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Published by 31linescompany, 2017-06-20 00:17:13

The Golden Collection

by California Candle Studio


The Golden Collection. | |
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From the dense fog that blankets the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to the eclectic scene | |
of Venice Beach, the Golden Collection is an aromatic depiction of the character, culture and
nature that beautify California. Each candle is topped with a gold lid in commemoration of the | |
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Golden State. Any candle in our Golden Collection is a must-have for candle & California lovers
around the state and the globe. Each candle is accompanied by a hangtag for customer ©

engagement. We use the small batch approach to candle crafting so that each candle receives
the care and quality it deserves.

We are located in Los Angeles, CA. Packaged with an illustrated hangtag.

Named by some as one of the seven wonders of the modern world, the Golden Gate Bridge situated in the 90210 is one of the few zip codes in the U.S. with national notoriety. This zip code
heart of San Francisco was constructed just 80 years ago. At 746 feet tall and weighing 887,000 tons, the belongs to California’s epicenter of luxury and affluence, Beverly Hills. It is without a
Golden Gate Bridge is a mere 1.7 miles and connects San Francisco and Marin Counties across the wide doubt one of the most upscale neighborhoods in the entire state. Often sprinkled with
Golden Gate strait which links San Francisco Bay with the Pacific Ocean. Why the color? Because its hue celebs who live, work and play in this mere 9.4 square miles of high life, Beverly Hills
complements the warm tones of the surrounding natural landscape and yet it is a perfect contrast to the cool 90210 is home to the world renown Rodeo Drive, an elite shopping district perfectly
colors of the sky and ocean. The name of the color? International Orange. lined with erect palm trees, tread by flamboyant rides from Mazeratis, Lamborghinis
and Porsches and posh shops. Bring lots of money to splurge or just window shop.
Scent: Cool & awakening Eucalyptus leaves balanced with the lemony-herbal essence of lemongrass Either way, venturing to the 90210 is a must if you want a taste of LA’s high life.

© Scent: A posh blend of Jasmine florals, blended with Apricot, Bergamot and splashes
of fruit zest create this luxurious scent

California is a wine enthusiast’s dream destination. California’s vast 800-mile territory from NorCal to An intimate grooming practice that makes that new swimsuit or bikini purchase for
SoCal contains nearly 4,000 wineries, exponentially more than any state. California offers an assortment your beach day visit worth the spend.
of wineries in quaint little seaside villages to secluded vineyards nestled between redwood giants to
laidback urban tasting rooms all of the way down to the rolling hills of Temecula in the southern part of Scent: Sweet Verbena balanced with Vanilla and soft citrus notes
the state.
Scent: A combination of succulent peach and grape, anchored by warm oak


Located in Northern California, Napa Valley is the quintessential location for a wine tasting The Rose Parade is America’s New Year’s Day Parade. The century old Tournament of
getaway. This area alone attracts over 5 million visitors every year. Just 30 miles wide, it Roses processional and the Rose Bowl college football game that follows have their
is filled with hundreds of family-owned wineries that cater to a variety of tastes for these home in Pasadena, rightly giving the city its moniker, the City of Roses. While the rose
popular wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, wasn’t made Pasadena’s official flower until September 22, 1961, the Rose Parade itself
Sangiovese and Zinfandel. dates back to 1890 when city officials wanted to celebrate the city’s beauty and climate
while other cities of the country are covered in snow. The 5 1/2 mile parade draws
Scent: This wine scent resembles the vastly produced Cabernet Sauvignon in Napa Valley thousands in person and by television who gaze upon the noble equestrian units, first
with its wine fragrance mingled with grape and berry notes rate marching bands and of course, the 40+ illustriously decorated floral floats which
take months to build. If you are determined to get the best views, camp out overnight or
© arrive as early as possible, take a lawn chair and just smell the roses.

Scent: A freshly arranged Rose bouquet

It envelops the Golden Gate Bridge. It blankets housetops and cozily nestles between city The vista available at the top of Glacier Point which is 7,000 ft above sea level delivers
skyscrapers. It’s San Francisco’s beloved weather phenomenon. It’s the fog. Having long spectacular views of some of Yosemite’s key landmarks such as the Half Dome, Tenaya
inspired writers, bloggers and photographers, San Francisco fog occurs as the heat Canyon and the valley floor. The Mist Trail is your route to two of the park’s famous waterfalls
produced by inland temperatures merges with the cool water of the Bay and Pacific Ocean. – Nevada Falls and Vernal Falls. Half Dome, the iconic granite rock formation in the midst of
During the summer months of June to August, the misty resident quietly drifts in and overlays the park nearly 9,000 feet above sea level, is mounted by hikers who bravely climb to its
the city in mystery and wonder. It’s a visually striking display of what happens when heat, ascent. The level floor of the Yosemite Valley is comprised of forest and lush open fields
ocean, and wind collide. which offer magnificent views of the encompassing peaks and cascades. The air is
exhilarating. The giant Sequoias towering in Yosemite Park command acknowledgement. No
Scent: Crisp, fresh rain with light citrus and floral notes matter how many times you go, each visit will seem like your first.

© Scent: A nature inspired blend of flowers in full bloom, lush green and fresh air

Lining 27 miles of glorious coastline, Malibu is a surfer’s paradise with its barreling waves, Palm Desert is a fashionista’s dream. El Paseo is a retail haven for the person who loves all
Mediterranean climate and the faithful West Coast Sunshine to christen the day, making it that any glamorous shopping district has to offer – Gucci, Saks Fifth Avenue, Ralph Lauren,
bright and beautiful. The waves of Malibu have long been accredited for their generous Burberry and more. Palm Desert is a golfer’s dream. Even though the entire Coachella Valley
swells, ideal surf breaks and frolicking dolphins which are often sighted basking in the tides! is home to over 100 golf courses, the city of Palm Desert contains nearly 40 which offer
Giving fame to the iconic Surfrider Beach which is crowned as the first World Surfing Reserve delightful dining, variable greens to navigate, beautiful fairways, water elements and
because it is where California surf culture was born, the waves of Malibu woo surfers to dive mountainous backdrops. Palm Desert is a retiree’s dream. The moderately priced homes,
in and onlookers to gaze and be mesmerized. fresh desert air, picturesque terrain and warm sun make Palm Desert the perfect place to
retire as it boasts an ideal climate with almost 350 days of sunshine each year. It’s a sunny
Scent: Refreshing splashes of salted ocean spray perfect oasis just 120 miles east of Los Angeles.

© Scent: Warm Sandalwood meekly blended with delicate florals

The scene of Venice Beach is in a few words eclectic, eccentric, artistic, entertaining and A visit to majestic Redwood Forest is comparable to being inside a storybook fable. The
interesting. At the Venice Beach Boardwalk, you can see everything from break-dancing to wonder of being surrounded by ancient, sky-scraping trees so massive that the tops are out
street vendors to skateboarders, broken glass walkers, magicians, body builders, musicians, of sight feels so unreal. Home to the tallest tree species on earth, the Coast Redwood,
dance troupes, riders of circus-style bicycles, jugglers and just about anyone who can find a Redwood Forest is a representation of nature’s grandeur at best. Able to grow over 300 feet
hobby that entertains. All of this activity ensures that it will never be a boring place. Some tall, the Coast Redwoods win the big and tall competition over the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben
love Venice Beach. Some hate it. But it is no doubt a landmark in Los Angeles County that in London and their sister species, the Giant Sequoia located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
draws the thrill seeker and folks from all over who are just curious. in east California & the Dawn Redwood of China. Thriving in coastal weather conditions, they
occupy approximately 450 miles of the NorCal coast from the northern most tip down to
Scent: Earthy, warm Patchouli, Sandalwood, and soft Amber brightened with the sweet Fig beautiful Big Sur.

© Scent: An earthy, fresh woodsy aroma with an intense blend of bark, fir needles and a hint of

Plump, handpicked, vine-ripened tomatoes. Diverse floral arrangements. Juicy citrus fare. Your pick of A lot can happen in a 5.84 square miles. At 1111 Figueroa, you can join nearly 20,000 fans to
fresh leafy greens. Farmers Markets which are interspersed on a many city street are a quintessential part cheer on the Lakers, Clippers, Kings or the Sparks at the Staples Center. Support local
of the Californian lifestyle. They help sustain an agricultural economy and champion healthy, eco- artists while indulging in food truck goodness at the DTLA Art Walk. Attend Walt Disney
consciousness living. At Farmers Markets, we explore the incredible variety of freshly grown food products Music Hall, one of the most acoustically sophisticated concert halls in the world. Tour the
in the state of California. California contains the most Farmers Markets of any state – roughly 800. Live Bradbury Building with its ornate iron elevators and lengthy glass ceiling. Explore the vibrant
music, wine tastings and the natural community setting make Farmers Markets an experience we just can’t nightlife of LA Live which offers a variety of food cuisines and concerts. Buy an engagement
live without. ring in the Jewelry District. Dive into the open air, multi-ethnic cuisine at Grand Central
Market. A lot can happen in the 5.84 square miles that is Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA).
Scent: A fresh Farmers Market assortment of leafy greens, sweetened with the juicy fruit blend of
Strawberries, Pineapple, Apples, and a hint of Lemon zest Scent: Infused with the tangy essence of Lemon, Lime, fresh Ginger, hints of Bamboo,
rounded by uplifting Orange and intoxicating notes of sweet berry

Mind-blowing coastal views. Mighty waves crashing against the rocky formations. Towering mountains that Rustic, historically-preserved buildings, artsy craft shops and delicious Mexican Cuisine
run parallel to the sea. The spectacular Pacific Coast Hwy, commonly abbreviated PCH stretches vividly portray the rich past of Old Town San Diego. Named the Birthplace of California, Old
approximately 550 miles in California alone and along most of the state’s coastline, PCH starts at Town San Diego was the first European settlement on the West Coast. As you join the annual
California’s Mendocino County on the North Coast and stretches all the way down to San Juan Capistrano 6,000,000 visitors of the area, wander into quaint little stores, witness Mexican and Western-
in SoCal’s Orange County. From San Francisco to Monterey to Big Sur right down to Los Angeles, explore themed architecture that enliven the setting, read about and soak in the history of the area,
quaint villages, dine and drink at exquisite seaside wineries, and be sure to have your camera ready to take listen to live bands and watch Mariachi-style dancers dressed in native costume, and treat
memorable shots of virgin forests, breath-taking cliffs and of course, the vast blue Pacific. yourself to a delicious margarita.

Scent: The PCH Soy Candle is everything that PCH is: a fresh and exhilarating Oceanside scent with soft Scent: A tangy margarita fragrance bursting with fresh lime
floral notes and soft traces of sea moss


Nestled between the coastal cities of Newport Beach and Dana Point, Laguna Beach is a Hangtag Back: Orange County City Collage
seaside paradise in Orange County, California with a picture perfect shoreline. Though only Scent: Orange
nine square miles, Laguna Beach is home to over 30 beaches. From Crystal Cove to Main
Beach to Thousand Steps Beach, pick any spot to surf, snorkel, scuba dive or have a beach
picnic alongside the Pacific. In addition to its breathtaking bluffs and beautiful coves,
Laguna Beach is a premier destination for the arts, drawing millions each year to its fine art
galleries and festivals.

Scent: Infused with the tangy essence of Lemon, Lime, fresh Ginger, hints of Bamboo,
rounded by uplifting Orange and intoxicating notes of sweet berry


From San Francisco to San Diego, the adored West Coast state of California is lined with A breathtaking coastal gem in south Orange County, California, Dana Point is a 7-square
breathtaking beaches, picture-perfect shorelines and is abounding in enviably warm mile picturesque harbor town known for its stunning bluffs, beaches ideal for surfing & stand-
weather, desert terrain, redwoods, central farmland and wine vineyards. up paddling and whale watching. In fact, the Festival of Whales event which takes place
Scent: Pineapple/Coconut annually draws tens thousands of visitors each year to celebrate the migration of the
California Grey Whale. At The Headlands you can enjoy an amazing overlook of the coastline
© and peaceful walking trails.

Scent: A combination of succulent peach and grape, anchored by warm oak





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