Conned out of Stay alert to Bad parking
£100,000 virus crooks can cost lives
Council sends out Rise in scams is 999 crews plea to
a scams warning causing concern selfish motorists
See Page 3 See Page 6-7 See Page 2
August 2020
“We are lucky in
Essex to have so
many innova
tive, entrepre
neurial businesses, so it is
no surprise to me that
when it comes to fighting
business crime,
our county is
leading the way.
Denise Rossiter
New business crime strategy
ESSEX is leading the way when it “At the same time, the investment our day to day life, bringing wealth and
comes to beating business crime. The Essex Police is making in its new vibrancy to our communities. We want
county now has a new Crime Against Business Crime Team is a clear commit to create safe and secure environments
Business Strategy – designed by busi ment to the business community in where local businesses can thrive.
ness for business. Essex.”
“Businesses have told us what sup
The document was developed by the The Business Crime Strategic Board port they need to do this, and we have
Business Crime Strategic Board. The was itself a national first when it was responded. Only by working together
Board, chaired by Essex Chambers of established in July 2018 and has worked can we drive down crime, making our
Commerce, consists of members from closely with businesses, policing and communities a safer place to work, visit
key businesses across the county and community safety partners to develop and thrive for us all.”
includes Essex Police and the Police, the strategy and provide advice and
Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex. guidance to helping businesses and Business crime can take many forms,
policing to work effectively together. from cybercrime to fraud to shoplifting.
The strategy is the first of its kind in By working together, we can really
the country as it has been driven by the Its delivery will be supported by Essex make an impact and reduce and pre
needs of businesses and developed in Police’s new Business Crime Team, vent crime that is harming our commu
partnership with them. which will include a Sergeant, two nities.”
Police Constables and an analyst. The
Denise Rossiter, chief executive of the strategy’s vision is to create safe and Around 22,000 crimes take place
Essex Chambers of Commerce, said: secure communities where local busi against businesses each year which is
“We are lucky in Essex to have so many nesses can thrive. roughly 20 per cent of all recorded
innovative, entrepreneurial businesses, crime. The largest proportion of crime
so it is no surprise to me that when it Its aims, to reduce crime against busi happens in retail businesses with
comes to fighting business crime, our nesses, will be achieved by encouraging licensed premises and restaurants the
county is leading the way. businesses to report crime, improving next most common.
crime prevention advice and supporting
“As we have brought businesses and businesses to help themselves, to Businesses who invest in crime pre
policing closer together, we have really increase the confidence of the business vention advice can successfully reduce
seen the difference that closer collabo community and strengthen partnership their risk of being affected by crime
ration can bring. More and more busi working. while those businesses who choose not
nesses are supporting Essex Police by to follow crime prevention advice find
either releasing their staff to help as Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime themselves disproportionately affected.
Special Constables, sharing information Commissioner for Essex, said:
or taking up prevention advice. “Businesses are an important part of [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
My mum was a
very intelligent lady
– a member of
Mensa but it was
her kindheartedness that
meant she would offer to help
anyone, especial
ly those she saw
as less fortunate
than herself.
Dementia victim loses £10k
IF you have a friend, relative or partner remind her that the scammers were Mary’s son also held her debit card in
suffering from dementia, then this arti only out to get her money. safekeeping so that she could no longer
cle should start alarm bells ringing and give out the number on the phone.
encourage you to act before it’s too She left a script next to the phone so
late. that her mother would tell callers she During the later stages of Mary’s life,
wouldn’t commit to paying for anything she finally stopped giving money to
Mary Khamas was an unfortunate vic without speaking to her children. scammers as her declining health
tim of the disease who was plagued by meant she wasn’t able to.
unscrupulous criminals 101 times and Call blockers were also installed,
conned out of £10,000 life savings. Mary was signed up to the Telephone Thea said: “My mum was a very intel
Preference Service and scam mail ligent lady – a member of Mensa even,
Mary, who was diagnosed with returned. However as Mary’s details but it was her kindheartedness and
dementia in 2016, was victim to scams had been shared by scammers, she generosity that meant she would offer
that included people claiming to be continued to be contacted. to help anyone, especially those she
charities, prize draws or catalogues, or saw as less fortunate than herself.
selling medication and bogus roofers. And while there are those genuine
services which can block calls, she even Unfortunately, this extended to crim
Her records list 101 different compa received phone calls from scammers inals orchestrating the scams that she
nies and organisations that she had purporting to offer the same. fell victim to.
been sending money to though it is
thought to be much higher and one As Mary’s dementia developed she “It was very hard to convince her not
scam saw her place an order worth became less able to cope with money to be scammed, especially when she
£1,000 for “duff” medication. unaided. was developing Alzheimer’s.
Her daughter Thea is so incensed that Thea tried to stop direct debits going “Using humour helped. I remember
a vulnerable person like her late moth out to scam charities and used power joking with her about how many direct
er can be targeted, she has issued a of attorney and third party authority to debits she had, she would go ‘oh yeah
warning to residents with sick and frail give her control over her mum’s that is a lot.’ She did see that humour
relatives. finances. and that convinced her.
Thea became suspicious when she “I hope my mum’s story will make
suggested to her mum that she use her people aware of the numerous kinds of
savings to get a new boiler but Mary scam and how scammers operate and I
kept making excuses. would encourage anyone with elderly
or vulnerable relatives to speak to them
It was then that she discovered her about the risks.
mum’s bank account that had more
than £10,000 in it had been emptied to “I’d also say to people who suspect
give money to scammers. they are being scammed – please speak
up – there is no need to feel embar
In the last five years of Mary’s life, rassed.”
Thea tried to put systems in place to [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
UK fraud hits £1.7b there targeting farmers through crimi officer recently showed him a copy of
nal and fraudulent activity.” his driver’s license, unaware she was
ACCORDING TO research conducted by Follow these simple tips blind.
accountancy and business advisory Go with what you know: Wherever
firm BDO LLP, the total value of fraud possible, stick with trusted The grandmother pleaded guilty to
in the UK more than doubled to £1.7 brands/websites that have a strong fraud charges last month in court and
billion in 2019 (up from £746.3 million reputation; was sentenced to three years and
the previous year). Use a secure payment method: Paying eight months in prison.
online with a credit card means the
The average value of fraud also lender is, by law, jointly liable with the Green grant alert
increased, rising from £1.4 million to retailer. If you sign your credit and
£3.6 million during this period. debit cards up to MasterCard FRAUDSTERS wasted little time before
SecureCode and Verified by Visa you trying to capitalise on a new govern
The analysis, which is based upon will get an extra layer of password ment scheme designed to make
reported fraud cases amounting to protection; homes more energy efficient.
over £50,000 here in the UK, reveals Check for the padlock when shopping
that despite the rise in value, the num online because it shows the site is Suffolk Trading Standards received
ber of reported cases has dropped by secure. reports of calls from bogus Green
12%, with 464 cases of fraud reported Make your purchases on a secure net Homes Grant firms within hours of the
in 2019 compared with 525 in 2018. work: If you are buying products Chancellor’s announcement.
online using a mobile device do so
Fraudsters are now understood to over a secure network, ideally a pass Authorities said it was easy to detect
be taking advantage of the COVID19 wordprotected home network that scammers because the £2bn scheme
outbreak, with mass home working only your family has access to.” was not due to open until September.
and operational shifts towards ecom
merce opening up new opportunities Blind conwoman A spokesman said: “Within hours of
for criminals to target companies and the Chancellor announcing the green
individuals. A BRITISH grandmother who claimed grant available for homeowners, we
to be blind and suffering from a debili received reports of scam calls from
Kaley Crossthwaite, partner and tating illness defrauded the British bogus companies advising that the
head of fraud at BDO LLP, commented: government of $1.2 million in benefits recipient is eligible for the grant.
“Despite the volume of reported fraud – and even her husband was unaware,
falling last year, the rise in value sug reports said. “If you receive such a call, hang up.
gests that sophisticated fraudsters are Do not give the caller any personal
becoming increasingly predatory. At one point, Christina Pomfrey, 65, details.
“Compounding this, COVID19 has was earning more than $ 16,000 a
provided a fertile breeding ground for month, using two identities and pre “The scheme is not due to start until
fraudulent activity. We’re anticipating tending to be blind and suffering from September, so any calls related to the
a spike in cases this year.” multiple sclerosis. announcement will be a scam.
Farmers being duped The news came as a shock to her 15 “The rollout will be run locally and
yearold husband, who said he first details of how to apply will be provid
FARM organisations are warning mem heard of his wife’s scams after a police ed soon.”
bers to “err on the side of caution”
amid concerns of a heightened threat Swoop in Spain
of scams and other criminal activity
during the Covid19 pandemic. A MASSIVE police investigation has
resulted in the arrest of 94 criminals
It follows reports of suspicious web from across Spain who collaborated to
sites being setup advertising farm steal over €500,000 from victims’ bank
vehicles and machinery for sale that, accounts.
in reality, do not exist.
The gang were part of a scheme
NFU Cymru is concerned that given that saw bank details, obtained by
the restrictions currently in place in cloning a mobile phone SIM chip,
Wales as a result of the Covid19 pan being used to access customers’
demic, that some farmers may be accounts, thereby allowing the trans
duped into buying agricultural goods fer of monies out to the gang’s own
online from sources they would not illegal accounts, one of the victims had
usually consider. €240,000 withdrawn!
An NFU spokesman said: “At a time Those arrested are accused of
when some farmers’ buying habits defrauding a total of €504,800 from
may change to adapt to the current numerous victims from all over Spain.
situation, we should all be wary that The operation was carried out in a
there are unscrupulous individuals out coordinated way in 16 municipalities
during the past week and ended with
the arrest of 94 people, [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
We urge govern
ments to give
theauthorities the
tools, funding, and resources
they need to bring criminal
counterfeiters to justice
because criminal enforce
ment is one of
the most effective
ways to stop
Dharmesh Mehta
No room for fakers, Amazon
AMAZON has announced the creation of anticounterfeit programs have ensured effective ways to stop them.”
a new Counterfeit Crimes Unit which will that 99.9% of all Amazon products The new unit builds on Amazons estab
be responsible for finding and pursuing viewed by customers did not have a valid
those attempting to sell fake goods on counterfeit complaint. lished history of collaboration with
the site. brands and law enforcement to hold
In 2019, Amazon invested over $500 counterfeiters accountable through
The US tech and ecommerce giant million and had more than 8,000 financial penalties, civil litigation, and
said the new unit would be a global employees fighting fraud, including coun criminal prosecution. Amazon actively
team comprised of former prosecutors, terfeit. A engages with authorities like the
investigators and data analysts. National Intellectual Property Rights
mazons efforts have blocked over 6 bil Center (US), Europol (EU), and relevant
The group will join existing work the lion suspected bad listings in 2019 and enforcement authorities in China and
company says it does to prevent coun blocked over 2.5 million suspected bad around the world.
terfeit material appearing on the plat actor accounts before they were able to
form. make a single product available for sale. In May, Amazon identified counterfeit
ers based in Canada, China, Dominican
Amazon said that in 2019 it spent over Dharmesh Mehta, Amazon’s vice pres Republic, Germany, India, Italy, Japan,
500 million US dollars and had more ident for customer trust and partner sup Korea, Spain, United Arab Emirates,
8,000 employees fighting fraud – and port, said: “Every counterfeiter is on United Kingdom, and United States and
had blocked more than six billion bad notice that they will be held accountable referred each to relevant national
listings in that year alone. to the maximum extent possible under authorities.
the law, regardless of where they
The Crimes Unit will investigate cases attempt to sell their counterfeits or “This is a welcome step from Amazon
where bad actors have attempted to where they’re located. and we look forward to seeing it quickly
evade Amazon’s systems, the company lead to improvements when it comes to
said, and will be able mine Amazon data “We are working hard to disrupt and tracking down fake goods,” said Neeta
and gather information from external dismantle these criminal networks, and Bhati of Which?
sources to find those responsible. we applaud the law enforcement author
ities who are already part of this fight. “We have seen a growing number of
It said the new group would allow “We urge governments to give these issues on sites such as the sale of dan
Amazon to more effectively pursue civil authorities the investigative tools, fund gerous products on online marketplaces,
litigation as well as help law enforce ing, and resources they need to bring misleading fake reviews and scams.
ment officials around the world in crimi criminal counterfeiters to justice because Online platforms should be made more
nal actions against counterfeiters. criminal enforcement – through prosecu responsible for preventing and cracking
tion and other disruption measures such down on illegal activity on their sites to
Amazons first objective is to prevent a as freezing assets – is one of the most ensure the safety of their customers.”
counterfeit from ever being listed in its
store, and its comprehensive proactive [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
6 TRADING STANDARDS ADVICE Be alert and... ESSEX Trading Standards is warning you to remain vigi
lant following a rise in coronavirusrelated scams.
Unscrupulous criminals will seek to benefit from you at
this time of uncertainty.
Communities are being urged to look out for signs of
neighbours being targeted by doorstep criminals.
While there are genuine volunteer groups that have
provided help during selfisolation, there have been
reports of criminals preying on residents – often older
people or people living with longterm health condi
tions, by coldcalling at their homes and offering to go
to the shops for them.
The criminals often affiliate themselves with local
groups and charities to help them appear legitimate
before taking the victim’s money.
There are genuine charities providing support, so you
should be vigilant and ask for ID from anyone claiming
to represent a charity.
No one should hand over money on the doorstep or
agree to carry out online bank transfers as there are for
mal mechanisms in place such as The Essex Wellbeing
Service who will assist with matching fully vetted volun
teers with local residents.
Continued page 7
Don’t become a victim of a
COVID scam
Follow our advice and stay safe
Stay vigilant
Always ask for ID.
Never hand over money on the doorstep
Do not agree to an online Bank transfer
Check unexpected emails are genuine
Never give out any personal details over the phone
Check on older and vulnerable neighbours
Use a Trading Standards Approved Business
A genuine caller will not:
Call without an appointment
Ask you for cash or request a money transfer upfront
Refuse to provide ID
Insist you take up their offer of help on the spot
Bully or scare you into doing something
Follow us on Facebook and
Twitter for useful leaflets to
share with your friends and
family. Don’t take chances,
Follow our advice and stay
[email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
...stay safe from virus crooks
From page 6
COVID19 scams that you should look
out for include:
Doorstep crime
• Criminals targeting older people on
their doorstep and offering to do their
shopping. Thieves take the money and
do not return.
• Doorstep cleansing services that Refund scams
offer to clean drives and doorways to • Some companies are offering fake
kill bacteria and help prevent the holiday refunds for individuals who
spread of the virus – this is untested have been forced to cancel their trips.
and there is no knowledge of the People seeking refunds should also be
chemicals that could be used. If you wary of fake websites set up to claim
need work doing, always do your holiday refunds. Citizens Advice offers
research first and use a reputable safe advice on holiday refunds.
trader. Counterfeit goods
Online scams • Fake sanitisers, face masks and
• Email scams that trick people into Covid19 swabbing kits sold online and
opening malicious attachments, which doortodoor. These products can
put people at risk of identity theft with often be dangerous and unsafe. All
personal information, passwords, and Covid19 swab tests are free and avail
bank details. There has been a spike in able from the NHS website or can be
fake emails of this nature purporting to ordered via the 119 NHS helpline.
be from HMRC, Amazon, National Test Trading Standards is working hard at
and Trace amongst others. the borders to check compliance of
imported PPE to keep you as safe as
To find out more and to report a possible.
scam email now visit the National
Cyber Security Centre
Telephone scams If you’re unsure – hangup and
• As more people selfisolate at home preferably call your bank back on
there are increased reports that tele another telephone line.
phone scams have risen, including Loan sharks
criminals claiming to be your bank, • Illegal money lenders will prey on
mortgage lender or utility company – people’s financial hardship, lending
Never give any personal details over money whilst charging extortionate
the phone. interest rates and fees often with
threats and violence. Report it in con
fidence to The Illegal Money Lending
Team. If you are in financial difficulty
Citizens Advice offers sound advice. [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Do you
trust? [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Every second
counts and
delays could
mean the
difference between life
and death. When you
park, consider if an
vehicle can fit
through the
Are you putting lives at risk?
MOTORISTS have become more and ers delayed on their return from an parking, consider if an emergency
more inconsiderate and are putting incident by cars that were double vehicle can fit through the space.”
lives at risk every day. parked on a road. Crews had to knock
That’s the warning from fire and on doors to locate owners. “The crew wouldn’t have known
ambulance crews across the country this at the time and, in different cir
who are facing fresh hazards as they Thankfully, the firefighters were cumstances, lives could well have
answer 999 calls. returning from an incident but there been put at risk.
have been a number of incidents
Could a fire engine get through recently where Essex County Fire and “It’s incredibly frustrating when
your road in an emergency? If it can’t Rescue Service, East of England every second counts.”
then someone could lose their life Ambulance Service and Essex Police
because of your selfishness. have had to find alternate routes. But motorists could be risking more
than just an angry note or a fine for
Firefighters and ambulance crews One watch manager said: “In an doing the wrong thing when parking
are urging drivers to be considerate emergency, every second counts and their vehicle.
when they park their vehicles. delays could mean the difference
between life and death. When you’re If you park your car in a way that
One of many incidents saw firefight blocks a narrow street and the emer
gency services need to drive past, you
Fire chiefs calling for more responsible parking could suffer damage to your motor.
A group of firefighters revealed how
they deal with inconsiderate parkers,
telling of how they will "bounce" a car
out of the way if they have to.
Firefighters have been forced to
press down on a car's frame and
bounce them up and down until they
are able to move them slightly out of
the way which can do serious damage
to the vehicle's suspension.
And in some extreme cases, they
may even have to squeeze their fire
engine down the narrow gap regard
less of the damage to your vehicle.
While most local emergency services
will already know the streets too nar
row for them to get down, if they have
to gain access and your car is in the
way, it could suffer. [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
How to avoid the cowboys
THIS article by wise they could end up charging you job, but you’re expecting experienced
offers thirteen excellent tips for spot more, spinning out a job, or denying professionals or apprentices who are
ting cowboy builders and prevent you that they ever agreed to do things. being trained up to do a good job.
from ending up thousands of pounds 6. Upfront payments
out of pocket. Would you go into a restaurant and Subbies who are casually drafted in
1. Cowboy builders have no pay the whole price up front for a for the day to do the main contractor
references meal that you are planning on book a favour may not know their footings
The builder is cagey about referrals or ing the following week? Of course from a hole in the ground. If in doubt
brushes off requests to see work they not. An established and reliable about who’s on site, ask.
have carried out previously. Past jobs builder should be able to buy materi 9. Poor timekeeping
are a builder’s CV and satisfied cus als and be happy to be paid on com It is not unusual for builders to juggle
tomers are their best reference, so a pletion (and when you are satisfied multiple jobs, but if your hired pro
reliable professional will be more with the job), or in stages as work fessional is disappearing for hours or
than willing to show off their best progresses. days at a time be wary. Question
work. 7. No registered address whether this is the start of a pattern
2. Touting for woek If it appears to be out of the back of that ends in them never turning up
Have they just turned up on the door their van, they are not the builder for again and your new extension left
step offering to do a quick fix of you. You want a registered business only halfdone.
something they’ve spotted while address, not a licence plate, so 10. Never rings back
passing? Or are they spinning a story always check their back story and ask We've all been there with a cowboy
about having completed some work for proof that their business is fully builder: they get into the job then go
in the area and have some extra registered. Plus, if they claim to be a AWOL. Or, they promise at the begin
materials they could use for your member of a trade association, check ning to always have at least three
house. Boy scouts used to come this out too. labourers on the job but there's only
round and ask for a bob a job. The 8. Changing workforce ever one who doesn't seem to know
cowboy approach could result in a They’ve got a rota of mates who are what he/she is doing. Why doesn't
bodged job. coming along to help them with the your builder ring you back? It's likely
3. Estimates are temptingly low they're on another job, are disorgan
If something sounds too good to be ised, just don't want to be hassled by
true, it generally is. Always source at you. Our advice? Lure them into a
least three different quotes so you meeting and see if things improve.
get a good idea of what a job should 11. Finding extra jobs
cost. You don’t want anything col Unexpected problems can happen,
lapsing because someone has that is what contingency budgets are
skimped on the proper materials. for, but be suspicious if your builder
4. Cash in hand request keeps coming to you with extra issues
If they are asking for cash for the and offers to fix as a favour while
whole job, don’t want to pay VAT and they are on site… for a fee.
don’t want to give you a proper 12. Shoddy workmanship
quote, just how professional an oper Nails sticking out everywhere? Doors
ation are they running? Legitimate and gates hung the wrong way?
businesses don’t operate this way. Screws missing and an untidy site?
You don’t want to spend time mend
At least if you pay by credit card, ing work you’ve paid to have done, so
you may be able to claim some of regular checks on progress and the
your money back if you do get quality of work are essential.
ripped off. If you prefer to pay cash 13. Disregards health and safety
at any point, get a signed receipt. A cavalier approach and lack of any
5. Cowboys have no contracts suitable precautions could lead to a
Paper is a surprisingly solid founda risk of injury to them or you. And as
tion when it comes to building work. the homeowner, you could be liable
Always get things in writing. You for anyone who injures them them
want estimates of how much the selves while working on your home.
work will cost and how long it will You might also question what else
take, and a legally binding contract they don’t know when it comes to
when you decide to hire them, other best building practices. [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
We aim to help
educate the pub
lic about security
measures they
can take, whilst warning
offenders that we are work
ing with partners, we can
trace them through
Time to make your mark
CHRISTMAS is a time for having fun Every item taken to second hand uct like SmartWater and SelectaDNA
and enjoying a special occasion with shops will be checked for each type of has a unique code which places any
friends and family. property marking. Every suspect that offenders at the time and place of a
attends our custody will be scanned for crime.
But someone is always out to spoil traces of forensic property marking liq
the fun and the festive season is the uids which are available to the public. Statistics suggest the use of forensic
main time of the year when criminals Types of marking marking products raises the chance of
can strike it rich. Residents can protect their property by convicting a suspect of burglary with
marking it with both hidden and visible products like SmartWater and
It is the time of year when presents marking. SelectaDNA having a 100% conviction
are on display under the tree or empty Hidden marking can be anything from rate.
cardboard boxes make criminals aware UV pens to asset recording. Visible
that expensive gifts are in the house. marking can be anything from engrav Residents can use property marking
ing an item to writing a post code on it stickers and signage to warn offenders
Essex Police launched a countywide with a permanent pen or CRE mark. about targeting their property.
campaign in partnership with second Aims of the campaign
hand shops to ensure that many of Residents and business owners can Chief superintendent Ewen Wilson,
these criminals go home empty hand also purchase intruder sprays which force lead for burglary, said: “Burglary
ed. spray intruders with a forensic liquid and theft is an intrusive and personal
which can be detected in our custody crime that effects our communities.
Their plan is to inform and encourage suites.
residents how they can use property “Our website has a whole host of
marking to keep their homes and Each hidden property marking prod advice for residents to read and watch
belongings safe. that informs them of the benefits of
property marking.
Property marking is a proven deter
rent to thieves and the police are pro “We aim to help educate the public
moting the different ways residents can about security measures they can take,
mark their property. whilst warning offenders that we are
working with partners, we can trace
Property that is marked is harder for them through property marking tech
thieves and burglars to sell on which niques and we will bring them to jus
deters them from stealing it in the first tice.”
Visit the Essex Police website and lis
Across the county secondhand shops ten to the short video on how to pro
are working in partnership with us to
make property ‘too hot to handle’. [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Advice Everywhere you go criminals are ready to steal
Directory your money, in many cases your life savings.
They pose as police officers, bankers, roofers,
builders, energy suppliers and other utility
Some even contact you on the internet from
far flung countries posing as foreign officials or
Telephone scams process a transaction them to double check it’s correct and hasn’t
Never hand your card over to anyone that been intercepted.
A PHONE scam is when someone calls pretend
ing to be someone else, such as the police or comes to your door Distraction scam
your bank. They do this so that they can trick Never write your security or card details
you into revealing personal details, withdrawing A DISTRACTION scam involves someone trying
money or transferring money to a fake account. down in a way someone else might recognise to distract you while you’re at a cash machine
Follow our advice Check your card expiry dates and call us if a in order to get your PIN, card or money.
new card hasn’t arrived when it should
Always stay alert when someone you don’t Don’t let anyone distract you when you’re at
know calls you – no matter who they claim to be If you live in a property where other people a cash machine
or what number is showing on the caller display. have access to your mail, it may be better to
collect new cards from your local branch Cover your PIN when you pay in shops or go
If in doubt, call back on a phone number that Report any lost or stolen cards immediately to a cash machine
you know is official. You can usually find this on
the company’s website or on your statement or Text scams Ignore people who speak to you when you’re
bills. at a cash machine – even if they appear to be
A TEXT message scam is when someone sends helpful
If you get an automated call from a fraud you a text asking you to call a telephone num
detection service, use our telephone number ber, click on a link or to send security details. Don’t use a cash machine if it, or anyone
checker to check the number you’ve been asked around it, looks suspicious
to call is genuine The message might appear to be from a bank
or someone you trust because fraudsters are Call your bank straightaway if you think your
If you run a business, look out for fraudsters able to spoof genuine telephone numbers to card, PIN or other security details have been
impersonating your customers or suppliers. They hide the true identity of the sender. compromised.
may ask you to make a payment or change pay Our advice
ment details. If you’re suspicious, call them back Vishing
on a number you’re sure is genuine Never share personal or security information
on a website you’ve been sent by text VISHING is similar to phishing but involves a
Never share your PIN, PINsentry codes, pass phone call from a fraudster who will come up
words or other confidential information with A bank will never text you asking you to con with a plausible story to try to get you to share
someone who calls you – if someone does ask firm your account or security details your information.
for this information, end the call.
Banks will never text you a link that goes For example, the fraudster may say they’re
Never enter your PIN into a telephone – it straight to the online banking login page. from a satellite TV provider, phone or utility
won’t be kept secret from the caller company and offer you a refund.
Treat all unsolicited calls with caution. They will never text or call to ask you for your
card details, PINs, PINsentry codes or passwords To process the refund, they'll ask you to input
Remember, banks and the police will never ask your debit card into your PINsentry card reader
you to transfer money, buy high value goods, or They will never email you asking for confirma and give your authorisation codes.
hand over cards or money. tion of a recent transaction or call to get you
how to respond to a confirmation text message. They'll then use the codes to make fraudulent
Avoiding card scams online banking payments from your account.
Email scams
ALWAYS shield your PIN when you’re using Fraudsters also call pretending they’re the
your card AN email scam is an unsolicited or trick email bank or the police and tell you there’s a prob
designed to look like a genuine company anf lem with your debit or credit card.
Don’t let anyone distract you when you’re make you hand over money or reveal personal
using your card in a shop or at a cash machine, details. Stay vigilant when emailing – especially They may ask you to key your card PIN into
even if they appear to be helpful if you’re sending people personal details or the phone and tell you they are sending a
organising financial transactions. courier to collect your card.
Be wary if someone is looking over your
shoulder, or saying something to distract you, Never share personal or security information Alternatively, they may ask you to withdraw
as they may be trying to get your PIN or card via email, web chat or on a website that’s been funds or buy highvalue items and hand them
sent to you via email. Banks will never text you to a courier to help in an investigation, or even
Don’t use a cash machine if it – or anyone a link that goes straight to the Online Banking try to convince you to transfer funds to a new
around it – looks suspicious login page ‘safe’ account.
Security tips
Sign new bank cards as soon as you get them Act with care when clicking links or down
and keep them in a safe place loading attachments from unsolicited emails Never share your PIN, PINsentry codes or
passwords with anyone who contacts you
Never let someone take your card away to Check a website is secure before you enter Banks and the police will never ask you to hand
any account or card details. Look for the `https' over your PIN, cards or cash, or buy highvalue at the start of the web address and the padlock
or unbroken key icon next to the address bar T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Keep your internet security software up to
date, and run regular scans and system
updates. If you use Barclays Mobile Banking or
Online Banking, you can download Kaspersky
security software for free
If you’re sending money using an account
number someone has sent you by email, call
[email protected]
Government agents claiming they have millions Advice
of pounds for you providing you can hide their Directory
money away from officials.
Others knock on your door offering to carry
out building work then disappear with your
money without completing all the work. Follow
our advice so you don’t become a victim.
items or transfer funds to a new account. If develops, exchanges become more intimate. and early pension release may cost you most of
someone calls asking you to do this, ring off The person you have fallen for will probably the money in your pension fund.
send you their photograph and give you a pet Ignore offers of a ‘free pension review’ and
Don’t rely on the caller display on your phone name. They may also ask you for naked photos calls out of the blue to discuss your pension.
to confirm a caller is genuine – fraudsters can of yourself and/or ask you to perform sexual
manipulate this acts in front of a webcam, particularly if you Never be rushed into agreeing to a pension
are female. transfer or investment decision, and always
Always check the call is properly disconnected speak to a financial adviser who is registered
before calling the bank or police to report it – The person you’ve developed a relationship with the Financial Conduct Authority.
wait 5 minutes or use a different phone with is not who they say they are. In fact, you
have probably been in contact with several Online shopping scams
Malware members of a criminal gang.
SCAMMERS will advertise goods/services that
OTHER emails and texts trick you into down Once the fraudsters are confident that you don’t exist or are not theirs to sell. They con
loading malicious software (malware) that helps have enough sympathy and desire for them, vince you to send the payment directly to their
fraudsters get hold of your details and your they will tell you about a problem they are bank but the goods never arrive.
money. experiencing and ask you to send money.
Before buying online, do some research into
The messages look like they’re from legiti If you send money, the fraudsters will keep the seller to check they’re genuine and avoid
mate organisations and give a plausible story to coming back for more money money. If you those with poor ratings.
try to trick you into clicking a link, downloading send pictures of a sexual nature, the fraudsters
something or opening an attachment. will threaten to send them to your family, Insist on seeing highvalue items, like cars on
Security tips friends and work colleague. If you’ve recorded online auction sites, before paying and always
any sexual acts in front of a webcam, the use secure payment methods, such as PayPal or
Protect your computer and mobile devices fraudsters will also use these to threaten you. credit card.
with the most uptodate security software
such as our free Kaspersky Internet Security Phishing Use a computer, laptop or mobile device
software protected with uptodate security software
PHISHING is where fraudsters send you emails
Keep your important files backed up off your or texts, often appearing to be from your bank, Know who you’re buying from before giving
network asking you to reply with your security informa your card details online or over the phone
tion or click on a link, where they can then Register for Verified by Visa and/or MasterCard
Be wary of opening attachments or links in access your details. These emails often look like Secure Code
emails or texts you’re not expecting or are a genuine company, but they are fakes.
unsure about Enter your card details on secure sites –
Text messages may ask you to call a number check the web address begins with ‘https’ and
Never share any security information in claiming to be the bank’s fraud department, that there’s an unbroken padlock symbol in the
response to an email or text or on a site but the number is often a premium rate num browser address bar
accessed via a link in an email or text ber and connects you to a fraudster.
Avoid entering your card details on shared or
Romance scams Fraudsters may also send a text warning that public computers
you’ll soon receive a call from the bank’s fraud
DATING or romance fraud is when you think department. However, it’s actually the fraud Always log out after shopping and save the
you’ve met your perfect partner online, but ster that calls and tries to get your security confirmation email as a record of your purchase
they aren’t who they say they are. Once information.
they’ve gained your trust, they ask for money Travelling abroad
for a variety of emotive reasons. To make the texts seem authentic, fraudsters
use special software that changes the sender ID NOTE your bank’s 24hour emergency num
You register with an internetbased dating on a message, so that you see the name of your ber if you’re calling from outside the UK
agency or join an online dating chat room. You bank as the sender. This can mean the text
receive a contact from someone who shows an shows within an existing text message thread If your cards are registered with a card pro
interest in you. They may be from overseas, or from your bank. tection agency, take their number too
they might tell you they are in the same coun
try as you. Pension scams Take another card or alternative payment
method with you so that you’re not reliant on
Gradually, you develop a longdistance rela PENSION scams typically involve promises of one card
tionship through emails, instant messaging, pension investment opportunities or unsolicited
texting and phone calls. As the relationship offers to help you release cash from your pen Check the information on the sales voucher
sion early. before you sign or enter your PIN
With over 55s getting greater access to their Keep a copy of your sales receipts and check
retirement savings since April 2015, there are your statement carefully .
more opportunities for investment scammers
to convince people to invest their pension pots
in unregulated or bogus schemes.
Anything claiming you can cash in your pen
sion before you’re 55 is also likely to be a scam. [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
"If you are
unsure about
an email,
contact your
supplier and alert them
to the message.These
messages attempt to
panic the recipient so
that they act without
thinking. Always take five
minutes and
Katherine Hart
Gas bill is a load of hot air
THE Chartered Trading Standards page which takes payment details and of an email, contact your supplier and
Institute (CTSI) has received evidence sends them to scammers. alert them to the message. These
of fake gas bills sent to the public via messages attempt to panic the recipi
email. Katherine Hart, Lead Officer at CTSI, ent so that they act without thinking.
said: "The public should not respond Always take five minutes and think."
The bogus bill, made up to look like to, or click on any links in these
an official communication from British emails. They are simply a tool to steal The public and businesses are
Gas, informs the recipient that they personal details and money from the encouraged to join Friends Against
owe money to the company after fail recipient. Scams and Businesses Against Scams,
ing to pay a previous bill. respectively.
"The emails usually look very
The message threatens the recipient authentic and carry the exact branding These initiatives aim to protect and
with a fine if they do not pay up. It of the specific company they mimic prevent people and businesses from
reads, "if we do not receive a pay do not be fooled. becoming scam victims by empower
ment or hear from you in the next two ing them to take a stand against
days and we have to contact you "If you are unsure about the validity scams.
again, you will be charged £140 to
cover our reasonable costs." If you think you've been scammed,
report it to Action Fraud, or if in
The email intimidates the reader fur Scotland dial 101 and report it to
ther by mentioning a potential home Police Scotland. Advice and guidance
visit, stating, "if we have to visit your on how to protect yourself, or your
property to collect this debt you will business, from fraud and cybercrime,
be charged £540." is available at
The email then warns that they will
"obtain a court warrant" and issue a To report email scams, contact the
further fine of £750. Finally, the mes National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
sage then links to a phoney payment by emailing [email protected] [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Investing money If you value your Moving home?
in property has pet’s life then it Then why not
pitfalls so ake could be time to take the plants
our advice learn CPR with you
August 2020
Kids toy is
best seller
- see LP3
Property theinvestmentrisks
PROPERTY – alongside cash, bonds and If you’re overinvested in property – conveyancing fees to consider.
shares – is one of the four most com for example, if most of your money is 4. It’s demanding – doing maintenance
mon types of investments. Property tied up in a buytolet property – you work and managing property takes
investment takes many forms, from may end up in trouble when housing time and money. You may need to
pooled funds to buying a house to live markets slow. To avoid this, you should extend the lease – if you don’t own the
in or let out. diversify your portfolio by holding dif freehold outright.
ferent kinds of investments.
This guide covers your potential risks Buying property directly – what to This is another cost and can take
and rewards and where you can go to watch out for some time to negotiate.
learn more. There are several risks when you buy If you use a mortgage or a loan to buy
What can property offer investors? property directly, whether for yourself property, there are additional risks:
With property, there are two main or as a buytolet investment. 1. There's no guarantee you’ll earn
potential ways to make a return: 1. You can’t get your money out quick enough rent to cover loan repayments.
• Rent – you can earn an income by ly – unlike shares or bonds, it takes a 2. The cost of the mortgage might rise.
letting out property to tenants. long time to sell property. 3. If you don’t keep up with repay
• Selling for a profit – if you buy prop 2. It’s a big commitment – when you ments, the bank or building society can
erty and later sell it at a higher price. buy a property, you’re putting a lot of take back the property.
eggs in a single basket. Indirect property investing through a
Even if you don’t want to buy a prop 3. There are buying and selling costs – fund
erty yourself, you can get these poten with estate agent and surveyor fees, With a pooled (or collective) property
tial benefits indirectly by investing in a stamp duty, land tax, solicitors and fund, a professional manager collects
property fund that invests directly in money from many investors, then
property. invests the money directly in property
or in property shares.
There are also other related ways to
invest, for example through property Fund managers charge a fee for this
maintenance and management servic service, which will affect your earnings.
es. These are all common examples of
Risks of property investing property funds:
Property prices and demand for rentals • real estate investment trusts (REITs)
can – and does – go up and down. • shares in listed property companies
• property investment trusts
That’s why direct and indirect prop • insurance company property funds
erty investments are for the long term. • property unit trusts
If you can ride out the losses in a slow • offshore property companies
housing market and earn profits again
when times are better.
L2 [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Crazy days, kids car is top seller
THE motoring industry has suffered The highest selling conventional car launched in 1979.
its worst period for decades with new for the same month, the Volkswagen In the adult car market, however,
car sales down by a massive 97%. Golf, shifted just 7,103 units in com
parison. showrooms across the country have
Reopening showrooms gives deal suffered a staggering 97% decline in
ers an opportunity to make up for The toy car’s sales in March even new vehicle registrations for April
lost time and maybe salvage some outperformed the yeartodate sales 2020 compared to April 2019.
financial benefit from the pandemic for the UK’s top six sellers, with
gloom. 78,000 new registrations between Figures from the Society of Motor
them. Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)
But while dealers all across the show that yeartodate sales are
country are getting ready to throw In fact, Little Tikes’ popular creation down too, by 43%.
themselves off the tallest tower outsold all ten of March’s bestselling
block, one vehicle has been defying vehicles combined, which altogether There were 4,321 new cars regis
all the odds to become the UK’s best added up to 56,977. tered in April this year, a fraction of
selling car. the 161,064 from April 2019.
Ford’s Fiesta may have been April2020bestselling cars
It is is possibly the most economical Britain’s bestselling car every year
set of wheels money can buy, but is since 2009 but 2020 is set to be the Manufacturing has also suffered as
no good for commuting to and from year of the Cozy Coupe. a result of the current crisis as pro
work. It is the Little Tikes’ Cozy duction in the UK fell by 37.6%†.
Coupe. Andrew Turner, from Little Tikes,
said: “We’re thrilled to see the Cozy Despite the gloom, the industry is
As lockdown rules have sent Coupe is still the car of choice for showing signs of recovery.
demand for new vehicles plummet families throughout the UK.
ing, sales of the distinctive red and Ford has started resuming produc
yellow toy car have boomed. “As kids spend an increasing tion as have Rolls Royce the first
amount of time at home, we’re see British manufacturers to do so.
Around 85,000 of these toddler ing many families inject creativity and
powered motors were purchased in personality into play.” The best selling car in April was the
March as parents increasingly look to Tesla (658) followed by Jaguar iPace
entertain their kids from home. It’s believed that one in three UK (367), Vauxhall Corsa (264), Vauxhall
children already owns a Cozy Coupe, Crossland (143), For Torneo (108) and
the Peugeot Rifter (94). [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392 3
IF you’re faced with redundancy,
your employer must treat you fairly
and act in accordance with your con
tract and legal redundancy rights.
That includes making sure you’re
consulted, following the right selec
tion process and giving you a proper
notice period. If not, then you could
have a claim for unfair dismissal, or
claim compensation for lack of consul
Your right to a fair process
Redundancy happens when your job
disappears. It is not the same thing as
being dismissed from your job for
other reasons
Your employer must use a fair and
objective way of selecting job roles to
make anyone redundant, and tell you
what it is.
If you think you’ve been selected
unfairly (say, on the grounds of age,
race or gender), or your employer has
acted unfairly in other ways, you can
normally appeal.
If you’re still not satisfied you can
take your employer to a tribu
Redundant? your rightsRedundancyversusunfairdis
Your right to a minimum
notice actually working, you’re still legally Consider alternatives to redundancy.
period employed and will receive your nor Look at ways to reduce the
Make sure you check your contract of mal salary and benefits but: numbers of redundancies.
employment, as it might state that Look at how they can reduce
you’re entitled to longer notice peri You have to stick to the rules of resulting hardship.
ods. your contract. The process your employer has to
A notice period is the amount of time follow will depend on the number of
between when your employer tells You might be called back to work if redundancies planned.
you that you will be made redundant you’re needed. What happens after the consulta
and your last working day. tion?
You can’t start a job with a new You receive redundancy notice.
According to redundancy law, you’re employer. You must be given at least the statu
entitled to a minimum notice period Compromise agreements tory notice period – 112 weeks
of: 12 weeks’ notice if employed for If your employer has not followed a depending on how long you’ve been
12 years or more; at least one week’s fair procedure in selecting you for in the job.
notice if you have been employed redundancy, they might sometimes However, if you’re taking ‘gardening
between one month and two years; ask you to sign an agreement stating leave’ you will normally leave work as
one week’s notice for each year if that you’ll not go to an employment soon as you get your redundancy
employed between two and 12 years. tribunal (often in return for an extra notice.
Pay in lieu of notice payment). This is known as a ‘compro You are entitled to paid time off –
If your employer doesn’t want you to mise agreement’. usually two days – to look for work
work your notice period they can offer and also a reasonable amount of
you a lump sum instead – called pay in Your employer must pay for you to unpaid leave for job search and train
lieu of notice. Pay in lieu of notice is receive independent legal advice so ing.
taxed in the same way as your ordi you fully understand the rights you’re Your right to time off to look for
nary pay. giving up. work
Gardening leave Your right to consultation You’re entitled to paid time off to look
You might be asked to serve out your Employers always have to consult with for work or undergo training. The
redundancy notice away from work. employees before dismissing them on amount of time you can take has to
This is known as ‘gardening leave’ and the grounds of redundancy. be reasonable.
it means that, although you’re not
In short, your employer must tell
you what’s going on and give you a
chance to ask questions and raise
objections. As part of the consultation
process, employers have to:
L4 [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Travel agent trust plummets
Which?’s Consumer Insight Tracker (27%) are owed more than £1,000. In that time, the government has
shows that trust in airlines and holiday Under the Denied Boarding confirmed there have been no changes
companies has dropped from a net to the law and that all customers are
score of nine in February 2020 to 12 Regulations, if you’re due to fly with entitled to a cash refund – but has
in May 2020 – a drop of 21 points, and an airline based in the UK or EU, or are taken no significant action to ensure
the lowest score ever recorded in the flying from an airport in the UK or EU, consumers can access the refunds they
seven years Which? has collected the you’re protected if your flight is can are legally entitled to.
data. celled, and should be refunded within
seven days. Additionally, while the European
Which? surveyed over 2,000 people Commission has since set out how
about their level of trust in airlines and For package holidays, the Package member states can make Refund
holiday operators between the 13th Travel Regulations state that cus Credit Notes (RCNs) more appealing by
and 15th of May – eight weeks after tomers whose holidays are cancelled ensuring they are financially protected,
the UK’s lockdown grounded most by the operator in these circumstances the UK government has yet to confirm
international travel. should receive a full refund within 14 if RCNs – which are being pushed as a
days of the cancellation. viable alternative to cash refunds for
Just one in five (22%) said they trust package holidays by the industry body,
these industries, while 34 per cent said It is only the second time since ABTA – are ATOL protected.
they did not trust them, giving a net Which?’s records began that the net
score of 12. score for trust in airlines and holiday Which? is now warning that gov
companies has dropped below zero – ernment intervention is essential to
This is in comparison to three in 10 the only previous occasion net trust in prevent any further damage to the
(32%) people saying they trusted the the industry entered negative figures industry, and has set out its recom
sectors in February – just shortly after was briefly after the collapse of mendations in its 10point plan which
the coronavirus outbreak began in the Thomas Cook in September 2019, it has shared with the government,
UK – and nearly a quarter (23%) saying when the net score decreased to 1 calling on it to urgently support the
they did not trust airlines and holiday per cent. industry to fulfil its legal obligations to
companies, giving a net score of nine. its customers.
Nearly a month ago, Which?
Seven in 10 people surveyed by revealed that all of the UK’s major air While the Civil Aviation Authority
Which? who had booked a holiday or lines and holiday companies are open (CAA) has announced it will be review
flight prior to the lockdown had some ly breaking the law by delaying refunds ing airlines’ handling of refunds during
or all of their plans cancelled, with the for cancelled trips or removing cus this crisi, Which? is warning that the
majority (58%) still waiting for their tomers’ refund rights altogether, as government and aviation regulator
money to be returned to them. they face unprecedented strain due to cannot delay taking action against air
the coronavirus crisis. lines and holiday companies that it
Of those waiting for their money knows are breaking the law on refunds
back for a cancelled trip, nearly half The industry’s own estimates at the for any longer.
(47%) have been left more than £500 time suggested that up to £7 billion of
out of pocket, and nearly three in 10 travellers’ money is affected. [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392 L5 [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Kissoflife howtosaveyourpet
BEING prepared for emergencies is Before beginning CPR on your pet, you have administered to the animal.
critical for parents that the same first check for any breathing as well • After each set of breaths and com
holds true even if your "kids" have as a pulse. If your pet has a pulse but pressions, quickly squeeze the
four legs instead of two. is not breathing, you will not need to abdomen to help blood continue cir
do chest compressions, but will still culating back to the heart.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation need to administer breaths to keep • Watch closely for any signs of your
(CPR) can save your pet's life, and oxygen flowing to their bloodstream. pet to breathe on its own, and check
knowing how to perform CPR proper If full CPR is necessary… every minute or two for a pulse.
ly on cats and dogs can help you • Position your pet on a flat, level When the animal begins to function
react quickly and safely in a life surface, stretched out on their side. on its own and regain consciousness,
threatening situation. • Check that the animal's airway is stop the CPR treatment.
clear, and remove any obstructions if
No matter how beloved a pet may necessary. Gently pull the tongue While it can be difficult to stop
be, it is important to preserve your toward the front of the mouth and emergency treatments or admit they
safety before attempting CPR on a cat close the mouth. have not worked, if there is no
or dog. • Extend the animal's head straight improvement in the pet's condition
out to allow for a more direct airway 1020 minutes after CPR treatment
During the crisis, be sure you are in and easier pressure to refill the lungs. has begun, it is best to stop as there
a safe location and out of immediate • To breathe for larger dogs, keep the is little chance the animal will recov
danger before tending to your pet. mouth closed and breathe into the er.
dog's nose until its chest inflates. For After Your Pet Revives
While your pet will usually be smaller dogs and cats, breathe over If your CPR efforts have been success
unconscious when CPR is needed, be their entire muzzle. Administer 12 ful at reviving your pet, the emer
sure they cannot bite, scratch or breaths at a time before moving on gency care is not finished.
attack as you help them, and stay to chest compressions.
alert for any signs of returning con • To perform chest compressions, This emergency procedure can be
sciousness that may change your place your hand flat on the widest very physically traumatic, and you
pet's behavior. part of the animal's chest and apply may have inadvertently caused
firm, fast pressure, compressing one cracked or broken ribs, bruising, col
An animal that is in pain, frightened quarter to onethird of the width of lapsed lungs or other injuries as you
and confused may lash out for its the chest. If the animal can be laid on revived your pet.
own protection, and as they start to its back or it is a smaller animal, you
revive they may initially be aggres may perform compressions on both As soon as your pet has stabilized,
sive, even around their most familiar sides of the chest simultaneously, seek emergency veterinary care to
companions. using both hands. Apply approximate assess your pet's condition and check
ly 15 compressions for every breath for any other injuries or problems.
It is not safe to practice CPR on a Knowing how to do pet CPR can save
healthy, alert animal. If possible, seek your pet's life.
out local classes in emergency pet
care or talk to your veterinarian to
ensure you understand how to do pet
CPR safely and appropriately. [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392 L7
Keyboard pain the reasons
WRIST pain can be caused by multi can hang at your sides. To achieve sion. It gives your fingers a break and
ple conditions and injuries. If your this perfect height, you may need to helps the blood flow. Take off any
wrists hurt when you type then you adjust your chair or table height. The jewelry that is tight or gets in the
likely have an injury or condition that mouse position should be at your way of your typing.
is being exacerbated by your repeti side with your forearm straight from Back and Shoulders
tive motions. elbow to wrist. Position the mouse so Proper posture for typing doesn’t
you don’t have to extend your hand stop at the arms. Sitting up straight
The best thing to do is to let your to reach it but not so close that you with your shoulders back is an impor
wrist rest for a while to see if the drop your elbow down to grab it. tant position to maintain to avoid
pain subsides. Wrists shoulder and back pain. Your head
To avoid wrist strains and sprains should be positioned so that the
If that doesn’t relieve your pain from typing it’s important to keep computer screen is eye level and chin
then it’s time to look at specific caus your wrists in a neutral position. This is parallel to the floor. Use a lumbar
es and how you can find targeted means that the wrists are not bent support to help keep the spine’s nat
pain relief for each one. Below are upward or downward while typing. ural curve.
the most common causes of wrist Avoid resting your wrists on the key
pain when typing. board while you type. Feel free to set One of the best ways to avoid any
them down to rest every now and overuse injury is to take frequent
Sitting at a keyboard too long can then but they shouldn’t stay there breaks. Set a timer to remind yourself
cause tendonitis. carpel tunnel syn when you resume typing. to stop typing and let your arms drop
drome, and even arthritis. Fingers at your sides. Shake out your hands
Overuse When typing avoid bending your and wrists and give them a good
For some people, they will never find hand to type in awkward key combi stretch.
the underlying cause of their wrist nations. Stretch your fingers before,
pain from typing. In these cases, it is during, and after a long typing ses Try wrist exercises while taking
likely due to just plain overuse. mak regular break or even try wearing a
ing them a prime candidate for caus wrist brace or splint.
ing overuse injuries.
Proper Posture While Typing If you find that modifying your posi
One of the best ways to avoid wrist tion doesn’t help to avoid wrist pain
pain from typing is to avoid poor pos or if you are looking to take extra
ture and adapt ergonomic desk tools. strides in prevention then a wrist
Here are some practical ideas for you brace is the next step.
to bring into your everyday work rou
tine that can make a serious differ A splint or brace will either immobi
ence in preventing wrist pain. lize or greatly minimize wrist move
Position of the Keyboard and Mouse ment. This will allow your wrist to
Your computer keyboard needs to be heal and avoid further injury. If you
a height where your forearms are need to wear a brace while typing
parallel to the floor and your elbows look for one that allows full finger
L8 [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392
Move home and take the plants
IF you consider yourself a green thumb, your approach to moving them. you have to do everything yourself. If
chances are you’ll want to have plants Always put your plants in a body of soil you’re nervous about harming your
everywhere you go. And if you’re making plants along the way, try to ask help
a move to a new house, you’ll likely get while they’re being moved. If you plan from a long distance moving company if
worried with just how you can transfer on moving your plants to your new they have particular protocols regarding
your plants to your new home. home, make sure you don’t just get the moving plants. Moreover, if you’ve found
plan and the root, but rather the soil sur some tips on how to move plants, you
After all, if you’ve made considerable rounding it. can share this with your movers so they
effort in managing the plants you have, can handle your plants much more care
you’ll want to bring them to your new If you can put the plant in a pot or on a fully and without having to make you
place. largeenough space, you may be able to feel nervous.
ensure it travels safely to your new home Moving With Plants: Make It Work For
Thing is, would you even be able to without risking being dried out. You
bring plants to your new home? As a Just because you have plants at home
matter of fact, you might be able to do When your plants travel make sure doesn’t mean you have to leave them by
just that – a lot of it simply has to do with they travel alone. If possible, try not to the time you move.
how you manage your schedule and have your moving companies have your
plans. plants included in the truck alongside With the above tips in mind, you may
See if you’re allowed to move plants to your other belongings. actually be able to make your move hap
your new location. pen and still bring them with you.
If you’re moving to a new state or a new Doing this always puts the risk of your
region, it’s always safe to check for laws plants being crushed by your other What’s important in making this possi
and regulation regarding the moving of belongings. If you can hire another truck ble is considering what plants you want
plants to your new home. or hire a plantmoving service, then this to bring, and whether your moving com
might be the safer and more practical panies may be able to bring these plants
Moreover, if you’re thinking of moving choice. with you.
trees to your new home, you may want
to clarify with institutions regarding mov Make setting up your plants the first Moreover, make sure you research on
ing or home ownership whether you can agenda. After your move, make sure you the various rules and regulations your
move trees to your new home, especially fix your plants first before you place new state has with regards to moving
those you hold dear. other furniture elsewhere. That way, you plants, and that you check just how to do
can ensure your plants are already set in plant maintenance when you have to do
Check your location if it has soil and your home before you focus on redeco a move that can last a few hours.
other elements suitable to house your rating.
particular plants. As green thumbs, we
know that not all plants are compatible Ask help from professionals. Just
with all sorts of soil. because you’re moving doesn’t mean
Before you consider moving your
plants, be it with or without a moving
and storage service, it’s important to
check whether your home has the neces
sary conditions for your plants to survive.
If you don’t, then you should consider
leaving your plants behind. However, if
your home may actually be able to sup
port your plants, then you should plan [email protected] T: 01268 566 743 M: 07958 475 392 L9
Advice and tips to spot the scams
We are reminding people in Essex to be vigilant following reports that fraudsters are
attempting to take advantage of the current climate by carrying out crime online
and at people’s doorsteps.
Sadly fraudsters will look to take advantage of any situation. This means tricking people into
parting with their money and information, including posing as government officials, bank or
other financial services employees by text message, online or by knocking at doors.
While we have only received a handful of incidents, it’s important that people be
mindful before handing over money or personal details.
Some simple steps you can take are:
• Do not assume or believe a call, a knock on the door or a deal online is genuine.
• Take five minutes before taking action and trust your instinct. If it doesn’t feel
real or genuine, it probably isn’t.
• Challenge any calls, visits or messages you may receive.
• Never click on links and never divulge personal information – the police and
government departments will never ask you for these details.
• If you receive any fake messages, please report these to
Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
• Contact your bank immediately if you think you are a victim of a scam.
Anyone with information should call 101 or report online at
You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or report
information to Action Fraud by visiting
Stay Safe
Please keep up to date with government
advice to protect the NHS and save lives