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Published by norlinda333, 2020-04-03 11:11:03

Close up b1 workbook

close up b1 workbook

Units 7 & 8

\1 о С < л Ъ 1 Л \< л Г \\

A Choose th e co rre ct answers.

1 I lost w hile I was w alkin g in th e m ountains. I was 12 The te m p e ra tu re in th e A rc tic in w in te r can reach
very scared. 30 d e g re e s freezing.

a did с went a under с until

b kept d got b down d below

2 The unlucky explorers never reached th e ir ... 13 C lim bing M ount Everest tests th e of your
a bilities. It's so d iffic u lt,
a expedition с congratulations

b conditions d destination a flow с strengths

3 The runner could n o t w ith the heat and had to b destination d lim it
give up his a tte m p t to break th e record.
14 Jim is a b it o f a ___off. He always boasts about
a get better с panic ho w g o o d he is at gam ing,

b deal d tolerate a show с try

4 The crew o f the sailing b o a t with terrible storms b tell d take
b ut m anaged to survive.
15 'D o n 't you just love taking pictures?'

a coped с succeeded 'Y e s, is m y fa v o u rite hob b y.'

b destroyed d disappeared a sculpture с cookery

5 Edm und Hillary is one o f th e m o st fa m o u s ___ b painting d photography

a companions с explorers 16 Take this life ja c k e t w ith you. It m ig h t ju s t ___
your life!
b destinations d expeditions

6 The rescue team were amazed th a t the earthquake a take с save
victims h a d the extrem e cold.
b keep d make

a helped с lived 17 I love h a v in g ___ lessons a t school. I w a n t to be an
actor when I'm older,
b died d survived

7 We do o u r to prevent accidents, but people a sculpture с drama
p a rticip a te in e xtre m e sports a t th e ir ow n risk.
b painting d ballet

a well с help 18 W hy d o n 't y o u ___fo r th e fo o tb a ll team a t schoo
You're really good at sport,
b best d calm

8 If you w ant to g e t fit, why not _ up m artial arts? a find out с cut out

a call с take b try out d call o u t

b cut d show 19 It's really h o t today. It must b e 35 degrees
9 The man had been flying a balloon across the
d e se rt fo r five days w hen he w e n t___ a over с onto

a lost с away b along d during

b along d missing 20 We finally reached the t o p th e m ountain at fiv
o 'c lo c k in th e evening.
10 I lo v e ; I think the dancers are so graceful.

a martial arts с drama a of

b gam ing d ballet b over

11 I am g iv in g ju d o because I g e t lots o f injuries.

a on с with

b up d away

so Review 4 Units 7 & 8

fy r

В Choose the correct answers.

1 When the em ergency services finally arrived, the 9 You could teach me how to d a n c e , you?
survivors o f the air c ra sh fo r days.
a could с haven't

a have been w aiting b couldn't d d id n 't

b had been w aiting 10 'Is th a t yo u r sister jo g g in g in th e park?'

с were w aiting ' I t be her; she hates exercise.'

d are used to w aiting a shouldn't с can't

2 Neil A rm stro n g was th e firs t astronaut to w alk on b m ustn't d oughtn't
the moon, where no m a n ever walked before
11 S a m m y be tire d . She's been clim b in g all day!

a would с could a need с ought

b has d had b can't d must

3 When th e te am reached th e to p , t h e y ___ 12 Lou ise take sculpture lessons, b u t it isn't certain.
several mem bers.

a already lost с had already been losing a can с ought

b had already lost d have already lost b may d must

4 'W h o the equipm ent fo r the expedition?' 13 That was a great view from the to p o f the h ill, ?

'It was John.' a isn't it с doesn't it

a did prepare с prepare b hasn't it d w asn't it

b prepared d have prepared 14 'I h u rt m y knee when I fell o ff m y skateboard.'

5 'You w o n 't m e e t Jane to d a y.' 'Y ou to be more careful.'

'Why n o t? invited her to th e party?' a ought с m ight

a You d id n 't с You b must d should

b Haven't you d Have you 15 Y o u buy a new camera; you can borrow mine.

6 ' you enjoy hiking?' a needn't с shouldn't

'No, I think it's very tirin g .' b m ustn't d couldn't

a Does с D idn't 16 you g o t anyth in g b e tte r to d o than w atch TV all

b D oesn't d D on't a H aven't с D on't

7 'Tom won th e chess to urnam ent!' b C an't d N eedn't

'Really? W h o ?' 17 Y o u g o to bed early. It's Saturday tom orrow , so
there's no school.
a did he beat с he beat

b does he beat d beat him a ought с could

8 Let's g o sw im m in g w ith Jane and Tom on th e b do n 't have to d may
river, ?
18 He'll call me when he fin ish e s, he?

a do we с will we a w o n 't с doesn't

b shall we d w o n 't we b will d does

Review 4 Units 7 & 8 51

Q High-Tech World

'R e d itu ? ) Exam
A Read th e E xam R e m in d e r. A re th e q u es tio n s in
Finding the answers
th e sam e o rd e r as th e in fo rm a tio n in th e te x t? • R em em ber to u n d e rlin e key w o rd s in th e questions

В N o w c o m p le te th e E xam Task. before you read the text.
• W rite short notes about the to pic o f each paragraph
The cost of high-tech teens
as you read.
• Read the questions again and decide which paragraph

th e in fo rm a tio n is in. R em em ber th a t th e questions
are in th e same o rd e r as th e in fo rm a tio n in th e text.

• Look fo r w o rd s and phrases in th e te x t sim ilar to the
key inform ation you underlined.

For Julie Westbrook, the final straw was the ‘It’s very expensive to have access to the angry with the phone companies, too
£280 her 15-year-old daughter, Ruby, spent World Wide Web from a mobile phone,’ Julie not explaining things clearly to her. ‘Don
on downloading music and horoscopes onto says. 'That wasn’t explained to me when I they understand that most parents have no
her mobile phone. For Simon Evans, it was was choosing a mobile phone plan for my clue about the technologies available for
a mobile phone bill totalling £370 for his daughter. She downloaded four songs and mobile phones?’
teenage daughter’s text messages. Both those four songs cost me nearly £ 1 0 0 .1was
parents were absolutely furious that their so upset that I cancelled the service as soon Simon Evans and his wife hit the roof
children had run up such massive bills. as the contract was finished.' But that wasn’t when they got a £3 70 phone bill for their
the end of it for Julie. daughter's extra minutes and texts. ‘Lydia
‘When I was a teenager and wanted to be had sent over 4 ,0 0 0 text messages and
accepted by others, being cool meant wearing ‘The next mobile phone company offered my spent around 20 hours on her mobile in I
the right clothes and trainers and listening to the daughter 200 minutes and unlimited texts for one m onth,’ Simon says. ‘If you do the
right music. You didn’t need to spend a fortune £19.99 a month, which seemed fair. I thought maths, you’ll see th a t’s over 130 text
to be cool,’ says Julie. ‘Nowadays though, teens the problem had been solved, but then a bill messages and 40 minutes of talk time a
seem to want to impress each other with their came with another £80 in charges. Ruby day!’
mobile phones, video games, computers and all had texted a code to get horoscopes sent to
sorts of other gadgets,' she adds. her and had been charged extra. I couldn’t Fortunately, Julie and Simon both found
believe it!’ ways to control their teens’ phone use.
These days, the cost of being cool has Julie eventually got a plan that allowed her
skyrocketed and one of the main expenses Julie says she hadn't realised what was to log in to an Internet account and check I
seems to be mobile phones. Teens want involved in getting a m obile phone, or that how much the phone was being used.
mobile phones in order to talk to and text it was going to be so com plicated. She’s Simon has lim ited how much his daughter
their friends. Parents usually end up having to can use the phone by getting her a card
pay high mobile phone bills, with charges for plan. When she runs out of minutes, that’s
hundreds of minutes of calls and thousands it. She has to buy another card with her
of text messages. And as if that wasn’t bad own pocket money.
enough, teens now want mobile phones with
access to the Internet. Once they get them, ‘It's taught her the value of money,' says I
they start purchasing applications, known Simon. ‘But she’s also learnt something far
as ‘apps’ for short, for their phones. What more im portant - you don’t need to have I
they don’t realise is the high cost of this new the latest high-tech gadgets to have value I
technology. as a person.’

Exam Taskl

Look a t th e sentences b e lo w a b o u t th e use o f m o b ile phones. Read th e te x t to d e cid e if each sentence is co rre ct or
incorrect. W rite T (True) o r F (False).

1 Julie W estbrook's daughter spent 4 The w riter thinks children should 7 Julie d oesn't w ant her daughter^
to have a phone.
a lot o f money buying a new □ have the newest !__
phone. 8 In th e end, Simon w e n t online to |
technology. check his daughter's
phone use.
2 Julie's daughter spent £280 on 5 Parents think th e ir children know
extra services fo r her how to be responsible 9 Simon also makes his daughter
phone. w ith money. pay fo r p a rt o f her ph o n e use.

3 The w riter thinks teenagers today 6 Julie's main c o m p la in t is th a t she 10 Sim on suggests th a t be in g trend
isn't the m ost im portant thing.
d o n 't care if they're cool w asn't given enough □
inform ation.
or not. I__ I

52 О High-Tech World

\1 о с а Ъ ( л \ а г \\

A Com plete the sentences w ith these words.

battery camera laptop microchip remote control research satnav USB stick

1 Can you pass me t h e _________________________ ? I w a n t to w atch a d iffe re n t TV pro g ra m m e .

2 If we had a _________________________ w e 'd know h ow to g e t to th e party.

3 I p u t th e files th a t I ne e d e d o n to a __________________________ and to o k th e m hom e.

4 O ur do g has g o t a in case it ever gets lost.

5 I need to recharge th e on my phone.

6 My parents are buying me a n e w so I can d o m y h o m e w o rk m ore easily.

7 __________________________ leads to th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f new te ch n o lo g y.

8 He to o k hundreds o f p h o to s o f th e w e d d in g w ith his n e w -------------------------------------------

В Com plete the te x t w ith these words.

developed engineers experimented progress revolutionised

Archimedes' d e a th ray

Ancient historians n o te d th a t in 212 BC w hen th e G reek city o f Syracuse, in Sicily, was a tta cke d by th e Romans, A rchim edes

devised a m irro r th a t d ire cte d th e sun's rays o n to Roman w arships and set th e m on fire. A rchim edes, an ancient Greek

scientist, had (1) m athem atics and physics, so many people believed th a t he was indeed clever

enough to have (2 )___________________ such a d e a th ray. O th e rs disagreed.

The popular TV p ro g ra m m e M ythB usters trie d to recreate A rch im e d e s' de a th

ray, but m ade no ( 3 )___________________ and d e c id e d it was im possible.

However, a g ro u p o f (4 ) from MIT (Massachussets

Institute o f Technology) d e cid e d to try it them selves.

They built a m odel o f p a rt o f a Roman w arship and p o s itio n e d it a t th e rig h t
distance. Then th e y (5 )___________________ w ith d iffe re n t shapes, fo rm a tio n s
and many d iffe re n t m irrors. They w a ite d fo r a sunny day, and when it came,
within m inutes th e w arship was on fire! They had p ro ve d th a t th e dea th ray
was not a m yth.

The Passive Voice: Tenses; by and w i t h

A Circle th e co rrect w ords.

1 The results o f the experim ent will be / been presented tom orrow .
2 Yesterday, w e were te ll / to ld not to bring our m obile phones to school.
3 The new com puter was installed by / w ith the new software yesterday.
4 The eng ine er was angry because he w a sn 't in fo rm in g / w a s n 't in fo rm e d o f th e changes to his design.
5 Many chemicals are used by / w ith scientists every day.
6 The school laboratory hasn't being cleaned / been cleaned since Monday.
7 The m o b ile pho ne was bu y / b o u g h t in France last summer.
8 My com puter was repair / repaired before I needed it fo r work.

В Com plete th e sentences w ith th e correct passive fo rm o f these w ords,

borrow develop fix not test send often use

1 Special e q u ip m e n t__________________________ in chem istry la b o ra to rie s to d o experim ents.

2 Many b o o k s __________________________ fro m th e lib ra ry o ver th e n e xt year.

3 My c o m p u te r__________________________ a t th e m o m e n t by th e technician.

4 O ur s tu d e n ts __________________________ on b io lo g y in th e exam n e xt w eek.

5 The e m a il when the com puter crashed.

6 The new p r o d u c t__________________________ by a g ro u p o f scientists last m onth.

High-Tech World Q 53

L \ s -h e n i ч Exam

A Read th e Exam R em inder. H ow m any tim es will Listening again
you hear th e recording?
• D o n 't fo rg e t th a t you will hear the recording twice.
Make a note o f any answers you are unsure about the
first tim e you listen.

Вu Listen an d c o m p le te th e E xam Task. • Check your answers and concentrate on the questions
you haven't answered the second tim e you listen.
Exam Task
• Guess if you have to . D o n 't leave any answers blank.

You w ill hear an in te rvie w w ith som eone w h o is
ta lkin g a b o u t new tech n o lo g y. For each qu e stio n , choose th e co rre c t answ er a, b o r c.

1 W hat is an e-reader? In w hich situ a tio n w o u ld an e -re a d er n o t be beneficial?

a a b o o k w hich is installed o n to a c o m p u te r a on a trip

b a g a d g e t which helps people to read paper books b at college

с a device on which electronic books are read с in th e garden

W h a t does Ron say is th e main adva n ta g e o f W hat does Ron say about borrow ing an e-book?
an e-reader? a Itcan be borrow ed fo r a lim ited tim e,
a All the books th a t you dow nload are free, b Itcan be borrow ed by many different people,
b A lot o f books can be stored on a lig h t gadget, с The person w h o b orrow s th e b o o k pays fo r it.
с It doesn't cost a lo t o f m oney to buy. W h a t is th e main disadvantage o f an e-reader?
W h a t is tru e o f m any e-readers? a Itis hard to read,
a They can store over 5,000 books, b Itneeds a battery,
b You can read newspapers on them , с It is easy to lose.
с They help you read books faster. W hat's th e interview er's o p in io n o f th e e-reader in
H ow is an e-reader d iffe re n t fro m a tra d itio n a l book? the end?

a The size o f th e letters can be changed. a She thinks they're expensive,

b You ca n 't w rite in it. b She prefers norm al books,

с It takes up m ore space. с She's g o in g to buy one.

С m o d Listen again and check your answers.

М о О < л ^ 1 А \Г л Г \\

Circle th e correct words.

1 Ask Ben how to use th e satnav; he's an e xp e rt on / at them .
I was really concerned around / about my iPod a fter I d ro p p e d it, b u t it was fine.
We rely on / for tech n o lo g y a lo t these days.
If I d id n 't have my m obile phone, I d o n 't know how I w ould com m unicate to / with people!
The use o f p o lice h e lico p te rs leads in / to lots o f crim inals b e in g arrested.
Environm entalists have been looking into / for answers to th e p roblem o f g lobal w arm ing fo r years.

В C om plete the sentences w ith these words.

came communicate go instead rely successful

M y dream is to visit Kenya and on safari.

Centuries ago, Greek cities under threat o f attack by the Romans,

We have decided to buy a tablet o f a la p to p because they are
easier to carry.

S cientists have b e e n __________ . in p ro vin g th a t g lo b a l w a rm in g is caused by

I can a lw a y s ___________________ on my friends at school when I have a problem .

D o you b elieve th a t som e p e o p le can _________________________ w ith anim als and know
what they are thinking?

54 9 H ig h -T e c h W o rld


The Passive Voice: Gerunds, Infinitives & Modal Verbs

A R ew rite th e sen ten ces in th e passive fo rm .

1 Can th e y fix th e proble m ? ---------------------------------------------
2 You d o n 't need to install it now. ------------------------------------
3 I rem em b er th a t you to ld m e th e answer. ----------------------
4 She d o e s n 't like it w hen p e o p le disagree w ith her. -------
5 You o u g h t to te ll him th e tru th . --------------------------------------
6 I expect you to inform me. --------------------------------------------

В C o m p lete th e t e x t by w ritin g o n e w o rd in each g a p .

Computer hackers
Huge problems can be caused (1 )_________ hackers and it has been
shown that any com puter system, even m ajor governm ent systems, can (2)
I________ entered illegally. H ow does th e hacker steal from the average
person? First, details such as credit card num bers and bank account
information have (3 )__________be found on people's personal com puter
systems. Then the details start to (4 )----------------used to e m p ty the money
from your bank account. The best way to p ro te ct yourself from (5 )------------
hacked is by n o t keeping sensitive inform ation on your computer.

Use vjour Zv\c) l i s l d

A C om plete th e second sentences so th a t th e y have a sim ilar m eaning to th e first sentences, using th e w ords
in b o ld . Use b e tw e e n tw o an d fiv e w o rd s .

1 We d o n 't clean th e co m p u te r screens every day.

The co m p u te r scre e n s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------every day.

2 D on't tell Tina w hat to do, she do e sn 't like it.


T in a what to do.

3 I'm sure w e can d e live r th e air c o n d itio n in g u n it to m o rro w ,


I'm sure th e air c o n d itio n in g u n it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------to m o rro w .

4 We had to replace the old electrical system,


The old electrical system ------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 They asked the scientist to do the experim ent,


The scie n tist the experim ent.

6 They have tra in e d A m anda as a la b o ra to ry assistant,

has as a laboratory assistant.
A m a n d a _________

7 They gave us bad news,

The n e w s ____________ ______________________________-— was n o t g o o d .

8 The students h adn't done th e experim ents carefully,


The e x p e rim e n ts -------------------------------------------------- carefully.

High-Tech World Q 55


$ev\-nceFfrdvis-forwid-Hoii (2 -)

C o m p le te th e w o rd s in th e s e co llocatio n s. Learning Reminder

1t fo o d Using collocations
• Remember th a t collocations are words
2 d o j ___
th a t always go together.
3 renew able e _______ • M ake a list o f collocations and add to it

4 e nda ngered s _________ when you find new ones.
• There are tw o groups o f collocations:
5с w ith
verb + noun, e.g. fall in love
6 fall in I ____ adjective + noun, e.g. renewable energy
• Also make a list o f verbs + prepositions,
7 p _____ o f e.g. rely on, adjectives + p repositions, e.g.
p ro u d o f and phrasal verbs, e.g. hang out.
8 b _____ up

В Read th e w riting task below and then decide if the

sta te m e n ts are tru e (T) o r false (F).

Here are some sentences a b o u t gadgets. For each question 1-5,
co m p le te the second sentence so th a t it means th e sam e as
the first. Use no m ore than three words.
1 The first sentence has the gap.
2 The sentences are all a b o u t gadgets.
3 You have to w rite th re e w ords in each gap.

С Read th e exam ple task and fo llo w th e instructions.

1 Dan broke up w ith A m y in a te x t message!

A m y _________________ w ith by
Dan in a te x t message!

2 N ew te ch n o lo g y is be in g used to d e v e lo p
renewable energies.

P e o p le __________________________ new
technology to develop renewable energies.

1 Underline the collocations from A.

2 C ircle th e w ords in th e firs t sentence th a t need
to be changed to fit the second sentence.

D Read and co m p lete th e Exam Task below .

Exam Ta§t

Here are som e sentences a b o u t te ch n o lo g y. For each q u e stio n 1 -5 , c o m p le te th e second sentence so th a t it means the
same as th e first. Use no m ore than th re e words.

1 The Internet has been popular since th e 1990s. many years.
The In te rn e t has b e e n ________________________

2 I'm sure that's not th e TV rem ote control.
T h a t__________________________________ be th e TV re m o te c o n tro l.

It isn't necessary fo r you to use satnav to find my house.
Y o u ___________________________________ have to use satnav to fin d m y house.

The ro b o t is a p p ro x im a te ly th e size o f a fou r-ye a r-o ld child.
The ro b o t is ____________________________________same size as a fo u r-ye a r-o ld child.

If you g e t a camera, you can com e to the photog ra p h y course w ith me.
____________________________________a cam era, you c a n 't com e to th e p h o to g ra p h y course w ith me.

56 О High-Tech World

10 That’s Entertainment

A Read th e E xam R e m in d e r. D o s im ila r w o rd s Exam Reminder
always m ean th e sam e th in g ?
Checking similar words
В Now c o m p le te th e Exam Task. • R em em ber to be careful w ith sim ilar w o rd s in th e te x t and

^13:57 answer options because they often mean som ething different

• First, read th e answer optio n s w ith th e sim ilar w ords carefully.
Then read the part o f the te x t w ith the similar w ords and
think about the meaning o f the w hole section or sentence.
W ork o u t if it means th e same as th e answer o p tio n .

Ben Please make sure you bring your
04-Nov 13:55 own sheet music to your audition.

Why did you see G ravity?! Transformers was such a Instruments will be provided., but you
good film ! I bet it's going to be a real h it at th e ox may bring your own if you prefer.
office. You should d e fin ite ly g o and see it! Ben

f>ovi, mailbox Today I Mail Calendar Contacts

T K a * от Ч » -

lesson"? * * w * * “ “ + “

soime driAW\ й +s f o r

FOR SALE To: [email protected]

BAGPIPES From: [email protected]
A couple of scratches Subject: Enquiry
Purchased 5 years ago
Not suitable for under 5s Dear Liz,
Contact me on: 783 461 M a„,th a n k s fo r your

H o w e v e r ” w V u n fo rlu ra ttly do not have any

fo rm ^o r youTnd aslyoulo'cornp^ete'h^bv next


Exam Task

Look at each o f th e te xts fo r each qu e stio n . W h a t d o th e y say? M ark th e co rre c t le tte r a, b o r c.

Which film did Ben see? The advert says th e bagpipes are
a in g o o d co n d itio n .
a Gravity b Transformers с Box office b n o t re co m m e n d e d fo r children b e lo w th e age o f 5.

W hat must everyone take to the audition?

a th e ir sheet music с less than 5 years old.
b their own instrum ent W hen does Kirsty te ll Liz th a t she co u ld start
с n othing, as eve rythin g w ill be p ro v id e d music lessons?
W hat do the boy's parents wish to do? a next term
a give him a drum lesson b next week
b take him to school с next Tuesday

с buy him a drum kit

That’s Entertainment 1 0

Х /о б л Ь и и г ц

A C om plete the te x t with these words.

actors director documentary lines script show

Big Brother
An advert on TV th e o th e r day said I should fo llo w all o f th e 'a ctio n ' on Big
B rother. Big B ro ther? Isn't th a t th e reality ( 1 )_______________________ w here
p e o p le are in a house all day e ith e r sleeping o r m aking coffee? N o t much
action there, really! But the o ddest th in g about program m es like Big B rother
is th a t it isn 't real. Sure, th e 'stars' are o rd in a ry p e o p le instead o f professional
( 2 )______________________ , b u t th a t's w here th e reality ends. The show ca n 't
be real if it's g o t a ( 3 )______________________ te llin g th e p a rticip a n ts w h a t to
do. O f course, this kind o f show d o e s n 't have a (4 )-------------------------------------
w ith (5) _______________________fo r th e p a rticip a n ts to learn, b u t th e y know
the viewers will vote them o ff the show if they d o n 't give a good
perform ance. They also know th a t m ost viewers w ant to see som e kind
o f drama. Usually this leads to th e participants behaving like idiots.
Some viewers may like this, b u t it isn't my cup o f tea at all. I prefer a g o o d
(6) !

В T he phrases in b o ld a re in co rre ct. W r ite th e c o rre c t ones.

1 I th in k soup operas are really silly, b u t unfortu n a te ly, th e re are loads o f th e m on TV.
2 The actors w ere in th e clothing room cha n gin g th e ir costum es fo r th e n e xt scene.
3 I love real shows, even th o u g h th e a ction is co n tro lle d by th e director.
4 I'll m eet you at the boxing office half an hour before the film starts, OK?

Reported Speech: Statements

A Circle th e correct w ords.

I interview ed Jim m y Jackson a b o u t his very am using hobby.
He (1) to ld to m e / to ld me he had a w e b site fo r m isheard lyrics
w here p e o p le (2 ) send / sent him th e lyrics th e y th o u g h t th e y
(3) hear / had heard in a song. W hen I spoke to him , Jim m y
(4) said / to ld th a t m istakes could happen even w ith very sim ple
lyrics. For exam ple, he said th a t the lyric, 'W ith o r w ith o u t you'
in th e U2 song (5) was / is m isheard by som eone as 'W e th o u g h t
w e fo u n d yo u'. O n e o f his favourites, he (6) said / to ld me, was
fro m th e same song. The actual lyric is, 'S le ig h t o f hand and
tw ist o f fate ... ', b u t one person th o u g h t it was 'Slice o f ham
and piece o f cake ... '. Jim m y said th a t (7) his / m y site was very
popular. He also (8) in fo rm e d / inform s m e th a t he w o u ld soon
be bringing o u t a book o f the funniest m isheard lyrics.

В R ew rite th e sentences correctly.

1 Jim to ld me I can b o rro w his CDs.
2 Robert said th a t he had seen the film yesterday.
3 M r H ogg tells his students th e y w ould be p u ttin g on a play.
4 I to ld M atilda th a t her book w o n 't be published.
5 Serena said she must g e t tickets fo r th e opera.

58 1 0 That’s Entertainm ent

U s + e n iiщ Exam

A Read th e Exam R em inder. Should you w rite th e same Completing information
words th a t you hear?
• Rem em ber to listen to and read the exam
в e a r n Listen and c o m p le te th e E xam Task. instructions carefully first.

Exam Task • Then read the heading and the inform ation.
Think o f w ords th a t w o u ld fit in each gap.
I You will hear som e in fo rm a tio n a b o u t a co n c e rt by th e
Venezuelan Youth O rchestra. For each que stio n , fill in th e • D o n 't fo rg e t th a t you can w rite num bers as
missing in fo rm a tio n in th e n u m b e red space. figures (8) or w ords (eight).

• Remember to w rite between one and three
w o rd s and to w rite th e exact w ords you hear.

• W hen you listen again, check your answers and
spelling carefully.

The Venezuelan Youth Orchestra

I The Venezuelan Youth O rchestra is c e le b ra tin g its ( 1 ) ____________ anniversary.

Age o f th e musicians: ( 2 )_________________________

Famous reaction to one o f th e ir perform ances: ( 3 )_________________________

Main aim o f th e Venezuelan Youth O rchestra: to m ake classical music a p a rt o f (4)

Place and tim e o f th e pe rform ance on Saturday: ( 5 )__________________________(6).

С т э т Listen again and check your answers.

A Com plete each sentence w ith one w ord.

1 Let's m ake sure w e g e t tic k e ts b e fo re th e y sell

M iles to ld his fa th e r to t u r n ______ his awful old-
fashioned music.

Som eone in th e stre e t was g iving
about a concert.

The children acted th e ir favourite story,
P eter Pan.

The security guard d id n 't like th e way I was dressed,
so he tu rn e d m e ____________ !

D id you g e t those song ly ric s ___________ on
paper last night?

I th in k Lady Gaga is to o crazy to really catch

____________ w ith everyone.

8 'I'm sure yo u 'll g ro w o u t _____________ h ip -h o p

music,' Angela said to her teenage son.

В Match the first parts of th e sentences 1 - 6 to th e second parts a - f

1 The new reality show hasn't really caught □ a w ebsite address dow n before you fo rg e t it.
2 It turns □ b away from th e concert because he w asn't old enough
3 She to ld me to turn □ с o ff th e TV. I'm w a tch in g th is docum entary.
4 D on't turn □ d on, so it's going to be cancelled.
5 You should g e t the □ e up the radio because she loved that song.
6 He was turned □ f o u t th a t they eventually had six children.

T hat’s Entertainm ent 1 0 59

Reported Speech: Questions, Commands & Requests

A M a k e re p o rte d q u e s tio n s by w ritin g th e w o rd s in th e c o rre c t o rd e r.

1 he asked / why / were follow ing / the photographers / him / they ___
2 could / w ho / he / to the prem iere / invite / Adam asked ____
3 the stage / me / was / where / she asked
4 borrow / he / Robbie / asked / w hether / could / my camera
5 no one / why / clapped / Lucy asked / had
6 to the theatre / M atthew asked / g e t / me / could / how / he
7 w hether / she asked / the film / had / seen / I
8 her / if / buy / Sheila asked / I / a tic k e t / could

В Change the direct speech into rep orted speech.

1 'H o w old is yo u r sister?' she asked me.

2 'D o n 't fo rg e t to feed the cat,' M um to ld Mary.

3 'W here are the batteries?' she asked Tim.

4 'S to p w atching th a t te rrib le soap o p e ra !' Eliza to ld her sister.

5 'D id you go to th e c o n ce rt last w e e ke nd ? ' he asked her.

Use tfour 6n£)lish

A Choose th e correct answers.

Lights! Camera! Action!
W hich co untry has th e largest film industry in th e w o rld ? If you th in k it's th e USA, y o u 're w ro n g . The answer is, in fact,
India. N early 3,000 film s w ere (1 ) in India in 2009.
The m ost popular film s are action, com edy and rom antic musicals. The musicals are beautiful productions full o f colourful
costum es and scenery w ith lots o f p e o p le involved, in clu d in g m any dancers and singers. Im agine, one Indian film had 71
songs in it! That's a lo t o f ( 2 ) to rem em ber!
Film critics (3 ) th a t m ost o f these film s te n d to be p re dictable ( 4 ) they have very sim ilar stories, b u t it seems that
th e pub lic d o n 't m ind a t all! In fa ct, m illions o f p e o p le b o th in India and th e rest o f th e w o rld are huge fans, and tickets for
new film s sell (5 ) quickly.
Indian cinem a is o fte n referred to as 'B o lly w o o d ', b u t it turns (6) th a t th e nam e is on ly co rre ct fo r H in di-language films;
th e re are m any o th e r languages spoken in India. The nam e 'B o lly w o o d ' is a c o m b in a tio n o f 'B o m b a y' (the city now called
M um bai) and 'H o lly w o o d ', b u t 'B o lly w o o d ' is n 't a real place. So if yo u 're ever in India, d o n 't try to fin d it!

1 a produced b created с turned d form ed
2 a lyrics b tracks с reviews d copyright
3 a tell b told с ask d
4 a for b because с in o rd e r d so that
5 a out b in с out of d down
6 a up b away с off d

60 1 0 That’s Entertainment

Wri-Нч*): a le fte r o r s+огц g Re

A Com plete the sentences w ith these words, O rdering ideas

after finally first that then while Rem ember th a t there are w ords and
phrases to help you order your ideas
____________ , w e le ft th e th e a tre and w e n t hom e. when you w rite a le tte r or story.
She was w a tching a soap o p e r a ---------------------- he was
reading a newspaper. Introduce the first action w ith First o f
all, e.g. First o f all th e a c to r cam e o n to
going to the ballet, they w ent to a restaurant. the stage.
First, th e a cto r fo r g o t her lines. A f t e r --------------------- , she ran
off the stage crying. For tw o actions happening at the same
We are driving to th e a irp o rt______________ w e are catching tim e, use while, e.g. The audience
a plane to Mallorca.
Ilistened while he performed.
_ o f all th e actors m e t to practise fo r the play. For actions th a t happen one after another,
use then, after that, a fter or before, e.g.
В Read th e tw o w ritin g tasks b elo w and then circle th e A fte r he had finished, the curtain closed.
correct words or phrases.
Introduce th e last event w ith Finally or
1 Your English teacher has asked you to w rite a story. In the end, e.g. Finally, th e audience
Your story m ust begin w ith this sentence: Sarah ste p p e d o ff cheered and clapped.
the plane. This was g o in g to be th e b e st h o lid a y ever!

2 This is p a rt o f a le tte r y o u receive fro m y o u r cousin in A m erica.

A t school I am w ritin g an essay a b o u t schools all over th e w orld. W hat d o you
do in a typical day a t school? Please te ll m e so I can w rite a b o u t yo u r school.

1 In question 1, you will w rite a le tte r / a story.
2 In question 2, you w ill w rite to your cousin / teacher.
3 In questio n 2, you w ill write about what happens at yourschool / give your opinionabout your school.

СRead th e exam p le le tte r and u nderline all th e w ordsand phrases fo r o rd erin g ideas.

HI ЕЗеску,
Thanks for your letter. Don’t worry - I can definitely help you with your

First o f all we usually have a maths lesson. That s ta rts a t 9am. Then
we study English before break. A fte r break, we have a science class.
Then we have lunch. A fte r th a t we do a rt or drama. Finally, we study
history or geography before going home a t 3.30.

I hope th is helps!



D Read and co m p lete th e Exam Task below . D o n 't fo rg e t to use th e U seful Expressions

on p a g e 131 o f y o u r S tu d e n t's B ook.

Exam Task

I Write an answer to one o f th e questions below. W rite your answer in a b o u t100 words.

| 1 This is p a rt o f a le tte r you receive fro m a p e n -frie n d in A ustralia.

In school we are d o in g a p ro je c t on w h a t yo u n g p e o p le in Britain d o on holiday.
W hat d o you usually do? Please te ll me so I can w rite a b o u t you.

Ц 2 Your English teacher has asked you to w rite a story. Your sto ry m ust b e gin w ith this sentence:
Tina was excited. This was h e r firs t trip to a rock m usic concert.

О W ritin g Reference p. 177 & p. 179 in S tudent's Book

That’s Entertainment 1 0

U nits 9 & 10


C hoose th e co rre ct answers.

1 T h e rem ote control doesn't w ork!' 10 The teachers have p u t a surveillance system in
the school playground,
'I think you need to change th e

a USB stick с satnav a off с out

b batteries d microchips b in d on

2 The singer said th a t th e s e w ere fro m his 11 Som e e xp e rts believe th a t books may c o m e __
favourite song, threat from m odern technology,

a tests с lyrics a at с below

b lines d scripts b under d in
12 Students who w ant to b e
If you read the _ , you'll find o u t how your new should study hard
g adget works,
at university.

a script с rem ote control a success с successful

b lines d instructions b successfully d succeed

The gadgets sold w ithin a few minutes o f being 13 Tim d ro p p e d his m obile phone and i t to the
on sale. bottom o f the pool,

a out с on a sank с drowned

b off d in b set d turned

Hey G reg, t u r n __ th e music. I love th is song! 14 W e ’ re g o in g safari ne xt year. I ca n 't w ait to see
all th e animals in th e ir natural habitat.
a off с up

b out d down a in с at

Through the Internet, people can com m unicate b into d on
friends all over the w orld.
15 C om puters have _our w ork and leisure time,

a in с from a installed с revolutionised

b to d with b experim ented d processed

You can collect your tickets from the theatre _ 16 'W e have acted _ the last scene hundreds
o f tim es.'
a dressing room с soap opera

b box office d stage 'Then it will be perfect when the show opens.'

'W h y is th is play so p o p u la r? ' a off с in

'Because it has a g re a t , I suppose.' b on d out

a lyric с line 17 Can you g iv e one scrip t to each actor, please?

b script d stage a down с on

'I th in k m y camera's b ro ke n !' b out d off

'G ive it to Jim . He's an e x p e r t th e m .' 18 The actors g e t ready in t h e ___

a on at a stage с box office

b from up b soap opera d dressing room

62 Review 5 Units 9 & 10

fa m w \)/v\6 \r

В Choose th e correct answers.

1 My iPad s h o u ld later today. 10 My friend asked me why I installed a satnav in

a delivering с be delivered m y car.

b to be delivered d being delivered a w asn't с hadn't

2 There was a lot o f excitem ent about a new g adget b d id n 't d couldn't
th a t on the market.
11 'C o u ld n 't you g e t ticke ts fo r th e show?'

a had put с had been put 'N o , th e y to ld us th a t all th e tic k e ts '

b has been p u t d has put a had sold out с sold out

3 The lights in this m od e rn house can be tu rn e d b did sell o u t d were selling o u t
by rem ote control.
12 Before she borrow ed it, Jane asked her brother
a away с on h o w his c a m e ra ___
b out
d in a was w orking с worked

4 A message on my co m p u te r me that I couldn't b does work d had worked
log in.
13 The pupils asked th e ir te a c h e r a scene from the
play to act out.
a said с told
a recom m ending с to recom mend
b asked d sent

5 New batteries fo r this gadget every b recom mend d could recom mend
few months.
14 'Has Rick signed th e co n tra c t fo r th e show yet?'

a are needed с are being needed 'H e to ld me when we m et last m onth th a t he'd
signed i t '
b are needing d need

6 They lo oke d fo r th e USB stick, b u t it c o u ld n 't----- a a week before с a week ago

a found с find b before a w eek d last week
b be found
d is fo u n d 15 Last year this s itc o m several prizes, including
one for best new comedy.
7 I d o n 't understand why my c o m p u te r last night.

a was crashed с is crashed a awarded с were awarded

b crashed d has crashed b was awarded d was awarding

8 My brothe r co u ld n't find the instructions and he 16 Can the ro b o t ?
asked me w h e re ___
a repair с be repaired

a were they с they are b repaired d repairing

b they were d are they 17 She asked her sister _ _ o ff the music,

9 Inform a tion a b o u t th e school play — in a turn с turns
class yesterday.
b to turn d has turned

a gave out с was giving out 18 M y la p to p when I d ro p p e d it last week.

b was given o ut d had given out damaged was damaged

is d a m aged were damaged

Review 5 Units 9 & 10 63


Lessons to Learn

H e a J 'w i q Exam

A Read th e Exam Rem inder. W h a t should Finding synonyms
you underline?
• D o n 't fo rg e t to und e rlin e key w ords in th e descriptions and ^
В N o w c o m p le te th e E xam Task. lo o k fo r synonym s o f th e m in th e te x t.
Where shall we visit this summer?
• R em em ber to read all o f th e te x ts carefully, b u t you will onnhly
need to match the descriptions to five o f the texts.

• W hen you have finished m atching, re-read th e texts you didi
use to check th a t th e y d o n 't m atch any o f th e descriptions.

Library of Congress Q National M useum o f Am erican H istory 1 3 Washington Monument

• America’s oldest cultural institution • The greatest collection of American history T he W ashington Monument*
• Largest library in the world • More than three million items on display, h onou r o f the first US presided
G eorge W ashington. It’s the tallea
Public tours for individuals and families: including President Abraham Lincolns structure in the world.
Schedule: Monday-Friday, 7.30am, top hat!
11,30am, 1,30pm, 2.30pm, 3.30pm* Open daily 10.00am to 5.30pm O pen daily 9am -5pm

Summ er hours: 9am-10pm

• no 3.30pm tour on Fridays; on public holidays Open 10.00am to 7.30pm on November 26, (May 31 -Septem ber 6)
the first tour is at 9.30am 27 and December 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 C losed Ju ly 4 and December 25 I

For group tours: Closed December 25 Adm ission is free but you mustУ
Book in advance for school groups of 12 to Free admission, no tickets required a ticket.
60 people For groups of 20 or more get a discount at Please n ote: Tickets run outqifl
Schedule: Monday-Friday, 7am, 10am, the Stars and Stripes Cafe. T o reserve tickets, go to
11am, 1pm, or call
Closed to the public on Saturdays, National Air & Space Museum
Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day 1-8 7 7 -4 4 4 -6 7 7 7 for individual tid
and New Year’s Day •See the largest collection of historic aircraft
and spacecraft in the world. 1 -8 7 7 -5 5 9 -6 7 7 7 for group r e s T

T h e U n ited States Capitol

□ T h e W h ite H o u se •Touch a rock sample from the moon! Take an official tour.
Hours: 10.00am-6.30pm Allow enough time - thereД
Visit the home of the President of the Summer schedule: March 29-September 5, see and do!
U nited States! 10.00am-7.30pm You must have a ticket.
Open every day except December 25 9am-4pm, Monday to SatuM
Tour schedule: 9.30am to I 1.00am Tuesday Admission: Free Closed: Thanksgiving Day,
to Thursday; 8.30am to 12 noon Fridays; No parking is available at the museum. Christmas Day, New YearsI
8.30am to 1.00pm Saturdays (except on Inauguration Day
public holidays)
Free o f charge m The National Mall
Call the 24-hour line at 202-456-7041 for
more information. An adventure for all ages, every □ International Spy Museum
step o f the way
W h ite House Visitor Center Open 10am-6pm
• Open seven days a week from 8.30am Full o f history, culture, museums, Exciting interactive exhibitions and top-
beautiful sights and statues experiences
until 4.00pm O pening tim es vary. Kecommended for adults and children ovi
• Interesting exhibitions
• 30-minute video Parking available

Exam Tqj

The teenagers b e lo w are all lo o kin g fo r som ew here to visit on th e ir school tr ip to th e U nited States o f America. Then
are descriptions o f eight possible places to visit. D ecide which place w ould be the m ost suitable fo r the following
teenagers. For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter a-h.

1 V ictoria likes history b u t isn't very in te re ste d in th e 3 Dan w ould like to go som ew here on Saturday
presidents. She wants to take her young 13-year-old m orning, and w ould like to be able to find out
cousin fo r the day and wants to be able to drive to m ore in fo rm a tio n at any tim e he likes in case he
the place. fo rg e ts to ask a b o u t s o m e th in g w hile he's there.

2 Lucy thinks the group will be hungry before or after 4 Luke w ants to g o som ew here w hich opens until latefl
visiting somewhere so she thinks it w ould be a good the afternoon. He hopes to see som ething
idea to g e t a discount to eat som ewhere nearby. from space.
She really wants to see exhibitions and particularly
som ething a b o u t an Am erican president. 5 Sebastien w ants to g e t up as early as possible
d u rin g th e w eek as th e re are so m any places to visi
1 1 Lessons to Learn W hich place should he visit first?

A Choose the correct answers. course schedule timetable

education exam knowledge 5 According to th e , we have
maths on Monday.
1 A g o o d ___________________ can help you have a
great career. candidate examiner teacher

applications fees grants 6 The _ _ was sent o u t o f the room

2 T h e ___________________ fo r th e d e g re e course are fo r talking during the exam.
very high.
graduates lecturers tutors accent pronunciation sound

3 It's hard f o r ___________________ to fin d jo b s when 7 R oberto speaks English w ith an Italian
they leave university.
university primary secondary lesson studies subject

4 The firs t day a t ___________________ school is o fte n 8 M y w o r s t ______________ is physics. I fin d it
difficult fo r young children. so difficult!

В C o m plete th e w o rd s in th e d e fin itio n s .

1 A c ____________ is a person w ho is d o in g an exam.

2 The s __________ are subjects like b io lo g y, physics
and chemistry.

3 The a _____are subjects like dram a, dance and music.

4 A f ________ is w h a t you keep yo u r notes in.

5 A d _________ is a d o c u m e n t th a t shows you have
passed an exam o r finished a course.

6 Ag is m oney you g e t to pay fo r y o u r studies.

7 You d o s p o rt i n a p __________ e d u ca tio n class.

8 A u _________ is a set o f th e same clothes th a t all
students at a school must wear.

faraw \ft\A r


A Circle th e co rrect w ords.

1 The school is have / is having th e lab cleaned to m o rro w .
2 Lucy had / has her school bag stolen last week.
3 Are they going to have the library paint / painted next week?
4 Mr Flynn has had / has his b ook published.
5 I had the application form sent / send to me by the college.
6 The college will having / will be having a swim m ing pool built next m onth.

В Com plete the answers w ith the correct form of th e verb have.

1 'W here's yo u r car?' ' I ____________________it repaired a t th e m o m e n t.'
2 'Is your c o m p u te r O K now ?' 'Yes, I ____________________it fix e d yesterday.'
3 'W here was Tom w hen I called?' 'H e ____________________his b ike serviced.'
4 'Your hair is nice.' 'Thanks. I ____________________it d o n e every m o n th .'
5 'W hy w e re n 't th e y at th e m e e tin g ? ' 'T h e y ___________________ an alarm in sta lle d .'
6 'W here are th e students?' 'T h e y ___________________ th e ir class p h o to ta ke n.'
7 'Has Joe finished th e re p o rt? ' 'Yes, h e ____________________it sent by co u rie r now .'
8 'W hat's w ro n g w ith th e w h ite b o a rd ? ' 'I d o n 't know. I ___________________ it checked later.'

Lessons to Learn A A 65

U s + e n i ч<5) Exam Reminder

Read th e Exam Rem inder. W h a t should Thinking about the speakers
you underline? • D o n 't fo rg e t to read the instructions carefully

В 11.1 Listen and c o m p le te th e Exam Task. first to understand w hat the listening will be about

Exam Task • U n d e rlin e key w ords o r phrases in th e sentences.
Then think about similar w ords th a t the speakers
Look at th e six sentences fo r this part. You w ill hear a m ig h t use.
conversation betw een tw o friends, a boy, Theo, and a girl,
Maddy, about th e ir school. Decide if each sentence • Try to im agine w hat the speakers w ill say if the
is co rre ct or incorrect. W rite T (True) o r F (False). sentence is tru e and if it is false.

1 Theo enjoys Fridays at school.
2 Theo practises playing the tru m p e t every m orning.
3 Theo thinks he will pass his maths exam.
4 M ad dy is studyin g Julius Caesar in her P e rfo rm in g A rts class.
5 Theo has a rugby match on Wednesday.
6 M addy can choose which classes to g o to on Friday afternoons.

С H O D Listen again and check your answ ers.

М о с а \с 7 ( л 1 л г ч

A Circle the correct words.

1 You need to d o / make an e ffo rt if you w ant to pass your exams.
2 If you smash / break th e rules, y o u 'll g e t in tro u b le .
3 M ark has g o t / fo u n d a taste fo r dram a. He loves a ctin g in plays.
4 H ow will you have / make progress if you d o n 't do any revision?
5 He's n o t in / on his teacher's g o o d books a fte r fa ilin g his exams.
6 You'll soon g e t / take th e hang o f d o in g e xp e rim e n ts in th e lab.

В Com plete the text with the correct prepositions.

Tilly goes to boarding school
Tilly was excited! Today was th e day she started boarding school.
B oarding school! Just like th e characters in her fa v o u rite books.
Ever since she had read the stories she had w anted to attend a
school like th a t. She w a sn 't w o rrie d (1 )__________ m aking new
frie nds - she was g o o d (2) _________ th a t and had never suffered
(3 ) bein g shy. H er parents had a p p lie d ( 4 )__________ a
place ( 5 ) _________ th e b e st school in th e country, and T illy had
been accepted. It was expensive, b u t her parents were happy to
spend th e m oney ( 6 )__________ her e d u ca tio n . They had visited
th e school and w ere satisfied ( 7 ) _________ th e facilities. A ll T illy
had to d o now was co ncentrate (8) __________ her studies and
enjoy this new adventure!

66 1 1 Lessons to Learn

Gerunds; Infinitives; Gerund or Infinitive?

A Choose the correct answers, finish to finish finishing

go to go going 5 I'm to o tire d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this assignm ent tonight.
study to study studying
1 Do you w a n t________________ to th e library w ith me?
help to help helping 6 Grandma remembered all night for
her school exams.
2 She c a n 't________________ you w ith yo u r essay
this evening. learn to learn learning
do to go doing
7 They visited th e m u s e u m ________________ a b o u t
3 I d o n 't m in d ________________ my h o m e w o rk s tra ig h t ancient history.
after school.
borrow to borrow borrowing
buy to buy buying
8 Tim w ould rather books than
4 It isn 't w o r th ________________ th e m ost buy them .
expensive com puter.

В Find and circle th e eig h t mistakes in th e te x t below .

Time to stu d y!

It was th e n ig h t b e fo re th e last exam . So far, Sim on had don e
well, he th o u g h t. O f th e six subjects he had stu d ie d in his final
year o f school, th is last one - physics - was th e m o st d iffic u lt.
He w anted study m edicine, so he had to g e t high marks in his
exams being accep ted in to university.

Follow his physics teacher's advice, he had p re p a red fo r this
exam by revise every day. 'You m u s tn 't to leave it all u ntil th e last
minute!' M r N ew had w arned. Sim on cleared his desk, o p e n e d his
folder and started look th ro u g h his notes. They w ere neat, w ell
organised and easy reading. A fte r stu d y fo r a fe w hours, Simon
was ready fo r bed. T hat night, he d re a m t o f b e c o m in g a
world-famous doctor.

Use чомг

A C om plete the second sentences so th a t they have a similar m eaning to the first sentences, using the words
in bold. Use b etw een tw o and five words.

1 Someone is delive rin g th e b o o k to m e to m o rro w ,
I ___________________________________________________ to m e to m o rro w .

2 'Yes, I'll help you w ith yo u r p ro je c t,' said W inston,
W in s to n ____________________________________________________w ith my p roject.

3 The technician was fixing the com puter when the electricity w ent off.
W e ____________________________________________________w hen th e e le c tric ity w e n t off.

4 They painted the chem istry lab yesterday,
The s c h o o l___________________________________________________ yesterday.

5 It's bad fo r you to stu dy all night,
___________________________________________________ g o o d fo r you.

Lessons to Learn A A 67

W n -tiw ^ ): re p o rt"

A C om plete the sentences w ith both Learning Reminder

(of), e ith e r (of), n e ith e r (of), o r or nor. Remembering common errors
Som etim es, m ore than one answer • R em em ber to ke e p a list o f errors th a t you o fte n m ake in English.l
is possible. • Make o f note o f w ords and expressions which are diffe re n t from

1 N either the students English in y o u r o w n language, e.g.
___________________ th e te a ch e r knew both and either to talk about tw o things (positive)
the answer. b o th + plural noun, e.g. I like b o th m y cats.
b o th + tw o singular nouns, e.g. You can d o b o th physics and
classrooms have chem istry a t m y school.
bo th o f + plural noun, e.g. Both o f the students have a laptop,
co m p u te rs. either o f+ plural noun, e.g. E ither o f m y parents w ill take me to
the a fte r school club.
the books can be e ith e r + singular noun, e.g. We can sp e n d th e break e ith e r in the
used on this course. playground o r in the com m on room,
neither (negative meaning)
4 These dictionaries are expensive, b u t n e ith e r + singular noun, e.g. N e ith e r Sam n or Kelly can swim,
___________________ th e m are useful. n e ith e r o f + plural noun, e.g. N e ith e r o f th e teachers were worrie
neither ... nor / either ... or (to compare tw o things)
5 I w ant to study either science Either drama o r dance should be offered next term.
___________________ m edicine. I ha ve n 't N e ith e r th e p rin c ip a l n o r th e teachers fe e l a ction sh o u ld be taken. 1
decided yet.

6 We can spend our m oney on
___________________ a c o m p u te r o r
a games console.

В Read th e w riting task b elo w and then circle th e correct answers.

You recently carried o u t a s tu d e n t survey on the school lib ra ry as p a rt o f a social studies p ro je ct. W rite a re p o rt
sum m arising tw o op in io n s m e n tio n e d in th e survey a n d su g g e st h o w th e lib ra ry c o u ld be im proved.

1 You q u estio ned teachers / students.
2 Your re p o rt w ill focus on tw o opinions / all opinions.
3 You w ill make a c o m p la in t / suggestions fo r im provem ents.

С Read th e exam ple rep o rt and answer th e questions.

S fa-te +V)e reason f o r Introduction
w ritin g The re p o rt This re p o rt will present the findings o f a survey on the library at Lowbrough
High School. It also makes recom m endations fo r im provem ents to the library.
Piscwss th e -firs t
problem make M o st students co m p la in e d a b o u t th e b ooks in th e library. They are e ith e r
to o o ld o r in bad c o n d itio n . S tudents th in k this prevents th e m fro m stu d yin g
о sw ^e stio 4 fo r properly. It was suggested th a t the school buy more new books.

im provem ent. Study areas
A n o th e r c o m p la in t is a b o u t th e stu d y areas in th e library. They are located by
Pisenss tine seeomf th e w in d o w s, w hich are n e xt to th e p la yg ro u n d . C onsequently, it is o fte n to o
noisy fo r students to study properly. The study areas could be m oved to the
problem m ate back o f th e library, w hich is b o th q u ie te r and larger.

a SMtfj^estion f o r Conclusion
In conclusion, th e main sugg e stio n s are to buy m ore books and to m ove th e
im provem ent. study areas to a b e tte r place.

"&rin<5) tine r e p o r t to йп
entfl Ьц sum m ing ир th e

suggestions w W e.

1 W hat are students concerned about? and _
2 W hat are the solutions? and

Read and c o m p le te th e Exam Task Exam Tasl<
below. D o n 't fo rg e t to use the
Useful Expressions on page 145 of You recently carried o u t a s tu d e n t survey on th e school trip s offered
your Student's Book. by yo u r school as p a rt o f a social studies pro je ct. W rite a re p o rt
sum m arising o p in io n s on tw o trip s m e n tio n e d in th e survey and
1168 L e s s o n s to L e a rn suggest how these trips could be im proved. (100-120 words)

О W ritin g Reference p. 181 in Student's Book

12 The Body Beautiful

A Read th e Exam Rem inder. Does the Choosing the best option
correct answer option always use the • D o n 't fo rg e t th a t if you see th e same w o rd in th e te x t and in
same w o rd s as th e te x t?
an answer o p tio n , it may n o t be the correct answer.
В N ow co m p le te th e Exam Task.
• C heck it is th e be st o p tio n by reading th e te x t w ith th e same
w ord carefully.

• Before you choose th e best answer, read all th e answer options.

Express yourselfl

A henna ta tto o T hroughout history, hum ans have cause h e a lth p ro b le m s. In o rd e r to layer is always b e in g replaced. But,
decorated th e ir bodies in a variety o f understand how this can happen it's th e second, deeper layer o f skin
ways, by wearing jewellery, changing and w h a t th e dangers are, let's take a w h e re th e ta tto o in k is in je cte d . This
th e ir hair o r p a in tin g th e ir nails, closer look at how they are done. layer o f skin is n o t replaced, so th e
am ongst other things. Humans have ta tto o remains. The biggest health
displayed a lo t o f im agination in their The m ost popular parts o f the risk associated w ith ta tto o s is fro m
pursuit o f beauty. b o d y fo r p ie rcin g are th e ears, nose viruses. Viruses from th e needle can
and belly b utton, a lthough lots o f enter th e b ody and cause serious
Some form s o f decoration, people have th e ir m outh or tongue problem s.
however, can be quite extreme. pierced, too. Any d o c to r w ill tell you
And w hether they make a person th a t piercing certain parts o f the And there's m ore tro u b le ahead.
m ore a ttra c tiv e o r n o t is usually body can cause m ore problem s than W hat happens if you get a tattoo
d ow n to an individual's taste. Take others. In th e case o f m ou th and and later decide th a t you d o n 't really
piercings and tattoos, for example. nose pie rcing , in fe c tio n is a c o m m o n w a n t it? You can have it rem oved
These form s o f decoration are very problem because o f the m illions by laser, b u t it's q u ite d iffic u lt
popular nowadays. Those w ho o f bacteria th a t live in th o se areas. and painful to remove a tattoo
are fans say th a t these are ways o f In a d d itio n , to n g u e piercings can com pletely. Furtherm ore, w hile
expressing them selves rather than dam age teeth, w hile tongue, cheek g e ttin g an average-sized ta tto o takes
ju s t decoration. And w hen you see and lip piercings can harm the gums. a couple o f hours, rem oving it can
how inventive and com plex some take several visits to the doctor, over
tattoos are you m ig h t well agree. Despite th e pain and th e health a p eriod o f m onths. There's m ore bad
However, oth er people th in k th a t risks involved, m ore and m ore news: ta tto o rem oval isn't cheap and
th e y are q u ite ugly, particularly big people are g e ttin g ta tto o s and th e procedure can cause infections
ta tto o s th a t cover large areas o f th e th is is p o ssib ly because so m an y a nd leave scars. Perhaps it is b e tte r
b o d y or m u ltip le piercings all over the ce le b ritie s have th e m . A ta tto o is to g e t a henna ta tto o th a t gradually
head and face. created by piercing th e skin m any fades away after a week or two?
tim es w ith a needle and in je ctin g ink
W hatever your personal opinion in to th e area. Tattoos are perm anent Are ta ttoo s and piercings w o rth
is, one th in g is certain: u n like w e a rin g because th e y are so deep. The to p th e risk? Be ra tio n a l a nd ask yo u rs e lf
m a ke -u p o r ch a n g in g yo u r hair, layer o f y o u r skin is th e o n e th a t is w hat's m ore im p o rta n t - health or
piercings and tattoos can som etim es p ro duced th ro u g h o u t yo u r life; this fashion?

Exam Task

Read th e te x t and questions below . For each qu e stio n , choose th e c o rre c t le tte r a, b, с o r d.

W hat is th e w rite r d o in g in th e te xt? W hy does the article suggest ta tto o s are so popular?

a persuading others to not follow celebrities a because they are safe

b giving detailed inform ation all a b o u t ta tto o s and piercings b because they are perm anent

с giving advice on how to g e t a ta tto o or piercing с because they are easy to remove

d describing why ta tto o s and piercings are so popular d because fam ous people have them

2 W hat do some people believe about piercings and tattoos? 5 W h a t is th e w rite r's a ttitu d e to w a rd s ta tto o s?

a They show th a t you are popular w ith others. a They

b They are com plicated. b They

с They are b e tte r than make-up. с They
d They are a form o f self-expression. d They

A cco rd in g to th e article, w h a t is tru e a b o u t to n g u e piercing?

a D octors say it d oesn't cause any problem s,

b It makes you look strange,

с It can dam age the inside o f the m outh, The Body Beautiful 1 2 69
d It's the m ost popular typ e o f piercing.

\1 о С й № т \{ л Щ

A C o m p le te th e w o rd s in th e sentences.

1 When you b , you open and close your eyes quickly.

2 A ir is pushed o u t o f yo u r nose very q u ickly w hen you s _____

3 You m ig h t с a lo t when you have a cold.

4 W hen you are tire d , you m ight у .

5 If you're feeling bored, you m ight s a lot.

6 When you b , air moves into and out o f your body.

7 You b your fo o d when you eat it.

8 If so m eth ing is funny, you I .

В C om plete the te x t with these words.

beard blood cheek chest eyebrows eyelid features neck

A pirate from the Caribbean

Pirate Pete sto o d on th e deck and lo o ke d o u t across th e sea. He wa
sailing around th e C aribbean in search o f treasure. A ro u n d his
(1) _____________ he w o re a heavy g o ld m edallion th a t rested on his
(2) _____________ He had a long black( 3 ) _____________ , d ark bushy
( 4 ) ____________ , and a scar on his le ft (5 )_____________, ju s t u n der
eye, which he'd g o t during a sword fight. He also w ore a patch ovei
his rig h t eye; his (6) _____________ had been pe rm a n en tly d a m ag ed
th e same fig h t m any years ago. His (7 )_____________ w ere unusual,
he d id n 't m ind. W h a t he d id m ind was fig h tin g . He hated it! In fact,
sig h t o f (8) ____________ m ade him feel sick, b u t som etim es a fig h t
unavoidable - he was, a fte r all, a pirate.

Adjectives; Adverbs; so & s u c h

A Tick ( / ) if th e s e n te n c e is c o rre c t. R e w rite th e in c o rre c t sen ten ces.

1 The celebrity w ore a long purple beautiful dress.
2 Helen b o u g h t a p re tty pink silk shirt.
3 Tom's g o t a little cute black and w hite bulldog.
4 I ate a delicious big chocolate chip cookie yesterday.
5 Let's g e t a com fortable big leather sofa.
6 The old man drove a red sp o rty Italian car.

В Circle th e correct w ords.

1 Anna is so / such an in te llig e n t girl.
2 I d id n 't fin d the magazine at all interested / interesting.
3 These fashion magazines are so / such silly!
4 The children were frightened / frightening by the loud noise.
5 It was so / such a lovely day th a t we w ent fo r a walk.
6 W hat a bored / boring film ! Let's go home.
7 M aria has so / such b e a u tifu l skin, d o n 't you think?
8 I fe lt exhausted / exhausting after the long walk home.

70 4 0 The Body Beautiful

L iS + e n in ^ )

A Read th e Exam R e m in d e r. W h y is it im p o rta n t to Exam Reminder
keep calm during an exam ?
Keeping calm
в яка Listen and c o m p le te th e Exam Task. • Rem em ber th a t being nervous during an exam
Exam Task
will make it more d ifficult to understand the
There are five questions in th is part. For each que stio n , listening, so try to keep calm.
there are three pictures and a short recording. C ircle the • D o n 't fo rg e t to u n d erline key w ords in th e
correct answer a, b o r c. questions before you listen.
1 In th e past, w here d id suntanned p e o p le o fte n w ork? • Look a t th e pictures and make notes as you listen.
W rite d o w n any key in fo rm a tio n you hear.
aj Щ • D o n 't w orry if you can't answer all the questions the
first tim e you listen. You will have tim e to read your
notes and the questions again.

4 W hat small th in g did Chinese people find beautiful?

в bj

W hat does this person find attractive? Va V Л
5 W h a t is th e speaker's o ccupation?
Ш 0" i Щ -

W hat did the scientists show people pictures of?

<s> о '©

С H O D Listen again and check your answers

\1 о С & \0 1 Л \Г л Г Ц

A Circle th e correct phrasal verbs.

1 The tourists backed away / backed o u t o f quietly when they saw the lion.
2 They g o t in th e car and headed o ff / he a d e d fo r th e nearest hospital.
3 W e've run over / run o u t o f fru it juice. Can you g e t some from the shop?
4 Julie is always th in kin g o ver / th in k in g up excuses n o t to g o to th e gym .
5 W earing b rig h t red clothes w ill m ake you stand in / stand o u t in a crow d.
6 A n em plo yee o f th e gym was handing o ver / h anding o u t leaflets in th e street.

В C om plete the sentences w ith these words,

back handed head run stand think

1 finished the project last night and it over to my teacher this morning.

2 M aria was so upset because her d o g w a s _________ over at the weekend.

3 O live r h u rt his elbow , so Paul had t o ______________ in fo r him in th e tennis m atch,

4 W ould you te ll m e if you w a n te d t o _______________ out o f the tournam ent?

5 W e have t o ___________________ o ff no w because w e 're g o in g to th e salon soon.

6 You s h o u ld ___________________ o ve r w h a t th e d o c to r said a b o u t g e ttin g som e exercise.

The Body Beautiful 4 0 71

Comparison of Adjectives & Adverbs

A C om plete the sentences w ith these words.

better intelligent quickly saddest tidier worse

1 W hy is yo u r sister's r o o m th a n yours? Yours is a c o m p le te mess!

2 T hat was t h e __________________ sto ry I've ever heard; I ca n 't s to p crying!

3 Scientists say th a t th is w in te r is g o in g to b e ___________________ than last w inter, so m ake sure you have lots of
warm clothes.

4 H enry runs m o r e ___________________ than Dave. I th in k h e 'll w in th e race.

5 Joey isn 't a s ___________________ as his b ig brother.

6 I d a n c e ___________________ than everyone in m y b a lle t class.

В C o m p le te th e t e x t w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e w o rd s in b racke ts.

Mind over m atter

O ne o f th e ( 1 )___________________ (fascinate) and ( 2 ) ____________________

(certain) m ost d iffic u lt ideas to believe a b o u t hum an beings is th a t w e may be

able to influence our bodies and th e w orld around us th ro u g h th e p o w e r o f

th o u g h t alm ost as ( 3 ) (easy) as th ro u g h o u r actions.

This idea is know n as 'm in d over m a tte r'. Som e scientists ta ke th e idea m ore
(4 ) (serious) than o th e r scientists. The m ore th e y study
th e evidence, th e (5 )___________________ (strong) th e ir b e lie f is th a t this
am azing a b ility actually exists. They th in k it is one o f th e (6) ----------------------------
(im p ortant) discoveries a b o u t th e m ind in re ce n t years.

Use 4 0 мг Zv\c) l i s H

A C om plete the te x t w ith the correct form of the words.

Fantasy vs reality HIGH
W h a t is beauty? Is it in th e faces you see on m agazine BEAUTY
covers? A n d w hy is it valued so (1 )____________________in EASY
o u r society? S h o u ld n 't w e value (2 )___________________ far THIN
m ore than looks?
O u r m odern idea o f w h a t is ( 3 )___________________ is o fte n INTEREST
th e p ro d u ct o f clever co m p u te r techniques which can
(4) change faces and b o d ie s to make C O N F ID E N C E
you look (5 )___________________ , ta lle r o r ge n e ra lly m ore
attractive than you actually are.

But this isn 't natural beauty. P eople com e in all shapes,
sizes and colours. The peo p le we see in magazines
are (6) ___________________ fake. A n d yet, th e m agazine
editors claim that's w hat people w ant to see. They say
p e o p le w o u ld n 't be ( 7 )___________________ in b u yin g a
m agazine w ith n o rm a l-lo o kin g m odels in it. But is th a t true?

Fortunately, we are slowly becom ing aware th a t we should
aim to be healthy, happy and (8) ___________________
w ith w ho we are. Young girls and w om en are particularly
influenced by trends th a t can harm their health, but they
need to realise th a t th e y are p e rfe c t ju s t as th e y are.

72 4 Л The Body Beautiful

W ri+ i4 £ ): л d r a w a - tic s + о гц

A M atch the first parts of th e sentences 1 -5 to th e second Making stories more interesting

parts a -e . You can make your stories interesting in
1 It's possible to add suspense to a story several ways.
2 A dram atic opening sentence will
3 Using short dram atic sentences and d irect speech will • A dram atic opening sentence will make
4 To help the reader im agine the characters and the action, Q the reader w ant to continue reading.
5 Your w riting will be more colourful
• Using descriptive adjectives and
a use descriptive adjectives and adverbs, adverbs will help the reader to imagine
b by introducing a twist, the characters and the action.
с give your story drama and variety,
d if it uses idiom atic expressions, • Remember to make your w riting more
e encourage the reader to read on. colourful by using idiom atic expressions.

В Read th e w riting task belo w and then decide if the • A dd variety and drama by using direct
speech and short dram atic sentences.
s tatem en ts are tru e (T) o r false (F).
• To add suspense, introduce a tw ist
to th e story in w hich so m e th in g
unexpected happens.

• Remember to include an interesting
ending to the story.

Your teacher has asked you to w rite a story. Your story m ust begin w ith this sentence: M ike c o u ld n 't believe it.

1 You can begin your story any way you like. ,

2 Mike was shocked.

3 The story will explain why M ike fe lt th a t way. [ J

С Read th e exam ple story and answ er th e questions.

S e + ftie scene m A Mike couldn’t believe it. Did Greg really just slip a CD into his school bag?
i»rtrWMCe +ine vtictin Mike stood there, amazed, while Greg whispered hurriedly to him, ‘Quick!
Let’s get out o f here!’
Mike and Greg were best friends. They met at high school and began hanging
(Jlive background out together. They had a lot in com m on and enjoyed each others company.
de-fails акоиТ W hen their friend invited them to her birthday party, they decided to buy her
a CD by her favourite band. That’s why they were at the Big Tunes music shop.
-the charac+ ers'
rela-Honship. Now Greg was stealing. ‘Are you for real? No way!’ said Mike. ‘Oh, come on,’
said Greg, ‘it’s just a CD. They’ve got plenty m ore!’ ‘Take that CD out o f your
in tro d u c e a -twist- in bag or I’ll tell the shop assistant,’ threatened Mike. Greg handed him the CD
fine s+огц and b rin a and ran out of the shop.
The s to r ^ -to an e n /.
Mike knew his friend was disappointed with him, but he was sure he was
doing the right thing. He also knew that their friendship was probably over.

1 W ho are the main characters? _
2 How do they know each other? _
3 W here are they?
4 Som ething bad happens. What?
5 H ow does th e story e n d ? ____

D Read and co m p le te th e Exam Task be lo w . D o n 't fo rg e t to use th e U seful E xpressions on

page 157 o f y o u r S tu d e n t's B ook.

Exam Task

Your tea che r has asked you to w rite a s to ry . Your sto ry m ust be g in w ith this
sentence: Jenny fe lt le t down. (100 words)

О W ritin g Reference p. 179 in S tudent's Book

The Body Beautiful 1 2


U nits 11 & 12

Choose th e co rre ct answers.

1 'Learning a new skill is always hard a t firs t.' 10 W h a t fu tu re is th e re fo r som eone w ho leaves

'Yes, b u tw e 'll soon g e t t h e o f it.' secondary school w ithout a n y ?

a taste с good a exam с courses

b hang d length b qualifications d inform ation

2 'H o w is yo u r d a u g h te r d o in g at school?' 11 The tre a tm e n t was such a th a t th e doctors
expect him to recover soon.
'H er teachers say th a t she's m aking g o o d _ .'

a effort с progress a success с successfully

b books d journey b succeed d successful

3 'W hy are you in such a bad m o o d ? ' 12 If you've g o t a cold, please rem em ber to use a
h a n d ke rch ie f when y o u ___

'I'm w o rrie d the test today.' a yawn с blink

a from с for b sigh d sneeze

b about d with 13 Be careful w hen you cross th e road. You d o n 't want
to g e t over.
4 W ith her strong personality and beautiful features,
Sally re a lly in a crow d. a stand с head

a stands o u t с stands in b back d run

b backs away d heads for 14 The c h e m is try is so hard th a t m any students
drop out before the end.
5 __fo r th e exam are asked to hand in th e ir
application form by the end o f the week. a education с subject

a Graduates с Examiners b course d know ledge

b Certificates d Candidates 15 He trie d to pass the music exam fo u r times,
b u t each tim e h e ___
6 'Have you hurt your arm?'

'Yes, w hen I be n d it I g e t a pain in m y ' a passed с lost

a ankle с calf b failed d missed

b hip d elbow 16 As soon as th e bell rang, th e p u p ils the door.

7 Dad's F re n c h is so te rrib le th a t no one in France a headed for с ran over
can understand him.
b headed off d handed out
a lesson с diplom a
17 If I w ere as g o o d p a in tin g as Dean, I'd study art. Я
b certificate d accent
a on с for

8 'Can you th in k up a story fo r our project?' b at d w ith

'N o, I've _ ideas.' 18 I was te rrib le at acting at first, b u t I'm ge ttin g the
o f it now.
a dropped out of с backed out of

b run o u t o f d s to o d in fo r hang с progress

9 The _ is very strict. He never gives anyone high taste d best
marks in th e exams.

a examiner с tutor

b graduate d lecturer

74 Review 6 Units 11 & 12

(^\т ууШ (лг

В Choose th e co rre ct answers.

1 O ur lecturer e xp e cts our projects to her 10 A fte r a fe w w eeks in bed w ith a broken leg, Dad
before Thursday. was n o t fit as he usually is.

a us handing in с to hand in a the с than

b us to hand in d h anding in b as d very

2 'Look! It's our old prim ary school teacher!' 11 Clare c a n 't r u n as her brother, w ho has very
long legs.
'Yes, I'm t r y in g her nam e.'

a rem em bering с to rem em ber a quicker с more quick

b remember d to rem em bering b as q uickly d as quick

3 'A re n 't you playing tennis any more?' 12 'Joe really takes after his father.'

'N o, I've s to p p e d because I hurt my ankle.' 'Yes, he has th e same personality. He's certainly
his dad.'
a to play с play
a as fu n n y as с n o t as funny
b played d playing

4 'W hat's w rong w ith your com puter?' b as funny d fu n n y as

'I've g o t t o because it's not w orking at 13 Chris w a s p u p il in th e class and he g o t a g ra n t
to attend a to p university.
the m om ent.'

a have it repaired с be it repaired a more intelligent

b have repairedit d had it repaired b a m ost intelligent

5 John w as tired th a t he fell asleep during с the most intelligent
the exam.
d the more intelligent

a such с as 14 The human brain can d o m any creative jo b s ___
a computer.
b so d very

6 This is a popular course th a t students are a m ore w ell than с as g o o d as
advised to sign up early.
b better than d as be st as

a very с often 15 'D o n 't you rem em ber m eeting me before?'

b so d such 'I'm sorry, m y m e m o ry is g e tt in g as I g e t o lder.'

7 'I d o n 't rem em b er w h a t tim e th e exam starts.' a worst с as bad

'H ow could you fo rg e t im portant inform ation?' b more bad d worse

a such с so 16 Julie has g o t s u c h hair.

b such an d as a long blonde lovely

8 W hen Mum was at school, she wore b blonde long lovely
a(n) uniform .
с lovely long blonde

a ugly grey school d lovely blonde long

b grey ugly school 17 I w o u ld lik e ___ w hy you ha ve n 't finished
your homework!
с school grey ugly
a know ing с know
d ugly school grey

9 John w rite s th a t he's always th e last person to b to know d knew
leave the classroom.
18 You'd b e tt e r ____to yo u r te a ch e r fo r being late.

a so slow с to o slowly a apologising с apologise

b slowly enough d so slowly b to apologise d apolgised

Review 6 Units 11 & 12 75


Front cover image:
a close-up of soap



D evelop stu dents' English w ith C lose-up, a new fo u r level course
fo r B1, B 1+, B2 and C1 s tu d e n ts s u ita b le fo r e xa m p re p a ra tio n .
C lose-up brings English to life th ro u g h spectacular N ational
G eographic p h o to g ra p h y and facts carefully selected to appeal
to the inquisitive m inds o f students. They w ill discover real
places, real p e o p le and real English th ro u g h a 'C lose-up' on th e
w orld around them .

Key features

• Exam -style task types prepare students and build th e ir language
confidence fo r a range o f international English exam s

• Stunning N ational G eographic p h o to g ra p h y used th ro u g h o u t
• H igh-interest m aterial adapted fro m N ational G eographic and

oth e r authentic sources
• Them e-related N ational G eographic video m aterial fo r each unit
• A com prehensive syllabus th a t addresses th e needs o f stu dents at

B1 level in c lu d in g a fo cu s on skills d e v e lo p m e n t

Close-up B1 consists of:

• C lo se -u p B1 S tu d e n t's B ook + O n lin e S tu d e n t Z o n e
• C lo se -u p B1 S tu d e n t's B o o k + O n lin e S tu d e n t Z o n e + e B o o k
• C lo se -u p B1 W o rk b o o k
• C lo se -u p B1 W o rk b o o k + O n lin e W o rk b o o k
• C lo se -u p B1 Teacher's B ook
• C lo se -u p B1 Teacher's B o o k + O n lin e Z o n e (in c lu d in g IWB)


Close-up close-up close-up

□NATIONAL ГРМГДГР 9781408095560

National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading provider

of materials for English language teaching and learning throughout the world.

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