"Turn your wounds into wisdom."
Oprah Winfrey
JUL-SEP 2022
JUL - SEP 2022
President's Message 07
New Happenings 09
Interview with our new Executive 12
Director, Wong Ming Sze 14
Sweet, Young & Wise
Interview with our Assistant
Executive Corporate Services, Lydia
Emilda Mohd Latif by Yohanna
Leading the Path to Rehab by
Interview with our Senior
Programme Coordinator (Rehab),
Junainah Mohd Eusope by Sumaiyah
A Caregiver's Pearls of Wisdom
Interview with Caregiver, Azizi Dahri
by Atikah Yusof
Creative Corner
Eternally Wise by Yohanna Abdullah
Snapshots of Past Events
JUL - SEP 2022
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”- Aristotle
Wisdom is the combination of experience, knowledge, and careful
judgment. It is the ability to discover the relevant by sorting out the
Components of being wise include the capacity to empathise with others,
the ability to manage one’s own emotions, the appreciation of diversity,
the embracing of uncertainty and the capability to look at the long-term
Exercising wisdom is important at the individual level, where making wise
decisions on a daily basis is necessary so as not to end in loss and regret.
Decisions – wise or otherwise – also impact interpersonal relations as well
as the morale and wellbeing of organisations.
One does not become wise overnight. It is a quality that a person acquires
from having not only knowledge, but also a deep understanding, of
things. It takes time to develop and nurture.
In this issue of HEAL, we feature the following individuals in the Club HEAL
family who exemplify wisdom – namely, Junainah Eusope, our Senior
Programme Coordinator in Rehab; Azizi Dahri, a caregiver and Lydia
Emilda Mohd Latif from the Corporate Communications Department.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am
wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi
Club HEAL Newsletter Dr Radiah Salim
JUL - SEP 2022
Club HEAL was formed in 2012 by a group of like-minded
individuals who have a strong passion in helping people
with mental illness and their family members lead a fulfilling
and stigma-free life.
A charity that promotes the healing and recovery of people
with mental health challenges by inspiring Hope,
Empowering lives, fostering Acceptance and spreading
Love, services provided by Club HEAL include day
rehabilitative services, counselling, home visits, public
education, support groups and volunteer training.
Club HEAL is a registered Charitable Organisation with an
approved Institution of Public Character (IPC) status. Club
HEAL is a member of the National Council of Social Service
(NCSS) and a part of the Community Mental Health
Intervention Teams (COMIT) and Community Resource
Engagement and Support Team (CREST) programmes
under the Ministry of Health (MOH).
Be a HEALing Friend
Join us as Volunteers
“Volunteers are love in motion!” – Author Unknown
As a member or a volunteer, you can contribute in a variety of ways,
from assisting in Club HEAL events to conducting rehabilitative
activities! We need people from all walks of life who can contribute
their time and skills to fulfill our cause.
To become a member, please fill-up the membership form available at
our website (under Resources section) and email it to us at
[email protected] or mail it to: Club HEAL, Blk 254, Bukit Batok East
Ave 4, #01-229, Singapore 650254.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 04
Our New ED is Okay!
By Yohanna Abdullah
Club HEAL’s new Executive Ambulatory Services at the Institute
Director, Wong Ming Sze, is okay, of Mental Health and the Director of
but she assures that “it’s okay to Operations at Parkway College. She
not be okay”. This is her all-time was heading a children’s home
favourite quote, which is inspired before she took a break from work.
by a Korean drama series of the Ming Sze joined Club HEAL in June.
same title, set in a psychiatric Ming Sze has Masters in both
hospital. Business Administration and
“We have to remind ourselves
that we are humans after all and “I enjoyed my work at the different
not artificial intelligence; we have organisations as it was fulfilling to
our limitations and can suffer be involved at management level, to
burnouts. When someone has a influence policies and see the
mental break down, the illness positive impact our work had on
unfortunately, masks the person," patients and their families. I am
said Ming Sze, 54, said in her most heartened to see patients in
soothing, gentle voice. “We tend recovery returning to work and
to see the illness instead of the reintegrating back into society.”
person behind the condition. I
hope we can work towards This kampung girl can cook
changing this perspective so the
community is more inclusive, has The loving mother to an only son
empathy and compassion for who is currently serving his National
those facing mental health Service, Ming Sze used to spend her
challenges.” school holidays running around and
climbing trees in her kampung in
Wealth of experience in Malaysia. She enjoys taking long
healthcare and social service walks, running and travelling. She
de-stresses by cooking though she
Ming Sze has served as the emphasises, “I am NOT a good
Business Development Manager cook!" Beyond her professional
of the Chartered Behavioural image, Ming Sze has a fun-loving
Health Services at Mount and adventurous streak in her that
Elizabeth Hospital, where she later her family and friends are most
became its Clinical Head. She was familiar with. She shared that one of
also the former Deputy Director of her most memorable moments was
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 05
the time she and a friend lost their and contribute meaningfully to the
way when they were traveling in organisation and society. Having
Japan. They found themselves in a people with lived experience to
forest and, instead of feeling work with other peers is an
panicky and anxious, they soaked excellent model and this is Club
in the new experience and enjoyed HEAL's success story.”
it tremendously.
Ming Sze felt welcome at Club
“Taking a quiet walk with her and HEAL from the very first day at
listening to the sounds of nature work, as her colleagues made her
was very fun, soothing and feel right at home. She also met
therapeutic. That memory will be many of the staff up close and
etched in my heart for a very long personal during its Picnic Day at
time.” East Coast Park on 25 June.
A privilege to work with Club "I feel privileged and excited to
work at Club HEAL. Having
managed acute and outpatient
Ming Sze loves how Club HEAL is facilities, I look forward to helping
not only about recovery, but also Club HEAL open more
about acceptance and rehabilitation centres in the
empowerment. community and focus on
“What is heart-warming is that we eldercare too," Ming Sze said.
have peers working with us in the
organisation. It is a strong We are excited to work alongside
testimony that persons in recovery Ming Sze and look forward to
are able to return to work bringing Club HEAL to greater
heights under her leadership.
Executive Director Ming Sze enjoying a stroll at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve PAGE 06
with our clients from the Dementia Wellness Programme
Club HEAL Newsletter
JUL - SEP 2022
Sweet, Young & Wise Lydia at our first Club HEAL Picnic Day
Wisdom comes early when Lydia, Assistant Executive
Corporate Services had her first child at 14. As she
juggled between motherhood and schoolwork,
determined to pursue an education, career and a
happy family, she grew wise beyond her years.
By Yohanna Abdullah
Wisdom often comes with Planned parenthood
motherhood and for Lydia Emilda She said, “When I found out about
my pregnancy, I went to my
Mohd Latif, it came early; she is a principal’s office on my own to seek
her advice. However I had cold feet,
mother of four at the age of 25! but she called me into her office
when she saw me. I told her that I
While others her age are just had actually written down my plans
for my future in a small notebook
about to embark on a career or prior to meeting her. I knew the
unexpected pregnancy would
marriage, Lydia, Executive change my entire life, but I knew
exactly what I wanted to do and
Assistant, Corporate what kind of mother I wanted to
Communications, at Club HEAL,
An independent and responsible
juggles family, work and pursuing young lady, Lydia arranged for a
family friend to care for her
her passion in baking. Her daughter while she pursued her
education. She and her partner
children are 11, 7 and 5 years old, visited their daughter during the
weekends. Lydia started work after
while the youngest is an her ‘O’ Levels and she married her
partner in 2014.
energetic boy just 11 months old.
A noble dream
This sweet and bubbly young
executive is definitely wise While Lydia graduated with a
beyond her years. Even when she Higher NITEC in Facility
unexpectedly became a mum at Management, she found a new
15, the first step she took was to passion in social service when she
make plans to complete her ‘O’
levels and to further her PAGE 07
“The stigma back then was very
strong, especially in our
community. Nevertheless, for me,
even when I discovered I was
going to have a child, I planned
for my education first. I informed
my school because my priority
was to sit for my ‘O’ levels,
regardless of my circumstances.”
Club HEAL Newsletter
started work in that sector. JUL - SEP 2022
She hopes to pursue her reprimanded. I try to motivate them in
their studies and, more importantly, I
studies in this area when she want to instil good manners and values in
my children from a young age.
has the opportunity.
What are your thoughts on motherhood
Currently, she juggles her and career?
time with her children, I feel there is no right or wrong way to
parent a child. Every child is different, so
working full time in Club the approach differs too. It doesn’t
matter even if the child is not performing
HEAL and running her part- academically because there are other
ways that he can succeed in the future.
time home business. Her
As for my career, I feel job satisfaction is
dream is to run a café that more important than the renumeration.
For me, I want to look for opportunities to
provides employment, help others and to give back to society as
I have been supported and loved during
guidance and support to my challenging moments. I am inspired
and look forward to do my best for the
help persons in need of clients in Club HEAL.
rehabilitation and a new I knew the
start in life. unexpected
We asked Lydia some pregnancy would
questions to get her
perspectives on wisdom, change my entire
motherhood and career:
life, but I knew
Do you think you are wiser
than most girls your age? exactly what I
Yes, I would say so. My wanted to do and
personal experience during
my teenage is atypical, unlike what kind of mother
what others my age will
usually go through. It took I wanted to be.
discipline and planning to
navigate the challenges I was
facing then. There were
moments when I wanted to
give up but my children
always inspire me and give
me the strength to continue.
Can you describe your
parenting style?
Actually, I am a very strict
mum. I am the disciplinarian
at home and I will make the
effort to explain to my
children why they are being
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 08
JUL - SEP 2022
Adila and Kak Junn at Marsiling Centre Leading the
Path to Rehab
by Example
by Sumaiyah Mohamed
As we explore the theme on wisdom, it their potential.
is inevitable that we share Junainah It had been difficult when mental
illness struck; to build a career had
Mohammad Eusope’s story. seemed near impossible for Kak
Junn. However, Club HEAL provided
Affectionately known as Kak Junn, 67, her with the opportunity to achieve
and accomplish her goals. She was
she is a Senior Programme Coordinator entrusted to set up the Rehab
programme in Club HEAL and to
in charge of the Rehabilitation build up the team.
programme (Rehab). As someone who Kak Junn incorporates her skills,
knowledge and experience in arts
has walked the recovery path, Kak Jun and crafts into her role. She had
picked up many hobbies and skills
is looked up to by the peers under her and honed her talents during her
recovery journey. She introduced
wings. Her team relies on her for sound these hands-on activities as part of
the rehabilitation programme at
advice on how to manage their Club HEAL and is happy to see the
clients enjoying and benefitting
sessions and communicate better with from them. When the clients made
progress in their recovery and also
their clients and colleagues. Her master these hands-on skills, it is
deeply rewarding for Kak Junn.
counsel on Club HEAL matters is valued,
“I have a strong passion for Rehab
having volunteered and worked in the and I truly believe in the
programme. Also, I love to be
organisation since its early days. energetic and instil optimism in
Motivation, Passion and Purpose
Kak Junn cherishes her
responsibilities at Club HEAL and
is grateful for the chance to make
an impact. She generously shares
her wisdom from her lived
experience with depression and
anxiety and her recovery journey,
with the sincere hope that it helps
others. She is passionate in doing
her best to motivate and
empower clients and colleagues
as nothing gives her more
satisfaction than supporting
someone as they strive to reach
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 09
others. I am ready to be there for JUL - SEP 2022
the participants and the Rehab
team when they need help. I love of time debating unresolvable
challenges – I see my job and my questions and dwelling on negative
tasks positively and I will not give up issues. The turning point came
easily. when she embraced what she had
gained and let go of what she had
Touching lives lost.
Kak Junn has supported many peers “Unpleasant, grievous and hurtful
in Club HEAL. She is very touched by things will happen in life. I have
the progress of Adila Nurhana Hairul experienced the incredible peace
Anuar, 33, who was one of the early we receive when we trust God. I
clients of Club HEAL. Adila was have learnt that the issue will best
initially reserved and withdrawn. unfold itself. God is indeed the Best
After she joined Rehab and Kak Junn of Planners,” Kak Junn confided.
encouraged and guided her, she
started to open up and participate My mother, my Inspiration
in the activities. Adila’s parents are
grateful that she has regained her Kak Junn draws the deepest
true self and built up her inspiration from her late mother.
confidence. They are happy that she She had incredible inner strength,
is now working as an Assistant bringing up eight children almost
Programme Executive at Rehab. single-handedly. Kak Junn’s father
passed away when she was just
Kak Junn describes Adila as a three years old. As a single parent,
sweet-natured, well-mannered and Kak Junn’s mother faced boundless
calm person. Adila said with a smile, obstacles. Yet, she remained calm,
“The best place to cry is in a never complained, and ensured her
mother’s arms. Kak Junn is a mother children had a blessed upbringing,
figure in Club HEAL. She always with good education and nutritious
gives good advice and will always be food, by working steadfastly as a
there for us. She’s awesome!” domestic helper.
Learning to let go “Sometimes, when I am feeling
down, I think of my mother. If my
Kak Junn’s journey through mental mom can do it despite of her
illness was a painful one. Yet, she predicament, I am sure I can too!,”
has learnt a lot and has grown wiser, Kak Junn says, with her signature
knowing now what truly matters in zesty attitude.
life. Through the whole onslaught of
challenges and mental health Sharing life’s lessons
issues, at first, she could not fully
comprehend God’s plans. She used Kak Junn shares three life lessons
to frequently question, “Why did that she holds dear:
this happen to me?” and spent a lot
1. Even this too shall pass
Take your illness like you are
wearing muddy glasses. Slowly, the
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 10
mud will clear. Soon, we can see JUL - SEP 2022
the bright colours of the world and
find joy in the little things in life at times too. But I am thankful that I
again. have my friends and loved ones
around who helped me through the
2. Face your fears tough times.
The times of darkness taught me Kak Junn shared, “I see it as a
about myself. It revealed my inner blessing to be able to help others in
reservoir of resilience and strength. recovery. Club HEAL has given me
My counsellor once reminded me, the opportunity to achieve success.
‘The test of a strong ship is not After all the setbacks I have faced
when a ship is in the harbour; it is in in life, to be able to experience this
sense of achievement is all the
more precious to me.”
Kak Junn is a pillar of strength for the peers in Club HEAL
the ocean, facing the high waves. Unpleasant, grievous and
Do not run away from fear; face it hurtful things will
happen in life. I have
3. Choose to be positive experienced the
No matter how dark our life is, only incredible peace we
you and you alone have the power receive when we trust
to choose what you want. If we God. I have learnt that
choose the negative past, we will the issue will best unfold
live in a dark and gloomy world. On itself. God is indeed the
the other hand, if we choose to look
at the positive, we will see a new Best of Planners,
world of beauty opening up before
us. I will not say that my life is
perfect; I do feel scared and sad
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 11
JUL - SEP 2022
A Mdm Rodaiyah and Mr Azizi harvesting fresh produce
Caregiver's from the community garden near our Marsiling Centre
Pearls of Mr Azizi, caregiver to his wife Mdm Rodaiyah, is known for his tender
Wisdom loving care for her after she was diagnosed with dementia several
years ago. At our Pasir Ris East Centre, he is looked up to as a
by Atikah Yusof respected elder who gently guides other participants and even our
staff, and always ready to help out with his knowledge and skills.
With their marriage going on fifty Times Printers, with more than 40
years strong, theirs is a traditional years of service before retiring.
love story for the ages – they lived When Mdm Rodaiyah faced
in the same kampung (village) and mental health challenges, he
were united in a marriage became her sole caregiver and
arranged by their parents. Mr Azizi took it upon himself to work the
Dahri, 70, has raised three children night shifts at a supermarket to
with his wife, Mdm Rodaiyah support them financially. He
Yakob, 68. eventually resigned as his wife’s
condition was deteriorating.
Their charmed life was disrupted
when Mdm Rodaiyah was “Even though it was a difficult
diagnosed with dementia in 2020. period for us, we needed to be a
team and help each other to
Concurrently, she also lost ensure good upkeeping of our
mobility in her lower limbs and house. Sama-sama senang, sama-
had constant fainting spells, sama susah (Together in good and
frequenting twelve trips to the bad times). She has never and will
hospital in a span of less than two never be a burden to me,” Mr Azizi
years. asserts.
“It was a confusing chapter of our After a referral to attend Club
lives, especially as stigma towards HEAL Rehab, the centre at Pasir Ris
mental illnesses was still prevalent East became their beacon of hope
in the Malay Muslim community. and it was like a second home to
My wife’s condition was seen as them. Mdm Rodaiyah’s condition
‘contagious’, and we were has since improved tremendously,
shunned by individuals who were and she loves going to the centre
uneducated on mental illnesses,” to make friends and engage in her
Mr Azizi said. favourite activity, quilling, with her
husband by her side.
Mr Azizi was a former employee at
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 12
JUL - SEP 2022
Mr Azizi and Mdm Rodaiyah celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2022 with their family
Over the years through trials and Mdm Rodaiyah, reminisced that Mr
tribulations, Mr Azizi has learned what it Azizi was gentle with their children
takes to be a wise caregiver. He and had never been the one to punish
observes that these pearls of wisdom is them. He would to feel emotional and
also applicable to life as well. could not bear to discipline them.
1. Be willing to learn “Satu lembut, satu keras (One gentle,
one firm). He was the most patient
A caregiver should be patient, father, while I was the stern mother,”
trustworthy and resourceful. You must she confessed.
take the initiative to learn new things to
be a better provider for your family. 4. Inculcate good family values
2. Strengthen your faith Mr Azizi believes that having a strong
familial foundation plays a huge role in
Be consistent in your prayers and securing a healthy, loving family.
always turn to God for help – whatever
happens is by His will. “Teach your children to treat their
own children right, this is usually
As Muslims, we believe in God’s reflected in the ways your own
supremacy and power over everything, children or grandchildren behave
that nothing takes place without God around you or make you feel,” he
allowing the event to occur. shared.
3. Be moderate, seek balance 5. Spread happiness
We used to balance our roles when it “Be a loving parent and a doting
comes to parenting our children. In the grandfather – do not be afraid to
past, my wife was the one who would express your affections.”
discipline our kids to buck up and focus
on their studies and prepare for their Mr Azizi and his wife have been
examinations,” Mr Azizi shared about blessed with three grandchildren
his wife. whom they treasure and love dearly.
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 13
Eternally Wise
By Yohanna Abdullah
At the cusp of 55 Drizzling rain, wild at
I wonder how wise times
I am for my years My potted green pets
Beyond the tears Sunshiny pink clouds
That saw me Laughing friends who
Broken and cry along
blooming Iced coffee and thick
In bits and leaps salted egg French
I am heaven-bound toast
Little attached I am not penny-wise
If only in mind I count not wealth
To the fetters In numbers
Of this world But in health
I cling to His rope And gifts
For my life depends Precious
On my purpose As the sands of time
Contentment The meaning?
Is sweet To know and love myself
When gratitude To know and love my
speaks Maker
From earthy notes Counting my stars
Love these: Creating, Imagining
Exuding light
Eternity is in sight
Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 14
Club HEAL Newsletter JUL - SEP 2022
Rah-Rah Raya! @ Rehab
The staff and clients from the Rehab
programme at our four centres had a Rah-Rah!
time during its Hari Raya Puasa celebrations..
Aimed at spreading joy and laughter, the centre
piece of the event was naturally a delicious
lunch spread prepared together, gotong-
royong style. Staff, clients and volunteers
played fun games, listened to energising Hari
Raya songs, shared yummy festive cookies and
overall, had a wonderful bonding time.
William Puay, 32, a client at our Marsiling centre,
said that the occasion was truly one of the
highlights of his time in Rehab. His favourite
was the games segment where he could be his
authentic, fun and cheerful self among his
Youth’s Mental Health with BERITA Mediacorp
It is important for youths to voice out their mental
health challenges to those they trust and to seek
professional help when necessary. This was the focus of
the discussion when Club HEAL was invited to share
expert advice on local Malay televised news segment
BERITA on 6 June.
Our counsellor Abdul Hakim Adzhari, shared that one of
the reasons why youths feel that it is tiresome to seek
help is due to the repetitive cycle of counselling. He
advised that youths should express their thoughts and
emotions to those who are closest to them so that they
can get the help they need quickly.
This was supported by Assistant Programme Executive
of Dementia Wellness Programme Nur Syara Fana Mohd
Khir, 22, who advised youths not to be afraid to seek
support from those they feel safe and comfortable with.
Natasha Syannaz Yusof, 25, who was a client at Club
HEAL said that she was grateful to have the support
from her mother and the team at Club HEAL. They were
her pillar of strength during her road to recovery.
JUL - SEP 2022
Aidilfitri vibes at CREST Caregiver Support Network Event
Caregivers and their families had a joyous time at the annual CREST Caregivers Support
Network (CREST CSN) Event on 3 June 2022 in commemoration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. CREST
CSN was launched in April 2021 to support and link caregivers whose loved ones face
mental health challenges. This was the first get together for the staff, caregivers and their
loved ones after the standing down of Covid safe management measures.
Mr Zainal Abidin Lee, 61, Head of the CREST Caregivers Programme said, “Caregiving is a
marathon; it requires a lot of support and perseverance. It is important for caregivers to
come together to share experiences in their caregiving journey and to encourage one
another that they are not alone in their journey. I am pleased that our caregiver advocates
have stepped up to lead this meaningful event for their peers,” he said.
A caregiver, Mdm Ezwani Rahim, 47, said “It was a good get-to-know session for us to meet
everyone. We feel supported and know that we are not alone when facing our daily
Happy reunion for staff, caregivers and loved ones during the Hari Raya celebration
Club HEAL Newsletter Fun and Sun at Coney Island with CREST CSN
CREST CSN organised their monthly, outdoor event
for 20 caregivers and staff with a fun 4-hour daytrip
to Coney Island on 27 February. The attendees were
in high spirits as they trailed along the scenic 4km
route teeming with flora and fauna.
Each team was assigned to a group of five, with the
team leader following a map planned by the
organisers. Crossword puzzles and other games
were played during breaks to stimulate their minds
and foster relationship building.
Mdm Siti Zubaidah Bee Abdullah, CREST CSN Care
Support Officer, was the main organiser of the trip.
“The objective of the trip was to solidify the bond
between caregivers, to show them that they have
the emotional support of each other. Being outdoors
provides excellent mental health benefits as well,
and allows them to enjoy some ‘me-time’”.
Club HEAL Newsletter JUL - SEP 2022
Staff Picnic Day @ ECP
Club HEAL held its very first Picnic Day for staff and
their families at East Coast Park on 25 June. It was a
happy Saturday, filled with games such as scavenger
hunt and fashion show. Other highlights included
face painting and balloon sculpting. There was a
delicious array of food contributed to the potluck,
which spiced up the event.
Nurul Nasyitah Katerman, 25, a Social Work Associate
from CREST, said, “It was such an enjoyable day,
getting to spend time with colleagues I don’t usually
meet.” She was one of the game masters for the day
and noted that the role boosted her confidence.
“The games required teamwork, creativity and
decision making. We got to know our peers better
and had a more genuine engagement. This improves
team building.”
Thank you for supporting every #OneOfUs in Club HEAL
We are touched by your support to fight the stigma
associated with mental illness in our #OneOfUs campaign.
Thank you for standing by us and our Campaign Ambassadors
who shared anecdotes, sportingly sang and pledged to forge
towards a stigma-free society.
Thank you, Guest-of-Honour Mdm Rahayu Mahzam,
Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Health and Ministry
of Communications and Information, for gracing our Sing
Against Stigma Finale Event on 19 March. We had the pleasure
of being entertained by our guest artistes Lennard Lim and
Amyrah Mustafa.
We feel so blessed that the campaign reached its goal of
raising $100,000 to run our programmes and activities to
empower peers with mental health challenges and support
their caregivers too.
President of Club HEAL, Dr Radiah Salim, said, "On behalf of
Club HEAL, I would like to thank all who have contributed
towards the success of the #OneOfU. In particular, our
gratitude goes towards the kind donors who have contributed
and helped us meet our target of $50, 000 in order to get the
matching donation of another $50, 000 from our kind
JUL - SEP 2022
Help people with mental health challenges receive the support they need.
HOW TO SUPPORT? Via Bank Transfer
OCBC Current Account:
Via PayNow 641-372131-001
UEN no:
T12SS0028K or GIRO
scan QR Code using Please fill up the form which is
bank app available at our Website:
(Crossed & made payable to 'Club *For tax exempt receipt, please email
HEAL') and mail it to Blk 254 Bukit [email protected] with your full
Batok East Ave 4 #01-229 S650254 name, NRIC/FIN/UEN, date of bank
transfer, amount and email address.
Please note that all donations made to Club HEAL which is an IPC Status Charitable Organisation
are eligible to get 250% (2.5 times) Tax Deduction of the donation amount made.
Madam Halimah Yacob
Editorial Team
Mr Zaqy Mohamad President: Members: Chief Editor
Madam Rahayu Mahzam Dr Radiah Salim Dr Bibi Jan Ayyub Noorunnisa d/o Ibrahim Kutty
Vice-President: Ms Noorunnisa d/o Ibrahim
Hon Advisors:
Dr Joseph Leong Jern-Yi Ms Siti Hawa Sulaiman Kutty Editorial Team Members
Dr Habeebul Rahman Hon Treasurer:
Dr Norhisham Main Mr Muhammad Fithri Daud Ms Deena Bajrai Radiah Salim
Dr Sharifah Mariam Aljunied Hon Asst Treasurer: Ms Eunice Olsen Penny Chua
Mr Ram Dubey Ms Siti Aishah Jaafar Mr John Ho
Hon Secretary: Ms Rohizan Talib Sumaiyah Mohamed
Hon Legal Counsel: Ms Amarjit Kaur
Ms Roslina Baba Hon Asst Secretary: Yohanna Abdullah
Dr Sharifah Munirah Alhamid Mardiana Othman
Ms Siti Noor Baizura
Atikah Yusof
Ms Nur Izzati Zainudin Ms Tazrinah Hussein Designer
Ms Fauziah Mohd Hussein Atikah Yusof
Contact Club HEAL Office: 6899 3463 (9am - 5pm weekdays) | Mailing Address: Blk 254 Bukit Batok East
Ave 4 #01-229 S(650254) | Email: [email protected] | Website: www.clubheal.org.sg