Equity &
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Guiding Principles Statement
4 Letter from the Director
This report was created to 5 Priority Goals
feature the advances ISR has 6 Strategic Plan
made towards becoming a 9 Implementation Highlights
more diverse, equitable, and 19 Community Engagement and Learning
inclusive place.
1 Guiding Principles Statement
4 Letter from the Director
5 Priority Goals
6 Strategic Plan
9 Implementation Highlights
19 Community Engagement and Learning
JUNE 2018
At the Institute for Social Research, our efforts to conduct and
promote social science research are founded on our desire to
develop a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization
that is reflective of the broad communities we study and serve.
To continue our groundbreaking work into the future, embracing
the principles described below is critical, and therefore, we are
proud to make the following statements:
that diversity, equity and inclusion should be actively cultivated and celebrated at our
organization. Our many backgrounds, perspectives, identities, cultures, languages, and
orientations shape who we are and what we aim to achieve.
that the contributions of our community of diverse people and perspectives are central to
our mission to offer the broadest possible range of approaches to addressing global issues.
We seek to understand and leverage the insights and experiences that make our stories
different. Diversity of thought and background contribute to the production of high quality
research and education, meaningful innovation, and a wealth of opportunities in all areas.
to be an organization that develops individuals who make a positive difference in an
increasingly interconnected, multicultural world. As a diverse, equitable, and inclusive
organization, we are better able to foster an environment in which all members are
inspired to excel.
our community to create the conditions of equal
opportunity, equal access, and inclusion in which
each member has the resources to thrive
professionally and personally.
to pursuing deliberate efforts to ensure that our
organization is a place where differences are valued,
welcomed, & needed, and where perspectives are
respectfully heard. We will support these guiding
principles in all aspects of our environment including
recruiting, hiring, developing, and retaining
employees. We will hold ourselves accountable, and
the organization will take measures to provide the
resources to promote success in the strategies of
diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Letter from
the Director
The Institute for Social Research (ISR) seeks to develop, strengthen, and diversify its research faculty, students,
and staff. ISR and its constituent centers have a strong commitment to the diversity of our institution because we
recognize that having a diverse organization improves the quality of our scientific research. Diverse perspectives
strengthen our ability to study a diverse society. We work to value all participants in the research process,
including faculty, students, staff, study participants, and data users. ISR is committed to maintaining a welcoming
and inclusive organization so that we can learn from one another to sustain and continually revitalize our
research and training activities.
The aim of strengthening and promoting diversity is integral to all aspects of ISR: hiring, training and instruction,
and scientific research. We recognize that by promoting diversity we will advance ISR’s mission. Our DEI strategic
plan outlines a framework to address five priority goals, via 20 strategic objectives that reach into all parts of our
ISR community. We are committed to implementing the objectives in this plan by integrating these activities into
all our operations. In the pages to follow, we highlight some of the innovative actions and solutions we've
generated in the first few years of implementation.
1Create an inclusive, welcoming 2Adopt best practices to 3Recruit diverse faculty by creating
environment with collegial encourage diversity in faculty, a pipeline of young scholars who
relationships and interactions staff, and student hiring are prepared and interested in
at all levels working in the intense research
and entrepreneurial environment
of ISR
4Strengthen faculty and staff 5Recruit diverse students
through effective mentoring and into our training programs
leadership development
Increase the diversity of Assure consistent support for
faculty across many career development of junior
faculty to increase diversity
of junior faculty promoted
and retained
Assure the equitable use of Diversify the leadership of
research professor and ISR, including center
research scientist tracks
directors, program directors,
and senior faculty
Increase the diversity of Assure consistent, equitable,
staff across many and transparent support for
staff development
7 8 9 10
Promote sensitivity to and Increase diversity among Increase the diversity of Maintain the diversity of
awareness of diversity, equity, SRC’s master’s and PhD participants, instructors, and participants in the Population
students participating in the
and inclusion issues among Michigan Program in Survey staff involved in the ICPSR Studies Center (PSC’s) pre-
faculty and staff supervisors Methodology, as well as Summer Program in and postdoctoral training
students in SRC’s Summer programs across many
Institute in Survey Research Quantitative Methods of dimensions
Techniques across many Social Research across many
dimensions dimensions
11 12 13 14
Increase the diversity of Assure inclusion of ISR graduate Increase the diversity of Increase the coverage of topics
graduate student students in ISR activities undergraduate research related to diversity, equity, and
researchers in ISR across assistants in ISR inclusion in all ISR training
many dimensions programs
15 16
Increase the amount of Create an inclusive, welcoming
research conducted on topics environment with collegial
related to diversity, equity, and
relationships and interactions
inclusion across all structural levels and
17 18
Create a work environment Increase awareness of diversity-
that fosters barrier-free related issues among ISR
participation of staff, faculty, faculty, staff, and students
and students with disabilities
in their ISR job responsibilities,
as well as job related ISR
activities and events
19 20
Assure equitable provision of Contribute to the local
staff salaries and community’s capacity to serve
opportunities for promotion and understand our diverse
O N E , T W O,
and T H R E E
Increase the diversity of faculty and staff across many dimensions.
We Added explicit language noting our commitment to
diversity to all job postings initiated at ISR and to postings
for PSC postdoctoral applications
We now require all staff postings to be posted for at least
two weeks
We revised the ISR Intranet DEI site and offered clear links
to these postings there, in a weekly email to All-ISR, and in
monthly All-ISR News Notes newsletters
Promote sensitivity to and awareness of diversity, equity, and
inclusion issues among faculty and staff supervisors
We held on-site Unconscious Bias in Everyday Life training
sessions for staff supervisors across ISR and an on-site
training on Disability Awareness and Etiquette for all
We held two additional on-site Unconscious Bias training
sessions in 2018 for the entire ISR community, as well as an
on-site session of Intercultural Awareness.
We held a presentation by Scott Page on the Diversity
Bonus in October 2017 and a CRLT Players enactment of “A
Thousand Cuts” in February 2018
Increase the diversity in the ICPSR and SRC
summer programs
We were awarded our FY18 budget
request for matching funding for
fellowships to support under-represented
Create a work environment that fosters
barrier-free participation of staff, faculty,
and students with disabilities
We created a comprehensive
accommodation and accessibility policy
for ISR events and distributed it widely,
designated clear contacts and included
information about accessibility on
promotional materials
We are working with an accessibility sub-
committee to increase our compliance
with expectations for accessible research
products emerging from our scientific
work, to set a new bar for ourselves and
for social science research institutions
educational YEAR
work group TWO
community ISR DEI staff We expanded our
work group work group implementation team to
implementation include four focused working
ISR team groups and an overarching DEI
Director committee comprised of the
ISR director, the directors of
work group each ISR center, and key
administrative staff from each
committee center and from the Institute
Each working group is
tackling a set of action items
most aligned with their
knowledge and priorities.
Increase the diversity of faculty and staff across many dimensions.
We have been working toward a statement of guiding
principles related to DEI to be used in search and hire
processes as well as in all processes at ISR
We revised one of our action items from “appointing a
diversity champion” on search committees to developing an
agreement to uphold principles of DE&I, to be distributed
to all search committee members and hiring managers. The
Staff working group took this action item and moved
forward by developing a guiding principles document to be
used more widely at ISR, not just by search committees
Assure consistent, equitable, and transparent support for staff
We have made the job postings from across ISR more easily
available to all, listing them on an intranet site. However,
we’ve gone beyond this to send out regular emails to the
entire community, so that everyone at ISR has easy access
to other opportunities across Centers
We have implemented a community integration program for
recently hired employees. The ISR Community Guides
Program launched in Spring 2018 to:
1) help build a sense of inclusivity and connectedness within
the ISR by providing sustained support to new hires
2) assist staff in their transition into the ISR as new employees
3) increase access to resources, establish and expand networks
4) share information and knowledge
The Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques is a teaching program of the Survey Research Center. The mission
of the Summer Institute is to provide rigorous and high quality graduate training in all phases of survey research. The
program teaches state-of-the-art practice and theory in the design, implementation, and analysis of surveys.
total 2018 Summer In 2018, SISRT offered the Diversity Fellowship Program, a two
128Institute participants: and one-half week program focused on the recruitment of upper-
level undergraduates from the University of Michigan and around
committed by the the country who are considering graduate school in quantitative
social science fields.
$300k University and ISR for
SISRT DEI initiatives applications participants
38 were received 14 were hosted
Students hail from: Hampton University
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Michigan University of California-Riverside
Michigan State University University of California-Merced
Western Michigan University University of Texas-El Paso
Hampshire College
University of Florida
The University of Michigan
and ISR have committed
STRATEGIC $300k half of ICPSR’s 2018
9OBJECTIVE for ICPSR DEI initiatives teaching assistants
Since 1963, the Inter-university Consortium 15 students received onewere female and
for Political and Social Research has ICPSRsupport from the quarter were
offered the ICPSR Summer Program in Summer Program Diversity
Quantitative Methods of Social Research people of color
as a complement to its data services. The Initiative to attend one or
ICPSR Summer Program provides rigorous, $148,000
hands-on training in statistical techniques, both of the sessions in the
research methodologies, and data analysis. 2018 Summer Program donated to the ICPSR
Summer Program Diversity
952of the Initiative by the Bill &
participants, more than Melinda Gates Foundation
femalehalf identified as
and almost half were
people of color
Increasing accessibility for our community and guests: Tara
can we put in something about improving accessibility of main
floor bathrooms in Thompson? Is this a for sure yet?
Improving communications regarding activities and
progress toward DEI goal achievement
In addition to regular reports on DEI activities in each month’s
News Notes, we have twice-yearly News Notes issues dedicated
to DEI news and updates. We are developing a range of
materials to show progress on strategic objectives and action
items - including this report!
Implementing practices that are proven for recruiting,
hiring, retaining and promoting staff to increase racial and
gender diversity - Work is well underway on a search and hire
toolkit that will help our community to use standard practices
designed to promote a more diverse staff on many dimensions
and a more transparent and inclusive process.
Increasing accessibility for our community and guests: Tara
can we put in something about improving accessibility of main
floor bathrooms in Thompson? Is this a for sure yet?
Improving communications regarding activities and
progress toward DEI goal achievement
In addition to regular reports on DEI activities in each month’s
News Notes, we have twice-yearly News Notes issues dedicated
to DEI news and updates. We are developing a range of
materials to show progress on strategic objectives and action
items - including this report!
Implementing practices that are proven for recruiting,
hiring, retaining and promoting staff to increase racial and
gender diversity - Work is well underway on a search and hire
toolkit that will help our community to use standard practices
designed to promote a more diverse staff on many dimensions
and a more transparent and inclusive process.
Implementing practices that are proven for Improving communications regarding activities
recruiting, hiring, retaining and promoting staff to and progress toward DEI goal achievement
increase racial and gender diversity In addition to regular reports on DEI activities in each
month’s News Notes, we have twice-yearly News Notes
Work is well underway on a search and hire toolkit that issues dedicated to DEI news and updates. We are
developing a range of materials to show progress on
will help our community to use standard practices strategic objectives and action items - including this
designed to promote a more diverse staff on many
Increasing accessibility for our community and
dimensions and a more transparent and inclusive guests
process. Tara can we put in something about improving
accessibility of main floor bathrooms in Thompson? Is
this a for sure yet?
Increasing accessibility for our community Improving communications regarding activities
and guests and progress toward DEI goal achievement
Tara can we put in something about improving In addition to regular reports on DEI activities in
accessibility of main floor bathrooms in each month’s News Notes, we have twice-yearly
Thompson? Is this a for sure yet? News Notes issues dedicated to DEI news and
updates. We are developing a range of materials
Implementing practices that are proven for to show progress on strategic objectives and
recruiting, hiring, retaining and promoting staff action items - including this report!
to increase racial and gender diversity
Work is well underway on a search and hire toolkit
that will help our community to use standard
practices designed to promote a more diverse staff
on many dimensions and a more transparent and
inclusive process.
Increasing accessibility for our community Improving communications regarding activities
and guests and progress toward DEI goal achievement
Tara can we put in something about improving In addition to regular reports on DEI activities in
accessibility of main floor bathrooms in each month’s News Notes, we have twice-yearly
Thompson? Is this a for sure yet? News Notes issues dedicated to DEI news and
updates. We are developing a range of materials
Implementing practices that are proven for to show progress on strategic objectives and
recruiting, hiring, retaining and promoting staff action items - including this report!
to increase racial and gender diversity
Work is well underway on a search and hire toolkit
that will help our community to use standard
practices designed to promote a more diverse staff
on many dimensions and a more transparent and
inclusive process.
Discourses of White Perpetuation of cultural racism Structural racism &
nationalism & racism today through social & mass media residential segregation
University of Michigan
RacismLab Presents
CULTURAL Alexandra Stern, Travis Dixon, Joe T. Darden,
Professor & Chair Professor Professor
Dept of American Culture, University Dept of Communication, University Dept of Geography, Michigan
of Michigan of Illinois Urbana-Champaign State University
RACISM & Historical racism & contemporary social structure
SOCIAL David Cunningham, Geoff Ward, Hedwig Lee,
STRUCTURE Professor Associate Professor Professor
Dept of Sociology, Washington Dept of African & African American Dept of Sociology, Washington
A winter 2019 interdisciplinary Studies, Washington University in St.
speaker series sponsored by University in St. Louis University in St. Louis
Institute for Social Research Louis
Survey Research Center and
Rackham Graduate School Racial liberalism & environmental Structural racism & population Historical trauma: Racial
racism in Flint, Michigan health inequalities dispossession & Native populations
Malini Ranganathan, Joseph Gone, Gilbert Gee,
Assistant Professor Professor Professor
School of International Service, Dept of Global Health & Social Dept of Community Health, UCLA
American University Medicine, Harvard University
Terri L. Friedline GROUP Enrique Neblett Mosi Ifatunji
Associate Professor of Social Work, Associate Professor Assistant Professor
University of Michigan Dep of Psychology and Neuroscience, Dep of Sociology,
University of North Carolina at
Marvella Ford University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill Chapel Hill
The Medical University of South
Carolina SEMINAR
Darrick Hamilton The Group Dynamics Seminar series is one Courtney Cogburn Christy Erving
of the longest running seminar series in the
Executive Director social sciences. The original intent was for Assistant Professor of Social Work, Assistant Professor of Sociology,
Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race RCGD senior staff to meet together Columbia University Vanderbilt University
weekly to maintain an integrated
and Ethnicity, Ohio State University theoretical approach to the various Taylor Hargrove Tené Lewis
research projects underway and to
Tyson Brown advance theoretical thinking in several Assistant Professor Associate Professor
areas. Today the seminar series is open to Dep of Sociology, University of Rollins School of Public Health,
Assistant Professor of Sociology, the entire University community and
Duke University continues to provide an opportunity for North Carolina at Chapel Hill Emory University
researchers, scholars, staff, and students
Eleanor K. Seaton to meet and learn about new theoretical
developments as well as ongoing research
Associate Professor activities.
Center for Child and Family
Success, Arizona State University Karen Tabb Dina David Williams
Assistant Professor Professor
School of Social Work, Public Health and African and African
University of Illinois American Studies, Harvard University
Sponsorships have People have attended 113 Faculty have attended
18 been awarded to 38 Accessibility for Strategies and Tactics
attend conferences WordPress Trainings for Recruiting to Improve
Diversity and Excellence
People attended People attended People have attended
80 the Town Hall in 96 the Town Hall in 184 Unconscious Bias
2017 2018 Training
LEARNING 18Sponsorships have been
awarded to attend
113 38
Faculty have attended People have attended
Accessibility for
Strategies and Tactics WordPress Trainings
for Recruiting to
Improve Diversity and 184
Excellence People have attended
Unconscious Bias
People attended the
Town Hall in 2017
People attended the
Town Hall in 2018