The Decree
since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.”
October 29, 2021
N O R T H C A R O L I N A W E S L E YA N C O L L E G E , R O C K Y M O U N T, N O R T H C A R O L I N A 2 7 8 0 4
Evan Duff Inaugurated as Wesleyan’s 8th President
NC Wesleyan President Evan ronment for our faculty and staff. while understanding the unique
Duff was inaugurated in cere- Having a gun for any reason on balance of meeting their needs
monies held at the Dunn Center a college campus is a felony. We while maintaining fiscal respon-
on September 17, with members have an anonymous tip line that sibility. Having a charismatic
of the college community and students use, we have cameras in personality and a passion for pri-
invited guests on hand. the lobbies of our dorms and in vate, faith-based higher education
In a wide-ranging interview other outside areas around cam- would also be important factors.
following the ceremony, President pus, and our resident advisers and
Duff talked about the college’s area coordinators do a great job Q. The college brought in a high
current financial status, enrollment of working with students regard- number of new faculty this year.
and its response to the Covid-19 ing their safety concerns. Do you foresee additional hires
delta variant, among other topics. during the current academic year?
Q. Congrats on your formal inau- Q. At the end of the academic
guration. What was going through year, Dr. Wyatt is returning to A. Yes, we’ll be able to fill a
your mind during the ceremony? her previous position as associate few positions that are essentially
A. During the ceremony I often provost. What qualities would you replacements for those retiring this
wondered if people were having a like to see in the next provost? year or who recently retired. Not
good time and hoping they were all faculty requests will be met, un-
not bored. I was also filled with A. In the last two years, Dr. fortunately, this year. Our hope is
excitement and felt gratitude that Wyatt has done an outstanding we can fill the other positions after
my family and friends were pres- job while wearing multiple hats in student headcount normalizes.
ent to share this day with me. P residen t Duff s peaks at his inau gural ce remony held at the Dunn Center. academic and student affairs. I’m
excited that she’ll be returning to Q. Please provide a status report
Q. Have you, and your family, Wesleyan PR photo a role that she loves and that is on the Annual Fund and other fund-
set a goal for the length of time vital for retention and student suc- raising efforts as of October 15.
you would like to serve in the job? We’ve attained that goal or better total students (returners, freshmen cess. Regarding the new provost,
since 2019. While it’s optimal for and transfers), but we budgeted I would want someone who can The Wesleyan Promise is going
A. My family is continuing to settle a non-profit organization to have a for 900 as a worst-case scenario. advocate for faculty and students well with over 40 percent of the
into our new home on campus and in break-even budget, when we per- After the drop/add period, we faculty and staff contributing so
the community. While I think about form better than this, we can reinvest ended at 876. We were able to
the future, I try to focus on the present that money into programs, benefits, cover that loss in revenue this year, see DUFF pg 5
in order to make the most of it. and infrastructure. I think the college using some of the federal stimulus
is in a good place considering the funds given to all higher educa- NC Wesleyan Community
Q. What is Wesleyan’s current circumstances in the world, but tion institutions. Some funds were Pays Tribute to Matthew
financial situation? How would we always have room to improve. earmarked for budget shortfalls. Clemmons (2002-2021)
you characterize the college’s Hundreds gathered at the screen, his curiosity, intellect
current condition? What is the Q. What was the total student en- Q. In terms of numbers, how is Southern Bank Green Septem- and commitment to learning
projection as far as end-of-year? rollment in the traditional program the APS program doing? ber 3 for a candle-light vigil showed,” he said, noting that
at the beginning of the semester?
A. We’re scheduled for a break- A. Our adult and professional
even budget for fiscal year 2021. A. The original goal was 930 studies program has also seen
a downward shift over the last
Freshmen Encouraged to Get couple years. This correlates with to honor the life of Wesleyan Clemmons always gave 100
this trend all over the country. sophomore percent on his
The Covid recession was not like Matthew assignments.
Involved with Campus Life typical recessions and there was Clemmons, “He enjoyed
not an influx of adult students go- who died talking about
By Mary Cat Davis ing back to college. At present we unexpectedly history, and
Senior Staff Writer Working as a campus tour have 645 adult students as com-
Becoming a Battling Bishop guide, he likes that he can influ- pared to 723 last year at this time. the previous about Ameri-
We’re working on additional day, four ca. I was look-
is a different journey for every ence a student’s decisions to marketing and operational initia- days after his ing forward to
student. From clubs to cafeteria come to Wesleyan. He said that tives to improve our enrollment.
food, one has to adjust to their holding a work-study job allows 19th birthday. the possibility
Q. Wesleyan elected not to require City that I might
new life as a freshman. students to get involved on cam- a vaccine for all students and staff. Police said get to teach
The Decree interviewed up- pus. “I’ve gained another fam- What all factored into that decision?
perclassmen from various majors ily,” he said of his time as a tour Clemmons another class
A. The VIRT team and admin- was found with Matthew
and student organizations to ask guide. “Having a work-study has istration weighed a number of unresponsive in it. I am so
for their advice on what will make made college a lot more fun.” factors. We looked at national, state,
a student’s first year at Wesleyan Senior Bethany Dunham agrees and local trends, reviewed what in his campus saddened by
our peers were doing, weighed dorm room his loss.”
great. Many agree that jumping into that getting involved on campus is the benefits of a forced mandate at about 8:45 Matt Clemmons Like Dr.
campus life is the best way to go. essential for building relationships. vs. providing opportunities for stu- SI photo
dents, faculty, and staff to make an that Thursday Sarris, Chris
Senior Grant Harrell, an elemen- “The memories they make now informed decision for themselves morning. The state medical ex- Hatch spoke of Clemmons’ work
tary education major, gives the will influence the rest of their time as well as sought advice from our
same tip to all new students. His here at Wesleyan,” said Dunham, strategic partner CREDO. aminer later found that he died of ethic. A starter on Wesleyan’s of-
natural causes, due to an underly- fensive line, Hatch recalled past
advice is to put yourself out there an elementary education major. Q. According to the latest date ing medical condition, the Rocky football practices when his team-
and make the college experience a Dunham urges freshmen to (October 12), what percent of
good one. “If freshmen get out and value their inner circle of friends, students and faculty and staff Mount Telegram reported. mate, then a freshman, would
Among the speakers at stay late and ask Hatch to help
meet new people and try to make who will help to make some of a the vigil were Head Football him refine his technique. “Matt
a difference here on campus, then student’s favorite college memo-
college will be some of the best ries “You’ll only have a few close Coach Jeff Filkovski, Wesleyan was a perfectionist,” he said.
years of their lives,” he said. Chaplain Edwin Ferguson, and Hatch praised Clemmons as
See INVOLVED pg 2 friends and teammates of Clem- a “great brother and friend.” He
have been vaccinated? mons, a Supply, North Carolina said that Clemmons was genuine,
A. The student immunization
rate is 62.4 percent. That includes native, who was a psychology caring and always upbeat. “He al-
major and an offensive lineman ways had a smile on his face,” he
students who have been vaccinated. for the Bishops. said. “And he would cheer you
It also includes students who have
antibodies from previous infection. In an interview, Coach up just by looking at you.”
Filkovski paid tribute to Clem- Toby Larson expressed simi-
As far as faculty and staff, mons as a true student-athlete, lar feelings about his teammate.
only half have responded to
our recent survey. Of 105 total saying that he embodied all the He recalled that Clemmons en-
qualities that Wesleyan seeks in couraged him to stick with foot-
respondents, 96 have been fully a recruit. The coach noted that ball even after injuries and other
vaccinated (91.43 percent), 2
have been partially vaccinated Clemmons made the President’s setbacks made him want to quit
List for his academic achieve- the team. “He always made
(1.9 percent) and 7 have not been ments and lauded him as “a me feel better about myself,”
vaccinated (6.67 percent).
Q. Early in the semester, there was great football player with a ton Larson said. “And no matter
potential.” Describing him as how bad my day was going, he
a fight between Wesleyan students, a selfless teammate, Filkovski always made me smile. He was
and at the time a student was found
to have brought a gun on campus. said, “Matt was more about you a kind and loving friend.”
than he was about himself.” Coach Filkovski said that he
How confident is the college that Dr. Jonathan Sarris taught has continued to think about
there are no guns on campus, either
in dorm rooms or cars? Clemmons in History 112 last Clemmons and his contributions
spring. Though class meetings to the football program in the
Kristal Dule, a freshman from Italy, was one of two Wesleyan athletes A. I feel confident that we’re were often restricted to Zoom months since his death. “I read
to excel at the recent Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) Southern doing everything to ensure a safe
Regional. She upset several veterans on the way to a second-place learning environment for our sessions, Dr. Sarris said Clem- somewhere that ‘grief is the
finish in the tourney. Turn to page 3 for more sports coverage. SI photo students and a safe working envi- mons made a vivid impression. price that you pay for love,’” he
“Even through the computer said. “I love Matt Clemmons.”
2 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 October 29, 2021
Twin Sisters Face Each Other for Final Time on the Court
By Mary Cat Davis me. I accepted the FaceTime call, as the connection started to worsen. ago, our beds matched as well. heard our names, they were often
Senior Staff Writer my twin sister’s face filling the “Love you, bye,” she chimed. I Everything was equal between together in a sentence.
repeated the words back to her and
A piercing noise interrupted screen. The blurry video stream hung up. Gameday conversations us. Our parents made sure of This was fun most of the time,
my last moments of sleep. I rolled showed her on the team bus, end just like all our other ones. this. Holidays meant spending but it was also one of the worst
over, grabbing my glasses and my going from Greensboro to Rocky the exact dollar amount on each parts about life as twins. There
phone from the bedside table. It Mount. Barrett panned the camera FaceTime calls have become child. If we didn’t want the same were activities we were expected
felt early. I was sure that I had five to her right. A teammate smiled the only way we spend time gifts, then money would be to do because the other one did it,
more minutes to sleep. I rubbed through the screen with her. together during the school year, substituted to make up the differ- like applying to programs or join-
my eyes as I checked--it was 9:35 “You’re going down,” they said in but as kids we were inseparable. ence. “I think that made it easier ing clubs. Once in high school, I
a.m. and she was already calling unison. Their loud laughter made We were born 11 weeks early on on them,” Barrett said. decided to run winter track instead
me lower the November 16, 1999, in Chapel of playing basketball, and that
volume. Hill. Barrett was born at 5:06 a.m. Our daily schedules matched as was a big deal. I was on a team
I shook my and I followed 38 minutes later at well. We played the same sports, without her, and it felt weird.
head, rolling 5:44 a.m. The first months of our took part in the same recreation
my eyes. We lives were spent in the Neonatal leagues, and attended the same Most of our interests were the
do this every Intensive Care Unit. I was allowed camps. We sat in the same class- same in high school, and we were
season. “Yeah, to go home after three months, rooms from kindergarten until se- seldom separated long enough
right,” I leaving Barrett alone there for the nior year of high school. We were to find new ones. Running in the
replied. Barrett last month. When I look at my viewed as a pair. Walking down same circles could be awkward at
updated me on mother’s photos of us in the hospi- our high school’s hallway togeth- times because of our slightly dif-
their location tal, I can’t tell us apart, though my er, we would hear twin greetings: ferent tastes in people. We shared
as I yawned. mother always can. “What’s up, Davises?” “It’s the common friends, but we were each
I reminded Davis girls,” and “Hi, twins.” We closer to some than others. “We
When we were children, our were seldom separated, and if we were always sort of awkwardly
lives and our clothes were always
her that we coordinated. If I wore green, See TWINS pg 4
Barrett wore blue. If I was in pink,
needed to Barrett was in purple. We were Vanessa Batchelor Returns
snap a picture alike, but not the same. This lasted
together after until first grade when we decided To NCWC as Assistant Coach
the game. we wanted to pick out our own
“We play clothes. We always shared a room, By Mary Alice Butler four cruises, but she hated them all.
Salem first, and still do when we’re home Decree Staff Writer “I don’t like the feeling of being
so I’ll see you from college. Until a few years crammed on a boat,” she related.
Mary Cat Davis faced off twice this fall against her twin sister, after,” I said. the job market as a CIS student, I On a recent mile-long walk
who’s a senior at Greensboro College. Photos courtesy M. C. Davis. She nodded have to know more than I’m learn- around campus, I was able to Growing up she played organized
ing at school,” he said. learn more about Vanessa Batch- basketball, soccer as well as tennis.
INVOLVED from pg 1 yourself,” she said. “You’ll meet elor, the new assistant women’s She started playing soccer when she
some of the best people that will Sophomore Blake Scott, a crimi- soccer coach. At 5’ 9” with was around six years old, even though
friends that stay with you through- be in your life forever.” nal justice major, stressed that it’s brown eyes and black hair, and her father wanted her to focus on bas-
out college,” she said. “It’s more vital that freshmen get off to a strong dressed in a navy NCWC soccer ketball because it was his favorite.
important to nurture those friend- Like Preston, junior Hunter start. Scott said a solid GPAwas pullover, she radiates confidence,
ships rather than try to keep up Duprey believes relationships are critical for him to make a smooth though not in a conceited way. Year later, while attending
with a bunch of people.” an important part of campus life, transition into his sophomore year. Her demeanor is casual, and she Nash Central High School, she
though building them can be diffi- “The classes I’m taking this semes- possesses the ability to make oth- played both tennis and soccer.
Sophomore Sloan Martin cult at first. He advises freshmen to ter are harder than the ones I took as ers feel comfortable around her, “I almost didn’t even try out for
expressed a similar view about persist through their first semester, a freshman,” he explained. “Having as I did during our interview on soccer,” she recalled. “I went to
first-year relationships. “You’ll which will likely be the hardest a high GPAhas helped me by taking that sunny afternoon. We walked the very last day of tryouts.”
meet a lot of people in college, and semester as they adjust to college. away some of the stress.” at a slow and steady pace, in part
friends come and go,” she said. “You’ve come to a place where you so we could hold a conversation A goalkeeper, Batchelor said
“There’s no need to stress about don’t have any of your friends from Scott also acknowledged that and in part due to her consider- she was not serious about soccer
being best friends with everyone so high school,” he said. “If you’re writing papers can be much ation for my recent leg injury. until the end of her junior year, so
soon into your college journey.” not the most social person, then it’s more difficult than it was in she started the recruiting process
gonna suck at first, but it gets better.” high school. He said that he A native of Rocky Mount, later than most high school stu-
Augusta Preston is now pursu- wrote constantly in first-year Batchelor was born on August dents who aspire to play college
ing her MBA after four years at While many students suggested classes and learned through trial 23rd, 1994. She has a younger sports. It was her participation in
Wesleyan as an undergraduate steps for freshmen to become en- and error. “I wish I would have sister and stepsister and an older club soccer that helped her get
student. She recognizes the value gaged in campus life, all offered reached out for help to become stepbrother. As a child, she liked recruited by Wesleyan, because
of “true friends” during the col- practical advice to help freshmen a better writer instead of putting to play soccer and basketball in her coach, Beverly Biancur, was
lege experience. “They helped succeed in their classes. Duprey so much stress on myself to fig- the backyard with her siblings. Wesleyan’s head coach.
me to have fun when I needed it and Harrell agree that time man- ure it out on my own,” he said. “I guess I’ve always been com-
the most,” she said. “College is agement is vital in college. petitive,” she said. At the time, Batchelor was
hard. Have good friends around Junior Michelle Chambers taking private lessons from a Wes-
that keep you going every day.” Duprey advises freshmen to concurred that academics can When she was young, she had leyan goalkeeper, who had been
get a planner to solve this prob- be much more challenging than multiple careers she wanted to pur- talking to her about playing at the
Preston encourages freshmen lem, while Harrell recommends in high school. The biology sue. Her most passionate goal was to next level. When she finally com-
to be authentic in their efforts working ahead of schedule so major wants freshmen to know be an architect like her dad. She told mitted to play at Wesleyan, Batch-
to meet people on campus. She that students have time to rest that professors expect hard me that she was really into art and de- elor’s parents were happy that
believes this is the best way to en- and avoid stress before due work and effort. “If students sign and thought architecture would she was staying close to home. “I
sure one is building true, enduring dates. “Time management is the want a degree, they have to put allow her to express her creativity. lived on campus, so I was able to
friendships. “Be unapologetically key to success,” Harrell said. in the work,” she said. have some freedom and keep my
Batchelor remembers going on parents happy,” she said.
DeTchreee Senior Olivia Pittman serves Preston’s best advice is more annual vacations with her whole
as a resident advisor in Rober- about self-care than planning. family. She said she has been on Batchelor played four years as
since 1960 son Hall, a freshman dorm. She Recalling the energy crash she a member of Wesleyan’s team.
“of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” agrees that getting homework experienced during her sopho- She said her favorite memory
done in a timely fashion is a must. more year from a lack of sleep, was from her junior year, when
s ta f f “It will keep you from failing in she warns freshmen that not rest- the Bishops made it into the final
life and in school,” she said. ing is bad for your mind, body, four of the USA South Confer-
Senior Staff Writers and grades. “If you want to do ence tournament. During 2015,
Pittman also advises freshmen well in any area, you have to be her senior season, the goalkeeper
Mary Cat Davis to make positive choices inside 100 percent prepared,” she said. compiled a 1.17 goals-against
and outside the classroom. “That means being well-rested.” average, a .787 save percentage,
Staff Writers and five shutouts, as the team
She said she has seen peers Senior Nolan Weloff wants finished with a record of 7-9-2.
Mary Alice Butler placed on academic probation freshmen to know that college Making the President’s Honors
Savannah Ekland due to decisions they made is worth the challenges. A triple List in all four years, Batchelor
as underclassmen. She warns major in organizational adminis- graduated from Wesleyan in 2016
Joel Inzerillo freshmen to avoid distractions. tration, business and marketing, with a B.S. in Exercise Science.
“You don’t need to do everything Weloff believes a college degree Asked if she ever regretted
Staff Photographer that everyone else is doing,” she will translate into a rewarding not playing soccer for a Divi-
said. “Keep focused. Don’t let career. He noted that he almost sion I or II program, she said
Jaden Randolph-Schoneck people get you off your game.” did not attend college, and he’s that she would have enjoyed
glad he decided to go for it. Russell Rouse returned to Wesleyan competing at a higher level,
Faculty Advisor Aside from keeping up with over the summer, joining the Student but that a DIII school was the
classwork, junior Han Jumashov After seeing former roommates Success Center as a First-Year best option for her and that she
Dr. William Grattan tells freshmen that it’s not too early and friends drop out, Weloff Advisor and Coordinator of Aca- enjoyed her time at Wesleyan.
to explore career options and other encourages freshmen to com- Following graduation, Batchelor
179 Braswell • Phone: 985-5336 personal interests in preparation for plete their degrees. “Stick with demic Intervention Services. The took a gap year. During this time,
Email: [email protected] graduation. A computer informa- school,” he said. “Even if you 2010 graduate, a former member of she served as a volunteer coach to
tion systems major, he feels it’s im- don’t end up staying at NC Wes- the Bishop football team, has taught train Wesleyan’s goalkeepers. She
portant to gain industry knowledge math and coached basketball and said that this was more difficult
early. He recommends expanding football in area public schools during than her current position, because
one’s knowledge by doing research the past 11 years. Randolph-Schoneck photo
beyond what’s required in course- See BATCHELOR pg3
work. “To be a strong applicant in leyan, don’t give up on school.”
October 29, 2021 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 3
Maryville Ends Football Team’s 3-Game Win Streak
Maryville College snapped and two touchdowns against running backs and we’ll continue great to see! I love running the ball.
Wesleyan’s three-game winning Freshman Trevon Crank rushed for Averett in Danville, Va. to rotate guys. Trevon Crank got Q. The defense has yielded 9
streak, defeating the Bishops, 217 yards against Averett. SI photos his opportunity at LaGrange and
31-26, in Rocky Mount on The Decree spoke with Jeff made the most of it. Then he points in the last two games, includ-
October 16 in a game filled with Maryville regained the lead Filkovski, now in his 9th season followed it up with a very good ing last week's shutout of Greens-
big plays and momentum shifts. on the following drive. Begin- as head coach, just before the performance at Averett. He’s a boro. How do you account for the
ning at their 30, the Scots relied Maryville game. strong runner and hits it downhill improvement in recent weeks?
The streak followed three Bishop on their running game to drive quick. He can break tackles and
losses to open the season. That was down the field as Cody Estep Q. What was going through hit the home run from anywhere A. As the offense continues
on top of the five straight losses last carried five times for 53 yards your mind after the first three on the field. As a freshman, he’s to be a work-in-progress, we’ve
spring when the team played an ab- and the tie-breaking touchdown. games (plus 5 straight losses last still learning. We’re going with the leaned on our defense. The D has
breviated schedule after the fall season spring)? Were you concerned? hot hand at running back. Jaylen developed into a stingy bunch.
was canceled due to the pandemic. With four minutes left in the Perry, Anthony Byrd, Garry Daies, They’re learning the scheme as
game, the Bishops got two more A. I was never really concerned Sincere Johnson, Eli Reed will well; it’s all about fits and not
Against the Scots, the Bishops possessions, but were unable to about where we were in the get their touches and if someone giving up the big play. If we make
fell behind early, as the Maryville mount a drive. beginning. We’re young and this gets hot, we’ll ride that horse. Our our opponent work for every
built an 18-3 lead on the strength team has talent; we just need to offensive line is continuing to score, we have enough talent to
of two big plays--a 99-yard Prior to Maryville, the Bishops continue to get better each week. develop, which has allowed for the get off the field. I love watching
interception return by Dorian had built a 3-1 record in USA We’re far from a finished product, running game to pick up. It’s been them play. The D will continue to
Champion and an 85-yard kick- Conference action, losing its first and learning how to win is a pro- grow and get better, and they pos-
off return by Mykel Santos. game to Brevard, and then rat- cess. It’s good for them to taste BATCHELOR from pg 2 sess pride as part of the Dark Side.
ting off wins against LaGrange, success and learn how they got
With five minutes left in the Averett and Greensboro. there, but when we mature, we she had recently been team- Coach Vanessa Batchelor SI photo
first half, Wesleyan countered have a chance to be very good. mates with the athletes she was her daily commute from Raleigh,
with a big play of its own, as The quarterback duties have coaching at the time. “It was takes away from her personal life.
Trey Blackwell dashed 64 yards been shared by Hirschman and Q. Let’s review the quarterback hard to draw the line between
on a pass from freshman quar- Alex Stack, both freshmen, situation. Who was the starter players and friends,” she said When she’s not working,
terback Chaz Hirschman. and Yarborough, a sophomore after training camp? Who’s the Batchelor enjoys taking hikes
who’s just returned from an starter going forward? In 2017 Batchelor enrolled with her dog, practicing guitar
In the third quarter, Maryville early-season injury. in a master’s program at UNC- and bass, and skateboarding.
extended its lead when quarter- A. The QB situation is a fluid Greensboro. While a graduate Her secret talent is that she can
back Nelson Smith scored on a After Jeff Black, the team’s one. We’re young! We have a student, she interned with the juggle, but not very well. “That’s
26-yard run, capping a five-play leading rusher the past two sea- room full of first-year players. UNC-G strength and conditioning why it’s a secret,” she joked.
drive that began after the Scots’s sons, sustained a season-ending There’s talent there and I would program and worked at Athletic
Caden Harbin intercepted a injury, the Bishops promoted recruit them all again, but a suc- Lab in Cary, where she’s still a When it comes to Batchelor’s
Hirschman pass and returned it freshman fullback Trevon cessful QB needs more than the staff member. She earned an M.S. own fitness, many aspects have
four yards to Wesleyan’s 44. Crank, who compiled two im- ability to throw the ball around in Kinesiology with a concentra- changed since she was a college
pressive games, running for 107 the yard. I’ve spoken to them tion in Exercise Physiology from athlete. Rather than long-distance
Down 24-10, the Bishops yards and two touchdowns at about (former Bishop starter) the School of Health and Human running, she said she now con-
battled back. After sacking Smith LaGrange, and then 217 yards Dustin Midgett. Dustin grinded Science in May 2019. centrates more on weightlifting
on consecutive plays to set up on his craft and developed into a and strength exercises. She said
fourth down, Wesleyan’s Jayden very good QB. One of our young Besides serving as assistant that she likes to experiment with
Denmark blocked the ensuing guys will get it at some point and, soccer coach, Batchelor is new exercises and routines.
punt, and teammate Corrie Lee like our team, have a chance to a strength and conditioning
collected the loose ball and ram- be very good. Right now we’re coach for women’s soccer and Batchelor works out five to six
bled 55 yards for a touchdown. going with Chaz Hirschman, and volleyball. She would like days a week in one-to-two-hour ses-
Storm Yarbrough is coming back to expand her duties so that sions. Within the last year, she’s started
The Bishops then tied the from injury to back him up. there is strength training for all participating in competitive weightlift-
game midway through the fourth women’s sports. Asked whether ing, noting that her favorite lift is the
quarter. With Storm Yarbrough re- Q. Let's talk about Trevon Crank. she prefers coaching soccer or snatch. Her least favorite exercise is
placing Hirschman at quarterback, Describe his running style and strength and conditioning, she pull-ups because, she admits, she “can
Wesleyan embarked on an eight- contrast him with Jeff Black, your identified the latter. Since no never do more than a few at a time.”
play, 52-yard drive, capped by a leading rusher the past two seasons. formal strength and condition-
24-yard touchdown pass to senior ing program existed for the She confessed to following a
Kevin Alford. Rafa Niederleyk’s A. With the absence of Jeff Black women’s teams, she said, “I can typical college student diet during
extra-point even the scored at 24. due to season-ending injury, we make it what I want it to be.” her time at Wesleyan. But since late
went to our stable full of young 2020, she has been a pescatarian (a
Batchelor believes that her fish-focused diet). Her favorite food
Volleyball on Pace for Winning Season time at UNC-G prepared her is either sushi or Beyond Burgers,
She called Pfeiffer “a scrappy well, providing her with hands- but her guilty pleasure will always be
Wesleyan’s volleyball team team that hangs” with all oppo- “This is a rare occurrence in on activities and the general Oreo’s. “Anything involving Oreo’s,
is on a pace that would give it nents, often taking them to five Division III,” she said, add- expertise to help her athletes you can count me in,” she said.
the first winning record in nine matches. “That’s hard to do on ing that a large senior cohort with weight-lifting techniques
seasons. a consistent basis,” she said. would typically be four or five. and other exercises. But, she ac- If she was not a coach, Batchelor
“It’s made a huge difference knowledged, “It’s one thing to said she would like to work in the
The Bishops took down rival Davis, a defensive specialist, for our team. We’ve had time learn about a topic. It’s another arts, perhaps reviving her dream
Methodist for the second time noted that Southern Virginia to develop our skills and team to teach it, to coach it.” of a job in architecture. She also
this season October 21, win- is the newest member of the chemistry. We’re a much more expressed interest in more “blue-
ning on the road 3 sets to 1, and conference, arriving from the confident group this season.” For Batchelor, a big challenge collar” work, such as welding.
raising their overall record to competitive ODAC in Virginia. Sydney Barnwell is one of three is keeping her players healthy
16-10 (7-6 and tied for 5th in Together with Pfeiffer, a former seniors with more than 200 kills and injury free. Coaching a fall Batchelor appreciates the oppor-
the East Division of the USA Division II program, Southern on the season. sport means that the athletes tunities offered by her alma mater.
South Conference). Virginia makes Wesleyan’s oversee their own training dur- As the Bishops wrap up their sea-
regular season schedule much ing the summer. And sometimes son, she hopes to see their progress
The Bishops were paced by more challenging. that’s not optimal, she said, made so far pay off in the playoffs.
senior Michaela Seawell, who adding, “You have to work with
notched 17 kills over the four Davis believes the recent set- what your player brings you.” When our walk around campus
matches. She has now recorded backs have sparked the team’s came to an end, I posed a final
238 total kills on the season, competitive drive during the Batchelor likes the one-on-one question: What advice do you
joining fellow seniors Lauren stretch run. As the team plays time with her players. During have for Wesleyan athletes?
Weaver (245) and Sydney conference opponents a second most soccer practices, she leads Comprehending the unique posi-
Barnwell (238) in tallying more time, it’s looking for more wins separate 45-minute sessions with tion of Division III sports, she
than 200. and perhaps a few upsets, as the keepers. Watching recent said Bishops must recognize their
it positions itself for the USA practices, it’s clear that she’s ef- dual role as a student-athlete. She
Against the Monarchs, setter South tourney. fective at holding their attention. said it’s often hard to find the
Sloan Martin compiled 45 as- “One-on-one training is impor- motivation to excel in both sports
sists, giving the sophomore 837 If Wesleyan finishes with a tant for developing skills and and academics. “Always remem-
for the season. winning record, it will represent technique,” she said. ber why you’re here,” she said.
the first time it has done so
The Bishops opened the since Head Coach Vicky Gen- She said she loves to watch
season on a hot streak, finishing tile succeeded Robin Pietryk in the team’s matches. When it
September with an 11-4 record. 2015, and the first overall since comes to coaching, Batchelor
After winning its first October 2012. The Bishops were 5-10 said her favorite part is the
match against Randolph, the in last year’s Covid-abbreviated competitive aspect of it all.
team began a skid that saw spring season, and 11-22 in the “Working one-on-one is fun,”
it lose four of its next five fall of 2019. she said. “But you don’t get
matches, beating Mary Baldwin the highs and lows like you do
and losing to Meredith, Peace, Davis said experience has from the wins and losses.”
Pfieffer and Southern Virginia. been the key to Wesleyan’s suc-
cess this fall. She noted that the On the downside, Batchelor
Senior Mary Cat Davis ex- team includes eight seniors— said that the time commitment
plained that the Bishops played two sophomore-year transfers in her new job, combined with
some tough competition during and six who have played
that stretch. She said that Mer- together for the past four years.
edith, a perennial power, and
Peace were tough adversaries.
4 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 October 29, 2021
Bishop Briefs
Men’s Soccer and then Mariah Berkovich added
an insurance goal in the second, TWINS from pg 2 Conference. I decided on NC first match. “I was antsy, but men-
When the men’s soccer team with Sophia Sweeney assisting Wesleyan and Barrett, William tally I was relaxed and keyed up.”
dropped a recent home match to on two. Vendela Dolsenuis scored there together,” Barrett said. Peace University (She trans-
William Peace, 3-1, it was one of the the lone goal against Averett on an Barrett and I were, and are, ferred to Greensboro College at When we do see each other
few times the Bishops have yielded assist from Allison Newman. the end of freshman year.). off the court, it’s upbeat. Grab-
more than 2 goals in a game. our own best friends. That meant bing coffee and food, work-
Freshman forward Kaitlyn But- that going on grocery runs and We now have our own lives and ing out, and seeing friends
The Pacers scored two first- ler leads the team with six goals. doing chores were never bor- friends at our campuses, but that together makes up for our time
half goals and then widened ing or individual activities. We doesn’t mean we don’t want to visit apart. This has always been
their lead to 3-0 in the 58th The Bishops traveled to complemented each other. If we each other. Barrett is friendly with our favorite part about being
minute, on an unassisted tally Greensboro College October went out with friends, Barrett my teammates as well as Coach twins. We’re never forced to do
by Archie Filliter. Bishop Juan 24 for their final match of the drove. If we made dinner for Gentile, who once grabbed my anything alone. We never had
Simoniello scored Wesleyan’s season. The USA South Confer- ourselves, I cooked. She unload- phone and spoke to Barrett for five to look for a buddy. “There was
only goal in the 87th minute to ed the dishwasher and I loaded minutes while I was getting dressed always someone to play ball or
avoid a shutout. ence playoffTsebnegniinsOctober 26. it. She vacuumed and dusted, in our locker room. The two love to lift weights,” Barrett said. “We
while I cleaned the bathrooms. chat about our teams and talk trash. were on the same wavelength.”
Senior goalkeeper Tobias Borzel Two Wesleyan tennis team “I like Vicky,” Barrett said. “She
yielded the three goals on six shots. members achieved national Doing everything together had deserves a shout-out.” Coming home for breaks and
Prior to the Peace match, Borzel, recognition with impressive per- its perks. Besides sharing chores, weekends means hearing all the
sophomore Matteo Torchio, and formances in recent tournaments. we could divide school assign- During the last year Barrett new college stories and taking
freshman Fred Rogers had held ments. If our math homework was worked at a speed and agility camp advantage of lost time. Even if we
opponents to one or no goals in Kristal Dule pulled off an upset 20 questions, we halved it. If we with Coach Batchelor of Wesley- have summer classes or work, we
nine of eleven outings. The only in the women’s Intercollegiate had to study for a test, we would an’s women’s soccer team. It was still get out together every day. Be-
exceptions were 2-1 defeats by Tennis Association tournament, quiz each other. If we needed to Coach Biancur who provided Bar- ing apart for months makes being
USA South foes Maryville and thumping Emory’s Chritina Wat- figure out chemistry equations, rett’s introduction. Barrett praises together more fun, which is one of
Greensboro. During that stretch, son, 7-6, 6-4, in the semi-finals. we did it together. This practice the Wesleyan staff. “You can tell Barrett’s favorite perks of being at
the Bishops registered four shut- Dule, a freshman from Italy, then sometimes led to arguments, as they care about kids as young pro- different schools. “We get along
outs, including 2-0 over a tough bowed to Watson’s teammate, I was impatient with studying. I fessionals and athletes, regardless better when we see each other now
Mary Washington team and 1-0 Eliza McPherron, 7-5, 6-2, for a still hate to do it, which is why I of our school affiliation,” she said. because we don’t fight about any-
over Division II Barton. second-place finish. chose humanities. Barrett picked thing we have to do at home,” she
physical education and strength I would enjoy some aspects of said. “We have our own schedules.”
On the season, Borzel has com- Representing the men’s team, se- and conditioning, a more science- Barrett’s school, such as its prox-
piled a 1.14 goals-against average nior JhonnyAcosta earnedAll-Amer- based field. She still spends hours imity to a large city. My sister is I think the future will still
and a .742 save percentage, while ican honors by winning the ITAFall studying, while I write papers and thankful for that part of her college be full of exciting times and
Torchio sports a 1.45 GAA and South RegionalTournament, winning rarely memorize material. (Barrett experience. She also loves the pro- friendly competition, but not on
.725 save percentage. In his only all six matches without losing a set. still calls me to ask for help.) fessional opportunities provided a volleyball court. Game nights
varsity action, Rogers posted the by the college, as she’s worked as and recreational sports will
shutout against Barton. Jhonny Acosta, a senior from Though, in general, we got an intern with the football team’s become some of our favorite
Paraguay, went undefeated in along well as kids, we sometimes strength and conditioning staff. I bonding moments. Depend-
While expressing confidence the recent ITA Southern Regional fought, and often it was over think she picked the right school. ing on our jobs, we hope to
in his trio of goalkeepers, Head Tournament. clothes. We used to buy only one live close to one another. If we
Coach Meir Lewin noted that of each item because we shared a Though our collegiate journeys live more than two hours apart,
overall defense has played a Cross Country closet. If we wanted to wear the have been different, neither of us Barrett’s goal is to get together
key role in Wesleyan’s success. same shirt, we would argue until regrets splitting up. Deciding to be- at least once a month. And if we
He explained that his team’s The men’s cross-country team one of us gave up or we agreed come opponents has not changed live just a few minutes apart?
ability to control the ball had finished second in the recent Greens- that neither of us would wear it. our relationship, but it has changed My sister didn't hesitate. “If we
helped to lower their opponents’ boro Invitational, a meet that included Now we buy two of each, though us as individuals. We’re no longer live close together, forget it,” she
shots on goal. several Division I and II programs. we still steal from each other’s identified together. We have our said. “I’m coming over at least
wardrobe. I recently stole a shirt own lives with our own friend once a week.” She’s definitely
“We’ve been consistent in Finishing in 8th place, junior Philly back from her closet after I found groups, interests, and work lives. tripping, because if I’m cooking,
yielding few shots,” Lewin said. Barungi led the Bishops with a time that she took it without asking. Though being a twin is a huge part she’ll be over every other night.
of 30:33 over the 8-kilometer course. Other than that, we seldom have of our identities, it’s our choice to
Against Carolina University, He was the top non-D-I runner. world-shattering arguments or reveal it. “People don’t even know Our last showdown is coming
for example, the Bishops gave reasons to ignore one another. I have a twin unless I tell them,” up. It will be her Senior Day, a
up just three shots on goal, all Other Bishops competitors Barrett said. “We were forced to tri-match that will see Greensboro
repelled by Torchio as Wesley- were freshman Ayden Harper People still like to ask if we’re establish ourselves as people, and host Salem College as well as
an won, 3-0, on September 15. (13th place, 31:34) junior different in some way. And from our identity is not found in the fact Wesleyan. On the court, Barrett
Maleik Small (14th, 31:48), athletics to academics, they al- that we’re twins.” and I will be competitive and feisty,
“Even in losses, we felt like senior Keyonte Williams (15th, ways want to know who is better. and our teammates will talk trash
our performances were solid and 32:41), junior Terenthen Parker It’s always said in jest, but it’s as Stepping onto opposite sides before the game. We’ll go back and
that we retained a lot of posses- (21st, 35:10) and freshman if they think Barrett and I are al- of the volleyball court has made forth, cheering when our team-
sion and control over the game,” Noel Meza (26th, 37:01. ways in competition. “Who’s the college more fun. Our rivalry is mates pick on one another. We’ll
Lewin said. “We had a tricky and better driver?” “Who’s the better friendly, just like the relationships yell and scream and celebrate,
somewhat unlucky stretch where, The Bishops competed against Di- student?” “Who’s stronger?” between Barrett’s team and mine. and eventually, one team will win
despite holding an advantage in vision II schools such as Fayetteville We’ve played with each other’s (hopefully I beat her again, just
many statistical categories, we St., Livingstone College, Winston- When Barrett and I decided teammates in open gyms and for fun). We’ll hug after it’s over,
gave up fluky or late goals.” Salem State as well as Division I to split up for college, we barely hung out during summer break, though our teams aren’t even al-
program North Carolina Central. discussed it. By high school so playing each other is a treat. lowed to shake hands due to Covid.
In one key match, playing graduation, we had been team- We both feel more competitive That will be our last face-off.
in Charlotte on September In the women’s 5K race, Wesleyan’s mates through 13 seasons, most than usual and aim to do well.
17, Wesleyan conceded a late Snejan Spinache finished 17th among of the time playing identical Though I avoid serving in her Then I will take off my
goal to Maryville, which won 37 runners with a time of 23:46. Fresh- positions. As college recruitment direction, I do celebrate when uniform, sit in the stands, and
in double-overtime, 2-1. The manAnna Ray was 24th with a time of started, my sister and I knew we one of my teammates earns a kill cheer on Barrett and her team-
Scots managed just three shots 25:13; she was followed by teammate didn’t want to fight for playing off her defensive errors. If I dive mates for their last home game
on goal in 101 minutes of play, time as members of the same for a serve-receive ball, Barrett of the season. I will celebrate
while the Bishops held an 18-7 Tenna Bellamy (G25o:2l6f, 25th place). team. So we went to camps, sent screams from the opposing bench. their points, snap pictures of her
edge in total shots. emails, and researched programs. friends, and walk her onto the
Senior Frankie Schmitt shot a When it came time to narrow We call out each other’s ten- court with my parents as part
Lewin is optimistic that his two-round total of 2-over par to finish down our options, we talked to dencies and weaknesses, just to in- of the senior day festivities. We
team, led by his senior goal- second in the O’Briant Jensen Memo- different coaches at different crease the competitiveness. I think will not be rivals, though our
keeper, will find success as the rial Tournament hosted by Guilford schools. At the start of our senior it fills me with adrenaline, while school colors clash. We will
Bishops head into the USA College October 25-26 in Greensboro. year, we were both committed to Barrett gets restless. “Physically, be teammates again, just as we
South and NCAAs tournaments. two colleges in the USA South I was so hyped up and bouncing always have been.
The Bishop captain fired rounds around,” she said of this year’s
“Tobi has got a lot of confer- of 70 and 74 on the par-71 course,
ence experience,” he said. “He’s a placing him two strokes behind
calming presence for our backline. medalist Cooper Hrabak of USA
He’s a great leader and helps our South rival Methodist University.
young team stay organized and
focused throughout the game.” As a team, the Bishops finished
tied for 17th with Shenandoah
Women’s Soccer University.
The women’s soccer team won
with recent back-to-back shutouts
to raise its conference record to 3-5.
Senior goalkeeper Alicia
Jacobs was in net for both games,
stopping two shots against Salem
on Senior Day, and then four
against the Averett Cougars.
Wesleyan dominated play in
both contests, racking up nine
shots on goal in each. Against Sa-
lem, Kristel Thompson and Me-
gan Mackey tallied first half goals
October 29, 2021 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 5
New Full-Time Faculty Join NC Wesleyan Community
NC Wesleyan has welcomed strong believer in learning by doing. encourages faculty to engage in and Ted Chiang. learned in class, as well as hands-
11 new full-time professors to its During class, I try to cover several some research, research that includes FAVORITE PLACE: Pyrenees moun- on experiences to supplement
roster of faculty for the 2021-22 example problems that help students undergraduate involvement and tains, France lecture material. A firm believer
academic year. think through the concepts so they mentorship. FAVORITETEAMS: Duke Blue Dev- in life-long learning, I want the
can apply them outside of class. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: Ani- ils, Virginia Cavaliers, Florida Gators. students to leave NCWC with
Among the new faculty are While I cover examples, I expect mal behavior, in particular behav- the ability and desire to seek out
Aaron Allen (mathematics), Dimitri them to chime in with ideas on how ioral ecology and behavioral endocri- Alex Ehlert quality information and develop
Blondel (biology), Alex Ehlert to proceed. nology. I focus on the behavior of their knowledge base throughout
(exercise science), Eean Grimshaw I also try to incorporate application animals in their natural environment, JOBTITLE: Assistant Professor of their careers.
(communication), Amy Lunc- problems from different fields (such in the context of their ecology, evolu- Exercise Science HOBBIES/INTERESTS: I enjoy
eford (education), Kaitlin Pericak as physics, engineering, and eco- tion, and physiology. My dissertation YOUR HOMETOWN: I was born in playing sports of all kinds, golf and
(sociology), and Shane Thompson nomics) to reinforce that mathemat- title was “Stress, Corticosterone, and Milwaukee and grew up in Raleigh. soccer in particular. I also love the
(religious studies). ics is useful. I hope students gain an the Social Behavior of the Prairie DEGREES EARNED: B.S. in Kinesi- outdoors and enjoy going on hikes
appreciation for the effectiveness of Vole Microtus ochrogaster.” ology with a concentration in Sports and other adventures with my wife
The new professors submitted mathematics in modeling various COURSES YOU EXPECT TO TEACH Medicine and M.S. in Kinesiology (also named Alex) and our two dogs,
the following profiles that describe real-life scenarios. I try to have fun AT NCWC: Animal Behavior, with a concentration in Exercise Ellie and Norman.
their teaching philosophy, academ- while presenting the mathemat- Life Science, Human Anatomy & Physiology, University of North FAVORITE TV SHOWS: All-time
ic interests as well as their hobbies ics in class. My hope is that my Physiology. Carolina at Greensboro; Ph.D. in favorite: “Band of Brothers.” Current
and lists of favorites. enthusiasm for the subject matter is TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: When- Human Movement Sciences with an favorite: “Ted Lasso.”
infectious and that students enjoy it. ever possible, I incorporate an emphasis in Applied Kinesiology, FAVORITE MOVIES: “Good Will
Aaron Allen I want my students to learn to think active-learning, inquiry-based Old Dominion University. Hunting” and “Apollo 13.”
for themselves, and I want them to approach, providing my students PREVIOUS JOB EXPERIENCE: I’ve FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC: My
JOBTITLE: Associate Professor of be confident and competent in doing with the opportunity to “learn by worked in a variety of positions in the music tastes are all over the place,
Mathematics. so. And I want them to appreciate doing.” I also try to relate what fitness industry—as a personal trainer, and often depend on my mood or
mathematics as an essential part of we talk about in class to students’ a coach for athletic teams, and an what I’m doing at the time.
HOMETOWN: Perry, Iowa. their education. everyday experiences or aspects exercise specialist for a program that FAVORITE MEAL AND/OR FAVOR-
DEGREES EARNED: B.A. in HOBBIES/INTERESTS: I like to do of popular culture, so they can see focused on lifestyle-based interven- ITE CUISINE: I have simple tastes. I’ll
Mathematics and Computer Sci- outdoor activities with my wife (Ali- the relevance of biology to their tions for bariatric surgery patients. always be happy with a quality burger
ence, Northwestern College (Iowa); son) and two kids (Anna and Abby).
M.A. in Mathematics, University
of Nebraska; and Ph.D. in Applied
Mathematics, Iowa State University.
couple of years ago, I was a contribu- We like to go to parks and let the kids lives. I bring my own research PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: or pizza. During my Ph.D. studies I
tor for Hawkes Learning Systems. In ride bikes, roller skate, etc. I also into the classroom as well as other lived at the beach and fell in love with
particular, I authored three sections of enjoy hiking and fishing. When the current research from other biolo- I’ve been teaching undergraduate fish tacos (especially Mahi Mahi).
a mathematics textbook published by weather isn’t ideal, the family likes gists. This is to show the exciting students in some capacity for six FAVORITE BOOKS: “The Count of
the company. I’ve also written some to go to museums or science centers. dynamism of biology and how years. My first teaching position Monte Cristo,” “Moneyball,” and
of the instructor solutions for its cal- Other than that, I like to play video much is still yet to be explored. was as a graduate assistantship “The Sports Gene.”
culus textbook. About 20 years ago, I games and watch college football. I often profile other biologists to where I was a lab instructor and FAVORITE PLACE: Tucson, Arizona
worked as a bellboy at the Hotel Pattee FAVORITE TV SHOWS: My current expose students to the diversity of occasional lecturer for Exercise (and other places in the mountains).
in my hometown for a few summers. favorite is “Breaking Bad,” but I also researchers and research questions Physiology and Human Physiology FAVORITE TEAMS: While I grew
like older TV comedies such as “Get in the field. I build into my classes courses. After my master's degree, I up in North Carolina, I was born in
Aaron Allen Smart” and “The Red Green Show.” some essential scientific literacy, was adjunct faculty at North Caro- Wisconsin and raised by a Wisconsin
PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: FAVORITE MOVIES: “The Shaw- so that students understand the lina A&T State University, where I family. So I’m a fan of the Green
I taught math at Milligan University shank Redemption,” “Lord of the process of science, the importance taught Anatomy and Physiology and Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers,
for 12 years. Before Milligan, I was Rings” and “Star Wars.” of basic scientific research, and Introduction to Exercise Science for and the current NBA Champs, the
a graduate teaching assistant at Iowa FAVORITE MUSICAL ARTIST OR the ways scientists communicate a year and a half. I was an instruc- Milwaukee Bucks.
State for five years. And before Iowa GENRE OF MUSIC: I listen to all with each other and the world at tor for exercise physiology courses
State, I was a graduate teaching as- types of music. My favorite artists large. I want to empower students throughout my doctoral studies. Alex Ehlert
sistant at the University of Nebraska are Stevie Ray Vaughan and Rob to analyze science topics that they WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO NCWC:
for two years. Thomas (Matchbox 20). encounter in the media. Underlying Having taught courses at a several DUFF from pg 1
WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO NCWC: FAVORITE MEAL: Crab legs and sushi. all of my teaching is a philosophy different schools, my most enjoy-
I have fond memories of my campus FAVORITE BOOKS: “War Is a of respect and encouragement, so able and fulfilling experiences far. Our overall goal is $280,000
visit. In particular, everybody was very Racket” and “America the Farewell that students feel comfortable in have been with smaller classes and funds are coming in daily
friendly, and there seemed to be a fam- Tour.” participating in the class; I find this where I got to connect with the from the community. We’re at just
ily atmosphere here. I knew then that I FAVORITE PLACE: Grayson High- atmosphere critical to a productive students and work more closely over 40 percent of our overall goal.
wanted to work here, and when I was lands Park in southern Virginia. classroom and effective learning. with them during the learn-
offered the job, I couldn’t refuse. I also FAVORITE TEAM: Iowa State Cy- HOBBIES/INTERESTS: My wife is ing process. Because of this, I Q. Could you provide an update
have relatives in Zebulon, and I wanted clones a professor at the NC State Veteri- wanted to end up at a college that on campus construction projects.
to be closer to them. And I like that the SOCIAL MEDIA USE: I use Face- nary School, and we live with our had smaller class sizes and that
beach is only a few hours away. book to see what’s happening with 3-year-old daughter in Raleigh. We emphasized student learning. I A. Materials have arrived for
AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: friends and family. But I don’t post spend a lot of time outdoors, taking was also pleased to hear that the the outdoor classroom, and our
My Ph.D. thesis is entitled: “Stabil- very often. advantage of this beautiful part of the NCWC Exercise Science faculty hope is that it will be finished
ity Results for Damped Multilayer country, bringing along our energetic regularly gets students involved before the end of this semester.
Composite Beams and Plates.” In Dimitri Blondel and patient 5-year-old supermutt. I with research; I’m excited by the That project should move rather
my research I analyzed mechanical also enjoy “Euro”-style board games prospect of exposing students to quickly now. We’re in the bidding
vibrations in beam and plate structures JOBTITLE: Assistant Professor of (Catan, Pandemic, etc). research experiences. process for the new Shaw Living
comprised of solid layers interwoven Biology. FAVORITE TV SHOWS: All-time YOUR AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: and Learning Complex with an
with flexible layers. The flexible layers HOMETOWN: Charlottesville, favorite: “Battlestar Galactica,” I have wide-ranging interests, but estimated completion date of
dampen the vibrations, and there’s a Virginia. “Breaking Bad,” “Lost,” “The my specialty areas include 1) the use April 2022. We’re attaining final
certain amount of sheer damping that DEGREES EARNED: B.A., Biology Americans,” and “The Leftovers.” of fitness and nutritional strategies donations to complete phase 1
results in an optimal level of structural & French, Duke University; M.S. I’m now watching: “Ozark,” and to improve athletic performance and and phase 2 of the sports stadium.
integrity. In doing my research, I and Ph.D. in Zoology, University of “The Expanse.” 2) the use of fitness testing and tech-
analyzed a partial differential equation Florida. FAVORITE MOVIES: All-time: “Ros- nology to assess the strengths and Q. For Christmas, the college is
that described the vibrations. PREVIOUS JOBS: I’ve had three encrantz & Guildenstern are Dead,” weaknesses of athletes. An immedi- given $10 million with no stipula-
postdoctoral experiences. The first “12 Monkeys,” “O Brother, Where Art ate focus will be the use of modern tions on how the funds are spent.
Ever since I finished graduate two were at Duke; one involved Thou?,” “The Life Aquatic with Steve technology, such as GPS, force How would you, President Evan
school, my passion has been teaching. meerkat behavioral field research in Zissou,” and “Dead Man.” Recent plates, radar guns, and smartphone Duff, allocate the money?
Due to my graduate school back- South Africa; and the second focused favorites: “Tenet” and “Knives Out.” applications, to profile and monitor
ground, my specialty now is teaching on development of a virtual biology FAVORITE MUSIC: Tom Waits, Jerry the fitness of athletes over time. A. Ten million dollars could
differential equations, calculus, math experiment platform. The most recent Garcia/David Grisman collabora- COURSES YOU EXPECT TO TEACH make such a huge impact on our
modeling--any course with an empha- postdoc was at North Carolina State tions, a lot of Americana as well as AT NCWC: I’m now teaching students. While it would not be
sis on applying mathematics. University, where I researched bio- jazz, blues, bluegrass, Celtic, gypsy. Exercise Physiology, Nutrition my decision alone, I would al-
COURSESYOU EXPECTTOTEACH control of invasive rodents on islands. FAVORITE CUISINE: Mexican, for Human Performance, and locate it as aligned with our stra-
AT NCWC: Calculus (I, II, and III), PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: French. Foundations of Personal Training. tegic plan to complete some resi-
Elementary Statistics, College Alge- I’ve taught for a total of 10 years. FAVORITE BOOK: “Lord of the In the spring, I will be teaching dence hall renovations, fund new
bra, and Differential Equations. And I This includes teaching college Rings.” I like sci-fi by Isaac Asimov several additional courses includ- or existing academic programs,
hope to teach a special topics course courses as a graduate assistant at Dimitri Blondel ing ones on basic nutrition, nutri- grow the endowment, and maybe
in Real Analysis. University of Florida as well as tion for chronic diseases, clinical a provide a little Christmas bonus
TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: I’m a part-time positions at Santa Fe exercise physiology, and strength for the faculty and staff.
College (in Gainesville, Florida), and conditioning.
Meredith College, William Peace YOUR TEACHING PHILOSOPHY:
University, and North Carolina My approach is to provide the
State University. I also spent one students with not only a strong
year as a middle school science theoretical foundation, but also
teacher under a National Science with the tools and knowledge to
Foundation fellowship. apply concepts in real-world situ-
WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO NCWC: ations. I try to design my lectures,
I fell in love with teaching early in-class activities, and assign-
in my graduate school career, and ments in a way that challenges
ever since then my goal has been a not only their understanding of
professorship at a liberal arts college the science, but also their critical
like NCWC. I love the small class thinking skills and ability to ap-
sizes and higher student-teacher ply their knowledge to different
interaction. I also like that NCWC circumstances. This includes case
studies that students must discuss
and address, using information
6 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 October 29, 2021
Eean Grimshaw brother to visit my great-grandmoth- 2017 and 2020. Kaitlin Pericak Randolph-Schoneck Photo a South Carolina native, Wesleyan’s
er's family home. I’m a big fan of COURSES YOU EXPECT TO TEACH location was appealing as well.
JOBTITLE: Assistant Professor of listening to vinyl records as well as AT NCWC: Introduction to Teach- PREVIOUS JOB EXPERIENCE: High YOUR AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION:
Communication. watching anime and anything Star ing, Reading (K-6) and Language school and club lacrosse coach. I work on the religions, cultures,
YOUR HOMETOWN: Boise, Idaho. Wars. I enjoy rock climbing/boulder- Arts (K-6), Directed Teaching, and PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: and languages of ancient Israel and
DEGREES EARNED: B.A. in Native ing and being outdoors, particularly PRAXIS Core Prep. I was a graduate teaching assistant for the ancient Near East (modern day
American Studies and M.A. in Com- during the winter. YOUR TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: three years at American University Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria,
munication Studies, University of FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Some The truth is, "students don't learn and the University of Miami; I was a and Turkey). My current research
Montana; and Ph.D. in Communica- all-time favorites: “Scrubs,” “The from teachers they don't like." This solo instructor for the past four years focuses on the use of non-native
tion, University of Massachusetts. Muppet Show,” and “Stargate SG- is a quote from one of my favor- at the University of Miami. religious imagery in architecture, ico-
PREVIOUS JOB EXPERIENCE: I 1.” Current favorites: “Reservation ite TED-Ed talks by the late Rita WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO NCWC: nography, and public ritual by foreign
was an assistant coach for varsity Dogs,” “What We Do in The Shad- Pierson. What Mrs. Pierson was I liked the sense of community that powers that attempted to consolidate
lacrosse at a high school for two ows,” and “Rutherford Falls.” saying is, it's so important to relate to I felt when I visited campus and met their rule. This is an outgrowth of my
years between my undergraduate and FAVORITE MOVIES: “The Lion our students and get to know them. the faculty, staff, and students. dissertation and should appear as a
master’s degrees. King” (1994), “Jurassic Park,” “Mrs. My teaching philosophy is rooted in YOUR AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: book next year under the title “Power
PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: Doubtfire,” and “Jumanji” (1995). the power of relationships. I always medical sociology; race, ethnicity, in Pubic: Displays of Cultural Hege-
I taught public speaking for two FAVORITE MUSICAL ARTISTS: Daft like to make time to chat with my and immigration; and the sociol- mony and Counter-Hegemony in the
years while pursuing my master’s at Punk, Rush, Styx, America. I also students. Whether it be discuss- ogy of sport. My M.A. thesis was Late Bronze and Iron Age Levant.”
Montana, and I taught intercultural enjoy Ska/ Reggae music. ing sports, food, my daughters and “Institutional Separation: Stress Ex- My next project, using archaeologi-
and interpersonal communication, FAVORITE MEAL: Frikadeller (Dan- their shenanigans, students should perienced Among Division I Women cal, textual, and comparative lenses,
among other courses, at UMass. ish Meatballs) and Poke. be able to make a connection and Collegiate Athletes.” My dissertation will examine the cultic reforms of the
I also taught interpersonal com- FAVORITE BOOKS: “The Lorax,” relate to the instructor and their peers was titled “Institutionalized Health- Israelite king Hezekiah. I’m focused
munication last spring semester at the “Harry Potter” series, and “The throughout our time together. Learn- care: An Examination of the Injury on locating the non-elites within
Manchester Community College in Dark Tower” series. ing will take place, and with the Experience in Collegiate Sport.” ancient religion, with forthcoming
Connecticut. FAVORITE PLACE: Missoula, right mindset and a lot of hard work, COURSES YOU EXPECT TO TEACH projects on a variety of topics that
WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO NCWC: Montana, or anywhere on Blackfeet excellence will be the result. AT NCWC: Sociology of Sport, include music and sports.
I feel like one of the major benefits territory where the mountains meet HOBBIES/INTERESTS: My husband Social Problems, Research Methods, COURSES YOU EXPECT TO TEACH
of a small liberal arts college is the plains. is the senior pastor at First Baptist Social Theory. AT NCWC: I will teach broad
the ability to work with students in FAVORITE TEAMS: Utah Jazz and Church in downtown Rocky Mount. YOUR TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: introductory religion courses such as
small classroom settings, which only Iroquois National. Married for 11 years, we have shared I strive to create a safe space that Religious Worlds, as well as courses
serves to enhance the kind of educa- SOCIAL MEDIA USE: I have a a home with six children over the fosters in students the ability to think in my particular area such as Hebrew
tion and academic opportunities we Facebook account; at this point it’s last five years through foster care and critically through collaboration both Bible/Old Testament, New Testa-
can provide. primarily to keep in touch with old we’ve adopted three girls, ages 6, inside and outside of the classroom. ment, and Biblical Life and Thought.
friends from high school, college, 5, and 4. I run a CBD side business, For example, critical thinking and In coming years, I hope to add
Eean Grimshaw Randolph-Schoneck Photo and some of the Blackfeet I met partnering with a USDA organic collaboration are core skills in soci- interesting courses such as Archaeol-
while living on the reservation. company that grows their hemp in ology that I emphasize in my classes ogy of the Bible.
YOUR AREAS OF SPECIALIZA- ONE SURPRISING THING ABOUT North Carolina (It's not psychoactive through “pair and share” activities. I
TION: I specialize in the integration YOU: I speak some niitsii•po’•”sin and it's safe). We have a 120-pound have students collaborate with class- Shane Thompson
of communication and culture. I (Blackfoot language) and can golden retriever named Boone that mates to examine an issue and then YOUR TEACHING PHILOSOPHY:
focus on issues of language and tell you a story in Hinónoʼeitíít keeps our yard free from cats and share with the rest of the class what
social interaction, cultural discourse (Arapaho language). squirrels. Our two oldest daughters was discussed. My broader goal is to It centers on letting students excel
analysis, and intercultural commu- are in Spanish immersion public help aid in students’ growth. I make and enjoy learning. I like students to
nication. In recent years, I studied Amy Lunceford school in Nash County so we’ve sure to be accessible outside of the submit projects in ways that interest
communication of the Blackfeet been learning a lot of Spanish in our classroom to meet with students who them, such as making videos, music,
(Amskapi Piikuni) within the Native JOBTITLE: Visiting Instructor of house. As a family, we enjoy garden- want to discuss topics further or who art, etc. I also employ active-learning
America Speaks program in Glacier Education, Teacher Education Pro- ing, backpacking, camping, hiking, need a space in which to process techniques, such as playing games in
National Park, the longest-running gram Manager. paddle boarding at the reservoir, sensitive topics. I bring passion and class, to make learning fun. Students
Indigenous Speaker Series in the YOUR HOMETOWN: Midland, and riding bikes to our favorite local energy to every interaction. Through are more likely to remember course
National Park Service. This was the North Carolina. spot, Larema Coffee House. Our my own enthusiasm for sociology, I material when it’s connected to a
subject of my dissertation “Native DEGREES EARNED: B.S. and M.Ed. family just enjoys making memories hope to spark interest in students. positive memory. Religion is multi-
America Speaks: Blackfeet Com- in Elementary Education, Appala- in God's beautiful creation. HOBBIES/INTERESTS: I enjoy faceted, and I like when students
munication and Culture in Glacier chian State University. FAVORITE TV SHOWS: We watch hiking. And I have a kitten named study it through their own interests.
National Park.” PREVIOUS JOB EXPERIENCE: little TV, but my favorites include Guapo. HOBBIES/INTERESTS: I love to
COURSES YOU EXPECT TO TEACH Other than working at a daycare as “NCIS” and “Everybody Loves FAVORITE MEAL: Spicy Salmon fish and hike and do both as often as
AT NCWC: I’m now teaching Inter- the after-school director, I’ve always Raymond.” Tostones. possible. I also have many fur babies
cultural Communication, Research been in education. While at ASU, I FAVORITE MOVIES: “Harry Potter FAVORITE PLACE: Oak Island, and aquatic pets with my wonderful
Methods, and Mass Communica- worked waitstaff at Daniel Boone and the Order of the Phoenix” and North Carolina. wife, Tasneem. I’ve recently gotten
tion. In the spring, I plan to teach Restaurant to help pay for college. “The Greatest Showman.” FAVORITE TEAM: Washington into grilling and smoking meats
Communication Theory as well. PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: FAVORITE GENRES OF MUSIC: Capitals. since we’re back in the Carolinas
Eventually I hope to offer courses in I began my teaching career in 2011 Christian/gospel, bluegrass, and SOCIAL MEDIA USE: I use Twitter and I like to make my own BBQ.
Environmental Communication as as a 2nd-grade teacher at Green classic rock. to learn from other academics how I also like to make crafts related to
well as Political Communication. Valley Elementary School in Boone. FAVORITE MEAL: Give me all the to develop my teaching and research my scholarly interests, so if you take
YOUR TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: Then, after my sixth year of teaching, donuts, Nutella, soy sauce, and skills. Twitter Handle: @KaitPericak. a course with me, it’s possible that
Student engagement is critical. In I asked for a leave of absence so I guacamole. ONE SURPRISING THING ABOUT we’ll make clay tablets or figurines
my courses, I stress the impor- could complete my master’s in el- FAVORITE LOCAL SPOT: Larema Cof- YOU: I played ice hockey, in various of gods and goddesses.
tance and application of material ementary education. While in gradu- fee House in downtown Rocky Mount. leagues, for 13 years. FAVORITE TV SHOWS: “How I Met
on both a practical and theoretical ate school, I served as a graduate Tell the owner that Amy sent you. Your Mother,” “The Office,” “Mas-
level through activities and group assistant for my mentor, who was the FAVORITE BOOKS: Fiction: “Harry Shane Thompson terChef,” “Good Mythical Morning,”
discussion. I believe that students teacher education director at ASU. Potter” and “Mrs. Frisby and the Rats “River Monsters,” and “Expedition
learn the most when they’re in WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO NCWC: of NIMH.” Non-fiction: The Bible. JOB TITLE AT NCWC: Assistant Unknown.”
a supportive environment where One draw was the location, since FAVORITE PLACE: Wherever my Professor of Religious Studies FAVORITE MOVIES: “The Natural,”
they feel comfortable sharing their my family and I now live in Rocky husband and daughters are. YOUR HOMETOWN: Columbia, “For Love of the Game,” “Field of
own definitions and understand- Mount. Once I visited the campus FAVORITETEAMS: App State football, South Carolina. Dreams,” “Forgetting Sarah Mar-
ings. For example, I connect aca- and met some of the incredible Dallas Cowboys, Boston Red Sox, DEGREES EARNED: B.A., Wake shall,” and “Talladega Nights.”
demic articles with both popular teacher education faculty, I felt a Atlanta Braves. I'll cheer for UNC if Forest University; M.A., Brandeis FAVORITE MUSICAL ARTISTS: Eric
and personal accounts and ask connection and a call to serve this I'm around a Duke fan or vice versa, University; M.T.S, Emory Univer- Church and Zac Brown Band.
students to put both popular and community. I started as an adjunct in just to get a rise out of my friends. sity; and Ph.D., Brown University. FAVORITE CUISINE: I’m a foodie
personal perceptions in dialogue fall 2019 and then moved to Teacher SOCIAL MEDIA USE: I use Insta- PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERIENCE: so I will eat anything! Seafood is a
with communication theory and Education Program Manager and gram; my account name is @amyt- I’ve taught at Brown, High Point favorite.
practice during in-class discus- adjunct in fall 2020. Now I serve as a lunceford (don't miss the t between University, Wake Forest, the Wake FAVORITE BOOK: I’m a big fan of
sions and activities. I also advo- Visiting Instructor of Education and my first and last name). I talk about Forest University School of Divinity, James Rollins’ books. I also like
cate for affective learning so stu- Teacher Education Program Manager. my family adventures with our girls Wofford College, and the University historical fiction, and I have a weird
dents can learn to both appreciate and fluffy dog, my CBD biz, church of South Carolina. While in grad obsession with books about the New
and value classroom material. As a Amy Lunceford life, and NCWC events and classes school, I was a teaching assistant at England mob.
result, students are more likely to YOUR AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: in teacher education. I'm fixing to both Brandeis and Brown. FAVORITE PLACE: Jerusalem.
remember as well as incorporate start a NCWCTeacherEd IG page, WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO NCWC: FAVORITE TEAMS: Wake Forest
knowledge from the classroom to It encompasses all subjects within just waiting on approval from the I’m the product of a liberal arts edu- Demon Deacons; Atlanta Braves.
the world around them. elementary education. I have two college’s marketing department. cation and I always wanted to wind ONE SURPRISING THING ABOUT
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: When it’s published works, both within “Sci- ONE SURPRISING THING ABOUT up at a small liberal arts college. As YOU: If at all possible, I will be
safe to do so, I look forward to ence for Children” magazines in YOU: I’ve done short-term teaching wearing sandals!
traveling again. Most recently I went in India, Pakistan, and Tanzania. I've
to Denmark with my mother and visited for fun: England, Mexico,
Jamaica, and Israel.
Kaitlin Pericak
Professor of Sociology.
in Sociology, American University;
Ph.D. in Sociology, University of