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Published by Brianna Jacobs, 2021-05-14 11:18:15

5 Stages Of Grief

5 Stages Of Grief

5 Stages Of Grief

By Brianna Jacobs

There was a
dog named
Tim and a cat
named Tom

They were very close
and loved each other
very much. They met
when Tim had run
away from home.

One day the owner
found Tim. He soon
had to go home.
This made Tom
very sad.

The first stage of grief is
denial. This is where you
don't want to admit it
happened. In this case Tom
doesn't want to admit that
Tim is really gone. This
makes him very upset. Tim
doesnt want tom to be gone.

The second stage
of grief is anger.
Tim gets mad at
Tom’s owner for
taking him away.

The third stage is bargaining.
This is when Tim starts thinking
‘what if Tom was here’ or ‘what
if his owner losses him again
and he gets hurt.

The fourth stage is
depression. This is a
sadness that goes on
for a while. It can be
very overwhelming. Tim
felt very sad because
he lost his friend.

The final stage is
acceptance. Tim was
finally ready to accept
that Tom was back
with his family.

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