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The Decree is our student newspaper that is published 5 times each year. In addition to reporting on campus events, The Decree regularly features creative writing – fiction, poetry, personal essays – by students and other members of the University community.

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Published by North Carolina Wesleyan University, 2022-12-16 13:46:12

The Decree - December 2022

The Decree is our student newspaper that is published 5 times each year. In addition to reporting on campus events, The Decree regularly features creative writing – fiction, poetry, personal essays – by students and other members of the University community.

The Decree
since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.”

December 16, 2022


Wesleyan Seeks to Address Steep Drop in APS Enrollment
Buffeted by Covid, a low (i.e., kids, aging parents, loss of fered programs specific for adult tency-based educational programs? college staff. Among other chang-
national unemployment rate and income, changes in their support students. With the increasing KF: It measures skills and es, we’re considering improved
other factors, North Carolina systems). Although many thought presence of certain not-for-profits digital marketing, personal-
Wesleyan has seen enrollment in this pandemic recession would schools as well as for-profit learning outcomes based on the ized marketing campaigns, and
its adult degree program fall by increase enrollment, the reality online institutions, we’ve seen student’s ability to demonstrate enhanced program offerings. A
52 percent in the last five years. was the exact opposite. a shift in the adult-education mastery of a topic by completing task force, primarily composed of
landscape. We’re now competing assessments. And it does so on a faculty, will explore research and
According to data furnished Q: National and state un- with institutions such as Capella non-traditional schedule. Rather best practices over the next few
by the university, total enroll- employment rates have been (for-profit) and Western Gov- than using “classroom time” as one months to make recommendations
ment has decreased from 899 to hovering between 3.5 to 4 percent ernors University and Southern measure, competency-based educa- on further possible changes.
432 since fall of 2017. Besides in the last year. Can you make a New Hampshire (both non- tion allows students to complete
the main Rocky Mount cam- correlation between low unem- profits). And although we tend to the assessments at their own pace. Q: Has Wesleyan considered
pus, the university operates ployment and APS enrollment? serve a different market than the changing the APS program to 100
eight satellite campuses, from state institutions, due to cost we Q: What other trends have led percent online? What would be
Winston-Salem to Wilmington. ED: Typically low unemploy- continue to face competition from to recent declines in Wesleyan’s the pros and cons of such a move?
ment rate corresponds to lower East Carolina as well as schools APS enrollment?
The Rocky Mount site’s enroll- enrollment in most adult pro- like UNC-Pembroke that offer KF: Over the past few years,
ment has declined from 315 to grams. Adult degree programs the NC Promise tuition rates. KF: Like other organizations, APS has seen an increase in de-
228 during the five-year period, tend to see higher enrollments Wesleyan was impacted by “The mand for fully online programs.
while more precipitous drops during recessions. What the na- Q: How do you explain the re- Great Resignation” with some of In light of this, we’re working
have been recorded in Goldsboro tion is experiencing now is unlike cent success of Western Governors our staff moving onto new indus- with Provost (Joseph) Lane and
(167 to 26), the Triangle (161-57) anything we’ve seen in the past. and Southern New Hampshire? tries. It’s been a challenge to fill our faculty to examine the fea-
and Wilmington (95-24). This You have low unemployment, staff openings while competing sibility of offering more classes
fall Manteo and Washington each younger adults (25-40) finding KF: Greater funding is a major with companies that offer fully online. We’ll continue to offer
enrolled one student. alternative ways to generate rev- component to their success. remote positions. seated classes at our larger loca-
enue, and harmful societal com- It allows them to spend more tions and we’re piloting remote
In November, the Decree in- mentary on higher education's money in marketing and program Q: Let’s talk about possible synchronous formats to allow
terviewed school officials about value (i.e., return on investment). development (WGU has really changes Wesleyan may make to students from other locations to
steps that Wesleyan is contem- Together, such factors make it been a force, with over 4,000 address the recent drop in enroll- participate in seated courses. It’s
plating to arrest the recent slide challenging to demonstrate to North Carolina adults who have ment. Is the university consider- essential that we find the balance
in enrollment. Katie Farrell is adults the importance of further- matriculated to their programs). ing closing or scaling back some between course formats to ensure
the Associate Dean of Adult and ing their education. And WGU and Southern New of its nine campuses? flexibility, while also providing
Professional Studies for Strategy, Hampshire (not to mention the most effective learning envi-
Partnerships & Assessments. Q: Let's talk about the competition. Capella) offer low tuition as well ED: At this time, we have no ronment for our adult students.
Prior to becoming Wesleyan’s First which programs are the leaders as competency-based educational plans to reduce our number of
President, Dr. Evan Duff worked in adult education around the state? programs that makes them more locations. We’ve consolidated our Q: What other changes, such as
in the field of adult studies for appealing to the adult learner who course offerings, reduced our de- tuition reductions and new majors/
many years. KF: Historically, our com- wants to complete a degree faster. pendency on stand-alone facilities certificate programs, have been
petitors were other small, private, by partnering with community considered to grow enrollment?
Q: No doubt Wesleyan is liberal arts schools, such as Q: Could you elaborate on compe- colleges, and established partner-
providing an essential service to Barton and Mount Olive, that of- ships to improve the affordability See DROP pg 3
various communities by offering a of our programs with community
college education to adult learners.
But in what ways is a flourishing Science Students Enjoy Field Study, Hunt for Nurdles at NC Beach
APS program vital to the success By Rhea Wilder sat in the front seat and chased me up the beach.
of Wesleyan's traditional-day pro- Decree Staff Writer eager to go back to Luckily I salvaged my energy
gram as well? Make connections, sleep. Three hours drink and book, but the shark
whether in terms of revenues or One day I received a text later, we arrived tooth was never seen again.
other benefits/synergies. message with a link to a TikTok at the beach. We
video about nurdles. I had never thought that it was After leaving the beach, we
ED: Since APS’s inception in heard of nurdles until this video going to be cold picked up Subway for lunch and
the mid-1970s, its revenue has taught me that they’re prepro- there, but it ended had a short drive to Jockey’s Ridge
supported traditional campus duction plastic pellets. They’re up being about 70 State Park where we sat at picnic
operations. It’s worth noting that, shipped all over the world and degrees and sunny, tables to eat. Dr. Elias told all of
even when enrollment is declining, melted down to make every- which was perfect us that we had to meet back on the
APS is always a profitable revenue thing from car parts to utensils. Insearchofenvironment-damaging“nurdles,”Wesleyan weather for us to bus at three, but we were allowed
stream. Aside from revenue, APS students, led by Dr. Daniel Elias, took a field trip to the conductourresearch. to explore wherever we wanted
serves as an extension of our tradi- Because they’re so small, it’s Outer Banks in late November. For ten minutes within the park. Once we finished
tional enrollment, human resources, thought that many nurdles spill Wilder/Elias photo we searched the our subs, my friends and I decided
and fundraising initiatives. Some of from shipping containers and to go walk the massive sand dunes.
our APS students' children choose enter sewage systems, not to mention major, I was intrigued by all this, sand for nurdles in a single file
our traditional program to further rivers and streams, and eventually so I forwarded the TikTok link line, staying an arm’s width apart The dunes were beautiful, and
their education, and we’ve hired travel to the ocean. They can also en- to Dr. Elias. He discovered that from each other. We moved for- they made me feel small because
APS graduates for faculty and ter the ecosystem as waste discharged the University of Texas is doing ward two times to new locations they were so big. We climbed
staff positions. Another way APS from manufacturing facilities. a citizen-run research project to and spent ten minutes at each spot. to the top of one and watched a
benefits the traditional day program better understand the amount of Mr. Booze even helped us search woman who was learning how
is through the philanthropic support These microplastic pellets are nurdles that are scattered across and grinned in excitement when to hang-glide. After enjoying the
graduates provide to our yearly damaging to the environment the world. Wanting to be part of Dr. Elias confirmed that he had view of the ocean for a while it
campaigns. We’ll continue to lever- because they look like little eggs and this research, he contacted UT potentially found a few nurdles. was time to return to the bus.
age our relationship with APS stu- animals (e.g. turtles) and fish eat them and got instructions on how to be- Most of us struggled to tell if
dents/alum by developing partner- and feel full, leading to starvation. Not come part of the “Nurdle Patrol.” the objects we were picking up Mr. Booze took us back to
ships with their organizations for only that, but when fish absorb nur- A trip was planned to the Out- were nurdles or pieces of glass. As campus. He joked that if we
recruiting and career development. dles through breathing, the substance er Banks. When I asked Dr. Elias a result of this, one of the science were missing a student, they
can get into their system and affect why he likes to take these trips, students, Andy Rizzo, was trying would have a long walk back
Q: Explain the overall impor- their movement, mating behavior he said, “I take them because I to produce ways to test if they were to Rocky Mount. I stared at the
tance of operating satellite cam- and ability to escape predators. want my students to have real-life indeed nurdles. She suggested sunset for a long time reflecting
puses in an adult-degree program experiences because what they melting them to determine the on the trip as we drove home.
rather than, say, one main campus Humans can be affected by learn in class is only half of the difference between plastic and
that offers students around the state consuming nurdle-contaminated learning process. It’s when what glass. “We could also see if they This trip was an amazing
the ability to take online classes. seafood and other wildlife. Nurdles you learn becomes real.” float as a way to determine the experience, but it came with mixed
can also dissolve and contaminate After getting the funding from difference,” Rizzo said. feelings. I’m glad that I didn’t come
ED: A local presence has proven the drinking water supply. “And the Wesleyan Science Club, our I loved overhearing her excite- across any nurdles in my search
vital in establishing our value and once the substance is inside us,” group was ready to collect data. ment because all things environ- because that means they weren’t
building trust with students. Through Dr. Elias said, “the body’s response On Saturday November 12th at mental excite me too. Following easy enough for wildlife to find.
our community college partnerships, might be chronic inflammation and 7 a.m., there were 24 students of the search, we got to spend time But I’m troubled because they were
we’ve lowered or eradicated the cost abnormal growths.” different majors loading the bus at the same beach for an hour. probably there, and we just weren’t
of providing service to students in to travel to Outer Banks. A lot of the students got in the looking in the correct spot.
their communities. No one knows exactly what effect We were greeted by a driver water with their clothes on or
nurdles have because they aren’t regu- named Mr. Booze. “Like the alco- decided to play with a frisbee. I asked Dr. Elias what he
Q: How did Covid impact APS lated as they should be; no one knows hol,” he said. This would normal- I spent the majority of the believed was the reason for the
students in particular? how many are lost in the environment. ly make me concerned as he was time searching for shark teeth apparent scarcity of nurdles
According to, mass driving us, but I was acquainted in the sand. When I found one, and he said that the weather—
ED: While the data is still out production of nurdles has occurred with him from traveling to soccer it caused curiosity to spike, and there was a storm a few days
on this, Covid had a more signifi- since the 1950s and the first evidence games in the last few years and a few other students started earlier--could have played a
cant effect on APS than our tra- of their environmental presence was knew that we were in good hands. searching too. At one point, a role. “Since some nurdles float,
ditional program. Working adults documented in 1972. Their known As I’m not a morning person, I big wave crashed on the sand carried by currents, extreme
were impacted with a higher effects can be deadly, and continued weather could have caused them
level of uncertainty about the research will only aid in developing to travel to other beaches or
future while continuing to juggle regulation policy and producing even stay in the ocean,” he said.
all the complexities of adult life solutions to prevent further damage.
See Beach pg 3
As an environmental science

2 North Carolina Wesleyan University, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 December 16, 2022


Wesleyan To Offer Master’s Program in Public Health
NC Wesleyan intends to master’s program in prised of NCWU undergrad- main competitors in this area? face-to-face with clients. Wouldn't
introduce its third graduate uate students, likely in the SC: Because this is an online it be helpful to offer more "hands-
program next fall—a master’s public health? fields of Exercise Science, on,” in-person training?
degree in public health. SC: This is an Health Promotion, Bio- program, it could be marketed
medical Sciences, Healthcare anywhere, though I think that the SC: To clarify, this is not a
To be offered in online format, idea that my col- Administration, Nursing, bulk of our student interest will be healthcare or medical degree.
the program must first be approved leagues and I, and and potentially others such from North Carolina and surround- Public health has more of a focus
by the university’s accrediting the administration, as Psychology or Business ing areas. There are five accredited on population health, especially in
agency, the Southern Association had been considering Administration. Because we MPH programs in the state, and the context of prevention of disease.
of Colleges and Schools (SACS). for several years. We are also offering a Certificate only one other accredited online Rather than direct patient care, a
A decision is anticipated in late realized that there of Graduate Study in Public MPH program at a private univer- public-health professional’s respon-
spring. If approved, the program was an unmet need Health, I imagine that we sity (Lenoir-Rhyne’s MPH with a sibilities would more likely involve
will begin in fall 2023, with a for a public health- will also have a percentage of concentration in Community Health planning, implementing and evalu-
cohort of 10 students, according to related graduate pro- Dr. Shannon Crowley Assessment). NCWU would be the ating health promotion programs;
Dr. Shannon Crowley, Associate gram, both in terms of Photo courtesy S. Crowley only MPH program in the state to writing grants; conducting research;
Professor of Exercise Science. student needs, and the adult students who are look- have an MPH with a specialization conducting public health surveil-
impact such a program could have on ing to augment their current career in PhysicalActivity and Health. Con- lance to identify and intervene on
It’s expected that the 42-credit the surrounding community. After skills with the certificate program. sidering that the Health Department health-damaging behaviors in popu-
degree program will take 15 speaking with students, administra- has identified “exercise, nutrition, lations; and recommending poli-
months to complete, Dr. Crowley tion, colleagues, and community Q: Have you projected what and weight” as the top health priority cies. It’s important to note that the
said. In line with her department’s members, and considering current percentage of MPH students will for Nash County, our program fills program includes a one -semester
specialty area, the master’s will faculty expertise, we determined that be Wesleyan alums? an important gap in current MPH practicum, where students work at
provide a concentration in Physi- an MPH with an emphasis in physi- program offerings in the state. a public health-related site and gain
cal Activity and Health and will cal activity and health would be an SC: I would imagine that at least hands-on experience in the field.
require a capstone class as well 50 percent would be. Q: We understand the program is
as a one-semester practicum for 100 percent online. Why did Wes- Q: Who will teach the classes?
students to gain field experience. Q: How many students would you leyan decide to select that format? Let's go ahead and name them,
expect to see in the first cohort and and their area of expertise—at
The Decree interviewed Dr. innovative, impactful, and successful then after a few years of operation? SC: Online MPH programs have least the lead instructors. And will
Crowley in late November and program at NCWU. gained in popularity in recent years, any new hires be made?
early December. SC: We’re planning to limit the and several accredited MPH pro-
Q: Provide a profile of the MPH cohort to 10 students, at first, grams in North Carolina are offered SC: Most courses will be taught
Q: What was the impetus of the new typical student who would be and then re-evaluate after the pro- online. So our decision was based by me (Health Aspects of Physical
interested in this program. gram starts. We may accept up to 15 in part on making sure the program Activity) and a new tenure-track
additional students in the certificate could be viable and competitive in hire (required to have a doctorate in
SC: I believe that a large percent- program, even initially. Once the
age of our MPH cohort will be com-

University Student Body programiswellestablished,we this market. Another factor was that Public Health or related field). Dr.
would likely increase the number
Hit Hard by Fall Illnesses of students in each MPH cohort.
We decided on a conservative initial online programs help to increase ac- Meir Magal (Exercise Physiology)
number of students for several rea- cess to educational opportunities for will teach two exercise-science
While Covid cases have tapered onset of fever, chills, headache, sons, including making sure we have students who might otherwise have based courses in the program, and
off, many students still experienced sore throat, and cough. Most stu- an adequate number of professional transportation and other barriers. As Dr. Danielle Braxton (Public Health
a high rate of common respiratory dents, untreated, recovered within practicum sites for MPH students to the program grows, we might also Nutrition) will teach two courses in
infections after fall break. a week. All three illnesses are viral complete their applied practice expe- consider offering a seated graduate the program as well.
and improve on their own. There riences, at the end of their program. program in Public Health. Q: Will the college require new
The Decree interviewed Health was a secondary bacterial infec- Q: What markets will you be cov- Q: How do you reconcile the facilities or equipment to admin-
Center Director Jessica Brys-Wil- tion in about 10 percent of students ering? And what existing graduate online format with the need for ister this program?
son in late November about the who contracted URI; that required programs figure to be Wesleyan’s degree candidates who will interact SC: No.
surge of illness that resulted in antibiotics. If diagnosed with 48 Classes To Start a Week Earlier in Fall 2023
many students missing a substan- hours, severe influenza can be
tial amount of class time. treated with Tamiflu.
Q: First, can you give the ill- Q: Is it over now or are you still By L. Kasem, J. Matlock & R. Wilder
ness a name? Decree Staff Writers day undergraduates, he said. “The earlier start. Then she experienced
seeing students become ill? move will allow students to head her first final exams week as a col-
A: We had several illnesses cir- A: I’m still seeing students get- Beginning in 2023, NC home (even when home is out lege student. She said the holiday
culating this semester. We had an Wesleyan will move up the start of the country) without worrying break took her mind off her exams
upper respiratory infection (URI), ting sick, but our numbers are much of fall semester so that students about return arrangements during and she ended up completing other
like a common cold, that was lower now. Fortunately, influenza can wrap up all classes and final one of the busiest travel weeks.” assignments at the last minute.
pretty miserable for most people. has tapered off quickly. This year’s exams before Thanksgiving.
We also had a brief gastroenteritis flu vaccine has been effective and In an informal survey, students re- “I’m looking forward to next year
(stomach virus) and then influenza. helped keep the numbers lower. This past fall, classes ended prior acted positively to the new start date, when I can finish exams and then be
to the holiday break, but students which will beAugust 16 next year. on break,” she said, “rather than hav-
Q: What were the most common Q: At its peak, how many stu- returned to campus for final exams. ing a break between my review for
symptoms and what was the treatment? dents were out of class with illness? First-year Provost Joseph Lane cited Students Lexie Collins and exams and the exams themselves.”
manyreasonsfortheschedulingchange. Elizabeth Lopez favor the move,
A: With the URI, most students A: It’s hard to answer this ques- believing the revamped schedule Kasem also said that the new
had sore throat, nasal congestion tion. The URI went on for more than “The single largest factor was will lead to more enjoyable, stress- schedule will make holiday travel
and fatigue. This one was particu- a month with pretty steady numbers the awkward placement of the free holiday breaks. “I was hoping less complicated for internation-
larly bad for five to six days and during that time. I would estimate Thanksgiving holiday in our we would be able to be out from als as well as domestic students
then seemed to be mild for another that about 10 percent of our student recent academic years,” he ex- Thanksgiving forward, so this is who live far from Rocky Mount.
five days or so. The stomach virus body had one of the illnesses I men- plained, noting that “the holiday really exciting!” Collins said. “It’ll
caused nausea, vomiting, and diar- tioned within the last two months. is not productive study time.” be an easier transition from time in After careful consideration,
rhea. It lasted 24-48 hours in most the classroom to our holiday break, senior Jordyn Matlock voted
people. Influenza patients most Q: Can you make a connection He said the new schedule should and make it more stress-free.” yes as well. She acknowledged
frequently presented with a sudden between the illnesses on campus cut down on missed exams while it that the change would shorten
and the steps we took to prevent decreases pressure on faculty to put Added Lopez: “It’s better that the duration of a student’s
DeTchreee Covid during the past two years? exams on-line or make them optional. way since we don’t have to worry summer job, but she pointed
since 1960 during Thanksgiving about study- out that they will get expanded
“of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” A: Since we were mostly Among other reasons for the ing for tests. We can enjoy the time opportunities to work during
masked over the last two years, change, the provost said the most with our families and friends.” the Christmas break. Besides
staff we have had limited exposure to recent academic schedule led to giving students more time with
the recently circulating strains “complicated travel arrangements” Layali Kasem, a Rocky Mount family at Thanksgiving, Mat-
of colds and flu. So when we for students who live far from cam- resident and a member of the lock said the new schedule will
exposed without masks this year, pus. That includes internationals, honors program, acknowledged lessen stress duringSfeienCallasesxeasmpgs3.
we’re all more likely to get sick. more than 15 percent of traditional that she was initially opposed to an

Staff Writers

Mary Alice Butler
Layali Kasem
Jean LaGreca
Jordyn Matlock
Rhea Wilder

Special Fall sunset on Wesleyan’s campus. Photo courtesy Wesleyan PR

Carl Lewis
Andrew Stern
Grace Wallace

Faculty Advisor

Dr. William Grattan

179 Braswell • Phone: 985-5336
Email: [email protected]

December 16, 2022 North Carolina Wesleyan University, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 3


University Sees Current Enrollment New Lounge Expansion Finished
Of Argentinian Students Grow to 63 For Taylor-Crocker Honors Program
By Jean LaGreca By Layali Kasem cluding evenings. This may be due in
Decree Staff Writer expressed respect for the Amer- Decree Staff Writer part to another change that was made
ican system of higher educa-
With just over 800 students in tion. As Santiago said, “Every- On the second floor of the Pearsall over the summer. Instead of relying
Wesleyan’s traditional day program, thing here works, and you can Classroom Building, behind the first on a limited number of keys to gain
it’s notable that 63 come from one rent the computers.” Ramella door to the right of the hallway, entrance, students now punch in an
foreign country--Argentina. observed that professors are there’s a room that contains, among access code on the door lock.
more “relaxed and friendlier” in otherthings, a white board filled with Honors students have respond-
The figure is more than six the U.S. than in Argentina. various scribbled writings, ranging ed favorably to the new facility.
times higher than the 10 Venezu- from snack suggestions to ladybug Lexie Collins, first-year history
elans, the second largest contin- During interviews, the students infestation complaints. Paintings and major, spends one to two hours a
gent from Latin America, and encouraged others to take the on student photographs line the walls of day in the lounge. She alternates
more than three times higher than the challenge of going to a new an open space and there’s a variety of between studying and taking
the 19 Italians, who represent the country to study. “They should try plush sofas, chairs, and tables situated breaks, while sharing the space
second largest international group it,” said Farji. “It’s a unique expe- around the lounge area, where stu- with other honors students before
overall. Hailing from 45 coun- rience that will help you grow.” dents often come for a break between classes. Among other features, she
tries, Wesleyan’s internationals classes or for alone time. This is the likes the comfortable furniture,
now make up 21 percent of the Diaz admitted it’s not easy Associate Dean Katie Farrell newly refurbished Honors Program where she often reclines after Dr.
student body (170/817). at the beginning: “It is going to lounge, which has been a form of Templeton’s writing class.
be hard; you’re going to miss Photo courtesy of K. Farrell escape for many students. Collins also noted that the lounge
Many Argentinians were home, but it’ll be worth it.” Ever since the creation of the has educational benefits. She’s par-
introduced to Wesleyan by a DROP from pg 1 Honors Program in 1988, there has ticipated in many discussions with
recruiter, German Michaylyszyn. More than 5,000 miles from KF: We’re actively researching always been a lounge area provided her classmates, who like to gather
A former college tennis player home, the Argentinians use various funding opportunities to provide for students, although the accom- and talk about lessons and books
at Roberts Wesleyan University methods to stay in touch with friends additional scholarships. Indus- modations were not as comfortable that they may be reading at the time.
(Rochester, NY), Michaylyszyn and family. A primary means is try research has demonstrated as they are now. According to Dr. As a commuter, freshman Niana
heads the New York-based WhatsApp, whichallows them to that a small scholarship can go Bill Yankosky, the director of the Gunter is always looking for a quiet
agency ISMC and works in Latin send messages and make calls a long way with enrolling adult Honors Program, senior Elizabeth place to do homework and study.
American countries. without an extra charge. students. Working with Dr. Lane, Perry was instrumental in the ef- When she arrives early in the morn-
we’re researching alternative fort to renovate the new lounge to ings, she often drops by the lounge
Wesleyan was appealing for Soccer, or futbol, is another way course delivery formats and new make it more appealing to students. and gets a chance to mingle and chat
many reasons, students said in in- for Argentinians to stay connected transfer policy initiatives. Besides A psychology major, Perry with others before class. “I think it’s
terviews. Some Argentinians said back home. Their national team is increasing our digital media recalls the “well-worn” red great!” she said. “It gives us a great
that they liked that many of their now in the thick of the World Cup, marketing, we’ve partnered with couches and the “stale” smell that place to meet and talk about our
countrymen already attended the played in Qatar. an organization called Liaison, often filled the air in the previous classes with other honors students.”
university. Others found Wesley- which will assist enrollment ef- lounge, situated
an affordable, due to the financial Interviewed early in the forts by identifying and cultivat- in PC 272A. “It
aid and other assistance. Both tourney, Santiago said he believes ing new leads. We’re continuing had seen better
Santiago Scida and Candela Diaz, his team can make it far-- “at to develop our relationships with days,” she said,
22 said overall cost was a key fac- least to semi-finals.” Accord- our local community colleges to remembering
tor in their decision to enroll. ing to him, Argentina has been raise our transfer student enroll- the single room
playing at a high level, except for ment while providing educational to the right of
Having 63 Argentinians in the the first game, a 2-1 loss against opportunities for their faculty the new lounge.
NCWU community can produce upstart Saudi Arabia. The team and staff. Working with Presi- At the end of
mixed feelings. According to ex- soon rebounded, winning its next dent Duff’s office, we’re seeking last semester,
ercise science major Victoria Farji, four matches, including a thrill- organizational partnerships such Perry ap-
it’s a positive. “I like that there are ing win over the Netherlands to as our recent agreement with First proached Dr.
so many of us,” she said. “So, if qualify for the semis. Carolina Bank and its employees. Yankosky The Taylor-Crocker Honors Program expanded and refurbished its
I ever feel alone, there is always Like Dr. Duff, I’m excited about and Dr. Fred student lounge, located on the second floor of Pearsall. Photo by C. Lewis
someone that can understand me.” Many Argentinians have been the APS Task Force that will serve
talking about the possibility that to identify best practices for adult Sanborn, After the beginning of the semes-
For others such as sophomore this may be superstar Lionel programs and make recommenda- assistant director of the Honors
Gianluca Nanni, it can be both a Messi’s last World Cup and his tions to our leadership team. Program, to inquire about cleaning ter, Gunter and Collins organized a
blessing and a curse. “It always final chance of lifting the trophy. the lounge over the summer. It “movie night” in the lounge, with a
helps to have a fellow student “It won’t be easy,” Scida said, ily and friends over the summer, was during this conversation that screening of “National Treasure,”
that not only speaks the same adding “it will be weird seeing she said she likes having extra Perry voiced some of her opinions using the lounge’s built-in projec-
language as you, but also comes the national team without Messi.” time to study for final exams. about the lackluster condition of tor, which has since been removed.
from the same place,” Nanni said. the facility. The program directors Collins says she hopes to plan
“But when you’re trying to learn CLASSES from pg 2 Catalina Ramella, a native then passed on her comments to another movie night, once the
and practice English, it can be dif- She observed that she and many of Argentina, echoed Walker’s the families of Roger Taylor and Dr. projector is returned.
ficult to do so because there are so other students were forced to re- comments. “I like my classes Daniel Crocker, two long-time bene- Elizabeth Lopez also spends a lot
many of us (Spanish speakers). turn for one final exam, with their and finals to end in the first factors of the Honors Program. They of time in the honors lounge, which
other tests administered on-line. week of December, so I have agreed and accelerated their plan to she sees as a comfort zone to spend
Matías Paredes agreed with Nan- “That just seemed like a waste more time to study,” she said. renovate and expand the lounge. time before and after classes. “I
ni. “Because we’re from the same of time,” she said. “It would be This past summer, Perry was in- really like the fact that we have the
country, we tend to get together a more convenient (to complete all Rhea Wilder, a senior on the vited to join the Taylors and Crockers opportunity to have a room to our-
lot, so we don’t speak English dur- exams) prior to the holidays.” soccer team, was among the in brainstorming and acquiring new selves,” she said. In the afternoons,
ing those times,” he said. students whose opinion changed items for the lounge, such as lamps, Lopez is often spotted resting on one
Like Kasem and Dr Lane, she after the proposed start date was snacks, and other furniture. She attri- of the sofas, eating lunch or prepar-
While for many the language made a point about the ability of fixed on August 16. “I think that butes much of the effort and planning ing for her next class.
barrier remains the biggest im- students to travel back and forth start would be beneficial because to Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Crocker, During exams, many honors
pediment to living and studying to campus during the Thanksgiv- it gives us the maximum time with saying, “No detail was left unfinished students could be found around the
in the U.S., for other Argentini- ing break. Not only do many our families and minimal stress by them, down to making sure the tables and chairs, reviewing notes
ans there has not been a problem. students live far from campus, for final exams, not to mention floors were redone and shampooed,” for some last-minute cramming.
but some do not drive or own a during preseason,” she said. she said. “They even brought their Perry estimates she spent close to 12
It has not been an issue for car, making transportation dif- own cleaning supplies and wiped hours a week in the lounge during
Farji, who noted that she did high ficult, she said. A supporter of the original down every piece of furniture.” exam time, referring to it as her “go-
school in English. “It made it proposal of an August 9 start Perry maintains that the commit- to spot for exam studying.”
easier to come to the U.S. already When the schedule change was date, Wilder’s teammate Sophia ment exhibited by the Taylors and Besides providing a quiet place,
knowing the language,” she said. first raised earlier this semester, Sweeney said she remains in Crockers was the driving force be- there’s a well-stocked snack area
consideration was given to start- favor of beginning and finishing hind the success of the new lounge, that is popular during exams,
Others are like Juan Agustin ing fall classes two weeks earlier, the term prior to Thanksgiving. although Dr. Yankosky also credited when schedules are hectic, and
Rivas, a sports administration aroundAugust 9. That proposal Perry for making the initial approach. lunch is more of an afterthought.
major. He came to Wesleyan elicited mixed reactions. While “This allows students to enjoy Room 272B, chosen as the new The snacks are provided by the
without a mastery of English, but some students were enthusiastic, their Thanksgiving,” she said, “and location for the honors lounge, was Taylors and Crockers via Wendy
said he’s made substantial im- others opposed the early start, not have to study the whole break.” formerly a classroom and a tutor- Brake, an assistant in the provost’s
provements since arriving in the citing a variety of reasons. Student ing center for students. As part of office, who works with students to
U.S. He attributes his acclimatiza- concerns ranged from less time to BEACH from pg 1 the renovations, several computers maintain the space. Students will
tion to the campus environment. work a summer job, to disrupted Regardless of the outcome, have been installed, and there are sometimes leave notes of gratitude
“The faculty and staff here take family vacations, to the added stress we were able to learn and in- plans to add a conference table for Brake on the white board.
it into consideration that you’re that athletes would experience as spire a few people on the beach to give students more working Likewise the honors students
an international student,” he said. they took classes while participat- who were curious enough to space. By expanding the lounge expressed their appreciation to the
“They’ve been very helpful.” ing in intensive training camps for come ask us what we were do- into 272B, the university more Taylors and Crockers for providing
fall sports. They also worried that ing. As someone who values the than doubled the amount of space. them with such a well-appointed
The Argentinians noted many the early start would put them out importance of the environment, According to Perry, the new lounge. “Their effort and care
cultural differences as well. of synch with friends and family that’s all I can ask. One of my lounge receives “a lot more traffic” are what make the Honors Program
Catalina Ramella misses the cui- enrolled at other colleges. goals is to continue to learn and and at different parts of the day in- special,” Perry said.
sine of her homeland, explaining inspire people along the way to
that American food is too heav- Asked in a survey to pick take care of the planet; after all,
ily seasoned. Other students have between August 9 and August we only have one.
detected differences in the ways 23, Ayanna Walker said she pre-
Americans and Argentinians ferred a later start date. Besides
interact with each other. Farji giving her more time with fam-
believes her countrymen tend to
be “warmer” than Americans.

Many Argentinian students

4 North Carolina Wesleyan University, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 December 16, 2022


Brevard Avenges Earlier Loss with 2OT Winner Vs. Bishops
The men’s soccer team was upset our guys grew and matured in many as the level and intensity of play. international students as domestic
in the semi-final round of the USA different ways. I also told our seniors Q:What specific changes do you and Head Soccer Coach Mark Bowman students. Most NCAA Division III
South tournament, losing to rival that I was sorry that we couldn’t programs lack the ability to bring
Brevard, 2-1, in double overtime. bring a conference tournament your assistant plan to make next year? Photo courtesy M. Bowman in international students the way
championship and NCAA tourna- A: We still have a lot to planning to NC Wesleyan does; so we have
Playing at Scalf Field on November ment berth to them in their final year. our soccer team. As a staff, we want a unique opportunity to draw on
3, Brevard got the early jump on the I thanked our seniors for all that they do. Obviously, since we didn’t win the to bring in more American students, a niche market that’s unavailable
Bishops, as Ryan Lynch tallied at had done. Their leadership, maturity, conference, or achieve our goals, we as we believe that they can bring to most of our competition. In the
1:10 of the first half, on assists from focus, and determination all helped need to find ways to improve the pro- certain attributes to the program that conference, only NC Wesleyan
Rodrigo Garcia and FilipeTchoulkov. us accomplish what we did. I told gram. Recruiting is a key part of that. we’re now missing. More Ameri- and Brevard can bring in interna-
the guys how excited I was for our We want to bring in the best players can athletes would mean more of a tional students at the current rate.
Wesleyan battled back and got returners and the chance that we we can to help push our team forward family atmosphere at our matches, We also love the different benefits
the tying goal in the 50th minute. have to go even further next year. We and challenge the current players for with moms and dads in the stands at that internationals bring to the
The ball was played down the left have a lot of talent in this program, and their spots on the depth chart. Com- home and on the road. We also really school and the program.
side to Evann Vincent. He dribbled I’m looking forward to developing our petition is vital, and if we can make believe that adding some American
past one Brevard player, then cut culture and program to prepare for 2023. competition a staple of this program, it culture into this melting pot will help Q: Can you describe the process
inside past another two defenders will do nothing but improve the team. our program develop an even more for recruiting players from overseas?
before launching a shot into the far Q: What was the difference well-rounded atmosphere.
bottom corner of the goal. maker in the last game? Q: Who are some young players A: Our overseas recruiting is
who took a step up and look to be Having said that, I believe done mostly through our network
The teams remained tied through A: Brevard came into the match critical to your success next season? international students will con- of international recruiting agencies.
the second half and the first overtime with a very big chip on their shoulder tinue to make up the majority We have worldwide contacts, whose
period. Then in the 109tt minute, from having lost the last two contests A: We have a core of really good on the soccer team. There’s a job is to help prospective college
Brevard struck for the game-winner. against us in the final minute of the young players. We’re excited about much bigger talent pool, and not students find a place to continue
Following a throw-in 40 yards from game. They came with intensity, the talent that we were able to bring in as much competition in recruiting their athletic careers while earn-
Wesleyan’s goal, Brevard worked focus, and drive. Our guys did a great this year, and we’re looking forward ing a degree. The agencies send us
the ball through midfield. Igor da job of fighting throughout the game, to having all of them with a year of prospects, and if we believe that
Silva found open space to receive but Brevard had that extra motivation, experience under their belt. We feel they would be a fit for our program,
a pass, took one touch and then, plus momentum from their high- very strongly that we have the building then we begin the recruiting process.
from 25 yards, snuck a shot inside energy win in the quarterfinals. They blocks to move this program forward. We reach them by phone and set up
the right post, past the outstretched also caught us un-focused at the start a zoom call to begin building the
arms of goalkeeper Freddy Rogers. of the game to get an early goal. Q: Your team is almost exclusively relationship with the student-athletes
internationals. Why are there not more and their families. We then hope the
The Bishops had finished 6-1 Q: There were a lot of penalties Americans on Wesleyan’s team? conversations lead to a commitment
in regular season conference action, in the Brevard match. How would and the opportunity to add a player
with its only loss, 2-0, to Method- describe the intensity level? A: Wesleyan has a unique pull to our roster.
ist on October 5 at home. Playing with international students. Interna-
strong team defense, the Bishops A: The previous two games were tionals make up such a significant
outscored USA South opponents settled by NC Wesleyan goals in part of the student body, that it’s
22-8, as Rogers recorded four the final minute of the game. Based natural to have a large number on
shutouts and compiled a goals on the history between the two pro-
against average of 1.90 in confer- grams, as well as the added pressure Briefs: Football Finishes 3-7 Season with Win over Pride
ence and non-conference action. of an elimination game, we knew this Tevon Crank rushed for 175 downs, seven interceptions) and minute. It followed a long punt
match was going to be just as physi- yards and the defense returned two Jonathan Hill (20-44, one touch- by goalkeeper Anyka Wilkin that
By finishing first in its division, cal and intense. The game was never interceptions for touchdowns as the down, one interception). Brooks went over the defender's head,
Wesleyan claimed the number-one going to be a blowout for either team, NC Wesleyan football team ended is a junior, while Hirschman and giving Hawkins the opportunity to
seed and earned a bye into the second as we play similar styles and match a losing season on a winning note, Hill are sophomores. drive and find the back of the goal.
round, setting up a rematch with up with each other so well. 35-14, at Greensboro College. • Crank led all Bishop rushers
Brevard, the fourth seed, which had with 672 yards, followed by fellow After beating Salem, 3-1, on
lost to Wesleyan 1-0 earlier in the Q: Looking back on your first Wesleyan opened a 14-0 first-half sophomoreAnthony Byrd with 638. October 25, the Bishops were posi-
year. (In the title match, Brevard season at the helm, what was most lead on a four-yard Crank run and a • Paced by tight end Caleb Lo- tioned to earn a home match in the
won a second 2OT match, beating surprising to you about your team 32-yard pass from Devon Brooks to gan with 22, five Bishops snared first round of the conference tour-
William Peace, 2-1. It was eliminated and the conference? Elijah Love. Crank added a 47-yard 12 or more passes on the season. nament. But first it needed to defeat
by Washington and Lee, 5-1, in the TD run in the third quarter. • The team’s leading tackler was MBU in the regular-season finale
first round of the NCAAregionals.) A: Having spent a year here as the senior linebacker Charles Sias at Scalf Field four days later. The
assistant coach, I already had a good The Pride countered with a with 67. He recorded three sacks, match was a tight defensive struggle,
The Decree interviewed first- idea about what to expect from the 60-yard drive to narrow the lead to right behind defensive end Rob- with the Squirrels overcoming a
year Head Coach Mark Bowman team. The freshmen quickly adjusted 21-14 with 11 minutes left the third ert Gonzalez’s team-high 3.5. 12-4 shot disadvantage and score
after the season. to the style and level of play of college quarter. But the Bishop defense • Williams’ 100-yard interception the only goal in the 86th minute.
soccer. During the season I learned a was stout the rest of the way, with return eclipsed the previous pro-
Q: What did you tell your players in the lot about how to develop and build a defensive back BenyonWilliams gram record by Eddie Graham, (Article courtesy of Sports Information)
locker room after you were eliminated? team comprised of so many different returning an interception a school- who returned a pick 99 yards for
languages, cultures, nationalities, and record 100 yards, and linebacker a TD against Maryville in 2017. The Wesleyan’s men’s team
A: We talked about how proud playing styles. It was challenging, Luke Moorhead taking one back 20 • The Bishops attempted only two captured the annual Roger Taylor
we were of them this season, and more challenging than I expected. yards to close out the scoring. field goals all season, making nei- Invitational with decisive victories
that while it didn’t end the way that ther one. The placekickers made over Mid-Atlantic Christian and USA
we wanted, there were a lot to look Regarding the conference, hav- The team finished the season with 18 of 20 extra-point attempts. South rival Huntingdon. The Bishops
back on with pride. We had many ing already spent a year as the as- 3-4 mark in the USASouth Confer- • Huntingdon, the conference cham- have begun the season with a 6-3
moments of growth, teamwork, and sistant, I knew what to expect as far ence, good for sixth place. Wesleyan pion, finished with a perfect 7-0 record; Isaiah Lewis leads the team
player development this season, and was 0-3 in early-season non-confer- record, outscoring opponents 287 to with a 15.6 points-per-game aver-
ence matchups. Then it won its next 119, only to lose its first-round game age. Shown here freshman James
After opening with three wins, the women’s hoops team has dropped two games against conference foes in the NCAADivision III playoffs. Jones Ds up a Randolph player in
its last three. The early matchups included a 64-46 win over Mer- Southern Virginia (14-13) and La- The Hawks were squashed by early-season action. Sports Information
edith, as junior forward Johnay Goddard paced the offense with 15 Grange (37-22). Even after losing its Mary Hardin-Baylor, 54-0.
points. In a second conference matchup, the Bishops lost to Brevard next game, on the road at Belhaven, Women’s Soccer Eliminated Volleyball’s Sloan Martin
at home, 77-73; Nadia Simmons tallied a team-high 19 points, while the Bishops were still looking to
Brevard’s Olivia Miller had 20 to lead all scorers. Asked to evaluate make noise in the conference. Mary Baldwin defeated NC Wesleyan setter Sloan Martin
her team’s play in the early going, Coach Artina Trader identified Wesleyan, 3-1, in the first round of continues to climb Wesleyan’s
a few areas for improvement. “We need to play with a sense of Facing archrival Methodist at the USA South Athletic Confer- all-time assist list.
urgency, moving the ball and talking on defense. We do that and we home October 15, Wesleyan built ence women's soccer tournament.
have a chance to win against most teams.” Photo courtesy Sports Information a 33-20 lead early in the third quar- In 2022, she recorded a team-
ter, only to squander it in the final The Squirrels were playing in high 609 assists, placing her sixth
20 minutes. Monarch quarterback the conference tournament for the in the USA South Conference with
Brandon Bullins shook off two second time in program history 6.34 per set. The Georgia native,
interceptions to direct his team to two and the second time at home. a junior, now has 2,010 assists
late touchdowns, with Kobe Praylow for her career, 272 behind Vivian
capping a 99-yard drive with a seven- MBU scored its first goal in the Vega (1996-99), who ranks third
yard run to put his team ahead. 14th minute after junior Quierra all-time in NC Wesleyan history.
Hawkins dribbled up the field and Caitlin George (2004-07) holds the
Here is a summary of the past the defenders before sending school record with 3,927 assists.
Bishop season by the numbers: in her fourth goal of the season.
• Wesleyan finished 1-3 at his Teammates were proud of
new turf field, the only win Wesleyan answered with a goal Martin for reaching 2,000 ca-
against LaGrange September 30, by Isabel Neall on a penalty kick reer assists. “Sloan continues to
on what was supposed to have in the 15th minute. The half ended work had. She has a burning
been its homecoming game. with the teams deadlocked 1-1.
• Traveling by bus, the team made See Sloan pg 5
its first (850-mile) trip to the con- The Squirrels came out hot in
ference’s newest member school, the second half and scored in the
Belhaven College, in Mississippi, 63rd minute on a long goal by Sara
where it was shut out, 24-0. Gruntowicz, her fifth of the sea-
• Three Bishop quarterbacks took son, off a pass by Ashlyn Rosati, to
a substantial number of snaps in restore MBU’s one-goal lead.
2022: Brooks (45 completions
in 93 passes, three touchdowns MBU kept up the pressure
and seven interceptions); Chaz on offense and Hawkins scored
Hirschman (67-139, no touch- her second goal of the game and
her fifth of the season in the final

December 16, 2022 North Carolina Wesleyan University, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 5


Graduating Senior Reflects on Time as Wesleyan Student-Athlete
By Claire Bailey the expectations I held for myself started to dig myself into a hole. By the end of my senior year, I to play the full season. In our open-
Decree Staff Writer were unrealistic, and I needed to Life became a little better later had finished all my major courses ing match, I achieved a personal
prioritize my mental health. in the year. We hit the pitch for but still needed four more classes milestone. I scored four goals
I’d always been told that I needed eight matches that spring. Playing to satisfy all requirements. This against Grace Christian University,
to know early on what I wanted to That second year the soccer sea- in front of minimal crowds, the meant I would not graduate with earning conference Player of the
study in college. What I now know son was a success. A personal high- team was 3-2-1 in conference play, my classmates. This bothered me Week for the first time. Overall our
is experiences in college will lead light was that, assisted by Cydney and we qualified for the first round at first, but then I decided there’s season was also up and down; we
you to find your passion. As my Nichols, I scored my first collegiate of the tournament. I also began nothing wrong with that; there’s no qualified for the conference tourna-
final year comes to an end, I reflect goal at Mary Baldwin on October 5, to enjoy my classes and my new time limit to getting your degree. ment but lost in round one.
on my time as a student athlete and 2019. I had never felt more happi- biology major. I found a passion for Once I came to terms with this, I
the experience college gave to me. ness in my life than in that moment. conservation biology, and I was very was okay. I was sad I wouldn’t be Looking back on the past four-
As far as the team, we made it to interested in the classes I was taking. able to walk with my teammates and-a-half years, I’m proud at how
I’m not sure I realized this at quarterfinals of the USA South tour- The ups and downs continued. By and friends, but I still watched the far I’ve come.
first, but I know it now. When nament. After traveling to Tennessee, my senior year, Covid had largely ceremony with pride.
you begin college, everyone is in we lost to Covenant in overtime due passed, and we were set to play a Due to Covid, I was eligible to And I would like to offer some
the same position: undecided and to a costly penalty. Despite the loss, full schedule with minor restrictions. take part in a fifth soccer season, advice to students who feel they
scared. You’re away from home my teammates and I made many I was really looking forward to the as I finished up my remaining don’t know where they’re going or
and family for the first time, and memories in the process. season. But then I suffered a serious coursework. It was my last op- what to do. First you should know
you must face many obstacles injury, as I pulled by right quad. portunity, and I wouldn’t miss it. that everything will come full circle.
alone. But I also know now that At the end of my sophomore year, This would sideline me for three- Healed from my injury, I was able College is about making mistakes
college is the time to try new I decided that changing my major quarters of the season. and experimenting to find what
things and step out of your comfort was the best option for me. I switched The setback affected you love and who you are. There
zone, make new friends and lean to a B.S. degree in biology, thinking me immensely. Once will be times when you feel stuck,
on them for support. it would still be difficult but not as again I lacked the proper but when this happens, you should
stressful as a biomedical degree. balance in my life; while lean on your peers, teammates, and
My freshman year I was an “un- I worked to rehab my professors to help guide you.
decided” major and a collegiate ath- My junior year was chaotic in more leg, I continued to con-
lete. I struggled to find what I loved, ways than one. In spring 2020, the centrate on my course- Being a student athlete is dif-
but knew I was passionate about school had been shut down because of work. And I began to ficult and strenuous, but it’s also
soccer. When I arrived, I knew not Covid. Not only did the pandemic lead excel in my academics. very rewarding. You will experi-
to take for granted my opportunity to masks, social distancing and Zoom I made the President’s ence feelings that will stay with
to be an athlete at the collegiate classes; it caused a disruption in our List for the first time in you the rest of your life.
level. I was scared, not so much routines as student-athletes. Because my four years! ClaireBaileygraduatesinDecemberPhoto courtesy of C. Bailey
about school, but of preseason. our fall season was postponed, I didn’t So don’t stress. Have fun. Make
see my teammates and this and other mistakes. You have plenty of
Fall athletes came to campus before factors affected my mental health; I time. That’s something I wish I
classes to move into the dorms and would’ve known sooner.
start training. Preseason was the time
of the year when you were exhausted Senior Profile: DC Native, Honors Student Jordyn Matlock
every day from fitness tests and By Layali Kasem tests had a profound impact on her leyan campus that she became ally not have anyone else they can
practice. But it’s also when you build Decree Staff Writer understanding of empathy. “There certain of enrolling. go to besides a stranger?’”
connections with your teammates.
Jordyn Matlock’s dorm room are so many people who can’t “‘Wow, the food is every- Matlock believes that her job
By the end of my freshman year, is cloaked in green. From the speak up for themselves,” she said. thing you could ever imagine!’” as a cashier resonated with her
I had decided on biomedical sci- curtains to the comforter to the “Fortunately, I have always had the Matlock recalls thinking when because it allowed her to con-
ence as my major. I thought I had plants growing underneath her freedom to do so, so I think it’s im- she had first eaten at the cafeteria. sider the predicaments of others
made a solid choice. But what I window, green is everywhere. portant to stand up for those who The small, intimate campus also and respond accordingly. “You
wasn’t expecting in my sophomore On the wall hangs a large and can’t advocate for themselves.” appealed to Matlock, who felt she have people who come in, who
year was the mental, emotional, and intricately woven tapestry depict- Matlock reflected on a particu- would experience much less anxi- aren't the nicest and it takes a lot of
physical strain that my 19-year-old ing bright orange suns and stars; lar experience during the January ety in smaller classrooms. “It just patience,” she said. “And I chose
self would need to endure. At times flowery pillowcases sit atop her 6 incident at the Capitol. She drew me in, honestly,” she said. to keep myself together because
it was hard to navigate. bed. The curtains are pulled back described the large gathering of It was a big adjustment for you never know what someone is
from the window and a stream out-of-state people and the risk of Matlock to move to a different going through.” She maintains that
I was taking 18 credit hours, and of sunlight illuminates the room, physical harm, but also the poten- city, alone and fresh out of high a simple act of kindness such as
it became difficult to balance school giving the plants life. Matlock tial that Covid would be spread school. But her optimism perse- helping an elder with their grocer-
and soccer. Eventually I realized has a passion for nature, which to her family and neighbors. She vered. Her initial impression was ies can have a profound impact.
that this wasn’t for me. I found that is made evident by the shroud of said she was upset by the lack of that Rocky Mount was “a breath “It’s simple for me, but to them it
green that envelopes her space. concern for D.C. locals. of fresh air” compared to the means a lot,” she said.
SLOAN from pg 4 Matlock was born on Febru- Matlock wants people to un- “tight, close-knit city” of D.C. Matlock recalled one day that
ary 2 (Groundhog Day), 2001, derstand that there is a society in Having moved to Rocky Mount, a customer revealed to her some
desire to win and it’s evident that in Washington D.C., to Diane D.C. outside of just politics. As a without her family for the first very personal struggles. The
she loves the game and wants Matlock and Jay Williams. She former resident, she speaks about time, Matlock was struck by the woman was a single mother with
nothing more than to see our team has a twin, Jason, and an older the sometimes-overbearing condi- abrupt change in her life. She felt cancer. With her own mother
succeed,” said junior Mary Alice brother, Justin. In Jordyn’s family, tions that come with the charged the immediate responsibility of having just died, the woman was
Butler, who said she’s looking twins run on both sides with over political atmosphere of D.C., having to take charge over her struggling to organize the funeral
forward to playing with Martin for 20 pairs of twins on her father’s where people often forget about own affairs. “You have to budget, arrangements amidst her grief.
a fourth and final season in 2023. side alone. One of her earliest and residents in favor of politics. and you have to stay on top of And yet, before she left the store,
most cherished memories is when “D.C. is more than just a your work, go to class, and hold and despite her money troubles,
Martin was not the only Bishop she got to meet many of the twins political playground,” she said. yourself accountable,” she said. she left Matlock a tip. “Even with
to rank in the top ten. Barrett Davis on her father’s side during a fam- “Actual people live there. Every- This sudden sense of responsi- her struggles, she still gave back
finished third with 4.21 digs per ily reunion. “It just reminded me thing isn’t downtown, Washing- bility along with the struggle to to others,” said Matlock, who
set, while Josephine Bravo was so much of how nice it is to have ton Monument, Capitol–we have branch out and make friends was said the incident inspired her to
fifth with 0.5 service aces per set. a big family,” she said, explaining Uptown, Southeast, Northwest. somewhat difficult for her at first. try to do good in the world.
why that experience was particu- Not everybody is as concerned As a freshman, Matlock felt An honors student, Matlock
The volleyball team finished this larly memorable. For Matlock, the with politics as you think.” anxiety when it came to ap- enjoys spending time with friends,
fall with a 5-13 record, placing sev- close relationships she maintains Matlock attended high school in proaching people; there was pres- watching movies and documenta-
enth in the USA South. It was 9-20 with her family are among the D.C. She said her most memorable sure, she said, to form long-last- ries, and reading. She’s also fond
overall, a year after going 18-13. most treasured things in her life. experience was the day she won ing relationships. She emphasizes of taking road trips; and her favor-
Growing up in D.C., Matlock re- the Seal of Biliteracy at her senior the importance of making sure ite foods are authentic Dominican
The Bishops won four of six calls the risk she and her family of- awards ceremony. She had begun friendships are true and meaning- dishes such as tostones, yuca,
matches in late September and early ten underwent as a result of protests learning Spanish at age 3, and she ful to both parties. At the same locrio de pollo, and mangú.
October, but lost 10 of their final 12, around their neighborhood. “You’re was the only recipient of the award time, she encourages freshmen to Matlock is now working on her
including eight by scores of 3-0. just walking down the street and after having attended a Spanish- refrain from seeking validation in senior honors project, which in-
you see officers and snipers on top immersion school for 10 years, place of friendship. “Put yourself cludes a 40-page paper on a topic
Despite a losing record in 2022, of buildings, ready to shoot,” she making it her second language. out there but also stay true to of her choice. In the spring, she
Butler is optimistic about next fall. said. She described the curfews that “There’s something so power- yourself,” she said. is hoping to complete the project
were often implemented and seeing ful about knowing multiple Compassion is another quality and finally walk the stage with
“I think the talent coming in next the police tear gas crowds protest- languages and having a respect that Matlock encourages others to her biology diploma in hand.
season will be beyond beneficial,” ing abortion, children’s rights, and for other people’s cultures,” practice. “You never know what Matlock characterizes her
she said. “Although we lost some women’s rights. Matlock said. Even after leaving kind of day someone is having,” biology degree as “versatile,”
great seniors, we have strong According to Matlock, the pro- D.C. to pursue her education at she said. “And you saying ‘Hey’ to affording her numerous potential
upperclassmen that can take over Wesleyan, she continues to show somebody or checking in on them career options such as medicine,
leadership roles. We have players
eager to grow both on the court
and in the weight room, and that
makes for an excellent combina-
tion for future success.”

A Christmas Blessing an interest in learning about new could make all the difference.” environmental science, and zool-
cultures and experiencing new Matlock got to express her com- ogy. Looking toward the future,
By Reverend Edwin Ferguson, Chaplain traditions. She is constantly in- she is considering graduate
quiring about the beliefs of others passion while working as a cashier school to narrow her major to a
at a grocery store over the sum- specialized field. According to
When asked about her deci- mer. Sometimes she provided en-
Joy to the world! The Lord is coming. God, we sion to attend Wesleyan, Matlock couraging words; sometimes she Matlock, she has a “one-track
thank You for the Gift of all gifts. In this season, smiled and began to laugh as she was there to listen to others who mind for science.”
with so much uncertainty and pain, we look for- remembered how she was im- might have been struggling. “That
ward to the arrival of Immanuel (God with us). mediately drawn to the univeristy job, while it may seem simple, And yet, no matter where life
God, regardless of where we are in this season, when representatives arrived was very humbling,” she said. “A ends up taking her, Matlock feels
may Your presence bring peace, joy, love, and at her school and accepted her lot of times people will come and that her positive outlook on life
hope. We thank You, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen. on-sight due to her high GPA. start spilling their life’s business to will ensure she is satisfied. No
But while she was interested, she me as a cashier. And while I don’t matter her path, she will continue
hadn’t yet been convinced. It was mind and I listen…it makes you to practice basic compassion.
“Life is too short to go around
only after traveling to the Wes- think ‘Wow, does this person re- treating people poorly,” she said.

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