TELLING IT AS IT IS No reason to fear Need for
Covid vaccine: page workers to page
Health Ministry stay relevant
2 3
No. 7895 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) pupils who live across a river in Kampung
Bagan, Tanjung Karang in Selangor are assisted
by a boatman as they disembark after a five-
minute boat ride yesterday morning. Years 1, 2
and 3 pupils as well as Forms 3 and 4 students
in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and
Malacca resumed face-to-face learning
yesterday for the first time in five months.
[email protected] music dies
oInconsistent rules on piped-in music leave Lawyer Xenia Z.C. Lok explained that under
PETALING JAYA: The music for restaurant owners in a jam Section 2(f) and 4(1) of the Entertainment Act,
restaurant owners has been less than the “transmission of music by way of
entertaining lately. Thanks to unclear telephony and radio” is not considered
and inconsistent enforcement of the entertainment.
law, some restaurant owners have been By that definition, it would mean that
penalised for playing background music in restaurant owners who play music streamed
their premises while the melody continues to licence. Also, make sure there is no red tape,” standard operating procedures (SOP) issued by through their smartphones for the listening
flow for other business establishments. he added. the National Security Council (NSC) and the pleasure of customers would not be running
local authorities’ by-laws has been frustrating. foul of the law.
“There has been a lot of confusion, and it is Lim said he has also received reports from However, music that is played on mediums
a headache for us in the food and beverage members of the association that when they Lim said representatives of the association apart from smartphones, such as CDs, is
(F&B) industry,” Restaurant and Bistro Owners submit an application for an entertainment were scheduled to meet Selangor Mentri Besar considered entertainment and therefore must
Association vice-president Jeremy Lim told licence now, they are turned away on the basis Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari in August to discuss be licensed.
theSun. that any form of entertainment is still the issue but the meeting was postponed. That Lok pointed out that under
prohibited. was their third failed attempt to meet the Article 75 of the Federal
Lim sees it as selective enforcement and mentri besar. Constitution, if state or local Turn to
victimisation of his segment of the F&B sector. Under the movement control order to curb government laws are inconsistent
the spread of Covid-19 introduced last year, He said he had written to Selangor state with federal legislations, then the —
“If you walk into a fast food chain, salon or entertainment such as “live” shows have been legal adviser Datuk Salim Soib to seek clarity on
grocery chain store, there is music in the disallowed. the matter but has yet to receive a response. page 3
background but the owners of these premises “It’s been a week now,” he said.
are not slapped with a RM25,000 fine,” he He said the lack of alignment between the federal legislations should prevail.
pointed out.
He was referring to a recent local news
portal report that a restaurant owner in Petaling
Jaya was fined RM25,000 for playing piped-in
music at his premises in March.
According to the report, the Majlis
Bandaraya Petaling Jaya cited the restaurant
owner for playing music without an
entertainment licence.
However, Lim said the entertainment
enactment in Selangor specifies that exceptions
have been made for music played on a
“I believe the enforcement team did not
know the enactment in detail, nor did they take
a business friendly approach,” he said.
He pointed out that almost all music played
in restaurants and bistros are streamed through
a smartphone. “However, if a licence is
required, tell us so and we’ll apply for the
get booster jabs
No reason to fear Covid-19 from today
vaccine: Health Ministry ALL members of Parliament (MP)
will get their Covid-19 vaccine
KUALA LUMPUR: As far as the o ‘There has not been a single fatality linked to ‘main consideration for special booster shots from today, Deputy
Health Ministry is concerned, the inoculations since the drive was launched early financial assistance’ category and five Speaker Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon
Covid-19 vaccine is safe. this year’ more cases have been rejected said yesterday.
because their reactions could not be
“There has not been a single children are expected to start getting He said as of Oct 27, the ministry categorised as ‘adverse side effects”.’ The vaccination process will begin
fatality linked to the vaccine (since the vaccine soon. had received a total of 22,132 reports at 9.30am at the Parliament building.
the inoculation drive was launched of adverse side effects. He added the remaining two
early this year),” said Deputy Health Aaron Ago was responding to a applications for aid were rejected Rashid said according to
Minister II Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang. question by Datuk Seri Mohd However, he said only 1,483 cases outright because there was no proof instructions he received from the
Redzuan Md Yusof (PN-Alor Gajah), have been categorised as “serious”. In of a direct correlation with the Health Ministry, only MP who have
He said while a total of 519 people who enquired about safety measures these cases, the recipients had to be vaccine. received the second dose of the
have reportedly died after receiving introduced by the ministry to ensure hospitalised for monitoring and vaccine will be given the booster
the vaccine, a subsequent evaluation that the vaccine is compatible with treatment for several days. In March, the ministry announced shots.
of each case showed that none of the recipients. that those who experienced serious
deaths was caused by the vaccine. Aaron Ago said as of Oct 29, the side effects after receiving the vaccine He said priority is being given to
On a related matter, the deputy ministry has received 74 applications and needed long-term medical MP because they often have to go
He said there has not been any minister said the government has yet for special financial aid for vaccine treatment, would be given a down to the ground to meet their
confirmation that anyone has died as to grant special financial aid to recipients who have experienced RM50,000 compensation each. electorate, putting them at risk of
a result of the effects of receiving the anyone who has reportedly severe side effects. getting infected.
vaccine. experienced severe vaccine side Those who have been
effects, although several applications “Of those, 58 applications have permanently disabled as a result of The vaccination programme at the
The National Covid-19 are under consideration. been taken under consideration, being vaccinated will receive a banquet hall will continue on a later
Immunisation Programme kicked off another nine have come under the RM500,000 payout. date for those who are not able to get
on Feb 24 and to date, more than 90% the shots today.
of the adult population have been Families of those who have died as
fully vaccinated. a result of receiving the vaccine will The ministry began administering
get a similar amount in the booster dose of the Covid vaccine
The programme has since been compensation. on Oct 13.
extended to teenagers, and younger
All Malaysians who have received
Investigate the second dose of the vaccine qualify
Muslims for the third shot.
gambling, says
Anwar According to notes prepared by
the ministry, and read out by Rashid
OPPOSITION Leader Datuk Seri KEEPING TABS ... Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi inspecting in the House, the booster shot is to
Anwar Ibrahim urged the Finance chilies sold at an outlet in klia2 yesterday in conjunction with the implementation of a price control scheme for ensure that the immunity acquired
Ministry to investigate Muslims who Deepavali. – BERNAMAPIX after completion of the vaccination
are involved in gambling on grounds programme is maintained for an
that it is forbidden under syariah Govt mulls cervical cancer shots for boys optimal period of time, especially
(Islamic) law. against the more virulent Delta
BOYS may soon be receiving a findings by the World Health year will be getting it by next year variant.
Anwar (PH-Port Dickson) said vaccine traditionally given to Organisation that in many through school health
that based on data from police and teenage girls to prevent cervical developed countries, boys risk programmes, as done previously. The House later voted to adjourn
media reports, about 45% of cancer. becoming carriers of the virus that “However, the ministry is still the sitting for tomorrow to enable MP
customers of 62 gambling clubs have causes cervical cancer. assessing the tenders for the to return to their respective
Muslims as members. Deputy Health Minister II Datuk It is understood that HPV is the supply of the HPV vaccine. constituencies in time for the
Aaron Ago Dagang said the most common sexually “According to the National Deepavali celebration, which falls on
He pointed out that as members, government is looking at transmitted infection and while it Cancer Registry, cervical cancer Thursday.
they are allowed to indulge in introducing the human papilloma is usually harmless, some strains remains one of the top three
gambling. “Thousands of Muslims virus (HPV) vaccine to boys next can lead to cancer or genital warts. cancers among women.” Rashid said the Dewan Rakyat
are involved. This is a violation of the year. Nurul Izzah also pointed out Aaron Ago said the HPV virus is session will adjourn at 2pm, earlier
syariah law. It looks like there are that given the Covid-19 pandemic, the main contributor to cervical than usual.
some elements in this Malay-Islamic “But for now, the Health HPV vaccines have not been cancer, accounting for 95% of all
government that are protecting those Ministry’s policy is that only girls administered since last year. cases. Under a programme that has Advice to
involved.” aged 13 and above will receive the She wanted to know if there been in place since Sept 30, 2019, Malaysians
HPV shots,” he told Nurul Izzah were plans to ensure that students screening for cervical cancer seeking jobs
Anwar said that apart from Anwar (PH-Permatang Pauh). who have missed the vaccination through DNA is being carried out overseas
gambling games, slot machines are will be given the shots in the near in stages.
also found in such clubs. The HPV shot is now given future. The National Population and MALAYSIANS seeking to work
under an annual vaccination In response, Aaron Ago said Family Development Board is overseas are advised to engage
He said the presence of Malays in programme for girls aged 13 and teenage girls who have missed helping to manage the employment agencies licensed to
gambling clubs came to light through 14. their HPV vaccine shots since last programme. recruit workers.
their MySejahtera app.
Nurul Izzah wanted to know if Deputy Human Resources
Like other business premises, the ministry would have boys take Minister Datuk Awang Hashim said
these clubs require visitors and the vaccine as well based on through the Private Employment
members to check in with Agencies Act 1981 (Act 246), any
MySejahtera before they are allowed company intending to recruit local
entry. job seekers to work outside the
country must be given category B
Anwar urged the ministry and the and C licences under the Act.
police to investigate the matter.
“Any company or party found to
He also alleged that there be recruiting local job seekers to
was an individual whose company work abroad without a licence, can
was freely operating a be fined up to RM200,000 or
number of gambling clubs across the jailed not more than three years, or
country. both.”
“My main concern is that this He was replying to a question
person could eventually influence from Datuk Shahudin Yahaya
Malays in the upper class to join (Bersatu-Tasek Gelugor), on
gambling activities. whether high wages were the cause
Malaysians were willing to work
“I also want to know if action will illegally in Australia and what
be taken by the Inland Revenue actions have been taken to prevent
Board to review the company’s more from becoming labourers
position so that it can be monitored.” there.
Anwar said Finance Minister Awang said as of yesterday, there
Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz should were no complaints against licensed
explain how so many companies private employment agencies under
have been licensed for gambling Act 246 on exploitation of
activities, given that most of these Malaysians working overseas.
approvals had been given before
2018, when Barisan Nasional was still Meanwhile, he admitted that
in power. high wages in developed countries
like Australia and South Korea are
He said there has been an attracting Malaysians to seek jobs in
increase in the number of Malay those countries.
members in gambling clubs over the
last one-and-a-half-years. “In Australia, the minimum wage
is A$20.33, equivalent to RM84.28 an
hour while in South Korea, the
minimum wage is US$8 an hour, or
Kedah MB heads list of award recipients for Sultan’s birthday
ALOR STAR: Kedah Mentri Besar yesterday Muhammad Sanusi Holdings Sdn Bhd managing director Abd Rahman and Royal Malaysian Sallehuddin Kedah, which carries the
Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor headed received the Darjah Seri Paduka Tan Sri Syed Azman Syed Ibrahim. Navy Naval Region 2 Commander title Datuk, to Kedah state assembly
the list of individuals who will receive Mahkota Kedah Yang Amat Rear Admiral Rusli Ahmad received speaker Johari Bulat, Kedah Women,
awards and medals in conjunction Dihormat, which carries the title “The recipient of the Darjah the Darjah Datuk Setia Pahlawan Family and Community
with the 79th birthday of the Sultan of Datuk Seri. Gemilang Seri Mahkota Kedah, Negeri Kedah Yang Amat Dihormati, Development and Welfare
Kedah Al Aminul Karim Sultan which carries the title Datuk Wira, which carries the title Datuk Committee chairman Halimaton
Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah. Sultan Sallehuddin also conferred was Treasury secretary-general Pahlawan. Shaadiah Saad and Kedah Land and
the Darjah Seri Setia Diraja Kedah Datuk Asri Hamidin@Hamidon.” Mines director Mohd Fauzi Mustaffa.
State Secretary Datuk Paduka Yang Amat Dihormati, which carries The Sultan also awarded the – Bernama
Ammar Shaikh Mahmood Naim said the title Datuk Seri, to Weststar Ammar added that Deputy Chief Darjah Datuk Setia Sultan
of the Army Lt Jen Datuk Mohammad
Councils should Need for workers to learn
have own policies constantly to stay relevant
Similarly, those who have been issued
compounds for allegedly breaching the
Covid-19 SOP introduced by
local authorities could take
the matter up for judicial
review if they are From o Survey shows five ‘most valued’ skills employers look for already knows the company.
convinced that it is in recruitment, retention or promotion of staff “That way, the employee also sees himself
inconsistent with NSC’s front
page making progress and the company wins his
loyalty,” she added.
Citing some examples, Lok However, there are still companies that hire
said there have been instances when from outside, especially for specific skills that
hawkers have taken local authorities to cannot be found within.
court after being penalised for breaking █ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI companies solve their problems caused by the
the SOP on the grounds that the actions [email protected] Covid-19 pandemic,” she said. Melissa said many companies now also turn
contravened Articles 5 and 8 of the PETALING JAYA: To stay relevant, employees to gig workers to fill roles that would otherwise
Federal Constitution. The hawkers had now have to enhance their skills or pick up new “Some of these skills may have been in have been taken by permanent staff.
been cited for continuing with their ones. Similarly, companies that want to remain demand before the pandemic but
businesses despite not being fully ahead will need to provide their staff with circumstances have brought them to the fore.” “This is a growing trend. A 2019 study by the
vaccinated. opportunities for such advancement. Employees Provident Fund showed that nearly
Former MBPJ councillor Farhan Melissa said companies that have managed four in 10 people in the Malaysian workforce
Haziq Mohamed said under the There are five crucial skills that hirers seek to beat the odds to come out of the Covid-19 would be gig workers in the next five years,
Entertainment and Places of when on a recruitment drive, a survey by crisis stronger are mostly in information double the global average,” she said.
Entertainment Enactment 1995 of human resource and recruitment agency technology, manufacturing and electronics as
Selangor, which applies to all local Aisling Group has shown. well as banking and financial services. Malaysian Employers Federation president
authorities in the state, “entertainment” Datuk Dr Syed Hussain Syed Husman said
is defined as a “reproduction or Most in demand are problem solving skills, She said these are industries that provide digital skills, strong literacy and numeracy skills,
broadcast by any means for any music, with 75.41% of companies categorising it as top essential services and so were allowed to critical and innovative thinking, complex
song or speech”. priority. continue operations during the pandemic. problem solving acuteness, an ability to
“By that definition, intended or collaborate and socio-emotional skills are
otherwise, it would mean that whoever Next comes mental wellness (60.66%), “Therefore, they were not as badly affected as talents that remain in greatest demand.
wants to play music at his premises must innovation (57.38%), project management others by the movement control order.”
have an entertainment licence, whether (55.74%) and tech-readiness (52.46%). “Digital skills have moved from ‘optional’ to
or not the premises are used for She added that the ability to quickly adapt to ‘critical.’ Employment opportunities for those
entertainment activities. In this case, it Aisling founder and managing director unpredictable and changing situations as the with such skills will be greatly enhanced.”
affects restaurant owners,” he told Melissa Norman said companies that look to country prepares to enter an endemic phase of
theSun. generate higher revenue and reduce costs, raise Covid-19 has benefitted many companies. Syed Hussain added that to keep themselves
Nonetheless, he said local councils productivity and enhance efficiency while relevant in a crisis, employees have to
should have their own policies to help maintaining the work-from-home practice, also Many of these companies were even hiring constantly reskill and upskill.
them decide whether to penalise value skills in process improvement and while others were reducing their workforce.
businesses for playing piped-in music. implementation (37.7%), data analysis “They need to be agile to adapt to ever-
“After all, shopping malls are already (49.18%), technological knowledge (42.62%), Melissa said these companies have also changing conditions brought on by uncertainty
doing it without a hitch,” he added. digital forms of conducting work (44.26%), benefited from their strategies to retain talent by and disruptions,” he said, adding that it was
technical skills related to industry (52.46%) and offering opportunities to employees to upskill or fortunate that many skills can now be picked up
creativity (44.26%). reskill. online.
“Collectively, these skills are essential to help “Companies are now more inclined to seek He said a surge in entrepreneurship during
talent from within rather than look outside for the pandemic also showed that a crisis could
new hires.” open up new opportunities.
She pointed out that the advantage is that
they can leverage on the fact that the employee
Registration for tertiary student package EC to display
electoral rolls
CYBERJAYA: Registration for Pakej Among them are Celcom Axiata Bhd, Digi affordable internet access.
PerantiSiswa Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Telecommunications Sdn Bhd, Maxis Bhd, U MCMC said the package would help such PUTRAJAYA: The Election Commission
Family Student Device Package) for higher Mobile Sdn Bhd, Telekom Malaysia Bhd and (EC) will display the Q3/2021 Draft
learning institution students from B40 families YTL Communications Sdn Bhd. students participate in online learning Supplementary Electoral Rolls for 14 days
to get tablets with mobile broadband data is activities, conduct research and communicate beginning today, until Nov 15 at 854
expected to start in the second quarter of 2022. The package was announced in Budget 2022 with family and friends. locations nationwide.
tabled in the Dewan Rakyat last Friday and is in EC secretary Datuk Ikmalrudin Ishak said
The Malaysian Communications and line with the government’s aim to ensure that “These students from B40 families can now the rolls contain 68,228 voter registration
Multimedia Commission (MCMC) said it the people, especially students of higher have devices and internet access to experience applications from eligible Malaysian citizens
would work with mobile service providers. learning institutions, have devices and more sustainable learning,“ MCMC said in a
statement yesterday. – Bernama
and 15,143 applications for a change in
electoral divisions from voters registered
between July 1 and Sept 3.
Inspections can be done at any of the 854
display stations and scanning the QR code of
the parliamentary voting constituency.
Checks can also be made on the official
portal of the state election office, or
physically at state election offices, the EC
official portal at or through the
MySPR Semak app.
“All applicants are advised to check their
CLASSIC names in the electoral rolls and if their
CRAFT ... Artisan names are not listed, they could put in their
P. Santhi producing claims with Form B,” Ikmalrudin said in a
traditional clay statement yesterday.
lamps at her He said voters who wish to object the
workshop in Kuala entry of any names could do so with Form C.
Selangor ahead of Forms B and C can be downloaded from
Deepavali on the state election office portal and should be
Thursday, when the presented to the Registrar of Voters (state
item features as a election director) for the constituency during
staple to celebrate office hours within the display period.
the Festival of Lights. “During the display period, EC will also be
– ASYRAF RASID putting up the names of voters who will be
/THESUN removed from the electoral rolls because of
death, revocation of citizenship or other
reasons,” he said. – Bernama
Checks on vaccination
certs of teachers
o Move to ensure compliance with PSD circular mandatory for all civil servants,
on mandatory Covid-19 inoculation for all civil including teachers, to be fully
servants, says minister vaccinated before Nov 1 or disciplinary
action, including dismissal, will be
MALACCA: School administrators vaccination certificate to determine taken against them.
have the authority to inspect a that they received their vaccination
teacher’s vaccination certificate, said and to ensure that the data is accurate. Radzi said the move was to ensure a
Senior Education Minister Datuk safe environment for schoolchildren
Dr Radzi Jidin. “We do not want to deal with cases during the Covid-19 pandemic.
where teachers claim they have been
He said the move, which started vaccinated when in fact, they have “Teachers are always with students
yesterday, was to ensure that no not,” he said. during school sessions, and they also
teachers went against a circular issued meet with parents.”
by the Public Service Department Radzi was speaking after an
(PSD), which made it compulsory for engagement session at Sekolah Meanwhile, Radzi said a total of
civil servants to get vaccinated. Kebangsaan Ayer Molek yesterday, 694,531 Year One, Two and Three
Bernama reported. pupils, as well as 652,142 Form Three
“Schools will check teachers’ digital and Four students, are attending
In the latest circular, PSD said it was schools in areas under Phase Four of
the National Recovery Plan. They are
Malacca, Selangor and federal
territories of Kuala Lumpur and
Vaccine production hub plan launched
BANGI: Prime Minister Datuk Seri “Through NVDR and MGVI, highly extended by the government involved Services of retiring varsity
Ismail Sabri Yaakob yesterday skilled human capital in various fields research allocations to the Health researchers to be extended
launched the National Vaccine of research, especially those related to Ministry and Sukuk Prihatin
Development Roadmap (NVDR) and healthcare and vaccines, can be (Covid-19 research allocation special BANGI: The government has Malaysian Genome and Vaccine
Malaysian Genome and Vaccine produced,” he said at a launching aid) totalling RM3.5 million. agreed to automatically extend Institute yesterday.
Institute (MGVI) in an effort to turn ceremony at the Malaysian Genome the services of experts involved in
the country into a hub for vaccine Institute. The second project, Development vaccine research in universities Ismail Sabri said the
production and boost confidence in of Mucosal/Oral/Subunit Vaccines with a five-year contract when government is doing this to retain
vaccine use. Also present were Science, Against Cholera, Tuberculosis and they reach the retirement age of the talent of many internationally-
Technology and Innovation Minister Covid-19, is on cholera vaccine, 60. recognised Malaysian experts,
The prime minister said through Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba and developed in collaboration with who might be enticed by other
NVDR and MGVI, Malaysia could Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Universiti Sains Malaysia and Asian Prime Minister Datuk Seri countries when they reach
produce its own vaccines that are of Institute of Medicine, Science and Ismail Sabri Yaakob said this retirement.
quality, effective and safe in “More job opportunities can be Technology, with the Science, decision takes immediate effect to
accordance with conditions set by the created for Keluarga Malaysia to help Technology and Innovation Ministry ensure that relevant experts, who “If (services) are not extended,
National Pharmaceutical Regulatory increase the number of skilled also funding it to the tune of RM10.5 are still carrying out research it will affect their research and if
Agency, Bernama reported. workers and enhance the standard of million using the Strategic Research related to vaccines, especially the (research) is continued by new
living and health of the people.” Fund, he said. those involving subjects experts, it may take time,” he said.
“Although research and marketable in the international
development and vaccine production Ismail Sabri said three projects are “The third project is on pre-clinical market, can continue and On the number of researchers
require heavy investment, such efforts ready to be implemented through evaluation of a therapeutic cancer complete their research. who will benefit from the
have the potential to bring long-term NVDR, with the first involving the vaccine for the treatment of head and government’s decision, Ismail
returns for Keluarga Malaysia in the production of two types of Covid-19 neck cancer by Cancer Research “So there is no longer any Sabri said the data would be
form of cost-savings in treating vaccines using inactivated virus and Malaysia at a cost of RM3 million question of feeling insecure in the obtained from the Science,
diseases and investments by mRNA developed by the Institute for financed by the Science, Technology aspect of the work they are Technology and Innovation and
multinational companies in Malaysia. Medical Research. and Innovation Ministry. conducting; they can continue for Higher Education ministries.
five years and after that we will see
For this purpose, the fund if there is a need to extend it On the development of the
further. head and neck cancer vaccine by
the Cancer Research Centre,
“This is on condition that the Ismail Sabri said Malaysia is the
research and development they first country involved in this
are undertaking can be undertaking.
commercialised and marketed
throughout the world,” he told a “We are capable of offering our
press conference after launching own vaccines and that is why the
the National Vaccine government upgraded the
Development Roadmap and Malaysian Genome Institute into
the Malaysian Genome and
Vaccine Institute.” – Bernama
Ismail Sabri at an Corruption in public sector not
exhibition after to be taken lightly: Sarawak CM
the launch of KUCHING: The fight against Corp Integrity Day 2021
NVDR and MGVI corruption, especially in the yesterday.
in Bangi public sector, should not be
yesterday. taken lightly, said Sarawak Chief The text of his speech was
– BERNAMAPIX Minister Datuk Abang Johari read by state Urban Planning,
Abang Openg. Land Administration and
Artworks of young refugees to be showcased Environment Assistant Minister
He said the government Datuk Len Talif Salleh.
KUALA LUMPUR: In an effort to The showcase is also to encourage working on a tailoring project sector is often perceived as one
support the refugee community in the artists, aged from 14 to 20, to make involving highly skilled and of the sectors very susceptible to He said realising the impact
Malaysia, a non-profit social art their career. experienced tailors from the refugee corruption in the economy of of corruption on the economy
organisation, Greater Action, will hold community where they create unique any country, Bernama reported. and government delivery
an art exhibition involving nine young “The organisation is working handcrafted items, accessories, home system, the state government
refugees on Nov 12 and 13 at the East closely with 250 families via various linen and decor with premium “Corruption in the public has introduced several measures
Residence Clubhouse, KLGCC Bukit welfare programmes. recycled fabric. sector is a disease that would to ensure that its administration
Kiara. destroy the economy of a is efficient, clean and
“When I met Laila, a 17-year-old Greater Action focuses on country if not checked. transparent.
Greater Action co-founder Julie Rohingya student, I immediately improving lives and finding
Das told Bernama the exhibition aims recognised her exceptional talent. I day-to-day solutions in education, “It causes leakage of public “The training of officers
to highlight the talent of eight Afghan promised her I would organise an livelihood and healthcare for funds, drives away foreign under certified integrity officers
and one Rohingya self-taught artists. exhibition one day,” she said. vulnerable communities. investment, reduces economic programme and their placement
return on investments, and it has in relevant departments and
Greater Action has also been an adverse impact on public agencies is an example of our
safety and health,” he said in his initiative towards ensuring a
speech at the Sarawak Forestry clean administration.”
Drug ring busted 5theSUN ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 2, 2021
SEPANG: A drug syndicate that has been
smuggling methamphetamines to other IRB files suit to recover
countries, aided by airline cargo staff, was RM1.4 million in arrears
busted by police with the seizure of 200kg of
drugs worth over RM8 million at the KL o Board claims businessman failed to pay income tax within date of realisation, costs and other relief
International Airport (KLIA). dateline stipulated by law deemed fit by the court.
Four suspects including two cargo staff, KUALA LUMPUR: The government, through “As the defendant had failed to pay income The next case management has been fixed
aged between 34 and 59, have been held. the Inland Revenue Board (IRB), has filed a suit tax within the 30 days as stipulated under for Nov 22, to update the status of the
against businessman Zaidi Kanapiah, also Section 103 of the Income Tax Act 1967, an submission of the summons.
Police learnt that the syndicate had known as Datuk Addy Kana, seeking payment of increase in tax of 10% amounting to
smuggled out the drugs packaged as regular RM1.4 million in income tax arrears. RM38,002.57 and RM91,807.92 was imposed On Oct 28, the government sought to forfeit
cargo on four occasions over the past five and added to the overall income tax for the more than RM500,000 that was seized by the
months. Federal police narcotics crime The government filed a writ of summons and years of assessment 2018 and 2019, that still Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission from
investigation department (NCID) director statement of claim as the plaintiff on Oct 1 at the remain unpaid,” the plaintiff stated. businessman Alvin Goh Leong Yeong and
Comm Datuk Razarudin Husain said High Court here naming Zaidi, 31, as the Zaidi’s wife, Alyaa Syuhaila Mohamad Sharif, as
yesterday the seized drugs were found in defendant, Bernama reported. The government claimed that to date, the well as a few of their companies.
five boxes that were declared as electronic defendant had yet to pay the amounts and
goods and were headed for Auckland in Based on the statement of claim obtained penalties due, which totalled RM1,427,915.45. The Federal Court on April 27 ordered Zaidi
New Zealand. through the court system (e-filing), the and two policemen, who were detained under
government had issued an additional assessment As such, the plaintiff is demanding the the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 in connection
Recently, Malaysia gained notoriety after amounting to RM380,025.73 and RM918,079.23 defendant pay RM1,427,915.45, interest of 5% with an illegal online gambling syndicate, be
several Malaysians were held smuggling for the year 2018 and 2019 respectively. per annum from the date of judgement until the released immediately.
illegal drugs into foreign nations.
Chief Justice Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat,
Early last month, a Malaysian was who chaired a five-member panel, made the
arrested in Australia over the country’s order after allowing the trio’s appeal over their
biggest heroin haul of 451kg worth RM432 applications for a writ of habeas corpus.
million. The drugs, hidden in a shipment of
ceramic tiles from Malaysia, was addressed
to a Melbourne business. Australian police
trailed the delivery of the container before
nabbing the suspect.
Beh showing Sarawak
equipment and students flying
helmets used high with
by the suspects airfare subsidy
during a press
conference at KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Malaya
Sentul police third-year law student Arif Adam Patahul
headquarters Ariffin would have previously thought
yesterday. twice before returning to his hometown in
– BERNAMAPIX Bintangor, Meradong in Sarawak during
semester breaks or festive seasons.
‘Delivery rider’ snatch theft gang snared by police
The expensive fares coupled with the
KUALA LUMPUR: Sentul police have crippled mastermind of the gang, aged between 25 act as a lookout for targets while his high cost of living made the eldest of three
a gang of snatch thieves impersonating delivery and 51, were arrested in several raids in accomplice would carry out the snatch theft. siblings constantly fearful that he would
riders who are responsible for dozens of cases Gombak, Sentul and Wangsa Maju in an deplete his money by taking a plane.
in the Klang Valley. operation between Oct 23 and last Thursday. He said the suspects sold the loot to a
fence in Selayang Baru and shared the However, Arif Adam told Bernama that
The suspects, known as Geng Ashmer, He said besides their motorcycles, police takings. he is lucky to be among the thousands who
have pulled off at least 30 cases, especially also seized two bags commonly used by have benefitted from the “Inisiatif Graduan
involving snatching jewellery from victims, delivery riders and dozens of gold necklaces Beh said the suspects are being held Pulang Sarawak” (i-GPS), introduced by
over the past five months. worth over RM55,000. under remand for investigations. He also the Sarawak government in 2019.
urged those who had fallen victim to snatch
Sentul police chief ACP Beh Eng Lai said Beh said the gang worked as a team when thieves to contact Sentul police. i-GPS is for Sarawak students studying
yesterday four suspects including the pulling off robberies, where a suspect would – by Charles Ramendran at institutions of higher learning in
peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Labuan.
Malaysia to become global centre to resolve disputes
“So far, I applied three times – twice in
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is set to be a 10.7% year-on-year, with a total worth application of syariah principles. 2019, including for Chinese New Year and
hub for dispute resolution globally with estimated at US$2.7 trillion (RM11.21 Wan Junaidi said the development of once in 2020. All were approved.
i-Arbitration Rules 2021, the first trillion) as of 2020,” he said.
syariah-guided dispute resolution framework the ADR landscape is in line with the growth “It helps reduce the cost of travelling
launched by the Asian International i-Arbitration Rules 2021 presents a of IFSI. back to Sarawak. Even my younger sister,
Arbitration Centre (AIAC) here yesterday. unified approach in the resolution of who studies at Universiti Teknologi Mara in
disputes, striking a balance between He added Islamic arbitration is an Perak, applied under this initiative and we
Minister in the Prime Minister’s conventional business practices, and the alternative financial solution to expedite used to go home together,” said Arif
Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk requirement for such transactions to be dispute settlement in a less cumbersome Adam, who is also the chairman of the
Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said the guided by syariah or Islamic principles for way, compared to going to court. Sarawak Student Association, University
Islamic arbitration framework of the AIAC users around the globe. of Malaya.
will put Malaysia on a strong footing in AIAC was established in 1978 under the
spearheading the advancement of Other key features of the i-Arbitration auspices of the Asian-African Legal Under the initiative, the state
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Rules include syariah guided third-party Consultative Organisation in agreement government provides a RM300 subsidy
Islamic finance. funding, revisions of the reference with the Malaysian government. for flight tickets to Sarawak students who
mechanism to a syariah council, provisions are eligible, which is applicable twice
“The total assets of the global Islamic on appointment of syariah experts and Malaysia supported the establishment of a year.
Financial Services Industry (IFSI) grew by party’s right to specify the preference of any a regional centre for commercial arbitration
in Kuala Lumpur and agreed to provide the Dayang Nur Ainin Sofiya Abg Mortadza,
facilities for such a centre. – Bernama a student at Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, said the price of flight
tickets would usually skyrocket during
festive seasons, and some students had to
put off plans to return home to their
Dayang Nur Ainin, who is from Miri,
said this was because their loans or
scholarships granted were sometimes just
enough to cover the cost of living and their
daily needs, thus requiring them to be
more frugal.
Sarawak Volunteers adviser and Tupong
state assemblyman Fazruddin Abdul
Rahman said from February 2019 to Oct 29
this year, the state government had
allocated RM10.7 million under the
He said during the same period, they
received a total of 49,195 applications, and
34,905 were approved, namely 18,118 in
2019, 13,167 last year and 3,620 so far
this year.
BATTLE FOR CONTROLBRIEFS World leaders meet to
OF ETHIOPIAN TOWN tackle climate change
ADDIS ABABA: Ethiopian forces oIt is one minute to midnight, The G20 members including They also agreed to end funding
and Tigrayan rebels fought a warns British prime minister China, India and Western nations for new “unabated” coal plants
pitched battle for control of collectively emit nearly 80% of abroad – those whose emissions
Kombolcha yesterday, terrified GLASGOW: British Prime Minister Global heads of state and global carbon emissions, but have not gone through any filtering
residents reported, after the rebels Boris Johnson welcomed more than government were convening for a campaigners’ hopes for more process – by the end of this year.
claimed to have taken over their 120 world leaders to historic climate two-day summit at the start of the decisive action heading in to COP26
second town in two days. Reports talks in Glasgow yesterday with the UN’s COP26 climate conference, were dashed. But how to get to 1.5°C was left
of rebels capturing Kombolcha stark warning: “It’s one minute to with US President Joe Biden set to jet largely undefined – and the COP26
came a day after they claimed midnight, and we need to act now.” in from separate G20 talks in Rome. The G20 economies committed negotiators were left with yawning
control of Dessie and if confirmed, on Sunday to limiting global blanks to fill in over the next
it would mark a major advance by warming to 1.5°C above fortnight.
the Tigray People’s Liberation pre-industrial levels – the most
Front in the nearly year-long war. ambitious target of the landmark “While I welcome the G20’s
Much of northern Ethiopia is 2015 Paris Agreement. recommitment to global solutions, I
under a communications leave Rome with my hopes
blackout, making battlefield Oxfam activists with ‘Big Heads’ of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi, France’s President unfulfilled – but at least they are not
claims difficult to verify. Emmanuel Macron and Biden performing in a traditional Scottish pipe band as COP26 takes place in Glasgow yesterday. buried,” UN Secretary-General
Kombolcha residents described – REUTERSPIX Antonio Guterres said on Twitter.
non-stop gunfire and an airstrike
on the town’s outskirts. – AFP Richer countries have failed to
meet a US$100 billion annual target
CAMBODIAN COURT for climate finance.
Poorer nations like India want
PHNOM PENH: A Cambodian court more cash to move past their
sentenced an autistic teenager to reliance on coal and other fossil
eight months in prison yesterday, fuels.
with part of the term suspended,
for sending Telegram messages Johnson admitted to a “road to
that were deemed insulting to the Damascus” conversion to the threat
government. The son of an of climate change.
opposition figure, Kak Sovann
Chhay, 16, was arrested in June “It’s one minute to midnight and
after posting messages on a we need to act now,” Johnson told
private Telegram group, and has delegates in his keynote speech,
been detained for four months. according to Downing Street.
Phnom Penh Municipal Court
yesterday sentenced him to eight “If we don’t get serious about
months in prison, under climate change today, it will be too
incitement charges and for late for our children to do so
insulting public officials. Most of tomorrow.”
the remainder of his term, taking
into account time served, has been The Glasgow gathering, which
suspended for two years. – AFP runs until Nov 12, comes as an
accelerating onslaught of extreme
Trains collide weather events across the world
in England underscores the devastating
impacts of climate change from 150
LONDON: Several passengers were years of burning fossil fuels.
injured after two trains collided in
southern England on Sunday, official The current commitments of the
sources said. Paris signatories if they
were followed – would still lead
Local media talked of about a to a “catastrophic” warming of
dozen walking wounded. 2.7°C, according to the United
“We are currently at the scene of
the train accident, involving two COP26 marks the “last, best hope
trains between Andover and to keep 1.5°C in reach”, summit
Salisbury,” local police tweeted. president Alok Sharma said on
Sunday. – AFP
A spokesman for the national
Network Rail company said the last Macron says Morrison lied over submarine deal
carriage of one of the trains was
derailed after hitting an object as it CANBERRA: French President to recall ambassadors from Morrison told a media a contract,” Joyce told reporters.
exited a tunnel near Salisbury station, Emmanuel Macron said Australian Washington and Canberra amid conference later the same day that “Contracts have terms and
before being rear-ended by the Prime Minister Scott Morrison lied accusations that France had been he had not lied, and had previously
second train. to him over the cancellation of a betrayed. explained to Macron that conditions, and one of those terms
submarine building contract in conventional submarines would no and conditions and propositions is
The accident happened at 7pm, September, and indicated more “I don’t think, I know,” Macron longer meet Australia’s needs. that you might get out of the
involving a train from London’s efforts were required to rebuild trust said in response to a question contract.”
Waterloo Station and a Bristol train. between the two allies. whether he thought that Morrison The process of repairing ties had
had lied to him begun, he said. Joyce spoke just hours before
“There are reports of injuries and In Rome for the G20 summit, the Australian Foreign Minister Marise
the emergency services are on site two leaders were meeting for first “I have a lot of respect for your Morrison and Macron spoke last Payne met France’s ambassador to
along with railway first responders,” time since Australia scrapped the country,” he said in comments on week before the Australian prime Canberra. Payne said their
said the spokesman. multi-billion dollar deal with France Sunday to a group of Australian minister publicly sought a hour-long meeting focused on
as part of a new security alliance reporters who had travelled to Italy handshake with his French efforts to repair the relationship.
Transport police reported that a with Britain and the United States for the summit of leaders of the top counterpart at the G20 meeting.
centre had been opened to receive unveiled in September. 20 economies. On Friday, US President Joe
the injured. Australian Deputy Prime Biden said the handling of the new
The alliance, dubbed Aukus, “I have a lot of respect and a lot of Minister Barnaby Joyce yesterday pact had been clumsy, adding that
Secretary of State for Transport which could give Australia access to friendship for your people. I just say urged France to view the matter in he had thought France had been
Grant Shapps said on Twitter “my nuclear-powered submarines, when we have respect, you have to be perspective. informed of the contract
thoughts go out to those affected” caught Paris off guard, prompting it true and you have to behave in line, cancellation before the pact was
and announced an enquiry into the and consistently, with this value.” “We didn’t steal an island, we announced. – Reuters
accident. didn’t deface the Eiffel Tower. It was
“We need to understand how this
happened to prevent” a repeat in the
future, he said . – AFP
Raid on Brazil bank robbers leaves 25 dead
BRASILIA: Twenty-five alleged Police raided two farms where “It is probably our largest Special Operations Battalion “By the level of organisation, the
members of a gang of Brazilian bank “members of a criminal organisation operation against this type of crime in commander Lt-Col Rodolfo Morotti equipment used, the number of
robbers were killed on Sunday in a specialising in robbing banks and the country. Many suspects were Fernandes told a briefing. agents, by the number of vehicles,
vast police operation in Minas Gerais ATMs” were preparing attacks on going to rob banks and were this is a large gang. It is certain that
state, a source told AFP. several local bank branches, the surprised by our intelligence service,” A large trove of weapons was they are beginners who got together,”
source said. said military police Capt Layla seized, including rifles and grenades, said Morotti Fernandes.
“There are 25 criminals who have Brunnela. as well as several stolen vehicles,
died, and no injuries,” said a federal Eighteen of the suspects were according to the source. Brazil has seen an increase in
highway police source. killed on the first farm and seven at Then, “when we started the highly planned bank robberies
the second farm, police said. operation, we were shot at, so the Police say such gangs often set fire involving heavy weapons, usually in
The operation by 50 officers, in military had to respond to the unjust to stolen vehicles to block streets after medium-sized cities where escape
conjunction with the military police, There were no casualties among attack to protect their lives,” Police a robbery and make it harder for routes are carefully planned. – AFP
took place near the city of Varginha. the security forces. police to pursue them.
Thailand, Australia ease travel curbs
o Britain removes the pandemic despite relatively few “We just picked this flight and it is Australia’s announcement of woman who visited the park on
last seven countries cases. quite surprising that we are the first quarantine-free travel for Singapore Saturday tested positive upon
on travel ‘red list’ flight to arrive.” citizens from Nov 21 was a step returning home, state media said.
Hundreds of vaccinated foreign forward to “a new normal”, said Philip
BANGKOK: Thailand and Australia tourists arrived in the Thai capital for In Sydney, hundreds of citizens Goh, the Asia-Pacific vice-president The Russian capital brought in its
eased international border quarantine-free travel after the were greeted by family and friends as of airline trade body IATA. strictest lockdown measures in more
restrictions significantly yesterday for nation approved visitors from more they became the first to arrive from than a year on Thursday as
the first time in 18 months, offering a than 60 countries, including China abroad without a permit or the need “We are excited by this positive nationwide one-day pandemic
broad test of demand for travel and the United States. to quarantine since April last year. development and we look forward to deaths and infections hit new highs.
worldwide amid the coronavirus further easing of border restrictions
pandemic. Several European nations are also “(It’s a) little bit scary and by Australia and other countries in The Ukrainian capital of Kyiv has
on the list as Thailand, one of Asia’s exciting,” said Ethan Carter, who flew the region.” tightened restrictions due to a spike
The relaxation contrasts with most popular destinations, looks to in from Los Angeles. in infections.
tightening lockdowns elsewhere, capitalise on northern hemisphere Despite the eased curbs, world
notably in eastern Europe where visitors keen to escape the winter “I’ve come home to see my mum travel in full swing is a long way off. Eastern Europe as a whole is
infections have hit record numbers, blues. because she’s not well.” grappling with its worst outbreak
and in parts of China, which has China’s tourism sector is suffering since the pandemic started.
taken a zero-tolerance approach to Those hopes appeared to pay off While travel is initially limited to from the country’s zero tolerance for
early, with German tourist Simon just a few states and to Australian Covid-19 as cities with infections, or Britain yesterday removed the last
Raithel and a group of friends among citizens, permanent residents and even with concerns about infections, seven countries on its “red list”, which
the first to arrive. their immediate families and New close entertainment venues, restrict required newly arrived travellers to
Zealand nationals, it heralds a plan to travel or delay cultural events. spend 10 days in hotel quarantine.
“Right now, in Europe, it’s quite re-open to international tourists and
cold,” said Raithel, 41, who planned workers, both much needed to Shanghai Disneyland stopped The US will lift international travel
to head to islands in the Thai south. reinvigorate a fatigued nation. admitting visitors yesterday after a restrictions for fully vaccinated
travellers on Nov 8. – Reuters
victory after PLEAD NOT GUILTY
‘tough’ FESTIVE
election SPIRITS ... HONG KONG: Three activists,
Revellers including media tycoon Jimmy
TOKYO: Japan’s Prime Minister dressed as the Lai, pleaded not guilty here
Fumio Kishida declared victory Grinch and yesterday to charges over last
yesterday after his ruling coalition Glinda the year’s banned Tiananmen vigil.
won a strong majority in national Good Witch Lai, Chow Hang-tung and
elections, vowing to boost the walk the streets Gwyneth Ho will be the only
virus-hit economy and “take a on Halloween defendants to stand a full trial
leading role” in Asia’s push towards in Salem, among more than two dozen
carbon neutrality. Massachusetts pro-democracy politicians and
on Sunday. The activists charged over the
Kishida, a soft-spoken centrist US city is the annual commemorative event
who has been in office for a month, location of the on June 4. The other
said he would set out plans for a witch trials that defendants all pleaded guilty
pandemic spending package this took place in to charges, including inciting
month in a bid to revive the world’s the 1690s. and taking part in an illegal
third-largest economy. – AFPPIX assembly. “I understand every
word you said but I do not
Before heading to the COP26 Bangladesh arrests 172 Rohingya after leader’s murder understand why it constituted
summit, his first international a crime,” Chow told the court.
engagement as prime minister, DHAKA: Bangladesh police have of death threats from the Arakan camps, claiming instead that “Mourning is not a crime. I
Kishida said he was committed to arrested 172 Rohingya in recent Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) criminals involved in violence and plead not guilty.” – AFP
climate targets set by his predecessor weeks after a crackdown sparked by militant group. drug trafficking use the group’s
Yoshihide Suga. the brutal murder of a prominent name to trade on their reputation. CZECH MODEL FREED
community leader, the force said Among those arrested in the OF DRUG CHARGE
“We will not only stand firm on our yesterday. weeks since were 10 suspected of But Mohib’s family and
2050 carbon-neutral goal but also involvement in the killing, said colleagues have blamed the group PRAGUE: A Czech model
take a leading role in working towards Mohib Ullah was gunned down Naimul Haque, commander of the for his murder, an allegation that sentenced to over eight years
zero emissions in Asia.” in late September in a refugee camp elite Armed Police Battalion. ARSA denies. in prison for drug trafficking in
near the port city of Cox’s Bazar, in a Pakistan in 2019 has been
The long-ruling Liberal region home to over 700,000 “Our drives against the Police have also relocated more acquitted, the Czech Foreign
Democratic Party (LDP) and its members of the stateless minority miscreants in the camps will than 70 people, including the slain Ministry said yesterday, citing
junior coalition partner Komeito won who fled a 2017 military crackdown continue.” leader’s family and relatives of seven her lawyer. Tereza Hluskova, 25,
293 of the 465 seats in parliament’s in Myanmar. people shot dead last month in an was arrested at the airport in
lower house, local media reported Another 114 people taken into assault on a school – another attack the eastern Pakistani city of
while the official result was finalised. The 48-year-old teacher emerged custody had declared themselves blamed on the militants. Lahore for trafficking 9kg of
as a respected advocate for the ARSA members, Naimul’s unit said heroin in January 2018.
The coalition had previously held community but in the weeks before in a statement. “All the victims’ families were Footage released by Pakistani
305 seats. his assassination had been the target terrified after these incidents,” said customs officials showed
Bangladesh routinely denies that police officer Kamran Hossain. – AFP authorities uncovering drugs
Low approval ratings for Kishida the insurgents operate in the refugee hidden in her suitcase as she
and a more cohesive opposition had was trying to board a flight.
posed challenges for the ruling bloc, Hluskova, who was sentenced
but the result was better for the to eight years and eight
coalition than exit polls had months in prison and a fine in
predicted. March 2019, has insisted
someone had placed the drugs
“It was a very tough election, but in her suitcase. She filed an
the people’s will, that they want us to appeal in April 2019. “We can
create this country’s future under the confirm a court of appeals has
stable LDP-Komeito government and decided to acquit the Czech
the Kishida administration, was national in Pakistan,” the
shown,” said the prime minister. ministry said in a tweet. – AFP
Kishida took office after Suga Tokyo train attacker says he admires Joker
resigned just a year into the job, partly
due to public discontent over his TOKYO: The suspect in a Halloween The incident sparked panic and condition, according to local media. outfit especially for the attack, it said.
response to the Covid-19 crisis. stabbing and fire attack on a train chaos in a country where violent Top government spokesman “First I thought it was something
here expressed admiration for crime is rare, and television footage
Japan has recorded about 18,000 infamous comic villain Joker, showed terrified passengers running Hirokazu Matsuno described the like a Halloween event. But I rushed
virus deaths, a comparatively low toll Japanese media reported, with through the train as smoke filled the incident as “atrocious and brutal”. away as a man carrying a long knife
for its population of 126 million, and authorities describing the incident carriage. came in. I was very fortunate not to
has never imposed a blanket as “atrocious and brutal” yesterday. The attacker told police he be injured,” a man who was on the
lockdown. “With a knife he was carrying, the admired the Joker, Kyodo News and train told NHK.
Police said they arrested a man stabbed the right side of the the Sankei Shimbun daily reported.
But many businesses, especially 24-year-old man for attempted chest of a male passenger in his 70s The attacker carried out the act
bars and restaurants, have suffered murder over the Sunday evening sitting in the train, but couldn’t He said he had “failed in jobs and without showing any emotion, a
through prolonged periods of attack which caused 18 people to be achieve his aim (of murder),” said a friendship and wanted to die but female passenger said.
restrictions on commercial activity. hospitalised, as videos aired of Tokyo police spokesman. couldn’t die himself”, Sankei said.
officers surrounding a man in a “He held a knife and started
Kishida said he would improve the purple suit with a bright green shirt “He told police he wanted to Before Sunday’s attack, the spreading liquid.
health system’s capacity to treat and tie, reminiscent of the Batman receive a death sentence by killing suspect walked around Tokyo’s
Covid patients and start booster shots villain. someone.” Shibuya district, a busy area full of “He was committing this act
from next month. – AFP young people in Halloween without showing any emotion, just
The elderly man is in a critical costumes, the daily reported. mechanically. I think that brought
fear to everyone.” – AFP
The man said he had worn the
COMMENT Joint efforts to fight cybercrime
crucial in post-pandemic era
by Huang Chia-lu
rings to justice. “Only when CyberTipline indicating that a South suspected of involvement in human
IN 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic In 2020, the arrest of Malaysian international African citizen in Taiwan was trafficking and violation of the Child
ravaged much of the globe. In partners suspected of having uploaded large and Youth Sexual Exploitation
mid-May 2021, Taiwan saw a suspect Mr G for committing fraud provide quantities of child pornography to the Prevention Act were arrested in July.
sudden rise in case numbers. was a cooperation between Taiwan mutual internet.
When Taiwan needed help the and Malaysia police forces. assistance and Taiwan police authorities have a
most, partners such as the United share anti- Following the lead, Taiwan police specialised High Technology Crime
States, Japan, Lithuania, the Czech In 2018 and 2019, suspect Mr C pandemic quickly located the suspect and Investigation Unit and professional
Republic, Slovakia and Poland, as well sealed 9.97kg of secondary drug information, searched his residence, seizing cybercrime investigators.
as the Covax Facility, a global methamphetamine in nut food expertise and evidence of child pornography.
allocation mechanism for Covid-19 packaging and sent it from Malaysia to vaccines can The Criminal Investigation Bureau
vaccines, immediately pledged to Taiwan via international express, but the world Police also found photographs and (CIB) under the National Police
donate or provided vaccines to was stopped and seized by the overcome the videos of him sexually assaulting Agency of the Ministry of the Interior,
Taiwan, allowing Taiwan to gradually criminal police department and pandemic Taiwanese children. also established a digital forensics lab
bring the pandemic back under maritime association. faster and that meets international standards.
control. successfully. The illicit images were stored on
Additionally, the 39kg of servers located in the US, and the The laboratory was issued the
This is a testament to international methamphetamine was airlifted from alleged crimes were committed in world’s first ISO/IEC 17025
joint efforts to tackle the serious Taiwan to South Korea, and the main Taiwan. accreditation for Windows Program
challenges brought about by the suspect, Mr X, was arrested. Analysis by the Taiwan Accreditation
pandemic. As the victims in this case were Foundation.
Police from Taiwan, Malaysia, and underage, they were too young to
The same joint efforts will be South Korea jointly cracked cross- adequately explain the situation or This year, the CIB standardised its
needed to address growing border drug trafficking cases above seek assistance. malware analysis procedures, in
international cybercrime in the post- with a black market value of more addition to establishing file analysis
pandemic era, and Taiwan is willing to than US$7.2 million and seven people If Taiwan police had not received and network analysis mechanisms.
be part of that effort. were arrested. the leads, the suspect would likely
have continued to assault more Taiwan’s expertise in combatting
Increasing importance of In 2020, Taiwan police used big children. cybercrime will benefit global efforts
cybertechnology in the wake of the data analytics to identify multiple to build a safer cyberspace.
pandemic Taiwan nationals who were suspected This case owes its success to Taiwan can help create a safer world
Throughout the world in the of establishing telecom fraud transnational cooperation and The Covid-19 pandemic has
pandemic, government agencies and operations in Montenegro. criminal intelligence sharing, which underscored the fact that diseases
private companies have closely can effectively curb crime. transcend national borders and it can
followed anti-pandemic policies to Through joint efforts, Taiwan and affect anyone regardless of skin
prevent cluster infections. the Montenegrin police forces Cybercrime involves cross-border colour, ethnicity, language, or gender.
People began working from home uncovered three telecom fraud investigations. However, jurisdictions
and schools adopted virtual learning. operations and arrested 92 suspects and definitions of crime vary among Distrust, disagreements, and a lack
Consumers turned to e-commerce, accused of impersonating Chinese law enforcement agencies worldwide. of transparency between nations
and online food ordering and delivery government officials, police, and accelerated the spread of the virus.
service platforms flourished. prosecutors. Criminal rings understand this all
The pandemic has led to these too well and exploit the resulting Only when international partners
changes in our lives and while it is It is believed that the suspects information barriers, fleeing to other provide mutual assistance and share
sure to abate in the foreseeable future, scammed more than 2,000 people in countries to reduce the likelihood of anti-pandemic information, expertise
the spread of cybertechnology will China, causing up to US$22.6 million being caught. and vaccines can the world overcome
not. in financial losses. the pandemic faster and successfully.
It has fundamentally altered the Like Covid-19, cybercrime can
way we work, live, learn, and relax – This case highlights the features of strike individuals in any country. The Global Policing Goals were
resulting in an entirely new lifestyle. transnational crime. The suspects endorsed by Interpol member
However, our increased reliance on were Taiwan nationals, while the Therefore, just as the world has countries in 2017, with the stated
cybertechnology has also made it victims were Chinese nationals. joined forces to combat the pandemic, purpose of creating a safer and more
easier than ever for criminals to countering cybercrime requires the sustainable world.
exploit security vulnerabilities to The alleged crime occurred in cooperation of international police
commit crime. Montenegro and was perpetrated with forces to assist and share information With this mission in mind, we must
Thus, cybersecurity will be one of telecommunications technologies. with one another. work together to combat crime just as
the most important issues in the post- we have joined forces to combat the
pandemic era as it is essential to Thanks to bilateral police Only then can more crime be pandemic. No police agency or
maintaining public safety worldwide. cooperation, the suspects were prevented and more cases be solved country should be excluded.
apprehended, preventing other efficiently, allowing people worldwide
Cybercrime transcends borders, innocent people from falling victim to to enjoy a safer life. To fight cybercrime and bolster
transnational cooperation is the key the scam. global cybersecurity effectively, the
As cybercrime transcends borders, Taiwan police authorities have long world needs to cooperate.
victims, perpetrators, and crime Child and youth sexual strived to promote international
scenes may be located in different exploitation is another internationally cooperation in combating cross- Taiwan needs the world’s support
countries. condemned crime, with countries border crime, including three and Taiwan is willing and able to help
worldwide making every effort to prominent cases last year. the world by sharing its experience.
The most common cybercrime is prevent it and bring perpetrators to Huang Chia-lu is commissioner at the
telecom fraud, which utilises the justice. Through the joint efforts of Taiwan,
internet and other Vietnam, and the US, transnational Criminal Investigation Bureau
telecommunications technologies. In 2019, Taiwan police received telecom fraud call centres were raided Republic of China (Taiwan).
information from the US National in January.
Transnational cooperation is Centre for Missing and Exploited Comments: [email protected]
necessary to bring international crime Children’s virtual private network The following month, a US
currency counterfeiting ring was
discovered and 12 individuals
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Etwerannanlsajhuasvte fun
o The stars of the Marvel movie dress up for Halloween
Lisa and Jisoo on Halloween. – INSTAGRAM ON Sunday, Eternals stars Lauren Ridloff @briantyreehenry and I reigned supreme for Madden (left) and Chan in ghoulish costumes. –
and Gemma Chan both shared throwback Best Costume (guess who we were) and INSTAGRAM
Seeing double on photos from a party that Angelina Jolie, 46, @angelinajolie dressed up as a giraffe …
Halloween previously hosted while the cast was filming Happy Halloween,” Ridloff included as
the soon-to-be-released Marvel film in the captions to the post.
COME Halloween, K-Pop fans worldwide Canary Islands.
look forward to seeing who their favorite Chan also shared the same pictures from
idols would dress up as. Sharing a photo of herself and castmate the past Halloween outing on her own
Brian Tyree Henry dressed in Midsommar- Instagram account, as well as an additional
Unsurprisingly, many recreated Squid themed costumes, Ridloff also shared a picture one of herself dressed as Uma Thurman’s
Game costumes with the popularity of the of herself posing beside Jolie, who was Pulp Fiction character, while Eternals costar
TV show. However, Jisoo from BLACKPINK captured wearing a giraffe onesie. Richard Madden dressed as a skeleton.
decided to sport a creative costume to
support her fellow group member. “No dressing up this year, so here are some The actress captioned the post with a
old pics from the Halloween party when single ghost emoji.
Jisoo had previously posted some
Halloween-themed selfies to Weverse, Ridloff (left) and Jolie at her Halloween party. – INSTAGRAM Ridloff and Henry in their winning costumes. –
which brightened up many Blinks’ day, but INSTAGRAM
little did they know what she had planned.
While recently chatting with Variety, the
Jisoo put together a perfect re-creation cast was asked about the Halloween party,
of Lisa’s look from her first solo mini-album, which castmember Lia McHugh called “really
LALISA, after the music video surpassed 300 fun” and said was “a pre-Covid celebration.”
million views on YouTube.
McHugh noted that she dressed as an
With the help of the team behind Lisa’s angel, and Ridloff spoke in greater detail about
LALISA look, Jisoo had every detail down. Jolie’s giraffe costume, noting that the mother
She had on the iconic LALISA beanie, the of six also sported “black heels” with it.
blue studded nails, and the luxuriously
highlighted long hair. Kumail Nanjiani, one of the other stars of
the film, expressed his regret for not attending
Jisoo and Lisa even spent their the holiday party.
Halloween together, with Lisa dressed up as
the creepy doll from Squid Game. In the “I did get an invite but I actually didn’t go
picture that Jisoo posted of the two of them because we were shooting on location and I
together, Jisoo even tagged herself as Lisa. finished a couple of days before them, and [my
wife] Emily [V. Gordon] was back in London so
Hopefully, fans can see the positions I decided to fly back and be with her instead of
reversed next year with Lisa rocking Jisoo’s going to this amazing costume party,” he
solo look when she eventually makes her explained toVariety.
solo debut.
In America, insiders have claimed that
Jisoo (left) perfectly copied Lisa’s look from advance sales for the movie from Oscar-
her video. – INSTAGRAM winning filmmaker Chloe Zhao has surpassed
first day advance tickets for Marvel’s Shang-
Chi and Black Widow. The numbers are surely
larger here in Asia.
Eternals opens in Malaysian cinemas
nationwide on Nov 4.
Alec Baldwin breaks his silence
ALEC BALDWIN has finally spoken
out regarding the tragic death of overwhelmed with grief. There are expressed his sorrow over the death Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria speaking to the paparazzi. – THE MEGA AGENCY
Halyna Hutchins on the set of the incidental accidents on film sets from of Hutchins on Twitter.
now-postponed film Rust. time to time, but nothing like this. His niece, model and media of Halyna Hutchins,” she wrote.
This is a one in a trillion episode.” “There are no words to convey my personality Hailey Bieber, also “This is a truly unimaginable and
In the unplanned interview given shock and sadness regarding the expressed her condolences.
to a group of paparazzi who had When one reporter could not tragic accident that took the life of devastating tragedy. I am absolutely
located him in Vermont – where he remember Hutchins’ name, Halyna Hutchins, a wife, mother and “Sending all my love to the family heartbroken for everyone involved.”
was spending time with his wife Baldwin’s wife Hilaria was quick to deeply admired colleague of ours,” he
Hilaria and their family – the actor criticise him. wrote at the time.
opened up about the incident in
which a prop gun killed Hutchins and “Her name is Halyna. If you’re “I’m fully cooperating with the
wounded the film’s director, Joel spending this much time waiting for police investigation to address how
Souza. us you should know her name. You this tragedy occurred and I am in
don’t know her name? Come on.” touch with her husband, offering my
“She was my friend,” Baldwin said support to him and his family.
of Hutchins. On a larger scale, the tragic
passing of Hutchins has led to a call to “My heart is broken for her
“The day I arrived in Santa Fe to re-evaluate safety measures on all husband, their son, and all who knew
start shooting I took her to dinner film sets. and loved Halyna,” the actor
with Joel the director.” concluded.
Baldwin himself also spoke about
While the actor said he was not at the use of firearms on sets. While he His family members have also
liberty to reveal more due to the could not guarantee his role in future publicly expressed their support for
ongoing investigation, he stated that projects with guns, the actor the actor.
he has been in touch with the victim’s encouraged the industry to continue
family. looking for ways to improve gun After appearing alongside
safety on sets. Baldwin, Hilaria posted a picture of
“[Halyna’s husband] is the pair holding hands with the
Previously, Baldwin had caption: “I love you and I’m here.”
Calm before the storm ... a scene prior to the monster attacks.
0Cast: Emily
Blunt, Millicent
Noah Jupe,
John Krasinski,
Cillian Murphy
and Djimon
John Krasinski
Director John Krasinski and co-star and real-life wife Emily Blunt on set. Djimon Hounsou joins the cast of A Quiet Place Part II.
Quiet for far too long
o Director John Krasinski enjoyed the expanded world with the new and after their parents’ courage in the second nicely without too many filler scenes, making
hits another home run with threatening places they had to journey to in the movie. the entire 97 minutes worth watching.
this horror-thriller sequel second movie.
I loved how they captured the stillness in the Although the children’s storyline felt a little
█ BY MARIETTA MU This type of horror film is more enjoyable in sound, which would have made the movie bit too Stranger Things-esque, overall, the
my opinion because it isn’t just jump-scares more interesting if there was no background acting was good and the addition of Emmett
and bloodbaths. A Quiet Place is about family music throughout the entire movie. and Man on the Island shows that there is hope
and how much a parent would go for their child and other survivors.
and how the children finally shine and model There are many scenes that leave you at the
edge of your seat and the story flowed very A Quiet Place Part II is in theatres now.
WHEN John Krasinski’s A Quiet Place Get ready to be
stalked into theatres three years Hellbound
ago, audiences and movie critics
around the world were pleasantly
surprised by how a seemingly simple premise of
a family trying to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic
world destroyed by alien monsters could be so NETFLIX just dropped the full trailer for Train
terrifying. to Busan director Yeon Sang-ho’s upcoming six-
Made on a modest US$17 part horror series Hellbound.
million (RM70.4 million) The series adapted from on his webtoon Hell
budget, A Quiet Place raked with cartoonist Choi Gyu-Seok tells the story of
in US$340 million (RM1.4 supernatural monsters ravaging the city of
billion) worldwide, much to Seoul right in front of horrified bystanders.
the delight of Paramount A mysterious entity appears before random
who promptly greenlit a individuals and condemns them to be
sequel. hellbound, while otherworldly monsters
At the end of first the Scan QR Code appear exactly at the specified
for trailer time to kill the condemned.
movie, Regan (Millicent
Simmonds) discovers that she “The world has become a
can use her cochlear implant to knock one of living hell. Is it murder or
the creatures out, and audiences were left divine judgment,” reads the
hanging as two other monsters charged the trailer description. As the
house before the screen faded to black. public tries to come to terms
Following the deadly events at home, A Quiet with otherworldly beings
Place Part II opens in the past with Day 1, as we Scan QR Code condemning individuals to
get a glimpse of the Abbott’s daily lives before for trailer hell, a secretive religious
everything descended into chaos when the organisation, The New Truth,
aliens attack. appears to have some answers.
However, hope is not lost as the family sets In the trailer, cult leader Jung Jin-soo (Yoo
foot out of the farm in search of other survivors. Ah-in), states that people have “forgotten about
Most of the cast reprise their initial roles shame, remorse, repentance and redemption,”
from the first film, with Emily Blunt as Evelyn and “God has found a way to directly show you
Abbott, Millicent Simmonds as Regan Abbott, what hell is like.”
Noah Jupe as Marcus Abbott, and John The series follows Bae Young-jae (Park Jung-
Krasinski as Lee Abbott in a new flashback min), lawyer Min Hey-jin (Kim Hyun-joo), and
sequence, while Cillian Murphy and Djimon detective Jin Kyung-hoon (Yang Ik-june) as they
Hounsou joins the cast as Emmett and Man on attempt to unravel the mystery behind the
the Island respectively. otherworldly incursions while trying to protect
In the sequel, the question of other survivors the hellbound from being killed.
and how the world was going to go on was After the runaway success of Squid Game, it
finally addressed, and I thoroughly enjoyed would be interesting to see if Hellbound can
how the story came full circle from Day 1 to the make it two for two and unleash another Korean
final day. wave upon the world.
The only thing I wish they did was to explain Hellbound will be released exclusively on
how the creatures came about. Even so, I still Netflix this Nov 19!
Freelance gig for
language lovers
o Millions of overseas fans are reading translated
Chinese web novels, making them a source of income
for a growing number of professional translators
█ BY MARIETTA MU with only one deadline per week, some Magical tales in mystical worlds ... Some of the biggest and most popular translated comic titles
translators take on too much work, and end up include (from top left) The Beginning After The End; Solo Leveling; and Demon Magic Emperor. –
WITH the rise of the gig economy working more than the usual eight hours per PINTEREST
and the development of day.
technology, more people are housekeeper. Rated 4.3/5 ordinary, everyday people to receive the power
looking to do freelance work or This is a common problem people faced 0 The Beginning After The End, which is the to hunt monsters within the Gate. The main
part-time jobs. But not everyone has to be a when transitioning to working from home, story about King Grey, who is unrivalled in character trains in hopes of becoming the best
Grab driver. In fact, people who are bilingual or where there isn’t a set time to start or stop work. strength, wealth, and prestige in a world Hunter. Rated 4.8/5
introverted can choose to do something they Therefore, self-discipline is required for governed by martial ability. However, beneath
might already be a natural at – translating. freelance gigs to take just enough time that you the glamorous exterior of a powerful king lurks With thousands of reads every day, it’s no
don’t end up either overworking or slacking. a shell of man, devoid of purpose and will. surprise that fans love escaping into various
During the pandemic, instead of slowing Reincarnated into a new world filled with many fantasy worlds, with some making a
down, online entertainment was needed more Some have even taken full advantage of the magic and monsters, the king has a second living out of it for others to enjoy.
than ever, and among the niche jobs in the remote nature of the job to travel all around the chance to relive his life. Rated 4.5/5
entertainment field was freelance translating. world, working from their computer. 0 Solo Leveling, about a world where the Gate Living in multilingual Malaysia, the ability
that connected the real world with the monster to speak a different language is the norm for
I first came upon an ad for translation work Nowadays, the younger generation has world opened up, which allowed several Malaysians. Since translating might come
on Facebook, where the ad mentioned “getting different opinions about work and money, with naturally to some, they can think about doing
paid to read comics and novels”. Since I was a many wanting to live to the fullest instead of translation either full-time, or part-time.
university student with no vehicle of my own, saving up and waiting until past retirement to
working a completely remote position with no enjoy life.
fixed hours sounded like a good idea.
For example, some companies are so
The ad also mentioned that you could earn flexible that they may allow translators to take a
anywhere from RM1,000 to RM6,000 a month month off just to do whatever they want, while
translating. normal corporate firms typically only allow up
to two weeks of holiday.
As a degree is now the main requirement to
get a job, the rising number of degree holders However, the gig economy does have its
means that more graduates end up getting drawbacks, such as the lack of employee
underpaid for jobs they are overqualified for. benefits. Besides that, not all translation
companies are the same.
However, applying for this translation job
didn’t even require a degree. You just needed Some translators have talked about being in
to have good English language skills and pass companies where doing the same amount of
an internal test. work full-time would only earn them RM 2,000.
Therefore, when applying, you should be wary
This goes to show that many young people of the average rates, and make sure you are paid
nowadays are naturally skilled in many fairly for your work.
different things, despite not having a certificate
to show for it. Based on website rankings for books and
literature, the top three highest ranked websites
In the early days, fan-translated novels and in the world are Archive of Our Own (AO3),
comics used to be just a fun side hobby, where Wattpad, and QiDian.
they would post translations on their blogs for
others to enjoy. Chinese webnovels are original stories
published on websites like Qidian and JJWXC.
Some also hosted ads on their blogs, or a They’re similar to Wattpad and readers are
Patreon where readers could pay extra for drawn to the fantasy worlds of the novels and
newer chapter uploads. comics.
When novel and comic translators got the Even so, online novels and comics aren’t
idea to turn their passion into a company with limited to just Chinese webnovels. For
more translators, more clients, and more example, there are webtoons from South Korea
stories, they started recruiting people and and manga from Japan.
building their business.
The most popular genres for Chinese
It wasn’t always easy, as many companies webnovels are Wuxia (martial heroes), Xianxia
experienced many trials and errors with clients (immortal heroes) and Xuanhuan (fantasy
before they came up with their own systems featuring adventures and wars).
and style guides.
With different clients, requirements such as
Translators usually fall into three naming and localisation may be different.
categories. The first group are university However, if translation groups translate
students who translate part-time time. copyrighted material without permission, they
might get a DMCA, or a Cease and Desist Letter
The second group does it to fuel their other from the companies.
passion projects, as the pay can be lucrative
with enough hard work. If you’re interested in the world of translated
comics and want some recommendations,
The third type are the ones who are here are some highly-rated ones:
passionate about the whole translation scene, 0 Demon Magic Emperor, which is about
and might even be promoted to a position Magic Emperor Zhuo Yifan, who was betrayed
where they will eventually lead another team and killed by his trusted disciple. Fortunately,
inside the company. he gets reborn but ends up becoming a
Although the work is completely remote
Flights of fantasy ...
(clockwise from left)
Coiling Dragon is an
epic fantasy and a
good entry point for
new readers of the
Xianxia genre; an
artist’s rendering of
Meng Hao, the main
character of En Ger’s
I Shall Seal the
Heavens; and Yun
Che, the protagonist
of Against the Gods. –
FROM the Legend of the Condor Heroes to Swordsmen and demigods
Swordsman, many fans of the wuxia genre
start their journey with the novels and TVB Magical beasts rule the mountains, where galore with a heavy emphasis on political
adaptations of the Louis Cha. the brave – or the foolish – go to test their intrigue and manoeuvring.
strength. Even the mighty can fall, feasted on
Better known by his pen name Jin Yong, by those stronger. The strong live like royalty; The demonic army is where the worst of
Cha’s novels are meticulously crafted with the weak strive to survive another day. the worst gather. A man who survived for
memorable characters and action sequences close to ten years, the illegitimate son of the
have entertained whole generations of wuxia This is the world in which Linley is born Valt family, Raven Valt, is assigned to
fans. into. Raised in the small town of Wushan, accompany Duke Alan Pendragon, the
Linley is a scion of the Baruch clan, a once- contractor of the white dragon, and be his
Cha’s legacy in the world of wuxia legendary clan of Dragonblood Warriors. guard.
literature cannot be underestimated as many
of the most successful web novelists in China Their fame once shook the world, but the But due to an unknown conspiracy, he is
today name him as being their role model and clan is now so decrepit that even the killed along with the duke and his dragon,
inspirtation. heirlooms of the clan have been sold off. Soldrake. When he opens his eyes, he’s back
seven years in the past, and even more
For those unfamiliar with the world of Tasked with reclaiming the lost glory of his strangely, as Alan Pendragon …
translated web novels, here is a list of good clan, Linley has to go through countless trials
titles to start you off on your journey. and tribulations, making powerful friends but The author makes good use of the
I shall seal the heavens by Er Gen also deadly enemies. reincarnation trope to set the stage for our
I shall seal the heavens (ISSTH) is an epic Against the Gods main character but does a good job of
Xianxia fantasy series that focuses on the Against the Gods (AGT) is a good example of avoiding the pitfalls associated with stories of
character’s quest to become immortals and is what makes a Chinese wuxia fantasy novel this nature. One of the best newly translated
one of author Er Gen’s most beloved works. accessible and enjoyable to the casual
reader. If you’re into standard anime web novels out today. – by Paul Ng
Our protagonist Meng Hao is an ambitious tropes like overpowered main Cha with his work Book
yet ultimately unsuccessful scholar, is characters, explosive fight scenes, And Sword, Gratitude And
kidnapped by a mysterious woman and fantastic beasts and a collection of Revenge at his office in
catapulted into the world of “cultivators”, romantic interests for the main Hong Kong. –REUTERS
mortals who grow their spiritual power in character, ATG will not disappoint.
their quest to achieve immortality.
Our hero Yun Che rises up from
It is a dangerous world that our hero Meng being a cripple who could not practice
Hao has found himself in and he quickly martial arts to one of the most powerful
decides that the only way to stay alive is to beings in the realm only to have his
become as powerful as he possibly can, as entire world turn upside down by
quickly as he can. betrayal from the most unlikely of
ISSTH is a brilliant story of a clever
trickster, memorable characters, enjoyable Plunged into despair, he
comedy and some wonderfully insightful vows to take vengeance on
moments on life and philosophy. those who have wronged
him thus began the
The translator Deathblade teaches the legend of the Devil
reader a lot about Chinese mythology and the Master.
journey is as satisfying as The Lord of The
Rings when you finally reach the end. Duke Pendragon
Coiling Dragon This South Korean
Coiling Dragon aka Panlong is an epic series webnovel is a
by popular Chinese Xianxia (fantasy) writer I departure from the
Eat Tomatoes. All 21 books spanning 800+ norm as it is set in a
chapters have been lovingly translated by western sword and
RWX and is available on Wuxiaworld. sorcery fantasy
setting with
Empires rise and fall on the Yulan wizards, knights,
Continent. Saints, immortal beings of orcs and dragons
unimaginable power, battle using spells and
swords, leaving swathes of destruction in
their wake.
Facebook now
known as Meta
o Mark Zuckerberg wants to be at the forefront of the
new internet, but can users trust the social network?
FACEBOOK’S recent announcement that beginning of the Meataverse?” Facebook announced that the company would henceforth be called Meta. – ETX STUDIO
the company would henceforth be To which Wendy’s retorted: “very meta.”
called Meta unleashed a torrent of Meta’s newly minted Twitter account, which “i only recognise one metta something that refers back to or is about itself,
hilarity on Twitter from companies, @MettaWorld37,” @MylesMaNJ opined, to like a film about people making a film about
people and even the social media giant itself. already accrued 13.5 million followers, cordially which the former Laker, born Ron Artest, filmmaking.
chimed in: “Nice to meat you, @Wendys.” replied simply: “lol”.
While critics pummelled Facebook over the Sounds like a drug Meh was taken “Everyone posting about Facebook on
change, claiming the rebranding aims to Though Meta will just be the name of the parent The social network’s new name spurred plenty Twitter is very... meta,” wrote @JohnRush32.
distract from the company’s scandals, the company, and the app will still be called of disappointment too. Not the problem
internet still had a good laugh. Facebook, some observers were concerned. Despite the jokes, Facebook’s critics were not
“Why did Facebook pick ‘Meta’? ‘Meh’ was amused by the name change, which they
Here are some highlights of the meme and “How can you tell anyone that you’re on taken,” wrote @maxgoff. argued dodges the real issue.
pun-fueled wisecracks: Meta. Sounds like a drug,” wrote @careaware. Very ... meta
Changing name to Meat Meta... World Peace? For lots of people, meta will forever describe “The name was never the problem,” wrote an
Meat jokes were all the rage, with US A former pro basketball player who many know activist group calling itself The Real Facebook
hamburger chain Wendy’s tweeting shortly as Metta World Peace, the distinct handle he Oversight Board. – ETX Studio
after the news: “Changing name to Meat.” gave himself in 2011, was quickly pulled into the
Remaining true to its word, the chain did just
that – but only on its Twitter profile. “Facebook’s new full name is Meta World
Peace,” wrote @darrenrovell.
A tweeting wit under the handle
@NicoTheMemeDude queried: “Is this the
Flying car for sale by 2024?
CHINESE electric car manufacturer XPeng with a head-up display system. As for the
The has unveiled its very first prototype of a rest, we’ll have to wait a while to know
XTURISMO flying vehicle, intended to go to retail as more.
Limited early as 2024.
Edition is on Like a multicopter, the car takes off
sale for just XPeng has designed a flying car that can vertically and lands in the same way. The
under 700,000 also drive quite normally on the road, manufacturer claims that it has already
US dollars. – which is, for now, still in the prototype been tested extensively and that more than
ETX STUDIO stage. 15,000 safe flights of the prototypes have
taken place to date.
Flying motorcycle straight out of a manga Like something out of the movies, it
resembles a car with two retractable wings. A final version, which will obviously be
But at the end of each of them is a propeller more refined than this prototype, is set to be
strong and powerful enough to get it to lift available in 2024. And XPeng has
off and fly through the air. announced that its price will be extremely
competitive, at less than US$160,000
The design also invludes a futuristic (RM662,600) per unit. – ETX Studio
interior, midway between car and plane,
JAPANESE company A.L.I. Technologies has more than a hundred kg, has a flight autonomy XPeng has
officially launched the XTURISMO Limited of about 35 minutes, for a maximum speed of unveiled the
Edition, its hoverbike in development since over 100 km/h. prototype
2017. With this new model it is betting on a bold flying car that
vision of clean mobility, allowing users to move It is already available for order, for the will inspire a
freely and quickly in the air in a unique way. princely sum of US$680,000 (RM2.81 million). first
The first deliveries, in Japan, are scheduled for production
A mix between a flying motorcycle, a drone the first half of 2022. model
and the Speeder Bike in Return of the Jedi is how expected in
one could describe the vehicle. This is not the first time that a hoverbike has 2024. – ETX
come to market; Russian brand HoverSurf, for STUDIO
Designed to bring riders new sensations, this example, released the Hoverbike S3 in 2018.
model features four motors attached to the However, this one appears much more
same number of propellers. The machine, polished, more manageable as well as faster. –
which weighs 300kg and can support a little ETX Studio
Get ready for the new weekly
Every Friday
Cook Islands
tops Lonely
Planet’s best in
travel 2022
category. –
Shikoku in Japan is billed as a trendy destination for 2022 in
Lonely Planet’s latest Best in Travel selection. – ETX STUDIO
TOURISM is back! As proof, Bon Voyage!
Lonely Planet has published
its list of top destinations to oPack your bags for Lonely Planet’s top
discover in 2022 after taking travel destinations of 2022
a year off due to Covid-19.
known for its surfers and its tall the vintages that have made this Auckland is New Zealand’s biggest city. – 123RF
These latest picks point travelers buildings – in order to explore a more corner of France world-famous.
off the beaten track to discover inland area known as the Scenic Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2022 - Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2022 - Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2022 -
Iceland’s Westfjords, the Japanese Rim. Top 10 countries: Top 10 countries: Top 10 cities:
island of Shikoku and France’s 1. Cook Islands 1. Westfjords, Iceland 1. Auckland, New Zealand
Burgundy region. This mountainous area of 2. Norway 2. West Virginia, USA 2. Taipei, Taiwan
waterfalls and rainforests will delight 3. Mauritius 3. Xishuangbanna, China 3. Freiburg, Germany
After being grounded for a year campers looking to escape the 4. Belize 4. Kent’s Heritage Coast, UK 4. Atlanta, USA
and a half, travelers can find overrated image of the Gold Coast. 5. Slovenia 5. Porto Rico 5. Lagos, Nigeria
inspiration for where their 6. Anguilla 6. Shikoku, Japan 6. Nicosia/Lefkosia, Cyprus
wanderlust takes them in the famous Otherwise, how about heading for 7. Oman 7. Atacama Desert, Chili 7. Dublin, Ireland
travel guide’s “Best in Travel 2022” the refreshingly hilly landscape of 8. Nepal 8. The Scenic Rim, Australia 8. Merida, Mexico
list. Burgundy, France. 9. Malawi 9. Vancouver Island, Canada 9. Florence, Italy
10. Egypt 10. Burgundy, France 10. Gyeongju, South Korea – ETX Studio
To draw up its picks, Lonely Located on the borders of the
Planet took into account upcoming Nièvre and Yonne regions, Lonely
events and news, tourism initiatives, Planet recommends rediscovering
as well as the conservation of this wine region to explore beyond
In this top 10, the guide takes
travelers back to some countries that
have been trendy hotspots in recent
years, this time focusing on regions
that tourists might have skipped.
Take Japan, for example. While
seasoned travelers may already have
taken in Tokyo, Kyoto, the Nikko
mountains in the north or even the
hot springs of Kyushu, how many
have visited the island of Shikoku?
This strip of land that can be seen
from Hiroshima or Osaka is
recommended for anyone looking
for a taste of traditional Japan and
interested in visiting its numerous
There’s even a 1,170-kilometre
long pilgrimage trail that’s over 1,200
years old.
Lonely Planet also returns to
Australia, a country that’s been
popular with younger travelers for a
long time. Indeed, the guidebook
points travelers back to the Gold
Coast – the famous region around
Brisbane on Australia’s east coast,
Thailand reopens: what you need to know
THAILAND’S once-lucrative
tourism sector is a shadow of its
former self after months of
coronavirus travel restrictions.
But on Monday, the kingdom
reopens its doors to vaccinated
travellers from more than 40
Here’s what you need to know:
Tourism, year zero People lounging by a hotel pool on the Thai island of Phuket, as tourists take The Grand Palace and Wat Prakaew is a must visit if you’re in Bangkok for the first
Before the pandemic struck, advantage of the “Phuket Sandbox” programme. – ETX STUDIO time. – PIX VIA 123RF
Thailand attracted a record high of
almost 40 million visitors in 2019, restaurant industry and Kong, as well as the United States, What about Covid? touch down in Thailand by March 2022.
with tourists flocking to its island transportation, slashing more than 3 Britain, and France. So far, Thailand has registered more Revenues are expected to surpass
beaches and cultural hotspots. million jobs out of 4.03 million. than 1.8 million cases and 18,865
A slew of other European deaths -- the bulk of them detected $30 billion for the whole of next year.
Travellers fell to around seven Who can come back? countries are on the list too -- such as after the highly contagious Delta But many in the industry do not
million in 2020 after virus restrictions Beginning November 1, fully Germany, Spain and Italy -- while variant emerged in April.
seized up global travel, while only vaccinated travellers from 46 some Asian neighbours Malaysia, expect a real return to normalcy until
around 73,000 international visitors countries and territories that Cambodia, Singapore and Japan are The country is still reporting about at least 2024.
have so far flown into Thailand in Thailand deems “low risk” will be also included. 10,000 new cases per day.
2021. allowed to enter without going They point to China -- the biggest
through quarantine. All travellers must have a negative Authorities aim to have 70 percent source of visitors -- still requiring
The country saw some of the Covid test before flying into of the population jabbed by the end returnees to undergo a strict
largest losses in the world in the The giants on the list are China -- Thailand, and get re-tested upon of the year. So far, about 40 percent of quarantine, which is expected to
tourism industry, with revenues which accounted for the lion’s share arrival. Thais have been fully vaccinated. discourage foreign travel.
dropping from $63.75 billion in 2019 of the kingdom’s pre-pandemic Tourism outlook?
to $11 billion in 2020. visitor total -- and its territory Hong They must also book a single Authorities expect 1 million tourists to The United States also still has a
night in a government-approved travel alert out for Thailand, advising
The cashcow industry directly hotel as they wait for the test results. Americans to avoid the country due
and indirectly contributes 18 percent to high Covid infection numbers.
of the country’s economy, which
contracted in 2020 by 6.1 percent --
its worst performance in more than
two decades.
The impact reverberated across
different sectors, including the
Caval has teamed up with Handicap International and street artist The
Blind to create a pair of sneakers featuring Braille. – ETX STUDIO
Getting inclusive with
Braille sneakers
THE Caval brand is continuing products that would today be
its long-standing collaboration dubbed inclusive. Indeed, the
with the Handicap International brand’s mismatched, or
NGO with a new sneaker drop. asymmetrically designed
This time, the duo has teamed sneakers are designed to
up with street artist The Blind to highlight and magnify
create two pairs of sneakers difference. Today, the brand is Michael B. Jordan continues his successful collaboration with Jordan and LA artist Blue the Great
featuring Braille, inviting continuing its partnership with
fashion fans to show their the Handicap International FashionCoach out of the Blue
support for the inclusion of NGO to raise awareness about
people with disabilities. the inclusion of people with
disabilities. In collaboration
Inclusion is about breaking with the street artist The Blind -
down certain stereotypes that - who creates works in Braille --
have long left those who don’t fit the brand has designed two Shaniqwa Jarvis. Featuring portraits of
with society’s constructed pairs of sneakers with a sole oMichael B. Jordan is collaborating with Jordan, Blue and friends, Khat and
norms feeling outcast. For marked with the words Coach in a cool limited-edition collection Frank Brim (beauty and lifestyle
several months now, these “Humanité” and “Inclusion” in influencers), Lindsay Dawn (artist) and
stereotypes have been slowly Braille. Tori Kirihara (artist) in an “open door”
and surely eroding as voices are Made in Europe, the collab’ art gallery, the story repositions this
raised to denounce them -- shoes are available in two COACH introduces Coach x traditionally exclusive place as a venue
notably led by Gen Z -- forcing models -- one all-black style Michael B. Jordan, its next Signature and Rexy – updated with for collaboration and authentic
some brands and companies to with white Braille writing, and collaboration with actor, Blue’s trademark mummy-wrapped connection.
reinvent. This is the case in one blue and white colorway. producer and Coach men’s art, as well as a tote crafted of 100
fashion, with collections that What’s more, the whole shoe is ambassador Michael B. Jordan. The percent recycled materials. Inspired by the inclusive and
are now accessible to as many made with recycled or eco- capsule collection, titled ‘Blue the optimistic spirit of New York and
people as possible, whether in friendly materials, right down to Great: The Art of Collaboration’ is a To introduce the collection, Coach Coach, the campaign continues the
terms of size, gender, culture or the laces. Both models are partnership between Coach, Jordan will release a campaign photographed house’s tradition of spotlighting the
disability. priced €149 (around $173). and his friend, LA-based artist and by frequent Coach collaborator voices of up-and-coming and under-
painter Blue the Great. represented artists in its storytelling.
For several years, Caval has
been committed to designing The collection and campaign “We had worked with Blue as part
recontextualize inclusivity in art – of our Spring 2021 campaign, so I was
using the house’s heritage as a canvas excited to partner with him and
to spotlight the importance of Michael on this special collection,” said
collaboration and friendship amongst Coach Creative Director Stuart Vevers.
the two artists – and the creative “Mike and Blue have a great friendship,
community at large. grounded in mutual respect for each
other’s artistic approach. The
Inspired by Jordan’s personal combination brought originality,
approach to style and Blue’s dimension and significance to this
contemporary take on art, the all- collection.”
gender collection of ready-to-wear,
footwear, bags and accessories “I’ve been painting since I was a kid.
combines the house’s heritage in It’s crazy and pretty exciting to be able
craftsmanship with sportswear and put my spin on such an iconic brand
streetwear in a limited edition drop. It like Coach. Whenever art and fashion
features Coach’s iconic codes – mix exciting things can happen,” said
Blue the Great.
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What can tour operators do now?
WITH airlines and hotels
dealing directly with most Likewise, they would charter from For drastic and security. workshops in 17 cities or towns that
international travellers others whenever they are short. But tour changes to Although many state governments and include Alor Star, Seberang Perai, Ipoh,
online, traditional travel buses were hardly used for the past 20 occur, a Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Seremban,
agents acting as intermediaries have months. provocateur is local authorities are fond of promoting Malacca, Johor Baru, Kuantan, Kuala
largely become redundant. needed to help ecotourism sites to draw tourists from Terengganu, Kota Baru, Kuching, Sibu,
However, tour companies are still industry other states or countries, the number of Miri, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Tawau.
They were also unable to compete with obliged to make monthly payments to players find the visitors to these locations are few
giant online travel agents and would be leasing companies that have provided courage to compared with the huge number of The outcome of these workshops could
steamrolled by super apps in the future. financing for the purchase of these replace old mainstream visitors to urban areas and result in many tour buses running
vehicles. mindsets and entertainment zones. sightseeing tours daily around these cities
However, the fate of tour operators concepts with and towns, while others would be going to
would vary according to the type of Otherwise, the tour company will have new. Agreed, there is no shortage of local and from one city to another in clockwise
business and market they serve. to surrender the tour buses to the leasing excursionists thronging the many beaches and anti-clockwise directions offering
company that legally owns the vehicles. and waterfalls, particularly over weekends overland tours with overnight stay.
They could be outbound tour operators and public holidays.
that organise trips to overseas, mainly for > The third category are those that The fact that almost all these services
tour groups in a series sharing the same operate large fleet of tour buses and vans, And tragically, there would be are not available exposes our local tour
itinerary and tour fare, but with different with some specialising in chartering out drownings too as adults and children operators, who are unable to overcome
departure dates. their tour vehicles. They do not engage could easily be swept away at beaches with tough challenges and allowed their
with overseas outbound tour operators or strong underwater currents. misgivings to rule.
Pre-pandemic, reputable tour create their own domestic tour packages
operators were appointed by corporations for sale to residents or visitors. I have often pointed out that the best While it may be too risky to experiment
such as multi-level marketing companies place to swim is in a swimming pool, but I pre-pandemic, they are now at the rock
to organise incentive tours for large Also, there are enterprising bus was told that it is free of charge to swim at a bottom with nothing left to lose.
number of qualifying members to captains that lease Bas Persiaran permits beach or mountain stream.
overseas destinations. from tour companies and drive these tour But without attending industry
buses as owner-operator. Sadly, the authorities failed to realise workshops to brainstorm and making a
Group size can range from a few these are just leisure activities, not tourism, paradigm shift, most tour operators would
hundred passengers to tens of thousands. Naturally, they would prefer to hire out which is a business that generates revenue. inevitably join travel agents and fall into
their tour buses for ferrying Asian tour oblivion.
But those days are gone. Now, going groups on sightseeing tours with many So, what can tour operators do now?
overseas is mainly for essential travel. lucrative shopping stops. Without thinking outside the box, they will Much could be learned from the
remain largely unchanged, just as they had change of fortunes in Kodak, which was
It is not worth the risk to holiday in a While it is relatively easier for most of been for the past 20 months. once the fifth most valuable global brand.
foreign country as one could be the 4,672 travel and tour companies,
quarantined or under lockdown if borders including branches, currently registered Intervention is required and it appears “A Kodak moment” used to mean an
are closed overnight. with the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and that only Motac can come to their rescue occasion suitable for memorialising a
Culture (Motac) to close office and as travel associations are depleted of funds photograph.
It is no longer fun in a foreign land and retrench staff, it would be a huge loss for for training. Moreover, members of the
it is better to travel within the country. fleet operators to surrender or sell off their same association tend to think alike. In 1996, the company had over two-
tour buses. thirds of the global market share and was
As for inbound and domestic tour While sharing their misfortunes, they worth over US$31 billion. Today. the new
operators, they fall under three main Their market value had been very low, would try to justify the predicament they Kodak moment means the instant of
categories. if any, due to poor demand. If the average are in, thus cementing their beliefs further. losing market relevance.
market value was RM250,000 each pre-
> The first are those that do not own pandemic, a thousand tour buses would Many ideas failed to take off based on It may be too late for Kodak, but there is
and operate any vehicles licensed under amount to RM250 million. presumptions, which should be removed still hope for our tour operators to rise from
Bas Persiaran such as tour buses and vans, under the new norm. the ashes of Covid-19 pandemic.
and would have to hire from others when They are now worth only a fraction as
providing transfer and sightseeing the industry is still clueless on increasing But those that have achieved great They are doomed if they are bent on
services. their demand. success previously with their tried and continuing with business as usual.
tested methods would prefer to wait for the
Their inbound customers could be While countries around the world are return of the good old days when foreign But they could succeed if their hidden
overseas outbound tour operators or slowly opening for international travel, the tourists came in droves. Hence, they talents, unknown even to themselves, are
tourists that book directly before their volume of foreign tourist arrivals to refused to consider alternatives or unearthed.
arrival to Malaysia. Malaysia over the next two years would still entertain new ideas, dismissing them as
be minimal, particularly tourists travelling non-workable. Meanwhile, hundreds of YS Chan is master trainer for Mesra
Upon receiving reservations, they in groups that require the use of tour buses. tour buses continue to rust and gather Malaysia and AseanTourism Master
would book the tour vehicles and tourist dust, some with creepers crawling up the Trainer for travel agencies. He is a tourism
guides, if required. Their overheads are As for domestic tourists, most do not wheels from flattened tyres. and transport business consultant and
low and so are the profit margins. need or make use of the services that tour writer, and researcher for theTravel
operators can provide, except for a few that For drastic changes to occur, a
> The second category are those that are more adventurous and wish to enter provocateur is needed to help industry Industry Occupational Framework
operate a few tour buses, which could be remote natural sites where professional players find the courage to replace old published by the Department of Skills
hired out to other tour operators if not expertise is crucial in ensuring their safety mindsets and concepts with new.
utilised for their own tour groups on that Development. Comments:
day. This could be achieved by organising [email protected]
Non-executive directors play critical role in putting climate transition at heart of corporate strategy
AS the global UN COP26 climate talks green technology are priorities for net-zero (GHG emissions) economy. we directors are committed to human and corporate life. Are we
commence in Glasgow, the Malaysia under the current The global network of directors’ facilitating a smooth transition, for the ready? Have we asked ourselves how
international Climate Governance government, and this commitment is collective good. We help businesses we will meet the physical, transition
Initiative (CGI) has called on board reflected in the 12th Malaysia Plan’s forums – Climate Governance understand and address the climate and legal ramifications?” – Dr Tunku
directors across the world to place the third theme of advancing Initiative – collectively comprises over crisis in order to minimise business Alina Alias, an independent director
climate transition at the heart of sustainability. 100,000 individuals. risk.” – Datin Seri Sunita Rajakumar, of Nestlé (Malaysia) Bhd, Malaysian
corporate strategy and board founder chairman of Climate Pacific Industries Berhad, IJM
decision-making. At COP26, Malaysia is expected to These individuals can influence Governance Malaysia, an Corporation Berhad and Batu Kawan
express its stance which will convey its trillions of dollars of capital and the independent non-executive director Berhad
In a statement released yesterday, intent to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the thousands of of Bursa-listed Dutch Lady Milk “Given the scale of global
the CGI points to warnings from Mark (GHG) emissions intensity by 45% companies through the boards on Industries (chairman), Berjaya Corp environmental challenges faced by the
Carney and others that the climate across the economy (based on the which they serve. Berhad, MCIS Insurance and Zurich world today, keeping the engine of
crisis poses the “single greatest threat Gross Domestic Product) by 2030. General Insurance industry and economic activity
to global financial stability” and urges Climate Governance Malaysia – the moving smoothly requires urgent
board directors to rapidly skill up in Also, as recently committed by the Malaysian chapter of the World “The urgency for action is now. business transformation. The looming
order to confront the climate prime minister, the country aspired to Economic Forum’s Climate Inaction will cost us our planet! We threat of climate change puts all
emergency. achieve net-zero GHG emissions as Governance Initiative – is a network of don’t have to run fast alone, let us run businesses at risk. To address this, the
early as 2050. non-executive directors who aim to far together! At Climate Governance corporate world needs to work in
Climate change poses major short, help steer our companies through an Malaysia, we believe Malaysia can partnership with NGO and
medium and long-term risks, With the intense momentum built effective climate transition strategy, and must do its share to contribute to government bodies to develop nature-
requiring boards to put climate across continents for potentially that addresses financial stability, the global initiative to address the positive economic models that address
considerations at the heart of their ambitious policy commitments by increased resilience and sustainability. climate crisis.” – Dr Kalanithi the climate crisis and restore the
strategy, risk management and governments and global and local Quotes from Climate Governance Nesaretnam, co-founder of Climate balance in nature and society.”
disclosure processes. civil society organisations at COP26, Malaysia founding members Governance Malaysia and – Datuk Seri Johan Raslan, an
now is a critical time for boards to “Climate emergency requires an ‘all of independent non-executive director independent director on the boards
As a result, businesses are under engage with the impacts of climate government and whole of society’ of IOI Corporation Berhad of Sime Darby Property Berhad,
unprecedented pressure from their change, guide long-term plans and approach. In just over two years, Institute of Corporate Directors
investors, regulators, financiers, and translate these into immediate, Climate Governance Malaysia has “We are living through climate change Malaysia and the Audit Oversight
customers to demonstrate their practical action. been completely focused on enhancing now. Whether directors believe that Board
climate resilience against a backdrop the discourse between key stakeholders human and corporate activity have
of a warming world, to demonstrate This includes ensuring a business to increase climate ambition. At any bearing on this, one thing is sure - Comments: [email protected]
their ability to transition as aligned to strategy that is resilient in a low- COP26, governments will commit to that climate change has an impact on
commitments made in Paris in carbon future, led by their board of targets that will need to be fulfilled by
December 2015. directors, whose commitment and businesses and as long-term stewards,
leadership are essential for the
The climate change agenda and success of a company’s transition to a
NOVEMBER 2, 2021
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
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1/11/2021 Fax: 03-7784 4424
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RM m
% RM m RM m
45.5 Institutions 1305.6 1634.9 -329.3
31.3 Retail 1169.1 854.8 314.3
23.2 Foreign 754.9 739.9 15.0 31.39 222.92 2.86
100.0 3229.6 3229.9 0 1,530.92 20.88 3,544.48 754.39 80.83 8.26 47.04
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 29,647.08 17,068.24 2,978.94
Source: Bursa Malaysia 3,219.05 7,370.78
KL MARKET SUMMARY Bringing back GST not only
November 1, 2021 way to tackle revenue issue
FBMEMAS 11,330.17 -228.80
FBMKLCI 1,530.92 -31.39
CONSTRUCTION 165.63 -6.21
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,157.27 -431.90
ENERGY 790.01 -10.89
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 660.12 -15.76 the Budget 2022 could also mitigate the
HEALTH CARE 2,409.16 -33.98 oExpert proposes expanding SSTa little – at the impact of the untaxed shadow economy.
TRANSPORTATION 910.49 -2.31 right time – and harmonising the two tax regimes
PROPERTY 750.67 -31.47 “In terms of the regressive impact of GST,
PLANTATION 6,713.41 -75.41 it can be managed by ensuring the zero base
FBMSHA 12,366.07 -225.50 and exemption caters to the low income
FBMACE 7,050.23 -45.94 level. As the previous iteration has seen
TECHNOLOGY 98.16 -0.84 █ BY AMIR IMRAN HUSAIN SAFRI tax is built into its multistage mechanism, exemption catering to the top tier of society.”
[email protected] which forced traders to come onboard,
TURNOVER VALUE PETALING JAYA: The return of the goods enhancing the compliance culture as well as With the implementation of any broad
3.471 BIL RM3.229 BIL and services tax (GST) is not the only answer marking and audit trail to the tax invoice. based tax, Singapore’s Centennial Asia
to Malaysia’s revenue issues but one of many Advisors Pte Ltd CEO Manu Bhaskaran
5 MOST ACTIVES that could be introduced, according to “That is the strength, we can actually argued is there ever going to be a good time
November 1, 2021 Tricor Malaysia non-executive chairman Dr build better compliance and therefore the to implement such tax?
Veerinderjeet Singh. revenue collected can be more secure as you
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) can predict, with a little bit more accuracy.” “The danger - for political reasons or
MMAG 100,924,200 10.5 UNCH “I would suggest the way forward is to whatever, these important decisions keep
AAX 98,641,000 7.5 -2.0 examine the existing sales and services tax However the chairman also cleared the being postponed,” he said.
KNM 86,965,100 19.0 -1.5 (SST) and expand it a little bit – this year misconception on GST producing more
HEXIND 68,225,300 17.5 +3.0 might not be the right time – to cover a lot revenue than SST but instead it is the Just by the way of comparison, Manu
TAWIN 68,185,600 15.5 UNCH more services over time and integrate it to preferred tax regime across the world pointed out that Indonesia’s president, Joko
have the attributes of GST,” he said at the because it is more robust as the multi stage Widodo has actually pushed through an
5 TOP GAINERS Malaysian Economic Association’s (MEA) tax can help address the issue with tax increase in their value-added tax (VAT) rate
November 1, 2021 2022 Post-Budget Dialogue yesterday. collection at the retail level, which has issues staggered over a couple of years and he did it
with compliance. without any political pushback or protest.
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM “In other words, there are some kind of
FANG-2XL 200 17.16 0.80 harmonisation that has to occur but it might On this issue, CIMB group finance He believes if the tax is structured and
BSLCORP 4,770,400 2.75 0.41 take three years.” division, group economic & market analysis managed properly, the political and
PETDAG 127,800 20.68 0.32 regional head Intan Nadia Jalil views the economic consequences can be managed.
CHINHIN 16,919,600 2.19 0.26 Veerinderjeet reminded that there was a consumption tax as an instrument to Indonesia is not alone in doing so as
KOBAY 2,756,400 5.47 0.22 particular issue with profiteering in the minimise the impact of the shadow Singapore also planned to raise its GST rate
previous implementation of the GST. economy. in 2023, just before the next election.
He said the strength of the consumption In this function, she put forth the tax “Again this is politically risky but
identification number (TIN) introduced in countries are prepared to do it. If you don’t
have a broad tax base, every time you’re hit
with a crisis or shock and need to spend,
5 TOP LOSERS Malaysia set to be Asia-Pacific’s preferred
November 1, 2021 air cargo centre with Cainiao Aeropolis eWTP Hub
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM PETALING JAYA: Malaysia is poised to be
MPI 258,200 46.46 1.22 Asia Pacific’s preferred air cargo hub with
NESTLE 49,200 133.50 1.00 the operationalisation of the Cainiao
PMBTECH-WA 37,300 9.20 0.79 Aeropolis eWTP (electronic World Trade
HLFG 301,900 17.68 0.66 Platform) Hub since November last year.
PMBTECH 422,700 12.40 0.56
The global e-fulfilment hub had arisen
EXCHANGE RATES NOVEMBER 1, 2021 from the eWTP partnership between the
Malaysian government and Alibaba Group,
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy with the establishment of a joint venture the past two years, which is a silver lining for ecosystem, the Cainiao Aeropolis eWTP
company between Malaysia Airports and us in the aviation industry in mitigating the Hub provides crucial logistics support for
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD Alibaba Group. The hub will transform From left: Transport Ministry secretary-general Datuk Isham Ishak, Malaysia Airports managing
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2070 4.0820 4.0720 Malaysia into a regional distribution centre director Datuk Iskandar Mizal Mahmood, Wee, Chinese Ambassador Ouyang Yujing, and Alibaba
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1800 3.0540 3.0380 for e-commerce and is expected to generate KLIA Aeropolis CEO Tim Fan.
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1170 3.0260 3.0180 a cumulative GDP of RM4.2 billion in the
1 EURO 3.3950 3.3030 3.2910 next 10 years and support over 35,000 jobs. impact of the pandemic. Therefore, the major events such as the upcoming 11.11
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.8690 4.7120 4.6920 The eWTP Hub was launched yesterday by establishment of the eWTP Hub was indeed Global Shopping Festival, enabling
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 3.0300 2.9180 2.9020 Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka timely and we believe that it will also serve Malaysian businesses and consumers to
1 STERLING POUND 3.1170 3.0260 3.0180 Siong. the aspirations of the 12th Malaysia Plan by benefit from enhanced logistics efficiency
1 SWISS FRANC 5.7650 5.5840 5.5640 enhancing the competitiveness of our and stability.
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5790 4.4730 4.4580 Wee said the Malaysian freight and transport and logistics sectors through its
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 115.8800 109.8800 109.6800 logistics market is expected to reach more efficiency, connectivity, and smart supply Since the commencement of the hub last
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 4.9940 4.6890 4.4890 than US$55 billion by 2026, with the new chain and logistics technology. This will year, Cainiao has onboarded freighter
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 65.7000 63.2000 economy being a strong contributing factor, further contribute towards improving air airlines such as Kargo Express to operate
100 INDIAN RUPEE 54.6500 51.9400 N/A compared to US$37.6 billion in 2020. The cargo handling processes, increasing air directly from the hub. This has culminated
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.7100 5.3600 51.7400 advent of e-commerce in recent years has cargo volume and enhancing cross-border in the launch of more international and
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0307 0.0278 5.1600 proven to be a boon to air cargo growth as it trade for the nation. All these efficiencies will domestic routes for charter and scheduled
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.6890 3.5730 0.0228 is the single largest catalytic driver. allow cargo volume at KLIA to double to 1.3 flight operations, thereby enhancing air
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.2000 3.5630 million metric tonnes within the next 10 connectivity and air freight stability to
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.5000 N/A “The Cainiao Aeropolis eWTP Hub will years.” support growing demand for air cargo
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.4600 2.3400 N/A be a game changer for Malaysia as the Asia transportation. GTR and Pos Aviation are
100 SAUDI RIYAL 116.2600 7.9700 2.1400 Pacific hub for Regional Distribution Center Wan Lin, CEO of Alibaba Group’s logistics also operating directly in the hub, improving
100 SOUTH AFRICA RAND 113.4100 110.3700 7.7700 and e-commerce logistics with huge benefits arm Cainiao Network said as a core cargo handling efficiency for both shippers
28.6500 107.6600 110.1700 such as its strategic location within the Free component within the e-fulfilment and consignees. Cargo clearance time has
25.8700 107.4600 Commercial Zone with airside access where
25.6700 value-added activities such as break bulking
and light assembly are also permitted.”
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama
Malaysia Airports chairman Datuk Seri
DiRaja Zambry Abd Kadir said its aim is to
gain leadership in e-commerce logistics and
establish KLIA as a preferred regional
distribution hub within Asia Pacific.
“Air cargo has shown great resilience in
Hong Seng to build world’s BRIEFS KNM GETS RM21M
largest NBL plant in Kedah KEPPEL PRESSURE
Bhd wholly owned unit KNM
Process Systems Sdn Bhd
(KNMPS) has signed a RM20.7
million contract with
Singapore’s Keppel Shipyard
Limited for the supply of
pressure vessel. The supply
and delivery duration of the
PUTRAJAYA: Hong Seng Industries o RM3b nitrile butadiene facility targeted for Meanwhile, Kedah Mentri Besar transaction is for a period of
Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of completion in 2024, will create more than 1,600 Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md 12 months. KNMPS is
Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd, will jobs in various fields of expertise Nor said at yesterday’s ceremony that principally involved in the
invest RM3 billion in Kedah Rubber Hong Seng Group was the first design, engineering,
City (KRC), Padang Terap, Kedah to company to invest in KRC and procurement and
build the world’s largest nitrile welcomed the company’s move to manufacturing of process
butadiene (NBL) facility starting next build a facility in KRC. equipment, including without
year, said Hong Seng Group managing limitation pressure vessels as
director Datuk Seri Teoh Hai Hin. create more than 1,600 jobs in various of gloves a year. He said the project was expected to well as technical and project
fields of expertise, especially for “Our company will use advanced attract investors from within and management services for the
At a press conference after the residents around KRC, namely in outside the country based on its long- the oil, gas, petrochemicals,
symbolic groundbreaking ceremony Padang Terap, Kedah. technology and comply with term investment potential as well as minerals processing and
for the nitrile butadiene rubber (NBL) international quality standards to benefit the local economy. renewable energy industries
manufacturing plant construction “This will be a catalyst for meet the growing demand for gloves,“ worldwide inclusive of solar
project yesterday, Teoh said the facility economic recovery for those affected he said. KRC, which has now achieved 85% PV installation work and solar
was expected to attract additional by the Covid-19 pandemic,“ he said. construction developed on a land area leasing. Keppel Shipyard is
investment of RM5 billion through the Hong Seng Industries received an of almost 505.86ha, is one of the principally involved in the
support industry and the nitrile He said the facility would be built offer letter to re-lease 102.6 acres of national projects under the Northern repairing, conversion and
rubber industry value chain. next year and was expected to be industrial land in KRC on June 25 for a Corridor Economic Region Strategic upgrading of a diverse range
completed in 2024 with a full period of 60 years for the construction Development Plan 2021-2025. – of vessels. The transaction is
He said the facility is expected to production capacity of 960 kilo tonnes of the NBL manufacturing plant. Bernama
Stellantis secures full expected to contribute
Manufacturing ownership of Gurun plant positively to KNM group’s
sector’s October earnings for the financial years
growth strongest ending Dec 31, 2021 and
in six months 2022.
PETALING JAYA: The headline IHS PETALING JAYA: Automaker manufacturing in Gurun with the SCOMI SAYS STEPS
Markit Malaysia Manufacturing Stellantis has secured full ownership launch of the refreshed Peugeot 3008 TAKEN TO ADDRESS
Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) of Naza Automotive Manufacturing and 5008 currently rolling out across AUDITOR’S CONCERNS
registered 52.2 in October, up from Sdn Bhd and its manufacturing plant the region. Furthermore, the much-
48.1 in September and pointed to located in Gurun, Kedah. anticipated Peugeot 2008 will also PETALING JAYA: Scomi Energy
the strongest expansion in the commence production this month in Services Bhd’s independent
health of the Malaysian The completed acquisition marks Gurun, bringing to the Asean region a auditors Crowe Malaysia Plt
manufacturing sector since April. a significant milestone for Stellantis lucrative new compact SUV offering has expressed a disclaimer of
The Malaysian manufacturing in Southeast Asia, with plans to invest from the high-end brand. opinions including material
sector saw growth return at the and dramatically expand its footprint uncertainty related to going
start of the fourth quarter of 2021 as part of a robust localisation “We are focused on our mission to concern in their audit report
as the lifting of Covid-19 strategy. achieve world-class manufacturing for the group’s audited
restrictions contributed to the in Gurun – to build high-quality, Stellantis has restarted vehicle financial statement for the
strongest expansion in new orders Stellantis senior vice-president Malaysian-produced vehicles for production in Gurun with the launch financial year ended June 30,
since April and the first rise in Asean & general distributors Southeast Asia. This includes the of the refreshed Peugeot 3008 and 2021. In regard to the material
production in six months. Christophe Musy said it is committed internationally-acclaimed refreshed 5008. uncertainty on its ability to
That said, manufacturers to growing its presence in Asean, and 3008 and 5008, and the new Peugeot working closely with our partners to continue as a going concern,
commonly noted that sustained taking full ownership and 2008 – three vehicles that will elevate increase plant capacity by almost 40% Scomi stated it has taken a
supply chain disruptions and responsibility of the plant in Gurun is the superior offering of the Peugeot to meet demand,” said Musy. number of step to address the
delivery delays had held back a an important step towards brand in this region,” said Musy. issue including the entry into
stronger recovery, while material strengthening its operations, Stellantis obtained full ownership a conditional shares purchase
and container shortages led to a production outputs and workforce in The Stellantis manufacturing of the Gurun manufacturing plant on agreement with PT Surya
sharp acceleration in cost the region. plant in Gurun has achieved pre- Oct 28, previously operating as a joint Indah Muara Pantai for the
inflation. As a result, firms pandemic production rates since it venture with Naza Corp. Over 170 disposal of its 80.54% equity-
increased their output charges at “We have an ambitious growth restarted operations, with volumes employees have returned to work and stake in PT Rig Tenders for
the quickest pace since April. strategy that will enable us to build on now ramping up for the remainder of Stellantis is working with over 50 local US$9.5 million (RM39.39
Both production and new order the existing production outputs in 2021 to re-establish car flow to suppliers as production increases for million) cash. Scomi has also
volumes returned to expansion Gurun, as well as extend the breadth Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines the last quarter of 2021. appointed a principal adviser
territory in October. Firms of brands and models within the and other Asean markets. to help it formulate a
Stellantis portfolio built in Asean for regularisation plan and has
Asean. This is an exciting “In spite of the pandemic, we see sought an extension of time
proposition.” increased customer demand for with Bursa for the submission
Peugeot in the region. We are of the plan up to April 30, 2022
Stellantis recently restarted and will issue an
announcement in due course.
commonly attributed the increase Ta Win bags RM2.6b three-year deal through In the audit report, Crowe
in new orders to a softening in Posco International for supply of copper products cited material uncertainty
pandemic restrictions, which exists that may cast significant
spurred client confidence and doubt on the group’s ability to
facilitated an increase in production continue as going concerns is
levels in the domestic market. attributed to the group’s net
Material shortages also losses of RM214.1 million for
contributed to an intensification of PETALING JAYA: Ta Win Holdings three-year contract, TWI expects to raw material business for secondary the financial year ended June
input price pressures in October. Bhd, which continues to make inroads generate an aggregated revenue of battery materials (EV batteries), as 30, 2021, in which its current
Average cost burdens rose at the into the electric vehicle (EV) segment, RM2.6 billion based on the LME demand continues to increase owing liabilities exceeded their
sharpest pace since May, with yesterday entered into a sales contract copper price of US$9,440 per metric to the rapid growth of eco-friendly EV current assets by RM97.3
anecdotal evidence suggesting through its wholly owned subsidiary ton. and energy storage systems.” million as well as a deficit of its
that higher costs of raw materials Ta Win Industries (M) Sdn Bhd (TWI) total equity of RM19.6 million.
with South Korea’s Posco Ta Win group managing director Posco International Corp is a
and transportation coupled with International Corp, for the exclusive Datuk Seri Ngu Tieng Ung said subsidiary of Posco, which is listed on AIRASIA X NOW
delivery delays contributed to supply of copper rods and wires as leveraging on Posco’s extensive both the Korea Exchange Kospi CLASSIFIED
increased input prices. well as other copper related products network in the EV battery Market and New York Stock Exchange. AS PN17 COMPANY
Malaysian manufacturers through Posco to copper foil components and materials sector, the Posco International is principally
expressed optimism regarding the manufacturers based in South Korea group is well-positioned with the engaged in trading of steel, chemical PETALING JAYA: AirAsia X Bhd
year-ahead outlook for the fourth including for their overseas capacity and capabilities to cater to products, non-ferrous metals and (AAX) is now classified as a
month running in October. production plants. growing demand in the global EV automotive parts and components, PN17 company. Bursa
IHS Markit chief business sector as a supplier of high-quality resources development and Malaysia Securities Bhd said
economist Chris Williamson said: The sales contract is effective for a copper rods and wires, which are the infrastructure development. The it will continue to monitor
“October saw a welcome return to three-year period from Jan 1, 2022 to raw materials of copper foil widely company has plans in place to actively the progress of AAX in
growth for Malaysian manufacturing. Dec 31, 2024. used as the anode current collector for pursue business opportunities in respect of its compliance
Factory production and order books EV batteries. traction motor cores and other EV with the Main Market Listing
showed the strongest gains since TWI also entered into a parts, rechargeable battery materials Requirements. As at
April, coinciding with Covid-19 memorandum of understanding with “Given the three-year contract and the hydrogen economy as new yesterday, there are 22
restrictions being eased Posco in respect of the quantity to be term, this is expected to have long- growth drivers for the company, as it companies under PN17 and
domestically to the lowest since delivered, which will entail TWI term financial visibility and contribute continues to expand its business GN3 which represent 2.43%
April while global restrictions were supplying 65,000 metric tons of significantly to the group’s top and presence in emerging markets and of the total 905 companies
eased to the lowest since the start copper products during the contract bottom line performance moving strengthen its focus on future mobility listed on the Main and ACE
of the pandemic. term starting with 10,000 metric tons forward. This is also well-aligned to parts business. Markets of Bursa Securities.
in the first year. For the duration of the support Posco’s expansion of its core
Chinese developer Yango aims to avert defaults with bond swap
SHANGHAI: Chinese homebuilder Yango 2023, January 2022 and March 2022, which and deteriorating consumer sentiment had cut the past week.
Group offered yesterday to exchange some US have an outstanding face value of US$747 off refinancing avenues for property firms “and In the onshore bond market, the Shenzhen
dollar bonds for new notes personally million. put enormous pressure on our short-term
guaranteed by its chairman as it struggles to free liquidity,’ Yango said. Stock Exchange halted trading of Yango's April
up cash and avoid defaulting on upcoming debt The new bonds are personally guaranteed and August 2024 yuan bonds after they fell
payments. by Lin Tengjiao, Yango's founder and chairman, The announcement follows a report from more than 30% on the day.
the filing said. The Hurun Global Real Estate financial information provider Redd on Friday
Yango's liquidity crunch comes against the Rich List of March 2020 had estimated Lin's that Yango had asked holders of its onshore Domestic rating agency Dagong Global
backdrop of a crisis at larger rival China personal fortune at US$2.4 billion. asset-backed securities (ABS) to refrain from Credit Rating Co yesterday cut its outlook on
Evergrande Group, which has stoked concern asking for repayment for a year over concerns it Yango to negative due to uncertainty over the
among investors globally about the country's Yango said it is also seeking the support of would struggle to pay this month. source of funds for debt repayments. However,
deeply indebted, US$5 trillion (RM20.74 investors to change the terms of its five other it kept the ratings of the company and its
trillion) property sector and tightened funding outstanding dollar bonds. Yesterday, Redd reported that Yango had onshore bonds unchanged at “AAA”.
access for other developers. sweetened its offer with plans to pay more than
It said the offer was part of “overall efforts to 10% upfront in cash, and a second instalment in Yango did not immediately respond to
Yango is offering US$25 in cash and improve our liquidity, preserve options to March, with the remaining principal extended Reuters' request for comment.
US$1,000 in new notes for each US$1,000 of stabilise our operations as a going concern, and to November 2022. It did not say whether
existing bonds exchanged, it said in a Hong avoid imminent payment defaults and potential investors had accepted the offer. Yango has eight outstanding US dollar bonds
Kong bourse filing. The exchange offer holistic restructurings of our debts and business worth a total US$2.24 billion and 14
applies to its US dollar notes due in February operations.’ Yango's shares in Shenzhen slid 7.5% outstanding yuan-denominated bonds worth
yesterday and are down by nearly a quarter over 13.1 billion yuan (RM8.5 billion), according to
Government policy tightening, credit events Refinitiv data. – Reuters
Asian factories shake off BRIEFS INDONESIAN FUND,
lockdown blues DP WORLD IN
JAKARTA: Indonesia's
sovereign wealth fund has
signed a US$7.5 billion (RM31.1
billion) deal with Dubai-based
logistics company DP World to
form a consortium over the
long-term to invest in seaports
in the Southeast Asian country,
both said on Sunday. The
consortium will explore
oRising input costs, investments in terminals, cargo
material shortages and park, land transport to and
slowing China growth cloud from ports and industrial
outlook: Surveys zones, which will reduce
Indonesia's logistics costs, DP
World and the Indonesia
Investment Authority said in a
joint statement. – Reuters
TOKYO: Asia’s factory activity stepped up a S’PORE TO CONSIDER
gear in October as emerging economies saw MODIFYING TAX PERKS
Covid-19 infections subside, but rising input
costs, material shortages and slowing Chinese SINGAPORE: Singapore will
growth cloud the outlook, business surveys consider how to modify its tax
showed yesterday. incentives, Prime Minister Lee
Hsien Loong said, after leaders
Policymakers in the region face pressures of the world’s 20 biggest
on multiple fronts as they steer their economies endorsed a global
economies out of the pandemic-induced minimum tax if 15% aimed at
doldrums while also trying to keep prices stopping big business from
under control amid rising commodity costs hiding profits in tax havens. The
and parts shortages. minimum tax rate will impact
how Singapore attracts
China’s factory activity expanded at its investments, as tax incentives
fastest pace in four months in October, the have been “one of the major
private sector Caixin/Markit Manufacturing tools” used by the city-state’s
Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) showed Economic Development Board,
yesterday, as dwindling Covid-19 cases drove together with grants and other
up domestic demand. schemes, Lee said, in
comments published by local
But a sub-index for output showed media yesterday. – Reuters
production shrank for the third straight
month due to power shortages and rising Employees work on the production line of American infant product and toy manufacturer Kids2 at a THAILAND RATIFIES
costs, falling in line with Sunday’s official PMI factory in Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, China June 22, 2021. China’s factory activity expanded at its fastest RCEP TRADE PACT
that showed factory activity in October pace in four months in October. – REUTERSPIX
shrinking. BANGKOK: Thailand has ratified
encouraging sign for the world’s third-largest The final au Jibun Bank Japan PMI in the Regional Comprehensive
“Shortages of raw materials and soaring economy. October rose to 53.2 from 51.5 in the previous Economic Partnership trade
commodity prices, combined with electricity month, expanding for the ninth consecutive deal, its commerce minister
supply problems, created strong constraints India’s factory activity expanded at its month. said yesterday. Thailand’s
for manufacturers and disrupted supply quickest pace in eight months in October, ratification on Oct 28 would be
chains,” said Wang Zhe, senior economist at pointing to an extended business recovery in South Korea’s PMI, by contrast, fell to 50.2 a boost to the country’s trade
Caixin Insight Group. Asia’s third-largest economy. in October from 52.4 in September, though it to the area, which accounted
managed to stand above the 50-mark for 53% of last year’s exports,
Factory activity in October expanded in In a sign of the patchy nature of the region’s threshold that indicates expansion in activity, Jurin Laksanawisit said in a
Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia as recovery, however, South Korea’s factory for a 13th straight month. statement, RCEP includes
operations gradually normalised after being activity rose at the slowest pace in 13 months China, Japan, South Korea,
hit by shutdowns caused by a spike in Covid- in October on shrinking output and softer Vietnam’s PMI rose to 52.1 from 40.2 in Australia, New Zealand and the
19 infections. demand. September, while that of Indonesia increased 10 members of Asean. – Reuter
to 57.2 from 52.2, the surveys showed.
Taiwan saw manufacturing activity growth Material shortages and delivery Malaysia’s index stood at 52.2, up from 48.1. – YELLEN: US ECONOMY
accelerate on robust chip demand, while disruptions drove up Japan’s input prices by Reuters NOT OVERHEATING
Japan’s factory activity expanded at the fastest the most in over 13 years.
pace in six months in October in an DUBLIN: US Treasury Secretary
Janet Yellen said yesterday she
Ryanair posts first quarterly profit since 2019, but sees annual loss does not think the US economy
is overheating and that while
DUBLIN: Ryanair reported yesterday its first pandemic disrupted travel. fiscal year will be challenging, the winter will be inflation is higher than in
quarterly profit since before the onset of Covid- But the budget airline, Europe’s largest, said tough,” group chief executive Michael O’Leary recent years, it is related to
19, but it downgraded its annual forecast to a said in a video presentation. disruption from the Covid-19
loss of up to €200 million (RM960 million) as it it expected to turn in a loss of between €100 pandemic. “While inflation
sells discounted tickets to fill its planes over the million and €200 million for the financial year But keeping prices low and passenger pressures are broadening out,
winter. that ends on March 31. numbers high over the winter will “set us up Yellen reiterated that she
strongly for a very strong recovery” in passenger believed price rises are
The Irish airline, which operated more flights While that is better than the €815 million loss numbers and ticket prices into the summer of transitory. “I would not say the
this summer than any European rival, posted a posted in the previous year, it is a downgrade 2022, he said, forecasting that empty seats per US economy is currently
profit of €225 million for the three months from its July forecast of “somewhere between a plane would shrink from around 20% to under overheating, we’re still 5 million
ended September, its second quarter. small loss and breakeven”. The latest forecast 10% by next summer. jobs below where we were pre-
does not mention the possibility of breaking pandemic,” she said. – Reuters
That marks its first quarterly profit since even. The airline expects to return to profitability in
October-December, 2019 – before the the year ending March 2023, he said. – Reuters
“There is no doubt that the remainder of the
322 Notices 13theSUN ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 2, 2021
‘Tentative’ India
322 Notices 322 Notices AND blasted WorldCuphopesfadefor
IN THE MATTER OF favourites after Kiwi thrashing
IN THE MATTER OF THE DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET DI CROSSCONTROL SDN. BHD. FORMER India cricketers lined up to “It’s been a trend, it’s been happening at
COMPANIES ACT, 2016 KLANG (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) slate Virat Kohli’s side after yesterday’s most ICC tournaments.”
(Company No. 200701014164 crushing eight-wicket defeat by New
AND DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL Zealand left them on the brink of Former middle order batsman VVS
IN THE MATTER OF EHSAN, MALAYSIA (772710-V)) elimination from the Twenty20 World Cup. Laxman said India’s chances of making the
SELERIA FOOD SDN. BHD. GUAMAN NO.: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to semifinals were a “distant dream” as their net
200701009871 (238294-V) Section 439 (2) (a) of the Companies Act Champions at the inaugural T20 World run rate had also taken a beating.
(In Members’ Voluntary BL-A72NCVC-381-09/2021 2016, that the special resolutions set out Cup in 2007, India have not claimed the title “This defeat should hurt team India.
ANTARA below was duly passed by the Member since and their batting collapse came in for Tentative with the bat, their shot selection was
Winding-Up) of CROSSCONTROL SDN. BHD. (Company scathing criticism. questionable,” Laxman said.
NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING MARVELLOUS CAPITAL SDN BHD No. 200701014164 (772710-V)) on the 1st “Very disappointing from India. NZ were “New Zealand bowled superbly, but India
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT (No. Syarikat : 199401025810 / 311491-P) November 2021:- amazing. India’s body language wasn’t great, made their task easier.”
pursuant to Section 459 of the “That the Company be wound up poor shot selection,” former opening batsman Captain Virat admitted his team was “not
Companies Act, 2016 a Final …PLAINTIF voluntarily and that Eddy Chan Wai Hun Virender Sehwag wrote on Twitter. brave enough” after yesterday’s defeat.
Meeting of the abovenamed DAN (NRIC No. 710704-07-5083) of Level 6, “Like (a) few times in the past, New “I don’t think we were brave enough with
Company will be held at 110B-1, 1. AISHAH BINTI DAROLEHSAN Wisma Penang Garden, 42, Jalan Sultan Zealand have virtually ensured we won’t make bat or ball,” said Virat.
Jalan Raja Permaisuri Bainun, (No. K/P : 900827-13-6170) Ahmad Shah, 10050 George Town, Pulau it to the next stage. This one will hurt India and “Obviously we didn’t have much to play
30250 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan 2. LIEW TUCK SENG Pinang (the Liquidator) who has given his time for some serious introspection.” with, but we were just not brave enough with
on the 3rd. day of December, 2021 (No. K/P : 910110-10-5675) IN THE MATTER OF THE consent to act, be nominated to act as Gautam Gambhir, who won the 50-over our body language.
at 10.00 a.m. for the following Kedua-duanya berniaga sebagai rakan COMPANIES ACT, 2016 Liquidator of the Company for the purpose World Cup with Sehwag in 2011, said India “New Zealand had better intensity, better
purposes:- kongsi atas nama dan gaya RESTORAN of such winding up. had the skill but lacked “mental toughness”. body language, and they created pressure on
1. To receive an account from the NASI LEMAK BASMATHI AND That the Liquidator be empowered to “Talent is one thing… You can do really us from the first over onwards, really, and
Liquidator showing the manner (No. Pendaftaran Perniagaan : IN THE MATTER OF act under Section 456 and 457 of the well in bilateral (series) but when it comes to continued that through the innings.
in which the winding-up has 201803332238/ SA0494653-A) ALBERTWINES & BEERS Companies Act 2016. these kinds of tournaments, this is when you “Every time we felt like we want to take a
been conducted and property of …DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN (BAHAU) SDN BHD That in consideration of Eddy Chan Wai have to stand up and perform,” he told ESPN chance (while batting), we lost a wicket.” –
the Company disposed of and to NOTIS COMPANY NO. 975976-K Hun, agreeing to act as Liquidator of the Cricinfo. Reuters/AFP
hear any explanation that may KEPADA : (MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY Company, the members of the Company
be given by the Liquidator. DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN YANG DINAMAKAN hereby irrevocably and unconditionally New Zealand’s Daryl
2. To determine pursuant to Section DI ATAS WINDING-UP) undertake to pay, satisfy and discharge Mitchell plays a shot as
518(3)(b) of the Companies 1. AISHAH BINTI DAROLEHSAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN at such times hereafter to keep him and India’s wicketkeeper
Act, 2016 the manner in which (No. K/P : 900827-13-6170) pursuant to Section 459 of the his estates and affects fully and effectually Rishabh Pant watches
the books, accounts and 2. LIEW TUCK SENG Companies Act, 2016 that a indemnified and held harmless from and during the ICC men’s
documents of the Company and (No. K/P : 910110-10-5675) Final Meeting of the Company against all actions, proceedings, claims, Twenty20 World Cup
of the Liquidator thereof, shall be Kedua-duanya berniaga sebagai will be held at 221B, Jalan demands, costs, damages and expenses cricket match
disposed of. rakan kongsi atas nama dan gaya Mahkota, Taman Maluri, 55100 properly incurred by the Liquidator in the yesterday. – AFPPIX
NG SENG @ NG KIN SIN RESTORAN NASI LEMAK BASMATHI (No. Kuala Lumpur on 03.12.2021 performance of his duties as Liquidator
Liquidator Pendaftaran Perniagaan : 201803332238/ at 10.00a.m. for the following and so much of their remuneration for so
Dated 2nd. November, 2021 SA0494653-A) purpose:- acting as Liquidator.
NOTE: No. 1, Jalan Batu Unjur a. To receive an account from That the Liquidator be authorized to divide
A member entitled to attend and Taman Chi Liung all or such part of the surplus assets of the
vote at the above meeting may 42000 Pelabuhan Klang the Liquidator showing Company as he shall think fit in cash and/
appoint a proxy to attend and vote Selangor the manner in which the or in specie amongst the members of the
at the above meeting instead of Dan/atau winding-up has been Company.”
him. A proxy may but need not be 1. AISHAH BINTI DAROLEHSAN conducted and the property Dated this 2nd day of November, 2021
a member of the Company. (No. K/P : 900827-13-6170) of the Company disposed of STEVEN HOBBS
Proxy for the meeting must be 2. LIEW TUCK SENG and to hear any explanations Director
lodged at the above address not (No. K/P : 910110-10-5675) that may be given by the
later than 10.00am on 1st day of Kedua-duanya berniaga sebagai Liquidator. IN THE MATTER OF
December, 2021. rakan kongsi atas nama dan gaya b. To determine pursuant COMPANIES ACT 2016
RESTORAN NASI LEMAK BASMATHI (No. to Section 518 of the
322 Notices Pendaftaran Perniagaan : 201803332238/ Companies Act, 2016, the AND
SA0494653-A) manner inwhich the books, IN THE MATTER OF
DALAM MAHKAMAH No. 40-G, Jalan Bayu Tinggi 2/KS 6 accounts and documents CROSSCONTROL SDN. BHD.
TINGGI PULAU PINANG Batu Unjur 41200 Klang of the Company and of the (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up)
DALAM NEGERI PULAU PINANG, Selangor Liquidatorthereof, shall be (Company No. 200701014164
AMBIL PERHATIAN bahawa salinan disposed of.
MALAYSIA bermeterai Writ bertarikh 24-09-2021 dan (772710-V))
GUAMAN NO. PA-22NCVC-139-08/2021 Pernyataan Tuntutan bertarikh 23-09-2021 Wong Soon Fong NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Creditors
telah dikemukakan terhadap kamu di Liquidator of CrossControl Sdn. Bhd. (Company No.
ANTARA Mahkamah Majistret Klang dalam perkara 200701014164 (772710-V)) which is
Guaman No. BL-A72NCVC-381-09/2021 c/o SFW Consulting Sdn Bhd being wound-up voluntarily, are required
1. LEE PENG CHUANG oleh MARVELLOUS CAPITAL SDN BHD (No. 221B, Jalan Mahkota, on or before the 2nd day of December
(No. K/P: 790810-07-5055) Syarikat : 199401025810 / 311491-P) Taman Maluri, Cheras, 2021 to send their names and addresses
yang beralamat di Lot 1275, Batu 8, Jalan 55100 Kuala Lumpur and particulars of their debts or claims
2. OON YEW WEI Bukit Kemuning, Seksyen 32, 40460 Shah and the names and addresses of their Analyse, move forward, says
(No. K/P:741231-07-5009) Alam, Selangor dan Mahkamah telah Kuala Lumpur this 02.11.2021 solicitors (if any) to the undersigned, the Boom Boom after second defeat
......PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF memerintahkan bahawa Plaintif diberi Liquidator of the said Company, and if so
kebebasan dan/atau kebenaran untuk IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES required in writing from the Liquidator are
DAN menyampaikan satu salinan bermeterai ACT 2016 by their solicitors or personally to come in
Writ bertarikh 24-09-2021 dan Pernyataan AND and prove their debts or claims at such
KUAR ENG GUAN Tuntutan bertarikh 23-09-2021 kepada time and place as shall be specified in
(No. K/P: 740806-14-5553) kamu dengan cara penyampaian ganti, IN THE MATTER OF such notice or in default thereof they
yakni dengan menampalkan satu salinan DNA RESEARCH CENTRE (M) SDN. BHD. will be excluded from the benefit or any
..…DEFENDAN bermeterai Writ bertarikh 24-09-2021 distribution made before such debts are
dan Pernyataan Tuntutan bertarikh 23- REGISTRATION NO.: 200801035180 proved.
NOTIS 09-2021 serta satu salinan bermeterai (836520-A) Dated this 2nd day of November 2021
Perintah untuk Penyampaian Ganti yang Liquidator
Kepada: diperbuat disini pada suatu tempat yang (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) Eddy Chan Wai Hun INDIA’S Jasprit Bumrah yesterday said they India’s famed Indian batting line-up
mudah dilihat di alamat-alamat Defendan- At a General Meeting of the Company duly Level 6, Wisma Penang Garden will “analyse and move forward” to keep their including Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma
KUAR ENG GUAN Defendan di No. 1, Jalan Batu Unjur, convened and held electronically via video 42, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah Twenty20 World Cup hopes alive despite a faltered against a lethal New Zealand who
No.19 Lorong 24 Taman Chi Liung, 42000 Pelabuhan Klang, conferencing at BO3-B-13-1, Level 13, Menara 10050 George Town crushing eight-wicket defeat to New Zealand. won the toss and opted to field first.
Taman Patani Jaya Selangor dan No. 40-G, Jalan Bayu Tinggi 3A, KL Eco City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur on 26th Pulau Pinang
08000 Sungai Petani Kedah 2/KS 6, Batu Unjur, 41200 Klang, Selangor October 2021, the following special resolutions Jasprit remains positive that India, who “We know that in the second innings dew
dan menyebabkan suatu Notis diiklankan were duly passed: 322 Notices came in as tournament favourites but went does play a massive factor. We (our batters)
AMBIL PERHATIAN bahawa suatu tindakan dalam akhbar harian “The Sun Daily” RESOLVED:- down to rivals Pakistan by 10 wickets in their tried to give us some cushion (to the
telah dimulakan terhadap kamu di untuk sekali dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan 1. THAT the Company be wound up voluntarily IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA AT opener, will bounce back. bowlers), tried to get some extra runs that
Mahkamah Tinggi Pulau Pinang, Guaman penampalan-penampalan dan pengiklanan SHAH ALAM could give us the advantage in the second
Sivil No. PA-22NCVC-139-08/2021 oleh tersebut hendaklah menjadi penyampaian pursuant to Section 439(1)(b) of the “As a sportsman, you face a lot of days in innings,” said Jasprit.
LEE PENG CHUANG (No. K/P: 790810-07- yang sempurna dan cukup akan Writ Companies Act 2016 and that Ng Heng Hooi COMPANIES (WINDING-UP) PETITION cricket. Some days will be good and some
5055) beralamat di A-2-06, Taman Ampang bertarikh 24-09-2021 dan Pernyataan of 462A, Jalan 5/46, Taman Petaling, 46000 NO: BA-28NCC-460-09/2021 days will be bad,” Jasprit, who took the only “In doing that process, we played a lot of
Jajar, 13400 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang dan Tuntutan bertarikh 23-09-2021 ke atas Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan be two wickets to fall in the New Zealand attacking shots that didn’t come off today.”
OON YEW WEI (No. K/P:741231-07-5009) kamu tujuh (7) hari selepas tarikh akhir and is hereby appointed liquidator for the In the matter of Section 465(1)(e) and innings, told reporters.
beralamat di 28, Tingkat Bukit Minyak 5, penampalan-penampalan dan pengiklanan Company for the purpose of winding up of 466(1)(a) Companies Act 2016; He added: “In the second innings when we
Taman Bukit Minyak, 14000 Bukit Mertajam, dibuat. Kos permohonan ini adalah the Company. “All of these things are always part and were bowling, the length ball was not
Pulau Pinang, dalam mana tuntutan Plaintif- dijadikan kos dalam kausa. 2. THAT the liquidator be authorised pursuant And parcel of a cricketer’s life. Try to stay in the holding up while in the first innings the pick
Plaintif untuk (a)Penghakiman terhadap Jika kamu berhasrat untuk membela to Section 456 of the Companies Act 2016 to In the matter of Cakara Maritime moment, analyse what went wrong, what and pulls were not coming off when they
Defendan untuk jumlah wang sebanyak tindakan tersebut, kamu mestilah dalam exercise the powers laid down in Eleventh Sdn. Bhd. [Company Registration No. went well and try to move forward. That’s the were bowling length balls and shot-making
USD300,000.00 dibayar kepada Plaintif- tempoh dua puluh satu (21) hari selepas Schedule of the Companies Act 2016. 199701033754] only way you can move forward in this game.” was difficult.” – AFP
Plaintif menurut Perjanjian Penyelesaian penampalan-penampalan dan pengiklanan 3. THAT the liquidator be authorised to
bertarikh 16.6.2017 (“Perjanjian tersebut, kamu hendaklah menyebabkan distribute either in cash, specie or in kind BETWEEN
Penyelesaian tersebut’) empat belas (14) suatu kehadiran dimasukkan untuk any surplus assets of the Company as he SEABRIGHT SDN. BHD.
hari dari tarikh perintah diperintahkan; (b) diri kamu dalam kausa atas guaman thinks fit to the contributory of the Company [Company Registration No.
Penghakiman terhadap Defendan faedah dengan mencatatkan kehadiran samada in accordance with his respective rights and 197601003939]
sebanyak 8% sebulan dikenakan ke atas baki sendiri atau melalui peguam di Pejabat interests therein.
hutang sebanyak USD300.000.00 bermula Pendaftaran Majistret Klang dan ambil The Board of Directors ... PETITIONER
dari 7.8.2017 sehingga tarikh penyelesaian perhatian, bahawa dalam keingkaran Dated this 2nd day of November 2021 AND
baki hutang tersebut USD300,000.00 dibayar kamu berbuat demikian Plaintif boleh CAKARA MARITIME SDN. BHD.
kepada Plaintif-Plaintif menurut Perjanjian meneruskan untuk mendapatkan IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES [Company Registration No.
Penyelesaian tersebut; (c)Kos; dan (d)Relief- penghakiman ingkar terhadap kamu. ACT 2016 199701033754]
relief selanjutnya yang Mahkamah Yang Bertarikh pada 25 Oktober 2021. AND
Mulia ini berpendapat sesuai dan berpatutan. .............................. ... RESPONDENT
DAN Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini telah LAI & DENNIS THONG DNA RESEARCH CENTRE (M) SDN. BHD. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition for Afghanistan give fitting farewell to Asghar
memerintahkan bahawa Writ dan Pernyataan PEGUAMCARA BAGI PLAINTIF winding-up of the abovenamed company
Tuntutan yang bertarikh 5.8.2021 dan NOTIS ini difailkan oleh oleh Tetuan Fyiona, REGISTRATION NO.: 200801035180 by the High Court was, on 29 September AFGHANISTAN bid an emotional farewell to “From the last match we were hurt too
4.8.2021 masing-masing diserahkan kepada Lai & Dennis Thong, Peguamcara bagi (836520-A) 2021, presented by SEABRIGHT SDN. former captain Asghar Afghan by beating much and that is why I decided to leave the
kamu secara penyampaian ganti dengan pihak Plaintif yang mempunyai alamat BHD. having its registered address at Lot Namibia by 62 runs in the T20 World Cup in stage,“ he said. “It’s very difficult to explain, but
menampalkan sesalinan Perintah bertarikh penyampaian di 13A-3, Menara 1 Mont (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) 1035, Blk 4, MCLD, Piasau Industrial Area, Abu Dhabi on Sunday. I had to retire.”
25.10.2021 dan sesalinan bermeterai Writ Kiara, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Creditors of 98000 Miri, Sarawak. And that the said
dan Pernyataan Tuntutan tersebut di Papan Lumpur. the abovementioned Company which is being petition is directed to be heard before Asghar scored 31 as Afghanistan batted “I wanted to give a chance to the
Kenyataan Mahkamah Tinggi Pulau Pinang, Tel: 03-6211 1128 Fax: 03-6211 9393 wound up voluntarily are required, to send in the Court sitting at Shah Alam at 9:00 first and made 160-5. youngsters,” he said.
penampalan di premis alamat terakhir Email: [email protected] their names and addresses on or before 1st o’clock in the forenoon, on 10 January
Defendan di No.19, Lorong 24, Taman Patani [Ref: YF.FL.LIT(TA).667.MCSB] December 2021, with particulars of their debts 2022; and any creditor or contributory Afghanistan’s seamers then took eight Asghar skippered Afghanistan over all
Jaya , 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah dan or claims and their names and addresses of of the said company desiring to support wickets as they restricted Namibia to 98-9. three formats of cricket. He played six Tests,
juga melalui penerbitan Notis sekali dalam Advertise with us their solicitors (if any) to:- or oppose the making of an order on the 114 one-day internationals and this was his
satu akhbar harian tempatan, The Sun. & connect to our said petition may appear at the time of Hamid Hassan, making his first T20 75th Twenty20 international in a career spread
Penampalan serta pengiklanan sedemikian urban readers. The Liquidator hearing by himself or his counsel for that international appearance in five years, and over 12 years.
hendaklah menjadi penyampaian yang DNA RESEARCH CENTRE (M) SDN. BHD. purpose; and a copy of the petition will be Naveen-ul-Haq both took three wickets.
sempurna dan cukup terhadap Defendan KLANG VALLEY furnished to any creditor or contributory The current captain Mohammad Nabi said
selepas tujuh (7) hari selepas tarikh akhir PENANG | KEDAH REGISTRATION NO.: 200801035180 of the said company requiring the same Naveen was named player of the match after the game that he had not been able to
penampalan dan pengiklanan. PERAK | PERLIS (836520-A) by the undersigned on payment of the but presented his award to Asghar. change Asghar’s mind.
PAHANG | KELANTAN regulated charge for the same.
DAN AMBIL PERHATIAN bahawa Writ dan BO3-B-13-1, Level 13, Menara 3A, KL The Petitioner’s address is at Lot 1035, “He was the best captain Afghanistan has “He had already decided,” said Mohammad
Pernyataan Tuntutan tersebut akan didengar TERENGGANU Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Blk 4, MCLD, Piasau Industrial Area, produced,” he said. “I want to dedicate this “Last night Asghar told me that tomorrow
di dalam Mahkamah ini pada 22 haribulan MS. Shoba 98000 Miri, Sarawak. man of the match in his last match.” it might be my last game.
November 2021 pukul 9.00 pagi, di mana Kuala Lumpur The Petitioner’s solicitors are WONG LU “It’s his decision. He has played for 16
pada tarikh tersebut kamu dikehendaki hadir TEL: 03-7784 8888 and if so required by notice in writing from PEEN & TUNKU ALINA, 21-6, Block B, The “We will miss him a lot.” years, captained for six, seven years, and has
ke Mahkamah dan sekiranya kamu tidak FAX: 03-7784 4424 the said Liquidator, or by their solicitors or Boulevard, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Speaking after the first innings, an won a lot of games for Afghanistan. He has
hadir dan sebelum itu tidak memasukkan personally, to come in and prove their debts Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. emotional Asghar discussed his decision to won the most games for a captain in the
kehadiran di dalam Mahkamah selepas MALACCA | and claims at such time and place as shall be retire mid-tournament in an on-field interview world.” – AFP
empat belas (14) hari Writ dan Pernyataan SEREMBAN specified in such notice, or in default thereof, Signed saying he had made the choice after Friday’s
Tuntutan tersebut disampaikan secara they will be excluded from the benefit of any …………………………… loss to regional rivals Pakistan.
penyampaian ganti kepada kamu, MR. Rajah distribution made before such debts and claims WONG LU PEEN & TUNKU ALINA
Mahkamah akan memasukkan Penghakiman TEL: 012-628 2844 are proved. NOTE:
Ingkar ke atas ketidakhadiran kamu. FAX: 06-764 2051 NG HENG HOOI Any person who intends to appear on the
Liquidator hearing of the said Petition must serve
Writ dan Pernyataan Tuntutan tersebut boleh JOHOR BAHRU Dated this 2nd day of November 2021 on or send by post to the abovenamed
diperiksa oleh kamu di atas permohonan di MS. Anne Lim solicitors, notice in writing of his
Mahkamah ini. TEL: 013-770 6699 intention so to do. The notice must state
FAX: 07-355 5549 the name and address of the person, or,
Bertarikh pada 28 haribulan Oktober 2021 if a firm, the name and address of the
…………….t.t…………… firm, and must be signed by the person
Peguamcara Plaintif-Plaintif or firm, or his or their solicitor (if any)
and must be served, or, if posted, must
Notis ini difailkan oleh Tetuan Amir & Lee be sent by post in sufficient time to reach
yang beralamat di No. 18-25-A1, Gurney the abovenamed not latter than twelve
Tower, Persiaran Gurney, 10250 Pulau o’clock noon of the 9 January 2022 (the
Pinang, Peguamcara bagi Plaintif-Plaintif day before the day appointed for the
yang dinamakan di atas. [Ruj No. L21-016/ hearing of the Petition).
Com)] This Advertisement of Petition is taken
21-6, Block B, The Boulevard, Mid Valley
City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala
Lumpur, solicitors for the petitioner
abovenamed whose address is at Lot
1035, Blk 4, MCLD, Piasau Industrial Area,
98000 Miri, Sarawak.
Petitioner’s solicitors’
telephone no: 03-29388833
Facsimile: 03-29388811
File reference: L3 15708
Email: [email protected]
14 theSUN ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 2, 2021 Master of his trade
SPORTS Ibrahimovic freekick keeps 10-man Milan in touch with Napoli
BRIEFS described his 150th Serie goal in domestic leagues but was you keep trying,” Ibrahimovic told At the Stadio Olimpico,
Djokovic targets No. 1 record A goal from a freekick as denied a second of the encounter DAZN about his freekick clocked Ibrahimovic broke the deadlock
an “old age” shot as AC with VAR finding offside in the at at 101kph. just before the half hour mark.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC said his targets for the second half.
rest of 2021 include clinching the year- “It usually goes quicker! At least He drove home a low freekick
end No. 1 spot and helping Serbia in its Milan beat Jose Mourinho’s Roma Stefano Pioli’s side finished the 200kph! I think I must be slowing after Rick Karsdorp’s foul on
Davis Cup campaign, as he returns to 2-1 yesterday to remain second on game down a man as leftback my shot in old age,” he added. Rafael Leao.
competition at the Paris Masters for the goal difference in the table behind Theo Hernandez was shown a red Milan were under pressure
first time since losing the US Open final at Napoli. card for a shoulder challenge. after Napoli had opened up a Milan claimed a second as
Flushing Meadows. The year-end No. 1 The Sweden striker, who “Every now and then, I pull a three-point gap at the top of the Ivory Coast midfielder Franck
spot is based on results during the turned 40 earlier this month, also surprise! You must always give it a table after claiming the spoils in a Kessie converted from the penalty
calendar season and Djokovic can seal it thought he had scored his 400th go, as failure is part of success, so 1-0 derby victory over Salernitana. spot just before the hour mark.
in Bercy where he is the top seed and a
five-time champion. “The year-end No. 1 is Roma’s Roger Ibanez (left) and AC Milan’s Zlatan The 18-time Italian champions’
on the line between (Daniil) Medvedev Ibrahimovic in action during the yesterday’s Serie A hopes of claiming the three points
and myself, and I’m in a pretty good match at the Olympic stadium in Rome. – AFPPIX appeared to be dealt a blow with
position in terms of the ranking points 25 minutes to play as France
and the race, so that’s obviously the goal defender Hernandez was shown a
for the end of the season other than red card for a second bookable
trying to do well in the Davis Cup with the offence.
national team,” Djokovic said in Paris
yesterday. “So hopefully I can have a They were then given a scare
strong finish of the season and clinch that late on as Roma’s Nicolo Zaniolo
year-end No. 1.” had an 81st minute header
blocked on the line before their
Medvedev still unsure of AO former midfielder Stephan El
Shaarawy claimed an additional
US OPEN champion Daniil Medvedev said time consolation effort.
yesterday that he was eager to play in the
Australian Open in January but could not Earlier, Poland midfielder Piotr
confirm his participation if only players Zielinski scored as league leaders
who have been vaccinated against Covid- Napoli overcame lowly
19 are allowed in Melbourne. Medvedev Salernitana.
refused to disclose his vaccine status and
said he preferred to keep his medical Zielinski claimed his second
records private, a stance similar to that of goal of the season with half an
world No. 1 Novak Djokovic. “I always said hour left at the Arechi Stadium as
it, that I really like Novak’s answer about both sides finished with 10 men.
this. I want to keep my medical, no matter
if it’s about vaccine, leg injury, head Napoli were without in-form
injury… I want to keep my medical private Nigeria striker Victor Osimhen
(because) any information you give (your due to injury, with captain
opponent) can go against you. If you’re Lorenzo Insigne on the bench.
playing Australia, it’s obvious you’re
vaccinated. So that’s why I said I’m willing They failed to create a clear first
to play Australia, but I won’t say if you’ll half chance.
see me there, but we’re going to see in
January.” “Insigne has a muscular
fatigue, he was at risk of getting
Kontaveit secures Finals spot hurt,” Napoli coach Luciano
Spalletti said.
ANETT KONTAVEIT said greater self-belief
was the foundation for her victory over “I decided to keep him out,
Romania’s Simona Halep in the final of the avoiding any risk,” Spalletti added
Transylvania Open yesterday, which before Friday’s Europa League trip
secured the eighth and final spot in the to Legia Warsaw.
WTA Finals for the Estonian. The 25-year-
old captured her fourth title of the season Earlier, Joaquin Correa’s slick
with the 6-2, 6-3 victory over Halep in second-half double earned Inter
Cluj-Napoca, also ensuring she would Milan a 2-0 win over Udinese to
move into the top 10 in the world consolidate the defending
rankings for the first time at No. 8. “I’m still champions’ hold on third place.
unsure of what’s going on!” Kontaveit told
reporters. “I’m incredibly happy that I Correa made the breakthrough
managed to play really well today and win on the hour mark, running
the final. I believe in myself a little bit through after Ivan Perisic’s
more than I did a couple years ago.” dummy to sidestep Udinese
centreback Bram Nuytinck and
Herbert gets a helping hand shoot inside the near post.
LUCAS HERBERT’S decision to bring his He doubled up on the 68th
coach across to Bermuda to help work on minute, blasting the ball into the
his swing proved a masterstroke at the roof of the net with Denzel
weekend when the Australian secured his Dumfries providing a neat assist
maiden US PGA title at the Butterfield from the right. – AFP
Bermuda Championship. The 25-year-old,
who won the Irish Open in July to add to Atletico roll over Betis ahead of Liverpool clash
his previous European Tour win at the
Dubai Desert Classic, became the first ATLETICO MADRID returned to winning ways fine shot from the left past the keeper and into It was a dominant display by Atletico under
Australian man since Adam Scott in 2008 in La Liga yesterday with a dominant 3-0 home the far corner. heavy rain at the Metropolitano Stadium and
to win titles on the world’s two biggest victory over Betis that helped them leapfrog Diego Simeone’s side could have won by a
tours in the same season. “My game was their opponents into fourth place in the table. Atletico rose to fourth on 22 points, three larger margin were it not for some goalkeeping
really, really struggling and I decided to points behind leaders Real Sociedad, who drew heroics from Betis’ Claudio Bravo.
call Dom Azzopardi and get him out over After two consecutive draws in the league, 1-1 at home to Athletic Bilbao and have played
here,” Herbert said. “To have it pay off so Atletico had one of their best games of the a game more. This was a much-welcomed clean sheet and
quickly and to share that win with him, season against Manuel Pellegrini’s side, who a statement of intent from the defending La
that was really special.” had been hoping to stay in the fight to top the Second-placed Real Madrid and Sevilla in Liga Champions.
table after three straight wins. third have 24. Betis slipped one spot to fifth on
21. “We were very focused on this game,” said
Yannick Carrasco scored the opener with a Simeone, who watched his side from the stands
phenomenal shot halfway through the first half, “We are happy not only for the win but to do after being handed a touchline ban last week.
before Atletico doubled their lead just after the it without letting them score,” Carrasco told
hour when Betis defender German Pezzella Spanish TV after the match. “Now we can turn our attention to the great
headed a corner kick into his own net. rival that is Liverpool,” the Atletico boss added,
“They are one of the best teams of the referring to Thursday’s (4am Malaysian time)
Substitute Joao Felix sealed the deal in the season and we have to take advantage of the Champions League clash with Jurgen Klopp’s
84th minute, finishing a counterattack with a momentum that built today to go forward Reds at Anfield. – Reuters/Agencies
fighting for the title.”
Muller urges Bayern to answer critics in Europe
THOMAS MULLER says Bayern that are slightly below the belt,” said In Europe, Bayern are five points “(The criticism) is okay with me, Bayern striker Robert
Munich must use the criticism from Muller. clear in Group E and a win over we’re not made of egg shells – you Lewandowski, who netted twice in
their shock German Cup disaster to second-placed Benfica would have to be able to take it sometimes, Berlin on Saturday, is set to make his
help them secure a spot in the The 32-year-old scored and guarantee a spot in the last 16 of the but we must not forget that we are 100th Champions League
Champions League knockout phase created three assists Saturday as Champions League. still out of the cup,” said Mueller. appearance.
by beating Benfica tomorrow (4am). Bayern romped to a 5-2 win at Union
Berlin to stay top of the Bundesliga Bayern were hurt by a string of “We didn’t just lose a game, but “We showed from the very first
“When FC Bayern crashes out of three days after their 5-0 cup negative headlines amid the fallout of (are out of) a competition that means minute that we are here to win,” said
the cup with a 5-0 defeat, it’s clear thrashing at Borussia their shock cup defeat which Muller a lot to us. We have to deal with that Lewandowski in Berlin. “Now we can
that one or two comments are made Moenchengladbach. wants to use as extra motivation. accordingly,” he added. focus on Tuesday.” – AFP
TOTTENHAM have sacked Nuno gets the chop
Nuno Espirito Santo as Tottenham hold talks with Conte as fallout from United beating ends in sacking
manager after just four
months in charge. “Nuno is a true gentleman and will defeat by Vitesse, which has left them wanted. And we keep on trying and in potential candidates to replace Ole
The Portuguese boss only took over always be welcome here. We should third in Group G. a humble way ask them to support us Gunnar Solskjaer, if the Norwegian
in June, succeeding Jose Mourinho like to thank him and his coaching all the way.” manager leaves Manchester United. –
after Ryan Mason guided Spurs to the staff and wish them well for the future.” The atmosphere at Tottenham The Independent/Agencies
end of a difficult season as interim Hotspur Stadium has also quickly A number of high-profile names
manager. Spurs remain in the hunt for a top- soured, with the home fans venting have been linked with the job FAVOURITES FOR 2/1
four finish, but September’s north their frustration by booing Nuno’s including Antonio Conte, Brendan THE SPURS JOB 5/1
But despite a promising start with London derby loss to Arsenal and decision to substitute Lucas Moura Rodgers and former boss Mauricio 5/1
victory over Manchester City, Spurs’ back-to-back defeats by West Ham against Man United, as well as cries of, Pochettino. Antonio Conte 5/1
form has declined in recent weeks and now Man United have damaged “you don’t know what you’re doing” Graham Potter 15/2
with Sunday’s heavy defeat by their hopes of qualifying for Europe loudly heard around the stadium. Early indications are that former Paulo Fonseca 15/2
struggling Manchester United leaving next season. Chelsea and Inter Milan manager Ryan Mason 12/1
the club eighth. Responding to the criticism, Nuno Conte figures heavily in Tottenham’s Brendan Rodgers 12/1
Nuno endured a difficult start to life told Sky Sports: “We’re not on the right thoughts to take over. Eddie Howe 14/1
“The Club can today announce that at Tottenham with talisman Harry track. We totally understand the Roberto Martinez 14/1
Nuno Espirito Santo and his coaching Kane’s unsuccessful push for a criticism, it’s part of football. Spurs negotiated with Conte Sergio Conceicao
staff Ian Cathro, Rui Barbosa and transfer. following Jose Mourinho’s exit but Mauricio Pochettino
Antonio Dias have been relieved of “When the team doesn’t perform, opted not to do a deal amid concern Jurgen Klinsmann
their duties,” Tottenham said in a The team’s poor results have not the fans suffer, the fans are not happy over the Italian’s demands.
statement released yesterday evening. come solely in the Premier League, and they showed they are not happy.
with Spurs also finding themselves in a It is thought Conte wants to get
“A further coaching update will tricky position in the Europa “It’s up to us to take it, tell them that back into management after leaving
follow in due course,” the statement Conference League after their recent we try our best, tell them that we are Inter in the summer and he doesn’t
added, following words from Spurs’ sorry because we didn’t perform as we appear to be at the top of the list of
sporting director Fabio Paratici.
“I know how much Nuno and his
coaching staff wanted to succeed and I
regret that we have had to take this
decision,” Paratici said.
EPL TALKING POINTS Moyes delighted but West Ham McTominay
Blues share scoring load warns against complacency United ‘absolutely
manager brilliant’,
Chelsea were without forwards Romelu David Moyes says Solskjaer
Lukaku,Timo Werner and Christian Pulisic at (centre) gives
Newcastle United on Saturday but it mat- instructions to MANCHESTER UNITED
tered little in a 3-0 win that put them three his players manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
points clear at the top of the table. Who against Aston hailed the performance of
needs them when you have a right back Villa yesterday. midfielder Scott McTominay in
capable of finishes like the two Reece James – REUTERSPIX the 3-0 win at Tottenham.
provided. Chelsea’s work rate across the field
was impressive against Newcastle as they █ SEAN TAYLOR players are understanding their “The players are doing a The 24-year-old Scotland
kept a seventh clean sheet in the Premier DAVID MOYES reflected on a great roles and what’s expected of them. remarkable job but none of us international put in a
League this season – further evidence week for West Ham but refused to must think that we’ve done it as commanding performance in
ThomasTuchel’s idea of collective responsi- get carried away after victory at “We can’t let up, though, I’ve there’s still such a long way to go.” the middle of the park as
bility is now deeply ingrained in his squad. Aston Villa left the club in the told them that if we think we’re United posted the perfect
Premier League’s top four. doing great and it’s all easy it’ll fail, Villa fell behind early on to Ben response to the previous
Cavani shows Devils the way so we’ve got to keep at it. Johnson’s strike. Ollie Watkins week’s humiliation at home to
Hammers boss Moyes saw his equalised but Declan Rice quickly Liverpool.
Uruguayan forward Edinson Cavani was team defeat London rivals “I’m really pleased with the restored the Hammers’ lead before
handed his second League start of the season Tottenham the previous weekend result. The run we are on at the halftime. McTominay spent time out
by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and proved the cata- and reach the quarterfinals of the moment, it is really pleasing, of the team earlier in the
lyst for a 3-0 win atTottenham Hotspur that Carabao Cup with a penalty shoot- coming to Villa and scoring four is Ezri Konsa’s red card shortly season with a groin issue but
took the pressure off his manager with an out victory against Manchester City, never easy. This was a really tough after the break gave Villa an uphill looked back to his best against
energetic performance. Cavani struck before a 4-1 rout of 10-man Villa game as they have a really good task and further goals from Pablo Spurs.
United’s second goal and led by example took the Hammers within two team.” Fornals and Jarrod Bowen inside
throughout with his industrious running off points of second-placed Liverpool the final 10 minutes settled the “Man of the match for me,
the ball and willingness to track back and and level with City. Asked about the raised contest. by a mile,” Solskjaer said of his
help his midfielders.“He led the line as a good expectations following last season, performance. “That’s the Scott
example for everyone, how to go about “It’s been a great week,” Moyes when West Ham finished sixth in A fourth straight loss leaves Villa we’ve seen a few times before.
changing the mood, changing the perform- said. But you know what happens the Premier League, and the strong just three points above the
ance,”Solskjaer said of the 34-year-old who in football, it can quickly turn start to the current campaign, relegation zone but manager Steve “He’s had his injury,
provided the perfect foil for fellow veteran around and bite you. Moyes said: “I think football Smith said: “I saw a lot of character operation this season but I
Cristiano Ronaldo who scored a superb managers have to try to raise the from my team today and I am thought he was absolutely
opener. “But I think we’ve got to the bar. certainly sure we can turn it around brilliant, won his tackles, drove
stage where we’re really confident with the squad we’ve got. There are forward, kept the ball simple,
Future bright for young Guns in a lot of the things we do. The “After 10 games is a pretty good reasons why we’ve had the results switched play, headed away
time to judge where you are in the we’ve had.” – The Independent set-plays. Absolute top.”
Arsenal fans have needed to show plenty of season.
patience with coach Mikel Arteta as he looks Marcus Rashford, who came
to get the Gunners fighting at the top of the off the bench to score United’s
table again but, thanks to a youthful, exciting third goal with an
and now settled squad, the future is looking accomplished finish in the final
brighter.The 2-0 win at Leicester City on 10 minutes, said that it took a
Saturday made it nine games unbeaten for couple of days for United to
Arsenal in all competitions, with the victory get over events at Old Trafford,
brought about by three youngsters, Bukayo but that they were deserving of
Saka, 20, Emile Smith Rowe, 21, and goal- their win.
keeper Aaron Ramsdale, 23, who played star-
ring roles in their team's mini revival. It has “The only way to respond is
been a slow process, but Arsenal, at last, seem to win the game and get three
to be getting there. points. I thought we did that
well today but also the way
Consistency key for Reds that we executed the
manager’s plans was really top.”
Liverpool were in seventh heaven after – The Independent
Sunday’s epic 5-0 triumph at Manchester
United but they were given a reality check in RESULTS & STANDINGS Madrid 3 (Carrasco 26, Pezzella 63-og, Empoli 2 (Pinamonti 83, Zurkowski Dortmund 10 8 0 2 27 15 24
a 2-2 home draw against Brighton & Hove Joao Felix 80) Real Betis 0, Getafe 2 90+2), Salernitana 0 Napoli 1 (Zielinski Freiburg 10 6 4 0 17 7 22
Albion with manager Juergen Klopp saying it ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE: (Unal 31, 56) Espanyol 1 (Gomez 38), 61), Roma 1 (El Shaarawy) AC Milan 2 Leverkusen 10 5 2 3 23 16 17
“tasted like defeat.”It must have, given that Norwich 1 (Omobamidele 58) Leeds 2 Real Sociedad 1 (Isak 58-pen) Athletic (Ibrahimovic 26, Kessie 56). Mainz 05 10 5 1 4 14 10 16
second-placed Liverpool were 2-0 up and (Raphinha 56, Rodrigo 60), Aston Villa 1 Bilbao 1 (Muniain 90+1).
seemingly on their way to keeping up the (Watkins 34) West Ham 4 (Johnson 7, TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts
pressure on leaders Chelsea.Title races are Rice 38, Fornals 80, Bowen 84). TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts Napoli 11 10 1 0 23 3 31 FRENCH LIGUE 1: Angers 1 Nice 2,
often decided by fine margins and whereas Sociedad 12 7 4 1 17 10 25 AC Milan 11 10 1 0 25 10 31 Troyes 2 Rennes 2, Strasbourg 4
beating their fellow heavyweights will cer- TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts Real Madrid 11 7 3 1 26 12 24 Inter Milan 11 7 3 1 28 12 24 Lorient 0, Montpellier 2 Nantes 0,
tainly boost Liverpool’s bid, Klopp is only too Chelsea 10 8 1 1 26 3 25 Sevilla 11 7 3 1 19 7 24 Roma 11 6 1 4 19 12 19 Bordeaux 3 Reims 2, Brest 2 Monaco 0,
aware that dropping points at home against Liverpool 10 6 4 0 29 8 22 Atletico 11 6 4 1 18 10 22 Atalanta 11 5 4 2 20 14 19 Clermont 0 Marseille 1.
underdogs may ultimately prove costly.
Man City 10 6 2 2 20 6 20 Real Betis 12 6 3 3 19 15 21 BUNDESLIGA: Augsburg 4 VfB TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts
Reuters West Ham 10 6 2 2 20 11 20 Paris SG 12 10 1 1 26 11 31
Man Utd 10 5 2 3 19 15 17 SERIE A: Inter Milan 2 (Correa 60, 68) Stuttgart 1, Borussia Moenchenglad- Nice 12 7 3 2 23 9 23
Udinese 0, Fiorentina 3 (Vlahovic 44- bach 2 VfL Bochum 1. Marseille 12 6 4 2 20 12 22
LA LIGA: Cadiz 1 (Negredo 90+3-pen) pen, 62, 74) Spezia 0, Genoa 0 12 6 3 3 21 14 21
Real Mallorca 1 (Baba 29), Atletico Venezia 0, Sassuolo 1 (Tonelli 43-og) TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts Lens 12 5 4 3 18 11 19
Bayern 10 8 1 1 38 10 25 Rennes
I don’t think we were brave enough with
bat or ball. Obviously we didn’t have
much to play with, but we were just not brave
enough with our body language. New Zealand had
better intensity, better body language, and they
TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 2, 2021 created pressure on us…” India cricket captain Virat Kohli
Suck Barcelona in limbo
it up for pivotal game
against Kiev
Keane wants United
players to cover Ronaldo’s BARCELONA go into the biggest game of their season so
defensive shortcomings far against Dynamo Kiev tomorrow (4am Malaysian time)
without the previous coach and still waiting for the next
ROY KEANE has demanded Manchester or two geniuses on your team and go, ‘Listen, Roy Keane one to arrive.
United’s players “get used” to you do the business.’ (above).
shouldering the defensive burden of Cristiano Barca president Joan Laporta said on Friday he should
Cristiano Ronaldo after the Red Devils “Look at that (Ronaldo first goal), that’s Ronaldo have sacked Ronald Koeman sooner, that the club had
bounced back against a lethargic Tottenham on not even half a chance and a major goal. been “dangerously drifting” and the situation was
Sunday. Ronaldo is a genius. If you have him at your “unsustainable”.
club it can only be a plus.”
United responded to a 5-0 defeat to bitter rivals Xavi Hernandez is expected to be Koeman’s successor
Liverpool a week earlier by winning 3-0 in the Victory tomorrow against Gian Piero and the return of one of the club’s greatest ever players,
capital. Gasperini’s Atalanta would see United from the iconic team of Pep Guardiola, will be hugely
take a major step closer to reaching the popular with both the players and Barcelona supporters.
Ronaldo delivered the game’s two telling knockout rounds.
moments of quality with a sumptuous volley to Yet removing Koeman days before the trip to Kiev
put United in front before halftime before Gasperini’s side drew 2-2 with Lazio looks like a gamble, not least because it assumes the team
providing a brilliant assist for Edinson in Serie A on Saturday and Gasperini had a worse chance of winning under him than they do
Cavani to make it 2-0 on the hour. claimed it was the perfect test to prepare now under interim coach Sergi Barjuan.
for United.
Ronaldo joined Cavani up top “In principle, Sergi will be on the bench in Kiev,” said
in a 3-5-2 formation as Ole “We scored two goals. The problem is Laporta.
Gunnar Solskjaer switched up that we often have to chase,” Gasperini
the set-up of his side to give told DAZN, reflecting on Atalanta’s After deciding to wait in the summer and then again
them more structure across display. last month, Laporta might have held off another week
the pitch. until the international break, when a two-week hiatus
“When we take the lead, however, the would have offered more space to appoint a replacement.
And Marcus Rashford spaces open up more. In the first half we
added gloss to the victory for just needed to be a little more Instead, Barcelona will have faced Alaves, Dynamo and
United off the substitute’s precise on the last kick. perhaps Celta Vigo without either Koeman or the new
bench late on against a Spurs coach, who is expected to be Xavi even if his current club
side who were booed off at “We have Al Sadd appear keen to offer some resistance.
half-time and fulltime. the right concepts, we lack
the quality and precision of After losing both of their opening games 3-0 to Bayern
The Red Devils will be last year. Munich and Benfica, Barcelona gave themselves hope
attempting to record with a scrappy 1-0 win over Dynamo at home last time
consecutive wins and put “We hope to win on Tuesday out.
their recent malaise behind against United to secure our
them when they visit Atalanta place in the group. But another victory in the reverse fixture remains
in the Champions League crucial, given Barca will finish the group stage at home to
tomorrow (4am Malaysian time). “I agree that today’s match was Benfica and then away at Bayern Munich, when few
a test also because Lazio play like would expect them to pick up anything other than a
United defeated the Serie A side in the Manchester United. defeat.
reverse fixture at Old Trafford two weeks ago but
did so by the skin of their teeth after going two “They keep both teams, very If they fail to get out of Group E and come third,
goals down in the first half. high rhythms and so we had a great Barcelona would have to win the Europa League to make
test.” up for the prize money lost.
Goals from Rashford, Harry Maguire and
Ronaldo completed the comeback, but it came United are top of Group F in the All of which puts a lot of responsibility on Barjuan, the
against a tiring Atalanta who had lost their entire Champions League on six points former Barcelona defender who played more than 200
defence to injury. with Villarreal and Atalanta both times for the club and was given his debut by Johan
behind on four points. Cruyff.
A much better performance will be required in
Bergamo if Solskjaer is to alleviate more of the Paul Pogba could return for the “We have Sergi, who is a club man and knows the
pressure upon him. visitors after sitting out the win at system,” said Laporta.
Tottenham due to a Premier League
Ronaldo’s defensive work ethic has come suspension while Anthony Martial may “He was part of the best teams in the history of Barca
under question but former United captain also make the squad following a knock. like the Dream Team and he understands our philosophy.
declared that it is on Ronaldo’s teammates to
make up for his lack of pressing. Solskjaer will have to decide whether “The philosophy is clear: a style of football that has
to stick with his 3-5-2 formation switch given us the most success. Sergi knows this squad in
“I think Ronaldo is a brilliant player, really after the return of Raphael Varane, which
sharp and you’ll get one or two years from him and saw Ronaldo and Cavani start up top. – depth and will be able to work with it.”
that’s why he’s in the team,” Keane said on Sky Express Newspapers/Agencies Barjuan’s coaching career has been largely
underwhelming, with his Barca B team sitting
“One of the best players that have ever walked 11th, 12 points behind the league leaders in their
on a football pitch and you’re seeing it. You’ll just competition.
have to get used to it.
He picked a starting line-up for the 1-1 draw
“Obviously they have Cavani next to him to with Alaves on Sunday that retained many of
share the load but Ronaldo was never going to be
closing people down – that was never his strength. the ideas of Koeman, with Sergino Dest
starting again in the front three, Eric Garcia
“They say the modern teams need to have 11 in central defence and Oscar Mingueza at
players sprinting, well you don’t. You can have one
right back.
There were familiar problems too,
including a lack of creativity,
confidence and clinical finishing.
“It is difficult to change things in
a short time,” said Barjuan on Friday.
“But the style is non-negotiable.
We are finding the formula to be
more authoritative and be
protagonists with the ball.”
Laporta’s hope will be
removing Koeman, and perhaps
even just the prospect of Xavi,
could give the players a lift.
When he addressed the squad last
week, he told the players the onus was on them to
spark the revival.
The irony is some of the older players, whose form
and wages have been so heavily scrutinised in recent
months, will now be relied upon to step up at a key
juncture in the season.
“At Barca we like to have the ball and to have
depth,” said Laporta.
“Cruyff taught us that. We want spectacular
football, but also to win.” – AFP
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