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Published by North Carolina Wesleyan University, 2022-11-01 13:08:13

The Decree - October 2022


The Decree
since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.”

October 31, 2022


Dr. Brewer Becomes First Faculty Member of Color to Earn Jefferson-Pilot Award
Dr. Patricia Brewer will deliver become a favorite as well. cation. She was my first in the Ph.D. program at SIU back
the Jefferson-Pilot lecture next The current associate teacher, who inspired me in the mid-80s? And what was
spring, the first Wesleyan faculty chair of Faculty Council, with her perseverance, your research emphasis?
member of color to do so. Dr. Brewer serves as a faith, and humble begin- A. I wanted to advance my exper-
The award, considered Wesleyan’s member of the Presi- nings. Despite having tise in special education at the ad-
highest honor for faculty members, dent’s Advisory Council no formal education, she ministrative level. My emphasis is
is given in recognition of scholarship, for Black, Indigenous, was the pillar of the com- reflected in the title of my disserta-
teaching, and community service. and People of Color, munity and made life sus- tion: “The Development and Evalu-
Now in her 19th year at NC leading the subgroup that tainable for her children ation of a Cooking Skills Training
Wesleyan, Dr. Brewer is an as- oversees student support with her entrepreneurial Program for Mentally Retarded
sociate professor of education and and advocacy. Over the spirit. My mom started a Adults: Acquisition, Generalization
coordinator of the special educa- years, she has remained “pork skin business.” She and Maintenance of Skills from
tion program. She earned a B.S. in active in a number of was well known in Golds- Residential Facility to Potential
elementary education and an M.A. state and national educa- boro, surrounding counties, Community Home Placement.”
in special education, both from tion organizations. and on the Eastern borders
NC Central University; an M.Ed. President Evan Duff of Maryland, the District With considerable attention
(educational leadership) at East lauded Dr. Brewer, citing of Columbia, New Jersey, on the normalization principle,
Carolina University; and a Ph.D. not just her teaching, but her New York, and the Persian community-based programs, and
(special education administration) work with an after-school Jefferson-Pilot recipient Patricia Brewer Photo courtesy of P. Brewer Gulf for her homemade functional skills training, profes-
from Southern Illinois University. programthatshecreatedfor pork skins and cracklings. sionals were advocating instruc-
Prior to joining the Wesleyan area special education students. “I’ve works hard to ensure that parents She was also a pastor. tional programs for mentally
faculty in 2004, the Goldsboro alwaysfoundDr.Brewertobeastrong of special education children I was the first in my family to disabled individuals that would
native had served as a school advocate for exceptional learners,” know their rights in terms of ac- earn undergraduate and graduate promote optimal functioning in the
principal and filled a number he said. “She’s worked tirelessly in the cessing schools,” Dr. Hart said. degrees. Three of my siblings community. My study was designed
of teaching and administrative classroomandthecommunitytomake The Decree interviewed Dr. matriculated to college and to develop and evaluate a cooking
positions in public schools and a difference in the lives of others.” Brewer in early October for the earned undergraduate and gradu- skills program for four mentally dis-
rehabilitation centers in North Lois Hart, associate professor of following profile: ate degrees later in their careers. abled adults identified for commu-
Carolina and Georgia. From education, echoed the president’s Q. Describe your hometown. Q. Tell us about your son. nity placement. At the time of the
1995-98, she took time off from praise. Besides noting her work as A. I was born in Goldsboro, located A. I’m the proud mother of Zach- study, the adults lived in a residential
work and graduate studies to be an instructor and mentor, she also in the North Carolina’s Coastal ary. He’s a 2014 graduate of the facility. The study also evaluated
home with her son, now 27. cited the afterschool program. Plain. It’s the proud home of Sey- United States Military Academy the effectiveness of training on the
At Wesleyan Dr. Brewer has She marvels at her colleague’s mour Johnson Air Force Base. Preparatory School at West Point. acquisition, generalization, and
taught a range of special education commitment to special education. Q. Tell us about your family. His career aspirations evolved, and maintenance of boiling, baking,
and general teacher education cours- “I’ve been most impressed by her A. I’m the youngest of seven he enrolled at NC Central Uni- and broiling cooking skills across
es. In particular she enjoys teaching advocacy for the rights of special siblings and the only one birthed versity in Durham and the ROTC the community-based settings. A
Introduction to Special Education; education students,” Dr. Hart said. in a hospital. I have twin brothers program at Duke University. He multiple baseline design was used
Research-Based Learning Strategies She added that Dr. Brewer of- and four sisters, two of whom are graduated from NC Central in to evaluate the effectiveness of the
for Math, Reading, and Writing; and ten accompanies parents to meet- deceased, along with my mom 2018 with a degree in history and cooking skills training program.
Assessment and Program Develop- ings at their children’s schools, and dad. A legacy of educa- then moved right into law school Q. After an extensive career in
ment in Special Education. A new serving as an advocate in helping tional excellence was shaped and at Barry University in Florida. public school teaching and ad-
special topics course, “Unconscious to fashion a student’s Individual- molded into me by my mom, who He's now an associate attorney at ministration, you joined the fac-
Bias: The Man in the Mirror,” has ized Education Plan (IEP). “She only received a seventh-grade edu- the Public Defender’s Office in the ulty at Wesleyan in 2004. What
13th Judicial Circuit, Tampa. attracted you to the school?
Women’s Teams Travel to Scotland in 4th Overseas Trip Q. What’s the most adversity A. The greatest attraction was the
you’ve faced in your life? opportunity to develop the special
A pro soccer match and tours had some girls who had never flown by the Celtic fans. “At one point, A. When I was a college junior, I education major within the teacher
of ancient castles were among the before, and many of us had never it was hard to even see the field,” began to display hyperactive and education program. That was
highlights of a trip taken to Scotland left the country. Not only did we she said. “Fans showed their sup- impulsive behaviors. A formative completed in 2006, when it received
by a group of Wesleyan athletes last play together against an international port for their team in every way event occurred during my swim- authorization from the state Depart-
May, the fourth such trip since 2010. team, but we also got to learn about possible. Not only did the stadium ming class. I hadn’t advanced to the ment of Public Instruction. It earned
another country’s culture and make go wild with each Celtic goal, but level of diving, but I went deep into CAEP national accreditation in
The women’s soccer and vol- memories that most student-athletes it was high energy throughout the the pool and jumped. The swim- 2016 and national reaccreditation by
leyball teams get the opportunity don’t get the chance to make.” 90 minutes. I would be an honor- ming teacher rescued me. Later, I AAQEP last June. The special edu-
to travel overseas once during ary Celtic fan any day.” was diagnosed with ADHD and cation major requires the students to
their four years at the university. Asked to identify their favorite underwent a subtotal thyroidectomy. take the North Carolina Licensure
The athletes pay their own way, part of the trip, Mariah Berkovich, Butler, a middle/right side hitter Q. What kind of student were you at NC PRAXIS Exam: Special Educa-
with some costs defrayed by fun- Mary Alice Butler and Rhea Wilder on the volleyball team, was on her Central, and what were your primary tion Core Knowledge and Mild to
draisers during the school year. all said it was the professional soc- first trip overseas. Like Berkovich, interests and extracurricular activities? Moderate. Our special ed program
cer match between Celtic FC and she liked the pro soccer match most A. I nearly flunked out of college, graduates have enjoyed 100 percent
While visiting the country, Motherwell FC. The Bishops were of all. The Wesleyan junior noted as I would stay in the student center licensure passing rate since 2009.
Bishops compete against local treated to seats near the front row. that she played the sport in her youth. and play cards until its closing. I Q. What do you like most about
clubs, attend professional matches, “Inside the stadium the atmosphere “I’ve always loved watching soccer,” didn’t attend classes regularly. I was teaching at Wesleyan?
and take in the sights. A Wesleyan was unlike anything I’ve ever she said. “And I’ve always wanted to terrified. I knew this would break A. I enjoy building student relationships
faculty member accompanies the experienced,” said Berkovich, a attend a pro match, so I was looking my mom’s heart, as I was her first and creating excitement in the class-
athletes and guides them through senior midfielder/forward on the forward to this event the whole trip.” child to attend college. I had to room. My goal is to make learning a
a one-credit course. Past trips, soccer team. “We were surrounded remember why I was in college and very positive experience with the active
organized by Soccer Head Coach by tens of thousands of Celtic fans She said the rabid Scottish commit myself to my studies. engagement of students and a focus on
Beverly Biancur and Volleyball who chanted and cheered for their “football” fans made an indelible Q. How did you become interest- critical thinking. The following quote
Head Coach Vicky Gentile, have team without a moment of rest. When impression on her. “It’s amazing ed in teaching and, in particular, best describes my teaching philosophy:
taken Wesleyan athletes to Italy, one chant ended, another one began.” to see a sporting event bring such the field of special education? "The art of teaching is the art of as-
Germany and Spain. excitement and rivalry within the A. As I mentioned, my mom was my sisting discovery" (Horace Mann).
Calling the experience unfor- community,” she said. “The clos- first teacher, and I observed her impact Q. Many readers may have a false or
Mary Cat Davis, an MBA student gettable, she related that at the est thing that the U.S. has to that on people’s lives as a community incomplete idea of what special educa-
and member of the volleyball team, beginning of the match, several feeling would be the Super Bowl.” advocate and a pastor. Her church tion is. What’s the definition you use?
described the Scotland trip as a green smoke bombs were released was small, but she was devoted, and A. Special education is a specially
unique experience, noting “We She reported that the fans were she expanded her services beyond the designed program to meet the unique
invested in every aspect of the church walls. Also, after I graduated needs of exceptional children.
NCWU’s women’s soccer and volleyball teams mixed sight-seeing, coursework game. “When we were checking from high school, there were federal Q. Tell us more about your after-
and athletic competition on a recent trip to Scotland. From left to right: Rhea in with our tickets, the opposing programs that provided summer jobs school program, which in 2018 was
Wilder, Sophia Sweeney, Mary Cat Davis and Mary Alice Butler. Photo courtesy M.A. Butler team's fans were entering and the for children from low-income homes. I recognized by the National Educa-
atmosphere completely changed,” worked at Cherry Hospital, a mentally tion Association and the Student
she said. “The excitement, suspense, ill institution in Goldsboro, for three NC Association of Educators.
and rivalry were very high. It was summers. My supervisor was the per- A. I launched the Students Helping
an amazing experience and I would fect mentor. She was well disciplined Students Afterschool Program Ini-
love to do it again someday.” and interacted with all the medical tiative with the Association for the
and clinical stakeholders across North Learning Disabled and Handicapped
Wilder, a defender on the soccer Carolina’s 100 counties that brought (ALDH) in February 2015. The ini-
team, characterized the atmo- residents to the hospital. She was so tiative was in response to an outcry
sphere at the match as “electric.” passionate and valued every resident for additional, intensive services for
She described the stadium as a during the admission process. special needs children in Nash/
sea of Celtic green and white, with Q. What prompted you to enroll Rocky Mount schools, grades K-12.
dots of gold and crimson, Mother-
well’s colors. She said fans for the See BREWER pg 2
visiting team were surrounded by
police officers for their safety.

See TRAVEL pg 5

2 North Carolina Wesleyan University, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 October 31, 2022


Free Advice Offered to Help with Transition from High School
The Decree canvassed the cam- He stressed the importance of Senior Ahmad Moody, a com- wants freshmen to take charge need to schedule your homework,
pus community in September, ask- exploring. “Be open to learning puter information systems major, of their own lives. “Do not wait exams, and evaluations so that you
ing upperclassmen, faculty and staff about anything, even if it's not urged freshmen to stay on top of for someone or something to know what’s coming, so that you’re
for advice that they would impart to within your major,” he said. “Be their schoolwork. “It’s really easy to happen,” he said. “Go above better prepared,” he said.
Wesleyan freshmen. Following are receptive to new ideas and top- get sidetracked and lose your focus.” and beyond and do not be lim-
reSptoortrsyfiOlednebybtyhreLeasytaaflfi wKraitseersm. ics. You’ll get much more out of A former football player, Moody ited by classrooms.” Key Strickland, a junior, agrees
your experience at Wesleyan.” said he let his sport take up too Story Three by Rhea Wilder that making a schedule can be life
Becoming a North Carolina much of his time and energy during changing. “You’re going to have so
Wesleyan student, while exciting Senior Hannah McGee is freshman year. “It didn’t help me As North Carolina Wesleyan much presented to you immedi-
for most, can come with its own approaching her final semester with my academic career. And it transitions from “College” to ately and you’re going to overthink
set of challenges for incoming at Wesleyan. Throughout her jour- seemed like some people wanted “University,” incoming freshmen it, but if you schedule it, you’ll see
freshmen who may feel intimi- ney, she has learned to make time me to put athletics before the true are also having a big title change. that you have free time to do your
dated by their new environment. for work but also to make time for purpose of coming here, which They are learning how to become extracurriculars and it will make
herself. “Work hard to get done was to get my degree,” Moody freshmen again in a new place af- you less stressed,” she said.
To make the transition as smooth what needs to be done,” she said. said, adding, “In my experience, ter living the senior highlife in the
as possible for new students, several “But also prioritize your social being an athlete was not every- comfort of their old high school. Deonna Wilson, a master’s stu-
Wesleyan upperclassmen and faculty life and alone time.” thing that it was cracked up to be dent and college employee, offered
were asked to give one piece of while also trying to manage being To help with this massive adjust- similar advice. It’s important to
meaningful advice to freshmen Reflecting on her own experiences, a full-time student at Wesleyan.” ment, upperclassmen and faculty were “write everything down so you don’t
meant to help them succeed in McGee shared her method ofbalanc- asked to give advice that they believed forget anything,” she said. She uses
their new journey. ing work and downtime to be suc- Ayannah Walker, a senior with a was necessary to become a successful a handheld day planner, but there
cessful while maintaining her mental major in exercise science with a mi- college student. The most common are online planners like Google
Senior Elizabeth Perry empha- health. After studying in the library nor in business administration, took advice focused on time management. Calendar that also work well.
sizes the importance of utilizing with friends for a couple of hours, she a different tack in offering advice.
the faculty as a resource. She said takes a walk around campus every She said freshmen should choose Dr. Daniel Elias, assistant profes- It’s not all about time manage-
that the key to achieving success at night before going to bed. She says their friends wisely. “Not everyone sor of environmental science, insists ment skills in college; it’s also
Wesleyan is to “make good, strong this helps her “process theweek”and is your friend,” she explained. that time management is one of the about the mentors that you meet
relationships with faculty and staff.” gives her time to reflect on it. “Choose them carefully because most necessary skills to succeed along the way. Senior Kelsey
not everyone has your best interests in college. It is easy to think that Hutchison said that meaningful
As a freshman, Perry recalls Senior Amelion McCoy agrees at heart. You’d be surprised.” everything will fall into place, but rapport with the professors in
frequenting her professors' offices that time management is important, college doesn’t work like that. “You
for regular visits during breaks be- in particular when you want to Walker related stories of ruptured See HELP pg 5
tween classes. Now, as a peer men- find time to hang out with friends. friendships and roommate prob- BREWER from pg 1
tor, she uses her experiences to “Plan. Definitely plan,” she said. lems, all based on misguided judge- All our pre-service students con- edly, my answer is no. But I do
encourage students to build strong Story Two by Jordyn Matlock ments of character. “All the passive tribute through the required course recognize some of their challenges.
relationships with their professors aggressiveness and petty arguments Special Education 300: Introduc- I suggest the university invest more
outside the classroom. The NC Wesleyan commu- just don’t seem worth it,” she said. tion to Exceptional Children. They in the recruitment of minority can-
nity offered advice that they work once a week for two hours at didates through Historically Black
Sophomore Megan Vicidonni would share with freshmen to Business administration major Wesleyan over a 10-week period. Colleges (HBCs), Black media
echoed Perry’s sentiments, rein- have a successful and memora- Cierra Gamble offered similar platforms, and firms that specialize
forcing the need for freshmen to ble experience away from home. advice to encourage individuality. The program allows our educa- in recruitment of minorities.
take advantage of the resources “Be yourself no matter what,” she tion students to put theory into prac- Q. You’re a past recipient of NC
Wesleyan offers and reach out Skylar Hopper, a senior, was one of said. “We’re all in a little phase, tice in real-life experiences, such as Wesleyan’s Exemplary Teacher
if they need help. “Everyone is multiple students who shared similar a little snapshot of our lives and identifying and evaluating student Award and the first faculty mem-
here to help,” she said. perspectives. She advised freshmen people always try to fit in with the needs, analyzing and interpret- ber of color to earn the Jefferson-
to find effective ways to do their work wrong crowds,” the senior said. ing data for instruction, providing Pilot award. What does it mean to
Junior Anna Brake agreed that in a timely manner. “I understand “After you graduate and get to research-based learning strategies, you to win the two awards?
reaching out to professors is ben- studying is not for everyone but find where you want to be in life, keep- and collaborating with parents. A. I’m honored for the recognition
eficial for a successful Wesleyan the best method for you,” she said. ing up an image doesn’t matter.” Q. You’re a frequent presenter at and the gold standard that both awards
experience. But she also believes it’s “Just because other people annotate regional, national and international represent. Like those recipients before
important to reach out to friends. and highlight, it may not be for you.” Senior Eboni Layton emphasized conferences. Conference participa- me, we embody all the tenants of
“Make sure you have someone in your the importance of taking one’s time. tion has taken you from Boston to service, teaching, and scholarship
classes you can get with to study and Hopper noted that she likes us- “We often compare ourselves to the Tampa, and Jamaica to Cape Town, at the highest level. As an African-
swap notes,” she said. Brake believes ing Quizlet and similar tools but next student based on grades and South Africa. What was the most American woman, a descendant of
that sometimes having someone to realizes they may not work for all how close they are to graduating but interesting place you’ve visited? 400+ years of slavery, I know that
interact with in the classroom can be students. “While some use Qui- I had to learn to give myself some A. As a member of the Council for representation matters. Research
critical to your success in that course. zlet and other online resources, it’s grace every now and then,” she said. Exceptional Children, an internation- suggests that students perform bet-
much more important to find how Due to personal experiences, Layton al professional organization, I went ter when teachers look like them.
Dr. Jason Buel, assistant profes- you get your work done,” she said. wanted freshmen to know that it’s to a conference in Cape Town in There is a sense of security, inter-
sor of communication, advises “It matters what you can do. Most okay to make mistakes. “Transition- 2018. Aftertheconference,Iextended est, and confidence, and students
freshmen to dig deeper into finding of the time you’re by yourself get- ing from high school to college is a mystayand traveled to Zimbabwe. At make more significant efforts to
their purpose at Wesleyan. “Try to ting your homework done.” big change so don’t feel discouraged Robbins Island, South Africa, I visited work and invest within themselves.
have some sense of why you’re here if you see others adapting to the the prison that housed civil rights icon Q. Let’s turn now to your life
and figure out what your university Jordan Hopper, a sophomore change faster than you,” the business and former President Nelson Mandela. outside of work. What are your
can do for you,” he said, noting that with a major in computer informa- major added. “This is your race.” While in the region, I saw Victoria hobbies and interests?
students should prioritize their time tion systems, expressed a similar Falls, Table Mountain and other cap- A. I enjoy service ministry beyond
based on that motivation. view as her older sister. She said Shanice Tillery, a junior with a tivating landscapes. During a safari, I the church walls. I’ve been guardian
it’s vital that freshmen learn to major in biology, echoed Layton’s got to witness the fantastic and beauti- ad litem for more than 15 years,
Dr. Lee Templeton, School organize. “Learn how to prioritize views by reminding students to ful wildlife of the area. I also enjoyed serving abused and neglected chil-
of Humanities chair, concurs but don’t do too much or too little take it easy when centering on spending time with the locals, singing, dren and families. I also find flower
that it’s vital for freshmen to of it,” she said. “Put your work academics. “Don’t overthink dancing and crafting jewelry. gardening relaxing, and home resto-
find their purpose at Wesleyan. first but don’t get caught up in it to things,” she said. “You have to Q. As you train future teachers, ration challenges my creativity.
the point where you’re constantly take your time, work super slow, what’s your main worry about the Q. Identify your favorites from
DeTchreee stressed out because exhaustion and be casual with your work. It field of public education today? the following list:
since 1960 will sneak up on you and easily will all fall into place eventually. Are you more or less concerned Favorite Meal: Barbeque ribs,
“of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” affect your mental health.” I remember how anxious I was about your students’ prospects for macaroni and cheese, yams, col-
about meeting deadlines, but it success in finding a fulfilling job? lards and sweet potato pie.
staff She recalled her experiences gets easier the longer you’re here.” A. Teacher education students do Favorite Books: “Go Tell It on the
from her first year. “I remember my not have problems finding a job. Mountain” (James Baldwin) and
Staff Writers entire freshman year, I procrastinat- Other Bishops took a different They’re heavily recruited during “Four Hundred Souls” (Ibram
ed thinking it was as easy as high approach to providing advice. Dr. their student teaching with prom- Kendi and Keisha Blain).
Mary Alice Butler school but thankfully I learned my Brent Dozier, associate profes- ises of full-time positions. Among Favorite Movies: “The Color
Layali Kasem lesson by asking for help before it sor of mathematics, encouraged the current challenges in public Purple,” “Toby,” and “Hamilton.”
Jean LaGreca was too late,” she said. freshmen to become well rounded education are funding shortfalls; Favorite TV Shows: I like to
Jordyn Matlock in ways outside of their academ- school safety; student mental health watch reruns of court shows.
Rhea Wilder Michelle Chalmers, a senior ics. “Don’t think that your college concerns; school privatization and Favorite Musical Artists: I like Black
majoring in biology with a minor education is going to be a world- its impact on public education; and gospel. My favorite artists include
Special in environmental science, tells changing event,” he said. “People a lack of elected lawmakers who Kirk Franklin, Marvin Sapp, Shirley
Contributers freshmen not to stress themselves always say, ‘Oh I’m gonna go strongly support public education. Caesar, and Yolanda Adams.
out by waiting until the last minute out and change the world.’ The Q. Wesleyan’s student body is Favorite Sports Teams: The Los
Carl Lewis to get difficult tasks out of the way. number-one thing you can do to comprised of a high number of Angeles Lakers, Kansas City
Andrew Stern “Don’t do your work at the last change the world is get married Black and minority students. Do Chiefs, Los Angeles Dodgers, Balti-
Grace Wallace minute,” she said. “You’re going to young, have a lot of kids, and have you feel that the university is more Ravens, and Clemson Tigers.
get stressed out and none of these a solid family that sticks together doing enough to hire minority Q. Describe your use of social media.
Faculty Advisor professors will accept late work.” for the rest of your life. That’s faculty? What steps can NCWU A. It’s limited to Facebook for church
the best thing for society. That’s take to address this issue? and service-learning activities. I also
Dr. William Grattan Recounting her own experienc- something you don’t learn in col- A. This is an alarming area for me, use it to stay in touch with the family.
es with this issue as a freshman, lege but as the saying goes, ‘as the as I’m among only a handful of Q. What is your dream vacation?
179 Braswell • Phone: 985-5336 Chalmers admitted she still goes family goes, so goes society.’” minority faculty members. Point- A. I would love a return visit to
Email: [email protected] through this experience. “Every Zimbabwe and Cape Town.
single year, I have that small desire Han Jumashov, a senior CIS
to procrastinate just enough to the major from Turkmenistan,
point where I’m stressed. If I don’t
do a reality check with myself, I
suddenly have a lot on my plate.”

October 31, 2022 North Carolina Wesleyan University, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 3


Wesleyan Welcomes Ten New Professors to Faculty
Ten new professors have love spending time with my wife, the Effects of Exogamy on Ma- conceptual development in tan- Degrees Earned: B.A., biology,
joined NC Wesleyan as full- Kelly, our son, Gavin, 10, and our ternal Performance in Medieval dem with technical exploration. Augustana University (Sioux
time faculty members. cat, Meowser. I enjoy going to con- WRohmaatnCceosu.”rses Will You Teach In my art appreciation classes, I Falls, South Dakota); Ph.D.,
certs, listening to music, running/ incorporate studio exploration/ microbiology and immunology
They are: Lucas Berrini and jogging, cooking (on occasion) and at Wesleyan: I expect to teach techniques alongside visual lit- at the University of Rochester
Skye Poole, library; Paul Ewell traveling as much as possible. introductory courses in writing eracy and the history of art. MPreedviicoaul CseJnotebr.Experience:
and Maria Gil, Business School; List Your Favorites: WandhalitteIrsatYuoreu.r Teaching Phi- Before attending grad school, I
Vanessa Batchelor and Emily TV Shows: “Chuck,” “The IT Montana Torrey worked at Sanford Research Labs
Weber, Mathematics and Sci- Crowd,” “Big Bang Theory,” and losophy: When I teach, I try to What Are Your Hobbies and (Sioux Falls), where I studied
ences; Jay Fortenbery, Social recognize that all of my students Interests: When I’m not work- PbrraeivniocaunscTeer aucsihnignga mExoupseerim- odel.
Sciences and Education; and M“RoicvkieSste: v“eGsoEounrioesp,e”.”the “Star come from different backgrounds ing on my art, I love traveling, ence: I was an adjunct professor
Katie Beeman, Jesse Gay and and that they draw from various visiting museums (especially art at Nazareth College and Saint John
Montana Torrey, Humanities. Wars” series, “Throne of Blood,” experiences. As a teacher, I try to and archeology museums), and Fisher College, both in Rochester;
aMndus“iTchael APrritnicsetsss: Bride.” LcoisotkYinogu. r Favorites: and an instructor of biological sci-
The following new faculty The Cure, Joy honor their experiences and allow TV Shows: I mostly like period ence at Fort Hays State University
submitted profiles: students to draw from those expe- pieces, shows like “Boardwalk Win KhaantsAast.tractedYou to NC
Division, Sigur Ros, and Tinari- riences in their writing. I also try EMmopviiree:”Aagnndes“VMaarddaM’s “eUn.n”cle Yan- Wesleyan: It was the welcoming
Lucas Berrini wen. My recent guilty pleasure is co,” and the 80s remake of “Breath- community.
tFhaevJoornitaes BBMrooeotahkle:srS:s.u“Tshhie. to make sure that my classes are less.” I also like movies about food What AreYour Academic Areas
JobTitle: Collection Development Favorite accessible to everyone I teach. like “Babette’s Feast” and “Tam- of Specialization: Viruses, im-
Librarian. What AreYour Hobbies and popo.” I love Hitchcock, film noir, munology. My thesis project was
Your Hometown: I was born Hobbit,” Interests: Of course, I love to Aanrdtiesvtesr:yPthainingtiinngteicshonniceoolofrm. y fa- titled “The Role of Tetherin-Medi-
in Gloucester, Massachusetts, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the vorite mediums to view and I have cated Microvesicle Release in HIV
and grew up in Marshallberg, Galaxy,” “Beowulf,” and “Dub- read. For fun I read lots of horror/ so many favorite painters: J.W. WCoh-matorCboiduitrisees.s”WillYouTeach
DNeorgthreCeasrEolainrna.ed: B.A. in FlFSiaanoevvcrooisarr.”liittMIeecTePoedluaailamdceUgs:os:SaRotognec… thriller and mystery books along W. Turner, Paula Rego, Rebecca atWesleyan: anatomy & physiol-
medieval history, East Carolina with graphic novels. I enjoy hang- Morris, Yves Tanguy, Caravaggio, ogy; introduction to biology;
University; M.A. in film stud- ing out with my niece and nephew. Titan, Gentileschi, Cezanne, Trudy and, hopefully soon, a course on
ies, ECU; and M.S., library and I’m also part of a Dungeons and Benson, Frederick Church. The immunology!
information science, with con- ter and Instagram quite a bit. Face- Dragons group with some close lMistucsoiucladl gAortoinstasn:dItodn.epends; I What IsYourTeaching Phi-
centration in archives and special book is good for keeping up with friends where I serve as dungeon like a little of everything. I gravi- losophy: I try to create an
collections, UNC-Greensboro. fWriehnadts’ master. This is a favorite hobby of tate toward music from certain inclusive environment where all
Previous Job Experience: mine as it allows for creativity and periods in my life, like when I my students can succeed. I like
Prior to my time in academia I aboutYou: I worked with the a healthy dose of escapism with was in college in Chicago in the to incorporate activities that get
was a tour manager and sound world’s only Hasidic Reggae friends. On nice days I like to take late 90s/early 2000s. So I tend students talking to each other and
engineer for bands for nine singer, Matisyahu. my dog, Penny, on long walks. to like bands such as Magnolia thinking about biology in dif-
years. Among others, I worked List Your Favorites: Electric Company or Palace ferent ways. I also love playing
with Lila Downs, Derek Trucks, Katie Beeman TV Shows: “Fullmetal Alche- Brothers. But I really like music games during class.
Dinosaur Jr., Matisyahu and the mist: Brotherhood,” “Our Flag from so many periods and genres, What Are Your Hobbies and
Samples. JobTitle: Visiting Instructor of Means Death,” “Forensic Files,” it’s hard to name. I listen to a lot Interests: I like walking and
YEongulirshH. ometown: Rocky aMndov“Tiehse: Great British Bake Off.” oFfavmoursiitceaCs uI iwsionrke:oInlimveydairnt. hiking outdoors, playing games
Lucas Berrini Earned: B.A., Eng- “Pride and Prejudice” Thailand for five years, so I on Nintendo Switch, taking naps,
PreviousTeaching/Library Expe- lish, with minors in journalism (2005), “Silence of the Lambs,” love Thai food. But I also love aLnisdttYryoiungr Fnaewvorreicteipse:s.
rience: and visual arts, North Carolina “Nausicaä: Valley of the Wind,” and Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, TV Shows: “The Simpsons,” “The
I worked for seven years in access Wesleyan; M.A., English, UNC- “MTuhesiLcoarldAorfttihsetRs:inTghse” trilogy. Indian, Greek, Mexican, and food Office,” “Star Trek” (all of them),
services at ECU’s Joyner Library. Greensboro; Ph.D. candidate, Amazing FfraovmotrhiteeABmoeorikcsa:nJSooseupthh. as well as most fun reality shows
I also taught English literature English with concentration Devil, My Chemical Romance, Brodsky’s “Watermark”; Bach- on Netflix, most cooking shows on
and composition for eight years at in medieval literature, UNC- aFFnaadvvooDrroiittlleeyBCPuoariotsokinns.e: “: TKhoereOacnefaonod. elard’s “Poetics of Space, Air the Food Network, and a lot of fun
WCrahvaetnACttormacmtuenditYyoCuotlolegNeC. PGrreeevniosbuosroT.eaching Experi- at the End of the Lane” by Neil and Dreams: An Essay on the detective shows like “Psych.”
Wesleyan: It was the size of the ence: While in grad school, I Gaiman, “Cloud Atlas” by David Imagination of Movement” and
student body and the people. I worked as an English instructor Mitchell, “A Woman is No Man” “Water and Dreams: An Essay on
knew I wanted to work here as at UNCG for the past four years. by Etaf Rum, and “The Lord of the Imagination of Matter”; and
soon as I stepped on campus for From 2016-2019, I served as a tFhaevRoirnitges”PblaycJe.R: .GRa.lTwoalyk, William Rees Moorish’s “Civiliz-
my interview. WwrhitaintgActetnratecrtteudtoYroaut UtoNNCCG. or the National Portrait Gallery in ing Terrains: Mountains, Mounds
What Are Your Academic Wesleyan: I was attracted to the WFaavsohriintgetoAnt,hDle.tCe.s: I primar- and Mesas” are all books that in-
Areas of Specialization: environment that NC Wesleyan ily follow tennis and some of my fluenced my work. I love reading
My library research includes has crafted over the years, a favorite players are Rafa Nadal, about architectural history/ theory
book history and culture. More small teaching-focused institution Francis Tiafoe, Serena and Venus FanadvoalrsiotepPhillaocseopsh: yG.reece, Thai-
specifically I study how texts where colleagues work together Williams, Andy Murray, and Iga lFaanvdo, rNiteewTeMaemxisc:o.I’m not a big
can be viewed as a snapshot of a to help our students through their Swiatek. sports fan, but I do like watching
particular period. four years of university. I love the baseball (I like the Orioles and
What Courses Will You Teach small size, and it’s nice to work Montana Torrey I enjoy going to minor league
at Wesleyan: As a librarian I’ll aWndhalitveAsroe Ycloouser Atocmadyefammiicly. JobTitle: AEsasrisntaendt:PBro.fFe.sAso.,r of Art. games). And I’ve always loved
be teaching information literacy Areas of Specialization: I Degrees watching equestrian sports, div-
and research referrals. I also hope specialize in medieval literature School of the Art Institute of Chi- ing, and ice-skating.
to teach English courses in the with a focus on non-normative cago; and M.F.A., UNC-Chapel Hill.
future. maternity and Middle English PreviousTeaching Experience: Emily Weber
What Is Your Teaching romances. My M.A. theses were I taught at Lane College, a small
Philosophy: My philosophy is “Inhabiting a Broken Body: HBCU in Jackson, Tennessee, JobTitle: Assistant Professor of
that we’re all in this together. I Biology.
might be the instructor, but I’m for five years, and most recently I Your Hometown: Sioux City, Iowa. Emily Weber
going to learn just as much from taught in the fine arts department at
my students as I hope they will Chiang Mai University, a large pub-
learn from me. All students have lic university in Northern Thailand. Movies:All the Pixar films (The last
a voice, and I want them all to use What AttractedYou to NC one I watched was “Encanto” and
that voice in some way during our Wesleyan: Definitely it was the loved it!); most anything Marvel; and
time together. aMnyucsliacsasilcArormtiasnttsic: comedy.
What Are Your Hobbies and academic freedom and diverse Anything
Interests: I live in Greenville and student body. Also, I enjoy being
back on the East Coast. cFaatvcohyri-t-ea lMoteoaflT: aIfyIlo’mr Sowrdifetr.-
What Are Your Academic ing out, I go for sushi or Alpaca
Areas of Specialization: My
specialties, incorporating a variety Peruvian Charcoal Chicken. If
I'm cooking, it’s steak and peach
of media, are site-specific and aFrauvgourliatesaBlaod.oks: The Harry Pot-
site-responsive installation, with a
focus on histories of place, archi-
tecture, and natural phenomena. with
Katie Beeman What Courses Will You Teach mFayvforireitnedTseaanmd fsa:mTihlye. Kansas
Female Agency in the Middle at Wesleyan: I teach all studio
Ages” and “Murderous Moth- art courses (painting, drawing,
ers: Implications of Filicide in etc.) and art appreciation. Jayhawks (in college basketball)
Medieval Literature.” I’m now What Is Your Teaching Phi- a good
ABD; the dissertation title is “A losophy: I encourage students
Mother’s Movement: Exploring to take risks and to find ways of scroll through Instagram or Reddit.

incorporating their own personal All photos furnished by
research and interests into their art. profile subjects
In studio classes, I emphasize

4 North Carolina Wesleyan University, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 October 31, 2022


Sports Briefs: Maryville Loss Drops Football Team to 2-3 in Conference

Displaying a powerful of- he said. “It was raining pretty A week later the team put Mark Bowman has been im- After a 13-8 season last year,
fense, the Maryville Scots good during warm-ups and together a solid team effort, de- pressed with his team in his first the Bishops have fallen to 9-17
routed NC Wesleyan, 61-7, on most of the game, but our guys feating Salem, 3-1. The victory season as head coach. overall and 5-11 in USA South
October 22 in Tennessee. took the field with an enthu- pulled the Bishops into fifth Conference action.
siasm to get the job done. We place with a 4-4 conference “I really love this group of
The loss drops the Bishops to performed at a high level in mark. Wesleyan opened a 3-0 players,” he said. “We have Asked to identify highlights for
2-3 in the USA South Conference, conditions that could have been lead against Salem on goals by guys from so many different the season, Barrett pointed to 3-1
2-6 overall. It was the team’s third a distraction. I was proud of our Isabel Neall, Caitlyn Butler and countries, cultures, and play- wins over Pfeiffer and Methodist.
loss in a row following two con- guys! It was a good win!” Vendela Dolsenius. Goalkeep- ing styles. But they’ve all come
secutive conference victories. ers Anna Yeakey and Fransee together with one goal in mind, Golf
In week six, Wesleyan made combined to repel 10 of 11 to be conference champions.” The Wesleyan golf team
The Scots rolled up a 61-0 its first trip to Mississippi, shots by the home team. won the Beechwood Collegiate
advantage behind a balanced where it lost to Belhaven, 24-0. The Bishops find themselves Invite on October 17, defeat-
running game and the efficient After the Salem match, mid- tied for first in the USA South ing host Chowan University
passing of Bryson Rollins, who Women’s Soccer fielder Claire Bailey gave her with William Peace. Their final and Virginia Wesleyan, both
was 18 of 24 for 305 yards. His Following a recent three- team a similar grade, a B. She be- regular-season, conference match non-conference opponents that
four touchdowns included an match losing streak, the women’s lieves some Wesleyan losses have is set for October 29 against a compete in NCAA Division II.
84-yard bomb to Kevon Samuels soccer team fell to sixth place in resulted from low energy and winless Mary Baldwin team. The The Bishops claimed five of
that made the score 28-0 halfway the USA South Conference. lack of effort, while others have conference tournament is sched- the top six slots in the 36-hole
through the second quarter. An- After picking up impressive occurred even though the Bishops uled to begin November 1. tourney, paced by Santiago La-
thony Byrd scored Wesleyan’s back-to-back wins over Mer- outplayed their opponent. rumbe’s total of 145, or 1 over
only touchdown on a 40-yard run edith (4-1) and Pfeiffer (4-0), Volleyball par. He was followed by team-
with 1:32 left in the game. the Bishops lost to Greensboro “We maintain possession and One of the few positive aspects mates Myles Patterson (146) in
(3-1), William Peace (3-2) and move the ball around very well of the pandemic is that twins Mary second, Guido Guevara (149) in
Anthony Byrd rushed for 236 Methodist (5-1). within our team,” she said. “But Cat and Barrett Davis have been third, as well as Alvoro Toro and
yards against Methodist. SI photo Senior Rhea Wilder said the sometimes we can't put the reunited on the volleyball court. Augustin Spangenberg, who tied
team needs to play more as a unit. ball in the back of the net. Our “It’s been awesome playing for five at 157. Wesleyan won by
A week before the Maryville “We’re all individually skilled,” team is good, but the scoring is together again,” Barrett said. a cumulative total of 62 strokes,
game, Wesleyan lost a tight contest she said. “When we play as a team, where we fall short.” “It’s been fun to be on the same Patterson reported, adding that
to rival Methodist. Playing under we’re going to be unbeatable.” side of the net this season.” golfers contended with brisk
the lights in their new stadium, the The Peace loss was a tough Men’s Soccer The sisters, natives of Kenly, winds for most of the last round.
Bishops held a 13-point lead early one. With Wesleyan ahead, 2-1, Limiting rival Greensboro to North Carolina, were granted Earlier in the fall Patterson
in the third quarter, only to watch goalkeeper Jordan Fransee was one shot on goal, the NCWU extra years of eligibility by the led the team to a second-place
the Monarchs make defensive issued a yellow card, and Peace’s men’s soccer team won its senior NCAA after Covid-19 disrupted finish in Wesleyan’s annual
adjustments and stymie the Wes- Danya Kenworthy converted day match, 4-0, on October 22 and two seasons of intercollegiate Don Scalf Invitational played
leyan offense the rest of the way. the ensuing penalty kick to tie upped its conference record to 5-1. athletics around the country. at Belmont Lakes, adjacent to
Methodist scored two unanswered the score in the 52nd minute. As it has all season, the team Both Barrett and Mary Cat campus. He shot a second-day
touchdowns, with Kobe Praylow’s Five minutes later Kyra Delaney spread out the scoring, getting are now taking graduate courses round of two-under par 70, to
7-yard run and Trevor Hargett’s tallied the game winner, with an goals from four different play- at Wesleyan, Barrett in criminal finish in a tie for fourth place.
extra point proving decisive. assist from Raine Greene. ers, Tomasso Illario, Augustin justice and Mary Cat in busi- With the three lowest individ-
Asked to give her team a grade Rodrigues, David Gonzalez and ness administration. ual scores, Sandhills Commu-
“After the game we were all in mid-October, Wilder assigned Augustin Belgiorno. Barrett graduated from Greens- nity College claimed the team
deflated,” said freshman center it a B-. “We’re a good team, but Sophomore Freddy Rodgers boro College last spring after a title, shooting a cumulative
Jayden Giles, describing the we’ve fallen apart in certain situ- made one save and saw the other four-year volleyball career that total of 14 under par, 24 strokes
mood in the locker room. “It ations when we shouldn’t have.” Pride shot miss the goal, as he often brought her face to face ahead of the Bishops.
was like every ounce of energy recorded his sixth win overall. with her twin.
had been sucked out of us.”
Wesleyan Profile: Rogers Establishes Himself as Number-1 Goalkeeper
The Bishops squandered an By Rhea Wilder
impressive performance by the Decree Staff Writer mother and father weren’t sure, at his veins when he made a save and a pub. “I like spending time with
offensive line and Byrd, who first, that it was the sport for him. prevented a goal. people,” he said. “I don’t really
rushed for 236 yards and two On a warm late September One day when Rogers was young, care what we’re doing.”
touchdowns. As a team, the day, NC Wesleyan men’s soccer his family passed a soccer game Another favorite soccer
Bishops outgained Methodist on team had a special fan in the in a local park. Freddy showed memory was leading his team Goalkeeper Freddy Rogers. C. Lewis photo
the ground, 418 yards to 260. stands for its matchup against interest, but his parents, seeing to the Counter Cup, which is Now that he is at a university,
Regent University. His name was the rough play and hearing lots of equivalent to winning a state
“Byrd was running like a mad John Rogers. I had the pleasure profanity, thought it might not be championship in the U.S. Rogers spends the majority of
man,” Giles said. “MU’s de- of sitting with Mr. Rogers for the right for their boy. This was ironic his days on the pitch, work-
fense couldn’t bring him down, entirety of the game. This gave because Freddy soon began to Throughout his career, Rogers ing hard to be the best version
and he was hitting the right hole me the chance to learn about life play hockey, which is known as has faced many challenges and the of himself. Though he was a
just about every play.” in England and his love for his one of the most aggressive sports. usual ups and downs of playing backup for much of last season,
son, the starting goalie. the goalkeeper position. After get- the experience allowed him
Wesleyan began the season As an athletic child, Rogers ting through multiple tough situ- to observe and learn about his
with three straight non-con- Freddy Rogers was born 30 started playing soccer with his ations with the help of his family teammates, while honing his
ference losses by a cumulative minutes outside of London in friends at age 7. But it wasn’t and coaches, Rogers has devel- skills at practices and warmups.
score of 142-14. But then it re- High Wycombe on November 21, until he turned 10 that he was oped a new mindset. “I don’t think
bounded to reel off two victories, 2002. His father works as a musi- allowed to join a team. His first there’s a challenge in football that I He also has worked hard on
winning at Southern Virginia, cian equipment salesman, and position was center midfielder. couldn’t face,” he said. “I feel like his fitness level. An exercise
14-13, and beating LaGrange, his mother, Alison, is a primary I’m ready for anything now.” science major with plans to
39-14, at home. Against the Pan- school teacher. He was raised in One of his favorite soccer work in a sports-related field,
thers, Byrd and Trevon Crank a musical family, which resulted memories happened at age 11 Inspired by watching his dad he’s a gym regular who’s a
combined for 295 yards rushing in him learning to play the piano during a tournament on the coast travel all over the world for work, fanatic about health and fitness.
to lead the way in wet condi- and oboe until he confessed to of England. His team played a Rogers decided, at 18, to follow
tions. Jaden Spruill spearheaded his parents that he didn’t enjoy single match on Saturday against his dream of becoming a colle- On the way to the gym, Rog-
the defense with 12 tackles. playing either instrument. the local team and then on Sun- giate athlete, at a school over 3,800 ers often listens to rap and UK
day entered a tournament which miles from home. When asked drill music to get his brain in
Coach Jeff Filkovski was When he isn’t playing soccer, involved a group-play points sys- why he decided to come to the workout mode. During soccer
pleased with the Bishops’ Rogers likes to spend time with tem. This meant that the number U.S., Rogers explained that there season, he concentrates on
rebound after the three season- his family and friends, who, he of goals each team scored could were more opportunities to play
opening losses. He explained that said, mean a lot to him. One of his determine the tournament winner. since soccer is still growing here. See ROGERS pg 5
his team played with more com- most important relationships is
mitment and focus on every play. with his 24-year-old sister, Katie. During the final matchup, Rog- Rogers lamented that there is
Very close as siblings, they used to ers and his teammates realized little to do in Rocky Mount for stu-
He said his team was excited work together at a Hell Fire Caves they had to score seven goals to dents without a car. But he believes
about playing amid rainy condi- Café where she was his manager. claim the title. Facing a weaker that he stays more focused because
tions, on their new turf field. “I think it’s important that we keep team, Rogers went into the game of this. “It’s important to switch my
a good relationship,” Rogers said. knowing that he needed to get the mind off soccer from time to time,”
“I was impressed by how “She will always have my support ball and just shoot it. This knowl- he said, noting that he’d be tempted
excited our guys were to get out no matter what she does.” edge lit a fire under Rogers, as by more distractions in a more
there and play in that weather,” he scored all seven goals to bring metropolitan area. “But I’d have to
Rogers’family is close-knit. home the championship title. make more decisions about how
Family members enjoy watching seriously to take the game.”
his mother perform in the local op- Soon after this memorable
era. Freddy and his mom also like match, Rogers moved to defense Asked what he misses most
going to IKEA together, while he as a center back. Then when he about England, Rogers cited the
often joins his father for a swim at was 14, he found himself in goal ability to walk places, driv-
the local sports center, a long walk, one game and this sparked a new ing, and Gregg’s sausage rolls,
or a game at the soccer pitch. love for the sport. Goalkeeper felt which he called “unbelievable.”
different for Rogers. Scoring goals
Rogers developed an early was fun, but for some reason he “And I miss seeing my friends,”
interest in soccer, or football as found that saving them was better. he said and then recalled a typical
it’s called in the U.K., though his It felt like electricity going through recent outing that involved renting
a boat at a local lake. That was a
followed by a movie and drinks at

October 31, 2022 North Carolina Wesleyan University, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 5


New Football Stadium Receives Positive Reviews at Opener
By Jean LaGreca Earl’s assessment. Though School and the Rocky Mount as an athlete,” he said. leading to fewer scheduling
Decree Staff Writer he thinks the college should municipal field, located down Football is not the only team conflicts among Wesleyan
increase the number of seats, the highway. “I think it’s teams and less disruption to
Wesleyan’s new stadium he said he liked the environ- beautiful,” he said. “I like the that will call the new field student-athletes’ classes and
won favorable reviews in the ment the university had created environment. It looks profes- its home. Blaire Harley, last labs during the day.
first home football game Sep- around the field. “This will sional, and attending a game is season’s lacrosse team MVP,
tember 17 vs. Bridgewater. help the school to push forward more of a positive experience.” pointed out that the modern TRAVEL from pg 1
and bring more improvements stadium will help boost the She added that she enjoyed the
The new stadium, located for future seasons,” he said. Tyler Day noted that the team’s recruitment efforts, as rituals practiced by the home fans.
in the southeast corner of stadium will help to establish it seeks to grow the program. “I’ve never experienced an atmo-
campus and visible from Kim Rice, mother of Robert an improved campus environ- sphere like that,” she said. “Each
North Wesleyan Boulevard, is Rice, wished that the univer- ment and enhance the school’s She noted that the arti- player has his own song, which
a turf field that also includes sity would have promoted the image since the field is visible ficial turf will affect the the fans would sing if he scored. I
lights. With a current seat- field more prior to the first from the highway. According to speed of the game. “The ball can still remember the feeling of
ing capacity of 1,000, it’s game. She said she enjoyed Day, this all contributes to the gets bouncier and it moves hairs standing up when the Celtics
designed for football and the environment, but would potential growth at the school. at a different speed,” she scored a goal.”
lacrosse, but other Wesleyan like to see some enhance- He also noted that a new field explained, adding that the
teams may use it as well. ments, such as a mascot or a creates more practice and game Bishops not only will be pre- For Davis, the highlight was the
band. She also said the school options—in day and at night-- pared to face other conference tours of Edinburgh and the Scottish
Latasha Earl attended the needed to provide more trash- for Wesleyan’s many teams. teams that play on turf, but castles. Like Butler, Davis was mak-
first game to watch her son cans around the stadium. may gain an advantage over ing her first trip outside the U.S.
play. A Wesleyan alum, Earl Alex Stack, a tight end on the teams that play only on grass.
said she was appreciative of With a modern field on football team, believes the arti- “We got to walk around the city
the new facility. “I like the campus, Gregor Baum said ficial turf was the right option, Evan Merrill, the lacrosse team’s and explore at our own pace,” she
field. It’s also really good for that it will increase the chances noting that athletes will be less first-year head coach, stated that said. “We also got to see Edin-
Rocky Mount. It’ll bring the that he and other students will prone to slipping. He added the new stadium should help to burgh castle and walk through the
community together,” she said, attend Wesleyan home games. that the field is pleasing to the increase attendance and “enhance inside of it. It was such a strange
adding that the bleachers could In the past, the Bishops have eyes. “Having such a new facil- our game-day environment.” experience walking through
be higher to improve visibility. played at Northern Nash High ity gives you extra motivation historic places like that and think-
Merrill likes that his team ing about all the grand events or
Eric Looper agreed with will get “its own space.” He tragedies that could have taken
said the new facility shows place there. Thinking about what
Health Center Reports 20 Cases of Covid current and prospective athletes it must have been like to live in the
Director of Health Services ([email protected]) for next steps. boosters for everyone 5 years and that the university is growing, past was on my mind a lot and it
Jessica Brys-Wilson reported Q. Can you generalize about the older, if eligible. Much like the and that the lacrosse program is made the entire trip special--you
20 cases of Covid as of October flu shot, the newest boosters are committed to providing state- don't get to see something as grand
15, with most at the beginning Covid symptoms you’re seeing. targeted to the circulating strains of-the-art resources. as a castle every day!”
of the semester. A. I’m seeing mostly mild at the time of production.
And like Harley, Merrill Davis said she appreciated the
Brys-Wilson was interviewed symptoms now--nasal congestion, Q. What are the CDC and the said that the turf field will opportunity to play an exhibition
by the Decree. sore throat, and mild headaches. state of North Carolina predicting alter the way his team plays. match against Scotland’s 21U na-
as far as Covid in fall and winter? “Consistency will be a big is- tional team. And she relished that
Q. What should members of the Q. What’s the procedure at sue for us,” he said. “As nice she was joined on the trip by her
Wesleyan community do if they be- Wesleyan if a student tests posi- A. We can expect increases as our natural-grass facility is, mother, Nicole. “It was nice experi-
lieve they have contracted Covid? tive for Covid? in most respiratory illnesses in it will be nice not having to encing it all together,” she said.
the winter. This includes Covid, worry about the terrain” (and
A. Testing is the first step. They A. They need to quarantine for influenza and common colds. footing problems and strange As part of the trip, Dr. Lee
can use an at-home test kit, con- five days. If, after five days, they bounces, etc.). Templeton, associate professor
tact their regular doctor’s office, or haven’t had a fever for 24 hours Q. What are you recommend- of English, taught a one-credit
contact me for a Covid test. If they and their other symptoms are im- ing for both students and staff to Assistant Athletic Director course titled “Scotland: History,
test positive, they should email me proving, they can leave quarantine stay Covid-free? Mike Armbruster said the suc- Memory, Monument, Identity.”
but must still wear a mask around cess of the 2019 homecoming A specialist in British literature
ROGERS from pg 4 others for five additional days. A. Consider getting your game, one of the first football and a soccer aficionado, Dr.
booster shot. Avoid sick contacts. games played on campus, Templeton said the trip was a
upper-body lifts so that his legs Q. Do you feel we’ve become Wash your hands frequently. Get made it clear that Wesleyan “fantastic” experience. “It was
will stay fresh to “spring around complacent about Covid? plenty of rest. Eat a healthy diet would benefit from a full- great to see our students inter-
the goal,” he said. He said his and drink plenty of water. fledged stadium. “We wanted act with a different culture and
favorite workouts involve exer- A. I don’t think so. In gen- to be able to create an environ- experience the joys of travel,” he
cises for the back and biceps. eral, it seems like most people Q. Who should get a flu shot? ment that would allow mem- said. For him the highlights were
are much more careful about A. Unless you have had an bers of our community to come Edinburgh and Stirling Castles,
The Wesleyan sophomore is avoiding sickness than they were adverse reaction, everyone over together,” he said. the Celtic game, and the visit to
now the starter in goal. In 13 pre-Covid. 6 months can get a flu shot. Most Loch Lomond.
games, he has compiled a 2.08 doctors’ offices and pharmacies Armbruster explained that
goals-against-average and a Q. Who should get boosted? provide them. The cost depends there were a number of rea- All four student-athletes
.594 save percentage in record- A. The Centers for Disease on your insurance, but many sons to select an artificial turf pointed out the enrichment that
ing six of the team’s eight wins Control (CDC) recommends companies pay for them. surface.. One was durability. comes with foreign travel.
Covid-19 vaccines for everyone prepared you are and everything to “It will allow us to have more
He also serves as a team captain. ages 6 months and older, and do with how you take care of your- teams practice on the field Berkovich called it “the
“It’s important to learn people,” he self. Manuel Arevalo recalled advice throughout the day,” he said, chance of a lifetime, while
said. “That’s why I’m captain now HELP from pg 2 given to him by baseball coach Greg “without having to worry Wilder said, “It makes us a
because I understand how some Clifton, who told him, “Be at peace about the damage that would more well-rounded students by
players respond to criticism and your major can aid in building a with who you are, where you are, occur on a grass field.” getting this exposure.”
how some don’t. This skill is often career. She mentioned that she is and what you have accomplished.”
overlooked, and it shouldn’t be.” attending an American College Arevalo mentioned that this He added that turf dries Added Butler, “It’s one thing
of Sports Medicine conference in helped him get through some tough faster and will lead to fewer to learn about cultures in a
Rogers is a strong influence, the upcoming semester due to her battles with depression and resulted games getting rescheduled classroom through a textbook,
and during games and practices relationship with Dr. Meir Magal, in him being a better student. due to inclement weather. it’s another to experience it first-
his voice carries down the length a professor of exercise science. Elijah Broach, a junior, sug- “The flexibility was huge for hand. Not only is it a learning
of the field. He keeps this in “If I wasn’t talking with him,” gested that students take time us,” he said. experience; it’s a great way to
mind as he speaks to his team- she said. “I would be on a much for themselves to ensure mental bond further as a team.”
mates. “If you’re always giving smaller project that wouldn’t re- and physical health. One can Because the field is
out blame and never thinking, late as much to my career goals.” do this by hanging out with equipped with lights, he
what could I be doing better, friends, playing videogames, or noted, it opens more times
then there’s no point to even talk Alexis Reinhart advised first- doing any activity that makes for practices and games,
in the first place,” he said. year students to put effort into their them happy. “Work hard but
classes. She was candid in discuss- play hard too,” he said. The voll eyball t eam pla yed a m atch while on a spring trip to Scotland.
If there is ever a time he needs ing her work as a peer tutor. She said Andrea Vendrame, a student from Photo courtesy of C. Cashwell
to discuss his game performances, it’s frustrating when struggling stu- Venezuela, explained from personal
Rogers phones his father. He trusts dents want her to do their work for experience that freshmen should
him to give sound advice, regard- them. “The reason you are failing make sure they have clothes for
less of the situation. His father is a class isn’t because you are dumb, it’s summer and winter weather. When
good listener, the son added. “He because you haven’t tried,” she said. she arrived in North Carolina, she
can give me some wisdom that I did not have rain shoes, a rain jacket,
can choose to use or not.” Junior Jaydon Denmark recom- or any summer clothes. When
mended that freshmen start the year spring came, she was overwhelmed
To show his support and pride off strong by learning how to use with the heat and rain, and she
for his son, his father texts after the Wesleyan computer portal and was forced to go buy clothes at the
every game to congratulate him reading their emails. He shared that store. “In the summer it will be very
on a victory or tell him to pick his freshman year he got behind due warm, and, in the winter, it will be
his head up from a loss. Luckily to not knowing what was going on very cold,” she said.
for Rogers, on this September most of the time. Reading his emails
day his father was standing on and understanding the system helped
the edge of the field, waiting to him to “get into a routine,” he said.
congratulate his son on their 5-1
win over Regent. Sometimes being successful in
college has nothing to do with how

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