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Kahoot! in The Classroom
Madison Brooks
Brigham Young University- Idaho
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Table of Contents
Title_______________________________________________________________Page Number
Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Author Page……………………………………………………………………………………….3
Technology Article……………………………………………………………………………….5
Stakeholders Interviews………………………………………………………………………….11
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Technology Article:
Kahoot! in The Classroom
Madison Brooks
Brigham Young University- Idaho
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Author Page
Madison Brooks is a third semester elementary education, science emphasis major at
Brigham Young University- Idaho. Madison hopes to complete her associate degree at BYUI
then finish her degree elsewhere. Madison hopes to become a second grade teacher and a first-
rate mother one day. Second of five children, Madison was born and raised in Winlock,
Washington. Her parents encouraged her reading addiction by possessing enough books to fill a
small library, she continues to read in every spare minute. Madison also enjoys to roller skate,
dance, and go on road trips with friends. She teaches cabaret dance lifts at her college on the
weekends and Wednesdays at country dance night. When not at school, Madison works at a
childcare center and loves being able to be with children.
Madison started out in mechanical engineering major. After her first two semesters in
mechanical engineering, she realized that she needed to switch to a major she could make a real
difference in someone’s everyday life. So, she became a physical therapy assisting major. This
new major also did not fit right either, so Madison began looking for another. At home for break
Madison got a job at a childcare center and she realized her love of children and her power to
help the lives of many more children through teaching. Now with renewed purpose
and faith that she will succeed, Madison will not be changing her major again.
Madison’s philosophy of education is based loosely on constructivism and
behaviorism. She believes the classroom is a place to learn by inquiry and
exploration, that the classroom setup should be always changing based on class needs. She
believes that the teacher is there to present new material and facilitate student lead discussions.
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Madison hopes to change the way teachers teach, instead having teachers help students learn.
The children of today are the adults of tomorrow. (311)
This article answers questions that parents, teachers, and faculty may have with the use of
technology in the classroom, specifically the benefits of the internet site Kahoot! in the
classroom. The author addresses the qualities and properties of educational, effective technology
programs such as Kahoot! or Quizlet. This article also addresses how teachers and parents can
help their students keep their devices and technology from becoming a distraction or interruption
to the class or lesson. Teacher’s number one concern is to keep their students safe while using
technology, what with so many online predators and internet pornography. Teachers must find
the fine line between video games and instructional interactive technology. Technology has the
ability to greatly enhance your students’ learning experience both at school and at home. Some
teachers debate however, whether technology has become too big a part of students’ lives.
Technology such as computers and phones have become available to almost every household,
many students will have both in their pocket called a smart phone. This article is of the opinion
that technology is a tool such as a knife, it can hurt just as easily as it can create and it all
depends on how it is used. It is the teacher’s responsibility to teach his or her students to use
technology safely and to use it to learn in new ways. (256)
Kahoot! in The Page |5
quizzes can then be used in the classroom or
Written by Madison Brooks at home, they can be saved for future use
and can be updated with new questions and
The use of technology in a classroom answers. This website can be used on a
setting has increased dramatically in recent laptop, iPad, or phone. Kahoot! has been
years. The largest challenge with technology found to be most effective when used in a
in the classroom is finding effective group setting. “Kahoot! combines the
educational websites. To be effective a dynamics of play with the benefits of
website needs to have a way to have the user student response systems, creating a
self-assess, prompt self-directed learning, stimulating and motivating environment
initiate problem-based learning, offer learner conducive to the active involvement of
interaction, and provide feedback. students in their learning process” (M.
Technology applications also need to be Fuentes, 2016). This application is effective
interesting to the students so they will stay because it already feels like a video game to
on the website you want them to be on, the students using it. Kahoot! allows
misuse of classroom technology is a big students to learn and study while feeling like
problem in schools today. they are playing a game. Kahoot! gives a
student the chance to win and lose while
Kahoot! is a free game-based using anonymous nicknames. Students feel
educational learning website that allows any safe to answer the quiz without knowing that
teacher or student to design their own their teachers are actually assessing them.
educational quizzes and answers. These Unlike normal quizzes, Kahoot! quizzes
give students a time limit and rank the
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players based on speed and accuracy thus and students, schools and districts have
creating a sense of competition. It is searched for ways to benefit from the use of
dynamic way to assess student the available technology. Most teachers now
comprehension and provides the students have grown up using these technologies and
and teacher with immediate class wide are more comfortable in their usage than the
results. The teacher has control of the game older generation are.
and its pace, allowing the teacher to discuss
the questions. Kahoot! is not the best way to
assess students who need time to take tests.
Kahoot! is also limited by question length,
question time, and different graphics
limitations. This application could be best Kahoot!’s target audience is schools, as such they
utilized as a progress assessment, rather than tailor their site to teacher and student use.
a quiz. Schools and classrooms that are not taking
advantage of technology such as Kahoot! or
“Technology can change the other educational websites are missing out
teaching process, making it more flexible, on unique learning opportunities. Your
engaging, and challenging for students” students, most likely, will have grown up
(Groff & Mouza. 2008). Technology can with technology in their homes and all
allow the teaching process to be put into the around them. They will be able to navigate
hands of the students, making the learning
process more room to change and excite the websites and apps better than you can, this
students. As technology has evolved and can make your job easier. When students get
become more readily available to teachers onto a website such as Kahoot! they will
know how to use the site better than you Page |7
might, allowing you to be able to go
having transitions help your students stay on
immediately into the assessment you are task and motivated. Using technology at the
about to give rather than having to wait and
teach your students how to use it. end of a lesson can help you create that
motivation for your students to get
“Motivation is the most important through the lesson. Technology use in
factor that drives learning. When motivation the classroom can also be used as a
dies, learning dies and playing stops” disciplinary object, students who disrupt
Motivation can be described as a student’s or misbehave could have their
willingness to sit down and put effort into an technology privileges taken away this
activity or lesson. In order for a website or creating a reason for your students to stay on
technology application to be effective in task.
classroom use, it must be interesting enough
or rewarding enough to keep the students As teachers we have the
motivated to continue to play. Just like any responsibility to teach our students the skills
lesson that you teach, time management and they will need in life, most any job these
days requires at least a rudimentary ability
to operate a computer. Teaching your
students using technology will not just help
you in the classroom or your students in
class. The more familiar your students
become with how computer programs work,
the more prepared they will be in secondary
school, in college, and in the work place.
No matter how much or how little Page |8
you integrate technology into your
classroom, a discipline procedure must be a distraction? These are some of the
put into place in your classroom. One of the questions I have tried to answer in this
biggest problems with technology is the article. Each student is different and so thus
distraction it creates. Misuse of classroom each classroom is different, it is up to each
devices needs a firm and immediate teacher to discern the needs of his or her
consequence plan that the students are aware classroom and use the technology they have
of. If a student logs onto a site that is available to the best of their ability. Advise
inappropriate for school, there must be a with your academic colleagues, find out
plan in place to detect this misuse and a what sites have been useful in their
procedure for discipline. It is the teacher’s classrooms. (1031)
responsibility to follow through with
technology use procedure so they can keep
their students as safe as possible from
dangerous internet sites and cyber-bullying.
The questions most parents, teachers,
and administrations ask are; how can every
student have access to technology both
inside and outside the classroom, what
technology applications and internet
websites should we use, and how can we
keep technology an educational tool and not
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M. Fuentes, M. Andrino, M. Pascual,
A. Martin, C. Garcia, M. López, P. Madera,
B. Ruiz-Valdepeñas, M. Hierro, "El
aprendizaje basado en juegos: experiencias
docentes en la Holguín E” Universidad
Europea de Madrid, no. 2015, 2016.
Groff, J. & Mouza, C. A Framework
for Addressing Challenges to Classroom
Technology Use. AACE Journal. 16 (1), pp.
21-46. 2008.
Gee, J. P. What video games have to
teach us about learning and literacy.
Computer Entertainment, 1(1), 20–20. 2003.
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Kahoot! is a game-based platform that makes learning awesome for millions of
people all over the world. Sign up to create and play fun quiz games!
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Interviews A4: I saw students use a program called I-
station that seemed to be informational.
Carina, Elementary Education Major,
Brigham Young University-Idaho, Rexburg Q5: How have you seen technology be
ID misused?
Q1: What is the importance in having A5: Technology can be misused if there
technology in the classroom? aren’t certain regulations like time
management and educational purposes set in
A1: The world is revolving more and more place. Obviously, students should not be
around technology and being used in work able to search up just anything.
professions. Using technology in the
classroom allows the children to become Austin Bly, Biotechnology Major, Brigham
familiar with it and gain skills such as Young University-Idaho, Rexburg ID
Q1: What is the importance in having
Q2: What are the benefits in having one technology in the classroom?
device per child?
A1: It can make the learning more
A2: Having one device per child allows the interactive.
teacher to create whole class activities
involving the devices. Q2: What are the benefits in having one
device per child?
Q3: How do you keep technology from
becoming a distraction? A2: To keep up to date with technology. The
more they use it the more natural it
A3: It’s inevitable that it will be a distraction becomes.
in the classroom but keeping specific
instructions and designated time will restrain Q3: How do you keep technology from
the students from misusing it. becoming a distraction?
Q4: Which online resources have you seen A3: You can't prevent distraction.
work the best?
Q4: Which online resources have you seen P a g e | 12
work the best?
Q4: Which online resources have you seen
A4: Quizlet and top hat have worked best work the best?
for me in school. A4: Google has all the answers.
Q5: How have you seen technology be
Q5: How have you seen technology be misused?
misused? A5: I have seen kids search Youtube and
play games on their laptops during a lesson.
A5: I have seen gaming in class, it distracts
everyone around them. Christy Brooks, School volunteer and
Mother of 5, West Richland WA
Allison Brooks, 12th grader, Hanford High Q1: What is the importance in having
School, Richland WA technology in the classroom?
A1: Technology is the future and our
Q1: What is the importance in having children need to be able to function with
technology in the classroom? technology.
Q2: What are the benefits in having one
A1: It allows students to figure out how to device per child?
use technology that will be useful for future A2: The student will be able to have
jobs involving technology. Technology is continuous hands on experience without the
such a big part of our lives now and most down time of sharing.
definitely will be a big part of our future. Q3: How do you keep technology from
becoming a distraction?
Q2: What are the benefits in having one A3: Time limits must be set for the use of
device per child? technology or they would never set it down.
Q4: Which online resources have you seen
A2: I do not see much benefit but it does work the best?
allow for equal learning time if each child
has a device.
Q3: How do you keep technology from
becoming a distraction?
A3: Teach kids how to prioritize their time
and what’s important in life.
A4: Generally, google is a good search P a g e | 13
HUGE distraction in class and while doing
Q5: How have you seen technology be assignments if not properly monitored. Even
misused? for serious students I see time wasted on
games, videos, media, etc.
A5: As like most anything, technology can
be abused and addictive, explicit pictures Q3: How do you keep technology from
and videos are running rampant online and becoming a distraction?
pull those who view such things into a very
dark place which leads their lives into A3: To avoid distraction, the devices should
secrets and full of lies. be away during critical instruction periods.
Hands -on, real-life assignments away from
Sheri Smith, CPA and Mother of 4, West devices should be given as much as possible.
Richland WA
Q4: Which online resources have you seen
Q1: What is the importance in having work the best?
technology in the classroom?
A4: Not sure which online resources are
A1: We have become an information best. I am a fan of Power school and canvas.
society. It is so important that we know how I know Wikipedia has many faults but it
to navigate and sort through it all to find does give students a starting point for
accurate and relevant information. That research.
being said, it is imperative that it be a part of
the classroom. Q5: How have you seen technology be
Q2: What are the benefits in having one
device per child? A5: Personally, I see too many youth (and
adults too) become desensitized to life by
A2: This is the first year our school district spending time on social media. There is a
has provided a device for every student. I huge increase in depression, anxiety, and
see benefits in communicating homework related mental illnesses that have not been
and turning it in. I do think it can be a helped by social media. There is great
danger in becoming dependent on