GAPD1032 -
Asas Pembelajaran Digital
Skop • Piawaian Pelajar ISTE A
o Pelajar diberdayakan (Empowered learner)
o Kewarganegaraan digital (Digital citizenship)
o Pembina pengetahuan (Knowledge
o Pereka bentuk inovatif (Innovative designer)
o Pemikir komputasional (Computational
o Komunikator Kreatif (Creative
o Kolaborator global (Global Collaborator)
(Global collaborator)
B • Model Pembelajaran Pelajar
(Student Learning Model)
Apakah Standard atau piawaian
Apakah piawaian ISTE (International
Society for Technology in Education)????
(Ruj : )
• Kompetensi teknologi dan pedagogi di kalangan guru,
pelajar dan pentadbir sekolah perlu dinilai, peranan ini
dipelopori oleh ISTE (International Society for Technology
in Education) yang telah menggubal standard penggunaan
teknologi dalam pendidikan. ISTE mula menggubal piawaian
ISTE untuk Pelajar (2007), diikuti ISTE untuk Guru (2002,
2008) dan kemudian ISTE untuk Pentadbir Sekolah (2001,
2007). Ketiga-tiga Standard ini telah disemak semula atau
dikemaskini selari dengan perkembangan ICT.
• Tujuan ISTE : menyediakan satu penanda aras untuk
mengukur kecekapan atau kompetensi guru, pelajar dan
pentadbir sekolah menggunakan teori dan amalan teknologi
pendidikan di sekolah dalam Zaman Digital atau Pendidikan
Abad ke 21.
Pelajar diberdayakan Kewarganegaraan Digital
Kolaborator Pembina
Digital Pengetahuan
Pemikir komputasional Perekabentuk Inovatif
Komunikator Kreatif
1.Pelajar diberdayakan
(Empowered leaner)
… Students leverage technology to take an active role in
choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency
in their learning goals, informed by the learning
Pelajar memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mengambil
peranan aktif memilih, mencapai, dan menunjukkan
kecekapan dalam matlamat pembelajaran mereka,
berkaitan sesuatu sains pembelajaran.
Click here (a) Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop
strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on
https://www.y the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
aylist?list=PL6a (b) Students build networks and customize their learning
VN_9hcQEFK environments in ways that support the learning process.
GoSk7XNua (c) Students use technology to seek feedback that informs
and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways..
(d) Students understand the fundamental concepts of
technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use
and troubleshoot current technologies and are able
to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
2. Kewarganegaraan Digital
(Digital Citizenship)
... Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and
opportunities of living, learning and working in an
interconnected digital world, and they act and model in
ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
Pelajar menentukan hak, tanggungjawab dan peluang
hidup, belajar dan bekerja dalam dunia digital yang saling
berkaitan, dan mereka bertindak dan memodelkan dengan
cara yang selamat, sah dan beretika.
Click here (a) Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and
reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions
https://www in the digital world.
m/playlist?lis (b) Students engage
t=PL6aVN_ in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using
9hcQEEvj0J technology, including social interactions online or when
o1vPupd8Q using networked devices.
(c) Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect
for the rights and obligations of using and
sharing intellectual property.
(d) Students manage their personal data to maintain digital
privacy and security and are aware of data-collection
technology used to track their navigation online.
3. Pembina Pengetahuan
(Knowledge Constructor)
... Students critically curate a variety of resources using
digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative
artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for
themselves and others.
Pelajar secara kritikal menyusun pelbagai sumber
menggunakan alat digital untuk membina pengetahuan,
menghasilkan artifak kreatif dan membuat pengalaman
pembelajaran yang bermakna untuk diri mereka sendiri dan
orang lain.
Click here (a) Students plan and employ effective research
strategies to locate information and other resources for
https://www. their intellectual or creative pursuits.
/playlist?list= (b) Students evaluate
PL6aVN_9hc the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of
QEFq4c68zL information, media, data or other resources.
jo (c) Students curate information from digital resources
using a variety of tools and methods to
create collections of artifacts that
demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
(d) Students build knowledge by
actively exploring real-world issues and problems,
developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and
4. Perekabentuk Inovatif
(Innovative Designer)
…. Students use a variety of technologies within a design
process to identify and solve problems by creating
new, useful or imaginative solutions.
Pelajar menggunakan pelbagai teknologi dalam proses
reka bentuk untuk mengenal pasti dan menyelesaikan
masalah dengan mencipta penyelesaian baharu,
berguna atau imaginatif.
Click here (a) Students know and use a deliberate design process for
generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative
https://www. artifacts or solving authentic problems.
playlist?list=P (b) Students select and use digital tools to plan and
L6aVN_9hc manage a design process that considers design
QEGNw8O constraints and calculated risks.
E1Q4gqo (c) Students develop, test and refine prototypes as
part of a cyclical design process
(d) Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity,
perseverance, and the capacity to work with open-ended
(5) Pemikir komputasional
(Computasional Thinker)
• …. Students develop and employ strategies for
understanding and solving problems in ways that
leverage the power of technological methods to
develop and test solutions.
Pelajar membangunkan dan menggunakan strategi
untuk memahami dan menyelesaikan masalah
dengan cara memanfaatkan keupayaan teknologi
dengan membangun dan menilai penyelesaian.
•Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted
methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in
…exploring and finding solutions.
Click•hSeretudents collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools
yhottuptsu:/b/ewt.ocwow ma. nalyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate
/playlistp?lirsto= blem-solving and decision-making.
QPLE6GaVd•N2St_Ht9cuhHcdents break problems into component parts, extract key information,
andi8TjRkkk6XL develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or
2W3Gfacilitate problem-solving..
•Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking
to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.
(6) Komunikator Kreatif
(Creative Commnunicator)
• …. Students communicate clearly and express themselves
creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms,
tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their
Pelajar berkomunikasi dengan jelas dan
mengekspresi diri secara kreatif bagi pelbagai
tujuan menggunakan platform, alatan, gaya, format
dan media digital yang sesuai dengan matlamat
•Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the
heredesired objectives of their creation or communication.
…Click •Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix
https://www.y resources into new creations.
aylist?lis•tS=PtLu6adents communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by
wVNvJ_dR9h-0cFQcHErjGCeating or using a variety of digital objects such
Av1dbmlaMsR evisualizations, models or simulations.
•Students publish or present content that customizes the message
and medium for their intended audiences.
(7) Kolaborator Digital
(Global Collaborator)
• …. Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives
and enrich their learning by collaborating with others
and working effectively in teams locally and globally.
Pelajar menggunakan alatan digital untuk meluaskan
perspektif dan memperkaya pembelajaran, secara
bekerjasama dengan orang lain dan bekerja secara
berkesan dalam pasukan di peringkat lokal dan
•Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of
h…tCtlpicsk:/h/ewmbrewawuc.ytkugarlouunnddesrastnadndcuinltguarneds, leenagrnaginingg. with them in ways that broaden
outub•e.Scotmu/pdl ents use collaborative technologies to work with others, including
awayVLlNi0stC_?l9NishpftYcr=QMePo-LEeP6Emrs,meuxlptieprletsvoierwcpoominmtsu.nity members, to examine issues and problems
eH_Mngpg•3DrSoNtuUledse nantsd croenstproibnustibeilcitoienssttroucwtoivreklye tfofecptriovejelycttotewaamrds, aascsoummminognvagroioalu. s
•Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative
technologies to work with others to investigate solutions.
Bagi merancang strategi PdP yang terbaik, guru perlu
memahami keperluan untuk pelajar belajar dan
menyediakan pembelajaran bermakna (deep learning
Tiga komponen utama Model Pembelajaran Murid :
1. Belajar Cara Belajar
2. Perhubungan
3. Aspirasi
Belajar cara belajar
merupakan satu bentuk kemahiran memperoleh teknik pembelajaran secara efektif
dengan atau tanpa guru. Pelajar perlu belajar cara belajar supaya mereka dapat
mengenal pasti kelemahan dan kekuatan dalam proses pembelajaran sama ada di dalam
kelas atau luar kelas dan seterusnya berusaha untuk mencari jalan untuk mengatasi
kelemahan dan menggunakan kelebihan atau kekuatan yang ada untuk memaksimumkan
pencapaian dalam pelajaran.
Murid bertanggung jawab terhadap pembelajaran dan memahami proses pembelajaran
yang mereka lalui. Subkomponen yang perlu diberikan perhatian dalam belajar cara
belajar ialah :
(a) Metakognitif (rujukan :
(b) Maklumbalas (
(c) Agensi (
Asas sosial yang penting bagi semua
manusia yang sentiasa memerlukan
tujuan dan makna dalam hubungan
dengan orang lain :
- Kesepunyaan
- Merangkai
Aspirasi This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Pencapaian pelajar dipengaruhi oleh
jangkaan mereka terhadap diri sendiri
dan persepsi orang lain terhadap
mereka :
- Jangkaan
- Keperluan dan Minat
• Rujukan 6C -