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Published by moneyroom, 2021-08-02 14:03:14

East Valley Courier News August 2021

EVCN August 2021

Keywords: east valley courier news,arizona courier news

East Valley FREE

Please Take One!

Serving: Apache Junction, Gold Canyon, Queen Creek, San Tan Valley, East Mesa AUGUST 2021

Parent Control WEST NILE VIRUS

has approved removing
age restrictions from all West Nile Virus, a disease spread through
the bite of certain mosquitoes, is now
library materials. 14 common in Arizona. Pinal County’s mosquito
surveillance program specifically looks for
mosquitoes that potentially spread disease
to people in our community.  See page 7


Lava River Cave near

Flagstaff is Arizona’s
longest cave.

Index Wikimedia photo
Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5 Left: Walnut Canyon, outside of Flagstaff, transports visitors back 800 years
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to what was likely a pleasant existence for the Sinagua people in the cool
Community . . . . . . . . 6, 7, 8, 26 mountain air. See page 22 for a story by Peter Corbett.
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 12
Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Home Improvement . . . . 16, 18
Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–23
Kollenborn Chronicles . . . . . . 24
Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Health/Medical . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Police;Fire . . . . . . . . . 34, 36, 38
Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Pet of the Month . . . . . . . . . . 42
Puzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

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East Valley

The views and opinions expressed on this and the following page are solely those of the original authors and other contributors.
Richard Taylor These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of East Valley Courier News, the Courier News staff,
and/or any/all contributors to this publication.
What do you think?
[email protected]
“Apache Junction Public Library has removed age
Bill Van Nimwegen restrictions on all library materials. Good? Bad?”


[email protected]

Dana Trumbull


[email protected]

Robert Sacha


[email protected]

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Kelly L. Frank S. Linda Z. Julie J.
Peter Corbett, Dolan Ellis, Adelaide Mena
Gold Canyon Apache Junction Apache Junction Apache Junction
Bad. Children are not Good. Screening Good. I am opposed Good! Not all kids
2066 W Apache Trail, Suite 112 adults and therefore children’s reading to censorship. It is the read at the same level.
Apache Junction, AZ 85120 cannot process some material is a parent’s responsibility of the
material meant to responsibility. It parent or guardian to I know mine were
480-691-3532 be read by adults. is the library’s re- determine what is and reading at high school
sponsibility to make is not age appropriate level when they were
Send News Stories, Press Releases Their perception reading material reading and viewing in 3rd grade. Instead
Letters to the Editor to: of the world is of holding them back
underdeveloped and available. material.
[email protected] cannot distinguish let them read what
between real and See the story on page 14 for details about the Library Board makes them happy imagined, socially announcement. Thank you to East Valley Courier News friends and they will never
appropriate and not. on Facebook for contributing to this month’s Viewpoints opin-
East Valley Courier News is owned and published by ions. Follow us at lose their love
East Valley Courier News, LLC. No person, organization of reading.

or party can copy or reproduce the contents on our LETTERS Best of the Best appointment for a COVID later they called me to
website and/or magazine or any part of this publication Thank you for your out- vaccine shot has been futile. come back to the store for
without written consent from the editor’s panel and the East Valley Courier News standing newspaper. It is an On April 3rd, I was checking the vaccine shot. This is by
author of the content, as applicable. The publisher, authors does not print anonymous example of fine journalism. out at Walgreens on Apache far the nicest thing anyone
letters, so letters must in- The best of the best. Trail and Meridian and men- has done for me since the
and contributors reserve their rights with clude your name for publi- tioned needing a shot. Of pandemic started, regarding
regards to copyright of their work. cation. Letters must also in- —Greg Redding course they had the same an- shots.
clude an address and phone Mesa swer I always get, [you need The staff at the pharmacy
The EV Courier News is a Proud Member of: number, which will not a] computer or smart phone. and the store are really
be published, but used for Tale of Good Will However, the lady took special people.
verification of authenticity. I want to tell a story of good my name and phone number I thank them so much!
Please keep letters to 300 will. I am a widow and can- saying they sometimes had
words or less. Letters may not afford, nor do I want a extra shots. Not 30 minutes —B.K. Rasmussen
be edited for brevity. Thank computer. Trying to get an Mesa



Arizona Raconteur Imparts Some Desert Wildfire Facts

Dolan Ellis the personality of Pine and tunity to evolve and develop which will burn fast and hot. that is blooming the follow- over the world, just to see
From “Arizona Songs & Stories” Oak wildfires, and not that a defense against them, and Native grasses burn at 400 ing spring and they will say, and experience the miracle
of the “Sonoran Desert” and learn how to survive them. and 600 degrees. “Buffel- “Oh, great, it survived the of the Sonoran Desert. Ar-
I’ve been noticing a lot of its current wildfires. "Na- On top of that, we now have grass” burns at 1300 to 1600 fire”. Unfortunately, that is izona would simply not be
questions and comments ture's Way" does not have an infestation of invasive degrees. That's hot enough to not necessarily so. Even a the same human experience,
about our desert wildfires much to do with most of our foreign grasses that domi- melt aluminum. Our Sagua- little fire can kill a Sagua- if we should lose our Sagua-
on Facebook, and I have wildfires. The U.S. Forest nate the desert terrain, like ros are covered with “skin” ro. Its needles can catch fire ros and our unique ecosys-
come to realize that many Service stated in 2019, that never before. The “Buffel- rather than “bark”, and like very easily and then carry tem through wildfire. Don’t
people do not fully under- 90% of all forest fires are grass” and “Red Brome”, humans, when their skin the fire up the cactus for a think for a moment that it
stand the incredible impact human caused. are among the worst. Unlike becomes severely burned, it quick and very hot flash fire, couldn’t happen, because it
of these fires. I read bits of First, unlike fire in the the “native grasses”, which blisters and cracks and dis- where it will inflict extreme could, one fire at a time. In
wisdom like, “Fire is good.” pine forests, wildfires are grow very sparse and thin eases set in, and they die a damage in a short period of fact, it IS happening! The
and “The desert has been new phenomena to the So- and are incapable of carry- slow death. However, they time. It is a bit like someone only cure is to eradicate this
surviving wildfires fires noran Desert. The Sonoran ing huge and wide spread contain so much water with- having their hair to catch on invasive “Buffelgrass”, and
for centuries.”, and “It will Desert has never seen such wildfire, these “new grass- in, that it takes a couple of fire. A flash of flame, and do it soon. Consider this.
come back”, or “It’s nature’s raging wildfires ever before es” grow tall and thick and it years for this to happen. For then it is over, but severe and The last big desert wildfire
way”. However, these bits in it's entire history. There- covers the desert floor with this reason, people some- deadly damage is sustained. cost 44 million dollars. I am
of wildfire wisdom reflect fore, it has not had the oppor- dry grass that is full of resin, times see a burned Saguaro Secondly, the ecosys- told by good authority, that
tem of the Sonoran Desert we could do the research
LETTERS news and reading on the in- I have one last thing to say Amazon Story is much more fragile, and and rid the desert of these
ternet and my opinion is we about this, I just wonder how Read your article. It was good much slower growing than grasses for a few million
We Shouldn’t Leave are doing it all over again in the mother who’s son was and fair. I saw though that that of a Pine forest. If it is dollars. Here's something to
Afghanistan Afghanistan and leaving the killed over there feels know- you never actually worked a lucky enough to survive, it think about. Slurry, (that red
I spent a year in Viet Nam people who helped us over ing the military is leaving and week. Try it. will take many years to re- stuff they drop on the fires
and when Nixon said we there to the mercy of the Tal- probably two or three weeks One question? Why did cover. “Saguaros” can be from planes), costs between
were pulling out and we had iban. after we are gone it well be they hire me at 64 and run over 200 years old, “Iron- $2.50 and $3.50 per gallon.
a honorable peace the only like the last 20 years never me like a 25 year old. wood Trees” can be 1200 to A large 747 jet plane drops
thing that meant was that we There are a lot of people happened because the Tali- 15 min break that took 1400 years old, and a bask 18,500 gallons of slurry with
were putting our tail between who will disagree with me ban will have complete con- over 5 travel time. Same of “Creosote Bush” can be every pass it makes. The
our legs and going home and and that is ok to, that is your trol of the country as before. with lunch. Maybe 15 min literally thousands of years smaller planes carry 1200
leaving the people that helped right, but remember how sit down time. old, just to name a few. with each pass. You do the
us over there to the mercy of the Taliban settle old sores —Leroy P. Slater It's hard labor and I don't These desert wildfires math.
the V.C. and the N.V.A. (off goes your head) Queen Creek are not like a forest fire. All Please tell your friends
fires are tragic, but when a and neighbors about this cri-
I have been watching the wildfire occurs in the des- sis. The day will soon come,
ert, it can forever destroy when we will need all the
the unique ecosystem that is support that we can rally, to
like no other place on earth. put pressure on politics and
The Sonoran Desert is a one budgets, so as to get this sit-
of a kind place, and people uation turned around.
come to Arizona from all
Sadly most can't live decent
buy Bezos enthusiasm model. on $15. Not with rents over
Many just can't cut it. This $1,200.00
was running 7 hours straight. Besos has $212 Billion.
Then outside. Weather doesn't Soon robots will replace
matter. Load trucks. To me these people anyway and
the pay scale is what keeps Jeff will be worth a Trillion.
people enthusiastic over time. Hey. Good for him.
That and room to grow. Ama- He isn't fair for the hard
zon ads seem more interested labor he demands.
in social justice that the job. Just my thoughts.
My view. This is a $25
an hour job. The labor is as —Terry Curtin
tough as construction jobs. Apache Junction



Earth Heart Park & Community Garden Needs Volunteers

Horizon and at local food document. Since vol- fingerprint card to Hori-

bank. We have an amazing unteers will be working zon for processing.

plan set for the garden for with youth and public, • Volunteer orientation at

this late summer early fall a safe environment is Horizon with food and

garden. Everyone of you needed. refreshments.

has something you could • Meet in person with For or information about
Lavier or Cheri to sign volunteering, contact Lavier
bring to this Community

Garden Project. Please pass application and receive Kurtz at [email protected] or

the word about Earth Heart fingerprint card. Return call 828-855-4892.

Community Garden.”

Kurtz listed these volun-

teer requirements:

• Fill out a volunteer ap-

plication at Horizon or

we will email one to

you. Initial applicationn

where signature is, date

Staff Report “Come out have lots of ers in the garden throughout and return to Lavier
EV Courier News fun, meet new friends and the growth of the space. The Kurtz [email protected]
lets turn this garden into garden will have classes for or drop off at Horizon

A call for volunteers has something beautiful and kids and adults to learn how front desk to the atten-

gone out to the Apache productive,” said Lavier to grow vegetables, fruits tion of Cheri Debree.

Junction Community to join Kurtz, Garden Volunteer and flowers here in the low • State law requires that

Earth Heart Park & Com- Coordinator. desert. There will be lots of volunteers 18 and over

munity Garden and be a vol- “We will be working fresh veggies to eat and take have a fingerprint clear-

unteer. with several Master Garden- home, share in the lobby of ance. Cost is $20 for

Pop-Up Dog Park, July 15–Aug. 27

While Pocket Park for Pups is Closed for Maintenance

Constance Halonen-Wilson Queen Creek’s Pocket Park for Pups
Town of Queen Creek is a heavily used and popular facil-
ity. The heavy use has a cumulative
A pop-up dog park will be effect on the site -- specifically on
available until Aug. 27 at the ability for turf to grow
Founders' Park while im-
portant maintenance is per- Queen Creek’s Pocket For more information
formed at the Town's Pocket Park for Pups is a heavily about the temporary dog
Park for Pups.  used and popular facility. park, please visit Queen-
The pop-up dog park is The heavy use has a cumu- Cr e ek A Z .gov/ PopUpD og-
located on the north side lative effect on the site -- Park. Please remember to
of Founders' Park, 22407 specifically on the ability for keep you dog on a leash
S. Ellsworth Road. There turf to grow.  from your vehicle until you
will be a designated area The closure allows staff are inside the dog park (and
for small / timid dogs and a to recondition the soil and anytime you are in a public
separate area for large / ac- conduct deep watering, space other than the desig-
tive dogs.  giving the roots time to nated dog park). For the most
Parking for the small dog strengthen and grow deep- up to date information, fol-
area will be in the northwest er into the soil. Deeper, low the Town on Facebook.
parking lot (access from healthier roots promote turf com/QCRecreation or Twit-
Ellsworth Rd or Aldecoa growth even with heavy use.
Rd). Parking for the large
dog area will be in the Alde-
coa lot (east side of park, ac-
cess from Aldecoa Rd).



First West Nile Virus Mosquitoes Detected
in Pinal County This Season

Do Your Part to Help Prevent Mosquito-Related Illness

Pinal County’s mosquito surveillance
program specifically looks for mosquitoes
that potentially spread disease to people in
our community. 

By James Daniels do, some may experience last- toes can lay their eggs. Mosquito larvae: eliminate standing water where mosquitoes can lay their eggs.
Pinal County ing or permanent effects, and Check for items outside
in the worst cases, the diseas- the home that collect proved insect repellent.  Solution for Page 46 PuzzlePage
This week, during routine es can be fatal. The PCPHSD water, such as cans, • Keep mosquitoes out-
mosquito surveillance, the would like to remind every- bottles, jars, buckets,
Pinal County Public Health one of the prevention efforts old tires, drums, and side by having well-fit-
Services District (PCPHSD) that we can all take to help other containers, and ting screens on both
detected the first West Nile prevent mosquito-borne dis- get rid of them. windows and doors. 
Virus (WNV) positive ease such as WNV. • Change water in flower
mosquitoes in the coun- Chris Reimus, who vases, birdbaths, plant-   Pinal County investi-
ty this season. Mosquito manages the County’s Vec- ers, troughs, and ani- gates complaints related
surveillance data is used tor Control program said, mal watering pans at to disease-causing mos-
to help determine the risk “With our monsoon season least twice a week. Be quitoes, such as perma-
of mosquito-borne disease finally producing some sig- sure to scrub them out nent standing water, green
to Pinal County residents nificant rain, it is important when changing water. pools, or other reports of
and visitors, and it guides that we are all vigilant to • Repair leaky pipes and mosquito activity. If you
PCPHSD’s disease preven- prevent mosquito breeding outside faucets, and would like information on
tion efforts. on our property.” move air conditioner mosquito prevention and
  West Nile Virus, a dis- To help prevent mosqui- drain hoses frequent- control, or to file a com-
ease spread through the bite toes and mosquito bites: ly to prevent standing plaint, visit the Pinal Coun-
of certain mosquitoes, is now • If you have a swim- water. ty Environmental Health
common in Arizona. Pinal • Even spending a short Services webpage at http://
County’s mosquito surveil- ming pool, keep it op- time outdoors can be, or call 866-
lance program specifically erational. If you must long enough to be bitten 287-0209.
looks for mosquitoes that keep it out of use, make by a mosquito. Take ex-
potentially spread disease to sure you remove the tra care to use insect
people in our community.  standing water, keep it repellent and protective
  Not everyone who gets chlorinated, or run the clothing. When out-
mosquito-borne diseases has filter daily. doors, use an EPA-reg-
symptoms, but for those who • Eliminate standing istered and CDC-ap-
water where mosqui-



City of Apache Junction Fourth of July Celebration
was a Huge Success

Float Decorating Contest: Apache Junction Parks and Recreation also offered a Bike
and Wagon Float Decorating Contest during 4th of July festivities. Patriotic partici-
pants of all ages came out to show their pride for America, by decorating their favorite
bike or wagon. The winners were: Most Patriotic: Lucee Earles; Best Decorated: Xavi-
er Govereau; Most Creative: Aydan Govereau; Best Overall: Addison Karpi

Jeff Kipp The display was fabulous! Thank you to the band Police Department, Su- Sand Volleyball Tournament: Local teams competed in
City of Apache Junction The show really seemed Corporate Lockdown, who perstition Fire & Medical our annual Fourth of July Sand Volleyball tournament.
to be extra enjoyable for entertained the crowd with District, The Arizona Wa- The winners of the 4 person co-ed tournament were: 1st
The City of Apache Junction everyone at the event (and some great music all night ter Company, Superstition Place: Set Panthers & 2nd Place: Set to Kill
Parks & Recreation would the surrounding areas) this long and to lead singer Jon- Mountains Community Fa-
like to say thank you to all year coming off the year we athan Evertsen who provid- cilities District No. 1, and
of the families and agencies have all had with no large ed a stirring rendition of the the Arizona Department of
that came out and partici- scale special events. A huge National Anthem right be- Forestry & Fire Manage-
pated in this year’s Fourth thank you goes out to Re- fore the Fireworks display! ment. Without the support
of July Celebration! What a public Services for their Additional supporters of of all of our sponsors and
great day it was to celebrate continued event and com- this event helped us to make partners, this important
Independence Day! munity partnership with sure that we had a fun and community event would not
The Fireworks Show the City of Apache Junction safe celebration: Apache have been possible.
was presented by Republic for eleven straight years Junction Unified School
Services yet again this year. now! District, Apache Junction

Summer Youth Baseball Programs Sponsored
by AJ Parks & Recreation

Gary Gartner 10:00 a.m.). Both baseball it is important to attend the direction of Coach Wes. or visit the tration is available at www.
City of Apache Junction leagues will play at Prospec- clinic. Leagues will end the This program is designed website at:
tor Park (3015 N. Idaho Rd.) last week of September. to prepare youth for team www.apache- nereg and in-person at the
Apache Junction Parks Registration fees are only No program on Labor Day sports and prepare parents parks. AJ Multi-Gen Center, 1035
and Recreation is offer- $35.00 for T-Ball and $40.00 weekend. to become volunteer coach- You can also follow AJ N. Idaho Rd. in Apache
ing youth baseball leagues for Coach Pitch if registered AJ Parks and Recre- es. Registration fee is only Parks and Recreation on Junction.
for boys and girls ages 4-5 by August 5th. If you can ation is also offering Parent/ $30 per child. This program Facebook and Twitter by
& 6-8 coached by volun- volunteer to coach, you are Tot Baseball for youth ages works great with T-Ball clicking the links/logos on
teers. There are two leagues needed for these leagues. 3-5. Participants must have for those participants ages the website. Online regis-
available, T-Ball ages 4-5 The leagues kick off with turned 3 prior to the start of 4-5. Don’t wait to register,
and Coach Pitch ages 6-8. clinics the morning of Satur- the program. This program as Parent/Tot Baseball fills
T-Ball will be on Monday day, August 7th at Prospec- will be on Saturdays (Au- quickly.
and Wednesday evenings (6- tor Park. The clinic for those gust 21, August 28, Septem- For more information on
7:00 p.m.). Coach Pitch will registered in T-Ball is at ber 11, September 18) from this program or other pro-
be on Monday and Wednes- 9:00am and those in Coach 9:00-9:45 a.m. at Prospector grams and services offered
day evenings (7-8:00 p.m.) Pitch is at 10:00am. To bet- Park. Parents actively work by AJ Parks & Recreation,
and Saturday mornings (9- ter help make even teams with their child, under the please call 480-983-2181



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Critical Race Theory Banned in Arizona Public Schools

Separate Bill Requires Schools to Teach About the Holocaust

The theory says that racism about the Trail of Tears, at the hands of evil… This
is part of everyday life, so the Civil War, and the civil bill works to educate our
people—white or non-white— rights movement. English youth on the atrocities of
who don’t intend to be racist teachers will have to avoid the Holocaust and other
can, nevertheless, make choices teaching almost any text by genocides. Tragedies like
that fuel and perpetuate racism. an African American au- this must never be allowed
thor, because many of them to happen again… We
By Dana Trumbull a fine of up to $5,000 for With the push to bring islature in June and July, mention racism to various have seen a rise in crimes
EV Courier News Staff Reporter schools that violate the law. CRT into the K-12 curric- although specifically in- extents.” against individuals in sev-
ulum, however, popular tended to ban CRT curricu- Sawchuck states that eral communities, and we
Critical Race Theory What is Critical Race perceptions have taken the lum in public schools, could the laws could also become must do more to prevent
Banned in On July 9, the Theory and why did topic out of the theoretical potentially influence other tools to attack other pieces any additional harm and
Office of the Governor is- Arizona ban CRT from the toolbox and placed it into fields as well, including hu- of curriculum, including suffering.”
sued a press release stating, K-12 classrooms? practical application, where manities, social sciences, ethnic studies and civics. House Bill 2241 requires
“Governor Doug Ducey to- Critical Race Theory (CRT) curriculum is perceived and teacher education. In 2015, Arizona be- that all Arizona students re-
day took a decisive step… is a tool developed by legal to intentionally influence In a recent edition of came the first state in the ceive education on the Ho-
to prevent the teaching of scholars approximately 40 students’ ideas about divi- Education Week, Stephen nation to pass the American locaust and other genocides
Critical Race Theory in years ago for use in univer- sive political topics such as Sawchuk reports, “Social Civics Act, which requires during their K-12 education
Arizona public schools and sity courses to help students Black Lives Matter. Many studies educators fear that high school students to pass at least twice between sev-
other government entities. evaluate the ways in which also feel that teaching such laws could have a the citizenship test before enth and twelfth grade.
“I am not going to waste historical and present-day CRT sows feelings of guilt chilling effect on teach- graduation. It was the first Locally, just one East
public dollars on lessons racism has influenced legal in white students, wheth- ers who might self-censor bill Governor Ducey signed Valley school district replied
that imply the superiority systems and public policies. er they subscribe to racist their own lessons out of upon election. to the Courier’s request for
of any race and hinder free The core idea is that race is philosophies or merely ben- concern for parent or ad- In a separate release, comment about Critical
speech.” not merely the product of efit from a system that fa- ministrator complaints.” also dated July 9, the Race Theory, saying simply,
HB 2898, according to individual bias; it is assim- vors Caucasians. He quotes English teacher Governor’s office stated, “The J.O. Combs Unified
the release, “ensures stu- ilated into our social struc- Laws such as those Mike Stein, “History teach- “Governor Doug Ducey School District is committed
dents cannot be taught one ture. The theory says that passed by the Arizona Leg- ers cannot adequately teach today signed legislation to providing instruction in
race, ethnic group, or sex is racism is part of everyday to ensure the next gener- accordance with the Arizona
in any way superior to an- life, so people—white or ation of Arizonans learns Department of Education’s
other, or that anyone should non-white—who don’t in- about the horrors of the K-12 state standards, which
be discriminated against on tend to be racist can, nev- Holocaust and the more does not include Critical
the basis of these charac- ertheless, make choices that than six million lives lost Race Theory.” 
teristics.” The law allows fuel and perpetuate racism.




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Queen Creek Unified School District Names New Principal
for Queen Creek Elementary School

Mrs. Dawn Michaelson and Family of the district’s yet-to-be- (4 years), and seventh grade
named third high school. (1 year) before accepting
By Stephanie Ingersoll named Mrs. Dawn Michael- “Mrs. Michaelson is a position as an elementa-
Queen Creek Unified School District son as the new principal of highly recommended as a ry assistant principal with
Queen Creek Elementary strong instructional leader the Higley Unified School
Dr. Perry Berry, Superin- School. The hiring of Mrs. with tremendous work ethic District. Dawn has served
tendent of Queen Creek Michaelson was approved and passion,” said Super- as assistant principal for the
Unified School District at the June School Board intendent Berry. “We look past three years.  
(QCUSD), and the QCUSD meeting. Dawn replaces forward to having her join Dawn and her husband,
Governing Board have Mrs. Elyse Torbert who has our principal team.” David, have been married
been named the principal Mrs. Michaelson earned for 24 years and have two
her Bachelor of Arts degree daughters:  Kylee, 20, and
in Elementary Education Ashley, 18. When not work-
from Grand Canyon Uni- ing, Dawn enjoys reading,
versity, a Master of Science watching Cardinal’s foot-
with an emphasis in Science ball, and spending time with
Curriculum from California family and friends. 
State Hayward, and her “Queen Creek Elementa-
Master of Science degree ry is a great school in a great
in Educational Leadership district and I look forward to
from Grand Canyon Uni- serving so many exceptional
versity. Dawn is an Arizona educators and families in my
native. She has taught third role as principal,” said Mrs.
grade (13 years), sixth grade Michaelson.

Combs Welcomes Three New Administrators to Leadership Team

By Kayla Fulmer, bond and capital construc- her arrival to the state, Julie ucational services to at-risk every child, every day," said Shanna Shoffner
Combs Unified School District tion projects ranging from joined the public education youth.  Upon completion of Dr. Gregory A. Wyman, Su- Julie Cook
$25,000 to $75 million. In sector and has spent the that project, she began teach- perintendent. "Please join
The J.O. Combs Unified 2016, Bob transitioned to a last six years working with- ing  at Casa Grande Union me in welcoming these out-
School District is pleased senior project manager role in various roles related to High School as a special ed- standing professionals to
to announce that three new with McCarthy for three school finance. Julie earned ucation teacher. During this our leadership team and our
administrators have been years, and later joined Cali- her Bachelor of Science de- time, she also began pursuing Combs community."
selected to join its leader- ente Construction where he gree in Business Manage- her Masters in Educational For more information
ship team for the upcoming oversaw the creation of a ment from the University Leadership. After leaving about the leadership team
school year. K-12 division. Most recent- of West Florida, and is a Casa Grande, she worked at for the J.O. Combs Uni-
ly, Bob served as a Project proud military family mem- the Maricopa County Sher- fied School District, please
Bob Anderson, Director of Manager and Construction ber who loves watching the iff's Office with youth within call (480) 987-5300 or vis-
Support Services Superintendent with Will- LSU Tigers play football. the school across five jails to it
[email protected] meng prior to joining the provide special education ser-
Bob began his career in Combs team. Shanna Shoffner, Combs vices and assist with the tran- Bob Anderson
public education in 1981 Traditional Academy sition back to their commu-
when he joined the Kyrene Julie Cook, Director of Principal nity. Most recently, Shanna
Elementary School District Business Services [email protected] has worked for Legacy Tradi-
as the Director of Plant [email protected] Shanna began her career in tional School as an Assistant
Operations where he super- Julie joins Combs with public education as an aide Principal and Principal.
vised maintenance, custodi- over 25 years of financial and special education para- "The breadth of talent
al and grounds operations, experience. Before moving professional. After complet- and experience that Bob,
as well as bond and capital to Arizona in 2005, Julie ing her teaching degree, she Julie, and Shanna bring to
construction projects. A served as an Assistant Vice had the opportunity to work Combs will be instrumental
decade later, he joined the President and Trust Offi- on a grant project between in our continued commit-
Tempe Union High School cer of Employee Benefits ASU and Maricopa County ment to move the district
District in the same role, at a financial institution in Juvenile Detention Center forward and provide the
where he also oversaw Louisiana.  Shortly after to provide transition and ed- best learning experience for



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A. Douglas LaSota Appointed City Magistrate

Al Bravo “We are confident that Judge
City of Apache Junction LaSota will serve our city well as
municipal judge,” said Apache
Former City of Cotton- Junction Mayor Chip Wilson.
wood Magistrate A. Douglas
LaSota has been appointed “We look forward to him peace pro tem for Maricopa University in San Antonio, James Hazel, who left position with the Town of
city magistrate of the city of taking over our court and County. Texas. Apache Junction earlier this Oro Valley.
Apache Junction. making it the best it can be.”   Prior to his municipal   LaSota replaces Judge year to take the magistrate
  The Apache Junction   LaSota was the Cot- appointments, Judge LaSo-
City Council on Tuesday tonwood magistrate for 10 ta was in private practice in
night voted to appoint and years, ending in 2019. LaSo- Phoenix after a short stint as
swore in Judge LaSota. ta has been in private prac- a deputy public defender in
LaSota has more than 40 tice since. While serving as the Maricopa County Public
years of experience in law, the Cottonwood city judge, Defender’s Office and as an
in private practice, serving LaSota also heard juvenile assistant city prosecutor in
in city prosecutor’s and pub- cases in Yavapai County. the city of Phoenix prosecu-
lic defender’s offices and as   Prior to his time in Cot- tor’s office.
a judge in various jurisdic- tonwood, Judge LaSota   Judge LaSota earned his
tions. was a judge pro tem in the law degree from Arizona
  “We are confident that municipal courts of Mesa, State University in 1980 af-
Judge LaSota will serve Chandler and Scottsdale. He ter receiving his bachelor’s
our city well as municipal also served as a justice of the from Our Lady of the Lake
judge,” said Apache Junc-
tion Mayor Chip Wilson.

QC’s Town Manager Celebrates 25 AJ Library Board Opens
Years of Serving the Community Materials to All Ages

Constance Halonen-Wilson ture,” stated Queen Creek Al Bravo around a theme. Patrons about library services for
Town of Queen Creek Mayor Gail Barney. “John City of Apache Junction can receive weekly emails people with disabilities can
has also ensured a strong of new library materials by be answered by the Library
Queen Creek has experi- financial position for the The Apache Junction Public signing up for the Wowbrary ADA Coordinator (480)
enced various changes since Town. The Town’s bond rat- Library board of trustees has newsletter at 474-8555, TTY 711, or
it incorporated in 1989 – one ing has continued to increase approved a policy removing  [email protected]. Additional
element has remained con- and with our recently ap- age restrictions on all library   The city of Apache Junc- information may be found
stant since 1996, the leader- proved budget, Queen Creek materials. tion invites and welcomes at https://www.apachejunc-
ship of John Kross. will be the first municipality   The policy follows the people of all disabilities to
Kross started with the in the state to have a fully American Library Associ- use its programs, sites and cessibility-and-Civil-Rights.
Town in 1996 as the Com- funded pension reserve! We ation guidance that librari- facilities. Any questions
munity Development Direc- are fortunate to have had the ans cannot act as parents or
tor. During his 25-year ten- past 25 years with John and John Kross. guardians for patrons under
ure with the Town, he also look forward to what the fu- the age of 18 and should not
served as the Assistant Town ture holds!” the Maricopa Association of infringe on First Amend-
Manager before he was In addition to his service Governments Management ment rights.
unanimously approved as to Queen Creek, Kross has Committee and serves as the   The board approved the
the Town Manager in 2007. made significant contribu- chair of the TOPAZ Region- change at its June 24, 2021
“Under John’s leader- tions at the regional and state al Wireless Cooperative. As meeting. The policy goes
ship, we have achieved a level. Kross has served as a a result of Kross’ strategic into effect this month on
number of fantastic mile- mentor through the Arizo- leadership, in 2018 he re- Aug. 2, 2021.
stones from starting a fire na State University School ceived the John J. DeBolske   The library acquires new
department and police de- of Public Affairs Marvin Professional Excellence materials each week in a va-
partment, to acquiring a Andrews Fellowship Pro- award, the highest distinc- riety of formats. One of their
water company and making gram, served on a number tion in local government. newest offerings are DVD
substantial progress related of committees for ACMA, “Binge Boxes,” collections
to our roadway infrastruc- served as the former chair of of popular movies based


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Tips Before Deciding to do a DYI Demolition

Due to geographical fluctuations in
price as well as the scale of a proj-
ect, it's hard to pinpoint just how
much homeowners can save by
doing demolition work themselves.

alone. The risk for accident homeowners a lot of mon-
and injury is simply too ey. But such projects are
great for homeowners to go not necessarily as simple
it alone. Homeowners who as they seem. Homeown-
can't enlist some volunteers ers should take steps to see
to pitch in should leave the exactly what they're getting
job to the professionals. into before they volunteer
DIY demolition can save to take on demo duty.

Home improvement projects so safely, homeowners can be rented. A cost analysis knack for what to do. Once
can range from relatively in- take steps to determine if comparing the contractors' homeowners see what it will
expensive undertakings to it's in their best interest to demolition cost estimate take, they can then decide if
complex endeavors that cost take on a DIY demolition or and the cost of DIY, com- DIY is best for them.
homeowners thousands of leave it to the professionals. plete with equipment rent- Enlist help. No DIY
dollars. In an effort to make Conduct a cost analysis. al projections, can give a demo should ever be done
expensive projects more af- Demolition projects seem more accurate picture of
fordable, homeowners may simple, but they often re- how much money home-
look for ways to pitch in, quire the use of equipment owners will save by going it
and do-it-yourself demoli- most homeowners don't alone. If the savings of DIY
tion is a common way to cut have on hand. Rentals can are negligible, homeowners
costs. be considered in such in- should probably let the con-
Due to geographical stances, but the cost of tractor handle the demo.
fluctuations in price as well renting equipment can re- Speak with your contrac-
as the scale of a project, it's duce the amount of money tor. Prior to saying they'll do
hard to pinpoint just how homeowners are saving by the demo work on their own,
much homeowners can save going it alone. For exam- homeowners should speak
by doing demolition work ple, homeowners may be with their contractors to get
themselves. HomeAdvisor able to pull up vinyl or tile an accurate idea of what the
estimates that the aver- flooring on their own, but project will entail. Demoli-
age small interior demoli- not all floors are installed tion projects may seem sim-
tion project costs just over the same. Some floors may ple enough, but contractors
$3,000, though more sig- have been glued more ef- can illustrate the correct
nificant demolition projects fectively than others, mak- way to do things so as to
can cost considerably more ing it hard and/or time-con- minimize potentially costly
than that. Given the cost, suming to pull them up by damage. Some contractors
it's no surprise that so many hand. A walk-behind floor may offer to help homeown-
homeowners volunteer to scraper can make it easi- ers start the demo project
do demolition on their own. er to remove such floors, and then leave them to their
Though it's possible to do but that equipment must own devices once they get a


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The Average Timelines for Popular Renovation Projects

Timing is a big consideration for
homeowners as they begin renovating
their homes, and the home improve-
ment experts at HomeAdvisor note
that the following are some general
timelines for popular renovation

plumbing and moving that new siding projects

walls will likely take take roughly two weeks

longer than more cos- from start to finish. That

metic projects that are estimate is the same re-

limited to replacing gardless of which ma-

cabinets and counter- terials homeowners are

tops. replacing and installing.

• Bathroom remodel: • Replacement windows:

More than 1,000 home- Homeowners who want

owners surveyed by Ho- to replace all the win-

meAdvisor reported that dows in their home can

bathroom remodels took expect such a project

about 4.5 weeks from to take roughly three

start to finish. Small- weeks. HomeAdvisor

scale remodels that notes that such a time-

focus on painting the line need not concern

Home renovation projects eral timelines for popular ported that the average ing the time it takes to walls a fresh color and homeowners worried
complete various home
are significant undertak- renovation projects. time from start to finish improvement projects, replacing existing tiles that they will be forced
and kitchen remodels
ings. Working with skilled • Home addition: Short was between three and are no exception. Some can be completed in less to brave the elements
HomeAdvisor users re-
and experienced contrac- of a full-scale demoli- four months. Certain ported projects taking than two weeks. But during the length of the
as long as four months,
tors can ensure projects go tion and rebuild, home variables, including the though the average time like with kitchen remod- project. Much of a con-
reported was roughly
smoothly and are complet- additions are the most scale of the project and six weeks. Projects that els, bathroom remodels tractors' time during a
require major overhauls
ed promptly. Timing is a time-consuming proj- the local permits pro- like rearranging the that involve replacing window replacement

big consideration for home- ects homeowners can cess, can extend the time plumbing fixtures and project will be spent on

owners as they begin reno- undertake. HomeAdvi- it takes to complete a removing walls figure to upfront measuring and

vating their homes, and the sor notes that its survey home addition. take much longer than then ensuring a tight fit

home improvement experts of customers who re- • Kitchen remodel: Scale that. once the windows have

at HomeAdvisor note that cently completed home is a big factor to con- • Siding installation: Ho- been installed. 

the following are some gen- addition projects re- sider when estimat- meAdvisor users report

Apache Junction has a Free Dump Week in August

Bill Van Nimwegen and operates the landfill. City Residents can wear their
EV Courier News residents can take one free own, borrow a set while on
load to the landfill during the site or purchase a set for $9.
Residents of Apache Junc- week. Please bring proof of The landfill’s hours
tion can throw out a load of residency (such as a water of operation are Monday
trash at the landfill during bill). Residents are advised through Saturday from 6
“Free Dump Week,” on Au- that only one pickup truck a.m. to 4 p.m. 
gust 9-14. bed size of refuse per house- The free week-long ser-
During that week, the hold will be accepted. vice is offered four times
Apache Junction Landfill of- Remember, under safety a year. For further infor-
fers city residents a free drop guidelines, Republic Ser- mation, please contact the
off, in partnership with Re- vices requires hard hats and Apache Junction Landfill at
public Services, which owns vests while at the landfill. (602) 237-2078.


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Lava River Cave in Flagstaff Area Fascinates Visitors

Bill Van Nimwegen Sometimes referred to as an “ice
EV Courier News cave” because the low tempera-
tures cause icicles to form inside,
The quirky geological for- explorers are encouraged to dress
mations throughout Arizona warmly.
never disappoint those who
make the effort to seek them of Government Prairie and side the cave, so bring more
out. The Lava River Cave in southeast of Government than one light source in case
Northern Arizona outside of Peak and was then known as you lose one. Because the
Flagstaff is another example Government Cave. height of the cave changes
of a fascinating, exciting and Sometimes referred to (30 feet to as low as 2 or 3
educational trip you should as an “ice cave” because the feet), helmets are not a bad
plan to make. low temperatures cause ici- idea. Also, please leave your
700,000 years ago, the cles to form inside, explor- dogs behind on this trip. It
area was exploding with ers are encouraged to dress takes a long time for drop-
volcanic activity. Now dor- warmly. Steady, flexible pings and urine to biode-
mant cauldrons were once shoes are also recommend- grade in the cave, and the
the source of rivers of mol- ed. There is no lighting in- smell lingers too.
ten lava that flowed across
the landscape. As the molten A public entrance to cave is found in the forest above.
lava cooled on the edges and
top, the river created a long
tunnel that you can explore
The Lava River Cave in
Coconino National Forest is
approximately three quarters
of a mile long and is Arizo-
na’s longest cave. It is open
year-round, but since the
interior temperature stays
about 30-45 degrees, sum-
mertime is the most popular
time to visit.
The entrance of the cave
is found in the middle of a
beautiful Ponderosa Pine
forest and is easy to access
on gravel roads FR 245 and/
or 171. It was originally
discovered by lumbermen
in 1915 on the eastern edge

Photo of entrance, looking out by Kelly Filasky.

Pay close attention to the From Flagstaff, take
walls and the floor of the US 180 north toward Snow
cave for evidence of how it Bowl and turn left at FR
was formed. Wavy ripples 245, then left at FR 171 and
in the floor show where the 171B. Visit www.alltrails.
last molten lava froze and com/trail/us/arizona/la-
stone icicles indicate where va-river-cave/photos to see
lava re-liquified and dripped more visitors photos of the
from the ceiling. Lava River Cave.


Walnut Canyon C liff Dwellers
L eft Nearly 800 Years Ago

in which a rich vegetation charms the eye of
the plain-weary traveler, but its treasury of
the remains of a race as yet unplaced in the
ethnological series…”
It’s believed that the Sinagua people
moved away to new villages after 1250 and
assimilated into the Hopi culture. The Hopi
called them Hisatsinom or "the people of
long ago.”
More might be known of Walnut Can-
yon’s inhabitants if the dwellings had been
left intact. But the rooms were vandalized
starting in the late 1800s by pot hunters who
removed pottery sherds and other antiquities.
To protect the site, the Forest Service built
a ranger cabin at Walnut Canyon in 1904. It
was designated a national monument in 1915
but managed by the Forest Service until 1934
when the National Park Service took control
of the park.

Photo by Carol M. Highsmith via the Library of Congress.

By Peter Corbett The national monument’s mile-long Is-
Special to the EV Courier News land Trail descends 240 steps or 185 feet
down to a paved path that skirts two dozen
In a shaded alcove of a cliff dwelling, it’s cliff dwellings. The alcoves in the limestone
easy to grasp why the indigenous Sinagua cliffs are not spacious and taller adults must
people chose to live in what’s now Walnut duck to enter them.
Canyon National Monument southeast of The Rim Trail stays on higher ground
Flagstaff. with views into the canyon as it weaves
During the summer, sheltered from the through a mix of juniper, pinyon pines and
sun and monsoon rains, it likely was a pleas- prickly pear.
ant existence for the Sinagua in the cool It takes about 30 minutes to hike the 0.7-
mountain air. Winters not so much. mile Rim Trail and roughly an hour to com-
Still, walnuts, firewood and wild game plete the Island Trail.
were plentiful, water flowed in Walnut Creek The beauty of Walnut Canyon has long
and their crops of corn, beans and squash been apparent but insight into how the Sina-
sustained them despite a short growing sea- gua lived and why they left is largely specu-
son. lation.
Just what was it like to live here for these William Beer, a visiting librarian from
cliff dwellers from around 1100 to 1250? New Orleans, wrote of his visit to Walnut
That’s just one of many questions visitors Canyon in a 1897 edition of the Flagstaff
might ponder while touring the picturesque Sun-Democrat:
canyon. “It is not alone the beauty of the canyon,


Destination details
Directions: East of Flagstaff, take Exit 204 off Interstate 40 and drive 3 miles south to the
visitor center.
Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Closed Christmas and New Years Day.
Fee: $15 per person for all visitors 16 and older, or buy a Flagstaff Area National Monu-
ments Pass for $45 that admits the pass holder and three adults to Walnut Canyon, Sunset
Crater and Wupatki national monuments for a year. Fees must be paid by credit or debit
cards. No cash.
Free: No admission charge on Aug. 25 for the National Park Service anniversary or Sept.
25 on National Public Lands Day or Nov. 11 for Veterans Day.

Photo by Austin Corbett. It's in Walnut Canyon but not in the national monument. The
Flagstaff area trail system traverses part of Walnut Canyon outside the national monu-

Recent studies of the area have revealed are not visible on the monument’s trails.
about 500 archeological sites in 10-mile- Visitation at Walnut Canyon averaged
long Walnut Canyon and 2,000 walnut trees 435 people daily from 2015-19 with the bus-
in the bottom of the 400-foot gorge. Picto- iest attendance from March to October.
graphs and petroglyphs in Walnut Canyon

National Monument Preserves Archeological Sites



Wagon Tracks in Stone

was a large milling oper- some photos up at the Silver pioneers of the Southwest.
ation on the side of Queen King that included the old The turnoff to the Wag-
Creek just west of Superior. mine superintendent office. on Tracks is about halfway
The ore wagon road crossed Today the building is gone. between the Boyce Thomp-
a large deposit of welded All that remains of the Pinal son Arboretum and Superi-
volcanic tuff. This type of Mill along Queen Creek is or along Highway 60 on the
rock was not too resistant parts of its foundation. The right side of the highway. A
to the metal rims of the history of the area is etched visit to the wagon tracks is
old wagon wheels carrying in the ash just north of the a wonderful historical re-
heavy loads of silver ore. mill along the road to the minder of the past mining
The wagon wheels slowing old Silver King Mine where history of Arizona Territo-
etched two deep ruts across the wagons crossed a long rial days. The State of Ar-
this large deposit of weld- de¬posit of volcanic tuff. izona should preserve this
ed volcanic tuff (ash). This Sorry treasure hunters, these unique site for future gener-
wagon wheel rut reveals the are not carreta tracks made ations to see.
years of transport over this by the Mexican Or Spanish
route from the Silver King
Ore wagons from the Silver King mine at the Pinal mills, circa 1885. Mine to the old Pinal Mill.
The old Silver King
Tom Kollenborn of the period. The man tell- lion from this area back to Mine was discovered in These are the wagon tracks in stone. I am pointing to
© 2010, 2021 ing the story swore these Mexico in the 1840s. These 1875 and developed into the tracks of the lead mules that is also in stone. As you
were the tracks left behind, ranchers knew exactly what one of the largest and rich- stand silently over these old stone tracks you can almost
Since I can remember there produced by two-wheeled the guy was talking about. est of the early silver mines here the teamster cracking the whip and the mules
have been stories about wag- carts carrying heavy loads of They told dad exactly where in Arizona Territory. At first trudging along pulling their heavy loads.
on tracks in stone around or gold and silver bullion back the tracks were located and the mine owners tried to
in the Superstition Wilder- to Mexico from the rich a little about their history. ship ore to Yuma then down
ness Area. Some 60 years mines around the Supersti- According to Billy Mar- to the Gulf of California and
ago I heard a man telling my tion Mountains. tin Sr. the tracks were the on to San Francisco. This
dad a story about some stone My father talked to Jim- results of the ore wagons method of shipment was far
carreta tracks south of the my Herron and Billy Martin hauling silver ore from the too expensive. A mill was
wilderness boundary. A car- Sr. about these alleged wag- Silver King Mine to the constructed on Pinal Creek
reta was an old two-wheeled on tracks in stone. When Pinal Mill on Queen Creek west of Superior in the late
heavy-duty Spanish cart that dad first heard the story he just west of present day 1870s where the ore was
could carry very large loads didn't believe the Spanish Superior. During the late processed much cheaper
hauled gold or silver bul- 1870s and early 1880s there and made the Silver King
a very profitable mining
operation. Today little re-
mains of the old Silver King
mine. Forty years ago I took

Free Family BINGO Event

Jeff Kopp Bingo and other activities. even more prizes. required but come early to great prizes for winners! tional Center at 480-474-
City of Apache Junction This event is free! There will This event is in coordina- get your seat. There will not For more information on 5240 or visit our website at
be plenty of Bingo Games, tion with the Parks and Rec- be cash prizes; however we this program or other pro-
Apache Junction Parks & contests, prizes, light snacks reation Fit Families program. do have a family member- grams and services, please fitfamilies.
Recreation present Fit Fam- and beverages. This year’s Families can participate all ship to the MGC and other contact the Multi-Genera-
ily Bingo Night! Bingo for Bingo will once again be year long in a program that
all ages-especially the kids! hosted in the gymnasium to will provide activities and
This is not your Grandma’s allow for even more Bingo events for families to spend
Bingo! players. This event is open time together and get health-
Bring the whole family for families with kids of all ier together.
to the Multi-Generational ages! The MGC is located at
Center on Friday, August 20 Bring your good luck 1035 N. Idaho Road. Regis-
from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. for charms for a chance to win tration for this event is NOT



MINING TOWN 1893 - 1897 It was about this time when you mentally, physically and
A True Old West Experience where the Legend of the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Still Lives! George U. Young first be- last but not least, financially.
came interested in the You can’t quit. You have to
•Tour Underground Mine EXPERIENCE ARIZONA’S Goldfied mines. Early in go on.
• Ride the Railroad through MOST COLORFUL 1910 Young came looking By June of 1910 Young
HISTORY! around. It didn’t take him claims to have located a
the Mining District long to decide that he want- good ore body at the Mam-
• Pan for Real Gold ed in the game. He jumped moth and is still acquiring
• Enjoy Great Food in with both feet. He looked most of the claims in the
• Shopping in February and bought in district. The Bull Dog, Black
• Horseback Riding March. In April he was sink- Queen, Mammoth, Wasp
• Jeep Tours ing a new shaft. Goldfied and at least twenty more.
• Awesome Views & More! was tempting. Where do you He’s going for broke. A new
look for gold? Well, that’s steam hoist and head works
Gateway To The Legendary Superstition Mountains easy. Right where they found goes up at the Queen. The tled and work continues on,
it before. Each man thinking shaft at the Mammoth is go- Goldfield is coming back to
4650 N Mammoth Mine Rd. Apache Junction, AZ 85119 he could do what the other ing deeper by the day. By the life. The mill is crushing ore
(480) 983-0333 | couldn’t. It’s a contest to see summer of 1910 resigns as again and employment is on
who’s the best. A high stakes Secretary of the Republican the rise. Key players are re-
Located 4.5 miles N/E of Apache Junction, AZ on the historic Apache Trail (SR-88) game that’s not for the sis- Committiee. turning back to work.
sies. It grabs you, shows you There are problems with
enough to keep you in the labor and flooding in the Book: Goldfield Boom to
game while it slowly drains Mammoth. A strike is set- Bust Arizona Territory 1893
By : Mayor Bob Schoose


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Gerald Hundt Memorial Golf Tournament
to Benefit Food Bank

promise golfers a spectacu- Superstition Mountain’s Nicklaus-
lar tee-to-green golfing ex- designed courses promise golfers
perience while they will be a spectacular tee-to-green golfing
supporting the food bank’s experience while they will be
mission to feed the hungry supporting the food bank’s mission
in East Valley communities. to feed the hungry in East Valley
Currently the food bank is communities.
working on a major fund-
raising campaign to meet a
critical need for expansion
of its freezer/refrigeration
capacity for protein-related
foods and perishables.
In addition to players,
promoters are seeking do-
nors and sponsors for mul-
tiple tournament events,
awards and raffle prizes. 
Easy online registration is
available at DixonGives.
com/scfb. Potential donors
and sponsors are invited to
contact tournament director
Myra Garcia at myra.gar-
org or 480-983-2995. 

Gerald Hundt’s children at the 1st Annual GHM Golf Tournament held at Gold Canyon
Golf Resort. Far left Jeremy Tanberg, son-in-law, Brett Hundt, son, Brandon Hundt,
son, and Jenea Hundt-Tanberg, daughter.

Myra Garcia the Superstition Mountain tember 9th,  for a full day The Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Jeremi-
Superstition Community Food Bank Golf & Country Club this that will include breakfast, ah's Italian Ice on June 25. Located at the corner of Victoria Lane and S. Ellsworth Rd.
year with all proceeds going lunch, golf, awards and raf- (20784 E Victoria Ln #107 in Queen Creek), Jeremiah's serves Gelati, Italian Ice and
The 2nd Annual Gerald to Superstition Community fle prizes. classic Soft Ice Cream. Joining Dr. Mark and Becky Leonard for the celebration were
Hundt Memorial Golf Tour- Food Bank (SCFB). Save Superstition Mountain’s Queen Creek Town Council Member Jeff Brown and other friends and staff. Cool off
nament will be hosted by the date:  Thursday, Sep- Nicklaus-designed courses today with one of Jeremiah's frozen treats.


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Truth in Taxation: Understanding Your Tax Rate

Pinal County Public Information tion" agenda item, which il- amount, in total, on existing by six cents, from $3.75 to in the Anthem subdivi- districts. 
lustrates changes in taxes for properties. The required lan- $3.69, which is a 1.6% de- sion in Florence that has a The Arizona "Truth
At the July 7 Pinal County County taxpayers. Arizona guage calls it a "tax increase" crease. However, because Market Value of $357,000 In Taxation" law defines
Board meeting, county su- law requires that the pub- despite the fact that Super- the valuations of existing and an assessed value of any rate over $367.55 per
pervisors fielded questions lic must be notified of any visors actually lowered the properties in total increased $16,596.09 would incur a $100,000 of assessed val-
about the "Truth In Taxa- tax rate that levies a greater primary property tax rate by 2%, there is an overall in- property tax of $612.40. If ue as a "tax increase" over
crease in the levy by 0.4%. an increased assessment oc- baseline rates established
Had the Board not reduced curs of the greatest amount by the legislature - making
the tax rate, the increase in possible - 5% - the val- a tax rate decrease look like
the total levy would have ue would be $17,425.89, a tax increase to citizens. In
been 2%.  which would result in a reality, the Board of Super-
The change for each in- tax of $643.01. Had the su- visors is decreasing the tax
dividual property will vary pervisors not lowered the rate from $375 per $100,000
based on each property's tax rate, the tax bill would to $369 per $100,000.
change in valuation. Some have been $653.47. Please Other Truth In Taxation
levies will increase, some note that this would be for statements illustrated the
will stay the same, and some the Primary Property tax tax change in the Library
will decrease. If an assessed levy portions that the Pinal and Flood Control Districts.
property value increased due County Board of Supervi- An approval for increased
to improvements or market sors has jurisdiction over, funding for these districts
conditions by 20%, State which on average is only occurred, which will result
law still only allows only a about 24% of the total tax in a total tax per $100,0000
5% per year increase.  bill. Other taxing jurisdic- of assessed value of nine-
Assessed value dif- tions include cities/towns, teen cents for the Library
fers from Market value. school districts, Central Ar- District, and forty cents for
For instance, a property izona College, and special the Flood Control District.

Tips for Home Buyers During a Seller’s Market

A combination of factors, of February 2021, housing the southern and down payment ready sale can go through, • Make it personal.
according to the Buyers can offer a
including low interest rates inventory fell to a record midwestern United to go. Failure to have relocation site Moving. personalized note with
com. A common con- the offer that may
and a pandemic-driven de- low of 1.02 million units. States offer the best funds in check can tingency is the need connect with the seller
to sell one’s current emotionally and set
cision by many city dwell- These factors have led to a value for home shop- slow down the process home before closing one them apart from
on another. Asking others who have made
ers to look for houses in surge in competition from pers because of their or compel sellers to for extended closing similar offers.
periods or certain
the suburbs, has created a buyers, including bidding meager price growth. reject an offer. home repairs are some • Buying in a seller’s
additional contingen- market can be chal-
housing boom for much of wars on homes and all-cash ClearCapital, which • Work with a real estate cies that can make lenging. But some
buyers less attractive strategies can set
2020 and 2021. That boom offers to entice sellers. In tracks housing values, agent. These are com- to sellers. buyers apart from the
has created an undeniable December 2020, the me- says San Antonio, St. plicated times and it

seller’s market in real es- dian listing prices for sin- Louis and the Dallas/ pays for buyers to have

tate. gle-family homes shot up Fort Worth areas expe- a professional working

Just what is a seller’s 13.4 percent from the same rienced the least price in their corner. A real

market? The financial re- time the previous year, ac- appreciation from estate agent uses his

source Investopedia defines cording to, and 2019 into 2020. or her knowledge to

it as a marketplace in which it hasn’t slowed down much • Get preapproval or make a timely offer

there are fewer goods for since. Jeffrey Mezger, a have your funds ready. and negotiate on the

sale than there are inter- 40-year veteran of the real Speed is the way to go buyer’s behalf. He or

ested buyers, giving sellers estate industry and CEO of if a buyer is inter- she also will provide

the ability to dictate prices. KB Home, says it’s the best ested in a property insight into specif-

Since mid-2020, there has seller’s housing market he’s and wants to make ic neighborhoods,

been an extremely low in- seen in his career. an offer. Real estate amenities and school

ventory of homes for sale So where does this leave professionals say buy- districts.

but a very high interest buyers interested in relocat- ers should be “offer • Eliminate certain

among purchasing parties. ing? Here are some tips. ready,” which means contingencies from the

Data from the Nation- • Consider areas with having a mortgage equation. Contingen-

al Association of Realtors slower overall price preapproval letter or cies are factors that

indicated that, by the end growth. Experts say proof of funds for a must be met before a


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EggTC in Queen Creek
Small-town Feel in the Heart of a Booming City

at EggsTC has held onto that very good. We had a long
small-town feel with warm, wait to get our order, but the
friendly, welcoming service. servers stopped by frequent-
The décor also manages to ly with coffee and a side of
be both plain and cheerful, friendly conversation. It was
with local artwork decorat- Saturday; it was busy; and
ing the walls, available for we weren’t in any hurry, so
sale if you spot one you re- we really didn’t mind.
ally like. Check the website, EggsTC is open from, for infor- 6am to noon, Tuesday
mation about the artists. through Friday and 6am to
The diner, with a posted 2pm on Saturday and Sun-
capacity of 48 people, was day (closed on Mondays).
packed, but we only had to Patio dining is available and
wait about five minutes to be pet friendly.
seated. The menu was fun
to browse. Not surprisingly,
most of the items featured
eggs in every way imagin-
able, although patrons fa-
voring lunch fare can also
select from the “Eggstrava-
gant Salads” or “Eggstreme
Sandwiches and Wraps.” I
had the breakfast enchiladas,
and my friend had the Flo-
rentine benedict. Both were

By Dana Trumbull This was the memory the location is in the heart when the restaurant opened
EV Courier News that stirred as my friend and I of downtown Queen Creek in 2010, the area was much
stepped into EggsTC, 20852 (Ocotillo and Ellsworth), the smaller. But while the city
When I was young, my fa- E. Ocotillo Dr. in Queen atmosphere felt like those has experienced rampant
ther would often take our Creek, for brunch. Although small-town diners. Indeed, growth since then, the staff
family for weekend drives
among the lush green roll-
ing hills and farmland of
northwest Missouri. In-
variably, the trip would in-
clude lunch at a small-town
mom and pop café that he
had discovered during the
week while out checking on
storefront window installa-
tions for his glass business.
The unpretentious down-
home cooking and friendly
staff in these out-of-the-
way places always defined
“family-style” in a way that
included much more than
just the food: when you
passed through their doors,
you became family.


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12 Months $39 PFhvDaVieerrrateeaenctmrFenoaieamrngdahmTgintcaieuvyr1Gnilnoia0itgrnvy;debaCassocaBmk atbocatk

Mailed Directly To You METH DRUG BUST; PAGE 27WPAHRBTCoIroeuenrtlraoasisasdcvl/mitlnhEeeheEeiml//nxp/ denAemestscpasrliepobspyereroeaexpsw.oa6artslepodsmuedseoen“enbisnoFprgoriimdnflat”aiynmagesevtsteohnrweiisanevrgedf,hraotichmlteeruuswccnkeednn(etearubnwpoeivatihenth)afhltahfeimeraedeheison.xogtNdinwowgeouhsniitslebehoweguraansasdosinfltirjhnoueemredledtrha;ivekAeelirtdnhwtofearurossgmeshct,trbiutoehgnleogowltirfnucIgrcrekotaonwtwiganoesgotadtlihntDeoertp.aoa&lfslfosAiesrpetna.gtcheharettTorrals.nabfaeeltcoyan,mgbeethfaoebreslatwrzeehe.atT.trAeaynmeswfoitxiotenrdceysecsyleees-wshito-p
The Sandwich Shoppe Y$o1u.0r 0MOeaFFl(M(42FNo88rneW0dsNha)y6BC.-7aFIok1rrreido-dna9nBey5rr1we70oaao6dfm,oI@-Br6doopanmtDrhw’s•erHos.Soe,aaadtSnudru&dMdaiweytAae1itpc0&4aham,cCs-hhAh4eepopempTsaepCr,caaleohniasldee)jd.ocJSnuoulynmndthaceytion Finest Ingredients
East Valley Courier News wmituhstthmeenptuiorcnhcaosuepoonf atoSraecnedivwei$c1h.,0D0 orfifnykouarnmd eSailde

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3 Ways to Get Your Health Back on Track after the Pandemic

Here are some recom- If you’re not com- “I strongly recommend that and know you are

mendations from Colton fortable with an office setting goals on a week- doing yourself a long-

Redding, DO, a family med- visit yet, ask your pro- ly or monthly basis. term favor,” Dr. Red-

icine specialist at Banner vider if a virtual visit is Having a concrete plan ding said.

Health Center in Loveland, an option. of action can really help • If you need to improve

CO. 2. Schedule your screen- you to see if you are ac- your sleep or reduce

1. Schedule your pre- ing exams. You may be complishing change.” your stress, take small

ventative care and fol- due—or overdue—for • For exercise, 150 min- steps toward making

low-up visits. If you’re a mammogram, colo- utes per week is opti- changes. And keep in

overdue for a physical, noscopy, skin can- mal. If you’re getting mind that some of these

get one on your cal- cer screening or other a lot less exercise than changes will benefit you

endar. Same goes for exam. It’s important to that, start with 60 min- in other areas. For exam-

your dentist appoint- get caught up on these utes and work up to ple, as you build an exer-

ment, eye exam and screening tests. They 150 minutes. cise habit you may find

any regular exams you look for signs of cancer, • For diet, set goals that you sleep better, and

need based on chronic and cancer is most treat- around eating smaller your stress levels drop.

conditions. You might able when it’s caught meals or fewer car-

need an appointment early. bohydrates and make The bottom line

Let’s face it. You might be want to get your health back with a cardiologist, der- 3. To get your lifestyle changes gradually. “I If you’ve let your health

a little bit heavier than you on track. matologist or dietitian. back on track, take it encourage people not slide during the pandemic,

were when the pandemic First of all, be kind to If these appointments slowly. “It can be easy to worry about the don’t be hard on yourself.

started. Your healthy eating yourself. Maybe taking care feel overwhelming—if to feel distraught if you scale, as it may not be And don’t expect to change

habits might have stalled in of your health got derailed they will take too much are not meeting the ex- an accurate predictor of everything about your life

the past year. And you can’t in the past year. That’s time out of your sched- pectations you have set health. If you are mak- the day you’re fully vac-

remember the last time you okay. You can make slow, ule or cost too much in for yourself. I always ing positive changes to cinated. Schedule the ap-

went to the doctor. steady changes to get back copays—space them suggest wading into the diet and exercise, you pointments you need, and

Now, you’re vaccinated, on track, or to even get your out. Make sure you pool, not diving head- will be healthier even make small, incremental,

or you will be soon. Restric- health in a better spot than it book your most import- first with these chang- if you’re not seeing a measurable changes to your

tions are lifting. And you was before the pandemic. ant appointments first. es,” Dr. Redding said. weight change. Trust in lifestyle to get back on track.

Tips on Getting the Most Protection from Sunscreen

Arizona sits at a higher The SPF measures how fill a shot glass – to ful- rect sunlight.
altitude and lower latitude well a sunscreen can defend ly cover their body,” the Also remember if you’re
than most states, meaning against UV rays. The num- academy says, so apply at the beach or by the pool,
it’s closer to the sun and the ber isn’t directly related enough to cover all skin sand and water reflect UV
equator. High altitude and to duration of solar expo- your clothing doesn’t rays, so you’re always sus-
low latitude also mean resi- sure but rather the amount cover. That includes ceptible to burns.
dents have less atmospheric or intensity. A higher SPF feet, neck and top of the Whatever level of SPF
protection from various ul- doesn’t mean you can be out head. you use, you’re best pro-
traviolet, or UV, rays that longer without reapplying, 3. Reapply sunscreen tected when you reapply.
can cause skin cancer, ac- either. The Environmental about every two hours,
By Simon Williams outside. Arizonans are at a cording to the foundation. Working Group recom- or sooner after
Cronkite News particular risk for sun-relat- And in warmer climates, mends SPF 30 to 50, adding swimming or
ed skin damage, according people who spend time out- that any number higher than sweating.
With summer in full force, to experts  at the University side often choose clothing that is “misleading.” Obviously,
it’s more important than of Arizona’s Skin Cancer that exposes more skin. The American Acade- sunscreen alone
ever to wear sunscreen when Institute. Sunscreen is key to pro- my of Dermatology sug- doesn’t com-
tecting skin from sun dam- gests three steps to proper pletely pro-
age. Guided by the SPF, or sun-damage prevention: tect you from
sun protection factor, sun- 1. Apply sunscreen 15 sun damage.
screen commonly comes Wearing wide-
in creams, lotion, sticks or minutes before you go brimmed hats
spray and, according to the out. and sunglasses
Mayo Clinic, all work when 2. Don’t overdo it. “Most and seeking shade
used frequently. adults need about 1 will keep you out of di-
ounce – or enough to


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DPS Detectives Arrest Road Rage Suspect and Seize
Cache of Weapons, Drugs

“On April 10, 2021, at the victims’ vehicle. aged for transportation and
approximately 2:03 p.m., “AZDPS detectives con- sale in Davis’ residence.
Arizona Department of Pub- ducted a thorough investi- “Davis was booked into
lic Safety (AZDPS) troop- gation over the following the Maricopa County Jail on
ers responded to a call of weeks, ultimately identify- charges including: Aggra-
shots fired on Interstate 10 ing the suspect as 30-year- vated assault with a deadly
near 43rd Avenue in Phoe- old Quinten F. Davis of
Quinten F. Davis nix," DPS said in a July 1, Phoenix. weapon (2 counts); Drive
2021 statement. “On Thursday July 1, by shooting; Discharge of a
Staff Report “The victim driver and 2021, with support from firearm within city limits;
EV Courier News passenger were traveling the SWAT team, AZDPS Possession and sale of mar-
eastbound when they ob- detectives arrested Da- ijuana; Possession and sale
Arizona Department of served a white Kia maneu- vis and executed a search of dangerous drugs; Mis-
Public Safety (DPS) an- vering in an erratic manner, warrant at his Phoenix res- conduct involving weapons;
nounced the recent arrest of swerving across multiple idence. In the home, detec- Possession of drug para-
a suspect involved in a road lanes of traffic before cutting tives found several loaded phernalia."
rage incident last April. off the victim vehicle and assault-style rifles, an Uzi,
nearly causing a collision. several handguns, loaded
“The driver of the Kia magazines and hundreds
then slowed down, allowing of rounds of ammunition.
the victims to catch up to his Detectives also located dan-
vehicle. The suspect then gerous drugs and over five
fired several shots, striking pounds of marijuana pack-

Arrest at Mesa Motel Leads to Illegal Drugs, Guns

Staff Report a fully automatic weapon), Corey Tyner
EV Courier News and drug paraphernalia
within reach of Corey‚Äôs yl) as belonging to him.”
Mesa Police Department three children. Mesa Police said that
reported that a suspect was One juvenile witness Corey was booked into
arrested and charged with told officers that Corey en- jail for 1st Degree Bur-
several felonies including tered their motel room and glary, Narcotic Drug Sales,
burglary, weapons and drug hid a firearm and a bag of Tampering with Evidence,
violations. “blue pills” under the kitch- Possession of Weapon by
In a statement released en sink. These items were Prohibited Possessor (2
on July 13, Mesa Police said removed by officers and Counts), Misconduct In-
“on July 11, 2021, just after Corey admitted to putting volving Weapons, Narcotic
1:00 a.m., Mesa Police Offi- them there, saying that this Drug Possession and Pos-
cers responded to the Colon- motel room was his friend’s session of Defaced Weapon.
ade Motel, located at 5440 and that he entered after not Corey is being held on a
E. Main Mesa, AZ for a per- receiving an answer when $5000 bond.
son threatening with a knife. he knocked.
When officers arrived, they “Corey told officers that
found and detained 29-year- he recently got released
old Corey Tyner. from prison in Oklahoma,
“While looking for ad- that he is a convicted felon,
ditional victims inside the and a prohibited possessor.
motel room, officers ob- He chose to hide the firearm
served several boxes of in his friend’s motel room
ammunition, a firearm with after learning the police had
a drum magazine (found to been called. He also admit-
be illegally converted into ted to the blue pills (Fentan-




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MCSO District 6 Encourages Motorists to Slow
Down and Avoid Distractions as School Starts

By Constance Halonen-Wilson • Be alert and aware tronic device, always
Town of Queen Creek of your surroundings look both ways
– children are often If riding a bike:
Many schools started in unpredictable • Know the traffic rules
July, and the Maricopa – cyclists must follow
County Sheriff’s Office • It is illegal to pass a the same rules as
(MCSO) District 6 – Queen school bus that has its motorists
Creek reminds residents to stop sign extended • Ride with the flow of
slow down, avoid distrac- traffic
tions and obey posted sig- Safety tips for • Always wear a helmet
nage. Everyone has a role pedestrians: By focusing on the road,
to play in keeping Queen • Always walk on a obeying traffic laws and us-
Creek safe, whether you ing common courtesy mo-
have a child returning to sidewalk and use torists can drive to arrive,
school or you drive in the crosswalks keeping Queen Creek road-
area of a school. • Be aware of your sur- ways and students safe.
Safety tips for motorists: roundings As a reminder, Arizona
• Avoid distractions • Don’t listen to head- State law (ARS 28-857) re-
phones while walking quires motorists to stop for
including cell phones or riding a bike school buses with flashing
• Take extra caution in • Never walk while lights or an extended stop
texting sign.
school zones and slow • Use the buddy system
down • Never cross the street
while using an elec-

Investigation Leads to Arrest of Mesa Road Rage Suspect
on Drive-By Shooting, Drug and Child Abuse Charges

Arizona Department Gonzalez was under investigation
of Public Safety following a road rage shooting which
On Thursday, July 15, occurred on January 21, 2021, on the
2021, Arizona Department Loop 101 and Ray Road.
of Public Safety (AZDPS)
Maricopa Criminal Target- Gonzalez and executed a ing in behavior consistent sion of dangerous drugs; sale; Possession of drug Team, Career Criminal Unit
ing Unit detectives arrest- search warrant at his Mesa with drug sales, including Possession of dangerous paraphernalia; Misconduct and Highway Patrol Divi-
ed 29-year-old Adrian F. residence. hand-to-hand transactions. drugs for sale; Possession with a weapon; Endanger- sion assisted with the oper-
Gonzalez was under While serving the search of narcotic drugs; Posses- ment; Child Abuse. ation.
Adrian F. Gonzalez investigation following a warrant at Gonzalez’s Mesa sion of narcotic drugs for The AZDPS SWAT
road rage shooting which residence on July 15th, de-
occurred on January 21, tectives seized several fire-
2021, on the Loop 101 and arms, one pound of meth-
Ray Road. During the inci- amphetamine, 100 fentanyl
dent, Gonzalez attempted to pills, heroin, cocaine, Xa-
collide with another vehicle, nax and suboxone from the
then fired shots at the victim home. The narcotics were
vehicle. Fortunately, nobody found in a location accessi-
was injured in this incident. ble to his two-year-old child.
Throughout the course of Gonzalez was booked
the months-long investiga- into the Maricopa County
tion that followed, detectives Jail on charges including:
observed Gonzalez engag- Drive-by shooting; Posses-


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DPS Responds to Accidents Involving Hazardous Materials

Collisions involving commercial way and roll over through
motor vehicles (CMVs) often result the median. Thankfully, the
in serious injuries or fatalities to driver suffered only minor
involved drivers. injuries and no propane
leaked from the tank.
Collisions involving
commercial motor vehicles

Arizona Department only minor injuries. Hazmat specialists with
of Public Safety While only a small HMRU evaluated the scene
amount of fuel leaked from and coordinated a response,
While all Arizona State a saddle tank in the colli- using a ladder to access the
Troopers are trained to rec- sion, troopers still needed tanker due to its challeng-
ognize and take protective to safely remove 7,500 gal- ing location. Wearing fire-
measures for hazmat inci- lons of gasoline from the fighter bunker gear for pro-
dents, the Hazardous Materi- cargo tank before the vehi- tection, the troopers drilled
als Response Unit (HMRU) cle could be turned upright holes in the cargo tank and
technicians and specialists and removed. pumped the gasoline load
have more extensive train-
ing, field experience and The Arizona Department of Public Safety's
specialized certifications. (AZDPS) Hazardous Materials Response Unit (HMRU)
HMRU handles both trans- is dedicated to providing statewide response and support
portation and non-transpor- for incidents related to hazardous materials, radiologi-
tation incidents, responding cal materials and weapons of mass destruction.
in the event of an actual or
potential uncontrolled dis- Arizona Department of Transportation , Tri-City Fire District , Diamond Trucking up to another tanker on (CMVs) often result in se-
charge of hazardous mate- and Emergency Environmental Services assisted on the scene. the roadway above. Once rious injuries or fatalities
rials. They respond to an emptied, the troopers su- to involved drivers. CMVs
average of 300 incidents pervised as the crashed were involved in 13% of
per year, ranging from mi- tanker was removed from all fatal crashes in 2018,
nor fuel leaks to clandestine the scene by a heavy-duty according to the Nation-
drug labs and complex colli- cleanup contractor. al Highway Traffic Safety
sion scenes. Another recent exam- Administration. While the
On Sunday, June 20th, ple involved a CMV driver causes of these collisions
troopers responded to a transporting a 3,000-gallon vary, driver fatigue con-
collision involving a com- tank of propane on State tinues to be a recurring
mercial tanker carrying Route 87 south of Payson. theme. Remember, if you
gasoline. The vehicle went The vehicle was involved feel fatigued while driving,
over a steep embankment in a rollover collision that pull over or stop in a safe
on eastbound US 60 outside blocked the roadway for location and take a 15-to-
of Globe, coming to rest on three hours. The driver of 30-minute rest break before
its side 75 feet below the the commercial vehicle continuing. The only true
roadway in a wash. Fortu- stated he fell asleep, caus- “cure” for driver fatigue is
nately, the driver sustained ing him to drift off the road- adequate rest and sleep.


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What’s the Assumption Anyway?

Working Together with the Mind of Christ, Pastor Henry & Brenda a divinely revealed dogma:
Serving God with our Faith in Action that the Immaculate Moth-
er of God, the ever Virgin
SUNDAY VARIOUS MINISTRIES Mary, having completed
the course of her earthly
Fellowship / Refreshments - 8:45-9:00 am Women’s & Widow’s Ministries and life, was assumed body and
Sunday School - 9:15 am 30 Something Age Group all plan soul into heavenly glory,”
• 3 Adult Classes fellowship activities through out the year. the pope wrote.
• Junior High & High School Class The decree was seen as
• Elementary Age Class (ages 5-12) GRIEFSHARE the formalizing of long-
• Nursery held Christian teaching.
Worship Service - 10:30 am Tuesdays - 3:00 to 5:00 pm “We have throughout
September - June the history of the Church an
almost universal attestation
• Preaching, Teaching, Worship of this,” Bunson said of the
WEDNESDAY Assumption of the Virgin Mary, fresco painting in San “We have this thread
Petronio Basilica in Bologna, Italy. Zvonimir Atletic / that runs throughout the
Bible Institute - 6:00 pm - Come study Shutterstock whole of the history of the
with us! Church in support of the
dogma. That’s significant
As a Guardian of the Truth, Pastor Henry takes Adelaide Mena St. Juvenal, who was because it supports the tra-
his commitment seriously. All of the teaching at Catholic News Agency Bishop of Jerusalem told dition of the Church, but it
FOFBC is founded on the belief that the Bible is the emperor “that Mary also supports a coming to
The Word of God and is profitable for us today. On Aug. 15, Catholics died in the presence of all a deeper understanding of
Come visit, you’re guaranteed a friendly welcome. around the world mark the the Apostles, but that her the teachings of the Church
Feast of the Assumption of tomb, when opened upon of how we rely upon the
609 South Grand Dr. | Apache Junction, AZ 85120 | (480) 815-0038 • (480) 529-4201 Mary, commemorating the the request of St. Thomas, reflections of some of end of her earthly life and was found empty; where- the greatest minds of our
assumption into Heaven. from the Apostles conclud- Church.”
PICK US UP AT OVER But while the feast day ed that the body was taken What’s also notable
200 Locations is a relatively new one, the up to heaven,” the saint re- about the dogma, he added,
CONAURRRIEOWR FNESECRWASPEE EEast ValleyServing:ApacheJunction,GoldCanyon,QueenCreek,SanTanValley,EastMesa history of the holiday – and corded. is that it “uses the passive
FREEPlease Take One! the mystery behind it – has By the 8th century, tense,” emphasizing that
November 2020 its roots in the earliest cen- around the time of Pope Mary did not ascend into
turies of Christian belief. Adrian, the Church began heaven on her own pow-
BOUTTBSiRhsJIIeNuAsEtnaEiISclrSlNttiaSooSlnfiFvleo1Oci8CnomUAoSpta:iocnhe The Catholic Church to change its terminology, er, as Christ did, but was
teaches that when Mary renaming the feast day of raised into heaven by God’s
The Sandwich Shoppe $Y1o.u0r0MOeFaFlMETH DRUG BUST; PAGE 27VDevahteFentePernirrraaIacaeCnrTnonTaBdForRmaamHugmeGiAevgsymPeixeeWirmavilhnaotodlvulis/telouElntRrieenih/sc;rcnEgsresi/sseMtitCcnha1tyabF/ryeBtiFeontoaep0.adeacmi.dacr.ris..tuc.tkei..c.aboas..a...n.i..alkt..n....o......t.....m...................e..............n.............t....................1...6...1..6..2..8..20..222.4268Anteeadmspseppesrlscoorryxiebe.pee6oawrpstameasdolssoeneueeFdnirni“sdgpbarofylioanemmtivn”eegsnaitrsnoisgtweh,aeafrrvdotermtuhhciecukFlnesr2(ecd(a8sweNMehbn(erNoBoWn4ennvae8td.wekaa0uCeI)iytdtrp)hoh-h6BoFreitr7narnnhaeida1eedwffadilr-iryah,no9eoBm1og5o0foeoae7waIdxdmsrr6te.’[email protected],idu•hsonSnhMgSedeudeaasetrswaa&uifottrranadel&osiAsadmny4Ctipwehn1,hat0ejleihAuaececmedhrsahpeer-kei,4sidnaevaphT;tendcmeorArdhrafpClsworteilepohnloa)clmoJseysteuuaidtoshgbnjStn.eherucculn,oootgdtfimwhagoIyelrcnionrtnFerguiwantctoeokisnotgwgdIenalDtgisrntreh.aede&ioteonpfAttaafspislraselceohntshegta.eTtrrlrt.aobnseaacafloemtnyweg,iabttmhhbeuetflshaotesmzrtpeereune.wrteTicohtrhn.aaacAnstoesuemofpyifoxoenaetwtSodoairtrnceenydcyeewceisvliwesece-h$ists1,h-.D0o0rpionffkyaonurdmSiedael ended her earthly life, God the Memorial of Mary to grace.
assumed her, body and soul the Assumption of Mary, Today, the Feast of the
For Advertising Information into heaven. Bunson noted.   Assumption is marked as a
Call Richard (928) 277-3958 The dogma of the As- The belief in the As- major feast day and a public
sumption of Mary – also sumption of Mary was a holiday in many countries.
called the “Dormition widely-held tradition, and In most countries, includ-
of Mary” in the Eastern a frequent meditation in the ing the United States, it is a
Churches – has its roots in writings of saints through- Holy Day of Obligation.
the early centuries of the out the centuries. However Bunson explained that
Church. it was not defined officially on major feast days, it’s
While a site outside of until the past century. fitting to mark the signifi-
Jerusalem was recognized In 1950, Pope Pius XII cance of the feast as espe-
as the tomb of Mary, the made an infallible, ex-ca- cially vital by emphasizing
earliest Christians main- thedra statement in the Ap- the necessity of celebrating
tained that “no one was ostolic Constitution Munif- the Eucharist that day.
there,” theologian Matthew icentissimus deus officially “What is more fitting
Bunson told Catholic News defining the dogma of the than on the Assumption of
Agency (CNA). Assumption. the Blessed Mother to, once
According to St. John “By the authority of again, focus on her Son, on
of Damascus, the Roman our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Eucharist?” he asked.
emperor Marcian requested the Blessed Apostles Peter
the body of Mary, Mother and Paul, and by our own
of God at the Council of authority, we pronounce,
Chalcedon, in 451. declare, and define it to be


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6. “Unbelievable” 52. Rich tapestry 25. NY ballplayer
54. S. China seaport 26. Impressive in size or
musicians 56. Being without clothes
9. Invests in little 60. Surrounded by scope
61. Remains 27. Jacques __, Fr. biologist
enterprises 62. Away from wind 29. Manhattanite
13. Longtime Utah Jazz 63. Dried-up 30. Genus of lemurs
64. One who can see the 32. Sings to
coach 34. River in southern Italy
14. Small sailboat future 35. Supplemented with
15. “Luther” actor 65. A very large body of
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actress Ryan 6. Sea eagles
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9. Ottoman palaces 58. Close tightly
(abbr.) 10. Divulge a secret 59. Commit
28. Small lump 1 1. “A Doll’s House” play- 61. A way to communicate
29. African antelope
31. Electronic point of sale wright (abbr.)
33. Carefully chooses 12. “It’s a Wonderful Life” 65. Heavy metal
36. Ringworm
38. Unrefined director Answers to crossword
39. Drenches 14. Poisonous perennial puzzle on page 7
41. Type of pants 17. Gulf in the Aegean
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