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Published by jy law, 2019-11-11 03:06:16

WCCM Booklet_11Nov

WCCM Booklet_11Nov



A Welcome Message from

Ir. Sajeesh Kumar Babu, ICNDT Chairman
Prof Len Gelman


ICNDT Chairman’s Message

Ir. Sajeesh Kumar Babu,
Chairman, ICNDT & President, NDTSS

On behalf of the Non- Destructive Testing Society There are several exhibitors binging latest technology
(Singapore), NDTSS, I welcome the world experts of in NDT & Condition with 4.0 generation, wireless
Condition Monitoring to gather here in Singapore for systems and sensors for total predictive maintenance.
the 2nd World Congress for Condition Monitoring at The exhibition will run parallel along the conference
this fantastic venue, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. for 4 days. The conference is attracting delegates
The last World Congress for condition Monitoring spread over 30 nations worldwide to provide us the
was held in London in 2017, I thank the committee great deal of information.
of ISCM (International Society for Condition The conference is full of technical feast touching on
Monitoring) who had the great trust and confidence Deformation Estimation of Oil Pipe Structures, RCM
on Singapore & NDTSS and voted Singapore to host assessment of Rail wear degradation, SHM of Quay
the 2nd WCCM 2019. side container Crane, Wind turbine blade surface
I welcome all the Industrial Experts, Academics, NDT damage detections, AE monitoring for amusement
Societies representatives attending the mainstream rides, Acoustic monitoring of tank bottom plates, IoT
conference. I also welcome the members of Asia based condition evaluation for concrete structures,
Pacific Federation of NDT who are here to attend Abrasive wear condition monitoring of a slurry
their assembly meetings along side of our national pump, Ultrasound thermometry and so on to name
conference SINCE 2019. I also welcome our session a few
chairs & Keynote speakers who had driven the I thank all my sponsors who had come all the way
conference well to cover wide range of applications. through our journey to exhibit their latest innovations
This is the first such event in Asia having a which are important tool in providing useful results
combination of Condition Monitoring & NDT along which make our world safer.
side to pay way to the future innovations of Plant Once again Welcome you all to our little red dot and
condition & Monitoring. enjoy our diversified culture, heritage together with
Condition Monitoring is an art of NDT & Inspection, our Singaporean hospitality.
which brings value & life extension to our assets by
preventing unwanted shutdowns and safeguard Dr. Sajeesh K BABU
our people & assets. The combined conference &
exhibition casted here would provide us all a great President, NDTSS
platform in exchanging new ideas, innovation in Plant Chairman, ICND
& Assets condition monitoring for various industries Advisor WCCM 2019/ SINCE 2019
such as Power, Aviation, Civil Infrastructure and
petrochemical industry.


International Society for
Condition Monitoring (ISCM)

Prof Len Gelman

On behalf of the International Society for Condition I would like to thank national condition monitoring
Monitoring (ISCM), I am delighted to invite and NDT societies for their support of the Congress.
the worldwide condition monitoring, structural I am sure that the Congress will be a true international
health monitoring, NDT and asset management scientific-technical competition for academics and
communities to the premier event, the Second practitioners and a worldwide demonstration of
World Congress on Condition Monitoring. The highest achievements. This is only achievable through
International Society for Condition Monitoring, the global scale of the Congress with all continents
World Organization for Condition Monitoring, is involved.
the founder and owner of the World Congresses on Finally, I would like to cordially welcome all of you
Condition Monitoring, and the Non- Destructive to the Congress.
Testing Society, Singapore (NDTSS) kindly offered to See you in Singapore, the famous and smart city of
be the official host of the event. the future!
On behalf of the ISCM, I would like to thank NDTSS
for its great efforts in Congress preparation. Prof. Len Gelman
I am also delighted to inform that Congress The Executive Director of the
Proceedings will be published by Springer and will International Society for Condition Monitoring,
be indexed by Scopus, WEB of Science and The Chair of the International Scientific Advisory
Ei Compendex. Committee of the Second World Congress on CM
The Congress will embrace all aspects of condition
monitoring, structural health monitoring, NDT, asset
management and related areas, including Industry
4.0 revolution’s topics, and papers are cordially
invited from individual contributors. The ISCM and
the NDTSS are expecting that the majority of papers
will be submitted from members of the national
condition monitoring and NDT societies, many of
which are Liaison Members of
the ISCM.










11. CONTACT US 113





ROOM LOCATIONS (See Floorplan on Page 106-107)

Peony Ballroom Exhibition 2 to 5 December 2019
Coffee breaks & Lunch
Orchid Ballroom Opening Ceremony & Main Plenary 2 to 5 December 2019
Orchid Junior Ballroom (Rm 4211 & 4212) Breakout 1 2 to 5 December 2019
Orchid Junior Ballroom (Rm 4311 & 4312) Breakout 2 2 to 5 December 2019
Melati Ballroom (Rm 4002 & 4003) Breakout 3 2 to 5 December 2019
Melati Ballroom (Rm 4102 & 4103) 2 to 5 December 2019
Orchid Junior Bayview Foyer Breakout 4 3 December 2019
Melati Ballroom (Rm 4004 & 4104) Welcome Reception 4 to 5 December 2019
Orchid Ballroom (Rm 4205 & 4305) Breakout 5 4 to 5 December 2019
Orchid Junior Ballroom Breakout 6 4 December 2019
Orchid Ballroom Gala Dinner 5 December 2019

Closing Ceremony


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Scientific Chair
Prof L. Gelman
Dr C.K. Liew / Dr A.A. Malcolm
Dr N. Martin
International Scientific Advisory

Chair Prof Len Gelman, UK
Honorary Chair Dr Sajeesh K. Babu, Singapore


Dr M. Abulnour, Egypt Prof P. Mazal, Czech Republic
Mr C. Belinco, Argentina Prof M. Mihovski, Bulgaria
Dr A. Bereson, USA Mr P. Milligan, Australia
Mr K. Cain, South Africa Dr. A. Nassir, Malaysia
Prof T. Chady, Poland Dr T. Ogata, Japan
Prof F. Chu, China Dr N. Ooka, Japan
Mr J. Conte, Brasil Mr S. R.J. Pardikar, India
Dr M. Farley, UK Prof I. Prassianakis, Greece
Mr D. Gilbert, UK Prof V. Prohorovich, Russian
Mr F. Gomez, Spain Federation
Prof G. Grum, Slovenia Dr T. Rigishvili, Georgia
Prof C. Hakan, Turkey Mr R. Rodríguez, Spain
Mr J. Hansen, UK Prof G. Shen, China
Prof Honarvar, Iran Prof P. Trampus, Hungary
Mr H. Jokinen, Finland Prof V. Troitskiy, Ukraine
Dr C.K. Liew, Singapore Prof T. Uhl, Poland
Mr R. Lyon, UK Prof V. Vengrinovich, Belarus
Mr M. Krishnamurthy, Singapore Dr C.C. Wong, Singapore
Dr A. A. Malcolm, Singapore Mrs A. Wynn, USA
Mr D. Mandina, USA Mrs S. Zaitova, Kazakhstan
Dr S. Mammadov, Azerbaijan
Dr N. Martin, France



Professor Andrew Ball
Professor Younho Cho
Professor Fulei Chu
Professor Tat-Hean Gan
Professor Stephan Heyns
Professor Robert Randall
Professor Tomoki Shiotani
Professor Zhongqing Su


Prof Andrew Ball Prof Younho Cho Prof Fulei Chu

University of Huddersfield Pusan National University Tsinghua University
United Kingdom South Korea China

Prof Tat-Hean Gan Prof Stephan Heyns Prof Robert Randall

Brunel University London University of Pretoria University of New South Wales
United Kingdom South Africa Australia

Prof Tomoki Shiotani Prof Zhongqing Su

Kyoto University Hong Kong Polytechnic University China
Japan Hong Kong SAR


Prof Andrew Ball Professor Andrew Ball is Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and
Enterprise and Professor of Diagnostic Engineering at the University
University of Huddersfield of Huddersfield. He graduated from the University of Leeds in 1987,
United Kingdom with a first class honours in Mechanical Engineering. He then joined
the Total Technology Scheme at the University of Manchester, from
which he graduated in 1991 with a PhD in Machinery Condition
Andrew then took the Shell sponsored lectureship in Maintenance
Engineering at the University of Manchester; he was promoted to
Professor of Maintenance Engineering in 1999, and was the Head of
School of the Manchester School of Engineering from 2003 to 2004.
In 2005 he became Dean of Graduate Education and thereafter
Dean of Research and in late-2007 he moved to the University of
Huddersfield as Professor of Diagnostic Engineering and Pro-Vice-
Chancellor for Research and Enterprise.
Andrew’s personal research expertise is in the detection and diagnosis
of faults in mechanical, electrical and electro-hydraulic machines,
in data analysis and signal processing, and in measurement systems
and sensor development. He is the author of over 300 technical and
professional publications, and he has spent a large amount of time
lecturing and consulting to industry in all parts of the world.
Andrew will soon graduate his 100th research degree. He has acted
as external examiner at over 50 international institutions, holds
visiting and honorary positions at 5 overseas universities, sits on 3
large corporate scientific advisory boards, and is also a Registered
Expert Witness in 3 countries.


Younho Cho received his BSc at the department of mechanical Prof Younho Cho
engineering, Yonsei University and MSc subsequently in the
graduate school at the same university, majoring in fatigue and Pusan National University
fracture. He earned his PhD at the engineering science and South Korea
mechanics department at Pennsylvania State University, studying
ultrasonic guided wave NDE/SHM. He is now a Professor at the
School of Mechanical Engineering in Pusan National University,
South Korea. He had also spent many years in the past at
Pennsylvania State University and Northwestern University
as research and visiting professors, respectively. His research
includes ultrasonic wave modeling, guided wave tomography, long
range NDE/SHM and nonlinear ultrasonic wave applications. He
has given keynote and invited speeches via a number of major
academic/society meetings in related fields such as the 17th
WCNDT in Durban, South Africa (2012), the 15th APCNDT in
Singapore (2017), FENDT conferences, SPIE, and the Acoustical
Society of America (ASA). He is presently serving as the President
of the 20th WCNDT to be held in Seoul, South Korea in June
2020 and is also an Associate Editor for the journal, Ultrasonics,
for the past 7 years. He is an Executive Committee Member of the
International Committee for NDT (ICNDT) chairing its Working
Group on NDE Education and Research, and a Board Member of
the International Congress of Ultrasonics (ICU). He is also a Vice
President and Fellow of the Korean Society for Nondestructive
Testing (KSNT), as well as a Board Member of the Korean Society
of Mechanical Engineers (KSME).


Prof Fulei Chu Fulei Chu received his PhD from Southampton University in UK.
He is now a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Tsinghua
Tsinghua University University in Beijing. He is the Vice President of the Chinese Society
China for Vibration Engineering (CSVE) and Chairman of the Technical
Committee for Machine Fault Diagnostics of CSVE. He serves
as members of the editorial board for many journals, including
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Journal of Vibration
Engineering, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Journal of
Vibration and Shock and others. His research interests include
rotating machinery dynamics, machine condition monitoring
and fault detection, nonlinear vibration and vibration control. He
has published more than 300 papers in peer reviewed journals,
including 36 papers in the Journal of Sound and Vibration and 26
papers in the Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.
He has also authored 3 books and edited 2 conference proceedings.
He has received many awards in China, including the Outstanding
Young Researcher Award from the Natural Science Foundation of


Tat-Hean Gan graduated with a First Class Honours degree in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of
Nottingham. He went on to pursue his MSc degree in Advanced
Mechanical Engineering and graduated with a distinction from
the University of Warwick in 1998, and continued his PhD studies
in Engineering specialising in advanced ultrasonic imaging at the
same university. In 2006, he completed his Executive MBA degree
at the University of Birmingham.

He has worked as an academic and in industry for many years. He
has published more than 100 papers and has contributed to several
books in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT) and condition
monitoring. Tat-Hean is currently a Professor at Brunel University
London, where he is also the chair of acoustic Waves Technologies
in the School of Engineering and Design. He is also the Director of
the Brunel Innovation Centre (BIC).

His research interest is in signal and image processing, sensor Prof Tat-Hean Gan
development, artificial intelligence, digital twin, asset integrity
management and structural assessment. He was a recipient of The Brunel University London
Welding Institute Lidstone Award who is deemed to have made United Kingdom
the most significant contribution to the advancement of welding
technology. He has obtained his CEng, EurIng and IntPE(UK) status
and he is also Fellows of the Institute of Engineering and Technology,
British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, International Society
of Condition Monitoring, International Society of Engineering
Asset Management and the Welding Institute.

Tat-Hean is also an Associate Director at TWI Ltd., and Technology
Director of the National Structural Integrity Research Centre
(NSIRC), the UK’s first industry-led postgraduate education
and research centre in structural integrity. Recently he has
been appointed as the Programme Director of the Nonmetallic
Innovation (NIC), a collaboration between TWI, Saudi Aramco
Technologies and ADNOC, to develop flexible pipe composites for
oil and gas applications.


Prof Stephan Heyns Stephan Heyns is Professor and Director of the Centre for Asset
Integrity Management in the Department of Mechanical and
University of Pretoria AeronauticalEngineeringattheUniversityofPretoriainSouthAfrica.
South Africa He was awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at
the University of Pretoria in 1977, followed by his Master’s degree
in 1982 and his PhD in 1988, also from the University of Pretoria
in South Africa. His personal research focuses on machine and
structural health monitoring using vibration measurement and
analysis techniques including optical measurement techniques, as
well physical asset integrity management, and the use of machine
learning and signal processing techniques in these applications.
His current work includes structural integrity monitoring in
turbomachinery using non-contact measurement, gear and
bearing condition monitoring, and the use of optical measurement
techniques for structural integrity assessment. He is an accredited
researcher with the National Research Foundation in South Africa,
a registered professional engineer in South Africa, as well as a Fellow
of the South African Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the
Royal Aeronautical Society, a Fellow of the International Society of
Engineering Asset Management and Honorary Fellow of the South
African Institution of Mechanical Engineers.


Bob Randall is a visiting Emeritus Professor in the School of Prof Robert Randall
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of
New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, which he joined as University of New South Wales
a Senior Lecturer in 1988. Prior to that, he worked for the Danish Australia
company Brüel & Kjær for 17 years, after ten years’ experience
in the chemical and rubber industries in Australia, Canada and
Sweden. His book “Frequency Analysis”, published by Brüel & Kjær
in 1977 with a new edition in 1987, was widely distributed around
the world. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1996 and
to Professor in 2001, and was made an Emeritus Professor on his
retirement in 2008. He has degrees in Mechanical Engineering and
Arts (Mathematics, Swedish) from the Universities of Adelaide
and Melbourne, respectively. He is the invited author of chapters
on vibration measurement and analysis in a number of handbooks
and encyclopedias, and a member of the editorial boards of three
journals. His book Vibration-based Condition Monitoring was
published in 2011 by Wiley. He is the author of more than 300
papers in the fields of vibration analysis and machine diagnostics,
and has supervised seventeen PhD projects in those areas. From
1996 to 2011 he was Director of the DSTO (Defence Science
and Technology Organisation) Centre of Expertise in Helicopter
Structures and Diagnostics at UNSW, with the main effort on
diagnostics and prognostics of gears and bearings in helicopter
gearboxes and gas turbine engines. He is still active in research, for
example being a co-author of fourteen journal papers in the last
two years.


Tomoki Shiotani is Professor of Department of Civil and Earth
Resources Engineering, as well as Vice Director of Infra-System
Management Unit, Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary
Education and Research in Kyoto University. He got B.E. and M.E.
degrees both from The University of Tokushima, and was awarded
Ph.D. from Kumamoto University. After working in general
contractor as well as Senior Research Fellow in Delft University
of Technology (Netherlands), He joined in Kyoto University as an
Associate Professor in 2007. From 2010, he was also appointed as an
Associate Professor of Business School of Kyoto University. In 2014,
he became a Professor of the laboratory on innovative technologies
for infrastructures in Kyoto University.

His research fields are involved in advanced NDT to assess such
infrastructures as road bridges, dam, tunnels and so forth. Fibre
optical sensing, elastic wave approaches including acoustic emission
(AE) are his principal fields and well known worldwide in AE
science for damage index and methodology to quantify damage,
namely improved b-value and AE tomography.

Prof Tomoki Shiotani Not only in AE division of Japanese Society of Non-Destructive
Testing (JSNDI) but also in Acoustic Emission Working Group
Kyoto University (AEWG), USA, he served as chairman. He is also known as a
Japan contributor to establish the International Institute of Innovative
Acoustic Emission (IIIAE), consisting of three major AE groups of
Japan, USA and Europe, and lead the first IIIAE Kyoto conference
successful as an organizing chair in 2016. His recent interest covers
the life-cycle evaluation of infrastructures with NDT so that he
established relevant TC-269IAM, RILEM (France) as chairman.
He has published more than 200 reviewed papers and holds more
than 40 patents. He was a convener to lead three JP proposed ISO
standards on AE testing to publication in 2019. He has received a lot
of awards such as four NDT awards from Structural Faults & Repair
Conference, UK, 2008, 2013, 2016 and 2018. He is also medalists of
AEWG of USA, Fellow Award in 2013, Joseph Kaiser Achievement
Award in 2017 and Gold Medal, highest award of AEWG in 2019.


Zhongqing Su is a Professor affiliated with the Department of Prof Zhongqing Su
Mechanical Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(PolyU), Hong Kong, and the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Ultrasonics Hong Kong Polytechnic
(Elsevier). In PolyU, he leads a group dedicated to a wide array University China
of research and development pertaining to guided-ultrasonic- Hong Kong SAR
wave-based structural health monitoring (SHM) and damage
identification, with both fundamental investigations and real-
world engineering applications He earned his PhD in 2004 from
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
at The University of Sydney, Australia. His research interests lie
primarily in the area of SHM, ultrasonics, wave propagation, sensor
and sensor network, non-destructive evaluation, smart materials
and structures, advanced composite materials. Apart from his
appointment as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Ultrasonics, Professor Su
has also been an Associate Editor for Structural Health Monitoring:
An International Journal (SAGE) since 2016, and ASME Journal
of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of
Engineering Systems (ASME) since 2017. He served Journal
of Sound and Vibration (Elsevier) as a Subject Editor in 2016-
2018. As at the end of 2018, Prof. Su is the author/co-author of 2
research monographs, 5 edited books and international conference
proceedings, 6 book chapters, and over 260 refereed papers
including around 150 papers in top-tier SCI journals. Prof. Su was
the General Chair of the 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural
Health Monitoring which was successfully held in Hong Kong in
2018. He has been the Co-chair of SPIE Conference on Health
Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems (SPIE Conference
Series on Smart Structures/NDE) since 2018. In addition, he is also
an elected member of the Steering Committee of the European
Workshop on SHM (EWSHM), and the Scientific Committee of the
Asia-Pacific Workshop on SHM (APWSHM). In recognition of his
achievements in the field of SHM and scientific contributions to the
SHM society, Prof. Su received the “Structural Health Monitoring -
Person of the Year (SHM-POY) Award” in 2012.



Programme is subject to change


5 December 2019 DAY 2









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nusam aut omniment labo. Name ipsaectem et ad nusam aut omniment labo. Name ipsaectem et ad
eum et exerchilitio tectione nam quisit rerum siti eum et exerchilitio tectione nam quisit rerum siti
aliquidiciis inihiliae ni temquatus is exerrum quas aliquidiciis inihiliae ni temquatus is exerrum quas
doluptiis accus. doluptiis accus.








It rem imin remporpor aute dit ex et, qui dit dentium,
volorer ciatur aciis eat.

It rem imin remporpor aute dit ex et, qui
dit dentium, volorer ciatur aciis eat.

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dit dentium, volorer ciatur aciis eat.

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ta vit quibus simolorepta soluptas omnem, numus, Catus, erributerem
perciure ab inctem doluptatur santo patum renterei patilis fit Catia videsil
beaqui iusda digenditat que non niscid hae estimum maionsidines antis viver-
ma am faccus sum in rest, se deri vi verfecto tem trivive remnemnit, ca-
aut a qui si ipientotam vent volorem. peres tam niu quam. Tum hales pore,
Itaturepudae pratatia voluptasit nonsci fit, co conequi ta ca vicaete
assimin istempe comnim rerchillupta audessenimum publin dem nonsume et
nis verspid empore, quia prehendae imenatil ve, ute conferra ta ren Etrita
noneturiae coriatesciumRei convere caes no
confic te cotiaeq uidetra tam imuntra



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