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The Decree is our student newspaper that is published 5 times each year. In addition to reporting on campus events, The Decree regularly features creative writing – fiction, poetry, personal essays – by students and other members of the University community.

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Published by North Carolina Wesleyan University, 2022-04-01 09:17:35

The Decree - March 2022

The Decree is our student newspaper that is published 5 times each year. In addition to reporting on campus events, The Decree regularly features creative writing – fiction, poetry, personal essays – by students and other members of the University community.

Keywords: decree

The Decree
since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.”

March 31, 2022

N O R T H C A R O L I N A W E S L E YA N C O L L E G E , R O C K Y M O U N T, N O R T H C A R O L I N A 2 7 8 0 4

Brys-Wilson Has Provided ‘Steady Leadership’ during Covid
The last two years have been one sister. She’s a nurse, who mlbbaditacjWwmmjwbttttbAQtQsnAnQdiptsQillwtsAttfwfAitpftoieumohmoohhhsenoewiwoootkcbhooioeouemouk....i....faaobryeenfuyiebeeasrhrreildnrroasdWtnIuoowt,IipswaITeWWlWWrlsfrueritacntesctimel’lafsaentfwukdf’gtlrture-saisp’tlkshs.hlnrsmsa,iyrbwlihhhtdtnuothensiefawt-etnniriahenrthhheuav.nsiWaee’ucanlereaolssywuhErvsgaaonnibtnstdteioanaeaoaaanniledeutItshlttrfdolttgfsachuaeletluclNgee’iytrtcbi,nitttey,ecopdeoeghehtyantate,mavctmavenra’oIowreyiewibatftwectpwhrngsnCersntncanbatoetsrhIgioaeminnlilajeoncPglitreluioilaventao-enlomwotanatgnbypaaieMaansariotnasleAiandpesbcavarlmanytgeethylvdbiasllsespmdkguth?tcagnanopdsbdhsancadlbmeegdwaehnuotcGlreb.igon.hdigoetasewweiWrfnasbeaedavdodehetaon’xucAntaaowyisacFaianohu,cmbndtwoydcbnetsrustnastenihino-drervtmtoyhehIsalterootaatsccs,maeliriuaehiv’grstdwahuympoe.oacteosatwenusnnlaeaviyaromiumtgnhtyhaieadlbeeil-Ibauenhryotcf.oteesoet-namsadoiptyothhysnfretneorlseneiiidprcltrsndeoaecuteoir..eepgcemdchawticeroee.dintyvecosearh.amcf.vuroaTat--eaaieetnIutfsottydantoesaehHnaerndnsloIasdiwshuriculm’iscdtsm.neiPHtstl?dayhefthcearedsstn?htchaachraetOycfenhsleseoaweoinaoyaeeuifutariymaeecbeteacpeidnonrslnmomeashlmrrykfo,saeottaltruapr?leicrooaielhaoeusnd.tnwdntnlortoenboepliiphshdssrphcudpotttnoI-stgvnghd.veraturoeeeiapetrilitmteeaSrelasisirgttroidos,nrrothes,kuyehreueeoe-egrtsr-fvhJi.tcBereyrbiyswbcimAQoiQAQAimiapppamdthbiHsliwpssnmsnsthmto-etnevaereuueaio’W......lagt:aeieeoetstaswtotdDnfeateoTIpttCtuToptiiWfNoddry(ikbol,mhrpreitlsbtnirflleheIirIoh.hniiatrhaol-eomeruonraltccoehnegydneerclrmoetnImhehegjermvvtniaoermtwn)ato-sts,emnerraIceaacef’liidolyvntieueerenGbosieydeiteotdnnancdmteroues,hokefmnpegtn?orotaulaqvitdaioodg.uhfirirduelmisbat,ysmrtonorearauTibsflboarabiyewwgeeitemeceliunthsuaJtahlnretpeohsyinluponohpe-yortdngiahholstoierthpprotieeedalneiuuonrttrosoghysaetshitotnersimseaomrclhsedoksyttrdpeuelrre-o.bessisct’thatbeminaeers!Iadashanaero.sttD.fetiolaniltecar,iinrycIndetejtdIjpfseaesErlslofttmiothutnmoGetoatodllialohsnamnnaaholomncwfvbslsjly!tiu?lheasgseiynioeanouatlhvtspmBef,”fsIteehitqan,otnoenctssrlaeye,tirsmhoIcialgereesahohutiotIrdysecoltIulemyrawueoeixofoemaicmoaaccedvvsuieslfesrdrpteunarnihlvoaatnaep,cieiesshsnei-ehpaofosmuegmtnloepu.ontab“ltWrf?eltknataheyrnowsaiAdusoeriYwlnr’ornweaptitsteevtaeyl’neetecdne,ivhsouiaegtlntllnlnesavllahsgeatttlnegIpteaetisssftitsyitwsiogdhtsblaenet,iinswmtsmcio.ewhnnla,,shhwti,l,zaithGbwWhh9lyGucldcwWaotwsWchhkQetQWweAwwhrehhiahelsvheen,euriuinak..e.uolaoeaeaaeedmkpeeegteaaETiaesahIesceLdWbtkrusnetrs’rmtbensexoe.fabhwbdehkdeveverselIe.opdracdWpdwdpttwinioa.davam.eoh.teiteondWouuwaaeiohWcrv’ntAdeuT,rlnoataGtsdbhnncnrrailhepe,lehbdawaseataseubeolte’dchdaeatebrajtebieenst.eldalnueudtpuzibtlejlawlenndcEaippITcmaIilQAbtdngoehIodguluiown,miepatrttsesowyopttnnhncouaedn.reewsfeawin.nvs.yhthatusatdrwaasvaetwroemGnmiiadymBt’soraWvtveIleotayehnseIsitsnetnnttedsceietoeltamrady—tenthariaghoykn’laaeohtteordoracarpwuebgeeoegsyecuwcyhioaiptsieyosjefnbeadnargsturnwhncodnreuhtnoupwueploacyhwvreatuwinlwnssmmeoadeivdeetoprtuotasigrbtgfntheutersnatrreotowliar’eeenemaeuaeeaewi.udeeueerlsieoatetrfcneirnhoyeesisleuldldioakshtekrrterueeIydserdtsrpssoefdtya,n.etomseiayedhmfrhflmfnalnco.weohilnyef11crsnuewybniseduItrwd8a1dwhtnicoeoItfplonpcasInethsot1hoeel5ascitlleaniterf.1uoioessouagwnmruoda.homyaetotfefouhenp.sawhwudiutdWtriitdurplfedlslmdboearlwngaihorusdetGmas.dagatreioglesmeaolisye,rsephdtarhklctbdcoeenalcerywtitodpemheurshmngfindioeevttodolasueioonmdaesscitu,efetrahIdauorrctentlisnfeeternmeilhothnneaean.nesoocaaatematonwolfttltonldeaaerseaebmrtWaenGdnflryosGacddhtcsl,—aom2hheatn5edlgS.deourrslaiHdeetes,e1ecfeltrtodyeupeha0vieeaoaheedlrthseboisonyiraninIoeheie.7.onmocctteads-.erensfyiemtfig,r-r.ddsil.,os.-,snttsl-orgi.ldiad.-ye-s,fIic.?r-t,,,
challenging for many in the Wesley- built a house on my parents’ as hobbies?
an community. That’s certainly been property. She’s married and has
the case for Jessica Brys-Wilson, two children. There were several NCWC Students Reflect A. I love to travel; watch my girls
now in her 10th year as Wesleyan’s very scenic lakes in the Adiron- play their sports; swim; bike ride;
Health Services Director. dacks where we would camp. My
family still enjoys visiting them. On Black History Month and read.
Brys-Wilson, 41, has played Q. Describe a lasting memory By Daniel Cooper a remembrance of what used to Q. Identify your favorites from
a leading role in guiding the from childhood. Decree Staff Writer be and what could have been.” the following list:
college through the pandemic. A. I remember playing in the woods
with my sister and our cousins. Black History Month holds Giavonne Minns provided • Cuisine: Italian.
“She’s provided steady leader- Q. What most interested you in different meanings for members a similar view on the subject. • Movie: I’m not sure if this is a
ship throughout the pandemic,” high school? of the Wesleyan student body. “Black History Month is great to favorite, but I really liked “The Art
Dean of Students Jason Modlin A. Medicine, science. Junior Jamonie Williams, a me because as Black people, we of Racing in the Rain.” The book
said in an email, adding that Q. When did you know you wanted member of Black Men Winning go through a lot of oppression is better, but the movie is good.
Brys-Wilson followed Centers of to work in health care? Was there a (BMW), considers Black History just due to the color of our skin, • TV Shows: “The Office” and
Disease Control and local health particular individual who influenced Month as “a time to commemo- so it's good to have a month that “Homicide Hunter.”
department guidelines in making you? Was there a particular incident rate our history and be proud of celebrates us,” he said. • Pro Sports Teams: I went to
recommendations to the college’s that affected your decision? the progress we’ve made as a race Minns’ roommate Timothy school in Buffalo, so I’m partial
VIRT (Virus Intervention Response A. I pretty much always knew that in terms of the fight for equality.” Carmichael agreed with him, to the Bills and the Sabres.
Team). “Student and employee I would go into healthcare. There Fellow BMW member further elaborating the impor- •ARecent Favorite Book: I read quite
Covid patients received compas- was no event that drove me into
sionate care and instruction.” medicine. In my young mind, it was
the hardest subject, and I wanted to
The dean noted that Brys-Wilson, prove to myself that I could learn it.
a licensed physician’s assistant When I was 14, I started volunteer-
and the lone health care provider ing at a nursing home, and that’s
on campus, worked nearly every when I really fell in love with taking
weekend during the height of the care of people. That opportunity
pandemic to respond to new cases further solidified my view that medi-
and monitor campus and local cine was the right choice for me.
Covid case data. He said “her Q. Why did you elect to become
reasoned approach” has allowed the a physician’s assistant and not a
college to continue with face-to- doctor or nurse?
face instruction during the past two A. That’s a great question. Origi-
years, a key to student success. nally I had planned to be a pediatric
oncologist. I didn’t have much
Brys-Wilson arrived at Wes- familiarity with health careers other
leyan in 2012 as the college than doctor or nurse. When I went
sought to upgrade the health to college, I was introduced to the
care that it provided to students. PA profession and I liked that I
could graduate, begin practicing,
“The students’ well-being is at and start a family sooner. There was
the forefront of all her decisions,” also the flexibility to change medi-
Modlin said. “She understands the cal specialties that appealed to me.
positive correlation between well- Q. Discuss the training required
ness and academic success. She for the job.
always seeks to treat the whole A. In general, you complete a
person, not just the illness.” four-year degree, take the GREs,
and then go to a PA program. PA
A New York native, Brys-Wil- education is based on the medical
son graduated from Daemen Col- school model. It’s generally about
lege in Buffalo, earning a B.S. 12-15 months of rigorous didactic
in health science and an M.S. in education--classes to learn the actual
physician assistant studies. medicine. That’s followed by 12-15
months of on-site clinical rotations
She and her husband, Eric, are to practice the different medical
the parents of three daughters: Ga- fields. At my school, we also had to
briella, Genevie and Aliza Grace. complete a research component.
Q. Discuss the jobs you held
The Decree interviewed Brys- before coming to Wesleyan.
Wilson in February for a profile. A. Prior to Wesleyan, I worked
Q. Describe the neighborhood at Eastern NC Medical Group
where you grew up. for seven years and an urgent
A. I was born in Stratford, a tiny care center for an additional year.
town in the Adirondack Mountains ENCMG was the best first job I
in Upstate New York. It’s very can imagine because we truly did
rural--no traffic lights, no police. everything--outpatient medicine,
There are a lot of hiking trails and inpatient medicine, geriatrics,
snowmobile/four-wheeler trails. pediatrics, critical care, sub-acute
Q. Tell us about your family. hospital, hospital consults, rehab
A. My dad is a second-generation center rounds, psychiatric hospital
Polish immigrant. When I was rounds, and nursing home. It gave
in middle school, he started a
sawmill and worked there until
he retired a few years ago. My
mom’s family was Native Ameri-
can. She worked at a school for
developmentally disabled adults
and she was amazing at it. I have

Samuel Snead offered a similar tance of their history to Afri- a bit, especially historical fiction. I
opinion. “To me, Black History can-Americans. “Black history just finished a four-book series called
Month means that we recognize is about celebrating Black excel- “Sallis House Plantation” that I liked.
all the great African-Americans lence and celebrating future • Social Media: Facebook. A lot
who have paved the way for us to Black excellence,” he said. of faculty and staff use Facebook
be able to do what we do today, Black History Month is not Messenger to contact me, and I’m
like going to a college,” Snead limited to Blacks, but is important FB friends with the biological fam-
said. “We also recognized them for people of other races and eth- ily of my two oldest girls. I like to
for standing up for equal rights.” nicities. Sophomore John Colby post little updates about them for
Senior Gary Daeis said Black Branham expressed his apprecia- their birth mom and aunts to see.
History Month shows the prog- tion for Black history, saying “I Q. What are habits you’ve formed
ress that African-Americans support the promotion and spread for your own self-care?
have made throughout history. of a Black culture in the hopes of A. I get up an hour before the rest
“It allows us to celebrate the learning more about its history.” of my house (when it’s quiet) to
people before us that fought Sarah Waters, a sophomore, ride my exercise bike and drink a
for our rights and freedom,” likes that Black History Month big bottle of water. It helps me feel
The Bishops will play in their new stadium beginning with next fall’s football season. he exclaimed. “This month is See HISTORY pg 3 grounded and sets the stage for

Turn to pages 4-5 for coverage of NCWC sports. Photo courtesy of Sports Information healthy habits the rest of the day.

2 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 March 31, 2022


Wesleyan Profile: New Chaplain Recounts Adversity He Faced as Undergrad
Rev. Edwin Ferguson is finish- surrounding culture. I had to make Short-term Goals:
ing his first year at NC Wesleyan certain decisions, sometimes influ- of the Save-A-Youth program in • To have a time designated for Rev. Ferguson
after his predecessor, long-time enced by my faith and other times Wilson. I loved both experiences members of the Wesleyan com- toon), “Hey Arnold” and “Inves-
chaplain Barry Drum, transitioned opposed to what I believed. because I was blessed to engage munity who desire to worship on tigation Discovery” (any of the
into a full-time teaching position. Q. When did you know you youths who were discovering our campus. We need to find a shows--I try to help the detectives
wanted to enter the ministry? their identities. I tutored them in time during the day when classes solve the crimes), “Family Feud”
As an occasional participant in A. Long story short: When I went to math, but also helped them with are not meeting. (with Steve Harvey) & “Wheel
Rev. Ferguson’s online services, college, I was preparing to become a conflict resolution, bullying, and • To offer a service on Sunday Of Fortune” (I have the game app
staff member Gail Fields has been teacher (middle school/high school personal issues. evenings for the demographic on my phone right now).
impressed by the new chaplain. math and history). During my fresh- who may not wake up in time on • Favorite Movies: “Selma,”
“I’ve found the services to be up- man year, I was sitting in one of the I’ve been a pastor for 11 years. Sunday morning. “The Butler,” “Welcome Home,
lifting and encouraging,” she said. evening Bible studies, and I felt a I’ve served churches in Blacks- • To develop a discipleship pro- Roscoe Jenkins,” “300” (I’m still
“Each message has been enriching, peace and knew that I was in the burg, SC; Fort Lawn, SC; Eliza- gram that will help the students to waiting for part three), the “Lord
thought provoking and reflective.” right place. I also sensed that God bethtown; and now in Snow Hill. grow in their faith of the Rings” trilogy, “The Meg,”
was calling me into ministry. It was Q. What attracted you to the Long-term Goals: “All About the Benjamins,” and
She added that Rev. Ferguson as if God was saying, “This is what NCWC position? • To help students who are discern- “Coming to America” (1 &2).
“presents himself as a man who I want you to do.” Earlier in my life A. Again, I’ll try to do my best to ing the call to ministry through • Favorite Music: smooth jazz,
truly loves the Lord and His peo- I had felt God was calling me, but share the Reader’s Digest version. participation in various opportuni- hip hop (between 1996 and
ple. We’re blessed to have him.” when I asked about it, my Sunday From my time in Nebraska, I’ve ties and connections to various 2010), gospel, and Afro-beats.
school teachers thought I was just always felt a strong pull toward seminaries (to become a ministry • Favorite Foods: ribs, St. Louis Chi-
Along with his Wesleyan re- being funny. In that college Bible college campus ministry. At every training ground in line with their nese, Imo’s Pizza (all tied for 1st place).
sponsibilities, Ferguson, 36, serves study, in that moment, I knew. church I’ve served, I’ve connected denominational standards). • Favorite Book: “He-Motions”
as a pastor at A.M.E. Zion Church Q. What’s the most adversity with the local schools. In one case Q. Let’sshifttoyourlifeoutsideofwork. or “Let It Go,” both by TD Jakes.
in Snow Hill. He lives in Wilson. you’ve faced in your life? How it was with the local community What do you miss most about St. Louis? • Favorite Place: Driving through
did you deal with it? college (Bladen CC) in a mentor- A. Seeing family, attending my the mountains on I-40 East; a beach
A St. Louis native, he noted that A. For the majority of my time in ing program for minority males. home church. I also miss Imo’s (either Myrtle Beach or near LosAn-
he’s the first male in his family college I struggled with depression. There the chairperson allowed me Pizza, greasy Chinese food (with- geles, especially during a sunset); or
to graduate from college, having There was an immense amount of to come and talk about everything out the vegetables), and White my late grandmother’s living room.
earned a BA in history in the pre- pressure on me at the time. I was from faith to finances to family. Castle burgers (with the cheese • Favorite Teams (besides the
seminary track at Concordia Uni- the first male in my family to go to The fire was re-kindled while I fries and a large chocolate shake). Bishops): College: Florida State for
versity (Seward, Nebraska). He college, and I had several younger worked with this program. Q. While we’re on topic of home- football; Duke for basketball. I will
holds a Master of Divinity degree male cousins looking to me as a towns, what do you prefer--North cheer for Missouri as well. Profes-
with a concentration in church role model. If I failed, I would be I had been praying about an Carolina or St. Louis barbecue? sional: Baseball-St. Louis Cardinals;
history from Hood Theological letting them all down. After my first opportunity to serve in a similar A. North Carolina or St. Louis Football-San Francisco 49ers; Bas-
Seminary, Salisbury, where he’s year, I had to go home because I capacity. When I saw the open- barbecue? I don’t want to have ketball-whatever team LeBron is on/
completed one semester in the was too prideful and refused to drop ing here at Wesleyan, I first any problems, but it’s St. Louis/ the Golden State Warriors with Steph
Doctor of Ministry program. a calculus class that I was failing, reviewed the qualifications and Kansas City barbecue all day, ev- Curry, Klay Thompson and Dray-
when that would have been the thought that I wasn’t a good fit ery day. Based on conversations mond Green. I was a HUGE Chicago
The Decree conducted an email prudent move. I guess I didn’t want because I was an A.M.E. Zion I’ve had with people in North Bulls fan during the MJ years.
interview with Rev. Ferguson to to look like a failure. I went home (not United Methodist) minister. Carolina, pulled pork is “barbe- Q. Describe your social media usage.
talk about his life prior to coming for a semester, enrolled at one of I shared with God my concerns cue.” I know it’s not one size fits A. I’m on Facebook (but mainly
to Wesleyan. the local community colleges, and about the denominational affilia- all, but when I think about barbe- to post on my church’s page) and
Q. What’s a favorite memory improved my study and planning tion, and I sensed Him saying to cue, I think about ribs (the Lord is YouTube (again, mostly to post
from your childhood? skills. I returned to Concordia, but I me, “Apply anyway…” good, LOL), brisket, pulled pork, for my church as well as House
A. I would say it was the time spent was still afraid of having to go back pork steaks, burnt ends, and links. of Hope; I’ll also get on YouTube
with my late grandmother. She reared home again. Often I would stand This is a critical time in the Q. What are your hobbies and to watch older football games
me in the Bible, she always had in crowds and feel as if I was by lives of young adults, and if my other interests? and various comedians). I spend
chocolate chip cookies and, in her myself. I smiled and laughed with walk, my transparency, and my A. Taking naps (again, the Lord most of my social media time on
later years, we liked to watch “Every- the crowd, but many nights I cried story help even one of them to is good, LOL), bowling, watch- Instagram. I follow several co-
body Loves Raymond” together. myself to sleep. become a productive citizen, I ing sports (college football and medians, and I’ll check out their
Q. What were your primary inter- believe that will please God. basketball in particular). clips to get a laugh.
ests in high school? In my senior year I finally Q. ListyourjobtitleanddutiesatNCWC. Q. Identify your favorites from
A. Scouting was one (I became my shared my struggles with my A. I’m the chaplain here at the House the following list:
troop’s first Eagle Scout during roommates. We prayed together of Hope (Russell Chapel) on Wes- • Favorite TV Shows: “The Of-
my freshman year of high school). and they constantly checked leyan’s campus.Among my duties, I: fice” (kept me sane while going
Others were youth choir, the church on me. What helped me most • Direct the campus ministries through seminary), “Everybody
step team, and football (I played for was their transparency as they • Provide programming (ministry Loves Raymond” (a sentimen-
three years. We won the state title were dealing with their own opportunities) that engage, educate, tal favorite because I always
my sophomore year and went to the problems. We used our private, and empower the student body sense I’m sitting next to my late
state semi-finals my junior year). yet shared, struggles as fuel. We • Oversee the operations of the new- grandmother), “Fresh Prince of
Q. Describe the role religion wanted to walk across the stage ly minted Bishop Cupboard (pantry) Bel-Air,” WWE/ AEW wrestling,
played in the life of your family. and graduate the same year. & Bishop Assistance programs “Chopped,” “Beat Bobby Flay,”
A. We went to Washington Metro- Quite honestly, I don’t know if I • Expand our connections and build re- “Doug” (a throwback Nick car-
politan A.M.E. Zion Church in St. would be here today, if I hadn’t lationships with community churches
Louis. When I was growing up, my confided in my roommates when Q. What are your immediate and
mother kept me in private Christian I was at my breaking point. Here long-term goals?
schools. Throughout the week, this is what’s most interesting about
served to reinforce the messages I that part of my journey: At the Campus Declared Covid-Free since Early March
heard on Sundays. Going to private time I was preaching during our The college has not had a re- they cannot social-distance. If A. Yes. The data seems to
schools forced me to wrestle with nightly praise service, singing ported case of Covid on campus you’re fully vaccinated or you’ve indicate that vaccinated individu-
my faith as I tried to fit into the in the praise band, and helping since March 5, Health Services had Covid within the last 90 als experience a milder disease
our campus chaplain all while I Director Jessica Brys-Wilson days, you’re not required to mask course than the unvaccinated.
DeTchreee was struggling in private. I don’t said on March 18. indoors at this time.
know who will read this, but I Q. What is the latest state/
since 1960 pray that students will not suffer The Decree contacted Brys- Q. How fearful are you that federal recommendation when it
“of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” in silence. It was by the grace of Wilson for an update: members of the NCWC commu- comes to a second booster shot?
God that my roommates were nity will become complacent with
s ta f f understanding and patient with Q. What's been the total number respect to Covid? And what can A. Pfizer is just now asking for
me as I worked through my is- of Covid cases on campus--bro- we do to guard against this? FDA approval of a fourth booster
Staff Writers sues. It’s vital that you find trust- ken down by students and faculty/ shot in a limited population. At
worthy classmates and friends staff--since the semester began? A. I’m not overly concerned this point, there is no formal rec-
Daniel Cooper and that you take your mask off Let's say through March 15. about this. Our campus and com- ommendation for a fourth shot,
Savannah Ekland in front of them. munity transmission are so low though it is likely that that will
Q. Describe your previous job A. Fifty-one students and at this point, that I think exposure come at some point.
Caitlin Leggett experience. sixteen employees have been is limited. When possible, we all
Amanda Lucci A. I’ll just mention my favorite positive so far this semester. We should continue to social-distance. Q. Europe is reporting a new
experiences. For three summers have had zero cases on campus We should also stay home if sick, wave of an omicron "subvari-
Staff Photographer between 2003 and 2007, I worked since March 5th. avoid sick contacts, and wash ant?" How worried should the
as a Webelos camp counselor. I hands often. The immunocompro- U.S. be about that coming here?
Jaden Randolph-Schoneck lift up this experience because Q. How would you character- mised or higher risk groups may
in my last year, we held a Bible ize the cases in general and what want to continue wearing a mask A. I expect that we will continue
Faculty Advisor study with over 400 campers and symptoms have been displayed. and avoiding crowds. to develop new variants and sub-
we led some of them to a rela- Did anyone require hospitalization? variants. At this point, the omicron
Dr. William Grattan tionship with God through Jesus. Q. What other recommenda- subvariants seem to be more
A. Very mild. The omicron tions do you have for the Wes- contagious but not necessarily
179 Braswell • Phone: 985-5336 Two times, I worked as a tutor, variant has caused minimal leyan community? more dangerous. I will be keeping
Email: [email protected] both at the elementary school I symptoms in the majority of my eye on the data from China
attended as a child, and as a part those infected. I’m not aware of A. As always, eat a healthy and Europe, but I don’t think we
any hospitalizations this semester. diet, get plenty of rest, wash your need to be concerned at this point.
hands often. If that changes, we’ll again adjust
Q. Remind us of the current our policies to protect the wellbe-
mask requirements on campus. Q. Do you recommend that the ing of our campus community.
unvaccinated still get a shot?
A. Unvaccinated persons are
asked to wear a mask indoors if

March 31, 2022 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 3


First Person: The Night They Came for My Family
By Emmanuel Kiprotich That night my two sisters, “Kiprotich, open the door and my thinking. What was in the was the Red Cross society. We
our parents and I were calmly leave before they are here...” culvert? Was there a poisonous all emerged from our tents to
Just after Mwai Kibaki was seated on the couch watching the creature in there? What if…? receive donated food, clothes,
announced by the Electoral television set, as breaking news I recognized the voice; it was our Before I could even answer the mosquito nets, and bedding.
Board Commission to have won was the norm of the day. We neighbor, MadamTeressa.We trusted questions, I was in slumberland.
the election, everything turned could not sleep because we knew her. Still armed with a sword, my After three months in the camp,
into a total mess: peace and har- there would be a strong reaction father moved slowly toward the door. It was then morning; we were still our lives had changed; my two sis-
mony turned into terror, cheers to the election results. We knew ters and I were able to acquire edu-
turned into jeers, friends turned very well there would be trouble. “You need to be fast to save Emmanuel Kiprotich cation from a nearby school. Since
out to be enemies, and a united Citizens would turn against each your lives. They’re almost in the culvert. We were awakened by my parents were among the few
nation turned to a battlefield. other, all because of bad politics, here,” Madam Teresa added. the sounds of footsteps on the road learned individuals in the camp,
aggravated by tribalism, nepo- just above us. There was sunlight they were lucky to secure employ-
It all happened in Kenya, East tism, and racism. Just after my father cracked the and we looked at each other. The ment on the military base, my
Africa. It was December 2007, door, Madam Teressa forced her footsteps grew louder, and we were mother as a secretary, my father as
and the presidential election Just then we heard the cries way inside. “…Ah!!’’she stam- frightened. Sitting next to one of my a paramedic for the military, a job
contest was between the incum- of children in the distance. At mered before she came out said, sisters, I could hear her heartbeat; it he kept until his retirement.
bent president, Kibaki, and his the time we lived in the town of “A group of young men is coming was beyond the normal rate.
challenger, Raila Odinga. That Nanyuki amid Kibaki’s ethnic from the East, sweeping off the Soon after Kibaki had retained
year many citizens exercised their group and supporters. But we Kalenjins. We have been good Then we saw a group of three his presidential seat, peace came
democratic right to vote. Little did were members of the Kalenjin neighbors, but the situation cannot hundred coming toward us. back to our country, but camp life
they know that the corrupt elec- ethnic group, allied with the Luo allow us to be together again. You Before we figured out what to do became worse and worse. The
toral board would alter the results. community, and that made us need to move westward toward the next, we heard a man say, “Ocha- population increased and there
vulnerable. My mother was pray- military camp, just across the main guu karibu keit kabolis (Be faster was overcrowding. Poor hygiene
Just after voting was done, the ing while in tears; my two sisters road. Be fast.” guys, we’re almost there).” enabled the spread of contagious
totals were compiled, and results were silent, but tears covered diseases, as crime rates rose, and
were streamed live on national their faces as well. My brave We faced a dilemma. The We could understand the the situation became unbearable.
television. Odinga took the lead father tried to appear quite calm, cries and screams grew louder
by a wide margin just after nu- but fear was well printed on his and louder outside. In time my parents were able
meric values from every part of face. It was then midnight and to collect their savings and relo-
the country had been submitted. “post-election violence” was the “Take what you can. Let’s cate the family to Eldoret in the
only headline on every channel. move,” my father shouted to us. western part of Kenya, where
The country was calm as my parents still live today.
Kenyans waited for Odinga to “Boom!! Boom!!’’A large With little time to pack our
be declared the winner. The Luo bang was heard at the door. Dad belongings, we hesitantly left our Fifteen years down the line, I
community, Odinga’s ethnic group, stood as he made a gesture that well-furnished cozy white house. find myself in math and English
celebrated with others who voted we should remain dead silent. He In the distance we saw fires and a classes at North Carolina Wes-
for him, while Kibaki’s supporters then moved to pick up his long, huge cloud of smoke. We were all leyan College. I thank God that
mourned and jeered. Then the results curved blade—a Japanese sword, terrified. It was midnight, a cold my American dream came true.
were announced by the electoral the only weapon in the house. breeze blowing while the moon’s But as I sit in the classroom
board, and Kibaki took a lead!! How crescent helped us see where trying to understand what the
was that possible, we wondered? we were headed. The Aberdare lecturer is teaching, the terrify-
Mountain range was visible in the ing memories still remain fresh.
Internationals Discuss Teaching distance. My two sisters and mum
Of Black History Back Home cried in a low tone, and my dad (Emmanuel Kiprotich is a
and I were calm but engulfed with
fear. We did not cry; how would it language, as they were from our freshman from Kenya.)
By Caitlin Leggett cultures can create. “We have a have sounded for two men to cry? ethnic group; like us, they were
Decree Staff Writer race day. It’s a celebration of us We had to leave behind our pos- on the run. My father led us HISTORY from pg 1
being mixed,” she explained, re- sessions and our Toyota Corolla, from the culvert as we let go a
For some people, February ferring to Indigenous Resistance parked just outside the house. collective sigh of relief. celebrates the accomplishments
marks the month of love. For oth- Day, or Día de la Resistencia and pride of Black Americans.
ers, the month commemorates the Indigena, which is a holiday ob- Madam Teressa accompanied We were lucky to be wel- “It’s a way of remembering the
achievements of African-Amer- served on October 12. She said us as we hastened through the comed into the group by two struggle and the drive they had
icans in spite of their traumatic it celebrates the diversity among thick savannah footpath to the old men who were leading to accomplish when the odds
history. America has recognized Native Americans, Europeans, main road. We switched off our them. We were now among were against them,” she said.
the holiday for almost 50 years and other ethnic groups. flashlights to avoid being rec- adults and children who moved
but what about internationally? ognized. After about two miles quickly and murmured as they D’Maurien Franklin, a junior
Do other countries recognize a Junior Naomi Pilapil was of silent walking in the dark- went. I could see that many and a BMW member, described
Black History Month? raised in the Philippines. In the ness, we reached the Athi River of them were injured; some Black History Month as a time
last two years she has learned bridge that spanned a stream limped, hopped, crawled and to “reflect on the greats that
Swedish native Osei Darko, what Black History Month of calmly flowing water with some, in critical condition, were came before us and represented
a freshman at Wesleyan, said means in the U.S. after hav- crocodiles. A warm breeze came left behind, laying mercilessly Black excellence,” he said. “I
his transition from Sweden to ing no prior knowledge of the toward us. Then Madam Teressa beside the main road. also reflect on the Black excel-
America has exposed him to subject. “I’ve learned about how had to go back to her house. lence in the world now and I’m
many cultural differences. “Be- long they (Blacks) have been “We should be fast; they are proud of our progress.”
fore coming here, I didn’t know fighting for equality and justice, “It was nice being with you,” after us,” a man said.
what Black History Month was,” and they’ve still accomplished she said. “You’re like my fam- NC Wesleyan American History
he said, explaining that Sweden so much, and a lot of people ily. Thank you for everything. If I could compare those mo- Professor Jonathan Sarris shared
does not celebrate it. “In grade don’t know that,” she said. the Almighty makes it happen, ments to the story in the bible, his perspective on the importance
four or five we learned about Although Black history is not we will meet again. Goodbye.” the exodus. It was on this part of Black History Month. “Ideally,
slavery and the Atlantic slave taught in her country, she feels of the journey that I experi- we would live in a country where
trade. The only other history we that it would be beneficial to Her words marked the last enced the worst moment; a African-American history was thor-
learned was Swedish history, educate people on it. time I saw or heard from Madam young woman, walking just oughly integrated into every aspect
like Vikings and world wars.” Teressa. Before we parted ways, ahead of us with a newborn on of our nation's story,” he explained.
Freshman Nicole Yagi, a native my mom, too frightened even her shoulder, realized that her “If that were the case, every month
He attributes his lack of of Argentina, shared a similar to utter a word, hugged Madam child had suddenly stopped cry- would be African-American His-
knowledge about Black history view after not knowing any- Teressa as a sign of appreciation. ing. She tried to check on her, tory Month. Sadly, we don't live in
to the fact that race is a somewhat thing about the month when she calling “Bennie!!...Bennie!!”, that kind of country--yet.”
unspoken topic in his country. “In first arrived. “It (Black History “Dad, I’m tired,” my younger but there was no response.
Sweden, there are no questions Month) is important because it’s sister cried. Young Bennie was gone, and Dr. Sarris then criticized the
like ‘What race are you?’” he history and history is for people the young woman let out a wail. recent attempts nationwide to
said. For that reason, he believes to learn and understand,” she As the elder brother, I took censor or limit the teaching of
that celebrating BHM in Sweden said, adding that, with this being the responsibility of carrying The elders ordered the group to topics related to race. According
would likely cause problems and only her second month in the her on my shoulder. stop for a minute to bear respect to Dr. Sarris, such attempts “re-
tension between races. Only one U.S., she hopes to learn more. for the young one we lost on the inforce the continuing necessity
percent of Sweden’s population After three hours of hitting the journey. Then some men dug a of focusing on the unique history
identifies as African-Swedish. Sophomore Phoebe Wieger- countryside’s sloppy terrain, we hole beside the road and buried of Black Americans. You cannot
inck is a native of the Nether- were at the main tarmac road. the child. After a short ritual learn the history of the United
Venezuelan Andrea Vandrame lands, where the population is It was about 4 a.m., and we had activity, we continued to move. States without learning the his-
shares a similar experience of not four percent Afro-Dutch. When traveled about ten miles. We were tory of African-Americans.”
knowing much about Black his- she was in high school, she all exhausted, but at this point, It was now almost two o’clock.
tory until her arrival to America. recalls hearing about Black his- we were quite assured of be- “Finally…” one man roared. Tavon Gregory, a senior and a
“We don’t hear about specific tory but only regarding slavery. ing safer here than at home. We member of BMW, said Black Histo-
races in my country because So, she spends a lot of time were drowsy after a long journey Finally we had reached the ry Month allows him to connect with
everyone is mixed race,” the explaining to people who don’t without food, water, or sleep. We main entrance of the military ancestors. “It’s a chance to remember
Wesleyan senior said. “I didn’t understand why the month is needed to rest. camp, which would offer us pro- and honor them for their sacrifices,”
know about Black History significant. tection from the terrorists. A tight Gregory said. “They risked their
Month until this semester. I “There is a culvert here,’’my security check and registration lives daily so that we could have a
thought it was just something “I think it's important to know mother shouted from a slight distance were done before we went to our better life than they did.”
you see in movies.” what went down,” she said. ahead of us. “We can rest here.” respective tents in the camp. My
“People are uneducated about it family was allocated one of them. Gregory observes Black History
Noting that Venezuela is a di- (Black History) and some people My father was the decision- Month by "striving for a better life
verse country, Vandrame said she can be very aggressive when it maker, and he was so exhausted Just after we had settled into our for myself, family and commu-
understands the need to celebrate that he agreed on the drainage new homes, cheers erupted for we nity. I take their lessons and help
the importance of what different See INTERNATIONALS pg 5 culvert after confirming it was had reached the camp alive. to push their agendas that maybe
dry. We all went into the culvert, they couldn’t finish. I am my
squeezing ourselves together Then came a “vroom!! ancestors' wildest dreams!”
to generate warmth. While in vroom!!” as a lorry entered the
the culvert, questions crept into camp through the main gate: it

4 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 March 31, 2022


Bishop Briefs: Lax Extends Win Streak, Baseball Sweeps SVU
Lacrosse Marymount, Virginia Wesleyan, and also ranks her #1 in the USA South.
Eastern Mennonite. "Christian set the tone for the
After losing its first six, Wesley- Leading the Bishops was freshman women with her outstanding per-
an’s lacrosse team has gone on an un-
precedented four-match win streak, Myles Patterson who placed sixth with a formance in the first event of the
two-round score of 162, 18 over par. He day,” Dunn said. “Her confidence
with three victories coming against was the only Bishop to break 80, shoot- became contagious.”
conference opponents.
The streak began with a dramatic ing a 79 on the second day. He was just Freshman Mariah Brooks
three strokes behind the medalists. continued Wesleyan’s strong vibe
12-11 triumph in double overtime Other Wesleyan participants in- with an electric performance in the
against Huntingdon, a match Coach
Bridget Walker called the most excit- cluded freshmen Aidan Harrington 100-meter dash. Racing against
(84-80, 7th place), Lucas Perez (84- DI, II and III athletes, she placed
ing contest in her five years at NCWC. 81, 9th), and Brycen Swain (81-93, second overall with a time of 12.32
“That was the best,” she said. “It was
great seeing the drive in our players in 17th). Junior Augustin Spangenberg "In the premier event on the
finished in 20th in the 30-man field track, freshman phenom Mariah
such an up-and-down match.” with consecutive rounds of 89. Brooks showed up and showed
After forging a 3-3 tie at halftime, the
two USASouth opponents scored nine NC Wesleyan golfers will play in out," Dunn said. At the same time,
two more tournaments--the Hamp- the coach believes her performanc-
times in the third period, as Huntingdon den-Sydney Invitational and the es will only get stronger as she
took the lead, 8-7, at the end of 45 min- Leading goal scorer Blaire Harley tallied in the second OT period to
utes of play. Wesleyan tied the match push the Bishops past Huntingdon. Camp Lejeune Collegiate--before the learns “the art of sprinting,” noting,
two minutes into the fourth period on an Photos courtesy of Wesleyan SI team travels to Spartanburg, S.C. to “She’ll be a force in this sport for

unassisted goal by Madeline Graham. meled Pfeiffer, 13-1, at home in the opener play has allowed his young pitchers compete in the USA South Confer- years to come.”
The teams then continued to trade of a weekend series. The Bishops were to see game action. Each has turned ence championship April 18-20 at the Brooks was followed by team-
paced by Morgan, who pounded out three in 10 innings or more in the pitcher’s
goals before the Bishops took the lead hits and drove in five runs from the leadoff circle. “There have been some ups CarolinMa Ceounnt’rsy CTluebn. nis mates Bijou Patel (13.75) and
with 1:25 remaining as Blaire Harley spot. Carter yielded five hits and struck out and downs, which is to be expected,” The men’s tennis team, looking to Assata Sirleaf (13.90).
tallied to put the Bishops up, 11-10. six in seven innings to get the victory. the coach said. “But the non-con- continue its dominance of the USA
With only seven seconds remaining ference games have given them the South Conference, will face Pfeiffer Brooks also finished 3rd in the
the Hawks’ Dylanie Chappel scored The four conference wins come on opportunity to find their rhythm.” University March 26 at the Slick 200-meter run with a time of 25.25.
to send the match into overtime. the heels of mediocre non-conference Family Tennis Center. That time ranks her 1st overall in
play by the Bishops, who went 7-9 in Humphrey has logged the most NCAA Division III.
Following a scoreless first OT February and early March. “We have starts (eight) and innings pitched Since February, the team has
period, Harley struck again, tallying not played our best for sure,” said (45.1), compiling 19 strikeouts, 3.09 breezed through non-conference In the women's 400-meter dash,
on a free position shot. It was her Head Coach Greg Clifton just before ERA and a 5-3 record. action, wining 11 matches and losing Teanna Bellamy ran a school record
seventh goal of the match. conference action began. “We’ve once, to Division I Creighton Univer- and personal best in her first meet
been competing well; we’re just not Salcido, an El Paso native, sity. In an exhibition on February 4, the of the season, clocking a time of
Goalkeeper Devin Bautz was getting results so far.” sports the lowest ERA in the early Bishops fell to DI Wake Forest, 7-0. 1.01.31. That earned her 3rd in the
stout in net for the Bishops, making going at 1.40. event and placed her 1st among USA
17 saves against the Hawks. Asked to identify specific areas In its final match before facing South competitors.
of improvement, he replied, “We “Sofia’s developed a nasty change- conference competition, the Bish-
CoachWalker said the double OTwin pretty much need to improve all up,” Brackett said. “She’s been ops dismantled former USA South "Teanna is gaining more and more
gave the Bishops a lift at just the right aspects of our team, from coaching effective at keeping hitters off balance. rival Christopher Newport, 8-1, confidence day by day,” her coach said.
time. “The match really propelled us into on down!” She works her fastball in and out while sweeping the doubles matches and “She’s shown a willingness to learn all
conference play with a strong mindset,” mixing in the change.” losing only one in singles. Juan aspects of her events and it paid off with
she said, adding that the victory was Danny Thompson pitched a Vallejo (6-1, 6-2), Roberto Puig (6- a PR in her first race of the season.”
even “more sweet,” because the Bishops, shutout in a recent game against Brackett expressed optimism 0, 6-2), Luca Nese (6-0, 6-1) and
hampered by injuries, played much of Southern Virginia U. about his pitching. “For a fresh- Diego Segovia (6-2, 6-3) won their Kelsey Hutchinson placed 14th in
the match with only one substitute. man, the biggest adjustment is matches with ease. the 1500-meter run (5:38, a personal
Coach Clifton offered the following getting used to the fact that she’s best) and 8th in the 5K with a time of
The next week the Bishops picked capsule assessments of what he called his going to face good hitters all the John Falke was taken to three 22:30. Sophomore Sarah Waters was
up three more victories, all in convinc- “weekend pitching rotation”: way through the opposing team’s sets in his win over CNU’s #2 Alec 5th in the javelin with a throw of 20
ing fashion, defeating non-conference • Left-handed senior Derrick Carter. lineup,” said Brackett, now in his Strause, while Jhonny Acosta was meters. Dunn praised Hutchinson as
opponent Warren Wilson, 15-5; and “He’s the ultimate competitor,” Clif- 29th season. “All five freshmen are upset in by CNU’s Ryan Macy in one of the best overall student-athletes
then USA South rivals William Peace, ton said. “He uses all pitches well de- progressing well.” matchup of #1 seeds. that he’s encountered. “She’s a pleasure
18-7; and Greensboro, 13-1. pending on day, hitter and situation.” to coach,” Dunn said. “She brings a
• Right-handed sophomore Danny First-year players also lead the With a deep roster of athletes positive energy every day and that’s
Looking back at their slow start, Thompson. “He’s one of our top two team in some key offensive cat- from 16 countries and four con- made an impact on our team.”
Walker said that her players main- athletes,” the coach said. “The slider egories. Third-baseman Molly Ale- tinents, the team is led by seniors
tained their confidence even after six is his best pitch, but he can run his jandrino has a team-leading three Acosta, Puig and Vallejo. On the men's side, freshmen
straight losses, each by a lopsided fastball up in the low 90s.” homers and 16 RBIs. She also was Sherfield Smith and Malik Anderson
score (The Bishops yielded 111 goals • Right-handed fifth-year senior tied with senior Merideth Mize for The NCWC men’s team has kicked off the day off in the shot put.
while scoring just 23). Drew Tubb. “Drew gives our team a the lead in batting average at .293. not lost a conference match since Sherfield's 11.41-meter throw is a
chance to win every time he’s on the Freshman infielder Sklyer Walker 2009, reeling off 12 consecutive school and personal record. Ander-
“We knew the beginning of our season was second in RBIs with 10 and titles during that span. son followed him with a toss of 9.90
was going to be tough because we were Softballmound. Best pitch: his changeup.” second in runs scored with 11. meters. Both Sherfield and Anderson
facing strong teams,” she said. “Even Having finished non-conference Women’s Tennis also competed in the discus event,
with the losses, we were focused on action with a 10-8 record, the After a slow start in February, with Smith setting a school record
learning and growing.” Wesleyan softball team begins USA the Bishops won seven of their Like the men’s team, the women with a heave of nearly 35 meters.
South play with hopes of a successful next eight games. The first confer- will open their conference schedule
The team is seeking to establish a ence matchup was scheduled for with a home match against Pfeiffer In the 400-meter run freshman
balanced offense following last year’s March 26 at Averett. on March 26. Noel Meza led the way with a time
graduation of Wesleyan’s all-time of 52.48, good for 10th place among
leading scorer,Ali Cucinotta (197 This is the first time in four seasons Playing many fewer matches so 20 athletes. Team captain Keyonte
career goals). Harley, a junior center, that the Bishops take the field without far, the women have gone winless Williams established a personal
has emerged as a team leader, having ace Braswell. A three-time team MVP in four appearances. record in the 800-meter run with a
recorded 34 goals through the team’s and a three-time all-conference per- time of 2.09.07, placing him in 10th.
first 10 matches. Graham, a senior right former, Braswell was dominant in her The team is led by freshman
wing, is second in scoring with 15 goals, senior season, with an 18-6 record, Kristal Dule, who’s won three of "Our men's team continues to im-
followed by senior defenderAydriyan 1.43 ERA and 157 strikeouts in 151 her four singles matches at #1, prove, but we still have a long way to
2/3 innings. She also was the team’s defeating competitors from Haver- go," Coach Dunn said. "Once they get
BaseballUpchurch, who’s registered 9. leading run producer last season with ford, John Carroll, and Winona more confidence in themselves, they
The Wesleyan baseball team four home runs and 31 RBIs. State, and then losing to Kate will gain momentum.
opened conference play with four Kruger of Division 1 Creighton
straight wins, sweeping Southern In 2021 Wesleyan finished 10-4 in University. Teaming with Elisa
Virginia and then beating Pfeiffer. the USASouth, 20-17 overall.After Mariotti, she is also 3-1 in doubles
sweeping Pfeiffer in the opening round action in 2022.
Playing in Buena Vista, Va., the of the conference tournament, the Bish-
Bishops unleashed an explosive of- ops lost in the finals, two games to one, Anative of Italy, Dule was a 2021
fense during a three-game set against
the SVU Knights, winning by scores Golfto West Division champ Piedmont. ITASToruathcRekgioananl rudnneFr-uiep. ld
of 14-2, 7-0, and 12-5. (Article courtesy of NCWC
In game one, the offense was led by
Tyson Bass (four hits), Davie Morgan (a season and another chance at a title. Virginia Beach—Wesleyan’s golf Sports Information)
With a 10-4 record, the Bishops fin- team finished second in the six-team Wilmington—The men's and
homer, three RBIs) and Emry Jackson ished second in the East Division last Marlin Invitational hosted by Virginia women's track and field teams made
(homer, four RBIs), as Derrick Carter
year and made it to the championship Wesleyan at Cypress Point Country their season debut March 5 at UNC-
struckout11insixinningstoearnthewin. series, losing to Piedmont in a dramatic Club March 19-20. Wilmington in the Seahawk Invitation-
Game two: Sophomore Danny three-game set. The Bishops recorded a team score al. It was the first competition under
Thompson silenced the Knights, throwing
This year Coach John Brackett of 332 in the first round on Saturday new coach Bill Dunn.
atwo-hitshutout.ZachScottandJackson will rely on a freshmen pitching staff and improved by three strokes to shoot On the women’s side, freshman
each chipped in two RBIs. following the graduation of all-confer- a 329 in the second round Sunday, Christian Van Norden started the
Game three: Dustin Padgett had
three hits and three RBIs, as his ence hurler and slugger Beth Braswell. finishing 10 strokes behind team day off with a bang in the shot put. Senior Keyonte Williams set a
brother, Chandler, and starter Drew The new staff is comprised of Emily champion Goucher College. Competing against many Division II personal best in the 800-meter
Tubb combined on a seven-hitter. athletes, she finished fourth overall run at a recent invitational track
Humphrey, Sofia Salcido, Emily Oste- Their 661 total put the Bishops with a school record and personal meet in Wilmington.
The following week,Wesleyan pum- guin, Laila Hollway and Avery Jordan. four strokes ahead of conference rival best throw of 11.80 meters. Her toss
Averett. Other competitors included
Brackett noted that non-conference

March 31, 2022 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 5


Women’s Hoops Team Finishes 3rd in USA South Conference
The women’s basketball your team. Talk players to graduation, since the
season ended February 22 with Kayrisma Harrison more than 20. about her devel- NCAA granted a “Covid year.”
an opening round loss, 85-77, to Q. What was the difference in Q. Talk about the graduating opment starting
second-seeded Greensboro in a with her freshman Q. As a follow-up, what skills
USA South quarterfinal matchup. the Greensboro game? seniors. What is the team losing year. What are you do you need to improve through
A. I think we “ran out of gas” at with their graduation? expecting from her recruitment?
Playing with an injury-depleted next season?
lineup, the third-seeded Bishops the end of the game. Greensboro A. Javana Jones has been our A. We’d like to bring in a few
led by one point after three quar- was able to hit some shots at the glue for four years. She is able A. KDot’s talent taller players, so we can play more
ters, but The Pride outscored the end of the game and we were not. to guard 1-5 positions and when has never been a of a full-court game defensively.
visitors, 28-19, in the last frame to It was a good game, but I wish I needed could rebound and score. question. She came
advance to the next round. had the full roster available She’s a tremendous athlete that to NC Wesleyan as Q. What was it like to be back
will be hard to replace. Keorra a skilled post player. with team after you were sidelined
Senior guard Kayla Johnson Q. What did you say to your Taylor has been the starting point Her emergence came last year by a heart condition?
(19 points) led four Wesleyan players after the game? guard for the last three years and from her mental ap-
players who scored in double her leadership will be missed. proach to the game. A. Initially it was difficult and
figures: Myesha Best (16), Kay- A. I told them that, considering She saw the game like a coach KDot is one of few I wasn’t sure if I could last the
risma Harrison (12) and Nyesha that a week prior we didn’t have a and got the ball to the right place post players in the entire season, but once December
Best (10). Wesleyan shot 34 practice with the full roster, I was at the right time. Kayla Johnson league that can score came I was fine. The game and
percent from the field, com- proud of the way we competed. I with her back to the stresses were the same; I just
pared to The Pride’s 42 percent. thanked the three seniors for their basket or facing the needed to adjust.
leadership and dedication to the basket. She’s also
Five Bishops were sidelined rare in that she can Q. Describe what it was like
by injuries: Devin Johnson, Asja take a defensive to play against Coach Dez, your
Jones, Nariyah Nixon, Jules rebound and go “coast to coast” former assistant, who’s now head
Robinson and Nadia Simmons, and score. Once she believed she coach at conference rival Averett?
limiting the number of substitu- could do that every game, that’s (The Bishops won both, 62-60,
tions Coach Artina Trader was when other coaches saw what January 19 on the road; and 87-
able to make in the second half. Coach (Desiree) Driver saw dur- 65, February 12 at home).
ing the recruitment process.
Greensboro (17-1 in the USA Q. How has recruiting for next A. The first time we played
South) lost in the semi-finals to year gone so far? it was a difficult game because
Berea College, which was van- A. Recruiting is going well. We our roster wasn’t at 100 percent,
quished by new conference member hope to add some height with two and she knew everything we
Southern Virginia in the finals. to three more post players, as well wanted to do. I was overthinking
as two to three more guards. We decisions during the game. The
The Bishops finished 13-5 have two commits so far and hope second game we had the full ros-
in the conference and 15-11 to have at least four by May. Last ter, and I just coached the game;
overall. The Greensboro game year the pandemic really affected I wasn’t trying to out-maneuver
marked the final game for three her. Both games were fun, though,
Wesleyan seniors. because we both see basketball as
a game. So when that game ends,
The Decree interviewed Coach we’re still friends and act as such.
Artina Trader after the season. With the amount of game film

INTERNATIONALS from pg 3 program. graduates second all-time in ca- recruiting since so many high that can be viewed, there really
Q. What was the highlight of reer points (1,497) and the career school teams weren’t able to play, weren’t any surprises, on either
comes to teaching them (Whites) the season? leader in three-pointers (246). and college programs lost fewer side, coming into either game.
about it…but teaching is all about A. The Huntingdon (November Her team-first mentally will be
embracing. It’s important that 12, 71-64) and William Peace missed; its seldom that you’ll Long-Awaited NCWC Football
they see both sides of history.” (February 11, 71-69) games were find your most decorated player Stadium to Open for Fall Season
great ones because they were is also the biggest cheerleader of
She understands it can be come-from-behind victories. In her teammates regardless of how
frustrating talking to people fact, in both, we came back from her game is going that day.
who may fail to see the value of double-digit deficits to win. At Q. Kayrisma “KDot” Harrison After moving from Northern once the weather passes and not
Black History Month, but learn- William Peace, we were down by has emerged as a top player on Nash High School to Rocky have to worry about injury or
ing and educating people on the McDowell Named to All-Region Mount Athletic Complex to an tearing up the grass because of
subject is important to her. Team as Wesleyan Career Ends improvised field on campus, field conditions.
After leading NCWC to the semi- he continued to grow throughout the Bishops football team will
It was not until she and her finals of the USA South tourna- his five years here.” relocate to a permanent home Q. What features of the stadium
other classmates pushed to ment, senior Damon McDowell Dixon added that McDowell re- beginning next fall. do you find most appealing?
learn more in their classes, was named to the second tier of the fused to let his many accolades “gas
that she learned about the part all-region team. up his head” or change his character. The Decree interviewed A. The biggest feature was an-
that her country played in the The Myrtle Beach native was one of “He stayed the same.” Head Coach Jeff Filkovski in swered in the previous questions,
Atlantic slave trade as well as two players from the conference on the Last month the Bishops (19-8) February about the new facility, but one cannot exclude the lights.
the accomplishments of Black second team, joining Covenant forward opened the USASouth tournament which will also be the home Lights are a game changer as far
people. The Dutch have owned Will Crumley. For the second year in by defeating Pfeiffer, 81-69, at home, field for the college’s lacrosse as scheduling games or practice.
many territories, besides the a row, McDowell led the conference as McDowell tallied 32 points, with program. Currently we are hamstrung by
Netherlands, and they were in scoring with a 23.6 points-per-game scoring support from Dixon (13 the daylight and the lights will
among some of the first to join average. He recorded a 47 percent points) and Khalid Chavis (10). Q. For background: Is Wes- open up more opportunities when
the slave trade, exporting over overall shooting percentage, shot 41 In the next round Wesleyan was leyan the last team in the USA the sun isn’t shining.
550,000 slaves for fuel, ma- percent from three-point range, and eliminated after a tight defensive South Conference to plays at its
chinery, food, and more. made 81 percent of his free throws. game with Covenant. The final score own on-campus stadium? Q. In what specific ways will
This past year saw the Wesleyan was 58-53. With 20 points, McDow- having an on-campus stadium
Wiegerinck is not alone in her guard set a school record with 87 ell was one of only two Bishops to A. NCWC and Greensboro help in recruiting?
zeal to learn about Black Histo- three-pointers, as he became the score in double figures, as the team College were the two teams that
ry Month. Junior Gregor Baum school’s second all-time leading scorer was limited to 33 percent shooting played off-campus and LaGrange A. I’ve been around the college
is from Germany and knew with 1,968 points over five seasons. from the field. has some partnership with the game for a long time. Facilities
little about Black history before Teammate Brayden Dixon was Dixon felt the Bishops lacked con- community to play in a stadium are so important today in terms
coming to America. Blacks amazed that McDowell was able to sistency against the Scots. “Late in that is across the street from cam- of recruiting and retention. Some
comprise only one percent of improve on last year’s performance. the game,” he said, “Covenant went pus. Greensboro has also pushed people miss out on the latter,
Germany’s population. Even “He came back even better this year,” on a huge run and we didn’t have to have football on campus and but that’s how success is built in
so, Baum is open to educating he said. “It’s a tribute to Damon that enough left in the tank to respond.” currently plays there. athletics…retention. I just saw
himself on the matter. that the University of Cincin-
Damon McDowell Q. What input did you and the nati is building a $70 million
“I have some blind spots to coaching staff have in the design football facility. Why, some may
that part of history, but I’d like of the stadium. ask, when the program just had
to dedicate more time to learn a great year? But facilities have
about it,” he said. “To right the A. We’re fortunate to have always been an attraction to high
wrongs of the past, we have to great leadership in the Ath- school athletes and it’s become
be aware of the history. And to letic Department where Coach one of the main reasons for cur-
understand the present you need (Aaron) Denton advocates for rent athletes to stay at the college
to be aware of the past.” collaboration, so yes, we’ve been or university. At every level of
involved. college athletics there must be a
According to National Public constant push to compete in fa-
Radio, the United States, Canada, Q. What kind of turf will there cility improvement. The obvious
Ireland, and the United Kingdom be at the new stadium, and how is for recruiting, but I emphasize
are among the only places that does that compare to the turf at the the retention aspect more.
observe a Black History Month. Rocky Mount Sports Complex?
Q. What other benefits does an
Carter G. Woodson sought A. RM Stadium is natural on-campus stadium bring to your
to educate the American public grass. We’ll have artificial program?
about the many achievements of grass. Our stadium will play
African-Americans by creating fast. The biggest attribute will A. The football stadium, and
Black History Month in 1926. show up during inclement all improvements to campus
It became nationally recognized weather. In the past, if weather at NCWC, are to enhance the
in the U.S. in 1976, under the hits, we’ve had to cancel prac- student experience while they’re
presidency of Gerald Ford. tice. With the artificial surface, at the college.
we’ll be able to get out there

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