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Published by North Carolina Wesleyan University, 2021-01-13 12:48:42

The Decree- December 2020


Keywords: decree

The Decree
since 1960 “of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.” December 18, 2020

N O R T H C A R O L I N A W E S L E YA N C O L L E G E , R O C K Y M O U N T, N O R T H C A R O L I N A 2 7 8 0 4

Senior Appreciates His Mother’s Sacrifices during Pandemic
By Isaiah Johnson her complain. Then she decided to make a her back was killing her. At those times,
Decree Staff Writer immune system due to organ transplants. change and enrolled in a nursing program at I wished there were something more I
OnWednesday,March11,Iwaspreparing Unable to leave home much, I spent hours Tidewater Community College. Soon she could do to help her. My mother confided
to watch my favorite NBAteam, the Okla- in a tiny room, decorated in unicorns and found herself working full time, attending in me, trusted me, relied on me to not
homaCityThunder,playagainsttheUtahJazz Strawberry Shortcake, that once belonged to classes and raising two kids, with a third only take care of daily affairs around the
on TV. Then, just before tip-off, both teams Imani. I slowly slipped into a depression that in college. Often she would get only four house, but to motivate her to keep going.
wentbacktothelockerroom.NeverhadIseen plagued me for months. I missed hanging hours of sleep a night. As a college student,
a game abruptly stopped like this.After about out with my friends, going to the beach, and I know how hard managing school and “You should take a day off, Mom,”
30 minutes, news broke that a Jazz player just enjoying myself outside of the house. I work can be. But my mother excelled in I would say.
had tested positive for the coronavirus. That missed my summer job and my coworkers her coursework, finishing in the top five
player turned out to be all-star center Rudy at Food Lion, where I had worked during in her class, and opening numerous op- “I have bills and goals, son, I have to
Gobert,whotwodaysearlier,madeamockery every Wesleyan break since freshman year. portunities for herself. work. It’s too much money to be made,”
of the virus during a press conference by rub- It is no easy feat to take care of a 7-year- she said as she plopped down on the couch,
bing his hands on a table and microphones. old for an entire summer. Like any 7-year-old, She graduated in fall 2019 and began still in her purple scrubs.
Like most of the country during this time, Imani was often difficult. I had to act as her working full-time as a nurse, four months
Gobert was not taking the coronavirus teacher and make sure she did her homework. before the pandemic hit. During the past I knew my mother’s goal and why she
seriously.After news broke, not only did the I realized that instructing a kid in elemen- Senior Isaiah Johnson and his mother, few months, she has often worked 12-15 put so much time into her new career—she
NBAgo into a panic, but so did the entire tary school is hard. I recall helping her with Melody. hours a day. Despite the danger, every day wanted to move. We had lived in Norfolk,
nation. The NBApostponed its season, and her math homework and trying not to get Photo courtesy of I. Johnson she risked her life to make sure our family Virginia all 21 years of my life. For my
American cities went into lockdown. Due to frustrated that she was unable to understand could stay afloat, but, at first, I was too blind youngest sibling, my mother wanted a new
the pandemic, the world changed so suddenly. a problem. I had to show her why 10 plus 10 was great. She is a much better cook than to see that. I had to make “sacrifices” that I life and she knew that serving as a nurse
equals 20, not just that it does. I saw this also I am as I would only make simple items should have been more willing to make. during a pandemic enabled her to do that.
The pandemic dramatically changed the with rounding, as she didn’t understand why like hamburger helper, baked subs, and Norfolk is a dangerous city, and I have lost
lives of millions of college students across 18 rounds up to 20 and not ten. cheeseburgers. India would make the much Day after day, I watched my mother many friends over the years to gun violence.
the country. Having just turned 21 on March more exquisite foods like spaghetti, baked work countless hours, getting minimal Moving to a new area like Hampton al-
5, I had planned to finish my spring semester “There’s only two numbers between 18 chicken, and the desserts. I also learned how sleep. She would often complete an 8 a.m. lowed my family to not only go somewhere
at Wesleyan with the best grades ever. I then and 20, Imani, that’s why you round up.” picky a 7-year-old can be. There were some to 11 p.m. shift and get home around mid- new but also escape the dangers of Norfolk.
planned to have the summer of a lifetime. But nights when I made dinner and Imani just night. Sometimes she worked overnight.
then Covid arrived inAmerica and, with the “Ohhhh” she said, seeming to finally flat-out refused to eat it because she wanted Sometimes she worked a second shift at In July, she accomplished her goal.
postponement of classes back in mid-March, understand. something else, often a grilled cheese. a different hospital. Because of her crazy After 21 years, we moved to Hampton.
came an attitude that was hard for me to shake. schedule, my mom leaned on me to make
I eventually realized it’s more about the The Nurse sure my sisters ate, went to sleep in a My mother continues to work hard. It’s been
Procrastination, laziness, and overall process than the outcome. I had to slow In recent years, my mother, Melody, has timely manner, and stayed out of trouble. inspiring to me to see the strength my mother
apathy ruled my life for the next couple of down the lessons and even though we had to balance a lot of demands. Raising three has shown during this time. She has done the
months. With the world in such turmoil, might spend 20 minutes on one problem, children, she had worked as a house cleaner Some days I watched my mother come unthinkable. I learned many lessons during
why should I worry about school? After I felt immediate satisfaction when she and, when money was tight, she did hair. into the house and collapse from outright this pandemic, but the main one has been the
a couple weeks of getting accustomed to began to understand. Nothing ever came easy, but I never heard exhaustion. She would often grimace, as importance of sacrifice. Many times, I have got-
my home back in Virginia, online classes ten caught up with my own personal issues and
started. Soon I missed assignments and My sister India was helpful throughout have forgotten the bigger picture, family.
deadlines because I simply stopped caring the summer. We acted as a team, splitting
about school. Professors had to constantly chores like washing dishes, walking the NC Wesleyan Finishes 15 Weeks of In-Person
remind me to turn in work. My procrastina- dog, cooking, and helping my sister with Classes, Records Fall Total of 70 Covid Cases
tion and apathy were so bad that a month homework. India has dealt with kidney NC Wesleyan is still on pace to break Q: Decree: Could you provide details on sions staff trying to reach prospective students?
after the semester ended, I got an email and liver failure her whole life. She never even following a fall semester that saw it possible clusters of cases. A. Drew: Fall 2021 recruiting has been
from a professor asking me to turn in a pa- had the chance to live normally, even after complete 15 weeks of uninterrupted classes
per. I ended up passing my classes because her transplants in high school. India has despite 70 confirmed cases of Covid-19 A. Wyatt: There were a couple of small clus- challenging due to the restrictions on travel, the
even my professors knew how rough times numerous meds that she must take every among the campus community. ter developments around three athletic teams. instructional delivery of high schools (hybrid and
were among students and educators alike. I day to keep her new organs functioning. In We’ve seen no evidence the clustering of infec- online), and the absence of traditional college fairs.
made excuse after excuse until eventually, I turn, the meds weaken her immune system, Due to the pandemic, the college made tions was due to the way athletic practices were On-campus visits have declined from 1,428 in 2019
sucked it up and finished as best I could. making even the common cold precarious. an early decision to offer courses in a combi- structured; rather, the clusters appeared to have to 1,196 in 2020. But admissions counselors remain
nation of formats—face-to-face, online and come from social groupings of athletes taking in contact with every NCWC prospect. Admissions
I went on to “quarantine” the entire I always admired India’s strength and hybrid, which allowed physical distancing in more risks with exposure outside of practices. has hosted virtual sessions with partnering high
summer. Because of my mother’s hectic persistence through the toughest situa- the classrooms and other instructional areas. schools and participated in several virtual fairs
work schedule, I was in charge of my sisters, tions. She has always been the Robin to Q.Afall commencement ceremony was held sponsored by CarolinasAssociation of Collegiate
my Batman, and at times she was the one It’s significant that Wesleyan made it outdoors December 5. Why wasn’t this a violation Registrars andAdmissions Officers and the North
Students Express ConcernsImani,7,andIndia,18,whohasaweakenedleading the missions. I am no chef, so through the entire semester, while many of the governor’s latest rules on large gatherings? Carolina Independent Colleges and Universi-
having India to help with meal preparation state universities were forced to move all ties through Strive Scan.Admissions staff has
instruction online earlier in the fall. A. Duff: When fulfilling its mission, an developed an Instagram and YouTube accounts and
About On-line Instruction educational institution is exempt from the revised the NCWC College Virtual Tour that can be
By Will Plyler most difficult aspect of online classes. In late November, the Decree interviewed mass gathering guidelines outlined in the gov- found on staff and coun-
Senior Staff Writer Several students found that the online class Wesleyan President Evan Duff, Vice President ernor’s original executive order. The original selors maintain contact through email, telephone,
format made learning much more difficult, es- of Administration Suzanne Brackett, Provost guidelines have not changed throughout the traditional mail, as well as virtual meetings.
Many students find that they are not pecially in more difficult subject material. Junior Molly Wyatt and Dean ofAdmissions Michael multiple iterations of executive orders since
adequately prepared for their future careers Rebecca Mitchell, a psychology major, said Drew for an update on the college’s response to March. We feel that commencement is a major Q. Decree: What’s the latest news on the budget?
after taking online classes from NCWC. “Taking an online class is difficult, especially the pandemic and its current fiscal status. aspect of filling our instructional mission. Is the college still forecasting a break-even year?
with complex subjects, because some things are
The coronavirus pandemic has caused an very hard to ask or explain through email.” Q. Decree: Back in early August, would Q. Decree: Describe alterations the college made A. Brackett: As of the end of November,
unprecedented spike in the number of college you have predicted that the college would to ensure the safety and health of participants. we’re trending toward a break-even or a
students across the nation who are taking Junior Emily Ketchum thought so, too. hold face-to-face classes through week 15? slight surplus for year-end.
classes online. In North Carolina, UNC- The exercise science major said that the A: Duff: For safety, we moved the event
Chapel Hill, East Carolina, and NC State are hardest part about online classes was “try- A. Duff: That was always our hope. I feel outdoors to the front lawn while requiring masks Q. Decree: How much money has Wes-
among the universities that have already closed ing to fully comprehend the material.” the VIRT team planned well and we were at all times and participants adhered to social- leyan received from the federal government in
all in-person classes for the rest of the semester, prepared. I felt better about the possibility distancing guidelines. This will be a closed order to deal with the pandemic?And how has
opting to go completely online. Wesleyan has Faculty members also find the online class after about week four of the semester. ceremony for students only, although we will the money been spent?
made it through the semester with a combina- format challenging. Dr. Jason Buel, professor live-stream the event on our main web page.
tion of online, face-to-face, and hybrid courses. of communication and cinema and media arts, Q. Decree: How would you assess the college’s A. Brackett: The college received
said that the online instruction inhibits student response to the pandemic during the semester? Q. Decree: What’s the projection for $2,317,581 from the CARES Act and
A small, informal survey revealed that comprehension. “I feel like I need to dial back spring enrollment? How does that number $1,399,043 from the State Higher Education
57 percent of NCWC students do not the amount of content we cover,” Buel said, “to A. Duff: I thought it was exceptional.We compare to this fall as well as spring 2020? Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). About half
believe that online classes adequately make sure students have the time they need to implemented a well-developed plan based on best the CARES Act money was sent directly to
prepare students for their chosen careers. process and understand each new idea.” practices with some additional creative ideas from A. Duff: We’re at 88 percent of our goal, with students to help as needed during the pandem-
Some students admitted that the struggle VIRT, faculty, and staff. We required testing for many students (new and returning) who still need ic. Another major portion been used for tech-
was on their end, while others blamed the By contrast, three other faculty members, students before the semester, placed air purifiers to register. We’ve estimated for budget purposes nology needs to help enhance and strengthen
problem on professors and class content. including environmental science professor in most areas around the college, instituted a stag- that we’ll enroll 916 total traditional students for our on-line processes in various areas.
Daniel Elias and English professor Julie Perino, gered class schedule, and established an outdoor the spring. In the fall we had about 1,000 students
Twenty percent believe their professors do expressed their concern that some students lacked workout facility for students. All were unique ideas and spring enrollment is always lower than our We’ve used the state HEERF funds to help
not have the skills they need to teach online. the motivation to do the work in an online class. that helped to keep our Wesleyan community safe. fall enrollment.At this time, we’re trending better many of our North Carolina students with
Sophomore Ty Peele said that his profes- with the number of applications and deposits for their account balances and develop computer
sor seemed confused by the online format. “In online teaching, the student is required Q. Decree: FromAugust 1 through November spring compared to this same time last year. workstations in our residence halls. Both
“Knowing what to do on each assignment to take charge of their learning,” Dr. Perino 30, the college reported, on its web page, that there federal and state funds were used to purchase
(was difficult) because my professor would said. “(I can) provide examples, documents, had been 70 positive Covid cases among theWes- A. Wyatt: Per the closest corresponding report personal protective equipment, which includes
get lessons and assignments mixed together,” and feedback, but all of this is given to a void; leyan community.This total included 64 students from 2019, we had made about the same progress wipes, hand sanitizer, replacement air filters,
the computer information systems major said. we never really know if students engage with and six employees. How many members of the toward goal, 89 percent as of November 23, 2019. and other items, as needed.At this time, we’re
the materials. I email students who haven’t NCWC community have been hospitalized?
Senior Gabriel Guzman said that online been participating and turning in homework, Q. Decree: How has recruiting for fall 2021 See CLASSES pg 3
classes often have little educational value. “Some but often they never respond to me.” A. Wyatt: There were no Covid-related gone? It seems like the number of on-campus visits
teachers won’t actually teach anything,” he said. hospitalizations this fall. has dwindled in recent months. How is the admis-
“(They just) give a zoom call every three weeks.” Some students agree that motivation is
a problem. Senior religious studies major Fall 2020 graduation was moved outdoors, to the Braswell quad, due to the coronavirus. Masks were worn, social distancing was
Many students find themselves more Kevin Teague said that the hardest aspect of followed in the seating arrangements, and attendance was limited to graduates and some staff and faculty. Photos courtesy NC Wesleyan PR
or less on their own in the online class online classes was “staying focused.” Gill
environment. “You basically have to teach said that most students who take an online
yourself,” said senior honors student Mary class “only do the minimum to get by.”
Catherine Davis. “Most professors don’t
send out lectures. It’s all reading-based.” Ketchum said that many of her friends
who have taken online classes talk about
Senior Natalie Larson agreed. “I learned how they haven’t learned anything, but she
from teaching myself,” said Larson, a sociology too thought lack of motivation was to blame.
and organizational administration major. “There “Students don’t take the time to learn or teach
was a lot of busy work, but it didn’t help with themselves,” she said. “A lot of students just
actual learning. It was just time consuming.” do what they have to do to get through it. On-
line (classes) take a lot of discipline and some
Sophomore Jordan O’Leary echoed students don’t want to take charge.”
Davis and Larson. The business adminis-
tration major also cited busy work as the See CONCERNS pg 3

2 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 December 18, 2020


Black Students Recall Past Encounters with Police
By Mary Cat Davis questions. She described the experience as educated others, and learned a lot herself. ment, he said, the officer, drew his weapon
Senior Staff Writer comfortable and remembered officers being She wants people who are not Black to and flashlight. “Step out of the car with your Myrayna Watkins and her teammates held
nice to her. This was her last positive memory understand that the Black Lives Matter hands in the air,” the officer demanded. UNC-Greensboroto18percentshootingfrom
“Black Lives Matter” is a message being of the police. “I can’t say I remember a good movement will not end for her when it is no the field, as the Bishops upset the Division-1
heard around the world. Cries to stop police experience outside of the first one,” she said. longer trending in the news and social media. Upon exiting the vehicle, Loaisiga was Spartans,52-37,ontheroad. SI File Photo
brutality and discussions of systematic racism “I don’t get to turn off my history, my present, informed that he had been stopped because of Damon McDowell, averaging 21.8 points
have filled news and social media in conjunc- Years after, cops flooded her neighborhood or the possibility of my future getting cut short a local drug operation. He was soon let go, but per game, has led the Bishops to victories
tion with the presidential election. Wesleyan’s after a white boy from a predominantly white because of my skin color,” she said. not before the officer made the purpose of the over rivals Greensboro and Piedmont in
student population includes a significant neighborhood called the police. When her stop clear. “He said that I fit the description two early exhibition matchups. SI File Photo
number of Black students. This fact makes 18-year-old brother stepped out of his car, three The communication and computer informa- of someone suspicious,” Loaisiga said. “He
issues of racism, racial profiling, and police armed officers tackled him and then pinned tion systems major explained that her intersec- asked me a bunch of unnecessary questions
brutality especially relevant on campus. him to the ground and handcuffed him, she said. tionality as a Black woman gives her a unique after the fact and told me to go home.”
worldview. She values her existence in different
Each person of color has different experi- Her mother was “hysterical” as the of- spaces and the ability that she has to dominate Loaisiga’s views on officers have aligned
ences with police, racial profiling, and the ficers detained her brother, as Patel tried to them all. “I am underrepresented, disregarded, with this interaction after recent Black Lives
Black Lives Matter movement. Protests, peti- talk to the officers and explain her brother’s and underpaid,” she said. “But I am still a force.” Matter protests. Though he acknowledges
tions, and fundraisers have dominated social innocence. She remembers his calmness as that all officers are not the same, he is sad-
media posts and news highlights, but this he repeated the same words to his mother and Sophomore Jorge Loaisiga said that racial dened by the reactions of some police depart-
topic is a personal one. For some Wesleyan the police. “It’s okay, I didn’t do anything,” he profiling by police also extends to other people ments seen on news across America. “It
students, there is more to the issue than the said. This event could have gone differently of color in his personal experience as a Latino. makes me think about how they can see these
headlines, recent interviews showed. for her brother. “He didn’t commit the crime,” The Miami native and biology major heard things happen and not put a care or their voice
Patel said. “He just fit the description.” positive messages of police discussed as a child. forward,” he said. “I know they are there to
Black StudentAssociation President Tavon “I learned first that police officers were here to protect, yet I still feel like a target sometimes.”
Gregory described over Zoom the anxiety he Like Tavon Gregory, being pulled over for a protect us and control our environment,” he said.
experiences when he encounters police. On minor traffic stop has brought Patel anxiety. She “Some of my parents’friends were officers and In recent months Loaisiga has donated to
Easter 2017, he was pulled over for a broken was once stopped by police for a defective head- presented themselves with a humble personality.” Black Lives Matter protestors’funds and last
muffler. He didn’t recall the event itself as light. She remembers her obvious nervousness in summer participated in a Miami protest. He said
traumatizing and only received a warning for that moment as the officer approached the driver’s Loaisiga first encountered police at age he wants to be part of the movement and make
his muffler. Though it was a minor stop, he side of her car. “The officer could see it,” she said. fifteen. Living in an area with “negative change in his community. “As citizens, we
remembered his reaction to the lights behind “I get scared when I get stopped by the police.” influences” and soon labeled a “troubled shouldn’t have to continue to be put aside and
him. “My whole world stopped for five youth,” he and his friends were stopped by watch this happen,” he said. “One voice can’t
seconds,” he said. “I remember the exact date, As recent protests occurred, Patel said her two squad cars on their walk home from a lo- change the world, but together we’re stronger.”
his name, and what he looked like.” fear of police has gotten worse. She has always cal park. After one member of the group was
been told by her parents, Charmain andAbhi, found with drugs, Loaisiga’s parents were He urges non-Blacks to continue to
Gregory’s experiences with police did not to remain calm and respectful when speaking to called. He said he appreciated the officer’s educate themselves and become aware of
begin with fear. He was introduced to police officers. She was instructed to mention that she attempts to keep him calm in that moment. issues faced by people of color. He added
officers through his small-town childhood is a college student and a member of her school’s that it’s important to understand that an issue
in Oxford. “National Night Out,” a local an- volleyball team.They taught her to put her hands Loaisiga’s last encounter was more intense. that isn’t personal to you can be real for others
nual event, allows the Oxford community to in plain sight and remain still. She said she walks On his way home from a local gym, he was in the BLM era. “My experiences have shaped
get face-to-face with police. He remembers with more fear since protests began. “The fact is pulled over by police for driving with a broken who I have become,” he said. “I’ve been
this experience fondly as a child. The night that people hate people like me,” she said. “Now window. When the officer approached his car, taught that the world is hard and unfair some-
was a big event, boasting rock climbing they don’t feel like they have to hide it.” Loaisiga made a point to tell him that he need- times. We all need to walk with a purpose
walls and a Ferris wheel for family fun. “It ed to open his door. Despite this announce- and be the best person we can be every day.”
Junior Caitlin Leggett had clear memories
was a positive experience,” he said. of being racially profiled as a young Black
Though Gregory has not had many
interactions with officers since then, he does Wesleyan Athletics Plans for Busy Spring Seasonswoman.Thefirstincidentoccurredinabeauty
remember their presence as a child. Living in supply store in her hometown of Durham. Wesleyan’s basketball teams became personal responsibility of the 3 W’s (wearing short very early last year and there is a strong
a predominantly Black neighborhood, he re- Nine-year-old Leggett and her sister were fol- the first on campus to participate in game masks, waiting six feet apart and washing push to play them with as normal a schedule
called the routines of the local officers. He said lowed around the store. “An employee would action after fall athletes saw their seasons your hands) and continues with NCAA- as possible. I would expect changes to the con-
they sat in their squad cars in the neighborhood always make sure to be on my aisle,” she said. postponed till spring due to the pandemic. prescribed surveillance testing, which varies ference schedule that would decrease travel,
daily, sometimes venturing out to stop citizens. by sport and by the perceived risks of exposure but not necessarily the total number of games.
“They would shine their lights––like their When she was 13, Leggett was followed NCWCAthletic DirectorAaron Denton ex- for those activities. The NCAA has issued Again, it is too early to tell exactly what the
flashlights––or their car lights on our houses,” through Sephora at Durham’s Southpoint Mall. pects the fall teams to play at least 50 percent of the guidance for both practice and competition in situation will be in the spring.
he said. “I’m sure they profiled people.” She and her friends were browsing the store, games that each would play would in a normal two lengthy documents that cover spacing in the
hoping to kill time before a movie. As they fall. He added in a recent interview that the springs bench areas, the appropriate time to wear masks, Q. What complications might arise if both
Aside from Oxford’s National Night Out, made their way through the makeup displays, teams will play a full schedule, since their 2020 traveling, and the activities of officials. Our spring and fall teams play in spring? What steps
Gregory couldn’t name a positive memory there were eyes trained on them. “We would seasons were cut short by the pandemic last preparation for, and execution of, athletic events has the athletic department taken in response?
he has of police. Though officers were always get followed by an employee trying to March. Denton also announced the cancelation does not resemble what it has been in the past.
always patrolling near his childhood home, make sure we weren’t stealing,” she said. of the conference’s spring sports festival, which A.This will be very difficult. Starting with the
Gregory said they never made him feel safe. Wesleyan was set to host in both 2020 and 2021. Q. Earlier in the term, a Bishop volleyball good, we do have a lot of available practice spaces
He paused when asked why he felt this way. Later in life she witnessed more overt racial player noted that Division I athletes have, in for our teams and can even be creative with some
He thought for a moment before choosing the profiling. One incident occurred after a fight broke Here is the Decree interview, con- many cases, played their fall seasons (e.g., vol- of the other open field space on campus. Since we
right words. “I didn’t know which of them I out at a local skating rink,Wheels, where Leggett ducted over email in late November: leyball, football). Her question: Why has her own several buses, that will help us mitigate travel
could trust and who I couldn’t,” he said. had gone with sister and their friends. The fight led season been postponed while a Division I team concerns, but we’ll only know the true impact once
to gun shots. When police arrived on the scene, Q. What’s your job been like the past like UNC-Chapel Hill has been allowed to we receive projected conference schedules.We do
As Black Lives Matter protests have she said a Durham police officer beat her friend nine months? play? How would you respond to her concern? anticipate additional personnel needs for athletic
continued months after the death of George training and game management.We’re exploring
Floyd, Gregory said his views on the police Tavon Gregory, president of the Black A. It has certainly been a challenge. The best A. Our fall sport decisions were made with various options and we’ve already received support
force have evolved. He explained that the Student Association.Photo courtesy of T. Gregory comparison I can give is to the movie “Ground- the best information available at the time. While from other areas on campus who have volunteered
attitudes of police have “just gotten worse” Jalen, who had been waiting for a ride home. hog Day” where it is pretty much the same there are still unknowns, two changes since the to help us. It’s possible that practice and game
in the passing months. Remembering thing over and over again. In athletics, we enjoy start of the fall semester make competing now schedules may need to be adjusted as well.
protests, shootings and deaths of Black citi- Leggett and her friends pleaded with the routine ebbs and flows of practices, games, etc. and in the future easier. They are the increased
zens, Gregory expressed his wish for peace officer, as they yelled at him to stop hitting and with no games or travel, we’ve been working availability of affordable testing as well as the Q. What’s the latest news on the USA
from the police. “If there were ever a time Jalen. Held back by other officers, they with the same types of issues every day. With continual increase in knowledge about all aspects South Spring Sports Festival, which Wes-
to calm down, it would be now,” he said. screamed for Jalen to stop fighting back. Once that said, I’m thankful for a committed group of of Covid-19. Early in the fall semester there was leyan was scheduled to host?
the officer’s taser had been deployed, Jalen people inside and outside of athletics at Wesleyan not the availability of affordable testing.
Ageneral member of the NationalAssocia- could not move, she said. “Once he had made that have made the process as good as it could be. A. The conference has cancelled the USA
tion for theAdvancement of Colored People his point, the officers let us all go,” she said. Q. In what specific ways has the pandemic South Springs Sports Festival for 2021. While
and the second-term president of NCWesleyan’s Q. As AD, what’s most pleased you as affected recruitment of next fall’s incoming we’re disappointed with this, we are excited
BSA, Gregory has been involved in the Black Leggett said her only positive memory of far as the response from Wesleyan’s teams? class? What are some creative strategies coaches about hosting the eastern half of the conference
LivesMatter movement.The senior English and police came from the student resource officer have used to recruit during the past nine months? for another cross- country championship, now
history major helped organize a memorial in at her middle school. Eleven-year-old Leggett A. Our students have remained extremely scheduled for late February. We also remain
Oxford to remember George Floyd, with a march saw Officer Meeks as a cool and compassion- resilient in the face of a challenge unlike any- A. We’re on track with respect to our fall committed to hosting conference events for ben-
and singing through town. Here at Wesleyan, ate Black man. A Durham native, he always thing that we’ve seen in our lifetimes. Often with athletic recruiting classes, but it’s too early to tell efit of our students, college and local community
Gregory has helped organize activities that conversed with students and brought them athletics there is value in learning from failure for sure. Since many high school students have when those events become available again.
included writing letters to the family of Breonna snacks at school. Though he broke up student or struggles. It’s been inspiring to see how our not been attending regular classes or competing
Taylor, andhosting“SayTheirNames”gatherings, fights and arrested some of her friends, Leggett students have continued focusing on the future. in athletics, our coaches have worked hard to DeTchreee
which honored Black lives that were lost to police remembers his caring nature. “He always I was also impressed by the academic perfor- take advantage of their flexible scheduled by
brutality and promoted conversation on the issue. made sure they got back in school,” she said. mance of student-athletes in spring semester engaging them in recruiting activities, includ- since 1960
after we switched to remote instruction. ing visits to campus. As a department, we’re
When asked what he would like non-Blacks Though her middle school memories were ahead so far in terms of the number of students s ta f f“of, by, and for the Wesleyan community.”
to understand about police brutality and Black not overtly negative, Leggett has always had a Q.When it comes to the virus, identify an area who’ve visited campus in the yearly recruiting
Lives Matter, Gregory offered a simple message. clear perspective on police officers. Her father, where you’d like to see improvement by theWes- cycle. I’ve seen a lot of coaches walking around Senior Staff Writers
He wants people to “open their hearts and minds” Rick, spent time educating her on Black his- leyan teams and the athletic department as a whole. campus holding their phones on virtual tours
to what Black men and women have to say. Real- tory throughout her childhood. Her views were with student-athletes. I’m appreciative of the Mary Cat Davis,
izing that these issues have existed for over 400 shaped by what she learned and have not changed A. We would like to improve on gathering extra efforts and creativity of our coaching staffs Savannah Ekland,
years is key to understanding their experiences, much since protests began. “The police were put pertinent information. There are so many sources to promote recruiting efforts.
he said. “If you care, you should feel for us and in place to protect and serve the people, but to with information related to the virus, and even Will Plyler,
help out,” he said. He smiled as he gave his them, I am not people,” she said. “I do what I many of the most trusted sources are routinely With the NCAA not counting 2020-21 Chasadie Searcy,
message. “Put an emphasis on help out.” can to make it home safe, but I won’t be docile changing guidance and info, so it’s a difficult job toward the normal four-year eligibility re-
for an officer of a law that was meant for me.” not only to gather all the necessary material, but to striction, there are opportunities for some of Abigail Shah
As a Black man, Gregory says his perspec- interpret it for our campus and teams. It remains a our athletes to continue playing their sport at
tive on life is a complex, yet fulfilling one. In recent months Leggett has partici- team effort with officials on and off campus. Wesleyan while pursuing a graduate degree Staff Writers
There are many harsh realities of being a Black pated in protests, written letters and articles, or a second major. While not everyone will
man inAmerica, he said. He said his perspec- Q. Earlier in fall, it was announced that be able to take advantage of that opportunity, Kate Avila,
tive is best summarized by civil rights activist the men’s and women’s basketball teams will we’re excited, both for the college and the Byron Golphin,
and writer James Baldwin: “To be a Negro in launch their seasons in November and Decem- student-athletes, that some will. Joel Inzerillo,
this country and to be relatively conscious is to ber. Right now, the pandemic seems worse Isaiah Johnson,
be in a state of rage almost all of the time.” than ever. Why is the college beginning to play Q. What’s the latest information on fall Caitlin Leggett
hoops? What factored into the decision? sports teams playing in spring?
Junior Bijou Patel recalls her experiences Faculty Advisor
with racial profiling after her brother was falsely A. There are a great number of reasons. In A. We’re expecting to get their preliminary
accused of armed robbery. Like Gregory, general, we’ve looked at competition, for any of schedules sometime soon. Our conference is Dr. William Grattan
Patel’s first memory of police was positive. She our teams, through the lens of NCAAguidelines planning for all fall teams to compete. While
first met police at her school, where officers with oversight from our campus VIRT and input I don’t yet know specific schedules, my best 179 Braswell • Phone: 985-5336
talked through their job and answered student from national, state and local authorities. For bas- guess today would be that teams play over 50 Email: [email protected]
ketball specifically, we’re following the extensive percent of their normal games. We also don’t
NCAAguidelines with some notable additional know yet as to the availability of nonconference
restrictions for our teams. For example, the state games, but we have had some interest from our
has provided guidance on masking, but we most popular nonconference opponents.
already had that in our protocols at Wesleyan.
Q. Will spring sports enjoy a normal sea-
Q. What precautions have been taken to son or will they play abbreviated schedules?
ensure the health and safety of the basketball
players, coaches, staff? A. There is no plan to abbreviate the sched-
ules for spring sports. Spring sports were cut
A. The precautions are too lengthy and
specific to list, but the effort starts with the

December 18, 2020 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 3


Students Miss Time with Family during Pandemic
By Savannah Ekland health in recent months. “Nobody sees her ex- facility’s dining room again. “My Mamaw is ing that in Korean they shop for necessities with not going to be there,” she said, adding they’ll
Senior Staff Writer
cept for her nurses and therapists,” she said, not- very much a people person and loves inter- masks and practice distancing when possible. see it virtually. “I’m grateful that there’s a gradu-
As the pandemic spreads throughout ing she’ll depend on oxygen for the remainder acting with others, so it’s lifted her spirits.” Graduating senior Savannah Rivera-Jacobs ation so I can at least walk across the stage.”
the U.S., so does the rise of mental health of her life. “She wants to get out of the house,
issues for not only the elderly but for but we tell her it’s just not safe for her,” she said, Though Plyler misses her hugs, there are knows firsthand about the precautions needed to To avoid spreading germs, Rivera-Jacobs
children and young adults. Limiting social adding her family shops for her grandmother. perks to not visiting with family, he quipped. “I limit exposures. Her mother works as a phleboto- has limited contact with her family. She said
interactions has helped curtail infections, won’t miss is sleeping on the couch!” he said. mist at Sampson Regional Hospital and comes into she’s not let the unprecedented times get her
but it has also caused isolation, leading to Whether older adults are isolated at home, contact with Covid-19 patients on a daily basis. down, and she uses unconventional forms of
anxiety and depression, the National Cen- or in nursing facilities, loneliness has become Dr.Young Kim, associate professor of po- communication to stay in touch.
ter of Biotechnology Information reports. a major issue for elderly family members and litical science, said it’s been frustrating that he’s “At home, my family has to take extra precau-
a source of grief for their relatives. had to suspend his yearly trips to South Korea tionssincemymomworksinthehospitalandhasto “Like most people, I use Facetime, but
Many Wesleyan students and staff to visit his family. His disappointment is paired go inside of Covid-19 patients’rooms to draw their I’m also old-fashioned so I write letters
expressed sadness at not getting together Will Plyler, a senior studying communica- with gratitude knowing his parents and siblings blood,”shesaid,addinghermomgetstestedoncea to my family and friends,” she said.
with family members for extended periods. tion and music production, reports that Christ- live in a better Covid-19 controlled country. month and undergoes temperature checks daily.
mas 2019 was the last time he has saw his SophomoreAngelVaughan not only worries
Junior Daisyá Harper, an organiza- 75-year-old grandma, who lives in a Tennes- “My parents and siblings are safe and healthy, Once Rivera-Jacobs’s mom gets home, she about her four great-grandmothers but her own
tional administration major, hasn’t seen see nursing facility. He said she’s paralyzed but we’re not sure if we can continue not washes her clothes and takes a shower, in addi- neurological condition, POTS, which stands for
her extended family in eight months. from the waist down, and in her later years, seeing them for another year,” he said. “Thanks tion to wiping down surfaces in their house daily. Postural OrthostaticTachycardia Syndrome.
has been unable to take care of herself. to modern technology, we didn’t feel isolated and
“In my family a lot has been missed this depressed until now, months later.” Though he While she’s glad to graduate this December, “POTS is a condition that places me at a
year due to the pandemic,” she said. A big “It’s been hard, and the best we’ve been misses his family, he’s sustained by memories Rivera-Jacobs is sad that her family will not be higher risk of complications if I get corona-
birthday celebration was the last time Harper able to do is have my aunt and uncle talk to of past museum outings and family picnics. on hand to support her. Due to the pandemic, virus,” she said, adding the condition affects
saw her relatives and that was last spring. her through a window,” he said. His grandma only graduates and a limited number of staff her blood volume and pressure.
“We practiced social distancing, wore our is visiting with residents again after months Despite his strong desire to see his parents, were on hand for the outdoor ceremony, which
masks, and did temperature checks,” she said. of no contact, adding she goes outside with Dr. Kim said the risk of infection is too high. was live-streamed over the college’s web page. Two of her great-grandmothers, Norine,
her girlfriends and has resumed eating in the 90, and Lillian, 86, live together in Ridge-
Harper said her grandmother, confined to “My dad is 73 and my mom is 71, so consid- “It sucks that I’ve worked hard all these way. Belle, 88, lives in an assisted-living fa-
her house, has shown signs of declining mental ering their ages, they’re high risk,” he said, not- years with the support of my family, but they’re cility, and Irene, 86, has stayed in her house
since February, both residing in Henderson.
Clubs and Organizations Learn to Cope with Restrictions
By Chasadie Searcy to practice their gaming techniques with their Other clubs have had better luck in holding mask policy, and encourage their members Vaughan said she’s had occasional visits with
Senior Staff Writer respective teams, they often meet in the Fortress. in-person meetings. Taleyah Burgess, president to frequently use sanitizer. They also open Grandma Norine since the pandemic began. They
Due to the pandemic, Duprey said, the of 1821 ministries (formerly known as 3W), up the chapel's glass doors to allow more make sure to socially distance during their time
Even though Wesleyan Wise protocols club was forced to cancel plans for a ma- reports her club has met every Thursday in the room and breathing space. “We often together. “I’m so terrified that I’ll expose her even
have led to a reduced number of on-campus jor event that was to include games such library’s flex lab, except for a three-week pe- use the outside area to play games, so we though we practice safety guidelines,” she said.
events, clubs and organizations have con- as Dance Dance and Mario Kart. riod when the campus saw an uptick in Covid aren’t inside for so long,” Larson said.
tinued to function during the pandemic. cases. During that time, the club held Zoom Beyond weekly meetings, the club hasn’t Though she misses her family members,
Like BGA, the Black Student As- meetings until the restrictions were lifted. held special events, though it continues to Vaughan has had to forego many other regular
The Bishop Gaming Association (BGA) sociation (BSA) has continued to flourish But Burgess acknowledged that attendance plan some for the future. interactions with relatives. Like Harper, she’s
leaders said their organization still runs while adhering to pandemic restrictions. has been down this semester, noting that some seen her family cancel all holiday and birthday
well under the Wesleyan Wise regulations. regulars have stopped attending. “For one,” celebrations this year. “It was hard not to see
“We’re still allowed to meet in the Fortress President Tavon Gregory was able to hold she said, “we can’t provide pizza due to the my entire family at Thanksgiving,” she said.
to practice with their gaming teams,” Hunter in-person meetings before tighter restrictions were Wesleyan Wise restrictions, and that attracted
Duprey, vice president of BGA, said, using placed on the campus later in the semester. “In more members of the Wesleyan community.” Like Rivera-Jacobs, she sometimes resorts
the nickname for BGA’s club space, which meetingsmasksarerequired,weputoutabigbottle According to the restrictions, food must to old-fashioned communication, writing
is located on the first floor of the Hartness ofsanitizer,andsitsociallydistanced,”Gregorysaid. be pre-packaged, so the organization instead letters to her grandma, Irene. “We’ve been
Center, beside the WOW Cafè. provides chips at their gatherings. She add- writing letters while I’m at school. She looks
Earlier in the fall BSAheld one major out- ed that 1821 had to postpone several events forward to receiving them,” she said. “We’re
To enforce social distancing guidelines, no more door event, a balloon release for Breonna Tay- that it hoped to use a recruitment tool. “We making the best out of this bad situation.”
than 10 gamers are allowed in the Fortress at once, lor, the young Black woman who was killed might try later on in the year,” she said
and masks must be worn at all times, Duprey said. by police in Louisville. There were about 75 Natalie Larson, a member of Refuge, and said CLASSES from pf 1
students in attendance and everyone there wore that due to Covid restrictions, the club was not
The club is comprised of 59 members who masks. Gregory hopes that their next event, an able to meet during the beginning of the semester. not aware of additional funding. We’ll
play games ranging from FIFA and Madden, induction ceremony for new members, will be Refuge is another Bible study club for students allocate remaining funds in the same way
to Call of Duty and Smash Brothers. in person, but he acknowledged that the club on campus. When the Covid cases were on the as we have during the fall semester.
might have to make it virtual. rise, the group held their meetings via Instagram
To participate in BGA activities students Live or Zoom. Now that the restrictions have Q. Decree: What is the current value of
register through IM Leagues, a website in the “I don’t like the restrictions because been lifted, the club meets in the chapel at their The Christian group 1821 has the college’s endowment? Has Wesleyan
intramural department. Students have the option of we don’t have the normal family feel in regular scheduled time, Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. adapted its meetings in the face of needed to draw down the endowment to
playing games at the Fortress or from their dorm our group,” Gregory said. “But I under- While in face-to-face meetings, members the pandemic. Photo courtesy of C. Searcy meet the challenges of the pandemic?
rooms, a convenient feature during the pandemic. stand we have to keep everyone safe.” adhere to social distancing, enforce the
They can join teams and play against other com- Students Share Views on Their A. Duff: Our endowment is still around
petitors, even students from different colleges. Leah Wright, vice president of Wes- First U.S. Presidential Election $13 million and we have not drawn down
leyan’s chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha By Abigail Shah his key issues, SGAPresident Thomas Clark funds to deal with the pandemic. Nor have
Duprey noted that BGAmeetings have been sorority (AKA), says that their programs and Senior Staff Writer fears politicization of the judiciary as well as we gone into our line of credit so far in 2020.
via Zoom during the semester to ensure the safety meetings have all been virtual this semester. Election Day has arrived and there are cuts to the military. He’s also worried about
ofWesleyan students. But when students want voter fraud. “I hear about burning ballot boxes Q. Decree: On a related note, have donors given
Because of the pandemic, the sorority’s out- many nervous young Americans at NC and it troubles me,” he said. “I really worry the college money to tide it through the pandemic?
CONCERNS from pg 1 reach programs have been conducted in virtual Wesleyan College who will be casting their about corrupt politicians coming to power.”
Dr. Perino believes that students become format, a fact that concerns her. So farAKA very first vote in a presidential election. A. Duff: We’ve been fortunate enough to
reticent in online class discussions because has held two programs, “Healthy Relation- Joel Inzerillo, a political science major, have donors who continue to support a number
they’re afraid of hurting each other’s feelings. ships” and “FinancialAkkuracy,” via Zoom. Students offered differing views on the talked about some of his greatest concerns. of causes at Wesleyan. We have not had to solicit
“Most critical thought on a subject develops two candidates, President Donald Trump and He listed health care, racial inequality and funds related to the pandemic, but we did set up
in conversations where you can push back “The Wesleyan community doesn’t get former Vice President Joe Biden. Expressing environmental issues. “Beyond that, I’m con- a fund for donors to support our students directly
at someone else's thinking to develop your the full benefit of our programs,” Wright said. deep anxieties about the state of the country, cerned about the future of American democ- with emergency funds. To date, we have raised
own,” she said. “In online teaching and com- “It’s also harder to make personal connections students listed a number of concerns in recent racy as a whole,” he said. “The extent to which $1,325, which directly goes to students to sup-
munication, that push-back can be misread with people in our programs through Zoom.” interviews. Among them were Covid-19, the the current administration has bent norms and port them with pandemic-related emergencies.
or misinterpreted. Students don't want to an- economy, taxes, riots, immigration, police threatened the first amendment didn’t really hit
tagonize each other, and that gets translated On the bright side, the sorority remains brutality, healthcare, and the environment. me fully until one of the president’s campaign Q. Decree: In our last interview, you indicated that
into no one challenging each other's ideas.” active on their Instagram page, where they advisors claimed that counting votes after there were no plans to furlough or dismiss employees
promote their programs and set examples of Prior to the November 3 election Catherine Election Day is a move by Democrats to steal as budget-cutting moves. Is that still the case?
Mitchell feels that online classes fall short proper mask etiquette. Leake stated a unique concern. “There are electoral votes. I think the likelihood of the
when it comes to teaching students vital com- people who do not fully understand how Trump campaign being able to win lawsuits A. Duff: Yes.
munication skills that they will need in the work- According to faculty advisor Dr. Jarrod politics work,” she said. “Americans aren’t and throw out legitimate mail-in votes is very, Q. Decree: What’s the status of faculty hires?
place. “In-person classes allow you to interact Kelly, the pandemic has hurt recruitment in the educated on the two-party system, the elec- very low, still it’s concerning to me that this is A. Wyatt: We’ve completed two of the nine
with other students,” she said. “Which is what Politics Club, a student organization that seeks toral college, and the states’ voting records.” even something that being discussed at all.” advertised faculty searches (Exercise Science
you’ll more than likely do in the workplace.” to increase political engagement and awareness and Teacher Education [Director]). We’re still
on campus while giving members an opportu- Many students expressed disappointment Dickens was focused on management of seeking to fill positions in the following areas:
For Gill, online classes are not sufficient nity to discuss the political issues of the day. surrounding the presidential election. “I have Covid-19 and national unemployment rates. Communication, Healthcare Administration,
because they do not provide opportunities several feelings about this year’s election, most “I’m definitely worried about unemployment Mathematics, Psychology, Religious Studies,
for students to apply what they’ve learned. “We probably would have been able to of them negative,” said Destyni Murray. “Dis- rates and the overall economic health inAmer- and Sociology. The search committees are at
“It takes ‘field trips,’ if you will,” she said. recruit more members due to interest in couraged might be the most accurate word.” ica,” said Dickens. Noting the recent spikes in various stages of their processes, but we’re as-
“As a healthcare administration student, the 2020 election,” Dr. Kelly said. Covid cases, she cited the federal government’s sisting in making plans for candidates to come
I feel that I’ve missed that application expe- Amya Dickens said she was more poor handling of the pandemic. “I’m scared to campus in the spring for interviews.
rience that I would’ve gotten (in-person).” Due to Covid restrictions, the club has met apathetic. “I don’t like either candidate,” she of catching it myself,” she said, noting that, Q. Decree: Does the college plan to hire new
only once a month this fall. While most meet- said. “When it’s really mattered, I feel like due to the pandemic, government has ignored staff for either spring or next fall? In particular, has
For some, the issues vary depending on the ings were face to face, the most recent one the government failed to do their job. I don’t many other pressing issues such as universal the administration considered bringing on new
professor. “I’ve had professors that truly made was via Zoom. care about the elections at this point.” healthcare and criminal justice reform. staff, such as an RN or an additional counselor, to
the online format engaging,” David said, “but provide service in wellness and mental health?
others do not.” Mitchell added, “Some profes- For fall, Dr. Kelly said, a highlight was a Other students were worried about the Many students have made their election day A. Duff: We’ve discussed a number
sors are able to effectively teach online classes presidential debate watch in early October. outcome of the election. Leake, a political sci- predictions on who will win the presidency in of staff that need to be hired in 2021 and
while others may need additional resources to This event was held in the MingesAuditorium ence major, described her mixed feelings after 2020. “Joe Biden may win some states that the leadership team has prioritized them.
help them adapt to remote teaching.” to enable as much social distancing as possible. she cast her ballot. “I don’t think either candidate Trump won in 2016,” said Leake. “But it could be After the drop/add point in the spring, we’ll
has earned my support, but I’ve done my part in a Trump reelection. We would only have to deal determine which positions we want to fill.
Dr. Perino said the effectiveness of online Covid restrictions have impacted the voting,” she said. For the winning candidate, she with him for another four years and he is gone.” Q. Decree: Based on the college’s experience
instruction depended in large part on the students. community outreach performed by Wesleyan said, “there’s a lot of work that needs to be done.” during the fall, does the administration plan to
She said online classes are not as helpful for organizations such as SNCAE, a statewide Inzerillo predicted Biden would win. “It make changes in its testing regime?
younger students who have yet to develop a sense pre-professional organization for college Michaela Seawell expressed her opinion on could be a landslide, or it could be razor A. Wyatt: Jessica Brys-Wilson works closely
of self-discipline and do not yet have a definitive students pursuing a career in education. One the complexity of the 2020 election, saying it thin,” he said. According to some polling with the Nash County Health Department to follow
grasp on what career path they would like to take. of the most important SNCAE initiatives is an is different from others because of Covid-19. experts, he noted, Trump has only a 10 CDC guidelines for testing symptomatic students
award-winning after-school program where She has reservations about both candidates. percent chance of winning. “But 10 percent and contacts. We’ve asked students to bring a copy
“At the upper levels,” she said, “that college students help local K-12 students. “The outcome is very important forAmerica isn’t nothing, so he could still take the elec- of a negative Covid screen for the spring semester
becomes less of a problem. Older students have because of the extreme differences in the po- tion legitimately even without factoring in as well. However, given that our reliance on mask
a better grasp on what they want from their Wesleyan’s chapter has continued to litical platforms,” said Seawell. “If Trump is any shenanigans he may try,” Inzerillo said. compliance and social distancing fared very well
education and are more willing to push for it. In support students with special needs with reelected, I think there may be more riots and during the fall, we don’t feel the need to change our
my experience, seniors are fine at completing tutoring services. Held on Monday, the tu- outrage in response. If Biden is elected, the Seawell was among the Wesleyan students strategy; instead, we’ll continue to reinforce it.
their education through online learning. They’re toring sessions have moved from face-to- country might go back into lockdown instead who voted for President Trump. “I think he did Q. Does NCWC intend to make other
specialists in their subject areas by that point face meetings to virtual format, according of moving forward. I’m really concerned a pretty good job the past four years,” she said. changes in its overall approach to the pandemic?
and know what their own focus should be.” to Dr. Patricia Brewer, the coordinator of about trying to shut the country down again.” “I don’t agree with everything that he says. But A. Wyatt: In general, no. We felt our formula
the college’s Special Education program. I appreciate that he’s pro-life, and he is not wor- for success worked very well. The only new nu-
Despite finding online classes inadequate, She added that she opposes Biden’s views ried about being politically correct all the time.” ance is asking our students to be vaccinated for the
some students still found the format more SNCAE has held two brief face-to-face on abortion, tax increases and fossil fuels. flu. Having this information adds a layer of protec-
enjoyable than in-person classes. One of meetings so far in fall semester, but has relied “I think his stance on the oil industry would See ELECTION pg 5 tion for students and aids Jessica Brys-Wilson in
these was Madison Gill. While conceding on email communication for much of its work. hurt the economy,” she said. more quickly discerning sources of symptoms for
that she learns more in a face-to-face course, Dr. Brewer said that recruitment has suffered a students this spring. We also implemented a virtual
she called the relaxed pace she experienced slight decline during the pandemic, adding the Like Seawell, other students raised major exam period. This allowed us to give students and
in the online class format rather pleasant. annual membership fee of $32 makes it harder concerns revolving around the election.Among instructors more time to deliver and grade final
to attract prospective members due to financial work remotely while removing themselves from
“I enjoy online classes,” the psychology hardship experienced by many families. the potential continued exposure of living and
and organizational administration major socializing in a communal environment.
said, “because I can work at my own pace.” The pandemic also has led SNCAE to
postpone an event that celebrates the fifth-
year anniversary of the afterschool pro-
gram. It is now scheduled for spring, when
the education department will also hold its
annual “Teacher Pinning Ceremony.”

4 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 December 18, 2020


Dr. Keely Mohon-Doyle: Professor/Writing Center Director
By Byron Golphin out a lot and remain close.They have a family Doyle liked fantasy books and movies. She journey is that not all college students know departments work together to find ways to
Decree Staff Writer text thread that is used daily to share pictures of even read “Game of Thrones” novels before what career to pursue. “We change a lot during improve their classes or the school as a whole.
nieces and pets. Her dad likes to send pictures to it was cool. Her favorite bands included The that time due to exposure to new ideas and
What’s the one thing about Dr. Keely Cranberries and Metallica. During her early Her favorite part of her current job is her col-
Mohon-Doyle that few people know? ” My have them guess where he is and what he’s do- experiences,” she said. “It’s inevitable that our leagues. She finds them extremely supportive.
back is cracked because I laughed myself off ing... the answer is usually at the gym exercising. childhood she and her friends would make up professional interests and goals will change too.” One of her proudest achievements was
my horse,” theWesleyan English professor said. Growing up, Dr. Mohon-Doyle had several dances to the original “Top Gun” soundtrack. Dr. Mohon-Doyle has presented her re- taking Undergraduate Writing Consultants
When she was 15, she got a horse named pets. One of the first was Sids, a Sheltie.After Her family was big on country music artists search at multiple regional, national, and inter- to present at the Southeastern Writing Cen-
Rue, and spent every day after school at the he died, her family got Mocha, a stout poodle/ like Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash. national conferences, including CCCC (College ter Conference two years in a row. In 2019,
barn riding and taking care of it. This was part terrier mutt, and then Jack, a redbone hound When she was an undergrad, Dr. Mohon- Composition and Communication Conference), Savannah Flannagan, Mary Reynolds, Sean
of her typical childhood day in Johnson City, mutt. Then there was Rue, who was a gangly Doyle was often asked, “So you want to be a RSA(Rhetoric Society of America), and Dancy, and Dakota Casey presented on their
Tennessee, which also included hanging out at thoroughbred. Dr. Mohon-Doyle kept him un- teacher?” She found the question annoying. TESOL International. In fact, the fourth-year experiences with the changes to the Writing
the mall and going to movies with her friends. til she moved to Ohio for a teaching position. Teaching was not high on her list of prospec- professor and colleague Dr. Julie Perino will be Center. In 2020, Mary Reynolds and Dr.
Dr.Mohon-Doyle’smotherisanavybrat,who When asked “When did you learn there tive careers. Then she had an experience that presenting together at CCCC in March 2021. Mohon-Doyle presented on adult students’
alongwithfivesiblings,travelledalotasakid.She was no Santa Claus?” Dr. Mohon-Doyle re- changed her mind.After a stint teaching ESL When she accepted the job at Wesleyan, perceptions of the Writing Center.
has worked as a nurse, newspaper reporter, and sponded by saying “When I opened one of my (English as a Second Language), she decided Dr. Mohon-Doyle was offered the position of Another one of her proudest profes-
realestateagent.ShelovesplayingBananagrams Christmas presents and saw the paper flower- teaching was her career, and she pursued a PhD Writing Center Director. Besides overseeing sional accomplishments is working with Dr.
and taking slightly blurry pictures of the moon. making kit that I’d seen hiding in the back because that was the only way she would be able the library-based writing center, she teaches all Perino and Dr. Doreen Thierauf to start the
Herfatherisadoctorwhoenjoysgolf.Hewould of my parents’closet a month earlier while to teach at the college level in a full-time position. of the first-year composition courses as well as Interdisciplinary Writing Competition and
oftentakehischildrentothedrivingrangeormake playing hide and seek,” she recalled.Asked At Miami University, in Ohio, Dr. Mohon- classes in the writing minor, including business the online journal “Omnium.” This year will
them caddie for him when they were kids. to describe her first experience with death, Doyle chose to get her PhD in composition communication and professional writing, ad- be the third annual IWC. Submitting up to
she said it occurred in kindergarten, when her and rhetoric because she had mostly been vanced composition and writing and rhetoric. two academic papers, students can win cash
Just like her mother, Dr. Mohon-Doyle grandmother succumbed to cancer. To this day teaching first-year composition classes and Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. prizes and get published in Omnium: The
moved around a lot as a kid. Although
she was born in Maine, her family usually Dr. Mohon-Doyle remembers laying on the enjoyed working with new college students. Mohon-Doyle has faced many new chal- Undergraduate Research Journal at North
moved when another child was born, until mat on the floor during nap time and crying. As she continued through the program, she lenges with the curriculum as it relates to both Carolina Wesleyan College (
While she claims she wasn’t popular as a became interested in the field of rhetoric, with in-person and online courses. “I hate the dis- dia). Dr. Mohon-Doyle believes this journal
they eventually settled down in Johnson City.
Dr. Mohon-Doyle’s siblings had the greatest teenager, she wasn’t bullied either. She had a a focus on institutional rhetoric (rhetoric that tance that it has forced on us,” she said. “I’m can be used as a tool in the classroom to help
influence on her as a child. She has three younger small group of three friends throughout high shapes an institution’s policies and interac- so used to sitting right there with my students professors teach different academic genres.
sisters: Rory, Cody, and Rikki. Each had their school. They all went to school dances and tions with individuals and groups). to look over their work or answer their ques- She also maintains that it can serve as an
own interests growing up, and although they prom together. Two close friends came to her Dr. Mohon-Doyle believes that the most tions, but I can’t do that anymore. Zoom and inspiration for students, showing them that
haven’t always agreed on things, they hung wedding. Growing up in the 80s, Dr. Mohon- important lesson to take from her professional Team meetings allow me to talk to students they can be excellent writers.
Profile: Joy Speller, Award-Winning one-on-one, but I’ve lost the immediacy that I Dr. Mohon-Doyle has many interests out-
had in the classroom, and some students don’t side of work. In recent years she’s been teach-
feel comfortable with online office hours.” ing herself to sew and embroider.All of Dr.
She added that the pandemic has made Mohon-Doyle’s friends possess big personali-
Student and Community Activist collaborative projects difficult. ties, she said, and each is driven by whatever it
is that interests them, whether it be organizing
“So I’ve made everything individual,”
By Chasadie Searcy she said. “I know my students aren’t particu- community improvement projects, gaming, or
Senior Staff Writer Speller said. “They worked around my One such cause is Black Lives Matter, larly upset by this, but collaboration allows academic research. Most of her friends don’t
schedule and helped me grow career wise.” thought Speller emphasized that her sup- us to learn from each other and it’s an impor- know each other, she related; she has little pods
“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m getting my port lies in the movement rather than the tant skill for academia and the workforce.” of friends floating around the country.
snacks ready for the presidential debate,” While a Wesleyan student, Speller was organization. “This movement is over-
said alumna Joynese Speller as she involved in many activities on and off of due,” she said. “I’m so happy my people are Over the past two years, Dr. Mohon-Doyle Dr. Mohon-Doyle met her husband,
grabbed a pizza roll from her kitchen. campus. She was inducted into the Na- standing up for themselves and demanding has developed some new skills. She’s learned Jackson, at a small house party after she
Speller, 24, is a Greensboro native and a tional Society of Leadership and Success, what they’ve deserved for over 400 years. to make voiceover videos using a combina- moved to Ohio. She recalled that everyone
spring 2020 graduate of NC Wesleyan. and she was a part of 3W campus minis- Black Lives Matter has definitely started a tion of Screencast-o-matic and LightWorks. had to bring a cheesecake to the gathering
tries, and Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. lot of necessary conversations.” She first used them over the summer to create (she had never made one, she admitted).
Speller was an only child. Even though instructional videos for the Writing Center. The two spent the evening playing board
she did not enjoy that much, she participated Off campus Speller served as president of She said she favors peaceful protests games and debating whether cows or horses
in many activities that kept her busy. At the Nash County’s chapter of Young Demo- and she wishes that others would open Dr. Mohon-Doyle prefers a busy work were the better labor animal. On their first
age of three she began playing the piano, crats of North Carolina. This was after their minds. “People should stop and un- environment. She also enjoys a collaborative date, they ate pizza and watched “Game of
and continued through her junior year of Speller and four others worked together to derstand why we say Black Lives Matter,” work environment, where administrators and Thrones,” since they’d both read the books.
charter the county’s first chapter. Speller said. “Close minds don’t get fed.” professors within a department and across
Spring 2020 graduate Joy Speller.
Photo courtesy of C. Searcy According to Speller, the Young Dems F a l l Graduates Enter Difficult Job Market
high school. She also painted as a child, and held events to engage young voters, taught Some 195 students graduated from town of Zushi, a popular beach resort that she valued Wesleyan’s diversity. “I
continues with that hobby to this day. them the importance of voting, gave them NC Wesleyan on December 5, with area near Tokyo, where her fam- have many international friends now. I
platforms to use their voice, and allowed a fall commencement ceremony that ily operates a restaurant that serves got to learn new cultures and languag-
Speller vividly remembers her favorite them to meet peers with the same views. took place during a cool, sunny morn- traditional Japanese cuisine (despite es,” she said, noting that she will miss
childhood memory, which came on one of ing on the lawn outside Braswell Hall. the pandemic, the business “is hanging hanging out, drinking and dancing with
the family’s annual trips to New York City. Speller also co-founded the Women in in there,” Funadaiku said). Her goal is her friends. “It was a very different
“Probably going to the Macy’s Thanks- Leadership Program at the Rocky Mount Due to Covid-19, the ceremony was to live and work in the capital city. “I way of partying from what I do with
giving parade with my family for my Impact Center, where they help women of limited to students and some faculty and would love to work in Tokyo for sure,” my friends back home.”
birthday,” she said. color in the community by assisting them staff. Families were encouraged to watch she said. “In Tokyo, everything is
in job searches, creating resumes and the festivities over a live stream. The col- competitive and the highest quality and Asked to name her favorite
While attending Southeast Guilford High building them up “holistically and spiritu- lege was forced to cancel last spring’s cer- it’s a fast-paced environment, which I American food, she singled out the ribs
School, Speller attempted to run track, but ally, making them well rounded women.” emony, scheduled for the Rocky Mount will find motivating.” served at Lou Reda’s in Rocky Mount.
lasted only one semester after she realized it Event Center, due to the pandemic. “Their ribs they are amazing and the
wasn’t her niche. She soon became involved “My favorite organization was the Wom- A communication and psychology customer service is the best,” she said.
in many other extracurricular organiza- en in Leadership Program,” Speller said. Among the new graduates were major, Funadaiku finished her degree
tions like Student Government Association “It was an opportunity for me to follow my Hana Funadaiku and Joshua Raynor, in three and a half years. She said she Though she participated in the
(SGA), Fellowship of Christian Athletes passion by helping women and using my who, in interviews, both acknowledged was drawn to Wesleyan in part because commencement ceremony, Funadaiku
(FCA), and Teens Taking Action, which is a administrative skills at the same time.” the challenges they faced in finding of its psychology program. “In Japan was disappointed that her family was
peer education group that taught healthcare jobs at the height of the pandemic. only a few universities offer a psychol- unable to join her.
in the community. During college, one of Speller’s big-
gest challenges was time management. Hana Funadaiku “I feel sad that they couldn’t come
Speller was well liked among her peers. She had to balance school, a full-time job, Funadaiku, the daughter of restau- ogy major,” she explained. here to celebrate with me and see
She was voted Ms. Freshwoman and Ms. her many extra-curricular activities, and ranteurs, would like to run her own She said that her language skills have the campus where I spent three and
Sophomore President of her class. motherhood. She has a 3-year-old son. business, perhaps in the food services improved during her time in the U.S. She half years,” she said, adding that her
industry, in her native Japan. At first, recalled that she believed her English parents, sister and grandparents stayed
Once she graduated from high school, Speller said she opted for the traditional she would like to work as a restaurant was solid before she arrived at Wesleyan, up till 2 a.m. to watch the ceremony
she enrolled at North Carolina A&T program instead of Wesleyan’s evening consultant, but realizes it will be dif- but soon saw that her skills were inferior via live stream.
State University before she transferred to program, which is designed for working ficult to find such a position right away to some of the other international stu-
Wesleyan in January of 2019. adults. She explained that her major, so- due to the pandemic and the restric- dents she befriended on campus. Instead of her family, Funadaiku
ciology, is not offered during the evening. tions faced by dining establishments. “I could read, but my writing was said in a recent interview that she ex-
Speller majored in sociology and earned She also found that she could take more She intends to return to her home- at a very low level, and I could barely pected to celebrate with her Wesleyan
a minor in history, with a focus in women’s classes during the day and graduate faster. understand what friends. “We plan to stay at one of their
studies. While attending Wesleyan she was people were houses and drink until midnight since
employed full time in the FinancialAid office. The Wesleyan alum said she faced saying,” she all of us are over 21,” she said.
a family crisis during her senior year. said. “I now
“It didn’t start off that way,” she said. “At Her grandparents died within 12 months feel comfortable Joshua Raynor
first it was a work-study position.” of each other. “My grandmother died talking with Unlike Funadaiku, new grad Joshua
two days before my final exams in my anyone, whether Raynor elected not to participate in the
After some changes in the department, graduating semester,” Speller said, noting they’re native commencement.
Speller was offered a position as a financial that she used her grandmother’s death or non-native “I think it’s all a little crazy that our
aid advisor. “I loved it,” she said. Even though as motivation to push forward and finish speakers. I used immediate family couldn’t attend,” the
it didn’t correlate with her major, she said the strong. Not only did she graduate magna to feel afraid to Rocky Mount native said. “That’s my
position was advantageous for her. It helped cum laude, but she earned the Outstand- make gram- reasoning behind not participating.”
her build her resume and develop networking ing Achievements Award in Sociology. mar mistakes, Nonetheless he’s excited to finish
skills, and gave her more work experience. but now even his degree in sports administration. He
Speller is glad she transferred to Wes- though I do said he had considered quitting several
“The financial aid team is like family to leyan. “Like anything in life, school is make mistakes, times along the way.
me, and I still keep in contact with them,” what you make it,” she said. “Wesleyan I don't care “I struggled my first couple years so to
afforded me with so many opportunities I anymore and get it done means a lot,” he said, explain-
wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else.” just try to speak ing that his time-managements skills
naturally.” were poor at first. “My freshman year
Since graduation, Speller has worked Funadaiku I was only at school for basketball and
as a civic engagement program manager said Wesleyan didn’t pay much attention to classes.”
for North Carolina’s National Domestic proved to be Raynor plans a career as a scholastic
Workers Alliance (NDWA). Promot- a good fit for baseball or basketball coach. “I’ve
ing the rights of domestic workers, she her. “The small been into sports since I could walk,” he
supervises the organization’s phone bank, size was very said. “I want to continue to be part of
helps write scripts for phone messages, good for me,” that in my career.”
and writes yearly plans for creating ways she said. “My Though he’s applied to two coach-
to increase civic engagement. professors were ing jobs, he’s not optimistic about the
very helpful and job market in general.
In addition to her current job, Speller kind and helped “With Covid,” he said, “many
is also working on her master’s degree New graduate Hana Funadaiku (top left) is seen here with me to improve schools aren’t hiring so it’s challenging
at The University of North Carolina- family members and her best friend (top right) on the day in my academic to find a job at the moment.”
Greensboro for Peace and Conflict Stud- 2017 that she left her native Japan to come to Wesleyan. performance.” For the time being, Raynor will
ies. Even though her program involves She added continue in landscaping, in a job that
remote instruction, she loves it. “The Photo courtesy of H. Funadaiku he has worked about 30-40 hours a
flexibility is in my hands and I can work week while taking classes during the
on my own time,” Speller said. past year.

Speller had always been community
oriented. When she was growing up,
her parents pushed her to stay involved
within her community. Her current job
and activities allow her to support impor-
tant causes, she said.

December 18, 2020 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 5


Miss Titi Cake’s School for Girls Death of a Mayor
By Kate Avila tion, they learned to greet each other wouldbake items, I would give them the
Decree Staff Writer and say thank you. ingredients in a different language, and their By Joel Inzerillo
Decree Staff Writer
“Welcome to Ms. Titi Cake’s sum- “Oi,” said Lauren to Sophia. goal was to correlate what I said to steps in
mer school!” I told my nieces, Lauren, Seven years ago, 13-year-old me
Camila and Sophia, on May 9, which Waving, Sophia said, “Oi.” the cooking process.Thismomentwasone couldn’t help but notice something about
“This is how Portuguese speakers of my favorites because I enjoyed seeing their my hometown of Washington, North Caro-
was our first day. The girls giggled at the say hello,” I said. minds at work. lina. In fact, I’d find it hard to believe that
thought of saying “Ms.” in front of Titi “Bonjour, Ms. Titi Cake,” said Camila. One day––the girls dressed as anyone could’ve missed the bright signs
(aunty) Cake (what they think my name littered all around town. Displayed in large
is)! Throughout our summer, my mis- “Bonjour, Camila. What language is princesses––we learned proper etiquette purple text, against a yellow background,
that?” I asked. at meal time. They all wore pink and the signs said, “Mac Hodges for Mayor.”
sion was to teach them communication “French!” said Lauren. white dresses, with little heels and
skills by having them learn the basics The sheer number inspired me to cre-
of French, Spanish, and Portuguese. We Only one day into classes and we their favorite, lip gloss! All they were ate a game, seeing who could count the
also covered life skills such as social dis- had achieved a milestone. The girls missing was a tiara, which they were most signs. It also became a joke among
tancing, the constant washing of hands, were using a new language. quick to exclaim! To learn etiquette my family and friends, with me acting as
During the following week, it was took lots of patience because they’re if I were a campaigner for Mr. Hodges,
as well as understanding and coping with time to start learning the colors in differ- used to eating finger foods, but I wanted spouting the line “Mac Hodges for
emotions. To exercise our creative skills, ent languages. Every day the classroom to challenge them just a little bit more. Mayor!” wherever I went. I even went as
we made lava lamps, pizza, cupcakes; we far as to make a birthday card for a friend
painted and—most fun of all—did yoga! decorations and our clothing were in “the For our meal we had chicken with rice Kate Avila with (l-r) nieces Lauren, into a campaign flyer. The reason all this
color of the day.” On Monday, we learned and beans. Of course, the chicken was Camila, and Sophia. Photo courtesy K. Avila was funny was not just the overwhelming
I was their teacher because their par- blue, Tuesday, green, Wednesday, purple, cut before it was served, but the mission number of signs Mac Hodges had put up,
ents had picked up a few extra shifts and and on Thursday, yellow (We didn't hold was more about washing their hands, but because he was running unopposed.
had started going to school. Because the to think that I learned as much as my
parents would be around different people nieces. We learned from each other; This gag continued until November 5th,
class Friday or the weekends.). using a napkin, not talking with their we learned responsibility by planting when my mom and I went to vote. Since I
The following week we continued the mouth full, and cleaning up their mess. was 13, I couldn’t cast a ballot. That said,
during the day, they thought it was best colors until we completed the rainbow. The most challenging activity was the a flower and taking care of it, we I could finally meet the man behind the
if the girls were around a family member Each day, we would make connections day we made lava lamps. Not only was learned to respect each other by ac- signs. When we arrived, he was standing
who was following all the Covid-19 pro- between colors and everyday objects. it their last day, but they were asked to knowledging our personal spaces, and right outside of our polling place, talking to
tocols. I thought this was a perfect idea people and thanking them for their support.
since I wasn’t busy, and it was better For example, I would say green, and put into practice all the lessons we had we learned to love by making sure
than having the girls watch television. covered over the summer. When making that we were all okay. He was a tall man with glasses and
they would respond with grass, leaves, the lava lamps, they were required to Looking back, what most surprised gray hair, as well as a thick Southern
Lauren, 6, is the older sister of Camila, etc. Camila said, “Broccoli.” exercise patience, pay attention to every me was their embracing of the coping accent that made it hard for me to make
Once we learned the colors, we out what he was saying. Due to this, my
5, while Sophia, is their cousin, who is moved on to “Costume Day!” The step in the directions, and recognize methods I tried to teach them. I recall one only recollection of the story behind the
also 5. These girls are my life! They each signs is that he had a friend who offered
girls, and I, were excited about this day colors, among other tasks. day, about a month into summer school, the signs to him and he said, “Why not?”
have a beautiful personality; Lauren is the because we got to dress as our favorite when Camila was struggling. Instead of
energized one who loves to do flips and “The lava is going to be the color After he and my mom had talked for a bit
characters. Lauren came to school as rojo, vermelho, rouge,” I said. “What expressing her frustration, she just told me, and the signs had been explained, my mom
run, Camila is a hugger, who loves to show Fancy Nancy, Camila as Minnie Mouse, color is that in English?” “Ms. Titi Cake, can I go to my space?” had me take a picture with him. I thought it
affection, and Sophia is the inventor who This left me speechless because she was a bit embarrassing, as it seemed odd to
loves to come up with random activities! Sophia as a mermaid. I was a minion. They all yelled, “Red!” be such a fan of a candidate for the mayor-
“A minion, so cute!” said Lauren. The summer’s lessons were not understood that she wasn’t feeling okay ship of a tiny town who was running unop-
Since they live down the road from me, we and that it was necessary to take some time posed. These days, I’m very glad I did.
already spent a lot of time together. “Gracias,” I said. limited to colors, new languages
We learned to make pizza. When we and making lava lamps. And I like before she was ready to continue working. From then on, my dad would cut out
Due to their closeness in age, the girls his picture when he was in the newspaper
were able to work as a team and, when Of Love and the Coronavirus and give it to me to keep, and whenever
necessary, as individuals with minimal By Caitlin Leggett I saw Mac while I was walking on the
distractions. Camila and Sophia were at Decree Staff Writer He was my break. He was my comfort him getting caught by campus security as downtown waterfront with a friend, I’d
the pre-k/kindergarten level; they were in all my chaos. My safe place. he left my room. wave. Even though it had started as a joke,
learning to spell, so, every day, they Like the rest of the world, I hate It’s not just that the rules have lim- As a result of our decision, we both he was so likeable that I had become a
would start class by copying their names. Covid-19. As if life as a college student fan— it was like having a local celebrity.
At first, they needed the extra help, but isn’t stressful enough, I now must add ited time with my boo. It applies to all faced punishment as severe as expul-
toward the end, they succeeded on their “Do not endanger the world with a deadly my relationships on campus. I barely sion from the college. Six years later, I cast my vote to re-
own. Although Lauren was in first grade, disease” to my to-do list. While double know the freshmen on my team be- elect Mac Hodges, who was no longer
her knowledge was at a second-grade majoring in communication and com- cause we have not been able to engage After countless anxiety attacks, running unopposed. He won with 83 per-
level; we would work on spelling words puter information systems and minoring in team-bonding activities. Zoom calls emails, disciplinary meetings, and cent of the vote. Unfortunately, the story
and basic addition/subtraction. in journalism, I also play volleyball here just do not compare to face-to-face apologies, we were both suspended does not end on that victorious note, as
at Wesleyan. To accommodate my double interactions during pre-season “Hell from residing on campus until the
For our summer session, my family’s major, I took 19 credit hours this semes- week.” I understand that the college’s spring semester. The Dean of Students
dining room had been turned into a precautions were designed for my emphasized that it “concerned” him
classroom. There were tables and chairs, that in such dangerous times, we chose
posters with numbers, art supplies, pencils, safety but I also understand that some- each other over the safety of our cam- after all, this is a pandemic narrative.
notebooks and workbooks. The girls and I At age 69, Mac was one of the more sus-
would dress according to the theme of the times, human nature requires more pus community. As if administrators,
than FaceTime and Zoom calls.
day; we wore princess costumes, sports faculty and staff do not live with their ceptible members of the population in regards
In the beginning of the semester, my families and then return to campus dai- to the coronavirus. I don’t remember the exact
clothes, pajamas. Sometimes we all wore boo and I went on dates on the week- ly, spreading whatever they have con- day, but I remember that sometime in July,
the same color; other days we all wore end and enjoyed each other’s company, tracted from them on a regular basis. my dad told me that Mac had gotten Covid.
our favorite colors. Each day began with a
greeting, followed by spelling work, lunch, as “Covid-safe” as possible. During But nevertheless, we broke the rules, I was worried, as I knew that his age would
language instruction, a snack and vitamins, the school week, he helped me with so we paid the price. Maybe it was not make possible recovery harder for him.
my homework, and I fussed at him to that dramatic but that’s what it felt like.
yoga or a nap, a math lesson, a rerun on focus on his paper and not the game. I didn’t hear much about his condition un-
When we weren’t studying, he taught After finishing out the remainder of our tilThursday,August 13th, when my dad told
languages, a fun activity like dancing or quarantine, we were expected to leave me that he had died the day before. Though
cupcake making, another snack, and, at the me card games and I taught him yoga NCWC and not return until January. I didn’t know him personally, Mac’s death
end of the day, outside play or TV!
It was a busy day, but there were poses. We were the perfect little col- In Emmy-worthy performances, upset me.Afriend even called me to offer
behavioral issues at times—talking lege love story…until life got messy. my love interest and I said our condolences. For months afterward and even
Caitlin Leggett. We talk about Covid, we follow the “Good-byes” as we moved all of our
back, rudeness to other pupils, lack of Photo courtesy C. Leggett rules, and maybe we have a distant rela- belongings off campus, aware that now, I find myself randomly thinking about
tive who gets it, but we never understand we wouldn’t see each other until next
motivation, arguments, and not sharing. how sad it is that he is no longer with us.
I preferred not to scold them. Instead, we ter. To accommodate my bank account, From the few interactions I had with
its severity until we get sick ourselves. term. However, between FaceTime and him throughout the years, it was easy
would sit and talk about their conduct or I’m working on campus at the Taylor Well, my love interest caught Covid and iMessage, not too much time would be to tell that Mac loved the town and its
listen to relaxing music. Sometimes we Center. And to advance my career, I’m then so did I. It was mid-October and the lost. We both went back to our home- people, and the people loved him back.
would all go to what I like to call “our working as a news administrative intern leaves had begun to tur from green to towns, where we were allowed to keep Just a few days ago I saw someone driv-
space;” this meant we would separate and at WUNC Radio. In addition, I’m a co-
relax until it was time to continue our work. host on the Bishop Gaming Association’s auburn and the air had become crisp. But our classes and finish the remainder ing his purple and yellow minivan while
I didn’t want the girls to feel too biweekly news channel and host of the what was just a stuffy nose and loss of of the semester online. My volleyball I was leaving town heading to Wesleyan.
smell and taste for him, was a full-on flu season had already been pushed back Though it reminded me that he’s gone, it
stressed, which gave me the idea of volleyball teams’ “Talk it Out Thurs- for me. On the phone with my mother, I to the spring, so I’d still be able to also reminded me that he is remembered
scheduling moments of freedom. Such days.” Whatever free time I’ve had in fondly by the people of Washington.
moments help to build their character recent months I used to write and publish informed her, “I’m freezing cold but I’m return for our matches and the rest of
more than constant schoolwork since a book of poems. dripping in sweat” and “My body hurts. my extracurriculars. So much hap- The picture I had taken with Mac
What am I supposed to do?” pened, so quickly, but actions have outside of the voting place in 2013 is
they’re learning to find peace throughout M life is like Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Following the protocol, both he and I consequences. We broke the rules, so still with me, and was even included
the chaos of the pandemic. Since they’re Box Rebellion painting--chaos. Oh, moved off campus, to the Wesleyan Inn we suffered the punishment. But in a
so young, they don’t always understand and I forgot to mention, I have what in a poster that was made for me when
to quarantine. Protocol states that infect- moment of selfish need, I just wanted I graduated from high school. It hangs
why they feel a certain way, and my goal a romantic novel would call a “love ed students quarantine in isolation for 14 to feel safe. Needless to say, love and in my room in remembrance of not just
was to teach them positive ways to cope. interest” …This is where it’s get messy. days. Naming the motel, the “Wesleyan corona do not go together. Mac himself, but of all of his yellow signs
On the first day of language instruc- With Covid-19 hitting the world
like a Mack truck, our school has Inn” did not stop it from being what it and the good times that they represent
ELECTION from pg3 done its best to respond appropriately. was. The rooms all smelled of must and to me.
Inzerillo cast a vote for the former vice You must always have your mask on mold and the upkeep was minimal.
president. “I voted for Biden,” he said. “I like properly; no mask equals a $200 fine.
his policies and I dislike a lot of Trump’s.” You cannot enter a building without I ran a fever and caught chills for about
a mask and a “smiley face” on the three days, my body ached for about two
Though he voted for Biden, he expressed Campus Clear, the phone app created more, and I coughed and hacked for the
some reservations, including his advocacy to log your symptoms daily. No more remainder of the quarantine. Of course,
my schedule slowed down. I still had all
for increasing the minimum wage. “I don’t than four people are allowed at a table my classes, and my internship, which
know if Biden will fulfill all his promises in the cafeteria, and six feet distancing was remote. But my loud schedule was
once he’s president and I don’t agree with is mandatory. hushed for the moment. So, naturally, like Graduation in time of pandemic Photo courtesy NC Wesleyan PR
everything he says,” he said, calling a $15 any love-sick, literally sick, young adult, I
minimum wage “ill advised.” Visitation was revoked for all dorms craved comfort. And what better place to
and campus housing. As whiny and get it from than my boo? On a whim, we
Like Inzerillo, Murray voted for Biden but privileged as this may sound, that part made a childish decision, and he came for
did so with hesitancy. “I feel he’s the lesser of is hard on any relationship, platonic a visit. Sounds like a fairytale, right? But
two evils,” said Murray. “I’m not thrilled by or romantic. After a long, hectic day, there must be a downfall and ours was
either candidate, but Joe Biden isn’t running sometimes I just want a break…him.
on a platform that emboldens white suprema-
cists, so he seemed like the obvious choice.”

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