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To add more context and color to the hard data, we will be closely following a selected group of approximately 40 participants through their PEAK journey.

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Published by PEAK Initiative, 2022-07-13 11:34:49


To add more context and color to the hard data, we will be closely following a selected group of approximately 40 participants through their PEAK journey.



To add more context and color The goal is to tell a more We gather information about the
to the hard data, we will be personal story of how PEAK PEAK through surveys,
closely following a selected influences the lives of young interviews and school data.
group of approximately 40 people and gather important From this group, we will share
participants through their PEAK anecdotal data that helps us to with the experience of a few
journey. The summer of 2021 both refine our programs and participants from each class to
was the beginning of data communicate our impact to share their experience, growth,
collection. stakeholders. and trajectory in a more vibrant
way that brings all of our data to


1 YEAR with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp and “To make new I would like to get
Family Camp friends.” better at climbing

tall trees. I am
going to climb the
smaller trees first.

Xyianna is always willing to volunteer and do different I know someone
tasks that would benefit the group simply because she is a leader when
cares. She is thriving with the leadership focus of
Advocacy and can find commonalities and build they listen to
friendships with all of her peers. what the

teacher told



2 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp Did not set a goal,
but has made a

Juvenal is always excited to come to camp. He loves I bring happiness to
free time and playing soccer. Juvenal also loves to PEAK. At home, I
draw and just sit down and talk about his favorite
superhero. Juvenal thrives at the leadership focus of clean the dishes and
Community Building, whenever it’s time to clean up my mom’s room. At
Juvenal is the first to volunteer and help out. school, I clean the


I would like to
get better at




4 YEARS with PEAK Culture Connection Club, “To hold a frog in
Play with PEAK, Resident my hand!”
Camp, Pioneer Day Camp

BellaJoyce participates in all activities with A leader is I bring funny
enthusiasm and curiosity. She took a particular liking someone who jokes and funny
to archery during resident camp. With her peer helps others out stuff to do
interactions, she is doing well with the Advocate and tells others around camp.
leadership focus and, although she struggled with what’s the wrong
homesickness, she completed the critical milestone of thing not to do.
successfully completing her first full resident camp



3 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer “To do archery.”
Day Camp, Resident Camp,
Family Camp, Leadership
Labs, Retreats, Family Events

Sammy has boundless energy! Sammy always I’m not good at I would like to
participates fully from start to finish. This year at camp making jokes, get better at
she was super excited about archery. Sammy is great but my sister is.
at advocating for herself and expressing what she She makes us tie dying.
needs. She is good at being in groups of younger kids laugh too much.
and exudes the leadership focus of Vision by using
her positive energy to influence others and encourage
her peers to have fun and participate.


I contribute at PEAK by
bringing happiness. I
contribute at home by
bringing happiness.


3 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer No goal
Day Camp, Resident Camp

Aydrial is a kind and energetic soul and is always I’m good at
smiling and excited for camp! He showed growth and basketball
understanding of the leadership focus Honor by because
recognizing when he needs to step away from a everybody
situation to make better choices. Aydrial is good at picks me first.
communicating and starting conversations with
everyone, building relationships with kids and adults



3 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer “To make a lot of
Day Camp, Resident Camp, friends.”

Leadership Lab

Soloman always shows up ready to participate and I know someone is I’d like to get better at
have fun. Soloman has shown growth in the a leader when they many things, maybe
leadership focus of Honor during mediations with start talking about art...when I mean art, I
other campers. He allows peers to give their side of what we are going mean sketching and
the story during a disagreement and works towards probably basketball. I
mutual understanding. This summer he learned about to be doing. can practice a lot of it
advocating for himself and his needs. and keep doing it until I

get good.



3 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer “To be a cooking
Day Camp, Resident Camp, star.”


Gracie is always open to try new things. She boldly I know Talking to people has
and fearlessly entered the chicken coop and collected someone is a been tough at camp. I try
eggs. Gracie is making great progress with the leader when
leadership focus of Community Building, especially they are in the to talk to more people
while boating this summer. She stepped out of her and it’s been working
comfort zone at boating and tried a new skill. She front of the out good. I’ve been
communicated with her paddle partners when she felt line. meeting a lot of people
nervous so that they can paddle closer to shore so the I’ve never met before.
could collaborate and find a solution that worked for


3 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer No goal I know someone
Day Camp, Resident Camp, is a leader

Retreat, Family Events because I am
Jairus is a high energy camper who is diligent with
every activity. Jairus is always excited for every I contribute
program during school year and summer. He is funniness at PEAK. I
thriving in the leadership focus of Advocacy, and is contribute funniness
aware of others’ needs. Community Building is at home. I contribute
another strength of his as he is excellent at building funniness at school.
relationships with both peers and staff.



4 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer No goal
Day Camp

Jacir is a very energetic and positive camper who I am good at
takes instruction well and participates! Jacir made a basketball. When I’m
lot of growth in the leadership focus of Honor and playing 2 on 2, most of
Vision this summer when he learned about how his the time my team wins.
energy influenced the whole group, in both positive
and negative ways. Jacir learned how to harness his I know someone
energy as a force for good. is a leader when
they do the right




5 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, “To make my 1st
Resident Camp friend!”

Kaliyah managed the daily living tasks with little At school, many people My mom is very good at
instruction. She has a positive attitude and followed say that I am a leader, showing her confidence
instructions. She also showed great self-awareness sometimes I don’t believe around other people since
and Honor by knowing when she needed to walk that, but after I seen from she knows how it goes
away from a situation. Kaliyah paddled with staff and all the years I’ve been at since she’s been on this
a couple of times with her cabinmates. Even though school, I’ve seen how earth a lot longer than I
she was nervous about canoeing, she overcame the powerful my actions have have, so I feel like I really
feeling and had a fun time on the lake with her been and how much I help
cabinmates. my classmates and my look up to her.



teamwork. When
5 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer “To make friends!”
Day Camp, Resident Camp, someone needs help, I
Leadership Labs, Retreat, will help them and then
Family Events, Family Camp
as a group we get
Annabella is a curious soul and always participates. everything done
Advocacy and Community Building are strengths for together and finish.
Annabella. She is never afraid to be herself and
knows that her uniqueness brings value to the group. I contribute at PEAK
Annabella used communication skills and teamwork by bringing
to navigate the lake while paddling in a canoe. She
was a little nervous about boating and apprehensive entertainment. I
about having to sit on the floor of the canoe. contribute at home

by bringing joy. I
contribute at school

by bringing joy.



5 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, “To make friends
Voyager Day Camp, Resident and meet new
Camp, Family Camp

Maria brings positive energy and enthusiasm to to I think I’m good at being
every space she is a part of. She is eager to kind/helpful because I
participate and makes an effort to get to know other
campers. Maria is excelling at the leadership focus of do it a lot.
Advocacy and is always willing to lend a helping
hand. I know someone is a
leader when we’re in

groups and they
stand up and talk,
and are like “ok guys
it’s time to start with

this question.”


It was tough making new
friends and I handled it
by trying to talk to new



5 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, “To learn how to
Resident Camp swim.”

Yoltzin is always ready to try new things and brings a When someone is a
positive energy to any space. She leads by leader in my eyes
exemplifying Community Building and encouraging they’re standing up
peers to make the right choice, such as cleaning up for another person
group spaces or creating an inclusive environment. and that they know
what is right and
wrong for others and



I’m good at running
sports and I’m good
at that by practicing.


5 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Voyager No goal
Day Camp, Resident Camp,

Leadership Labs

Jabari also shows up joyful and eager to participate. I know someone is a
He was often a key player in helping keep his team on leader when they lead
track and moving towards their goals. Jabari thrives in by example and pretty
the leadership focus of Advocacy and truly takes the much doing anything
time to get to know other people, adults and peers that they’re supposed
to be doing to lead.


I know someone
is a leader when
their actions show
it and also what

they say.


5 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer “To ride a horse!”
Day Camp, Resident Camp,

Leadership Labs

Naomi grew in the leadership focus of Advocacy this I would like to get
year, by identifying the unique strengths she brings to better at talking to
a group. She really opened up at Resident Camp, built everybody because I’m
connections, and grew into herself. This summer always like the silent
Naomi was the most energetic about archery and one. I could start talking
really took her time to shoot and learn the new skill. more and getting to
know more people.


4 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Voyager No goal At home, I
Day Camp, Resident Camp, contribute by being
another role-model
Retreat, Leadership Labs
because I’m the
Lamar showed growth in the leadership focus of biggest big brother
Community Building, by working with his peers to
achieve common goals. Lamar was able to effectively out of 5 of us.
communicate with his peers while canoeing at the
lake. Even when there were problems, he and his When someone is a
cabinmates were able to problem solve together to be leader I see them as
successful. Lamar pushed himself out of his comfort
zone this summer, trying new skills, particularly during a role model,
the equestrian program. someone to look up

or somebody to
depend on.



4 YEARS with PEAK Pathfinder Day Camp, Pioneer “To make friends!”
Day Camp, Culture Keepers

Humberto is a very calm spirit who constantly I know someone I would like to get
participates and displayed the ability to take direction. is a leader when better at swimming and
He has shown growth in the leadership focus of playing basketball. I can
Honor, even when he tries an activity he’s not the best they help me. practice swimming and
at initially he has a positive attitude and keeps trying basketball to get better.
until he gets there. This year he has developed a lot of
confidence and belief in himself.



4 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Voyager “To become a
Day Camp, Resident Camp, better leader.”

Leadership Lab

This summer Eric grew in the leadership focus of I know someone is a I would like to get better
Honor. He expressed the goal of wanting to learn leader by them at basketball. I could
patience and how to calm himself and showed
accountability by bringing a joyful spirit and changing showing it, following practice at camp and at
his attitude around. He is good at understanding the rules, doing what home to improve.
when he’s wrong or made a mistake and course the counselors ask
correcting and helping guide younger campers and being the bigger
through difficult situations. person in a situation.


is a leader when
5 YEARS with PEAK Resident Camp “To be a good
person.” they give a
demonstration on

how to be a
better person.

Alejandro is working on the leadership focus of
Community Building and recognizing the value he
brings to spaces. Although he still needs some
additional encouragement, he is pushing himself
outside of his comfort zone to participate in new

I’m good at throwing a
frisbee and I threw it the

longest, but then
somebody beat me.


5 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Voyager I know someone is a
Day Camp, Resident Camp, leader when they
Leadership Labs, LT Program usually take the


“To make 5 new

Jimena is excelling at the leadership focus of Vision. I am good at being
After struggling to find her niche and where she fits in social and
with her peers, she has flourished as a camper and
and participant at PEAK. At the end of 2021, Jimena understanding certain
joined the LT program. Jimena often takes initiative to situations. I know I’m
participate even when others aren’t, she encourages good at it because
her peers and strives to make sure others feel
comfortable in the space. I’ve been told I’m
good at it.


5 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Voyager No goal I know someone is a
Day Camp, Resident Camp, leader when they have

Retreat their own vibe to
them, they’re basically
Aaliyah is a positive spirit. She always shows up to not like everyone else.
camp excited to try new things and meet new people.
She is making progress in the leadership focus of You can just tell it.
Vision by leading through her actions.
I would like to get better
at reading. I think I
should probably find
books that I like and

enjoy and ask my sisters
or brothers what to read
because they know me



5 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Resident “To walk 5 miles I’d like to get better at
Camp, Retreat and talk to talking to people. I can
improve by going to
Aidan is a kind soul. He was often found building more public places and
friendships and laughing with his cabin mate. Aidan is
thriving in the leadership focus of Community talking to people like
Building by always being willing to lend a helping “hey, how are you
hand and identify how he can positively contribute to doing?”
the group.
I know someone is a
leader when they take

initiative like when
people are acting out

or messing with
people, they will say
“hey stop, don’t do




5 YEARS with PEAK Resident Camp, Pioneer Day No goal
Camp, Voyager Day Camp,
Leadership Labs, LT program,


Lamarrius is super thoughtful and reflective. He is
always very engaged in debriefing activities and
identifying connections between an activity and his
day to day life. Lamarrius is thriving at Community
Building, he always asks great questions to get to
know other people and make them feel included in a


1 YEAR with PEAK High School Socials, LT Put a bike together I know someone is a
Internship leader when I see they

can get a group of
people to do

something they don’t
want to do without
forcing them to do it.

Although this was Memphis’ first year with PEAK, I’m good at being a good
Memphis is already growing in the leadership focus of leader because when it
Vision. He is a mature and positive leader. Memphis is comes down to it, I am
always willing to help out where needed and is not usually the one in the
afraid to be himself. group that makes sure the
tasks we’re doing get the backbone

of the group.



5 YEARS with PEAK Resident Camp, LT Program, “To be more
LT Internship social.”

Gabriel made a lot of progress this year in the I know someone is a
leadership focus of Advocacy by finding voice, leader when they take
stepping out of his shell through his LT Internships. initiative and they don’t
Gabriel challenged himself to speak up during group just follow what other
activities and in front of others. While he’s not the
loudest voice, he really opens up 1:1 and is always people are saying.
willing to engage when you reach out and invite him
to participate. I’m good at taking
initiative and I know
CHECK OUT GABRIEL’S INTERVIEW! when people tell me

that I am good at



9 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Resident
Camp, LT Program, LT

Internship, Leadership Labs

Andres thrives in the leadership focus of Community
Building. He is always willing to volunteer and step up
when support is needed even when it’s not a glorious
task,whether at Youth Leadership Series, Resident
Camp, or Leadership Labs. He always shows up with
a positive attitude and engages his peers.



5 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Resident “To improve my
Camp, LT Program, LT Intern, leadership skills.”

Leadership Labs

Cipriano is really focused on whatever project he’s I know someone is a I’d like to get better at
dedicated to at that moment, whether that is leader when they are public speaking. I can
facilitating a program at Youth Leadership Series, able to step up and speak with my peers
working as an LT out at Resident Camp, or as the lead activities, but not and get to know them
Communications Intern. He is always dedicated to just lead activities, but and be comfortable
doing his job well and learning new skills. Cipriano step up and be able to
excels at the leadership focus of Community Building with them.
by creating strong connections with peers, at Resident help others.
Camp he was real close with all the other LTs.


leader when they’re
5 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Voyager “To watch what I
Day Camp, Resident Camp, say about others.” leading...doing
LT Program, LT Internship, everything they’re
supposed to and
Leadership Labs helping others out and
not just themselves.
Syriah has grown a lot in the leadership focus of
Honor. She is a growing leader who is learning to I’m good at taking initiative
channel her energy and positively communicate and being brave, I never
through emotions. She is passionate and stands by struggled with that really.
what she believes in.



5 YEARS with PEAK Pioneer Day Camp, Resident Leading an activity
Camp, LT Program, LT at camp!

Alicia is working on the leadership focus of Advocacy I know when It was tough reaching
and identifying her own strengths. As a quiet and someone is a out of my comfort zone,
observant leader, she is still on a journey to discover leader when they
her voice. She takes in the energy around her and bring you in when talking and actually
continues to challenge herself to step outside her you’re feeling left being in the activities. I
comfort zone through leading camp activities and out or they lead
participating in conversations. by starting first handled it by telling
and saying their myself “you can do
opinion first. this” and just motivate



5 YEARS with PEAK Resident Camp, LT Program, “To become a I’d like to get better
LT Internship better leader and at opening up to

to get ot know people and just like
more people.” talking to people
about things
Naima is a-go-with-the-flow and positive leader. She instead of just
continues to openly share ideas and encourages staying enclosed. I
others to do the same. Naima excels at the leadership could try to talk to
focus of Community Building; she is comfortable more people to
leading a group, songs at campfire, active participant, improve.
and also knows when to step back and encourage
someone else to contribute. I know someone is
a leader when they

take initiative
without needing to

be told to.



4 YEARS with PEAK LT Program, Leadership Labs “To think on the

Heaven is an outgoing and community focused leader. I know someone is a I am a literacy
As an intern she led campers and community members leader when they ambassador and I
of all ages through story time and games. Heaven allow others to give work with kids and I
thrives in the leadership focus of Honor, she is resilient them their side of know sometimes they
and determined in the projects she works on. Heaven the story of can get distracted by
continues to think outside the box and find ways to anything, but also things so I have to
provide a way to make sure the programs continue to apply their side of keep reminding them
be fun and interactive, even with the ever-changing the story as well. to pay attention.
interests of the younger campers.

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