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Published by DALILA BINTI SIJOT Moe, 2020-04-15 05:01:45



UNIT2 • I, Man: Hello. Haw can I help you?
Jim: Hi. I'd like to sign up for
1 1 Two Danny: Hi, Sophie? II volunteering during the summer
Sophie: Yes, it's me .. . how are holidays.
2 The Viking army attacked you Danny? Man: Great! Do you want to help
York in 866. young children learn to read?
Danny: I'm OK, but ... Jim: Well, it's a nice idea, but I'd
3 Huge rats like to work with other teenagers.
4 Teenagers and adults Sophie: You don't sound OK. I don't know much about young
5 By booking online children!
What happened? Man: OK. How about giving
I •• teenagers help with maths? We've
Danny: Well, my dad was in a car got lots of young people who have
Sylvia: How was Edinburgh? Did problems understanding maths.
you have a good time? accident. Jim: Maths? I don't like maths ...
Jake: Yeah, I did. We went to I don't mind helping teenagers with
Edinburgh Castle and we went on a Sophie: Oh no! That's terrible problems but I don't really want
ghost tour. It was fun. to give classes. Could I help with
Sylvia: Yeah? Why was it fun? news! Is he OK? organizing the trips? I know a lot
Jake: Well, the ghost tour wasn't about the local area.
really scary, but the actors were Danny: Luckily he's fine. He had Man: Sure, maybe that's a better
very funny. idea for you. You can help to
Sylvia: So what did you like best? to go to hospital because he hurt organize the trip to a theme park
Jake: I really liked the Castle .. . and there's a trip to the local sports
but I enjoyed the Camera Obscura his arm, but he's coming home this centre too.
most. It's a kind of big camera and Jim: Thanks! That sounds more
you can see images of the city. It's afternoon. fun .
great way to learn, see the city and Man: And the volunteers go on all
iearn about its history. The guide Sophie: I'm really pleased to hear the trips too.
there was brilliant. He told lots of Jim: Oh fantastic!
really good stories about Edinburgh he's OK. When did it happen? Man: Now, if you could just fill in
Sylvia: It sounds interesting. I'm this form for me ...
glad you enjoyed it! Danny: Yesterday evening. Jim: OK.

2 1 wasn't Sophie: Where?

2 the Camera Obscura Danny: He was driving on the M6
3 the city
4 told lots of good stories motorway ... There was a blizzard

3 2 went to the Creepy Caves and a car in front of him crashed.

3 was it so much fun My dad's car hit his. Luckily, my
4 were actors
5 enjoy most dad was going very slowly.
6 were the best
7 quite scary Sophie: I can't believe it, it's awful

UNIT '3 but I'm really glad your dad is OK.

1 1 They had to spend one Danny: Yes, me too. Are you busy

night at sea. tomorrow?
2 Because there was a
Sophie: No, let's meet at the cafe.
storm .
3 Because the boat was Danny: OK, see you there at 11

moving a lot. o'clock.

4 They didn 't have anything 2 1 arm 3 blizzard
4 cafe
to eat. 2 evening

3 2 What happened ~ 1 F 2F 3T 4 F 5 F
3 2 I'd rather
3 When was that
4 can't believe 3 How about
5 really pleased 4 I don't mind
6 Definitely 5 a better idea
6 sounds more interesting
1 1 Next month
2 Pick up litter, plant trees 1 1 environmental
2 four
and give out information 3 Anyone
3 They should enjoy working 4 end

as part of a team

4 between 14-20 years old


Ben: So, we've got to think of Grandma: How much do you We're staying out near the airport,
ideas for the science fair project. need? but my parents don't want to drive
Which project area shall we Charlie: Well, it's 15 pounds and into the centre.
choose? I've only got 11 pounds .. . so can I Dave: OK, why don't your parents
Katie: What about a new borrow four pounds? drive to Kingston Park? There's a
development in technology? Grandma: I've got a better idea. big car park there, so they can
Ben: OK, good idea. Why don't How about earning some money leave the car there.
we think of a new app? It's quite instead? Emma: OK. Can you tell me how
easy to design apps. Charlie: How? to get to your house?
Katie: That's a brilliant idea! Grandma: I'll pay you four pounds Dave: Sure ... you take the green
Maybe we could design an app if you take the dogs for a walk every line and then you change onto the
about places where you can eat tha day this week. yellow line.
are cool for young people. Charlie: Fantastic! It's a deal, Gran Emma: Where do I change?
Ben: Yeah, or places to visit. Grandma: Would you mind Dave: At South Gosforth. Then
Katie: I know! Why don't we helping me to clean the windows you go on the yellow line to Hadrian
design an app for young people now? Road. It's eleven stops. I'll meet
in this area? It could have general Charlie: Of course not! I'll move you at the metro station.
information about places to eat, the table and then we can start.
places to go, places to do sports, Emma: Great, thanks. So, how
places for shopping ... 2 1 Emma's birthday is next
Ben: Yeah! And people will be much is it?
able to add their comments about week .
the places. Then you can read 2 Emma wants a bag for her Dave: It's two zones, so £2 .50 for
everyone's opinions. And people
could add their suggestions. birthday. your parents but you're under 16,
Katie: Great. What shall we do 3 Charlie wants to borrow £4. so it's only SOp.
first? Shall we make a list of plac::es? 4 Charlie agrees to take the Emma: OK, thanks. What time
Ben: Yeah, OK. Then we'll find out shall we meet at the metro station?
about app design. dogs for a walk every day Dave: At 7.30?
Katie: OK. this week.
Emma: OK, see you on Friday!
2 1 app 4 information 3 2 Would you mind
5 list 2 1F2T3F4T 5F
2 brilliant 3 How much does it cost
3 eat 4 Why don't you 3 2 Yes, please
5 I'll pay you
3 2 How about 6 OK, it's a deal 3 Where do I
4 How much is
3 Yes, you 're right UNIT ? 5 Yes, I am
4 That's a good idea 6 Here you are
5 Why don't we 1 1 At Pelaw.
6 Maybe we could UNIT B
2 It's £3.10.
3 No, you can't. You have to 1 1T2T3F4T

change at Pelaw. Sam: Hi Jess .. . Usten, there's an
4 Yes, you can.
activity fair at the sports centre this
1 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T Dave: Hello? weekend. Shall we go?
Jess: What time does it start?
Emma: Hi Dave, it's Emma here. Sam: It starts at 1Oam, but it's on
all day.
you a favour? How are you? I Jess: I'm busy in the morning, but
Grandma: Of course, Charlie. Dave: Great thanks! I could go in the afternoon .
What is it? Emma: Listen, we're coming to Sam: Great! What do you
Charlie: Well, I want to buy a presen want to see? There's... fencing,
for Emma's birthday. It's next week. Newcastle next weekend to visit my a taekwondo tournament and
' Grandma: Yes?
Charlie: There's a bag she really cousins. rollerblading with coaches. I think
wants, but I haven't got enough
money. Could I borrow some money? Dave: Oh, let's meet up! there's an archery competition too.
Jess: Urn ... Let's go to see the
Emma: Yes, definitely. How about fencing and then go rollerblading.
That sounds fun!
Friday night? Sam: OK.

Dave: OK, why don't you come to

Idinner? Where are you staying?
Emma: Dinner sounds great.


Jess: What time does it start? UNIT 1 3 1 People also go up at night.
Sam: It starts at one o'clock.
Jess: OK, where shall we meet? 2 You could see the River
Sam: Do you want a lift? Thames too.
Jess: No, thanks. I'll be at my
grandma's house in the morning, so 3 We also had to wait a long
my mum will probably bring me. time.
Sam: OK, I'll see you outside the
sports centre at quarter to one. I'll 11 Paragraphs 2 and 3 UMT'3
get the tickets. They're only two Paragraph 1
pounds each. 2 Paragraphs 2 and 3 11 c 6h
Jess: Great. See you then! 3 Paragraph 1 e 7b
Sam: See you then! Bye! Paragraph 1 2 a 8g
4 3 9d
2 1ten 2 morning 3 fencing f
5 4 10 j
4 mum 5two
2 1 I love music so I buy a lot of 5
3 2 Let's go to watch
songs online. 2 1 b 2c 3a
3 What time 2 I like skateboarding
4 want a lift 3 1 One day 4 By then
5 Where shall we because it's fun .
3 I'm into swimming because 2 soon 5 in the end
6 see you then 3 Then
it's a good way to exercise.
4 I like finding information so
1 1 Get Fit 2 My meditation 1 1 In the north. (Paragraph 3)
I often surf the internet.
3 Good taste 4 Help! 5 I don't chat online because 2 It's -6-3°C. (Paragraph 2)
3 Almost 40 million.
it's boring .
6 I enjoy reading books so I (Paragraph 1)

sometimes go to the library. 4 The beach town of Gdynia.

3 1 because 5 because (Paragraph 4)
6 so
2 because
7 because
3 so
4 so

Usa: Hi Dave. How are you? UNIT 2 2 1 Paragraph 4 (places)
Dave: I'm not very well.
Lisa: Oh dear, what's the matter? 1 1 It had over 5,000 sea 2 Paragraph 1 (introduction)
Dave: I've got a bee sting, and ... 3 Paragraph 2 (climate)
Lisa: Really? What happened? creatures.
Dave: I was running in the park 2 They were about sea life. 4 Paragraph 3 (landscape)
and a bee stung me! 3 You could see a variety
Lisa: Do you feel OK? 3 1 Correct
Dave: Well, it's a bit painful, but of fish and other sea
that's not the problem. creatures, you could watch 2 There is a short sandy
Usa: So what's the problem? shows and see the keepers beach near the town.
Dave: Well, when I got the sting, giving food to the sharks.
I fell over. Now I've got backache 3 You can explore the big
too! 4 He liked the Ocean Tunnel ancient wood buildings.
Lisa: Oh no! Poor you! Why
you lie down? most. 4 Correct
5 There were a lot of people
5 The restaurant has
so it was hard to see delicious Indian food.
6 Correct

Dave: I am! I'm lying on my bed UNITS

the moment. 2 1 You could buy presents 1 Arguments in favour of the
Lisa: Well, I hope you feel better
soon. I'll call you tomorrow. too. glasses: you can easily do
Dave: OK, thanks. Bye. 2 There were also a lot of many things without having
Lisa: Bye. to look at a separate screen.
people. The glasses are light and
3 I also liked the sea horses. comfortable.

2 1 park 3 backache 4 I enjoyed it too.
4 lie down
2 a bit 5 You could also touch the

3 2 screen 5 painkiller

3 feel 6 better


Arguments against the 4 The square was really busy 2 1 asked
glasses: The glasses will be
very expensive and many yesterday. I Yesterday the 2 didn't think
people won't be able to pay for 3 hasn't seen
them. square was really busy. 4 will go/ 'II go
5 I was a bit frightened at the 5 have lived
2 The writer thinks that people
top of the tower. I At the 6 don't remember
will wear computer glasses in
the future but that they won't top of the tower I was a bit 3 1 'm writing I am writing
wear them all the time, just for frightened.
short periods of time. 2 has invited
3 1 It was really hot yesterday. 3 are going
3 1 a 2b 3a 4b 4 won't let
2 It was a bit cold yesterday. 5 visited
UNIT 6 3 The restaurant was really
6 do
1 1 She bought her an MP3 expensive.
4 The museum was a bit EXAM 1
player. 2 1a 2b
2 She's going to upload her small.
5 The train was really late. 3 1 b 2c 3a
favourite songs.
3 They're having a party on UNIT B 4 1 c 2b 3b

Saturday. 1 1 No, he hasn't. FXAM2
4 They're going to decorate
2 He didn't do very well. 11c2a3b
the community centre. 3 Because he couldn't hit the
5 The party will start at 7pm. 2 a1 c2 b3
ball over the net. 3 1 c 2b 3c
6 They're going to eat pizza 4 He thinks he would really 4 1c2a 3b 4c
and dance I a DJ is going
like it. FXAM3
to come. 5 He's going to practise. 1 2 a number

2 1 She 4 We 2 1 annoyed 3 a name of a sport
5 they 4 a day of the week
2 them 2 bored
3 me 6 him 3 disappointed 2 1 a number
4 happy
3 1 It 5 they 5 embarrassed 2 a name of a street
3 a number
2 we 6 them I it 6 surprised 4 a number
3 7 He 5 a topic
4 They 3 1 See you tomorrow! (E)
3 1 b 2a 3c 4d 5e
UNIT 7 2 What are you up to? (B) 4 1 14 years old.
3 Hope you're enjoying your
1 1 No, he hasn't. 2 11 Green Road,
trip! (E) Manchester M20 6PJ
2 He went to the old town. 4 How is it going? (B)
3 Yes, he's already been 5 Hope you're having a good 3 07654321
4 one week
there. time! (E) 5 renewable energy
4 He's going to go to the
Franz Kafka Museum.
5 No, he hasn't. 1 1 He wants to go to a
6 The Astronomical Clock.
concert with his friends.
2 1 The flight was a bit boring. 2 Because he'll have to come

2 The people have been back on the train late at
really friendly. night.
3 Yes, they did.
3 The weather has been a bit 4 Jake's dad drove them
colder today. home.
5 He thinks Ed and his
friends should talk to their




5 1 Jackie

2 fifteen years old
3 do the gardening
4 take dogs for walks
5 £7 an hour
6 08536 884535

1 Example task: The best option

for Jorge is option b.

2 The best option is B.

Option C is not a good
option because although
you can do a water sport
there are no restaurants or
places to go out.
Option A is not a good option
because she likes water
activities and this is a place
without water activities.

3 The best option for Sunil is C.

4 Joanne:B Steve: C

1 The writer should include:

a description of the party, a
description of clothes and
information about other
activities on Saturday and
Sunday (The writer doesn't
have to include information
about where the party was.

2 In the reply Ben doesn't say

what clothes he wore to the

3 Possible answers

Yes, it is a good reply because
he gives a lot of information,
uses adjectives and informal
language. I He doesn't answer
all of Gloria's questions.

4 Students' own answers





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