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Published by , 2018-09-28 16:17:01

18092758 Bullseyeflip

18092758 Bullseyeflip

Omya Water & Energy


Calcium Carbonate
treatment of drinking water

Omya In Water Water mineralization
Treatment with fine and coarse
Calcium Carbonate.
Omya has over 40 years experience in water treatment,
supplying a range of products to treat drinking water, as
well as municipal & industrial waste waters.

Omya Calcium Carbonate and Dolomite products allow
alkalinity adjustment and mineral content modification
of soft and hard waters.


Omyaqua® Benefits

Omyaqua®, available as both a micronized and • Broad product range and
granular Calcium Carbonate, is a key product availability
in our water treatment range. It enables
remineralization of soft water, replacement • High purity Calcium Carbonate
of minerals lost during treatment, or addition
of minerals not initially present in the water. • DIN EN-1018 & NSF-60 Drinking
Water Standards Approved

• Flexible packaging

• Technical support

• Long-term availability


Means High Quality Water

The qualities and characteristics of water pH
are determined by the elements it comes 9,0
into contact with during the water cycle.
This includes the geological composition 8,5 SCALING
of the ground it passes through, as well as AGGRESIVE pHs
the properties of other water it encounters.
8,0 WATER pH
Waters sourced from granite, basalt, or
sandstone regions tend to be deficient 7,5
in important minerals like calcium and
magnesium. These minerals are important 7,0
for human health, irrigation, and for water
stabilization (maintaining the calco-carbonic

If water has a low mineral content
(< 80 ppm as CaCO3), it is referred to as
soft water, and often presents with low
alkalinity. The combination of a low pH
and soft water results in the water having
an aggressive and corrosive character.


5 15 M-alk and and CaH (ºF)

SUEZ‘s degremont® water handbook


Water Corrosion

Corrosive water deteriorates pipes through an electro-
chemical process that enables metals such as lead, copper,
iron, aluminum and cadmium to dissolve into the water.
These metals can have significant detrimental effects on
human health.
The physical deterioration of water distribution networks
leads to an increase in leaks and reduces the service life of
pipes and equipment significantly. It also makes operation
and maintenance of water distribution networks far more
expensive, far more complex, and considerably less efficient.


The Calcite Contactor Process

Calcite contactors are the most common method of increasing water hardness quickly, easily, and efficiently.
However, the quality of the finished water depends significantly on the quality of the Calcium Carbonate used.
High quality water demands high quality Calcium Carbonate.

Raw water Omyaqua® Treated water

Contains dissolved Carbonic acid dissolves the Water is remineralized (stabilised)
Omyaqua® Calcium Carbonate* through the dissolution of the
(aggressive) CO2 (CaCO3) and forms Calcium Calcium Bicarbonate Ca(HCO3)2.
creating carbonic acid Hydrogen Carbonate, also called Hardness and alkalinity increases
(Calcium Bicarbonate) Ca(HCO3)2. while dissolved CO2 is decreased.
Final water typically reaches a
pH of > 7.3 - 8.3.

Corresponding chemical equations:
CO2 + H2O      H2CO3 (Carbonic Acid)
CaCO3 + H2CO3      Ca(HCO3)2 (Calcium Hydrogen Carbonate)

* Granular Calcium Carbonate


Final pH Adjustment

Backwash BACKWASH MODE Arrival of raw water
OPERATION MODE · Height of freeboard:
· Loosens the material
and avoids preferential 25 % of the Omyaqua®
channels layer height

· Eliminates the impuri- Neutralization and minerali-
ties retained during zation with Omyaqua®
filtration and reduces · Contact time of 20 to 45
turbidity during
operation minutes depending on the
feed-water quality and
· Frequency: every 800 selected Omyaqua® product
hours or according to
the water quality · Refill on a regular basis
maintains the empty bed
· Cycle: air, air + water, contact time (EBCT)
· Omyaqua® results in a stable
water pH and prevents pH

Base of filter
· Sand or gravel (optional)

Filter floor

Calculating the required Omyaqua® volume
Number of m3 to be filled x density (see TDS/MSDS) of Omyaqua®
= tons of Omyaqua®

Calculating Omyaqua® consumption High quality water
Depending on the chemistry of the water, the theoretical consumption demands high quality
of Omyaqua® is 2.3 grams per gram of CO2 neutralized Calcium Carbonate.

Example: To neutralize 35 mg/l of CO2 and increase hardness by 8°F 7
(4.5°dH /5.6°e), an estimated consumption of 80 mg/l of Omyaqua®
is required. In such cases, and for a Calcite Contactor station with a flow
of 30 m3/h, operating 10 hours/day, approx. 8.8 tons Omyaqua® per year
is required.

Depending on the EBCT and the final wDeagtearssqeuraolirtyCraeuqsutiirceSmoednatsD, oasiCnOg.2
removal step may be required using a

Omya Advanced
Remineralization Process

The Omya Advanced Remineralization Process (OARP) utilizes the generation of a concentrated
Calcium Bicarbonate solution within a side stream, which is then dosed into the final water
stream to increase the hardness and alkalinity content of the final water.

Omya Advanced Remineralization Process (OARP)

Omyaqua® Membrane Calcium
Calcite Bicarbonate
Micronized Reactor Solution

CO2 Omyalime

Omyaqua® pH M
Suspension adjustment Fi


Desalinated Water


H2O CaCO3 CO2 Ca2+ HCO3-

The concentration of the initial Omyaqua® suspension, the acid dosage, and the contact time can
all be controlled to obtain the desired final (drinking) water specification. Furthermore, the OARP
process allows the accommodation of different permeate flow patterns, and therefore provides for
an optimized remineralization process, under varying plant conditions.


Quality &

Omyaqua® unique physical characteristics,
including surface and particle size, result in
the best dissolution performance.
In addition, all Omyaqua® products are
characterized by their high purity: over 98%,
with an insoluble content as little as 0.1%,
making them ideal for use within drinking
water to achieve International Standards
such as DIN EN-1018 and NSF-60.


• Premium quality water
• Cost optimized design
• Modular & flexible operation
• Zero product & backwash waste
• Drinking water approved



Omyaqua® – the Product

Our Omyaqua® remineralization products
provide you with a range of technical and
economic benefits

• B road product range and multiple manufacturing locations allow for particle size selection
adapted to your water quality and operational needs

• High purity with total calcium carbonate content > 98%
• Drinking water approved following international standards such as NSF-60 and/or EN-1018
• Local products sourced from local quarries
• F lexible packaging which can be combined with our professional supply chain solutions
• T echnical support experts are always on hand to ensure a trouble-free application of Omyaqua®
• L ong-term availability: sustainable mineral reserves managed by our global team of

geologists and quarry managers

Omyaqua®: a micronized
Calcium Carbonate product,
tailored for use in drinking
water treatment.



Omya Water & Energy

[email protected]
Omya Inc.
9987 Carver Road, Suite 300
Cincinnati, OH 45242

Omya has taken every possible care to ensure that the information herein is correct in all aspects.
However, Omya cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions which may be found
herein, nor will it accept responsibility for any use which may be of the information, the same
having been given in good faith, but without legal responsibility. This information does not
give rise to any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including fitness for purpose and
non-infringement of intellectual property. The technical information presented comprises typical
data and should not be taken as representing a specification. Omya reserves the right to change
any of the data without notice.

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