Medicare Dental Plans
Coverage you need
From a name you can trust
Dental Blue® 65 2019
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and
Blue Shield Association. (11(/0081//1188))
Dear Prospective Member:
Thank you for requesting information about our Dental Blue® 65 plans. Good oral health is
essential to your overall health. We offer three affordable and comprehensive Dental Blue 65
plans that can help supplement your medical coverage.
With Dental Blue 65, you’ll have access to our extensive network of dentists across the
country, including thousands of dentists in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. All three plans
provide complete coverage for preventive services, as well as varying levels of coverage for
other dental services.
Choose the Best Plan for Your Needs and Budget
We’ve included the following materials to help you get started:
• Dental Blue 65 Overview—Learn more about our dental plans
• Dental Blue 65 Outline of Coverage—Compare the three plans
• Dental Blue 65 Application—Apply for coverage using the enclosed application and
self-addressed envelope
How to Enroll
When you’re ready, you can enroll by:
• Phone—Call us at 1-800-678-2265 (TTY:711), Monday through Friday,
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET.
• Mail—Complete and mail your application to us using the self-addressed envelope
• Fax—Complete your application and fax it to us at 1-617-246-3633
Thank you for your interest in Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts.
We look forward to serving you.
Gloria Paradiso,
Senior Director, Medicare Sales
101 Huntington Avenue, Suite 1300 | Boston, MA 02199-7611 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex,
sexual orientation or gender identity.
ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística.
Llame al 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, encontram-se disponíveis serviços linguísticos, grátis. Ligue
para 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
101 Huntington Avenue, Suite 1300 | Boston, MA 02199-7611 |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
189000M 99-0617-19 (08/18)
In This Booklet
01 Plan Information
• Discover Something to Smile About
• Outline of Coverage
02 Disclosures
• Nondiscrimination Notice
• Translation Resources
03 Enrollment
• Enrollment Forms
• Business Reply Envelope
Dental Blue® 65
Discover Something
to Smile About in 2019
Because good oral health
is so important to your
well-being, we offer three
comprehensive dental plans
for those aged 65 and older,
living in Massachusetts.
When you complement your medical
coverage with one of our three
affordable dental plans, you’ll get:
• 100% coverage for services that diagnose
or prevent tooth decay and other forms of
oral disease - services you’ll most likely
get during a routine dental checkup or visit
• Access to our extensive network of over
7,000 dentists in Massachusetts and Rhode
• Additional access to over 128,000 dentists
who participate in our Nationwide Network
of Dentists
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee
of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Our 2019 Dental Plans
Dental Blue 65 Preventive
$22.00/mo. Plan pays 100% of the following:
No waiting • One complete initial oral exam, including initial dental history, and charting your teeth and supporting
structures (gums, bones) to evaluate their condition
period • Full mouth X-rays (7 or more films), or panoramic X-ray with bitewing X-rays, once every 60 months.
No annual Additional bitewing X-rays once every 6 months
deductible or • Periodic or routine oral exams once every 6 months. Emergency exams
calendar-year • Periapical X-rays as needed
maximum • Study models and casts used in planning treatment once every 60 months
Dental Blue 65 Basic
$35.10/mo. Plan pays 100% of preventive services and 50% of the following:
6-month • Silver and white fillings for each tooth surface every 12 months
• Tooth extractions and biopsies
waiting • Periodontal scaling and root planing, once in each quadrant every 24 months
• Periodontal surgery, once in each quadrant every 36 months
$100 annual • Periodontal maintenance, once every three months
deductible • Root canals
and $1,000 • Repairs of partial or complete dentures, crowns and bridges, once every 12 months
calendar-year • Adding teeth to existing denture
maximum • Rebase or reline of dentures, once every 36 months
• Recementing of crowns, inlays, onlays, and fixed bridgework, once every 12 months
• Bite adjustment, once every 24 months
• Services to treat root sensitivity
• General anesthesia when administered in conjunction with covered surgical services
• Emergency dental treatment to relieve acute pain
Dental Blue 65 Premier
$59.10/mo. Plan pays 100% of preventive services, 80% of basic services, and 50% of the following:
12-month • Complete or partial denture, including services to fabricate and adjust, once every 60 months
for each arch
waiting • Fixed bridges, including services to fabricate, and adjust, once every 60 months per tooth
period* • Dental implant placement
$50 annual • Replacement of dentures and bridges, but only when they are installed at least 60 months after
the initial placement, and only if the existing appliance cannot be made serviceable
and $1,000 • Adding teeth to an existing bridge
calendar-year • Temporary partial dentures to replace any of the six upper or lower front teeth, but only if they
are installed immediately following the loss of teeth and during the period of healing
• Crowns once every 60 months for each tooth
• Metallic, porcelain, and white resin inlays, once every 60 months per tooth
• Replacement of crowns and metallic, porcelain, and composite resin inlays/onlays once every
60 months for each tooth
• Post and core or crown buildup once every 60 months per tooth
*Waiting periods don’t apply to services covered under Preventive coverage.
Can I Use My Current Dentist?
Most likely! If you already have a dentist and you want to know if he or she participates
with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, you may call the dentist, refer to the
most current dental provider directory at,
or call Member Service toll-free at 1-888-741-4340, Monday through Friday between
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ET. (TTY: 711).
If you would like help choosing a dentist, you may call the Physician Selection Service
at 1-800-821-1388.
Go to
for details on enrollment options.
Call 1-800-678-2265 (TTY: 711),
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-800-200-4255
(TTY: 711).
ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, encontram-se disponíveis serviços linguísticos, grátis. Ligue para 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
® Registered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. TM Trademarks are the property
of their respective owners. © 2018 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross
and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc.
189256M 55-0530-19
Dental Blue® 65
Outline of Coverage
This document is a detailed description and summary
of benefits for Dental Blue 65 Preventive, Dental Blue 65
Basic, and Dental Blue 65 Premier.
Effective January 1, 2019
Eligibility Policy Number: DENT SR (1–1–2012)
“Read your subscriber certificate carefully.
• Age 65 or older This disclosure statement is a very brief
summary of your dental plan. The plan
• Resident of Massachusetts itself sets forth the rights and obligations
of both you and the insurance company. It
is, therefore, important that you read your
subscriber certificate carefully.”
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee
of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
We know that good oral health is important to you,
and we understand that dental costs can add up.
From diabetes to heart disease and cholesterol
levels, dental care may impact your total health
and wellbeing. Regular dental checkups help
protect your smile, make you look and feel better,
and prevent problems down the road.
Outlined in this document is a detailed description
and summary of benefits for Dental Blue 65
Preventive, Dental Blue 65 Basic, and Dental Blue
65 Premier, offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of
We offer paperless billing for your dental
premiums through eBill.
This easy-to-use tool allows you to view your statement and make
premium payments online. You also have an auto-draft option, where
we set up an automatic withdrawal of premiums directly from your
bank account on each due date. Once you receive an initial paper
invoice, register for eBill at
Your Dentist If You Have to File a Claim
Dental Blue 65 offers an extensive network Network dentists will send claims to Blue
of over 7,000 dental locations within Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts for you.
Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Dentists Just show them your Dental Blue 65 ID card.
who participate with Blue Cross Blue Shield The payment will be sent directly to your
of Rhode Island and out-of-area dentists dentist.
who participate in our Nationwide Network
of dentists are also available to Dental Blue If you receive care from a non-network
members. dentist, you may have to submit the claim
yourself. If you file, send the Attending
If you already have a dentist and want to Dentist’s Statement form with the original
know if he or she participates with Blue Cross itemized bills. Any benefit payment will
Blue Shield of Massachusetts, you may call be sent to you. You can get a copy of the
the dentist, refer to the most current dental Attending Dentist’s Statement from Member
provider directory, or call Member Service at Service.
the toll-free number on your Dental Blue 65 ID
card. Any claims that you file should be sent to
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts,
If you would like help choosing a dentist, P.O. Box 986030, Boston, MA 02298. All
you may call the Physician Selection Service member-submitted claims must be received
at 1-800-821-1388. You may also access within two years of the date of service.
the online dental provider directory at (Coverage is not available for non-network dentists in Massachusetts except for covered
emergency services.)
Coverage Begins
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Grievance
Your coverage will be effective the first of the Program is fully described in the subscriber
month following the month we receive your certificate.
Other Information
Coordination of benefits (COB) applies to plan
members who are covered by another plan
for health care expenses. COB ensures that
payments from all health care plans do not
exceed the total charges billed for covered
Your subscriber certificate has a subrogation
clause. This does not affect the scope of
benefits. This clause allows claim payments
to be retracted when a member recovers
payment for the same charges from a third
party due to liability for injury.
Dental Blue 65 Preventive
Monthly Premium Co-insurance, Annual Deductible, and
Annual Maximum
January 1, 2019–December 31, 2019: $22.00
This dental plan provides full benefits based
Services & Benefits on the allowed charge for participating
providers. There are no annual deductibles
Your covered services include: and no annual plan maximums.
• One complete initial oral exam, including Waiting Periods and Pre-existing
initial dental history and charting of the teeth Condition Limitations
and supporting structures
Your dental services will be covered from
• Full mouth X-rays, seven or more films, your effective date of this dental plan without
or panoramic X-ray with bitewing X-rays a waiting period or pre-existing condition
once every 60 months restrictions.
• Bitewing X-rays once every six months Exclusions and Limitations
• Single-tooth X-rays as needed Services limited by frequency include but are
not limited to:
• Study models and casts used in planning
treatment once every 60 months • X-rays
• Exams
• Periodic or routine oral exams once every • Cleanings
six months
Please review your dental policy for a full
• Emergency exams listing of limitations and exclusions.
• Routine cleaning, scaling, and polishing
of the teeth once every six months
Dental Blue 65 Basic
Monthly Premium Other Covered Services
• Occlusal adjustment, once each 24 months
January 1, 2019–December 31, 2019: $35.10 • Services to treat root sensitivity
• General anesthesia when administered in
Services & Benefits
conjunction with covered surgical services
Your covered services include: • Emergency dental treatment to relieve
• 100% coverage for all services covered acute pain
under Dental Blue 65 Preventive, plus 50% • Emergency dental treatment to control a dental
coverage for:
condition that requires immediate care to
Restorative Services prevent permanent harm to the member
• Amalgam (silver) fillings (limited to one filling
Co-insurance, Annual Deductible,
for each tooth surface in each 12 months) and Annual Maximum
• Composite resin (tooth color) fillings on
This dental plan provides:
teeth (limited to one filling per tooth surface • 100% coverage for all preventative services
in each 12 months) • 50% coverage for services outlined in the
• Pin retention for fillings
plan’s Services & Benefits section above
Oral Surgery
• Tooth extractions, root removal, and biopsies Coverage is based on the allowed charge for
participating providers.
Periodontics (Gum and Bone)
• Periodontal scaling and root planning, once in There is a $100 annual deductible and $1,000
calendar-year maximum.
each quadrant each 24 months
• Periodontal surgery (soft-and hard-tissue Waiting Periods and Pre-existing
Condition Limitations
surgeries), once in each quadrant each 36
months Your dental services will be covered from
• Periodontal maintenance following active your effective date of this dental plan without
periodontal therapy, once each three months a waiting period or pre-existing condition
restrictions for all preventive services. For
Endodontics (Root and Pulp) services that fall outside of preventive, a six-
• Root canal therapy on permanent teeth, once month waiting period from the effective date is
per lifetime for each tooth
• Retreatment root canal therapy on permanent Exclusions and Limitations
teeth, once in a lifetime for each tooth Certain services may be limited or excluded from
• Other endodontic surgery intended to treat or this plan. These services may include:
• Fillings on tooth surfaces where a sealant
remove the dental root
was applied within the prior 12 months
Prosthetic Maintenance • Replacement of a filling within 12 months of the
• Repair of partial or complete dentures,
date of prior restoration
crowns, and bridges, once each 12 months • A service, supply, procedure, or appliance to
• Adding teeth to existing partial or complete
stabilize teeth when it is due to periodontal
dentures disease
• Rebase or reline dentures, once each 36
Please review your dental policy for a full listing
months of limitations and exclusions.
• Recementing of crowns, inlays, onlays, and
fixed bridgework, once each 12 months
Dental Blue 65 Premier
Monthly Premium Co-insurance, Annual Deductible,
and Annual Maximum
January 1, 2019–December 31, 2019: $59.10
This dental plan provides:
Service & Benefits • 100% coverage for all preventative services
• 80% coverage for minor restorative services,
Your covered services include:
oral surgery, periodontics, endodontics,
• 100% coverage for all services covered under prosthetic maintenance, and other services
Dental Blue 65 Preventive, plus originally covered by Dental Blue 65 Basic
• 50% coverage for major restorative services,
• 80% coverage for all services covered under prosthodontics/tooth replacements, crowns,
Dental Blue 65 Basic, plus inlays, onlays, dental implants and other
services outlined in the plan’s Services &
• 50% coverage for: Benefits section above
• Prosthodontics (Tooth Replacement)
• Complete or partial dentures, including Benefits are based on the allowed charge for
services to fabricate, measure, fit, and adjust participating providers.
them once each 60 months for each arch
• Fixed bridges, including services to There is a $50 annual deductible and $1,000
fabricate, measure, fit, and adjust them once calendar-year maximum.
each 60 months per tooth
• Replacement of dentures and bridges, but Waiting Periods and Pre-existing
only when they are installed at least 60 Condition Limitations
months after the initial placement, and only
if the existing appliance cannot be made Your dental services will be covered from
serviceable your effective date of this dental plan without
• Adding teeth to an existing bridge a waiting period or pre-existing condition
• Temporary partial dentures to replace any of restrictions for all preventive services. For
the six upper or lower front teeth, but only if services that fall outside of preventive, a
they are installed immediately following the 6-month waiting period from the effective date
loss of teeth and during the period of healing is required for minor restorative services, and a
12-month waiting period from the effective date
Major Restorative Services is required for major restorative services.
(Crowns, Inlays, Onlays)
• Crowns once each 60 months for each tooth Exclusions and Limitations
• Metallic, porcelain, and composite resin inlays
Certain services may be limited or excluded
and onlays once every 60 months per tooth from this plan. These services may include:
• Surgical placement of dental implant once • Fillings on tooth surfaces where a sealant was
per tooth per lifetime applied within the prior 12 months
• Replacement of crowns once every 60 months • Replacement of a filling within 12 months of
for each tooth the date of prior restoration
• Replacement of metallic, porcelain, and • Duplicate dentures or bridges
• Cast restorations, copings, or attachments for
composite resin inlays and onlays once every
60 months installing overdentures, including associated
• Post and core or crown build up once every endodontic procedures such as root canals,
60 months per tooth precision attachments, or semiprecision
Please review your dental policy for a full listing
of limitations and exclusions.
Renewal and Premium Changes
Continuing Your Dental Coverage Non-Participating Dentists
For covered services furnished by
You have the right to continue this dental plan non-participating dentists, Blue Cross Blue
as long as you pay your premiums for this Shield of Massachusetts calculates your
dental plan on time, you do not make a material benefits based on the usual and customary
misrepresentation to Blue Cross Blue Shield charge for covered services. The term “usual
of Massachusetts, you continue to reside in and customary” means the amount allowed
Massachusetts, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of (also referred to as the “allowed charge”) for
Massachusetts continues to offer this coverage. a service in a geographic area based on the
payment levels usually accepted by dentists in
Right to Change Premium the area for the same or similar service.
The usual and customary charge may
Your dental premium for this dental plan sometimes be less than the dentist’s actual
may change. Blue Cross Blue Shield of charge. If this is the case, you will be
Massachusetts will send you a notice at least responsible for the amount of the dentist’s
60 days before a change is effective. The notice actual charge that is in excess of the usual and
will describe the change and tell you when it is customary charge. Please see your certificate
effective. These changes will apply to all dental to determine what services are covered by
plans of this type, not just your dental plan. non-participating dentists. In Massachusetts.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield will provide dental
Allowed Charge benefits for covered services furnished by a
non-participating dentist in Massachusetts
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts when the covered services are emergency
calculates payment of your benefits based on services and a participating dentist is not
the allowed charge. The allowed charge that reasonably available.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts uses
depends on the type of dental provider that Notice of Right to Examine Subscriber
furnishes the covered service to you. Certificate for 10 Days
Participating Dentists If you are a newly enrolled subscriber in this
For covered services furnished by dentists dental plan, you have 10 days from the date
who have a written payment agreement to you received this subscriber certificate to review
furnish dental services to members enrolled in it. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you
a Dental Blue plan, Blue Cross Blue Shield of have the right to return the subscriber certificate
Massachusetts calculates your benefits based within 10 days and have your premium refunded
on the provisions of the participating dentist’s to you.
payment agreement and the participating
dentist’s contracted rate that is in effect at
the time a covered service is furnished. This
contracted rate is referred to as the dentist’s
allowed charge. In most cases, you do not
have to pay the amount of the participating
dentist’s actual charge that is in excess of the
allowed charge. However, there are certain
situations when you will have to pay the
difference between the claim payment and
the participating dentist’s actual charge.
If you have a complaint, please call Member Service at 1-800-258-2226. (TTY: 711)
If the you are not satisfied, you may call the Massachusetts Division of Insurance at
1-617-521-7777 (Boston) or 1-413-785-5526 (Springfield).
Important: In the event of any inconsistency between this outline of coverage and the
subscriber certificate, the terms of the subscriber certificate will govern.
Limitations and Exclusions. These pages summarize the benefits of your dental care
plan. Your plan description and riders define the full terms and conditions. Should any
questions arise concerning benefits, the plan description and riders will govern. For a
complete list of limitations and exclusions, refer to your plan description and riders.
Nondiscrimination Notice
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts complies with applicable federal civil rights laws
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual
orientation, or gender identity. It does not exclude people or treat them differently because of
race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts provides:
• Free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as
qualified sign language interpreters and written information in other formats (large print or other
• Free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as qualified
interpreters and information written in other languages.
If you need these services, call Member Service at the number on your ID card.
If you believe that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts has failed to provide these services or
discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual
orientation, or gender identity, you can file a grievance with the Civil Rights Coordinator by mail at
Civil Rights Coordinator, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, One Enterprise Drive, Quincy,
MA 02171-2126; phone at 1-800-472-2689 (TTY: 711); fax at 1-617-246-3616; or email
at [email protected].
If you need help filing a grievance, the Civil Rights Coordinator is available to help you.
You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Office for Civil Rights online at; by mail at U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, DC
20201; by phone at 1-800-368-1019 or 1-800-537-7697 (TDD).
Complaint forms are available at
Proficiency of Language Assistance Services
Translation Resources
Proficiency of Language Assistance Services
English: ATTENTION: If you speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available
to you. Call 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
Spanish/Español: ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia
lingüística. Llame al 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
Portuguese/Português: ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, encontram-se disponíveis serviços linguísticos,
grátis. Ligue para 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
Chinese/ : 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-800-200-4255
(TTY: 711).
French Creole/Kreyòl Ayisyen: ATANSYON: Si w pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, gen sèvis èd pou lang ki
disponib gratis pou ou. Rele 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt: CHÚ Ý: Nếu bạn nói Tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành
cho bạn. Gọi số 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
Russian/Русский: ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные
услуги перевода. Звоните 1-800-200-4255 (телетайп: 711).
1-800-200-4255 ﺍﺗﺼﻞ ﺑﺮﻗﻢ. ﻓﺈﻥ ﺧﺪﻣﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺎﻋﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﻠﻐﻮﻳﺔ ﺗﺘﻮﺍﻓﺮ ﻟﻚ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﺠﺎﻥ، ﺇﺫﺍ ﻛﻨﺖ ﺗﺘﺤﺪﺙ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ:ﻣﻠﺤﻮﻅﺔ
(711 :)ﻫﺎﺗﻒ ﺍﻟﺼﻢ ﻭﺍﻟﺒﻜﻢ.
Mon-Khmer, Cambodian/ :
1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
French/Français: ATTENTION: Si vous parlez français, des services d'aide linguistique vous sont
proposés gratuitement. Appelez le 1-800-200-4255 (ATS: 711).
Italian/Italiano: ATTENZIONE: In caso la lingua parlata sia l'italiano, sono disponibili servizi di
assistenza linguistica gratuiti. Chiamare il numero 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
Korean/한국어: 한국어를 사용하시는 경우, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수
있습니다. 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711) 번으로 전화해 주십시오.
Greek/λληνικά: ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Αν μιλάτε ελληνικά, στη διάθεσή σας βρίσκονται υπηρεσίες γλωσσικής
υποστήριξης, οι οποίες παρέχονται δωρεάν. Καλέστε 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
PolishB/lPueolCsrkosis: BUluWe AShGielAd :ofJMeażseslaicmhuóswettisszispaon pInodlespkeund, emntoLżiceesnzsesekoofrzthyesBtalućezCrboeszspałnadtnBelujepSohmielodcAyssociation
językowej. Zadzwoń pod numer 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
Hindi/ :
1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711)
Gujarati/ :
1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711)
For more information or help with enrollment, please call
(TTY: 711), Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET.
Questions? Call Member Service toll-free at 1-888-741-4340,
Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ET.
(TTY users can call 711)
For questions about Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts,
Interested in receiving information from Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Massachusetts via email?
Go to to sign up.
® Registered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. TM Trademarks are the property
of their respective owners. © 2018 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross
and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc. 55-0166-19
Nondiscrimination Notice
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does
not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or
gender identity. It does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin,
age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts provides:
• Free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as qualified
sign language interpreters and written information in other formats (large print or other formats).
• Free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as qualified
interpreters and information written in other languages.
If you need these services, call Member Service at the number on your ID card.
If you believe that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts has failed to provide these services or
discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual
orientation, or gender identity, you can file a grievance with the Civil Rights Coordinator by mail at
Civil Rights Coordinator, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, One Enterprise Drive, Quincy, MA
02171-2126; phone at 1-800-472-2689 (TTY: 711); fax at 1-617-246-3616; or email
at [email protected].
If you need help filing a grievance, the Civil Rights Coordinator is available to help you.
You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Office for Civil Rights online at; by mail at U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, DC 20201;
by phone at 1-800-368-1019 or 1-800-537-7697 (TDD).
Complaint forms are available at
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
189008M 55-2067 (8/18)
Translation Resources
TPrroaficniesnlcaytoifoLnangRuaegseoAussrisctaensce Services
Proficiency of Language Assistance Services
Spanish/Español: ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos
de asistencia con el idioma. Llame al número de Servicio al Cliente que figura en su tarjeta de
Sidpenatnifiicsahc/Eiósnp(aTñTYo:l:7A1T1E).NCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos
Pdeoratsuigstueensceia/Pconrtuegl iudêiosm: aA.TLElNamÇeÃOal: nSúemfearlao pdoertSuegruvêicsi,osaãloC-llhieentdeisqpuoenifbigiluizraadeons sguratauritjeatmaednete
sideernvitçifiocsacdióenas(TsTisYt:ên7c1i1a).de idiomas. Telefone para os Serviços aos Membros, através do número no
PseourtcuagrutãeosIeD/P(ToTrYtu: g7u1ê1s).: ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, são-lhe disponibilizados gratuitamente
sCehrviniçeosse/d简e 体as中sis文tên: c注ia意de:id如io果ma您s.讲Te中le文fon,e我pa们ra可os向S您er免viç费os提a供os语M言em协b助ros服, 务atr。av请és拨do打n您úmIDero卡n上o 的
号se码u c联ar系tão会ID员(服TT务Y:部71(1)T.TY 号码:711)。
HCahitniaenseC/简re体ole中/K文re:y注òl意A:yis如ye果n您: A讲TA中NS文Y,ON我: 们Si 可ou向p您ale免k费rey提òl供ay语isy言en协, s助èv服is务as。is请tan拨s 打na您n laIDng卡上的
d号is码po联nib系p会ou员o服u 务gra部tis(. RTTeYle 号nim码e:wo71S1è)vis。Manm nan ki sou kat Idantitifkasyon w lan (Sèvis pou
HMaailatinatnanCdraenoTleT/YK:r7e1y1ò)l. Ayisyen: ATANSYON: Si ou pale kreyòl ayisyen, sèvis asistans nan lang
Vdiiseptnonaimb epsoeu/ToiuếnggraVtisiệ.tR: LeƯleUnÝim: NeếwuoqSuýèvviịsnMóiaTniếmngnaVniệtk,icsáocudkịcaht vIdụahnỗtititfrkợasnygoônnwnglaữnđ(ưSợècvcisupngoucấp cho
MquaýlavnịtmaniễdnanphTíT. GY:ọ7i c1h1o).Dịch vụ Hội viên theo số trên thẻ ID của quý vị (TTY: 711).
RViuestnsiaamn/eРsуeс/сTкiиếnйg: ВVНiệИtМ: LАƯНUИÝЕ::NеếсuлиqВuыý vгịоnвóоiрTиiếтеngпоV-iрệtу,сcсáкcиd, Вịcыhмvоụжhеỗтеtrвợоnсgпôоnльnзgоữваđтưьợсяc бcuесnпgлcаấтpныcмhиo
уqсuлýуvгаị мmиiễпnеpрhевí.оGдọчiиcкhаo. ПDоịcзhвоvнụиHтеộiвvоiêтnдеtлheоoбсsлốуtжrêиnваthнẻияIDклcиủеaнqтuоýв vпịо(TнTоYм: е7р1у1,)у. казанному в Вашей
иRдuеsнsтiиaфnи/Ркауцсискоинйно: йВНкаИрМтеАН(тИелЕе: етасйлпи: В7ы11го).ворите по-русски, Вы можете воспользоваться бесплатными
Aусrлaуbгаicм/иيبرпة:ереводчика. Позвоните в отдел обслуживания клиентов по номеру, указанному в Вашей
идеفнتтهاиالфزиجهاк)ацكиويتо ُهнةнقоطاйى بкعلарودтجеا(لموтمеقлلرеى اтلаعйءпضا:ع7الأ1ت1م)ا. اتصل بخد. فتتوفر خدمات المساعدة اللغوية مجانًا بالنسبة لك، إذا كنت تتحدث اللغة العربية:انتباه
.(711 :”TTY“ النصي للصم والبكم
Moفnت-هاK الhازm)جهeكr,يتC ُهوaةmطاقbى بoعلdدiوaجnمو/الខ្قمែមរر:ال
កلىា عរاءជូعضនالأដំتណب ឹخدماងل៖اتصប.្كរلសិسبةនالنបنًا្ بរجاើអ مកន្ ويةនិلغយة الាعدយلمساភت اាاសدمាفر خខتت្و.(فមែរ7،ة1ربي1الع:”ةTلغTالYلإلذاصكمنواتلبتتكمحد“ث :انتباه
បសវាជំនួយភាសាឥតគិតថ្លៃ គឺអាចរកបានសបរា្រ់អកន្ ។ សូមទូរស័ព្ទបៅខ្្កន បសវាសរាជិកតាមបេ្
Mបៅonបេ-Kើ្hរm័ណer្ណស, Cរaាាគmេb់្odួនលៃ iaរ្nរ/សខ្់អមរែ : កន្ កា(TរជTYូន:ដ7ំណ11ឹ)។ង៖ ប្រសិនប្រើអន្កនិយាយភាសា ខ្ែរម
Fបសrenវាcជhំន/Fួយraភnាçសaiាs:ឥAតTគTEិតNថT្IOៃល គNឺអ:ាsចi រvកouបsានpaសrleបzរាfra្រn់អçនក្ais។, dសesូមsទeូរrសvic័ពesបទ្ ៅd’aខs្sនក្ isបtaសncវeាសlinរgាuជistិកiqតuាeមsបoេnt ្
dបៅispបoេnibើ្រle័ណs gណ្សratរuាiគាteេm់្enួនៃល t.រ្Aរpសpe់អleនក្ z (leTTSYe: r7v1ic1e)។adhérents au numéro indiqué sur votre carte d’assuré
(FTrTeYnc: h7/1F1r)a. nçais: ATTENTION : si vous parlez français, des services d’assistance linguistique sont
dItiaslpiaon/ibItleasliagnraot:uAiteTmTEeNntZ.IOApNpEe:lesze lpeaSrlaetrevicitealiadnhoé, rseonntso aduisnpuomnibéirloi pinedr ivqouiésesurvrizviogtreatuciatirtdei das’assisstuernéza
(liTnTgYuis: t7ic1a1.)C. hiamate il Servizio per i membri al numero riportato sulla vostra scheda identificativa
I(TtaTlYia: n7/1It1a).liano: ATTENZIONE: se parlate italiano, sono disponibili per voi servizi gratuiti di assistenza
Klinogrueisatnic/a한. C국h어iam: 주ate의il:S한er국viz어io 를per사i m용e하mb시ri는al n경um우e,ro언rip어ort지ato원su서lla비vo스st를ra s무ch료ed로a id이en용tif하ica실tiva수
(있TT습Y:니71다1.). 귀하의 ID 카드에 있는 전화번호(TTY: 711)를 사용하여 회원 서비스에 전화하십시오.
KGorereakn/λ/λ한η국νικ어ά: Π주Ρ의ΟΣ:Ο한ΧΗ국: Ε어άν를μιλ사άτ용ε Ε하λλ시ην는ικά,경δι우ατ,ίθε언ντ어αι γ지ια원σας서υπ비ηρ스εσ를ίες무γλ료ωσ로σικ이ής용βο하ήθ실εια수ς,
있δω습ρε니άν다. Κ.αλ귀έσ하τε의τηνIDΥπ카ηρ드εσ에ία Ε있ξυ는πηρ전έτ화ησ번ης호Μ(TεTλώY:ν7σ1τ1ον)를αρ사ιθμ용ό 하τη여ς κά회ρτ원ας μ서έλ비ου스ς σ에ας전(ID화C하ard십) 시오.
G(TrTeYe: k7/1λ1λ).ηνικά: ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Εάν μιλάτε Ελληνικά, διατίθενται για σας υπηρεσίες γλωσσικής βοήθειας,
δωρεάν. Καλέστε την Υπηρεσία Εξυπηρέτησης Μελών στον αριθμό της κάρτας μέλους σας (ID Card)
(TTY: 711).
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Polish/Polski: UWAGA: Osoby posługujące się językiem polskim mogą bezpłatnie skorzystać z pomocy
językowej. Należy zadzwonić do Działu obsługi ubezpieczonych pod numer podany na identyfikatorze
(TTY: 711).
Hindi/हिदं ी: ध्यान दंे: ्दद आप दिनददी बोलते िंै, तो भयाषया सिया्तया सेवयाएँ, आप कके रलंे ल(टएदी.टनदीन.व:शयाईुल.:क711).
उपलब्ध िंै। सदस् सेवयाओं को आपके आई.डी. कयाड्ड पर ददए गए नबं र पर कॉल
Gujarati/ગજુ રાતી: ધ્યાન આપો: જો તમે ગુજરયાતી બોલતયા હો, તો તમને ભયાષયાકી્ સહયા્તયા સવે યાઓ વવનયા મૂલ્ે ઉપલબ્ધ છે.
તમયારયા આઈડી કયાડ્ડ પર આપેલયા નબં ર પર Member Service ને કૉલ કરો (TTY: 711).
Tagalog/Tagalog: PAUNAWA: Kung nagsasalita ka ng wikang Tagalog, mayroon kang magagamit na
mga libreng serbisyo para sa tulong sa wika. Tawagan ang Mga Serbisyo sa Miyembro sa numerong
nasa iyong ID Card (TTY: 711).
Japanese/日本語: お知らせ:日本語をお話しになる方は無料の言語アシスタンスサービスをご
(TTY: 711)。
German/Deutsch: ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie Deutsche sprechen, steht Ihnen kostenlos fremdsprachliche
Unterstützung zur Verfügung. Rufen Sie den Mitgliederdienst unter der Nummer auf Ihrer ID-Karte an
(TTY: 711).
با شمار تلفن مندرج بر روی کارت شناسایی. خدمات کمک زبانی ب صورت رایگان در اختیار شما قرار می گیرد، اگر زبان شما فارسی است:توج
.(TTY: 711) خود با بخش «خدمات اعضا» تماس بگیر ید
Lao/ພາສາລາວ: ໍຂ້ ຄວນໃສ່ ໃຈ: ຖ້ າເົຈ້ າເົວ້ າພາສາລາວໄດ້ , ີມການໍບິລການຊ່ ວຍເືຫຼ ອດ້ ານພາສາໃຫ້ ທ່ ານໂດຍ
່ໍບເສຍຄ່ າ. ໂທຫາຝ່ າຍໍບິລການສະມາິຊກ່ີທໝາຍເລກໂທລະສັ ບຢູ່ ໃນບັ ດຂອງທ່ ານ (TTY: 711).
Navajo/Diné Bizaad: BAA !KOHWIINDZIN DOO&G&: Din4 k’ehj7 y1n7[t’i’go saad bee y1t’i’ 47
t’11j77k’e bee n7k1’a’doowo[go 47 n1’ahoot’i’. D77 bee an7tah7g7 ninaaltsoos bine’d44’ n0omba bik1’7g7ij8’
b44sh bee hod77lnih (TTY: 711).
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® Registered Marks of the Blue Cross
and Blue Shield Association. © 2016 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc.
®1647R11eMgB istered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. © 201855-B14l9u3 (e8/1C6) ross and Blue Shield of
Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc.
189002M 55-2066 (08/18)
Dental Blue® 65
Application for
Dental Blue 65
DIRECTIONS You are eligible to apply for
a Dental Blue 65 plan if you
• Please print clearly. meet all of the following
• Carefully read and answer all questions.
Incomplete applications won’t be accepted. • You are a resident
Keep one copy of the application for yourself. of Massachusetts
and you actually live
• Don’t send money with this application. You’ll in Massachusetts
receive a bill when payment is due. You’ll also
receive an invitation to sign up for our • You are age 65 or older
eBill option.
• Please complete the application, and:
• The Dental premium rate
- Mail the white copy to: and benefits are explained in the
Direct Sales Outline of Coverage you received
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts with this application.
One Enterprise Drive If you need more information
Quincy, MA 02171-1753 or assistance, call us at
- Or fax to: 1-617-246-3633
• For all other questions, contact
Dental Blue 65 Member Service at
1-888-741-4340 (TTY: 711).
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee
of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Please Answer All Questions
I am applying for: q Dental Blue 65 Preventive q Dental Blue 65 Basic q Dental Blue 65 Premier
Your Social Security Number: How often would you like to be billed?
________ - _______ - _____________ q Monthly q Quarterly
Would you like your premium payment due on the 1st of the month or the 15th of the month?
q 1st of the month q 15th of the month
First Name Last Name Middle Initial
Your gender: Your date of birth (mm/dd/yy): Your telephone number:
q Male q Female ()–
Number and Street
If you want your Dental Blue 65 bill sent to an address other than your home address,
complete the following section.
Number and Street
Your email address:
Are you currently a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts member? q Yes q No
If yes, give your Blue Cross Blue Shield identification number:
The information here is complete and true. I understand that Blue Cross and Blue Shield will rely on this information to
enroll me into a Dental plan membership. I understand that I should read the subscriber certificate to understand my
benefits and any restrictions that apply to my health care plan. I understand that Blue Cross and Blue Shield may obtain
personal and medical information abouta me to carry out its business, and that it may use and disclose that information
in accordance with law. I acknowledge that I may obtain further information about the collection, use, and disclosure of
my information in “Our Commitment to Confidentiality,” Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s notice of privacy practices.
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
Will this policy replace an active dental insurance policy? q Yes q No
If Yes, please complete the Notice of Information Practices form and include it with this application.
Notice to Applicant
If you intend to lapse or otherwise terminate your present policy and replace it with a policy to be
issued by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, you must sign and return this form with your
application. For your own information and protection, certain facts should be pointed out to you,
which could affect your rights to coverage under the new policy.
Health conditions, Even though some Questions in the It may be to your
which you may of your present health application for the advantage to secure
presently have, may conditions may be new policy must be the advice of your
not be covered under covered under the answered truthfully present carrier or
the new policy. new policy, these and completely; its agent regarding
This could result in conditions may be otherwise, the validity the proposed
a claim for benefits subject to certain of the policy and the replacement of your
being denied which waiting periods under payment of any present policy. This is
have been payable the new policy before benefits thereunder your right under
under your present coverage is effective. may be voided. the policy you have
policy. chosen.
The above “Notice to Applicant” was delivered to me on:
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts complies with applicable federal
civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.
ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de
asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, encontram-se disponíveis serviços linguísticos,
grátis. Ligue para 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
189255M ® Registered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
© 2018 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross
and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc.
55-0167-19 (09/18)
Dental Blue® 65
Application for
Dental Blue 65
DIRECTIONS You are eligible to apply for
a Dental Blue 65 plan if you
• Please print clearly. meet all of the following
• Carefully read and answer all questions.
Incomplete applications won’t be accepted. • You are a resident
Keep one copy of the application for yourself. of Massachusetts
and you actually live
• Don’t send money with this application. You’ll in Massachusetts
receive a bill when payment is due. You’ll also
receive an invitation to sign up for our • You are age 65 or older
eBill option.
• Please complete the application, and:
• The Dental premium rate
- Mail the white copy to: and benefits are explained in the
Direct Sales Outline of Coverage you received
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts with this application.
One Enterprise Drive If you need more information
Quincy, MA 02171-1753 or assistance, call us at
- Or fax to: 1-617-246-3633
• For all other questions, contact
Dental Blue 65 Member Service at
1-888-741-4340 (TTY: 711).
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee
of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Please Answer All Questions
I am applying for: q Dental Blue 65 Preventive q Dental Blue 65 Basic q Dental Blue 65 Premier
Your Social Security Number: How often would you like to be billed?
________ - _______ - _____________ q Monthly q Quarterly
Would you like your premium payment due on the 1st of the month or the 15th of the month?
q 1st of the month q 15th of the month
First Name Last Name Middle Initial
Your gender: Your date of birth (mm/dd/yy): Your telephone number:
q Male q Female ()–
Number and Street
If you want your Dental Blue 65 bill sent to an address other than your home address,
complete the following section.
Number and Street
Your email address:
Are you currently a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts member? q Yes q No
If yes, give your Blue Cross Blue Shield identification number:
The information here is complete and true. I understand that Blue Cross and Blue Shield will rely on this information to
enroll me into a Dental plan membership. I understand that I should read the subscriber certificate to understand my
benefits and any restrictions that apply to my health care plan. I understand that Blue Cross and Blue Shield may obtain
personal and medical information abouta me to carry out its business, and that it may use and disclose that information
in accordance with law. I acknowledge that I may obtain further information about the collection, use, and disclosure of
my information in “Our Commitment to Confidentiality,” Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s notice of privacy practices.
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
Will this policy replace an active dental insurance policy? q Yes q No
If Yes, please complete the Notice of Information Practices form and include it with this application.
Notice to Applicant
If you intend to lapse or otherwise terminate your present policy and replace it with a policy to be
issued by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, you must sign and return this form with your
application. For your own information and protection, certain facts should be pointed out to you,
which could affect your rights to coverage under the new policy.
Health conditions, Even though some Questions in the It may be to your
which you may of your present health application for the advantage to secure
presently have, may conditions may be new policy must be the advice of your
not be covered under covered under the answered truthfully present carrier or
the new policy. new policy, these and completely; its agent regarding
This could result in conditions may be otherwise, the validity the proposed
a claim for benefits subject to certain of the policy and the replacement of your
being denied which waiting periods under payment of any present policy. This is
have been payable the new policy before benefits thereunder your right under
under your present coverage is effective. may be voided. the policy you have
policy. chosen.
The above “Notice to Applicant” was delivered to me on:
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts complies with applicable federal
civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.
ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de
asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, encontram-se disponíveis serviços linguísticos,
grátis. Ligue para 1-800-200-4255 (TTY: 711).
189255M ® Registered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
© 2018 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross
and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc.
55-0167-19 (09/18)
For More Information, or to Enroll:
Call: 1-800-678-2265 (TTY: 711)
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET
Monday through Friday
® Registered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. © 2018 Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc.
188830M (11/(0081//1188))