Issue 20 | March 2019
The successful
Enjoy our teen life with
bestie or solo travelers
Everyone have thier own ambition. What they will be in the
future? How they want to achieve their ambition. For me, I
have many ambition or goals such as become a doctor, lecturer
and accountant. However I have been inspired by someone to
become a successful businessman.
The Successful businessman
After I already graduate, I will
make sure I become a successful
businessman. rder to fulfil my dreams, I
will ensure all my steps are focusing on
business. During my degree, I am do
ing an online selling which are selling
watch, sneakers and man’s things. By
doing this, not only I will get a side
income but also can encourage me to
become a businessman. In becoming a
successful businessman, I will develop
my selling skills and learn how to
manage a business.
By taking Dato’ Aliff Sy As a businessman I will more to .
ukri bin Kamaruzzaman as
my idol of businessman, my food and beverage sector. This
spirit become more glowing is because people nowadays
to follow his step to become are more attract to the food
a successful businessman.
When I observe him, but I will make sure I provide
the most important thing a healthy food. Nowadays
to become a successful
businessman is high of level people easily take a junk food
confident and overcome as their meal because it is not
shyness. If I have his spirit,
I can overcome all obstacles taking long time to serve it.
that can stop my dreams. That was not good for their
health because junk food is lot
of chemical substance that can
serve the food instantly.
Becoming a successful busi Being a businessman, I
nessman, are very hard to need to learn many things
work alone. So i will prefer
to work with people i like about handle a business.
because I know well him or First thing I should do is
her. As a businessman i will
more work with my family know my market share
because they are more close because from that i will
to me and know well about create my target and how
me. For me, family is my much i can made the sell.
first priority and I will help Second thing is, I must
them to cooperate with them
to run the business. Then know what the goods
I will also give a space to or things that fulfill the
work with my friends. customer needs and wants.
I will ensure my
business will go further
and can globalize it.
Business is not only for
gain a profit but also
will teach me how to
develop myself and
survive in my life. For
now, me as a student
will not waste my by
not learning how to
become a successful
This is not only my dreams but it
will become reality.