East Valley FREE
Please Take One!
Serving: Apache Junction, Gold Canyon, Queen Creek, San Tan Valley, East Mesa SEPTEMBER 2021
Ted’s Range
Ted’s Shooting Range
in Queen Creek hits 22
a bull’s eye
Chicago’s #1 ARE EAST VALLEY
Delicious gyros and
See pages 19–21
other Mediterranean
Apache Junction to Honor the Fallen of 9/11/2001 It’s been 20 years since the terrorist attack on the World Trade
delights await you at
Center and the Pentagon as well as the air tragedy in a Pennsylvania field. There will be a memorial ceremony in Apache Junction on Saturday,
this AJ restaurant 27 September 11, 2021 at the Veteran’s Memorial at Phelps Dr. and N. Apache Trail downtown. The ceremony will begin at 8:46 a.m., the moment
that the first plane struck in New York City. Comments, a prayer, a solemn flag raising, an address by Bambi Johnson of the VFW Auxiliary and an
Index address by Apache Junction Mayor Chip Wilson will follow. Apache Junction Police Chief Tom Kelly and Superstition Fire and Medical Chief John
Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Whitney will dedicate a 9/11 Memorial Plaque. WWII Pearl Harbor survivor Jack Holden and American Legion Post Commander Dave Kempf will
Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5 place a memorial wreath. Please join the community for this stirring 20th Anniversary Memorial.
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Community . . . . 6, 8, 10, 12, 35
Home Improvement . . . . . . . 14
Kollenborn Chronicles . . . . . . 16
Cover Feature . . . . . . . . . 19–21
Business Focus . . . . . . . . . . 22
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Health/Medical . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Police;Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 32
Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Pet of the Month . . . . . . . . . . 36
Puzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The Sandwich Shoppe $1.00 OFF
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They said during East Valley FREE
a pandemic we
couldn’t do it! Please Take One!
Thank you to
our readers and COURIER NEWS
advertisers for Serving: Apache Junction, Gold Canyon, Queen Creek, San Tan Valley, East Mesa SEPTEMBER 2021
all your support.
Ted’s Range
made it Ted’s Shooting Range
in Queen Creek hits 22
a bull’s eye
Chicago’s #1 ARE EAST VALLEY
Delicious gyros and
See pages 19–21
other Mediterranean
Apache Junction to Honor the Fallen of 9/11/2001 Itʼs been 20 years since the terrorist attack on the World Trade
delights await you at Center and the Pentagon as well as the air tragedy in a Pennsylvania field. There will be a memorial ceremony in Apache Junction on Saturday,
this AJ restaurant 27 September 11, 2021 at the Veteranʼs Memorial at Phelps Dr. and N. Apache Trail downtown. The ceremony will begin at 8:46 a.m., the moment
that the first plane struck in New York City. Comments, a prayer, a solemn flag raising, an address by Bambi Johnson of the VFW Auxiliary and an
Index address by Apache Junction Mayor Chip Wilson will follow. Apache Junction Police Chief Tom Kelly and Superstition Fire and Medical Chief John
Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Whitney will dedicate a 9/11 Memorial Plaque. WWII Pearl Harbor survivor Jack Holden and American Legion Post Commander Dave Kempf will
Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5 place a memorial wreath. Please join the community for this stirring 20th Anniversary Memorial.
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Community. . . . .6, 8, 10, 12, 35
Home Improvement . . . . . . . . 14
Kollenborn Chronicles . . . . . . 16
Cover Feature . . . . . . . . .19–21
Business Focus . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Health/Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Police;Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 32
Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Pet of the Month. . . . . . . . . . . 36
Puzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The Sandwich Shoppe $1.00 OFF
Fresh Baked Bread, Boar’s Head Meat & Cheese, and only the Finest Ingredients Your Meal
28 N. Ironwood Dr., Suite 4, Apache Junction with the purchase of a Sandwich, Drink and Side
(NW Corner of Ironwood & Apache Trail) must mention coupon to receive $1.00 off your meal
Monday - Friday 10am-6pm • Saturday 10am-4pm Closed Sunday
(480)671-9576 @ thesandwichshoppeaj.com
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East Valley
The views and opinions expressed on this and the following page are solely those of the original authors and other contributors.
Richard Taylor These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of East Valley Courier News, the Courier News staff,
and/or any/all contributors to this publication.
What do you think?
[email protected]
“Are you asking your kids to wear a face mask at school?
Bill Van Nimwegen Why or why not?”
[email protected]
Dana Trumbull
[email protected]
Robert Sacha
[email protected]
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Keaton V. Scott L. Courtney O. Jeffrey F.
Diannie Chavez, Jamie Landers Gold Canyon Gold Canyon Apache Junction
Apache Junction
MAIN OFFICE Hard no, for so many rea- Gold Canyon Yes, we are, but it’s not
Two children in my family, sons. First from practical Yes, I ask them to but like we have to. Our son
288 N. Ironwood Dr., Suite 106 whom I help take care of, perspective, virus particles only when around a large is 16 and was raised to
Apache Junction, AZ 85120 go to the same school. One are so tiny, they easily pass crowd and they can’t really understand the best thing
of them wears a mask on distance themselves. They for everyone is also what
480-288-0351 their own accord which I thru everything except are allowed to have mask is best for us. If the experts
support. The other does not medical grade masks. Its breaks if they get uncom- tell us the best thing to
Send News Stories, Press Releases but I would not ask them like expecting chain link fortable. One of my kids is help prevent the spread of
Letters to the Editor to: to. The reason being is that fence to keep mosquitoes high medical needs, so I try a potentially fatal disease
the school they attend is a out of your yard. Second, to be as careful as possible is to wear a mask, then you
[email protected] school where support for your body exhales toxins will do your part and wear
masks is very low. When and bacteria which you with him.
www.arizonacouriernews.com I’ve picked up the one who are then reinhaling with a mask
mask on. Third, masks are
East Valley Courier News is owned and published by does wear a mask they destructive to social bonds
East Valley Courier News, LLC. No person, organization were the only one I could and cohesion, which is
notice wearing a mask. I imperative for school aged
or party can copy or reproduce the contents on our worry that it could lead to
website and/or magazine or any part of this publication bullying by other children children.
without written consent from the editor’s panel and the or even adults when the
author of the content, as applicable. The publisher, authors community is so anti-mask.
and contributors reserve their rights with LETTERS Hungry for Eggs TC, I tion appears, puter shop around the cor-
regards to copyright of their work. found a new business and enjoyed teasing Blake ner from EggsTC and went
East Valley Courier News You did an excellent de- when his business was in in for a consult. I was greet-
The EV Courier News is a Proud Member of: does not print anonymous scription of this restaurant, your paper. This week your ed by a young man who in-
letters, so letters must in- Dana. story took me to a place I troduced himself as Dakota.
clude your name for publi- My name is Stu Searing, had not ventured into yet. As I explained my needs he
cation. Letters must also in- a Queen Creek resident for Lo and behold lots of busi- explained an upgrade path
clude an address and phone 23 years. I met the ness off the beaten path. much simpler and less ex-
number, which will not Courier News at the Bistro I have an out of date pensive. How refreshing. I
be published, but used for down Ellsworth road from computer, built by a local installed the operating sys-
verification of authenticity. Eggs TC. We read your shop that is no longer, and tem upgrade as instructed,
Please keep letters to 300 news paper there on Sunday was studying how to bring it and as he warned me, dis-
words or less. Letters may morning when the new edi- up to date. I noticed a com-
be edited for brevity. Thank Continued on facing page
Surge in COVID-19 Puts State on Track to Hit 1 Million Cases
Diannie Chavez “Whatever your reasons for not
Cronkite News getting vaccinated, the numbers
make it clear that safe, free and
Arizona is on pace to record widely available vaccines offer
its 1 millionth COVID-19 highly effective protection against
infection in the last week of COVID-19, including the delta
August, and health experts variant,” said Steve Elliott, commu-
fear that kids in schools and nications director for the AZDHS.
the looming Labor Day hol-
iday will only make matters Georges Benjamin, execu- the upcoming Labor Day communities and to ensure In Maricopa County, rely on the vaccine alone to
worse. tive director of the Ameri- holiday that he expects will residents that the vaccine which has the bulk of the slow the surge. Regardless,
The Arizona Depart- can Public Health Associa- worsen exposure. is safe and is their best de- cases in the state, more than he still encouraged people
ment of Health Services tion, said of the state. “At the end of the day, fense. 1.7 million residents have to get vaccinated if they ha-
reported 979,580 cases as State officials have the solution is vaccination,” “Whatever your reasons received at least one dose of ven’t already.
of Friday, August 20 and refused to issue a mask Benjamin said. for not getting vaccinated, the vaccine, but there is still All 15 counties in the
its data shows that the state mandate and Gov. Doug The unvaccinated are the numbers make it clear “a long way to go,” said Dr. state were in the “high
had been averaging 2,941 Ducey this week issued an at higher risk of infec- that safe, free and wide- Nick Staab, medical epide- community transmission”
new cases every day over order banning local gov- tion and more likely to ly available vaccines offer miologist with the county category as of Friday, up
the past week, as the high- ernments from enforcing contract and transmit the highly effective protection health department. from 11 that were in that
ly contagious delta vari- vaccination requirements. virus, but only 54.7% of against COVID-19, in- Staab said Friday he category at the beginning
ant continued its spread. That came the same week Arizonans had received at cluding the delta variant,” does not expect vaccina- of the month, according to
Another 53 people died that Ducey unveiled a “re- least one dose of vaccine said Steve Elliott, commu- tion rates to be at a point the CDC.
that Friday from COVID-19 lief program” that would as of Friday, according to nications director for the by Labor Day where health “These things tend to
in Arizona, bringing the direct federal COVID-19 AZDHS. Nationally, the AZDHS. officials can comfortably
death toll in the state to funds to schools that do not rate was 72.7%, according Continued on page 16
18,561. enforce mask mandates. to the Centers for Disease
Despite the surge in new Given the lax mandates Control and Prevention.
cases, health experts said in the state, Benjamin said An AZDHS spokesper-
that Arizona continues to residents have an even son said the agency “has
lack aggressive mitigation greater “degree of personal worked nonstop” to make
efforts that they said could responsibility” for fighting vaccines readily available,
stem the tide. the virus, especially with to reach out to underserved
“For some time, you
certainly haven’t been as
aggressive with mask-wear-
ing and vaccination,” Dr.
covered two things I could when it comes to politics. For Conservatives the end vote, they change the vot- abused by most teachers, pretend to be something
not upgrade. A quick Liberals seem to do what- means nothing if you have to ing laws that require voter administrators and school they’re not. Watch them
trip back with the computer ever they please even if it give up your value system to ID because they believe boards. If they want the carefully and you will see a
and the job was done, all in is illogical. For example, obtain it. We tend to avoid Blacks and Latinos can’t get support of Big Tech, they pattern. They are emotion-
the same afternoon. they are the party of identity burning down our commu- Driver’s Licenses or Social support their censorship ally out of control. They
If you are looking for an- politics, which divides us nity to gain acceptance of Security numbers. If they of a former President and call you names and berate
other similar story you may into competing factions, but our values. The opposite is want cleaner air, they close trample on free speech by you if you oppose them. If
wish to drop in at they preach unity. Liberals true for Liberals. They be- down an EPA approved oil removing what they deem you use facts to counter
Cactus Computers. judge us by the color of our lieve government can save pipeline, destroying jobs “misinformation”. These their moronic behavior, you
Keep up the great work. skin (White Privilege) but us. It is their religion and and families. If they want are destructive and stupid must be racist, homopho-
Conservatives are the racist. they make up the rules to fit to increase their voter base, things but not to worry. bic, and uncaring. They are
—Stu Searing Sounds a bit contradictory the circumstances. Rules they open our Southern Bor- Heaven on earth will make morally superior and if you
Queen Creek but that’s because the rules are made to be broken. der even if it hurts low-in- it worthwhile. disagree, you are the enemy.
are different for Liberals. Let If they want the Black come workers and spreads This kind of behavior Their end is perfection. The
The End Justifies the me explain. vote, they buy it with the COVID-19. If they want the makes Liberals (Democratic means to that end are not rel-
Means Most Conservatives are promise of reparations educators vote, they support Party Leadership) extremely evant and that is very scary.
I have been asked why Lib- guided by a set of universal which is demeaning and the closing of schools, with dangerous. They can do
erals seem to have an ad- values given to them by their condescending. If they no scientific evidence, and whatever they please under —Neil Barwick
vantage over Conservatives creator not by government. want the Black and Latino let our kids be educationally guise of compassion. They Apache Junction, Az 85119
Ground Broken on First Dog Park in Apache Junction
reation Commission and
the Apache Junction City
Council identified a cost
effective, central location
in the downtown area for
the dog park, which will
have separate fenced areas
for varying sizes of dogs,
grass, water stations, solar
lighting, shade and seating.
Scholz Contracting LLC is
the contractor on the project.
For more information
and updates on the park,
visit www.apachejunction-
The construction budget
is backed by development
fees, funds collected from
new commercial devel-
opment in the city that by
law is earmarked for park
improvements. Although
the city has planned to in-
clude ongoing maintenance
into its general fund, the
city will continue to seek
grants, donations and cor-
porate partners that may be
From left to right, Jared Scholz, vice president of Scholz Contracting LLC, Apache Junction City Manager Bryant Powell, Apache Junction Mayor interested in contributing to
Chip Wilson, Parks Commission Chairman Wayne Standage, Pinal County Supervisor Jeff Serdy, Apache Junction Assistant City Manager Matt funding the project or addi-
Busby, David Butler, Apache Junction Parks maintenance supervisor, Jeff Scholz, president of Scholz Contracting LLC, Apache Junction Parks and tional amenities. For more
Recreation Director Liz Langenbach. information, please con-
Al Brovo make a deal with our great Junction/Gold Canyon.” • Double entry gates for est, funding and logistics. tact ajpr@apachejunction-
City of Apache Junction partners at Pinal County.” The site is part of the added security and The city Parks and Rec- az.gov.
Funded by development Pinal County complex that safety
Construction of the city of fees, the park came to life plays host to county offices, • Shade trees and bench- Solution for Page 38 Puzzle Page
Apache Junction’s first off- with an intergovernmental a state motor vehicle location es
leash dog park has begun agreement with Pinal Coun- and the Superstition Com- • Pet waste stations
and ceremonies were held ty, which has an office com- munity Food Bank. The 3.4- and tools for clean-up
on Thursday, August 19. plex and work yard on site. acre open space being set spaced throughout the
The dog park, located at “This park has been the aside for the dog park has park
the Pinal County complex at dream of a lot of people for served as a retention basin • Water stations for dog
575 N. Idaho Road, is more as long as I can remember,” and undeveloped recreation owners and dogs
than a decade in the mak- said Pinal County Super- space. Under the agreement • Covered ramada
ing and is funded by city visor Jeff Serdy, who was with the county, the city is • Public art installations
growth. mayor of Apache Junction building and will maintain The city has considered
“Our staff has always prior to winning the super- the dog park. The design and planned for the devel-
reported that our residents visor seat in 2020. “It’s great will also mitigate drainage opment of an off-leash dog
have asked for a dog park the way the city of Apache problems in the basin. park for more than 10 years
more than any other amen- Junction and Pinal County Among the amenities but securing funding was
ity,” said Apache Junction were able to co-operate to planned for the dog park: historically a challenge. Ef-
Mayor Chip Wilson, who bring this awesome commu- • Three separate fenced forts were recently revital-
put a ceremonial shovel in nity project to life! I know areas to provide op- ized when the city partnered
the ground on Thursday af- of nowhere else in the Val- tions for different types with Arizona State Univer-
ternoon. “We just had to find ley that loves and cherishes of dogs sity’s Project Cities program
a way to get it funded and their dog more than Apache • Solar lighting which helped evaluate inter-
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General Plan Wins Honorable Mention from State Planning Group
maps out the city’s goals and announcing the awards, the transferability, quality, com-
policies over the next 10 to association noted its criteria prehensiveness, public out-
30 years of growth in vari- in honoring the best plans reach, role of planner and the
ous areas, was approved by were based on innovation, effectiveness of the project.
more than 73 percent of the
electorate in August 2020.
The plan was done com-
pletely in-house, at a large
savings, with all depart-
ments in the city contribut-
The Arizona Planning
Association announced its
awards at a virtual ceremo-
ny on Thursday night. In
Al Bravo The Arizona chapter of
City of Apache Junction the American Planning As-
sociation has given an hon-
The city of Apache Junc- orable mention to the city’s
tion’s General Plan, which entry, “Apache Junction
was overwhelmingly sup- General Plan 2020-2050:
ported by voters, has been “Legendary Landscapes &
cited among the best in Ar- Lifestyles,” in its “Compre-
izona by the statewide plan- hensive Plan” category.
ning association. The General Plan, which
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Delta Force: What Makes the Covid-19
Variant Different and Dangerous
Given the aggressiveness of the delta
variant, the CDC recommended last
week that anyone, even people who
have been vaccinated, wear a mask
when indoors in a public place if
they are in an area with “high” or
“substantial” virus transmission.
A Department of Energy researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory studies the coronavirus in this photo from more transmissible than vaccinated or unvaccinated,
June 2020. Since then, the COVID-19 virus has mutated into several variants and the latest, the delta variant, has the original strain. Alpha masks will work. They will
been called the “fastest and fittest” for its high transmissibility rate. (Photo by Genevieve Martin/U.S. Department of first surfaced in the United protect you from the delta
Energy) Kingdom and only accounts variant.”
for 9% of cases in the U.S., It is possible to get in-
By Jamie Landers of 14,438 a day in the first vaccinations leveled off, stantial” virus transmission. according to the CDC. fected while vaccinated, but
Cronkite News week of June to 72,493 per with just 57.8% of Ameri- Fourteen of Arizona’s 15 People who are not vac- preliminary data shows two
day in the last week of July, cans having received at least counties fall in one of those cinated face the most risk doses of the Pfizer or Mod-
After a brief period of de- according to the Centers one dose as of this week, categories. Only Cochise of infection, but according erna vaccine appeared to be
cline, COVID-19 cases are for Disease Control and Pre- and 52.2% of Arizonans. County is in the moderate to ABC15 Health Insider about 88% effective against
back on the rise in the Unit- vention, while in Arizona, Arizona has not imposed transmission range, while Dr. Shad Marvasti, tradi- disease and 96% effective
ed States and experts say the cases rose from an average new restrictions, but sever- Graham, Pima and Yuma tional precautions should be against hospitalization with
delta variant, now deemed 425 a day to 1,595 a day in al states have. President Joe counties have substantial taken by vaccinated people the delta variant, according
to be as contagious as the the same period, according Biden announced last week transmission rates and every as well, including wearing a to Public Health England.
chickenpox, is to blame. to the Arizona Department that federal workers and con- other county has a high rate, mask indoors and social dis- “We are seeing higher
Delta, the name for the of Health Services. tractors would either have to of 100 new cases or more tancing when possible. rates of hospitalizations …
variant officially known That surge led to a new show proof of vaccination per 100,000 residents. “I think this is the wisest in people who are unvacci-
as B.1.617.2, is a mutation push for vaccinations – or face routine testing and The CDC estimates the thing to do because we want nated, but we’re seeing more
of the original coronavirus while there have been rela- be required to wear a mask, delta variant of the corona- to keep the economy open,” positive cases of break-
strain. Originating in India, tively small numbers of del- among other restrictions. virus that causes COVID-19 Marvasti told ABC15. “We through with people who
the World Health Organiza- ta variant infections among Given the aggressiveness is responsible for more want to keep our kids in are fully vaccinated,” Mar-
tion called delta the “fastest people who have been vac- of the delta variant, the CDC than 82% of cases in the school. We don’t want to vasti told ABC15. “I think
and the fittest” in regard to cinated, the vast majority recommended last week that U.S, up from 50% reported shut anything down, but we we should take a better-safe-
its rapid spread. of new infections, hospital- anyone, even people who the first week of July. know masks work, whether than-sorry approach.”
As a result, new cases of izations and deaths occurs have been vaccinated, wear Yale Medicine reported
COVID-19 have skyrock- among the unvaccinated. a mask when indoors in a delta is 50% more transmis-
eted: Nationally, new cases But after an initial scramble public place if they are in sible than the alpha variant,
jumped from an average for vaccines, the number of an area with “high” or “sub- which was already 50%
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Be a Part of History
Superstition Mountain Museum Needs Volunteers
By Bill Van Nimwegen Museum Gallery, Elvis Chap- to help with setting up small
EV Courier News el, and Apacheland Movie tents and tables for Special
Ranch Barn; or engage with Events and Artisan/Craft
The Superstition Mountain visitors in the 1800s-era Shows.
Museum is looking for friend- western town. Dressing up No experience is nec-
ly people who want to become in period clothing is encour- essary and training for all
a part of its legacy—preserv- aged, but not required. positions will be provided.
ing the history, legends and The Museum also wel- The Superstition Mountain
culture of our region. comes train enthusiasts! Vol- Museum is a non-profit
Volunteers are an integral unteers assist with the amaz- 501c3 organization dedicat-
part of Museum operations ing G-scale Model Train ed to preserving the history,
and serve in four-hour shifts Exhibit that depicts the his- legends and lore of the Su-
(8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon or tory of railroads in Arizona. perstition Mountains. We
12:00 noon - 4:00.p.m.). Maybe you are interest- welcome winter-visitor vol-
During our Fall, Winter and ed in the area’s rich mining unteers.
Spring season, the Museum history. You can help operate Stop by (4087 East
is open seven days a week the 20-Stamp Ore Mill. Apache Trail, Apache Junc-
and volunteers can choose Superstition Mountain tion, AZ 85119) or call
the day and shift that best Museum also needs knowl- the Museum at 480-983-
works for them. edgeable greeters who wel- 4888 (extension 103). You
Positions available in- come visitors and answer all can also inquire via email
clude gift shop or general kinds of questions. Grounds to assistant@superstition-
store cashier; docent in the Crew volunteers are needed mountainmuseum.org.
Happy Birthday Apache Junction
AJ Founders’ Centennial Committee Looks Forward to a Big Party
Jeff Danford this date in 1922, George this Founding. al store, selling groceries, Fathers Centennial" as their Centennial event, the AJF-
AJ Founders’ Centennial Committee Cleveland Curtis home- George C. Curtis was the supplies, and sandwiches to theme for any activity or CC meets on the 1st and
steaded here and named it first person to homestead passing travelers, eventual- event they hold any time 4th Wednesdays of each
August 21, 2022, is an im- Apache Junction. Now, 100 where the town of Apache ly expanding his business to during Apache Junction's month at the Apache Junc-
portant date for the commu- years later, it is time for to Junction sits today. Curtis include selling oil gasoline Centennial year of 2022. tion Library at 6:00 p.m.
nity of Apache Junction. On celebrate the Centennial of went on to build a gener- to motorists. He opened a The committee will Everyone is welcome to
second business dealing promote the Centennial by join the Committee to make
with auto repairs. Most no- creating a video posted on this Centennial Celebration
tably, he is responsible for YouTube and other social a great success.
opening Arizona's first zoo, media sites. If you would
which included bears and like to have your business Call for Vendors:
monkeys along with an ar- or organization promoted To kick off the year-long
ray of Arizona wildlife. widely, consider becom- celebration of the Centenni-
The Apache Junction ing an honorary Centenni- al, AJFCC has scheduled a
Founders' Centennial Com- al Partner. Contributors to special event at Prospector
mittee (AJFCC) is a group the fundraising campaign Park on Saturday, January 8,
of like-minded community will be honored in all ad- 2022. There will be live en-
members working with the vertising and showcased on tertainment, a car show, gun-
City of Apache Junction to various Centennial items. fighter performances, kids'
organize a year-long cele- Businesses and individuals activities, food, fireworks,
bration of George Cleveland interested in becoming Cen- and vendors. Interested ven-
Curtis, AJ's founding father. tennial Partners are invited dors, including food ven-
They are asking every busi- to contact Braden Biggs at dors, are asked to request a
ness, non-profit, school, and [email protected]. vendor application package
all organizations in Apache If you would like to be- by contacting Jeff Danford
Junction to use "Founding come involved with this at [email protected].
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How to Choose the Right Lighting Inside Your Home
In kitchens with no island,
under-cabinet lighting can
be used to illuminate coun-
tertops and simplify meal
Lighting in a home serves about what works in each Formal dining room where homeowners may that flexible track lighting room. That can help living
both practical and aesthetic room can help homeowners Many people enjoy the look host anything from movie provides ambient, task or rooms feel bigger.
purposes. It’s easy to ma- make the most informed of chandeliers in formal nights to book clubs to par- accent lighting, and track Bedroom
neuver around a well-lit decision. dining rooms, and such lights can even be moved The home improvement
home, reducing the risk of Kitchen fixtures can be installed to change lighting schemes experts at BobVila.com
slips and falls, and the right Kitchens are often the busi- directly above the dinner at any time, making them a note that bedroom light-
lighting can help home- est room in a home, so light- table. The interior design budget-friendly option for ing should provide enough
owners create their desired ing here can be especially experts at Better Homes homeowners whose living light when getting dressed,
ambiance, which typical- important. A kitchen often & Gardens advise hang- rooms are multi-purpose but also be able to be toned
ly changes depending on benefits, both practically ing chandeliers roughly 33 spaces. Recessed lighting down as residents prepare
which room you’re in. and aesthetically, from dif- inches above the table in also works well in living for their bedtime routines.
When choosing lighting ferent types of lighting. For dining rooms with eight- rooms, especially ones Both portable and installed
for their homes, homeown- example, pendant lighting foot ceilings, adding three with low ceilings. That’s lighting can be used in bed-
ers must walk a fine line above kitchen islands can inches for each additional because recessed lighting rooms to serve these various
between appearance and make meal preparation foot above eight feet. Dark- is installed into the ceiling, functions. Recessed fixtures
functionality. A fixture in easier and safer, but such ened dining areas may be meaning it does not take that dim can ensure there’s
the foyer that instantly im- lighting likely won’t work ideal in restaurants, but up any visual space in the ample light to get dressed in
presses visitors likely won’t in breakfast nooks and in- the morning, but they also
prove as awe-inspiring if it’s formal dining areas in the can be dimmed at night as
installed in the living room. kitchen. Recessed lighting residents try to get ready to
When choosing lighting for works best in such areas. sleep. Portable nightstand
a home, some general rules lights can make it easier for
couples sharing a bedroom,
homeowners may want to ties for the big game. It can allowing one person to stay
split the difference at home be a tall order to accom- up and read while the other
and choose dimmable modate such a wide range goes to sleep.
chandeliers for their dining of activities, and many Homeowners have many
rooms. This allows home- homeowners come down to options and many needs
owners to dim the lights for deciding between recessed when choosing lighting for
romantic dinners but turn lighting and track lighting. their homes. A professional
them up for family gath- If the living room current- consultation with a lighting
erings with lots of people ly has neither style, home- expert or interior decorator
around the table. owners should recognize can help homeowners find
Living room that it will cost considerably lights that provide both
Adaptability also is im- less to install track lighting practical and aesthetic ap-
portant in the living room, than recessed lighting. Bet- peal.
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Jesse Capen Is Missing
Tom Kollenborn © August 15, 2010 was checked. Capen's wal- ever worked. Superstition Mountains and These types of experi- Photo: Jesse Capen of Den-
All Rights Reserved let, credit cards, cash, iPod, There are several vertical the Dutchman's Lost mine. ences can callous ones ini- ver, Colo., has been missing
backpack, food and water prospects that are eight to 15 He had downloaded all the tiative to participate in such in the Superstitions since
Some time around the first were found in his tent. The feet deep in the area. Elmer information he could find searches for missing people. December 2009.
week of December 2009, Maricopa County Sheriff's had covered several of them about the Waltz's mine from Volunteers continue be-
a young man embarked on Office conducted a search and fenced in others to keep the Internet and carefully or- ing involved in search and Editor’ note: It was con-
trip to search for a lost gold of the area throughout the cattle from falling in them. ganized it. Jesse was single rescue because they know firmed in November of
mine in Arizona. He chose month of December finding There were several prospects and had never married. His most missing people did not 2012 that skeletal remains
the Tortilla Creek drainage no sign of Jesse. and old tunnels over toward mother Cynthia Burnett said intend to become lost or in- of a man found beneath a
basin of the Superstition Search dogs, SAR mem- Night Hawk Springs. he never really talked about jured. However the largest sheer cliff in the Supersti-
Wilderness Area. Some time bers, deputies and a helicop- What happen to Jes- the Dutchman's Lost Mine majority of searches end tion Mountains were that
after that and prior to De- ter search the areas marked se Capen? Did he fall into and the Superstition Moun- finding or saving the missing of Jesse Capen, a 35 year-
cember 20, 2009, Jesse Cap- on a map found in Jesse's some prospect hole, fall off tains in Arizona. She also re- person. Sadly enough a few old Denver adventurer who
en went missing. tent. All of this effort pro- of a boulder, slip and fall of vealed on an Internet forum search and rescue efforts end died seeking the fabled Lost
On December 20, 2009, duced no clues as to what off of the trail? Did he in- her son was bi-polar. tragically. Dutchman gold mine. His
a white Jeep wagon was happened to Jesse. The area jure himself jumping, from Searching with even We must all take a mo- mother speculates that he
found abandoned at the Up- where Jesse went missing one boulder to another? Or good information can be dif- ment to thank the many vol- slipped off a ledge and tum-
per Tortilla Ranch Windmill. was hit by a severe winter did he hike on over to Pis- ficult at best. Over the years, unteers of the many search bled 100 feet to his death the
The vehicle was reportedly storm between November tol Canyon on Peter's Mesa I have been involved with and rescue groups in Ari- same night, only a half mile
owned by Capen of Den- 22-23, 2009, and blew down and become disoriented and five or six major searches. zona and our nation. They from his camp. The skele-
ver, Colo. He was 35 years many trees in the area in- injured in that area? Or did All of them but two ended are on call 24 hours a day ton was found 60 miles east
old, 6 feet 4 inches tall and cluding a large Cottonwood he change his mind and hike tragically. One young man from their jobs, families and of Phoenix on 4,892-foot
weighed 204 lbs. He worked tree near Kane Springs. up toward the top of Torti- was angry at his father and friends. However, without Tortilla Mountain. Hikers
as a bell hop for the Down- The entire region around lla he wanted to search and decided to teach him a les- them many lives would have had found a note in a metal
town Denver Sheraton hotel. Indian and Kane Springs was injured? Maybe he just son by hiding from searchers been lost over the years. The can atop the peak that said:
The Maricopa County northwestward toward Tor- decided to walk out the oth- for more than a week. search is never over until “Jesse Capen was here.
Sheriff's Office contacted tilla Mountain is extremely er side of the mountain and Another young man was a rescue is made or the re- Dec. 4, 2009.”
Capen's mother, Cynthia rough and very treacherous disappear off the face of the angry at his grandmother mains are recovered. The
Burnett and she reported terrain. I worked round up in Earth? Speculation contin- and remained lost during the volunteer knows this is what
Jesse was in Arizona looking this area in the 1950s and it ues to aggravate the search. heat of July in the mountains brings closure for a family of
for a lost mine in the Super- is difficult to even spot cows Who was Jesse Joseph for almost a week before a love one who has been lost.
stition Mountains. She said in this country let alone an Capen? His mother report- he walked out to the search This is the reason we have so
he had driven to Arizona af- injured man. Elmer Pope, ed him to be a gentle giant. command post at the Peral- many wonderful people in-
ter Thanksgiving. an old Apache cowboy who He didn't even consider ta Trail Head. He was very volved in search and rescue.
On December 22, 2009, worked for Floyd Stone, carrying a firearm into the familiar with the area. He Jesse will be brought
somewhere in the area of once told me this was the mountains. He had collect- knew where an old mine tun- home eventually.
Indian Springs, Jesse's camp roughest cattle range he had ed over 100 books on the nel was that had a spring in.
Surge in COVID-19 Puts State on Track to Hit 1 Million Cases
Continued from page 5 face masks. their exposure to the virus said, adding that the “relief basics still fly,” Benjamin hands, stay out of large
burn themselves out even Taking these precau- is through mask-wearing program” will unnecessari- said. crowds… and get vaccinat-
if there are no vaccinations, tions can help keep chil- and social distancing. But ly cause children to be ex- “That is, wash your ed,” he said.
but we can get the numbers dren safe, said LaBaer, who with Ducey’s recent pro- posed to the virus.
down much faster if we can noted that about 25% of posal discouraging mask Humble blames the
get more people vaccinat- cases in the state are peo- requirements for schools, surge of cases on the gov-
ed,” said Dr. Joshua La- ple under age 18. Many of the chances children will ernor’s failure to enforce
Baer, executive director of them cannot get vaccinated be exposed are high, said mitigation measures, which
Arizona State University’s – vaccines have not been Will Humble, executive di- has made Arizona a “poor
Biodesign Institute. approved for those under rector of the Arizona Public performer.”
LaBaer encourages 12 – and they are now back Health Association. “I don’t see anything
those who are not vaccinat- in school. Ducey is “paying on the horizon policywise
ed to get the shot, as well Because they cannot schools to put their stu- from this governor or who-
as “doing all the things we yet get the vaccine, ex- dents’ health and safety at ever the next health director
know work,” such as so- perts say the best way for risk and ignore CDC mit- is,” he said.
cial distancing and wearing young children to reduce igation efforts,” Humble Policy or no policy, “the
MINING TOWN 1893 - 1897 My oldest son, Mark, lived him down. He went through
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first few days we were hav- about everything that was
Located 4.5 miles N/E of Apache Junction, AZ on the historic Apache Trail (SR-88) ing to head to the outhouse used was first cut lumber. Book: Goldfield Boom to
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any one of us and they’ll crop back then. They culled By : Mayor Bob Schoose
tell you so. We had to slow out the bad. The carpenters
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Educational Priorities vs Public Health
Administrators pick their way through a mine field of conflicting considerations
By Dana Trumbull
EV Courier News
During their August Governing Board This Apache Junction Unified School District class room illustrates the challenge of distancing and mask-wearing among the
meetings, Apache Junction and JO Combs students. To comply with the state law, schools must base their plans on social distancing, additional sanitation, parent, staff, and
Unified School Districts wrestled with the student diligence, cleanliness, and sanitation, without the option of masks. Photo from ajusd.org
push and pull of politics, conflicting Board
member beliefs, parental demands, and the “We are governed by the Governor, so to receive up to an additional $1800 in per
need to prioritize student health and safety. we need to follow what he puts in place, pupil funding. The state’s mandate may or
In all four public school districts within the but then the other piece is that we [are may not hold up, though, as, on August 18,
Courier’s primary distribution area (which responsible to protect] the safety and the Miguel Cardona, the US Secretary of Edu-
also includes Queen Creek and Florence health of our students…” cation, issued a letter reminding Governor
Unified School Districts), COVID cases Ducey that the ARP requires each school
among both teachers and students and ex- –AJUSD Interim Superintendent Heather Wallace that receives Elementary and Secondary
posure rates are up, and the data is being School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds
analyzed daily. (Charter school information whether all the prevention strategies can be funding will only be available to “district to adopt a plan for the safe return to in-per-
was not screened for this report.) implemented at the school. and charter schools following all state laws son instruction based upon the safety rec-
Managing school administration through At conflict with the CDC’s guidelines, and remaining open for in-person instruc- ommendations established by the CDC. Al-
the health crisis is like tiptoeing through a though, is Governor Ducey’s parry banning tion.” In other words, only those schools though the letter stops short of saying that
mine field, with millions of dollars in bad- schools from requiring masks. The law, that do not require masks are eligible. schools have to require masks, it pointedly
ly needed federal funds at stake, earmarked passed by the Arizona legislature on July The funding for those grants, howev- states that the schools, not the state, are the
to assist schools in implementing COVID 30, will take effect September 29. Upping er, is made available through the federal ones that have the authority to determine
mitigation plans designed to balance pub- the ante, on August 17, the Governor an- American Rescue Plan (ARP), giving K-12 how those guidelines should be applied,
lic safety with instructional needs. On one nounced also that $163 million in in grant public and charter schools the opportunity according to the circumstances within their
side is the CDC guidelines for public health community.
upon which the mitigation plans must be It is important to note that Florence Uni-
based in order to qualify for the funding, fied School District, JO Combs USD, and
while on the other is Governor Ducey’s ban Apache Junction USD are all listed among
on mask and vaccination requirements. “We the top five for infection and exposure rates
are governed by the Governor, so we need in in the county (see side bar). Queen Creek
to follow what he puts in place,” mused USD is on a separate Maricopa County
AJUSD Interim Superintendent Heather dashboard. The county statistics include all
Wallace, “but then the other piece is that we residents living within the district, not just
[are responsible to protect] the safety and
the health of our students…” Continued on page 20
Among the August 5, 2021 updates to
the CDC’s “Guidance for COVID-19 Pre-
vention in K-12 Schools” is the recom-
mendation of universal indoor masking for
all students, staff, teachers, and visitors to
K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination
status, “because of the highly transmissible
nature of this [Delta] variant, along with the
extent of mixing of vaccinated and unvac-
cinated people in schools, the fact that chil-
dren under age 12 are not currently eligible
for vaccination, and low levels of vaccina-
tion among youth ages 12-17.”
The document goes on to emphasize that
masks protect others as well as the person
wearing the mask and recommends “layer-
ing multiple prevention strategies is essen-
tial when physical distancing of at least 3
feet is not possible at all times.” The recom-
mendations also emphasize the importance
of offering in-person learning, regardless of
Education vs Health the levels of community spread and health Another part of the challenge comes with
trends over the past weeks has been increas-
continued from page 19 ing.” Superintendents in all local public overcrowded classrooms. As many as 38
school districts reported the same problem.
school age children and staff, recognizing, Another part of the challenge comes students in a standard 900 square-foot
as indicated by the CDC, that school dis- with overcrowded classrooms. As many as
tricts are an integral part of the community 38 students in a standard 900 square-foot room makes it difficult to maintain even
as a whole. room makes it difficult to maintain even the
Until the legal debate between the state 3-foot social distancing mandated “when the 3-foot social distancing mandated
and federal authority is resolved, however, possible” in all four area districts’ adopted
school districts in the East Valley are updat- mitigation procedures. Commenting on the “when possible” in all four area districts’
ing their mitigation protocols to abide by districts’ Facebook pages, several teachers
Governor Ducey’s ban. Schools must base made statements similar to that of Marie adopted mitigation procedures.
their plans on social distancing, additional Caprice Wilbur, “The Board did say to so-
sanitation, parent, staff, and student dili- cially distance. In my classes, there are so made it difficult for districts to reduce class aging bus fleets and add buses to accom-
gence, cleanliness, and sanitation, without many students that there is no 3-feet dis- sizes and hire teachers for the additional modate increased growth or replace aging
the option of masks. tancing between students.” classrooms, even before COVID entered HVAC units that are better equipped to han-
“We’re just trying to do our best with The long-standing funding issues with- into the equation. Districts have had great dle the adjustable ventilation required as a
the guidelines that we’ve been given from in the Arizona public school system have difficulty raising capital funds to replace part of COVID precautions. Ironically, the
the Governor,” said Wallace. “We’re mak-
ing sure kids wash their hands a lot; remind From the Pinal County Dashboard: age 19 or younger. JO Combs ranks able test results cumulative since July
them not to touch their faces too much, and According to the Pinal County COVID third with 914 cases since July 1, 2021. 1,2021.
reminding those that do come with masks dashboard, which includes all residents 372 are 19 or younger. And AJUSD Queen Creek USD, on the Maricopa
on, especially the littles, to make sure that living within the district boundaries, not comes in at fourth place with 641 cas- County COVID dashboard is listed with
they keep them on if that’s something that just school district students and staff, as es. 146 were 19 or younger. All data is a 16.42% positive rate: 541.82 cases per
their parents have requested or sent them to of 8/24/21, FUSD has the highest num- sourced from the Arizona Department 100,000 people during the week of 8/8-
school with.” (See comparative mitigation ber of COVID cases among school dis- of Health Services Medical Electronic 8/14/21. That’s more than 4% higher
plans table at the right.) tricts in Pinal County at 1451. 461 are Disease Surveillance Intelligence Sys- than the positivity rate in Maricopa as a
Is this enough? tem. Cases include confirmed and prob- whole during the same week]
Many East Valley parents, and even
staff, argue that the application of these mit-
igation efforts is inconsistent at best. Even
within the same district, some schools re-
portedly are diligent in upholding the mit-
igation plans, while other classrooms and
schools shrug off the protocols as jokes.
“We’re back!” rejoiced one administrator
during the first day of teacher training. “Ev-
erybody slap hands with your neighbor!”
Reality, however, is no laughing matter.
JO Combs Superintendent Dr. Greg Wy-
man told the Board at the August 11 meet-
ing, “Currently we have approximately 150
COVID cases: 80%/20% kids to adults…
We have 400-500 quarantined due to close
contact. We are up three-fold in terms of the
number of close contacts that have become
positive [as compared to last year].” On Au-
gust 6th, the district had to move 5th and
6th graders at Ellsworth Elementary back
to online learning until August 16 due the
number of active cases and exposures in
those grade levels. The 2021/22 school year
at Combs started July 26.
And yet, many parents continue to ig-
nore even the most obvious precautions,
like keeping children home when they show
signs of illness.
In a letter dated 8/18/21, FUSD super-
intendent Chris Knutsen said, “We see a
steady increase in the number of positive
cases throughout our state and within our
schools… We have noticed students being
sent to school exhibiting symptoms and/
or awaiting COVID-19 test results. Thus
ESSERS funding at stake in the debate be-
tween the state and federal government will
not only offset the costs of COVID miti-
gation, but, in doing so, will also provide
some of the funds that have been lacking for
essential capital and operations costs.
Even if the state is forced to drop the
ban on mask mandates, there is no guaran-
tee that districts will require them. Some
parents are absolutely pro-mask. “If our
goal is to keep our kids in the classroom,
why aren’t we [enforcing mask wearing
and 3’ distancing] in Arizona??” asserted
Kari Lake on the QCUSD Facebook page.
“Other students are suffering because of
a lack of mitigation measures. A family’s
choice to not mask prevents other stu-
dents from having in-person learning.”
Others are adamantly against masks.
“The kids don’t wear them properly any-
way,” Brenda Nickle Kinsey pointed out on
the AJUSD Facebook page. “And teachers
and subs need to be able to read facial ex-
pressions and hear kids clearly w/o being
Governing Board members are also split.
At the August 10 AJUSD meeting, Bobby
Bauders, the only Board member in atten-
dance wearing a mask, asked if the district
could reinstate the mask mandate through
September 29, when the Governor’s ban
on mask mandates takes effect. “The state
has hamstrung us and is not allowing us to
use effective mitigation techniques…We
know virtual does not work for everyone,
so I just want to make sure our priorities are
about reducing spread and keeping kids in
Board member Gil Cancio, however,
declared, “The [Arizona Revised Statutes]
protects the parents’ bill of rights, which
stipulates that parents are ultimately the
ones that make the decisions regarding their
students’ health and welfare. It’s their deci-
sion… We have no right as a Board to pull
that authority away from them.”
Politics aside, the use of masks in an
educational setting does have a down-
side. An opinion paper by Manfred
Spitzer about “Masked Education,” pub-
lished in “Trends in Neuroscience and
Education” in August 2020, concludes
that, “At the very least, all school profes-
sionals should be aware of the detrimen-
tal effects of face masks on face recogni-
tion and identification, communication,
and social-emotional interaction. These
should be weighed against the alterna-
tives, i.e., school closures (with the enor-
mous burden on the children and their
parents) and school reopenings without
masks (with their increased risk of new
QC’s Ted’s Shooting Range Offers a lot of Bang!
Liz is a strong believer in Twenty indoor shooting bays.
firearms education and com-
and Liability on an iPad and munity. Ted’s offers classes Team members Tiffany Mahoney and Chris Haynes
initialed where necessary— on Introduction to Hand-
Liz Robinson, Ted’s majority owner. whole process took perhaps guns, Introduction to Rifles,
10 minutes—nice! I went Basic and Advanced De-
Robert Sacha read reviews and they were through the 2 sets of doors fense, various conceal carry There is no shortage of selection at Ted’s
EV Courier News positive so I packed up my to the ranges and the air in classes, Realtor Safety, Kids
pistol, some ammo, ear pro- the indoor ranges was not Camp for ages 8 to 18 with them the best. Ted’s Shooting Range
As a recovering Chicagoan, tection and paid them a visit. smoke-filled, it was actu- instructor supervision and If you’re looking for a 18618 S. 186th Way
I enjoy exercising my 2nd My first reaction to Ted’s ally well-filtered and com- more. Class sizes are kept great shooting experience Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Amendment rights and the Shooting Range in Queen fortable—yeah, I am really small with the exception or if you’re just in the mood (480) 840-9202
wonderful gun culture Ari- Creek was how efficient the liking this, and even better of the Saturday CCW class for some shopping, check Mon.–Sat.: 9:00 am–8:00 pm
zona allows its citizens—it operations are, everything is the fact that the range is which allows for 36 but has out Ted’s Shooting Range— Sun.: 11:00 am–5:00 pm
really is liberating. is simple and user friendly, monitored via cameras so 5 instructors. Emphasis is you’ll be glad you did! www.tedsshootingrange.com
Recently, I picked up a the staff is helpful and cour- you have no range master great service and customer For Class offerings and Handicap friendly
Sig Sauer P365 and I want- teous, and the store is clean breathing over your shoul- satisfaction—“Your Friend- schedules, please check
ed to start breaking it in and well laid-out. Ted’s is der. I shot 100 rounds of 9 ly Neighborhood Shooting Ted’s website
and get a feel for the piece. I well-stocked with every- mm in about an hour and Range”.
have an outdoor range fairly thing a firearms user needs signed out. That was it. Ted’s offers Ladies Day
close to me but it doesn’t of- or could want, however, it The more I thought about twice a week—Tuesdays
fer the distance I wanted to does not feel cluttered. I put my experience, the more I and Thursdays which means
practice with—5 to 7 yards my gun-bag on the counter, wanted to bring awareness free range time and gun
and the summer temps have the contents was checked to Teds so lets get to know rental all day—you can’t
been prohibitive. I started and the ammo was ap- Ted’s Shooting Range. Ted’s beat that!, The first Tuesday
looking for indoor ranges proved. I was assigned a bay opened in 2010, the current of the month offers active
and came across Ted’s and and was told to go through owner, Liz Robinson, be- law enforcement free range
I decided to check it out, I a Acknowledgment of Risk came a partial owner within time. Wednesdays are Youth
year, in 2020, she became Day with free range time
majority owner along with for youth 6–17 and under
Amanda Krugen, her busi- accompanied by an adult—
ness partner. Liz is a NRA personally, I think this is a
Training Counselor and great idea, it teaches respect,
Amanda is a NRA Instruc- familiarity and takes away
tor—from what I saw, the the stigma so many youth
staff is well accredited to associate with firearms.
say the least with all classes Ted’s offer’s twenty in-
being taught by NRA in- door bays and averages a
structors couple of hundred patrons
per day. The bays are cli-
mate controlled and mon-
itored via closed circuit
cameras—the one thing that
stuck out the most to me was
how clean and well managed
they are. The ventilation
was more than sufficient in
removing particles from the
air and maintaining a com-
fortable temperature.
What does Liz envision
for Ted’s future? Growing
the business and instruction
offered, possibly franchis-
ing, and perhaps more offer-
ings for advanced shooters.
Whatever route Ted’s takes,
many will benefit—I wish
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AJ Area Chamber of Commerce Announces its New
President and CEO
Steve Byfield as the Membership Direc- Junction Chamber of Com- graduate of the Chandler
AJ Chamber of Commerce
tor at the Pro Rodeo Hall merce,” Przybylski said. Chamber Leadership Insti-
The Apache Junction Area
Chamber of Commerce of Fame of the Professional “The community is well po- tute and a 2012 graduate of
Board of Directors is pleased
to announce the selection of Rodeo Cowboys Associa- sitioned for growth and op- the Institute for Organiza-
Mary Ann Przybylski as its
new President and CEO. tion prior to her Chamber portunities for new business, tional Management from the
Przybylski has served as
the Director of Operations experience. job creation/sustainability, US Chamber of Commerce.
of the Chandler Chamber
of Commerce and has ex- With more than 20 years and increased tourism. I Mary Ann holds degrees in
tensive experience through
ever-increasing responsibil- of nonprofit experience, look forward to leading this Marketing and Communi-
ities during her 17 years at
the Chandler Chamber. Przybylski brings a wealth outstanding organization cation from the University
Prior to her service at the
Chandler Chamber, Przybyl- of knowledge and experi- and have the privilege to of Colorado at Colorado
ski served in business devel-
opment at the Tempe Cham- ence working in business continue the Chamber’s 60- Springs. She will assume
ber for over two years. She
also worked in management development, event man- year mission while fostering the role in August.
for the staffing industry and
agement, program develop- the relationships the Board
ment, sponsor engagement, of Directors has developed
and community outreach. with area businesses and
Her leadership, experience, community leaders.”
and accomplishments at pre- Mary Ann was recog-
vious chambers is evidence nized in 2007 by ACCE
of her passion for Chamber (Association of Chamber
work, business growth, and of Commerce Executives)
community support. as the top sales profession-
“I’m excited for the op- al, ranking number one in
Mary Ann Przybylski portunity to serve as Presi- the nation for business de-
dent and CEO of the Apache velopment. She is a 2008
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200 Locations
Chicago’s #1 Gyros
Bill Van Nimwegen CONAURRRIEOWR FNESECRWASPEE EEast ValleyServing:ApacheJunction,GoldCanyon,QueenCreek,SanTanValley,EastMesaFREEPlease Take One!
EV Courier News November 2020
On my first visit to Chica- BOUTTBSiRhsJIIeNuAsEtnaEiISclrSlNttiaSooSlnfiFvleo1Oci8CnomUAoSpta:iocnhe
go, back in 1978, I tried a
gyros sandwich and it tast- an oiled and grilled pita, spinach and feta cheese The Sandwich Shoppe $Y1o.u0r0MOeFaFlMETH DRUG BUST; PAGE 27VDevahteFentePernirrraaIacaeCnrTnonTaBdForRmaamHugmeGiAevgsymPeixeeWirmavilhnaotodlvulis/telouElntRrieenih/sc;rcnEgsresi/sseMtitCcnha1tyabF/ryeBtiFeontoaep0.adeacmi.dacr.ris..tuc.tkei..c.aboas..a...n.i..alkt..n....o......t.....m...................e..............n.............t....................1...6...1..6..2..8..20..222.4268Anteeadmspseppesrlscoorryxiebe.pee6oawrpstameasdolssoeneueeFdnirni“sdgpbarofylioanemmtivn”eegsnaitrsnoisgtweh,aeafrrvdotermtuhhciecukFlnesr2(ecd(a8sweNMehbn(erNoBoWn4ennvae8td.wekaa0uCeI)iytdtrp)hoh-h6BoFreitr7narnnhaeida1eedwffadilr-iryah,no9eoBm1og5o0foeoae7waIdxdmsrr6te.’[email protected],idu•hsonSnhMgSedeudeaasetrswaa&uifottrranadel&osiAsadmny4Ctipwehn1,hat0ejleihAuaececmedhrsahpeer-kei,4sidnaevaphT;tendcmeorArdhrafpClsworteilepohnloa)clmoJseysteuuaidtoshgbnjStn.eherucculn,oootgdtfimwhagoIyelrcnionrtnFerguiwantctoeokisnotgwgdIenalDtgisrntreh.aede&ioteonpfAttaafspislraselceohntshegta.eTtrrlrt.aobnseaacafloemtnyweg,iabttmhhbeuetflshaotesmzrtpeereune.wrteTicohtrhn.aaacAnstoesuemofpyifoxoenaetwtSodoairtrnceenydcyeewceisvliwesece-h$ists1,h-.D0o0rpionffkyaonurdmSiedael
ed great! After a ride on the not bread. It includes on- filled in filo dough and
elevated train (El), a walk ions, sliced tomato, tahini baked until golden brown. For Advertising Information
in the Loop and a visit to sauce and long, thin slices There are also kebobs- Call Richard (928) 277-3958
the lakefront in Grant Park, of meat. The gyros meat is -beef and chicken--made
my host and tour guide like an immense cylindri- right there in the kitchen. HAPPY HOUR 12PM-6PM DAILY DAILY FOOD & DRINK SPECIALS
took me to a Greek estab- cal hamburger loaf made The chicken kebob plate MON. & WED. TRIVIA NIGHT!
lishment on North Clark of ground lamb, beef and includes tender marinated
Street. He recommended a seasonings. The great loaf pieces of chicken breast, Saturday & Sunday
gyros and fries, touting it as is mounted vertically on a char-broiled, served with 7 a.m.-Noon
a Chicago staple--just like spit in an open device that Greek salad, basmati rice, F$IFS1RH3ID.F9AR9YY
the famous Vienna Beef red turns the meat slowly while and a pita. If you are a fan Breakfast
hot on a bun full of salad. is braised by heating coils of dolmas, like me, you
Delicious, and unlike any- on two sides. The cook then are served six tender grape • SMOKED RIBS, BRISKET,
thing I had eaten before. slices thin, long strips off leaves filled with rice stuff- CHICKEN, & PULLED PORK
After I eventually moved to put in the sandwich. It is ing, and a side of gyros
to the city, gyros meals be- best eaten right away while sauce. • SPECIALTY BURGERS
came a habit. Since there it's very hot. Of course there are
were gyros shops every- Chicago's #1 has a full cheese burgers, hot dogs, • WINGS
where I went, kind of like menu of other Mediterra- Italian sausage and Italian
taco shops here, it wasn't nean favorites too, not just beef sandwiches, as well as • CATERING AVAILABLE
hard to make a regular meal gyros. Most of the menu fried appetizers like onion
of them. One apartment I items can be ordered as rings, mushrooms, French
rented in Rogers Park had a a sandwich or an entree fries, Greek fries and zuc-
shop right across the street with salad and basmati chini.
under the Jarvis El stop. rice. There are also din- If you want to try a
Talk about convenient! ner salads and vegetarian good variety, order a com-
Chicago's #1 Gyros in selections. The vegetarian bination plate that includes
Apache Junction serves Falafel has deep fried pat- chicken kebob, shish kebob,
a gyros that is by far the ties made with chickpeas, souvlaki and served with
most authentic I've had in parsley spices and served Greek salad, basmati rice
Arizona. It is made exact- with Greek salad and tahi- and a pita.
ly the same as the ones I ni sauce. Try the vegetari- Chicago's #1 Gyros also
grew to love in Chicago. If an Spanakopita made with hosts a full bar in a com-
I were to point out one big fortable atmosphere. The
difference between Chica- restaurant is open Monday
go's #1 and a shop I used to through Saturday from
frequent--Chicago's #1 is a 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. It is
much nicer restaurant. on the corner of Broadway
For those new to this and S. Ironwood Drive (850
delight, I'll describe it for S Ironwood Dr.) in Apache
you. The sandwich is on Junction. Tell Joe that Bill
from the Courier News sent
you. If you don't get tossed • MEAT SMOKED DAILY 10% OFF
out (Chicago humor), I guar- CALL FOR AVAILABILITY
antee you'll love your meal. TOTAL BILL | Monday-Thursday
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270 E. Hunt Highway #20 Discounts, Happy Hour or Catering.
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Fitness and Nutrition Classes at AJ Multi-Generational Center
Jill Rout out the new kids nutrition healthy habits, and learn jog or sprint through the des- Fall Into Fitness Trail Run; and tour the facility. Check
City of Apache Junction classes at the Multi-Gener- team building. Activities ert, save some energy at the December – Hike and Seek; out our state-of-the-art car-
ational Center this fall too. will include but aren’t lim- end for the circuit of physi- January – 5k Your Way and dio and strength equipment;
Apache Junction Parks and Homeschool Explora- ited to- games, sport intro- cal activities located around February – Healthy Heart and see our “million-dollar
Recreation is offering a va- tion is for kids ages 7-13. ductions, strength training, “The Loop” located between Hustle. Receive a t-shirt and view” of the Superstition
riety of youth and family fit- This fitness class incorpo- coordination and cardiovas- the MGC and City hall other goodies as the family Mountains from our indoor
ness opportunities this fall. rates a variety of physical cular exercises, and outdoor complex. Strength and en- completes the challenges. walking track. Included in
From indoor play to outdoor activities that will encour- hikes. The possibilities for durance exercises will take Cooking with Kids is a each membership is over
exploration there is some- age homeschooled kids to fitness FUN are endless! your morning workout to a new program for 8-15 year 35 Group Fitness classes.
thing for everyone. Check live active lifestyles, build Classes will be T/Th from new level! This event is also olds that will teach your We offer a wide range to fit
1-2pm; first session runs the first challenge for the My kids fun, easy, new healthy everyone’s needs: ZUMBA,
September 7- 30 and second Park = My Gym; Park2Park recipes they can re-create at Tai Chi, Pilates, ball classes,
session October 5 – 28. Fitness Challenge program. home for the family. Tabata, Total Body Condi-
Fall Into Fitness Trail My Park = My Gym; Cooking with Kids- tioning and over 9 different
Run is free and open to Park2Park Fitness Chal- Around the World will styles of Yoga classes. We
participants of all ages. lenge. Learn about the many focus on a different cuisine are also an approved Silver-
This event takes place on different parks and trail sys- each week. Multiple date op- Sneakers, Silver & Fit and
the desert trails on the east tems in Apache Junction tions are available for these Renew Active facility.
side of the Multigenerational while participating in this two programs from Septem- Head over to apache-
Center on Saturday, Novem- challenge. Each month, from ber thru December. junctionaz.gov/parks for
ber 20 at 8:30 a.m. Multiple November to February, com- Parents, while your kids more details or to register.
distances and routes will be plete 4 different challenges are getting a workout and You can also stop by the
available this year so there that not only introduce you learning good lifestyle hab- Multi-Generational Center
is something for everyone. to our parks, but show you its, you can too! If you hav- located at 1035 N. Idaho
The desert trails are stroller how to turn a park into your en’t been to the Multi-Gen- Road, Apache Junction.
friendly. Whether you walk, very own gym! November – erational Center, stop by
JKeywhne’lsers Look For East Valley
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Back to School Traffic Enforcement
Marshall Harshman It is imperative that our kids
Apache Junction Police Department have a safe route to school so
please join us in this endeavor by
Apache Junction Police De- driving with increased caution in
partment (AJPD) would like our school zones.
to remind the public that
school is back in session. Not to be confused with the Elementary School and on
Kids are attending school in crossing zone, a school zone Broadway across from Des-
person which means there has a max speed limit of 25 ert Vista Elementary School.
is increased traffic around miles per hours. This is the Please be aware that
our schools. For the safe- area adjacent to the school AJPD traffic units will be
ty of our children please and it sometimes precedes enforcing all of traffic laws
be extra vigilant as you ap- the crossing zone. and there will be extra traf-
proach and drive through Traffic is particularly fic enforcement around our
the school zones. heavy in the mornings and schools.
As a reminder, the speed in the afternoons when par- It is imperative that our
limit in a school crossing ents are picking up and drop- kids have a safe route to
zones is 15 miles per hour ping off their kids. Parents school so please join us in
and you cannot pass while also need to be aware of the this endeavor by driving
in said crossing zone. Sim- no parking signs on Idaho with increased caution in
ply, that means the front of rd. across from Four Peaks our school zones.
your vehicle cannot break
the plane of an adjacent ve-
hicle in the crossing zone.
Fido Bag Donation Who’s Running This Show?
VFW Hosts Local Officials Meet & Greet on Sept. 15
The Legislative Sub-com- Elected officials will not be speaking
mittee of Veterans of For- individually, but will be available for one-
eign War (VFW) Post 7968 on-one questions and answers throughout
Auxiliary invites the com- the evening.
munity to attend its “Local
Officials Meet and Greet” ly, but will be available for tunity to see how our lead-
on September 15. one-on-one questions and ers work together for all the
This public event will answers throughout the eve- residents of the region.
allow residents of Apache ning. This is a great oppor-
Junction and Gold Canyon
On August 2, Superstition seal on the pet's face and has to meet their Pinal County
Horsemen's Assocation already saved several pets Supervisor, Apache Junc-
(SHA) made a donation of in the area from harm. The tion City Council, Apache
Fido Bags to Superstition Fido Bags also include spe- Junction Unified School
Fire and Medical District cialized burn sheets, ban- District Governing Board,
(SFMD). The Fido Bag con- dages, rinsing saline, and Superstition Mountain Fire
tains a specialized breathing protective restraints. SFMD and Medical District Board
apparatus that is formed to fit thanked SHA for their gen- and Central Arizona Col-
any pet's muzzle. This spe- erous gift to the pets of our lege elected officials.
cialized cone-shaped oxy- community. Please come to the VFW
gen mask allows for a secure Post 7968, 250 S Phelps Dr.
in Apache Junction on Sep-
tember 15, from 5pm to 8pm
for this open house.
Elected officials will
not be speaking individual-
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Please Take One!
November 2020
12 Months $39 PFhvDaVieerrrateeaenctmrFenoaieamrngdahmTgintcaieuvyr1Gnilnoia0itgrnvy;debaCassocaBmk atbocatk
Mailed Directly To You METH DRUG BUST; PAGE 27WPAHRBTCoIroeuenrtlraoasisasdcvl/mitlnhEeeheEeiml//nxp/sMsFRt.tsueie.aer.nrFdect.t.eiior.act.e...cyai...anu....lt.....smi.....o........ne.............n................t............................................2..2..2..22.81.6142.0866 denAemestscpasrliepobspyereroeaexpsw.oa6artslepodsmuedseoen“enbisnoFprgoriimdnflat”aiynmagesevtsteohnrweiisanevrgedf,hraotichmlteeruuswccnkeednn(etearubnwpoeivatihenth)afhltahfeimeraedeheison.xogtNdinwowgeouhsniitslebehoweguraansasdosinfltirjhnoueemredledtrha;ivekAeelirtdnhwtofearurossgmeshct,trbiutoehgnleogowltirfnucIgrcrekotaonwtwiganoesgotadtlihntDeoertp.aoa&lfslfosAiesrpetna.gtcheharettTorrals.nabfaeeltcoyan,mgbeethfaoebreslatwrzeehe.atT.trAeaynmeswfoitxiotenrdceysecsyleees-wshito-p
The Sandwich Shoppe Y$o1u.0r 0MOeaFFl(M(42FNo88rneW0dsNha)y6BC.-7aFIok1rrreido-dna9nBey5rr1we70oaao6dfm,oI@-Br6doopanmtDrhw’s•erHos.Soe,aaadtSnudru&dMdaiweytAae1itpc0&4aham,cCs-hhAh4eepopempTsaepCr,caaleohniasldee)jd.ocJSnuoulynmndthaceytion Finest Ingredients
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The AJ Police Department (AJPD) has Released the Names of Convicted
Sex Offenders Who Have Recently Taken up Residence in AJ
Staff Report This notification is not intended to increase
EV Courier News fear; rather it is to inform the community
of a sex offender living in the city. AJPD's
This notice is pursuant to belief is that an informed community is a
ARS §13-3825, the Com- safer community.
munity Notification of Sex
Offenders Law. Notification Steven Ennis (26) resides at #3, Apache Junction, AZ Brian Beckham William Steele Clardy Scott Alan Maynard
must be made when certain 1280 S. Warner Dr. MH#3, 85119. He is 6’4”, weighs Dale Eugene Sears
sex offenders are released Apache Junction, AZ 85120. 225 lbs. with gray hair and Apache Junction, AZ 85120. Charles A. Thomas
from the Arizona State Pris- He is 5’7”, weighs 180 lbs. hazel eyes. Maynard was He is 5’5”, weighs 150 lbs. Cory Lee Wages
on, accepted under an in- with brown hair and blue convicted in 2001 of Pos- with black hair and brown
terstate compact agreement eyes. Ennis was convicted in session of Child Pornogra- eyes. Wages was convicted
or released from a county 2015 for Attempted Sexual phy, 2005 Sexual Battery, of two (2) counts of Sexual
jail back into the communi- Conduct with a Minor, his 2008 Fail to Register as a Abuse in 2014, his victim
ty. It is the responsibility of victim was an 11 year old Sex Offender and 2010 Fail was a female acquaintance.
the Chief Law Enforcement female, known to him. He is to Register as Sex Offender. He is considered by AJPD
Officer having jurisdiction considered by AJPD to be a He is considered by AJPD to be a Level 2 Risk to the
where the offender intends Level 2 Risk to the commu- to be a Level 3 Risk to the community.
to reside to inform the com- nity. community.
munity. Those that appear in
this notice are not wanted by Charles Edward Ewers Dale Eugene Sears (68) This notification is not in- Steven Ennis
the Apache Junction Police (70) resides at 251 E. 29th resides at 2352 E 36th Ave, tended to increase fear; rath- Charles Edward Ewers
or any other law enforce- Ave #109, Apache Junc- Apache Junction, AZ 85119. er it is to inform the commu-
ment agency at this time. tion, AZ 85119. He is 6’1”, He is 5’8”, weighs 195 lbs. nity of a sex offender living
weighs 255 lbs. with gray with gray hair and brown in the city. AJPD's belief is
Brian Beckham (43) re- hair and blue eyes. Ewers eyes. Sears was convicted that an informed community
sides at 1357 S. Lawson Dr., was convicted in 1997 of (3) in 2001 of Aggravated As- is a safer community. Citi-
Apache Junction, AZ 85120. counts of Attempted Crimi- sault on Child (his victim a zen abuse of this informa-
He is 6’3”, weighs 353 lbs. nal Sexual Conduct with a female juvenile was known tion to threaten, intimidate,
with gray hair and green person under thirteen. Ad- to him) and further convict- or harass those appearing in
eyes. Beckham was convict- ditionally in 2012, Charles ed for a Sex Offender Reg- the notice will not be tolerat-
ed in 2014 for Luring a Mi- was convicted of (2) counts istration Violation in 2014. ed and charges may be filed
nor for Sexual Exploitation of Attempted Molestation of He is considered by AJPD against anyone violating the
and in 2016 for Fail to Reg- a child and Molestations of to be a Level 2 Risk to the law.
ister as a Sex Offender. His a child. He is considered by community. The AJPD Communi-
victim was known to him. AJPD to be a Level 3 Risk to ty Resources Unit may be
He is considered by AJPD the community. Charles A. Thomas (48) reached at 480-474-5442
to be a Level 2 Risk to the resides at 2810 W. 14th Ave and is available to help you
community. Theodore Jacob Jones (36) #9, Apache Junction, AZ join or start a Neighbor-
resides at 1930 W Apache 85119. He is 6’0”, weighs hood Block Watch program
William Steele Clardy (42) Trail #39, Apache Junction, 165 lbs. with brown hair and as well as provide you with
resides at 562 S Cedar Dr., AZ 85120. He is 5’11”, blue eyes. Thomas was con- useful information on per-
Apache Junction, AZ 85120. weighs 175 lbs. with brown victed in 2001 of Attempted sonal safety. If you have in-
He is 5’3”, weighs 156 lbs. hair and hazel eyes. Jones Sexual Assault. His victim formation regarding current
with brown hair and hazel was convicted of (2) counts was an adult female known criminal activity on these or
eyes. Clardy was convicted of Attempted Molestation to him. In 2017, he was also any other offenders, please
of Attempted Molestation of a Child in 2002. His vic- convicted of Failure to Reg- call 480-982-8260 or, in the
of a Child, Sexual Conduct tim was a minor male child ister as a Sex Offender. He event of an emergency, 911.
with a Minor in 1997, Fail- known to him. He is consid- is considered by the AJPD
ure to Register as a Sex Of- ered by AJPD to be a Level 3 to be a Level 2 Risk to the
fender in 2000 and Attempt- Risk to the community. community.
ed Molestation of a Child in
2014. He is considered by Scott Alan Maynard (66) Cory Lee Wages (32) re-
AJPD to be a Level 3 Risk to resides at 1680 E. 34th Ave sides at 768 S. Main Dr.,
the community.
Theodore Jacob Jones
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www.oterorealtygroup.com Vacation Bible School Begins October 1
at Mountain View Lutheran Church
1000 West Apache Trail, Suite 107 • Apache Junction, AZ 85120
Families and elementary reveals how Peter and John In addition to Bible sto-
Elise Otero school-aged kids are wel- stood up for their beliefs, ries, we will have a rocking
come to join us Mountain Ananias overcame his fear good time as we roll through
Owner/Broker View Lutheran Church and met a bully named Saul, each day with songs, crafts,
this October 1-3, 2021 for and learn how Paul gave re- games and meals. We start
Lisha Newell our Fall Vacation Bible assurance to a crew of sailors Friday, October 1 at 5:00
Assoc. Realtor School “Rocky Railway, after their boat was ship- p.m. with a family dinner,
Where Jesus Power Pulls Us wrecked. On Sunday after- continue on Saturday, Oc-
Listings/Sales • Commercial and Residential Property Management Through.” noon we will point our fam- tober 2 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00
Kids will take a jour- ilies to Christ and how his p.m. with a provided lunch
Serving the Southeast Valley • National Association of Residential Property Managers ney through Scripture that death and gave life to us all. and finish on Sunday Octo-
ber 3 from 12:00 p.m.-3:00
p.m. with lunch once again
Join us for a fun-filled
family adventure focused
on the power of Christ. For
more information, email
PastorTi m@Mou nt ai n-
ViewLutheran.org or regis-
ter today by visiting www.
M o u n t a i nV i e wL u t h e r a n .
EAST VALLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Mountain View Lutheran Church
Welcomes New Music Director
Auto • Home • Boat • Motorcycle
Tigran Buniatyan. Organ music has been this special person of talent
LOW a mainstay of Christian that will enhance our wor-
RATES! Staff Report church history since around ship. If the combination of
EV Courier News the 14th century. A tru- a good religious service
Tim ly talented and spiritual combined with great music
Wilson In a church service, good musician has learned to is important in your spiri-
music is as as integral as a maintain the focus on Je- tual experience, please ac-
480-982-4342 good sermon is to the expe- sus while performing at the cept this invitation to join
Fax: 480-983-0304 rience. Tradition has it that highest musical level. us any Saturday evening or
good, well-played organ Mountain View Lu- Sunday morning. Informa-
www.eastvalley-insurance.com music along with singing, theran Church (MVLC) is tion on service times can
are among the essential blessed to introduce to the be found on our website:
[email protected] ministries of the church and Apache Junction area one ht t p s: //m o u nt a i nv ie wl u -
the people of God. of the premier organ play- theran.org.
212 W. Superstition Blvd #106 ers in the world, Tigran
Apache Junction, AZ 85120 Buniatyan. Tigran is a tru-
ly spiritual musician and a
(Across From AJ Post Office & Social Security Building) generational talent. While
he pursues his Doctorate
Degree in music at Arizo-
na State University, he will
serve as the music director
and organist at MVLC.
God has once again an-
swered the prayers of many
by connecting MVLC with
Seed Library Growing at Actual Library in AJ
Vicki Ann Duraine the first defense against Apache Junction resident and Eagle Scout candidate Lloyd Stenglein and library director Pam Harrison.
Supervisory Librarian for food insecurity and the in-
Adult Services, Apache Junction stability of the food chain,” and other treatments that and will offer STEM and “Our mission is to provide
she added. lead to mental wellbeing. SciStarter’s Citizen Science education, technology, infor-
New and improved gardens, The U.S. Department Horizon Health and Well- projects for all ages. While mation and entertainment to
tackling food insecurity and of Agriculture defines food ness delivers both mental you wait for your seeds to all members of our communi-
an Eagle Scout project has insecurity as the lack of health and medical services. sprout, watch the monthly ty. Making seeds available is
the Apache Junction Pub- access to adequate, nutri- To speak to someone at virtual cooking program another resource toward that
lic Library set to offer free tional food to sustain an Horizon, call 833-431-4449. “Interlibrary Kitchen” on goal,” said Pam Harrison, the
seeds for checkout to city active and healthy lifestyle Though still in the firm Facebook and Instagram. director of the library.”
residents with a library card. for everyone in a house- grasp of summer, Septem- Staff members Leah Martin
On Sept. 7, the library hold. Statistics posted on ber is the perfect month to from Apache Junction Pub- Superstition Food Bank, Gardener Lavier Kurtz to
joins a growing number of the Superstition Commu- start vegetable seeds for lic Library and Megan Car- please visit https://super- manage them. Volunteers
organizations nationwide nity Food Bank’s website a winter garden. Find the biener of Coolidge Public stitionfoodbank.org, email are welcome to join Kurtz
intent on engaging and show 1 in 7 seniors, 1 in 5 complete list of available Library dish up recipes and them at info@superstition- on Thursdays from 6-8 p.m.
encouraging community adults and 1 in 4 children seeds from beans to squash laughs in equal measure. foodbank.org or call 480- and Saturdays from 7-9 a.m.
members to keep their eyes in the surrounding area are on the library’s website. Apache Junction Public 983-2995. For more information, con-
to the stars and their hands food insecure. Myra Garcia, Checked out your seeds, but Library is located at 1177 N. Earth Heart Park’s com- tact Kurtz at Info@Lavgar.
in the dirt as they experi- the organization’s executive don’t know where to start? Idaho Ave. in Apache Junc- munity raised garden beds com or Cheri DeBree at
ence the joy and benefits of director, reported the food Browse the gardening sec- tion. Information about the are getting a new look, new Horizon, at Cheri.DeBree@
gardening. bank distributes 35 to 45 tion for an array of helpful seed project and upcoming plans for year-round plant- HHWaz.org.
“Our mission is to pro- pounds of food per month books — including those programs is available on ings, and a new Master
vide education, technology, to around 40,000 people a specific to the fickle nature the library’s website ajpl.
information and entertain- year. of the Sonoran desert. org and Facebook and In-
ment to all members of our “Supply and need are The library also expects stagram, or call (480) 474-
community. Making seeds cyclical,” Garcia said. “June to host experts in their field 8555.
available is another resource was a good month for do- for presentations about gar- To donate, volunteer
toward that goal,” said Pam nations from local retail- dening, health and nutrition, or otherwise contact the
Harrison, the director of the ers, and we distributed 80
library. pounds of food a person.”
Lifelong Apache Junc- Additionally, growing
tion resident Lloyd Sten- your own food enhances
glein approached staff general well-being. Stud-
about starting the seed ies show gardening reduces
collection. Working to- stress and improves men-
ward Eagle Scout, the Boy tal clarity. A recent report
Scouts’ highest rank, the from the National Library
18-year-old recent graduate of Medicine found over-
of Faith Christian School whelming evidence that
in Mesa collected funds gardening is beneficial for
and supplies, and furnished mental and physical health.
the display cabinet and first “In a study about gar-
batch of seeds. Stenglein dening published in the
explained he wanted to give Mental Health Review
back to the library because Journal, it was found that
it was a big part of his child- gardening has been linked
hood — particularly the to being beneficial to one’s
“amazing kids” area. emotional, social, vocation-
Harrison said she en- al, physical, and spiritual
visions the collection as a well-being,” said Dr. Arthur
vital element of a commu- Chou, chief medical officer
nity-wide partnership that at Horizon Health and Well-
supports gardeners of all ness.
levels, and provides needed Dr. Chou agrees that gar-
resources toward Apache dening can have many ther-
Junction residents’ path to apeutic benefits, especially
greater sustainability. when paired with strategies
“A backyard garden is such as therapy, medication,
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cast 55. Midway between south 44. Grilled beef sandwich
16. Gold-colored alloy 45. Journalist Tarbell
18. A salt or ester of acetic and east 46. Brooklyn hoopsters
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60. Soviet Socialist 49. Romantic poet
porous surface 56. Dorm worker
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27. __ Blyton, children’s 1. Mother tongue puzzle on page 7
2. Removes potato skins
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30. Feeling of intense 5. The making of amends
6. Discovered by investi-
31. Popular TV network gation
34. Island entry point 7. Small arm of the sea
36. Disfigure 8. More seasoned
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39. One who’s revered 12. Type of pear
40. Long, winding ridge 13. Chemical compound
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