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The Decree is our student newspaper that is published 5 times each year. In addition to reporting on campus events, The Decree regularly features creative writing – fiction, poetry, personal essays – by students and other members of the University community.

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Published by North Carolina Wesleyan University, 2021-12-17 09:21:12

The Decree - December 2021

The Decree is our student newspaper that is published 5 times each year. In addition to reporting on campus events, The Decree regularly features creative writing – fiction, poetry, personal essays – by students and other members of the University community.

The Decree
since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.”

December 16, 2021

N O R T H C A R O L I N A W E S L E YA N C O L L E G E , R O C K Y M O U N T, N O R T H C A R O L I N A 2 7 8 0 4

Wesleyan Internationals Describe Xmas Traditions, Recall Memorable Gifts
Christmas traditions may vary mas,” he said. “You just have to The environmental science pro- Christmas Day. He estimated not uncommon among his peers
in countries around the world, wait for the actual day.” He said fessor said his family gets together that 30 percent of South Korea’s at the time. “Most friends didn’t
but two constants remain, no that most gifts come from parents with grandparents, aunt and uncles, 51 million citizens regard them- receive presents from Santa
matter the culture -- fellowship to their children. “But in recent and cousins. selves as Christians. either,” he explained. “Back then,
and plenty of food. years, we’re giving them gifts as During the Christmas was not a ‘serious’
With the holiday approaching, well,” he said. holidays, He added that in Seoul alone holiday for many Korean families
Elias noted, there exist a total of 8,000 and many parents simply couldn’t
Wesleyan’s Internationals--students Asked to name the best gift he many fami- churches of all denominations, afford presents for their kids.”
and faculty--shared their family ever received, Cyusa said it was lies listen with many Koreans adhering to
traditions and recalled their most a black-and-white nylon wallet, to “vil- Buddhism and Confucianism. But, Kim said, he did receive
memorable gift from Santa. with cash—Rwandan Francs— lacincos,” small gifts from his church, on
inside. It was the equivalent of 20 a type of As a non-Christian, and a native Christmas Eve. He said that
Ryan Cyusa American dollars, which seemed Christmas of “the most traditional Confucian many churches would hand
music sung Dr. Daniel Elias town in Korea,” Kim said that his out treats like Moon Pies to
Kigali, Rwanda by kids. family has always treated Christ- children. “For just one Moon
“Many many many Peruvians mas more like a national holiday. Pie, we stayed in a church for
Ryan Cyusa, a Wesleyan like a lot to a 9-year-old. play villacincos,” he quipped. He said that many Koreans will several hours, singing and pray-
student from Rwanda, described “It was not much but the use the day to travel and visit ing,” he said. “I guess Christ-
a Christmas celebration that thought of owning a wallet and Elias said that his family always grandparents and other relatives. mas was a quite a good market-
would seem familiar to many having money at such a young age served turkey for Christmas Eve ing opportunity for churches.”
Americans—gift-giving, morning seemed crazy and made me feel dinner and that, on occasion, Kim said that parents give gifts
church services and lots of food. all grown up,” he said. He said pork leg was part of the meal. He to young children on Christmas Kim said that life is return-
The junior, an exercise science he kept that money for a year. “I furnished the following additional morning, often putting them under ing to normal in Korea. Last
major, said the traditional holiday couldn’t bring myself to spend it. menu items from his family din- the Christmas tree. “They say the Christmas gatherings were
meal is held I felt like it was sacred,” he said, ners: Mash potatoes, apple sauce, gifts are from Santa Claus,” Kim limited to four or five, masked,
on Christ- before joking, “I wish I could get sweet potatoes, rolls, onion relish, said. “But most kids know they’re individuals. “Koreans like to
mas Eve. that gift again now. Haha.” corn, Peruvian hot cocoa, and pa- from their parents or grandparents. hang out with family, friends
Sometimes In most years Christmas is neton, a traditional Peruvian sweet The Santa Claus myth is rapidly and colleagues, but that became
the fam- a joyous occasion for Cyusa, bread that originated in Italy. disappearing among kids.” impossible with Covid,” he said.
ily cooks at as extended family members
home, while return from abroad for the After the meal, the family sits Rather than hosting family din- But now, with some 80
other times holiday. “We all get to see each around the tree and then exchanges ners, Kim said that many Koreans percent of the Korean popula-
it heads to other again,” he said, adding presents at midnight. Children get will eat at an upscale restaurant, tion vaccinated, more families
a restaurant, that his family attends church gifts from “Papa Noel,” he noted. with Italian cuisine and steakhous- will feel comfortable getting
he said. Ryan Cyusa services Christmas morning. es among the most popular choices. together with each other.
Elias said his all-time favorite
When cook- Cyusa did not return home for Christmas gift was a chemistry Many Koreans view Christmas Kim said that his family
ing at home, the meal consists the holiday last year, instead talk- set, which he received around as an important day for couples, will wait until summer to visit
of the following—isombe (made ing to his family by phone. He age 6. “It had always been my who, Kim said, eat dinner at fancy family back in Korea and will
of mashed cassava leaves and noted that the Covid quarantine dream to be a scientist,” he said. restaurants and exchange special spend Christmas at home in the
different ingredients and spices), put severe limits on celebrations and often expensive gifts such as rings, Raleigh area. He said that, un-
ubugali (made of wheat flour and in his country. While he’s unable It was an elaborate set, he necklaces, boutique handbags, like their father, his two daugh-
consumed with isombe, tomato to return home in 2021 as well, explained, with glassware, a tiny iPhones, and PlayStations. “Some ters should
sauce and beans); rice; plantains; he hopes that “all goes back to burner, and various compounds lament that Christmas has become expect to
and many varieties of meat: beef, normal” for his family. that allowed him to create too commercialized,” he said. find toys
chicken, goat, and pork. Daniel Elias experiments and watch the reac- and other
After dinner, the family hangs tions. Elias recalled trying differ- Entertainment is a key gifts from
out at home until midnight when Lima, Peru ent combinations in an effort to element in the Korean holiday their “wish
there is an exchange of gifts. make fertilizer for house plants. season. Many like to watch list” under
Cyusa said that there is little As with Cyusa’s family, Daniel the Christmas-themed movie the tree on
surprise. “Most times you know Elias’ family gathers for a holiday In one composition he added “Home Alone,” which airs December
what you’re getting for Christ- meal and gift-giving on Christmas organic materials (fruit peels and constantly on television, hav- 25th. He
Eve in his hometown of Lima, Peru. skins) and mixed them with salt ing become a ritual for many noted that Dr. Young Kim
and water. “Then I set the mix- families and an annoyance to his young-
Tuition, Room and Board ture aside and forgot where I put others. In the 1990s and 2000s, est, Katherine, believes in Santa.
To Exceed $46K Next Year it,” he said. “It rotted and smelled Christmas carols were played
A Wesleyan education will cost $1,300 more per year in 2022- really bad. My mom had to turn in many public places--stores Halzyd Pupuleku
23, the college has announced. The hike represents an increase of the house inside out to find it.” and restaurants, etc.--in Seoul.
2.8 percent over current costs. “I remember some comedians Bolzano, Italy
Elias said that his family is singing carols in a funny way In Italy, the Christmas season is
Suzanne Brackett, the college’s Senior Vice President of Ad- not among the many Peruvians and making quite good money at steeped in tradition, as families en-
ministration, attributed the new price tag to higher operating costs that attend Mass or other church that time,” Kim said, adding that joy together time and lots of food.
that have resulted from recent inflationary trends nationwide—on services on Christmas Day. Af- more stringent copyright laws Halzyd Pupuleku noted that the
everything from the price of food, paper, and cleaning products to ter the busy Christmas Eve, he have made carols less common. holiday season begins on December
technology. “Costs have skyrocketed in the past year,” she said. said his family likes to relax and 8, the Feast of the Immaculate
enjoy leftovers as part of brunch. Not all Koreans look forward Conception, and continues
Next year total costs will rise to $46,215. This covers tuition, a to Christmas, Kim said. “Not through Christmas Day in his
double room in a residence hall, and a standard meal plan, the col- Last year’s Christmas was because they’re anti-Christian, Catholic-dominated homeland.
lege said. Books are included in the cost of tuition. subdued, with Elias saying it was but for personal reasons,” he said. On Christmas Eve, relatives
a smaller holiday for many in his “Some find that Christmas puts an gather for dinner and then head
Costs for theTraditional Day Program in 2022-23 country. “My dad couldn’t visit his excessive financial burden on their to Mass at 10:30 that night. After
mom,” he said. “I know this was a shoulders because they have to Mass, he said, the congregation en-
• Tuition: $33,952 ($32,996 in 2021-22) similar experience for many.” purchase presents and dine out.” joys the sweetbread panettone and
• Room: $ 5,505 ($ 5,350) hot tea or mulled wine, as Christ-
• Meal Plan: $ 6,758 ($ 6,568) Elias is optimistic that, with Christmas season can cause mas songs play in the background.
more Peruvians vaccinated, angst for single Koreans as well. Pupuleku said that the family
Wesleyan reports on its web page that 99 percent of its tradition- Christmas 2021 will be closer to “For them it’s a ‘cursed day,’” Kim later exchanges gifts at home.
al-day students receive some form of financial assistance. holiday celebrations of the past. said. “They often joke ‘I wish I In years when young children
went to bed on the 23rd and woke are present, an adult will leave
Kayla Johnson and Damon McDowell, invoking their fifth years of eligibility, have brought Now a resident of Rocky Mount, up on the 26th so that I don’t see church early to dress as Santa.
their offensive talents back to their respective teams. For more on sports, turn to page 4. SI Photos Elias and his wife, Miranda, have all the lovers on the street.’” “Then, when we all arrive at
begun their own traditions with home, we start opening the
sons Gabriel, 14, and Julian, 10. The holiday was different in Ko- gifts,” he explained. “We open
rea during Kim’s childhood. Unlike one gift at a time respecting the
But this year the family plans other Wesleyan Internationals, he order from the youngest to the
a trip to Miami, where Elias’ said he never received a Christmas oldest family member.”
mother has lived for the past gift, though he often hoped Santa When he was 6, Pupuleku
20 years. “She follows all the Claus would visit his home. received what he considers his
Peruvian tYraoduitniognKs,i”mhe said. most memorable gift—his first
“Until I became a middle Xbox 360, one that came with
Andong, South Korea schooler, I still believed he would a racing game, Need for Speed:
In South Korea, Christmas give out gifts to well-behaved Carbon. He called that Christ-
is observed by Christians and kids,” he recalled, noting that in mas “bittersweet.” “It’s when
non-Christians alike. letters written to Saint Nick, he I discovered that Santa Claus
Dr. Young Kim, associate would detail his good behavior didn’t exist,” he said. “I remem-
professor in political science, and list the presents he wanted that ber that, one day, I opened
said that for Christians, the year. “But I didn’t get any gifts
holiday is, of course, full of reli- from Santa Claus or my parents.” See TRADITIONS pg 2
gious significance, with Korean
Christians attending church Though disappointed, Kim
services on Christmas Eve and said he was not hurt by Santa’s
snub. He said his situation was

2 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 December 16, 2021


Viewpoint: Students Lament End of Fall Commencement
By Mary Cat Davis diplomas, and the commencement keting major, said he’s disappoint- ation fee to help defray the costs. Center, where May 2021 graduates
Senior Staff Writer ceremony itself. “The college ed that there will be no December Rocky Mount native Latarsha walked. “We paid just like every-
probably puts in more than 50 commencement. He will head one else, and we did the work like
NC Wesleyan’s December 2021 percent that’s not covered by the home to Germany after fall semes- Powell shared the same sentiment, everyone else,” Powell said. “At
graduates are receiving their diplo- graduation fee,” he explained. ter, unable to return in May due saying she would pay additional least get a perspective of who wants
mas, but they will not hear “Pomp to the expenses associated with fees to make winter commence- to hold a December ceremony.”
and Circumstance” until May 2022. A December graduate himself, travel--it would cost $1,000, he ment possible. She wondered
Dr. Duff said he understands how estimates--and the retention of his why The Dunn Center was not an Angela Groeneveld said she under-
The college returns to hold- the winter class feels. He noted visa. “I’ll be working during that option. Powell said she has wit- stands the administration’s desire to
ing one graduation ceremony that his son plans to graduate with time,” he said, “and the biggest nessed several commencements in create a more formal May commence-
per academic year this semester Wesleyan’s class of December problem I have is the finances.” Minges Auditorium and would be ment. but argued that eliminating a
after 2020’s Covid-safe winter 2022. “I have a personal opinion satisfied with that. She feels the ad- December ceremony is not the solu-
commencement. Despite the about it,” he said. “But, looking Borzel said commencement ministration’s reasoning is a “little tion. She said that a small celebration
college’s formal decision, the at the big picture, looking at what is a special occasion for interna- bit of a cop-out,” especially with without a speaker would be enough
December 2021 class hopes the our peers are doing, and looking tional students, whose families look access to an on-campus venue. for her. “I believe something would
administration will reconsider at the other ways that we could forward to celebrating on campus. “We want the same experience as be better than nothing,” she said.
for next year’s winter graduates. benefit the students, that’s why Commencement ceremonies are spring graduates,” she said. “We
the decision was made.” not as common in Germany, mak- want the pomp and circumstance.” Groeneveld will soon return
A December 2021 graduate ing graduation a long-anticipated home to the Netherlands and her
myself, I wondered how local and Dr. Duff confirms that students event for Borzel, who expressed A religious studies and psy- student visa is set to expire. The
international students felt about were not included in the 2019 deci- his sadness about leaving his chology major, Powell added she psychology and criminal justice
this decision. Our class is the first sion. He said this transition does not classmates without a traditional was unaware of the change until major said she prefers a winter
one to be affected by the change, prevent students from moving for- celebration. “I would have liked staff informed her on a trip to the commencement due to travel con-
which has been a common topic ward with their plans and he hopes to share that moment with family registrar’s office. Powell said her cerns stemming from Covid-19.
of conversation among my peers. I to see December grads return for the and the friends that I made here at friends and family were hurt that Obtaining a tourist visa for herself
asked President Evan Duff to share official commencement in May. NCWC,” he said. “It feels disap- she would not experience a winter and her family would be difficult
the factors that led to this decision, pointing leaving this place without ceremony, as she doesn’t plan on and it is unlikely she can return in
while presenting thoughts from my Wesleyan students may finish an actual commencement and I participating in May. She intends May. Groeneveld expressed her
classmates during the interview. their degrees inAugust, December, wouldn’t want other students to to begin her master’s program in disappointment that she will not
and May, Dr. Duff noted, pointing face the same situation.” March and expressed little interest have her moment to celebrate her
Dr. Duff said the administration out that there has never been a com- in walking with another class. hard work. “I don’t care much
decided to transition back to one mencement forAugust graduates. Though he realizes this decision “I’m upset that I spent $120 on the about the attention or recognition,”
commencement in the late summer cannot be reversed at the conclusion graduation fee, $40 on a stole, and she clarified. “But it’s the one mo-
of 2019. Administrators considered The president believes students of the semester, Borzel hopes that the $8 for my tassel just for it to sit ment where my parents and family
the approaches of similar-sized in- would want ceremonies at all three administration will consider alterna- in my closet,” she said. “I don’t can look at the graduation and be
stitutions, finding that most moved times. “I think we know what their tives for next fall’s class. He suggests want to celebrate next year. I proud of the person I became.”
to one formal celebration while opinion would have been, but some- utilizing The Dunn Center as an al- want to celebrate today.”
allowing students to complete their times you have to make tough deci- ternative venue to the Rocky Mount Bailey native Kayla Hawley
degrees throughout the year. sions for reasons that not everyone is Event Center. He said the senior class Powell hopes the administra- agrees that December graduates
going to understand,” he said. would not need a ceremony as large tion will take the feelings of next should have a separate commence-
December 2019’s graduation as the usual May event, adding he December’s class into consid- ment, especially for students like
was supposed to be the last fall Dr. Duff’s assumption aligned was willing to pay a higher gradu- eration. She suggests asking the Groeneveld and Borzel who can-
ceremony, but Covid-19 forced with the eight students interviewed group about their interest in holding not return in May. She urges the
postponement of the May 2020 for this article. Tobias Borzel, a an additional ceremony and then administration to consider students
ceremony until the following De- business administration and mar- using existing resources to pay for like them. What would they want
cember. “That’s the only reason we it, adding that she never expected for their children if they were
did a December commencement TRADITIONS from pg 1 Cadeyrn Rendle an event at Rocky Mount Event
last year,” Dr. Duff said. “It was one of my mother’s closets and See COMMENCEMENT pg 3
technically to bring back the spring Cornwall, England
graduates but we also allowed De-
cember graduates to participate.” I saw the Xbox. I was super Cadeyrn Rendle begins the Health Services Director Gives
Christmas holiday by watching
Dr. Duff said that elimination of happy on the one hand, but a the film “The Snowman” with Covid-Related Guidance for Holidays
fall commencement enables the bit sad on the other.”
college to funnel resources used for His family serves traditional his dad, mum and brother. “It’s
two commencements into a more my mum’s favorite,” he said. Despite decreases in Covid cases viral upper respiratory infection, bronchi-
elaborate ceremony in spring. This food at the Christmas Eve in the area, Wesleyan Health Services tis, pneumonia, and flu. There have also
includes high-profile speakers, dinner and lunch the next day. Christmas Day is full of
alumni gifts for graduates, and socializing, as Rendle and his Director Jessica Brys-Wilson urged been secondary bacterial infections like
“other aspects of the students’ Italians emphasize both meals, members of the college community to AQsin::uMWsitohissotansehdxopeuaerlrdtisngfaeerctetiaoenfxlspu.eschtoint?g a very
experience.” “It was a decision Pupuleku explained, “because family drive around his home- exercise caution during the holiday break.
we made and communicated two town, visiting and exchanging
years ago,” Dr. Duff said. “But it’s important to spend a lot of She was interviewed in late No-
this is the first time that December vember. (Editor’s Note: This was be- active flu season. We’ve already seen
graduates feel the change.” time with the family, eating a gifts with family and friends. fore the advent of the omicron variant. some on campus. I recommend that
“We wish everyone a happy
When applying for graduation, lot and enjoying the time spent Christmas and New Year,” he As of early Decembers, health experts anyone who doesn’t have a contrain-
students are responsible for a $120 together.” were still studying its virulence and dQic: aAtisosntugdeetnatsflpursehpoatrethtios year.
fee. Dr. Duff said 30 to 40 percent He related that at the Christ- said. “We do that before we Qtra:nFsrmomissaibpileitrys)o.nal perspective, what head
covers the student’s regalia, open our own gifts at home.” home, what are some important steps
while the remainder goes toward mas Eve dinner many Italians wA:aTshthisissefmalelslteikrehafsobreyeonum?uch more to take to ensure wellness during the
processing fees, the printing of eat fish, but that his family tends Rendle said his most memorable winter months and while spending
Christmas gift was a push bike. It
DeTchreee to serve meat dishes. Meals was special because it allowed him manageable for me. We’ve had fewer Co- Atim: Setuwdiethntfsasmhoiluyldanmdofnriiteonrdths?emselves
begin with vid cases, and we’ve been able to get test
since 1960 to take rides with his father. “That results rapidly this semester.Along with for any symptoms prior to gathering
“of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” appetizers the updated quarantine policy, that has dra- with others, especially the elderly or
and sliced Christmas day, my father and I
s ta f f could go outside and ride together,” matically reduced the number of students those with underlying medical condi-
baguette wQh:oAnseoefdeTdhtaonqkusagriavnintinge, wonhacatmarpeutsh.e to- tions. They should encourage others
Senior Staff Writers with cheeses he said, relishing the memory. not to attend if they are sick. They
During a typical Christmas tals when it comes to number of Covid should wash hands frequently, gather
Mary Cat Davis (e.g., grana morning, Rendle said, his fami- cases among members of the NCWC outside when possible, and social dis-
Staff Writers and salami, ly enjoys eating chocolate. Then Aco:mAms uonfiNtyosvinecmebfearll2s2e,mweest’evrebheagdan3?5 tance when possible. Eating a healthy
at 2 p.m., they eat their big holi- diet and getting enough rest will help
Mary Alice Butler as well as student cases and 11 employee cases keep their immune systems work-
Savannah Ekland skewers of day meal; this always involves Qthi:sHsaevmeetshteerr.e been any hospitaliza- ing their best. If they haven’t already
mozzarella Halzyd Pupuleku ...SI Photo extended family, he said. In his received their Covid and flu vaccines,
Joel Inzerillo
balls, cherry tomatoes, basilicum, house, traditional foods include Atio:nWs ethhisadfaolln,edsuteudtoenCtohvoisdp?italized tQh:eLyesth’sotualldk consider that as well.
Staff Photographer turkey; stuffing; crispy, golden about the Christmas and
olives, and salami. Qpr:ioHratovefaalnlysesmtuedsetnertschhaedckto-ind.rop out NewYear’s holidays. What are some
Jaden Randolph-Schoneck Traditional drinks include roasted potatoes; and various important considerations—for Wesleyan
vegetables--“all taste better on this semester due to Covid—either staff as well as students--in determining
Faculty Advisor blonde beer, white wine and Christmas,” he said. For Rendle Abe:fIo’rme or during the semester? wAh: eIththeirntok gather with family and friends?
Italian aperitifs: Spritz and aware of one student who that everyone should con-
Dr. William Grattan Hugo. The Spritz is a drink a highlight was
diagnosed and hospitalized just before sider the vaccine status of the people
179 Braswell • Phone: 985-5336 comprised of the Aperol liquor, is pigs-in- check-in. That student had a more with whom you’re gathering, whether
Email: [email protected] a-blanket- severe case than what we have typi- the gathering is inside or outside,
prosecco, and sparkling water, -sausage, cally seen and was not able to return and whether social distancing will be
while the Hugo is a drink done
with elderflower cordial, prosec- wrapped in Qto:cWamhpaut sarfeorththeelasteemstevsatecrc.ination possible. You may want to consider
bacon and wearing a mask, even if not required
co, and a top of sparkling water. Ato:taFlsorfosrtusdtuednetsn,ttsh?e total is 01.4 per- bQy: the venue/host, to protect yourself.
The first course is lasagna alla covered What’s the latest from the state
in gravy. cent partially vaccinated (estimated), and CDC on what kind of winter we
Bolognese. The second course Adults Qan:dW5h5o.3spheorucledngtevtaacbcionoastteedr vaccine sAh:oIutlldooekxspelickteinNtoerrtmh sCoarfoClionvaiids?see-
is roast veal with roast potatoes.
During the meal, his family serves drink
champagne Cadeyrn Rendle Afo:r TChoeviCde?nAtenrds where can you get one? ing a decline in cases here lately while
red wine or beer. For dessert there while kids .................SI Photo for Disease Control other places in the country are seeing
is more panettone, consumed with (CDC) now recommends booster their delta wave just beginning. With
have soda. shots for all adults age 18 or older colder weather and the holidays ap-
an espresso coffee or grappa. who received a mRNA vaccine (Mod- proaching, it’s likely that we will see
Pupuleku said that last year Last year’s holiday was
subdued, due to the pandemic. erna or Pfizer). In the local area, Wal- a bump in numbers as people gather
during the pandemic, his family greens, CVS, the Nash County Health indoors, particularly in areas with
followed its usual traditions, Rendle said the family was not Department, and UNC Nash Health lower vaccination rates or that are just
able to socialize, instead exchang- CQa:rWe ahraet all giving booster shots. now experiencing their delta wave.
except for attending Mass. This ing gifts among themselves at other illnesses have you Hopefully, though, with more people
year he intends to spend the
holiday in Florida, where he’ll home. “This year, we’ll be return- Atre: aWtehdenthitiscofamllesintothcoenhtaegailothusciellnnteesrs?es, having been vaccinated and already
ing to our old ways,” he said. infected, we’ll see numbers generally
celebrate with his uncle’s family. we have had a stomach virus, tonsillitis, a decline over the next few months.

December 16, 2021 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 3


Bass Leads Wesleyan’s RN-to-BSN Program to Early Growth
NC Wesleyan has become a stroke. Since his symptoms had Health Systems Concepts, turning it into
a player in the field of nursing begun an hour earlier, we knew Qthe: program’s first hybrid course. FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA: I use as a charge nurse. Not only that,
education with its new RN-to- What was your experience LinkedIn for professional opportuni- but many specialty areas—public
BSN program. It comes at a time we had about two hours before like ties to connect across the healthcare and private schools, intensive
when the nursing profession has he suffered permanent damage. with the PhysAic:iaAnfHteeraIltfhinNisehtwedormk?y care units and, burn centers--often
been buffeted by staffing short- With the clock systems. And it’s useful in com- require RNs to have a BSN for
ages that have been aggravated municating with other institutions employment. Magnet-designated
during the Covid pandemic. ticking, the nursing masters, I received of higher education and generating hospitals, the highest credentialed
staff and physician an opportunity from forecasting info on the nursing work- nursing facilities in the country,
The college began work on the went through our force, which, in turn helps us with require that 100 percent of man-
program in October 2019, when UNC Physicians our nursing curriculum. Facebook’s a agement possess a BSN or higher,
it hired Dr. Brittany Bass to serve protocols. By the Network. It allowed and 85 percent of all staff RNs
as its director. After almost a time we finished, me to educate clinical great medium to capture prospective must have a BSN. Such facilities
year of designing its RN-to-BSN students for the RN-to-BSN pro- include REX Hospital and Wake
curriculum, the college offered there was about 20 staff in the outpatient gram. I also enjoy Facebook to stay Med in Raleigh, and Vidant Medi-
its first classes in August 2020, minutes left. We sector throughout cal Center in Greenville.
with nine students enrolled. A administrated the Eastern North Caro- in touch with colleagues and family
year later, current enrollment Qtha:tTluivrneionugttoofNstCatWe.C’s program: Our students mostly come
stands at 17 students. stroke medicine and lina (27 outpatient from Nash, Edgecombe, Halifax
during the next hour clinics). The clinics and Wilson counties. They work
A 2009 graduate of Barton the patient gradually offered a variety of Describe the fundamentals of the in hospital settings, the prison
College’s nursing program, Ade:gIrteoep.erates year-round, 100 percent system, occupational health, and
Bass holds a master’s degree in began to improve. specialties: primary Qpe:dIidaetrnitcifsy. Wesleyan’s main com-
nursing education and a doctor- He moved his right care, obstetrics/gy- Ape:tBitiaortnoninatnhdisWfiieliladm? Peace offer
ate in nursing leadership from arm, and his facial Dr. Brittany Bass Randolph-Schoneck Photo necology, women’s online and taught by both full-time similar programs. Because RN-to-
Grand Canyon University in and adjunct faculty. The program is BSN programs are often done 100
Arizona. Prior to coming to droop subsided; his health, plastic interdisciplinary, meaning students percent online, the competition is not
NCWC, she worked for five wife broke into tears and then the surgery, orthopedics, urology, necessarily local or even regional;
years as an emergency room patient started crying. The patient neurology and vascular/cardiol- receive instruction from non-nursing Qrat:hDeretshcerifbieeldyoisumr purcihmbarroyadreesr.pon-
nurse at Nash Hospital, where as well as nursing faculty. Students sAib: iAlitsiedsirbeecytoonr doftetahcehRinNg.-to-BSN
she rotated through a number of thanked me and the team for our ogy. I worked with RNs, LPNs, take 8-week classes, working either program, I manage a budget, hire
assignments that included triage prompt response, because without Qan:dBceefrotrifeiewdemgeedt iicnatol assistants. faculty, and ensure we meet ac-
nurse, trauma nurse and pediat- it, his life would have changed the NCWC full time or part-time, depending on creditation with the Commission
ric nurse. She also has severed their work and family situations. on Collegiate Nursing Educa-
as a surgical nurse at Wilson Qsig:nWifaicsainttdlyi.fficult to move from nursing program, talk a little more The 10-course sequence is tion. Like other full-time faculty
Dermatology, with a focus on Aab:oIultikyeotuorvloifleunotuetesridaendofspwenodrkt.ime compromised of the following members, I serve on committees
skin cancer patients. aAb: eTd-hsaidt ewnausrtsheetomtoesatcchhinagll?eng- classes: Principles of Health Educa- (e.g., Technology), and during
with my family. I love to teach CPR tion, Introduction to Public Health, the pandemic, I’ve been involved
Her previous teaching experi- ing experience in my career- in the community (such a simple Epidemiology for Healthcare with the college’s Viral Infection
ence includes two years as a -deciding whether I wanted to skill that can save lives). My hus- Response Team (VIRT). One
nursing instructor in the RN pro- leave bedside nursing for the band and I help coach my 9-year-old Providers, Legal and Ethical Issues of my most important roles is
gram at Nash Community Col- in Healthcare, Promoting Quality, marketing and student recruit-
lege. From 2016-19, Bass was a academic setting back in 2014. daughter’s basketball team. We also Safety and Cultural Awareness in ment. Every spring, we visit
regional clinical nurse educator But after discussing my dilem- spend a lot of time on the Tar River the associate-degree nursing
for UNC Physicians Network in ma with an emergency depart- fishing with my 7-year-old son. Healthcare, Healthcare Policy and programs to share the highlights
Eastern North Carolina. Information Management, Transi- of our program and conduct a
ment physician, he said to me, CANYOU LIST SOME OFYOUR FA- tion to Professional Baccalaureate question-and-answer session
The Decree conducted an email “Imagine how many lives you VORITES. BEGIN WITHYOUR FAVOR- with prospective students. Early
interview with Bass, a Black impact indirectly through the ITE MOVIE: “A League of their Own” Nursing Practice, Nursing Leader- every fall we travel to local
Creek, North Carolina native, ship, Management and Finance,
about her background and the RN- patients that your students (24 a (I watch it every chance I get!). Professional Nursing Research See BASS pg 6
Qto-:BWShNenprdoigdraymou. first become year) will touch over the span of FAVORITE BOOK:“Where the Craw-
iAn:teItresstatertdedindunruirnsginmgyajsuanicoarryeeearr? their careers.” That physician is dads Sing” by Delia Owens. and Evidence-Based Practice, and
of high school when I decided to PQr:oDfeesssicornibael Nursing Capstone.
take the Certified Nursing Assistant the reason I left bedside clinical FAVORITE FOOD:Spaghetti (But I’m a the typical student in
practice and made the “leap”
into nursing academia. horrible cook.). WA:eTslheeyaRnN’s-tnou-rBsiSnNg program?
FAVORITE PLACE TO VISIT: Pine Knoll student is
QA::BTeaglkinnaibnoguitny2o0u1r4,eIatraluygthetaacthNinasgh. Shores (with my parents). typically a working Registered
FAVORITEMUSICALGENRE:I enjoy Nurse, who often has family and
Community College, which offers all kinds of music, but my favorite is other obligations. Exemplifying
an associate’s degree. This is where I
found my passion for teaching. I taught contemporary Christian Music. I like Zack the true meaning of resilience, our
Williams in particular. students seek a BSN to advance in
a wide range of courses, touching on FAVORITE TEAM: My family and I
almost all aspects of nursing.While their careers. The BSN-prepared
are big UNC-Chapel Hill basketball RN has more opportunity for lead-
at Nash, I redesigned a course called fans. ership roles in management and

course that was offered. Almost
immediately after enrolling in the
class, I knew some “form” of nurs- COMMENCEMENT from pg 2 student, said she worked hard to should have been included in the taken. Dr. Duff said the “student-
ing was my calling. I later enrolled finish early, having transferred to decision, adding that an alternative led” event was not well attended,
iQn:BTaarltkona’bsoBuSt yNouprroegxrpaemri.ence as a graduating? she asked. “Having a Wesleyan in fall 2019. She said she should have been explored with likely due to exams.
bed-side nurse in the Nash Emer- December commencement isn’t never received information on the their input. She wonders what will
gency Department (ED) and the so important to me, but it matters decision to hold one commence- become of fees paid by students The college provided funds
ways it influenced your work in to me,” Hawley said, “because for ment, hearing the news from a who elect not to attend the May for food and other items, but Dr.
yAo:uMr afforded some students it’s important, and friend in September. “Not once did ceremony. Miller argued that the Duff said it was not an adminis-
me numerous opportunities that they deserve that opportunity.” somebody stop to tell me that there December 2021 class deserves tration-organized event. He said
have expanded my knowledge was no commencement ceremony a ceremony, especially for those his impression was that students
and abilities. UNC Nash Health Hawley said she will not at- for December graduates,” Smith said. who cannot return in May. “It intended the celebration as a new
Care Systems “built” me as a tend May’s ceremony and until seems like the administration has tradition for winter classes, add-
nurse. The emergency depart- recently she was unaware that Smith plans to travel from Ches- failed in this decision,” she said. ing that he was happy to attend.
ment was never the same, and winter commencement was not an apeake, Virginia for May’s exercise After attending, both Smith and
learning was constant. Nash’s option. Like Powell, Hawley spent but stressed that she would have Former SGA Vice President Farmer expressed disappointment
ED nurses are known for their money on commencement materi- preferred an on-campus ceremony Alton Farmer plans to attend in the turnout. “I was disappoint-
assertiveness and ability to pri- als in response to an email from this month. She concurred with others the May ceremony but has ed and even more hurt,” Smith
oritize and think critically. While the college. She pointed out that that the Dunn Center would suffice fought for a winter commence- said. “There was no real cheer.”
at Nash, I learned and refined the most winter graduates start jobs, as a venue and said that the college ment for the last two years. He
important characteristics of an pursue graduate degrees, or return could have asked a faculty member worked with SGA to start a Dr. Duff wants students to
ED nurse. I also began branching to their hometowns. “Getting rid to serve as commencement speaker. petition on behalf of students in know that administration would
out into the realm of dermatol- of the December commence- “The Dunn Center is familiar to us, 2019 and asked SEAT to plan be willing to support a student-led
ogy nursing and I worked with ment is unfair for those of us who plus there’s a lot of space there.” an event for fall graduates this celebration that is more robust. Of
a surgeon part-time, all while graduate in the fall semester,” she semester. Like Smith, Farmer this year’s celebration, he said, “It’s
continuing to work in the Nash said. “We deserve the same op- Accounting major Shannon Miller said SGA or SEAT could a stepping-stone. We can certainly
ED. During this part of my ca- portunity as May graduates.” also is upset that there will be no organize commencement at the use it to grow and get better.”
reer, I would compare myself to December ceremony. She said she Dunn Center and ask faculty to
a sponge; I wanted to “soak” up Criminal justice major Rylee only became aware of the college’s address the graduates in place President Duff’s final message
Qas: much knowledge as possible. Wheeler believes that it makes new policy on November 18 of a guest speaker. “Students was that the college tries to make
Describe a memorable experi- sense to hold two ceremonies. through an email from the Student and their families would rather decisions in the best interest of the
ence in the emergency room, one Having witnessed the unpredict- Entertainment andActivities Team have some sort of event rather entire college. “We want to look at
that led you to say, “This is why I’m ability of Covid-19, she said (SEAT) regarding a small celebra- than not have it at all,” Farmer not only the student experience, but
Aa n: uOrnsec.e”, during an 11 a.m. to 11 a winter commencement is tion that was planned for fall grad- said. “I would ask administra- resources, venues, and the com-
p.m. shift, a woman wheeled her important to students. “We’ve uates.Anative ofAurora, North tors to consider our proposals.” munity,” he said, acknowledging
husband into the emergency room. worked extremely hard for this, Carolina, Miller plans on relocating that some will disagree with deci-
While at work, the man--a fit con- and we deserve to be celebrated closer to her post-graduate job SEAT hosted a “Fall Gradu- sions made by the administration.
struction worker--began to complain for what we’ve done,” she said. and will be unable to attend spring ation Celebration” in The Dunn “There’s a lot more that goes into
of weakness on his right side and “Many are graduating early, and commencement. “What about Center’s Garner Lobby on the af- decisions besides just one aspect.”
facial droop—strong indications of it makes more sense for us to be plans that were made for extended ternoon of November 29. Emailed
celebrated during that time.” family to be here for graduation,” notifications were distributed on The semester closed on Decem-
she asked. “What about parents that November 18, inviting December ber 7, the last day of exams. De-
Empris Smith seconded Wheel- have waited years to see their child graduates to be recognized by cember graduates officially became
er’s notion that graduates should honored for this achievement?” President Duff. Refreshments alumni on December 10. Spring
be celebrated at the end of their last were served and photos were commencement is scheduled for
semester. The exercise science Miller feels that graduates May 7, 2022. Congratulations to
major, a first-generation college the December class of 2021.

4 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 December 16, 2021


Student-Athlete Profile: Soccer
Co-Captain Emily Ketchum
Senior Emily Ketchum has played dream would be to coach young kids
a key role on the women’s soccer sometime in the years to come.
team, serving as a captain during Q: What did you like most about
her final season in blue and gold. the Wesleyan exercise science
The 5’ 2” defender, a native A: It takes dedication and drive to
of Richlands, North Carolina, get through the exercise science
started 14 games for the Bishops program. It’s prepared me in every
(3-6 in USA South), recording way for what’s to come in gradu- Coach Artina Trader is back on the bench, a year after a heart attack ended her 2020-21 season.
one assist and helping her team
limit opponents to an average of ate school. I find the field so inter-
1.44 goals per game.
Trader Returns to Sidelines afteresting! Between learning about the
After the season, the exercise anatomy and the physiology of the Recovering from Heart AttackOneseasonafterwinningtheUSA
science major reflected on her Emily Ketchum SI Photos body and the techniques behind than a year after a heart attack sent
time as a Wesleyan student-ath- exercise, I’ve been able to under- South’s East Division with a 12-0 her to the hospital for surgery last
lete and her plans for graduate lowed me to form lots of mean- stand the importance of exercise record, the women’s basketball team February. “My health is good,” she
school next year. ingful relationships and become with chronic diseases. finds itself 4-5 overall, 2-1 in the con- said. “Last February was scary and
Q: What attracted you to NCWC in the leader I am today. If I put my ference through the first nine games. eye opening. Once the doctors told
the first place? mind to it, I know I’m capable of I valued the opportunities the me what I needed to avoid another
A: It was the opportunity to play accomplishing anything. I’ve also program provides in research. “We need more consistency in heart attack, I’ve listened and fol-
collegiate soccer and get a great learned that it’s okay to take time During my sophomore year, the both rebounding and jump shots,” lowed instructions.”
education that would allow me to away from school to have fun, soccer team participated in a study saidArtina Trader, now in her 13th
pursue a career in healthcare. and that taking naps is a crucial whose findings were presented at year as head coach. “If we had more She said she’s seeking more con-
Q: What’s your best memory part of getting through college! the Southeast American College of consistency in those areas, we’d have sistency in her diet, which she faulted
about playing on the soccer team? Q: What was it like serving as a Sports Medicine Conference. This maybe only one or two losses.” for her health problems. She’s always
A: There are so many memories that team captain? fall semester, I worked alongside found it difficult during the season
I’ve made on the field over the past A: During my senior year my other students to perform research Some familiar faces have returned to cook and plan her meals, instead
four years. My favorite occurred teammates voted me a captain on two different studies, one that to the team for 2021-22. Kayla John- eating each day at fast-food places
during my sophomore year when and it meant a lot that they saw will be presented at the SEACSM son, Javana “JuJu” Jones and Keorra around town—from Egg McMuf-
we beat Meredith in penalty kicks to me as a leader. The experience conference by my teammate Me- Taylor have all elected to invoke the fins in the morning, to Jersey Mike
advance to the semifinals of the USA taught me about effective com- gan Mackey this spring. And next fifth year of eligibility afforded to cheese steaks at lunch, to supreme
South tourney. I was out with a con- munication, teamwork, dedica- spring, I’ll be working alongside them due to the Covid pandemic. dinners at Bojangles. “Most meals
cussion for this game, but it was an tion as well as compassion for Dr. Alex Ehlert to create a research Trader welcomes the veteran presence were fried and coming through the
incredible feeling to crash the field my teammates. It’s not just a study with our new lab equip- on her team. “It’s awesome to have window of my car,” she said.
with my teammates after the last PK matter of leading the warm-ups, ment. We’ll measure the correla- them all back,” she said. “When it comes
was kicked and the game was won. or making sure everyone is on tion between an athlete’s speed, to athletics, experience is invaluable Her doctor and dietician warned
Q: Talk about a favorite memory time for the bus; it’s also being strength, and rate of deceleration. and those three have done it all.” her about her consuming exces-
that happened off the field. there to answer the phone when We hope to present our findings at sive salt and sugar as well as fried
A: When the team is together, there’s a teammate needs a pick-me- a conference in March. The new Trader noted that Johnson (13.4 foods, the dietician remarking,
never a second that we aren’t all up, or encouraging them to state-of-the-art EXS lab has been a points per game) enhances the team’s “You were eating like a teenager
laughing. I can remember a particular keep pushing on the field when great addition to our program. perimeter scoring. “We’re confident with a credit card.”
bus ride to one of our games when they’re tired. It means leading Q: What’s one change you would in her scoring ability, which takes
we decided to do karaoke with a twist. by example, pushing myself on make at Wesleyan that would pressure off other players,” the coach Coach Trader now does more of
After putting on headphones, we were and off the field. I’m working improve life for student-athletes said, adding that Johnson sets an her own meal preparation, allowing
each given a random song to sing— hard for the team, so I expect my or students in general? example for her teammates with the her to monitor her sodium and sugar
mine was “Jesus Take the Wheel” by team to work hard for me. I have A: If I could make one change on extra work she puts into her game intake. She has not eaten fried food
Carrie Underwood. Not only was this a passion for leading and I was campus, it would be to add more outside of practice. since February and now opts for
the time that my teammates learned I honored to have the opportunity standing desks in the library and in salmon, baked chicken and plenty
could sing; we also learned that many to do that for my team. the classrooms. It would not just be Taylor (7.2 ppg, 3.6 assists per of fruits and vegetables. Having ab-
of our teammates could NOT sing. It Q: How will you continue to for comfort. Every student learns game) continues to lead the attack stained from beef and pork for the past
made for tons of laughs and memo- participate in soccer, now that the differently, and some may find that at point guard, Trader said, noting, 25 years, Trader admitted that sugar
ries that will last a lifetime. collegiate career is over? they’re more attentive while standing. “An opposing coach recently told has been the biggest challenge for her.
Q: What did you learn about your- A: Soccer is passion of mine that I Q: Talk about your plans for after her, ‘You’re the head of the snake “That’s the hardest part,” she said.
self in the past four years? don’t think will ever go away.Al- graduation. What are you hoping to and I’ll be glad when I don’t have to
A: An awareness about who I am though my competitive career is com- do with your exercise science degree? include you in the scouting report.’” For the first time in nine years
as a person. I’ve learned that I ing to an end, I would like to play in A: I’m super excited about my Trader will not be joined on the
have a passion for education and an adult league after I leave college.A plans after I leave Wesleyan. I’ve Able to play shooting guard as well bench by assistant coach Desiree
caring for people, which has al- been interviewing for doctoral as the three forward positions, Jones Driver, who departed to become the
programs in occupational therapy. (6.3 ppg, 7.7 rebounds per game) pro- head coach for rivalAverett Uni-
Off to 6-3 Start, Hoops Team My top choice is Shenandoah Uni- vides the Bishops with needed flex- versity.As Coach Dez’s successors,
Seeks Continuous Improvement versity (Va.), followed Radford ibility. “She can play the two through Charnissa Chillers, a 2020 graduate
Led by all-conference guard Dixon said that last year’s (Va.) and Methodist. After gradu- five on the court and does it at a high from Radford University, coaches the
Damon McDowell, the men’s bas- tournament loss to Averett—a ate school, I’d like to specialize level,” said Trader, who loves not just team’s guards, while Wesleyan alum
ketball team has jumped to 6-3 start. week after Wesleyan beat the in pediatrics and sports medicine, her player’s versatility, but her enthu- Russell Rouse coordinates the post
Cougars in the regular season working in an outpatient clinic. siasm. “She’s the type that will cheer players. “Both coaches bring a ton of
Last season the Bishops fin- finale—stung for a while. It was the hardest on the bench and play the energy and a very detail-oriented ap-
ished 8-2 in the USA South, tying the second year in a row that hardest on the court. JuJu does what- proach in the teaching of the game,”
for first in the East Division before Dixon and the Bishops had been ever is necessary for us to win.” Trader said of her new assistants.
the team was ousted by Averett, in ousted by their Virginia rivals.
an upset, during the semi-finals of Trader returned the sidelines less
the conference tourney. The junior said he and his Bishop Sports Briefs
teammates try not to dwell on Men’s Soccer driquez tallied the opening goal Southern Virginia taking the men’s
Guard Brayden Dixon said the last year’s season-ending game, Cary, NC--Freshman Fred Rog- and Luca Zallo added insurance and women’s titles.
team is determined to avoid last but…. “As a team, I bet we all ers posted three shutouts in the in the second half, as the Bishops
year’s outcome. As an illustra- have the Averett games circled USA South soccer tourney, but the eliminated Averett, 2-0. Rogers SV’s Dylan May took individual
tion of the team’s commitment, on our calendar,” he said. Bishops still fell in the tittle match made five saves in the victory. honors in the men’s meet, running
he pointed to an early-season when Covenant beat them, 3-1, in the 8,000-meter Wesleyan campus
matchup with rival Methodist dur- McDowell once again finds penalty kicks on November 6. Fred Rogers course in 25:01. Placing seventh
ing the Virginia Wesleyan Tip-off himself leading the conference in The two teams battled to a score- among the 13 teams, the Bishops
Tournament. Though the Bishops scoring at 19.5 points per game. less tie through 90 minutes plus two Cross Country were paced by Philly Barungi,
trounced the Monarchs, 90-59, the Dixon is glad his teammate overtime periods, as the Bishops NC Wesleyan played host to the who finished 44th, one second
coaches and players were back to elected to use his extra year of outshot the Scots 11-10. Then Cov- USA South Conference champi- ahead of teammate Maleik Small.
work the next day, watching game eligibility, as the Bishops seek to enant’s Parker Owen, Jay Patterson onship races on October 30, with
film and practicing on the court, repeat as East Division champs. and Kade Theunissen all converted Piedmont’s Val Angel won
looking for ways to improve. “He makes everyone around him their PKs, while goalkeeper Henry the women’s meet with a time
better with his presence,” he said. Hooks snuffed two Bishops and one of 23:01 over the 6,000-meter
“We’re all on a never-ending other struck the crossbar on his shot. course. Wesleyan’s top finisher
quest to be the best we can be Asked to name the stiffest com- Wesleyan, 5-2 in the regular sea- was Teanna Bellamy, who placed
every single day,” Dixon said. petition the East Division, Dixon son, opened the conference tourney 34th with a time of 26:34.
“Coaches have laid the founda- called Pfeiffer a daunting oppo- by defeating Brevard in dramatic
tion. The expectation is that this nent, pointing out that the former fashion, asAugustin Rodriquez Volleyball
year will be different from last Division II program is bringing broke a scoreless tie in the 100th Wesleyan’s volleyball team tied
year. We know we have a lot of back many of the players from minute during OT. The Bishops Pfeiffer for fifth place in the East
work to do. We feel we haven’t last year’s successful campaign. had dominated play for much of the Division, with both teams finish-
even cracked the surface.” contest, firing 18 shots, and taking ing 9-9 in conference action.
10 corner kicks to Brevard’s one. But the Falcons qualified for
In second round action, Ro- the final tournament slot based
on a tiebreaker.

See BRIEFS pg 6

December 16, 2021 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 5


Profiles: Librarians Enjoy Supporting Wesleyan Students
Wesleyan’s reference staff
wants the college community Chip Larkin Randolph-Schoneck Photo mother-in-law, Suzanne; and our two That’s not true for me! I enjoy organizing A: I was an in Instructional Services
to know that there is more to dogs, Riley and Maya, both rescues. information, disseminating that informa- Librarian at Wayne Community Col-
the library than books and phone questions, and, helping with We just moved from Raleigh to Rocky tion, and finding new ways to engage my lege from 2007-2012.
databases. And, believing their media lab equipment, laptops, room Mount over the summer. So this fall users in retaining that content by building Q: What’s a typical day like for you
services are under-utilized, they reservations, equipment or main- we’ve all been getting to know the appealing interactive activities. Librarian at the NCWC library?
urge students to involve the tenance issues, as needed. Then, city, which has been fun. For hobbies work is perfect for me in that regard. A: In my office I work on longer-
reference department in their typically there will be a longer-term I like hiking, reading, listening to Q: What are the traits that make for a term projects, put together book or-
projects, whether they’re writ- library project, maybe something music, and doing DIY projects. successful librarian? ders, send and answer emails, cover
ing a research paper or explor- related to process improvement or an LIST OF FAVORITES: A: You need to be an analytical thinker. the library chat system. I also attend
ing a personal interest. upcoming event. If there’s a library You have to search for information and online committee meetings and
instruction class that day, I prep TELEVISION SHOWS: Recent ones: evidence. Analytical thinkers will find webinars. On Tuesday nights, and at
“If you need help, ask,” said for that, then visit the classroom or “Loki,” “The Mandalorian,” “What and evaluate every bit of information other times during the week, I’m at
Terrence Martin. attend by Zoom. It’s always a high We Do in The Shadows.” Classics: they can find on a particular subject. the reference desk helping students,
point. I enjoy letting students know “Parks and Recreation,” “Great British Besides an intense curiosity, it helps to faculty and other library users.
The Decree compiled the about the amazing resources in our Baking Show.” be creative. Creative thinkers are fasci- Q: What’s one misconception about
following profiles of the three library. Throughout a typical day MOVIES: Recent: “Hunt for The Wil- nated with the world around them. the nature of librarians?
librarians, all members of the there’s one or more meetings maybe derpeople,” “Lily Topples the World,” Q:What do you like most about A: One is that we read books all the
Wesleyan faculty. with a student for research. Some “Come and See.” All-time Favorites: working at NC Wesleyan? time. I wish that were true, but I usually
days I have a school committee “Dark Knight,” “Seven Samurai.” A: I enjoy working with my colleagues. don’t have a lot of time to read at work.
Chip Larkin meeting, or professional association MUSICAL ARTISTS: Recent enthu- In the Pearsall Library we have a team Q.: What do you like most about
meeting/webinar. siasms: Gillian Welch, Lee Scratch dedicated to ensuing that students and working at NC Wesleyan?
HOMETOWN: Born in New York City. Q: What’s a misconception about the Perry, Bob Dylan, Archie Shepp. faculty get what they need. A: I would say it’s the diverse group
Grew up in Matawan, New Jersey. nature of librarians? All-time Favorite: Luna (an alt-rock/ Q: What’s one suggestion you have for of students at the college. I like
JOBTITLE: Assistant Professor, In- A: One of the newer misconceptions is dream pop band from the 90’s). better utilization of your services by working with the library staff to find
struction and Assessment Librarian. that everything is online, so why do we FOODS: Barbeque (always good, not just students but faculty and staff? ways to better serve the students,
AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: Infor- need print books, physical libraries, or any style). I also like Indian, Thai, A:The number one suggestion would faculty, and staff. As director, I find
mation literacy, library instruction, librarians? While an incredible amount Mediterranean, Italian cuisines. be “If you need help, ask.” it rewarding to lead the college into
archives and special collections, of information is available online, PLACE: Glacier National Park in Q: If the library were to receive a $1 the future.
makerspace (3D printing). much has not been digitized, and be- Montana--my wife and I have taken million grant, how would you spend Q: What’s one suggetion you have for
DATE OF EMPLOYMENT: January 2017 yond that, many users still prefer print several trips there. It’s breathtaking. the money? better utilization of your services by
YOUR DEGREES: Rutgers University, books. At the same time, libraries are TEAMS: Boston Red Sox (Go Sox!). A: With a $1 million grant, I would like not just students but faculty and staff?
B.A., English; Rutgers University, MLS, more than dispensers of information; BOOKS: Recent ones: “Do Not Sell to see better automated equipment added A: I really wish that more people
Library and Information Studies; Uni- they’re also places to gather for study, at Any Price: The Wild, Obsessive to already-established services. I would: would realize that we possess many
versity of Utah, MFA,Art (Ceramics). or hold social, group and community Hunt for the World’s Rarest 78 Rpm • Install a checkout lock box so students resources besides academic books.
Q: What are your primary research events. Library staff help connect users Records” by Amanda Petrusich and and faculty can access laptops and We offer a large collection of juve-
interests? to both information and their commu- “Jun Kaneko: The Space Between” related equipment on their own. nile fiction and nonfiction, DVDs,
A: They’re focused on information nity, even if it’s in a virtual sense. by Glenn R. Brown, about an artist • Increase employee salaries by 15 and popular fiction that faculty, staff,
literacy--helping library users develop Q: What are the traits of successful who makes large, colorful clay sculp- percent. and students can borrow.
the skills to find the information they librarian? tures. Favorite authors: Paul Auster, • Update all furniture in the library. Q: If the library were to receive a $1
need for their own research. More A:You don’t have to be a big reader to be Jane Austen, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, • Hire two more faculty members million grant, how would spend the
broadly I’m interested in technology successful in this field. For me the most Toni Morrison, I. B. Singer. as part of the library staff. money?
and digital literacy, helping users important traits are curiosity, persistence, Q: Do you prefer books or Kindle- • Build onto the mezzanine in the A: With that much money, we could
to experience technology that they and a real enjoyment in helping people. type devices? back of the library. remodel the older section of the
might not have used in the past. I re- Much of my job is detective work; I’m A: I was reading more on a screen, but Q:What do you like to do outside of work? library and make more study rooms.
cently gave a conference presentation trying to locate the best sources of infor- switched back to reading more print in A: I’m terrible golfer, but I do enjoy We could also get newer furniture for
titled “Are We There Yet? Using Vir- mation, and sometimes I might try many the evenings; it’s much more relaxing. playing. I’m restoring a 1998 BMW the whole library, expand the Internet
tual Reality and Augmented Reality different resources or strategies. 740i. I like playing video games such Café, and enlarge the computer lab.
for Information Literacy Instruction,” Q: What do you like most about Terrence Martin as COD, Tom Clancy: Division 2, Mor- As far as electronic resources go, we
which looked at the state of inexpen- working at NC Wesleyan? tal Kombat X, Pac Man, and Dig Dug. could get a few more that we haven’t
sive smartphone-based VR/AR apps A: We’re a small enough college that HOMETOWN: Greensboro. been able to afford.
and their potential for instruction. it’s easy to get to know a lot of students. JOBTITLE: Embedded and Online Terrence Martin Q:What do you like to do outside of work?
Q: Describe non-library jobs you’ve I really like helping them find sources. Services Librarian. LIST OF FAVORITES: A: I spend time with my husband,
worked in the past. It’s wonderful to hear that a student DATE OF EMPLOYMENT: August 2017. Rich; I like to read; watch TV; and
A: In college, I worked at Sears earned a good grade on a paper or other YOUR DEGREES: North Carolina TELEVISION SHOWS: “The Simp- hang out with our family.
on the loading dock and delivered assignment that took a lot of time and A&T State University, bachelor’s in sons,” “The Cosby Show,” “Mar- LIST OF FAVORITES:
appliances, grills, and garden trac- effort on their part. The library is part of Social Work, with minor in Sociolo- vel’s: What if…?” TELEVISION SHOWS: Current:
tors. I put together a lot of grills and the Bishop family, and we’re all work- gy; North Carolina Central Universi- MOVIES: “Let’s Do it Again” and “Blue Bloods,” British mysteries.
got pretty good at moving heavy ing toward helping our students. ty, Master of Library Science (MLS). “Uptown Saturday Night.” All-Time Favorites: “Gilmore Girls,”
appliances, like getting a refrigera- Q.: What’s one suggestion you have for Q: What are your primary research MUSICAL ARTISTS: A Tribe Called “Murder, She Wrote,” and “Full
tor down narrow basement stairs by better utilization of your services by not interests? Quest, De La Soul, Dean Martin, and House.”
cradling it in a moving blanket. I’ve just students but faculty and staff? A: My research interests include build- Frank Sinatra. MOVIES: “Gone with the Wind,”
also been employed at offices, call A.: This may sound simple, but just come ing asynchronous/synchronous instruc- CUISINE: Jamaican. “Captain America: Winter Soldier,”
centers, a UPS sorting facility, and talk to us. You might not think a particular tional courses and tutorials as a way PLACE: Florida. “The Music Man,” “Newsies,” and
various manufacturing jobs. book or article or other source is available to link information literacy to learning TEAMS: The North Carolina A&T “The Wedding Singer.”
Q: Describe your previous library to us, but often it is; it’s either here or we outcomes in library instruction. football, track and basketball teams. MUSICAL ARTISTS: I like Motown,
experience. can access it through a different library. Q: Describe your previous library- 80s and 90s pop and rock, and Chris-
A: While getting my MLS at And we’re more than just books, more related experience? Rachel Roy tian worship music.
Rutgers, I worked at the university than just databases--we offer video equip- A: I’ve held many jobs over the CUISINE: Italian.
library in the archives and special ment, laptops, and 3D printing. years, some at libraries, some at HOMETOWN: Winston-Salem. PLACE: Kiawah Island and Charles-
collections department. After gradu- Q: If the library were to receive a $1 other organizations. I’ve worked at JOBTITLE: Director of the Library/ ton, South Carolina.
ating, I worked first in the archives million grant, how would spend the Winston-Salem State University as Collection Development Librarian. TEAM: Duke Blue Devils.
of the United Federation of Teach- money? an information literacy coordinator/ DATE OF EMPLOYMENT: November LITERARY GENRE: I love to read
ers in New York City and then spent A: We could create more study rooms eLearning developer; and Bennett 2012. mysteries and thrillers.
eight years as the Archivist for (for individuals or small groups), either College as an evening reference librar- YOUR DEGREES: Milligan Univer- Q: Do you prefer to read books or
AT&T in New Jersey. There were by constructing an addition or convert- ian. Among other positions I was a sity, B.S. in Business Administration; Kindle-type devices?
many unique documents at AT&T, ing existing sections of the library web content editor/training coordina- North Carolina Central University, A: I love print books—I’m used to
such as Watson’s notebook in which building. I would put that at the top of tor at SciMetrika; and an instructional Master of Library Science (MLS). them and my eyes get tired when I
he recorded Alexander Graham the list, based on need. A grant would designer at the American Institute of Q: Describe your previous non- read from my phone or computer.
Bell’s first words to him by phone also allow us to purchase technology- Certified Public Accountants. library jobs.
in 1876. There were also many cool -a virtual reality lab, automated laptop Q: Describe your typical day at the A: Before becoming a librarian, I Rachel Roy Randolph-Schoneck Photo
tech artifacts like early transis- checkout kiosks, a data visualization NCWC library. worked in two medical offices as a
tors, solar cells, and lasers. While room, more media lab and makerspace A: I provide research assistance to records tech and a medical secretary.
I enjoyed the historical technology equipment, and access to more data- students and faculty to aid in answer- Q: Describe previous library experience.
in that job, I felt isolated, without bases and resources. ing two important questions:
a lot of opportunities to share the Q:What do you like to do outside of work? • How do I find resources in our
resources. Moving to North Caro- A: I spend a lot of time with my fami- library collection (i.e. book, article
lina, I got a chance to reenter the ly--my wife Jackie; our son, Noah; my or reference material)? and
larger library world, first in a public • Can you help my class with their
library in Raleigh, and then for six research assignment?
years as a librarian at ITT Technical
Institute, where I focused on library These two questions are at
instruction and promotion of infor- the core of what librarians do.
mation literacy. I also got to teach These tasks are administered
college intro courses as an adjunct. throughout the semester with the
Q: What’s a typical day like for you assistance of students and faculty
at the NCWC library? engaged in the research process.
A: On a typical day, I might start with Q: What’s one misconception about
a shift on the reference/circulation the nature of librarians?
desk, answering in-person questions A:Ahuge misconception is thatALL
about library resources, citations, for- librarians love to read lengthy novels.
matting papers. On the desk I’d also
be answering online chat, email or

6 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 December 16, 2021


New Professor Joins NC Wesleyan Psychology Department
Dr. Alyssa Jones, a special- Wesleyan University in 2015. University in 2015; M.S. in General AT NC WESLEYAN: Cognitive
ist in eyewitness memory and Following is a profile as part Psychology (2018) and a Ph.D. in Psychology, Introduction to Psy-
identification, has joined the Educational Psychology with a focus chology, Physiological Psychology,
psychology faculty as an assis- of the Decree’s continuing on Experimental/Cognitive Psychol- Research Methods in Psychology,
tant professor. series on new faculty: ogy from Texas A&M University- Psychological Statistics, Learning,
JOB TITLE AT NCWC: Assistant Commerce (2021). Drugs and Human Behavior, Senior
She moved to North Carolina Professor of Psychology. PREVIOUS JOB EXPERIENCE: Seminar, as well as Special Topics
from her home state of Texas, YOUR HOMETOWN: Fort Worth, Texas. Applied Cognition Lab Coordinator/ on a variety of topics such as Eye-
where she earned her graduate DEGREES EARNED: B.A. in Graduate Assistant Researcher at witness Memory, Face Processing,
degrees as well as a BA at Texas Psychology from Texas Wesleyan Texas A&M University-Commerce. Meditation, and Pseudoscience.
Rev. Drum Transitions to Visiting emphasize an instructional method
Professor after 16 Years as Chaplain that provides students with the tools
Dr. Barry Drum, long a famil- last summer, when, he said, the education, Southeastern Baptist Professor Alyssa Jones and support to become life-long,
iar face on campus, whether at Methodist Church made changes Seminary at Wake Forest. His skilled learners. I think it’s important
prayer services, a lecture podium, in its chaplaincy program. dissertation, titled “The Wesleyan PREVIOUSTEACHING EXPERI- to ensure that students apply what
commencement ceremonies Way: A Methodist Methodology ENCE: Graduate Assistant Teacher at they learn in the classroom to the
or Bishop football games, has He is now a full-time member of Making Disciples,” is scheduled Texas A&M University-Commerce real world. It’s crucial for students
moved from the chaplain’s office of the religious studies department to be published later this year. for six years. I primarily taught to understand not only what they’re
to a full-time teaching position. as a visiting assistant professor. Research Methods in Psychology/ learning; they also need to know why
Drum said he still enjoys teaching Married to the former Karen Experimental Psychology and, to a they’re learning it and how to use it
He began as an adjunct instructor both traditional and APS classes. Jones for the past 38 years, Drum lesser extent, Introduction to Psychol- in their everyday lives. This entails
at the college in 2000. “I instantly is the father of a son, Kenan, ogy, Abnormal Psychology, Forensic the following: 1) the application
fell in love with the uniquely “I’m convinced the religious who’s an attorney with the North Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, of psychological concepts, espe-
diverse campus,” he recalled. studies program is the strongest it’s Carolina state legislature. His and Psychological Statistics. cially those involving cognition and
ever been at Wesleyan,” he said. hobbies include motorcycles, WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO NCWC: instruction, to facilitate optimal learn-
Drum said he’s taught a full cars, and tree farming. Having attended a Wesleyan institu- ing, 2) the use of experiential learn-
course load at Wesleyan ever A graduate of Millbrook High tion, I was interested in a small, ing assignments that promote student
since his first year. The Catawba School in Raleigh, Drum earned a Drum said he enjoys all aspects student-oriented environment such engagement, and 3) the incorporation
County native continued to B.A. in sociology from the Univer- of teaching at Wesleyan. He be- as NCWC’s. I want to be the type of of scientific research to develop and
teach as an adjunct until 2002, sity of North Carolina at Chapel lieves the intimate class sizes pro- professor that I had as an under- refine critical-thinking skills.
when he was hired as a part- Hill; a B.S. in religion, Emmanuel vide the college with an advantage graduate, meaning I want to inspire HOBBIES: Writing poetry and spending
time chaplain. That turned into a College of Franklin Springs, Geor- over larger schools, adding, “It’s students to understand that they’re time with my two cats, TunaLuna and Viz.
full-time position in 2005 and he gia; an M.Div. degree in religion, very satisfying when I see Battling worthy and capable of pursuing their LIST OF FAVORITES:
filled that role--while still teach- Duke University; a master’s in Bishop alumni succeed in life.” goals. It only takes one professor to FAVORITE TV SHOWS: “Game of
ing a heavy course load--until adult education, North Carolina change a student’s life, so becoming Thrones” and “Hawkeye.”
State; and a doctorate in religious part of a faculty that believes the FAVORITE MOVIES: Any Marvel
Bishops Make New Year’s Resolutions…or Not same is exactly where I need to be. movie, plus “Ready Player One.”
By Mary Alice Butler of creating new goals for the year, that New Year’s resolutions can YOUR AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: FAVORITE MUSICAL ARTIST: Tash
Decree Staff Writer but worries about setting unrealis- giveAmericans an excuse to pro- Cognitive psychology, in particular Sultana.
eyewitness memory and identifica- FAVORITE CUISINE: Tex Mex.
At the end of every year, tic ones. “You can feel pressured crastinate and not make necessary tion. My dissertation title was: “Filler FAVORITE BOOK(S): “Harry Potter.”
Americans reflect on their at the start of every year to have changes. “We live in a world of Selection Method Effects on Lineup FAVORITE PLACE: Seattle.
adventures, hardships, and hab- some kind of extravagant goals,” uncertainty, so why wait?” she said. Identification and Lineup Fairness.” ONE SURPRISING THING ABOUT
its. They consider what went she said, “and it can become diffi- COURSES YOU EXPECT TO TEACH YOU: I like to hula-hoop, but not just
wrong or right, and what needs cult to achieve the high standards While she believes in mak- standard hooping. I do dance and
work. Their reflections are then you set for yourself.” ing changes on the spot, she BRIEFS from pg 4 trick hula-hooping.
shaped into their New Year’s understands that it may take The Bishops closed out the 2021
resolutions for the upcoming While some find NewYear’s some time to achieve her goals. season with two losses in a tri-meet enter next season without an in-
months, whether it involves resolutions to be fun, refreshing, and Saal stressed that it’s okay if it October 31 at Danville against cumbent quarterback. Three fresh-
losing weight, learning a new exciting, others find them stressful, takes you longer than others to Meredith and host Averett, which men—Marquis, Chaz Hirschman,
skill, or saving more money. unattainable, and time consuming. reach your destination. “Each beat Wesleyan in a five-set match. and Alex Stack—as well as
step, even a small one, is a step sophomore Storm Yarbrough all
Last month the Decree inter- “We make a resolution that is so forward,” she stated. Wesleyan ended the season took a significant number of snaps
viewed Wesleyan students, staff big in order for it to be meaningful with an overall record of 18-13, during 2021, with Yarbrough lead-
and faculty about their 2022 and then we get overwhelmed,” Other Bishops consider reso- its first winning mark since 2012. ing in most statistical categories
resolutions. Senior Chandler said Assistant Athletic Director lutions a waste of time. (65 of 130 passes for a 50 percent
Jordan believes that resolutions Mike Armbruster. Stat Leaders: Three seniors completion rate, six touchdowns,
are important for developing a “It’s stupid, the idea that on recorded more than 250 kills— five interceptions).
positive mindset for the year to Instead of annual resolutions, this magical day we all should Michaela Seawell (296), Lauren
come; at the same time, he ad- Armbruster sets smaller, more start a new resolution,” history Weaver (291), and Sydney After senior Jeff Black suf-
mitted he’s not been consistent achievable goals. One year he professor Chad Ross said. Barnwell (269). Junior defensive fered a season-ending injury,
in keeping past resolutions. read a book a month as a way to specialist Kira Kristjanson led the the running game was led by
improve both his professional He described it as an “unsuf- team with 460 digs, while sopho- Byrd, a sophomore (450 total
Jordan declined to share his and personal life, he said. ferable idea” that Americans more setter Sloan Martin fell just yards, or 4.6 yards per carry)
put their goals on hold until the short of 1,000 assists with 986 and freshman Trevon Crank
Junior Gabby Saal pointed out start of a new year. (the program record is 1,260, set (571 yards, 5.9 per carry.)
BASS from pg 3 in 2007 by Caitlin George).
goals for 2022 but said he’s hospitals to catch their new RN 2Q1:,0H0o0w, thheasbtohaerdpaenstdimematiecs. Women’s Soccer
hoping to achieve them this residents to share information impacted the nursing shortage as Besides tallying the second The Bishops crushed Salem
time. He advises others to set rQe:gNarodwinlgetW’setsallekyaabno’ustptrhoegfriaemld. well as enrollments in nursing most kills on the team, Weaver College, 3-0, in a Senior Day
smaller goals and not to put a of nursing in general. There was pAr:oTghraempasnadreomunicdhtahseecxoaucnertbrya?ted ranked first in blocks with 95. matchup at Scalf Field.
time limit on their resolutions. high demand for nurses even be- existing problems. As I noted ear- The middle blocker earned a Senior Alicia Jacobs posted a
fAo:rWe thhielepiat’nsdtreume ithcasttsroumcke, correct? lier, there was already a shortage spot on All-Conference Second shutout for Wesleyan, stopping
Desiree Walker, a sopho- nurses of nurses. Then many nurses, some Team, East Division. the only two shots she faced
more on the volleyball team, have left the profession in the past already near retirement, left at the from the Salem offense.
has resolved to hit the weight two years, the current shortage is beginning of the pandemic, while Football Seniors tallied the first two goals
room and focus on endurance more a case of supply vs. demand. others left the profession rather than The Bishops football team for the Bishops, with Khristel
and muscle definition. Walker The aging Baby Boomer population submit to vaccination mandates. lost three of its last four games, Thompson and Megan Mackey each
grew up in a home where mak- is affecting the rate of supply for finishing with a 4-4 conference scoring their second of the season.
ing resolutions was a common RNs, as many leave the field due to Of course, the pandemic has record (4-6 overall). The Bishops made it back-to-
practice for her family. normal retirement. At the same time, dampened overall enrollment and On Senior Day, Wesleyan back wins a week later with a
the population is living longer with challenged students who have en- vanquished Southern Virginia, the 1-0 victory over visiting Averett.
Asked to offer advice to others, more comorbidities, requiring more tered the program. When you think newest member of the USA South Jacobs made four saves for the
she responded, “Just go for it, dude.” healthcare resources for longer peri- about it, our students often serve as Conference, by a score of 19-10. shutout, while Vendela Dolsenius
ods. In October, WakeMed Hospital “front-line” nursing staff, who’ve QB Zach Marquis led the way, recorded the game’s only goal on
Sports Information Direc- reported that Wake County alone has been required to work additional passing for three touchdowns, an assist from Allison Newman.
tor Troy Baranik believes in 800 vacancies for nursing positions. shifts due to staffing shortages. Fre- while Anthony Byrd gained 121 The final match saw the Bish-
making resolutions but ac- Due to growing nurse short- quently they’re trying to balance yards on 27 carries, and line- ops fall to Greensboro, 1-0, on
knowledges that he’s not always age, the North Carolina Board of heavy workloads, homeschool and backer Luke Morehead recorded the road October 24.
consistent. In 2022 he intends to Nursing created the NC Nursecast other family obligations, and their a team-high nine tackles. Wesleyan placed eighth in the
learn more about live-streaming interactive supply vs. demand own studies. The pandemic has In the season finale, host East Division with a 3-6 record.
athletic events, improve his forecasting application. By 2033, really tested their resilience. Methodist pounded the Bishops, Methodist finished first with
writing, and train a new intern. we’re expecting the state to rank 38-7, amassing 671 yards in total an unblemished 9-0 confer-
second in the U.S. for the highest It’s worth noting that in the past offense. Wesleyan’s Byrd ran for ence mark after the Monarchs
Junior Makayla Ahart is number of nurse vacancies at two years traditional BSN programs 189 yards in the losing effort. yielded just four goals in
taking a different route with 12,000. Due to early retirements, have seen their enrollment increase, Wesleyan’s young team will conference action. Newcomer
her resolutions. She wants to that number could rise as high as as college students want to become Southern Virginia was second
save more money, she said. part of the nursing profession. The in the division at 6-3.
Employed at an Italian restau- pandemic has really illuminated the
rant back home, Ahart often contribution made by nurses.
struggles with her spending
habits, a trait, she said, that she
inherited from her mother.

Ahart believes in the basic idea

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