseball will
lead of the Washington Redskins you think it’s time for baseball to move to virtual umpires calling • Cy Young: Max Fried
Aweek prior to the USASouth and Cleveland Indians and adopt a salary cap? balls and strikes? (Braves): Okay, so this may
tourney, the Bishops were fourth in change its name? A. Well I will start by agreeing A. I think so, perhaps as soon be a homer pick, but just look
the 12th Camp Lejeune Consolation that baseball is better than as next year. While umpires with at Fried’s performance over
Tournament at Paradise Point Gold A. I’ve thought about this football (though I’m a big college different strike zones, catchers the last three years, including
Course. NCWU shot a team total of issue quite a bit in recent football guy). I actually think framing pitches, and pitchers last year’s playoffs. This guy
917, 69 over par and 10 strokes behind years and it is certainly a hot baseball has been fairly equitable nibbling on the corners have always is a true ace and will get extra
first-place Husson University (Maine). topic of conversation within with teams like the Marlins been part of the allure of baseball to points for being on a contender.
Braves’ country. I want to first winning the WS twice in that me, it’s also time to make sure that It also doesn’t hurt that the
The Bishops placed ahead of acknowledge that the Braves time frame… we get the calls right. This would best pitcher in baseball, Jacob
conference rival Pfieffer, as well as have done a good job in recent Q. I will interrupt you here. also lead to less arguing, which DeGrom, will be out for an
former USA Conference members years of partnering with Native Miami (and Atlanta) are, according could shorten games! extended period.
Ferrum and Shenandoah. American/American Indian tribes to most rankings, in the top 10 Q. The National League has
and groups around the Southeast, largest metro areas in the country. embraced the DH. What’s your • MVP: If I’m going to be
Lacrosse most notably forging a beneficial Compare that to a place like reaction to this—the plusses and a homer, I may as well go all
relationship with the Eastern Milwaukee, which is around 40th. downsides? out. Ronald Acuña Jr. (Braves)
It was a season of streaks for band of the Cherokee. With that A. For sure about Miami. They A. I hate it! Yes, it is probably is the most exciting player in
the Wesleyan lacrosse team, which said, it is time to move on from just have the fan support of a high for the best, and it is a bit silly baseball. Last year he missed
finished with a 4-13 overall record this name. In fact, I think the school team! that the AL and NL were playing half the season, including the
and 3-7 USA South mark, good for likely alternative would end up Q. Please resume…. under different sets of rules. playoff and World Series run,
eighth place in the 11-team league. being much more meaningful: A. The Rays continue to make With that said, I already miss with a torn ACL. With Freddie
The Hammers. This name honors the playoffs out of the toughest the additional strategy inherent Freeman gone, he’ll take over
After losing their first six, the the most famous Brave of all division while having a very in the NL style of play: do you his rightful place as leader of
Bishops went on a four-match win time, “Hammerin” Hank Aaron, small payroll. With that said, pinch-hit for a pitcher who the Braves. Even after missing
streak, which included a thrilling who was not only, in my opinion, I certainly think it’s time for a is dominating on the mound the first 19 games, I expect him
overtime win, 12-11 over Huntingdon. the best baseball player in history, salary cap. Even a team like my when you desperately need a to join the 40/40 club this year.
Following an 18-7 thrashing of but also an important member Braves cannot afford to give out run? What about bunts? Double
William Peace on March 23, of the Civil Rights Movement the contracts that teams like the switches? Yes, we had gotten to American League (The Junior
Wesleyan lost to Greensboro, 13-1, and champion of equality in Mets, Phillies, Yankees, Red Sox, a point where most pitchers were Circuit)
two days later, beginning a second American society. While many and, in recent years, the Angels automatic outs, but there isn’t
extended losing streak, this one a fans would be sad to see the and Padres have given out. Too anything much more exciting • Rookie of the Year: Bobby
season-ending seven-match one, with tomahawk chop go away, many many teams just cannot afford to than seeing a pitcher come Witt Jr. (Royals). Kansas City’s
many losses by double-digit scores. forget that this is just borrowed take on the risks of paying $350 up with a huge hit or whack a young third-baseman is a true
from Florida State University million over 15 years, knowing homerun! I’ll miss that. I also five-tool player. Despite being
Center Blaire Harley led the team and was not associated with that in the last five years of that think that one of the beautiful on a bad team, and with some
in scoring with 45 goals and 3 assists. the Braves until the early 90’s contract, the player will generally aspects of baseball was that stiff competition from players
Coach Bridget Walker noted that when Deion Sanders (an FSU be pretty bad. I think this (a salary everyone had to play both offense like Spencer Torkelson, Witt
Harley missed much of her senior alum) came to the team. Also, a cap) is something that has very and defense. This is no longer the wins this one.
year in high school and needed tomahawk and a hammer aren’t little chance of being instituted, case with a pitcher and a DH. I
her first year of college lacrosse to that different. I’m sure they can though, as the MLBPA Union is would’ve rather seen the AL get • Cy Young: Shane Bieber
develop her skills. “But she really figure out something similar for pretty strong and will not want to rid of the DH than the NL add it. (Guardians). This should be a
stepped it up this year,” Walker fans to do! agree to limit player salaries. Q. Now that we’ve solved all of close race among Gerrit Cole,
said, adding that her teammates looked Q. My other gripe is the pace baseball’s problems, let’s move to Shane Bieber, and, perhaps, Shohei
to the Maryland native for scoring Q. What was the deal with the of the game—slow. There are your predictions. Which team and Ohtani. Let’s go with Bieber since
after other key players were injured. recent strike? Which side got the too many pitching changes, which player will be the biggest he has a great first name.
most benefits? batters stepping out of the box (I surprises this year?
Harley was followed in the call it the “Nomar Garciaparra A. Remember how I said that • MVP – Shohei Ohtani
scoring list by senior right-wing A. Great question. After effect”), and video replays. the Athletics have a laughably (Angels). I don’t know how
Madeline Graham (22 goals, 4 looking at the end result, my Games take three hours or longer. low payroll? Well, they’re still anyone will be able to compete
assists), and senior defender AJ honest answer is that I don’t Wesleyan volleyball is ten times going to make the playoffs as with a top-10 hitter and a top-
Upchurch (13, 1). know what the deal was or who more exciting than MLB these one of the Wild Card teams! That 10 pitcher. Ohtani wins this.
got the most benefits. On the days. Have you any thoughts on organization just seems to know
Besides the Huntingdon players’ side, the major issue speeding up the game? how to put together a winner on Q. Which teams do you like in
victory, Walker said one of the was compensation, particularly A. Some recent changes the field in the most unorthodox each division?
season’s highlights was watching for younger players. The players have been for the better: ways imaginable. Just go read/
her team play its first matches at certainly did make gains in for example, a three-batter watch the movie “Moneyball” National League
Wesleyan’s new stadium. Once the that area. A related issue was minimums for pitchers. We’ll if you need a reminder of how • Wild Card Teams: Mets,
facility is complete, she believes it that players wanted teams to also see the institution of a pitch they’ve been on the cutting edge
will help recruitment. stop “tanking.” We’re only a clock starting next year. Other in order to stay competitive in a Padres, Brewers.
month or so out from the new changes—e.g., the automatic small-market. • East: Braves.
“Many girls played in their high agreement and this problem may intentional walk--have done Picking a surprise player is a • Central: Cardinals.
school football stadium so that ‘big be the worst it’s ever been with basically nothing. The main bit more difficult. At the moment, • West: Dodgers.
college’ feel will sell itself,” Walker said. teams like the Oakland Athletics problem is the overall way that I would point to little-known • Dodgers over Braves 4-2 in
operating at a payroll lower than the game has changed. We’ve Taylor Ward of the Angels. His the NLCS.
After five years at the helm, any I can remember in the past
Walker is leaving Wesleyan. She two decades, with home crowds American League
said her assistant, Evan Merrill, already losing interest (they had • Wild Card Teams: Yankees,
will succeed her as head coach. a game last week with fewer than
He joined the Bishops staff in 3,000 fans). Other major issues Blue Jays, Athletics.
2021 after a stint as head coach (i.e., DH, pace of play, etc.) we • East: Rays.
at Davis & Elkins College, a • Central: White Sox.
Division-II program in West • West: Astros.
Virginia. He played college • Rays over Astros 4-3 in ALCS.
lacrosse at Virginia Wesleyan.
World Series
The outgoing coach reports • Rays over Dodgers 4-2.
that Wesleyan so far has gotten
commitments for next year
from six high school athletes.