ANNUAL REPORT • 2021-2022
MISSION STATEMENT School Leadership Team
St. John Paul II School is a Cape 2022-2023
Cod Catholic school that welcomes
students and families from diverse Mrs. Susan G. Niden
faiths and backgrounds who
desire a college preparatory, INTERIM PRESIDENT
Catholic education. The school’s
academic, artistic, athletic, and co- Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley
curricular programs cultivate strong
relationships and empower students PREPARATORY DIVISION PRINCIPAL
to recognize their gifts, develop
their potential, and communicate Mrs. Deborah Warms
Christ in word and deed. Emulating
students pursue truth through faith
and reason, preparing them to Ms. Mona Lisa Valentino, P ’11
lead lives of continuous learning,
respect, and community leadership. HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION PRINCIPAL
Dr. AJ Ballou, P ’27
Mrs. Jennifer Canzano, P ’16, ’18
Advisory Board
Mr. Paul Birmingham, EMERITUS
Mrs. Kimberly Burnieika,
Mrs. Courtney Bridge, P ’20, ’22
Mrs. Jennifer Canzano,
EX OFFICIO, P ’16, ’18
Dr. Patrick Dillon, P ’22, ’23, ’24
Mr. Michael Doyle, ’13
Rev. Michael Fitzpatrick
Mr. John Fulone
Mrs. Kathy Griffin-Mayo, P ’23
Mr. Stephen Hamel, GP ’26, ’29
Mr. Daniel Hughes, P ’13, ’15
Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley, EX OFFICIO
Mr. Christopher Lawson, P ’22
Ms. Kathleen Mason, ’14
Mr. James McGrail, P ’26
Mr. Lawrence McGrath Esq., P ’25
Mrs. Susan G. Niden, EX OFFICIO
Ms. Elizabeth O’Brien Esq., P ’25
Mr. Joseph O’Keefe, P ’22, ’23
Mr. John P. Redding
Mr. Richard Sullivan, GP ’24
Ms. Mona Lisa Valentino,
A Message from Leadership
Greetings to the St. John Paul ll School family, We are living in challenging times and
the importance of education, community,
I am honored and thrilled to serve as and faith has never been more relevant.
Interim President for the 2022-2023 This past summer, several members of our
school year. Thank you for welcoming faculty participated in the SEL Academy
me to your community. As the search for on Social Emotional Learning at the
a new president begins, I look forward Boston College Roche Center for Catholic
to sustaining the work that the school’s Education. During the school year, those
Advisory Board, administration, faculty faculty members, with ongoing professional
and staff has set in motion and providing development provided by the Roche Center,
for an excellent transition for the next will be leading a working team at St. John
president of St. John Paul II School. Paul II School whose purpose is to meet the
challenge of the increasing social emotional
In this issue of our Annual Report, there are needs of our students. Faculty will develop
many things to celebrate while we reflect on classroom practices for our students to
the blessings that have been bestowed on learn and use their social emotional skills
our community. Schools of excellence are including self-awareness, self-management,
self-reflective and always moving forward. social awareness, relationship skills, and
For the past three years, the school has been responsible decision making, all within the
engaged in a self-study for the purpose of framework of our Catholic faith.
reaccreditation from NEASC (New England
Association of Schools and Colleges). St. John Paul II continues to be a school
This undertaking encourages a vision for of opportunities and possibilities. Through
growth and development and fosters school endless examples of participation, our
improvement by encouraging schools to community is poised for progress. We are
self-reflect, work toward goals, and act extremely grateful to our many families
on feedback for continuous progress. The and friends who support the mission of this
school hosted a NEASC visiting team in April wonderful school, helping us to reach yet
and October of 2022 as part of the process. another record year of giving.
Faculty and staff are to be commended for
their excellent work throughout the self- On behalf of our students, we thank you
study, highlighted by a shared commitment for your continued support and ongoing
to the achievement of even greater commitment. Without your confidence
academic excellence and programming. and funding, we could not accomplish the
With the guidance of our Advisory Board important work that we do every single day
we will begin to frame the aspirations of to improve lives through the power of faith
the self-study to strategically drive a joyful, and learning.
sustainable future for St. John Paul II School.
To the faculty and staff, students, families,
and friends of St. John Paul II School, I look
forward to meeting and working with you
during my time here. May God continue to
bless this special school community.
With gratitude,
Susan G. Niden
A N N UA L R E PORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2 | TIDINGS 3
The Totus Tuus Society
The Totus Tuus Society recognizes donors whose
Longstanding generosity has established St. John
Paul II School as a vibrant and impactful community.
The Society is named for the apostolic motto of our
namesake, St. John Paul II, and its meaning (“totally
yours”) evokes the dedication of the Society’s
members to advancing the school’s mission.
2022 2020 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.
McArdle, Jr.
Joe and Laurie Anastos Dr. and Mrs. James Boyle Air Station Cape Cod
Anonymous Cape Cod Orthopaedics & Community Chapel, Mrs. Beatrice Medeiros†
FACTS Rev. Ralph Egan Mr. and Mrs. John† O’Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox Sports Medicine The O’Connor Family
Graham LLC Carney Family Foundation Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Delman Philip and Rachel Baroni Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Besart Kamberi Mr. Daniel A. Healy† Bilezikian Family Foundation Mr. William Ott
Mrs. Terry and Knights of Columbus - St. Birmingham Foundation Dr. and Mrs. James T. Reimer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mr. and Mrs. James F.
Mr. Jerome† Manning Joan of Arc Council 3384
Mashpee Orthodontics The Lenox Foundation, Inc. Birmingham Remillard, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Nakata Our Lady of the Cape Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mr. and Mrs. John J. Remondi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldham Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mens Club Boudreau Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Charles† W. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell Mr. James Bowman Mr. George† and
J. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan Michael and Maureen Champa
Mr. John P. Redding Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitten Mr. and Mrs. J. David† Mrs. Lisa Simpson
Mark and Clara Sullivan Mr. Andrew Singer
2019 Crawford South Shore Playhouse
2021 Mrs. Shirley Fennell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baroni Mr. and Mrs. Richard Associates, Inc. Cape
Mr. Tim Adams Reverend James F. Buckley Cod Melody Tent
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cassidy Fenuccio Jr. Paul and Angela Squarcia
Boston College Alumni Donnelly’s Uniform Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Flynn Dr. Paul Squarcia
Gerald T. Cameron Family Vivian E. Sullivan
Association, Cape Cod and Apparel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swan
Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tenaglia
Gardiner and Courtney Bridge Mr. Joseph M. Hoffman and Thomas Anthony Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Darold Evans E. Donovan Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The Flatley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franey Ms. Felicia Penn Dr. and Mrs. Henry Tufts
Marcia and Fred Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Mark MacNally Mr. and Mrs. John Hufnagle III Dr. and Mrs. Edward+ Tynan
Mr. Jeff Gudenkauf Ms. Elizabeth O’Brien, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hynes Eric and Eleanor Vander Mel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hamel St. Elizabeth Seton Parish Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Jones Margaret Vanderslice
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ms. Shirley G. Voelkle
Knights of Columbus, Father Ward Family Charitable Trust
McSwiney Council #2525 W. Keavy Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lotuff Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Knell Mr. and Mrs. Eric Whiteley
Joseph and Wendy O’Keefe Knights of Columbus, Christ Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
Peale Foundation Lois and Frederick W.
The Robert F. & Maureen T. the King Council 13388 Wrightson, III
O’Keefe Family Foundation Knights of Columbus, Pope
Olivia Shields, ’20 and † DECEASED
Jennifer Everett Paul VI Council 7312
Hon. Therese Wright and Knights of Columbus, Bishop
Mr. Robert LaLiberte
Tyler Assembly 0402
Rosemary and Marcel† Larue
The Lynch Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John† MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Manning
Dr. Paul Marz and
Mrs. Marie Borland
Mass Networks Education
Partnership Inc.
4 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
2021-2022 Financial Overview
INCOME $6,159,954.97
EXPENSES $6,456,225.28
Income Expenses
■ Tuition & Fees. . . . . . . . . . . $5,225,187.82 ■ Instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,257.10
■ Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95,985.60 ■ Building & Grounds. . . . . . . $586,231.54
■ Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $156,543.59 ■ Arts & Activities. . . . . . . . . $224,422.96
■ Financial Aid & Other. . . . $263,424.00 ■ Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $208,841.35
■ Other Income. . . . . . . . . . . . $418,813.96 ■ Financial Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . $807,685.00
■ Salaries & Benefits. . . . . $3,839,434.04
TOTAL INCOME. . . . . . . . . . $6,159,954.97 ■ Other Expenses. . . . . . . . . . $744,353.29
*I ncludes an unrealized loss due
to market ($192,125.19) TOTAL EXPENSES. . . . . . . $6,456,225.28
Fast Facts 247 69
13 50
A N N UA L R E PORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2 | TIDINGS 5
Distinguished Donor List
Visionaries Gardiner and Champions Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy
Courtney Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Khalil Naoum
GIFTS OF $10,000+ GIFTS OF $500-$999 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nomenson
Dr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. James O’Conor
The Flatley Foundation Cape Cod Insulation Joe and Laurie Anastos Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Keefe
Carol and Stephen Hamel Cape Cod Orthopaedics & Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barker Mr. Stephen Petitt
Mr. and Mrs. Besart Kamberi Boardwalk Business Group Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pires
The Robert F. and Sports Medicine Reverend James F. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Jason Portell
Cataumet Boats Cape Cod Endodontics, P.C. Ms. Debby Ribeiro Esq.
Maureen T. O’Keefe Daniel and Jill DeLancey Cape Cod Five Cents RK Fox Builders, LLC
Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duhamel St. Joseph, Guardian of the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox Savings Bank
Benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franey Cape Cod National Golf Holy Family Parish
Mr. Raymond L. George Sandwich Car Wash
GIFTS OF $5,000-$9,999 Mr. Russell Gonsalves and Club, LLC Lauren Scioletti
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Choi Mr. and Mrs. David Shortt
Anonymous Ms. Katarina Kumbatiadis Mr. and Mrs. Randall Collette Mr. George† and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hagopian Mr. and Mrs. William Coty, III
Mr. Joseph M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Curley Mrs. Lisa Simpson
E Donovan Mr. and Mrs. David Holt Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Delman Mr. and Mrs. Jason Siscoe
Marcia and Fred Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Homola Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Dillon Mr. Tyler Spring
Kamberi Enterprises Dr. Roshann Hooshman and Mr. and Mrs. Cathal Diver Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stump
Ms. Elizabeth O’Brien, Esq. Ms. Adelaide Drolette Mr. and Mrs. Peter Traykovski
Mr. John P. Redding Mr. Edward Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Remondi Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Darold Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Russell FACTS Management Co. Tucker
Eric and Eleanor Vander Mel Global Companies LLC Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Sciver
Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Willy Hatch Mr. Adam Weiner
Ambassadors Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Kissell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hatton Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitten
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Labdon Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horrigan Dr. and Mrs. John Willis
GIFTS OF $2,500-$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Derek J. Horton Drs. Jay and Hannah Yamin
Sean Hurley-Del Vecchio, ’11
Mr. Tim Adams Lawson Mr. Thomas Hynes Patrons
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Affonso Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lotuff JJManning Auctioneers
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Martin Mr. Brian Kennedy GIFTS OF $250-$499
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baroni Mashpee Orthodontics Knights of Columbus, Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mr. and Mrs. James Mazarakis Agway of Cape Cod
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mayo Tyler Assembly 0402 Anonymous
Birmingham Mrs. Julie Mayo Knights of Columbus - St. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Avery
Boston College Alumni Mr. and Mrs. David Nadle Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ballou
Nelnet Foundation Joan of Arc Council 3384 Dr. Janet Butts and
Association, Cape Cod Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldham Dr. and Mrs. Brian Kowal
Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Larry Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mr. Kevin Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeRubeis Peale Foundation Peter and Allison Cacciatore
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Matthew MacDonald Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Canniff
Mr. and Mrs. John Kayajan Mr. John MacKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Knights of Columbus, Father Philbrick Mr. Michael Manley and
McSwiney Council #2525 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Canzano
Mr. Sam Lorusso Ms. Carol Chmielewski Cape Cod Aggregates Corp.
Maverick Technology Partners Robinson Mrs. Helen Manning Mr. and Mrs. Tullio Cappelletto
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell Thomas and Katherine Ryan Mrs. Diana McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Nakata Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shepley Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKeen
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shearer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skordas Jared and Haley McMurray Cassata
South Shore Playhouse Sullivan Engineering & Mr. and Mrs. Gabor Menyhart Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cassidy
Associates, Inc. Cape Cod Mr. Ted Mochnacki and Mr. and Mrs. John Cotton, Jr.
Melody Tent Consulting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cummings
Mark and Clara Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ms. Jean Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Jose DaSilva
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Whiteley Dr. Karen Rogers-Monaghan Donnelly’s Uniform and
Stewards Dr. Alex Traykovski and and Mr. Liam Monaghan Apparel
Mr. and Mrs. John Moran E.M. Crosby Boatworks
GIFTS OF $1,000-$2,499 Mrs. Catherine Freudenberg Dr. Anne and Mr. and Mrs. John Fulone
Michael Walker Mr. Owen Gaffney, SFXP ’10
Ms. Elizabeth Anderson Hon. Therese Wright and Mr. Christopher Morris
Dr. and Mrs. James Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mulcahy
Mr. Robert LaLiberte
Mrs. Irena Zinov
6 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Garrett Uptown Body Mr. and Mrs. Michael Castano Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Duvall
David and Patricia Hendrick Mr. John Vazquez Catania Hospitality Group Stuart and Christy Egmore
Mr. and Mrs. John Hufnagle III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walman Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cheney Mary Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chuda Mr. and Mrs. Justin Endres
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kent Supporters Mr. Jason Clark Paul and Andrea Endres
Margaret and Kevin Keras Mr. Renato Coelho and Mr. and Mrs. Anders Erikson
Knights of Columbus, GIFTS OF $100-$249 Mr. and Mrs. David Estey
Ms. Angelica Miranda Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fairbanks
Pope Paul VI Council 7312 3 G’s Plumbing & Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Ms. Barbara Falese-Fitton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kraihanzel Heating, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fish, Sr.
Ms. Heidi Luciani B. Conrow Dr. and Mrs. William Fiske
Joseph and Erin Mancinelli Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams Corpus Christi Parish, Ms. Lucy Foran
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Affonso Mr. Greg Folino and
Anonymous Rev. George E. Harrison
Marchand Tom and Barbara Arell Mr. and Mrs. Nick Corsi Ms. Anne Walsh Folino
Ms. Megan Markoski Timothy and Nichole Arruda Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cotto Mrs. Candace W. Godfrey
Dr. Paul Marz and Mr. and Mrs. Felisberto Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Crofford Mr. and Mrs. John Goulet
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gorsuch
Mrs. Marie Borland G. Barreiro Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crosby Mr. William F. Hackett
Mr. and Mrs. James McGrail Keith and Kerri Batchelder Martin Culik The Honorable
Clara Mesonero, MD Mr. and Mrs. Kalil Boghdan Mrs. Martha Curley
Mr. and Mrs. John Moriarty Thomas and Frances Brew Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kathryn Hand and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome O’Brien Dr. and Mrs. Eric Bruinooge Mr. Alex Rodolakis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bryan Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hegner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Dea Mr. Damon Burchill and Dr. and Mrs. Paul Demeo Mr. and Mrs. Steven Heywood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Our Edson and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hicks
James and Brenda Stein Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hoffmeister
Mr. and Mrs Tom Burnieika Danyelle DeSouza Dr. and Mrs. John Homa
Maureen Remillard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burrell Mr. Eric Devoe Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Homa
St. Joan of Arc Parish The Business Office Inc. Mr. Neil F. Doherty Mr. Thomas C. Hoy
Louis and Kara Sassone Mr. Vincent Byrne Mary and Jorge Domínguez Christopher Hughes, ’13
Laurie and Robert Solis Ms. Mary Callahan Mr. Richard Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Jay Imad
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sullivan Mrs. Kellie Calfee Mr. Michael, ’13 and Aaron James, ’21
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Tierney Mr. and Mrs. John Carey
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Ubertaccio Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mrs. Rachael, ’12 Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dunton
Carstensen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Durkin
Gifts In Kind
Agway of Cape Cod
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baroni
Cape Cod Insulation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cayan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J.
Furniture Reborn
Graham LLC
Greek Caffeina Cafe
JJManning Auctioneers
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Oxbow Carbon LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pheeney,
Oyster Real Estate
Rogers Gray Insurance
A N N UA L R E PORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2 | TIDINGS 7
Introducing the Digital Media Center
Thanks to the generosity of The Robert F. & Maureen T. O’Keefe Family
Foundation, students are working in a newly renovated digital media center.
State-of-the-art technology includes custom-built workstations with powerful
graphic cards and high-resolution monitor displays, BlueTooth digital pen tablets,
a wide format printer, and Adobe Creative Suite software.
8 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
What is the B&G12 Program? How do I participate?
You can sign-up by visiting
The B&G 12 is the new recurring gift program give. You agree to a contribution amount, which
at St. John Paul II School. A recurring gift is will be charged to your credit card accordingly.
an ongoing, specific amount determined by
a donor that is charged monthly to a donor’s Program Benefits
credit card. The Blue & Gold Annual Fund gifts Spreading your support throughout the year is
are used in the year they are received, so it is a convenient way to include your donations into
crucial to make a Blue & Gold Annual Fund gift your budget. Monthly giving is the most cost-
every year. By committing to a recurring gift, efficient way to deliver your support.
you provide St. John Paul II School with steady,
reliable funding for students and faculty. Your gift will appear monthly on your credit
card statement. We will send you a calendar
year-end tax receipt each January to help in
your tax preparations.
Sample Monthly Donations
$10 per month = $120 annually
$25 per month = $300 annually
$41.66 per month = $500 annually
$83.33 per month = $1,000 annually
$208.33 per month = $2,500 annually
$416.66 per month = $5,000 annually
Recurring Gift
Mr. Tim Adams
Mr. Jason Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William Coty, III
Christopher Hughes, ’13
Ms. Heidi Luciani
James and Maureen Remillard
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Traykovski
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Ubertaccio
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wahle
A N N UA L R E PORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2 | TIDINGS 9
The Blue & Gold Annual Fund runs from July Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horrigan
1 to June 30. All gifts are used during the B. Conrow Mr. and Mrs. Derek J. Horton
current school year to support every student, Mr. Thomas C. Hoy
faculty member, and program on campus. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cotto Mr. and Mrs. John Hufnagle III
Mr. and Mrs. William Coty, III Christopher Hughes, ’13
Your support of the Blue & Gold Annual Martin Culik Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hughes
Fund provides financial aid, and underwrites Mrs. Martha Curley Linda Hurley and
academic programs, arts, athletics, and Mrs. Joseph Daluz
campus ministry. Your participation ensures Mr. and Mrs. Jose DaSilva Robert Del Vecchio
that we can hire and retain the best faculty Dr. and Mrs. Paul Demeo Sean Hurley-Del Vecchio, ’11
and staff possible. Mr. Neil F. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hyde
Mary and Jorge Domínguez Mr. Thomas Hynes
Your gift impacts every facet of student life, Mr. Richard Donahue Aaron James, ’21
inside and outside the classroom. Mr. Michael, ’13 and Curtis and Alison Jessup
JJManning Auctioneers
3 G’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bryan Mrs. Rachael, ’12 Doyle Ms. Charleen Johnson
Mr. Tim Adams Reverend James F. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Sean Doyle Ms. Kathleen Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Affonso The Business Office Inc. Ms. Eleanore Dumais Mr. and Mrs. John Kayajan
Ms. Elizabeth Anderson Mr. Vincent Byrne Stuart and Christy Egmore Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Anonymous Peter and Allison Cacciatore Paul and Andrea Endres
Tom and Barbara Arell Ms. Mary Callahan Mr. and Mrs. David Estey W. Keavy
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Avery Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Canniff Ms. Barbara Falese-Fitton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelsey
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ballou Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mr. Hugh Findlay Mr. Brian Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fish, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy
Keith and Kerri Batchelder Canzano Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fish, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kent
Robert Beechinor Matthew Canzano, ’18 Dr. and Mrs. William Fiske Mr. and Mrs. Richard King
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cape Cod Endodontics, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fistori Knights of Columbus, Bishop
Cape Cod Five Cents Ms. Barbara A. Flinn
Birmingham Mr. Greg Folino and Tyler Assembly 0402
Boardwalk Business Group Savings Bank Knights of Columbus,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodwell Mr. and Mrs. Tullio Ms. Anne Walsh Folino
Boston College Alumni Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaudet Pope Paul VI Council 7312
Cappelletto Mrs. Janice Gelnett Knights of Columbus,
Association, Cape Cod Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cassata Mr. Raymond L. George
Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cassidy Thomas and Alice George St. Joan of Arc Council 3384
Dr. and Mrs. James Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Roy Catignani Global Companies LLC Mr. and Mrs. Randy
Thomas and Frances Brew Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Choi Mrs. Candace W. Godfrey
Gardiner and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chuda Mr. and Mrs. John Goulet Koslowsky
Courtney Bridge Mr. Jason Clark Ms. Lydia Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Brian Kowal
Dr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. Renato Coelho and Mr. William F. Hackett Anna Kudla, ’20
Stephen and Carol Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kudla
Ms. Angelica Miranda Kathryn Harper Mr. and Mrs. Justin Labdon
Mr. and Mrs. Willy Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hemr
David and Patricia Hendrick Langway
Mr. Joseph M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hoffmeister
Mr. and Mrs. David Holt Lawson
Holy Redeemer Church Mr. and Mrs. Brian Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Homa Mr. Sam Lorusso
Dr. Roshann Hooshman and Ms. Heidi Luciani
Mr. Alan Lynch and
Mr. Edward Richardson
Ms. Zora Turnbull
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
W. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Mr. John MacKinnon
1 0 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
Mr. Gordy MacNeill and Bob McMurray Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Brien Ms. Sheila Sturgis
Ms. Janice Semprini Jared and Haley McMurray Mrs. Carolyn O’Callaghan Mark and Clara Sullivan
Corinne Marie Minahan Mr. Larry O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent John Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Mr. and Mrs. James O’Conor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan
Mancinelli Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Dea Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutton
Mobed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mr. Michael Manley and Mr. Ted Mochnacki and Ms. The Robert F. and Maureen T.
Ms. Carol Chmielewski Switchenko
Jean Crosby O’Keefe Family Foundation Mrs. Priscilla Tanguay
Mrs. Helen Manning Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Moran Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldham Halcyone Tasha
Mr. and Mrs. John Manton Mr. and Mrs. John Moran Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Ozolins Ms. Bethany Tasha
Ms. Megan Markoski Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peale Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Martin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Dr. Paul Marz and Mulcahy F. Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Muller Picariello Ms. Joanne Tomao
Mrs. Marie Borland Murray & MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pires Mr. and Mrs. Peter Traykovski
Kathleen F. Mason, ’14 Mr. Erik Plath, SFXP ’03 Dr. Alex Traykovski and
Mrs. Carol Mauro Insurance Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell
Mrs. Julie Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray Mr. and Mrs. Jim Price Mrs. Catherine Freudenberg
Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. David Nadle Ms. Anne Psomos Dr. and Mrs. Peter Ubertaccio
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Nakata Mr. and Mrs. James Quinn Ms. Elena K. Valentino, ’11
Mazarakis Mr. and Mrs. Khalil Naoum Mr. and Mrs. William Raycraft Ms. Mona Lisa Valentino
Ms. Joan M. McCormick Nelnet Foundation Mr. John P. Redding Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Van Cott
Mrs. Diana McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ms. Christie Reinhart Mr. Philip Van Neste
Ms. Roberta H. McDonald James and Eric and Eleanor Vander Mel
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nickerson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wahle
Mr. James Nidositko, Sr. Maureen Remillard Michael Walker
McGrath Notre Dame Club of Ms. Debby Ribeiro Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKeen Kimberly S. Richard Mrs. Merrilynn Wenzel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cape Cod Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Eric Whiteley
Mrs. Christine O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitten
McLinden Ms. Elizabeth O’Brien, Esq. Robinson Hon. Therese Wright and
Mr. Michael McLinden and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome O’Brien The Honorable
Mr. Robert LaLiberte
Ms. Theresa Calabro Kathryn Hand and Rev. Thomas F. Wyndham
Mr. Michael McManus Mr. Alex Rodolakis Mrs. Irena Zinov
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Rogers
“W e know that past and Elizabeth A. Rossi, ’12 † DECEASED
present successes would Mr. and Mrs. Sean Roycroft
not have been possible Thomas and Katherine Ryan
without generous friends Ms. Dorothy Savarese
and realize the same is Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Schlegel
true today. JPII is maturing Ms. Joanna Scimeca
into a cornerstone of Cape Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shearer
education that we are Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shortelle
proud to support.” Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons
Dr. and Mrs. William Skinner
MICHAEL, ’13 AND RACHEL, ’12 (MARZ) DOYLE Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith
Laurie and Robert Solis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sperry
Rev. Dr. Chris Stanibula
Mr. Arthur H. Steidel
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stump
1 5. Grade 12 students on
annual retreat in the White
Mountains. 6. Game, set,
match! Congratulations to the
Lady Lions, Cape & Islands
Champions 2022. 7. Grade 8
students immerse themselves
in our nation’s history on their
annual trip to Washington D.C..
1. JPII Concert Choir resumes their annual
tour to New York. 2. Students learn and
play the game of kings with Mr. Dan
Wahle. 3. Students prayerfully lead the
Ash Wednesday procession at St. Francis
Xavier Church in March. 4. Artists in
Grade 5 create oversized Flower Still Life
paintings inspired by the Contemporary
Artist, Heather Galler.
We are scholars. 2
We are athletes.
We are artists. 36
We are volunteers.
8. Friendly competition
LIONS PARTICIPATE IN ALL amongst students on field day.
AREAS OF SCHOOL LIFE. 9. International Night provides
students an opportunity to
Participation is as important share their research on the
as the amount you give. Last geography, history, and culture
year, 90% of our annual fund of their chosen countries.
gifts were $500 or less.
10 11
10. The NHS hit a new school record,
sponsoring the annual “Toys for Tots” drive!
Way to stuff that bus, Lions! 11. Live theater
is back, sans masks, with the high school’s
spring musical. 12. Biology students
collaborate during a measurements
and microscopes lab. 13. A break from
5 academics with Clash of the Classes.
Ms. Charleen Johnson Ms. Zora Turnbull Mr. Michael McManus Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Ms. Kathleen Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Lynch Mr. Scott McManus and Nickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kalkus Ms. Emily MacIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Katziff Mr. Gordy MacNeill and Ms. Patrice Czapski Eric and Meghan Nickulas
Ms. Robin Kelley Bob McMurray Mr. James Nidositko, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Kittila Ms. Janice Semprini Mr. and Mrs. Tim Meagher Notre Dame Club of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kornek Mr. and Mrs. Vincent John Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Merhi
Mr. and Mrs. Jarek Kostecki Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Michaud Cape Cod
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kramer Mancinelli Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller Mrs. Christine O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Langway Mr. and Mrs. John Manton Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mitchell Mrs. Carolyn O’Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. James Lenau Kathleen F. Mason, ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Monac Mr. Larry O’Connor
Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Lindauer Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mazzoni Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy John and Leah O’Dea
Mr. Alan Lynch and Ms. Roberta H. McDonald Murray & MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ms. Susan Overstreet
Insurance Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Ozolins
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McIntee
VOLUNTEERS Meegan Hatch Kathleen Mason, ’14 Kristen Robinson
Jenn Hemr Wendy Maynard Ivone Rosella
Megan Affonso Mary Crofford Karl Hemr Diana McDermott Anke Rudy
Kellie Alliegro Jen Curley Tammy Hicks Larry McGrath Sarah Schlegel
Amanda Alten Patrice Czapski Karen Hoffmeister Haley McMurray Doug Shearer
Laurie Anastos Jen Dalrymple David Holt Echo Mellyn Kristin Shearer
Deena Anderson Christine DeAngelis Amy Homa Timea Menyhart Megan Shortt
Pam Anderson Dan DeLancey Grace Horton Tracy Miller Danielle Siscoe
Selma Armaczuk Jennifer Brian Hyde Angelica Miranda Elizabeth Skordas
Justyna Arraes Sara Igoe Allison Miskiv Tricia Smith
Nichole Arruda Desruisseaux Michelle Jacobson Karen Monaghan Jennifer Sonnabend
Rev. Msgr. Stephen Dorothy Devlin Heidi Jarvis Karen Monteiro MaryPat St. Jean
Lori Dillon Renee Katziff Tina Moriarty Brenda Stein
Avila Patrick Dillon Julie Kissell Anna Murphy Richard Sullivan
Denise Barker Michael Doyle, ’13 Beth Kittila Jenn Nakata Linda Sutton
Angela Baron Rachael Marz Kathleen Kornek Sofia Naoom Nicole Thompson
William Baron Amy Kowal Betsy O’Brien Russ Tierney
Marcos Barroso Doyle, ’12 Katarina Kumbatiadis Wendy O’Keefe Mei-An Tsu
Jenn Bartolomei Christie Duhamel James Kupfer Kelly Oldham Michelle Tucker
Michelle Beechinor Katherine Duvall Kerry Lawson Meredith Our Peter Ubertaccio
James Boyle Christy Bao Egmore Ellen Leary Kelly Ozolins Deborah Umbrello
Kasey Boyle Dianne Ellis Jen Lenau Elise Palmer Jahry Umbrello
Courtney Bridge Sarah Endres Andrea Lopez Laura Perry Eleanor Vander Mel
Tara Brown Sheri Erikson Alison Lorusso Elizabeth Philbrick Sally Vetorino
Kim Burnieika Alizabeth Evans Paul Lorusso Amy Pires Judee Walman
Daria Burrell Rev. Michael Colleen Lotuff Paul Pires Debby Ward
Janet Butts David Luciani Hillary Portell Erica Weinberg
Allison Cacciatore Fitzpatrick Erin Mancinelli Jason Portell Julie Willis
Keli Calfee Danielle Fox Susan Marchand Keith Powell The Hon. Therese
Patrizia Cappelletto Natalia Frois Rachel Markarian Karen Pulit
Grace Carey John Fulone Caren Marks John Redding Wright
Deirdre Carrigan Marta Gallagher Christine Marrs Donna Reen Hannah Yamin
Erin Carstensen Meghan Garrett
Cathy Castano Sandy Ghilardi “T he gift of time and talent can make a tremendous impact.
Sue Chalker Claire Gilliland JPII is blessed with a community that participates and is
Jennifer Cho Theresa Gilliland invested in the life of the school. We are grateful to our
Tricia Choi Eva Golarz volunteers who enhance school events and programs,
Carmen Codjoe Laura Graham creating more opportunities for students, faculty, and staff.”
Katie Coholan Christian Grygent
Katie Collette Jeanne Hagopian JENN CANZANO, P ’16, ’18 ADVANCEMENT DIRECTOR
Carol Hamel
Stephen Hamel
1 4 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
Mr. and Mrs. John Pierangeli Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutton Ms. Eleanore Dumais Corinne Marie Minahan
Mr. Erik Plath, SFXP ’03 Mrs. Priscilla Tanguay Mr. Hugh Findlay Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Mobed
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Price Halcyone Tasha Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fish, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pucillo Ms. Joanne Tomao Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fistori Mr. and Mrs. Edward Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pulit Ms. Elena K. Valentino, ’11 Ms. Barbara A. Flinn Jeremiah O’Keefe, ’23
Mr. and Mrs. James Quinn Ms. Mona Lisa Valentino Ms. Anastacia Fuller Loretta O’Keefe, ’24
Mr. and Mrs. William Raycraft David and Kristin Valiga Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaudet Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Picariello
Ms. Christie Reinhart Mr. Philip Van Neste Mrs. Janice Gelnett Ms. Anne Psomos
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas and Alice George Dr. Michael Rest and
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Rogers Ms. Lydia Griffin
Elizabeth A. Rossi, ’12 Vetorino Kathryn Harper Dr. Lara Bryan-Rest
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Roy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wahle Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hemr Kimberly S. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rudy Mr. Robert Wayburn and Holy Redeemer Church Mr. and Mrs. Sean Roycroft
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas St. Jean Linda Hurley and Ms. Dorothy Savarese
Dr. and Mrs. Marcial Santos Ms. Jennifer Tang Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shortelle
Dr. Nancy Schaefer and Ryan Webber and Robert Del Vecchio Dr. Marie Spadaro and
Ms. Heidi Jarvis
Mr. Scott Gladish Christine DeAngelis-Webber Curtis and Alison Jessup Mr. Ben Spadaro
Ms. Joanna Scimeca Mrs. Merrilynn Wenzel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kayajan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Schlegel Mr. and Mrs. Dean Weymouth Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelsey Toma and Maja Stamenkovic
Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Sean Willis Mr. and Mrs. Richard King Ms. Sheila Sturgis
Dr. and Mrs. William Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Randy Koslowsky Ms. Bethany Tasha
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith Donors Anna Kudla, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Van Cott
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kudla Ms. Brianne Van Neste
Mr. Keith Sonnabend GIFTS OF $1-$99 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kulik Vetorino’s Landscaping &
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sperry Mr. and Mrs. Brian Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stampfl Mr. Karl Anderson and Mrs. Carol Mauro Irrigation, LLC
Rev. Dr. Chris Stanibula Mrs. Mei-An Tsu Ms. Joan M. McCormick Robert Webster and
Starboard Academy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McLinden
Mr. Arthur H. Steidel Anonymous (3) Mr. Michael McLinden and Sandra DosAnjos
Mr. Isaiah Stover and Barnstable Tree Service Scott and Katie Wright
Robert Beechinor Ms. Theresa Calabro Rev. Thomas F. Wyndham
Mrs. Kathleen FitzPatrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodwell Mr. Alan Melanson and
Stover Matthew Canzano, ’18 † DECEASED
Mitchell Sutton and Cape Cod Medical Center Ms. Valerie Smith
Linda Beachy-Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell Mr. Arthur Milczanowski and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Catignani
Coachlight Carpets Inc. Ms. Julia Esteves
Mrs. Joseph Daluz
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Doyle
Honorary and Memorial Gifts
In Honor of Mr. Christopher Keavy In Honor of Natalia Traykovski In Honor of Mel Gonsalves
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Canzano Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Martin Knights of Columbus, Bishop Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fish, Jr. Assembly 0402
Anna Kudla, ’20 In Honor of Hank & Will Bailey
Ms. Joanna Scimeca Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sperry In Honor of Quinn Mayo
Ms. Lydia Griffin
In Honor of Charlotte Bodwell In Memory of Sue M. Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodwell Mr. and Mrs. William Raycraft In Memory of Janina &
Czeslaw Stanibula
In Honor of Mr. Joseph Gaudet In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bernier Rev. Dr. Chris Stanibula
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Canzano Ms. Dorothy Savarese
Matthew Canzano, ’18 In Memory of Helen O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldham In Honor of Melissa Van Cott Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kent
Ms. Joanna Scimeca Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Van Cott
In Memory of John D. Beatey
In Honor of Brian & Maeve Mancinelli Mrs. Christine O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent John Mancinelli
A N N UA L R E PORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2 | TIDINGS 15
Blue & Gold Gala 2022
The “Blue & Gold Gala” was our major fundraiser of the year, and alongside the school’s Blue
& Gold Annual Fund, helps the school maintain high-quality programs, support teachers, and
provide financial assistance to deserving families. All proceeds provide essential, unrestricted
funds for the overall school program.
Owner’s Suite Starting Gate Ermine Lovell Real Estate Grandstand
($5,000) ($1,000) The Hagopian Family ($250)
The Hyde Family
Kamberi Enterprises The Bridge Family Kalmus Beach Snack Bar David J. Brown, MD,
Cape Cod National Golf Club Rheumatology and
Trackside Suite Cataumet Boats Inc. & Courtside Cafe at Tara Schiffmann Brown,
The Franey Family Kings Grant Bayview Real Estate
($4,000) The Lawson Family Chris & Deb Keavy
The Lotuff Family The Kissell Family Peter and Allison Cacciatore
The Donovan Family Neurosurgeons of Cape Cod, The Labdon Family / Cape Cape Cod Aggregates Corp.
Cod Beach Chair Company Cape Cod International
Millionaire’s The Nakata Family Mashpee Orthodontics
Row The Powell Family The Mayo Family Language Academy,
Peter and Elizabeth Tracey and Michael McKeen Dr. Clara Mesonero &
($2,000) The Menyhart Family John Vasquez Sr.
Skordas- Olympia The Monaghan Family Jack & Ann Marie Cotton
Cape Cod Orthopaedics, Restaurant, Pete’s Point Dave and Pat Nadle Jean Crosby and Ted
The Affonso, Boyle, and Restaurant and Tavern The O’Keefe Family Mochnacki
Willis Families The Ribeiro Family John and Sharon Fulone
Clubhouse RK Fox Builders David and Karen Holt
Maverick Technology The Robinson Family Grace & Derek Horton
Partners ($500) Sandwich Car Wash Sean Hurley-Del Vecchio, ’11
Lauren Scoletti / Kinlin Russ & Michelle Jacobson
Elizabeth A. O’Brien, Esq. The Anastos Family Grover Compass JAV DanceWorld,
John P. Redding Anchor In The Tucker Family / John Vasquez Sr.
Stonewood Products Cape Cod Endodontics Burrito Bistro JJManning Auctioneers –
Cape Cod Five The Vander Mel Family Justin & Lynn Manning
Winner’s Circle Cape Cod Insulation The Wee Packet Robert B. Our Inc.
The Curley Family Restaurant & Gift Shoppe The Pires Family
($1,500) The Dillon Family – The Shortt Family Linda and Peter Traykovski
Distinctive Property The Whitten Family Uptown Body
Bob and Kelly Oldham
Paine’s Patio Services
Mark and Clara Sullivan The Diver Family
Rich and Helen Sullivan Addie Vaccaro Drolette
Sullivan Engineering & The Duhamel Family
Consulting, Inc.
1 6 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
Fund-A-Need Donors
2022 Fund-A-Need Breaks School Record!
Before the Gala, the "fund-a-need" kicked off with a $20,000 gift from Carol and Stephen
Hamel to purchase four new retractable glass basketball hoops to be installed in Monsignor
Thomson Hall. In an unprecedented turn of events, the gift was matched at the Gala with a
$20,000 donation by Diana and Besart Kamberi! With a fully funded project, we raised an
additional $21,000 to support student financial assistance. Oh, what a night!
Basketball Financial Aid Dr. Anne and Mr. and Mrs. Cathal Diver
Hoops Mr. Christopher Morris Mr. Michael, ’13 and
GIFTS OF $1,000
GIFTS OF $20,000 Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy Mrs. Rachael, ’12 Doyle
Carol and Stephen Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Diana and Besart Kamberi Donovan
Nomenson E. Duvall
GIFTS OF $500 Ms. Elizabeth O’Brien, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fairbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Darold Evans Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ms. Lucy Foran
Mrs. Julie Mayo Philbrick Mr. and Mrs. Jarek Kostecki
Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Jason Portell Mr. Gordy MacNeill and
GIFTS OF $250 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell Mr. Tyler Spring
Mr. Tim Adams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mark and Clara Sullivan Ms. Janice Semprini
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. James McGrail
Mr. and Mrs. John Moran Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Tom McIntee
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shepley Van Sciver Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Merhi
GIFTS OF UP TO $100 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. John Willis Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Timothy and Nichole Arruda
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas GIFTS OF $500 GIFTS OF $250 Michaud
Ms. Susan Overstreet
MacDonald Mr. Tim Adams Mr. Owen Gaffney, SFXP ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stump
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKeen Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Affonso Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hatton Mr. and Mrs. Peter Traykovski
Mr. Arthur Milczanowski and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baroni Margaret and Kevin Keras Ms. Mona Lisa Valentino
Dr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Ms. Julia Esteves Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Our Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Schlegel DeRubeis Joseph and Erin Mancinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Siscoe Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duhamel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stump Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher GIFTS OF $100
W. Keavy Joe and Laurie Anastos
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Kissell Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Labdon Mr. and Mrs. Kalil Boghdan
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mayo Mr. Eric Devoe
Jared and Haley McMurray
A N N UA L R E PORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2 | TIDINGS 17
Fall Fest ’21
100+ friends and families gathered for
a much welcomed in-person event at
Naukabout Brewery. Thank you to our
sponsors and guests for a most
enjoyable fun(d)-raising evening!
Harvest Moon The Mayo Family “My husband and I
OutMor Executive Services / attended Fall Fest ʼ21.
($1,500) Since we were new to
The Moriarty Family the school, we wanted
The Donovan Family RK Fox Builders to get involved. We met
Sandwich Car Wash lots of other parents
Not Your Rich and Helen Sullivan and had a great time.
Average Mum It was such a fun night
Leaf Peepers and the atmosphere
($1000) was perfect! We can’t
($100) wait to go again.”
The Affonso Family / Cape
Cod Orthopaedics & Sports Peter and Josette Adams KIM BURNIEIKA, P ’29, HOME AND SCHOOL
Medicine Tara Schiffmann Brown ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT
The DeLancey Family / Bayview Real Estate
The Lobster Trap The Boyle Family
The Burnieika Family
Greek Caffeina Cafe The Canzano Family
Mark and Clara Sullivan Cape Cod Beach Chair
Pumpkin Patch Company
The Carey Family
($500) Jack and Ann Marie Cotton
The Ellis Family
Cape Cod Insulation Justin and Jennifer Endres
The Delman Family John and Sharon Fulon
Guaranteed Fresh Produce The Hatch Family
Maverick Technology The Hyde Family
JJManning Auctioneers
Partners The Lenau Family
The Nadle Family The Mancinelli Family
The Nakata Family The McDermott Family
The O’Brien Family Kathleen Mason, ’14
The Oldham Family The Ozolins Family
Stephen Petitt The Robinson Family
Sullivan Engineering & The Roy Family
The Sonnabend Family
Consulting, Inc. / The Stump Family
The O’Dea Family The Sutton Family
The Yamin Family / The Tang Family
The GI Clinic The Tierney Family
Uptown Body Pilates /
Fitness Studio
($250) Madeleine and
Boardwalk Business Group / Camerone Ward
The Cronin Family
Cataumet Boats
Cape Cod Endodontics, P.C.
The Curley Family
The Franey Family
David and Karen Holt
Sean Hurley-Del Vecchio, ’11
Chris and Deb Keavy
The Lotuff Family
1 8 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
Performing Arts Sponsors
Barnstable Tree Service Coachlight Carpets Inc. St. Joan of Arc Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Felisberto G. Barreiro Corpus Christi Parish, St. Joseph, Guardian of the
Dr. and Mrs. James Boyle
Cape Cod Medical Center Rev. George E. Harrison Holy Family Parish
Catania Hospitality Group Donnelly’s Uniform and Apparel South Shore Playhouse Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pires
Cape Cod Melody Tent
6 Vetorino’s Landscaping & Irrigation, LLC
1. Teenage girls swoon over Conrad Birdie from the spring production of Bye Bye Birdie. 2. String Ensemble perform
at the annual Spring Festival of the Arts. 3. Grade 11 student as Albert in the opening scene of Bye Bye Birdie. 4. The
Concert Choir concludes their tour by performing sacred music at the Church of St. Monica-St. Elizabeth of Hungary-St.
Stephen of Hungary. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Trotsky discuss their predicament during a scene from the fall production of All in
the Timing. 6. Charlie Bucket and Grandpa Joe take a sip of fizzy lifting drinks in the winter musical Willy Wonka Jr.
7. The Candy Man can because he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good.
A N N UA L R E PORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2 | TIDINGS 19
Athletics Sponsors
Mr. Tim Adams Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franey Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Affonso Mr. and Mrs. Michael Castano Ms. Anastacia Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Corey Kittila
Mr. Karl Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cheney Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kornek
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Collette Dr. Nancy Schaefer and Dr. and Mrs. Brian Kowal
Mrs. Mei-An Tsu Mr. and Mrs. Nick Corsi Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kraihanzel
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Crofford Mr. Scott Gladish Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barker Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gorsuch Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kulik
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baroni Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hagopian Mr. and Mrs. Justin Labdon
Keith and Kerri Batchelder Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Willy Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Dr. and Mrs. James Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hatton
Gardiner and Courtney Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hegner Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. David Brown Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. Steven Heywood Mr. and Mrs. James Lenau
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Bruinooge Mr. and Mrs. Jose DaSilva Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hicks Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Lindauer
Mr. Damon Burchill and Edson and Danyelle DeSouza Dr. and Mrs. John Homa Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lotuff
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hyde Ms. Emily MacIntyre
Brenda Stein Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dunton Mr. and Mrs. Jay Imad Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Durkin Ms. Heidi Jarvis
Dr. Janet Butts and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kalkus Marchand
Mr. and Mrs. Anders Erikson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Katziff Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mayo
Mr. Kevin Rush Mr. and Mrs. Darold Evans Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kayajan Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mazzoni
Mrs. Kellie Calfee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox Ms. Robin Kelley Mr. and Mrs. James McGrail
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Put your gift to work today!
Gifts to the Blue & Gold Annual Fund help bridge the gap
between tuition and the cost of educating our students. The
actual cost of a JPII education, in fact, exceeds the tuition.
We depend on philanthropic support to make the Catholic
school experience as rich and robust as possible. Donations
can be made online through our secure giving portal.
2 0 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
Mr. Scott McManus and Ms. Eric and Meghan Nickulas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mark and Clara Sullivan
Patrice Czapski Ms. Elizabeth O’Brien, Esq. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Traykovski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Meagher John and Leah O’Dea Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Roy David and Kristin Valiga
Mr. Alan Melanson and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rudy Ms. Brianne Van Neste
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldham Dr. and Mrs. Marcial Santos Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Ms. Valerie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Our Louis and Kara Sassone
Mr. and Mrs. Gabor Menyhart Mr. and Mrs. Larry Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skordas Vetorino
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Michaud Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Laurie and Robert Solis Michael Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller Dr. Marie Spadaro and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mitchell Philbrick
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Monac Mr. and Mrs. John Pierangeli Mr. Ben Spadaro Walman
Dr. Karen Rogers-Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas St. Jean Ryan Webber and
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pucillo Toma and Maja Stamenkovic
and Mr. Liam Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pulit Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stampfl Christine DeAngelis-Webber
Mr. and Mrs. John Moran Dr. Michael Rest and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stanley Robert Webster and
Mr. and Mrs. John Moriarty Mr. Isaiah Stover and
Dr. Anne and Dr. Lara Bryan-Rest Sandra DosAnjos
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robinson Mrs. Kathleen Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Mr. Christopher Morris FitzPatrick Stover
Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stump Weymouth
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Sean Willis
Scott and Katie Wright
A N N UA L R E PORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2 | TIDINGS 21
Lion Loyalty Society
Loyal donors are the cornerstone of St. Lifetime Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hyde
John Paul II School’s success, providing the Ms. Charleen Johnson
means by which JPII can carry out its mission 15 OR MORE YEARS OF Mr. and Mrs. Mark Katziff
of “cultivating strong relationships and CONSECUTIVE GIVING Mr. Brian Kennedy
empowering students to recognize their gifts, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kornek
develop their potential, and communicate Mr. William F. Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kudla
Christ in word and deed.” Knights of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lotuff
Mr. Scott McManus and
In recognition of this important commitment, the Pope Paul VI Council 7312
Lion Loyalty Society honors those donors giving Ms. Patrice Czapski
to St. John Paul II School with various degrees of Milestone Mr. Michael Manley and
loyalty—from our Charter members, who are just
beginning their lifelong commitment to annual 10-14 YEARS OF Ms. Carol Chmielewski
giving, to our Lifetime supporters, who have CONSECUTIVE GIVING Mr. and Mrs. Justin Manning
given to JPII for fifteen or more years. Dr. Paul Marz and
Qualifying Levels Mr. Joseph M. Hoffman Mrs. Marie Borland
Charter: 5 - 9 years of consecutive giving Mr. Thomas C. Hoy Mr. Ted Mochnacki and
Milestone: 10 - 14 years of consecutive giving Mr. and Mrs. John Hufnagle III
Lifetime: 15 or more years of consecutive giving Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ms. Jean Crosby
Mr. James Nidositko, Sr.
How do I become a member? W. Keavy Ms. Elizabeth O’Brien, Esq.
Simply make a gift five years in a row. Donors Mr. and Mrs. Eric Whiteley Mr. and Mrs. Jerome O’Brien
who have made consecutive gifts since the fiscal Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Brien
year 2007 (July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008) are Charter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldham
automatically enrolled. To sustain your membership Mr. Erik Plath, SFXP ’03
and reach new recognition milestones, make a gift 5-9 YEARS OF Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell
every year. To learn about different ways to give CONSECUTIVE GIVING James and Maureen Remillard
and to make a gift, visit Mr. and Mrs. John J. Remondi
Joe and Laurie Anastos RK Fox Builders, LLC
Do I need to give to a specific fund? Anonymous Sandwich Car Wash
You may direct your gift to any area of the school. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baroni Mr. George† and
Both unrestricted and restricted gifts qualify you Mr. John Beatey† and
for membership in the society. Mrs. Lisa Simpson
Mrs. Christine O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skordas
Why does giving every year matter? Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodwell Mr. and Mrs. David Smith
Annual gifts immediately impact the most important Dr. and Mrs. James Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stampfl
priorities at St. John Paul II School. When you make Gardiner and Courtney Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan
a gift each year, you support faith-filled, academic, Reverend James F. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Peter
and co-curricular programs that “cultivate Dr. and Mrs. Michael Buckley
strong relationships and empower students to Mr. Vincent Byrne Switchenko
recognize their gifts, develop their potential, and Ms. Mary Callahan Mr. Pete† and
communicate Christ in word and deed.” Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Canzano
Cape Cod Insulation Mrs. Priscilla Tanguay
What’s the minimum annual Cape Cod Orthopaedics Ms. Joanne Tomao
gift for membership? Mr. and Mrs. Peter Traykovski
Gifts of $25 or more each year. & Sports Medicine Dr. and Mrs. Peter Ubertaccio
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cassidy Ms. Mona Lisa Valentino
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Choi Hon. Therese Wright and
Mr. and Mrs. John Cotton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Coty, III Mr. Robert LaLiberte
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Curley
Mrs. Joseph Daluz
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Delman
Mr. Neil F. Doherty
Mary and Jorge Domínguez
Ms. Eleanore Dumais
Ms. Barbara A. Flinn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Homola
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horrigan
Sean Hurley-Del Vecchio, ’11
2 2 TIDINGS | ANNUAL REPORT • 2 02 1 - 2 02 2
Congratulations to
Our Recent Graduates
33 Cross Street 120 High School Road
Hyannis, MA 02601 Hyannis, MA 02601
T: 508-771-7200 T: 508-862-6336
F: 508-771-7233 F: 508-862-6339
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this
Annual Report. If you believe there has been an error,
please contact the Advancement Office at 508-862-6336.
120 High School Road
Hyannis, MA 02601
Please Join Us
Fall Fest and Lessons and Carols
Alumni Gathering
OCTOBER 21 Community Mass
Grandparents and
Special Friends Day MAY 6
Blue & Gold Gala
Totus Tuus Leadership JUNE 5
Ceremony High School
Advent and Christmas JUNE 9
Concert Grade 8 Graduation
Please send address changes TIDINGS
and all correspondence to:
ANNUAL REPORT • 2021-2022
120 High School Road
Hyannis, MA 02601
[email protected]