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Published by jordancurtin1, 2015-11-27 14:25:56



Presented to
Bruce Caraway


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
The Adjunct Certification Program

Lone Star College
University Park

Jordan Curtin, M.S.
Fall Semester, 2015
November 23rd, 2015

Revised 05/2012

Table of Contents

3-4. Syllabus Snapshot
5 Student Preparation Strategy
6. BOPPPS Lesson plan and any supporting materials (this may include handouts, PPT, activities)
6. Test Questions
7. Rubric
8. Showcase Presentation (this is the slideshow you presented during the final class)
9. Reflective Essay

Revised 05/2012

Welcome to PHED 1164
Introduction to Physical Fitness and Sport

Instructor contact information

Instructor: Mr. Jordan Curtin

E-mail: [email protected]

Course overview

Catalog Description:

Physical Fitness & Sport is a cardiorespiratory fitness course in which students participate in a self-paced walking,
jogging, or stationary cycling program. Muscular endurance and flexibility exercise are presented. The course
includes an introduction to facts, concepts, and application on wellness principles, such as, nutrition, diet and
weight control.

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of physical fitness on health and wellness by

a. identifying and defining health related fitness principles;
b. explaining the exercise prescription and recommended activities for
cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and
c. displaying ability to calculate personal heart rate training range;
d. displaying ability to conduct personal fitness self-assessment in
cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and
e. displaying ability to actively participate in an exercise program and
evaluate a personal fitness program utilizing the national Physical Activity
f. describing ways to prevent common fitness injuries.

2. Demonstrate and communicate an understanding of the influence of personal behaviors and personal
responsibility on the development, treatment, and prevention of hypokinetic diseases, infectious diseases, stress,
and addictions by

a. explaining the contribution of physical activity and fitness to personal and
social health and wellness
b. explaining the contribution of physical activity and fitness to the prevention
of hypokinetic diseases;
c. defining terms and explaining the relationship of a healthy lifestyle in the
prevention of hypokinetic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases,
cancer, and diabetes;
d. explaining how exercise improves the fitness of the heart and vascular
e. explaining the relationship of destructive behaviors (drug use, alcohol
abuse, tobacco use, and unprotected sexual relationships) on health and
f. identifying stress management techniques;

Revised 05/2012

g. evaluating personal health behaviors, exploring options and
consequences of personal decisions, and evaluating behavior change
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between physical activity,nutrition, weight, and body
composition by

a. differentiating between and identifying standards for underweight, normal
weight, overweight, and obesity;
b. identifying various body composition assessment methods;
c. evaluating body composition with anthropometric measures (lab);
d. explaining and calculating body mass index (BMI);
e. explaining exercise guidelines for losing, maintaining, and gaining body
f. examining the role of essential nutrients and their influence on health;
g. evaluating nutrition from personal dietary habits;
h. comparing dietary habits to recommended U.S. Department of Agriculture
i. identifying personal strategies to assist in managing eating behaviors.

In our efforts to prepare students for a changing world, students may be expected to utilize computer technology
while enrolled in classes, certificate, and/or degree programs within LSCS. The specific requirements are listed

Required Material: Textbook: Fitness and Wellness 11th edition ISBN: 978-1-285-73315-9

Instructor guidelines and policies

Attendance: You will need to login to your online course three times a week.

Assignments: Assignments are due on the due date. One late assignment is accepted per course.

Make-up Exams: Make-up exams need prior approval.

Cell phones and Computers: You need to have access to a computer with internet connection. Also,
you will have to have Microsoft Word and Skype.

Your grade will be Details Percent of
determined by the following Final
Introduction Discussion Board Intro 10
Chapter Assessments 9 total
Midterm exam Mid-term Examination 10 pts each
Final Examination/Term Paper Term Paper/ Final Exam
Total: 25



Revised 05/2012

Student Preparation Strategy

The students will read a section in chapter 2 titled,
“Assessment of Physical Fitness”. They will also do
their own online research via YouTube or any other
video streaming site. They will look up different
ways to warm-up for a cardio exercise and an
actual cardio workout plan.

Revised 05/2012



COURSE: PHED 1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness
Lesson Title: How To Workout

Bridge: A series of 4 clips will be shown to the students, 10 seconds each. I will inform the students that
each clip is a different type of warm-up for a cardio exercise routine. Students are asked to write down
what they see.
Class asked: Raise your hand if you saw some warm-ups that are not appropriate for a cardio routine?
BLOOM QUESTION (ANALYSIS): Out of these 4 clips of a workout warm-up, which one is the most
appropriate to implement in a cardio exercise?
Briefly go over the clips with the students to discuss the pros and cons.
End with: Today we will be exploring some different ways to construct a cardio physical exercise plan.
5 minutes
Course Student Learning Outcome:

1 - Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of physical fitness on health and wellness by:

a. identifying and defining health related fitness principles;
b. explaining the exercise prescription and recommended activities for

cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

1. Explain 3 ways a warm-up is essential for an individual to complete before an exercise.


2. Create a 45 minute fitness routine, which focuses on endurance. (creating)


The students will be cold called on the chapter they were supposed to read. For example, I would assign

chapter 2, which is titled “Assessment of Physical Fitness”. I would ask the students, “What is a way of

assessing cardiorespiratory endurance?

5 minutes

Participatory Learning:

Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials

10 min Warm-up: Split the class in to The students go to each station for Stretch bands.
(Warm- three groups. Group A, Group B, a total of three minutes each. PVC Pipe.
up) and Group C. I briefly explain that Transition time will only take 10- Three stations
each group will try all three 15seconds. They will try each warm
12 min stations and choose which warm- up activity and decide what they Three stations
up they like the best. like the best. Weighted balls
Core Exercise: I will now explain There will be three circuits that Resistant bands
how the students will take part in they will participate in. they will not
activities that make up the meat fully complete each exercise,
of a cardio workout. They stay in however they will get enough

Revised 05/2012


their same three groups. This information to make a decision on

time they have about 3 minutes which one they would like to use

and 45 seconds at each station. the best.

8 min Cool down: I will now explain to The students will partake in the Rollers

the students what activities will cool down exercises. They will Resistant bands

be conducted in the cool down assess which one is best for their Stretch bands

phase workout. They still stay in their

They will stay in their 3 groups three groups

and have about 2.5 minutes at

each station.

15 min Explain to the students that they The students will write down one Pen/pencil

now will group all of their choice from each of the workout Exercise log

exercises in to one levels and create a workout plan. Notepad.

lesson/exercise plan for a client. They can add/subtract what they

like and cater it to their clientele.

Post-assessment: Have 5 students give a minute explanation of their potential workout plan. We would

then give 3 quick feedback suggestions from the students and me.

5 min

Summary: Show the students the format of what the workout plan needs to be. Handout a sample

template and give them until next class period to turn in a typed out workout plan. The students will

have a brief outline from the 4 modules we completed during the class. They will use what they wrote in

their notes to bring their detailed plan.

Revised 05/2012


Test Questions

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to create a 60 minute fitness routine, that focuses
on endurance.
1. Faulty nutrition often plays a crucial role in the development and progression of which disease
(Level 1 Knowledge)

a. cardiovascular disease
b. cancer
c. osteoporosis
d. diabetes
2. The following is not a goal of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans are: (Level 1
a. Increase daily intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat or low-fat milk
and milk products.
b. Reduce the intake of calories from solid fats and added sugars.
c. Increase vegetable and fruit intake.
d. Increase the amount and variety of seafood consumed by choosing seafood in place of
some meat and poultry
3. What type of exercise is appropriate for a warm-up session? Your client is a 55 year old male
with diabetes. Explain why you chose that? (Level 4 Analysis)

4. A mother wants to schedule a consultation with you for a diet and workout plan for her son.
He is an overweight 15 year old, with a BMI of 47. What would his daily diet and workout
consist of? Why would you choose the items you picked and how would they benefit him?
(Level 5 Synthesis)

Revised 05/2012



This is a rubric used to grade the students on their development in a basketball course. This would be
used as a pre and post-test assessment.

Dribbling with Feet

Assess each criterion according to the specific levels of performance (advanced, proficient, and partially proficient). Record
on class list.

Criteria and Levels of Performance

1. Taps ball so that it stays within three or four feet of self.
 Advanced Performance: Always taps ball so that it stays within three or four feet of self (tap-tap).
 Proficient Performance: Sometimes taps ball so that it stays within three or four feet of self (tap-tap).
 Partially Proficient Performance: Does not tap ball so that it stays within three or four feet of self (tap-tap).

2. Uses inside and outside of feet.
 Advanced Performance: Always uses the inside and outside of the feet --- left and right --- to tap the ball (inside/outside).
 Proficient Performance: Sometimes uses the inside and outside of the feet --- left and right --- to tap the ball

 Partially Proficient Performance: Does not use the inside and outside of the feet --- left and right --- to tap the ball


3. Looks forward more than down.
 Advanced Performance: Always has eyes looking forward (eyes-up).
 Proficient Performance: Sometimes has eyes looking forward (eyes-up).
 Partially Proficient Performance: Does not have eyes looking forward (eyes-up).

4. Identifies the three skill cues.
 Advanced Performance: Able to verbally identify all three skill cues correctly.
 Proficient Performance: Able to verbally identify two of the three skill cues correctly.
 Partially Proficient Performance: Able to verbally identify less than two of the three skill cues correctly.


Dribbling with Feet

Name of Students 1234

Bichette, Dante

McGuire, Mark

Sosa, Sammy

Vaughn, Mo

Walker, Larry



Advanced Performance = AP; Proficient Performance = PP; Partially Proficient Performance = PPP

Revised 05/2012

Name: Jord
Discipline: PHED

Date: 11/

dan Curtin
D and Education

 Student Preparation Strategy
 BOPPPS lesson

 Questions
 Technology

 Reflection

 The students will read a section
of Physical Fitness”. They will a
via YouTube or any other video
up different ways to warm-up f
cardio workout plan.

n in chapter 2 titled, “Assessment
also do their own online research
o streaming site. They will look
for a cardio exercise and an actual

 A series of 4 clips will be shown t
will inform the students that each
for a cardio exercise routine. Stud
they see.

 Class asked: Raise your hand if yo
appropriate for a cardio routine?

warm-up, which one is the most a

 Briefly go over the clips with the s

 End with: Today we will be explo
construct a cardio physical exercis

to the students, 10 seconds each. I
h clip is a different type of warm-up
dents are asked to write down what
ou saw some warm-ups that are not
S): Out of these 4 clips of a workout
appropriate to implement in a cardio
students to discuss the pros and
oring some different ways to
se plan.

 By the end of this lesson, stude
 1. Explain 3 ways why a warm-

to complete before an exercise.
 2. Create a 45 minute fitness rou

endurance. (creating)

ents will be able to:
-up is essential for an individual
utine, which focuses on

The students will be cold called on
to read. For example, I would assi
“Assessment of Physical Fitness”.
is a way of assessing cardiorespira
5 minutes

n the chapter they were supposed
ign chapter 2, which is titled
. I would ask the students, “What
atory endurance?

Time Instructor Activities Learner Ac

10 min Warm-up: Split the class in to three groups. The studen
(Warm- Group A, Group B, and Group C. I briefly minutes ea
up) explain that each group will try all three stations 15seconds.
and choose which warm-up they like the best. decide wha

12 min Core Exercise: I will now explain how the There will b
8 min students will take part in activities that make up they will no
15 min the meat of a cardio workout. They stay in their they will ge
same three groups. This time they have about 3 which one
minutes and 45 seconds at each station.
Cool down: I will now explain to the students The studen
what activities will be conducted in the cool They will a
down phase They still st
They will stay in their 3 groups and have about
2.5 minutes at each station. The studen
Explain to the students that they now will group the workou
all of their exercises in to one lesson/exercise can add/su
plan for a client. clientele.

ctivities Lesson Materials

nts go to each station for a total of three Stretch bands.
ach. Transition time will only take 10- PVC Pipe.
Three stations
They will try each warm up activity and
at they like the best.

be three circuits that they will participate in. Three stations
ot fully complete each exercise, however Weighted balls
et enough information to make a decision on Resistant bands
they would like to use the best.

nts will partake in the cool down exercises. Rollers
assess which one is best for their workout. Resistant bands
tay in their three groups Stretch bands

nts will write down one choice from each of Pen/pencil
ut levels and create a workout plan. They Exercise log
ubtract what they like and cater it to their Notepad.

Have 5 students give a minute exp
workout plan. We would then giv
from the students and myself.

planation of their potential
ve 3 quick feedback suggestions

 The BOPPPS strategy does a gr
well-rounded lesson plan. I wa
that introduced the students to
next class. This made the under

reat job assisting with making a
as able to make a pre-assignment
o what they would be learning the
rstanding of the objetives much

 Online Resources.
 Feedback from Instructor and P
 Great overall professional deve

elopment .

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